#original assassin characters
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You told me sweet lies
And I trusted you because you’re the only one left alive
Sam, don’t do that again
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randomkposts · 6 months
Happy birthday Desmond. This is a little late, but I'm sure its still march 13 somewhere in the world. Anyways, I usually post a story for his birthday, and while there is one on fanfiction, I decided the tumblr one would be a little diffrent.
I'm using an old oc. Or the varient she could have been had she been born a guy and also never become a time travler. Red Jordan-Ryan. You can learn more about this character and the verse by checking out rk-ocs. For this story, that OC is Jasper Jordan-Ryan. They share a knack for meeting intresting people, and getting into situations and secrets they probably would be better off without. And determination.
This is a variontion of the future Clay saw for Desmond where he stayed at the Farm. So I decided, he teaches the kids as the assassin teacher.
Several things happen diffrently due to this deviation, and the Isu are trying to hijack the plot back onto the railroad by hijacking.
Not be at all
Not be at all, may have a sister story of sorts,  called not be Nobel  someday, from a quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson. If I ever write it, I mean.
In a world where Desmond did stay on the farm.
Des 1987- 25
Clay 1982- 30
Sometimes Desmond looks at the road leading out of the farm, and wonders what would have happened if he followed it.
Sometimes, when he was younger , he had dreamed of running away. He imagined what he would see beyond the farm, that he could be someone who didn't live in a conspiracy cult.
Maybe he would be president.
Nah, that was silly. He'd probably be a waiter or something, but at least he would be seeing the world.
It wasn't like training was all that bad. Sure he wasn't amazing at it,  though he had learned faster then most of the kids when he was younger. Maybe he could teach novices when he was older.
Mom might like that. It would allow her to go on more missions. He would have really missed mom, out there in the world. And really, leaving her alone with Dad was just mean.
So sure,  sometimes he dreamed of running away, but he was here to stay, and it wasn't a bad life.
It's strange sometimes, training the older ones, but with Clay it's different somehow. Clay has a very biting wit, and when it's not being used on him, the results are absolutely hilarious.
Clay is not going to be an assassinating type of assassin. He will probably end up working on the Animus, everyone seems to be interested in. Maybe he will be partners with the apparently expert Rebecca. Desmond has never met her, but apparently she is making good progress in creating one.
He doesn't really know though, because he is trying to stay well away from the internal politics.
Training people is fun. He gets to meet new people, and hear stories from all over. Some days it's almost as good as the thought of seeing new places.
And then there's this terrifying child, who appeared out of nowhere that one time.
"How the hell did you get in here!" Desmond had asked the blond child, who had just shown up one day, dressed as a novice, that he had never seen before in his life.
"I rode in the car."
"How old are you?" He asked suspiciously.
"Fifteen." The kid had said, glaring.
Desmond stared at the kid suspiciously.
"Fine, I am fourteen."
"I'll talk to you after the class."
Even if his parents' paranoia was right, and this was part of some convoluted Templar infiltration plot, a single Parkour lesson would probably not make a difference. He hoped. God, he should have searched them, first, what if the kid had a bomb or something!
Thankfully, everything went fine. After the class, Desmond had pulled the kid aside, and walked into an empty room. He started with the question that had been bugging him the most.
"Are you a boy or a girl, or what kid?"
The kid got really offended, and went  red. "My name is Jasper, and I am a boy! How the hell did you not notice that!" An accent tinged his words, and his voice broke a little.
Desmond laughed.
"Aww kiddo, it's just kind of ambiguous. "
Jasper growled, sounding alarmingly like a dog about to attack.
"Don't call me kiddo." He declared , glaring at Desmond.
Desmond began to laugh again, which seemed to infuriate the kid, and he growled again, which made Desmond laugh harder.
Finally , Desmond was able to contain his laughter, and get down to the important questions.
"Where did you come from, and why are you here?"
"I came from Bo-.... I'm from Quebec. I'm here because I followed the man."
"What man?"
"The man who killed R-" then he stopped again. "Who killed my godfather! "
"How did you follow him?"
"That's a secret. I'm just good at finding  people. No one wants me to be It ,in hide and seek!"
"Can I have his name, at least?"
"His name was a lie!" Jasper spat.
"You are a strange kid."
"I came here to either learn to either hire someone to kill him, or learn to do it myself. Then I might pay that robber who nearly killed me as a child a visit. "
"You are a terrifying child." Desmond informed him.
"My godfather was just killed. I want revenge."
"So you tracked his killer here?"
"Yes." The kid told him. "And given you are an assassin , I brought money to hire you to kill him."
"I don't kill fellow Assassins ,Kid."
Jasper did his dog growl again, and shouted "osti d'éparis de marde!" before running off.
He could not find him afterwards, no matter where he looked.
Later Desmond found out Thomas had been killed by a throwing knife.
He spent years afterwards, wondering if he was responsible for it, if it could have been prevented by pulling him out of that parkour class earlier.
"How the hell did I fail to find him?" He kept wondering.
That kid was damned terrifying.
He kept an eye out for him out of Paranoia, but 2011's February kicked off with Clay being kidnaped by Abstergo.
His father kept saying they had an in, that someone would get him out when it was time. It was a frequent argument they had, whenever Desmond and his father were alone.
Then in August, they got the news that Clay had gone crazy from the bleeding effect and killed himself.
Desmond went back home to mourn and be with his students.
A month later, his mother was kidnaped.
Desmond was determined not to leave another person in the hands of the Templars, particularly not one he loved. Screw whatever Fathers plans were!
His students were perfectly happy to help plan a rescue mission.
Besides, he'd always wanted to go to Italy.
The rescue mission hits an unexpected obstacle.
Desmond screams at Lucy Stillman, his mothers... Keeper? Kidnapper? Guard? No, really, why the hell is she here.
"She tried to escape. She almost succeeded. It turns out Vidic really wasn't kidding. Lucy tells him distractedly ,looking upset and dazed. "The animus may be able to help her,  At least that's what Clay and William thought."
"Clays dead!" Desmond cried out, rubbing the tears off his face with his sweater. "Clays Dead, and my mother is in a coma, and it's all your fault. "
His face dryish, he signals Amalia and Rob that the cost is cleared.  Amalia guards the door, weapon ready, while Rob picks up his mother, and Desmond watches Lucy.
Lucy hums.
"You will need this, just give me a moment.
Desmond looks at Amalia, who shrugs, and holds her gun on Lucy, ready to shoot if she does something fishy.
Lucy comes back with a disk.
"It's the memory core Data. Get in contact with Rebeca,  and give this to her. Maybe it will help your mother."
She turns to leave, but hesitates. "I'm sorry Desmond." She says, before walking out of the room.
Desmond feels like he is about to break, but tells his students,  "lets go",  ordering David to look up Rebecca.
There are some injuries fighting their way out of Abstergo, but thankfully , no one is killed. Desmond is the worst. While his students are using the first aid kit , David drives them to a safe clinic.
While Desmond is being treated, a man named Shawn arrives, saying that Lucy called, and that he was here to bring his mother to Rebecca.
Desmond insisted on coming. So did Amalia. He told Rob and David to stay on standby, until he was safer.
Shawn grumbled under his breath, but sat and waited in the uncomfortable waiting room chair.
When they were finally done with him, Shawn helped carry his mother into his car, and drove them away.
Rebecca and Shawn were good friends to each other, and alternated between being annoyingly kind and sympathetic to him,  which drove him a little nuts.
They were trying to help, and were getting information from his Mother's genetic memories, and keeping her alive, and stimulated in hopes she would wake up, but Desmond hated sympathy, and the sad kindness was almost worse.
Sometimes his Father visited , and when he wasn't looking down at Mother, he was arguing with Desmond.
It wasn't like it was new, Desmond and his father had always had something of a strained relationship, but... Mom would have hated this.
At least Amalia still treated him normally,  and dragged him out to spar when he looked close to snapping. Otherwise he might have lost it.
Eventually he just had his students come to Italy to train, partly to get some normal conversation. It wasn't that strange, Shawn still kept up with his work, and his father did too.
The next month went by in a strange limbo , and  out of nowhere in the middle of November, that terrifying  blond kid showed up at the gas station, growling at him.
"What the Hell are you doing here!" Desmond cried out, alarmed.
He was more confused than anything. And a bit suspicious. Perhaps dads Ideas about super convoluted Templar plots had more merit than he thought. He moved his arm, and poised for a hidden blade strike.
"I'm here to invite you to my birthday party." Jasper started sarcastically, tone dry as ice. He stopped at Desmond's glare. "Fine. I'm here to tell you to stop sending me bizarre and terrifying spam. "
"I don't even know your last name, let alone anything about you, beyond that you possibly committed premeditated murder at age 14. If I knew anything about you,  I would have given it to the police, not sent you 'Bizarre and terrifying spam.'How did you even find me?!"
Jasper seemed unfazed by that.
"A friend owed me a favor, and agreed to help me track down my spammer. All the evidence leads to you. So I came here to talk to you. "
There was a moment of silence, before he added.
"Also, I haven't murdered anyone. My aunt caught up to me, and told me that revenge was up to my Godmother. So we waited in the car, and left when my Godmother came back. "
"You were still willing to go far enough for revenge murder, to track him into a different country, from Quebec! How long were you following him!"
"This coming from the guy who trains Assassins. "
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You are a terrifying child. "
Jasper Growled, possibly at Desmond calling him a child, then his eyes began glowing white, and he began to shake.
"Nonononononoooooo!" Jasper cried, and fell over
"What the hell is happening!" Desmond shouted, grabbing at Jasper, before his head hit the concrete.
Suddenly Cortana appears. Well, not really, but there was something distinctly unreal about her. She looked almost transparent, and hard to make out, and suddenly all these images were shooting through his head. It was like walking into the last half an hour of a movie, and everything was completely out of context. He strained to hear anything he felt she was saying, but his ears were ringing, and felt like they were bleeding.
When he regained control of his senses, he realized they were in a plane, that Jasper was sitting in the pilot's seat, frozen in terror."
" Did you just kidnap me!" He demanded ,outraged.
"The voice in my head kept telling me the world would end, and that part of preventing it involved kidnapping you to go dig up something in a graveyard for her. "
"I'm already teaching my students in Italy to be with my mother while she is in a coma! I don't have time to go around desecrating graves with my kidnapper!" He shouted, not bothering to wipe away the tears.
Jasper turned to look at Desmond with a dead look on his face. "I don't know how to fly Jets." He said, calmly.
"What." Desmond said flatly, feeling a chill go down his back.
"I am not flying this jet." He turned back to face the window, and it occurred to Desmond that they were both screwed.
He walked over to Jasper and hugged him. Jasper stiffened, and awkwardly patted his back when he began to cry.
They sat there in their own world, until the Jet began to shake.
"I'd say it was nice knowing you, but I would be lying, because all of our encounters have been really bizarre."
He told Jasper, positive they were about to die. As last words went, they weren't too bad.
"Same to you, assassin teacher."
They huddled together on the floor together, as the shaking increased.
He didn't know how long they were down there, before the shaking finally stopped.
There was silence for a moment, before Desmond asked what they were both thinking.
"Are we somehow alive?"
"If this is dead, then I'm going to file a complaint."
"That seems so underwhelming."
"Yah" he mumbled,  going to open the door. Then his eyes lit up again, and he began to shake.
"DESMOND MILES! " Jasper shouted in a strange voice. "FOLLOW!"
Desmond followed the possessed Jasper, without a word. Frankly, some things are bonding experiences ,and huddling together on the floor of a possessed jet, waiting for the end, was probably one of them.
Finally, the possessed Jasper reached the spot he needed, commanded them to dig.
Jasper fell to the ground  twitching and stuttering. Much as Desmond wanted to help, he decided to dig, lest the ghost/Cortona thing come back to possess the poor kid again.
When Jasper finally seemed to come to, Desmond still hadn't found whatever the hell they were supposed to be looking for. Jasper suggested they widen the hole.
He got a rock, and began scraping the sides .
"I really wish we had a shovel." Desmond told Jasper.
"It can't be Too too deep. Right... There's probably a coffin under here."
"Lets hope."
As it turns out, digging holes on Connor Davenport's grave, in an old abandoned graveyard, leaves a lot of time for talking. Or awkward silence.
Desmond breaks it with a question.
"So, how did you get to the farm, all those years ago?"
Jasper turns to with a confused look, and mouths 'farm?'
"I don't know why it's called that. "
"Well, as I told you, I followed him.
I'm good at finding people."
"You tracked him down, and followed him onto the plane?"
"How did you avoid being seen?"
"I don't like to question it ,really. Takes all the fun out of it."
"Weren't your parents worried?"
"Why would my parents be worried?"
"Why wouldn't they?"
"Well my family probably is worried , but they've grown a tad resigned to my... Adventures I guess. My parents are probably working, and Mom probably hasn't even noticed yet. "
"Nothing about your Dad."
"He works on a submarine."
"And your mom."
"I don't know. Usually when she's home, she is busy. "
"I see. It reminds me a bit of my dad. We've had a strained relationship for, well, a long time now."
"And your mom?"
"I have a good relationship with my mom. But, she's been in a coma inside the animus for a while now, and I don't know if she's going to wake up. "
"I'm sorry about that. You must miss her."
Desmond didn't feel like talking anymore. Jasper didn't either, and it was kind of nice.
They knew they had definitely found whatever it was they were looking for, when Jasper  picked up a decent sized clump of dirt to break apart , and his eyes went white.
Then his eyes stopped glowing, and he collapsed.
"Jazz." Desmond tried shaking him "Jasper."
Honestly, he wasn't surprised at the collapse. They had been digging holes for hours, and who knew when the last time the kid had eaten was.
Desmond broke the clump, to find some sort of jewelry , and put it in his pocket.
He picked up Jasper, or tried to. For all he called him kid, Jasper was pretty tall, and well muscled. God this was going to be awkward.
He considered trying to fly the jet, but really did not want to be flying in a possessed vehicle ever again.
"God I hope you wake up soon." He pleaded to Jasper, before picking a direction, and walking .
Jasper did eventually wake up. He groggily told Desmond that whatever was possessing him, wanted Desmond to sacrifice himself to the sun gods to save the world and free her.
" I think that translation works. It gets kind of hard to remember. Also the world is ending on my birthday."
"Happy birthday. "
"It's not tell December. December 21."
"Mine is on March 13."
"I'll be sure to buy you a present now, for when the world ends."
"Make it a survival kit. "
"And what are you getting me for mine."
"Is sacrificing myself to the sun gods to save the world not enough?"
"I would rather you come to my 16th birthday."
"Are we friends?"
"I think so. We've already had an  adventure, why not plan for more."
"Let's not have one like this again. "
"Or at least remember to bring food."
"We could try to catch something. I know how to clean fish at least. "
"That's not the same thing."
"It's something."
"Do we have any tools? Or will we have to throw rocks?"
"I have my hidden blade. And a few throwing knives."
"Can you hit anything with those?"
"I bet I can do better. Give me some."
"My cousin is a professional javelin thrower. We throw other things for the challenge too."
"Let's see you throw one then."
Desmond had to admit, he wasn't bad. But he was a teacher, and could think of many ways to improve Jasper's technique.
They were doing well in their track through the woods. Jasper's aim was improving, they had water and fish, and he was getting better at cleaning small animals with his hidden blade.
They were probably hopelessly lost, but it was better for morale If they focused on the positives. Like that their trap had caught a bunny.
Jasper was looking up at the sky, with a frown on his face.
"Tabarnak "
"What is it?" Desmond asked, but as he joined Jasper in looking at the sky , it was obvious. Early snow.
He looked at Jasper's black sweater, and down at his white one. Good for heavy weather, but not meant to be worn in snow. These sweaters would retain the water they soaked up, until they dried out.
"We're fucked" he announced to Jasper, who nodded.
"Would layers work?" He asked Jasper, who looked up confused.
"What layers?"
"Like if I gave you my sweater, would it keep yours dryish?"
Jasper frowned.
"Perhaps it might work for a little while, but Long term, everything would eventually soak through, I think. Besides, you would lose body heat when you gave it up, and it would feel colder when you put it back on. It would probably be smarter to keep the heat, and put up with the wetness."
"Got any ideas."
Jasper blushed hard.
"Sharing. But let's keep that as a last resort."
"Yah, I'm not into teenagers."
"I didn't mean it like that!"
Desmond laughed, as Jasper's face got redder and redder, the longer he laughed.
In reality, it wasn't too much of a stretch to go from huddling in fear on a jet, thinking they were going to die, to huddling together for warmth in the snow.
Eventually, salvation of sorts shows up when Jasper's eyes glow, and he grabs his hand and begins leading him  by the arm. Desmond's not sure how long they walked, long into the night, and the grey sky doesn't seem to get much lighter. His feet have gone numb, and he's walking on autopilot when Jasper drops, and Desmond looks up to see a gas station.
He doesn't have any cash on him, but thankfully he has his bank card and credit card.
He walks in, dragging Jasper behind him.
"I will pay you , if you give us a ride to the airport."
The lady at cash is staring at them bemused.
Oh right. They probably stink because the water got too cold to bathe in. And they hadn't had a change of clothes in ages. He's gotten nose blind to the smell, though he could tell it really bugged Jasper, though he never whines about it.
And they looked pretty gross.
How long had they been missing, anyways?
"Um, what day is it?"
"It's December the fifth."
"Oh. That was longer than we thought. " A lot longer than he thought.
Her eyebrows shoot up, and she looks on the verge of asking.
"Trust me. You really don't want to know how our day went. It was absolutely awful, and we were hopelessly lost. "
"I see a lot of strange things here.  Don't worry about it."
"I want to drink some Gatorade, and anything hot you have here. Then I'm going to go wash up in the bathroom."
"Tell you what, stay the night, take a shower, and I'll drive you to the airport in the morning."
"Thank you! No, really, thank you!"
Desmond could hug her. Well metaphorically. She probably wouldn't take one right now.
"No problem. Your friend there is... just sleeping, right.
"Yah, he's just pretty exhausted."
Jasper woke up in the car, disoriented and speaking French. And although Desmond had picked up something from living with him for a few weeks in the middle of nowhere, he was speaking too fast for that to matter.
"Calm down Jasper. This nice girl named Marcy, is going to put us up  for the night, and give us a lift."
"Just think. Hot showers!"
"That sounds so nice right now."
"Doesn't it?"
"Mmm" Jasper agreed, then dozed off again.
The shower was heaven. So was the Meat pie she cooked for them, and fruit salad the next day.
Their clothes had been washed, they were clean, and fed, and even caffeinated. Desmond felt better than he had in a long time.
Desmond left her $300 for her generosity.
She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and slipped a paper into his pocket.
He wondered if in another life, he might have just stayed there. Kept Jasper, and Lived at Marcy's house, and settled into something domestic.
It was a nice thought. But he had other people in his life who needed him now. Students, and friends, and a possibly kidnapped Father to rescue. He was an assassin, and he was happy with that.
Jasper dosed on his shoulder on the plane, a far cry from the beginning where he had stiffened at Desmond so much as tapping him.
Desmond watched the clouds for a bit, and appreciated that this one had a living pilot, before joining his friend in sleep.
Amalia was keeping watch when they got back.
"Where did you go!" She demanded, sounding furious.
"Did you know we thought you had been kidnapped!"
"Well, you're not wrong. Only it wasn't by Templars, so much as... Well a ghost, I guess. Umm... It was way weirder than that actually. It wanted me to retrieve this." He held up the necklace, as If that would explain everything .
"Kidnapped by a ghost. Do you have any Idea how ridiculous that sounds! And who is that?" She pointed to Jasper.
"That's Jasper. Who is apparently able to be possessed by ghosts. He came here to find out why I was sending him... What was it you called it..."
"Bizarre and terrifying spam."
"Yah. Which made no sense, as I haven't been on my email in forever.
Next thing I know his eyes glowed, and we woke up on a jet, that no one was flying. We presume it was the Alien ghost lady, and thought we were going to die when it landed."
"I'm still not totally sure this isn't just your bizarre way of taking a vacation."
"Would I really do that?" Desmond asked, a bit hurt. "Also, If that was a vacation, then I never want another one for as long as I live. "
Amalia laughed at that.
"How is mom?" he asked, carefully.
Amalia got a weird look on her face.
"Well she is awake... But she isn't herself."
"Brain damage ?"
"Perhaps. But it seems that the personality of Altair is the one in charge. She only speaks Arabic now , to start with. So... Nope, nothing I could say would be funny or helpful in this context... I'm sorry Desmond."
'Mom' was incessantly interested now in finding the apple of Eden.
Which wasn't a bad thing, as it would apparently be needed to save his father sometime down the road... According to the ghost possessing Jasper, who also insisted things like the world was ending soon.
Even with all that going on, Desmond still trained his students, and even added Jasper to the group. Jasper seemed pretty confused about this, and still occasionally gave him 'why the hell are you doing this' looks, but for the most part, had gotten with the program.
Bizarrely enough ‘'Mom' had found an Apple of Eden in Italy , and had gone on a one woman rampage to free Father, despite the ransom call not even coming yet, and nobody even telling her he was missing or where he had last been seen.
"We have a theory for how we might put your mom back in the pilot seat."
Amalia told him one day.
"Well, the Animus explores genetic memories, right?"
"So, it could be possible to let her explore her own memories?"
"That's... Not a bad theory. You would still have to get her back in the chair."
Apparently they took that as a challenge.  Mom was back in the chair.
Around the 18th , Jasper stormed in, eyes glowing again.
"I want my mother back."
"I am right where I am supposed to be."
Whatever was possessing Jasper, threw its hands up, and turned to his father.
"PERHAPS YOU WILL BE MORE COMPLIANT" it told him, before touching him, and causing him to twitch and spasm.
If that thing thought Desmond's father was more cooperative then him, it had another thing coming.
They left the cave, and Desmond realized he still had the jewelry they had gone grave digging for.
"I thought you were kidding." Amalia confessed, staring at him. "That was way creepier than you let on."
"I think we will need to catch up with them." He told her, holding up the necklace.
Finding a place you have never been to within four days was not a realistic task.
They were together in America when it started.
"Oh. Oh my god!" She cried out looking at the sky."
"Happy birthday Jasper." Desmond called out, before they left to find shelter.
They survived. A lot of former cities were dead silent now, but they were alive.
"What do we do?" Amalia asked, a dead look in her eye, as she looked at the remains of a car.
"We find survivors." Desmond began, feeling determined. "It doesn't matter whether they are Assassins, Civilians, or Templars now, what matters is that we are survivors."
Amalia looked at him. It was different then the looks she normally gave him as a teacher. This was the look of a follower to a leader.  Loyalty and trust, and would die for you.
"Yes. We will."
Together they began their search.
For another AU check my other account Rk-ocs, for the fic "Burn like the sun"
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
Yandere Head Canons:
The Hands That Hold You
Yandere Assasin Harem x Oblivious Fem Reader
TW: Somniaphilia, uncomfortable themes, yandere, stalking, mention of size difference, potential of being held captive, cunninglingus, smut, etc
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The town of Rellikhold, a peaceful town filled with quirky citizens. Each with a mysterious past and lack of warmth. And you had received a special invitation by the government to live in this new town! Aren’t you lucky?
Poor little you had no clue that this town was filled with ex-contract killers who’ve never felt warmth nor kindness in their life… they were all a moth to your flame. Each one wanting to stake a claim on you, even if it was at the expense of another’s life. You belonged to them.
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Callum: Scotland (Florist)
Callum is a massive man with a soft yet muscular build. He has a thick red beard that he keeps trimmed and a mustache he keeps curled up. Callum also has red chest hair and arm hair (the curtains definitely match the drapes). He is 35 years old and a retired sniper. Callum has a heavy Scottish accent and he’s the warmest of the villagers.
This big, muscular red head was shocked when you waltzed into his shop. You were so small and your steps were so clumsy like a newborn fawn. Yet it was your eyes that caught his attention. He’s never seen someone’s eyes filled with such innocence. It intrigued him.
Callum is easily flustered with from your bright smile and warm personality. Yet he can’t help the intrigue he felt from your arrival. From one glance, he knew you were just a regular civilian… what on earth were you doing here? This place was so dangerous.
Yet you’re oblivious to everyone’s past and treat him no differently from a regular man! Your interest in his flowers warm his heart… Callum is immediately taken to you. You’re so cute and you’d fit so perfectly in his arms… he’s never felt this way before.
Callum often looks forward to your visits to his shop. The red head often reorganizes the flowers just to make sure they’re to your liking! Callum always makes sure his beard is well trimmed and his long curls are pulled up into a bun. He has to look presentable for his little lady!
Often lingers around you like a shadow when you’re in the shop. Callum would lose his marbles if you ever came into his shop with a visible wound or bruise. He’s extremely obsessed with your well being.
Callum often offers you his jacket and holds doors open for you, he’s a total gentleman. A gentleman who believes you’re his. He sees no other logical explanation on why you visit him so often. You have to have a crush on him, right?! Don’t worry… he doesn’t mind that you’re shy. He has no trouble taking the lead.
It will take a total of four months until he’s trying to be more physically affectionate towards you. Callum believes the two of you are dating. His large, calloused hands often brush against yours or he’ll grab your waist to steer you in another direction. He cannot get over the size difference.
You’ll often have free bouquets delivered to your house with cute hand written notes. Which are often accompanied by Gaelic terms of endearment. “M’eudail. Mo chridhe. Etc.”
And if Callum ever spots you with one of ten other villagers? His stabs at affection take a turn to be more bold. In his mind, you’re trying to make him jealous… not to worry! Callum will give you more of his time! Whatever you want, he will give you! Even the heads of your enemies neatly arranged in a bouquet.
Callum I willing to do anything to keep you happy and satisfied. He’s the least selfish of the others. If you want to have a sexual relationship with him, he’d be more than happy to oblige!
Callum will have you bent over every surface and even his shop (with the curtains pulled down of course). Just so he can stuff you with his thick fingers and fat cock. He’s extremely giving and he’s more than happy to perform cunninglingus on you.
One day, you went into his shop and were filled with such fright, it made his heart ache!
“What are you so scared for, m’eudail?” Callum husky voice asked. The large man made his way over to your disheveled form. “Has someone frightened you?”
Callum bent down to your level and held your cheeks in his palms. His thumbs brushed a few tears from your cheeks as he shushed you.
“It’s okay, mo chridhe. I’ll keep you safe.”
Günter: Germany (Police Officer)
A tall, muscular blonde riddled in scars from head to toe. His blonde hair is always cut in a military cut and he’s extremely stoic. No one can ever tell what he’s thinking and he hardly speaks. Günter is Char’s identical twin brother and also an ex bounty hunter. The pair are both 29 years old and very feared members in the community from their reputation.
Günter was extremely wary of you at first. He isn’t used to people taking notice of someone like him or being warm to him.
Günter is extremely stiff when you interact with him. He often glances the other way if you stare at him with your pretty eyes for too long. He’s unsure of why his heart flutters whenever you’re around. Günter has never been in a relationship in his entire life. He’s so awkward and quiet around you, but his stoic expression never shows it.
You once grabbed his hand when you tripped and Günter swore he was electrocuted. He was quick to help you up onto your feet as he silently checked you over. His heart thrummed in his chest when you gave him such a sweet, grateful smile. It’s how Günter realized he’s smitten with you.
Günter often offered to walk you home to keep you safe. He’s the least delusional of the others and a rather lucid yandere. He is aware of the difference of reality and his fantasies. Which is why he will never act upon them on you. Everyone else is free game.
If someone upsets you even the slightest bit, they are instantly on his shit list. And if they make you cry or try to harm you? They’re as good as dead. He’s the town’s cop and the most prolific killer of them, so what can they do to stop him?
Günter is very aware of the others’ twisted feelings towards you, especially Char’s. He often hides around the corner as he watches his sister wash your hair. He’s a bit jealous of the intimacy, but he knows better than to be greedy. He’s a cop, not a hairdresser.
He’s usually quite silent but he often shows you his soft side. Soft smiles and tender touches. Günter is incredibly gentle despite his massive height.
Günter would be over the moon if you wanted a relationship of any kind with him! If it’s sexual, you sadly won’t be doing much walking. Günter tries his best to be gentle, but he soon finds himself blowing your back out while he whispers German pet names in your ears.
Günter also secretly has a breeding kink so keep an eye on him. If he’s in the heat of the moment, he will whisper his darkest desires in your ear. Of how he wants you round and fat with his kids with a ring on your finger.
And Günter will not share. So don’t even think about sleeping with anyone other than him or he will make several attempts to baby trap you.
“Meine Liebe, why do you cry?” Günter asked you softly with a frown. The police officer sat beside you on the park bench, his muscular arms now wrapped around you in a hug. “You know you can tell me anything… did someone make you upset?”
You just rest your head on his chest which made Günter melt into a puddle. He’s quick to scoop you up into his arms. “Do you want to head to my home, meine liebes Mädchen? It’s getting dark out and it can get dangerous at night.”
And the instant you nod your head, you’re swept off your feet in a bridal carry. His normally stoic face now had a small smile on it.
Finally… you were finally coming home where you belonged.
Wan: China (Photographer)
Wan is an average height man of Chinese descent. He’s quite feminine appearance wise, but don’t like that fool you. He’s one of the most dominant of the villagers.
Wan typically keeps to himself. Hes not as massive or intimidating as the other men. His long black hair is typically pulled back into a braid and he usually roams the village’s park or beach.
Wan is a bit shocked when he first met you since he can tell off the bat that you’re a regular civilian. Did the government send you as some sort of social experiment to see if their retirement was successful? To see if a group of ex- bounty hunters can integrate into society without a hitch? How peculiar.
Wan often trailed you home to see if you had any attachments to any governments. He didn’t want a government spy ruining his idyllic life and he was not afraid to eliminate you if that were the case… but you were clean! Annoyingly so.
You had simple hobbies and a permanent smile on your face. You were friendly and warm like a dog… like a pet. It made Wan’s mind wander to more promiscuous thoughts. Would you enjoy a collar and a leash while he dominated every aspect of your life? Perhaps you would since you always greeted him with such a warm smile and baked goods. You must have some sort of attraction to him, right? Why else would you bake for an acquaintance so often? (Wan had no clue you did for all of your friends).
Wan often invited you out for walks with him on the beach while he snaps photographs. It’s when you accidentally enter one of his shots that turn his whole world upside down. How could someone be so beautiful?
Wan started to snap photos of you smiling and dancing when in his company but it wasn’t enough. These simple photographs simply wouldn’t do for him anymore.
What started off as innocent photography took a quick, dark turn into obsession.
Wan began to slip behind you in the shadows to follow you everywhere. Whether you were simply enjoying a meal or beverage, or even sleeping, Wan captured it all behind his lens. Wan wanted more! More. More. More. More!!
His photography room was now covered in photos of you. There was not a single empty space left of the wall or ceiling that wasn’t adorned with your being. His darkroom still had thousands of photos developing as well. Wan simply couldn’t get enough.
When Wan found out there were others, he was extremely upset. What on earth did you see in Callum or Günter? They weren’t nearly as impressive as him! Wan was slim and far more flexible. Wan could bend your body in ways it’s never been before.
Wan often snuck into your room to lay beside you. To inhale your scent and to caress your soft, pliable body. Would you freak out if you woke up to see him or would you submit to his desires? This risqué game of his never grew tiring…
If you begin a sexual relationship with Wan, he’s incredibly rough. He has incredibly sadistic tendencies such as pulling hair, choking, licking up your tears, and harsh spankings… but he will talk you through it.
Slender fingers stroked your cheeks as you slept soundly. Wan smiled at how unaware of your surroundings you were. How could someone be so cute?
“Lǎopó, you’re so precious…” Wan bent forward and tenderly pressed his lips against yours. In his eyes, you were his lover. His and no one else’s. “I just want you to be my beloved pet, bǎobèi.”
Wan pulled your covers over your shoulders and over his body while he spooned you. This was the only time you were all his and no one else’s… and that’s the way he preferred it to be.
Amari: Thailand (Musician)
Amari is an amab individual but prefers to go by they/them. The twenty four year old often enchant others with their ethereal beauty. They have sun kissed skin and long black hair that frames a symmetrical face, one would think they were carved by the gods themselves. Yet Amari is partially blind due to their final assignment so they were forced into an early retirement compared to the others. Yet they pretend they’re fully blind to appear weaker to the others. They’re one of the most dangerous of the villagers due to their unpredictable mannerisms.
Amari can often be found in Belladonna’s restaurant playing the khene. Their mystic melody is as intriguing as they are which often captivates their audience.
Amari is incredibly shy and will be startled at first if you talk to them. Yet they’re eager for the companionship. Amari is the easiest to get close to compared to the others due to their young age. If you compliment them, they’re completely enraptured by you. You think they’re beautiful?! You love their music? Amari cannot get enough of praise.
Amari often trails after you like a lost puppy. They will often play the ‘helpless blind’ card just so they can hold your hand. They can’t get enough of how soft you are. Oh what they wouldn’t give to be able to see you… there was not a doubt in their mind that you were lovely.
Amari will play their khene for you and sometimes they’ll even sing. They’re your own personal song bird! They’re willing to perform any song for you so long as you eagerly listen to them just like they eagerly wait for your praise!
Amari will want to spend every breathing moment by your side. They’re stuck to you like velcro and unmovable. Suffocatingly clingy due to them never receiving warmth, Amari cannot get enough of your sweetness. They want you all to themselves.
They cannot stand you giving your attention and affection to the others. Look at them! Listen to their music, you said it was lovely! Just be theirs! Please. Please. Please. Please.
Amari will pathetically beg for your love on their hands and knees. They will use every card in their deck to manipulate you into their hands. They will not share and they will not surrender you.
No matter how puppy like they are to you, they’re a monster the others will not go near. Being involved with them is like being trapped in a spider’s web. You were doomed from the first interaction.
They’re one of the only ones who will stoop low enough to take advantage of you in your sleep (besides Wan). Their mouth is always buried between your legs as you sleep completely unaware of their efforts to get you used to them. They can’t get enough of how sweet you taste. Of how your body contorts and your toes curl in pleasure. Sometimes if the moonlight hits your face just right, they can see your face. And they make sure to burn that image in their memory forever. Oh what they would give for you to know it was them.
Amari pressed kisses up and down your thighs as your back arches in pleasure. So beautiful… so unaware. You’re just like a butterfly caught in a spider’s web.
“I love you…” Amari whispered against your skin, the assassin ran a tanned hand through their long locks in an attempt to reel themselves in. It was easy for them to get lost in the moment, but they needed to be patient. “And I know you love me too.”
Amari pulls themselves away from in between your legs and rests their head on your stomach. A soft hum escaped their thin lips in thought. It was such a beautiful night and they were happy to spend it with you.
Char: Germany (Hair Dresser)
Char is Günter’s identical twin and they couldn’t be more similar if they try. It’s easy to confuse one for the other since Char looks incredibly masculine. The only difference is their placements of scars and her blonde hair is just a little bit longer.
It takes awhile to earn Char’s friendship. She’s quite self conscious of herself since she looks so much like a man. Compliments will win her over and make her blush. She’s quite fond of being called handsome or beautiful.
She enjoys washing and trimming your hair for you. She cannot get over how soft your hair feels between her fingers…
It doesn’t take long for her to fall for you compared to her brother. She’s another sucker for praise, but she gives praise even more. Char is the queen of pet names.
Char is incredibly protective of you, just like Günter. The difference between them is that Char collects little keepsakes from you. Oh yes, she has a shrine dedicated completely to you.
Char is obsessed with you. She collects the trimmings of your hair and any utensils you had used in her salon. She tells herself it’s to keep herself from acting on her impulses, but that’s a lie. She’s simply obsessed with you.
If you ever vent to her about any one in the village, especially new comers, she will get rid of them for you personally. Typically in a rather brutal fashion. Anyone who upsets you simply doesn’t deserve to live.
If you’re ever curious about her past, she will tell you. She’s the least secretive and the most honest. Char will even admit about her shrine of you if you ask. She wants to be an open book that you can read at anytime. Trust her.
Char will often flee to the back room of her salon if she gets a bit too riled up from her interactions with you. If you follow her to the back because you’re worried, there’s no guarantee she won’t have you bent over the break room table with her lips eagerly pressed against yours and her fingers yanking at the waist band of your pants.
Out of everyone, Char is the most obsessed with your pleasure. She’s incredibly giving. It doesn’t matter the time or the location, if you’re a bit moody she will pull you into the nearest room and go to town. Be as loud as you want as she pushes your body to the point of overstimulation, she wants the others to know you’re hers.
“Meine Liebe…” Char whispered as she presses kisses all across your fear stricken face. An expression you always wore due to how passionate of a lover Char was. “I’m sorry I got carried away again.”
You nuzzled into your lover, who only peppered you with more kisses. “Mein liebes Haustier, I love you so much… how about you just stay in mein arms forever?”
Belladonna: French (Chef)
Belladonna was once a renowned poison specialist, hence her name. She’s a tall, slender twenty nine year old woman with fawn brown hair and sharp, feline like features. Belladonna is heartless and cold, just like the deadly poisons she once used. She’s a closeted lesbian and a very open misandrist.
Belladonna is the owner and head chef at Le Jarden. She’s quite prideful of her cooking and she only prepares the best cuisine. Belladonna has a tendency to be quite pretentious and she’s very rude if your French isn’t adequate.
Belladonna does not like Ignacia, to others it looks like she singles out Ignacia a lot, but they have a very complicated past. Belladonna is incredibly critical of others and holds herself at the highest standard. She’s also quite the bully.
Belladonna will chase out male customers from her establishment. They are not allowed in Le Jarden, no matter who they are. (She often gets into arguments with Callum over his floral choices).
If you catch her attention, it’s because you stood up for Ignacia when Belladonna gave the poor woman a verbal beat down. Belladonna immediately takes your defiance as a challenge.
Belladonna will often pick verbal fights with you, but she’s intrigued by you. You were a regular civilian and yet you stood up to her of all people? You had some guts. Plus, you still tried to be kind to her. It frustrated the chef to no end. Belladonna always feels conflicted when it comes to you.
Belladonna’s words often cut like a knife but you’re surprisingly quick witted with your comebacks. She enjoys the back and forth. To her, it’s like a game. And Belladonna wanted to win.
Her hostility increases the more she interacts with you since Belladonna has never experienced feelings of this magnitude before. Belladonna could not differentiate between love and hate. You confused her and made her mind in constant disarray…
You’re sweet to the point you make her teeth rot and she hates it… or at least she tells herself that.
Belladonna hates when you interact with the others! Especially the men (and Amari). She’s much better than them- wait… why did she care so much about what you did?
Your once pleasant words soon become sour whenever she enters your peripheral. You no longer try to smile or wave at her, only scowl. It confused her even more. Why did she care whether you liked her or not? You were just a civilian… right?
You eventually snap sense into her when you tell her you despise her. You… hate her? No… she didn’t want to be hated! No. No. No.
Belladonna loses her mind when you constantly reject her. You won’t come to her restaurant and you won’t accept the many, many bouquets she leaves on your doorstep. Why won’t you forgive her? She never apologizes, so she truly means she’s sorry. Please forgive her, she can be soft. She can be soft.
She will kiss you until your lips are swollen and bruised. Until your lungs are nearly out of air and you’re breathless. Belladonna could be your oxygen! Your reason for being! She can do everything the others do, if not more! She has access to various poisons and other plants, some that could take you to pleasures of immeasurable heights! Just let her worship you…
Belladonna will go to extreme measures if you continue to ignore her desperate attempts at reconciliation. And that includes poisoning you so that you’re briefly paralyzed.
Belladonna’s slender hands hold your cheeks as she quietly sobs from above your still form. She knows you’re afraid, but this was your fault! You pushed her to do this!
“All you had to do was forgive me… Je t'adore. Je ne voulais pas te faire de mal…” Belladonna slipped into her first language while the waterworks began. She was so conflicted and confused. Her new feelings were overwhelming and concerning. Belladonna was usually level headed, but when it came to you? She was a dumpster fire.
Belladonna pressed her forehead against yours, her tears now mixed with yours into a long stream down your face.
“Je n'ai jamais ressenti ça auparavant, mais je suis sûr que je t'aime. Je t'aime tellement, ça me rend fou.”
Ignacia: Nicaragua (Writer)
Ignacia always wears a steel mask over her face and completely covers her body. No one knows what she looks like under there and she prefers to keep it that way… she was a twenty seven year old bomb specialist. At least until the accident. Her entire body is now covered in third degree burns. She is no longer beautiful so she hides herself away in order not to scare anyone. Her accident landed her in an early retirement as well.
Ignacia is biromantic and asexual. She’s always been more interested in books than people. Fictional characters comfort her more than real people.
A few years ago, she had a mission to take down a French politician and ended up destroying Belladonna’s secret hide out. Which is why Belladonna despises her. Ignacia isn’t too bothered by it though since she’s the one who received the worse end of it,
Her English isn’t the best so she rarely speaks. She often observes others from the corner of every room. Through the various interactions she observes, Ignacia created a fictional world for her characters in her stories. It was an escape from her harsh reality in the real world…
She’s so shy when you come up to her. Don’t you know she’s a beast under this mask? That she’s not as picturesque as the others?
Yet your kindness makes her knees turn to jelly and her heart leap in her chest in hopes it will escape its prison made of bones. Perhaps you were her chance at real life romance rather than the comforts of the printed texts in her books?
Ignacia is delusional. She overthinks every interaction you have with her. If you touch her hand on accident, she believes it’s because you’re shy! She’s shy too! If you compliment her eyes, she will try to wear masks that show off her eyes more. She’s so ecstatic that she shakes whenever she receives words of praise from you. It’s so exciting! Ignacia is living out a fairy tale romance!!
Ignacia began to build a perfect image of you in her head. To her, you were the perfect princess in a fairy tale book and she was the knight that would save you from the monsters (the other villagers). You were kind and sweet, the kind that needed to be locked away so nothing could harm you.
Ignacia begins to decorate your future home with her! She will ask more questions and bout your hobbies and interests so she can make it all perfect for you! She will incorporate your favorite colors and themes just to make it into your dream space! A pretty cage for her pretty princess!
Ignacia simply wants to keep you safe from harm. She doesn’t want you to ever injure or harm yourself. Her carelessness had landed her in her own predicament and she wouldn’t dare let you suffer the same fate. Ignacia was your knight in shining armor!
“Buenos díaz, mi amor!” Ignacia beamed at you while she handed you some breakfast. You were confused on your whereabouts, but Ignacia simply crinkled her eyes up from under her mask (she smiled). “Did you sleep well, mi princesa?”
“Ignacia? Where am I-“
“¡Estás en casa! !Donde perteneces!” Ignacia giggled as she affectionately pressed her mask into your cheek. Home? What did she mean by home? “Estás a salvo aquí, mi princesa. Para siempre.”
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toxooz · 1 month
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Ollie dress Remastered but make it sluttier bc the old version was getting itchyyyyy ft. Kari getting her 👀s in 🍹
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heraldofsomething · 6 months
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Assassin's Creed: Origins Ambush in the Temple
Hide well, for the Wanderer stalks your path!
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cozylittleartblog · 9 months
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lighting experiment
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d1rtb · 4 months
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hello guys HIII sorry for not posting for a while… here’s some art i’ve done recently ^_^!!
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goosetooths · 5 months
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sour, at your service
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dammarchy211 · 5 months
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Ain’t That A Kick In The Head
The funny part about it is that this Courier Six doesn’t even kill him he just threatens the fuck outta him
Bloodless alt:
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Some Benny doodles too but these are a bit more old so they’re also a bit more shit
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temeyes · 3 months
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oc dood in between c/mms!
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winterfoxo · 29 days
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The Astaroth Slayer
Oc thing from a while ago of my assassin girlie Johulus 🗡️ 🩸 just fiddling around with filters and stuff 🌞🌞
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A Piece of Eden
Teaser 1
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Tears falling
Scars forming
How do I get out of this alive?
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Images are found on Pinterest
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lulzyrobot · 9 months
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I've been thinking a lot about my own worldbuilding for stories I'd like to tell eventually and it's evolved so much from original inception that Kassidy needed an outfit change. So, enjoy her work outfit haha.
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Short Stories:
A Confession to Make
Yandere Florist (Callum) x Fem Reader
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Blood red flowers laid out in a maple wood work desk, their boood red petal reminiscent of Callum’s past as a hit man. The florist hummed as he carefully cut each stem and trimmed the leaves of each flower to arrange a bouquet for his favorite customer… he wondered if (your name) understood the meaning behind these vibrant flowers and how they were a loud declaration of his love for her.
Callum sighed dreamily while he organized each chrysanthemum with white wax flowers, eucalyptus, thistle, and red hypericum berries. He truly wanted to put a lot of thought into each flower in this bouquet in hopes that his feelings finally went through to his beloved m’eudail.
Callum had been after (your name) the moment she enter his shop all those months ago. To him, she was dainty and perfect… a true lady who had easily captivated him with her shy smile and innocent eyes. Callum wanted her in ways he’d never wanted anyone else before… it was nearly carnal from how badly he wanted to bend her over and stuff her fat with his kids- woah. He had just gotten a bit to in over his head there for a moment…
The melodic dingle of the front door bell broke him from his musings. The red head quickly peaked his head out from his workroom to spot (your name) in the doorway.
“Good morning, Callum!” (Your name) giggled at the scarred man whose cheeks flushed red. “I saw that you have some new flowers in stock.”
“Give me one moment and I’ll tell you what each one is!” Callum chuckled, his green eyes scanned over her small frame in awe. (Your name) was always so cute!
Callum finished the last few touches to his lovely bouquet with a smile. The bouquet would no doubt swallow (your name), but he couldn’t help the excitement that seeped into his love stricken heart.
“Hey, I put something together for you.” Callum hid the bouquet behind his back as he smiled warmly at (your name). The young woman perked up once she spotted the bouquet. A bashful smile now on her face when Callum gently placed the red bouquet in her hands.
“You made me a bouquet?” (Your name) admired each flower in awe. It appeared Callum put a lot of thought and care into each piece of this arrangement. “It’s so beautiful… the red kind of reminds me of your hair.”
Callum chuckled before he bit his lip. It seemed (your name) didn’t understand the romantic language of flowers… but that was okay! He was willing to outright admit his interest in her!
“Well, these are much more than flowers…” Callum towered over (your name) as he pointed to each flower. “Red chrysanthemums for passion and love, wax flowers for a wish of lasting success, red hypericum berries, thistle, and eucalyptus for protection.”
(Your name) blushed when Callum grabbed her hands, the bouquet the only item in the way of the two of them from hugging.
“In other words, I’m confessing to you.” Callum whispered softly, his green eyes filled with adoration. “So what do you say? Would you be mine, m’eudail?”
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mr-viwick · 8 months
Holds you up by the scruff of your neck, show tumblr your new blorbo Simon.
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uhm uhm uhm
I think they’re neat
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gothicspork · 10 months
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I vibe a lot to characters whose trauma response is to go on a murder path towards the ones who wronged them.
Her Master was hot tho, ngl.
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