#orodreth's wife
Silmarillion Writers’ Guild started off the year’s prompt challenges with a Jubilee, opening old prompts back to 2017 for the chance to get stamps on the site (I am apparently ridiculously motivated by stamps despite never having collected them irl)
All can now be read on AO3
With Lights and Holly and Songs of Good Cheer     
Finrod & Elwing Gen ~1,200 words
For the Season's Greetings writing prompt:
In Post-First Age Valinor, Finrod and Elwing create a new custom to share with one another, to keep them connected to their past and kin.
The Gift
Morwen & Rian Gen ~900 words
For the Middle-earth Museum writing prompt.  Inspired by the prompt item Egyptian Paddle Doll from The Met Museum:
Morwen makes a gift for her cousin Rían's upcoming birthday.
A Mingling Of Silver Stars and Golden Sun
Ilwen & Gwidhil Gen ~500 words
For the Hidden Figures writing prompt
Parallel narratives of Ilwen, wife of Ingwë, and Gwidhil, wife of Orodreth.
A mouse & Undisclosed Characters Gen ~350 words
For the Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth writing prompt using the inspiration image: A Fat Dormouse
A little thief is caught red-handed in an unexpected encounter.
For the Vintage writing prompt using the Vintage Poetry Text Prompt: Filk
A musical/poetic exploration of the Fall of the Noldor - 'Noldolantë' - beginning with the discord sewn by Melkor unto Fëanor's death.
Filk of Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah'
Gil-galad & OC Gen ~800 words
For the Solve a Problem writing prompt
“My lord!  Excellent news!”
Gil-galad looked up, expectation mixed with mild humor on his face at the eager young scribe who had come to stand before him.
The scribe held up an old, water-damaged tome and declared with absolute assurance, “We finally know who your father is!”
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feanoryen · 18 days
Gil-Galad origin theories ranked from my favorite to least favorite
1. Son of Aegnor & Andreth - Not supported by canon at all but still the most fun & angsty idea. I also just love Aegnor & Andreth and think Gil-Galad being their son would at least bring them the comfort that them falling in love, despite how tragically their story ended, was worth it.
2. Son of Fingon + Telerin wife - I think we need to let Fingon be an a-hole more often. A Fingon who’s willing to kill his wife’s own people for Maedhros is so delicious. Gil-Galad could go live with Cirdan because it reminds him of his mother’s home.
Fingon + Sindarin wife is honestly less interesting to me (I’d put it on the same level as Son of Orodreth). Without the element of betrayal, it’s not as appealing.
3. Is actually Finduilas - I saw a blonde Tolkien woman dressing up as a man before & fighting and I loved it. Let it be done again.
4. Descendant of Feanor - Whether Gil-Galad is a son of Maglor, Caranthir, Curufin, or one of the canonically unmarried brothers, I’ll always eat it up. Celebrimbor carried Feanor’s creative legacy, but another descendant of Feanor becoming the great King that Feanor was unfortunately never able to be would be awesome.
5. Son of Dior & Nimloth (Is actually Elured or Elurin) - Love to see it! While I’m not a huge fan of Thingol & his family, a King with no Noldorin ancestry choosing to lead the Noldor onto a brighter path despite his own bad experiences with them is actually quite fun.
6. Son of Orodreth - It’s ok, it’s fine, it’s not the most interesting, but it’s not bad either. There’s a fair deal of angst I guess, which I like. It also just causes a lot of confusion though, and not in an interesting way. I also like Angrod so Gil-Galad being his grandson is a plus for me, but Finduilas pulling a Mulan is just so much more fun.
7. Son of Finrod & Amarie - NO THANK YOU!!! It’s boring, it’s uninspired, it holds less weight than being Orodreth’s son does. NEXT!
8. Son of Russingon (biological) - I personally don’t like the idea of making one half of a mlm ship ⚧️ just so they can have bio kids together, but no hate to the ppl who enjoy this version.
Adopted son of Russingon? I love it, but I actually rarely see this version. (I’d also put this one around the same level as Son of Orodreth but before Fingon + Sindarin wife)
9. Is actually any character that died (besides Finduilas) - It just doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t want an amnesiac Fingon or Feanor, sorry. It takes away from the emotional impact that those 2 deaths have on their loved ones, particularly the impact they had on Maedhros. Finduilas only works for me because 99% of her loved ones like Orodreth & Gwindor are dead.
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an-eldritch-peredhel · 6 months
The thing that draws me most to this fandom, and the things that makes it unique, is that by the mere nature of the works we love, everyone's Arda is different. And not just in the usual headcanon-y ways that are typical of every story, but even down to important plot and characterization points.
Who is Gil-Galad? What is the Oath and what does it have power to do? What really is the Dagor Dagorath? How do the Laws Of The Universe work?
And beyond that- what parts of HoME do you pick and choose? LaCE? Does anyone try and work with Tolkien's horrendous math? Have you taken parts of your Arda from older or other worlds, with the Cottage of Lost Play and the exile of the Gnomes?
Have you given names to the wives and daughters? What do they mean- who are they? Mother-names or father-names for those who only had one?
I just really love how even when two interpretations of the same world seem utterly incompatible, they aren't. I'd love to see other additions/headcanons!
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Hello! So it’s super fun when Gil-Galad is revealed to be nobody's son, but gets adopted anyway, yeah?
But Consider: Gil-Galad is reembodied and is fully ready to accept that the gig is up, unfortunately, all his would-be fathers are sonless and won’t let him leave the family.
Look, Fingon loves his bestfriend/husband/cousin/person’s peredhel child like a child of his own flesh, but he wasn’t there for the raising! Elrond already has a wife and kids! The kid is already grown up!
However, Gil-Galad has no spouse or children, nor even an official lordship of his own. And if Gil-Galad was calling him dad already in Beleriand/M-E then clearly he can’t let this opportunity to Be A Dad leave just like that! Gil-Galad wants to leave quietly but Fingon is holding onto Parenthood with both hands in a death-grip. Fingon will not let Gil leave quietly. (The situation escalates when Maedhros is Haggled released from Mandos/Void Time Out)
Meanwhile, Orodreth loves his daughter, but Finduilas is a grown elf-lady with a maybe-fiancé and several Adult Royal Things Going On. Finduilas is all grown up and Orodreth is feeling that Empty Nest Syndrome that the bird books warned him about. however, Gil-Galad is parentless, and already claimed Orodreth as a maybe-dad, so clearly the boy needs some guidance, right? Plus his Wife (an Avari woman who sincerely loves her wet cat husband) could use somebody to take on hunting trips. Finduilas is too busy nowadays but clearly, Gil-Galad could use the Motherly Bonding Time. (Orodreth’s wife is a menace and she would’a gotten more kids if it weren’t for Finrod dying spontaneously damnit)
Anyway, this ends up with Gil-Galad in a weird four-way co-parenting situation where he has to spend equal time with Fingon, Maedhros, Orodreth, and Orodreth’s wife.
The other solution is for Fingon and Orodreth to fist-fight again and nobody wants that. (Not even Fingon. Turns out; Orodreth bites and has the jaw strength of a damn crocodile).
It’s a damn reverse-con. Gil-Galad claimed them as parents and now they’re claiming him back as their child.
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sexiestfinweanpoll · 1 year
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thelien-art · 2 years
Oooh for the Valentine's requests: Orodreth and his wife (Gwidhil in my HC) There's a couple that needs more love 💖
Thank you!
Oh, they are!
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velvet4510 · 3 months
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aureentuluva70 · 2 years
In one version of the legendarium, Fingon had a wife and two children while in beleriand, a daughter Erien and a son Finbor.
Looking up the translation of their names, I must admit I always found the name Erien a rather odd one. Mostly because one of its translations is "Lonely maiden". Why would Fingon name his child "Lonely maiden"?
But then I looked back at it and realized that maybe it wasn't supposed to be translated as lonely, but connect to the name of Eru, referring rather to divinity and holiness than loneliness and solitude. Also, Fingon's mother's name is Anaire which means "holiness". Does this mean I headcanon that Fingon named his daughter Erien as a kind of tribute to his mother? Yes. Yes I do.
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welcomingdisaster · 1 year
heavily prefer "gil-galad child of orodreth" to "gil-galad child of fingon" for many reasons, but not leasst among them is that, considering that orodreth canonically has a sindar wife, it means the last (and arguably most successful, at least for wartime kings) king of the noldor is, like, 1/8 noldor at most.
like after feanor's whole "finwë is letting vanyar quenya taint our fine speech" thing and then finarfin's sons being accused of having mixed loyalties because of their dual heritage. the last and in some ways greatest high king of the noldor having the MOST mixed heritage is poetic justice. 1/8 noldor 1/8 vanya 1/4 teleri 1/2 sindar gil-galad GO
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sesamenom · 6 months
@general-illyrin @tar-thelien @who-needs-words I think you all mentioned being interested in the reverse gondolin au - is anyone interested in helping with wrangling the timelines, especially the second age stuff? Here's the current outline:
(Edit: anyone feel free to help out if you're interested!)
YT 14365 - Birth of Lomion
YT 14373/FA 1 - Death of Argon
2 - Aredhel adopts Lomion
300 - Birth of Idril
316 - Turgon & Idril kidnapped by Eol
400 - Turgon & Idril rescued. Death of Eol
465 - Finrod more-peacefully passes throne to orodreth while on Quest. Everyone except beren still dies
472 - Nirnaeth. Turgon named High King of the Noldor.
476 - Turgon abdicates official title. Aredhel named High King of the Noldor.
496 - Tuor comes to Gondolin
502 - Wedding of Idril and Tuor
503 - Births of Earendil and Elwing. Idril begins to have foresight dreams about the Fall.
506 - Second Kinslaying. C^3 dead, celebrimbor stays in gondolin. Aredhel denounces the oath/kinslaying and disowns C^3
Elwing survives & is found by Oropher & Thranduil // Galadriel & Celeborn. oropher, thranduil, oropher's wife, and thranduil's then-gf // galadriel & celeborn take Elwing to Gondolin as refugees. The Silmaril is left hidden in the woods of melian's domain.
507 - Elwing comes to Gondolin.
509 - Idril captured by Morgoth. Idril reveals the location of Gondolin in exchange for an Oath to not harm her family (Turgon, Tuor, and Earendil). Idril rescued.
510 - Gondolin prepares for war with Morgoth.
513-522 - Siege of Gondolin. Deaths of Duilin and Rog. Gothmog slain by Aredhel the Huntress. First use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor in defense of Gondolin. House of the Hammer of Wrath destroyed.
523 - Maedhros believes a Silmaril is with Elwing at Gondolin.
525 - Earendil weds Elwing. Lomion weds ???. Adoption of Gil-Galad
532 - Births of Elrond and Elros.
538 - Third Kinslaying at Gondolin. Death of Amras. Elrond and Elros kidnapped by Maglor. Deaths of Elwing and Turgon. Second use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor. Deaths of Maedhros and Aredhel. Lomion named King of Gondolin and High King of the Noldor. Deaths of Salgant, Penlod, and Tuor. Earendil named Lord of the House of the Wing.
540-549 - War declared between Gondolin and the Feanorians of Himring over the Third Kinslaying and kidnapping of Princes Elrond and Elros.
549 - Elrond and Elros recovered. Feanorians and Gondolin severely weakened. Celebrimbor // Gil-Galad declared heir to the High Kingship.
552-554 - Second Siege & Fall of Gondolin. Third use of the Three Rings by Lomion and Celebrimbor. Deaths of Ecthelion, Glorfindel, Egalmoth, and Turgon. Idril and Celebrimbor lead survivors through the Secret Way.
555 - Gondolithlim refugees arrive at Sirion.
556 - Idril departs for Valinor.
558 - Earendil searches for Valinor.
560 - Havens of Sirion destroyed by Morgoth. Gondolithlim/Doriathrim survivors scattered. Elrond and Elros rescued (as adults) by Maglor.
572 - Morgoth controls Beleriand. Earendil and reembodied Elwing come to Valinor and rally the Host.
575-617 - War of Wrath
618 - Maglor claims the Silmaril from Eonwe's camp and casts himself into the Sea. Death of Maglor.
620 - End of the First Age.
1 - Founding of the Grey Havens and Lindon under High King Lomion
2 - Elros becomes the first King of Numenor
c. 500 - Sauron returns to Middle-Earth in the East.
650 - Eregion is founded
1000 - Galadriel is given Vilya; Lomion wields Nenya
1170 - Annatar comes to Lindon and Lomion turns him away. Lomion warns Celebrimbor of Eregion of his suspicions.
1200 - Annatar comes to Eregion. Celebrimbor takes him in to monitor.
1250 - Celebrimbor creates the Seven; Lomion creates the Nine.
1410 - Annatar is kicked out of Eregion.
1600 - The One Ring is forged. Sauron remains in hiding.
1610 - Sauron begins to gather and prepare armies in the East.
1673 - War of the Elves and Sauron begins.
1675 - Sauron invades Eriador.
1677 - Fall of Ost-in-Edhil. Celebrimbor and Lomion remain at the House of the Mirdain. Death of Celebrimbor in battle // Fourth use of the Three in battle. Sauron does not learn of the Seven. Founding of Imladris.
1678 - Sauron defeated by the Numenoreans and the Elves of Lindon.
1679 - Sauron flees to Mordor. First White Council held.
3147 - Civil war in Numenor.
3225 - Ar-Pharazon seizes the Sceptre.
3228 - Elrond claims the Sceptre. Ar-Pharazon disowned. Tar-Miriel named Ruling Queen.
3232 - Sauron taken to Numenor as a prisoner.
3274 - Elrond kicks Sauron out of Numenor and outlaws the morgoth cult.
3310 - Morgoth cult publicly reappears.
3319 - Downfall of Numenor. Tar-Miriel leads a greater force of the Faithful away.
(green // blue means two main options, red means i need to think about it more)
The main details I'm figuring out right now are
does Celebrimbor still die at Eregion - I don't think he's getting captured/tortured, but he could still die in the battle. On the other hand, he could probably survive by using Narya & Lomion using Nenya, but that would definitely have repercussions further down the line
how does Idril's deal work - I'm currently thinking of Idril exchanging the location of Gondolin for her family's guaranteed safety, because it seems in character for Reverse Idril? But on the other hand, even if I limit it to immediate family at the time of the oath (tuor, turgon, earendil) then idk where turgon dies? Maybe Maglor can kill him but that seems kind of random
where and how does Turgon die
how does Prince Elrond's character even work
how does Numenor still fall when factoring in Prince Elrond - I'm thinking that the morgoth death cult gained enough traction during the time sauron was there that even after Elrond kicks him out, the cult still sticks around and reemerges later? The Fall still happens, but they never go to attack valinor and there's a good deal more Faithful (maybe 40-60%?)
#silm#silmarillion#not art#reverse gondolin au#basically elrond is giving me a Lot of trouble here#i tacked an extra 30 years onto the FA (so the SA dates are mostly shifted up by 30 years to balance it out; hence elros being king in SA 2#this means e&e were adults during the Fall of Gondolin and the war of wrath and all#so instead of 'kind as summer' elrond of the last homely house in rivendell#we have gondolithrim veteran/dragonslayer Prince Elrond of Imladris Stronghold#and later the Bastion of the Faithful of Numenor#ironically enough he turned out way more feanorian when not raised by feanorians#instead of sirion e&e's defining Childhood Trauma was the gondolin kinslaying#in which mae and aredhel duel to the death while screaming at each other about fingon's fate and the Oath#and argon and elenwes deaths on the helcaraxe#also elwing fully died trying to protect them in this one#and then e&e were like 20something and sons/grandsons of two Lords durign the FoG so obviously they ended up fighting there too#and then again at the war of wrath#and by the mid SA elrond has already lived through so many wars he's running rather low on hope#so Prince Elrond still tries to be kind but is also substantially more willing to threaten people if need be#after eregion he founds imladris as a haven but also an impenetrable fortress#he saw the fall of gondolin and he knows that rivendell couldn't last forever#but he believes he can make it last long enough to defeat sauron first#or at least push him back so that the refugees of eregion can rebuild and survive#meanwhile celebrimbor takes up the last homely house role#but yeah Prince Elrond is pretty interesting#he intervenes more with numenor bc hes watching them self destruct and knows (bc foresight) exactly what would happen#so he tries (eventually in vain) to prevent it by disowning and exiling ar pharazon#and later exiling sauron around the time of the burning of nimloth#but it's too late and the morgoth cult already gained enough traction#on the other hand there's a lot more Faithful led by tar-miriel
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eilinelsghost · 1 month
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Finrod from The Warning Sounds Too Late
The Warning Sounds Too Late
Part 18 of The Atandil Series Rating: T Relationships: Finrod/Bëor, Finrod & Maedhros, Finrod & Gildor, background Fingon/Maedhros, Finrod & everybody at this dinner basically Characters: Finrod, Bëor, Gildor, Angrod, Eldalótë, Orodreth, Orodreth's wife, Finduilas, Aegnor, Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor, Original characters Word Count: 6,218
“Blessed was the joining of your forbearers’ souls, and blessed are we by the fruit of their labor.” Eldalótë stood at one corner of the table with a slim chalice raised in salute, first to the king at her left, then to her husband at the foot of the table. “May joy be upon what joy hath wrought!” “And may Elbereth make light to shine upon you!” came the echo along the length of the table, the clinking of glasses, the laughter rippling like a brook. Balan sipped from his cup and let his eyes drift over the little assembly. They were strange, these feasting customs of the Nómin—the ritual washing each of another’s hands, the bread broken and passed to the guest at one’s side, the form of the toasts, indeed the gathering itself. “Do you celebrate birth’s remembrance among your kind?” he had asked once in Estolad, curiosity piqued as Nóm watched the merriment of Belen’s feast with rapt fascination. “Or does the counting become too cumbersome?” “Nay,” Nóm had flashed a sidelong grin, “tis the day of begetting that we celebrate.” And Balan had laughed, thinking him in jest, till the king’s look of earnest confusion told him otherwise, and then he laughed still more in bemusement. It was the crude term Nóm had used in his assertion—the trouble, Balan teased him later, that came of learning a language through prodding about in another’s head. The vocabulary thus gleaned was only as respectable as the mind he plumbed.
[Keep reading on AO3]
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 3 months
What was Finrod's plan exactly?
It was after the Dagor Bragollach. The Noldor front line was severely crippled. No direct assault had been attempted on Angband before because it was a dumb idea.
So what on Earth was Finrod's plan? You can't sneak in with an army - he couldn't even sneak in with a handful of people.
I get that Finrod had seen this would be his death, and he was probably scared, but that's no reason to drag your entire realm to die with you because you made an oath.
Why didn't he try something else? He's Þingollo's nephew, and even if Þingollo was still upset about Alqualondë, surely he wouldn't be happy about Finrod going on a suicide mission that Þingollo himself began.
And the Silmarillë itself! If Finrod's oath to Barahir was even half as strong as the Oath of Fëanáro, he should've had more sympathy toward Celegorm and Curufin, whose very souls were on the line. Did he discuss this with them prior? It would be their business because the Silmarilli were theirs by right. Robbing a robber doesn't make their stuff yours.
Celegorm and Curufin weren't wrong. They didn't necessarily have the best intentions, but that doesn't make what they said incorrect. But it's easier to blame them than to dare say Findaráto Ingoldo Finrod Felagund, the golden child, was incorrect.
(It's not like Orodreth stood up for Finrod either.)
This whole story just feels like Tolkien had a grudge against the Fëanárions and wanted to portray them in the worst way, even if it wasn't necessarily in character. I appreciate the story of Beren and Lúthien for what it was - a love letter to his wife - but that doesn't make it a good and rational story.
(I do like Finrod, but this decision made me want to shake him until his brain slots back into place.)
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Hamilton songs as the Silmarillion prt 1
Who lives, Who dies, Who tells your story: Elrond Peredhel. Thinking mainly about all the kids he fosters in Elros’ line. But also the idea of him preserving the histories and memory of the Feanorians alongside the rest of his family.
Quiet Uptown: Either kidnap fam, with everyone’s assorted trauma (I think maybe Mae and Mags thinking about their brothers) or Feanor and Nerdanel reuniting after everything
Say no to this: Silvergifting. Celebrimbor and Annatar. Need I say more?
Burn: Nerdanel obviously. I’ve heard that take before and honestly it seems written for her. But I’m also going to add the possibility of Curufinrod. Some parts more than others I feel would also fit either point of view for that one. I lean a little more towards Curvo though. Maybe some kind of jealousy towards Beor and Barahir?
Non stop: Maedhros after Angband. All the diplomacy over letters, probably from his sick bed. The song just describes him so well. Also Elros.
Helpless: Luthien and Beren fits very well. But also Halenthir if we’re getting creative. Especially the bits about meddling siblings.
Satisfied: Russingon. If we’re going with Fingon having a wife. Forbidden love. It just makes me emotional. From Maedhros point of view.
Room where it happens: Nargothrond. Mainly Curufin and Celegorm and Orodreth. Feat Finrod and Beren.
Alexander Hamilton: Feanor. Just Feanor.
Schuyler Sisters: The three Cs. Just imagine it. Also Idril, Aredhel and Galadriel works. But seriously Celegorm, Caranthir - and Curufin. It would be incredible.
Farmer Refuted: Feanor harassing Eonwe while being backed up by Celegorm and Curufin. So funny.
You’ll be back: Thingol talking to literally anyone. He just has that entitled vibe. Also maybe Sauron to Maedhros.
Right Hand Man: Elrond and Gil Galad when they meet during the War of Wrath.
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the-elusive-soleil · 10 months
Some random headcanons I have for a Silm modern AU:
Feanor is the son of Finwe's ex-wife Miriel (they split more or less amicably due to the more kids/no more kids thing). There are more resources to help deal with this than in canon Valinor, so while Feanor isn't happy about the Indis and half-siblings situation, he's able to get to a place of mostly getting along with them.
Finwe made his money in investments--Aule Industries, Elentari Electric Co., Sulimo Aerospace...you get the picture.
Feanor could have gone to work for Aule Industries, but instead he struck out on his own as an inventor, and holds patents for several now-common items.
He's married to the famous sculptor Nerdanel. They've had their disagreements, but they're in couples therapy and working on sticking together.
Fingolfin is a state-level politician. He and Feanor mostly sort of get along provided everyone avoids certain topics.
Maedhros works for Fingolfin as a political fixer, which he is very very good at. Feanor has mostly made his peace with this.
Maglor went through a classical musical education, but eventually his hobby band Noldolante took off to the point that he went full-time with it. He's the lead vocalist and songwriter. Currently thinking their sound would be something like heavy metal but with the instruments and volume of acoustic folk.
Their musical rivals are the folk duo Nightingale Shadow, the brother-sister pair Daeron and Luthien Gray.
Celegorm got a job through his grandfather's friend Orome Aldaron at Aldaron LLC, an outdoor gear company resembling Cabela's, as a spokesperson/sponsored rep type of thing. He has a huge dog and tells a different story every time someone asks where he got him, and keeps trying to ask out Luthien from Nightingale Shadow (which drives Maglor nuts).
Caranthir is a stocks trader and financial advisor, which has made him wealthy enough on his own to rival Finwe. At some point, he announces his engagement (despite no one in the family knowing he was dating) to a small business owner named Haleth who takes none of his guff.
Curufin works with his father as a fellow inventor. He married an epidemiologist several years back, and they have a small son, Tyelpe, who is already being brought to an unbelievable number of "take your child to work" days. Everyone's bracing for the mad science to reach critical mass once Tyelpe's old enough to wield a screwdriver.
Amrod and Amras are still in high school and haven't confirmed a path in life yet, although they do quite a bit of Celegorm's social media stuff with him.
Fingon used to work with his father and Maedhros, but eventually decided that politics wasn't for him, and now runs a nonprofit to aid disaster victims. He and Maedhros frequently tease each other about how exhausted their respective careers are making them.
Turgon works in some capacity for the city government, which he claims is the level of politics where things actually get done.
Aredhel also works for Aldaron LLC as a spokesperson; sometimes she and Celegorm will collaborate on posts.
At some point, she starts a relationship with a guy named Eol, but leaves him when he turns out to be a controlling jerk. Post-breakup, she finds out she's pregnant, and ends up keeping the baby because Eol doesn't want her to do so and make him pay child support. She turns out a better mom than anyone expects.
Finarfin is some kind of lawyer working in conflict resolution and mediation. He is very good at it; he ought to be, given all the practice he's had.
Finrod owns an ethically sourced jewelry company. His brother Orodreth works for him.
Aegnor and Angrod are college students; Angrod is undeclared, but Aegnor is studying anthropology.
Artanis is in high school and the most politically minded teenager ever. She's in student government and on the debate team and Model UN, you name it. The family used to joke that someday she was going to rule a small country. They still say it, but it's become less and less of a joke over the years.
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thelordofgifs · 2 years
A Completely Objective Rating of Gil-galad Origin Theories
So! My Research(tm) has informed me that Tolkien conceived of at least four potential parentages for Gil-galad, last High King of the Noldor, at various points. This plothole/controversy/mystery is deeply, deeply funny to me, so I decided to make a post arbitrarily rating various Gil-galad theories and providing examples of fics where they appear.
Some disclaimers:
I am very very new to the silm fandom and also tumblr and don't actually know anything! so there is a very high chance something will go wrong here
in compiling this I was very much indebted to this post by @sweetteaanddragons and this one by @tanoraqui
your headcanons, of course, are extremely valid! no shade at all to anyone who likes one of the theories I’ve rated a bit lower, and thank you for doing your bit to deepen the controversy. the more Gil-galad theories the better
Unsurprisingly, this turned out LONG. I split the parentages into four sections: Part 1 covers supposedly canon/canon-adjacent Gil-galad theories; Part 2, popular fanon theories that I've seen in a variety of places; Part 3 will cover rare fanon theories that I've only seen basically once, and ideas I literally just made up myself.
Baseline assumptions I'm using:
The "historical record", in-universe, is primarily the Quenta Silmarillion which states that Ereinion Gil-galad was the son of Fingon; and other documents variously suggesting that he was the son of Orodreth or Finrod, or a descendant of Fëanor. Sources give him the additional names Finellach and Artanáro/Rodnor.
It's fairly widely agreed-upon that Gil-galad was an adult and the High King by the time of the Third Kinslaying, when he was based on Balar and came too late to Elwing's aid.
(This means I won't further consider some rather fun, cracky theories that are based on the argument that Gil-galad only became the High King after the War of Wrath. That seems like a slightly excessive amount of historical revisionism for my taste, when he's named as the High King well before the WoW.)
So, with those established, what makes for a good Gil-galad parentage theory?
It has to make the confusion in the historical record, in-universe, make some sort of sense. Would someone with this parentage have a claim to the crown? If not, do they have a solid motivation to lie about it? Providing a neat explanation for other aspects of Gil-galad's characterisation and the way he rules would also be a bonus.
A storytelling concept I call weird questions must have weird answers. Neat origin theories that "make sense" tend to score low on this metric. The Gil-galad controversy is funny and needs to be kept that way.
How narratively satisfying is the theory? Does it ruin anyone else's arc, or fanon I personally like? Then it's scoring low.
This is already so long-
Time for looking at the four canon-ish Gil-galad parentages!
Gil-galad son of Fingon and, presumably, some unnamed wife. This is rubbish. Makes no sense. Not a fan. No. Primarily, it is boring, the death knell to any Gil-galad theory. Also, Fingon is never actually mentioned to have a wife because he's married to Maedhros and, while textual ghosts are obviously common in the Silm, I find it slightly harder to believe that a High Queen of the Noldor managed to escape being named anywhere. You could, I suppose, argue that she died before Fingon became King, but I don't want to. The confusion in the historical record also seems unnecessary here, because Fingon's son would presumably have a pretty ironclad claim to the crown after his death and certainly after Turgon's. No fic recs here, I don't like this theory. 2/10.
Gil-galad son of Orodreth and brother of Finduilas. Even more boring, and also makes less sense. Was Gil-galad in Nargothrond during Leithian and up to its fall? In that case, why wasn't he mentioned at any point, and if he survived the fall of Nargothrond and escaped, why didn't he go after Finduilas? If he wasn't in Nargothrond by the time of Turin, we can at least forgive his failure to rescue his sister, but why was he sent away from Nargothrond when, prior to the building of the bridge, everyone believed it was safe - and why wasn't Finduilas sent away with him? Again, there's no particular reason for obfuscating this parentage, so it fails on that metric too. At least Artanáro/Rodnor is a good Finarfinion name. Fics which use this theory: What is Wrought Between Us by @nikosheba, which voids all these objections of mine quite nicely - Gil-galad son of Orodreth, adopted by Fingon and Maedhros! Also it's one of the most heart-breaking, beautiful, canon-compliant Russingon series around, go and read it. That excellent example aside, 3/10.
Gil-galad son of Finrod and (iirc) a wife called Meril. An earlier version of the legendarium discarded when Finrod was made childless. This is potentially my least favourite of the four canon-esque theories, because Finrod's childlessness is imo a fairly important part of his arc, and Meril was replaced by Amarië, to whom Finrod was very much not married at the time of his death. Pretty much the only positive is that, again, Artanáro/Rodnor suits well as a name for Finrod's son. I don't think many people like this theory - we need not consider it further here. No fic recs. 2/10.
Gil-galad descendant of Fëanor. By far the most intriguing and also most implausible canon-esque theory, and as I understand only from one early draft of the legendarium. But there is so much to play with here. If Gil-galad's father is one of the sons of Fëanor, he has a rock-solid reason to lie about his parentage. His claim to the throne is also dubious, because Maedhros abdicated on behalf of the entire house. This gives excellent con-artist Gil-galad flavours to play with. On the narrative/emotional arc metric, this one falls a little short, though. We don't need another descendant of Fëanor in the Second Age struggling with the dark and messy legacy of their family - we have Celebrimbor! And Celebrimbor's status as the last scion of his house, and how his eventual tragedy owes so much to his heritage, is very important to me. Besides, the house of Fëanor going from 7 sons in the first generation to literally just one grandchild is so haunting. On a more practical level, I also don't think Gil-galad reads as particularly close to Celebrimbor? They seem more "distant relations" than first cousins. On the other hand, if Gil-galad simply doesn't know who his parents are, a lot of these problems disappear. We can also double up a few textual ghosts by making his mother one of the unnamed wives - preferably Maglor's or Caranthir's, because Gil-galad son of Curufin feels. doubtful. Fics which use this theory: A Gift from Father to Son by @amethysttribble explores every single potential Fëanorian parentage which is very fun, for a value of "fun" involving "sobbing on the floor about how terrible all these people are". Check it out! Theory as a whole gets 5/10.
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valacirya · 10 months
"The sons of Finarfin were Finrod, Orodreth, Angrod, and Aegnor; these four were as close in friendship with the sons of Fingolfin as though they were all brothers."
"But again Fingolfin made no answer, and passing through the throng in silence he went to seek Finarfin his brother."
"Fingolfin's wife Anairë refused to leave Aman, largely because of her friendship with Eärwen wife of Arafinwë."
I love how the Nolofinweans and Arafinweans are basically a single family/house in pre-Darkening Valinor.
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