#original sri yantra
komal09 · 6 months
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jukti-torko-golpo · 11 months
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Lalitha Tripura Sundari
Sindhuraruna vigraham trinayanam manikya mouli spurath Thara Nayaga sekaram smitha mukhi mapina vakshoruham, Panibhayam alipoorna ratna chashakam rakthothpalam vibhrathim, Soumyam ratna gatastha raktha charanam, dhyayeth paramambikam.
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the-all-mighty-god · 7 months
Vyapar Vriddhi Yantra is located in a business-related area. When it is regularly worshipped with a pure heart, doors to prosperity open up and company expansion becomes more difficult. When a firm is consistently losing money, repeating a mantra while having this yantra in front of you can make a huge profit.
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Any negative energy that might exist in the plot or potential Vastu Shastra problems in the house can be resolved with the Vastu Dosh Nashak yantra. It restores equilibrium to the fundamental five elements of nature and cleanses the surrounding region of all negative energy.
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annnuuuu · 10 months
“Shree Yantra: A Gateway to Spiritual Harmony and Prosperity”
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In the realm of spiritual practices and ancient mysticism, Sri Yantra occupies a special place, revered for its powerful symbolism and potential benefits. Individuals who want to bring positive energy often ask where to buy Sri Yantra and its variations. Fortunately, the digital age has made it easier to buy spiritual content like Sri Yantra online.
It is important to consider the authenticity and originality of the product while searching for options to buy Mr. Yantra online. The original Shaptikashree Yantra is popular among devotees. It is important to understand the value of the root Shaptika Sri Yantra, as it reflects the true nature of sacred geometry.
Realizing the truth of Sri Yantra is a valid skill. The original Shaptika Sri Yantra has unique features that make it unique. Consumers can look for distinctive symbols, iconic statements, and seller names to ensure they are investing in an authentic and powerful spiritual practice.
For those who are not familiar with the term “What is Sri Yantra?" it translates to “What is Master Yantra?” in the Hindi language. The Sri Yantra is a sacred geometric image representing the cosmic forces and the divine feminine principle. It is believed that the installation of Sri Yantra in the house brings benefits both spiritual and physical.
The benefits of Sri Yantra are such that it attracts positive energy and brings prosperity and harmony to the home. Its intricate structure, often depicted in the Sri Yantra image, is said to correspond to cosmic vibration, creating an atmosphere conducive to meditation and spiritual growth
Choosing the best Sri Yantra for home is a matter of personal preference, but many practitioners recommend the original Shaptika Sri Yantra for its authenticity.
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli (The Sacred Stone of Wisdom and Power)
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Color:  Deep blue flecked with gold
Rarity: Easy to obtain, can be expensive for high quality
Hardiness: 5.5
Type: Isometric/ Metamorphic
Chakra Association: Throat, Brow, Crown
Angels: Sahaqiel
Deities: Nuit, Venus, Isis, Sin
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn
Element: Water, Air
Planet: Venus
Origin: Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, USA, Italy, Egypt, Middle East, Chile
Powers: Amplification of Power, Reverse Baneful Magic, Connection to the Spirit World, Protection, Wisdom, Mental and Spiritual Blockage
Crystals It Works Well With: Phantom quartz and Purple Tourmaline
How It is Created: Lapis lazuli is a complex mineral made up of lazurite, pyrite, and calcite. The lazurite gives it its deep blue color (along with the sulfur that’s in its matrix), the pyrite gives it its golden veins, and the calcite gives it its white specks.
History: The name comes from the Latin word lapis, meaning stone, and the word lazuli which means blue. It was first mined in Afghanistan but it has existed even before then. The Egyptians used lapis lazuli in protective amulets and other jewelry. It was used famously by Egyptian nobility, even its powdered form being used as eyeshadow. Lapis lazuli is said to produce power and wisdom and is associated with the Egyptian goddesses, Isis and Nuit. Romans would ingest the powder in food and drinks as an aphrodisiac and it was also used as an antidote for poisons. It is said that the ring the angel gave King Solomon to control his demon legion of workers was made of lapis lazuli.
What It Can Do:
Open the third eye and balance the throat chakra
Stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and psychic abilities
Facilitates spiritual journeys and stimulates personal and spiritual power
Releases stress, bringing deep peace
Protective stone that contacts spirit guardians
Recognizes psychic attacks, blocks them, and return the energy back to the source
Teaches the power of the spoken word and can reverse curses
Alleviates pain, especially with migraines
Overcomes depression, benefits the respiratory and nervous systems, cleanse organs and the immune system
Harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels such as: lack of purpose, disease, and depression
Encourages taking charge in your life
Can amplify powerful thoughts and stimulate higher faculties of one’s mind
Bonds relationships in love, friendship and aid in expressing feelings
How to Get the Best Out Of: With a lot of these visionary stones, I am always going to recommend a bracelet or necklace. Anything that is close to the bloodstream or heart will help the power of the stone connect to you best with these types of stones.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Using incenses or a singing bowl to cleanse lapis lazuli. Lay it on a clear quartz disc or bowl over night under the moon to recharge it. Do not put under the sunlight. It will discolor the stone. (I made this mistake and was heavily scolded by Isis afterwards)
Crystal Grid:
Healthy Body (Sacred Geometry: Metatron’s Cube or Sri Yantra)
Mantra “I trust my body’s ability to heal itself”
Center stone: Quartz sphere
Secondary Stones: Bloodstone, Carnelian, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz
Moon Phase: Dark Moon
Day: Saturday
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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"Become the energy you want to attract."
We all know the law of Attraction but the dissection of thought is less known. Everything in existence is vibration and the visual reflection of vibration is geometry. Each pattern of thought has its own vibrational frequency and can contain over a paragraph of information. Masculine energy uses angles while feminine energy uses curves. This is the difference between the Sri Yantra or Metatron's cube and the Seed of Life patterns, but thought patterns can contain both.
There are four additional types of frequency in this respect. High and low can refer to violet and red because spiritual thoughts resonate higher than carnal thoughts. The other two can be called attuned and discordant. Though each chakra is on a different frequency than the others, if the root is in tune but all the others are discordant, it will be more powerful than the others. This is why love overwhelms fear. Anyone holding discord will typically have poor health.
Neuroplasticity gives us the ability to have memory and we can use it to reconstruct how our brains work. The spiritual science of this is called alchemy. Anthropomorphic thought patterns are represented in mythology, especially by the Greeks and gnostics. The Roman names are typically used in correlation with the planets which leads to astrotheology. Alchemical artists place certain symbols in specific places to convey how these thought patterns should interact to bring about a certain end result. Once enough work has been experienced, it will become much easier to help others along their journey.
The universe doesn't naturally operate in a negative sense. If we say we don't want something, we will only attract that something we are thinking about. If you don't want debt, you're giving energy to the topic of debt. Instead, the positive aspect would be to want prosperity. This is a shift in perspective necessary to be more attuned. It does not require that we just ignore our true feelings but, rather, transmute them. To agree with all our feelings, attach to our initial perspective of a situation and embody the ego's reaction would make us a product of our environment.
All humans originate from the same Source, so we are all connected. The collective ego of all humans is sentient which is why evil is intelligent. Gnostics call this entity Yaldabaoth. It plays humans like pawns, causes problems, escalates conflicts, exploits our weaknesses, etc. It is discord itself. For each of the chakras, and because Yaldabaoth is androgynous, it reproduced within itself 7 androgynous children called archons; his sons are envy, wrath, tears, sighs, grief, lament and tearful groans. His daughters are anger, pain, lust, sighs, curses, bitterness and strife, and they reproduce to form other, more complex thoughts based on the evolution of any scenario. These metaphysical parasites feed on negative energy we produce and the parasitic feeling is addictive. It is the proverbial 'slippery slope', like quicksand.
In severe cases, where the victim has been entirely enslaved, it is like meeting Yaldabaoth in human form. Many humans act as avatars for different demons. They are suggested thoughts they think are their own and, because of programming and lack of self-awareness, they act on behalf of whatever influence has exploited their greatest weakness. This is the essence of spiritual warfare and the reason why our struggle isn't against flesh and blood. If we use discordant energy to retaliate against other humans, we accomplish nothing but embody that which we say we are against, on which the archons feed.
Attuned and discordant can also be referred to as soul and ego, heaven and hell, awakened and ignorant, forward and backward, etc. Society's discord is an effect of individual discord. An utopia, where nobody is discordant, is the end goal of the teachings in the Bible. Following the procession of the equinox, in accordance with the Revelation, this will happen around the Age of Capricorn. The highest state of consciousness, Nous, is where we have a direct connection with Mind. The faculty which allows us to have noetic thought is called Christ or the Logos. The return of Christ is on an individual level and, eventually, will be like a metaphysical EMP which floods the earth eradicating discordant energy.
We are all capable of being psychic. Differing thought patterns emit their respective energy into the atmosphere and we can read it, but a distinction must be made. An aura shows the core state over a period of time, so reading auras is different than reading thoughts. It becomes easiest after analyzing the energy of each thought we have without bias. Becoming familiar with the energy of our thoughts helps us recognize the energy signature someone is giving off. The tool which allows us to perceive the metaphysical side of reality is called the third eye.
There is an argument about whether the third eye is good or bad. This is because a hammer can be used to build or destroy. It is part of our anatomy so it depends on the user, through Lucifer or through Christ, with discord or with atonement, through Phosphorus or through the Pentagrammaton. In English gematria, Lucifer and Jesus both equal 74. This is not because they are the same; it is because they are two sides of the same coin. It's all about perspective and through which side the third eye is used. For a physical analogy, try looking through the peephole of your front door from both sides. The difference in perception is between internal and external awareness.
"We can not do injustice to another or harbor thoughts of revenge without building into ourselves the nucleus of the very condition thought about. The plot, the very wish that injury may befall someone, builds cells of a similar quality within ourselves which, because of their discordant composition, because given a feeling of malice, not only work from the four-dimensional plane to bring about the injury contemplated but, due to their essential vicious nature, also work to attract misfortune to ourselves.
Both the ductless glands of the physical body and the thought-cells of the four-dimensional body take orders as they come. It is not within their ability to reason and make decisions; only to obey. If, therefore, the thoughts are evil, or the emotions run wild, they act as thus directed, unaware that destruction follows to their master."
-C.C. Zain
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madamlaydebug · 3 days
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Sacred Geometry is the blueprint of creation, the origin of all form. It's the ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of creation organizes itself. Sacred geometric patterns exist all around us, creating the fundamental structure and templates of life in the universe. The patterns can be broken down into a language of mathematics that rules the entirety of our visible and invisible world. The geometrical archetypes reveal the nature of each form and its vibrational resonance, symbolizing the inseparable relationship between everything and everyone, which ultimately makes up our whole matrix and the universe at large – embodying oneness. Across cultures and civilizations, these forms have been used in the construction of sacred spaces, artworks, and temples. The Pyramids of Egypt, the Flower of Life, the Sri Yantra in Hinduism, and the Golden Ratio in nature are all manifestations of Sacred Geometry, illustrating how the universe organizes itself through mathematical proportions.
Every geometric shape carries its own unique symbolism:
- Circles: Symbolizing unity, wholeness, and eternity, circles represent the cyclical nature of life and the infinite.
- Triangles: Often associated with the trinity (mind, body, spirit), triangles signify stability and balance.
- Squares: Representing the material world, squares convey stability, grounding, and order.
- Spirals: These shapes signify growth and evolution, reflecting the journey of life and the unfolding of consciousness.
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xfictionx0 · 5 months
The Meaning of the Symbols: An Exploration of Occult and Cultural Icons
I was studying today, but couldn’t really focus. I keep thinking about the symbols i saw and what their meanings are.
So I have researched it, and this is what i have found. 
Inverted Pentagram:
More than just a star, the inverted pentagram, characterized by two points projecting upwards, is often interpreted as a symbol of evil and darkness. This configuration is believed to overturn the proper order of things, symbolizing the triumph of the material over the spiritual.
It also represents the goat of lust, its horns attacking the heavens, mirrored by the two upward points. Encircled, the pentagram becomes a pentacle, which holds central importance in the evocation of spirits within various esoteric traditions. Typically, a ritual involving a pentacle includes a series of conjurations, each increasing in potency.
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Celtic Knots:
The Pentagram was made out of Celtic knots, They represent Infinity, eternity and interconnectedness.
Celtic knots are distinguished by their endless, interwoven lines that have no clear start or finish. This continuous loop design symbolizes eternity, eternal life, the nature of the soul or love's enduring bond. The designs vary from simple loops to complex interlacings.
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The ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. Originating from ancient Egyptian iconography and later adopted into Greek alchemical symbolism, it represents a range of themes such as cyclicality, self-reflection, renewal, and the eternal nature of the universe.
Ouroboros comes from the Greek words "oura" (tail) and "boros" (eating), meaning "he who eats the tail."
The ouroboros, with its rich and diverse historical lineage and deep symbolic significance, continues to be a powerful and enduring symbol representing the perpetual cycles of life and the universe's inherent complexity and unity.
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The Ankh:
In the middle of the pentagram was an Ankh. The ankh is one of the most recognizable symbols from ancient Egypt, often referred to as the "key of life" or "cross of life." This symbol resembles a cross with a loop at the top.
The enduring appeal of the ankh lies in its simple yet powerful design, encapsulating essential aspects of Egyptian thought, including the union of opposites, the importance of life and the afterlife, and the interaction between the divine and the mortal.
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Alchemical Solar Symbol:
The alchemical solar symbol is a classic emblem in alchemical traditions, representing the sun and typically depicted as a circle with a dot in the center.
The symbol is one of the most recognizable across various cultural, spiritual, and alchemical contexts. In alchemy, it holds deep symbolic meanings related to the metal gold, philosophical and spiritual enlightenment, and the concept of perfection.
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Sri Yantra:
The Sri Yantra, also known as Sri Chakra, is a complex and ancient symbol used in Hinduism, representing both the cosmic and the spiritual universe. 
The design of the Sri Yantra is highly intricate and consists of nine interlocking triangles that surround and radiate out from a central point(bindu). These triangles are formed by the intersection of five downward-pointing triangles, representing Shakti; the female principle, and four upward-pointing triangles, representing Shiva; the male principle. This mix produces a total of 43 smaller triangles in a web symbolic of the entire cosmos or a womb symbolic of creation.
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Cross of Saint Peter:
The inverted cross is associated with Saint Peter, one of the apostles of Jesus, who, according to early Christian tradition and writings, was martyred by being crucified upside-down. The inverted cross is often associated with satanism and anti-Christian sentiment in popular culture.
Frequently linked to satanism and anti-Christian sentiment, the inverted cross has been appropriated by those seeking to subvert or defy traditional religious norms. Despite attempts to repurpose it as a symbol of rebellion, its origins remain rooted in Christian tradition and symbolism, serving as a haunting reminder of the darker aspects of faith and martyrdom.
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Sigil of Lucifer
The Sigil of Lucifer, also known as the Seal of Satan, is a symbol used predominantly in the occult to represent Lucifer. For Luciferians and satanists, the sigil holds more spiritually significant connotations. It is seen as a symbol of the quest for true knowledge, enlightenment, personal power, and the embrace of self-determination.
The Sigil of Lucifer is a complex symbol with historical roots in grimoires and magical texts, enriched by its use in various modern spiritual contexts. It stands as a representation of knowledge, enlightenment, and the metaphysical journey.
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The I'itoi symbol, often associated with the Tohono O'odham deity I'itoi, is known as the "Man in the Maze." This emblem is a significant cultural symbol for the Tohono O'odham people and other indigenous groups in the American Southwest. The symbol depicts a labyrinth with a man positioned at the entrance, poised to navigate through its complex paths.
The I'itoi symbol, with its deep cultural roots and profound symbolism, continues to be a powerful representation of the human experience, resonating with diverse groups and individuals seeking meaning in the labyrinth of life.
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The eclectic amalgamation of symbols used in the described ritual—spanning from Christian, Egyptian, Hindu, alchemical, to indigenous origins—suggests a complex layering of meanings and intentions. The inversion of the pentagram, traditionally a symbol of spiritual dominance over material elements, points instead towards the alchemical sun, hinting at an esoteric focus on material perfection and enlightenment.
This syncretism could be intended to harness the collective powers and associations of these symbols, thereby amplifying the ritual's effectiveness or tailoring it to specific metaphysical outcomes. The presence of both unifying symbols like the Ouroboros and the inverted pentagram invites a reflection on the nature of the forces being invoked. Potentially balancing creation with destruction, order with chaos.
Speculating on the creators and their motivations, one might see this as an attempt by a modern-day esoteric group to bridge various mystical traditions, possibly seeking a universal language of mystical and spiritual symbolism. Alternatively, it could represent a more personal or localized spiritual practice, reflecting the individual creator’s journey through different spiritual landscapes.
Such a ritual underscores the enduring human fascination with the mystical and the arcane, prompting further inquiry into how and why disparate cultural elements are woven together in contemporary spiritual practices. It also invites us to reflect on the broader implications of such syncretism in the context of global cultural interactions and the evolving nature of belief systems in the modern world.
By delving into these symbols and their juxtapositions, we not only uncover layers of meaning in the ritual itself but also engage with the broader dialogue about the role of ancient symbols in modern spirituality. Further exploration into other symbols and rituals might reveal additional insights into the ways spiritual practices continue to evolve and adapt in a continuously interconnecting world.
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santoschristos · 2 years
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Origins of the DNA code by Peter Eglington
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Sri Yantra by Peter Eglington
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btstattoos · 20 days
Exploring Sacred Geometry Tattoos and Black and Grey Tattoo Artistry in Las Vegas
Tattooing has long been a form of personal expression, with its origins steeped in cultural and historical significance. Among the myriad of styles available, Sacred Geometry Tattoos have emerged as a popular and profound choice for those looking to combine art with deeper meaning. This style of tattooing draws on ancient symbols and patterns that are believed to represent fundamental truths about the universe. Sacred geometry incorporates shapes and designs that are thought to embody the underlying order of the cosmos, such as the Flower of Life, the Sri Yantra, and the Golden Ratio. These designs are not only visually stunning but also resonate with individuals seeking to connect with something larger than themselves.
As the popularity of sacred geometry tattoos continues to rise, many individuals seek out talented tattoo artists who specialize in this intricate and symbolic style. In Las Vegas, renowned for its vibrant tattoo scene, numerous artists have made a name for themselves in the realm of Sacred Geometry Tattoos. These artists have honed their skills in translating complex geometric patterns into striking body art, often using black ink to enhance the clarity and depth of their designs.
Among the notable styles within the tattoo community, West Coast Black and Grey Tattoos stand out for their unique aesthetic. Originating from the West Coast tattoo scene, this style is characterized by its monochromatic palette, blending shades of black and grey to create detailed and realistic imagery. Unlike traditional color tattoos, black and grey tattoos rely on shading and contrast to bring depth and dimension to the artwork. This style is particularly well-suited for those who appreciate a classic and timeless look, often incorporating elements such as portraits, skulls, and religious symbols.
The art of black and grey tattooing requires a high level of skill and precision. Tattooists must master the technique of shading to create lifelike textures and gradients. Black and Grey Tattoo Artist are known for their ability to achieve a wide range of tones using only black ink. These artists often emphasize detail and contrast, resulting in tattoos that are both striking and sophisticated.
In Las Vegas, the city’s vibrant tattoo scene is home to some of the most accomplishedBlack and Grey Tattoo Artists. These professionals have gained recognition for their exceptional craftsmanship and innovative approach to the style. Whether you are interested in a detailed black and grey portrait or a minimalist geometric design, the city offers a wealth of talent ready to bring your vision to life.
When selecting a tattoo artist, it is crucial to consider their experience and portfolio. Famous Tattoo Artists in Las Vegas often have extensive portfolios showcasing their range and expertise. These artists are known for their ability to execute complex designs with precision, ensuring that each piece is both visually captivating and technically flawless. Their reputation is built not only on their artistic skill but also on their ability to work closely with clients to create custom designs that reflect personal meaning and style.
In summary, whether you are drawn to the spiritual significance of Sacred Geometry Tattoos or the classic elegance of West Coast Black and Grey Tattoos, Las Vegas offers a rich tapestry of tattoo artistry. The city’s renowned Black and Grey Tattoo Artists are celebrated for their exceptional work, contributing to the global reputation of Las Vegas as a hub for top-tier tattoo talent. With a wide range of styles and skilled artists available, finding the perfect tattoo to express your personal journey is an exciting and rewarding experience.
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komal09 · 6 months
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whitepolaris · 2 months
The Sri Yantra Mystery of Mickey Basin
Weirdness permeates Oregon so thoroughly that even the state's remote southeast corner-the Alvord Desert-can't escape it. The population here is sparse. The landscape is rocky and barren, pocked with small mountains and dry lake beds, including one known as Mickey Basin. It's the last place anyone would expect to come across a mystery-which, of course, makes it the perfect place to find one.
On August 10, 1990, Bill Miller, a pilot in the Air National Guard, was flying near Mickey Basin when he spotted something amazing. Within the lake bed was a quarter-mile-wide pictography etched into the ground, a desert equivalent of a crop circle. It consisted of several overlapping triangles surrounded by concentric circles and arch patterns, all enclosed within a stylized array of lines bending at right angles.
Miller took photographs and reported his findings via radio. On September 14, the news media broke the story on the unlikely artwork. It was quickly identified as a Sri Yantra: a Tantric Hindu meditation symbol. This ancient emblem is highly revered for its representation of divinity and admired for its complexity and its mathematical relation to phi, the "golden ratio."
Measurements showed the Sri Yantra to contain 13.3 miles of lines, ten inches wide and three inches deep. Ufologists Don Newman and Alan Decker examined the area and noted that there were no footprints or tire tracks around the pictograph. This was rather odd, given that as they drove to the spot, their truck left quarter-inch indentations in the terrain. Further examination by a group of architects called attention to the precision with which the lines were dug. Although they were not perfectly straight when measured on the ground, they appeared so from the air (which, after all, was the intended vantage point). Even the dirt dug out to form the image was equally distributed on either side of the lines. It was estimated that it could have cost up to $100,000 just to survey the area for the symbol's creation.
A religiously symbolic image of this scale, in such a remote region and created with this high a degree of precision, could be expected to generate a lot of speculation. Deities were credited for its creation by proponents of a holy or mythical origin. Many New Agers believed it was created by UFOs and/or space aliens. Agnostics, atheists, and skeptics insisted it was put there by good old-fashioned human ingenuity.
As the factions of belief debated, Bill Witherspoon, an Iowa artist, came forward claiming credit for himself and a team of assistants. According to Witherspoon, the design was surveyed, laid out with shallow "sketch" lines on the terrain, and then dug out with a garden plow. He was even able to provide video of the effort. It appeared that the mystery was solved; the "human ingenuity" camp seemed vindicated.
Witherspoon's explanation was almost immediately met with skepticism, however, from those who believed the Sri Yantra had more ethereal origins. Beyond the lack of tracks and the assumed cost of such a project, they questioned the feasibility of a group of four men dragging a plow around the desert-in August, no less-for more than thirteen miles.
Witherspoon explained that they did it in the cooler morning and even hours from July 31 to August 9. He ascribed the lack of footprints to a "sudden rainstorm" that smoothed them out on the last day. As for the tire tracks, he said, there were none because they simply never drove up to the site. Instead, they camped a mile or two away and lugged their equipment to the site daily.
This did not quiet his detractors, who felt that his explanations were too perfect. Witherspoon, they felt, had a convenient answer for everything, particularly the bit about the rainstorm. Plus, they questioned why the Sri Yantra was never spotted as it was being created. Surely, if it took ten days to complete, the Air National Guard, which regularly flew over the area, would have noticed it sooner. Instead, it was noticed all at once, as if it had appeared overnight.
To the naysayers, even Witherspoon's most compelling evidence-his video-was suspect. They claimed that he and his associates simply filled in portions of the design with the loose dirt around it, and then re-enacted the purported plowing. This was evidenced in the video by dark swaths on the ground being traced with the plow, and the obvious ease with which it being done. The dirt appeared to dislodge easily from the hard terrain, and one of the men showed any sign of fatigue after what surely would have been very hard work.
This skepticism notwithstanding, the government certainly believed Bill Witherspoon: They fined him for unauthorized use of public land. Interestingly, he and his associates went on to create (undisputed) land art in the desert on farms as a commercial venture. Eventually they turned their attention upward, forming Sky Factory, a manufacturer of simulated sky views for ceilings and walls.
Did Witherspoon's later efforts quell the suspicions of his critics? Not entirely to the Mickey Basin Sri Yantra are still hotly debated on Internet message boards. Since the Alvord Desert is also known for sporadic UFO sightings, including some around the time the pictographs appeared, the debate as to its true creators will probably continue for quite some time.
The Sri Yantra is long gone, worn away by the weather. The Mickey Basin is once again a blank canvas, waiting for the next inspired artist-human or otherwise.
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shunyameditation · 3 months
Discover Tranquility: Harnessing the Power of the Sri Chakra Yantra for Meditation
Immerse yourself in the profound serenity of the Sri Chakra Yantra for meditation, an ancient symbol revered for its ability to foster deep introspection and inner peace. Originating from the sacred traditions of Hinduism, this geometric design represents the cosmos and the divine energy within. By incorporating the Sri Chakra Yantra into your meditation practice, you invite a harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit.
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onlinesikhstore · 4 months
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Goswami Tulsi Sunder Kand Sri Ramchrit Manas Manokamna Sidh Yantar Hindu Book MO
Goswami Tulsi Sunder Kand Sri Ramchrit Manas Manokamna Sidh Yantar Hindu Book
Book Ref: MP
Manokamna Sidh Yantra along with usage method
This book is translation of Sri Tulsi Das ji Pancham Sopan Sunder kandh from Original Ramayan Granth in Hindi Hindu Religious Scripture. Please check contents Photo and guidance photos to know about the contents of this book.
Language: Hindi big size book with Bold Big Alphabet
Hardcover, Pages 96
Author: Tulsi Das
Weight approx 375g
Size approx. 24.5cm x19cm x 1cm; big size heavy book with colour photos and big bold font.
Must have for everybody's library. Excellent gift item for loved ones on this Christmas and New Year. Ideal gift for any occasion.
For description of this book please see contents photo. Limited quantity available. Beautiful hardcover Book Binding. Please see photos. Premium quality paper. Excellent gift/memorabilia for someone for life. Now available @OnlineSikhStore.
Please ask for more details. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your time for looking at our listings.
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jaiminiastro · 4 months
The Ancient Art of Yantras: Exploring Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Symbols
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Yantras, meaning "instrument" or "machine" in Sanskrit, are more than just intricate geometric designs. They are powerful tools used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Dharmic traditions for meditation, contemplation, and spiritual connection. Rooted in sacred geometry, these visual representations of deities, cosmic principles, and energetic forces hold profound symbolism and offer a path to inner transformation. The Story Behind Yantras The exact origins of yantras are shrouded in mystery, but their presence can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization (3300-1300 BCE). Early Vedic texts hint at the use of symbolic diagrams, and later Tantric traditions (from 4th-century CE onwards) embraced yantras as a cornerstone of their practices. Yantras were initially created and used by mystics and passed down through lineages with strict secrecy. Over time, specific yantras became associated with different deities, planets, and desired outcomes. Studying yantras isn't just about art; it's a journey of spiritual growth. Each yantra is a portal to hidden truths about the universe. Those interested in Vedic astrology can find yantras particularly fascinating. They complement the realms of Vedic astrology predictions, readings, and horoscopes by offering deeper insights and enhancing spiritual understanding. Whether you're curious about Vedic astrology or seeking free Vedic predictions for life, incorporating yantras into your study can provide profound benefits. Structural Elements and Symbolism Yantras are meticulously crafted, adhering to precise geometric principles. Common elements include: Circles: Representing completeness, the universe, and the divine feminine. Triangles: Symbolizing masculine energy, manifestation, and various deities depending on their orientation. Squares: Denoting stability, the earth element, and material reality. Lotus Petals: Signifying spiritual awakening, chakras, and the unfolding of consciousness. Dots (Bindus): Representing the ultimate reality, the source of creation. Lines and Interlocking Patterns: Creating specific energetic fields and pathways for focusing awareness.
Types Of Yantras Sri Yantra (Sri Chakra):
Often hailed as the "Queen of Yantras," it embodies the divine feminine and is considered a powerful tool for achieving harmony and enlightenment.
Properties: Balance, manifestation, spiritual growth. Characteristics: Intricate web of interlocking triangles, concentric circles, and lotus petals. How to Use: Meditation, puja (worship), worn as an amulet. Benefits: Deep meditation, spiritual awakening, inner peace. Historical Background: Deeply rooted in Tantric traditions. Om Yantra: Representing the sacred syllable "Om," the primordial sound of creation. Structure: Interlocking triangles Shiva-Shakti, concentric circles existence, lotus petals. Symbolism: Cosmos, human energy system, balance, enlightenment.
Ganesh Yantra:
Properties: Removing obstacles, attracting good luck, enhancing intellect. Characteristics: Often features an image of Ganesha, the elephant-headed god, surrounded by geometric shapes. How to Use: Puja (worship) of Ganesha, meditation for overcoming challenges. Benefits: Success in endeavors, intellectual growth, removing negativity. Historical Background: Deeply associated with Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. Structure: Ganesha image surrounded by geometric shapes. Symbolism: Ganesha, removing obstacles, good luck, intellect.
Lakshmi Yantra: Properties: Prosperity, abundance, material success. Characteristics: Often features a central lotus with eight emerging petals and a central Lakshmi symbol. How to Use: Puja (worship) of Lakshmi, meditation for attracting wealth. Benefits: Financial stability, achieving goals, fulfilling desires. Historical Background: Associated with Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Structure: Central lotus with eight petals and Lakshmi symbol. Symbolism: Lakshmi, prosperity, abundance, material success.
Yantra for Meditation:
Properties: Focus, inner peace, heightened awareness. Characteristics: Varies, but often features simple geometric patterns conducive to meditation. How to Use: Solely for meditation practices, focusing on the center of the yantra. Benefits: Improved concentration, deeper relaxation, mental clarity. Historical Background: Used by meditators for centuries across various spiritual traditions. Structure: Simple geometric patterns. Symbolism: Focus, inner peace, heightened awareness.
Vastu Yantra:
Properties: Balancing energy flow in a space, promoting harmony. Characteristics: Often features a square grid with specific geometric patterns. How to Use: Placed in a building or home to rectify Vastu doshas (imbalances). Benefits: Improved well-being within a space, fostering positive energy flow. Historical Background: Rooted in the ancient Indian architectural science of Vastu Shastra. Structure: Square grid with specific geometric patterns. Symbolism: Balancing energy flow, harmony, and well-being in a space.
Maha Yantras: Properties: Represent universal cosmic powers, for overall well-being. Characteristics: Varies depending on the specific Maha Yantra. Some well-known examples include Maha Mrityunjaya Yantra (overcoming obstacles) and Maha Lakshmi Yantra. How to Use: Meditation, puja (worship), worn as amulets. Benefits: Spiritual growth, overall well-being, connection to higher consciousness. Historical Background: Deeply rooted in Tantric traditions, symbolizing powerful cosmic forces. Structure: Varies Maha Mrityunjaya, Maha Lakshmi etc. Symbolism: Universal cosmic powers, specific benefits overcoming obstacles, abundance
Using Yantras for Your Spirit Quest Meditation: Staring at a yantra while meditating helps you focus your mind and get deep into the zone. Mantra Chanting: Pairing a yantra with a special mantra during meditation makes the experience even more powerful. Worship (Puja): Yantras are great for bringing extra focus to your prayers and making a stronger connection with the divine. The Superpowers of Yantras: What They Can Do for You Inner Peace: They can calm your mind and help you concentrate better. Spiritual Awakening: Looking into the secrets of yantras can help you understand life's big questions. Balancing Acts: Some yantras help sort out the different areas of your life, like health, money, and relationships. Protection and Strength: Certain yantras act like spiritual bodyguards, keeping bad vibes away and bringing in the good stuff. Conclusion Yantras, rooted in Hinduism, are more than beautiful designs; they're spiritual tools that help us understand the universe and grow spiritually. For those interested in Vedic astrology, yantras offer deeper insights. They complement Vedic astrology predictions by revealing hidden truths. Yantras also enhance Vedic astrology readings and provide additional layers of meaning to Vedic astrology horoscopes. They are valuable for those seeking free Vedic astrology predictions for life, as they enrich spiritual understanding. To learn more about yantras, check out the Jaimini Astro website. It offers lots of information, resources, and authentic yantras made with care and precision. By exploring these sacred symbols, you can start your spiritual journey today and uncover the deep wisdom they hold. Using yantras can help you connect more with the universe, understand Vedic astrology better, and gain new spiritual insights.
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annnuuuu · 10 months
Shree Sampurna Mahalakshmi Yantra
In the world of spiritual symbolism and ancient practices, the Mahalakshmi Yantra holds a special place, revered for its association with Goddess Mahalakshmi, the Hindu deity of wealth and prosperity. Also known as Mahalaxmi Yantra, Shree Mahalaxmi Yantra, or Sri Mahalakshmi Yantra, this sacred geometric design is believed to attract the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, showering devotees with financial abundance and prosperity.
One of its variations, the Mahalaxmi Dhan Yantra, specifically emphasizes wealth acquisition. Devotees seeking financial well-being often turn to this intricate yantra, placing their faith in its ability to unlock the doors to prosperity. Similarly, the Shree Ashta Laxmi Yantra and Ashtalaxmi Yantra are revered for attracting the eight forms of wealth, aligning believers with a holistic abundance that goes beyond mere material gains.
For those interested in the divine combination of wealth and wisdom, the Maa Laxmi Dhan Yantra becomes a focal point. This yantra is regarded as a powerful symbol to invoke the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi for both financial prosperity and wisdom.
The world of yantras extends beyond just Mahalakshmi, encompassing other deities and their attributes. The Shri Dhan Kuber Yantra, for instance, is dedicated to Lord Kuber, the celestial treasurer. It is believed to enhance one’s financial well-being and bring about a positive transformation in one’s economic status.
In the quest for original and authentic divine tools, seekers often inquire about Dhan Lakshmi Yantra Original or Dhan Laxami Kuber Yantra Price. These considerations underline the importance of faith and trust in the sacredness of these spiritual artifacts.
The Laxmi Kuber Dhan Varsha Yantra is another sought-after yantra, believed to usher in a continuous flow of wealth and prosperity. Its devotees place their trust in its ability to create a rain of financial blessings in their lives.
Whether it’s Yantra Laxmi or any other form, these sacred geometric designs transcend mere symbols; they represent a connection to ancient wisdom and the divine forces that shape our destinies. As believers explore the realm of yantras, they embark on a journey of spiritual enrichment, seeking the alignment of their energies with the abundant cosmic flow.
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