#oregon gunk
spookyweaselbones · 2 years
People keep calling Twitter the Titanic but the Titanic was never overrun with insufferable sycophants for the iceberg
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shallowseeker · 5 months
Truth & despair
"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."
Synopsis: In an attempt to tackle his grief, Sam rifles through the bunker footage to discover the truth of Castiel's death. The footage leaves him with more questions than answers. (The one where Dean's recollection of events...does not match the footage.)
Focus: Supernatural post-15x19 fic, TFW grieving badly, Bad therapy attempts with Mia Vallens, False memories, The Shadow is in love with Cas, Jack and Amara are AWOL
Characters: Dean/Castiel, Dean & Sam, Sam & Dean & Cas & Jack, Eileen Leahy, Mia Vallens, Chuck Shurley, Becky & the Rosen-Baron fam, Donatello Redfield, The Empty, Amara, Jack as God, Rowena MacLeod, Sam POV and Sam is blessedly annoying
Content warning: Major character death (Castiel), poor coping mechanisms (Dean), and encroachment of personal boundaries (Sam). Eventual happy ending.
Updates every weekend!
Proofread by @minalblood & finished for @tenderthunder
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Ch 01: (~4200 words, ~17 minutes) - In an attempt to tackle his grief, Sam rifles through the bunker footage to track down Cas’s last moments. The footage leaves him with more questions than answers.
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Ch 02: (~5700 words, ~23 minutes) Mia admonishes Sam for his breach of boundaries, and Dean suffers his first meltdown.
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Ch 03: (~5200 words, ~20 minutes) Sam leans into unhealthy coping mechanisms that nearly get them killed.
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Ch 04: (~4700 words, ~18 minutes) Snapped out of Chuck’s grand finale, Sam and Dean wonder what’s next.
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Ch 05: (~5250 words, ~21 minutes) In need of Becky Rosen’s laptop, Chuck and the Winchesters track her to a safe house in the recesses of the Wallowa Mountains, Oregon. En route, the roadways are riddled with mysterious sinkholes. Dean admits he’s drawn to them.
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Ch 06: (~7500 words, ~30 minutes) - Chuck shows his true colors, but Dean’s the real problem.
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Ch 07: (~7200 words, ~28 minutes) - Dean takes a leap of faith. Sam follows.
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Ch 08: (~7100 words, ~28 minutes) - Sam and Dean tunnel their way into The Empty. It's not empty.
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Ch 09 (~ 6200 words, ~25 minutes) - Unable to rid Castiel of the cooling Empty gunk, Sam and Dean transport him back to the Barons’ house and attempt to free him.
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Ch 10 (~ 6200 words, ~25 minutes) - Hoping to track Jack and Amara, Team Free Well returns to Washaway Beach to perform a potent locator spell.
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Ch 11 (~8000 words, ~32 minutes) - Sam and Chuck crash-land in a lush landscape and run afoul of Amara. She taunts Sam, promising that Jack will never return, at least not of his own free will.
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Ch 12 (~10800 words, ~43 minutes) - Jack's got everything he needs right here. Why would he ever leave?
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Ch 13 (~8000 words, ~32 minutes) - Sam awakens in the shallow waters of Washaway Beach...alongside the prone body of Jack Kline.
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Ch 14 coming soon (~10200 words, ~40 minutes) - Maybe Sam can't fix everything. Maybe that's okay.
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Epilogue coming soon (~?words, ~? minutes)
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royalgutters · 1 year
6 Popular Ways to Clean Your Gutters
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Clogged gutters can mean money down the drain -literally. Overflowing gutters flood basements, damage the foundation while stagnant water invites pests and algae.
Addressing these issues can cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars. A better way to keep these issues away is to clean your gutter regularly.
Here are the different ways of cleaning gutters. Not all these methods are created equal. While some are slower and safer, others are messier and more fun!
 6 Best Ways to Clean Your Gutters 
Shop Vac – The Shop-Vac® comes with many attachments that make it easy for you to reach clogged portions and vacuum out gutter gunk from the ground. Stubborn dirt may need a spray of water before it is vacuumed.
Clean by hand – You will need work gloves, a bucket, a ladder, a garden trowel or a gutter scoop. Just scoop out debris and place it in the bucket. Flush the downspout and gutter with water to make sure it is functioning properly.
Hose out – Gutters that are not completely clogged can be cleaned easily with a garden hose. Make sure you have the right attachment for the hose such as a curved end on a rigid tube that allows you to work from the ground.
Pressure Wash – A pressure washer can also be used from the ground to get rid of gutter debris. Telescoping wand and cleaning attachments allow you to reach inside and around the gutter to efficiently remove debris.
Look Method – This is a remote-controlled robotic device that cleans the gutter when placed inside it. The robot’s cleaning tool moves on its rubberized tracks to break up clogs and debris with an augur that has spinning blades in the front.
Blower Method – A leaf blower with a nozzle attachment is ideal for gutter cleaning as it releases a thin stream of air. You will need a ladder to use this tool to blow out clogs as you go.
For complicated rooflines or severely blocked gutters, calling a professional is highly recommended. Gutter cleaning professionals have the right tools and equipment that ensure the process is safe, fast, and effective.
We believe in performance leaf gutter guards in Portland, Oregon! The ultimate in gutter protection. We are helping you choose the right leaf and debris protection for your gutters. Please review the different leaf and debris protection systems we use.
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brynwrites · 4 years
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OUR BLOODY PEARL’s ebook is $1 for PRIDE!
(until June 19th)
After a year of voiceless captivity, a bloodthirsty siren fights to return home while avoiding the lure of a suspiciously friendly and eccentric pirate captain.
Fluff and adventure
Disabled, nonbinary siren protagonist who has all the sass
Asexual romance with the smollest freckly pirate love interest
Steampunk vibes in a Caribbean setting
The companion novel to a trilogy coming out in 2021
Also this is non-cis book written by a non-cis author so buying it will anger TERFs like JK Rowling ;)
Find the ebook here!
(Or add it to your Goodread’s TBR.)
You can also read the first page below the cut! 
And, while you're here, check out these fantastic mer-centered books by black authors, because we wouldn't have pride at all without black lives:
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THE DEEP, an adult novella by Rivers Solomon.
The water-breathing descendants of African slave women tossed overboard have built their own underwater society—and must reclaim the memories of their past to shape their future in this brilliantly imaginative novella inspired by the Hugo Award nominated song “The Deep” from Daveed Diggs’ rap group Clipping. Yetu holds the memories for her people—water-dwelling descendants ...more
A SONG BELOW WATER, a YA novel by Bethany C. Morrow
Tavia is already at odds with the world, forced to keep her siren identity under wraps in a society that wants to keep her kind under lock and key. Never mind she's also stuck in Portland, Oregon, a city with only a handful of black folk and even fewer of those with magical powers. At least she has her bestie Effie by her side as they tackle high school drama, family secrets, ...more
RISE OF THE JUMBIES, a middle grade novel by Tracey Baptiste
Corinne LaMer defeated the wicked jumbie Severine months ago, but things haven’t exactly gone back to normal in her Caribbean island home. Everyone knows Corinne is half-jumbie, and many of her neighbors treat her with mistrust. When local children begin to go missing, snatched from the beach and vanishing into wells, suspicious eyes turn to Corinne. ...more
[1] CHAPTER ONE: Swell Beginnings
There is one thing I know for certain: We were right to hate the humans.
HUNGER HAUNTS ME like a bull shark. With every roll of the ship, the gunk inside my stagnant tub sloshes against my waist, stinging anew. The tight wooden room's stale air burns my lungs.
Steam whistles in the pipes that run along the walls, their copper gleaming in the dim ceiling light. My wrists throb where the metal cuffs locking me to the tub dig into my silver scales. The gill slits along my neck are clamped shut after a year without seawater and my head fins stick to my scalp like barnacles to rock.
I try to anchor myself with the memory of home, of fine sands and vibrant reefs, but I can barely recall the rush of the warm current or the thrill of the hunt. Even a single wrasse sounds like a feast now. Or a few human fingers.
At least I can still smell the sharp brine of the ocean. When the ship rocks, the small, circular window to my left reveals the sea rolling in an endless stretch of deep blue, begging me to return. The silhouette of an approaching vessel forms a blur on its horizon.
I squint at the hazy shape, but Captain Kian’s roar of irritation from an upper deck makes me recoil. My captor’s harsh voice is so loud it seems to shudder its way down my spine.
The new vessel leaves my sight as the ship I’m captive on—the Oyster—turns toward it. The steam stacks clatter to life somewhere beneath me. Fabric and metal wings stretch out from the sides of the Oyster, and the ship bursts forward, riding just above the crests of the waves.
The sudden change in speed shoves me backward, tossing up my putrid water. As the liquid recoils, it grazes my largest tail fin, lying limp over the far edge of the tub. For all the pain I suffer, I nearly forget my tail exists, its iridescent gleam washed away by the filth and grime of the tub. It must still be impaired from the massive, anchor-like weight my captor crushed it beneath when she first locked me here. I can’t bring myself to focus on its lifeless form for long. I wasn’t meant for this.
I need the sea.
Read more with Amazon’s preview function!
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stickshift · 5 years
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black ends at clown college (corvallis, oregon)
September 8, 2019
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midgaarb · 3 years
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• Allergy Relief • Wildcrafted, Anti-Viral Respiratory Face & Home Steam Sachets • . . {swipe!} INHALE THE FOREST: For the April 2 release, I’ll be bringing back the beloved Steam Sachets! I added some more allergy-relief focused herbs to this batch; each packed full of 10 sacred allies with an affinity for the respiratory & nervous system. Coming in a handmade organic Burlap sac with hemp ties & provides 4-5 concentrated steams. 🌲Wildcrafted Douglas Fir, Western Red Cedar, Eucalyptus, homegrown Organic Rosemary, Peppermint, Spearmint, Thyme, Oregano, Tarragon & Cloves. Each plant is known for their antiviral properties & are expectorants - helping bring congestion/virals out of the lungs & sinuses. Full in-depth medicinal details on each will be in listing! HEALING BENEFITS OF STEAMING: The traditions of herbal steaming dates back to ancient civilizations & is a magically connective ritual combining all 5 elements. Hot steam in itself helps destroy virals in the mouth & lungs, supports the immune system by stimulating leukocytes - cells that fight infection & helps release allergens from sinuses & soothing inflamed tissue. When combined with antiviral & aromatics like Evergreen trees & mint family herbs, it creates a healing powerhouse! Steaming heats up your body, allowing to sweat out toxins, helping break fevers, reduce headaches & migraines. Inhaling steam brings moisture to your lungs which act as an expectorant, cleansing out the gunk from your nostrils, throat & respiratory system. You are guaranteed to blow your nose & cough up unwanted congestion after a good steam with this blend! Steaming revitalizes your face & spirit. It is one of my most sacred & invigorating forms of meditation. I go into a trance during my steaming rituals, the blood rushes to my face making it all warm & tingly, allowing my brain to physically & energetically release stagnancy, tension & congestion & gives a natural rosey glow to my cheeks. It makes the skin baby soft, helping reduce redness, irritation, fine lines & balance the skins pH. I love to steam my home as well. More details will be on listing! Scroll back to my many other posts on herbal steaming as well 🌿 (at Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM7iADkB6dd/?igshid=1unvwvq1u86gb
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newstfionline · 4 years
Life on Venus? Astronomers See a Signal in Its Clouds (NYT) High in the toxic atmosphere of the planet Venus, astronomers on Earth have discovered signs of what might be life. If the discovery is confirmed by additional telescope observations and future space missions, it could turn the gaze of scientists toward one of the brightest objects in the night sky. Venus, named after the Roman goddess of beauty, roasts at temperatures of hundreds of degrees and is cloaked by clouds that contain droplets of corrosive sulfuric acid. Few have focused on the rocky planet as a habitat for something living. The astronomers, who reported the finding on Monday in a pair of papers, have not collected specimens of Venusian microbes, nor have they snapped any pictures of them. But with powerful telescopes, they have detected a chemical—phosphine—in the thick Venus atmosphere. After much analysis, the scientists assert that something now alive is the only explanation for the chemical’s source. Some researchers question this hypothesis, and they suggest instead that the gas could result from unexplained atmospheric or geologic processes on a planet that remains mysterious. But the finding will also encourage some planetary scientists to ask whether humanity has overlooked a planet that may have once been more Earthlike than any other world in our solar system.
Global views of U.S. plunge to new lows amid pandemic, poll finds (Washington Post) President Trump defended his handling of the coronavirus pandemic during an interview with Fox News over the weekend, arguing that he took “tremendous steps” early in the outbreak, which “saved probably two or two and a half million lives.” But the rest of the world does not appear to share in the conclusions of his self appraisal. In a new poll of 13 nations released Tuesday, a median of 15 percent of respondents said the United States had handled the pandemic well, while 85 percent said the country had responded poorly. The data, released by Pew Research Center, suggests that the international reputation of the United States has dropped to a new low in the face of a disorganized response to the novel coronavirus that saw the country come to lead the world in virus-related deaths. Among some traditional allies like Germany, views of the United States have declined to the lowest levels since Pew began tracking them nearly two decades ago.
400,000 Immigrants Can Be Forced to Leave the U.S., Court Rules (NYT) A federal appeals court ruled on Monday that the Trump administration acted within its authority in terminating legal protections that have allowed hundreds of thousands of immigrants to live and work legally in the United States, sometimes for decades, after fleeing conflict or natural disasters in their home countries. The 2-1 ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit effectively strips legal immigration status from some 400,000 people, rendering them deportable if they do not voluntarily leave the country. The decision affects the overwhelming majority of beneficiaries of a program offering what is known as “temporary protected status,” which has permitted them to remain in the United States after being uprooted from their unstable homelands. The Trump administration has argued that the emergency conditions that existed when people were invited to come to the United States—earthquakes, hurricanes, civil war—had occurred long ago. The program, it said, had inadvertently conferred permanent immigration status for people from places like El Salvador, Haiti and Sudan, most of whom it said no longer needed safe haven. The long-awaited decision does not immediately end the protections. The Trump administration has agreed to maintain them until at least March 5, 2021, for people from five of the affected countries and until November 2021 for people from El Salvador.
Triple the U.S. population? (Washington Post) Much of the recent debate over immigration to the United States has been about how to reduce it. Matthew Yglesias, a Vox co-founder, offers a different idea: Increase immigration—by a lot. His new book, “One Billion Americans,” argues for radically increasing the country’s population through immigration and a higher birthrate. Yglesias points out that even if all of the new Americans lived in the continental U.S., it would still have less than half the population density of Germany. And only if the U.S. vastly increases its population can it hope to keep pace with the growing power of authoritarian China, he argues. “Rather than being paralyzed by racial panic, ecopessimism, or paranoia about the loss of parking spaces,” he writes, “America should aspire to be the greatest nation on earth.”
Choking air from Western fires just won’t ease up (AP) Relief from putrid, dangerous air spewing from massive wildfires across the West won’t come until later in the week or beyond, scientists and forecasters say, and the hazy and gunk-filled skies might stick around for even longer. People in Oregon, Washington and parts of California were struggling under acrid yellowish-green smog—the worst, most unhealthy air on the planet according to some measurements. It seeped into homes and businesses, sneaked into cars through air conditioning vents and caused the closure of iconic locations such as Powell’s Books and the Oregon Zoo in Portland, the state’s biggest city. The air was so thick that on Monday Alaska Airlines announced it was suspending service to Portland and Spokane, Washington, until Tuesday afternoon. Hazy, smoky skies fouled Washington state and experts said some parts of California might not see relief until next month. Some areas of central California blanketed by smoke are not likely to see relief until October, said Dan Borsum, the incident meteorologist for a fire in Northern California.
US tariffs on China ruled to be illegal by world trade body (AP) The World Trade Organization said Tuesday that Trump administration tariffs on Chinese goods totaling more than $200 billion are illegal under the rules of the global trade body. In its decision, the WTO ruled against the Trump administration’s argument that China has engaged in practices harmful to U.S. interests, on issues including intellectual property theft, technology transfer and innovation. The ruling, in theory, would allow China to impose retaliatory tariffs on billions worth of U.S. goods—if the process is completed. But the U.S. government can appeal the decision announced by the WTO’s dispute settlement body, and the WTO’s appeals court is currently no longer functioning—largely because of Washington’s single-handed refusal to accept new members for it. The U.S. tariffs target two batches of Chinese products. Duties of 10% were imposed on some $200 billion worth of goods in September 2018, and were jacked up to 25% eight months later. An additional 25% duties were imposed in June 2018 against Chinese goods worth about $34 billion in annual trade.
Venezuela says it has captured American ‘mercenary’ plotting to blow up power plants, oil refineries (Washington Post) Venezuela’s authoritarian government claimed Monday that it had dismantled a covert operation to blow up power plants and oil facilities to destabilize the socialist state, saying it had detained eight plotters including an American traveling with heavy arms, explosives, surveillance footage and cash. In a nationally televised address, Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab said active members of the Venezuelan military had aided the American, identified by authorities as Matthew John Heath. Saab said that Heath had a background working “as a mercenary” for U.S. intelligence in Iraq and that items in his possession had linked him to the CIA. Saab did not provide evidence for the claims. If true, the alleged plot would be the latest in a series of foiled operations against the government of President Nicolás Maduro. In May, two former U.S. Green Berets—Airan Berry, 42, and Luke Denman, 34—were detained on the Venezuelan coast in connection with a ragtag raid aimed at capturing or ousting the autocratic leader.
Fear in Northern Ireland, as Boris Johnson threatens the E.U. over Brexit (Washington Post) Boris Johnson is moving forward on his threat to override the Brexit withdrawal agreement with the European Union — a move that every living former British prime minister warns against — and the people of Northern Ireland again find themselves fearful that decisions made in London and Brussels could upend the hard-won peace and prosperity on the island. Britain will leave the European Union at the end of 2020, with or without a new free-trade deal, Johnson promises. With just three months to go before the end of a transition period, a pact between the sides seems as far away as ever. Relations between Europe and Britain have grown shouty, underlining the high stakes of the showdown, as Britain and Europe both struggle to recover from deep pandemic recessions. Rachel Powell grew up in South Armagh, where during the Troubles a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland was patrolled by British troops, often attacked by Irish Republican militants. She said she’s deeply concerned about what will happen next. “The British government has not got a clue about what it is like to live on the border, and it is again using it as a political football,” said Powell. Powell said border communities are “horrified” over the uncertainties and brinkmanship of Brexit.
Japan’s Next Prime Minister Emerges From Behind the Curtain (NYT) Yoshihide Suga charted an unlikely course to the cusp of Japan’s premiership. While most leading Japanese lawmakers come from elite political families, Mr. Suga is the son of a strawberry farmer and a schoolteacher from the country’s rural north. He is known more for expressionless recitations of government policy than flashes of charisma. And at 71, he’s even older than Shinzo Abe, who suddenly announced in late August that he was resigning as prime minister because of ill health. Yet on Monday, Mr. Suga, the longtime chief cabinet secretary to Mr. Abe, was overwhelmingly elected as leader of the conservative Liberal Democratic Party during a conclave at a luxury Tokyo hotel. The party has governed Japan for all but four years since World War II and controls Parliament, virtually assuring that Mr. Suga will be elected prime minister during a special session this week. He will have to hit the ground running. Mr. Suga will take office in the middle of a pandemic that has devastated Japan’s economy, effectively erasing years of growth under Mr. Abe. Japan also is facing deepening pressure from China and North Korea. While Mr. Suga has vowed to pick up where Mr. Abe left off, but he has never clearly articulated his own vision for Japan, the world’s third-largest economy.
Indonesia to beef-up patrols after China coastguard raises suspicion (Reuters) Indonesia will increase maritime security operations near some of its islands in the South China Sea after a Chinese coastguard vessel was spotted nearby, raising suspicions about its intentions, a senior security official said on Tuesday. The vessel entered Indonesia’s 200-mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off the northern Natuna islands on Saturday and left on Monday after radio challenges over jurisdiction, Aan Kurnia, chief of the maritime security agency, Bakamla, told Reuters. Wang Wenbin, China’s foreign ministry spokesman, said the ship was undertaking “normal patrol duties in waters under Chinese jurisdiction”. While China has made no claim to islands, the presence of its coastguard nearly 2,000 km (1,243 miles) off its mainland has concerned Indonesia, after numerous encounters between Chinese vessels in the EEZs of Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam, which disrupted fishing and energy activities. A weeks-long standoff occurred 10 months ago when a Chinese coastguard vessel and accompanying fishing boats entered the northern Natuna Sea, prompting Indonesia to send fighter jets and mobilise its own fishermen.
Violence in the Ivory Coast (Foreign Policy) Protests against Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara’s decision to seek a third term as president have turned violent in the country’s largest city, Abidjan. The violence centered on a district loyal to former President Laurent Gbagbo, whose loss to Ouattara in the presidential election in 2010 plunged the country into a civil war that killed around 3,000 people. The recent surge of violence has raised concerns that next month’s election could spark a return to war. Ouattara has faced widespread criticism due to the constitution’s ban on individuals serving more than two terms as president. But he and his supporters argue that because the constitution was ratified in 2016, it does not apply to Ouattara, who started his term in office in 2010.
Millions of African children rely on TV education during pandemic (Reuters) Five-year-old Kenyan student Miguel Munene sits between his parents, holding their hands as he watches cartoon characters teaching him to pronounce “fish”. The television has replaced Munene’s teachers and classmates after the government shut schools indefinitely in March to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. They are closed until at least January. Many children don’t have the option to learn online—the United Nations children’s agency UNICEF says at least half of sub-Saharan Africa’s schoolchildren do not have internet access. So some, like Munene, watch a cartoon made by Tanzanian non-profit organisation Ubongo, which offers television and radio content for free to African broadcasters. “Other programmes are just for fun, but Ubongo is helping children,” Miguel’s mother Celestine Wanjiru told Reuters. “He can now differentiate a lot of shapes and colours, both in English and Swahili.” In March, programmes by Ubongo—the Kiswahili word for brain—were broadcast to an area covering about 12 million households in nine countries, said Iman Lipumba, Ubongo’s head of communications. That rose to 17 million in 20 countries by August.
Zimbabwe government abuses critics, allege rights groups (AP) Godfrey Kurauone, a Zimbabwean opposition official, sang a protest song at the funeral of a party member in July. For that, and other political charges, he spent 42 days in jail before the prosecution dropped one charge, and acquitted him of another charge of blocking traffic. Hopewell Chin’ono, an investigative journalist who used his Twitter account to expose alleged government corruption, was held in the notorious Chikurubi maximum security prison for nearly six weeks before being granted bail on charges of inciting violence for tweeting his support for an anti-government protest. Internationally acclaimed author and filmmaker Tsitsi Dangarembga spent a night in detention for standing by a Harare road and holding up a placard that said “We Want Better. Reform Our Institutions.” From tweeting to Whatsapp texting, singing in public or marching in the streets, those who speak out against President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government are finding themselves in trouble. Some have been abducted and tortured, according to human rights groups.
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Lector RP profile
I used @kaibagirl007 's RP profile template for Seto to do this, because it looked fun to answer. The only thing I wasn't sure about was what would be a healthy weight given Lector's size, so I left that a mystery. :)
Lector is based largely on the dub version of the character, with the only real sub addition being his seeming dislike of children (although in my verse, he has good reasons for that, and he takes exception with Mokuba).
Name: Demas Lector (birth name Leichter; he changed the spelling because everyone was mispronouncing it)
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Birthday: October 10th
Astrological Sign: Libra
Blood Type: AB
Race: Creole
Nationality: American
Residence: Domino City, Oregon
Occupation: One of the founders of Penguin World, a penguin sanctuary and theme park
Languages: English, a little bit of French and German
Religion: Catholic (mostly non-practicing now)
Sexuality: Leans asexual, but thinks of himself as heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single and not looking
Height: Over six feet
Weight: N/A
Figure: Tall, broad, and well-built, but doesn't deliberately work out
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light brown
Distinguishing Marks: One scar across his right upper arm, inflicted by his nephews
Preferred clothes: Purple business suit and white shirt, or black shirt and pants with purple trenchcoat and fedora hat. Wears silk pajamas to bed
Frequently worn accessories: Amethyst ring given to him by Shadi for the purpose of protecting the world
Addictions: None
Allergies: Penicillin, MSG
Physical Ailments: Sometimes suffers from insomnia and is often plagued by nightmares of the horrors he and the rest of the Big Five have been through.
Personality: Introverted, very reserved, but very justice-driven and won't stay silent if he sees something he deems an injustice
Likes: His friends, his sister Evangeline, Mokuba, business management, studying people, justice
Dislikes: Injustice, ruthless people, cruelty, arguing with Nesbitt
Phobias: Nyctophobia - Fear of darkness (because he was swallowed by the darkness in the Shadow Realm and it still haunts him). Gymnophobia - Fear of nudity (because he's a very modest person).
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Flower: Magnolia
Hobbies: Trying new restaurants
Vehicle License: Car
Taste in music: Classical, calypso
Favorite Saying: People you trust can and will betray you. If you find anyone who won't, you have found an invaluable pearl of great price.
Diet: He'll try almost any food once
Favorite Foods: Chicken gumbo, fried chicken (Southern or otherwise), potatoes, gravy
Least Favorite Foods: Ramen
Least Favorite Drinks: Cheap non-dairy milk with gunk at the bottom of the containers
Home: Mansion in the ritzy part of the city
Lives with: His servants, the rest of the Big Five (they rotate whose house they're at daily)
Special Belongings: Photographs taken with his friends, a hand-colored picture Noa drew of himself with his family (including Lector).
Temperament: Can change from calm to angry in a split-second, but doesn't act rash about his feelings like Nesbitt does
Fighting Skills: Hand to hand combat (untrained)
Weapon of Choice: Fists/arms
Weakness: Can be a hypocrite
Strength: His love for his friends and Mokuba
Parents: Father and Mother, alive and living in New Orleans. Father is in prison for setting him up to be killed by a corrupt vodun priest who was after the family.
Siblings: Older sister Adele, older brothers Philippe and Michel, younger sisters Marie and Evangeline
Best Friend: Nesbitt
Other Friends: Gansley, Crump, Johnson, Mokuba, Yugi, Tea
Greatest flaw: His inability to see the whole picture and his hypocrisy in certain situations
Best quality: His sincere love for justice and for those he cares about
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zzkt · 5 years
No One Is Prepared for Hagfish Slime
Hagfish produce slime the way humans produce opinions—readily, swiftly, defensively, and prodigiously. They slime when attacked or simply when stressed. On July 14, 2017, a truck full of hagfish overturned on an Oregon highway. The animals were destined for South Korea, where they are eaten as a delicacy, but instead, they were strewn across a stretch of Highway 101, covering the road (and at least one unfortunate car) in slime. Typically, a hagfish will release less than a teaspoon of gunk from the 100 or so slime glands that line its flanks. And in less than half a second, that little amount will expand by 10,000 times—enough to fill a sizable bucket. Reach in, and every move of your hand will drag the water with it.
via https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/01/hagfish-slime/581002/
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That week I spent in a brand new sparsely furnished cheap development suburban house in bend Oregon getting violently high every day and Rick and Morty was playing on the tv 24/7. And I had to wipe the gunk out of the eyes of the kitten someone adopted on a whim
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trilliath · 6 years
re: the shoes on/off thing - I'm Canadian, and while I knew it was common to leave shoes on in the US I had no idea it was such a Thing. For me and pretty much everyone I've ever known it's automatic to take shoes off at the door; they're usually dirty, at least to an extent, and why would you want to track gunk from the street/dirt from outside into your home? I have no actual point, I just think the cultural differences are really interesting, esp. since Canada and the US are often similar.
Yeah it’s gotta be an eastern or easterly-midwest US thing because where I’m from yeah, no, shoes are pretty much not worn indoors for the very same reasons you mention. I disagreed with OP’s assessment of the “norm” and the homogeneity of attitudes people have about what the different clothing choices mean. That sort of thing is super regionalized.
Compared to where I live in Oregon, people in places like Ohio tend to have more niche opinions about what other people do with their clothes, things like “everyone knows you never wear pajama pants in public unless you are literally sick”.
I remember in grad school one time there was this massive (for fun) argument among a bunch of us grad students from all over the country about whether it was socially acceptable to wear yoga pants to the airport. The people from the northeast were HORRIFIED that people would wear them in public (and fly in comfy clothes and no makeup etc) hahaha. Those of us from the west were like ????? why would you not??????
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mechanicswichita · 3 years
Best Auto Detailing Service and Cost in Wichita KS |A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita
More Information is at:http://mobilemechanicwichitakansas.org/auto-detailing-service-near-me/
Auto Detailing Service near Wichita KS: Are you looking for the BestAuto Detailing Service near Wichita KS ? A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, professional detailing service that gives you more than a basic car wash and vacuum. Also of importance is how our pro detailers have an obsessive attention to detail and are never afraid of applying the elbow grease needed for the most in-depth cleaning of your vehicle’s nooks and crannies. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Auto Detailing Service around Wichita KS. We serve Wichita KSand other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Auto Detailing Service in Wichita KS
Auto Detailing Service near Wichita KS: Now is the perfect time of the year for Auto Detailing Service inWichita KS region. Gain peace of mind with professional detailing service that gives you more than a basic car wash and vacuum. At A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, we know precisely how to systematically use equipment and chemicals on interior carpets and upholstery as well as premium paint jobs. Also of importance is how our pro detailers have an obsessive attention to detail and are never afraid of applying the elbow grease needed for the most in-depth cleaning of your vehicle’s nooks and crannies. When you bring your vehicle to A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita for Detailing Service, you know that you will leave with a car as close as possible to its showroom cleanliness, shine, and smell.
 Benefits of Auto Detailing Service
Auto Detailing Service near Wichita KS: At A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, we know from years of experiencing providing detailing service on vehicles just like yours that there are additional benefits of auto detailing & cleaning far beyond a shiny paint job and a pleasant-smelling cabin; there are several other benefits that some of our favorite customers don’t consider. However, atA1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita, we would like to share with you all of the tremendous benefits of Detailing Service that are often overlooked:
●      Protect Resale Value – if you want to resell the car eventually, you should know that used auto dealers will inspect the vehicle thoroughly before making a purchase; professional detailing service is a fantastic way of promoting higher resale value in the used car market
●      Retain attractiveness – professional detailing service can restore your vehicle’s showroom allure. Most owners do not have the training, experience, nor the patience for the deep cleaning that we will provide.
●      Pro detailer attention – our pro detailers will go over every inch of your vehicle with the attention to detail of a surgeon. The benefit is a thorough assessment of your entire vehicle that often reveals areas in need of repair or repainting.
Springtime is the Right Time for Detailing Service
Exiting a cold winter season often means that a vehicle weathered some snow, sleet, water, mud, salt, sand, and whatever else gets inside the vehicle onto the carpets using shoes as a VIP pass. If you have children, then we already know exactly how much undesirable debris can get inside the cabin over the winter. This situation makes Springtime the perfect time for a Detailing Service. Detailing Service includes vacuuming & Shampooing, Complete Interior, Exterior Wash, Compounding & Waxing the Exterior.
Engine – Detailing
Engine detailing can range from a simple cleaning of an oil leak to a show quality reconditioning of the engine as well as the engine compartment. In the latter case, components are removed as well as refinished. Your engine is never sprayed with a can of Gunk, blasted with steam, or doused with Armor All. This is a great way to end up with a clean engine that doesn’t start. Rather, each crevice is cleaned with soft brushes and gentle cleaners which are appropriate for the materials in your engine. The result; your engine will look like the day it was built. We also offer custom carbon fiber pieces that are specially built for any car make and model.
Commitment To Performance
We design custom high end audio system setups specifically for the acoustics of your vehicle. Every vehicle contains their own DNA of acoustics, derived from the design, layout and materials used in the interior. This will dictate the proper components used for a particular system, which in turn will produce the pure, rich sound you demand.
Auto Detailing Services
Cigarette Burn Repair
Cigarette Burn Repair – Interior upholstery can be repaired when cigarette ashes land on seats or carpets. Accidents happen but why should that ruin an interiors look or stop you from buying or selling a less than perfect auto. Most damage can be corrected with a perfect color match.
Motorcycle Detailing
Motorcycle detailing includes:
●      Hand wash buff
●      Polish chrome
●      Add advanced polymer sealant
●      Leather conditioning
Rv’s And Boats
Recreational vehicle & boat detailing includes:
●      Exterior wash and wax
●      Gutter rails and top of RV’s fully cleaned.
●      Interior cleaning and shampooing as well
Interior / Exterior Steam Cleaning
Steam Cleaning – This service is for neighborhoods with intense water restrictions, parking garages and areas where traditional hand washing isn’t allowed.
Gold Vehicle Detail Package
●      Complete hand wash, prep and clay surfaces
●      Compound, and buff paint to correct minor imperfections
●      Apply polymer paint sealant (9-12 months protection)
●      Apply Cherry Wet Wax  (up to 3 months extra protection)
●      Condition tires and trim
●      Vacuum and air purge interior
●      Clean headliner, dashboard, console and door panels
●      Spot clean seating surfaces and carpets
●      Detail cracks and crevices, condition vinyl and leather
●      Clean windows, mirrors, gauges and chrome
●      Apply interior fragrance (upon request only)
Carpet Dying
Carpet Dying is great for repairing stains like bleach and coffee stains. Our carpet dyeing service is perfect for repairing those stains and more. If just color rejuvenation is needed for faded carpets, our carpet dyeing service is the perfect choice!
Auto Detailing Service near Wichita KS:
●      Use a wet-dry vacuum to suck out as much water from carpeted mats to accelerate drying.
●      Use a soft long-bristle artist’s paintbrush or makeup brush to get into small crevices, such as air conditioning vents. A spritz of furniture polish on the brush will improve dust removal.
●      Spray your cleanser of choice on a microfiber cloth, then use the cloth to clean the surface. This prevents overspray and drips.
●      Always clean from top to bottom, because loosened dust and dirt fall – gravity is great that way.
●      Use a stiff brush to agitate the carpet just ahead of where you’re vacuuming to get even more dirt out of it.
●      If your doors have upper window frames, roll the windows down a few inches and clean the top edge of the glass, first. Then, roll the windows up and clean the rest of the glass.
●      If you clean the wheels last, you might splash road grime to the body of a clean car.
●      Warm up the engine a few minutes to help the degreaser work better.
●      Detailing clay also works great on wheels, glass, and chrome, too, but never use a clay bar on rubber, plastic, or polycarbonate.
●      Use masking tape to protect plastic and rubber trim, emblems, headlights, and marker lights.
 Average Car Detailing Prices: How Do Your Prices Compare?
Auto Detailing Service near Wichita KS: For professional detailers or detailing business owners, setting your car detailing prices is one of the biggest challenges. Are your car detailing prices reflective of the averages within your city, state, or even across the country? If you want to make more money as a detailing business, you need to charge your customers the right price. If your detailing services are priced too low, you’re leaving money on the table. But if your prices are too high, you might lose customers to your competition.
 Once you find the right price, you might need to know more about how to convince your customers to pay a higher price. Many detailers use an estimating app to help them create consistent pricing and justify their prices to customers.
 Skim through the research below compiled byA1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita. You can compare the prices you’ve set for your business against the averages across the country and even your state and city.
 New to this site?A1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita provides tools and resources to help detailing and auto recon professionals start and grow their businesses. Learn more aboutA1 Mobile Mechanics Of Wichita and why thousands of business owners have tried our #1 app for detailing.
 National Average Price for Car Detailing
The average detailing price around the country is $160.16. The range of average prices for car detailing in the US is $114.59 on the low end and $213.67 on the high end.
 Average Car Detailing Prices per State
The state with the highest average price for detailing is Oregon with an average price of $258. The range in this state is $186.67 on the low end and $296 on the high end.
 The state with the lowest average price for detailing is Hawaii, with an average price of $90.50. Hawaii’s range of detailing prices starts at $55.50 on the low end and $270 on the high end.
 This data is probably the best way to see the differences in detail pricing per state accounting for their relative costs of living. Here we calculated an adjusted price for each state based on the national average and each state’s relative cost of living multiplier. Then we compared each state’s actual price with its price adjusted from the national average.
States to the right of the national average charge more than we would expect based on their cost of living. States to the left of the national average charges less than expected based on their cost of living.
If you live in a state to the left of the national average, it might make sense to charge higher detail prices. This can help you catch up with the national average and adjustments for cost of living.
 Car Detailing Packages
Car detailing Calgary Our most popular detail service is the Executive level detail interior and exterior. This service takes one technician approximately 5 man hours (depending on condition of the vehicle) and generally costs $299 + GST. For vehicles with extra seating (minivans and larger SUV’s), this is generally $359 + GST and takes approximately 7 man hours.
 VIP Auto Detail
●      all Executive exterior services, plus
●      detail/dress wheels and tires
●      dress wheel wells (trucks, SUV’s)
●      steam-clean/detail engine compartment
●      dress all exterior vinyl/rubber surfaces
●      polish chrome surfaces
●      clay all exposed painted surfaces
●      machine polish exterior paint
●      wax/seal paint
●      all Executive interior services, plus
●      shampoo/hot extraction cloth seats
●      shampoo/hot extract carpets and floor mats
●      dress all rubber and vinyl surfaces
●      fabric protection on cloth surfaces
Category 1               Category 2               Category 3
Interior                    $375 (5 hours)        $410 (5.5 hours)    $450 (6 hours)
Exterior                    $375 (5 hours)        $410 (5.5 hours)    $450 (6 hours)
Interior & Exterior            $629 (9 hours)        $699 (10 hours)     $769 (11 hours)
Interior &
Executive Exterior            $469 (6 hours)        $529 (7 hours)        $599 (8 hours)
 Important Notes
●      All prices do not include GST
●      Larger vehicles (Suburban, 3/4 ton trucks, Excursions, etc. ) will be quoted slightly higher.
●      Special conditions (pet hair, excessive dirt, blood, scratches, etc.) will be quoted in addition to above.
●      Special services such as headlight refinishing, extra services for wheels and glass and other chrome are available and will be quoted in addition to above.
●      All times listed are total man hours and are dependent on vehicle condition.
 What is Detailing?
 Detailing is a specialized process of keeping your vehicle appearance as close to showroom condition as possible. Our aim is to have your car looking the way it did when you drove it off the lot.
 How often should I detail my car?
 Consider detailing your car whenever you get your oil changed or twice a year to promote optimal car health. Detailing depends on the wear and tear of your car and your expectations of how you want your vehicle to look. Detailing increases your car resale value and appearance and expands the overall life of your vehicle.
 Why should I choose detailing versus just washing my own car?
 Detailing does more than merely clean your car. It preserves and in some cases restores its original condition through professional thorough processes involving bug, tar, sap, lime removal, tire and rim treatment, interior leather and vinyl conditioning, carpet and headliner shampooing, wet sanding, waxing and applied protectants that keep your car's paint job looking like it just arrived in the showroom.. Moreover, regular detailing extends the life of your car, maintains safety and integrity of your vehicle and actually adds to its value.
 How long does the detail take?
 Our Full detailing services can take between 6 – 10 hours depending on the type, size & condition of your car. Please plan on leaving your vehicle with us for one full day and overnight until the following morning. Our Premium detail or a vehicle that requires extra attention on the interior or multiple stages of polishing on the exterior may take up to a few days. A specific estimate will be provided the day of your appointment.
 May I drop off my car the day before my scheduled appointment ?
 Yes, your car is safely locked in our secure garage overnight. We prefer to wash & prep your car the day before which allows our technicians to start work on your car early the next morning. Drop off times are preferred the day before any time before 3:00 pm if possible. If not you can always schedule for a morning drop off at 8 am.
 What are the benefits of auto detailing my vehicle?
Auto detailing is probably the best and most valuable maintenance program for your vehicle. Car detailing is an important single process that covers a wide variety of techniques and products which, to get the best results, require considerable skill to apply. It is considered an efficient renovation and protection of the various surfaces of a vehicle to keep it working in good condition.
 How often should a vehicle be detailed?
 At least once per year. Detailing has proven to be effective in getting you a better resale/trade-in price.  So, if you are planning on selling/trading your car, make sure to have it detailed within a week of selling/trading it.
It is usually when selling a vehicle that most people consider detailing. But, by that time (an average of 5 years) the vehicle has too much wear and tear to restore it to a new condition. That's why we urge our customers to think of auto detailing as a maintenance program the same as changing the fluids, getting a tune-up or rotating the tires. Most people don't realize that in most cases, it is less expensive to replace the engine than to replace a "factory paint job"! We recommend at least 2 to 5 times a year depending on your driving and car washing habits and how you store your vehicle. Is it parked inside or outside most of the time? Do you wash it every other day or maybe only once a month? How do you wash it? Do you spend so much time in your vehicle that you feel like it's your home? These are just some of the determining factors that we consider in recommending what maintenance schedule is best for you.
 When is the most critical time to get my car detailed?
 Don't forget the winter months are the most crucial time to detail due to the rapid changes in temperature, road construction, salt and other elements that are especially hard on your vehicle's exterior. Not to mention that the Magnesium Chloride they are using on the roads these days is proving to be even more harmful than we thought to the exposed surfaces of your car. While it's easy to rationalize that "it's just going to get dirty again anyway", properly applied sealant is your only defense! Plus it makes it easier to wash off all that harmful grime.
 Do you have service packages available if I want my vehicle detailed more often?
 Yes, after your first detailing, we would be glad to design an auto detailing Maintenance Plan specifically for your vehicle.
●      Auto Detailing Service Near Wichita KS
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●      Home Car Wash Service
●      Car Detailing
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●      Car Detailing Services Price List
●      Car Detailing Cost
●      How To Set Prices For Auto Detailing Near Wichita KS
●      Car Detailing Price List
●      Car Detailing Services
●      Car Detailing Prices
●      Auto Detailing Prices List
●      Car Detailing Near Wichita KS
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Service Area:
55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS:
Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS
67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
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rjzimmerman · 6 years
Read the linked article if you want, because my post is just my take on this silliness. Click/tap on the caption to get to the LA Times story.
So asshole pruitt wants to revise the auto emission standards (or the fuel economy rules) to allow the auto industry to produce and sell more internal combustion engine-driven vehicles that will get fewer miles per gallon than they would under the current standards. Few miles per gallon = an increase in carbon emissions, along with the other gunk that comes out of the tailpipes. Not good for the climate or public health. Allegedly, the auto industry wants the standards revised downward so it can sell more pick-up trucks and SUV’s, because the auto companies say that’s what consumers want. Maybe some consumers want the big vehicles, and maybe some consumers have to have them, such as business consumers that haul stuff around. Truth is the profit margin is much bigger on the bigger vehicles, so don’t buy the bullshit from the auto industry. But so what, because the standards are average for the fleet. Average means some vehicles guzzle and some sip, and some use electricity. The auto companies just have to figure that out. The technology is there. It’s all marketing and selling and making even better Super Bowl commercials.
But in doing this, pruitt is going to be playing hamster on the wheel. He has to confront California, which has a waiver under the Clean Air Act of 1970 to impose its own auto emission standards. States are allowed to follow the California standards, and 12 states plus DC have been doing that. (The 12 states are Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, as well as the District of Columbia.) California and these other 12 states and DC have already told pruitt to stuff it, and they are prepared to litigate this, and they will, and the litigation will be loud and will last a long, long time.
So, I’m an auto company executive. Yay, I get lower auto emission standards. But, holy shit, now there’s this big fucking lawsuit between these 12 states and the federal government (the EPA), which will probably drag on for years. In the meantime, the Obama-era standards are in place. Do I play chicken and go for the looser standards with my fleet of cars, and risk violating the law because of these lawsuits that the states might win, or do I play safe and stick with the existing standards? Want to bet the investors (shareholders, bondholders) are telling the executive suite to stick with the safer standards, because they don’t want to jeopardize the bottom line and financial position of the companies in which they have invested.
In addition, the US is possibly one of the only countries that isn’t embracing electric vehicles. Why? Because of the stranglehold the fossil fuel industry has on our politicians. So we have two satanic forces pushing against electric vehicles, while Europe and Asia, most notably China, embrace electric vehicles and attract the investment capital, which will flee the US.
pruitt is more than an asshole. He is a stupid asshole. He just doesn’t get it, as he bows down to kiss the ring and the ass of the grand poobah occupying the white house.
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nauseateddrive · 3 years
4 POEMS by Jake Sheff
Elegy for Dog I: A Failed Acrostic
January was tired when it became king. Apples here love being red in the spring, Casting shadows against the stone architraves our Kapellmeister will never live down. You Stole Apollo’s cows, and let them graze to show me Heaven’s template. Where do failed heroes go? Eucalyptus cupolas and polar icecaps Frame the downtrodden gods. But you weren’t Freakishly wrong, as I so often am, on your
Joyride through nearly twice eight years, Á la someone far from beauty’s stepmom. Copper coin or grimacing sun? I’ve got 20,000 Kor of crushed grief on this threshing floor. Shark-sparks of sadness flood the impetiginous air… How, and why, do clouds cobblestone Entire days, and lakes, when you’re not here? Fixing every broken thing, poets go where Ferns and geraniums baptize the morning.
“Jur-any-oms,” is how you’d spell it; After all, a dog’s a dog, and wisdom knows futility. Cassations make a rusty brew, to drink the truth of truths, and Kill whatever ceases wanting to be new. Stewardship, the color of gravity’s silence, naturally Houses every “glur” (a glittery blur); go chase what plays Eternal games. I hear the swans by Rooster Rock. Your handsome Face, its happy handsomeness, in memory’s eye, goes in and out of Focus; in love’s better eye: your goodness neath its everblooming ficus.
Gravity and Grace on SW Murray Scholls Drive
“Impatience has ruined many excellent men who, rejecting the slow, sure way, court destruction by rising too quickly.” Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome
The traffic lights control the people’s actions, but Not their feelings, as the limits of philosophy Collide head on with the nose of a Dalmatian.
I tell you, the day is stress-testing itself, and these Sidewalks wish that it’d just gone straight. Geese Take this sky-hairing wind for granted, as they
Land on the lake like memorable speech on The sensitive soul. Time is never sharp, but it’s Cutting something in the credit union. Maybe
It’s dancing a back Corte for the woman in line Thinking about the taste of limes from Temecula As she waits for the teller. Air Alaska and that
Haunted pie in the sky are not the only reasons For all the volatility in the air today. Rushing And perfectionism both produce a loss; behind
The Safeway Pharmacy, you’ll see the small Smells of both, sloshing around to the ticking- Sound of the ocean’s tides. I must admit, I am
Frozen in place by the sight of steam from Joe’s Burgers; it is poetry’s pale tongue, rising in And arousing the air. This neighborhood’s street-
Lights are more serious than kokeshi dolls. Lights From its windows outshine poison dart frogs. Maybe to forget about life for awhile, the lamps
Are focused on The Population Bomb? ‘Easy Tiger,’ all these incidents whisper. Each day’s A sign twirler’s dais; each corner a promise
Of something more in a different direction: it isn’t A marriageable daughter or impoverishment, But inguinal ingenuity plays a part, and that isn’t
Bad at all. What oaths and paths went here Before Walmart? What voices were voided by The liquor store? What are vague’s values
When the library shares a parking lot with a 24- Hour gym and a cargo cult? Gas stations satirize                                                                           The Queen of Hearts; I tell you, it makes every
Question seem incidental. Treaty-breakers in Pajamas swing on the swing sets. Was August That full of angst? It feels like autumn went too
Far on accident. Desertification, in a sugar tong Splint, takes a shot of ouzo and talks shit About the death of Brutus, but my Bible-thumping
Memory – on a ski hill in Duluth – is also too busy Watching some ducks on the lake to notice; and Desertification makes a face at me like a Swedish
Film. Poets make for poorly picked men to Familiarity’s paymaster-general. The Calvinistic Rain is an ill-starred attempt to make mayonnaise-
Fries just for me, but I must admit, it all seems – You know – cybernetic. And step-motherly as all Get out, if you ask the trees. They prefer “You
Can’t Hurry Love,” by The Supremes, to any Changes that take effect in one to two pay periods. Pretext ricochets; a perfect reverse promenade.
At Summer Lake, When the Vegetables are Sleeping
Cruelty drinks all the wine, and never gets drunk On these shores. When Summer Lake speaks, In every word, an introduction to the world. I am
Easily duped. The greatest duper duplicates my pride, Which always lingers, in the hallways of my heart And beneath the surface of Summer Lake. The sky is
Supplicating, it’s literally shaking. An hour passes Faster here, the hour always held too dearly dear In paranoid and ivied walls. The ducks can do
An unwise thing correctly, and it sounds more like Dusty than Buffalo Springfield to the enokitake Sold in Springfield, Illinois, which is the opposite
Effect it has on the wild mushrooms on these shores. On cables capable of love, the geese convince The weather to taste like kvass today. Basically,
Another Cuban Missile Crisis drowned itself just Now. The clouds might ask themselves, ‘Is lowliness Allowed here?’ To which the crows might ask,
‘Does omertà sound like lightning?’ The answer’s Oubliette is ten times worse than impotence. Summer Lake isn’t smart, but it stays quiet, like
Someone too smart to say all they know. ‘Whoa, Sweet potato,’ the capital gains tax mutters To itself, knowing that what matters doesn’t mean
A thing. Some say the lake bottom’s sands receive Commands from Hearst Castle, others say Its hands are King City’s hands, and still others
Maintain more sins have been than grains of sand Times secondary gains, and that explains The beauty and industry that none can see but
All can feel on these shores. (Some possibilities Play possum, or get opsonized by hate; this one snores Like Rip Van Winkle.) This orb-weaver spider is
The Milton Friedman of Summer Lake, the wind On her web is Grenache from The Rocks District Of Milton-Freewater AVA for the eyes. The day is
Stereotypical, although it feels like three days In one…But for the lake’s good counterfactual Questions, I would forget that some die young,
But most die wrong. I’ve tried to pick up Summer Lake’s reflections in three lines or less, but The hardest truth is your own impotence. Oh,
It’s hard to hand your power over to a thing No one can see. Hopped up on distinctions – not The obvious distinctions – Summer Lake is pretty;
Cold, but pretty! In the distance, with so many Intercessory prayers, hot air balloons are rising; Shaped like teardrops, upside down and rising.
This lake re-something-or-anothered me. Are first Impressions wrong sometimes? I am a season’s Golden calf, according to the sunlight, doing
A prospector’s jig on the surface of Summer Lake. If not for the Weimar Republic’s wooden- Headedness, I’d set down my heart-song and
Listen to reason on these shores. I never trust An activist guitar, if the weather is socially clumsy. The future is reflected on the lake: it always
Laughs at us – between its math and gratitude Lessons – and never thinks of (or gives thanks to) Us enough. The presence in the lake juniors
My ears. The day is not too baffling, nor is it Jane Eyre. Space-themed and spiritual, some autumn Leaves are swimming in the rain. The ducks arrest
My attention in the mardy weather, even though they Must know my attention is dying. The barbed wire Around my stated goal is an outcome out of
Their control. Picnickers picnic with acorns and apricots, On blankets covering Holy Schnikey’s death mask. My unsandaled thoughts thrive and increase on these,
And no other shores. They are pets for the days less Important than love, when Summer Lake says it’s Humble, because it knows the right thing to say.
Summer Lake gives the comfort of commonly held And seriously absurd beliefs to the blue heron. Nothing is wrong with this lake or anything in it,
Not even the ghost of Amerigo Vespucci. It’s all so Simple to the stiff-necked molecules of water, made out Of frogs and snails and puppy-dog’s tails. These thoughts
Are fine manna in a fine ditch. Post-structuralist squirrels Can tell my heart’s in Italy, and I’m in the intellectual Laity. Chivalry’s technician sees my shovel, and they say,
‘You’ve got to hand it to him.’ Neurocysticercosis Sets the bar high; it looks at this park, and thinks The smartest monkey drew the perfect landscape.
That’s this maple tree’s previous disease, its precious One. It unfurls the ferns of my firm and foremost Beliefs, I’m told, to partialize insufferable vastidity.
We Install a Sump Pump on (What Used To Be) a Holiday (Take 2)
The oppressive heat was born a fully grown Man. I admire the result of its effort, but Despise the means of achieving it. My wife Asserts her individuality in the gunk; her Body’s allegations aren’t too soft or hard today. Her self-interest seems to have drowned in the vortex.
Our little garden knows flippancy with regards To privacy is unwise. The stepping stones can Only blather, as slugs draw nomograms on Their faces. My wife’s body speaks Proto-Indo- European in the vortex and denim overalls. Marc Chagall’s The Poet studies her. He calls her
‘Innocence: The opposite of life! A criminal with A badge!’ I hand her the tools of a crude and Rudimentary faith, and she says, ‘Jill, great books Make fine shackles.’ Her arms only have An administrative objective in the vortex, but They are where good things come from.
Jake Sheff is a pediatrician in Oregon and veteran of the US Air Force. He's married with a daughter and whole lot of pets. Poems of Jake’s are in Radius, The Ekphrastic Review, Crab Orchard Review, The Cossack Review and elsewhere. He won 1st place in the 2017 SFPA speculative poetry contest and a Laureate's Choice prize in the 2019 Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest. Past poems and short stories have been nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology and the Pushcart Prize. His chapbook is “Looting Versailles” (Alabaster Leaves Publishing).
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mobilemechanics45 · 3 years
Best Auto Detailing Service and Cost in McAllen TX |Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen
 More information is at: http://24hourmobileautorepairmcallen.org/auto-detailing-service-near-me/
 Auto Detailing Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Auto Detailing Service near McAllen TX ? Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen, professional detailing service that gives you more than a basic car wash and vacuum. Also of importance is how our pro detailers have an obsessive attention to detail and are never afraid of applying the elbow grease needed for the most in-depth cleaning of your vehicle’s nooks and crannies. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Auto Detailing Service around McAllen TX. We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Auto Detailing Service in McAllen TX
Auto Detailing Service near McAllen TX: Now is the perfect time of the year for Auto Detailing Service in McAllen TX region. Gain peace of mind with professional detailing service that gives you more than a basic car wash and vacuum. At Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen, we know precisely how to systematically use equipment and chemicals on interior carpets and upholstery as well as premium paint jobs. Also of importance is how our pro detailers have an obsessive attention to detail and are never afraid of applying the elbow grease needed for the most in-depth cleaning of your vehicle’s nooks and crannies. When you bring your vehicle to Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen for Detailing Service, you know that you will leave with a car as close as possible to its showroom cleanliness, shine, and smell.
 Benefits of Auto Detailing Service
Auto Detailing Service near McAllen TX: At Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen, we know from years of experiencing providing detailing service on vehicles just like yours that there are additional benefits of auto detailing & cleaning far beyond a shiny paint job and a pleasant-smelling cabin; there are several other benefits that some of our favorite customers don’t consider. However, at Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen, we would like to share with you all of the tremendous benefits of Detailing Service that are often overlooked:
●      Protect Resale Value – if you want to resell the car eventually, you should know that used auto dealers will inspect the vehicle thoroughly before making a purchase; professional detailing service is a fantastic way of promoting higher resale value in the used car market
●      Retain attractiveness – professional detailing service can restore your vehicle’s showroom allure. Most owners do not have the training, experience, nor the patience for the deep cleaning that we will provide.
●      Pro detailer attention – our pro detailers will go over every inch of your vehicle with the attention to detail of a surgeon. The benefit is a thorough assessment of your entire vehicle that often reveals areas in need of repair or repainting.
Springtime is the Right Time for Detailing Service
Exiting a cold winter season often means that a vehicle weathered some snow, sleet, water, mud, salt, sand, and whatever else gets inside the vehicle onto the carpets using shoes as a VIP pass. If you have children, then we already know exactly how much undesirable debris can get inside the cabin over the winter. This situation makes Springtime the perfect time for a Detailing Service. Detailing Service includes vacuuming & Shampooing, Complete Interior, Exterior Wash, Compounding & Waxing the Exterior.
Engine – Detailing
Engine detailing can range from a simple cleaning of an oil leak to a show quality reconditioning of the engine as well as the engine compartment. In the latter case, components are removed as well as refinished. Your engine is never sprayed with a can of Gunk, blasted with steam, or doused with Armor All. This is a great way to end up with a clean engine that doesn’t start. Rather, each crevice is cleaned with soft brushes and gentle cleaners which are appropriate for the materials in your engine. The result; your engine will look like the day it was built. We also offer custom carbon fiber pieces that are specially built for any car make and model.
Commitment To Performance
We design custom high end audio system setups specifically for the acoustics of your vehicle. Every vehicle contains their own DNA of acoustics, derived from the design, layout and materials used in the interior. This will dictate the proper components used for a particular system, which in turn will produce the pure, rich sound you demand.
Auto Detailing Services
Cigarette Burn Repair
Cigarette Burn Repair – Interior upholstery can be repaired when cigarette ashes land on seats or carpets. Accidents happen but why should that ruin an interiors look or stop you from buying or selling a less than perfect auto. Most damage can be corrected with a perfect color match.
Motorcycle Detailing
Motorcycle detailing includes:
●      Hand wash buff
●      Polish chrome
●      Add advanced polymer sealant
●      Leather conditioning
Rv’s And Boats
Recreational vehicle & boat detailing includes:
●      Exterior wash and wax
●      Gutter rails and top of RV’s fully cleaned.
●      Interior cleaning and shampooing as well
Interior / Exterior Steam Cleaning
Steam Cleaning – This service is for neighborhoods with intense water restrictions, parking garages and areas where traditional hand washing isn’t allowed.
Gold Vehicle Detail Package
●      Complete hand wash, prep and clay surfaces
●      Compound, and buff paint to correct minor imperfections
●      Apply polymer paint sealant (9-12 months protection)
●      Apply Cherry Wet Wax  (up to 3 months extra protection)
●      Condition tires and trim
●      Vacuum and air purge interior
●      Clean headliner, dashboard, console and door panels
●      Spot clean seating surfaces and carpets
●      Detail cracks and crevices, condition vinyl and leather
●      Clean windows, mirrors, gauges and chrome
●      Apply interior fragrance (upon request only)
Carpet Dying
Carpet Dying is great for repairing stains like bleach and coffee stains. Our carpet dyeing service is perfect for repairing those stains and more. If just color rejuvenation is needed for faded carpets, our carpet dyeing service is the perfect choice!
Auto Detailing Service near McAllen TX:
●      Use a wet-dry vacuum to suck out as much water from carpeted mats to accelerate drying.
●      Use a soft long-bristle artist’s paintbrush or makeup brush to get into small crevices, such as air conditioning vents. A spritz of furniture polish on the brush will improve dust removal.
●      Spray your cleanser of choice on a microfiber cloth, then use the cloth to clean the surface. This prevents overspray and drips.
●      Always clean from top to bottom, because loosened dust and dirt fall – gravity is great that way.
●      Use a stiff brush to agitate the carpet just ahead of where you’re vacuuming to get even more dirt out of it.
●      If your doors have upper window frames, roll the windows down a few inches and clean the top edge of the glass, first. Then, roll the windows up and clean the rest of the glass.
●      If you clean the wheels last, you might splash road grime to the body of a clean car.
●      Warm up the engine a few minutes to help the degreaser work better.
●      Detailing clay also works great on wheels, glass, and chrome, too, but never use a clay bar on rubber, plastic, or polycarbonate.
●      Use masking tape to protect plastic and rubber trim, emblems, headlights, and marker lights.
 Average Car Detailing Prices: How Do Your Prices Compare?
Auto Detailing Service near McAllen TX: For professional detailers or detailing business owners, setting your car detailing prices is one of the biggest challenges. Are your car detailing prices reflective of the averages within your city, state, or even across the country? If you want to make more money as a detailing business, you need to charge your customers the right price. If your detailing services are priced too low, you’re leaving money on the table. But if your prices are too high, you might lose customers to your competition.
 Once you find the right price, you might need to know more about how to convince your customers to pay a higher price. Many detailers use an estimating app to help them create consistent pricing and justify their prices to customers.
 Skim through the research below compiled by Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen. You can compare the prices you’ve set for your business against the averages across the country and even your state and city.
 New to this site? Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen provides tools and resources to help detailing and auto recon professionals start and grow their businesses. Learn more about Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen and why thousands of business owners have tried our #1 app for detailing.
 National Average Price for Car Detailing
The average detailing price around the country is $160.16. The range of average prices for car detailing in the US is $114.59 on the low end and $213.67 on the high end.
 Average Car Detailing Prices per State
The state with the highest average price for detailing is Oregon with an average price of $258. The range in this state is $186.67 on the low end and $296 on the high end.
 The state with the lowest average price for detailing is Hawaii, with an average price of $90.50. Hawaii’s range of detailing prices starts at $55.50 on the low end and $270 on the high end.
 This data is probably the best way to see the differences in detail pricing per state accounting for their relative costs of living. Here we calculated an adjusted price for each state based on the national average and each state’s relative cost of living multiplier. Then we compared each state’s actual price with its price adjusted from the national average.
States to the right of the national average charge more than we would expect based on their cost of living. States to the left of the national average charges less than expected based on their cost of living.
If you live in a state to the left of the national average, it might make sense to charge higher detail prices. This can help you catch up with the national average and adjustments for cost of living.
 Car Detailing Packages
Car detailing Calgary Our most popular detail service is the Executive level detail interior and exterior. This service takes one technician approximately 5 man hours (depending on condition of the vehicle) and generally costs $299 + GST. For vehicles with extra seating (minivans and larger SUV’s), this is generally $359 + GST and takes approximately 7 man hours.
 VIP Auto Detail
●      all Executive exterior services, plus
●      detail/dress wheels and tires
●      dress wheel wells (trucks, SUV’s)
●      steam-clean/detail engine compartment
●      dress all exterior vinyl/rubber surfaces
●      polish chrome surfaces
●      clay all exposed painted surfaces
●      machine polish exterior paint
●      wax/seal paint
●      all Executive interior services, plus
●      shampoo/hot extraction cloth seats
●      shampoo/hot extract carpets and floor mats
●      dress all rubber and vinyl surfaces
●      fabric protection on cloth surfaces
Category 1          Category 2          Category 3
Interior                  $375 (5 hours)        $410 (5.5 hours)    $450 (6 hours)
Exterior                  $375 (5 hours)        $410 (5.5 hours)    $450 (6 hours)
Interior & Exterior       $629 (9 hours)        $699 (10 hours)     $769 (11 hours)
Interior &
Executive Exterior          $469 (6 hours)        $529 (7 hours)        $599 (8 hours)
Important Notes
●      All prices do not include GST
●      Larger vehicles (Suburban, 3/4 ton trucks, Excursions, etc. ) will be quoted slightly higher.
●      Special conditions (pet hair, excessive dirt, blood, scratches, etc.) will be quoted in addition to above.
●      Special services such as headlight refinishing, extra services for wheels and glass and other chrome are available and will be quoted in addition to above.
●      All times listed are total man hours and are dependent on vehicle condition.
 What is Detailing?
 Detailing is a specialized process of keeping your vehicle appearance as close to showroom condition as possible. Our aim is to have your car looking the way it did when you drove it off the lot.
 How often should I detail my car?
 Consider detailing your car whenever you get your oil changed or twice a year to promote optimal car health. Detailing depends on the wear and tear of your car and your expectations of how you want your vehicle to look. Detailing increases your car resale value and appearance and expands the overall life of your vehicle.
 Why should I choose detailing versus just washing my own car?
 Detailing does more than merely clean your car. It preserves and in some cases restores its original condition through professional thorough processes involving bug, tar, sap, lime removal, tire and rim treatment, interior leather and vinyl conditioning, carpet and headliner shampooing, wet sanding, waxing and applied protectants that keep your car's paint job looking like it just arrived in the showroom.. Moreover, regular detailing extends the life of your car, maintains safety and integrity of your vehicle and actually adds to its value.
 How long does the detail take?
 Our Full detailing services can take between 6 – 10 hours depending on the type, size & condition of your car. Please plan on leaving your vehicle with us for one full day and overnight until the following morning. Our Premium detail or a vehicle that requires extra attention on the interior or multiple stages of polishing on the exterior may take up to a few days. A specific estimate will be provided the day of your appointment.
 May I drop off my car the day before my scheduled appointment ?
 Yes, your car is safely locked in our secure garage overnight. We prefer to wash & prep your car the day before which allows our technicians to start work on your car early the next morning. Drop off times are preferred the day before any time before 3:00 pm if possible. If not you can always schedule for a morning drop off at 8 am.
 What are the benefits of auto detailing my vehicle?
Auto detailing is probably the best and most valuable maintenance program for your vehicle. Car detailing is an important single process that covers a wide variety of techniques and products which, to get the best results, require considerable skill to apply. It is considered an efficient renovation and protection of the various surfaces of a vehicle to keep it working in good condition.
 How often should a vehicle be detailed?
 At least once per year. Detailing has proven to be effective in getting you a better resale/trade-in price.  So, if you are planning on selling/trading your car, make sure to have it detailed within a week of selling/trading it.
It is usually when selling a vehicle that most people consider detailing. But, by that time (an average of 5 years) the vehicle has too much wear and tear to restore it to a new condition. That's why we urge our customers to think of auto detailing as a maintenance program the same as changing the fluids, getting a tune-up or rotating the tires. Most people don't realize that in most cases, it is less expensive to replace the engine than to replace a "factory paint job"! We recommend at least 2 to 5 times a year depending on your driving and car washing habits and how you store your vehicle. Is it parked inside or outside most of the time? Do you wash it every other day or maybe only once a month? How do you wash it? Do you spend so much time in your vehicle that you feel like it's your home? These are just some of the determining factors that we consider in recommending what maintenance schedule is best for you.
 When is the most critical time to get my car detailed?
 Don't forget the winter months are the most crucial time to detail due to the rapid changes in temperature, road construction, salt and other elements that are especially hard on your vehicle's exterior. Not to mention that the Magnesium Chloride they are using on the roads these days is proving to be even more harmful than we thought to the exposed surfaces of your car. While it's easy to rationalize that "it's just going to get dirty again anyway", properly applied sealant is your only defense! Plus it makes it easier to wash off all that harmful grime.
 Do you have service packages available if I want my vehicle detailed more often?
 Yes, after your first detailing, we would be glad to design an auto detailing Maintenance Plan specifically for your vehicle.
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●      Car Detailing Services Price List
●      Car Detailing Cost
●      How To Set Prices For Auto Detailing Near McAllen TX
●      Car Detailing Price List
●      Car Detailing Services
●      Car Detailing Prices
●      Auto Detailing Prices List
●      Car Detailing Near McAllen TX
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