#otp: heart shaped box
chxrrysprxut · 1 year
What they do as your bf/gf hc PT 1
A/N: This contains Cody, Duncan, Trent, Gwen, Lindsay. (i'm doing every character)
Okay, So Cody is literally SMITTEN by you
Like this boy. Would do anything for you
Lemme tell you what he does
first of all, if you hurt yourself, he will be RUNNIN over to you
Like he will be bolting', Like USAIN BOLT
And you'd be like "WTF" and he'd be like "baby! are you okay???"
Also, when he's around his friends they would get sooooooo tired of hearing about you
he's shorter than you
you can't change my mind
A Ton of movie nights
You are literally his idol
every date night he buys you those chocolate boxes shaped in hearts, and a bouquet of roses.
When he first met you at TDI, he thought you were annoying af
But boy DJ and Geoff, told him he was in LOVE with you
and he was like "No way"
3 weeks later
you guys make out
And lord ever since he has been SMITTEN by you
you guys are like an OTP
You always go to his Juvie center, and call him on the phone
he fights the guards when his call time is over
Trent is always playing his guitar for you
when you guys cuddle, he braids your hair
you make him bracelets and he ALWAYS wears them, and i mean ALWAYS
He always sends you notes like: "Hey Beautiful, Date night 2night? 7pm Movies?"
He writes you songs ;-;
If you stay at his house and he wakes up earlier than you
be prepared for a breakfast feast
whenever you wear lipstick he ALWAYS wants you to kiss him. All over his face. His lips. His neck. His Hands. He loves YOUR lipstick marks
And dont get me started
this boy.
is always
sneaking into your house
Your parents
also when you hurt yourself. He cries
A ton
especially if its S3lf H^rm
He be crying a waterfall
Trent is Hubby goals ;-;
I want him now;-;
he loves it when you wear his clothes
he kinda
he kinda just thinks about
things...(if you know you know)
also hes a bottom
like honestly
You help her dye her hair
When you wear her clothes she gets annoyed
idk why
she loves doing your hair in the mornings
ahem shes a top ahem
On your bunk bed
Why yall have dirty minds
If you know you know
she helps you study for your tests
You love her ditzy manner
She loves doing your makeup
She giggles at the stupidest thing
"Omg, this pigeon wearing a top hat is like soooooo cuteee"
She once almost cut her finger off
she cried
for 7 hours straight
she like falls asleep during movies
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chordsykat · 8 months
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Hey folks! I'm just here to pass on the message that love is in the air as @lampmeeting has once again invited us all to...
A week of sheer brutality wrapped in a heart-shaped cardboard box! From Lamp's desk:
Dethentine’s Week doesn’t need much explanation I don’t think. Taking place during the 7 days leading up to Valentine’s Day, it’s an opportunity to just go full cornball if you want to. Write the purplest most sappy Skwistok fic ever, draw melodramatic soap opera scenes of Murderface and Knubbler, make a sickly sweet comic about Charles and Pickles (please do this), be cringe and free, etc.
Like with Kloktober, of course all the prompts are completely up to you to interpret - there’s no right or wrong way to participate. Make moodboards, do cosplay, write, draw, decorate cookies to look like your OTPs and make them kiss, just have fun!!
Use the tag #dethentines2024 in your works so we all can share in each others' creativity! And as always you can hit me or @lampmeeting up with any questions - thanks! 🥰
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gloryride · 5 months
22 from the soft prompts for Virgile and Panam 🥰
AAAAAAH i'm so happy you asked this prompt with them because i have this idea in mind since forever but i never put words on it, so thanks ♥♥
[soft otp prompts]
22- Write about a member of your ship giving the other a special gift.
Camp Freedom is an old abandoned corpo resort from the 2040s along Lake Tahoe, taken over by the various Nomads clans passing through, becoming a popular recreational spot for all Nomads families, now run by statics from the Jodes. It was in this place, a little out of the way of deckchairs and potential visitors, that Virgile and Panam sat to watch the sunset. He'd told her stories of his childhood, and she'd wanted to see what it was like. Sitting on a bench, Panam's head on his shoulder, Virgile grinned, happy at this moment, so perfect. Plunging his hand into the inside of his jacket, he pulled out a small wooden box, weathered, polished a bit by the sand, with no embellishment other than an engraving in the shape of a vague S. Still curious, Panam straightened up, left the scoop of her boyfriend's neck to observe the container and already reached out to touch it, to take it. "Is this for me?" She smiles, amused, but her voice betrays a form of surprise.
Virgile doesn't answer right away. His azure eyes are riveted on the box for a moment, immersed in his memories, before he jumps up and puts the box between Panam's and his own. "It's a gift I've wanted to give you for some time, a present dear to me. Open it."
Inside, on a bed of faded blue synthetic silk, lay a necklace—a simple gold chain with a small heart as a pendant. Panam ran her finger over the heart with delicacy while Virgile watches her tenderly and then strokes her hand.
"This belonged to my mother. My father gave it to her after I was born because it was a miracle we survived because of … you know, her heart and mine. I always saw her with it around her neck." a wistful smile passed over her face.
For a few moments, he remembers his mother sitting in her armchair, him at her feet reading, or the two of them side by side watching an old film. Her blue eyes were like his, and she looked at him with tenderness. He had never forgotten his mother, who was gone too soon. But he realizes Panam is waiting for him to continue talking, so he shakes his head to compose himself. "Sometime before she passed away, she gave it to me, telling me I'd give in turn one day. I've always kept it, and the box has been one of the few things I've been able to take with me." he felt his beloved's hand squeeze him, a wave of gentleness washing over him to extinguish the sadness of his memories. "For a long time, I thought I'd keep this necklace for myself, that I'd end up alone. I never thought I could be happy after my forced separation from the Jodes. NetWatch, my life in Night City reinforced that idea."
He looks up at Panam, but she never leaves his sight. Then, she strokes his cheek to comfort him. "Hey, that's all in the past." The warmth of her hand and the softness of her voice remind him why they're here, why this gift. A sigh of ease escapes his mouth before he continues. "What I mean is, I never thought I could be happy one day, or find someone. And today, I'm here, with you, at the place of my best memories. I'm happy."
Placing the necklace back in its box, Panam hugs Virgile and kisses their cheek and nose before really kissing him. She finally settles back into the hollow of his neck, where she places a final kiss, and closes her eyes. "I am too, you know. And it means a lot to me that you'd give me this gift."
They remain like this, alone in the world on the shores of Lake Tahoe, as the sun races on, giving way to night. A light breeze brings them back to reality, and Panam straightens up with a mischievous air he always finds irresistible. "Can you put it around my neck?"
"Wait, I wanted to tell you one more thing." He takes the box in his hand and stares at it, even more nervous. "There's a tradition in my old clan. When you give an object of high sentimental value like this, it means … let's say it's a promise that you want to spend your life with the other person."
He feels Panam's hand move up his chin to meet her golden gaze, but he's unable to guess what she's thinking. " Virgile, are you… Are you proposing to me?" he nods a little too quickly and loudly because he's so nervous. Then put it around my neck, silly."
The last word breaks as tears fill his face. Tears of happiness as he smiles, then laughs…
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carewyncromwell · 3 months
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"Still harder getting up, getting dressed,
Living with this regret,
But I know if I could do it over,
I would trade, give away
All the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken..."
~"What Hurts the Most (cover)" by State of Mine
Inspired by a What-If? Prompt from @drinkyoursoupbitch:
If your OTP got together as grown-ups, give them that teenage dream first kiss full of all the yearning, clumsy choices, and awkward hands.
Read the original unraveling of this scene from Carion's canon! // Read more canon Carion content!
Orion got up to practice on his own every morning. He'd always been an early riser from the time he was young, and there was often nothing more medicinal than having some time to just fly on his own, without having to worry about the stresses that came with being Slytherin Quidditch Captain.
Though in this case, perhaps it was the abrupt absence of that stress that made Orion so want to fly. Because as of three days ago, Orion had flown in his very last match at Hogwarts -- and, thanks in large part to Carewyn Cromwell's return to his team, they had finally achieved their long-sought goal of winning the Quidditch Cup. In fact, the Slytherin Quidditch team was set to accept the trophy later that very day.
A perfect ending to Orion's tenure at Hogwarts. It brought him some measure of peace, to know he'd finally seen his team reach their goal, and yet there was something restless in his soul. Something he could hardly put into words...
Orion tried to shrug this unease off same as his poncho as he set about flying around the goal hoops that muggy May morning. He'd just finished weaving through the last one when his eyes caught sight of it.
A Patronus, gleaming and white, shaped like a horse with long, beautiful wings that were spread wide as it galloped on thin air alongside him.
Orion's heart stopped.
His Patronus...? How could that -- ?
No. No, it couldn't be Orion's Patronus, when he hadn't cast the spell. So that had to mean...
Orion was barely conscious of how wide his dark eyes had become. The Abraxan Patronus's own silvery eyes seemed to consider him, before it turned and flapped off, back toward the commentary box.
And sitting in the box, holding her wand aloft, was Carewyn, dressed in a feathery white dress with a bright lipsticked smile.
Orion's heart felt like it had grown ten sizes, just seeing her. He hardly acknowledged just how quickly he flew over, nor how his entire expression had flooded with fondness and awe as he looked at her. All he really seemed to know was the overwhelming warmth that came with reaching her, even as her Patronus lingered behind her.
She was healed. She was all right.
"Carewyn Cromwell," he murmured, his mouth spreading into a full smile.
Carewyn beamed. "Good morning. Happy Ceremony Day."
"A very happy day it is," Orion agreed, "seeing you've recovered."
Orion was happy for it. He'd been so worried when she'd been hurt -- the anxiety attack he'd suffered was worse than anything he could remember.
"Mm. I'm not supposed to carry anything heavy or push myself too hard…and Chiara’s still going to have to make me Healing potions for the rest of the week…but I should be able to just take them at lunch and dinner now. And at least now I can actually wear what I want again – except at the ceremony, of course."
Carewyn's blue eyes sparkled in the light still coming off of her Patronus -- had they always been so bright? It made them look like moonbeams...blueish moonbeams, in the midst of broad daylight. Even her face, so soft and round, was as pale as the moon...
Had she...always been so beautiful, and he'd just never noticed...?
Carewyn's Patronus abruptly disappeared, and Orion suddenly realized that he'd completely zoned out.
"Orion?" said Carewyn. "Is something wrong?"
Orion offered her a placid smile. "Nothing is wrong. My mind merely...wandered away, for a moment, without my consent..."
And went skipping off into a daydream, he thought dryly. I didn't even know it could do that.
His eyes drifted over where Carewyn's Patronus had been, before trailing back over Carewyn's face. Her brows were lightly furrowed in concern and deep thought -- it made sweet little wrinkles crease in her temple, ones that made her almond-shaped eyes look that bit more piercing...beckoning...
At ease, Orion tried to rein in his brain again. You'll make her uncomfortable, staring so much.
Sure enough, Carewyn averted her eyes. Clearly the prolonged eye contact had taken her aback.
"...Well, perhaps that's because you've yet to eat something. One can hardly get ready for the day without a proper breakfast..."
She busied herself with taking off her wicker basket purse and unloading it of some pastries wrapped up in red and white checkered napkins and two bottles of Butterbeer.
Orion's expression immediately softened. That was so like Carewyn...thinking of everyone else's health and well-being before herself...
With an easy leap and a flick of his broom, he'd landed in the box, climbing the few stairs needed to reach her. Carewyn continued avoiding his eyes, but her shoulders still seemed to relax as he settled down beside her.
"I know Butterbeer's not exactly customary," she said in an attempt to lighten the mood. "Mum usually serves tea with her pikelets...but well, I figured Chiara wouldn't want me to aggravate my wound by lugging a whole tea service up here..."
"I can't say I've ever been much for custom, considering my life has never been built around it," Orion said with a smile. "In some sense you could say customs are merely rules of a significant age...and we Slytherins are well-known for having a disregard for rules, are we not?"
Carewyn giggled as she handed Orion his napkin-wrapped pastry. It was flat and covered in some sort of golden jam.
Orion considered it curiously -- Carewyn looked at him significantly as she held up her own.
"Here -- fold it so the apple compote doesn't fall out, and eat it like this."
Orion followed her lead, and was pleasantly surprised by how good it tasted.
"Mm...! This is good..."
His heart fluttered seeing just how proudly Carewyn beamed. He brought a hand up to brush his hair out of his face, even if it coincidentally obscured the rosiness of his expression.
"...You said this was your mother's recipe?" he asked.
Circulate air, restless heart. Carewyn has always been both kind and aesthetically pleasing, there's no need for this...
Carewyn nodded. "Yeah, Mum loves making pikelets in the morning. Not always with fruit -- sometimes she serves them with syrup. But she loves using fruit for special occasions...and well, I'd say today's certainly that."
Orion's eyes softened.
"Indeed it is. Especially because you will be there to accept the trophy with us."
My dream of seeing our team reach our goal would not have been complete without you.
Carewyn's face darkened in a slight blush, but her smile only broadened even as she bowed her head.
"...I'm just glad I could help," she said. "After how long and hard you worked to get the Cup -- how hard your whole team worked...you deserved to win, Orion."
She was trying to keep her posture proud, but Orion could see the shyness in her body language. It was...cute, in a strange way. Like a baby featherless Phoenix shaking off the ashes...
"Trust me, Carewyn," Orion said gently, "that without the hard work and loyalty you yourself put in, I would have nothing to celebrate. But because you did put them in, and because we got to achieve this victory together...I feel akin to a Seeker, having finally caught the Snitch. This gold we've won would've been out of reach forever, had you not beaten back the obstacles that sought to take it from us. And now I'm set to fly higher than any Abraxan, with the wind you've been under my wings."
Carewyn tried all the more to hide both her blush and the emotion in her expression. It wasn't quite smiling anymore -- now there was something almost bittersweet there.
"...Thank you, Orion," she murmured. "That really means a lot to me."
With a tap of her wand and a wordless spell, she opened the two Butterbeer bottles, handing the right bottle to Orion. The two then clinked the bottles together and then took a sip, looking out to the horizon.
Orion had always wanted Carewyn back on the Slytherin team, from the very moment she'd first left. The memory of their victorious first match together against Hufflepuff back in his fourth year was still one of the happiest in his life, ever after so long. Why, it'd even been the thing that helped him cast his own first Patronus earlier that year in Defense Against the Dark Arts...
The crowd cheering...Skye's whoops and Carewyn's happy, smiling face...that had been the thing that had flooded Orion's chest with enough light and hope to create a corporeal Patronus. A Patronus just like...
"Orion -- "
"Carewyn -- "
The two ended up speaking at the exact same moment completely by accident.
"Sorry -- you go ahead -- "
"Forgive me, I -- "
Orion found himself flushing darkly. Carewyn's face was pink too, but she offered him an encouraging smile.
"It's okay," she said, even as her eyes drifted away, "you go first."
Orion swallowed. Then, considering his words very carefully, he took a deep breath.
"...I merely wished to ask...about your Patronus. Has it...always taken that form?"
Carewyn blinked. Clearly she hadn't been expecting that.
"Yes," she said, confused. "Abraxans have always been my favorite magical creature, ever since I was little."
Orion's eyes drifted away, but the corner of his lips seemed to twitch in a strange soft of smile.
Carewyn tilted her head at him, looking both confused and curious. When he caught her eye, Orion bowed his head, failing to obscure the broadening smile on his face.
"Forgive me, it's just...I'm quite fond of them too."
Carewyn cocked her eyebrows, smiling. "Yeah?"
"Yes. They are unique creatures. Beautiful, yes, but also...rare, in their spirit. Symbolic of light and wisdom -- of creativity and inspiration, of chasing the impossible. True, unbridled freedom..."
Carewyn's blue eyes seemed to shine.
"They really suit you, then," she said.
Orion looked up at her, surprised. Then his black eyes softened.
"...You think so?"
"Of course!" said Carewyn, the amusement in her voice tempered by its warmth. "You've always been so wise, Orion -- you've always been bright, creative, and ambitious. And you've always been a source of light for your team -- they love you with all of their hearts."
Her blue eyes became a little smaller.
"...You've always inspired people. You make people want to work hard and chase their gold, no matter how impossible it might seem. ...I don't know how Slytherin's team will ever be the same..."
She pushed down another bittersweet flicker from her face, instead putting on a braver smile as a flash of amusement danced through her eyes.
"...If I'm a Fire Crab for my temper," she teased, "then your lofty ideals definitely make you an Abraxan."
Orion couldn't bite back a laugh. It was very quiet, very hushed, and very short, and yet it made his heart swell up in his chest. His head fell as he tried to contain his amusement. Eventually he looked up at her, unable to suppress the bright, warm emotions from his face.
"...No...no, Carewyn Cromwell, you are no Fire Crab. Your Patronus proves that."
Carewyn laughed. "Why, because Fire Crabs can't cast Charms?"
But Orion merely smiled broadly.
"Cast the spell again," he told her.
Carewyn cocked her eyebrows.
Still eying Orion suspiciously, Carewyn nonetheless raised her wand, holding it absently over her right shoulder.
"Expecto Patronum."
A cluster of white swirled around her shoulder, swelling up like a cloud that melded itself into the shape of an Abraxan Winged Horse with silvery gray eyes.
Carewyn waited for Orion to say something poetic or philosophical at the sight of it. Instead, though, Orion's smile only seemed to brighten as he too took out his own wand.
And when Orion looked deep into Carewyn's eyes, Carewyn saw something flickering at the back of them -- a memory of Orion learning the Patronus Charm himself...conjuring a misty shape with feathery wings...
The suspicion and amusement slid right off of Carewyn's face, to be replaced with shock.
"...You...?" she whispered.
Orion inclined his head ever-so-slightly to her, his black eyes serious.
"Expecto Patronum."
In an instant, a line of white smoke emerged from his own wand, swirling through the air until it had been weaved into a second beautiful, brightly shining Abraxan Patronus.
Carewyn watched in disbelief and awe as it landed behind Orion, its head arching over his shoulder as it sniffed the air. Carewyn's own Patronus extended its own neck over its owner's shoulder and gently touched noses with Orion's.
Carewyn and Orion both watched their Patronuses slowly faded away, before turning to look at each other. Both of their faces were flushed and they'd gone very quiet.
"...You..." Carewyn struggled to retain her composure. "...we...have the same Patronus."
Orion's throat was very dry. It was painful when he swallowed.
"...I...know you don't believe in fate, Carewyn Cromwell," he said, trying very hard to keep his voice steady even though his heart and air intake were depriving him of his usual balanced speaking cadence. "I know that you won't want to invest time in anything frivolous so long as your brother is in danger, nor are you the type to settle for a person who would lean on superstition as a reason to pursue you. I know you and I are not so similar that I've developed romantic instincts, or that I will ever learn how to nest and settle, or that the futures we've dreamed up for ourselves would have any common ground at all..."
He had moved a bit closer to her when he'd bowed his head, but now he tried hard to look at her. Maybe if she looked into his eyes, she'd see through him, like she always had seemed to...
"...But right now I...I want to believe," he said softly. "Even if we're young and foolish -- even if we truly know nothing of the real world, even if I myself know nothing about love...I want to believe that this is real. Because the way I feel, right now...it makes me feel real. You've made my days better, just by being there. You've made my problems smaller, just by showing support. You've made Quidditch more fun, just by flying by my side. I cast my first Patronus in part because of the memory of you."
The words all came stumbling out in a stream of consciousness he couldn't suppress. It made Orion feel oddly vulnerable. Blind. Almost ashamed.
"...I look back," he said shakily, "and I...I'm amazed it took me so long to see it. I'm amazed it took me finding out we share a Patronus to see it. And during the match -- when you were hurt..."
Orion had to force himself to breathe. He inhaled and exhaled shakily.
"...it...frightened me...more than anything ever has. It still frightens me. Because I know you'll place yourself in danger as much as you have to, so long as your brother needs you. And as much as I could ask you to be safe...you wouldn't be the inspiring, brilliant Abraxan you are, if I tried to bind your wings."
Carewyn was left speechless. All she could do was stare. And yet through Orion's eyes, it seemed like she was getting everything she needed -- as if she could feel everything he could at this moment -- and it was overwhelming her. She even had to cover her face to obscure her emotions.
Orion brought a hand down to her shoulder, wanting to comfort her, but as soon as he touched her, Carewyn's head immediately shot back up. She stared up at him, her flushed face stained with tears -- a sight that made Orion's heart ache.
"Oh, Carewyn, forgive me...forgive me, I didn't wish to -- "
Orion had been moving back, but he halted when Carewyn brought her hands up to hold his face.
"No," she said firmly. "No, Orion, you don't need to apologize."
She placed her forehead beside his, their noses touching just as their Patronuses had. Her red lips were curled up slightly, but trembling.
"...I just wish I was stronger," she murmured. "So I could protect you."
Orion's heart bled. Slowly he brought up his own hands and, very hesitantly, brought them on either side of Carewyn's face, cradling it as she was his.
"You, Carewyn Cromwell," he whispered beside her lips, "are the strongest person I know."
He paused.
"...Please...may I kiss you?"
Carewyn gave a choked laugh. "You practically already are."
"Practically is not actually," Orion said lightly. Then, through a darker flush, he added, "...Magizoologists say that Abraxans need forceful handling, but I cannot ascribe to that. I can't presume I have your permission."
Carewyn's eyes sparkled with fondness.
"You have it, Orion," she whispered.
And she pecked his lips.
Once Orion recovered, he swept in, capturing her mouth with his. He melted into Carewyn's arms as she brought them around him and stroked his hair -- he tried to copy her by burying his own hand into her hair, undoing her ponytail so he could tangle it into the strands. They kissed multiple times, a few long, but many short, and traded jokes and reassurance all the while. For truly, this was a bit frightening for both of them, however exciting it was.
Young love was scary. But courage could be love's most loyal friend.
This was not how Carewyn and Orion ended up confessing to each other -- but it did serve to be one of many "what-if" scenarios that Orion fancied, back in the days before he fully came to grips with how in love he truly was with Carewyn...and, perhaps, always had been.
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smoothdogsgirl · 2 years
February - Established Long Distance Relationship
Pairing: Brock Reynolds
Warnings: Deployments, Care Packages
Words: 943
Summary: Brock and the team get surprises during mailcall while on deployment in J-Bad.
In a Discord group I belong to, there was a post for a "Year of the OTP" challenge for 2023.
Disclaimer: This is fanfic work; no money is being made from this story. All recognizable characters belong to their respective creative authors, studios or producers.
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“Mail call you clowns,” Sonny yells as he joins the guys around the fire pit. He opens the mailbag, “alright, let's see what we have for Bravo Team.” Reaching in, he pulls out a medium size box, “Ray, here’s a little bit of home.” He then tosses it over to him. He reaches in and grabs the next package, “bossman, it looks like the kiddos sent you something too.” On the next grab, he pulls out some letters, “heads up,” he shouts, and when Trent and Metal look at him, he flings the letters to them. They each catch them before they have a chance to hit the floor. He stuffs the last letter into his back pocket as it’s addressed to him. Shaking the bag, he realizes there is one more package inside; when he pulls it out, he grins, “looks like someone is sending Brock and Cerberus some love too.” He then tosses it to the man in question. 
There is some friendly teasing as Ray and Jason open the packages from their families. Emma and Mickey had mailed their father a card, chocolates, seeds for his vegetable garden, and baby wipes. Now Naima and the kids had sent Ray some homemade cards, cookies, drawings, candy, and baby wipes. 
“So, Broccoli, whatcha get?” Sonny asked.
Causing the other guys to look in Brock's direction as he finishes cutting tape on his box, he chuckles; it’s a heavy-duty heart-shaped Kong toy and a jar of all-natural peanut butter. On the lid is a heart-shaped sticker and the name Cerb. Brock whistles, and Cerberus gets up, stretching lazily while yawning, ambling over to his handler, and sitting by his feet. 
Brock takes his knife, spreading a glob of peanut butter on the Kong Toy before handing it to Cerberus, who sniffs it briefly before biting it and retreating to his spot near the fire pit.
Digging back into the package, he pulls out a Ziploc container of homemade chocolate and peanut butter chip cookies, a container of baby wipes, a small container of homemade dog treats, a new hard copy of his favorite book ‘The Martian,’ a homemade DVD and a card in an envelope.
“Who’s sending you all those goodies, Broccoli?” Sonny asked from his seat next to Brock, eyeing the container of cookies.
“Not to mention, who knows your pup so well?” Trent asked, nodding at Cerberus, who was still munching on his toy. 
“Spill brother,” Metal’s low, gruff voice causes Brock to jump a little as he comes up, setting a bottle of beer next to his camping chair. 
Brock rubs the back of his neck; he smiles at the guys and places the package on the ground leaving the book and card on his lap. He then looks at all of the guys, “Keep your paws off of my cookies, or I’ll sick the hair missile on you. You’ll be his training dummy.”
Opening the card, he can’t help but smile when he reads the contents,
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Cracking the book's cover, he places the card inside, flips the pages, and stops at page 316. Lying between the pages is a 3D ultrasound image. He picks it up, taking in all of the child’s features. Brock is so lost in thought he doesn’t see Trent get up to grab snacks. 
“Cute kid, you gonna be an uncle?” Trent asks, seeing the picture.
Brock grins at the man, “Nah, man, I’m gonna be a dad. This is my kid.”
Everything around the fire pit stops; the guys look at him. 
“What’d you just say, Broccoli?” Sonny asks his Texas accident even thicker than usual.
Picking up the image and showing it to the group, “I said I’m gonna be a dad.” Noting writing on the back of the image, “make that a girl, dad. This is a picture of my daughter.”
Ray smiles at him, “welcome to the club, brother. There is nothing quite like it.”
Jason nods his head in agreement, unsure of what else to say.
“So, who’s the baby momma Broccoli? Can’t believe you finally managed to get some and didn’t tell us?” 
Brock growls at Sonny, “my daughter isn’t the result of some one-night stand. And trust me, man, getting some has never been a problem.” 
Sonny holds up his hands in surrender.
“So you’re saying you have a girlfriend?” Clay asks, giving Sonny a reproachful look.
“Not what I said either,” Brock replies with a shoulder shrug.
“Quit being cryptic, dog boy. Tell us what’s going on.” Metal states before taking a swig of his beer.
“My wife is the one who is pregnant. It wasn’t exactly planned, but not unwanted either. We found out the week before the deployment that she’s pregnant.”
Trent tilts his head, “since when are you married?”
“We got married two days after returning from our last deployment to J-Bad. It was just us, the dogs, a JP on a floating dock in False Cape State Park at sunset.”
“So, almost a year and a half?” Trent clarifies.
Brock shrugs, “that sounds about right?”
“Dogs?” Clay questions.
“We couldn’t exactly get married without Cerberus and Artemis. Before you ask, Artemis is a two-year-old sable German shepherd.” Brock replied.
“How long have you guys been together?” Trent asks.
“We met just before I went through BUDs. We’ve been together ever since.” Glancing down at his watch, he does the calculations in his head for the time difference to Va Beach. “This has been fun, ladies, but I’m going to go call my girls.” Grabbing his things, he whistles, and together he and Cerberus head to their hootch to make a video call home.
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The letter in this story was written in Dutch. I decided since that is the language he gives Cerb commands in, he picked it because he speaks it, and so does his wife. Here is a close approximation of what the letter says. I had a friend of mine do the Dutch translation.
Hey Babe, I’m missing you and our furry kid. The bed is cold without my two heat sources. Here are a few little things for when you get a minute of downtime. Only a few more weeks and this deployment will be over; we can’t wait to have you home. I had a new ultrasound technician at my last appointment, and she accidentally spilled the beans on our March surprise. So if you look at the page corresponding to that date, you will know too. That being said, when you come home, you better have a list of names ready. Love you, Babe
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camillathe6th · 2 years
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I was tagged by @mihqorio, and using @eydika‘s MASTERPIECE for the occasion. I’ll tag @marshalortega, @agent-darkbootie, @punkranger, @the-rebel-archivist and @griever-receiver if you want to hop in!
   Full Name: Una Moore    Gender: next question.    Sexuality: next question.    Pronouns: she/her (for now).
   Family: tía Elena, but don’t tell anyone.    Birthplace: her very real ID says Portland.    Job: she’s... she definitely has one! Man I gotta think about her cover job better.    Phobias: telepathic invasion, mind control, claustrophobia    Guilty Pleasures: only Ortega brings both guilt and pleasure, but if we’re being more casual than that she’ll take those dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets.    Hobbies: not that she has time, but technically—boxing, krav maga, any kind of fighting/sparring, urbex, tech-fiddling, tech experimenting, horror and documentary watching/reading.
   Morality Alignment? I’d say chaotic good.    Sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth    Virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
   introvert/extrovert    organized/disorganized    close minded/open-minded    calm/anxious    disagreeable/agreeable    cautious/reckless    patient/impatient    outspoken/reserved    leader/follower    empathetic/unempathic    optimistic/pessimistic    traditional/modern    hard-working/lazy
   Otp: Chargestep all the way.    Acceptable Ships: no other would work, Una’s a dickhead.    Ot3: Ortega/Una/Villainy.    Brotp: my heart says Una would vibe so much with Mia and Argent if only she got her head out of her ass. Una and Anathema most of all.    Notp: The puppet, definitely the puppet.
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lucius-the-sinful · 7 months
Song Poem Challenge
Rules: Put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. Then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of!
I saw @bhaalbaaby do this and it looked like fun ! <3
Bound, bound, bound by flesh Don't take this the wrong way Here we stand You know who it is, coming around again Wake up, middle of the night Nobody really cared, so it never really mattered Run to the place under the palm trees I want you out of my mind The I.V. and your hospital bed I wish we'd started in the rain
Nihil by 3TEETH
Someone New by Hoizer
Seperate Ways by Eva Under Fire (Cover)
Girl Who Cried Wolf by Numblife
Identity by grandson
Run by Michael Barr
Out of My Mid by Luxe Agoris, Jesse Ian
Camisado by Panic! At The Disco
July by Betcha
Darken the city, night is a wire Cross over and turn Bury me softly in this womb Have you got color in your cheeks? Honey, why you calling me so late? I'm tired of being what you want me to be I'm not the kind that usually hesitates Sulfur on your breath I can only sleep once I'm too tired to think Everyone's watchin' to see what you will do
Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran
Lullaby by Low
Down In A Hole by Alice in Chains
Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys
Lips of an Angel by Hinder
Numb by Linkin Park
No Good by Battle Tapes
Granite by Sleep Token
Anything by an Unkindness
Working for the Weekend by Loverboy
Can't you see, I'm easily bothered by persistence? I got those jet pack blues Sovereignty up on a hill Give me a spade, and I'll give you a hole She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak I have never known peace Dance with me the gallowdance I saw the light fade from the sky I'm taking everyone out for a ride, I promise it won't take long Oh, did I lose the words
Walk by Pantera
Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy
Glory by Friday Pilots Club
On The Railroad by The Longest Johns (Cover)
Heart-Shaped Box by Nirvana
In a Week by Hoizer and Karen Cowley
Gallowdance by Lebanon Hanover
The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd
Give Me An Answer by Low Roar
Feel the Same by Battle Tapes
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cocrante · 8 months
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30 Days OTP Challenge
note: a collection of oneshots about percabeth that I wrote in 2018 and that I would like to share with you now.If you want read the next chapter, you can find more on my Patreon c: Subscribing is not necessary, these chapters will be added for free each day. Following me there is just a kind and free gesture to support my work c:
nda. I wrote this one-shot for Valentine's Day, blending the two things a bit eheh ++ I don't know if these names are still used in the fandom, but years ago, when we genderswapped percabeth, we referred to them as Anthony and Penelope c:
Reblogs are highly appreciated c:
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That morning, the daughter of Poseidon woke up early, disturbed by the faint and cold sunbeams filtering through the window to reach her bed. She lay on the bed for a while, shifting her attention to the slightly open window to let the air circulate. She sighed a couple of times before sitting up, stretching her arms, and yawning, realizing at that moment that there was no one beside her.
She took another five minutes to fully wake up, staring wearily and absentmindedly at the glass window. With a great effort, she got out of bed, placing her bare feet on the cold floor and hopping around to adjust to the temperature. She went to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. In front of the mirror, she ran a hand over her face; she didn't look particularly beautiful that morning. Her hair resembled a squirrel's nest, the mascara had smudged from her eyes because she never learned to remove it before going to sleep, and she even had a pimple on her nose.
She pulled up the sleeve of the oversized sweater borrowed from her boyfriend. She began fixing herself starting from her hair, combing it as best as she could, then focusing on hygiene and finally applying some more black mascara to her lashes. She emerged looking better, or at least better than when she had woken up that morning.
Outside the bathroom, she heard noises coming from the kitchen, as if someone was dropping pots followed by a curse. The girl smiled, returning to bed, waiting for her man to come and greet her. The son of Athena didn't take long to arrive. He pushed the door open with his back, still in pajamas, carrying a tray on which stood a delicate blue rose in an elongated white vase. Upon seeing it, the girl couldn't help but smile, spreading the most beautiful of smiles. "Happy Valentine's Day" Anthony said, giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. "Happy Valentine's Day" Penny replied, looking at the tray which held a stack of heart-shaped blue pancakes and blueberry juice, but there was also a long box wrapped in silver.
"What's this?" the girl asked, taking it in her hands. Anthony smiled, sitting on the bed, inviting her to open it. The girl removed the electric blue ribbon, tearing off the wrapping and revealing a case. "Oh my gods" she exclaimed as soon as she opened it, holding a delicate necklace with a heart-shaped pendant, the blue stone in the center surrounded by small zircons. "Tony, it's beautiful" she said, putting the tray on the bedside table to hug and kiss him. "Glad you like it" he replied, fastening it around her neck. The girl didn't stop staring at it for a moment, she adored that little blue gift.
"Now you have to unwrap yours" Penny said hastily, getting out of bed, opening the dresser from which she took out a book he was familiar with. "Here it is" she muttered, getting up from the bed to meet him. "Open it" Penny said impatiently, with a sly smile on her lips. The son of Athena observed her with his gray and calculating eyes, taking the book from her hands. He sighed, hoping she hadn't destroyed it to make a jewelry box or something similar. When he opened it, he was breathless—on the first page were two tickets to a contemporary art exhibition he had been wanting to attend. "They said the tickets were sold out" he whispered, holding the two tickets as if to verify that they were real. "I've heard you talk about it so much that I got in touch with the museum curator. It took a while, but in the end, I convinced him to give me two extra tickets" she said, brushing his arm. "But that's not all" she exclaimed, unable to contain her smile. "Turn the page" the girl lifted her gaze to his eyes, which had softened. He did as she told him, turned the page, and nearly fainted. "Oh my gods" the son of Athena whispered at the sight of the autograph with a dedication. "Penelope, what have you done?" he laughed, running his fingers over the autograph. "He's your favorite author, right?" she asked, getting an affirmative nod. "He was doing some kind of conference or something. I went home, grabbed the book, and got him to sign it" she explained, although the son of Athena suspected she had kidnapped and forced him to sign the book by force, but at the moment, he didn't care. The son of Athena hugged his girlfriend, giving her a passionate and compelling kiss that led them back to the bed.
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1-Holding hands
2-Cuddling somewhere
3-Watching a movie
4-On a date
6- Wearing eachothers cloths
9-Hanging out with friends
10-Wearing animal ears
11-Wearing kigurumy
12-Making out
13-Eating icecream
15-In a different clothing style
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valentinesparda · 3 years
here is a rough bit of info for anyone coming to send in f/o letters!! i don't expect a letter for everyone on the list but it's a bunch to choose from and it also gives me an opportunity to outline relationships
the prince and member of the royal guard dynamic, yasha didn't believe he ever had a chance with callistus. they both spent years dancing around the subject until finally the two became secret lovers and ultimately secretly wed. though not an official wedding by any means amidst turmoil on gaea, the two are the only happiness each other has for the short bit of time they have left. that's okay, reincarnated, they find each other millions of years in the future.
[ callistus and yasha are married but the only people who know are asura, eventually mithra.
callistus's pronouns are they/them. masculine or neutral terms of endearment only. ]
spike and raine started off on the wrong foot, and being an assassin from a warring space gang isn't the best thing to tell to your new partner in crime. raine becomes a member of the bebop crew through happenstance and the two bicker around the others while maintaining a secret affair behind closed doors. neither would admit to being in love, but jet and faye are pretty sure that they are, what with the longing lovesick stares they give each other when they think the other isn't looking.
[ raine and spike are in a will they / won't they kind of dynamic, but they deeply care about each other.
raine's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
after several years across the series as being "workmate "friends"", almost lovers, and eventually reuniting, vergil and gabriel get married after the events of dmcv. gabriel actually fell hard for the remnants of vergil as v, as well, which v was not expecting but accepted happilyin his own way. when reunited, as lovers, they are reserved and tend to keep their feelings to themselves, and very rarely actually express it. instead, they spend their time together bickering like old married couples with the few moments between of genuine happiness and love for the other, much to the dismay of the demon prince that has been co-using gabriel's body as a host for decades.
[ gabriel and vergil are happily married but refuse to be sappy about it.
gabriel's pronouns are they/them. masculine or neutral terms of endearment only. ]
vine is the previously petrified pact partner to verdelet who has seemingly caught the eye of the mute prince and his own pact partner. an ancient dragon in human form themself, vine feels just as awkward about their feelings as you would expect, with angelus forming a protective bond with the other dragon that extends beyond simple pity, and caim feeling furiously protective of them for how small they seem to him. both agree silently that the best they can do for vine is to love them as they wish to be loved.
[ vine, caim, and angelus are in a newly budded poly relationship. caim is embarrassed by his emotions and angelus is fascinated by them. they all three love each other in their own way.
vine's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
formerly a cia agent who suffered through the events on rook island, isaiah met ajay shortly after returning to california and became fast friends - and both of them fell even faster in love. they refused to admit to their feelings until deep into kyrati territory. they are both stumbling into a relationship as it is the one good thing they both have to hold onto, and ajay could not be more glad that izzy is with him during this time in his life.
[ izzy and ajay are in a fresh come-to-terms relationship off of the tail end of two years of close friendship. have fun with that. they have a young wolf named banana.
izzy's pronouns are they/them. masculine or neutral terms of endearment only. ]
LA74, now known as lav, is a shinra automaton experiment who functioned as SOLDIER's guard dog during the first class glory days. the mako that powers their body connects them to the lifestream and thus forces emotional growth onto the poor thing, and sephiroth watches with fascination and pity as they fumble through it entirely. by the time he learns his true parentage, he's hopelessly endeared to this being who has become something close to human throughout the years.
[ lav and sephiroth, while not dating in a formal sense, are close with each other and love the other in their own way. lav is still unsure about emotions and sephiroth has been pining for years.
lav's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
amelia is the grandchild of walter with no family left but him. they were kept in the dark about monsters and myths for their whole life, and alucard was (and still is) incredibly amused by the fact that they shrugged off his abilities in trying to scare them as theatrical tricks. alucard saves their life on the whim of walter and seras when they die in the valentine attack, but some small part of him would have liked to have a bride. he loves them dearly in his own way and amelia is coming into their own as a fledgeling vampire.
[ amelia and alucard are functionally morticia and gomez addams, technically married by circumstance but incredibly in love.
amelia's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment preferred. ]
the crownless king of santa destroy himself did not expect to fall in love with sylvia's closest assistant, but ass beatings be damned, if they aren't the cutest, sexiest, most feral little assistant he's ever seen. killian is mute but their actions definitely say more for themself than they ever could with their voice. rumor has it that travis has a little trick up his sleeve that he would like to pull, as the saddest and loneliest assassin this side of the ward....and he hopes that killian will say yes.
[ killian and travis have been together for a few years after a messy confession, and travis is toying with proposing.
killian's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
the prince of small heath did not expect to fall in love with this former war nurse turned artist, but seeing the love they put into their paintings and the lengths they would go to to protect and heal the blinders and members of his family, thomas found himself deeply enamored with them. which is good news for aubrey, who had been pining for him for several years after moving to birmingham after the war and suffered through what they assumed to be an arranged marriage between the two just for their family brewery. thank god their service dog likes him.
[ aubrey and thomas, married, finally accepted their love for each other after being 'officially' together for a year or two. the shelby family love aubrey as one of their own.
aubrey's pronouns are they/them. neutral terms of endearment only. ]
vasily has been at deaths side since they parted ways with arachne 800 years ago. one of the first witches turned into a demon hunting weapon and subsequently possessed by a demon, vasily asked to be collared for the safety of others and death is the only one who can remove it. the only ones who know about the two are death the kid and dr. stein, and vasily is loyal to the lord for reasons even beyond their love for him.
[ vasily and death have secretly been lovers for 800+ years but front to everyone as lord and....secretary?
vasily's pronouns are they/it. masculine and neutral terms of endearment only. ]
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iloveyousallyface · 6 years
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look man, i love how much their relationship has grown but i do have a sweet spot for the cocky ex-band members fucking their frustrations away
@ironiclittlebaby thank you for the gift of punk larry i owe you my life
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oetravia · 3 years
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Every Brainia Scene Ever: 4x12 [5/5]
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A Z IN && C O L B Y: @blackoutrollins  & kvllerqueen
                              the life may leave my lungs, but my heart will stay with you
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dandylion240 · 2 years
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Part 7 @izayoichan
What songs do they sing together in the vehicle?
On the Road Again
Life is a Highway
Travelin Man
I'm Gonna be 500 Miles
2. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
They get along with Jonah and Cecil and Chris and Hayle.
3. Who is the one who loves to take pictures?
Jayden loves taking pictures.
4. What would they dress up as? (for Halloween)
They don't dress up for Halloween. Haven't really done so since the accident and being stalked by Jasper's angry ghost.
5. Who loves kids more?
They both love kids but it's Jayden who would have loved to have more kids.
6. Do either of them have a crazy ex?
The only ex is Jasper who was obsessed with Evan. With Chris's help we won't be seeing him again.
7. Who is the forgetful one?
Neither one is prone to forgetting things; although Jayden's pain meds play with his memory and he tends to forget more things than Evan does.
8. What do they do for Valentines Day?
They have a special family dinner where they exchange cards with each other. The kids usually make cards to give to them and each other. Jayden will have a dozen roses delivered to the house for everyone to share and Evan brings home a large box of chocolates that they all share.
9. Who has the better comebacks?
Jayden had the quick comebacks especially when they were younger. He doesn't say them as often now because he's realized that sometimes Evan takes them a little too literally and Jayden dislikes the wounded look that comes across Evan's face.
10. Who is the hopeless romantic?
Evan is the hopeless romantic but Jayden doesn't mind as he's learned that it's nice knowing someone thinks of you enough to leave little heart shaped notes scattered around the house for you to find.
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let's hear about FFVIII seifer, if you're still doing this XD
Why I like them: You know my tastes. A green-eyed man is introduced throwing fireballs around, is kind of a condescending jerk but in a fun way, instigates deep conversations on high ground while staring at the sunset...Well, before we even get to villainy, immolation, and redemption arc, I start going “Is this a favorite character?”  I’m joking...kind of. Some of that does factor in, even the fire. 
Okay, so my favorite thing about Seifer’s arc is that, in the limited focus he’s given, he’s complex and layered from the beginning, and his villain arc is a clear and fascinating illustration of “No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks” ….with a side of brainwashing.
Let’s break this down:
What are some of the words used to describe him by those that know him (by himself, by Squall, by Fuu and Rai)? Romantic. Idealistic. Sensitive. He is the one who believes in making a difference in the world--not just as a wish or goal, but as an imperative to do what your heart says is right even if it’s going to cost you--where Squall is just follow-the-orders-and-do-the-job. If you’re already reading this and objecting, I’m not saying Squall doesn’t care...obviously he does, defrosting Mr. Go Talk to a Wall and getting him to a place where he admits how many layers of mask he wears is his character development...but Seifer isn’t just a hothead. He wears his heart on his sleeve. 
Don’t get me wrong. I am not trying to deny that Seifer can be an abrasive, self-serving, hypocritical jackass sometimes,  who can fight dirty, wants to “wreak some havoc,” and has a history as a bully--though, gentlefolk of the jury, I submit to the courts that he puts on a tough act like Squall does and they are both different flavors of trying to mimic toxic alpha male--but let’s not forget that some of his establishing character moments are throwing out his future to disobey orders because he sees that the higher-ups have possibly misjudged the situation and civilians could be in danger, and, again, going AWOL because he thinks Squall and Rinoa could be killed. And he calls himself the white knight and holds up a code of honor until the end, even though it gets twisted. He is about duty and honor, with honor even over duty.
Oh, this was only going to be the beginning. I haven’t even begun to touch on what I would want to touch on--this is just surface personality and the beginning of the game before we even get to joining Sorceress Edea, and even then not all I would say-- but this post isn’t actually supposed to be my Ted talk on what you missed if you just think of Seifer as a recurring boss fight. Let’s move on.
ONE MORE THING ACTUALLY. Even though we see a lot of Seifer at his worst, you can use Fujin and Raijin as a mirror. What do they say near the end of the game if we paraphrase/summarize? They knew pretty early on, before even the senseless slaughter and torture era that Seifer was going down a dark path with the sorceress, but they knew it wasn’t him and stayed with him, not because they agreed with his actions, wanted power, or out of fear, but to take care of him and try to break through to him--and not because they are saints, but because he, despite what had happened in the past year, is the type of person who deserves and inspires that kind of loyalty. Let’s think on that.
Now the rest goes under a read more, because I am going to keep rambling and be wordy
Why I don’t: He can be an asshole, and he’s an asshole in an embarrassing way. As in, if one is trying to say he’s not the little punk his KH counterpart is, you remember he still uses the insult chickenwuss (though that is a legacy insult/nickname since he’s known Zell since childhood--and, fyi, Squall uses it too) and he had a little gang in school. Even once he’s a military commander of an evil army set on world domination, he has some moments where his level of petty undermines him.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): The Dollet mission
Favorite line: Sorry, not sorry that the following is my favorite exchange of lines and that the prison torture scene is another of my favorite scenes. For context, Seifer has captured Squall, has him hanging up on the wall in crucified hero imagery, implied to be shirtless even though his character model isn’t because they talk about scar tissue or lack thereof from a recent shoulder injury/Squall being stabbed in the chest/shoulder area. Seifer has been electrocuting Squall for information. By this point, I might as well have put the whole scene here. Also, I am now going to blame Squall and Seifer text boxes in FFVIII for my own abuses of ellipses...
Seifer: " I was hoping you'd be there, Squall. So... how'd I look in my moment of triumph? My childhood dream, fulfilled. I've become the sorceress' knight."
Squall: [internal monologue] ...Sorceress' knight... ...His...romantic dream...? But... Seifer... Now, you're just a…[Out loud] "... torturer."
[Squall passes out.]
Seifer: "What did you say? [Steps closer] Passed out cold, eh? This is the scene where you swear your undying hatred for me! The tale of the evil mercenary versus the sorceress' knight!”
This isn’t just me all “mmm, tension.” Seifer has passed the moral event horizon, and it’s not just faceless NPCs that are collateral damage anymore. We’ve seen him on screen torture the protagonist, who is also one of the only people who he’s shown to have a real bond with that goes beyond superficial. Then we get this and see Seifer thinks he’s the good guy still, on a noble mission where he’s had to make painful sacrifices, and Squall is a representative of the power-hungry evil. Seifer’s been playing a different game, and had his will twisted via magic.
Favorite outfit: The Amano art where the white coat is cast off and he’s wearing the simple black shirt and black jeans under it. Symbolic? Maybe. I wouldn’t give up the coat though. I love the long white/gray coat, the outer embodiment of wanting to wear the white hat, but the desire easily getting tarnished, and the red cross that turns into a sword and becomes Seifer’s symbol and soon to appear other places, emblazoned nice and big on the sleeve. It’s the Cross of Saint James. TRADITIONALLY red represents the blood of Christ, the three lilies represent the honor of the apostle and reference Christ as lily of the valley, and the sword shape represents the torture that St.James suffered before his murder. HOWEVER, my opinion is that here it’s more vague/altered symbolism (For starters, there are other gods not the Christian God in this world) with a side of “looks cool.” We still have something that clearly calls to mind a mission from on high, innocence in the lilies, blood and blood cost, and then war/violence with the sword. And I love it. 
OTP: Seifer/Squall. I should not even start, but lest you think I am just in it for kinky torture scenes: We have these two who, in the beginning, are generally callous or mocking toward everyone, but make each other laugh/smile, see who each other are underneath and describe each other in “soft” terms even if they tease each other for it, repeatedly check in on each other to see if the other is okay, respect each other’s opinion and skills, and...you get the idea. In the words of Zell Dincht, I thought you two were rivals, but you’re all buddy-buddy. 
Pause for a second and let’s just say first impression. That opening fight where they scar each other’s faces? It takes place outside Balamb Garden and the area is shown so we see they are alone. Squall passes out. Squall wakes up in the infirmary within the Garden base. Squall has to explain what happened; people don’t already know. This kind of implies after Squall passed out, Seifer, bleeding from a head wound himself, picked Squall up and carried him home, allowing himself to collapse only when Squall was being safely tended to, because he’s that extra. This is his first (okay, second, after fireballs and face slashing) action in the game even though it’s offscreen. I mean, he could have also just called for help/ran for help, but that’s less fun.
 Seifer is so concerned with being a badass, but he’s admits to Squall all he’s ever wanted was to be the fairytale knight, not a mere soldier. Vulnerability and confession he wants romance....with the first time it’s brought up in game being while they are watching the sun set together, the traditional Square Red Sunset of Shipping. 
Seifer hesitates to defy orders, not for himself, but until he sees Squall is with him. Even though there were other “children of destiny” who all came from the same orphanage, Squall and Seifer were the ones who were never apart, never adopted until it was by a military/mercenary training program, and, even though it may speak more to brotherly than romantic from some angles, there’s a feeling of being the same, knowing each other down to the atoms, adopting an us against the world mindset that trumps trying to best each other when it comes down to it because they are the only constant. When Squall has his breakdown/ breakthrough of why he pushes people away/doesn’t let himself care/tries not to need anyone because people leave/are taken from him and he is scared he isn’t worthy of love and happiness until Rinoa challenges him, this may seem like a dismissal of Seifer, but you can also look at it from “I had no friends or family. I didn’t even have interest in speaking to anyone. I strived to be an unfeeling machine, because all emotion is pain...But also I couldn’t go 48 hours without seeing Seifer.”
Yeah, yeah, we know their main form of hanging out was beating the tar out of each other, but sometimes, especially in older media, this was its own brand of subtext. For more on how Seifer miiiight just view sparring let’s point out that “Isn’t this ROMANTIC?” and “Kneel” as a less easily interpreted as innuendo version of  “I want you on your knees” are battle quotes even in Kingdom Hearts sooo draw your own conclusion. 
We get a line where Squall makes it clear these were friendly matches looked at as pushing their limits beyond what they are allowed to in sanctioned spars, and he feels prepared to take on anything  now because of Seifer. Is it healthy communication  in real life? No! Is this real life? No! Plus, the facial scar was an accident, pretty clearly...on Seifer’s side...I could write another essay on how Seifer draws first blood, but it’s because on Squall’s failed block, AND THEN SQUALL GETS ANGRY AND RETALIATES WITH CLEAR PURPOSE AND MAKES THE OPENING SHOT INTO THE FIRST SIGN GOOD VERSUS BAD GUY ISN’T SO CLEAR CUT (even though they both shouldn’t have been going so hard in a friendly training match to begin with).
 Seifer’s later, repeated threats/expressed desire to give Squall additional scars once he goes evil? That is a different animal, and a horrible one, objectively. Not objectively? No comment. Okay, one comment. Mark you as mine. Two comments. He knows Squall’s lost some memories and he can’t stomach being the next thing forgotten so Squall needs physical reminders.
Hmmm, I was supposed to be talking about the ship, not just the sparring and scars. We can wrap it up with a Marge Simpson. “I just think they’re neat”
Squall’s jacket when he becomes Leon in Kingdom Hearts. His outfit is mostly the same, right? Except the back of the jacket now has a red patch of an emblem (of Rinoa’s angel wings, not Seifer’s cross...for the OT3 feel), and his fight with Sora he throws a fireball like Seifer’s signature. Just, you know, if you want bonus references/feeling.
Brotp: Fuu and Rai. They are willing to commit war crimes with this man, nurse him back from death’s door, and go into exile with him if he can’t return to a normal life even after a redemption arc. This section deserves to be long, but I am beginning to get talked out. Don’t take that as devaluing the friendship though. I’m glad he was allowed to keep his ride or dies in Kingdom Hearts. FRIENDSHIP! They love him, ya know?
Head Canon: What we see of him at the end of the game is a temporary situation and after he heals and refreshes for awhile he’d go back to Balamb and face consequences for his actions, and probably insist on consequences instead of leaning into “an evil sorceress bespelled me and slowly took my free will.” No hiding away in the wilderness. No crossing into and living his life in Esthar. No, “but in the end I broke free and would have been an active, onscreen part of saving the world if Square had let me join the party!” He would insist on being cast into a deep, dark cell. Squall uses pull to get him pardoned, but not before just, flat out, yelling at him for being a martyr.
Unpopular opinion: He did love Rinoa. It may have been a “shallow love,” but he wasn’t just dating her to pass time or because she played into his damsel who needs a hero mindset. There was emotion. He was prepared to die for her and Squall in Timber, and almost did--only being saved by Sorceress Edea...which wasn’t a kindness, but it all worked out in the end. Sure, he gets mind-controlled into using Rinoa as, basically, a human sacrifice and it isn’t Rinoa he wants stripped and brought to his room when we’re taking prisoners, but he cared about her. He does taunt her about their past relationship, but we’ve already established this is just part of his communication skillset.  Yes, I will elaborate more if asked, though it’s more feeling based than text based. 
A wish: If there’s ever a sequel, let him have put out the good in the world that was his dream and be seen as a hero. Let us see a matured and peaceful Seifer. 
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: My one fear if they ever remake FFVIII instead of just porting it, is that some of the creative team have said they like the fan theory where you are dead part way through the game and the rest is a dying dream or purgatory. It’s creative stuff; I will say that. It’s not my favorite, and I don’t agree, but those kinds of fan interpretations when they go in depth are super cool. PLEASE LET THE INTEREST IN IT JUST BE THE SAME AS MINE OF THINKING IT’S CREATIVE BECAUSE MAKING THIS  CANON WOULD BE SO, SO BAD FOR EVERY CHARACTER.
5 words to best describe them: stubborn, misguided, paladin, romantic, petty
My nickname for them: I don’t really have one
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carbonthing · 4 years
Things to do this coming Valentine’s day that aren’t crying because you’re going to die alone:
Give yourself a valentine gift (that will be better than anything anyone else can give you).
Send your mutals some anonymous love.
Eat a really big heart shaped cake or alternately a really big box of chocolates. And remember you’re single so you don’t have to share them with anyone.
Mail anonymous valentine’s cards to people who you know are in a relationship and laugh as the chaos unfolds.
Read some valentine’s themed fanficton of your OTP and instead of crying about your loneliness remember no one will ever love anyone else as much as your OTP loves one another, so you dodged a bullet by being single.
Sit on your roof (if you can) and maniacally laugh or violently screech for as long as your lungs allow. Trust me you are messing up someone’s valentine’s sex.
Go outside or annoy your family by sniffing the air obnoxiously and saying ‘can you smell the love’, ‘can you smell the passion’ ‘Doesn’t it smell GOOD’.
Look into the void, it’s lonelier than you will ever be. Whisper secret messages into the void, ‘I never returned that money I borrowed’, ‘Clare is sleeping with the Baker’. The void loves hearing your secret messages.
Make some gingerbread people in the shapes of people in your life and bite their arms and legs off slowly because gingerbread people deserve to suffer.
Remind everyone repeatedly that St Valentine was actually the patron saint of epilepsy and was stoned to death. Remind them again to show how clever you are. Remind them once more just for good measure.
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usagichanp · 4 years
*rubs hands together* I was hoping someone would ask me that
This is gonna be a long one folks.
Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Life long partners, babey.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - I think they had crushes on each other for a while. They didn't officially say "I love you" till a few months into their relationship, but they thought it sooner.
How was their first kiss? - I wrote a lesbian Lexthan version of their first kiss, though I don't think canon Lexthan's first kiss was like that. I imagine it to be not really planned out; just like they're talking to each other in the car and lock eyes, then slowly lean in and kiss. Since they've had kisses before, it's not a catastrophe, and it's actually fairly soft.
Who proposed? - Ethan. Wrote a whole ass fic about it.
Who is the best man/men? - I know who the best man is in my fics (it's my man Marsh, for those who have read it), but idk about the canon Ethan's best man. Maybe Danny (the Smoke Club Boy) but I'm not sure if they'd be friends enough to be his best man. He might not have one.
Who is the bride's maid? - Hannah. Duh.
Who did the most planning? - Ethan, but Lex chipped in too. Tom might help as well if asked lol
Who stressed the most? - Ethan. Though their ceremony isn't big, he still wanted it to be a good memory down the road (it was)
How fancy was the ceremony? -
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
First they had just a courthouse wedding where they signed the papers, then had a tiny wedding ceremony with only close friends. Even if they could afford a proper wedding (Canon Lexthan prolly couldn't afford it) I don't think they'd want a big affair anyways. It's be exhausting.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Lex's mom. Obviously.
Now we're getting to the good part lads
Who is on top? - Ethan is a fucking switch. You can't convince me otherwise. He tops maybe like... 60/40 or 65/35. But when Lex tops, she tops bitch.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Ethan likes instigating things since he's a horny teenage boy, but it Lex doesn't want to, he stops. Sometimes Lex instigates, but usually when she does she's in the mood to top.
How healthy is their sex life? -
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
I'd give it a 7.5, depending on the situation. While they try to tone it down around Hannah, when they have alone time they'd totally go for it. Ethan's glovebox in his car has a box of condoms in it at all times. What can I say, as I said before, they're horny teenagers
How kinky are they? -
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
They don't like seeing each other hurt so they wouldn't like BDSM. They're not vanilla but nothing too crazy- blindfolding, light bondage (aka tying hands up with rope or cloth), scratching, light spanking, pegging
How long do they usually last? - It depends on how much time they have to have sex. They've done quickies in bathrooms or whatever before, but if they have all night then they're pretty good at prolonging it.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Absolutely. It is said in multiple fics (I think?) of mine that Ethan makes sure Lex has the same amount of orgasms as he does. Always.
How rough are they in bed? -
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
They certainly can have slow, soft, romantic sex, but Ethan is also 100% capable of rocking Lex's world so hard she can't walk right for a week. (That happens in my first fic, Cassieopia, albeit off screen)
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
1) I fucking love that metaphor 2) They don't get much physical affection at home, so they fucking love snuggling and cuddling- whether it be after sex or just hanging out. Sometimes they cuddle as a form of stress relief after a shitty day.
How many children will they have naturally? - 2, maybe 3.
How many children will they adopt? - I think they might prefer to have children naturally, but in my California series they gain custody of Hannah when she's 12. Does that count?
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Lex forces Ethan to learn how to change diapers. That being said, Lex isn't half bad at changing them either, since she helped change Hannah's when she was a child.
Who is the stricter parent? - They're not exactly strict parents, but both Lex and Ethan can definitely scold the kid. ("hAnNaH! tHaT bEtTeR bE fUcKiNg fLoSs!!!!!") That being said, both take care to not be abusive to their child, especially Lex. She doesn't want to be like her mom, so she tries to keep her temper in check.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Ethan has good reflexes, and has stopped his kids from falling and hitting their chin on a playground structure more than once. (Fun fact! That happened to me when I was 3. I fell from a steel elephant shaped jungle gym at a German zoo, hit my chin on a steel bar, and bit through my lower lip/knocked 3 teeth out. I still have the scar years later lol)
Who remembers to pack their lunches? - Lex. Though the lunches aren't always the healthiest.
Who is the more loved parent? - I think they're both loved, but maaaaaybe Ethan a bit more.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Neither would attend PTA meetings out of the goodness of their hearts. If Lex or Ethan would go to a PTA meeting, it'd most likely be because they wanted to yell at a teacher or principal. They might go seperately or together depending on the severity of the issue.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Ethan wouldn't admit he cried, but he did. So did Lex.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Oh bitch, Lex and Ethan both said fuck the law. If it was just like, an overnight jail cell for some stupid misdemeanor, they might try to break their kid out. Otherwise, Lex would probably the one paying the bail because Ethan would try to punch the cop in the face if the cop talked shit about Ethan's kid. That reaction is not exclusive to cops.
Who does the most cooking? - Neither of them are exactly 5 star chefs, but they can hold on their own. Lex is better at cooking breakfast and Ethan is better at cooking dinner- but if he's exhuasted from work, Lex can cook dinner for him.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither are picky. Both of them grew up young scrappy and hungry just like their country without really the chance to be picky. They had to take what they could get.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Lex. She's good at calculating totals in her head. I wrote that in an unrealeased fic.
How often do they bake desserts? - Rather rarely. Perhaps on special occasions or to bond. Ethan has ruined the kitchen with his kid trying to bake a cake for Lex at least once. Maybe more.
Are they more of a meat lover or salad lover? - Meat lovers, babey. Fuck that fancy plant bullshit.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Ethan. I wrote that in the proposal fic.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Depends on what you count as "going out". Lex likes going to McDonalds, but Ethan is the one who suggests eating at actual restaurants.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Ethan, but both have had near misses.
Who cleans the room? - Both had fairly messy rooms as teenagers so they're not super anal about having sparkling clean rooms. That being said, when someone comes over Lex does try to tidy the place up a bit. At least enough to make it seem like they have their shit together. Ish.
Who is really against chores? - Ethan can be a bit of a lazy bones sometimes, but Lex isn't exactly a huge fan of chores either. However, she is used to doing chores since she practically raised herself and Hannah.
Who cleans up after the pets? - They take turns. Both hate it.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Ethan, because he doesn't want to incur Lex's wrath.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Lex. As I said above, she actually actively cleans the house beforehand. Not to the level of that freaking out mom from the comedy video who's name I can't remember tho.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Ethan. He has a nack for finding random bits of money. Score.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Lex, though both take relatively quick showers to save water.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They actually like doing it together. It's nice to get some fresh air, and they enjoy each other's company.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Ethan goes over the top, partially to annoy Lex. You know that Christmas tree Chris Pine vine? Yeah, Ethan would fucking do that.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Live a better life together than they did in Hatchetfield. White picket fence and California dreams shit.
Who is more likely to sleep till noon? - Ethan, but Lex is known to sleep till 3 in the afternoon if she's really tired.
Who plays the most pranks? - Ethan. That's literally canon.
I can babble about them all day lol
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