#osamu headcannons
unicornpopcorn14 · 3 months
So we all know by now that Dazai is comfortable enough around Chuuya to show nervousness/worry.
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Enough times for Chuuya to pick up on that pattern. The pattern, may I remind you, that doesn't have evident correlation to either nervousness or worry to most people. One that can even be interpreted as misplaced given the situation.
Which means that Dazai has done this in front of Chuuya so often, that Chuuya at first was hella confused, before he finally made a connection between when and why it happens. And still remembered that connection after four years of separation. Which gets us to my point:
What if this isn't the only emotion Dazai displays weirdly?
What if he has multiple unconventional patterns he displays for sadness, frustration, content, or disgust? The times he really feels them, and they become too strong for him to just deal with normally? What if these are the only times he's actually being genuine with his emotions?
And Chuuya is the only one who is familiar with them all?
Dazai would be jumping rope and Chuuya would be like, "quit sulking, let's get icecream"
Dazai hanging upside down on the couch and Chuuya going, "It's okay, mackerel. You can cry."
Dazai actually crying, full on heart-wrenching sobs, and Chuuya unironically going, "What, good news?"
It's just... comforting, for one person in Dazai's life to read him like a book. Everyone else would look at him like he's crazy, displaying wrong emotions/behaviors at the wrong time, but Chuuya knows that it's just how he processes feeling properly, and thus he's the only one Dazai can count on to put things into context and understand, which makes him display them even more openly.
Because Chuuya never shamed him for his quirks, as much as Dazai never did his.
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blockedbykei · 2 months
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— haikyuu men as your boyfriend (ft. tsukki, tobio, hinata, kuroo, osamu, oikawa, & ushijima)
— a/n: in the midst of writing another fic (spoiler alert: it's kageyama), i've decided to rest my brain and give you an insight as to how the haikyuu men will be your boyfriend lol (lets pretend i didn't just insert my boyfriend's attitude in some of these dudes bc he is as sassy as tsukki and as obsessed with vball as kageyama)
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tsukishima kei
- the type of boyfriend to close his fist when you try to hold his hand
- pretends he doesn't know you when you do something embarrassing
- greets you like he's annoyed but he actually isn't, he'll give your forehead a kiss after
- he's very supportive of your clothing, wear a bra and an underwear wherever you go– he wouldn't care. but when he senses the crowd isn't safe, he would constantly remind you to put a hand on your chest when you bend, or put a hand on your knee when you sig
- he gets flustered easily when you giggle whenever you see him use his phone without glasses and look like this -.-
- everyone says he's shy when it comes to pda. and that is so true. he would hold your hand but most of the time, you wrap your hand around his fucking pinky. he would occasionally wrap an arm around your shoulders, or you'd wrap your hands around his arm. kisses in public are chastised into cheeks or temples
- whenever you fight and you go to your room to sulk alone, he walks in without knocking, scooches on the bed beside you, and spoons you. it hurts him to see you cry even if you don't see it in his face, and he'll hold you in silence until you've gathered the courage to face him and talk about it
- biggest gift giver EVER
- he would literally get you anything that you want. you send him a pic of a dress and tell him you want it? he'll buy it for you even if you don't tell him to
- remembers every date of a special occasion, like first kiss, when you said yes to being his boyfriend, all that stuff
- when you're together for a long time, you don't talk that much yet you do your hobbies together. not because nothing's new and fun anymore, but because you've gotten so used to each other that the silence between you was comforting and filled with so much love.
- when you do talk though, you'd think he wouldn't indulge in whatever topic you ensue, but he would actually talk to you like it is the hottest tea in the century
- is a small spoon when he's so needy
- because of his love for strawberry shortcake, he actually knows how to bake it. you have it every weekend. and if he isn't so busy, you'd have it everyday.
- he taught you how to bake it *swoons*
- he smells like strawberries because he uses your perfumes all the time
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kageyama tobio
- he smells the ball from far away
- like when you're both on a date or just hanging out outside, the minute he hears that exact sound of a volleyball bouncing on the ground, he will snap his head towards that direction
- i hc that he knows how to play the piano, so he has one in his room. when you hang out, you lay on the bed and he plays whatever song that comes into his mind
- he's so awkward even if you guys have been together for a long time
- on the court he's all badass but he's actually a loser LMAO
- biggest loser ever but he's so cute though
- like when he asked you out on a date, he was bowing and yelling "PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME" like he's so desperate and pathetic it's so adorable
- he's a good bf tho even if sometimes he's too preoccupied with volleyball. it's you above everything else so if you called him in the middle of practice, best believe he's running to you in a minute
- he's such a heavy sleeper. he sleeps with his eyes open sometimes and it creeps you out to wake up in the middle of the night with him staring at you with half lidded eyes
- when you fight he sometimes cries and will ask u to hold him
- doesn't know social cues sometimes you feel like you're mothering him but in a good way
- awkward kisser too sometimes he forgets to close his eyes
- when he takes a shit, it's always hard. like his poop is hard, so you hear him grunting in the bathroom
- he smells like metal sometimes but when he's at home he smells like markers its kind of addicting
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hinata shoyo
- fucking TONE DEAF
- sucks at cooking, prefers your food over anyone else's
- loves cuddling he's such a tiny clingy baby you just want to eat him up and keep him in your stomach
- when you're sad, he goes out of his way to make you smile, even if it includes him hetting hurt
- compliments you ALL the time like he's all "wow baby you're so good at this and that you're so amazing please marry me"
- sticks to your side at every social gathering and will hold your hand the whole time
- he will feel like a literal baby if you're taller than him, and he LOVES taller women i so believe that
- when a match lasts for more than 3 sets, hinata is extremely tired and will pass out the minute he steps foot into your home
- he smells really good, like his skin smells amazing
- will do skincare with u bc he's sometimes as overdramatic as you when he sees red bumps on his face
- loves to give and receive a massage
- he's so chronically online too bc he's influenced by kenma so he's always up to date with all the trends and music. but he's also incredibly stupid with technology
- his phone always overheats
- twitches randomly in his sleep and sometimes he's so messy in bed he ends up pushing you off
- loves to take baths with you and let you play with his hair hehe
- the softest boy ever too like you would both always have a kitten staying in your home until someone can foster or adopt them because there's always a lot of sick strays outside of your home
- has a sweet tooth. his favorite is cotton candy
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kuroo tetsuro
- he's actually emo sometimes
- sometimes because not only with his stupid bangs, but because when you're not giving him attention, he will play loud music that will get your attention, sit on the couch, and cross his arms and pout until you look at him
- he's one of those people that will get mad when you touch his hair
- smells like soap
- he treats you like a princess though like when he brings you to his parties he will bring you EVERYWHERE
- like a bodyguard too, will bring all your stuff even if they're heavier than his gym bag
- you're the one to always patch things between him and kenma when they fight because they're like literal children
- asks for your help to get kenma to eat when he plays too much
- a whiny bitch too like he's the type of person that's actually so clean so when he encounters a room that's dirty or a bathroom he thinks is too wet or has too much grime in the tiles, he will gag and pinch his nose (same goes for tsukishima)
- has a good sense in fashion, he dresses you A LOT
- puts your bag on your shoulder and scolds you like a mom
- scared of cockroaches
- literally would climb up a wall and sob when he sees one
- and he's such a good captain too like sometimes you'd see him talking to his teammates and give them advice outside of volleyball. he's their big brother
- he's your study buddy all the time. when he's not too preoccupied with volleyball, you're both studying together
- he cherishes your accomplishments and is always present at your events
- he's close with your friends that sometimes you see him playfully hump your boy-space-friends and moan like he's riding them
- used to be kenma's discord kitten too
- one time, in his drunken state, he showed you a picture of him and kenma in maid outfits during one of kenma's gaming streams, because they were both drunk and in lock down
- whenever you see the matches or hinata, tsukki, or kageyama, kuroo feels proud and tears up at how much they've grown
- loves kids. wants to plant a baby in you.
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miya osamu
- when you wake him up in the middle of the night and ask for food, he WILL cook for you
- smells like fried chicken but its alright it smells good either way
- when you go to work, he always packs your lunch
- when you fight, he knows just what to cook to cheer you up
- he loves food so much that you can't remember the last time you haven't eaten, because he ALWAYS feeds you
- when he cooks at home, he wears a pretty pink apron just for you
- listens to music when he cooks, and even when he showers too
- when you have a big social event, he'll volunteer to give a portion of food in your event or actually cater for them
- when he cooks something that you don't end up liking, he is DISTRAUGHT; will do anything for you to like it again because there's no way that he can't feed you something delicious
- sometimes, when atsumu comes over, they both play volleyball INSIDE the house and atsumu sometimes gets too much, but before you could scold him, osamu's already on his ass
- as aforementioned, always expect midnight snacks
- he's like that dude on tiktok who can make everything out of chocolate, except his is onigri. or, well, he can shape anything made out of rice
- one time, on your anniversary, you woke up to a rice shaped like a life-sized teddy bear and it was actually so cool
- you have your own spot in his shop
- and he actually let you design the blueprint for his shop because he wants it to be yours too :(
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oikawa tooru
- sometimes you don't know if he's your boyfriend or an opponent at a beauty contest
- he values skincare more than you do like he's buying face masks and exfoliators and everything and you caught him one time sleeping in one of those peel off mask things
- and he cries when you take off those peel off masks
- smells like rich perfume that hurts your nose
- but oikawa takes volleyball seriously. when he lost to karasuno, you caught him sobbing in his bed when you came to check up on him, and he let you hold him until he fell asleep
- that was also when he fell in love with you lol
- before you guys dated, you two were so close that tne girls actually stopped approaching him one time because they thought you were officially his girlfriend after he held your hand during a field trip to the museum because you almost got lost
- sometimes oikawa doesn't know who he's more scared of: you or iwaizume? bc both of you are always on his ass making fun of him and scolding him
- but he cherishes you so much though like he's treating you like his certified baby girl all the time— you're getting fucking princess treatment every single day. you don't remember the feeling of a bag in your hand because he's always CARRYING it
- oikawa is proud to take up the role as your assistant
- and he's also just as sassy as you are
- he's also rich so like you're always on adventures and on dates outside. but sometimes he likes to stay at home and cook for you even if it tastes like shit
- a jealous bitch
- one time a guy asked you for directions and oikawa told him to "turn right and then you'll see a mirror that tells you you're a piece of shit"
- you scold him after that. he doesn't care
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ushijima wakatoshi
- bad at social cues
- he's like an old man and you're his social media manager bc why is he texting everyone through EMAIL when sms exists already
- there was that time when he sent you a nude and it went "was thinking of you. I miss you — Ushijima Wakatoshi" AND LIKE??
- he's literally "i'm so happy for you" o_o
- and he is though its just that he's always so dazed sometimes you think he's a robot
- he's a living baby though like he's one to be honest about something that he doesn't realize what he says and you feel embarrassed for him too so you're just kind of like sweetly telling him that it's not nice to say that someone smells like cigarettes or that their breath stinks
- one time, when you and tendou surprise him, you're both caught off guard when he actually jumps– but the thing is that he accidentally hit you with his arm due to his reflexes and you swear you got a concussion after that
- he LOVES CUDDLES and he loves sniffing you and sometimes hes a sub
- smells like rich cologne that actually smells good
- takes you with him everywhere and he has to be with you all the time or else he'll cry his ass out
- decides to be matrilocal too and take your last name when you get married bc he just loves you so much
- before you guys got together, he was always so stoic and silent. and he's so silent that sometimes he suddenly appears in front of you and talks to you like he didn't just almost make you shit your pants
- he also doesnt switch out his phone so when you're in the year 2024, he still has an iphone 7 that's too big for his hand
- his bff is tendou so he's always at your home too and they're watching a bunch of animes and you're just sitting between wakatoshi's legs like you're his stuffed animal
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rintoorou · 3 months
more miya twins as your brothers! (implied suna x reader)
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see pt. 1 here
tags haikyuu smau, miya twins, miya atsumu smau, miya osamu smau, suna rintarou smau
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kisakis-boyfriend · 4 months
thoughts of sharing nikolai and fyodor? or dazai or even sigma, your choice 🙏🏽
Thank you kindly! 😌💕
I'll give some quick HCs for all four of them, if that works for you!
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Sharing is a no-go unless it's with someone he trusts
He trusts you to be intimate with him, but strangers and enemies are off the table
So it would probably have to be someone he's worked with and trusts; someone like Nikolai, as an example
If you wanted to have a threesome with Nikolai, Fyodor would agree (and absolutely enjoy it 😏)
Dazai is... Kind of an exception in this case?
Fyo doesn't exactly trust the bandaged detective, but I think he'd agree to it just because it could be interesting
Though he can be a bit picky sometimes, on who else can fuck him
But in general, the answer is probably yes 🤍
Have another person use Niko's mouth while you stroke him and bite his ears
Or DP the adorable jester~
Sharing is probably not for him?
If this is a polyamory situation and there's intimacy involved, I don't think he'd mind at all. But random threesomes? Nope. No way.
Sigma is pretty shy and reserved during sexual situations. He's not about to let just anyone inside of him, touching his body, or even see him nude
I'm conflicted on this
Because I think Dazai can be such a little slut, but he's also very insecure about his body (his scars, specifically)
He's also not about to let some stranger start touching him. Not even through the bandages
Now if we consider someone like Chuuya... 👀
Now Dazai is all excited and can't decide where he wants Chuuya to stick his cock first 🥴
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samubytheocean · 3 months
yeah everyone talks about the boys as your first love, but how about the second love?
falling for someone feels so much more intense especially when you know how much love hurts.
friends to lovers? fluff but slight angst if u squint lmao
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Imagine lying down at his floor, it’s like some time after midnight, and you can almost taste the aftermaths of rain in summer night wind. It’s hinted with cherry coke and the smell of his ears, already stained a pretty blush whenever you lock eyes. Your head still rings from the party music from some hours ago, but you can’t tell if it’s that or the sight of the handsome boy in those shorts.
God, he is pretty.
He looks at you from his bed, upside down and hair all frizzed up. A little out of breath from a satire joke you’ve just blurted out, and the sound sends chills throughout your body, the strangely familiar kind that wakes you up with the hope of forever. The thought makes you sit up, and breath in the space with content. You move forward, face inches from the lopsided boy who’s looking up at you. You can’t really tell what’s on his face. Your hands feel hot against his cool cheeks, and you can see the blush watercolor against your hands. His eyes never leaves yours.
You’ve been dating for some time, having known each other for years before that. The past couple of months of testing the waters were more than enough for the both of you. You know all of his exes. He’s seen you cry about yours. For a long time, almost too long, you were just friends.
Sure, you’ve held your breath whenever his tall figure leaned down to discuss some tea that you’ve heard the night before. But he always got a girl whenever you broke things off with your boyfriends, and vice versa. There never seemed to be a proper time for feelings to grow, until that drunk night when he fell asleep in your dorm after taking one too many shots at some stupid party.
Woke up next to you, all too similar with the same moles on your shoulders that he has memorized, the same small frame against his that he has cried against, but now under the same covers, without some other person between you and his feelings. He knew you. He cares about you.
And by the way you quietly smiled in your oversized shirt handing him a cold glass of water in the morning.. Luckily all the times he was gritting his teeth at how your horrible ex was acting out; he wasn’t the only one with the hopes. Guess since then, there was this quiet consensus about taking things slow. He knew you. He knew what you’ve cried about. And you did too.
First love. First kiss. First sex. It sounds so much better in the books on your bedside table. You’re no stranger to the rushing of hearts, hell, you could swear your teenage years consisted full of it. Addicted to it even. But seems to it that teenage love isn’t what is just given to everyone. It comes as a slow realization, that maybe some girls aren’t meant to be loved, at least not yet, not then. Sure you have forgiven your exes and their mistakes; they were just boys.
But you were just a girl. Just begging to be loved. In the most primal, desperate, romantic way, you just wanted to be seen. For someone to understand the language you were speaking, in its true irony and references. You wanted to be held, not grabbed. But first times, first love, first sex. It’s not pretty for everyone. So you put that all behind.
Scared? Maybe. A big front, yeah. But right now, some time past midnight, in some messy summer night after some dumb party, smelling like your favorite song that he held you through, he looks up at you. No, he sees up at you. He sees you. In his bed, in his room, with one too many shirt buttons opened, in that familiar shorts riding up his comfortably situated thighs,
And it sends the fucking chills throughout your spine.
“Something on your mind, sweets?” Deep, cheeky voice a hush. His cheeks are warm. He smells like the sparkly drink you’ve had. And he looks so painfully pretty, you can almost look past all of your exes. All of his exes. All of the times you guys sat on the steps, laughing cynically into the night about how you both seemed just so impossible to be loved. The crook of his smirk seems so boyish, you can almost wish a life where all you knew were him. Where you chose him, from the start.
You shake your head, and he rolls over, face still at the edge of the bed looking at you mischievously. He nudges his chin urging you closer. For a second you eye at how his collarbones and shoulder muscles glisten lightly in a layer of sweat. You are so close, you can see his pulse, and how the pink is now spreading with it.
Okay, a boyish look in a man, what Taylor said, you slightly roll your eyes at his clear objectives. Slowly you close the space between. His lips are curled up in that familiar infuriating way, but they are trembling none the less. You see it. You see him. And in the most forbidden, aching way, he whispers your name.
Taking things slow. Taking things slow. Take things slow-
You don’t want to end up regretting him as well. He’s too pretty.
Yeah, but he sees you. And maybe, just maybe that’s all you need.
hey guys it’s my first time posting here and jeez i’m so nervous
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l0velynalani · 1 month
"𝙲𝚘𝚌𝚘𝚊 𝙱𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜"
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♡Dazai relationship headcannons♡
If you ever sleep with this man (NOT LIKE THAT) he with 100% stick to you like glue and complain it's cold 
^^Arms wrapped around you like he's scared you’ll disappear (just comfort this man PLS)
Those bandages get disgusting after a while so if your that deep into the relationship he’ll let you change them for him
Unironically uses brain rot terms..(you can't change my mind)
If you were to cook for him he’ll be so dramatic and act like you just lifted heaven and earth
“Bella~! All this just for a little old me? You should’ve had it!! Dazai flaunts around with a bowl of noodles in his hand and a stupid lovesick smile “Dazai..it's just noodles?” you deadpanned at him “THE BEST NOODLES!” Dazai corrects you. You can see the light in his eyes. “Okay okay just sit down and eat,don’t want you ruining the “best” noodles” you chuckle as you sit down at the table with Dazai.
If you work at the agency then all the thoughts of work just left through Dazai’s ear (not like there was any to begin with) just to tease you and push your buttons
Let's be real Dazai is irresponsible and probably doesn't wash his hair that often so either you noice and offer to do it or Dazai gets over dramatic and begs you do to it cause “Your hair is so pretty do my hair like yours but then again everything you do is pretty!”-Dazai..probably (sorry bald people)
Yk that one episode where a gang hurts the manager of the cafe that the ADA members go to? And then Dazai gets real mad and they all hunt the gang down? that's the equivalent of what's gonna happen if someone were to hurt you
He probably using really corny pick up lines in order to commit a double suicide with you (its so embarassing but so adorable) but thats because if hes gonna die it should be with you
A/n:some may be inaccurate but remember im still a newbie writer! I might do a poll for what to write next so suggest some characters for me to put in the poll
P.S: Im trying to post often but if I'm delayed I apolgie in advance I dont have a set shecdule
Do not reblog,plagerize or post on different platforms without my permission
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ohhcinnybuns · 3 months
Thinking about 15! Dazai today, and his first failed love confession…
Dazai had thought about it for a long time after countless sleepless nights, his words echoing in his head “that’s what makes me love you” confession. He couldn’t take it… Chuuya’s reaction wasn’t what he was looking for. What went wrong?
He thought and thought and thought, until he finally came to the conclusion that he didn’t approach Chuuya the right way, and that’s why Chuuya shut him down so quickly.
Maybe Chuuya wasn't the type to accept verbal confessions. Yeah, that’s it.
So, instead he tries a new tactic, and writes Chuuya a love letter, leaving it in his work locker, where he knows Chuuya goes every morning for his PM badge and uniform, and he waits.
When Chuuya comes around, Dazai is looking from around a corner, peeking from a trash can, waiting for Chuuya’s reaction. This time for sure Dazai’s love message will get through to him.
Chuuya picks up the letter, flips it over several times, and finally opens it to read it. Dazai’s heart is drumming because those are his feelings on paper, and he tries to tell his slug that he is pretty and that if he were a slug, Dazai would build him a terrarium, and well, it was all love at first sight.
It doesn’t take long for Chuuya to look the letter over, flip it over a couple more times, crumble it, and toss it into Dazai’s trash can, where Chuuya is staring at Dazai with his arms crossed.
Dazai is about to ask him what he thought about the letter when Chuuya beats him to it: “I can’t read chicken scratch, dumbass,” and walks away.
Dazai watches Chuuya’s retreating back with his mouth gaping. Maybe a fruit fly sneaked in while his jaw dropped because he stood frozen in shock for quite some time.
Chuuya didn’t reject him. To Dazai, Chuuya’s words were, “try again, dumbass.” So, he will. Dazai knows how to be persistent.
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twst-om-lover · 9 months
this is a dumb horny shit post minors please don’t interact (it’s BSD related so uh fellow whores we shall converse under the cut?) (it's blowjob head cannons for some characters)
My thoughts on how whichever BSD men I think of would react when you give them a blowjob <3
Includes: dazai, Chuuya, and Fyodor because I’m a slut and they’re my favs <3
God I want Chuuya’s dick in my mouth, like you just know that he has pretty ass moans. Like he moans so pretty and says really pretty possessive shit and praises that are also degrading in the same breath like “God my perfect slut” and “my pretty little whore.” Like he def stresses the possessive words calling you his and shit. He calls you a slut but you’re his slut and you’re absolutely fucking beautiful
Dazai would be cocky until you actually start and then he’s a whiny, blushy mess. Absolutely just falls apart the second your mouth touches him <3 whimpering mess bucking his hips into your mouth. I know he’s canonically good at sex and shit but I feel like he’d suppress his reactions with anyone he didn’t truly know or care about, so like with you his lovely belladonna he’s whimpering and bucking and not controlled and calculated.
Fyodor is a cocky bitch through and through. I can either see him smirking and praising you the whole time, or he starts to whimper and buck his hips into your mouth because you just know he didn’t get laid before you. So he’d either pretend to be perfectly fine and like I honestly can only see him either going hard on degradation or praise, I honestly can’t really see him mixing them. He wouldn’t call you a pretty slut, he’s calling you a dirty whore for being on your knees for him with his dick in your mouth or he’s praising you for being a pretty little worshiper for your god.
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beangfrisky · 1 year
you think osamu miya dislikes you for the longest time because he's so damn blunt. where his brother is goofy and speaks his mind osamu often chooses not to speak at all. and when he does his words are exactly what's on his mind.
osamu has spent months trying to show you that has feelings for you. but in your perspective he acts more and more annoyed with you every day. he can't but roll his eyes when you miss his obvious flirting bc he knows you have no clue about his intentions. he's being so damn obvious.
every day he makes sure to cook you breakfast and bring it over because he just so 'happened' to make extra. he makes every excuse under the damn sun to stop by and check on you as often as possible. if he ever catches you in the middle of something he can help with he stops everything to make your life easier.
when he finds your ex at your doorstep one day he immediately steps in and asks the guy to back up. you clearly looked uncomfortable with his presence so his quick thinking told him to claim you as his.
"she's my girl. and she clearly doesn't want you here so get the fuck off her steps."
you turn to him with wide eyes but he holds his ground. when you offer to let him in he agrees and you thank him. but somehow you manage to slip in how great of a 'friend' osamu is.
he just sighs and hangs his head dejectedly while you let him know about your recent life updates. at least he was now upgraded to friend status. what the hell was he going to have to do for you to realize that he's in love with you?
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nhoirr · 9 months
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MAN. I HEADCANNON PM! DAZAI DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO LOVE. like, he knows love. The structure of what it is, a simple stature but thats only the view from the outside. when he finds himself trapped inside the complex labyrinth love was — he was at lost for where to go. no routes in his mind could pave a path, there was no logic working in this maze. as if it were different from everything he'd ever known.
I headcannon Dazai does not know love, but merely the theory it is. He knows how to seduce yet he does not know what it is. he just knows it's something that helps him to manipulate, to take control of the situation.. but within those strings, he finds himself no longer the puppeteer — but he, was the puppet he was playing all along. he never knew the dangers of what love could do, until his heart became what was being played as a price to be payed. it started off as a thrill, then an annoyance, and then a constant looming — the feeling of his heart tightening in his chest. truthfully, he never knew anything.
And that made him fear it.
but you knew everything, how to love. and what's beautiful, is the fact that he melts within your embrace. he learns what is right, he learns love — what it means to love and be loved. he finds out with you that in all dark corners, love is still beautiful. That within this dark maze, you were the one who pulled him out and into the light, you who spoke of love so beautifully. there came an enlightenment to him, that you were the one — the one he's been waiting for all his life, his answer.
but PM! Dazai Osamu was but a man — fearing the unknown, for the feeling of lost once you slip away from his fingers. Dazai Osamu fears the day you would ever be snatched away from him, if he'd ever awake with you beside him in the morning, and the next, and he regrets; he regrets knowing love, how beautiful it is. because you've shown him why life is worth living, and if that — you, were to ever be taken away..
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I woke up with an insane dazai brain riot help
anyways I'll come back to this I swear hold on—
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© nhoirr — don't copy, plagiarize or translate!
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himimosa · 1 year
when they are sick
taking care of bsd men when they are sick...
fyodor, kunikida, dazai
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
He is the person who walks around sick for almost half of a year, with a lot of sniffs and sneezes. Somehow he can manage to catch a cold even in summer. You say it is because he has an awful immune system
He already has anemia that makes his body weak. And if a bad cold is added too, he becomes almost pathetic...
If you ask him, he says he is used to being sick most of the time, but that is not true. He tried to take pills a few times for his anemia but they were useless (no, i am not self-projecting here, nope)
Most of the time, he can pull to do his work even if that means carrying tissues with him everywhere.
He hates the times when he got extra bad cold, it causes delays in his work. He is not someone who will accept to see a doctor even though his fever runs high. So if you're going to accompany him, you have to use more conventional ways...
You know hot soup, warm shower, herbal teas... He will act like you are being too "histrionic" and he is doing fine, but he will appreciate it secretly...
You put a mix of mint and linden leaves into the french press, added a tiny piece of ginger, and then poured hot water. After you waited for a while you poured out the liquid through a strainer. You had chosen your fav “I like mugs because they’re very comfortable in your hand” mug for it.
You entered the room where Fyodor was laying, he was trying to read a book but he was coughing constantly. You pulled the book from his hands: "Please drink this and rest a little. I am sure your book can wait for you." you scolded him lightly. He didn't argue with you, which was a sign that he was really feeling bad.
He took the mug, and looked at the writing on it "I don't understand why this is written on a mug" You chuckled "Because either you don't have a sense of humor or you have never heard Demi Lovato before dear.."
"Is it really an inadequacy of me that I don't get the references from the pop culture that was brought to people by no one but-"
"Darling darling..." you interrupted him "You can talk for hours about fatuity of popularism later, but I am begging you, drink this tea. now..."
He was annoyed by your interruption but he complied with your request. He sniffed before taking a sip. Then his face turned into a disgusted expression.
"Did you put ginger in this tea?.."
Kunikida Doppo
This poor man will go through the 5 stages of grief in order...
Denial: "I am not sick, I just got shivers for a second! This doesn't mean anything!" "No, I don't look awful or tired, I am fine!"
Anger: "This is because of that Dazai asshole! That nasty bastard sneezed right into my face and contaminated me with his viruses!"
Bargaining: "...Okay some inconveniences might happen but it's not that bad", "I will drink this tea and get better in an instant. No, I don't need a break, I will be fine"
Depression: "... What will happen to the agency if I use two days off?" "...my program... I will be left behind on it.."
Acceptance: "..President, may I use two days off to recover?"
He knew it is natural to get sick for people... But it wasn't written in his ideals book... He must add some notes about this too...
All he wants is quickly recover and get back to his responsibilities. So he will see a doctor, he will take his medicines, will drink all the herbal tea he needs to drink...You don't have to do much indeed, he is someone who takes care of himself well. But this doesn't mean he won't appreciate it if you do some thoughtful things for him...
"I'm home" you called to him when you entered the house with your keys. You dropped the bags that you got from the grocery store to the kitchen. You could organize them later, you went right ahead to the room where Kunikida was resting. He tried to get up to greet you but you acted quicker and hugged him while he was still sitting. He froze for only one second, then slowly wrapped his arms around you
"Y/N... You shouldn't be this close to me, you will get sick too..." He murmured but didn't push you away too. You shrugged your shoulders while still hugging him "Then I will use a day off with my sick boyfriend, that doesn't seem so bad to me" Kunikida chuckled lightly "If we both use a day off at the same time, I can't imagine what sort of chaos would the agency have..." Then he slowly pulled himself back to see you eye-to-eye and started to ask you questions... How is the agency going? Were budget calculations accurate? Have you taken new cases? What kind of ruckus did Dazai cause when he wasn't around to lecture him? How many calls did you get for his suicide attempts this time?
You told him about how you took care of everything on his behalf with everyone's help (well mostly with the help of Atsushi, Kyoka, Kenji, and Tanizaki siblings... basically with minors of Ada...) But even Dazai wasn't acting so "wild". He was whining about how the agency became too quiet and no-fun without Kunikida and all the joy he got from work vanished without Kunikida...
"Everyone can't wait to get you better love they are planning to visit you tomorrow night," you told with a smile. Kunikida coughed and covered his mouth, then mumbled: "I see..." You knew he did it to hide the light blush and embarrassed smile on his face, but you didn't tease him for it. After all, he was deserving it all...
Dazai Osamu
Here comes the drama king...
First, let's be honest here... He is treating his own body like shit... We saw him in his flat, this man doesn't even cook for himself. He literally feeds with sake and canned crabs only... Despite that, he doesn't get sick easily. He has the durability of a cockroach (i swear i love him, these insults are with affection)
He is the kind of person who doesn't get sick even there is a cold season and everyone around him got ill. He catches the sickness not more once than a year, but when he gets ill, it is always the most unexpected time.
Once, while he was still in the port mafia he got a very bad cold right before an important mission. When Mori saw his situation, he had to cancel the mission.
Because this man acts like he is on the deathbed when he is sick...
"So I made some research on the internet... With all these symptoms on me; either I have some kind of chronic illness, or brain tumor.. which leads us to the conclusion that I have only 2 weeks to live..." "Or, you have a cold, you shithead.." "Do not act like you are a doctor now Chuuya, or I will throw up to your precious hat..."
He didn't change much... The only difference is now he is being your boyfriend, you have to take care of this man like you are taking care of a child. He will act like he is much worse than he is to get all your affection and care... You will need a lot of patience, to be honest...
"Ew, there is no way I would drink that crap!" You thought for a millisecond to throw the bowl of soup to his face but you didn't have the heart for it. Even though he was acting like a spoiled brat, he was miserable right now. You knew he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning, you had to convince him to put something in his stomach no matter what...
"Why don't you want to drink this babe?" you asked with your sweetest tone. Dazai shrugged his shoulders "It smells bad, makes me want to puke..." You tried again "What if you push yourself? Just a little? I know it doesn't look appetizing but this soup is too good for cold, you will feel better after your drink I promise..."
Dazai looked at you with defeated eyes, he couldn't resist any longer "..fine then"
With excitement, you took one spoon from the bowl and carefully held it towards his mouth, you were cupping the other hand under the spoon to keep it from spilling. Dazai slowly opened his mouth, only to make a sour face "It is too hot!"
"Sorry baby, my bad" you apologized and started to cool it down by stirring it with the spoon. You took another spoon from the bowl, this time you blew a little air before giving it to Dazai. When he started to make some teasing comments on you would be a great nanny, you decided he was already getting better. You tried to get up after he finished his soup, but Dazai held you weakly by his wrist. "You won't leave me alone on my deathbed, right?" You rolled your eyes: "You're an idiot, you know that right?" He smirked lightly "But I am your idiot, and you still love me..." You couldn't control your smile this time. You gently removed the hair on his forehead and gave him a little peck "Yeap... Only mine to love..."
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well, i couldn't still get over from this week's episode and couldnt't write anything new. this was on the drafts and not proof readed, but i will still share it. fyodor stans can use it as a denial of ep 11 :')
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unicornpopcorn14 · 2 months
You know what I'm thinking?
About Chuuya, after his reunion with Dazai, never calling him Mackerel seriously.
About Dazai, trying to provoke him into doing so and failing repeatedly, till the question "why?" slips out in frustration.
And Chuuya, replying by giving a reminiscent gaze towards Dazai's eyes for almost a full minute, before shrugging and saying, "Eh, that stupid nickname just doesn't roll off the tongue anymore..."
To which Dazai goes "????"
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exymybeloved · 4 months
People trying to kidnap dazai: How?! We knocked you out!
Dazai: You think you can knock me out with just a hit to the head?
Dazai: Please. My father was knocking me over the head since I could walk
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rintoorou · 3 months
miya twins as your brothers! with atsumu and osamu miya (duh!)
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see pt. 2 here
tags haikyuu smau, miya twins, miya atsumu, miya osamu, miya atsumu au, miya osamu au
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It’s been a long time since we had a live actions headcannon!!
When the twins find out about your crush, the first thing they do is fight amongst themselves about whom you like better 😅
“It’s definitely me,” Atsumu bolsters
“If Yn had any taste it would definitely NOT be you,” Osamu smirks
Of course, they are both of them neglect that fact that they found out about your crush more than a year later…
You see, while the twins were well doing twin things, you were hopelessly pining over them. Unfortunately they never gave you the time of day and thus you equated that to them not even caring ☹️
But you know who did care? Suna
Suna is an opportunist and when he saw how neglected you were when the twins failed to notice you, well he swooped in. You were gorgeous, smart and funny. Who the heck wouldn’t take that opportunity?!?
So when the twins finally got their heads straight and ran up to you asking whom you liked more, you looked them dead in the face and said, “Suna.”
Atsumu and Osamu 👉🏻👁️💧👄💧👁️
Suna 👉🏻😏
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That was unexpected | Play fighting headcannons with BSD characters x Gn reader
Characters: Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara
Summary: When play fighting with them becomes something more
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, established relationships
Taglist: @nightshade-clown
A/N: Thanks to @seisitive and one of her anons for this idea!! Here is the post!
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🍀⁀➷ You were laying on the couch when Dazai came into the room, slouching himself on the edge looking at you
🍀⁀➷ You were looking through your phone, doing whatever you were doing, and Dazai just started poking your face
🍀⁀➷ You started poking his back, putting down your phone, but it escalated insanely fast
🍀⁀➷ Dazai started softly patting your cheeks and head, imitating slapping but not hard enough to hurt you
🍀⁀➷ You started punching back, with light punches, but he pulled you on top of him
🍀⁀➷ You straddled his waist with your legs as you gently punched him
🍀⁀➷ He laughed, as your soft punches tickled him, and he was reciprocating your soft hits
🍀⁀➷ You smirked as your hits got a bit rougher, knowing he could take the punches
🍀⁀➷ Dazai seemingly noticed this change, but only smirked in response as he gripped your waist
🍀⁀➷ You blushed slightly and paused your movement, that was a big mistake
🍀⁀➷ In an instant Dazai had you under him and pinned your hands above your hand, holding your wrists
🍀⁀➷ You blushed, your eyes widening in surprise and being flustered. Dazai of course was smiling
🍀⁀➷ Dazai slowly started kissing your cheeks, not letting his grip on your hands loosen. Your blush deepened
🍀⁀➷ You desperately looked at his lips, awaiting more than just teasing, fleeting kisses on your cheek
🍀⁀➷ Of course, he noticed and started to lightly kiss your lips, teasing you slightly
🍀⁀➷ Not a second later did his kisses get deeper than they were before, becoming even more heated
🍀⁀➷ You started kissing back, your little kissing turning into a heated make out session
🍀⁀➷ It was a push and pull between the two of you, but the movement wasn't enough for Dazai to release you from his grip
🍀⁀➷ After a moment the two of you were making out, you tried flailing out of his grip, accidentally kicking him in the stomach
🍀⁀➷ He just collapsed on top of you dramatically, pretending to have died
🍀⁀➷ You just cuddled him on the floor as he recovered from your kick, apologizing profusely
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🍀⁀➷ You were laying on the floor already, boredom gripping your brain. Chuuya was walking around, trying to find you, but accidentally tripped over you
🍀⁀➷ He smirks slightly and softly kicking your side, trying to tickle you and pulling a laugh out of your lips
🍀⁀➷ You, in response to this unneeded attack, started to hit and lightly punch his leg trying to get him to stop
🍀⁀➷ You sat up to face him and Chuuya bent down to get on your level, lightly booping your nose
🍀⁀➷ You jokingly scowled at his action, bonking his head a few times in response
🍀⁀➷ You jumped at him, trying to get Chuuya underneath you, but you failed. Your back faced the floor as Chuuya pinned you by your wrist
🍀⁀➷ You immediately blushed seeing how smug Chuuya smiled down at the state you were in because of him
🍀⁀➷ One of his hands slid from your wrist to intertwine with one of yours, which you returned happily
🍀⁀➷ Chuuya lightly kissed your forehead, trailing down to your nose at an agonizingly slow pace
🍀⁀➷ He hovered over your lips, enough room for him to see you quickly dart your gaze from his lips in a pattern
🍀⁀➷ Chuuya brought his other hand to grip your chin to keep your needy gaze on his eyes
🍀⁀➷ He slowly brought his lips to hover over yours, basking in how needy you were for his kiss
🍀⁀➷ He gave in pretty quickly however, the want of your lips growing quicker in his heart
🍀⁀➷ As slow as the kiss may have started, they slowly got quicker from both of you
🍀⁀➷ Each one becoming more sloppy has he gripped your cheek, his other hand still holding yours down
🍀⁀➷ Both of your lips danced with each other for a good while, leaving you a flustered mess
🍀⁀➷ Chuuya held you tightly as a slow and melodic body rhythm was being set as you tried to get your hand out of his grasp
🍀⁀➷ You managed to get one hand out of his grip, holding his cheek deepening the kissing session
🍀⁀➷ You were squirming too much, however, trying to get your revenge on Chuuya and accidentally bonked his head a little too hard
🍀⁀➷ You held your head in pain and Chuuya dramatically fell to the floor, reaching his hand to find yours
🍀⁀➷ You both laid on the floor in pain, but you were both laughing your asses off, not letting go of each other's hands
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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