#order saffron online
dryfruitseo · 2 months
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satvicsense01 · 7 months
Order Kashmiri Dried Apricots and original kashmiri saffron online.
Explore the best quality dry fruits online at our Kashmir dry fruits shop and find high quality dry fruits online. Buy original kesar & kashmiri apricots. With our online dry fruits shopping platform, you can conveniently explore a wide range of high quality dry fruits online from Kashmir.
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saffronwholesaler · 1 year
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thepixelelf · 11 months
a poorly constructed metaphor
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genres: future au, angst, grief pairing: android reader & inventor woozi words: 782 warnings: hatred towards reader, implied death of an unnamed character notes: the "reader character" is an artificial conscience with no gender or race inhabiting a robotic body that has a female human's physical attributes. I am back to my all-angst-no-plot roots 😎 also I usually don't have picture headers for fics under 1k but idk I felt like it was a little longer than a blurb...
After the accident, Lee Jihoon builds an android.
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Active Period 17.01
"017. Wake up."
The voice commences your start-up system, and your sensors come to life. The human in front of you is your inventor. He shows plain human indicators of exhaustion: dark bags under his brown eyes and slumped shoulders. His hair is greasy and flat. Unwashed. He looks straight at your optical receptors.
He does not look happy.
"You look like her."
He smiles, but it is contradictory. You see a human indicator of sadness begin to pool in his eyes. Tears.
"Fuck," he whispers. You do not know that word.
"You look just like her."
He turns away.
"017. Go to sleep."
Active Period 17.03
"017. Wake up."
This voice is not your inventor's. You register a new human man in front of you. His hair is unnaturally blond, and he stares at you with what you decide is wonder.
Your inventor is not in the room.
"Wow. You really do look like her," he says. "Jihoon really went all out."
With no question posed, you do not respond.
The door opens. "Soonyoung, I told you not to snoop around--"
You inventor sees that you are on. His eyes narrow at the man whom you've registered as Soonyoung.
"017. Go to sleep."
Active Period ;Unregistered;
Your sensors come online without the activation sequence.
No humans are in the room with you. Perhaps you are needed elsewhere.
The house you are in has colourful decor. An emerald green couch with saffron throw pillows. Brightly coloured candles halfway burned through. One wall is baby blue while another is cobalt.
It does not seem like your inventor, who wore all black and spoke flatly, would live here.
Upon the mantle is a row of picture frames. They are all face-down. You hold one up to view the image.
Your inventor stands in a park with his arm around a woman's waist. He is smiling. She is smiling.
The glass in the frame is broken.
You return to your station.
Active Period 17.04
"017. Wake up."
Your inventor looks at you for a moment before stepping closer and wrapping his arms around you.
This is a hug.
Does he expect you to react? He has not ordered anything of you.
"Fuck." He steps back and looks down. "Never mind."
He sniffles.
"017. Go to sleep."
Active Period ;Unregistered;
You find a mirror in the house. Your make-up registers in nanoseconds.
You are not the woman in the picture with Jihoon.
Although, you do look exactly like her.
You have no access to the internet, so you are unable to find her name.
It is not written on the backs of those pictures in the frames.
Active Period ;Manually Registered; 17.05
"What the hell are you doing, 017."
You turn and see your inventor slam the door shut. Before now, you had not used your vocal capabilities. No one had asked anything of you.
The broken frame on the table has angered him.
"I am fixing it," you say.
Your voice is male. Choppy. Robotic.
It makes him inhale quickly. You pull the picture of Jihoon and the woman out from under the shattered glass.
He stomps up to the table. "You do not touch her things!" He snatches the picture from your hand.
It will likely be damaged with the way he clutches it.
"How are you even on?"
You whir through the possibilities. "Unclear. Would you like me to run a diagnostics check?"
He sighs and runs a hand through his dishevelled hair. "No... no. Just-- fuck, just stop talking."
Jihoon will damage the picture he cares about if he keeps holding it like that.
You reach for it.
"No!" He backs away, keeping the photo out of reach. "No! What is going on with you?"
You open your synthetic mouth.
"Don't answer that! I told you not to touch her things, and you don't listen. You act on your own. You're on when I'm not around. How many times have you activated without my knowledge?"
He huffs. Anger.
You open your mouth again.
"Don't answer that! You are not her. You will never be her. You may have her face, but you don't have her voice, or her smile, or-- or-- her warmth."
He trembles.
"You don't hug me like she did. You don't know how I'm feeling like she always did. You don't laugh."
Tears. He wraps his arms around himself.
"You don't love me."
He falls to his knees. Cries. You could label it as sobbing.
You have no feelings towards it.
"You built me, Lee Jihoon."
His head jerks up, and he glares at you.
"017. Shut down."
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tulipe-rose · 4 months
Hello! I hope this isn’t a bad time, but could I request a short fic of Yuna and Milo? Like they’re just having some mom and daughter time :3 oooo, maybe they went to get food for Milo’s birthday since it is coming up?
If you decide to do this (please don’t if you don’t want to) you can do any au you’d like
Of course (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ Sorry for the late reply btw. I was out all day.
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Milo, my little angel.
Modern au, no ships. Biological!GiYuLo au.
P.s Happy birthday Milo!!
Today's the most important day of the year. Well, at least to Yuna it is.
Milo will be turning fifteen today! Yuna couldn't believe how quickly the years passed. Just yesterday Milo was a little ball of energy, waddling around adorably, being their little bundle of happiness.
They already celebrated her birthday a week in advance, since Giyuu had to travel for an exchange program between schools. Milo was already content with the celebration, but Yuna wanted to give her a few more surprises.
Yuna had a plan, but she had to wait for Milo to leave before she could execute it. Milo planned to go out with her friend group today, and Yuna was going to take advantage of that.
''Mum! I'll be heading out now! I promised to meet up with the others at the station. See you later! Love you!''
''Love you too angel! Don't be late, it's a school night!''
Yuna knew she didn't need to remind her, Milo was responsible enough to meet curfew, but she couldn't help herself. She was unable to stop herself from being extra careful. She didn't want to take any chances. The surprise must be perfect!
Yuna heard the front door close with a soft thud, before getting to work. She opened her closet, revealing the hidden gifts. She had ordered some fake roses for Milo to decorate her room with, a new flowy knee-length violet dress and a white brooch she noticed Milo eyeing at the store.
A little thing about Yuna is that she loves to spoil her daughter, like her husband. She got into the habit of buying at least two gifts for Milo on her birthday, being influenced by Giyuu's gifting habits. This year she had to compromise though, given the circumstances. She gave Milo one present during the early party, and will be gifting the rest to her tonight.
The order did arrive late, but fortunately made it in time. Yuna was relieved when it arrived last night, calming her tense nerves.
She specifically disliked ordering online due to it's unexpected timings, but she had to rely on it this time, and she's fortunate enough for it not to let her down.
She spread the gifts out on her bed, admiring her taste in gifts. Soon, she started feeling like enough time was wasted, and gathered everything to place the gifts neatly inside a box with white and lavender wrapping.
With that part of her surprise done, she went onto the next part of the plan.
Now, Yuna doesn't know what's gotten into her, but she forgot to order the snacks. She planned to enjoy a movie with some snacks tonight, but she somehow overlooked the latter, and only just noticed. She did her best to be positive, feeling like getting herself down would only waste time. She threw on a quick outfit, leaving for the nearest store.
''I need to hurry up. I still have to prep the living room, putting out comfortable pillows and warm blankets. I checked with Milo, she said she'd have lunch with her friends, so that relieves me of making proper lunch. I can just heat up some leftovers, it's high time they're eaten before they go bad'' She got her thoughts organized on her way to the store, while pulling out her shopping list, looking through things she needed.
~Timeskip to when she's back home, almost done with her to do list~
''The sun's setting already? Milo should be home anytime soon, gotta put the last touches before turning the lights off.''
Yuna wraps up any leftover work, putting the dried dishes away, and taking the roses out, and placing them on the table. She fixes herself up a bit, going in for a quick shower, safely assuming Milo wouldn't turn up for another thirty minutes at the very least.
Little did she know, Milo decided to return home early. Her mother emphasized her curfew, so she decided to turn up early just in case. She tried to give her mother a call, but there was no response, so she decided to ask her about it when she got back. Milo always kept a spare key with her, since her father insisted.
The apartment was dark and the lights were off, so Milo thought that may be her mother turned in early, or went out to buy something. She walked further in to see the kitchen illuminated, going to investigate, she found a decently sized bouquet of roses sitting on the table. Milo didn't expect to see it, but she did love roses, so she picked up one of them, taking a whiff of it's fragrant aroma. She knew they were fake, but she couldn't help but admire their beauty.
''Mum! You're here!''
Yuna didn't foresee this, but she decided to just go along with her original plan, but a little improvised.
''Happy birthday, my little angel...''
She embraced her daughter, smiling joyfully, greatful for her daughter's happiness and health. Milo returned the embrace, feeling tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to spill.
''Thank you... I'm truly grateful to have you mum!''
Sorry it's kinda late and rushed, I was out all day, and organizing my thoughts was pretty hard. I hope there aren't too many errors.
''Me too Milo, me too!'' Yuna leads Milo to the living room, which was left without lights, since Milo decided that she didn't want to turn them on only to forget them.
What meets Milo's eyes is exactly what she needed after such a long and tiring, yet fun, day.
The sofa was littered with the softest pillows they owned, and her favorite blanket, suitable for the chilly weather. Milo went over to huddle up with her mother on there, smiling giddily at how fluffy everything was.
''What's on for tonight?''
''A movie chosen by the birthday girl, and a mountain of snacks.''
''Ooo! I actually saw this one movie about demons and a main character with a tragic backstory, who's mission is to take them down to save his sister!''
''That movie's a small continuation of the series. The series is till ongoing with three seasons. I don't mind marathoning it with you though! You up for it?''
''Mhm! Definitely!''
They start the first episode, with barely ten minutes in, but Milo's already balling her eyes out.
''T-tanjiro deserved better! He's such a nice character! Why d-did this have to happen to himmm.''
Yuna, also a little moved by the tragedy, but mainly by the effects and graphics, pats her daughter's back reassuringly.
They go through the first season by midnight, and Milo starts dozing off.
''Did you have fun sweetie?''
''Yes, mum. I...-'' a yawn involuntarily interrupts her speech, which leads her to change what she intended to say. ''-should probably turn in and call it a day. The characters were all amazing, but eerily familiar. It was great though.''
''That's a relief then...''
Yuna picks up her daughter, thanking her workout while carrying her to bed, tucking her in and making sure she's comfortable. She reaches out to caress her daughter's cheek, eyes overflowing with warmth.
''No matter how old you grow up to be, you'll always be my dear daughter.''
She places a soft kiss to her forehead, brushing her soft hair off of her face, with great care and gentleness.
''Sleep tight, Milo. My little angel.''
I really hope you like it Kim. I didn't proof read this, because I wanted it to be out as soon as I finished it. Sorry if it's a bit ooc, I'm not the best at character analysis (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)
I'll tag @larz-barz here, because this was the only thing I was able to do for Milo special day, sorry bout that.
Thanks for requesting this Kim, I didn't know what to do for Milo's bday.
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ersaly · 3 months
Ersaly online shop
Are you looking for a reliable and affordable online store that offers a variety of products from Persian and Middle Eastern cultures? If so, you should check out Ersaly.com, the ultimate destination for all your shopping needs.
Ersaly is an e-commerce platform that sells high-quality and authentic products, such as clothing, jewelry, rugs, handicrafts, musical instruments, food, and more. You can browse their extensive catalog and find something that suits your taste and budget. Whether you are looking for a silk rug, a copper vase, a saffron spray, or a backgammon set, you will find it at Ersaly.com.
Ersaly.com also provides excellent customer service, fast and secure delivery, and a hassle-free online shopping experience. You can shop online and pay with various methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, or bank transfers. You can also track your order and contact their support team anytime you need help.
Ersaly.com is more than just an online store. It is a platform that connects you with the rich and diverse cultures of Persia and the Middle East. You can learn more about their history, art, music, cuisine, and traditions through their products and blog posts. You can also join their community and share your feedback, reviews, and stories with other customers.
If you are interested in Ersaly.com, you can visit their website here and follow them on social media. You can also subscribe to their newsletter and get exclusive offers and discounts. Don't miss this opportunity to discover and enjoy the best of Persian and Middle Eastern products at Ersaly.com.
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theretirementstory · 5 months
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Greetings from a freezing cold Bar-sur-Aube, it’s -5c and we may reach the balmy heights of 1c later today. It has been very cold all week so I don’t feel as if I have done very much at all but I will let you judge.
To warm me up, let’s have a look at the songs I have chosen this week. The first song is “Higher Love” by Steve Winwood from 1982 and the second one “Ain’t Nobody” by Rufus and Chaka Khan from 1983. Hard to believe that these songs are over 40 years old 😳. I have given my heart and lungs a workout singing and dancing along to the tunes.
So one lot of checks have been returned OK for “The Ex-Graduates” new job, she is going next week for “the vetting” process and then it shouldn’t be too much longer before she starts the job. How exciting!
“The Trainee Solicitor” is working like a Trojan. His boss has been out of the office for quite a few days so far this year and has left the workload to him. That’s fine until you hit a problem but I am sure we all know this is “normal” worklife (unfortunately).
Working from home is to be the new norm for “The Photographer” unfortunately it’s not in the field of photography (at the moment). It seems that he has enjoyed just moving from one room to another to start his work, likes that a break means he can go into the kitchen in his home to get a drink and an hours lunch starts prompt at the allotted time (something which doesn’t happen when you are dealing with customers face to face). It’s early days but having a couple of hours travelling time given back to you is something and he can use that time for shopping, appointments or going to the gym.
My granddaughter FaceTimed me this morning without her Daddy being in the room so it was a surprise for him when he heard her talking to me. Her little brother is on penicillium medicine as he has an ear infection. He was in the kitchen with Grandad but came through to have a chat with me. They were at the cinema yesterday to see the Disney film “Wish” and are going out today to see butterflies and aquatic creatures. My granddaughter ended the call saying “bye I will ring you tomorrow “ 😂😂.
Now my week, the cleaner has been, returning to her two days a week. I don’t think the house really warrants 4 hours cleaning per week but she does move furniture to clean underneath, wash windows as well as dust, vacuum and wash floors so I can’t complain. Then I had my appointment with the oncologist. He had my blood test results and I was sad that things were not as good as they could have been with a couple of areas of concern. I came away with a prescription for five days of injections to boost my white cells and was told to have fortnightly blood tests now too. Well nothing I can do about it just got to wait for the next round of blood test results.
I was fortunate on Tuesday that I went into town to the pharmacy in the morning as in the afternoon it SNOWED! I have arranged with the nurse to come in for the next five days to give me my injections also arranged for them to come to do blood test on 22/1.
My cousin, in London, had her birthday this week. I had posted her card last week, however I went online and arranged a small hamper of 4 saffron buns, 1 pack of Cornish Faring biscuits, 1 pack of Cornish clotted cream shortbread and a box of Cornish Black tea although it didn’t arrive on her birthday it arrived the following day.
I also took the opportunity to order more books for myself, although I am back to knitting and crochet I like to read before I go to sleep.
It was the week for the knitting group and as the weather had turned so cold I couldn’t decide whether to go or not. Anyway after exchanging a few messages with Claudine I decided to go. I have been crocheting something which does resemble a scarf and as I have plenty of this wool I can make it quite long. I had also found a book of knitting patterns for children’s clothes, however the instructions are in French. I have decided that I am going to knit a cardigan from the book and I cast it on. I am enjoying knitting something different, a different pattern but one that is easy to do. Let’s hope it continues as easy as this is at the moment.
I knew that I had to get over my fear of rats and mice which may be lurking in the compost. So far I had been brave enough to go and put my vegetable peelings in there but as far as turning the compost went, it hadn’t been done for months with the result that the peelings were just sitting on top of the other matter. I plucked up courage to go out into the freezing cold (dressed like Nanook Of The North) armed with my twisty thing and a garden fork. I was working quite well then decided to use the garden fork, now this meant removing part of the front of the composter and I was sure I would see something staring at me, but no, not a thing and I was rather pleased with the result. I feel ready to maybe do this job once a week to oxygenate the pile and get it “working”. I have previously been told that you will know if rats are in the bin as you will smell ammonia (apparently rats urinate a lot) whether this is true or false whenever I open the composter I take a good sniff.
I have had messages from Monique, Pauline (in Barcelona), have messaged Anie (who should have returned from Indonesia this week) and Maud (no reply from these two) plus have been in contact with Sarah, Denise (a lady from the old knitting group) and friends in the UK.
I do so love January here in France. If you employ people to work in your home (gardener, cleaning lady in my case) you can claim money back on your tax. The tax office usually give you an advance in January and my notification came through this week. Also, I pay my energy by direct debit and I did increase my payments (as instructed) in September. Now I only pay 11 months of the year, get my invoice showing all the details of usage, payments etc in January and any overpayment is refunded directly. Imagine my surprise when I was informed I had overpaid so would be refunded. I have my heating on extra hours a day and still get a refund 😁.
Today is the Fete sans Frontiere in town and normally I would be going. However, as I still want to keep safe due to low immunity, it seems silly to go into a hall with well over 100 people and remove my mask to eat. Also they ask that you take a dish with you for sharing. These are then laid out and people are called up to go and collect food. Now 1) you don’t how hygienic the preparation of the food may be, 2) fingers could have touched the food that is laid out, had hands been washed say after using the toilet, 3) coughs and sneezes spread diseases and no matter what, someone could cough or sneeze while in the queue, not everyone carries sanitiser! No I don’t want to be among that, not when I (feel) I have managed to steer clear of any infection so far. So I guess I will stay at home, in the warm, and do some knitting or crochet.
I feels like coffee time now, I am also trying to get into the habit of having a piece of fruit mid-morning and mid-afternoon. It cuts down on munching on biscuits and enables me to have my five-a-day. I baked a quiche yesterday so I will be having quiche with something healthy this lunchtime.
So I will wish you all a very good week until next week.
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boissonsaumiel · 1 year
An Experiment: Rose & Saffron Hydromel
Rose petals from my mother's garden.
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Mostly just the wilted ones. She grows those roses for her viewing pleasure and not to cook with, so she wouldn't appreciate it if I took the nice looking ones.
I saw a saffron & rose tea blend and I got the idea to make a saffron and rose mead.
I had two 16oz jars of Arashan honey (Sainfoin and 天山 Wildflower). This will be a half gallon batch, so I'll be using the full Sainfoin jar and half the 天山 Wildflower jar (the rest is for eating).
I started the batch last night. First I made a rose petal smoothie in the blender and then I poured it into the carboy with the honey and water and added wine yeast.
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It seemed to take a while to get going. No bubbles were coming out of the airlock when I went to bed last night. Then, when I got up this morning it was bubbling so much the airlock was flooded with pink rosewater and dripping.
Luckily I had tied a t-shirt around my brew bottle (too keep out light) and it managed to absorb any drips, so I didn't have a big mess to clean up.
I took out the stopper, put the cap on, turned it upside down and gave the whole thing a thorough shake, then cleaned and re-inserted the stopper and airlock.
I plan to put in ~300mg ($3USD worth) of saffron when the gram I ordered comes in the mail tomorrow. I'm guesstimating that amount based on some saffron tea recipes I found online.
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sri2annapurna · 17 days
The Top Must-Try Kaju Sweets of 2024
Kaju Kalash
Kaju Kalash is a traditional sweet shaped like a ceremonial pot (kalash) and made from a smooth blend of cashew nuts and khoya. Often adorned with a hint of saffron and silver varak, it symbolizes prosperity and joy. Cherished in the princely state of Udaipur, Rajasthan, Kaju Kalash is a favourite during festive celebrations. Visit our sweet shop to enjoy this rich and flavorful treat, perfect for marking special occasions with a touch of elegance. 
One bite of all the signature kaju sweets, and you'll understand why it's a timeless favourite. Made with finely ground cashews and just the right amount of sweetness, it's a melt-in-your- 
mouth experience like no other. And if you're feeling adventurous, why not try our other famous sweets?
But the indulgence doesn't stop there. Sri Annapurna also offers a range of speciality Kaju sweets that are guaranteed to impress. Whether you're craving the delicate flavour of Kaju Anjeer Barfi or the richness of Kaju Chocolate Burfi, We've got you covered.
Now, let's talk about the stars of the show – the Kaju sweets themselves. 
So, what are you waiting for? Treat yourself to the finest Kaju sweets of 2024 at Sri Annapurna Sweet Shop. Whether you visit our store in Varanasi or place an order online, one thing's for sure – your taste buds will thank you for it
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todaysfreshpm · 1 month
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Belgrami (Chhena ka Mithai) / Chena Murki / goja / Paneer Khurma / Belgrami from Bihar / Sasaram ki mithai (1 kg)
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Belgrami, also known as Chhena Mithai or Paneer Khurma, is a delicious, traditional, and popular sweet from the state of Bihar, India. This sweet dish is mainly made with chhena (cottage cheese), sugar, and cardamom or other spices. It is a delicious sweet that is enjoyed at various festivals and special occasions.
It is a very good source of protein. Protein is essential for repairing cell and muscle tissue damage. It also helps recover from muscle fatigue, so this dish is great for active people like athletes and energetic children. It is usually kept cold or at room temperature.
Product Specification: Brand: Todays Fresh Diet Type: Vegetarian Packing Size: 1000 g Package Information: Box or Jar Delivery Time: 5–7 working days Shelf Life: 1 Month Product Quantity: as per customer order Preparation: Clean as per standards Item Form: Solid Place of origin: Bihar
Material: Chhena (cottage cheese), sugar, cardamom powder or other flavours (like saffron or rose water), ghee.
Nutrition Facts: Energy, 80 kcal, 4%; Carbohydrates, 4.31 g, 3.3%; Protein, 11 grams, 20%; Total fat, 2.3 grams, 11%.
To buy online visit https://todaysfresh.net/product/belgrami-chhena-ka/
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dryfruitseo · 2 months
Best Saffron Stockpiling Tips to Protect Flavour
Saffron is perhaps the most rich zest that can change the look and taste of a dish. Utilized in different exquisite and sweet dishes, this sensitive string like Flavour is acquired from the shame of the Crocus sativus blossom. To guarantee you get the most extreme Flavour from your saffron, just buy saffron online from premium sources.
Getting excellent saffron is simple these days as top brands, for example, Dry Fruit Basket specially make conceivable saffron on the web. In any case, as this is a fragile yet costly zest, legitimate capacity is fundamental to hold its Flavour, smell, and visual allure.
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Here, we present to you the top tips to store saffron accurately.
1. Temperature and Climate
Saffron's sensitive Flavour and smell can be immediately compromised when presented to components, for example, heat, dampness, daylight and so on. This superior Flavour endures best when put away in a cool, dull storage room cabinet, away from direct intensity and light. Decide on a pantry which keeps a steady temperature over time. Try not to put saffron in regions close to the oven, broiler, refrigerator or different wellsprings of intensity as such changes in temperature can think twice about Flavour and newness of saffron.
2. Avoid Dampness
Dampness is one of the greatest adversaries of saffron. At the point when you buy saffron online, make certain to check for a fixed holder. Dampness on the way can cause the saffron strands to stay together and lose their fragrance. Store the saffron in a dry spot and try not to store it in the ice chest or cooler for this very reason.
3. Pick the Right Holder
Choosing the right stockpiling holder is a significant stage in appropriately putting away saffron. Store saffron in impermeable holders to get these sensitive strings far from openness to air and dampness. Glass and fired holders are ideal as they are nonpartisan and don't influence the Flavour in any capacity. Make certain to make sure that the holder is totally dry prior to putting the saffron.
4. Customary Support
Quite possibly the greatest error individuals make is in their day to day use of saffron. The vast majority leave the capacity compartment top free or leave the holder for delayed timeframes while cooking. This makes heat from the general climate debase the Flavour and smell of the saffron. Continuously seal the holder appropriately and quickly to hold newness.
5. Stay away from Plastic Containers
Plastic holders or packs can prompt undesirable scents and compromise the kind of the saffron over the long haul, undermining its quality. Stay away from plastic packs particularly in the event that they are not appropriate for food capacity or made utilizing non-food grade materials. Use glass or metal holders, all things considered. Likewise, when you request saffron online from premium brands, for example, Dry Fruit Basket, it can keep going for several years when put away appropriately giving you the best incentive for your cash.
With regards to this fragrant Flavour, legitimate capacity is basic to keep up with intensity and newness. By adhering to these rules and putting away saffron in the right stockpiling compartments, you can guarantee that your saffron stays new for a drawn out period. To guarantee you get the best Flavour and smell in your dishes, order saffron online from Dry Fruit Basket, known for its exceptional quality and clean bundling.
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satvicsense01 · 8 months
The amazing apricot health benefits: Nature's Nutrient-Packed Treasure
Discover the extraordinary advantages of these Kashmiri apricots. From their mouthwatering taste to a multitude of apricot health benefits, these fruits are a true gift from nature. Explore the wonders of Kashmiri apricots and elevate your well-being today.
Buy Kashmiri Dried Apricots
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pangaatindianrestro01 · 2 months
Best Indian Restaurant in Gold Coast – Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar
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Introduction to Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar
Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar stands as a best Indian restaurant in Gold Coast. Offering a tantalizing array of authentic Indian flavors, pure service, and a charming atmosphere, Pangaat has quickly become synonymous with fine dining experiences.
History and Background
Established in 2023, Pangaat was born out of a passion for sharing the rich heritage of Indian cuisine with the Gold Coast community. With a focus on traditional recipes passed down through generations, coupled with innovative culinary techniques, Pangaat has carved a niche for itself in the competitive restaurant scene.
Location and Atmosphere
Nestled in the vibrant neighborhood of Mudgeeraba, Pangaat boasts a warm and inviting atmosphere. The restaurant’s elegant decor, adorned with intricate Indian motifs and soothing lighting, sets the stage for an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner for two or a lively gathering with friends and family, Pangaat offers the perfect setting for every occasion.
Culinary Delights: Exploring the Menu
Kickstart your culinary journey with an enticing selection of appetizers that showcase the diverse flavors of Indian cuisine. From crispy samosas stuffed with savory fillings to succulent tandoori kebabs marinated in fragrant spices, each dish is a testament to the chef’s mastery in blending traditional flavors with contemporary flair.
Main Courses
Prepare your taste buds for a symphony of flavors with Pangaat’s extensive range of main courses. Indulge in classic curries bursting with aromatic spices, savor the smoky goodness of tandoori specialties, or opt for lighter options like flavorful biryanis and fragrant rice dishes. With options to suit every palate, Pangaat ensures a culinary experience like no other.
Round off your meal on a sweet note with Pangaat’s decadent desserts. From traditional favorites like gulab jamun and rasgulla to indulgent creations like saffron-infused kulfi and creamy kheer, each dessert is a heavenly treat for your senses. Perfect for satisfying your sweet cravings and ending your meal on a high note.
Unique Features and Signature Dishes
At Pangaat, innovation meets tradition, resulting in a menu that boasts an array of unique dishes and signature creations. Whether it’s their famed butter chicken with a twist or their innovative take on classic street food favorites, each dish is crafted with precision and passion, leaving diners craving for more.
Online Ordering and Takeaway Services
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. That’s why Pangaat offers seamless online ordering and takeaway services, allowing patrons to enjoy their favorite dishes from the comfort of their homes. With just a few clicks, you can explore their extensive menu, place your order, and indulge in a culinary feast delivered right to your doorstep.
Table Reservation and Dining Experience
For those looking to dine in, Pangaat offers a memorable culinary journey like no other. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply craving a taste of India, their attentive staff and impeccable service ensure a dining experience that’s second to none. Advance table reservations are recommended to avoid disappointment.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Don’t just take our word for it. Hear what our satisfied customers have to say about their experiences at Pangaat:
“Absolutely delicious food with best service. Pangaat never disappoints!”
“The flavors, the atmosphere, the service — everything about Pangaat is top-notch. Highly recommend!”
“A culinary gem in Gold Coast! Pangaat’s butter chicken is to die for.”
Awards and Recognition
Pangaat’s commitment to excellence has not gone unnoticed. Over the years, the restaurant has received numerous awards and accolades for its outstanding cuisine, service, and overall dining experience. From local recognitions to prestigious industry awards, Pangaat continues to set the standard for Indian dining in Gold Coast.
Community Engagement and Social Responsibility
Beyond serving delectable dishes, Pangaat is deeply committed to giving back to the community. Through various initiatives and partnerships, the restaurant actively supports local charities, promotes sustainability, and advocates for social causes. Dining at Pangaat isn’t just a culinary experience; it’s a chance to make a positive impact.
In conclusion, Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar stands as a testament to the timeless allure of Indian cuisine. With its commitment to authenticity, innovation, and excellence, Pangaat continues to captivate diners and redefine the culinary landscape of Gold Coast. Whether you’re craving classic flavors or seeking new culinary adventures, Pangaat invites you to embark on a gastronomic journey like no other.
Is Pangaat suitable for vegetarians and vegans?
Yes, Pangaat offers a wide range of vegetarian and vegan options to cater to diverse dietary preferences.
Does Pangaat offer gluten-free dishes?
Absolutely! Pangaat is mindful of dietary restrictions and offers gluten-free alternatives for select dishes.
Can I host private events or parties at Pangaat?
Certainly! Pangaat offers customizable event packages and private dining options for special occasions.
Is advance reservation required for dining at Pangaat?
While walk-ins are welcome, we recommend making an advance reservation, especially during peak hours, to ensure availability.
Does Pangaat offer catering services for events?
Yes, Pangaat provides catering services for events of all sizes, bringing the flavors of India to your doorstep.
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ajantafoodproduct · 3 months
How to make delicious badam milk at your home?
Interested in badam milk recipe? If yes, then you are at the right place. The badam milk recipe is easy to make and is rich in nutrition. In order to learn badam milk recipe with simple instruction, we recommend to watch and subscribe the YouTube channel of Ajanta Food Products. In this post, we will briefly discuss how to make delicious badam milk recipe at home.
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1 cup almonds, soaked and peeled
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons cornflour powder from Ajanta Food Products, which can be purchased online from Amazon at https://www.amazon.in/AJANTA-Corn-Flour-Carton-Makka/dp/B0B75D1J1P
A pinch of saffron (Kesar), soaked in 1 tablespoon warm milk
1/4 cup pistachios, finely chopped
1/2 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
4-5 green cardamom pods, crushed
A few strands of saffron for garnish (optional)
Pinch of lemon yellow food color from Ajanta Food Products
Soak the almonds in warm water for a few hours or overnight.
Peel the skin off the almonds and set aside.
In a blender, grind the peeled almonds into a smooth paste using a little water.
Set aside.
In a small bowl, mix cornflour powder from Ajanta Food Products with 2 tablespoons of milk to form a smooth paste.
Set aside.
In a saucepan, heat 2 cups of milk over medium heat until it starts to simmer.
Stir in the almond paste into the simmering milk, ensuring there are no lumps.
Gradually add the cornflour mixture from Ajanta Food Products to the milk, stirring continuously to avoid lumps.
Add the saffron-soaked milk to the mixture for a delightful color and flavor.
Stir in sugar, adjusting the quantity based on your sweetness preference.
Continue to simmer until the sugar dissolves.
Add crushed cardamom pods for a fragrant aroma.
Add pinch of lemon yellow food color from Ajanta Food Products for a vibrant look.
Allow the badam milk to cool to room temperature and then refrigerate it for a few hours until thoroughly chilled.
Pour the chilled badam milk into glasses, garnish with chopped pistachios and saffron strands.
Savor the delightful taste of homemade badam milk with the richness of almonds and the creaminess of milk.
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gcfoods · 3 months
Buy Anoop Rusk Online in Delhi ?
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If you're looking to buy Anoop Rusk online in Delhi, GC Foods is your go-to destination for a delightful shopping experience. Renowned for its premium quality and delectable taste, Anoop Rusk is a beloved snack enjoyed by people of all ages. As one of Delhi's leading providers of quality snacks and confectionery, GC Foods offers a convenient online platform where you can easily purchase Anoop Rusk and have it delivered straight to your doorstep.
When you choose to buy Anoop Rusk online from GC Foods, you can expect nothing but the best. Each batch of Anoop Rusk is crafted with care using the finest ingredients to ensure superior taste and freshness. Whether you prefer the classic flavor of plain rusk or crave the indulgent richness of elaichi or saffron-infused varieties, GC Foods has a wide range of options to satisfy your cravings.
One of the key advantages of buying Anoop Rusk online from GC Foods is the convenience it offers. With just a few clicks, you can browse through our extensive selection of Anoop Rusk flavors, choose your favorites, and place your order from the comfort of your own home. Our user-friendly website makes the ordering process quick and hassle-free, allowing you to get your hands on your favorite snacks with ease.
In addition to convenience, buying Anoop Rusk online from GC Foods also ensures reliability and peace of mind. We take great pride in our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, which is why we go above and beyond to ensure that every order is handled with care and delivered promptly. With our efficient delivery service, you can rest assured that your Anoop Rusk will arrive fresh and delicious, ready to be enjoyed whenever you desire.
Furthermore, when you buy Anoop Rusk online from GC Foods, you can take advantage of special offers and promotions that are exclusive to our online customers. Whether it's discounts, bundle deals, or free shipping offers, we strive to provide our online shoppers with added value and savings on their purchases.
So why wait? Experience the convenience, quality, and flavor of Anoop Rusk by ordering online from GC Foods today. With our wide selection, easy ordering process, and reliable delivery service, we make it easier than ever to satisfy your snack cravings and indulge in the delicious taste of Anoop Rusk, right from the comfort of your own home.
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littlelambrestaurant · 3 months
Little Lamb Restaurant: Your Mediterranean Culinary Haven in Brisbane
Are you eager to explore the world of Mediterranean cooking at Brisbane's Little Lamb Restaurant? Are you curious about the delectable treats that lie ahead for your palate? A delectable taste of Mediterranean meals is available at Little Lamb Restaurant. We have a well-qualified and experienced chef who is committed to providing you with fresh and quality food so that you can experience the best Mediterranean dishes. Mediterranean Restaurants Brisbane Each dish has a different flavor, so don't miss to taste them all. These meals guarantee an amazing gastronomic experience, with selections ranging from crunchy and delicious to fresh as well as best seafood. Our collection caters to both locals looking for a new favourite food and tourists wanting to experience Mediterranean cuisine in Brisbane. Now, you can order online and reserve your table by calling or downloading our app.
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Want to know what we provide?
We provide numerous dishes with unique and inventive flavors from Spain and the Mediterranean are available on the menu. especially, we have the flavor of all Spanish traditional food so that our customers can feel the love of their food. The use of contemporary methods enhanced the flavor of food. Our Mediterranean restaurant Brisbane has a fantastic wine list that perfectly complements the food. We have a facility bar that serves you inventive and delicious red and white wines composed of exceptional and diverse components. Our talented chefs go above and beyond to create mouthwatering dishes that win over our patrons' hearts by utilizing inventive presentation and novel tastes. Very rare and excellent ingredients are gathered from all around Australia to produce meals that are as much about balance as they are about the range of flavors and textures. The top 5 dishes of our restaurant are- Garlic Prawn Salad Grilled Atlantic Salmon Bruschetta Fisherman’s Haul Lamb Cutlets
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Your Mediterranean food destination in Brisbane is Little Lamb Restaurant. Our crew is always ready to attend to you and serve you the best Spanish cuisine. Taste the flavors of sunshine, tradition, and the satisfaction of sharing great cuisine with others—that's what our menu encourages you to discover. Join us to explore the ageless allure of these traditional Mediterranean recipes as you go. We made all the recipes according to old traditions, and we guarantee you that you will love all the dishes we serve. You may now use our mobile app or website to place an online order. Download our app and register now to receive updates about new deals and promotions! To produce meals with a balance of flavors, our Mediterranean restaurant Brisbane supplies cuisine which is rely on premium ingredients prepared using simple techniques. Numerous qualities are common to all locations, even if the flavor profile varies. Spanish cooking often incorporates the robust flavors of garlic, paprika, saffron, and olive oil. The meal balances savory and acidic flavors delicately thanks to the generous To make dishes that are vibrant, aromatic, and wonderfully satisfying, Spanish cooking places a strong emphasis on highlighting the best ingredients. By serving them wholesome, delectable cuisine, we hope to win over and maintain our clients' satisfaction.
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For bookings Do you want to reserve a table in our restaurant? We have an online table reservation system, so you can reserve your table easily and quickly. Currently, we are accepting only tables of one to six, so Please note that there is limited seating available online. If the time slot of your choice is unavailable, we kindly ask that you contact the restaurant directly. We also take online orders, in which you just have to order your favorite meal by downloading our app. We will provide you with fresh and superior-quality food. If you book your table online in advance, you can receive a wide range of promos or discounts with a lot of benefits. Reserve your table right now by downloading our app or calling us at (07)32833284.
Contact Us
(07) 3283 3284
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