emilyelizabethfowl · 6 years
FOR @ostrich-wearing-headphones who has never been to IKEA
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RP start- your muse is wandering, mind adrift- when they realize they're not sure where they are. They're very much lost in the quickly-darkening woods. Until they hear a cough, and turn to see my character regarding them from the trees. (My character can be found under my "furry" tag, as Katzi)
Pika’s demon wings perk up in defense after she hears a cough. She was just thinking about her two companions and was about to sing, thinking she was alone. She quickly turns around to see a green-eyed ostrich, wearing green headphones, looking at her.
“Ummm…who are you? I’ve never seen you around here before,” she asks with confusion.
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citrus-adventures · 7 years
Question 18 of the Ask Meme: What's your patronus??? I wanna know so i can draw it! :D
A fox! :P
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daemon-not-a-demon · 7 years
Hi! My dæmon hasn't quite settled yet, but spends most of his time as a Herring Gull. His other favourite form is a Black Mamba. His name is Paxinu and right now he's looped lazily around my shoulders and neck, making sarcastic remarks on everything I see. Pax wants to say hi to your dæmon and that he appreciates dæmon blogs :)
That’s such a beautiful name omg
And honestly, snake daemons are so gorgeous and they look so cool wrapped around or just hanging off their person’s neck. Eli’s trying out the form right now and says he feels “legless.” He doesn’t know how your daemon can do it xP
Also thank you, Paxinu! Elijah wishes you a good day!!
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kimera20 · 7 years
🌸 You're amazing! Send this to 10 other bloggers who you think are wonderful. Keep the game going! 🌸 Let's just fangirl together! :)
adwwdwadasdwa u are so cute!! thxx!!
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macncheesenibblers · 6 years
Favorite female characters
I was tagged by @leo-lucid! Tsym! :D
Rules: list 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 fandoms and then tag 10 others
Cortana (Halo)
Ellie (TLOU)
Aya of Alexandria (ac origins)
Clementine (The Walking Dead videogame)
Nadine (Uncharted)
Aloy (Horzion: Zero Dawn)
Chloe (Life is Strange)
Eleven (Stanger Things)
Cheryl Blossom (Riverdale)
Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow)
I tag @carbsarelovecarbsarelife @emilyelizabethfowl @monomermmmmm @lightning-jay23 @ihaveagreentshirt @littleladysongbird @ostrichwearingheadphones @ostrich-wearing-headphones (idk which blog to tag lol) @theannoyingknowitall @renethegay @renethenon-bi-naryboy (I know you got a new blog but it ain’t tagging it for some reason)
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emilyelizabethfowl · 7 years
Fic Wars [OWH] Chapter 1
This is the first chapter of a fanfic @ostrichwearingheadphones​ and I are writing for the Fic Wars! The official event’s blog is @fandomficwars!
Fandom: Danny Phantom
Danny was pretty sure that was the worst year of his life.
His freshman year of high school felt like a nightmare, one even worse that Christmas at his place.
He never got particularly good grades but he always managed to get decent final mark. This year however?
Math teacher could've been speaking Chinese and he still would’ve understood exactly the same amount of info- big fat zero.
English? You'd think he would be able to string a few sentences together. His grade showed that no, he apparently couldn't.
And let’s not even get started on PE!
In short, that year sucked. Objectively sucked.
He was sure it couldn't get any worse, and that's why he let his guard down during the summer.
Which appeared to be the biggest mistake of his life.
First of a long, long string of grave mistakes.
His parents finally finished their biggest invention, the one they were working on since the college.
It was their only love, their beloved child, the axis around which their lives had been resolving, their biggest dream.
Obviously, it didn't work.
I mean, it was supposed to be a portal connecting their world and the realm of ghosts. Which they started to work on without any proof that said realm had ever existed.
No wonder it didn't work out well.
Danny had never in his life been more sure about something than he had been about the nonexistence of ghosts.
And that's exactly why he decided to mock the hundreds of hours his parents spent on that useless thing by snapping a selfie inside.
Obviously, being the clumsy idiot he's always been, he tripped and pushed some button that for some reason had been placed inside the machine.
“What kind of a moron places the on button inside?” someone would later ask.
Danny would only shrug in answer, because honestly, his father was rather famous for his idiocy.
But currently the biggest problem he had was the current flowing through his body.
It felt like he had been set on fire, his nervous endings screaming, his muscles burning, too tight to even let out a scream.
He was dying; He knew it.
And that’s why he was so surprised when he woke up at the lab’s floor later.
Well, until he saw his dead body lying next to him, then he was too busy barfing to be surprised.
The corpse was scorched beyond recognition - if Danny wasn’t sure he was the only one who died, he would’ve never recognized himself.
However, that would mean....
That would mean he was a ghost himself!
“Yep, welcome to the World Of The Dead, Kiddo.”
If he wasn’t already dead, he would have twisted his own neck.
Right next to the portal was standing (or rather, floating) a white-haired teenager.
“Sup!” The ghost raised his hand in greeting, and Danny shrieked.
Or rather, he tried to.
“You’re newly formed,” the other one explained, inspecting his gloves with bored expression. “It’s going to take a while for you to start talking again.”
Okay, maybe Danny overreacted a bit, so what?
Yeah, throwing the first thing he managed to grab at the specter probably wasn’t the greatest idea he’s ever had, but he panicked and couldn’t think clearly!
“Are you fucking serious?” the ghost asked, now completely covered in some kind of green goo.
Not being able to answer, even if he knew what to say, the boy just shrugged.
“I’ve been considering helping you, but now I’m no longer sure I will…”
Danny sneered. Like you even could hung in the air, unsaid but clear.
“Oh yeah I can! I’ll have you know I’m one of the big fish in the Ghost Zone!”
The ghost had been standing straight now, radiant green eyes glowing bright. Danny just cocked his eyebrow, challenge clear in his expression.
Prove it his body language was screaming. Or are those only empty words thrown for the wind to take?
“I will! I will prove it! For I, Phantom, am one of the most powerful ghosts and I can do anything I want!”
Phantom took off his glove in one swift move and grabbed Danny’s hand, tugging him closer. The boy was too surprised to do anything, and simply let the ghost do his thing, which appeared to be dancing apparently.
But before he could try to wordlessly complain, he got dipped - the only thing lacking was a rose between Phantom’s teeth - and later he was too busy worrying about the weird feeling in his stomach to think about anything else.
That feeling was fusing, but Danny had never experienced it before.
Phantom was dissipating.
He knew he didn’t have much time left. That’s why, when he felt the new opening to the Realm of Living right in the centre of his lair, he immediately rushed out.
The hunt had never been expected to be hard, but to find a freshly dead soul right after entering the other dimension? That’s too much luck even for him!
Well, he wasn’t going to look a gift soul in the mouth.
One thing he didn’t expect to do as well was immediate possession of the soul. He wanted to toy with the boy a bit, but… Okay, maybe he does have a bit of a short temper.
But he possessed the soul anyway, so it didn’t matter anymore! It was going to last him for at least few weeks, and if he processed the body as well… It was really destroyed, but he still could get some nutritional value out of it.
Or so he thought, until he heard the voice in his head.
“What the hell have you done?!”
“How are you still alive?!”
Phantom stilled.
That boy had way too much influence on him! He met him like 10 minutes ago, and he already lost his temper twice! If he go around giving out important information like that, he’ll never hunt enough prey to sustain himself!
He took a deep breath.
“Alright, so I wasn’t going to help you.” He said finally. “Like, at all. I wanted to consume your life energy cuz I was fading slowing.”
Even though he couldn’t see the teen’s expression, he could tell he was resentful.
“In my defence, who the fuck accepts help from a stranger after the just met? A stranger from an entirely new, unknown dimension no less!”
A wave of shame reached him. Only after a second he realized that no, it wasn’t his own emotion. Having another living being inside his head, one with capability to think and feel emotion was certainly a really weird and unnatural experience.
It’s like you ate a chicken and it started bawking inside your stomach!
“In my defence, I just died! I don’t think I can be held accountable for anything I did in that state!”
Fair point.
“Still, I’m a hunter, you’re a prey, you should’ve kno-oUCH!”
His leg randomly lost support on the ground - when did he even stop floating?
He felt- smug? Oh, it wasn’t his emotion again.
“I think you’re forgetting we’re somehow fused together now, and I can actually hurt you in my own version of revenge until you get me back to how I was.”
The ghost lied on the floor, deciding he didn’t want to get up anytime soon. Who know what the human might try to do!
Though he might not be masochistic enough to try and do something really hurtful.
“You’re hurting yourself too!” He pointed out, just in case post-mortal adrenaline clogged the teen’s nerve ending too much for him to feel anything.
“Jokes on you, I didn’t feel a thing!”
That was… Unexpected.
Well, it wasn’t like he had any sort of experience in that matter, it was first time he didn’t absorb someone completely. He didn’t even know something like that could happen!
Phantom summoned a small ectoball and burned his own ball, trying and failing not to flinch. However you look at it, hurting yourself isn’t pretty nor nice.
“Did you feel it?” he asked.
“Feel what?” the answer came with another wave of emotion, this time it was confusion.
“I just burned my hand, did you feel it?”
“So I told you I didn’t feel it when you got hurt and your immediate reaction was to hurt yourself more? Dude.”
This wave of shame was definitely his own.
“I had to check if you weren’t just tricking me!”
“Oh, yeah, I guess when you betray everyone you meet, you learn never to trust anyone.”
The teen sounded genuinely hurt under the thick layer of sarcasm, and for some reason it made Phantom feel bad.  
“I’m sorry, okay? It’s just-”
The emotions he felt were had to describe, but he knew for sure the teen was sulking.
“You’re sorry just because you’re stuck with me.”
“Obviously!” Phantom yelled, losing his control again. “If everything went as it was supposed to, you wouldn’t exist and there would be no sulking teens demanding an apology in my head!”
Danny quietened, and for a short sweet while the ghost thought that maybe, just maybe, the digesting took some time, and he finally got rid of that nuisance-
In that moment he unwillingly turned intangible and fell through the floor to some weird dungeon full of medieval torture tools, knowing full well he wasn’t going to like the next few weeks.
At all.
“I’m going to turn your afterlife into an afterliving hell, and the only thing you can do to stop me, is giving me my life and body back.”
Phantoms, as it was already said, was an important ghost in the Zone; There wasn’t a lot of people he could say he was genuinely afraid of.
But in that moment, he felt really, truly horrified.
“Okay, okay!” He said “But we need to go back to the lag first!”
“What’s for?” He did give the teen a reason to doubt him, but he had a feeling these constant questions and suspicions were going to drive him crazy.
“Do you want to leave your body lying around?”
Wave of understanding. He was getting better at distinguishing the ownership of the emotions.
He wanted to move upwards, but when trying to access his powers, he bumped off an unexpected obstacle.
“What are you doing to do with it?” the teen asked.
Phantom took a moment to think.
“I can’t absorb the matter, as it’s not really compatible with my digestive system,” he said finally, “But I can overshadow it, mask the scorches with an illusion humans won’t be able to look through and put it in a kind of stasis, so it wouldn’t decay further.”
“Okay,” the barrier disappeared suddenly, and Phantom surged forward, hitting his head on the ceiling.
“Ouch!” he yelped.
“Ooops,” came from the boy, but the emotion that came alongside didn’t feel apologetic in the slightest.
He decided to let it go, considering it was mostly his fault and the human was mostly justified in his childish forms of revenge. Having back the full power, he phased back to the laboratory and hovered a bit awkwardly above the body.
“This might feel gross for a while,” he warned, and dived into the corpse.
Gross didn’t bloody cover it, as Danny painfully found out a moment later.
He was glad he could feel things again, but he would definitely prefer if his nose wasn’t instantly attacked by the smell of burned skin and if his nerve endings could stop resonating with pain, constantly reliving the accident.
But the ghost disappeared, so it was all for the-
“What the hell?” The tiny voice in his head said.
Danny groaned loudly.
“You aren’t gone?” he asked, exasperation and crushed hopes clear in his voice.
“Now you know how I felt!” Phantom responded, not really answering the question, sending a small wave of smugness alongside. Danny only noticed the emotion wasn’t his because he didn’t feel in the slightest bit smug.
Flexing the fingers, he realized he had been wrong. The worst year of his life has barely began.
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Humans aren't the dominant species on earth
I know this might seem the exact opposite of what y'all are going on about, but it’s human-related.
So imagine if humans didn’t climb the evolutionary ladder fast enough. If something had already beaten us there. And they tame us and domestic us because of our stamina. We’re like the equivalent of a horse to them. -
The Ryyki were a relatively small species. They looked like a rat- in fact they were the descendants of the ancient species Rattus Norvegicus. Their skulls were quite markedly larger, to accommodate their incredible minds, their paws had four fingers and a thumb instead of just four fingers, their tails were longer, they had larger shoulders, they wore clothing, they had entire empires spanning continents- they were rat’s ultimate evolution.
But they didn’t learn how to farm alone. The plows they build took over 700 Ryyki to even do one farrow, and it took them months which they didn’t have to plow entire fields. 
They needed a creature with lots of stamina, that functions well in packs and alone, that can eat pretty much everything and could adapt to their environment.
Humans filled that niche quite readily. All it took was one Ryyki to capture a human foal and put rings through both nostrils and the entire history of the Ryyki was changed. A special harness was designed. Two rings were pierced into the human’s left and right nostrils respectively (some also pierced the tops of the ears for extra control) and chains were strung through. A harness that fitted over the beast’s head, with a bit that passed under the head and a bit that went in the mouth {something like a horse harness but adjusted to fit humans instead} supported the saddle which sat just on top of the human’s head. The Ryyki would sit in the saddle and use the left and right chains to turn the human left and right by pulling on the respective chains. These simple commands evolved- one pull on both chains means stop, a flick on the left chain means reverse, a flick on both chains means go, a flick on the right chain means run, and so on. The harness was also adapted regularly until footwork joined the commands a Ryyki would have over a human. You could tap the human with your feet in varying patterns to issue various instructions. This of course completely changed everything. Three packs were designed for the humans- one that would go over the back {a backpack, but instead of being put on by placing your arms through it would be fastened on the front with a buckle after wrapping over and under your shoulder} which could hold the most weight and was considered the most practical, one that could be doubled which was slung over one shoulder  {messenger bag but on both sides} which was better if you were aiming to travel quicker and lighter, and one which was basically the first harness but on the front (merchants used this in conjunction with the first one to carry the most stuff with their human.)
Humans enabled the Ryyki to travel far and wide, and of course the more they were domesticated the more they changed. They were bred to have thick ‘soles’ on their feet to travel easier (and special shoes {look like sandals} were developed so you could bring your human onto really rough terrain), to have larger noses for better control and flatter heads for easier sitting, broader shoulders to carry more and even more stamina. There was three main breeds: the dark-skinned Desert breed, the honey-coloured Temperate breed and the pale cream Colder breed. Each was suited to their own environment better.
Do with this what you will.
By OstrichWearingHeadphones :)
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Hey yo wanna RP?
Yeah! Just send a starter we can do, or look under my RP Meme tag for an idea that you can send to my inbox!
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A story about a Ryyki and his human
(I’ll be getting a proper tumblr account soon, but I want to share this with you guys first!)
The only sound in the silence was the steady rhythmic clopping of Loca’s shoes against the hardened earth road. Her rider sighed, slumping in the saddle, looking around again the endless Desert as he gently shook the reins. The woman slowed her pace, now travelling at a walk rather then a jog. It was rare to see a Temperate breed human out in the desert, but of course her rider wouldn’t have taken anyone else.
Kathousa (or just plain K) had always loved humans. He’d been helping out at his parent’s stable as soon as he could walk, polishing, cleaning and repairing tack, mucking out stalls, refilling the fruit troughs, topping up the water. As he got older he worked harder, doing jobs that were more dangerous like feeding the humans with their once a day meat meal (which was risky due to their higher aggressiveness during eating), grooming the human’s long manes, washing the humans, even earning the right to saddle up humans. Eventually he was taught to ride them, and soon he learn all the commands. He even was allowed to train the foals, although he had to be supervised just in case.
But something felt… off. He wanted a human he could really bond with, not just caring for other people’s humans. He began to save up money to purchase tack, vaccination fees and a stall for his human. Then on his birthing day he was awoken by his parents who told him that as a thanks for how much he’d helped out over the years they’d take him down to the auctions and let him pick out his own human. After a hugging session that was stuffed with profuse thanks K and his mother saddled up his mother’s human Quex {yes, you can get two seater saddles} and rode down to the auction at a fast jog. 
The auction had been full of humans of all different breeds and shapes and sizes. A few racers were sold for thousands of Squin  {the currency}, their fit muscled body suited to quick but short bursts of power. After the racers came the plowers, big, heavy set humans that were quickly snapped up by farmers looking for new tuggers for their herd. And soon after that there was the travelling humans. These breeds had so much endurance but could also carry a large amount of weight, though nowhere near as much as a plower. Their adaptability and endurance meant they were perfect for travelling, ideal for merchants and traders to bring their wares across the country with decent speed. It was one of these that K finally chose. A youngish female, around 17 cycles {years} old, with a pitch black mane, that stood at least 29 tail-lengths high {5ft 7"} and was fit and healthy, but untrained.
K clipped on the lead chain to her rings and he and his mother rode Quex home with their new human following behind.
He trained her over the course of a few dri  {weeks}, and by the end had her perfectly trained to respond to even the slightest tug on the reins. He’d barely had to use the whistle  (the whistle is a very low pitched sound that the Ryyki aren’t affected by but to a human is like someone screaming right in your ear. It’s used as punishment and as a way to control). Eventually the time came for the ceremony.
A ceremony wasn’t that big a deal, but it felt very special as he named her and finally attached his own handmade saddle and chain to her. 
Her name was Loca.
Enjoy y'all. :)
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skynightfury2 · 7 years
🌸 You're amazing! Send this to 10 other bloggers who you think are wonderful. Keep the game going! 🌸~~ Yo, Sky, thanks for reblobbing all my crap. I really think you're awesome ! :)
Thanks so much! And because I think you’re really cool I made you something
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A little alien critter whose species I’m working on! They’re called glowbites.
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