#or whatever those gilmore girls had going on
senditothemoonn · 1 year
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xo-zozo · 2 months
Hawthorne brother hcs!!!!
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tags : @flowers-for-em @nqds @x-liv25-jamieswife @reminiscentreader @sophiesonlinediary @zoyaaaabear @off-to-the-r4ces @lxvebelle @peterlcsingwendy
nash explains the folklore love triangle to his brothers and then makes sure that they understand it afterwards with a quiz (they are ALL confused)
xander is sza stan (so is max so they went to the sos tour together and it was 100% a vibe)
i've mentioned libby's baking channel before and how they make appearances on there but there were definitely q&a's with them on there and its hilarious
they all had a LOT of celebrity crushes when they were younger
and jennifer aniston was like the only one that they could ever agree on
grayson has dragged them to broadway shows before (which ended in xander becoming a hamilton fan)
jameson somehow made honor roll every time and no one knows how to considering he was almost never at school
xander made them watch every single episode of gilmore girls (and nash is unashamed to say that he enjoyed it)
the only reason that they know what's going on with jameson is the new headlines so whenever they see one about him that have to send it to him and see if it's true
xander thought he was spider man when he was little
nash and grayson both have their baby names picked out and they are ready to fight their so to get those names
they all went through a harry potter phase... and they did it together
speaking of which, xander probaly played hogwarts legacy all the way through when it came out
grayson has a really nice signature
jameson and xander have gone hunting in sephora for sephora kids and got bombarded by them (because they're famous or whatever
jameson LOVES hoodies and his brothers get them for him for every single event (and so does avery-)
nash has tried to paint before and it didn't go very well
he has also tried to bake with libby, but again, that didn't go so well
jameson has secret baby fever and whenever he sees one he just takes care of them the whole time instead of actually doing anything else
xander knows ANY tiktok dance
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lvrcpid · 2 years
tiktok famous - modern!au
includes! : ao’nung being ao’nung. use of y/n. gn!reader
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if modern!avatar had tiktok!
— his @ is probably like @/yourmom69
— he’s so corny
— he doesn’t post anything but him doing tiktok dances
— he’s stiff as hell too
— probably some sad attempts at getting sturdy.
— probably looks like he’s gonna break a hip and throw something out of place
— his @ is @teyams or something like that
— is one of those users who promotes his twitch streams
— he probably plays horror games and minecraft ngl
— his ass would make a minecraft village and make it all pretty
— occasional “thirst traps���
— they aren’t even really thirst traps it’s just him sitting
— our girl is an editor
— behind the scenes QUEEN
— her @ is probably @/erenstanz
— mostly attack on titan edits
— pretty popular
— 1.3 million likes anyone?
— posts herself one in a while
— she most likely made her own logo and has her own little “producer tag” at the beginning of her edits
— her @ is @/tukslimereviews
— the camera is always at weird angles but girlie makes it work
— her slime reviews are very honest and good for a 8 year old???
— probably hacked it and is making fun of her brothers on a burner account
— tuk cyber bully era
— girlie reposts barbie reviews and watches those roblox roleplay videos
— @/theyhate_nung is his @ LIKE YOU ARE UNKNOWN MOVE
— always making thirst traps. like get a hobby
— posts his basketball highlights like someone gives a damn
— you do but whatever
— probably features you in a lot of his tiktoks
— “this my girl/boy/partner- “please shut the hell up”
— does that weird arm swing that the boys do
— he still gets hella likes though.
— for doing NOTHING
— her @ is @/reyatime
— she probably posts really aesthetic content like those really well edited day in my life vids
— probably posts singing covers
— does those big sister talks for her followers
— hair tutorials for her curly haired followers
— probably is really famous on tiktok ngl
— you probably post guitar covers
— your @ is probably something like @/(y/n)scorner
— or really aesthetic content
— you are gilmore girls
— you probably voice a lot of your opinions
— you do little ted talks
— probably dank humor
— yelling does equal funny idc what anyone says.
a.n // three posts in one day???? i am feeding y’all say thank you sae- no i’m just joking but i’m on break and have a lot of free time so TEEHEE love you baby gworls
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macsmoods · 1 year
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Miguel O’hara
Summary: Miguel needs a new recruit, but this girl doesn’t want to fight. Bonds are formed inside close quarters. Feelings are shared. And battles are fought, but they make it through together.
not edited—requests open———————————————————————
2 months. That’s how long it had been since your uncle died. Not one tear had you shed though since the day you watched it happen.
No one informed you that being the friendly neighborhood spider women wasn’t always so friendly.
No one told you bigger, badder, stronger villains would come.
No one informed you that that you would have to hold him in your arms as his eyes closed, not giving you enough time to reveal yourself.
No one told you that it was ok to cry sometimes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boxed mac and cheese was the perfect comfort food. Whenever you had the urge to cry it was perfect for making them go away.
You sat down at your table ready to re watch Gilmore Girls for the millionth time.
“what the hell?” you muttered as a seemingly black portal opened in your living room. Immediately you jumped up ready to attack.
“hello” a smooth voice said. You looked to see a tall very handsome very built man in a-spider suit?
“What the flip?!? Who are you and i’d be quick with your answer if i was you.” you said. He smirked at you. It looked as though he wanted to laugh.
“I’m Miguel O’hara. Nice to meet you.” he said reaching a hand out. You slightly shook it with you fingertips before immediately retracting.
“why did you just slice into my living room.?” you questioned.
“That would be a long discussion here on your earth. why don’t you just follow me and i’ll explain at home.” he asked. You burst out laughing at that. You took a seat again munching on your mac and cheese.
“yeah your funny if you think i’m following you. If you insist on telling me then take a seat, maybe even grab a bowl of mac and cheese and you can explain.” you ordered.
Miguel wasn’t one to be ordered around but reluctantly this one time he decided to let it slide. He grabbed a bowl filling with mac and cheese and sat down.
You nodded in his direction impatiently. “I’m from Earth-2099. There multiple earths and universes that is fellow spider men and women reside in. We all go through cannon events which is events that happen to e all the spiders. For you it was your uncle dying.” you grimaced at that before nodding at him to continue.
“We have a spider HQ where we stop anomaly’s. Those are villains that escape there universe and attack another. After fellow spiders go through there cannon events I recruit them. Which is why i’m here.” he finished explaining.
You stared at him dumbfounded. “So your telling me that there is a spider HQ where all these supposed different dimension spider people reside to fight villians that somehow escaped there own dimension?” you asked. He nodded confirming your thoughts.
“I mean you did just slice through my living room so it sounds believable.” you said.
“Ok good so you’ll come?” he questioned.
“yeah sure I mean-” you were cut off as he grabbed your forearm pushing you towards a portal or whatever. “Hey no my mac and cheese!” you protested.
“shut up.” Miguel said tugging you.
“Do you have claws?” you questioned before he pushed you in.
“You know it quite rude to push someone into a dimension they’ve never been to.” you scolded as miguel stepped out.
“jesus this was a bad idea.” he muttered. His pace quickened as he walked down the hall.
“woah there migster let’s slow it down.” you said out of breath. He stopped abruptly making you knock into his back. It was very muclely.
“What did you just call me?” he asked annoyed turning towards you. You guys were mere inches apart.
“Migster. But if you don’t like that i could call you Miggy, or Mig for short.” you answered.
He rolled his eyes before turning around. “go to the lunch room and make friends.” he ordered as you guys walked past it.
“Uh sorry bud but that’s gonna be a hard no. There were at least 200 spiders in there.” you said walking past the room speeding up to Miguel’s side.
“god help me.” he muttered before opening a large door and heading in. You followed him all the way up to what seemed to be a platform.
“what are you doing.” he asked.
“Following you obviously. Your the only friend I have here.” He scoffed at that before turning to his computers.
“Your not gonna make me fight these guys right? I mean it’s not that i can’t but- you know i’m pretty good with computers. Or i could be your assistant.” you said.
It’s as if he could sense your anxiety at the thought of fighting again. He slowly took the information in debating the options.
“I guess you could be my assistant. I am in need of one.” he answered. You grinned at that.
For some odd reason Miguel just couldn’t say no. Although you guys had just met he could sense your discomfort and anxiety.
“Oh yes! Thank you. Thank you! First order of buisness, you desk needs some color.” you said skipping off the platform.
“What no it doesn’t! Y/n come back here.” he yelled as you walked off.
“Don’t worry Miggy im coming back, just gotta get some colored origami paper.”
By the end of the day Miguel’s desk was covered in little origami creations. Now of course Miguel wouldn’t never admit that he did some what like the little creatures. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I met some of the other spiders.” you said as Miguel worked. Although it was lunch time he always worked through it normally only taking few bites.
This had become a normal thing. You would sit in the chair next to him just talking. You were not a talkative person but for some reason Miguel made you want to talk. It helped you forget.
“Hobie was cool. I also met Gwen and Miles and they were fine. But don’t worry i’ll still eat lunch in here.” you finished.
“oh thank god” he said sarcastically. Peering at his food you wanted a bite.
“Hey Mig i was wondering if maybeee i could have a bite of your empanadas?” you asked. You watched as peered at you.
Slowly his slid over his container of food. Taking a bite you moaned. “Oh. My. God. These are amazing. Where did you buy these?” you asked.
“I uh made them.” he said cheeks flushed. You, of course, immediately noticed.
“Awww i made you blush miggy.” you said pinching his cheek.
“shut up and eat the damn food.” he said swatting your hand away. A smile almost peeked out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You barged into Miguel’s office excited. “Ok so in honor of our 2 month anniversary of me being your assistant i decided to make a special cake.” you yelled up to him. He has et to turn around.
“I decorated with spiders and our names.” you said walking up the platform. His shoulders were tense as you got closer.
“Migster you okay?” he still didn’t turn around. “Miguel look at me please.” you whispered softly.
At the use of his name Miguel turned around. His eyes were red and as you lowered your gaze you noticed his tear streaked face.
You grabbed his hands having him stand up. You slowly maneuvered them to around your waist while you had him lower his head. You wrapped your arms around his neck giving him a light squeeze.
You felt tears go in your shirt. You whispered anything you could to get his mind off of whatever it was.
You let go of him pulling a chair out for you to sit. “Talk to me miggy.” you pleaded.
He sighed. It’s time like these he wished he could say no to you. “I fucked up my earth. I had a daughter and i fucked it up and now she’s not here. Today is that anniversary.” he whispered.
You nodded at him. “The best thing to get your mind of stuff is good food. And luckily your best friends with a master baker.” you said smiling at him. You grabbed the 2 forks handing 1 to him.
Both of you dug into the cake not saying a word.
“I have really bad anxiety. I know you know that already but i think you believe it’s because of my uncle.” you said breaking the silence. He slowly nodded.
“I wasn’t made to be the friendly neighborhood spider women. Everyone has so much fun with it and all i can think about is how if this web breaks i’m dead. Or if i get caught by the police they’ll shoot me on the spot.” you continued, “I’m not scared of what happened to my uncle, i’m scared of being spider women. and it’s not the nervous scared it’s the “i’m going to have a panic attack any second scared.”’ you finished tearing up.
“You didn’t have to share that.” Miguel said. He reached over wrapping his pinky around yours.
“I know but sometimes it’s ok to be vulnerable.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “fuckkk” you said under your breath. “Miguel this anomaly is bad.” He swung down to you as you gave him a debrief.
“Call an emergency meeting here.” You gave him a salute before calling it. Quickly spiders entered the room.
You stood next to Miguel as he repeated what you told him. “I’ll need Hobie, Gwen, Miles, and Peter.B. The rest of you if your names called by Y/n you will have a special assignment.” he ordered.
Looking at you he waited. You put your pinky out waiting for him to grasp it with his. “I’ll be fine.” he whispered.
“you’ll be fine.” you whispered back. He unhooked your pinkies making his way towards his group. You got started on giving out assignments.
You found random things to do in his office while waiting. You made more origami for him. You even made him a jar of those stars each with a cute saying.
You waited and waited and waited. All the waiting made you think. Why we’re you so worried about him? Did you like him?
Youw re pretty sure you both knew the answer to that question. During your 2nd origami frog you got a message from Hobie. He told you to head down the the medical room.
Rushing down there you were met with an empty room besides the nurse and doctors. Confused you waited before you saw it. A portal opened showing a stumbling half awake miguel leaning into Hobie.
“Miguel!” you said. Rushing towards him you stopped mid way. His face was heavily bruised. There was a deep cut down his chest where his suit was clawed off. Cuts scattered his body.
“Get the hell off me!” miguel yelled as a nurse tried to touch him. “no i only want Y/n. Where even is she. I bet shes in my office sitting all pretty as usual.” miguel said.
“muggy are you alright. Can i help you?” you asked. His eyes seemed to brighten a little as he saw your face.
“yes please amor.” he whispered. You have Hobie a look as he set Miguel down. Hobie made drying leave the room as you began.
“Miguel you said you would be fine.” you said eyes teary.
“oh cariño don’t cry please.” he said widening his arms. You fell into him tears spilling.
“I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt Miguel.” you cried into him. He missed the top of your head rubbing your back gently.
Tilting your chin he stared for awhile. He debated back and forth staring at your yes then lips. “fuck it.” he whispered before encasing your lips with his.
A small sound of surprise left your lips but was covered by his. Pulling back he stared at your now swollen lips.
“I always come to back to my girl, entendido?” he asked. You nodded you head at him before pulling him into another kiss.
Pulling away flustered you said, “it’s time to get you fixed up Miggy.”
He smiled at the nickname. A full toothy grin. ———————————————————————
Authors Note
This was such a fun cute imagine to write. I jotted this idea down a couple days ago and finally got to it. Requests are open❤️
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somewosoloverrr · 1 year
hey! saw your post about requesting rory! :)
can u do a chilton rory x f!reader?
bunch of fluff in the beginning, rory and r just cuddling (r is smaller by like 5-6 inches) w forehead kisses and all bc yes
then during that time Emily and Richard come by unexpectedly for whatever reason and see them together. they don't approve of it and blah blah blah crying and drama and angst bc yes
it's up to you if you make them all good in the end I don't mind (I feel like they wouldn't b like this or would maybe warm up to the idea? I'm not so sure but I feel like Richard would be more supportive then emily but it's a ff and not canon so make them mean👍)
thank you sm! :) <<<333
Omg love this plot, thanks for requesting <333
Rory x fem! Chilton r
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Tw: slight homophobia, yelling, angst, heavy crying, making out
p.s happy ending:))
Times like this, you felt so safe, so protected, like the whole world was at peace. Your head on her chest, your arms snaked around her her waist as her hands played with your hair. Out of nowhere she would kiss your forehead and you would grab her hand and kiss it return.
Both of you just laying on her bed as you watched a random movie.
Afternoons like this were the best, after an exhausting day at Chilton, coming to her house and simply cuddling, then after a long while doing your homework together and of course staying over as Lorelai absolutely loved you.
At one point the movie was getting boring which lead to many kisses on your forehead, so instead of just kissing Rory’s hand back you turned your ear around, resting propping your body up with one of your elbows. You looked into those ocean blue eyes and closed the gap between the two of you.
Rory smiled against your lips which made you almost melt into a puddle. You were about the break the kiss however the blue eyed girl pulled you back in putting her hand on the back of your neck, now your lips moving roughly against each other.
You then moved down to her neck quickly for finding her sweet spot as she let out a hum of pleasure. You made sure to not leave a mark as Lorelai would come soon and you didn’t want her to think you had done it when you hadn’t and weren’t going to soon, you’re relationship was healthy and none of you wanted the other for sex it was only pure love.
After finishing Rory bent her head down to kiss you once again, what the two of you didn’t notice was a very shocked Richard and Emily standing at the door of the room, which apparently you hadn’t heard when it opened.
Emily shrieked as she saw the two of you kissing, she knew you were Rory’s friend and were a very good student at Chilton she never expected this between the two of you.
Hearing a shriek both of you jumped away, leaving you to fall from the bed because of the shock. “Oh my God, grandma grandpa what are you doing here!” Rory exclaimed as she looked at her grandparent with wide eyes, they finally caught her, she had been so careful in keeping her relationship private.
You quickly stood up and straightened out your uniform as you looked at the Gilmores, your parents were good friends with them so you often saw them and they absolutely loved you. However now they had a bewildered look, it was like hatred coming out of their eyes and slowly making your way towards you making a chill go down your spine.
“We just wanted to surprise you, clearly I should be asking what the hell are you doing to my granddaughter!?” Emily answered Rory but now her attention was towards you.
Just like that you froze, Rory picked up your nervousness and took your hand bringing you back to reality. “Grandma.” She said looking over at her “grandpa,” she added now looking at Richard, “the person I’ve been dating this whole time was y/n… I get you’re not used to this type of relationship, but we’re really happy with each other and I hope you can accept us, accept me.” Rory finished, her voice breaking a bit, she was on the verge of crying, she he never been so scared of being accepted.
You carresed her hand with your thumb, hoping to relieve your girlfriend a bit. “No, I will not accept this young girl! A woman is supposed to be with a man not another woman! You’re just confused with friendship !” Emily yelled, this wasn’t right in her eyes, it was crazy.
A few tears came out of Rory’s eyes, how could her own grandma not accept her. “Miss Gilmore, please, I promise what we have is real. I really love your granddaughter and she makes me happy and I make her happy. Please don’t be mad, it’s true love, we just love each other, we can’t control our feelings, love is love…”
“Y/n i have known you for a very long time, I always thought you were a brilliant young girl. I can’t believe you would do this, and raising your voice at me how dare you! I wool speak to your parents about this!” Emily shouted at you anger completely taking over her as Richard just watched, the man wouldn’t even move.
“Hey do not talk to y/n that way! You know what grandma ? If you’re not gonna accept me then leave ! Just leave!” Rory defended you as she shouted back at her grandma pointing towards the door so they would just leave.
“Rory, don’t talk to your grandma that way.” Richard finally spoke up, you looked between Rory and her grandparents not knowing what to do, this was just crazy.
“Hey, hey, what is going on here?” Lorelai asked as walked in with her keys in hand. Thank God for Lorelai’s timing.
As soon as the woman saw her daughters and your puffy eyes she knew what was going on and immediately pushed through Emily and Richard and stood in front of the two girls. “I think you need to leave.” She stated calmly but clearly enraged.
Emily shook her head “Did you know about this? Your daughter and y/n were kissing when we arrived… they’re both girls and they’re dating how can you let tha-“
“Shut up mom. Of course I know about this, Rory and y/n have been going out for a long time now, and I completely accept this. Y/n is soo good for Rory, if you’re not going to accept your own granddaughter for who she loves. Then leave .” Lorelai cut Emily off not likening the way she treated her daughter.
“All of you are a disgrace, we’re leaving” Emily replied enraged, taking Richards hand and turning around. Meanwhile the man looked a bit sadly mouthing a “sorry” as he turned around following his wife’s lead.
The front door was slammed shut and the three girls stood frozen, Rory’s cries was the only thing heard. Y/n placed a kiss to Rory’s head whispering in her ear “I’m so sorry” and then grabbed her backpack.
“I gotta go, they’re gonna tell my parents- I’m sorry thanks for letting me stay over Miss Gilmore”y/n let out, her voice shaky as she made her way to Rory’s door not daring to look back.
“Y/n wait!” Lorelai shouted in hopes of her daughter’s girlfriend coming back but said girl was already outside.
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saltygilmores · 1 month
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-The Winter Carnival Episode-Part 5
The Elder Gilmores (Richard, Emily, Trix, and Lorelai) sit down to dinner at The Inn. Trix bosses around the help (Michel), typical richie behavior, what's new. Lorelai appears mildly embarrassed. Emily rolls her eyes. Richard grins. That's it. We'll return to Thursday Night Dinner shortly, and see if there's some kind of epic public blowup, or whatever.
(Spoiler Alert: There isn’t. It’s incredibly lame 🥱)
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"Throw A Snowball At A Band Geek" is such a fun detail. (see background). Our quartet of Rory, Jess, and Bratly & Butthead Forrester march on. Bratly pesters Jess incessantly because he will simply never have a moment of peace and quiet between the ages of 17-18. She inquires about the origin of his name, but he is unfortunately tight lipped about it. Jess requests that Clara play in traffic.
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Truer words have never been spoken.
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Rory confirms that Lane was not seeing things, but that she has no time to explain, because if she leaves the two man children unsupervised together in the playpen for too long, there's going to be a binky fight.
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But I thought he loved to Play Sport With The Fellas? Clara, growing up means learning carnival games are rigged and Milk Bottle Toss is just another scheme to fund Taylor Doose's next vacation to the French Riviera. Jess threatens to throw Clara across the schoolyard. With that aim? Heh!
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Sure, go ahead and watch him lose. But mark my words, one day, he's going to win. Oh, he is going to win big in life. He's going to win the life lottery living in his Philly penthouse while the rest of y'all are still living in Stars Hollow and buying tasteless snow cones that only come in one flavor to fund 80 year old Taylor Doose's trips to Fiji.
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TRIPLE MILO SPEAK! UH DOLLUR! OKUH! HUH! I love that Jess is such a gentleman and he is always paying for Rory's whims. A hot dog, a throw at some milk bottles. I mean, she doesn't have a job or her own money, but still. Jess is suspicious that Rory had plans to attend the CarnivalGrift with Dean in his (previously intended) absence. Now why would he have a reason not to trust her? Not like she just quietly met up with Dean earlier in the episode and while she was snagged into that meeting quite unexpectedly, my personal opinion remains that she threw Jess under the bus, primarly by being so spineless and rolling over for Dean. You know. As per uszh. (the metaphorical bus, and not the literal bus that Milo asked AmyShermanPalladino to strike Jess dead with). Well. At least she fully admits to everything.
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Like, I'm not saying this convo was anywhere near the slimiest thing Dean or Rory have ever done either alone or in pairs, but Jess can have a little Suspicion and Jealousy. You know. As a treat.
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Hey Rory, could you move over just a skosh... get in front of those milk bottles...I want to play Throw A Ball At The Exhausting People Pleaser. I will charge the people Uh Dolluhr to play.
I'm pleased that Rory gave a full confession re: the coffee shop meeting. She gives Jess the usual "Are you mad" treatment (x3), but he seems pretty chill about it. Rory is definitely not used to this sort of query not being met with a Dean Forrester Rage-Isode.
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I like to think this happened because Rory visualized Dean's face on those milk bottles, but I'm just a dreamer.
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This cheap bear could have come from the same claw machine where Dean fished out the errant quarter to make Rory's bracelet.
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"I'll name him Jess."
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The 25 cents is what Rory and Lorelai tipped him for serving them dinner last night. Rory states her intentions to give Sad Pathetic Bear to Clara, Jess threatens to suffocate the child by shoving the plushie into her mouth. It's a blessing that Jess did not become a teen father. Back at TND, some mild awkardness ensues between the Haves and Have Nots (Sookie). Sookie has a rip in her shirt. Ha? Trix is moving to Hartford. I yawn. 10 great words are then strung together into a sentence.
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Trix states she is in poor health. Richard insists that "Emily and I will tend to you day and night." Emily is displeased, gets petty, takes 15 minutes to cut a bean. Lorelai keeps her mouth shut completely, which makes me believe there may actually be a God.
Hell, if it weren’t for that disturbing interaction between her and Dean in her kitchen early in the episode (#SpiderGate), I might even haven given her a A for conduct. if I were issuing Episode Report Cards.
I should do that…
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She did the thing where they said the title of the episode in the episode. I may have to add that square to my Bingo Card.
Time for homoerotic alleyway/hallway confrontation Part Deux
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"Many word confuse. Where picture. Dean no read good."
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I think he means this literally. The words "Senior Class" are really tripping him up. Help the poor guy, Jess. This might finally be the year he passes 2nd grade. Love that AmyShermanPalladino writes such biting one liners for Jess but leaves Dean the scraps for his clap backs, it's a beautiful thing to behold.
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Hello, Sad Pathetic Bear (Dean). "Getting" would imply he wasn't already there. J: "Let's just be friends?" D: "No thanks." J:"You don't think it's pathetically transparent? Rory is just taking pity on you, that's why she's suddenly interested in being your friend." There you go again using those big words on poor Dean.
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Well which is it? I thought Jess only talked in monosyllabic grunts. D: Rory and I are just friends. Just like you and Rory were just friends. And look how it turned out for you. What is Dean actually implying here? Is he saying "Welp, she's your problem now". That would be pretty funny! Clara interrupts, ending not the first and certainly not the last sexually tense, homoerotic exchange between BeavJess and ButtDean.
I guess Jess was supposed to appear “threatening” in this scene, but to me it fell flat and was even a little confusing. My little skronklet is so cute when he’s trying to scare people! 🥹 Baby makes mean face! Tell Dean he can’t read! He totally not capable of brutal axe homocide!
🤭🪓👱🏻‍♀️🦢 Why I talk like caveman suddenly? In the last minute of the episode, Rory declares to Lorelai the relationship between herself, Jess and Dean just hunky dory. Lorelai has almost no comment on the matter except to refer to the boys as Cheech and Chong. She should try shutting up more often. It's quite refreshing. This was a pleasant episode. I liked it. The end. Here's my Episode Bingo Card. Not a winner.
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luvrodite · 1 year
more roommate!jason headcanons as requested! i kept these as general headcanons but trust that i have plans for more roommate!jason fics because i'm so obsessed with him
he's so the kind of person to pretend he's not going to pick up your snacks when he goes grocery shopping – you yell at him as he's out the door to get you xyz and he's like no it's too late as if he's not still at home ?? weird ass guy – but he comes home and throws the packet at you or leaves it for you to find when you put it away (he did the shopping, you do the unpacking because teamwork = dreamwork)
if you're stressed out about something and snap at him because he just can't seem to get that you're not in the mood for his shit – he loves driving you up the wall and usually you give it back just as good but today is just. not your day – he leaves you alone for a bit and then comes into your room with some food or something. he's sweet in his own way
you guys go on drives for sure when one of you can't sleep and the other is up – usually it's you who can't fall asleep and jason sees your light on under your door so he drags you out of bed with the excuse of wanting to go get a slushie but he doesn't want to go alone (lie. that guy loves his alone time. but he also likes you so)
he makes himself scarce when your friends come over but he's also on good terms with them because they're your people you know?? if you guys need to be picked up after a night out he's your man. they love him so much because they've spent countless nights in the back seats of his car and he's never uttered a complaint except to threaten them teasingly not to throw up in his car–always brings water for you guys after a night out but pretends that he had it there from earlier in the day
after the gilmore girls saga, you guys started watching that regularly. he likes curling up in your room because it's more comfy than the couch but he'll never say it, and he's secretly so happy when you're too lazy to move to the couch and text him to come to your room instead. he has a favourite pillow for sure.
grows increasingly touchy as your relationship grows over time. if you're in the kitchen and he's passing by, his hand is on your elbow or your back. if you're lying on the couch and he wants to sit, he'll physically move your legs and set them on his lap–subconsciously kneads your calves while you guys watch whatever you're watching.
gets so quiet when he's having a bad day, is very moody and withdrawn. it feels too still in the apartment on those days, and you're the one who has to go run 'errands' (see: go to the batburger drive-thru) and he absolutely has to come. you don't say much but it's a better kind of quiet. in a few days when he's gathered his thoughts, he's probably going to come and bitch with you about it. i can imagine him flopping onto your bed while you're doing something and hugging one of your stuffed animals or pillows to his chest while he just. complains.
ahh roommate jason my beloved stinky
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idlingsomewhere · 3 days
tales from the shadow realm (ive been shadowbanned) (send help) (pinned post)
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Hey. Welcome to my blog. You may know me as @shiftedelsewhere (which previously had the URL that this account has now), but unfortunately Tumblr has shadowbanned that account. I'm going to try to recover it, but for the time being, this is where I'm active, I guess.
"girl who tf are you"
good question! I wish I knew.
I go by "N" on the internet; I'm 17, and I use any/all pronouns. Call me whatever! it really doesn't matter to me all that much.
"why are you here"
to post about my interests
"which are?"
music! mostly. my 2 favs at the moment are porter robinson and jane remover. i also really like a lot of other stuff too; you'll figure it out easily since it's the main thing I post about on here
i like a good videogame sometimes. In particular I'm especially fond of zelda games, pokemon, splatoon, and those mii games on the DS!
i do NOT watch shows very often. i can count the number of tv shows I've seen in my life on my fingers. my favourite show is gilmore girls because I'm a massive autumn fiend. living my best life rn. whenever i finish a show i tend to write down my thoughts and share them. currently, I'm trying to watch community, big brother (season 26), and am on my 5(?)th rewatch of gilmore girls.
other than that i like math and physics and transit systems and some other stuff that evades my memory right now ! we will find out what i like together, in due time..
"ok, and?"
general ground rules/vibes
feel free to dm me or chat with me in the comments, just keep in mind I'm a VEERRRRY tired stem student and can't get back to you immediately. send recs or tell me about your day or show me a meme! we can be friends if you'd like :)
uhrm don't be weird lmfao. I'm not gonna tell you where i live. u can figure out the general area VERY easily but. dude im not giving you my ip address
no tagging system at the moment - let me know if you need me to tag something (i.e., a tw or something) and I'll do it :3
i like a good tag game. if you DON't want to be tagged please let me know. i used to have a system but its gone now! awesome!
"if your tumblr goes down again, where else can i pester you?"
art instagram
porter robinson fanpage (LMFAO)
apple music (this is where i listen to stuff)
spotify (this is where i post playlists. also we should do a blend :3)
feel free to ask for my discord or something if u want
yeah and that's all! thx for reading. they really deleted my old pinned post too..crazy. what did i do to displease the tumblr algo? i don't know. let's hope this doesn't last too long
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tetskuro · 1 month
hello! thanks so much for this in advance but if for some reason you don’t feel like doing my matchup feel free to lmk! no hard feelings at all:)
i would love a haikyuu matchup! any gender is fine, i’m bisexual:) i use she/her pronouns & i’d like a romantic matchup if that’s ok!
okay so for my personality i tend to be really shy when meeting new people. i have a tendency to get really quiet & just kind of stand there awkwardly trying to make conversation 😭 but after i’ve gotten to know someone i tend to be more relaxed. i try really hard to be a good listener to my friends. i would consider myself kind, like the giving someone shotgun in the car & offering to bring people things when they’re sick type. with my closest friends i’m very honest and blunt about certain things but i also try to be sensitive to their feelings. i’ve been described as very comforting and warm to be around by my friends:) i have multiple anxiety disorders so sometimes i can come off as unapproachable but it’s not intentional, i just freak & zone out 😭 i guess the best way to describe me is in the type of person to be straight up when necessary but i’ll also be very sensitive and sweet. i get really frustrated when people are mean to my friends. when those around me get hurt physically and/or mentally by someone it makes me really angry, i’m very protective over the people around me. some people would consider me confrontational but in reality i actually despise confrontation 😭 i just put up a strong front when it’s necessary. i have a hard time being super emotionally vulnerable with new people due to past experiences but i also have a really poor tendency to overshare & then overthink every social interaction afterward 😭 i tend to have kind of dry sarcastic humor at times but i’m super willing to change it up if someone doesn’t like it
i love spending time w my friends! we do lots of things like swim, shop, watch movies, play games. i love socializing with my friends & i do really enjoy meeting new people (in small groups)!! i love film, reading, making beaded bracelets, listening to music (lots of pop, im a huge taylor swift fan), & recently i’ve started building miniatures which is cool:) i have a lot of pets including chickens, bunnies, dogs, cats, & a lizard (i’m a huge cat & bunny person!) i love long form tv shows like glee, greys anatomy, gilmore girls, criminal minds, etc.
i’d want someone who wouldn’t want to like. use me for my body? if that makes sense? i’ve had many people just go for me physically & then when they realize i’m an actual human being with emotions and feelings they dip 😭 and someone who’s kind and willing to put in the work for me. i want someone who wouldn’t judge me for my feelings and emotions. idk i fear that’s the bare minimum but whatever!
ideal first date / hangout would be something casual but cute like getting milkshakes & watching the sunset on the water & just talking but yknow like you hold hands and lay your head on the others shoulder & then they kiss you at your door. just cute and simple:)
thank you!! sorry this was so long 😭
your matchup is...
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iwaizumi hajime
⭑ iwaizumi's honesty is refreshing and he's just a very genuine individual
⭑ he admires your kind and considerate nature and how you're always looking out for your friends
⭑ iwaizumi can also be a pretty blunt person and he admires your straightforwardness as well; he's a big believer of tough love
⭑ he relates to your protectiveness as well
⭑ iwaizumi would enjoy your dry sarcastic humor and you'd get a lot of chuckles and laughs out of him
⭑ your first encounter with him might be a little awkward since i don't think he's the type of person to open up super quickly
⭑ but once you start talking more often, you'd be comfortable with each other in no time
⭑ iwaizumi finds all of your pets so cool and they'd take a liking to him as well
⭑ he thinks your hobby of building miniatures is super interesting and would just watch you put them together
⭑ omg i could see him complaining about how long some shows are but when you catch him watching an episode with you over your shoulder, who's the one invested now?
⭑ iwaizumi seems like someone who'd like a casual first date (because i can see him getting stressed out from the pressure of making it perfect) so getting milkshakes and watching the sunset together sounds wonderful
⭑ he'd have a cute blush on his face if you rested your head on his shoulder and try his hardest not to move so that you can stay in your comfy position
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your matchup runner-up is akaashi keiji
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Ranking 7 photos algorithmically served to me attempting to aesthetically stage a Gilmore Girls rewatch
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7. Coming in dead last is this disgustingly tragic and confusing combination of frozen mini pizzas and what appears to be a stemless wine glass full of orange juice??? positively hanging on for dear life to a thin, cracked cutting board that looks like it started its life in the Target dollar spot. I can't imagine a more nightmarish stain on my bland white sheets or frustrating debris to try and drain from my laptop keyboard than the pukey combination of marinara sauce and sticky juice, nor can I imagine a more depressing excuse for a comfort meal. Praying this person is a 12 year old trying to feel fancy by stealing a stemless wine glass from their mom while they were distracted by an episode of The Bachelor. Also, can we not find a single vibey Ikea lamp to turn on? Not cropping out the cable in the top right corner is an extra ominous choice. Bonus point for the gay sounding caption caught on screen though. 1/10
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6. All I can think of looking at this cursed image is innocently uncrossing my legs and flipping the entire set-up over, spilling sugary milky foamy pumpkin coffee all over my twee cotton sheets, crushing burnt cookie crumbs all up in my grill, poopy melted chocolate chip stains everywhere, and setting my fluffy synthetic pillows ablaze. Making sure the food items are resting unwisely on your laptop but straight up nestling two Glade clearance candles right on your bed is extremely unwell behavior. 2/10
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5. These cookies look like hamburger buns with jam and I hate thinking of the texture of them in my mouth but at least the hearts are trying and the waffle knit of the blanket looks cozy. The plate looks like it's resting on crossed legs rather than an actual bed this time. Good job with no open flames!!! 3/10
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4. This looks like a second attempt from #6 - these cookies look like an upgrade, even down to the cutesy plate. They're livin' on the wild side with black coffee directly on the bed this time, but I guess that's less insane than multiple lit candles. I'm imagining this poor girl applying lipstick to kiss her list of things she loves which include "2000's movies", "stars/moon", and "pretty clothe" and I realize I am mocking a very lonely little girl and now I feel bad. Keep on binging GG, friend, you need it!!! 4/10
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3. First off, trying to post ~aesthetic GG content with tea instead of coffee? Who are you, Luke Danes??? Points subtracted immediately. You're expecting me to think you're just casually whipping up a batch of cinnamon rolls, watching GG AND reading a novel? You're either watching or reading, doll, I simply refuse to accept both. That book is stressing me out. Get a bookmark! 4/10
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2. I had to really study this one and decide if it was the same person as the previous photo. It may be, but this one features some important upgrades - that mug may possibly be coffee, the gray sweater looks fuzzy and comforting, cute manicure, and the cinnamon rolls are positively drowning in icing which I respect. I am once again judging your casually open book you fucking liar, but I enjoy the natural lighting and practical desktop surface. I refuse to entertain the thought that a GG rewatch can hit even a little bit on a tiny propped up iPad though. Give me a big TV and a couch/bed or nothing. 5/10
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Now this is what I'm fucking talking about!!! Commit to the bit, people. This person put their whole pussy into making that delightful looking drink and stuck to the pumpkin theme. There's some pleasant mood lighting going on and I buy that this could be a tablescape rather than a crowded obstacle course on a twin bed. I am actually curious to try one of those cookies and the sweater weather candle is no doubt contributing positive vibes to the room. All precarious items are safely crowded onto a tray. Still hate the iPad but whatever. 8/10
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Question: My question is, can you guys talk a bit about the strike, like what it's for? I know you just did the, like, assembly with Supernatural cast, I heard Jensen you got a pie truck out there?
Jensen: Technically Kripke got it, and just gave me some extra credit.
Question: So I was wondering if you guys would talk a bit about what it means with the show? 'Cause I know you guys - a lot of people view that upper echelon of actors and they don't really see what the point of the strike is for a lot of those who are not as well off doing it? And you guys used to be there when you were first starting out in that area, so if you guys could talk about it a bit I think -
Putting the answers under a cut, because both guys have a fair bit to say on the subject.
Jared: Sure. Yeah, that's actually really interesting. And I think it'll be real interesting, because I think we all know some stuff that he and I have done together that's been public? But not everybody in the room knows what the ingredients are to the recipe that ultimately makes the meal, or whatever. To that extent, right now - and I don't - full disclosure, I don't have any secrets that aren't public. The mediators and the attorneys on both sides are all under nondisclosure agreements and I don't know Fran Drescher other than [does Drescher's signature laugh], y'know, so.
Jensen: So you mean The Nanny?
Jared: Sorry Ms. President. But uh, I don't know her and so it's not like she's giving me secrets off the record. But one of the things that concerns me about what appears to be the situation that the AMPTP is going after, is it doesn't give young writers, young actors and actresses, the chance to grow and build around experts. Y'know? I started out as a costar - like guest starring on ER, then I guest starred on Gilmore Girls, and like [audience cheers] I know, I know. Stop. But anyways, after my time on [pause] Gilmore Girls [pauses for more audience cheers]. Okay, okay, I'll stop. But seriously, then I was a guest star, and then they hired me to be in 7/13ths of the episodes, then 10/13, then on - so you grow. It's like if you're in taekwondo or karate or something and they say, hey no one's allowed in here but black belts. Then once the black belts move on, there will be no more black belts. Because you have to have white belts in there to learn, you have to have yellow belts, and blue belts, and brown, and purple and so on and so forth. So removing opportunities from people to learn and grow, which I was very fortunate, and I think Jensen was as well [Jensen nods], to learn from people who had a decade of experience, three decades of experience, four decades of experience. And so I'm hoping that it doesn't go there, I know that generative - generative artificial intelligence, is it generative? I've heard generative - it generates, artificial intelligence is dangerous. I think it's existential, in that it can kinda repro- when we shoot, it's on a memory card. So you'll film something, a tv show or a streamer show for an hour and they'll take little memory card and send it off - it's all ones and zeros. So all they need is something to process those ones and zeros, it'll look like me, sound like me, look like him, sound like him, but it won't be us, you know? I stand by the people who are still white belts trying to earn their white belts someday? And I think in that analogy, I think Jensen and I are black belts [audience cheers]. Well, thank you. Thank you, I didn't - I hope that doesn't sound like we're bad-ass, what I meant is that -
Audience: You are! [Jensen makes smug face, nods]
Jared: Well, thank you, but that wasn't my point. But my point is that we had the chance to learn from a hundred black belts while we were white belts. Y'know? So I hope that situation still lasts. Yeah.
Jensen: Yeah, there's a lot of different elements to the negotiations and stuff and there's been some headway on certain aspects, and there's been just massive road blocks with others. But it essentially is, it's targeting pretty much the streamers - so your Netflix, your Apple, your Hulu, your you know. All of those that are essentially making content without a contract that reflects what our contracts with major studios for broadcast would be. And, you know, it was just, it was never established. Well, now that those platforms are clearly working - I think we all, we all agree with that. We now need to put into place contracts so that - one he was talking about AI, there's another element of residual paychecks and residuals stuff for somebody that does come on and does a guest star, or does an episode, or two, or three of a show. They just get bought out, and then that's it. No more. Well, as actors that are, like, coming up in the industry, or writers, or directors, you know any of those kind of fields? They count on the money that comes through with residuals to weather the dry patches of work, because you're not always working. I mean, this industry is very much feast or famine. And during those famine times, you rely on what you did previously to kind of get you through to the next job and that doesn't really exist anymore with the streamers. And so they're fighting for a kind of a pay model to help with that, and to put it - they're not, you know, saying oh you've gotta start - it's not like we need more, we need to raise the ceiling and we're asking for tons of - it's not really that much. It's just there's a loophole right now where we don't have it established. And so they're like, well, we're not gonna just do it, give it to you. And we're like, well you have to. And they're like, alright, we're not going to. Well, alright, we're not coming to work. [audience cheers] And you know, we've all, we all benefit, or I would say, largely benefit, from unions, whether or not you are part of one or not. [Jared nods] I mean, it's the reason we have five day work weeks. It's the reason we work 9 to 5s. It's the reason why we've got your vacations. It's the reason we've got our turnarounds. It's the reason there's sick days. It's the reason there's maternity leaves. It's the reason - you know, it's like all of this stuff has been negotiated largely with unions at the base core of all that. So we've all benefited, I would imagine, some way or another from unions. And if they don't do their job and we don't get a deal that is a fair deal - we're not asking for it not to be a fair deal, we just want a fair deal. And if we can't get that fair deal, then unfortunately that's when we find ourselves in situations like this. None of us wanna be doing this. None of us want a strike, this isn't fun for anybody, y'know? And it's not just the writers and the actors, I mean, everybody is suffering because of it. Camera operators, the hair and makeup teams, the wardrobe department, the grips, the electrics, I mean there are so many people that are affected by this, it's breaking my heart. And I just wish we could come to a fair deal, and hopefully we will - but I don't know what that looks like and I don't know when it will be. So.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I want to discuss the subject of heart when it comes to piggybacking off of nostalgia/a previously existing fan base for a revival or whatever
Disclaimer: this ask will touch on a lot of stuff and will be rambley but I will try and package it nicely.
So a while ago JA mentioned him and D were going to do a podcast for the show and the question that those of us in the right frame of mind had was "why?". Say what you will but the OTH podcast is doing well for itself and it has fans eating it up. It's pure nostalgia bait but the stans love it and this is because its hosted by the 3 female leads, whose characters a lot of people grew up with and looked up to. They were an essential part when analyzing the heart of the show (there are other stuff but I won't make this longer than it need to be). The heart of spn, for a lot of fans was the bond between the brothers. As codependent as they were its part of why people latched onto the show, this dysfunctional family dynamic, that being said it makes zero sense to pursue a project like that w/o JP. D is completely irrelevant to the show. Especially when you consider she has never really seen it,by JA's admission. Which leads me to my next question , why is she even a part of this production when her heart isn't in it. This just exposes it for the shameless cash grab that it is.
This show lacks heart, and it's a shame that JA seems to be latching onto it like this when it's just going to act as dead weight. Nostalgia and revivals have more of an impact when some significant time has passed because it allows a proper retrospective of the media, the actors come in with fresh eyes, in a way and this may increase production value, if heart is in it. It can be constructed to pull in older fans but also new fans(like I've only seen maybe two episodes of Gilmore Girls but I've consumed so many deep dive retrospective video essays made by fans, older and newer, of the show) similarly I loved Gossip Girl and have also consumed video essays on it(I know a video essay isn't the same but I'm hoping it helped illustrate my point)
Sidebar : if TW had been made as pure camp, maybe had JP involved in production, cut D out it could have worked.
All this to say it's important for the people inv, especially those in charge to understand WHY people enjoyed the piece of media before touching it. Otherwise it feels vapid, and like a waste of time.
This was written with so much clarity and honesty. Thank you! ♥️
Jensen should have done market research around his brand, Danneel's and possible pilot options and only after doing that he should have created one. It's key to understand your target audience and what those people deeply resonate with when it comes to the show you plan on creating a spin off off of.
Danneel has no place being involved in the SPN legacy, Jensen replaced the lead of the show, Jared, with a bimbo. How did he even think that was going to go over well? I guarantee you that his reputation took a huge hit based on that choice. He proved he's the kind of "producer" puts money into women he is sleeping with rather than making smart business choices. I think Jensen saw Jared and Gen so involved and tried, yet again, to achieve what Jared was achieving. It's a pattern with him, he only got married and had children after seeing Jared do so. The difference is Gen never claims to be anything she is not, she is humble, professional and she never overshadows Jared or tries to make things about her, she earned her role on SPN through her audition and she honors the SPN brand. Even her involvement with Walker was due to casting dynamics and it was so beautifully done you never got a sense she was being shoved down your throat or that she was misrepresenting the brand of the show in any way.
As for your sidebar: Absolutely. The only people who should have produced a spin off of revival were Jensen and Jared.
I think you explained everything beautifully, people don't resonate with the show because it is as vapid as the people producing it. The bond between Sam and Dean was Supernatural and this prequel won't ever come close to the depth of that love and what it inspired in people.
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zorosq · 2 years
addiction ; trafalgar d. water law
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↻ fluff, cussing, based on gilmore girls, overused of caffeine, grammatical error
↻ pairing ↬ law x singlemother!reader!
@portgaes asked: it's just about a single mother and her daughter (and their love lifes) that has a grumpy guy who owns a diner as her father figure. but the grumpy guy x single mother comes until season 5ish? it's slowburn friends to lovers theyre the blueprint 😭
a/n i definitely did not forget abt this... this sucks btw
“mom, wake up! i’m late!” the loud demand that came from your daughter jolted you awake from your sleep. “uhh... wha?” your head almost crash back onto the bed when a pillow came in contact to your face, sending you crashing back onto the bed. but fully awake this time. “i’m up! i’m up!”
“wear this and let’s go!” she throws you a pair of clothes, rushing out of your bedroom and down the stairs. you get out of the bed clumsily, wishing you could just have another five minutes of sleep.
but despite what you want to do, you still have to send your daughter to school and go to work.
after sending your daughter to school, you stopped by law’s diner for your daily coffee. nothing could go wrong when you start the day with a good caffeine that was made by law. 
“good morning, doc,” you wink at him. he just sent a nod towards you while preparing for your coffee. when he put the cup in front of you, the male let out a sigh that you were all too familiar with by now. “stop drinking too much coffee. it’s not good for you,”
there it is, he said it. “but, law! you know i can’t start the day without caffeine!” you slumped your head on the marble island. “then start missing it when you finally die,” he groaned. 
“nah, i’ll be missing you instead,” the moment those words left your mouth, the two of you stared at each other silently. when the bell rang, indicating another customer that had come in, he was the first to break the eye contact.
“anyway, aren’t you late from work?” he asked, turning his figure away from you. his words snapped you back to reality. “work! right, i’m late for work!” you got up from your seat and left a couple bills on top of the cashier’s counter and ran out of the diner.
but not before saying good bye. “i’ll be back again this evening!” unknown to you, his face were as red as the legendary shanks’ hair. and his racing heartbeats.
“zoro... what should i do??? i think i just ruined everything by saying stuff like “nah, i’ll miss you instead”,” you repeat the line in a mocking tone. zoro who has been and will always be sitting at the reception, let out a very annoyed sigh.
“listen, y/n. i don’t care about you sob love story. better bring it that pervert cook instead,” he rubbed his temple. although his creased eyebrows never ceasing. but he was right though. 
sanji was a much more expert in this field.
“so chef, did you somehow create a new recipe out of the thin air?” you asked jokingly at the blond cook. “i actually did, miss y/n,” he said, taking your hand in his before leading you to a delicious looking dessert.
“huh, didn’t think that you would actually have a new recipe,” you said before taking a bite out of the cake... pudding. or pudding cake? whatever, it was delicious. “anyways, i do need your help a little,”
“whatever help that may be? i’ll try my best to fulfil it,” 
“okay, so...” you re-lived the incident earlier to sanji who’s listening to you intently. when you finally stopped talking, he heaved out a sigh. “i don’t get why you would like him of all people,” he looked at you with an almost pity eyes.
“you didn’t ruin your relationship with him at all. instead, you might’ve made it awkward. but that wasn’t because he disliked what you said, he’s probably caught off guard,” sanji said. 
you looked at him in awe before giving him a tight hug. “thank you, thank you, thank you! you’re a life saver you know that?” you let go of him when you heard a familiar voice.
“oh! hi, pudding! sending us the fruits that sanji asked for?” 
“mhm. i hope i wasn’t interrupting anything,” she said with an apologetic smile. “not at all! i’m about to leave now! you two do your thing,” you winked at them and leave sanji’s kitchen.
“mom, calm down! he won’t like you any less. trust me, he’s also deeply in love with you just like how you’re deeply in love with him,” rory teased accompanying a sigh.
the two of you walked inside of law’s diner, where the place seems to be less crowded than it was this morning. “hey!” you squeaked out an awkward greeting. his head lift up to see the two of you and returned the greeting in a calm manner.
you just nod at him awkwardly before taking a sit at the table that was nearest to the exit. in case you need to escape. law walked towards your table with a note book in hand, probably to take your orders.
“what will you two be having for dinner?” he asked, looking between you and rory. “i’ll just have the usual,” you said. “and i’ll have the same as hers!” she exclaimed. 
“coming right up,” and he walks away. you continue to stare at him, oblivious to your daughter’s glare. “he’s so dreamy...” you sighed, resting your head in your palm. “ugh, mom. stop that. i get it. you’re in love,” rory said with an eyeroll.
you slapped the back of her head. “ow! what was that for?!”
“that was for―“ before you could even finish your sentence, law had arrived at your table with his hands full of your dinner for the night. “enjoy,” he muttered before going back behind the counter with an annoyed huff.
“do you think he’s annoyed because of us?” rory asked, her eyes stayed glued on law. “i- why would he even be annoyed by us?” you asked her, throwing your hands up in the air.
“because we’re the loudest ones in here?” right. she had a point. “let’s just finish this and go home,” you sighed.
dinner went... well, as good as it goes. you paid for everything and went out of law’s diner. your car was parked right across the street, not too far from where you were currently standing.
when you got inside the car, you realized that law suddenly ran down across the street, hand waving at you as if he was indicating for you to wait.
you rolled down the window and wait for him to catch his breath. “law? what’s up?” you asked, heart beating faster. “i... can you get out of the car for a second?” you looked over at rory before climbing out of your car, making sure the window was rolled back up before you do.
“i... would you―” he cleared his throat before staring into your eyes again. “are you free this weekend?”
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Fun fact: When I was little my parents bought a four disc set of the original TMNT Movies, the three of those, and then the 2007 TMNT. And for SOME REASON, little nine year old me was scarred for life after watching 2007. Keep in mind I had no knowledge whatsoever of the ninja turtles, I just thought the movies looked cool.
But 2007 shook me to the core, probably because Leo and Raph fought almost the whole time and Leo almost died, and my tiny brain didn't understand plot development and the whole "SUFFER FOR THE STORYLINE" concept.
And for years I just completely forgot about it.
Until my friend got me into TMNT like, six months ago, thank you @theressomanyfandomsineedtojoin
And ever since I joined the fandom there was this nagging thought in the back of my brain like "hey there's something you're repressing you should figure it out" and I'm like yeah that's about as helpful as any website telling you your password OR username is incorrect but won't tell you which one.
Then I finally remembered that 2007 TMNT terrified me and talked myself into watching it again.
Y'all if you haven't seen it, DO IT IT'S SO GOOD It's literally on my list of favorite movies now.
Anyway, after that whole mess, have some 2007 TMNT quotes as a reward for making it this far lol.
“Did you turn the computer on? Have you plugged it in. Yeah. That would help…”
“No, I’m not playing hard to get! I’m telling you sir, it’s not that kind of phone line!”
“No, I’m not your enemy, I’m just Donnie, you’re friendly IT tech support, here to help you 24 hours a day sir- I’m sorry! Ma’am. Heh.”
“Why couldn’t you send him away for training?”
“Well guys, if you ask me, I’d say this has Winter’s name written all over it.” “How do you figure that?” “Because, THIS has Winter’s name, written all over it.”
“I’m not dreamin, am I?!” “No, Mikey, you’re not dreaming.” “Oh, good. I have nightmares about birthday parties.”
“Donnie, you’re so smart. Why don’t we have jetpacks?” “Yeah, that’s good, Mikey, I don’t even trust you with a drivers license.”
“Well, good news is there’s a bunch of Foot ninjas getting the snot kicked out of them.”
“YEah, the turtles are back, dudes! I’d give us a ten for style, an eight for skill, and, uh, two, for stealth.”
“Dudes, did anyone get the license plate of the thing that hit us last night?”
“Yeah, it looked like your mom, dude!” “Uh, that would make her your mom too, dufus.” … “Yeah, whatever.”
“So it’s like Haleys Comet, but monsters come out.” “Uh, yes, I guess so!” “Heh. I’m smart.” *crashes*
“And that would be the swirling vortex to another world, i assume.” “Cool! I want one.”
“Winters.” “Looks more like Fall. Heh. Get it?” “Mikey, remember our talk.”
“I’m never usually that happy to be in pain.” “He’s happy because he’s mortal again, Mikey.”
“Yeah, I do nothing. You’re right. You got me all figured out.”
“I’m very disappointed in you, knucklehead! Guess night school’s in session!”
“That was too easy! *crash* … Like I said, too easy!”
“Hey, Casey! Meet me on the roof!” “Raph? What is it?” “The roof. You know what a roof is, dontcha?”
“Oh look at you, you’re so cute! Come here, Imma drop kick you to hurty town!”
“You’re gonna need these if you’re gonna lead us out of here.” “We’re gonna need you too.”
“Typical. We do all the work, he gets all the thanks.”
“Ah, I love bein a turtle.”
“Look, Raph, if you’ve got something you wanna get off your shell, now’s the time. But I’m not gonna sit here and debate Splinter’s direct orders with you!”
“Come to daddy.” *literally has like eight sharp objects now"
“What is it with ninjas and smoke pellets?”
“What’s going on Raph?” “Did I mention that we ran into a monster last night?” “No, you kind of FAILED to tell me about THAT one, buddy!”
“And now we got walking statues? You got a plan for those?!” “Hey, those are a first for me too.”
“And I thought Girl Scouts were pushy!”
“Cody is going to break up with Donna. I just know it.” “We interrupt the Gilmore Girls for this special news report. Monsters loose in the city? Strange reports are coming in tonight about a construction site incident that sounds like something out of science fiction.” “BOYS!”
“Raphael. You always bear the world problems on your shoulders. It is an admirable quality when you are a protector of others. But you must realize that while, at times, you may not be my favorite STUDENT, that does not mean that you are my least favorite SON. You are strong, passionate, and loyal to a fault. These are the merits of a great leader as well. But only when tempered with compassion and humility.”
“Sensei! You alright?” “Hehe. We must do this more often!” *whack* “I still got it!”
“Hey, look guys, I grabbed a toaster!” -Tommy
“I love your work ethic, Tommy, you’re an inspiration to us all.” -Gang leader
“Looks like you got a sidekick.” “Yeah, right. You’re the sidekick.”
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aletheapierce · 9 months
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{ NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO, 21, GENDER NONCONFORMING, SHE/THEY } Is that ALETHEA PIERCE? A SENIOR originally from SAVANNAH, GA, they decided to come to Ogden College to study DANCE. They’re THE DRAG-ALONG on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
no one ever really likes me for more than just a couple weeks...
NAME: alethea ivy pierce NICKNAMES: none, thea to a select few BIRTHDAY: february 23, 2002 ZODIAC: pisces sun, scorpio rising, aquarius moon SEXUALITY: bisexual RELIGION: ceo methodist (christmas & easter only) THREE POSITIVE TRAITS: idealistic, hospitable, wholesome THREE NEGATIVE TRAITS: paranoid, indecisive, timid THREE SKILLS: fluent in french, calligraphy, detailed-oriented ENNEAGRAM: 9w1 MYERS-BRIGGS: intj EXTRACURRICULARS: ballet company, tri-del (member)
AESTHETIC: pink painted nails, tucking hair behind your ears, off-distant stares, shy smiles, hollowed looks, books in tote bags, quiet giggles, leaning in when intrigued, earbuds, furiously scribbling in journals, waking up with tears, monsters chasing you in dreams, warm tea and milk, a cookie crumbling in your hand, barefoot on hardwood floors, watching the sunset alone
CHARACTER INSPO: nina sayers (black swan), georgiana darcy (pride & prejudice), jaz sinclair (caos), betty cooper (riverdale). myrtha (giselle), daisy buchanan (the great gatsby), juliet capulet (romeo & juliet), lady edith crawley (downton abbey), betty elms (muholland drive), andy bernard (the office), harriet smith (emma)
LIKES: ballet, taylor swift, dresses, gin and tonics, daydreaming, sparkles, quietly reading, the wind through her hair DISLIKES: stares, having to answer questions, being alone, being in crowds, people yelling, being judged
FAVORITE MOVIES/TV: the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, shrek, black swan, the secret life of walter mitty, gilmore girls, dance academy, big fish, all the boys love many lane, fleabag FAVORITE BOOKS: six of crows, the invisible life of addie larue, on earth we’re briefly gorgeous, pride and prejudice, the uglies series FAVORITE ARTISTS: halsey, taylor swift, lizzy mcalpine, nicholas britell, hans zimmer, chelsea cutler, phoebe bridgers FAVORITE BALLETS: giselle, firebird, la sylphide, carmen
FAMILY: mother - jennifer tiner pierce (katheryn winnick) father - carl sile pierce (daniel wu) younger brother - hu jacob pierce (kazuma mitchell)
pinterest here, playlist here.
jennifer pierce expected the best of her children. she gave them the best so of course they had to return the favor. she had inherited her father’s business, and was excelling so much her husband took her last name. it wasn’t a feminist thing, but a money thing you see. alethea grew up without a want, but the truth of the matter is she never knew what she wanted. her mother made those decisions. from what she wore, to how she cut her hair, to who her friends were and what activities did. her entire life was planned to a t, and alethea never questioned a moment of it. how do you question something that you didn’t know was an option?
her brother jacob was doted on, and grew up with a grin and popularity. this was easy to him. this was painful for alethea. she smiled and waved, and the only matters of relief she found were in her ballet classes. going professional hadn’t been her mother’s first plan, but seeing the natural talent her daughter was, and just how feminine she was, allowed this small change in the over all path forward.
jennifer and carl met at ogden, and she knew that was where her children were to go. there was no exception, and jennifer would do whatever needed for her kids to follow her legacy. the major was flexible, but they would go to ogden, they would find suitable spouses, and they would carry on the family legacy. it was picture perfect, and she never heard a single word of complaint from either of her children. 
growing up without decisions meant college was terrifying for alethea. she had to pick her classes, find friends that her mother couldn’t approve of, and suddenly had free time that wasn’t planned out for her? it was paralyzing. but during the second week of classes greer spotted alethea across the way and took her under her wing. she showed her what the world could be, and she still fit under that approval from jennifer pierce. greer wasn’t just her best friend, but she was a bit of a savior for her.
this whole time there has been a gnawing in her chest. a desire for freedom, a petition to let the real alethea out and run free. but who was she? alethea couldn’t answer that, not honestly. just who her mother had manufactured her to be. but this confusion, this shyness, this quietness played into a different picture of alethea. it allowed her to be whatever anyone wanted her to be, they could paint their own ideas of her. she could be mysterious, she could be all they ever wanted. and she could be a dream.
and it was through this exploration that alethea slowly stepped out of the pillars her mother had built for her. first came the time greer dared her to kiss another girl during spin the bottle, and alethea realized that she might have enjoyed it more than her mother would have liked. and then came the time greer put her in a suit instead of a dress, and she liked the way it looked on her. and that maybe she wasn’t a girl after all, but something that could be shed. and so they started to pick up new pieces of theirself, putting them together to form a whole new journey. was ballet even the career they wanted? did they even like ogden? who were these people that had been decided as their friends? the questions became overwhelming.
and now greer is gone. and it’s noticeable the change in alethea. it began before her disappearance of course, but could it somehow be correlated? alethea willingly goes out, sometimes alone, now. they are keeping greers friends, they are speaking up and out, they have a bite to them that hadn’t existed once upon a time. what does the future hold of alethea? are they becoming who they really are, or are they once again pretending, shedding the quiet role they had lived into for all their life for one that looks a little more like their now missing friend…
during freshman year at ogden, alethea was absolutely lost and in-over her head. she had never been the rebellious type, her parents had been too strict to allow non-sense in their house, and so alethea was overwhelmed with the freedom college could allow, and she had no idea how to deal with it. her mother had always taught her to seek out the ‘right’ people to befriend, and it was just her luck that greer extended her own friendship to alethea. she brought them to the parties, encouraged her to flirt with whomever was necessary in order to go after who she wanted, and overall guided alethea through college. they doesn’t know if she would have been able to survive any of it without greer. there was little jealousy on alethea’s side at the beginning - she was just grateful for what greer could offer her through her friendship. and alethea was not a threat to greer. but as they’ve grown older there has been a tension living in the friendship, the reliance upon each other that might not be as necessary anymore. alethea was not anymore outgoing or less shy, but now her shyness was being interpreted as mystery, making them a bit more intriguing to others and perhaps sparking some jealousy on greer’s side.
you know that girl that was always a few steps behind greer and the fallen princess? the one with wide eyes and a quiet demeanor? they never seemed to talk much, but even in their silence never seemed to be entirely so observant that you had to watch what you were saying. really, she just seemed like a little pet to the best friends, a third they allowed to follow them around. 
and that person? that was alethea, taken under greer’s wing during the first weeks of school freshman year but never brought too close. it was the kind of relationship where alethea was sure to call greer one of her best friends, and greer might hesitate, only referring to them as a simple friend. but wherever the fallen princess and greer were, alethea was there. fingers picking at each other, posture both immaculate and slouched. each semester they seemed to get a bit bolder, inching their way up next to the other two, but still never find herself as an equal. 
previous tasks found here
they have their septum pierced that they flip up whenever they go home and hide from their mother
her room is usually incredibly clean 
often found walking around campus as if they are in their own world
junior year recap:
g told alethea to start a fight at greer's birthday party so she picked a fight with heni who pushed her in the pool
found polaroids with monty in their chalet during the winter ski retreat black-out
told heni about the polaroids (it was their chalet after all)
thought they saw greer in the hall of mirrors during the spring carnival
g set them up with lola in the library before the rave, did a poor job looking for g when tempted
suffered from smoke inhalation during the fire in the commons trying to escape out of the back
went mia for a bit over the summer
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls Season 2, Episode 15, "Lost And Found", Aka The Bracelet Has Breached Containment, Aka BraceletGate, Aka QuarterOnAStringGate, Part 6
Five minutes to go. We've finally arrived at the rotting meat of the episode. Since I won't watch Teach Me Tonight (or the episode that comes after it), this is the last episode for a good long while solely focused on Lorelai Gilmore's paranoia. Thank Gawd. I am drained.I have nothing left in me. She has sucked out my life force the way she sucks the lifeforce out of Dean Forrester. Parts 1-5 (!!) and all other episodes can be found in my pinned post.
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Out of context, this looks terribly ominous.
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Jess was seriously going to just go home and not even bother to ask for any money (well, he did say "I'll be back to collect it later, I know where you live", like the old timey Italian mobster he is). But he could have used that $5 (I do wish I could tell how much she's holding). Even though Jess must wait on Lorelai's table at his place of employment at least once a day every single day, I wager this is the first time Lorelai has ever paid him or tipped him squat. The boy was too stunned to speak. Better make sure its not Monopoly money or something.
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I love how cautiously he takes it. He's such a smart boy, he knows this is a trap.
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Time for my favorite #SadBaby joke, one I made up myself many years ago: Why does Jess Mariano love Santa Claus so much? Because unlike his father, at least Santa Claus visits once a year.
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You dropped this, my king.👑 The fact that he's so utterly unbothered by Lorelai, making this a completely one-sided argument by an adult with a minor child will always be hilarious to me. Lorelai: Why would you do this? Oh, the DRAMATICS! I would never be dramatic.
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"Don't whatever me, you ittle jerk! You let Rory run around PANICKED! Thinking she lost her boyfriend's bracelet! She was MISERABLE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?"
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You ever wonder if Dean Forrester is perched on a rooftop somewhere with a sniper rifle and if Lorelai doesn't say "Dean is great" "Dean is tall and pretty" "Dean is the best lover I've ever had" out loud at least twice a day, it's lights out for her? It's either that or he's blackmailing her and is going to spill their illicit relationship if she doesn't kiss his ass on the regular, or maybe he used some advanced brainwashing techniques on her (this one is highly unlikely, he's barely literate) there are no other possible explanations for this behavior.
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Way to go Lorelai, that's four rapid fire lies, exagerrations and falsehoods in the span of mere seconds. I'm impressed. I think Jess has to be dying of laughter on the inside right now listening to this crazy bitch's lunatic rantings. Actualy, in the second picture, from that angle it almost looks like Milo is smiling lol
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Baby, you're so smart. I know you didn't finish high school, but you should still win some kind of award for smartness. #AdmireTheBaby
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Lorelai can't call Dean "son", it would clash with his other title, "Rory's Future Stepfather."
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Lorelai's face after Jess pointed out Rory didn't miss the bracelet for two weeks. SHE KNOWS HE'S RIGHT. Come on, just admit this kid is right and we can move on with our lives!
Lorelai goes back to the living room to contemplate how Jess Mariano is right about everything all the time.
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Okay, since we know Luke isn't getting a new apartment, I'm intrigued. Ahhh, a second Nuclear Luke rant in one episode! It almost makes up for the rotting meat of the previous scene. "Taylor is systematically buying up the whole town! He's gonna turn it into Taylorville! Everyone will wear cardigans and have the same grass height! He's gonna buy the building next to the diner and turn it into a plate shop for freaks without enough brainpower to buy stamps! I walked around in a blind rage. I was crazy. I bought one of those Belgian waffles with the ice cream dipped in chocolate. But I didn't eat it, I'm upset, not suicidal." LMAAAAAO. Oh Luke Danes, I love you so fucking much. "I had your voice going around and around in my head, I heard you saying, "take a chance Luke, make a move! Can't have a single bed! So I bought the building!" Told you Lorelai's nagging wields tremendous power, leading men to emotional and financial ruin.
For a few brief moments, Lorelai is the voice of reason and rationality. She suggests he could back out of the purchase, or barring that, expand the diner or rent the building to someone Taylor really hates, which is an idea I could get behind. Luke has 100k to spend on real estate, huh. I've said this before, I envision an au where Luke signs the paperwork to just get Jess his own seperate apartment. Even he had to wait until his 18th birthday. Jess could contribute to some of the rent and bills and Luke could pick up the rest. Everyone would be happy. I just want Jess to thrive and be happy. I'm going to imagine him thriving and happy.
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A moment later, Lorelai is back to her old self. Holy hell, woman. The fuck is wrong with you? Poor Rory! Can Luke front some of that 100k to pay for Rory's future therapy bills, that she'll surely need after the damage you've caused?
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I honestly have no idea what the fuck she's talking about. When have they been "thrown together"? When you think about it, Rory and Jess so far have had minimal interaction aside from some brief conversations, the majority of which Lorelai isn’t even aware of, and we're 10 episodes in after Jess' arrival. Do you mean the Bracebridge Dinner? The thing you set up and invited him to? Literally, Lorelai doesn't even know that Rory and Jess interacted in her backyard this afternoon. Or do you mean the picnic basket auction? Where Jess committed the unspeakable crime of having lunch with Rory?
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WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Luke thinks Rory and Jess would make a good pair. Lorelai is so in awe of the power of Jess Mariano that she fears coupling him with her daughter might rip a hole in the very fabric of space and time.
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Luke is my favorite Literati shipper.
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"If Rory dates Jess, my shnooky-ukkums Dean will stop coming over to my house. Jess Mariano must die."
At least the last minute of the episode brings us one of the most splendid endings in Gilly Girls history.
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Promotional poster for my horror movie called The Hollow: Luke Danes' Revenge. He's got a sledgehammer, a troubled nephew, and a thirst for Taylor Doose's blood.
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I LOVE how hard Milo flinched when the hammer went through the wall. THIS EPISODE IS OVER. I SURVIVED THE ENTIRE THING. Where's my cookie?!
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