#orv fic prompt
cannot-be-cyn · 5 months
joongdok/dokhyuk enemies but mutually pining with painful ust au be like:
kdj and yjh say "fuck you" to each other's faces but their body, hearts and souls scream "FUCK ME".
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lifeof-pink · 3 months
need orv fics where biyoo is dokja’s teenage daughter instead of his dog, no hate to the dog!biyoo trope i just think it would be funny if biyoo was his prodigy kid who may or may not be the leader of a secret govt spy surveillance organization and he’s just some office worker who has to deal with her antics
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anotherferalrat · 3 months
I have discovered a new orv fic concept.
And I am actively foaming at the mouth.
So like- Idol!Kim Dokja right? A classic, makes sense, I wouldn't say it's anything too revolutionary. I love a good 'secretly I was an Idol' AU. But what has me feral???
All his songs were secretly about YJH (with the occasional about his companions... mainly I'm thinking he had a couple for SYS bc my poor baby). Just think of the possibilities with me for a sec:
The difference in the ways he writes about each round (999 has the best love song if what I've gathered from osmosis is correct)
Kimcom losing their goddamn minds trying to connect the image of their tired, feral leader to a bubbly teen idol
The kids determined to listen to all his music and fighting over who's the bigger stan
I just imagine there's a world where LJH was a diehard fan and so KDJ treats her like those rabid fans (bc he def has a favorite child... and she is low on the list I'm afraid)
Just in general, him having secret fans in Kimcom. YSA wasn't a huge fan but she had a couple favorite songs. HSY would rather die than admit it but she loved his music and her writing playlist was like 90% of his music. YJH was also a frequent listener though he'd claim it was due to his sister (A certified KDJ stan)
Similarly... IMAGINE KIMCOM FINDS OUT AFTER SOME KIND OF POST CANON NOVEL REVEAL I haven't finished so I don't know if there's an actual reveal Just envision YJH's eye twitching violently as the crew tries to figure out which songs are about which person/YJH round while KDJ actively tries to die in the background. Secretive Plotter and Uriel are dying... for very different reasons
I just love me a good pining loser<3
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milkmynk · 1 year
post-epilogue fic idea
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cittielinks · 11 months
exiled prince!kdj x war god!yjh
#joongdok idea !! 
Kim Dokja is the last remaining prince who was exiled moments before his kingdom died and Yoo Joonghyuk a war god who was responsible for killing Kim Dokja’s kingdom.
The moment shots were fired, his mother dragged Kim Dokja into the hidden tunnel. Everyone from the kingdom was fighting for their lives. It was no easy feat and they are clearly in a losing battle. 
It was then decided unanimously that Kim Dokja the remaining prince, should run away and should be free from the shackles of the now-ruined kingdom.  
His mother softly touched his cheeks as if to savor her last moment with his beloved son. Tears were silently flowing from their eyes. Neither Kim Dokja nor his mother spoke any words.
His mother then squeezed him tightly then kissing him on the forehead one last time. 
“You should go now, I will be with your father soon.” 
Kim Dokja cried harder. He doesn’t want to go. He wants to be with his family even if it means death.
His mother choked up a laugh and then wiped Kim Dokja’s tears. 
“Really now, you’re this old already. You shouldn’t cry no more, my dearest star.” 
Kim Dokja just hugs his mother tightly as if he doesn’t want to part. He knows that once he lets go, he will never see his mother ever again.
“Please, my dearest. You have to go. I can’t afford to lose you too.” 
Kim Dokja slowly lets go of his hold and then stares at his mother one last time. 
“Mother, I love you always.” He murmured so softly.
“I— We love you always… to the moon and back, my baby.”
His mother sniffed and pushed him inside the tunnel. 
It was the final moment he saw his mother alive. 
It took Kim Dokja three days to be out of the kingdom. He was lucky enough that his parents keep all pieces of information about him inside their palace. It wasn’t hard for him to blend in.
Kim Dokja found a very rural village. A young couple named Hades and Persephone help him settle in.
The couple was so understanding and did not ask him questions. And so Kim Dokja was forced to dwell on his pain and cried his heart out every night.
It took 1 month for the news to travel to the village. 
It was said that the war between the two kingdoms was finished. All the people were killed. It was said that the king and queen were shot with thousands of arrows. The crowned prince was beheaded. No more was the kingdom.
And it was all thanks to Yoo Joonghyuk the War God from the east. 
That night, Kim Dokja mourned for the people from his kingdom. He mourned for his brother who was beheaded ruthlessly, he mourned for his parents whose bodies can never be recovered after being shot by thousands of arrows.
He wanted revenge. He wanted the man who killed his family dead. But deep down he knew he can’t. 
It wasn’t in his nature, ( he could hear his mother telling him so) he was kind ( his brother chuckled softly), Our dokja-yah, our baby shouldn’t use his hands for blood. ( his father smiled.) 
For years and years, he would always look at the stars that twinkled as he mourned for the people he couldn’t save.
It took 3 years for a wounded man to stumbled behind his garden, full of bruises and blood.
He drops his basket and slowly lets the man inside his house. He dressed his wounds and let the man lay down in his bed. He made ( a poor excuse of a) porridge for the man to eat.
Yoo Joonghyuk woke up groggily. He noticed a hand softly touching his forehead and heard mumbles before he passed out once again. 
The next time Yoo Joonghyuk woke up. It was at dawn. Feeling a bit better, he reassesses everything.
Firstly, he was in the middle of a war between the East and the South. It was a winning battle for the East. But the South tropes ambushed them so he was forced to flee and hide until backup arrived. He remembered stumbling behind someone’s garden before passing out.
The owner must've helped him in. 
He frowned and began to look at his surrounding. 
There he noticed a pale thin man sleeping in an awkward position on the sofa. 
Yoo Joonghyuk slowly stood up in front of the man and gazed at him.
He noticed the bags under his eyes, the plump lips as he murmurs incoherent noises, and the way his chest moves up and down very slowly as if he will be taken away by god. 
By any means, Yoo Joonghyuk saw a lot of beauty everywhere. He was the War God, for heaven’s sake!
But the moment the man opened his eyes slowly. He knew there was no one who could ever compare to the man. The man holds so many stars inside his eyes, it’s captivating. He wants to see more. He wants— 
“You should not be standing! Please go back to bed.” He did.
The beautiful man checked his temperature the moment he went back to bed. The man murmured something and forced him to drink a pill. After a minute he seemed to be groggy so he decided to sleep once more.
Kim Dokja was the name of the beautiful man who helped him. Kim Dokja never asked for his name and for Yoo Joonghyuk it was enough, he needed to hide anyway. 
Yoo Joonghyuk was forced to lay in bed for a week before he couldn’t take it anymore and decided to help Kim Dokja in exchange for patching him up.
In the days when he stayed in Kim Dokja’s humble home, he noticed small things about the man. He would notice how his fingers twitched every time he touches something slimy or how he tries to throw away tomatoes every time he cooks with the ingredient.
Yoo Joonghyuk would notice how his eyes light up every time he reads interesting books or how Kim Dokja stares at the stars every night as if he has a lot of baggage on his shoulders. And when he does space out every time, Yoo Joonghyuk’s heart would ache. If he could he would ease his pain.
It didn’t take awhile for the both of them to develop feelings. And for once, Kim Dokja thought maybe he deserved this now. After all the pain and regrets he felt that this is the life he deserves. 
It was Kim Dokja who confessed first after letting the man stay with him for 8 months.
It was under the eyes of the illuminating moon, under the many sparkles of the stars. Kim Dokja confessed. With the help of Han Sooyoung and ysa. He told him how much he means to him. 
Yoo Joonghyuk too confessed his deep attraction to the man. and they kissed. 
The kiss was soft and sweet and it means the whole world for Kim Dokja because now he gets to love again.
It was a year after he confessed when Kim Dokja finally knew his beloved’s name. 
Yoo Joonghyuk, the War God who took many lives and brought honor to the east. 
Yoo Joonghyuk, the man who destroyed his kingdom.
How ironic. Just as he thought he was free from the shackles of the past. It came back biting him hard. Of all people he fell inlove with, it was the man who killed his home. It hurt. It hurts
“Is God laughing at me now? Is this kind of a sick joke? Is this entertaining to you?”
Kim Dokja screamed and cried, he threw everything inside the house. He broke the vase, the tableware even the pictures. 
By the time Yoo Joonghyuk came home after a long preparation for their wedding. Their humble house was in ruins. Yoo Joonghyuk saw Kim Dokja kneeling in the middle of the chaos.
He quickly went to Kim Dokja and softly asked hin if he was okay, if he was hurt and asked him what happened
Kim Dokja never uttered a word. 
Everything was silent. Yoo Joonghyuk was getting restless he tried to hold Kim Dokja’s wrist only to be slapped by Kim Dokja
“You’re Yoo Joonghyuk.” Kim Dokja said in finality. No emotions was detected and for once, Yoo Joonghyuk was scared. Yoo Joonghyuk didn’t reply. He was looking at Kim Dokja full of pain and hurt. 
“Heh. You’re the same Yoo Joonghyuk who ruined my kingdom.”
Kim Dokja laughed and laughed as he cried and cried.
What a joke. 
“Did you had fun ruining my life?”  
“Did you plan all of this?” 
“How does it feels like to kill my family?” 
‘I did not know. I swear I didn’t—‘
“Bet you didn’t even remembered my family’s corpse.” 
“Kim Dokja, let me expl—“ 
“Baby ple—“ 
“Do.Not.Call. Me.That. You have no right.” 
“Dokja please I—“ 
“I don’t want to hear another word from you”
Kim Dokja stood up and walked away from Yoo Joonghyuk, from the house, from everything. Eyes blanked, shoulders shaking.
Yoo Joonghyuk did this. He did this. It was all his fault.
It took no less the 24 hours after their confrontation that Kim Dokja drowned himself. Yoo Joonghyuk couldn’t save him in time. 
The village mourned for the lost of another bright star. and for Yoo Joonghyuk, it was his retribution. he will never be forgiven.
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gottagobuycheese · 1 year
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A world where no one tried to save another. In this world where only victims existed, no, a world where the wounds of the victims were in full display, here was the lone hand full of scars extending out to her.
⸢Kim Dokja was already extending his hand out from there.⸥
It wasn't just the person reaching out, but the one grasping that hand also required courage to do so.
Courage to hold that scarred hand, courage not to give up.
Even if she knew this wouldn't heal her, even if she knew that holding that hand would only inflict her with a greater wound – courage to hold that hand in order to live for one more time.
ORV Women Week (2023) Day 1 - Jung Heewon/Scars
This was going to be something...incredibly different lol, but with such a prompt for day one of @orvwomenweek, I could NOT resist the power of this passage. Jung Heewon and her scars, truly...
[ID: A black-and-white digital art piece depicting Jung Heewon from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint. Her right hand rests gently on the face of an enormous monster, which is so large that only three partial eyes and a portion of tentacle can be seen. She wears a distraught, tearful expression as she gazes up at the beast, the upper half of her body reflected in its middle eye. She is dressed in a burnt, torn-up blazer, tie, and button-up shirt, with her silvery-white hair floating loosely in the wind. Various scars, cuts, burns, and bloodstains mar her skin, and on the back of her right hand, an infinity symbol glows brightly. /end ID]
#omniscient reader's viewpoint#orv#jung heewon#orvww#kim dokja#...kinda#orv spoilers but for that one reader#sorry asa but you can't unlock this one for a while :')#this passage — this entire section really — never fails to utterly wreck me#enemy of the story my beloved...#orvww 2023#I was SO ambitious at first lmao#tried to combine all the characters and prompts in two separate fics but couldn't tie it up fast enough#then briefly entertained the idea of a comic form of this#but I don't have the skill or humility for comics yet skfjhdskf#also considered doing the proof of stars with both hsy and jhw#but the perspective and amount of Things Involved freaked me out XD maybe some day but not in the next couple of years probably lol#my attempts at art#you can tell I kind of gave up on the coloring/shading after a point#specifically the part where they're watching hsy attack chungmuro and almost kill the kids — and hsy experiencing the sick regret of that#which is fair because this entire drawing is extremely Illegal for me to be doing right now#SHOULD I have waited until after death exam this week to start participating?#yes absolutely#COULD I have waited the five short remaining days before thinking about my beloveds?#absolutely not#anyways the ideas I had for tomorrow were also incredibly ambitious#but given that it is once again 4 AM and I have two days left to correct my sleep schedule for a 17-hour test that starts at 7 A.M.#I think I will wait until After™ to actually work on the rest#*grabs me by the shoulders* DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. DO NOT.#now go to sleep jeez this is why we almost never get anything done during the day
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betawooper · 11 months
me: dude why am i so adamant at referring to yjh as a woman
me: i mean im still gonna do it but this is way stronger than i felt about any other character i transfem-beamed
me: weird, i aint gonna question it though
(like 7 months later)
me and the yjh introject living in my brain judging every fucking orv post we+ see: this is not the conclusion i was thinking of at all but okay-
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homicidal-rage · 2 years
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ok but… KDJ in this outfit. Like. IMAGINE.
This gives of ‘mafia’ vibes but… what about a lawyer au?
Joongdok attorney au, yjh is the defence. Kdj hates defending him bc of his stubborn personality but he must win the case, or else the prosecution will put this guy in jail for life.
Prosecutor SP accuses yjh of murdering one of his kkoma’s, which is justifiable but false ( ゚д゚) kkomas too cute to die. Yjh would do it tho… but kdj has to defend him.
SP hears that the attorney is kim dokja, an attorney that always flies under the radar with no popular record of previous cases. SP is confident of winning the case and shows up to court, but HDMFMGJFMMF KDJ SHOWS UP IN THIS OUTFIT, SLAMS HIS GLOVED HANDS ONTO THE TABLE, LOOKS SP RIGHT IN THE EYES AND SAYS,
“so youre the one daring to accuse my client of petty murder? you bastard, rest your fraudulent case before you inexcusably embarrass yourself in front of the cameras you adore oh-so-much.”
holding intense eye contact then walking over to the barrister stand, straightening his tie then winking at yjh. ‘i got this covered’ vibes.
the trial commences!
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amyunshader · 1 month
Soo trio x ORV prompt
LCF x ORV is a classic for sure, but it’s always Cale being Young Master Silver Shield with the children, and for that saving a fuck-ton of people.
People, let’s be objective: ORV is not a world for the children.
Instead someone gimme a crack fic with LSH, CJS and KRS being three BFF 40ys old moms having a girls night ‘just like the good old times’ to release stress. Yes, by that I mean absolutely wrecking the scenarios.
gimme a beaming choi jungsoo unleashing all the stoopid humor he kept in for credibility in presence of his uncle (and because of dramatic situation)
gimme Cale/Kim Roksoo tired, tired of the bullshit (secretly enjoying himself a little, but won’t admit it)
gimme a Lee Soohyuk delighted to be able to be the team leader and the hyung again for a while
gimme LSH and CJS doing a sachimi contest with the giant sea snakes, with krs as a referee
GoD is there of course, he’s the one who sent them here, he’s trying very hard to support them with indications and coins but whenever his message windows peeps up the 3 Soos start a bullying competition that leaves everyone around speechless and GoD rolling crying on the floor of his office.
Of course the Soos are too pretty to get a supporting constellation. They roast GoD for even suggesting. Buuuut KRS —the loser— ends up getting one, [The Great And Mighty Seven Years Old], because he can’t disappoint the children. That doesn’t keep the other two from laughing at him for it though.
There’s one thing to sullen the mood of LSH however, and that’s the constellation nickname of the crown prince Alberu, [The One Favorite Hyung]. And the bastard keeps rubbing his ugly modifier in their face by giving krs special quest to say 'please, hyung' to receive a stupid amount of coins. That stresses LSH out because he can’t determine wether krs is accepting them to annoy him (aka, he’s being cheeky) or because the gold is genuinely making him happy (aka: lsh is losing the hyung competition)
follow up here
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hualianisms · 12 days
🍉Fics for Gaza
Inspired by the fan Gotchas for Gaza and @ficsforgaza, i will be joining @ficsforgaza's initiative where fic writers write fics in exchange for proofs of donation to valid Palestinian fundraisers.
I will be offering: fanfics, poems about a character/pairing, or simple pfp icons/avatars of a character/pairing.
fandoms available include: any mxtx, jwqs, orv, jjk, genshin, rgu and more (see this list).
1. Donate to any verified Palestinian fundraiser from gazafunds or to Gaza Municipality's water campaign. I will also accept donations to Sudan (Khartoum Aid Kitchen), separate from @ficsforgaza's initiative.
2. DM me proof of your donation - a screenshot of your donation receipt or confirmation email (*please edit out your personal details e.g. full name, bank/credit card details!)
3. DM me your prompt, specifying fic/poem/pfp, and any specific likes or dislikes/triggers/things you want me to avoid.
Limited to 3 slots for fics + 3 slots for poems + 5 pfp slots at a time.
(After I finish the first round of prompts, I'll open more slots later on when I have more time. I'll do my best to finish your prompt within a few weeks, but please be patient with me if I need more time and understand that longer fics may take 1-2 months as I am busy irl + writing for multiple Gotchas for Gaza at the same time🙇)
I will do: sfw, nsfw*, canonverse, modern AU, canon divergent, other AUs, genderbend, angst, fluff, humour/comedy, emotional hurt/comfort, hurt/comfort, heavy angst
I will not do: dead dove, underage, incest, rape/noncon or dubcon, omegaverse, mpreg, certain kinks that im not comfortable personally writing. also will not accept a prompt that's racist or prejudiced against a marginalized group
(*note: Only adults (18 and above) can request nsfw. Minors cannot request nsfw. Please have your age somewhere in your bio/carrd or I will reject your nsfw request!)
for SFW: every $1 = at least 150 words, capped at ~3500 words (for me to avoid burnout)
for NSFW: every $1 = at least 100 words, capped at ~2500 words (for me to avoid burnout)
you may donate enough more for multiple prompts, but please specify how much is for which prompt (e.g. you can donate $15 for a 1000 word nsfw fic ($10) + a 750 word sfw fic ($5)
samples of my fics on my ao3
$5 = 1 poem (up to ~5 stanzas)
can be about a character/ship/platonic dynamic. see this page for the list of characters/pairings available
link to poem samples in this page
$1 = 1 pfp
any character from any fandom accepted so long as you are able to provide the picture/screencap you want made into an icon. pfps will be just the character + a pride flag background, plain color background, or gradient color background (specify what color/pride flag you want)
samples here
more info in my carrd here! please read everything carefully before requesting, thank you so much!
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urie9158 · 1 month
orv enjoyers! a lot of fandoms are starting their own fundraisers for palestine (see examples here eg TGCF Gotcha for Gaza, cdrama gotcha for gaza, link click gotcha for gaza) and i was thinking it would be neat if orv had one too,,
basically, first fanartists and fic writers would sign up to create fanworks based on submitted prompts
to submit prompts, fans would first donate (at least 5 USD) directly to charities on the ground in Gaza such as Care for Gaza, PCRF, or eSIMs, or verified fundraisers to help Palestinian families in Gaza afford medical care and other necessities.
then, those who donate can submit any prompts for orv fanart/fanfics that they want to see, about any character/pairings of their choice, and orv fanartists/fic writers would then be given a few weeks to fill in those prompts with a drabble or short fic, or quick fanart piece!
is anyone interested in participating something like this, either as a creator or donator of prompts (or both)?
previous fundraisers' mods have generously shared their excel spreadsheet templates for assigning prompts.
(i would start one myself except I'm terrible with managing excel spreadsheets and busy irl, but if anyone wants to run one I'd be glad to help!)
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lifeof-pink · 3 months
need more post-canon orv fics that address the whole “stigmas return when dokja does” thing. because in the novel, the thing that clues them in to him waking up is the sudden return of dokja’s stories and stigmas/skills:
“Stories that had vanished without a trace along with the system's dissolution were now streaming towards somewhere while following after one another. Every single one of them were stories that had come to an end a long time ago.
||||Is the story really over when the author stops writing it?||||
Han Sooyoung looked up at the letters floating around in the skies.
The letters that didn't hold any meaning when existing independently of each other were beginning to find their mates and groups one by one.”
- chapter 551
i’m just imagining a post-canon world where people have magic and stories and stigmas and have to learn how to live with them. most post-canon fics ive read usually have it where the starstream is completely/mostly gone but i think it could interesting to explore a world where suddenly everyone has regained their powers and all that jazz.
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orvweek · 10 months
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[ID from alt: the ORV Week prompt list and "October 8th-14th" in text over fanart of Kim Dokja looking down at his phone]
Announcing the dates and prompts for our ORV Week! There will be three prompts for each day, and you may use any one or combination of the three for your works. We want everyone to have fun and get creative, so feel free to interpret these however you'd like in whatever form of fanwork strikes you (art, fic, playlists, crafts, etc).
The dates and prompts will be:
Sunday Oct 8: Kim Dokja’s Company | Supernatural | Dancing
Monday Oct 9: Demon Realm | Wedding | Divorce
Tuesday Oct 10: Nebulas | Jobs | Beach Trip
Wednesday Oct 11: Gourmet Association | Cooking | Collecting
Thursday Oct 12: Antagonists | Accommodation | Aging
Friday Oct 13: Outer Gods | Outfit swap | Fursona
Saturday Oct 14: Beginnings | Roommates | Kids
And when you post your submissions:
use @orvweek in your submission and use the tag #orvweek2023 so we can reblog them here
please tag all characters and all ships present in your fanwork
image descriptions are encouraged! (image descriptions explained HERE)
keep in mind our rules (link)
late submissions will be accepted indefinitely!
We're both looking forward to planning our own works and seeing what everyone comes up with over the next couple months!
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dee--eer · 2 years
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It's here!!! My entry for this year's @kaishinbigbang! I am having so, so much fun with this event, and having a partner like @miyuzaki-1 with me on this journey is like 98% of the reason why. Thank you so much for being an amazing partner 💕💕 Look forward to the fic she writes, it's really awesome!
A couple extra arts and a bit of ramble under the cut! (also spoiler ahead for the story 😆)
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Man, the difference in tone between these two pieces is actually hilarious hghahah
Ksbb22 is literally my first time doing a collaboration project, so I was really nervous when we first started. But Miyu was really nice and I'm glad I decided to join! It's so cool to see her transforming my random prompt into something wayyy exceeding my expectation. Also teaming up with her made me learn so much new things because I wanted to give her story proper justice 😆
I've been wanting to draw a comic since forever, so I'm really happy I finally able to do just that. I've been reading so much ORV these past few months tho so I ended up making it in webtoon style 😆 Full disclosure, those Pandora's speech bubble are heavily inspired by latest chapter of ORV!
Anyway, I ended up with a couple sketches that I unfortunately haven't had the time to make, but maybe I'll finish these someday because Miyu's story deserved more appreciation 😆
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cittielinks · 1 year
Kiddie #joongdok au!!! 
10-year-old Kim Dokja usually babysat 5-Year-old Yoo Jonghyuk every time their mothers hang out. 
Usually, baby Yoo Joonghyuk sees bruises and cuts all over his Dokja-hyung! So he vows to become a protagonist just like the stories his hyung tells him
And protect his hyung forever!! >:((
Kim Dokja found it sweet and endearing. He would always let baby Hyukie sit on his lap as he read him a storybook. 
One day Kim Dokja decided to read him a story about a hero who decided to marry a princess after saving the world and they lived happily ever after! 
Hyukkie: i will marry dokja hyung. like the pwotanist (protagonist) in the story >:( 
Dokja: hmmm? but I’m not a princess though *giggle* 
Hyukkie : *shakes tiny fist* but you’re my princess  >:( 
Dokja: Aiyaaa my hyukkie is so sweet!
Hyukkie: don't laugh >:( 
Dokja: I am not ! *snickers* 
Hyukkie: promise me that you won't marry anyone but me! >:(
Dokja:  okay I promise 
Dokja probably laugh it off thinking baby Hyukkie would forget about it when he grows old. but noo baby Hyukkie was very serious !
He told his mother to buy him a tuxedo and lots and lots of flowers for his Dokja hyung the very same night. 
his mother obviously laugh and told him that he needs to ask permission to Dokja's mother ! 
So Baby Hyukkie's goal was to ask permission to let his hyung marry him.
His mother settles with new clothes and his (baby) hair slick back (not tuxedo bc his mother said no >:( ) and two roses! one for dokja's mother and one dokja hyung
So here they are in Dokja Hyung's living room. He tugs the skirt of mama Kim
hyukkie : i will marry dokja hyung!
You can hear his Dokja choking at the background
Everyone coo'ed and giggle at the little man who was clutching the flower so nervously
mama Kim: oh dear, how will I know you will take good care of my son? 
baby Hyukkie looked at his mom then at Dokja Hyung then at mama Kim.
Hyukkie: I will protect Hyung! give him all my candies and games! 
mama Kim: I can't believe I'm giving away my own son *wipes fake tears* 
Dokja: MOM?!? Oh my god—
Long story short baby Hyukkie got his blessings and he also got a lot of kisses from his momma and mama Kim!
And he gets to kiss Dokja Hyung on the cheeks! And Mother Yoo got everything on tape 
A few years later, this will be a memory that won't be forgotten and would surely be remembered on their wedding day  but for now, baby hyukkie got his wish ( and a kiss! )
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toast-of-eden · 7 months
'Tis the season for Hallmark and the Dark Castle Arc!
We're gathering Orvies near and far to create an Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint holiday collection that's corny, heartwarming, and overflowing with yuletide cheer.
Introducing... the Omniscient Reader's Holiday Collection: A Hallmark Viewpoint
[Here's the collection]
A Christmas catalogue-type collection of short and sweet fics about found families, holiday hijinks, all things holly, all things jolly and ORV.
We're accepting submissions between 500-5000 words featuring any ships, characters, alternate universes - as long as they capture that signature Hallmark holiday movie magic.
This collection will remain open until the new year, so start brainstorming your meet-cutes, gift exchanges, holiday parties, and ugly sweater contests!
Feel free to go cheesy, corny, tacky or over-the-top. Let's spread some yuletide joy and create the winter holiday collection we all deserve.
Direct prompt ideas, questions and suggestions to @toast-of-eden, @vaeolus, or @kuroko99.
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