emilyelizabethfowl · 7 years
Fic Wars [LLSB] Chapter 1
This is the first chapter of a fanfic @littleladysongbird​​ and I are writing for the Fic Wars! The official event’s blog is @fandomficwars!
Fandom: Camp Camp Tags: Dadvid Ratings: G [general]
On the last day of spring the camp was empty.
On the first day of summer there was two people and the Quartermaster.
Obviously, the campers weren't meant to come for another week or two, but the counselors had to prepare the camp and check if anything needed any repairs.
Or, to be precise, the counselor, singular.
Gwen still had some personal matters to tend to, and wouldn’t get to the camp until a day or two before the first campers would show up.
So who was the other person at the camp?
It was the one, who always came first and always left last, despite claiming to hate that place.
The one who always scoffed at his parents for sending him away for the whole summer and some more, even though he probably considered that their only good quality.
The person in question is, of course, Max.
“Ahhhh, I missed the camp!” David sighed, jumping out of the car. “Nothing’s better than some good old forest!”
“You literally take care of a park for a living.” Grumbled Max, clambering out of the car.
“But it’s not the same! Here… Here I just feel more alive than ever!”
The man enthusiastically circled the car and opened the trunk, revealing an old, neat bag and a small, freshly-bought backpack.
“I still can’t believe your parents let you go with your things in a trash bag!”
Max only shrugged, not looking at him.
“The backpack fell apart half an hour before you were supposed to pick me up, they had to improvise. And the trash back was the biggest bag we had at our place. Besides, you bought me a fucking new one, so there’s no problem now.”
David took the baggage out, letting Max take his backpack out of his hands. He closed the trunk, lost in thoughts.
“It really isn’t a good sign. Caring parents should always-”
“They literally called you to take me to the camp weeks before it’s starting, David. Which part of this is screaming caring parents to you?”
That seemed to get through the thick cocoon of optimism David submerged himself into, and his smile diminished a little.
“If I was your legal guardian, you’d be here now too.” He pointed out.
“Yeah, but you’d be with me and you’d actually want me to be with you. Knowing my parents they’re either on the airport or already at the plane to whatever place they chose to go to this year.”
They slowly made their way over to the councilors cabin. Few steps before the doors the smile came back on his face.
“Well, all that matters now is that you are with me and I want you to be here!” He said cheerfully. “Let’s settle down our luggage and prepare for the best summer camp ever!”
Max’s groaned, but there was no emotion behind it.
“Alrighty, the tents are up! What’s next on our list?” David asked, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
Max glanced at his pad.
“Checking the camp activities’ sites for any damage,” he read, “You’re seriously doing that? I thought these stuff are just left until they rot completely, judging by their looks.”
“We never had any proper funding before.” The man gulped down what was left in his water bottle. “We never could do much to fit the safety requirements, but somehow it never was an issue during the inspections.”
He picked up the tool set and made his way over to where the camp activities’ stands were placed. Max obediently toddled after him.
“Campbell bribed them?” he guessed.
“Possibly, yes.”
“So he got no money to fix the stands, but he’s got plenty of cash to bribe the inspectors not to see any problems?”
David laughed.
“Yes, it seems so.” He said. “Apparently the Camp Critic Committee is very eager to look the other way if they get to avoid paying taxes in Thailand.”
Max was so surprised he stopped dead in his tracks.
“What the fuck are they even doing in Thailand?”
“Language, Max,” David scolded gently, going more by habit than any real hope for change. “I guess they do something with really high taxes to need the tax relief.”
“That really doesn’t help at all.”
“The last on the list is… Did you really put in ‘Remember to eat and get a goodnight’s sleep!’?”
David put the last stone, creating a pull circle around the place designated for campfire at the opening day of the camp.  
“Eating and sleeping schedule is very important, Max!” He said, wiping his hands on his trousers. “Besides, we need to check the mess hall anyway!”
Max just sighed and followed the way too happy adult to the most used building in the whole camp - second only when counting the bathrooms, especially after some more special meals made by Quartermaster.
But soon his mood got significantly better when they discovered that some of said meals got leftover from last year, and promptly took over the kitchen when no one was looking.
“No inspection will overlook this,” Max managed to gasp out while rolling on the floor, laughing his ass off.
David looked like someone just forced him to kick a puppy, looking around the molded shelves, trying to asses the damage.
“Yeah,” he agreed softly, “And it looks way to bad for us to handle alone. I’m afraid we’ll have to call a specialist.”
He tried to poke a particularly big piece of fungi, but reasonably decided not to when it attempted to eat his finger.
“Maybe two specialists.”
Max laughed so hard he started crying.
They ended up getting pizza that night.
Max ate silently, trying not to think about the last time they ate one together, and failing miserably.
Noticing his bad mood, David tried to cheer him up a little, or at least make him forget whatever was troubling him.
“Pizza might not be the healthiest of all meals, but it’s definitely one of the easiest to make and tastiest to eat!” he exclaimed, waving around his slice, ignoring the cheese slowly trying to escape on the ground.
Max stared at the poster on the wall, slightly irked by how askew it was. He was definitely going to level it the first chance he got.
“My parents say it’s the lowest of all foods and never let me get any.” He said out of social obligation not to leave David hanging.
The man gasped loudly.
“But it’s one of the very few things you genuinely enjoy!”
“Do you really think my parents give a shit about it?” he sneered, waving away some wisties that got to the cabin through the open window and very persistently tried to steal olives from his pizza. “I thought we established that already.”
David was silent for a while, sitting still enough for the wistie to try and steal the olive from his slice.
He obviously let the little creature have it, even though it was his favorite part. The man was simply too kind for his own good, literally.
“I just… I still can’t believe how anyone can treat their child that way…”
Max looked him directly into the eyes.
“I was an accident,” he said, voice unwavering. He took another bite of the pizza, feeding off of both the food and David’s disturbance.
“What?” he asked, probably still hoping he just misheard him, the damn optimist.
“I wasn’t planned. My mom didn’t want to marry dad, but she was forced to by her influential family. They didn’t want a scandal, they could’ve made her life a living nightmare if they wanted to, and she was perfectly aware of it. Mom never wanted to have kids too, and wanted to get an abortion, but she was having sex with anything that moved and grandparents wanted to punish her for it.”
David sat speechless, his pizza long since forgotten. Max continued before he could bet coherent enough to speak.
“And this is what she got. A sarcastic little shit. She was so ashamed of having me, that she forced her parents to let her move here.” He shook his head. “Can you blame her?” he laughed dryly.
“Yes,” David answered without a second of hesitation. “I can and I do.”
Now it was Max’s turn to look at him without a word.
“Are you serious?”
David didn’t even need to answer - the look on his face, more serious than any other time Max could remember seeing his face without a smile on it, said it all.
“She’s your mother. She should love you. She shouldn’t be ashamed - she should be proud of you.”
If Max opened his eyes any wider, he just new his eyeballs would fall out of the sockets.
“Proud of me?” he asked. “Proud of fucking what? Loving me? For what? I’m not exactly the loveable kind of a son!”
Knowing David, his hands itched really hard to reach and hug Max. But being aware the boy didn’t like this kind of behavior, he didn’t act out on this desire.
“Every kind of a son is loveable!” He said, every bit of passion he would’ve used in the hug going into that exclamation. “And you’re really intelligent and talented! Your crocheting is extraordinary!”
Max raised his brow.
“Newsflash, I’m an asshole.” He said simply.
“It doesn’t matter!” David countered, “You’re just a child! You deserve to be loved!”
That single word took Max back to all the hours spent on listening to his parents arguments. They never missed the opportunity to tell him he should be glad he was alive.
That he didn’t deserve the things they’ve been getting him. That he didn’t deserve the food, or the house he was living in.
That he didn’t deserve to be born.
He couldn’t answer, but he didn’t need to; the man couldn’t stand watching the boy being miserable anymore, and wrapped his arms around him in what was probably the tightest hug anyone has given him.
Come to think of it, he couldn’t remember anyone but David even wanting to hug him before.
He let David hold him for a while, but all good things had to end sometime. He didn’t even know he was crying until he noticed the spot his tears left on David’s shirt. He winced, expecting to get punished for it, before he remembered it was David he was dealing with.  
“I don’t deserve to be loved.” He mumbled. “I can’t be loved.”
“Max,” David said quietly, “Max, look at me.”
The boy did so, however unwillingly.
He saw an emotion in the man’s eyes. Emotion he saw when other parents were looking at their children, but it was never directed at him.
“I love you, Max,” David said, his voice gentle, comforting.
“You love everyone!” Max tried to argue. He was used to disappointment, but this was too much. He didn’t want to be given love, just for the man to take it back at the end of the summer.
He wouldn’t be able to take it; He preferred to make it look like he hated David, like he couldn’t stand him.
Because when people don’t care about you, they forget. And when they forget, they can’t hurt you.
Max knew it far too well for a child his age. He wasn’t going to get his hopes up, and he wasn’t going to be let down.
Especially not by David.
“I do love lots of people,” the man agreed, “But that doesn’t mean I love you any less.”
That feeling, when you promise yourself that you won’t do something, and then you end up doing it. Max hated that feeling. But the hope he had, the hope for David to mean what he was saying, he hated it even more.
“And so what?” He said, as rudely as he only could, trying to discourage David from going any further. “So what? It won’t change a thing about my situation! Once the summer’s over, you and your precious love will be miles away!”
David looked like he wanted to say something about it, but he seemed to change his mind.
“But the summer isn’t over yet!” He said instead, “And it won’t be for another three months!”
Max couldn’t believe his own ears. He was doing everything he could to push the man away… But the man was holding on to him, and wasn’t letting him go that easily.
“You’re the bane of my existence,” he said dejected, for he knew it wasn’t going to end well for either of them.
But David just grinned, as if Max agreed with him.
“I love you too,” he said, confirming the boy’s suspicion. “But now, beds! We’ve still got lots to do tomorrow!”
The boy gladly accepted the end of their conversation, obediently going to sleep at Gwen’s yet unoccupied bed.
And soon the room is silent, save for the wisties stealing the remains of their food, the quiet sounds of two people breathing, and ominous sounds of Quartermaster moving outside.
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kimera20 · 7 years
Fic Wars [EEF] Chapter 1
This is the first chapter of a fanfic I’m doing with @emilyelizabethfowl for the Fic Wars! The official event’s blog is @fandomficwars!
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Dipper rouse from his semi-sleeping state at the unexpected movement, the bus he was currently in must have take a dump in the road to wake him so suddenly. He looked at his right, his sister Mabel was still soundly asleep, she probably didn't even felt the jerk the bus took at that moment and she definitely didn't woke from the small shaking dipper gave her.
Sighing he gave up trying to wake his twin, it was going to be a long and boring travel without someone to talk to. With another sigh Dipper decided to look at the landscape in the window, only to see the seemly endless pine forest of Oregon, leaning his head in his hand and looking as bored as he felt Dipper's mid wandered on the reasons that put them there.
It all started a week before the summer holidays began, Dipper and Mabel were walking home after a useless school day. Like every other year just before the holidays where the students just lay in the classroom lazily and the teachers, that already gave all the material of the year, make sure nobody cause too much chaos, Dipper always took his favorite book at the moment to read in school and not die of boredom, he had tried to read comics but some teachers didn't like that and took the comics away from any child, so to avoid to give up any form of entertainment he chose books.
Mabel  always did some kind of art, that year it involved a lot of glitter and there was not a single person in the whole school that didn't have some glitter somewhere in their person, she called it the 'Glitter Bomb' and labeled the parts of the school with more glitter as 'par of Glitter Bomb'. She convinced the janitors to not clean the labeled parts until the end of term, then if she could make her plans reality, the school would end up one of the shiniest buildings in the district.
The twins were just a block from their house, Mabel was humming a song that had been stuck in her head for three days and Dipper was trying and failing to remove the glitter from his face, when they noticed a thick and black smoke column rising from their neighborhood. They ran to see what house was in fire only to find out it was theirs, thankfully their parents weren't in the house at the moment of the fire.
The few days between the fire and their travel felt like a dream to both twins, the police found out that a pyromaniac had sent the house on fire, it seemed that the criminal have been setting random building on fire in the last two months but, unfortunately they have been unable to arrest them but they promised to inform them when they catch the criminal.
A small blessing was that their house was insured against fires of any kind, meaning they could get a new house but in the meantime they had to live with their grandmother. Dipper and Mabel agreed that living with their grandma was not a happy experience, they couldn't made too much noise or play until it was dark outside and the food didn't have savor because she had a lot of sensitivity problems that didn't let her eat a lot of foods. They didn't blame her, she was kind to them and told them a lot of great stories, but to two's twelve years old the prospect of a summer like that wasn't very tempting.
Thankfully their parents decided they needed more fresh air than they could get with their grandma, so their dad had talked with their Great Uncle Stan that lived in Gravity Falls, Oregon and he had agreed to take the twins for the summer. Dipper didn't knew what to think of their uncle they haven't heard until now, they didn't knew what kind of person he was, Mabel was ecstatic that she would meet more family and the possibility that they could have an adventure there, besides she had always hoped to have a summer romance. They packed their little belongings and, after promising to give a call to their parents when they reached the town, they got on the bus towards their adventure, that started to be very boring after the first few hours of nothing to do in the bus. They played some games, ate the snacks their mom did and almost got the chauffeur angry at them before taking a nap.
"Dollar guy… still good looking... he, he..." Mabel mumbled after almost waking up when the bus took another bump and kept snoring softly.
Dipper smiled and shook his head in amusement at his sister’s old crush and turned his head to continue looking at the forest. He was thankful that Mabel liked only one of the money people, she had had a lot of crushes in their short life.
A few minutes later Dipper saw in between the trees a water tower with the inscription 'Gravity Falls' in it, he was considering to wake up Mabel when he saw something strange in the woods. He only saw it for just a second but for the shape he knew it wasn't a human being or any animal he knew that lived in those forests. It looked bipedal but appeared to have a lot of bulbous in its body, besides it was moving so he couldn't be sure of what he saw.
A look of astonishment blossomed in Dipper’s face, was that real? Did he really saw that thing? or was a weird shaped rock? Those questions were running through his head his head during the time it took the bus to arrive in town. Deciding to not think too much on something that could be his imagination he started to wake up his sister.
"Mabel, wake up" Dipper said while shaking her shoulder.
"Urghh… are we there yet?" Mabel asked groggily, still waking up.
"Yup, now grab your bags we are meeting Great Uncle Stan in the station" Dipper said while grabbing his bag.
"He he, bet you can't say Great Uncle super fast" Mabel challenge him.
The twins smiled and started their game while getting their things and continued after getting off the bus, they ended up saying words like grestcle, ungret, clegrea and gruncle. At the last one Mabel snorted so hard that started to have a laughing fit and was soon followed by Dipper, the word was perfect for them and the decision was made, they now have a Gruncle.
"Gruncle Stan!" Mabel screamed while hugging the old man with the sign that read "Mabel and Dipper' in big black words.
The man that dipper was sure was their Gruncle Stan was wearing a maroon fez with a golden crescent shape with a dot next to it, square glasses and a black suit with a red bow tie. He had wrinkled skin, big ears and a five o’clock shade.
"Gwahhhg!" Stan exclaimed, surprised at being almost pushed to the floor for a small 12 years old, she was stronger than she looked.
"Hi Gruncle Stan" Dipper greeted him while carrying their belongings and trying to not laugh at the sight in front of him.
"Hey kiddos, ready to stay with your Great Uncle Stan for the summer?" Stan said in a tone that made dipper thing he was trying to sell them something.
"Yay!" Mabel screamed in joy, still hugging him.
"Sure Gruncle Stan" Dipper said.
"Gruncle?" Stan asked confused he had never heard that word before.
"Yes, it's great and uncle combined in a word. Gruncle!" Mabel explained letting go of the hug to better express with her arms.
"Two word into one? I like it! Alright come on the golf cart is outside" Stan said while leading them towards the exit.
"Golf cart?" dipper asked confused.
"Yea, the car is in repair, something to do with raccoons, toilet paper and a goat, but don't worry it’s only temporary" Stan explained.
"Oh! Dipper this is great! We’ve never been in a golf cart, how fast do you think it may be?" Mabel said with a happy tone. Dipper only shrugged in response, though for what they have seen in the TV he assumed that those weren't fast.
The three made their way to the parking lot were the golf cart was, the twins got in the back seats put the seatbelts on and dropped their things in the floor. They soon learned just how fast that golf cart could be, it was very, very fast. Stan rushed through the traffic, even if there wasn't a lot to being with, and went to a dirt street that seemed to go into the forest, at the end of the way there was a wooden house with a big cartel on the side.
"Mystery Shack?" Dipper asked while reading the letter, he wondered why it needed a cartel.
"Yes! The Mystery Shack! A place where you can find the weird and obscure things that can be found in the forest of Gravity Falls and have neat things at accessible prices" Stan responded gesturing dramatically at the shack.
"Ohh!" Mabel owed with stars in her eyes.
"It’s a tourist trap, right?" Dipper asked with a straight face.
"Yep, I have to make a living somehow" Stan explained and lead them inside.
"Still cool" Mabel said smiling while following them, Dipper nodded in agreement.
The first thing the twins saw inside the shack was the gift shop, there was a desk with a cash register with some miscellaneous items to sell around it and some decorations, like the jar full of eyeballs that Dipper would swore they moved. In the wall in front of the desk there were shelves with products and some boxes with various items, they could also see a side door with 'Cryptid Museum' written in it. The wall in front of them there were stairs that lead to the upper floors and a candy machine. There were also two other doors that the twins didn't knew where it leads.
"Urgh... where are they..." Stan mumbled, looking around, "WENDY SOOS COME HERE NOW!" Stan yelled.
A few seconds later a big young man appeared from the 'Cryptid Museum' with a broom in his hands. He was wearing a dark green t-shirt whit a question mark painted in the front, he had a light brown hat, beige shorts and brown sneakers. He had fair skin, buck teeth and some hairs growing in his face.
"Staff Soos reporting for duty sir" Soos said smiling and doing the military salute.
"Good, where is Wendy?" Stan asked, looking mildly annoyed.
Just then a red haired teenager came down the stairs, she had fair skin with some freckles in her face. She was wearing a brown lumberjack hat, a flannel green shirt with a white tank top under it, dark blue jeans and brown boots. Dipper though she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, even if she was frowning.
"Hey, no need to yell. I was in my break" Wendy said, clearly displeased for being called and interrupted in whatever she was doing.
"Wendy, Soos, remember when I told you my great nephews were coming?" Stan said and continued ignoring the 'No's' from them, "Well here they are, Dipper, Mabel they are my employees Wendy Corduroy and Soos Ramirez. Wendy, Soos they are Dipper and Mabel" Stan introduced them.
"Hi friendos" Soos greeted them while holding his fist to them which the twins responded enthusiastically, he seemed very friendly.
"Sup" Wendy said smiling giving them a wave, the twins responded with their waves, Mabel's more enthusiastic than Dipper's.
"Well come on, I’ll show you your room where you can leave your things" Stan said and lead them towards the stairs.
Their bedroom appeared to had been a storage room that was recently renovated to accommodate them, with the old arcade games, a fortune telling machine, a coffin and two closets. There were two beds with a night table in the middle and a triangular window that let natural light illuminate the room that had a view towards the front of the shack.
"I call the right one!" Mabel screamed before jumping on her desired bed while laughing.
"He he alright" Dipper said before doing the same.
While the twins were having fun and their laughter drifted through the mystery shack giving it a sense of fun comfort something different was going on in the forest. Some creatures could feel it, others knew that something was coming, that something was powerful enough to awaken slumbering begins, make old plans start and make reality take a turn to accommodate it, all in all the pine twins were sure to have an interesting summer.
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emilyelizabethfowl · 7 years
Fic Wars [OWH] Chapter 1
This is the first chapter of a fanfic @ostrichwearingheadphones​ and I are writing for the Fic Wars! The official event’s blog is @fandomficwars!
Fandom: Danny Phantom
Danny was pretty sure that was the worst year of his life.
His freshman year of high school felt like a nightmare, one even worse that Christmas at his place.
He never got particularly good grades but he always managed to get decent final mark. This year however?
Math teacher could've been speaking Chinese and he still would’ve understood exactly the same amount of info- big fat zero.
English? You'd think he would be able to string a few sentences together. His grade showed that no, he apparently couldn't.
And let’s not even get started on PE!
In short, that year sucked. Objectively sucked.
He was sure it couldn't get any worse, and that's why he let his guard down during the summer.
Which appeared to be the biggest mistake of his life.
First of a long, long string of grave mistakes.
His parents finally finished their biggest invention, the one they were working on since the college.
It was their only love, their beloved child, the axis around which their lives had been resolving, their biggest dream.
Obviously, it didn't work.
I mean, it was supposed to be a portal connecting their world and the realm of ghosts. Which they started to work on without any proof that said realm had ever existed.
No wonder it didn't work out well.
Danny had never in his life been more sure about something than he had been about the nonexistence of ghosts.
And that's exactly why he decided to mock the hundreds of hours his parents spent on that useless thing by snapping a selfie inside.
Obviously, being the clumsy idiot he's always been, he tripped and pushed some button that for some reason had been placed inside the machine.
“What kind of a moron places the on button inside?” someone would later ask.
Danny would only shrug in answer, because honestly, his father was rather famous for his idiocy.
But currently the biggest problem he had was the current flowing through his body.
It felt like he had been set on fire, his nervous endings screaming, his muscles burning, too tight to even let out a scream.
He was dying; He knew it.
And that’s why he was so surprised when he woke up at the lab’s floor later.
Well, until he saw his dead body lying next to him, then he was too busy barfing to be surprised.
The corpse was scorched beyond recognition - if Danny wasn’t sure he was the only one who died, he would’ve never recognized himself.
However, that would mean....
That would mean he was a ghost himself!
“Yep, welcome to the World Of The Dead, Kiddo.”
If he wasn’t already dead, he would have twisted his own neck.
Right next to the portal was standing (or rather, floating) a white-haired teenager.
“Sup!” The ghost raised his hand in greeting, and Danny shrieked.
Or rather, he tried to.
“You’re newly formed,” the other one explained, inspecting his gloves with bored expression. “It’s going to take a while for you to start talking again.”
Okay, maybe Danny overreacted a bit, so what?
Yeah, throwing the first thing he managed to grab at the specter probably wasn’t the greatest idea he’s ever had, but he panicked and couldn’t think clearly!
“Are you fucking serious?” the ghost asked, now completely covered in some kind of green goo.
Not being able to answer, even if he knew what to say, the boy just shrugged.
“I’ve been considering helping you, but now I’m no longer sure I will…”
Danny sneered. Like you even could hung in the air, unsaid but clear.
“Oh yeah I can! I’ll have you know I’m one of the big fish in the Ghost Zone!”
The ghost had been standing straight now, radiant green eyes glowing bright. Danny just cocked his eyebrow, challenge clear in his expression.
Prove it his body language was screaming. Or are those only empty words thrown for the wind to take?
“I will! I will prove it! For I, Phantom, am one of the most powerful ghosts and I can do anything I want!”
Phantom took off his glove in one swift move and grabbed Danny’s hand, tugging him closer. The boy was too surprised to do anything, and simply let the ghost do his thing, which appeared to be dancing apparently.
But before he could try to wordlessly complain, he got dipped - the only thing lacking was a rose between Phantom’s teeth - and later he was too busy worrying about the weird feeling in his stomach to think about anything else.
That feeling was fusing, but Danny had never experienced it before.
Phantom was dissipating.
He knew he didn’t have much time left. That’s why, when he felt the new opening to the Realm of Living right in the centre of his lair, he immediately rushed out.
The hunt had never been expected to be hard, but to find a freshly dead soul right after entering the other dimension? That’s too much luck even for him!
Well, he wasn’t going to look a gift soul in the mouth.
One thing he didn’t expect to do as well was immediate possession of the soul. He wanted to toy with the boy a bit, but… Okay, maybe he does have a bit of a short temper.
But he possessed the soul anyway, so it didn’t matter anymore! It was going to last him for at least few weeks, and if he processed the body as well… It was really destroyed, but he still could get some nutritional value out of it.
Or so he thought, until he heard the voice in his head.
“What the hell have you done?!”
“How are you still alive?!”
Phantom stilled.
That boy had way too much influence on him! He met him like 10 minutes ago, and he already lost his temper twice! If he go around giving out important information like that, he’ll never hunt enough prey to sustain himself!
He took a deep breath.
“Alright, so I wasn’t going to help you.” He said finally. “Like, at all. I wanted to consume your life energy cuz I was fading slowing.”
Even though he couldn’t see the teen’s expression, he could tell he was resentful.
“In my defence, who the fuck accepts help from a stranger after the just met? A stranger from an entirely new, unknown dimension no less!”
A wave of shame reached him. Only after a second he realized that no, it wasn’t his own emotion. Having another living being inside his head, one with capability to think and feel emotion was certainly a really weird and unnatural experience.
It’s like you ate a chicken and it started bawking inside your stomach!
“In my defence, I just died! I don’t think I can be held accountable for anything I did in that state!”
Fair point.
“Still, I’m a hunter, you’re a prey, you should’ve kno-oUCH!”
His leg randomly lost support on the ground - when did he even stop floating?
He felt- smug? Oh, it wasn’t his emotion again.
“I think you’re forgetting we’re somehow fused together now, and I can actually hurt you in my own version of revenge until you get me back to how I was.”
The ghost lied on the floor, deciding he didn’t want to get up anytime soon. Who know what the human might try to do!
Though he might not be masochistic enough to try and do something really hurtful.
“You’re hurting yourself too!” He pointed out, just in case post-mortal adrenaline clogged the teen’s nerve ending too much for him to feel anything.
“Jokes on you, I didn’t feel a thing!”
That was… Unexpected.
Well, it wasn’t like he had any sort of experience in that matter, it was first time he didn’t absorb someone completely. He didn’t even know something like that could happen!
Phantom summoned a small ectoball and burned his own ball, trying and failing not to flinch. However you look at it, hurting yourself isn’t pretty nor nice.
“Did you feel it?” he asked.
“Feel what?” the answer came with another wave of emotion, this time it was confusion.
“I just burned my hand, did you feel it?”
“So I told you I didn’t feel it when you got hurt and your immediate reaction was to hurt yourself more? Dude.”
This wave of shame was definitely his own.
“I had to check if you weren’t just tricking me!”
“Oh, yeah, I guess when you betray everyone you meet, you learn never to trust anyone.”
The teen sounded genuinely hurt under the thick layer of sarcasm, and for some reason it made Phantom feel bad.  
“I’m sorry, okay? It’s just-”
The emotions he felt were had to describe, but he knew for sure the teen was sulking.
“You’re sorry just because you’re stuck with me.”
“Obviously!” Phantom yelled, losing his control again. “If everything went as it was supposed to, you wouldn’t exist and there would be no sulking teens demanding an apology in my head!”
Danny quietened, and for a short sweet while the ghost thought that maybe, just maybe, the digesting took some time, and he finally got rid of that nuisance-
In that moment he unwillingly turned intangible and fell through the floor to some weird dungeon full of medieval torture tools, knowing full well he wasn’t going to like the next few weeks.
At all.
“I’m going to turn your afterlife into an afterliving hell, and the only thing you can do to stop me, is giving me my life and body back.”
Phantoms, as it was already said, was an important ghost in the Zone; There wasn’t a lot of people he could say he was genuinely afraid of.
But in that moment, he felt really, truly horrified.
“Okay, okay!” He said “But we need to go back to the lag first!”
“What’s for?” He did give the teen a reason to doubt him, but he had a feeling these constant questions and suspicions were going to drive him crazy.
“Do you want to leave your body lying around?”
Wave of understanding. He was getting better at distinguishing the ownership of the emotions.
He wanted to move upwards, but when trying to access his powers, he bumped off an unexpected obstacle.
“What are you doing to do with it?” the teen asked.
Phantom took a moment to think.
“I can’t absorb the matter, as it’s not really compatible with my digestive system,” he said finally, “But I can overshadow it, mask the scorches with an illusion humans won’t be able to look through and put it in a kind of stasis, so it wouldn’t decay further.”
“Okay,” the barrier disappeared suddenly, and Phantom surged forward, hitting his head on the ceiling.
“Ouch!” he yelped.
“Ooops,” came from the boy, but the emotion that came alongside didn’t feel apologetic in the slightest.
He decided to let it go, considering it was mostly his fault and the human was mostly justified in his childish forms of revenge. Having back the full power, he phased back to the laboratory and hovered a bit awkwardly above the body.
“This might feel gross for a while,” he warned, and dived into the corpse.
Gross didn’t bloody cover it, as Danny painfully found out a moment later.
He was glad he could feel things again, but he would definitely prefer if his nose wasn’t instantly attacked by the smell of burned skin and if his nerve endings could stop resonating with pain, constantly reliving the accident.
But the ghost disappeared, so it was all for the-
“What the hell?” The tiny voice in his head said.
Danny groaned loudly.
“You aren’t gone?” he asked, exasperation and crushed hopes clear in his voice.
“Now you know how I felt!” Phantom responded, not really answering the question, sending a small wave of smugness alongside. Danny only noticed the emotion wasn’t his because he didn’t feel in the slightest bit smug.
Flexing the fingers, he realized he had been wrong. The worst year of his life has barely began.
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emilyelizabethfowl · 7 years
Fic Wars [TONP] Chapter 1
This is the first chapter of a fanfic @text-onlynopromises and I are writing for the Fic Wars! The official event’s blog is @fandomficwars!
Fandom: Teen Titans Tags: Beast Boy / Raven [probably] Ratings: G [general]
Once upon a time, in a forest far, far away, there lived a couple named Marcia and Marie. They were forest witches, dedicated to keep their forest safe from the malicious humans. The humans were destroying it for their own gain, thinking nothing of its needs and requirements for growth.
The forest had been sick before Marcia and Marie started, and they feared it would grow sick again without their protection.
They couldn’t destroy the humans, for there was only two of them, and the humans had multiple villages.
They had the magic on their side, but the humans had the monsters - the metal beasts, eating anything that stood on their way and being resistant to most of their spells and potions.
Therefore they decided to have an offspring to carry off their legacy.
However, the hundreds of years they spent dealing with pollution had made them unable to conceive a child.
They worked hard for years, coming up with the perfect combination of magic to cleanse themselves and create a son, a beautiful boy named Garfield.
Together, they brought peace and happiness to the forest, finally free from the monsters for the first time in centuries.
But nothing can last forever. Two major obstacles appeared in their way.
The first one has been the poisoning of their son. Garfield has fallen ill. They’ve done everything they could to save him, and in the end they managed to… But at a great cost.
They used the magic to connect him with various animals from the forest, healing him and making him immune for anything the humans could throw at him.
As a side effect though, his skin turned green, and, as he soon discovered, he could take on the forms of animals he got fused with.
The moment of discovery though has been connected to the second obstacle, and most of the time Garfield wished it never happened.
The humans took years to prepare, but finally they launched a counter-attack.
Hundreds of monsters and thousands of humans entered the forest, and while Marcie, Marie and Garfield did everything they could to hold them off, they weren’t strong enough.
The mothers sacrificed themselves for their children - for Garfield, for the forest and for all the animals living in it.
With their last breaths they ordered the boy to run, while they gave all their magic and life essence to the forest, helping it protect itself.
And so the boy run, thinking only about moving faster, running quicker, getting further away.
That’s when he discovered his shapeshifting abilities - he turned into a falcon, but being too absorbed by the escape, he never noticed the change.
Soon he left the forest. Being outside the borders for the first time ever, he was at a loss of what to do.
He finally noticed his form, but he remembered what his mothers taught him about humans. About their cruelty and malevolence. How they fought anything, living or dead, if it was something they didn’t agree with or something they didn’t understand.
Fearing their reaction, he decided not to change. And not wanting to, he never did.
That is, until he met the Doom Patrol.
A team of four people, who did all that was in their power to protect the forest against other people - mostly against their archenemy, the Brain, leading the Brotherhood of Evil.
But the one thing that convinced him to finally take on his standard form after months of being inside the falcon’s body, the one thing that caused him to reveal himself to them...
Their superpowers.
Mento, the leader, could read minds.
Elasti-Girl could make herself gigantic.
Negative Man could make his soul leave his body and use it to overshadow the metal beasts.
Robot Man was one of the beasts, but his actions spoke for him, proving he was on the nature’s side.
And so he joined them during one of their fights, helping them defeat the beast they were struggling to triumph over.
They were obviously suspicious at first, but they couldn’t stay wary of a child for a long time. Soon they let him join their team and fight against the evil destroying the forest.
Garfield became Beast Boy.
He learned a great deal from them, but in the end, they weren’t the best group for him.
For Beast Boy, the lives were the most important to save. For Mento, the most important was foiling the villain’s plans.
This discrepancy was what caused a rift between them.
No longer being able to follow his orders and fight efficiently, Beast Boy took a new form, an owl he’s been working on for a while, and made his way into the world.
He travelled from one forest to another. He walked through the highest mountains. He swam through the deepest oceans. He was studying the animals, taking on another forms, helping to protect the nature from humans.
Sometimes he got close to human’s homes, but he never dared to cross the threshold. He remembered what they did to his mothers.
He understood not all humans were bad. But he still didn’t want to come in contact with any of them.
Though there’s only so much animals to find. There’s only so much places to see. There’s only so much time you can spend alone.
Beast Boy was still partially human, and that part of him screamed for social interaction.
So he walked, swimmed and flew around the world once more, in a search of a suitable team he could join.
A team that would value the lives of others above all else. A team that would accept him as he was. A team that would become his new family.
He didn’t find it.
Wanting to give up, he decided to check out on last city and visit the Mariana Trench.
That city was called Jump City.
A group of thugs cornered him in one of the dark alleyways soon after he entered the city’s premises. Before he could transform to protect himself, a veil of black power surrounded them and left their unconscious bodies to hit the floor.
Behind them, a person wrapped in a purple cape was standing.
“Watch out,” the person said. “Humans are dangerous.”
Beast Boy wanted to ask them who they were. Why did they help him.
But loud crashes and screams coming from a distance told him it probably wasn’t the best idea.
“Thank you!” He said simply, transformed into a goat and took off running in the direction all the commotion was coming from.
He fought alongside the boy in bright suit, the bulky man in a hoodie and the capped savior against an alien woman.
At that time, no one knew that would be the beginning of Teen Titans.
At that time, Beast Boy didn’t know he just found his new family.   
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