#osamu miya crack
emmyrosee · 2 years
At work, thinking about the beefiest boys in haikyuu, here’s my compiled list. In no order, but Osamu’s first bc we’re married
1.) osamu miya, biggest thickest boy in the game. Could crush you with one thunder thigh. Works out 23/6.5, only stops to eat food and kiss you. Has, in fact, bench-pressed you once as a point, threatens to do it again when you get sassy. 100/10, my factual husband.
2.) Bokuto, hunkiest himbo with an absolute mammoth of a body. Has absolutely no issue with lifting you up and onto his shoulders at any given time, even in stores to reach something. He pouts as he gets yelled at by the employees, but smiles when you tell him you had fun. Only slightly pouty bc he works all that beef off in practice and knows how much you love it.
3.) Ushijima. Boy could swallow you like an anaconda. Will suffocate you in his chest and pecs if you ask him for a hug. Likes laying on top of you like a big lap dog and you don’t mind seeing the gates of heaven as he does. He’s so pretty. God I’m in love with him. 10/10 man.
4.) Iwaizumi, the OG hunk with the dump truck. Literally so big he, in fact, has to turn adjust his seat in every car he’s ever been in. His shirts absolutely devour your frame, and it drives him wild to see you in them. Will not take you when he goes clothes shopping because the way he wants to Hulk out of everything he tries on makes you froth.
5.) Sakusa. I swear to gOD THAT MAN IS BIG. Whole Instagram explore page is people doing deadlifts and recipes for protein snacks. Palms volleyballs just. Causally. Like anyone can do it. Can cup your hands in his paws effortlessly, and when you annoy him, he just lays his palm on your face with a faux-soothing “shhhh…” like that’s a big man. Picks you up causally, either to move you to bed, put you in his lap, or just to make you shriek. Gives you his workout shorts to wear as pajamas, and absolutely laughs when you put them on, and they comically pool around your ankles. He’s big.
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egoistars · 1 month
PROJECT PARTER HCS (he wants you so bad) haikyuu
ft: aran, kita, atsumu, osamu, suna
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HES TRYING!!! but is it successful? (no)
literally cannot shut up the entire time you two meet up but it's ok because he's funny
"hey you wanna see pictures of my teammates" "yeah sure" he pulls out a blurry .5 of suna's nostrils
offers you protein bars and osamus leftovers as snacks
compliments you on literally everything
you wrote two words? he starts cheering and clapping his hands like you're shakespeare presenting a new play
loves pretending to be your strict teacher whenever commenting on your work
makes up for his lack of preparation by making you laugh and flustered
"i think you can add a little more to this part" "you look so sexy calling me dumb"
if you two meet up at a cafe he ALWAYS!!! pays for you
started off as a mistake because he asked you for your order in front of the barista
but he thought for a moment and decided you're worth an extra $5 out of his wallet
always loses his pencils but has dozens of erasers?????
SWEARS by wooden pencils. he sees a mechanical pencil and jumps 5 feet into the air and starts screaming
last few days of the project he looks constipated every time you two are together
"do you need a diaper" "I WANT YOU"
you accept his confession because you unfortunately like him back and because you want a good grade
also because you don't want him pooping his pants
the sweetest!!
always asks how you're doing before pulling out his notes
digital note taker 100%
loves loves loves writing with erasable pen and only uses pencils for exams
is a "let's work on everything together" kinds guy
he says it's to make sure there aren't any disagreements in content and aesthetic (he just wants to talk to you)
if you guys aren't at your house, always offers to walk you back!!!
great academically but if you're making a poster or slideshow do NOT let him decorate it... pls watch out
"does this look good!" "i'm gonna hold your hand when i tell you this..." "omg you want to hold my hand 😍"
starts giggling to himself in his head whenever you guys accidentally touch
you catch him staring at you one day and you don't know what to say so you just stare back
he thinks its so romantic
you're just confused but go along with it
after presentations you think you guys are gonna go back to being friendly classmates but he finds you after class and asks you out :)
"do you want to read my notes?" he pulls out 5 notebooks with everything color coordinated, sticky tabs, perfect handwriting, and factually correct
he can sit and work for 5 hours straight and still somehow have perfect posture
first time you asked him for help on something you were about to piss yourself because you thought he would call you stupid and send you to hell
he gave you a small smile and started walking you through it with an unmatched level of patience
that was the moment you folded and had to physically restrain yourself from grabbing his cheeks and kissing his face
always offers you tea when you come over and brings out a small tray of snacks
"are you comfortable? do you need any help?"
is suuuuper meticulous but kind with his 739273 different corrections
he swears by the sandwich method of compliment-critique-compliment
"your analysis is amazing in this section but i think you can expand a little bit after because..."
you're the one who confessed first because you thought you would explode from cuteness aggression if you didn't
and also because you thought even if he did reject you, he'd do it in the most painless way
was super happy and bursted into a bright red face but shy smile!!
still told you to go back to the assignment though...
menace i hate him (no i don't)
literally doesn't understand anything that's going on and probably doesn't process what you're saying at first
realizes you're serious about this assignment and forces himself to lock in
asks a BUNCH of questions and jots them down on a google doc
loves to make random conversation when you two are working
actually insane gossiper
nosiest birch you know
allergic to minding his own business that mf has shit on everyone
are you slightly scared of what he has on you? yes. do you still want to hear everything he knows? yes
"i'm taking this info from page 175 of the textbook" "got it, but did you hear that kato is trying to get with his exs best friend??"
leaves notes on your project that are both unserious and encouraging
"omg u are literally einstein"
folds origami when bored
will give you paper cranes, frogs, foxes, and cats whenever you see each other
you discovered that there's small doodles in the posts it's he uses to make them
one day there's your name and his surrounded by hearts like the corny mf he is
confronted him and it and he was just like "oh you found that? well, do you want to go out with me?"
he was NOT SLICK with the way he skipped home and whistled to himself that day after you said yes
can only meet up after school because of volleyball so he offers to cook for you before starting to work
takes notes in class but doesn't understand half the stuff he jots down
writes actual bullshit but half a page in decides to abandon his pride and ask you for help
leans in a little too close whenever listening to what you're saying
tries to make sure your knees are touching and that it's all an accident when your fingers brush (he prepared each scenario in his head before sleeping the night before)
down bad LOSER
spends his time doing his portion of the project while sneaking glances at you
doesn't know how to decorate presentations for the life of him so he is on doodle duty
gives surprisingly good suggestions and takes your corrections to heart
one of the best project partners because of how willing he is to learn and contribute!!! (also because he wants to impress you)
talks shit about his brother to you
atsumu has walked in while osamu was telling you an embarrassing story
they start fighting
osamu gets super embarrassed when you laugh at him
then gets overly confident when you tell him you were rooting for him
will not stop dumb smiling whenever he sees you after that
asks you out after the project is turned in with his hands in his pockets with how they're shaking so much
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kenjisatos · 3 months
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second part of this series! i love to see more of this team <3
[sakusa version]
this fic features…
haikyuu timeskip!spoilers, highly suggestive content (as the title entails), inappropriate language, atsumu keeps getting violated by his teammates, i headcanon sakusa to be fluent in english (argue with the wall), genre: crack, some of these are actual tweets i found lol.
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The videos begins with multiple flash shots of Atsumu screaming, Hinata and Bokuto bursting into laughter, and a clip of the camera zooming in on Sakusa’s disgusted face.
- cut scene -
“Hi, we’re the MSBY Black Jackals, and we’re here with Buzzfeed to read your thirst tweets.” The 4 of them say together.
Hinata drums on his chair, “Miyaaaaa Atsumuuuu edition!”
Atsumu smirks at the camera, “I know you’ve all been waiting for this.”
The cameraman speaks up, “Are you excited?”
Atsumu nods enthusiastically, “Hell yeah! I can take this like a champ, unlike Omi-Omi…”. He side eyes the outside hitter, who, in return, flips off the setter—but the video pixelates it for censorship.
Bokuto snorts, “That’s what she said…”
Atsumu chuckles and claps his hands together. “Let’s get started!”
- cut scene -
The crew tosses a phone to Atsumu. He catches it and clears his throat. “Alright, first one…”
“How can I transform into one of those cameras used for volleyball games? Oh to get that view of Miya Atsumu’s dick all up in front of me when he does his sexy low set.”
Atsumu chuckles, “I can practically see you drooling from here, user.”
Hinata wiggles his eyebrows and pretends to hit a spike, “It is a sexy set, Miya.”
Bokuto fakes an animalistic growling noise, “When you get down low and—“
“Oh please, why are we praising Miya for flashing the camera?” Sakusa cuts in.
Atsumu huffs, “I’m not flashing them on purpose!” He then turns to the camera and winks, “Unless you want me to…”
“Shut yer trap, Omi-Omi!”
Hinata snickers, “Miya, your accent is slipping in…”
His voice is high pitched and whiny as he replies, “No, it’s n—!”, he clears his throat, his voice now two octaves deeper, “No, it’s not.”
Bokuto chuckles, slapping the setter on the back. Atsumu simply passes the phone to him to read the next tweet.
“Funny how I want to throw hands at Inarizaki Miya Atsumu, but at the same time, I want to throw my panties off for MSBY Miya Atsumu.”
Sakusa laughs, actually laughs, for the first time since they started the shoot. His rowdy companions slowly turn to him, eyes blown wide at the rare sight of their stoic teammate showing an ounce of amusement.
Sakusa’s laugh trails off, “Yeah…you were a piece of shit in high school.”
“No, I wasn’t!”
“Yes, you were. Still are.”
Hinata tries to reassure the blond, “Don’t worry, Miya, I thought you were cool.”
Bokuto quips, “Hinata, I thought you couldn’t tell the difference between him and Osamu.”
Hinata’s eyes widen and Atsumu glares at the orange-head, “Seriously, Shoyo?”
Hinata waves his hands dismissively, “I-I-I…”
Atsumu sighs, “You guys keep distracting me! I’m supposed to be replying to these thirst tweets.”
Bokuto holds a hand to his heart, “We are sorry, your highness.”
Atsumu looks at the camera and smirks, “Keep your panties on, ladies. I like to do it with them on.”
Sakusa stares at Atsumu in disgust, the beginning scene of the video making its’ debut as the cameraman zooms in on Sakusa’s revolted expression.
“How do you do it with it on?” Bokuto thinks out loud.
Hinata responds, “I think he means it’s pulled to the side?”
Bokuto’s mouth turns into an animated ‘o’ shape, “Ohhh, or or or he—“
Their pr manager coughs loudly off screen. Sakusa gives their manager a grateful look, mouthing a ‘thank you’.
The other three pout as their conversation is cut short. Bokuto hands the phone to Hinata; he squints his eyes at the screen as he tries to make out the words. He begins to read:
“Have y’all seen Miya Atsumu? If that dick slap his thigh when he walk, I shall listen when he talk.”
Hinata laughs but continues, “The Twitter user reposted themselves saying ‘Sheesh.’ with 18 fucking android emojis.”
Bokuto leans closer to Hinata, “Ooh! Lemme see, lemme see.”
Atsumu grins smugly with his eyes closed in satisfaction, his hand coming up to run through his platinum hair.
Sakusa speaks up, “Stop posing for the edits.”
Atsumu seems to ignore Sakusa’s comment as he faces the camera. “Well in that case, I guess you’ll all be listening to me.”
Hinata snorts, “Proof?”
Bokuto guffaws while Hinata holds his laughter in behind a cheeky smile.
Atsumu’s cheeks flush red at his words, “I ain’t showing you nothin’!”
Sakusa rolls his eyes, “Trust me, we’ve seen enough in the locker room.”
Bokuto hides behind Atsumu and holds his hands up a certain distance to insinuate the length of Atsumu’s…commodity.
Atsumu continues, practically flirting with the camera, “But trust me y’all, it does, indeed, slap.”
Hinata leans his elbow over Atsumu’s shoulder, “Yeah and so does he!”
The sound effect of a turntable skidding plays.
Atsumu flinches away from Hinata, “WHAT???”
Their pr manager stands up quickly from their seat, a horrified expression on their face; the threat of losing their job rushing in their head.
Bokuto is holding a hand over his mouth, the Buzzfeed crew members are exchanging nervous looks, even Sakusa has his eyes wide open.
Hinata realizes his mistake and freezes for a moment before he’s jumping and scuttling around in a panic.
Sakusa snorts and covers his face with his hands, Bokuto has tears in his eyes from how hard he’s holding in his laughter, the MSBY pr manager sits back down, their pale face slowly regaining its color. Atsumu is left with what can only be described as a sea-sick expression, almost constipated. After a few seconds, he remembers how to speak and says:
“Shoyo…what the fuck.”
Sakusa opens his palm up, he’s biting his lip to not let a chuckle escape. “Give me the phone, Hinata.”
Hinata wordlessly hands the phone over as Bokuto giggles and places both his hands on Hinata’s shoulders and jumps in place to brighten up the mood.
Atsumu finally laughs a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “Almost caught myself a scandal there.”
“Wouldn’t be the first,” Sakusa mutters as he scrolls to the next tweet he has to read.
“Miya is so fucking hot, I want that man to turn my legs into jello.”
Atsumu grins, “Well well well—“
Sakusa continues reading the tweet, “I’m talking about Miya Osamu btw, aka the better twin.”
Atsumu opens his eyes, “Huh??”
Sakusa snickers, “Finally a tweet I agree with.”
Bokuto raises his hand to cup around his lips and whispers to Hinata, “Here come the SakuSamu shippers…”
Hinata whispers back, “I thought they were called Omigiris…”
The camera crew turns to a very confused Atsumu, “We thought it would be funny to add an Osamu tweet” one of them says.
Atsumu scowls like a petulant child.
Hinata perks up, “Osamu is pretty sexy, ey? In his Onigiri Miya compression shirt too…”
Bokuto nods in agreement, “And that cap? Smash.”
Atsumu whines, “Guyssss, this is supposed to be about meeee!”
“Womp womp.”
“Omiii :(“
Sakusa gives the phone back to Atsumu, who pouts and sticks his tongue out before he grumbles, “Y’all love to bully me, huh? And here I thought we would have deep team bonding conversations.”
Sakusa quirks an eyebrow up, “…at a thirst tweets shoot?”
“It’s personal and vulnerable,” Hinata replies.
“The only vulnerable thing at risk here is my wellbeing,” Sakusa retorts.
Atsumu sighs as he grabs the phone from Sakusa. “I hope the next tweet makes me feel better…”, he mutters.
“I just know that if Miya Atsumu called me a real good boy, it would awaken something in me.”
Bokuto starts barking at that, “Yeah, it awakens that inner dog in me.”
“We are the Black Jackals.” Sakusa comments, matter-a-factly.
“Are they talking about that time you and Kageyama were at that youth camp?” Hinata asks.
Atsumu nods, “I believe so.”
“Then how do they know you said that…?”
Sakusa responds amusedly, “Knowing Tobio, he probably tweeted about it. That man hates Miya.”
Atsumu defends himself, “Hey now, hate is a strong word. Tobio-kun is just jealous that I’m Shoyo’s setter.”
Bokuto, once again, leans in closer to Hinata to whisper, “Here come the KageHina and AtsuHina shippers…”
Atsumu stares right at the camera with a smoldering expression, “User, you’re being a real good boy…”
Bokuto barks again. The video adds a sound effect that makes it sound like a chorus of Bokutos are barking all around.
Atsumu laughs and passes the phone to Bokuto.
“Someone on here said the English equivalent to Miya Atsumu’s Kansai dialect is a country accent. Well then, call me a cowboy the way I’d be riding that man till the break of dawn. #SaveAHorseRideACowboy”
The video adds a cowboy hat and lasso to Atsumu, who pretends to be on a horse. His voice is much deeper as he says, “Yeehaw~”
“Oooh we have international fans!” Hinata speaks excitedly.
Bokuto’s eyes light up at Hinata’s comment, “Oooh, Omi-kun, say something to them!”
Sakusa squints his eyes and raises an eyebrow, “What do you want me to say?”
Atsumu jumps in, “Tell them I’d be happy to let them have a go at this rodeo ride.” He clicks his tongue with a wink.
Sakusa sighs then looks directly at the camera, and says the following in perfect English: “I hope your taste in men improves from what it is now. My condolences.”
Atsumu smiles, completely oblivious to the insult. “Thanks, Omi-Omi.”
Sakusa smiles, an evil little smile. “My pleasure.”
- cut scene -
Atsumu tosses the phone back to the crew, “And that was it! I thoroughly enjoyed the ego boost, minus the parts when the team bullied me.”
“You were a good sport, Miya.” Hinata tells him.
“Thanks, Shoyo. And you’re a horrible speaker.”
Hinata’s face burns scarlet again at the reminder of his misfortunate wording earlier.
“2 out of 4 completed!”, Bokuto exclaims.
“Yes, we’re so close to being done.” Sakusa says, though he looks way too happy and relieved.
“More coming your way!” Hinata adds.
“Stay tuned~” Atsumu points at the camera.
“We’re the MSBY Black Jackals, goodbye!”
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🏷️ @dervngedgf
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merokado · 4 months
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hey, you've reached suna. leave a message at the beep.
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after a week straight of being holed up in the dorm working on your finals, with an annoyingly noisy next-door neighbor at that, you're finally out at a party. with the stress of piling assignments, deadly deadlines, and an infuriating neighbor who you've endlessly tried to confront but somehow have never seen the face of — it was time to get drunk. usually, the more alcohol you drink, the more single you feel; you're blackout drunk. now flirting with the guy you've been eyeing the whole night, everything's going well. but why does his voice sound so familiar?
pairing: suna rintarou x f!reader
status: ongoing (started may 31, 2024)
genre: 18+ romance, smau + written
tags: social media au, college au, strangers to lovers, neighbors to lovers (???), crack, fluff, angst, smut if i feel like it
warnings: swearing, alcohol, drug use (marijuana), suggestive and sexual themes
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taglist is open! comment to be tagged :)
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art students (and atsumu) | Freaky Singles Looking For Love (18+)
semi's gig | where's bo taking us this time?
the setup.
01. hashtag pregame
02. a breath of fresh...vodka
03. that was me last night?
04. regrets, regrets, and more regrets
05. a user wants to send you a message
06. that was you the other night?
the confrontation.
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☆ mera's mail ! hey divas this is my first actual smau (but i've always wanted to make one lol!) i've regressed into my 2020-2022 haikyuu phase and i've been trying to look for smaus to no avail ... so i decided to make my own instead because i'm self-indulgent like that. ALSO the cover photo for this took me an egregious amount of time because i had to start over so i hope y'all like it. recommend some series' you think i'd enjoy! you can send me questions, suggestions, etc. in my ask too. i am also very open to moots mwahahah
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sanaexus · 4 months
pass pass- oh smash.
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the inarazaki volleyball team was nothing short of chaos. be it the twins bickering, suna recording every fight, aran cheering them on, omimi's loud sighs of disappointment, kita's scolding and the manager's threat was something that happened on a daily basis, it was normal.
but despite all that nothing changed the fact that they were all extremely close, specially with the manager. in the past all most all the managers quit because of how patient you needed to be dealing with the havoc they created. but you were different. dealing with their bullshit every day, helping them with whatever they needed and just being a friend they really needed.
while to anyone outside it may have seemed like you have romantic feelings for one of them and that's why you chose to become the manager, so you could be closer to them. but that really wasn't the case. the last thing you'd like was one of those hooligans.
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it was supposed to be a normal practice match with aoba johsai, but this was inarizaki they were talking about, of course it wasn't.
no one knew you were dating oikawa. no, everyone just automatically assumed you were with atsumu. they weren't exactly to blame, you were close to him but that's what happens when you know someone since your childhood.
to say you were tensed about the match was an understatement. not only about how this was going to end on the court but about how the teams would react if they somehow got to know you were with oikawa.
but it was as if luck decided to make a complete fool of me their entire team came barging in, the loud entrance made everyone flinch for a second as they stared at the door.
now you were panicking and omi being the actual saint he was asked you, "are you alright?"
"no, fuck shit no, do i look alright?" i was pacing back and forth trying to hide my face thinking about ways to hide myself from oikawa or at least let him no that he shouldn't approach me.
"are you alright you look like you just saw a ghost"
"that's because i saw someone worse than a ghost! oh my godd can i call in sick please?" you pleaded with him, trying to find any excuse that would get you out of here.
"no. why would you want that, what happened?"
"i'm kinda maybe sorta might be dating someone from seijoh"
"what's the problem, he's in seijoh this is volley- wait you have boyf- WHAT?"
the yelling had caught the team's attention as they look at the both of you confused.
"WE'RE FINE, NOTHING HAPPENED" as you glare at omi "shhh are you trying to get me killed here? the problem is he is the volleyball team and is kinda the captain of the team. i'm just gonna pray he isn't stupid enough to approach me here with these creatures all around me"
"praying isn't going to be enough for what the twins might do to him if they find out."
cue the bad luck as kindaichi and kunimi wave at you, surprised you're standing at the other side of the court. your hands frantically making the cross sign across your chest mouthing "stay away, you don't know me"
"oh wait how about you text him or something to like not come up to you and you'll explain later"
"ohhh my god you're a genius i love you omi"
as you whip your phone out going to text iwaizumi with your hands shaking.
why do you look like you're about to pass out? are you fine?
-it's because i might pass out any second. my team doesn't know i'm dating oikawa
-yeah tell him to not approach me please if they find out i'll be dead
i'll do it. good luck w this mess
-thank you i owe you big time
you look up from your phone to talk to omi- "i told his bestfriend to tell him to not approach me that should work right?"
"why didn't you tell him directly? what if he thinks he's just saying it so he stays focused"
"ohhh you're like SUPPER smart, i dont know what i'd do without you"
"probably have your little affair get caught"
you just mutter a little "rude" before going to text oikawa. but before you can, he comes in yelling.
"Y/NNN CHANN I MISSED YOUUU" his whiney voice can be heard to everyone as he jogs his over to you.
you sigh, knowing what's about to go down. "hi oikawa, i missed you too.." you whisper so only you can hear it. and before you can process the entire inarizaki volleyball team (and seijoh) is surrounding the two of you.
suna could careless about who you dated, if you were happy he didn't mind it. but this was something that was both surprising and funny, so of course he had to record it.
it was confusing to the team because up until now they were under the impression you were dating atsumu.
"wait wait wait what does he mean by he missed you? are you two friends?" osamu was curious, he knew you weren't dating his brother but he thought you liked him.
oikawa dramatically turned towards you "you haven't told them?"
"ladies, ladies there's enough of me to go around" which only brought you deadpan looks from both the volleyball teams "ok sorry, my bad for being funny"
"wait what does he mean you haven't told us??"
"we've been dating for a year, the last thing we could be is friends-"
"you're dating him? I thought you were with atsumu?"
"atsumu? i thought you were dating suna?"
"why me? i didn't even do anything keep me out of this?"
"what's wrong with us?" suna and atsumu asked offended.
"shut up i've seen you eating sand and you ask me what's wrong with the two of you?"
"y/n chan, what's going on?" kunimi asks curiously. the seijoh's team just stood there watching you, oikawa and the inarizaki members going back and forth.
"all of you shut up, we didn't even let y/n explain properly"
"oh my god thank you kita-"
"you don't like the twins?"
"KITA?! no oh lord i don't, i've been dating toruu for the past year, i never did and never will like any of these hooligans, no offense"
"HEY! that's rude-" before atsumu could whiney any further osamu smacked him in the back of his head, which shut him up immediately.
"what about the rumors of a girl making out with atsumu? that wasn't you?" suna finally asked, genuinely wanting to know more.
"no oh my god toruu I didn't-"
"oh, that wasn't her that was just a junior i dated."
"yeah that wasn't me wait ew juniors? really atsumu?"
"she was cute! don't shift this on me"
"but guys seriously i never had have or will like anyone from the volleyball team. i'm sorry i hid it from you guys, but i was just scared of what you guys would think"
"are you happy? does he keep you happy?" aran asked borderline choking atsumu.
the question caught you off guard but instantly a small smile replaced the shock on your face "yes, he does, he's stupid but he really does make me happy"
"then that's all that matters"
"aww thank you-"
"nuh uh, i don't approve, what if he's a playboy?" atsumu disapprovingly shook his head praying aran's hands off him.
"oh god no one wants to hear that from you" suna shut atsumu up.
atsumu quietly huffed a "rude"
"well now that that's sorted, we should probably get back to warming up"
"yes thank you kindaichi, finally a normal person"
"y/n?" aran called out to you.
"just because your boyfriend's in that team doesn't mean we'll go easy on them, we'll just be rougher with them"
"if it makes you win, be my guest."
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this was a bit awkward to write and I'm not proudest of this either but we'll js roll with it
@daisy-room here you go mam hope I did your idea justice
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whydoyoucare866 · 2 months
ex!suna rintarou x singer!reader
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HELLO NEW UPDATE, so i kinda forgot reader was a famous singer but i promise she will live the famous lifee
so, since atsumu is rlly famous he has found a lot of insane girls who would do anything for his money
y/n is in denial because she uses the hatred as a mechanism to cover the hurt
or well in more detail if she hates him then she doesnt feel sad or thats what she thinks
honestly i havent planned what their break up was but i have an idea and just telling yall everything could have been saved if they both knew how to communicate
tsumu and samu are really nice and lovely brothers to y/n
kei called bc y/n said she wanted to talk about suna and honestly he still roots for them
but y/n ended up mentioning him once and talking about a lot other stuff for three hours straight
ofc kei listened to everything hes a good listener but he wont admit that he doesn’t mind that shes yapping his ear off
as yall have noticed in most chapters just one important thing happens and the next is humor, i want it to feel natural and not too rushed and i also love crack smaus so yes
they call y/n kid and kiddo even though shes 8 minutes older than atsumu and 13 minutes older than osamu
taglist (OPEN) :
@lvc-lv @renardiererin @3lectraheart @nyxlai @beckxisxinxlovexwithxjin @wooasecret @sonicsolos @dazqa
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leti666bigboss · 1 year
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part 1
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featuring: kuroo tetsuro, kozume kenma, yamamoto taketora, yaku morisuke, haiba lev, suna rintaro, the miya twins, terushima yuuji
genre: crack
warnings: terushima's might be just a liiiiiitle bit suggestive
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aboutkiyoomi · 1 month
ex factor | an atsumu miya x reader
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"loving you is like a battle and we both end up with scars." 💌
❂ an atsumu x f!reader
❂ cw: childhood bestfriends to lovers, some exes to lovers lol, some angstty teenage feelings (nothing too heartbreaking), atsumu sucks at feelings and some suggestive content. everyone is still in highschool and a bitt ooc📫
❂ cw will be at the beginning of every chapter. i love how silly but absolutely stupid i made tsum in this.
❂ taglist is open! send a dm or a request to be added !
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m. list 📮
indicates major writing chapters - [📨]
indicates minor writing chapters - [💌]
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intros : twins + adopted triplet , the inarizaki bunch + certifiedcitygurls!
i. she won't go away
ii. the atsumu miya effect [💌]
iii. honey
iv. time machine
v. is it that me, espresso? [📨]
vi. i wish you roses [💌]
vii. reflections
viii. where'd all the time go? [📨]
ix. right my wrongs [📨]
x. distraction [💌]
xi. whatever she wants [💌]
xii. meet me at our spot [📨]
xiii. peaches and cream
xiv. melting [💌]
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hatsukeii · 13 days
i think i’m gonna pick up a 🎸 with a few 🎵 decorations including a ‘rivals to lovers’ guitar pick and a ‘cooking class au’ strap. and lately i’ve heard that osamu is my biggest fan ;)
got it! the band you’ve joined is…
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hell’s kitchen / timeskip!osamu miya x reader
genre(s): fluff, slight crack, rivals to possible? lovers, culinary class au! food!
warning(s): nothing!! im worried that osamu might be ooc here or it's not rivalry enough but i hope it works out!>!!>!
wc: ~1.7k
your first gig is at…a culinary class?!
🎵girlfriend, hemlocke springs
🎵comedy, gen hoshino
🎵get him back!,olivia rodrigo
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How many things can someone possibly put in a rice ball? To slurp, or not to slurp? Better yet, is slapping somebody with a whole head of pickled cabbage a viable course of action?
It's humiliating, almost, paired with Osamu Miya in every culinary class. Not because of his lack of skill- he's good, too good even. But he smacks his tongue audibly against the roof of his mouth every time he digs into your cooking, slurps until showers of broth come spitting from the bowl, wipes his hands on his apron, slathering emulsifications of aioli and hollandaise onto rough canvas fabric, then grabs your waist to walk behind you. Every quirk of his is incomplete without his signature, shit-eating smirk. Every class has you considering swinging whatever tool you have in hand into his face.
Unfortunately, that day is not today. Onigiri only requires hands, and seeing that Osamu has formed six seemingly perfect balls of seaweed wrapped rice, he is clearly much better at using them than you are. Handiwork training is what today's chef called this atrocity. To move beyond being a cook to a chef, you must learn the first tool of cooking- your hands, he said. From the corner of your eye, you catch Osamu's amused glances towards the two funky looking shapes on your plate, and the panicked pulses of your palms against a handful of slippery, seasoned rice. He picks up one of the six onigiri of his own, the rounded tip of the triangle disappearing into his mouth as he chews, agonisingly slowly, smacking his tongue the way he knows you hate. A grumble elicits from your throat, your hands squeezing tighter against the sticky grains in your grasp, only for more chunks to fall apart.
"Let me help."
"Whatever you say."
He walks over now, biting a second corner off his onigiri as his hips lean against your side of the counter. His lips smack together obnoxiously, teeth squelching and grinding at rice and salmon. You irk your brows when the rice in your grasp seems to stop sticking to each other. It takes one look at your now opaque bowl of water for you to realise that you've washed all the starch off in your attempts to release the grains from your palms. Osamu figured it out when you dipped your hand into the bowl for the seventh time.
"Mix it into the rest of the rice that you have. That helps."
You hate that he's right, because when you do what he's told you to, the rest of the rice comes around the wet grains and sticks to them like they're supposed to. He pops the rest of his onigiri into his mouth, swiping his hands together before rubbing them over the sides of his rice-decorated apron. You try again, scooping up a lukewarm ball of rice. Flattening it against your palm, you search for the bowl of salmon, eyes landing on an empty bowl adorned with sad, pink flakes of salt-grilled fish. Osamu's already sliding the rest of his salmon over the counter.
"Need extra?" His mouth is still stuffed, a single piece of rice sticks to the corner of his mouth.
You dump a spoonful of salmon into the centre of your rice pattie, before sticking your free hand into the water and folding your palms into each other. The rice sticks to your fingers when you pull away, and you groan, pushing harder. At that, grains begin to crack away from the ball, bits of salmon beginning to stick out from the bottom. Osamu swallows half of the contents in his mouth, his cheek jutting out like a hamster hoarding sunflower seeds. He watches your inexperienced hands, clawing at and tossing the rice to shape it, and he reaches over to rinse his hands over the sink.
"Just let me help you out."
Grains of jasmine rice stick to his wet palms that come around your hands, squeezing and pushing at a ball of rice that falls apart at each movement. The fuzz of his rolled up sweater sleeves rubs against your forearms as his fingers work their way onto yours. Starchy water trickles down the back of your hand when he forces them to loosen around the mess of grilled salmon and rice, and you sigh in defeat, letting him move you as he pleases.
"Look, I'm not sure why you dislike me so much."
"I don't."
He chuckles, pushing your hands into the rice now. You study the pressure he applies to the ball of rice, learn the shape of his fingers around yours, memorise the cup of his palms around the back of your own.
"Yes, you do. You always look at me like-"
You snap your head around to meet his eyes, and he's so close that for the first time, you have to angle your head to look up at him. He's not smirking anymore, moreso observing. You aren't sure what there is to observe on your face, but it's welcome nevertheless.
"Like what?"
He purses his lips, huffing out a dejected sigh.
"Like that."
He lets go of your hands, stepping backwards, and you hold the perfectly moulded onigiri up to eye level. The rice is glossy in a sheen of vinegar and water, yet pertains its fluffiness in the tack of starch against your fingers. The handiwork of a true chef.
"You're so good at this class that I can't even get annoyed at you openly. It's infuriating."
"What did I ever do to you?"
You laugh sarcastically, waving the newly formed onigiri in Osamu’s face, before taking a bite. He laughs, mouth forming a taunting oh when you smack your lips against each other the way that he does, the flakiness of salmon spreading char and salt across your tastebuds. Then, you place the onigiri aside, rubbing your hands up and down your pristine apron, before grabbing his waist to move him to the side so you can walk past, making sure bits of rice and fish stick to his apron. He chuckles, clapping tantalisingly slowly at your imitation of his habits. You give him a fake bow, and he drops his hands to his hips, shrugging.
"That's it?"
"Yeah, pretty much. Petty rivalry and kitchen hygiene."
"Mind you, I am very hygienic. My shop hasn't been shut down for a reason."
You watch Osamu's hands dig into the remaining portion of your rice, his tongue sticking out as he moulds and shapes it into another perfectly rounded triangle. You scoff at his defensiveness, arms crossed in front of you. He wraps a rectangle of seaweed across the centre of the rice ball, and holds it up to your face. It is swiped from his fingers by your own, and you stuff half of it into your mouth, chewing without a sound and swallowing the mouthful.
"You do not have a shop."
"Where'd you think I learned how to do all this?" His hands shoot out to wave at his perfect collection of hand-made onigiri, and you sigh, rolling your head to the side.
"Okay, sure. You have a shop. It's a surprise you can be this annoying and keep it running."
"Loosen up, I just wipe my hands on my apron and eat loud. It's not like I'm spitting in my food. Besides, being that uptight ends up with your onigiri coming out more like...that." His head nods towards the funky ones on your plate, bits of fish sticking from the crevices between individual grains of rice. You shrug in acceptance, taking another bite from his onigiri. Osamu clicks his tongue, grabbing your wrist to bring the rice ball to his mouth instead, consuming the final corner of the triangle in its entirety. He swallows it with a hum, his fingers still around your wrist. He's not letting go. Now, you're interested.
"Should I pay you a visit? Need to see for myself that you're running it to safety standards."
"Are you flirting with me? Because you should keep going."
You roll your eyes when you see him wink at you from above your hand, but an toothy grin creeps its way onto your face, and Osamu smiles at his tactics.
"Whatever you say, Miya." His last name finally makes it out of your mouth for the first time since the two of you have been put together for this course, and he drops your wrist.
"You know, I could teach you how to make those onigiris properly if you show up to Onigiri Miya. You'd be almost as good as me by the end of it."
You flick a grain of rice at him, and it sticks to his apron unceremoniously. He's even named the shop after his family name. How cute. Despicable.
"Don't try your luck, chef."
"Chef? High praise."
The supervising chef sounds a bell, harsh waves of high pitched ringing echoing throughout the room. And as Osamu scrubs at bowls and lathers soapy water onto plates, he watches you tap at your phone with clean hands. Your sink is already empty, the two bowls and one plate that you used in total sitting on the drying rack already. Your onigiris sit in a takeout container, lined up neatly in two rows. His own are still on their plate, and he reminds himself to grab a takeout box for himself. You look up to Osamu, and he looks back at his wet hands and soapy dishes.
"Found you online. I'll be checking your place out soon." You remark at him, and the corners of his mouth curl up into a grin.
"You sure you're not there to check me out instead?" You snicker at his blatant flirtations, and pretend that he's completely incorrect.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now, Miya."
You shove your phone back into your pocket, swipe an onigiri off his plate, and wave at him as you turn your back to leave.
Osamu watches your silhouette push open the door as he slots his dishes into the drying rack. He hopes that you'll become his favourite regular at Onigiri Miya.
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author's note:
i just KNOW im gonna have so much fun writing for this event ngl i hope i get more so i can see what people come up with but I HOPE U LIKE THIS!!! rivalry is more like friendly banter here and lovers is more like he's into you and you're slowly getting into the grroove of it but hopefully you enjoyed it regardless my bbs<333 i'd frequent onigiri miya ngl i love onigiri sm also hell's kitchen needs to be the name of a band icl
anyways tags!!
@chuuya-brainrot @staraxiaa @wyrcan @4ngelfries @catsoupki @bailey-reeds @fiannee @kuroppiii @akaakeis @hiraethwa @zzwon
interested in joining a band? come on over to the build-a-band 900 !!
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hotvinimon · 8 months
Miya Osamu <3
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“Samu…Samu…Don’t look directly, but I can see your doppelganger… just behind you.”
You and your sweet, loving, handsome, onigiri man of a boyfriend were on a night date in the street of Shibuya. Osamu was busy in choosing what to eat first, while you took pictures. Suddenly you saw Osamu’s clown toghether with a curly haired, bitch-faced man, an orange head and an owl faced beefy boy.
To say that you were shocked would be an understatement. A guy… or I should say Samu’s clown was chatting with his friends just few meters behind your boyfriend, only his hair's more blonde, and his vibe's more... clownish.
“Doppelganger ??? what do you even me-” “CAN’T YOU FUCKING WHISPER ?? AND DON’T LOOK LIKE THAT. BE MORE SUBTLE.” you whisper yelled.
Suddenly the doppelganger looked in your direction and frowned comically and advanced towards you.
Samu quickly looked into the direction, and unlike you he was frowning ??? similarly like his doppelganger ??? what the heck was going on. Was there some kind of invisible mirror thing that you couldn’t see.
Even the doppelganger's buddies seem cool, like they're in on the joke.
The doppelganger was now, standing in front of you and looking at your boyfriend, like he was communicating with his eyes. Before anyone could say anything…
All eyes are on you, but who cares? It's not every day you meet your boyfriend's mirror image.
“Oh.. of course cutie, are you a fan ??”
“Well, I’m a human but I’ve never seen my boyfriend’s clown my entire life.” you giggled like a kid.
“DON’T DO THAT”. That ‘DOPPELGANGER’ yelled at your boyfriend.
All you could hear for next fifteen minutes was funny curse words and skin slapping sounds. Meanwhile, the curly-haired dude shoots you a concerned look.
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“Ohhhh… so you are his big brother. Nice to meet you Tsum, I’m y/n, Samu’s s/o.”
Unlike your fictional brain, the ‘DOPPELGANGER’ turned out to be your boyfriend’s twin brother.
“Nice to meet you too y/n/n” Atsumu showed his signature smirk.
More insults fly, more slaps echo, and the furniture starts to question its life choices. Meeting your boyfriend's twin? Not too shabby after all.
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Keys -
y/n - your name
s/o - sgnificant other
y/n/n - your nick name
y/l/n - your last name
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Requests are open
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base0h · 25 days
a/n - so this was kinda inspired by the one piece swapped au :) but yeah basically it’s just them meeting you, a professional volleyball player for Japan that they’ve idolized their entire life and aspired to become like you 🫶
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, famous volleyball player reader, this is not an x reader thing!!
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are they having a seizure? A stroke? A heart attack? Maybe all three?? | “OH MY GO—“ they’re frozen mid sentence
.✩ hinata (when is bro not tweaking when he meets someone remotely cool?), nishinoya, tanaka (you made him and nishinoya freeze midair like when they saw johzenji’s manager), koganegawa, goshiki, yamaguchi, bokuto (he’ll unfreeze and then yap about how cool you are), yamamoto, inuoka, kinoshita, himekawa (he might’ve died standing up)
you’re scared of them because why are they just staring at you like they wanna murder you? | they want an autograph but are too afraid to ask you
.✩ kageyama, asahi (he doesn’t mean to bro 😭), aone, sakusa (bro doesn’t want germs on him but he also thinks you’re cool so he’s torn)
they’re so sweet, and they walk up to you with so much adoration your heart legit melts | “You’re so cool— you’re the reason I started volleyball and I’m so glad I did!”
.✩ hinata, nishinoya, kanoka, michimiya (she’s literally so sweet 😭), natsu, akane (she got into cheering because of you not her brother don’t tell him)
they’re all calm on the outside but inside they’re tweaking | “Can I have an autograph?” OH MY GOD IT’S Y/N L/N HOLY SHIT—
.✩ hoshiumi, kuroo, yaku, suguru, futakuchi, konoha, terushima
probably the most normal acting fans out of everyone | “Can I have a selfie with you? I’m a big fan of yours :)”
.✩ tendou, sugawara, ennoshita, iwaizumi (bro does not know how to smile for pictures tho), oikawa (he’s gonna do those finger heart things), matsukawa, hanamaki, daichi (also does not know how to smile for pictures plus he can’t figure out how to flip the camera), semi, aran, kai, komori, hirugami, akaashi
they don’t even look like they like you but they really do | “Can I have an autograph?” they say that as they’re looking at you like you’re a piece of trash
.✩ ushijima, kunimi, kenma (you’re his fav streamer), suna (his rbf is so bad) washio, shirabu (I don’t think he’s ever looked friendly in his life)
they’re very nervous and they legit cannot ask what they wanna ask without forgetting who they are where they are and what’s happening 😭 | “Uh— what’s my name for you to sign? Oh! Right— yeah my name is uh— crap what is my name?”
.✩ yamaguchi, hinata, kindaichi, himekawa, kinoshita, yachi (it’ll be a miracle if she actually is able to ask for a picture without dying of anxiety), kanoka, asahi (he forgot what he was gonna ask you too)
you’re a fan of them so now you’re tweaking because they’re asking YOU for an autograph/selfie | “Can I have a self—“ “YES.”
.✩ kenma (you’re literally a premium patreon), alisa, lev (bro him and his sister are so pretty), little giant, timeskip hinata (ninja shoyo bro 😭🙏)
you’re scared because why are they as tall as the BFG | “Can I have a selfie?” “Yeah sur— HOLY—“
.✩ hyakuzawa, tsukishima, ushijima (“hello there” bro has the high ground 💀), hakuba (that one dude in kamomedai), koganegawa, hirugami (not the kamomedai guy his older brother), lev, meian, sokolov (I have no idea who this is I just know he’s 6’7), barnes (also don’t know who this dude is but bro’s 6’9), taichi, tomas
they’re so chill and friendly that you become friends
.✩ fukunaga (he’s hilarious dude no wonder he’s a comedian post timeskip), kai (the guy is a saint 😭), aran, sarukui, konoha, tendou, kiyoko, sugawara, matsukawa, hanamaki
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a/n - fukunaga is underrated guys he’s hilarious
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t4kalcvr · 3 months
BEHIND THE PHONE — s. kita smau
CHAPTER 16. a little game
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🗒️: my allergic reaction has finally been BANISHED. and i go on vacation on Thursday 😩😩 wont be coming back until sunday, so i might not update during that time period, sorryyyyyyyys :b and im still working on vamos a bailar, hopefully i’ll get the ML out before vacation, or another chapter of this :)
fun fact : i actually did accidentally text in the wrong groupchat 😞 but decided to make that part of the story EL OH EL
🏷️ : @idkanymorebuthere @iamapotat @midnightemy35 @alienvarmint @cillshot @sukunasrealgf @lycheesuwa @mitsuyakii @kurenix @tkooooop @k0z3me @universal-s1ut @mistcloud2
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splitontendo · 11 months
haikyuu characters as facebook posts
giving no contex, enjoy ;)
ft hinata, matsukawa, hanamaki, atsumu, bokuto, osamu, and sakusa!
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easybrainrot34 · 6 months
He cant handle his crush on you.
Oh god, he can be smooth, he really can, just not when it comes to you. Dear god, this poor bitch. He is a natural flirt for Christ sake, if anything he’s use to people thinking he has something for them when he never even thought of them like that. Oh but when it comes to you??? *In an Italian mobster voice* forget about iiiiitttttttt. He’s a mess. You thought for the first solid week you knew him, you thought he was just super shy, but nope just you bitch. And he hates it.
He wants you to see he can be cool. He has had bitches before you. Although saying that in his head even sounds bad. Nah he’s a gentleman. ANYWAY that’s not the point. He can be all you want and more. But oh lord he feels like he’s 15 again, bitchless some may say fully unable to get any. The question is, do you find this cute? Do you even see him like that?? Do you see that under all the clumsiness and slight anxiety around you that he could make you so happy??
CHs - IWAZUMI(you best believe sittykawa is not letting him live),Suna (its weird for everyone around that this happen and u best motherfckin believe those twin bitches aren’t letting him live), Osamu (except now its suna and atsumu on his ass) , Karoo, Noya (this is fuckin adorable to think about! Imagine all the shit Tanaka would give him and then Asahi giving him advice??? Kill me) Tendou (Ushi sees this ONE time and tells him to just tell you, and when he doesn’t, he just goes up to you and is like “ok he likes you. Please don’t hurt his feelings.”) ok these of obviously all time skip BUT SPECIFICALLY time skip Rio Henita?? Confident as allllll fuck but then it’s u and there he is!! The freshman henita we all know and love <3
Ok here’s the inspo for this. The way I have no brain power lately???? I’ve been sick off and on plus allergies so that’s a ménage à trois from hell. Let me know if y’all have any requests / ideas for me. You can just anon me or DM me idc, It would be greatly appreciated :))
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merokado · 4 months
[chronically online] teaser: where's bo taking us this time?
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☆ fun facts !
bo is a himbo but he's smart in his own ways LMFAO
samu and bo are the only #auto-capitalization typers because that's how i see them
the flower suna's holding in the photo was for his mom! heheh
☆ mera's mail ! i'm continuing this tomorrow lawl it's 2:16 am .... profiles next (weird order, i know </3)
taglist: open !
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bobataeminsuga · 8 days
only the fearless - sakuatsu - haikyuu
The rat blinks up at Osamu who shifts his weight uncomfortably from one side to the other. Any normal person would scream, run around for a bit, and eventually call pest control by now but no other person would be delirious enough to find that this little guy not only talks but is also their twin brother.
Atsumu gets turned into a rat at the 2024 Paris Olympics right before the Argentina v. Japan game so Osamu has to play for him, Ratatouille style, naturally, and only true love's kiss can turn him back, naturally.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi Characters: Miya Atsumu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Osamu, Ojiro Aran, Suna Rintarou, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime Additional Tags: Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, References to Ratatouille (2007), Inspired by Ratatouille (2007), Paris 2024 Summer Olympics, True Love's Kiss, slightly ooc but i mean its ratatouille inspired crack so wouldnt it be slightly ooc?
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