#orihara izaya fanfic
ficresc · 2 months
He's probably running his hands through his hair; it's one of his nervous tics. He plays with his hair when he's anxious and Izaya had at one point found that endearing. Shizuo bounces his legs when nervous, bites his lip when worried, pinches the bridge of his nose when stressed. Most of all, he paces when he's uneasy. Izaya can see him doing all four of those.
til the war's won by izayas
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dreamycheesylovebug · 6 months
They should’ve given us MORE RAIJIN DAYS CONTENT!! But that’s fine… I’ll do it myself. New Shizaya fic up 😜 good reception on Twitter already which is making my little grinch heart swell :”)))
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izamationbroker · 1 month
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Durarara!! Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Heiwajima Shizuo & Orihara Izaya Characters: Orihara Izaya, Heiwajima Shizuo Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, alternate ketsu outcome, Major Character Injury, severe spinal injury, Paralysis, Body Horror, Psychological Horror, Permanent Injury, spine injury, Paraplegia, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
“That monster…”
Right through the reinforced concrete floor, that’s where Shizu-chan had gone while Izaya was distracted by Celty. How could even he have possibly done so while at the mercy of the asphyxiation Izaya had rendered upon him?
Izaya didn’t have time to wonder as the unfinished structure of the building began to sway, forcing him to grasp the beam beside him. Was that brute really trying to shake him down like some kind of fruit from a tree? The forceful rocking swept Izaya’s feet out from under him, and before he knew it he was falling. He twisted in the air, searching for something to catch his fall. Far below him, he caught a glimpse of Shizu-chan. What was he doing? Dragging some kind of rebar? Surely the brute knew the fall would kill him if he didn’t catch himself first. Why was he hefting that thing up like a—
Oh shi—
Before Izaya could finish his thought, Shizuo swung the rebar and everything went black.
Or: What might happen if Izaya's initial spinal injury sustained during Ketsu was a lot worse than in canon...
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fantastic-rambles · 11 months
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Fandom: Durarara!!
Characters: Izaya Orihara, Shizuo Heiwajima, Others (mentioned)
Warnings: Attempted Suicide, Physical Disability, Threats of Violence
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: [Post-Canon, light Izaya novel spoilers] When it seems like the end of the world is nigh, Izaya finds himself drawn back to Ikebukuro. Even so, the last thing he expects is for Shizuo to actively seek him out and for the both of them to have a relatively civil and honest conversation. [Written for Shizaya Week 2023 | Day 4: end of the world AU @shizayasweek]
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Heavy steps sounded on the fire escape, but Izaya didn't even glance toward them as he perched on the railing on the roof of the building. He didn't need to: he used to hear them at least once a week, accompanied by the roar of a monster as it chased after him with a single-minded determination. Even when they stopped right behind him and the back of his neck prickled, he didn't turn around, simply continuing to gaze out over the city filled with the humans he loved.
"Thought I told you to stay out of 'bukuro."
The usual rage was conspicuously absent from the rumbling voice, and Izaya heard some rustling followed by the click of a lighter. Then, Shizuo exhaled heavily, and the faint smell of acrid smoke drifted past Izaya before the railing creaked as the other man leaned against it.
"Those things will kill you, you know."
A low chuckle.
"Doesn't matter now, does it?"
It didn't. Nothing did. All of Izaya's plots, his failed attempts at permanence, his determination to stay away from this place… all blown away by the vicissitudes of fate. He hadn't thought that he had any lingering attachment to this place, but once the news had been announced, he'd found himself drawn back.
Idly, he wondered where the others had gone. Sozoro was easy enough to figure out: home to his family, bringing Haruto and Himari with him. The boy didn't know what was going on, other than a new adventure, which was probably for the best, but Himari was a bit more clever than him. Nec… perhaps she would retreat to the world inside her computer, along with Tsukumoya. He'd released all of them from their obligations to him and made his way here alone. And that was how he'd expected things to end.
He hadn't counted on Shizuo showing up. But then again, he had never been able to predict what went on in the protozoan's head.
"Shouldn't you be with someone else? Your owner? Or your lady friend?"
Another slow inhale, and Izaya chanced a glance at the other man, finding his brows furrowed as he lowered his cigarette from his lips. He looked confused, the expression so familiar and amusing that Izaya had to hold back a laugh as he shifted his gaze back toward the humans rushing around beneath them.
"You mean Tom-san? And Vorona?" Shizuo finally asked, still sounding uncertain, and Izaya did laugh then. But it lacked its usual sarcastic bite, sounding not quite natural or genuine.
"Sure. Or even Shinra and Celty. There are plenty of people who care about you, so why would you want to spend your last moments with me? Or have you not heard that there's a meteorite on a direct path to wipe out all life on earth? Or at least, a significant chunk of it?"
"I heard. But I also got a feeling you were back. Figured I'd try to snap your neck one last time, for old time's sake."
A heavy hand landed on Izaya's neck as if to make good on the threat, the fingers that wrapped around his throat nearly encircling it. Izaya remained relaxed, though, his eyes following a bright red car that wove through the traffic.
"And it seems like you'd let me."
Izaya shrugged.
"If I had to choose between you and a meteorite, you don't sound too bad. Of course, I'd rather be killed by a human, but a monster's better than a glorified rock, at least."
"Then why aren't you down there? With your humans?"
Izaya did sigh then, shaking his head in disappointment. Shizuo had always been a bit dumb, but this much? He hadn't thought that it was possible for him to overestimate the man, but yet again, Shizuo was managing to defy his expectations.
"Do you really think that I can go around asking people to kill me, pretty, pretty please? Humans are selfish, Shizu-chan: I thought that you, of all people, would know that. Now that we're facing the end of the world, there's nothing that I could offer anyone to convince them to put some time and effort toward satisfying my ego. Besides, I've already been stabbed once, and if I'm going to die, I'd rather it be quick and painless."
"You probably deserved it."
"I did, but that's beside the point. So now that we've cleared that up, can you just put us both out of our misery and go back to whoever's waiting for you?"
But the hand released him, falling back down to the railing as Shizuo continued to stand beside him, looking out over the temples to human conceit that would soon be erased. The vast reservoirs of human knowledge, the technology that held everything together, the richness of their emotions… it was a waste. Even if halfway intelligent life re-evolved on this planet, it would take at least another couple hundred thousand years, and all of this would be little more than dust.
“Thought you’d be in a shelter or something. Shinra was saying that there was a chance of survival if people did something like that. There’s a bunch of old ones from the war, right?”
“Me? A shelter? Please, Shizu-chan. I love humans, but that doesn’t mean I want to be crammed together with them, surrounded by the heat of all those bodies and the wailing of children and babies. Besides, if they did survive, they’d end up in a deserted world, scratching for a living, suffering, living quick, cruel lives… that’s not for me. I suppose a monster like you wouldn’t understand, though. You probably don’t even need a shelter to survive.”
“Maybe,” Shizuo agreed with a slow nod. “I guess we’ll find out.”
“You mean you’ll find out.”
Izaya slid off the railing, stumbling slightly when his feet hit the concrete, but his grip on the metal kept him from collapsing. His wheelchair sat on the other side of the barrier, and he leaned over the edge of the building, his arms stretched to their full length as he continued to watch the humans scuttle around beneath him. There was something wonderfully ironic about this situation: he’d brought Kamichika to a similar place before, just to see what she would do when she was entirely disillusioned, her sophomoric self laid bare.
Ah, perhaps he should have reached out to Mamiya. She might have been willing to kill him, but then again, wouldn’t it be far more amusing for her to have her revenge denied? Ahhhh, if there was an afterlife, then he’d love to meet her again there and see her reaction. To him, to everything, to the afterlife she only half-believed in, the death she failed to respect.
And then he let go, his fingers falling open before he began to fall forward, a half-smile on his lips. There was a screeching sound behind him before his descent came to an abrupt stop, his right arm feeling as though it had been nearly jerked out of the socket.
“The fuck you doing, flea???”
Bemused, Izaya glanced over his shoulder. The railing was bent where Shizuo must have lunged against it to grab his wrist, his monstrous strength easily holding Izaya up with one hand.
“Dying, right?” he asked as if it wasn’t patently obvious. “I can’t get someone else to kill me, and I can’t get you to kill me. It’s rather anticlimactic, but despite what you may believe, I am a human, unlike you, so I’d still rather do it myself than wait for the strike and the tsunami and the heat wave or whatever to take me out.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Izaya blinked.
“Well, I have a host of issues, but none related to the current situation. But what’s wrong with you? Ever since I met you, it was ‘die, die, die,’ and now that I’m doing just that, you’re stopping me?”
“Like I can just stand by and watch someone die in front of me!”
“Oh? What about all the people down there? They’re all going to die soon, too. Or have you developed some sort of supernatural powers while I’ve been away, enough to pulverize the meteorite or divert it from its course? Can you save all of them? What’s the difference if I die now, or in a couple hours?”
“That’s… that’s not the point!”
Shizuo’s chest heaved as he backed up, pulling Izaya back onto the ledge, though he didn’t let go of him.
“Why are you so determined to die?” he demanded, and Izaya sighed.
“Actually, I would prefer not to,” he explained, speaking slowly as if he were addressing a particularly stupid child. “But at this point, it’s impossible to avoid. So if I’m going to die, I’d rather do it in a way that I like.”
“But why won’t you at least try to live?”
“As I said, it’s impossible. I’m not a monster like you.”
Ahhhhh, this was why he hated Shizuo. Most stupid people were easy to deal with, because they didn’t try to pretend to be human. They were fine with being wrapped up in themselves and only caring about others when it benefited them. But Shizuo was so determined to prove that he was something that he wasn’t, which led him to do even more stupid things that proved he wasn’t human.
And then he was tugged closer, pulled against Shizuo’s chest, and his flickblade was in his hand, slashing at the other man, just like old times. Except Shizuo didn’t let go, only catching Izaya’s wrist and squeezing it until he dropped the weapon as blood trickled down from the cut on his cheek.
“You said it, right? I might be able to survive even out here. So if you’re with me, maybe you can live, too.”
“I don’t want to. What’s the point of living in a ruined world with a monster?” Izaya snapped acidly, struggling in the other man’s grip. But he’d never dreamed of being able to fight against Shizuo head-on, and with his legs as they were now, that was even more unlikely. All he could do was pound a fist weakly against a chest that felt as hard and immovable as concrete. "If you’re looking for someone to go to hell with you, I’m sure that there are plenty of people who would be delighted to oblige.”
“I don’t want to live with you, either. But if I can save one person, then it’ll be worth it, even if it’s you. And maybe that would be what both of us deserve, after everything we’ve done. If we’re the only ones left, we can’t hurt anyone else. Or maybe we’ll both die, and that will just be the end of it. But I’m not going to leave you alone. Who knows what the fuck you’d get up to?”
Izaya’s scowl deepened. Pointless sentiment, the monster looking to assuage its misplaced guilt… fine, but why did he have to be dragged into it? He’d never felt any remorse for the things he’d done, standing above the humans and watching them scramble frantically beneath him. He didn’t need forgiveness or repentance. He'd always lived simply as he wanted to, even knowing that it meant taking on his beloved humans' feelings, both positive and—more often—negative.
"Let me go."
"Let me go!"
"No. Come on, I-za-yaaa, let's face the end together."
Braced against Shizuo's chest, Izaya didn't have any choice in the matter, and they eventually ended up on the ground, waiting with Izaya half in Shizuo's lap. Then, as they watched, a false sunrise lit up the horizon, setting the sky aflame.
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icestar-74 · 1 year
In a "Pickle"
"Errrrrggggg, huff huff, hngggrrrrrr!" Izaya grunted. "Why can't I get this damn lid off!?"
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Izaya tried using the counter next. "Damn it. I just want to make spaghetti!"
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He then got on the floor. "Why. Won't. It. Open!" He finally gave up.
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"The only way...to get this open....is if I had inhuman strength." He panted. Suddenly he sat up with an idea dancing around his head. "THAT'S IT!"
A little later Shizuo was walking down the street at work. He and Tom had split up since they had more clients today than usual. He suddenly came across a suspicious jar in the road.
"What is this?" He narrowed his eyes at it. "Looks like...tomato sauce...." He looked around but the street was empty. "Weird..."
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He picked up the jar and opened it to give a look and a sniff. "Yep, definitely tomato sauce."
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"YOHOOOOOO! Shizu-chan! Who let you out of your cage?" A voice made Shizuo look up.
"What the fuck are you doing you stupid flea!?" Shizuo shouted up at Izaya, who was sitting on a railing.
"I heard a beast broke out of the Zoo and wanted to see for myself. Seems the rumors are true! Didn't expect it to be so ugly though. Perhaps I should alert animal control?" Izaya taunted.
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"WHY YOU!" Shizuo yelled and threw the jar at Izaya.
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Izaya jumped up on the railing and to Shizuo's surprise he pulled out a catchers mitt. Izaya caught the jar with ease and grinned madly down at Shizuo. "Thanks beasty!" He called down before running away leaving Shizuo more confused than anything.
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Back at home Izaya went to open his jar only to find the lid even tighter than before. "Ugh, how did that monster manage to make it worse?"
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"You know you could have waited till I came home after work idiot." Shizuo scolded Izaya in the kitchen.
"Yeah but I was hungry!" Izaya spat. "Maybe you shouldn't put the lids on so tight!"
Shizuo rolled his eyes. "Maybe you should learn to ASK me for help instead of being a hateful lil pest."
"Yeah right, it's like you don't even know me." Izaya grumbled, still trying to open the jar.
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This was based on the fic In a Pickle by Duraragon. It was a delight, as are all if their works:p
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thedancingwalrus-blog · 11 months
I wrote a new fic! See how mean I can be to Izaya Orihara!
(Shinra has done nothing to deserve this)
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
i have no idea what episode this is part 2
part 2 of this post i think?? tbh i found the clip in some random youtube video i have no idea if this takes place directly after or not and im just judging based on the time of day/setting
(i actually did search through like. the last few episodes of season 1 and the first few episodes of shou and i couldnt find shit so i'm assuming that this episode happened in one of the places i didnt check. not for lack of trying but because the website i was using straight up died on the spot trying to load them all so quickly)
(edit: it's episode 16 of durarara season 1 ty @/pineapplething)
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this screenshot is killing me actually. i had to pause instead of doing the 0.25 speed thing because i need his hands to be on his hips so it looks like he's just. staring down at the thing judgingly. izaya's pose is so funny because right before that he's like
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'what the fuck are you doing shizu-chan'
i forget the context of this scene too but like. why wasnt he pointing the knife at shizuo?? what were they doing. bro i love not having ANY context whatsoever and being too lazy to look up the actual episode
anyway babygirl looks so ugly in those shots god bless
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bro why you arching your back like that 🤨
in front of izaya too. god
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the way they have four separate reaction shots for izaya. bro the things that must've been going on through his head were NOT safe for work on god.
the way he says 'seriously' and then remembers to point the knife like bro had to take a second. he was processing. he almost looks enamored in that first shot actually (<- delusional)
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izaya's rectangle prism ass never ceases to amaze. glad he keeps that in both art styles
shizuo looks so funny from this angle i bet you could get the most unhinged smear frames every time he goes rage mode
can we get like an angry shizuo aesthetic moodboard except it's all either low quality or smear frames. it'd be really funny trust
also incredible how shizuo can extend the length of the guard rail to like. twice its size. it was not that big in the previous images. i wonder if that's a metaphor for something
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god these SUCKED to get pictures of because celty comes in so fast and there's no indication of when the frames will switch but i do it for you (im doing this for me. im obsessed. i have a final on tuesday for the class i have a B in but actually i think it's a D now)
these would probably be much easier to screenshot if i just downloaded the videos but why would i do that when i can press the back arrow key 50 zillion times and listen to the crunchy 0.25 audio explode every time shizuo opens his mouth
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this image gets me every time ugh they almost look like they were having a casual conversation or smth (<-delusional)
just. arch enemies both being distracted by something long enough to stop beefing with each other does something to me. i dont even know it doesnt have to be romantic i just like watching it (although it's usually romantic because im a sucker for enemies to/and lovers if you couldnt tell by my usual ships)
that's the end of this scene (or at least the youtube clip of it. you cannot ask me to load all those anime episodes again) but like man. good shit ill be replaying this in my brain for the next week or so
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dragongarden98 · 26 days
Sorry, for not posting as much as I should, I don't think I am going to use Tumblr as much as I thought I did. But here's my new plot bunnies. Hope you enjoy it at least.
Title: lonely souls no longer lonely.
Fandoms Danny phantom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Danny has to leave home because it's no longer safe in Amity Park.
Danny was caught by the G I W and he was experimented on.
In this fanfic Danny was adopted by the Fenton's when he was a baby. He is actually the illegitimate son of Orihara Shirou and is Izaya's half brother, that he has no idea about and didn't even know existed in the first place.
The rest of this fic would be focusing on Danny just trying to survive in the Ikebukuro. But he keeps getting mistaken for izaya.
This will have Shizaya and Izaya and Shizuo adopting Danny. Shizaya is important to the story but it's not the main focus, instead it's a secondary one.
Title: x marks the spot.
Fandoms Danny Phantom. Teen Titans.
Plot Summary.
It isn't safe anymore for the Fenton siblings in their own universe, so they leave their home dimension and they go to the DC universe.
There were some complications leading to Danny and his clone Ellie (Dani, I'm calling her Ellie because it's easier) becoming babies in between the ages of 1 month and 6 months old.
It's mainly just BAMF Jazz, she's raising her kids, kicking ass, and stealing stuff from evil corporations and Rich assholes.
50/50 if it is Jazz X Dick, but we'll just have to see.
The story would pick up where the Teen Titans cartoon ended. Perhaps the black and white monster could have been a ghost. Maybe we learn why Tara came back. FYI I know that there's a Teen Titans comic called Teen Titans go, not the same as that cartoon, it's set in the original series. Point is I'm not following the comics I'm going to do my own thing.
Fandoms Durarara!! ark survival evolved.
I had an idea for a story, but I have gotten some of the lore of ark completely wrong so my original story idea is completely scrapped.
Title: Records of a Forgotten Hero.
Fandoms Danny phantom. MHA.
Plot Summary.
Danny leaves behind a video diary for the three new halfas. So they can understand what is going on, and why they have multiple quirks now.
Midoriya. Bakugou. Todoroki.
I don't have much of a plot figured out for this one yet.
Title: The Runaway Babies.
Fandom Durarara!!.
Plot Summary.
Two young girls come to Ikebukuro to make a new life for themselves. They end up getting a bit more than what they bargained for, but a happy ending all the same.
Don't have very much for the story except the OCs end up adopting both Izaya and Shizuo instead of being adopted by them. The OCs are similar to izaya and shizuo.
It's a shizaya kid fic. Kids adopting their parents instead of the parents adopting the kids.
Title: a bond between two souls.
Fandoms My Hero Academia. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Bakugou and Deku wake up in the past and in the bodies of Izaya and Shizuo.
And they have no idea why, but now they have to figure out what happened to them and why they're here, and simultaneously deal with Izaya and Shizuo. Izaya and Shizuo are not happy that Bakugou and Deku are in their bodies.
I have no idea what I'm going to do with this fic, but I had so many ideas, but no real cohesive plot.
It's a reincarnation and soulmate AU. BakuDeku. Shizaya.
Bakugou is in Izaya's body and Deku is in Shizuo's.
Series title: Demons Of Gotham.
AKA, DOG. lol.
Fandoms Batman. Danny phantom.
Plot Summary.
Two demons have entered Gotham City and started attacking most of the rogues.
And at the same time Wayne Manor is being haunted by something or someone.
This is just going to be a series of one shots and maybe a few multi chapter fics. It's just meant to be a bunch of funny, wholesome, and horrifying (for the villains at least) stories about Thomas and Martha Wayne haunting Gotham (and kicking Joker's teeth out) for Jason, because he deserves better.
Series title: MHA Trip to DC.
Fandom MHA. DC animated universe. DC extended universe. Batman Wayne family adventures.
Plot Summary.
Just another series where MHA characters and DC characters. i don't have a story at the moment.
Just a bunch of ideas and scenes.
Title: The Missing Piece.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
I don't really have much of a story right now. but it would be a Shizaya x OC.
Title: only fleas.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo has a onlyfans.
Izaya is a big fan of his.
Probably a one shot but could be multiple chapters. it's just meant to be some fun shizaya smut.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Post Ketsu.
3 years have passed since Izaya left Ikebukuro and Izaya ended up getting kidnapped by a serial killer.
Izaya manages to escape but it's being hunted by the serial killer.
So thinking this is his last chance he calls his sisters and his friend Shinra, he even calls Shizuo and apologizes to them.
But no one picks up for whatever reason, except Shizuo.
Was inspired by an episode of SVU.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo and Izaya wake up in a strange Lab. But they don't wake up together. Instead they wake up in different parts of the lab at different times.
They soon learn that the world has been overtaken by monsters. And they themselves are slowly turning into monsters as well.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Mermaid AU. Inspired by the movie Deep Blue sea.
Essentially it's the plot of the movie but replacing the sharks with mermaids and one of the mermaids Izaya. Maybe the other two mermaids or his sisters.
Shizuo is the shark handler guy. but instead of sharks it's mermaids.
Not the exact plot of the movie but definitely inspired.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo wake's up in bed with Izaya, and is mortified. He's not sure what happened. He's planning on leaving, but he wants answers (and he would feel a little scummy for just sleeping with someone and leaving them right after.)
During all of this Izaya is asleep.
one shot fic where mostly just shizuo unsure what to do.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
This is the story with all the alternate versions of Shizuo and Izaya.
Shinra thought it would be a fun idea to clone them. that goes as well as you would think.
Now all the clones are loose, and Shizuo and Izaya don't know that they were cloned.
It is much chaos. In short the children have gotten loose and they're causing mayhem.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
The story just has one alternate version of Shizuo.
Delic is Shizuo's cousin and Izaya doesn't know about him.
But Delic knows about Izaya and decides to mess with him.
Examples are, flirting, calling Izaya cute while he's flustered, etc etc.
And all while he's pretending to be Shizuo. It also helps that he has Shizuo's strength.
Now what does Shizuo think about this? Who knows, maybe they both start messing with Izaya. And Izaya is just frustrated with whatever the hell is going on.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary.
Shizuo becomes an assassin and uses a cover named, Ruby No Yubiwa. Izaya became a manga artist by the pen name of Toudaimoto Kurashi.
I don't have that many ideas for the story.
Plus Toudaimoto Kurashi is kind of like an Izaya if he had never met Shinra.
Fandom. Durarara!!
Plot Summary
Izaya was sold to the Oriharas by his mom, or he was kidnapped by the Oriharas when he was a baby.
So he had no idea that he was kidnapped and/or adopted.
Depending on which version it's either his grandparents were still looking for him, or his parents and grandparents were looking for him. And as a last resort they go to the media. Another thing they can do in their desperation to find him is go to a certain informant and that's how they find out the truth.
inspired by another fanfic as well as an episode of SVU. I'm not sure where the story would go. I think it would be an interesting idea if Izaya had a family he never knew about. how would he deal with that?
Izaya has a secret child that no one knows about. Not even his family.
Unfortunately the mother of the child went missing, leaving Izaya to raise the child on his own. Another unfortunate thing is that Ikebukuro learns that Izaya has a kid, and Izaya decides to hire Shizuo as a bodyguard to keep his daughter safe.
I'm not sure what to do with this story. I just think it would be interesting if Izaya had a secret child.
Possible shizaya?
Izaya wakes up injured and in an apartment that he doesn't recognize. Turns out the apartment is Shizuo's.
Unsure how he got there, Izaya tries to figure out what's going on and how he ended up in Shizuo's apartment.
Meanwhile Shizuo is trying to take care of Izaya and keep him from getting out of the apartment.
Every time Izaya is close to getting out of the apartments. Shizuo freaks out and stops him from getting out.
It almost seems like Shizuo is scared of something.
Erika and Kyouhei have made a bet. The bet is who is right about the nature of Shizuo and Izaya's relationship. If Erika is right. Or Kyouhei?
If Kyouhei is right and those two aren't in a romantic relationship then Erika can't talk about them being in love for one month straight.
But if Erika's right... Who Knows! I haven't really decided on that one.
Shizuo and Izaya are trapped in The Sims. (It's totally Shenra's fault for that one.)
Shinra keeps the two of them separated. He gives them their own rooms and different parts of the house he made with them just until he figures out a way to get them out.
Shizuo has his own space far away from the "Flea" and Izaya is far away from the "Protozoan." Why aren't they put on separate lots because Shinra wants them to stay in the same place so it's easier to get them out. But unfortunately (though fortunate for the reader) this will backfire for all three of them.
Because somehow Erika gets a hold of the game; she has no idea that it's the actual Shizuo and Izaya and proceeds to live out her Shizaya fantasies.
This is going to be absolutely chaotic and I love it.
So have you ever seen the show "The amazing world of gumball?"
Well if you haven't you don't have to for this all you need to know is that there was an episode where an obsessive yandere ice cream girl (this show is very weird) gets a hold of a fanfiction note? What's the fanfiction note think of Death Note but instead of killing people it instead brought fanfiction to life.
Now imagine if Erika got a hold of such a book and all the stuff that would happen.
So it's up to Shizuo and Izaya to stop her because yeah it's all fanfiction about them together as a couple.
But will they be able to stop her before it's too late?
It's Erika's birthday and she's had a Shity Month! (Again blame Shinra for what's about to happen.) Shinra wants to be a good friend and make her birthday special so he decides it's a good idea to get Shizuo and Izaya into a relationship with each other.
At least that's one version. I just want a fic where Shizuo and Izaya are forced to pretend that they are in a relationship.
Erika Was Right!
I just want a fic where Kyouhei has an existential crisis because "Holy Shit Erika Was Right!" What was she right about?
Well obviously she was right about Shizaya.
Post katsu.
Izaya had a one night stand before the events of post ketsu with Shizuo.
This resulted in Izaya getting Pregnant.
Give the baby up for adoption after they're born, the birth happens eight or nine months after post-ketsu.
(Also the years have been altered slightly, instead of the events of the anime taking place in 2010 and 2015, instead it would be 2008 to 2009.)
The baby is all grown up and he's strong and ill-tempered just like his dear old dad Shizuo.
And now he wants to find out who his parents are? Will he ever get the answer? Who knows?
Eri compilation. Six villain stories and six hero stories.
Have some ideas for this.
The bat family ends up in the marvel universe. Will they get back home?
I don't have very many ideas for this.
The Bat family ended up in the 2004 The Batman series. Bat family minus Bruce and Alfred.
I have no idea for this one either. Well I have one idea but that's kind of it.
Jazz Fenton is female Tim Drake.
She left her home dimension because of some stuff that happened. The thing that ultimately gets her to leave is one Dick tries to have her put into Arkham.
She leaves to another dimension and she ends up getting turned back into a child. She finds a little baby boy that she named standing in a dumpster and later gets adopted by the Fenton's.
Izaya is heartbroken after getting rejected by Shizuo, so he leaves Ikebukuro. Shizuo regrets what he said to Izaya. So now Shizuo is trying to find Izaya.
Will Shizuo be able to find Izaya, will he ever get the chance to apologize for the hurtful things he said to Izaya. Or will it be too late.
FYI the stuff that Shizuo said to Izaya was pretty damn hurtful. Like a really brutal rejection. Even people who hate Izaya or think that Shizuo was being way too mean towards Izaya.
Durarara crossover with Backrooms.
Izaya gets trapped in the Backrooms.
Crossover with Durarara and SCP. Shizuo it's some kind of entity that broke into site 19. Izaya is one of the agents and Shizuo decides "this guy is really hot." And wants to make him his husband.
Izaya is given a love potion.
Anri and Izaya are siblings. Similar to idea one they don't know their siblings.
Might combine this with idea 18.
Sayaka (Anri mom) had Izaya when she was a teenager and give him up for adoption. The Orihara parents adopted and raised Izaya.
Izaya and Shiki are Father and son. Shiki knows that Izaya is his son. But Izaya doesn't know that Shiki is his dad.
This idea could also be combined with 18.
And could even be combined with the previous idea.
A crack fic.
A fusion of the first idea 1, 18, 35, 36, and Shiki now has a bunch of kids. And all three of them have issues. lol.
A series of fanfictions about Izaya and Shizuo being in a secret relationship with each other.
Izaya and Shizuo are too horny for their own good.
They do it in Shinra and Celty apartment. Don't worry they did clean up most of the condoms, they were a few they missed.
And they do it in a dumpster and they get caught by Simon. Well at least they're no longer fighting.
I'm sure if this idea is Canon to 38
Danny phantom and Gargoyles crossover.
Durarara but everyone is a cat.
Shiki and Shizuo have a talk.
It's a shovel talk.
Possibly Canon 38.
Izaya gets the aged and turns back into a small child. And now Shiki and Akabayashi are taking care of him.
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williamwonderland · 1 month
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His muscles screamed at the strain of dragging himself this way, and his back screamed harder tenfold. Every twist in direction, every tug as his limp legs slid uselessly across the carpet, it all sent that searing pain all up and down his spine. He wanted to cry, but clenched his jaw tighter. He couldn't give Shizu-chan any clues to where he was or what condition he was in.
*This fic was posted via my IzamationBroker pseud. Check out my Durarara!! side blog @izamationbroker!
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ficresc · 25 days
"You know what I mean," Shizuo says exasperatedly. "We've never had an actual conversation about us. Relationships are about compromise and… you don't compromise. It feels like I'm always the one compromising. I moved in. I changed my schedule. I do what you want. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like we're dating. Sometimes it just feels like… I'm just in your life." 
til the war's won by izayas
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dreamycheesylovebug · 6 months
Pouty Raijin Izaya wants you to know that Shizu-chan is having ~uncomfy~ feelings about him in chapter one of a new fic, up now!! 🔞 Eventual smut 🔞
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bunnyseahorse-blog · 11 months
In a moment of anger, Shizuo finds himself barging into a certain informants apartment only to find him in a lousy state and confessing more than anger
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fantastic-rambles · 11 months
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Fandom: Durarara!!
Characters: Izaya Orihara, Shizuo Heiwajima, Others (mentioned)
Warnings: PTSD, Physical Disability, Mindfuckery, Dehumanization, Attempted Murder, Implied Suicide Attempt, Obsession
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: [Post-Canon, light Izaya novel spoilers] Izaya remains haunted by the memories of the last time that he saw Shizuo, and in the still hours when everyone else is asleep, he reflects on the climax of the relationship that they shared. [Written for Shizaya Week 2023 | Day 2: Nightmare @shizayasweek]
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He bolts awake in a dark room, his heart racing, the cry of a monster still echoing in his ears. For a moment, he thinks that he sees a silhouette in the corner, the gleam of a white dress shirt… but no, it's simply a set of clothes laid out neatly on a hanger.
The glow of the clock on the side table tells him that it's a little before 6 am. Still a little too early for the sunrise, then, but Izaya isn't going to be able to fall asleep again anytime soon, so he pushes himself up to a sitting position before maneuvering to the edge of the bed so that he can ease himself into his wheelchair. As he manipulates the controls, it glides smoothly around the room, its machinery nearly whisper-silent. Which is only to be expected: it's the best that money can buy, with plenty of custom modifications, as even in his self-imposed exile from Tokyo, Izaya is still a man of means.
Opening his bedroom door is another struggle entirely, though. Briefly, he considers calling for Sozoro or even Nec—the hacker is probably awake—but he doesn't want anyone else to see him right now.
Eventually, he manages to tug the door open, rolling back quickly enough to not catch it on his chair, and leaves his room with a mental note to have Sozoro replace the door with something easier to open. Something that opens outward, perhaps. It’s not ideal: a sliding door would be the best, but the old man would probably balk at the sort of construction work needed to completely remake this place to Izaya’s needs. Besides, they’ll abandon this place soon enough when they move on to the next one where their services are needed, so it doesn’t make sense to spend too much time altering it.
Or perhaps he could just have Sozoro take off the door. But the last thing he wants is Haruto bouncing into his room while he’s asleep or busy to ask “Izaya nii-san” to play with him. Himari does her best to keep the boy away from him—not out of any consideration for Izaya himself, but in an attempt to keep his influence away from her little friend, which is quite endearing—but Haruto can be quite persistent. No, he still needs a door. Just a better one.
As he pours himself some cold barley tea in the kitchen before settling down at the dining table, he remembers replacing other doors. Too many of them, smashed down by inhuman strength. It was his fault, of course, for provoking Shizu-chan, but how could he not? It had simply been too entertaining, watching the monster prowling among his beloved humans as if he could be one of them and occasionally ripping off his mask to show everyone what he really was.
He’d only been one step away from achieving his goal, sending Shizu-chan past the point of no return while the Valkyrie he'd summoned brought him to Valhalla… but his little co-worker had ruined everything, leaving Izaya crippled and haunted by the ghosts of their interrupted showdown.
It isn't that he wants to die. If it was just that, Sozoro would probably be more than happy to end their contract and finish him off himself. It's not even that he believes in some sort of afterlife, really. It's simply a more appealing idea than just disappearing. But if he could leave some sort of permanent mark on the world, one way or another…
He'd intended to win. He still remembers the heady rush of euphoria as he watched the monster fall to its knees as it slowly suffocated. If he'd eradicated Shizu-chan from the earth, then it had to change somehow. There was no way that life would have been able to simply continue on as if nothing had happened: it was as preposterous as people ignoring a meteorite that had carved a crater into the heart of the city. His absence would be felt, remembered, passed down in legends like the Headless Rider. And Izaya would have been the one who'd done that, his own name and story eclipsing both Celty and Shizu-chan's.
His drink ripples in his cup, drawing his attention to the slight tremor of his arm. With a grim smile, he wraps his fingers around his wrist, tightening his grip until he's regained a semblance of control. Recalling their fight is making his heart start to race, just as it had when he'd realized that Shizu-chan had escaped his trap. But that had been alright, too.
In that moment, the other man had really seen him, been just as determined to kill him. They'd faced each other without any pretenses, only the purity of their feelings unfettered by any worldly concerns, just like the first time they’d met. Izaya had barely even felt his injuries at the time, captivated by the pure rage and violence before his eyes: no longer human, but a natural disaster in its own right.
If he had been consumed by that storm, it would have never been able to pretend to be human again. Izaya isn't sure what would have happened, but he knows that much. For all that Shizu-chan has done, for all that he hates himself and his strength, he's never killed anyone. It's the last thread to being "human" that he clings to desperately… even if it was just Izaya, his death at the other man's hands would have snapped that tether, sending Shizu-chan plummeting down to his own personal hell.
After that… would the Fighting Puppet of Ikebukuro disappear, drowned in its self-loathing? Would it finally renounce its claim to humanity and become more than a monster: a demon or a god, free of the flimsy chains of human morality that only bound it as long as it allowed them to? Shizu-chan has always frustrated him since he's the only thing whose actions Izaya can't predict. Even though he wouldn’t have been able to see the ultimate outcome, he would have left an indelible mark upon Shizu-chan, carved into his very soul. He would have been remembered by the one being that could be expected to be the last one standing when everyone else was erased from the face of the earth.
It had been his only chance. Because it's just as Simon said: Izaya's a coward. He'll never again find the courage to face Shizu-chan. It has nothing to do with the wheelchair, with the legs that could work again if he started rehabilitation.
Even if he lies to everyone else, he knows the truth. All he's doing is running away. And he'll keep doing it until the very end.
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zamtik · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: John Wick (Movies), John Wick (Comics), Durarara!! Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Heiwajima Shizuo/Orihara Izaya, Kishitani Shinra & Orihara Izaya, The Director & Shizuo Heiwajima, Ares & Shizuo Heiwajima, Shizuo Heiwajima/Gianna D'Antonio, Shiki Haruya & Heiwajima Shizuo Characters: Heiwajima Shizuo, Orihara Izaya, Akabayashi Mizuki, The Director (John Wick), Ares (John Wick), Gianna D'Antonio, Shiki Haruya, Yodogiri Jinnai, Simon Brezhnev, Vorona (Durarara!!), Izumii Ran, Ryuugamine Mikado, Sonohara Anri Additional Tags: crossover bby, im so in love with this movie AND this anime man, seriously, en español porque se necesita, open english ya no me quiere dar clases jajaja, Dullahan!!Izaya, Wick!!Shizuo, Biker Orihara Izaya, Yeah baby bring me the cheese, con cariño para scrambledshizaya por tener la MAMA de los headcannon en su tumblr, en serio, veanlo y dediquenle cosas, es espectacular cómo funciona ese cerebro Summary:
"Shizuo no quería verse como un acosador, así que le saludó con los dos dedos que estaban sujetando su cigarro, expulsando el humo antes de hablar. – Tú moto está genial, ¿qué no era ilegal manejar ese modelo en Ikebukuro?
El chico reaccionó, acercándose con pasos silenciosos hasta dónde estaba él, se puso una mano en la cintura y con la otra hizo gestos rápidos en el aire y oh…
¿Lenguaje de señas?
Estaba un poco oxidado, pero igual comprendió la idea general de “No es ilegal si no te atrapan”
Soltó una risotada, notando en los hombros del muchacho la sorpresa de ser comprendido, Shizuo se puso el cigarrillo en los labios, haciendo gestos lentos con sus manos “Hablas como todo un delincuente”
Shizuo Wick, qué más tengo qué decir. Agradecimientos especiales a scrambledkitty por el bello headcannon que me ayudó traer a la vida una nueva historia.
LO LOGREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Espero que te guste, de nuevo, mil gracias por pemitirme usar tu headcanon, le dio una sazón perfecta a la historia <3
Ahora parte del @shizayasweek  #ShizayaWeek2023
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
dude im being 100% fr shizaya fanfic writers were and are fucking insane
because my school banned ao3 (my fault, but that's not important), i saved a bunch of super long shizaya fics (which are PLENTIFUL for some reason, maybe because tastewithouttalent wrote so goddamn many) and have them open to entire work which allows it to stay open on my school devices without being “registered” per say
and they have been like. fucking destroying me
To Hell and Back by corteae started with “izaya and shizuo travel around the world and wacky shenanigans happen” and i was messaging my discord server like “SHIZAYA WORLD TOUR WOOOOOOO” and i was expecting wacky shenanigans and then suddenly everything went off the fucking rails in the way i LEAST expected it to happen
like maybe i wouldn’t have been so blindsided if i hadn’t skimmed through the tags so quickly but like it’s more fun that way. i hate when i actually see a ‘major character death’ tag warning because i want to be surprised
ANYWAY that was genuinely like. one of my favorite fanfiction reading experiences to date. it was like reading a whole novel with how much original stuff was in there but it was so focused on izaya and shizuo and characterized them so unexpectedly well that the original stuff never really felt out of place or forced even though it was so wild
and even though it got super dark at times it maintained this really hopeful outlook on everything and sometimes it was downright cheesy but it just WORKS for that fic and i love it because of that
and some of the challenges it made the characters go through just worked SO well for their canon characters especially post-ketsu and i gasped audibly at some of them and Ahrhghgghhfdgfd
and then the past few days i was reading this zombie apocalypse fanfiction (april 23rd by izayas) and it was like. the most depressing fanfiction reading experiences to date. i literally had a panic attack in school after i read this for a bit too long a session like holy shit it just felt so real and so heavy and hopeless
the writing was phenomenal and well-planned/foreshadowed and probably has the best shizuo AND izaya characterization that i’ve ever seen?? like i could believe things would actually happen in this way in canon. probably because their hate for each other is so intrinsic and they’re never really able to let go of that?? which is not what i expected because yes they bond and yes they care for each other but it was always in a way so that you could feel the wall between them, and even when they connect it’s only briefly, never enough to tear them away from their hatred fully
it almost feels shakespearean in how tragic it is?? everything is so character driven and all their downward spiraling is so poetic and sickening but utterly gorgeous to read. like at so many points you’re like GOD if only they had done this one small thing different, if only if only if only and it’s just htrgrhgfhgd drives me insane which is probably what izayas-san was going for lmao. esoecially at the end you can really feel the shakespeare tragedy kicking in
it’s notable that although it’s tagged shizaya and very much centers around their relationship, it’s much more an exploration of the will of human nature and their individual struggles with coping and growing from their experiences, and there’s like. no typical romance whatsoever
it’s about their sick, twisted, passionate love and whether it’s enough to save either of them or if it’ll kill both of them and just. god. i am empty after that fic i didnt cry but it feels like all the tears have been drained from my body i dont even know how to feel or how to function. i had to take a break from writing this review and it’s been a whole weekend and there’s still this weight on my chest that i cant get rid of :sob: for my sanity’s sake i sincerely doubt i could ever read it again but i honestly treasure that experience
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pumpkin-george-art · 1 year
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Not drawing much fanart recently since I'm working on realism and drawing from models, but I have been rewatching Durarara so here's a quick Shizaya sketch dump.
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