#otp: katniss x peeta
bananaleaves · 10 months
and many graces. the hunger games, m, peeta/katniss. (1 / 3)
The love is too big for either of them to swallow, and it devours them both. The love survives, or they do.
What Peeta holds onto when he loses everything else, and what he finds after. (Or: Peeta hijacked, Peeta rescued, Peeta recovered.)
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enobariasdistrict2 · 7 months
no because like the moment where peeta and katniss were going back and forth fighting about the other being talented/a strong contender for the Games is so great because katniss was exposing the fact that she pays attention to what peeta does/says "peeta is so strong and he can lift big sacks of flour and he has big arms!!" and peeta's like "yeah well my mom said you were more likely to win than me, and you don't know the effect you can have on people" and katniss's oblivious ass is like "tf does he mean idk what effect i have on ppl is he talking abt how ppl hate me so much omg" and then in the corner is just a Live Haymitch Reaction
this is probably where haymitch got the idea for peeta to pull the star crossed lovers strategy out because they were literally both acting like children with very obvious crushes on one another and they were so blatant and unserious about it
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jakeperalta · 9 months
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"Therefore sing now / while you have the choice [...] / or you will drift as I do / from head to head / swollen with words you never said / swollen with hoarded love. / I exist in two places, / here and where you are." - Corpse Song by Margaret Atwood [insp]
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peeta-mellark · 2 years
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Catching Fire (2013) | dir. Francis Lawrence
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lunar-years · 10 months
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don’t want no other shade of blue, but you / no other sadness in the world would do
Part 5/?? of my favorite ships + taylor swift songs | Katniss Everdeen x Peeta Mellark
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aubdromeda · 9 months
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#EVERLARK — “ real or not real? “
they mean so much to me omfg how I wish we got a book or just like a little TREAT a little EXERPT of peetas “recovery” in district 13 and what methods they used for them oh how I wish to just take a PEEK inside his MIND SUZANNE COLLINS PLEAAAASE PLEASE…..!!!Anyways peetas games by igsy on ao3 🤤 my lord they’re so good they’re canon in my head I don’t even CAREEE ugh they write peeta so well… anyways I tried to draw everlark with how I see them when I read the books/how I picture them in my head so I hope u like thissss 😊😊😊 I drew this from the scene in mockingjay where katniss sees peeta for the first time after being brought back and the DREAD I felt reading that part is REAL ok pls don’t flop first post whatever idk how to use tumblr im using my 5 year old amino knowledge on this one boys
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fantasybuff96 · 9 months
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“The problem is, I can’t tell what’s real any more, and what’s made up.” The cessation of rhythmic breathing suggests that either people have woken or have never really been asleep at all. I suspect the latter. Finnick’s voice rises from a bundle in the shadows. “Then you should ask, Peeta. That’s what Annie does.”
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That what I need to survive is not Gale’s fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that. So after, when he whispers, “You love me. Real or not real?” I tell him, “Real.”
Everlark picking up ‘Real or not real.’ from Odesta will always be such a heartbreakingly beautiful moment. 💔❤️💔
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A list of my straight OTPs
A.K.A I get irritated if they are shipped with anyone else.
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... they passed my vibe check
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allysio · 1 year
earth prince/moon princess is such a strong trope and not used nearly enough
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Every All Too Well Lyric as a Ship
Katniss & Peeta (The Hunger Games)
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realmermaid333 · 2 years
for the dialogue thing: “just tell the truth for once in your life” and anything hunger games please! :D
gotcha :D
For most of her life, Katniss struggled to express her emotions. After her father died, she didn’t have time to be emotional. There were more important things for her to do, like feed her family, take care of Prim, complete her school work, and check on her mother. She barely paid attention to how she felt or what was going on in her mind, the most important thing was surviving. But now, it seems that the most important thing is how she’s feeling. 
Peeta, Dr. Aurelius, Haymitch, even Greasy Sae, are all worried about Katniss’s head health. Constant questions about how many nightmares she’s getting, if she’s feeling okay, if she is handling her grief healthily, does she still think about dying, etc. Katniss hates it. She feels uncomfortable facing her feelings, talking about them. It feels weird, almost like being naked in front of someone. 
Peeta talks about his feelings all the time, and Katniss doesn’t mind this one bit. She is used to comforting people, she is good at it— but she knows what Peeta really wants is for Katniss to talk to him. 
It was roughly noon when Katniss returned from the woods, she didn’t end up hunting, instead she sat up against a tree and let her mind roam. The past few days were rough for her, she woke each morning after nightmares of Rue, then Finnick, then Prim dying over and over again. The dreams were so vivid it was like she was really watching it all once more. Her depression left her irritable and on edge, she felt numb and was awfully quiet all day. 
She walked across the grass, past the primroses in the front lawn, and wiped her boots on the mat before entering the house. 
The house was warm and smelled of freshly baked bread, Peeta was in the kitchen kneading dough. Katniss, who was not in a talkative mood, did not want him to ask her about her trip into the forest, she wanted to be alone. She didn’t feel like pretending she was fine— but of course Peeta asked. 
“Hey, how was hunting?” he asked, covering a bowl of rising dough with a rag. 
“Fine,” Katniss replied plainly, trying to keep the conversation short. 
“Did you get anything?” 
“No, I didn't.” she said. 
She felt bad that she was annoyed at Peeta, he didn’t do anything wrong, but she didn’t want him to keep asking questions and she felt it was obvious that she didn’t catch anything considering her hands are empty. 
Peeta watched as Katniss put her bow in the closet and took off her hunting jacket. She could feel his concerned gaze and it made her want to leave again but she’d already kicked off her boots and couldn’t think of any good excuses. 
“Are you okay?” he finally asked. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just don’t really want to talk,”
He shakes his head “Katniss, you always say that,” 
“Because I am usually fine and don’t want to talk,” she says firmly. 
“I don’t believe that,” 
“Well, it’s true,”
They tensely stare at each other for a moment, arms crossed. 
“I know something has been bothering you. You’ve barely talked to me the past few days, you keep going to hunt but you come back with nothing, you keep saying you aren’t having nightmares but I know you are. Something is off. I know you better than you think,” Peeta continued. 
Katniss felt angry that Peeta wouldn’t just leave it alone. Why did he care so much? 
“Clearly you don’t know enough, because I am fine. I don’t always want to talk.” she retorted. 
“Just tell me the truth for once in your life!” 
There was an uncomfortable silence, Katniss was shocked by Peeta’s frustration. 
He sighed, “I’m sorry. You don’t tell me how you are feeling and it worries me. I feel like there’s this wall you’ve put between us. You won’t let me in. I get scared that you’re gonna hurt yourself or something,” Peeta said softly, staring at the floor. 
Katniss’s eyes welled with tears, she didn’t know he felt this strongly about this, about her even. Which was absolutely ridiculous, Peeta loved her so much. How could she not know? She stepped forward and enclasped Peeta, wrapping her arms around his neck. He hugged back, giving her a firm squeeze. 
To Katniss’s surprise, she began to cry. This was the first time she’d initiated physical touch with Peeta in days. She was ignoring Dr. Aurelius’s calls again too. She’d been distant and struggling, not wanting anyone to be concerned for her in fear she’d have to talk about her feelings. Peeta’s warm touch and strong embrace was exactly what she needed, although she didn’t realize until now. 
“Please tell me what is going on,” he muttered into her hair. 
And, reluctantly, she said, “Okay…”
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bananaleaves · 9 months
and many graces. the hunger games, m, peeta/katniss. (2 / 3). 18k.
On screen, a dead version of him kisses Katniss on the forehead, looking at her with such gentleness that he can almost feel it in his chest. “We tried to take care of each other,” he says, softly. “Sometimes.” “Sometimes,” Haymitch echoes. “When you weren’t trying to kill each other.”
What Peeta holds onto when he loses everything else, and what he finds after. (Or: Peeta hijacked, Peeta rescued, Peeta recovered.)
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enobariasdistrict2 · 10 months
there's something to be said about gale telling peeta that katniss will choose the person she can't survive without - a sentiment that katniss notices lacks any mention of love or comfort or affection, only partnership and practicality. because survival is the basis of gale and katniss's relationship - their relationship is the product of an oppressive regime where so many people starve and die and suffer. they built a partnership out of pragmatic necessity - friendship and affection and yes, even love, did spring from that, but nevertheless, survival was the foundation for them, and the fact that the majority of their dynamic is spent in the woods and this is the only place gale sees her happy is symbolic of that.
but her relationship with peeta is extremely different. he gives her laughter and comfort and joy no matter where they are. he balances out the temperamental and volatile nature (a characteristic she shares with gale as a result of their conditions) with peacefulness and an appreciation for beauty and goodness. they have a trust and camaraderie and friendship that extends far beyond the need for survival, a bond that connects them beyond merely the need to stay alive and protect their loved ones. it is with peeta that she truly lives and laughs and loves and betters herself. peeta notices and brings out the most wonderful parts of her cold, dispassionate exterior (mockingjay, suzanne collins), gives her an appreciation for beauty in life (dandelion in the spring, the pearl on the beach, etc). he's the calmness and peacefulness that she needs to truly live and feel free and safe, while gale is violence and storms and outbursts (which she may agree with, but his tendencies to choose violence don't satisfy katniss's emotional needs in a relationship like peeta does).
to gale and katniss, love and relationships and friendships and human connection come second to practical concerns and the mere desire to simply not die. for peeta and katniss, love and life are about far more than just survival, which is why they share an emotionally charged connection that's stronger than what gale and katniss have.
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iamnotathornbird · 2 years
all i want is for there to be a never ending flow of new and updated M & E fics for the couple i'm currently shipping.
and if i need a palate refresher, then i want to read a fic written by one of my favorite authors for the couple i was previously shipping.
is that really too much to ask for? 😫
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peeta-mellark · 1 year
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Hey, is there a place for us Where flames flicker and wave for us
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swiftlark · 6 months
Hi! I was wondering if you do this too.
I sometimes imagine my OTPs to love songs and picture them with the lyrics. Like old school YouTube shipping videos kinda. Do you do this too? If so, what songs???
i do this all the time. i go to bed thinking about my otps in edits LMFAO
i do it for almost every song, especially taylor songs. i think big ones that never change for me are
- cornelia street by taylor swift x jess and nick
- stargirl interlude by the weeknd & lana del rey x robin and starfire
- hot n cold by katy perry x mac and dennis
- peace by taylor swift x katniss and peeta
- work song by hozier x kaz and inej
- high infidelity by taylor swift x daisy and billy
- paris by taylor swift x marinette and adrien
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