#otp: poison and honey
hydrasshole · 1 year
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natalievoncatte · 4 months
Kara knows, and that’s the problem.
She knows.
How does she know?
To put it simply, she’s Kryptonian. More specifically: a Kryptonian under a yellow sun, whose wavelengths of light bring forth her genetic heritage when she basks in its rays. If long lost Rao was once her father, Sol is her mother, raising her up to be all that she can be. A creation of a lost super-science, a power to rival gods, a force that made the Guardians tremble in their emerald tower.
Kara can see everything.
The world is alive with light. It cascades and bounces and caroms off of everything. More than that, Kara’s world is bathed in a thousand thousand hues the human eye will never know. When she looks at a person she can see the electrical conductivity of their skin and the heat bloom of their flesh and a myriad of other details, some of which other humans can pick up on a subconscious level, others that humans haven’t even discovered yet.
Kara can hear everything.
She can hear dog whistles and butterfly wings beating and the secret language of cats. She can hear the crackle of radio waves beating the atmosphere and the music of the spheres. She can memorize human heartbeats and pick out the slightest variation, the tiniest wobble that the owner of the heart never feels.
Kara can smell everything. She can sift between the scents of ingredients in her honey bun, detect poisons in a friend’s wine or flowers in a park half a state away. Sharks would be jealous of her. She can scent people but also their moods; fear smells horrific, sickly sweet and rotten. Joy smells hot and bold. When someone walks in the room, she can tell what they had for breakfast, smell of they’re sick, pick out the fragrances of their emotions.
Kara can feel everything. A touch can betray or affirm. To hear a heartbeat is one thing, to feel it another. Her fingertips can read the surface of another’s skin like braille and she can detect the slightest changes in temperature or perspiration, feel the thrum of contentment or fear in an embrace. Her touch is not dulled by her invulnerability. It as sensitive as her other senses.
Kara can remember everything. The day she stepped from her pod into the brilliant golden sunlight beneath a blue sky was the last time she would every forget; her now empowered brain can recall events in the finest detail, down to the soft timbre of another’s voice or the way her hair fell over her shoulder or the softness in her gaze. And so Kara’s memory is hers to be kept forever, never to lose the sight of her.
That is how Kara knows, and knowing that Lena Luthor loves her is a pain so terrible that she almost wishes she could be spared that pain. When Lena sees Kara, her heart leaps and her breath softens and she comes alive with light, bathed in an auric glow more beautiful than a red sunrise. Kara wishes that Lena could see herself as Kara sees her. Radiant, angelic, a little holy.
Lena loves Kara Danvers, the bumbling awkward nerdy shy girl from Vaguely Canada who brings her burgers and donuts and OTPs.
She doesn’t love Supergirl and Kara doesn’t think she could.
That’s how the torture happens. Kara’s infinite perception becomes a self-imposed exile. She sees and smells the way James lusts after Lena, right in front of her. Baffled, she listens to the calm in her heart when they kiss and once she wakes frantically in the night, reaching about to sift through the city soundscape when she hears Lena’s voice cry out, then the sound of Lena’s heart racing and other sounds, and not for the first time, she pleads with a god she doesn’t know to make her human and free her from this curse.
She seeks feeling of her own. It’s pleasant enough but it lacks something undefinable, like a pleasant chocolate cake that becomes unbearable because she could have had something far sweeter and more filling instead. He tries in a fumbling way but it’s to please his own ego more than sate her desire. Then one day he is gone and in his absence all Kara can feel is a dull numbness, a ragged wound with all the nerves scraped out so that only a dull absence has been left behind, leaving her broken in a way that cannot be defined much less repaired.
Kara cannot help but snap her attention to the sound of Lena growing agitated, no matter how distant or minor. She hears harsh words and the heavy thud of a limo door closing and hears the sharp intake of breath as James realizes the mistake he’s made, and though he is her friend and he matters to him she feels a feral, possessive joy that borders on the cruel. It is a hard feeling, a red feeling, a sharp smelling mean feeling that tastes cold on her tongue, this resentment of the man for having a pale shadow of what she could have but wouldn’t.
Lena loves Kara Danvers and Kara Danvers loves her back, but she can never know because to know she must know all of her. Know the Other, the Super, the Alien.
Kara is two people and one of those people has been, well, a bitch.
Because Kara feels spending else. A green feeling, a sick feeling, the feeling of blades flensing flesh from bone while her veins turn to glass and her body burns to ash, the shocking pain of a little piece of home. A little piece that Lena made and didn’t tell her, and Kara makes the worst mistake.
She stops being Supergirl and is just Kara Danvers in a colorful suit, angrily refusing to ask Lena the question: I love you, how could you do this to me?
She does love her. She loves her laugh and her secret smiles and how soft she looks when she’s deep in thought. She loves the pain in her, the mirror of her own. She cherishes it as she wants hers to be cherished, held close by someone who knows what it’s like to watch your world explode or slip beneath still waters and be gone forever. She knows what it’s like to wonder what could have been and know the price you paid for what you have now.
She wants Lena so terribly that she’d almost choose the pain of Kryptonite instead of an eternity of this longing. She needs her, craves her, thirsts for her.
One night Kara realizes what she’s been doomed to. Another will succeed where James failed, and Kara will be spared none of it, and it will endure forever. She will carry memories of Lena in another’s arms into the sun dies.
“I don’t know why I agreed to this,” Lena says.
Kara -Supergirl- says nothing at first.
“I have to fly you.”
Lena nods. She’s doing this for Kara, because Kara asked. When Supergirl extends a hand, Lena takes it and Kara gently lifts her from the ground into a bridal carry, and they fly.
The trip takes nearly an hour. Kara can’t fly too fast or too high. Lena accepts it without complaint.
They land far north of National City, where the warmer climate yields to deciduous rainforest. Kara brings them down on a bare hilltop, an island in a vast ocean of trees. Nearby on a folding table is a basket. It might be important later or it might not. She might have a life of joy or she might spend the rest of forever in a wasteland, waking each day to grief.
There’s only one way to find out. Part of her, the part that hopes, the part that makes her Supergirl, believes in this, in herself, in this moment. She has to, because the chain of events that led her here, flung across endless space to stand in starlight with the most beautiful woman in this world, it demands that it happen. This is fate. It has to be.
Supergirl stands beside Lena. She raises an arm and points.
“There. Second star on the left, and straight on till morning.”
Lena quirks an eyebrow and looks at her.
“You brought me out here for this?”
“Do you see that red light?” Kara asks. “It’s very faint. I don’t know if a human can see it or not.”
“I just see stars.”
“It’s Rao, my sun. I can see him. If I had a powerful enough telescope, I could see it. Krypton. The explosion won’t be visible to Earth for a thousand years.”
Lena looks up, her features bathed in moonlight- alive with a chaotic explosion of hues she’ll never see. She blazes in the night, her eyes a kaleidoscope from which Kara can never truly look away. She’s a rainbow.
Kara falters. Whatever she does tonight, this is it. This is forever.
“You said Kara would meet me here,” Lena says.
“Wait here, please.”
Kara turns quickly and walks into the dark, cape spreading behind her. Once she’s out of sight, she changes without restraining her speed, and walks back to Lena in a hoodie and leggings, hair in a loose ponytail and the back of her neck and hands in her pockets.
She walks back to Lena and stands beside her.
“Hello, Kara.”
“Hi, Lena.”
There is a tense silence between them. Kara devours the moment, consumes it so it will live forever, just in case this is the last time she sees Lena.
“We’re not far from the reservoir,” says Lena. “Why did you ask Supergirl to bring us here?”
Kara swallows hard. “I realized something really important near here.”
Lena turns to her. “What was that?”
“That there was someone who mattered to me a lot, and that I was willing to risk a lot to protect her. There was a moment where I thought I was going to have time make a choice, you or the chemicals. I didn’t have to but I would have. I would have picked you. I will always pick you. I can’t help it.”
Lena is not stunned. Her heart doesn’t miss a beat, but Kara can sense her apprehension, her fear, and something deeper than that.
“You’re Supergirl.”
Kara lets out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding and her legs wobble. There it is. It’s done. She’s free.
“I should have told you sooner.”
“You should have. You should have told me when we fought about the Kryptonite. I thought you would, hoped you would. I wanted you to so desperately, wanted you to trust me.”
Kara’s heart sinks.
“Wait, you knew? How?”
Lena laughs softly.
“The way you touch me. When you pick me up and carry me somewhere, you have this way about you. When I’m in your arms I feel like I’m the most precious thing in the world.”
“You are,” Kara says.
“That and you told me you flew to my office on a bus.”
Kara makes a small, choked sound.
Lena scuffs the heel of her boot against the ground.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was scared. I thought if I did, you’d see it as a confrontation and feel threatened. What about you?”
“I’m Kara. Supergirl is something I do, not what I am. When I’m with you I’m just me. I lose that with everyone when they find out. Kara isn’t my secret identity. Supergirl is. I’m just me. I just want to be me, I need to be me, and when I’m with you I am most myself. It’s like laying down all my burdens.”
“Same,” Lena said, softly. “You’re the only one who doesn’t treat me like an extension of my brother.”
Kara sighed. “Should we talk about the Kryptonite?”
“No,” Lena says. “Fuck the Kryptonite. Why’d you bring me out here?”
“To tell you.”
“Great, you told me. What did you think would happen next?”
“I thought you’d be mad.”
Lena nods and seems to think about that for a moment. Her pulse has quickened and her jaw is tight.
“Let me ask you a different question. What did you want to happen?”
Kara swallowed hard. “What I wanted was… for us to make up. Be friends. Work it out. I don’t want to lose you.”
Lena turns and looks at her.
Kara flinches.
“That’s bullshit, Kara, and we both know it. You’re a terrible liar. I wouldn’t be surprised if half the staff at CatCo know who you are. Don’t lie to me. Please. Give me the truth.”
Kara looks up briefly, past Lena. She sees that faint red glow and her heart swells in her chest.
“I love you. That’s the truth. I’ve been in love with you probably since our first lunch together and I want you so badly that I can’t breathe when I think about it. I know a dozen languages and half of them aren’t from Earth, and there aren’t enough words in all of them to tell you how kind and wonderful and beautiful you are. I love you so much that sometimes I think,” Kara fights the tightening of her throat, “I think I’m almost glad that I’m here and not back up there under that red glow. I don’t think I could choose a life without you.”
Lena lets out a long breath and Kara is bombarded with sensations. Lena’s pulse races and her shoulders relax and her skin blooms with an ethereal luminous riot of color.
“I’ll never lie to you again. I promise.”
Kara can taste everything.
Right now the only thing she can taste is Lena.
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litterateur97 · 2 years
Tag people you would like to get to know better
Thanks for the tag @gigantomachy1916! I'm always happy to talk about my interests lol!
1. Three Ships
L x Misa obvi, my otp. They live in my head rent free 24/7. Zuko x Sokka is another big ship for me. I've always loved both characters a lot and the episode Boiling Rock changed me as a child. Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy is also a huge obsession of mine. I love both characters separately, but together they are just so perfect. I really feel like they balance each other out and help each other's character development. I never write for zukka or harlivy like I do for lawmane, mostly because I'm intimidated, but I have little stories in my head about them as well.
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2. First Ever Ship
I'm pretty sure my first ever ship was Kim Possible x Ron Stoppable. I really wanted them to end up together and I remember being so excited when they finally kissed in the movie. I kinda want to go back and watch the show and see if I still love it as much as I did as a kid.
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3. Last Song
No Rain by Blind Melon. One of my all time favorite songs and I often listen to it when I've been going through it. I really identify with this song and yeah this year has already been off to a rough start for me.
4. Last Movie
The last movie I watched was Bullet Train and I really enjoyed it! It was a really funny action movie and I really liked most of the cast! Aaron Taylor Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry were definitely my favorites, all of their scenes together were just fantastic!
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5. Currently Reading
I'm currently reading Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers. It's a really sweet and cute lesbian romance and I'm enjoying it a lot so far! I'm also catching up on a few different fanfics, one for literati called lux et veritas and it is sooo good and super in character.
6. Currently Watching
A few different things, mainly focused on The Last of Us show right now, which I am very much enjoying. I'm also watching Abbott Elementary, which is fantastic, You season 4, which has been interesting, and SaikiK, which is absolutely hilarious.
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7. Currently Consuming
I just ate some chicken pita Mediterranean meal that I made myself. It was very good and I'm very proud of myself and my cooking skills.
8. Currently Craving
Zaxby's. I fucking love their fried chicken and zax sauce. I am always wanting Zaxby's, but I don't have the money to eat out 😭.
9. Tagging
@barlee--mars @blondiest @balsemicvinegar @cryptid-in-the-labyrinth @citruscloudsandmoon @dillyfirestarter @ecolekua @fengsuave123 @fuu-miku @herembers @iamredby @knowingoverseer @kartyboomz @mere-mortifer @nomorification @puffballlofdoom @redcrewmate @rottentiger-art @s-k-e-t-c-h-y-artist @witchxmom And anyone else who is interested in answering!
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achinga · 3 years
Baizhu <3
favorite thing about them: everything. literally everything what's there not to love. okay but seriously I LOVE his design. it's like mihoyo took the perfect gender out of my head and placed him in front of me
least favorite thing about him: he's not in my team. ASIDE FROM THAT, since we don't know much about him still, I can't say there's anything I don't really like. maybe my only gripe is that changsheng is kinda plain? compared to his design? like I get why because they don't want her to clash with baizhu but still....I still love her so much tho!
favorite line: "Ah...yes of course, Qiqi, anything you want." he care
brOTP: I think he and hu tao becoming incredibly reluctant frenemies is hilarious and I need more content in my life. they have so much potential! the incredible dynamic thats are already there of the doctor seeking immortality and the funeral director greatly disapproving is. chefs kiss. I could and WOULD write an essay about this
OTP: zhongzhu!!! they're so funny together fr. I love the dynamic of "has committed and WILL commit atrocities" vs "that's nice honey now what did u want for dinner?" the potential...ITS THERE
nOTP: hmm.....I haven't seen many baizhu ships honestly. anything w the teens is of course absolutely no. for baizhu I can really only see him living his best life alone alongside qiqi or with zhongli tbh!
random headcannon: he's aro<3. also @falling-camellias has put it into my head that he's the former dendro archon w no memories and I cannot unthink it. that's canon now babyyy. OH AND @starstruck-sheikah thoughts about baizhu having poison darts. MIHOYO PLEASE,
unpopular opinion: I don't know if this is super popular but when people say he doesnt care about qiqi. like yes he has ulterior motives but he cares for her!!! that's his child!! he literally gives in to the ginger menace the instant she asks for coconut milk. and even if he can't bring himself to say it with 100% honesty, you don't just hug someone and tell them you love them the most for the shits and giggles when it's not necessary. he cares about her!!!!!
song I associate with them: have not properly assigned a song to him just yet, but the confession by autoheart.....Yeah
favorite picture of them: ANYTHING @/ZHONGZHUISM DRAWS TBH!!! I love their baizhu sm......BUT in game picture. when he does this:
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TAGGED BY: @princesssarisa​
@ardenrosegarden​ @giuliettaluce​ @gravedangerahead​
Favorite thing about them: Oh my sweet boy, he is a sensitive poet that only wants to distance himself of violence and to share his love (for Juliet and for love itself) with the world.
Least favorite thing about them: That fact that when Tybalt kills Mercucio, he blames Juliet for “turning him affeminate” (weak) and decides to kill Tybalt in relation, believing this will prove that he is “man enough”. This obviously is the biggest mistake he ever commited.
Three things i have in common with them:
-His melancholy.
-I also can sometimes find dificult to communicate my true feelings to friends and relatives.
-I also love Juliet Capulet.
Three things i don’t have in common with them:
-Nobility status.
-Training to fight with a sword.
-I can’t improvise poetic dialogue the way he can. And i don’t have his french.
Favorite line:
“I fear, too early: for my mind misgives Some consequence yet hanging in the stars Shall bitterly begin his fearful date With this night's revels and expire the term Of a despised life closed in my breast By some vile forfeit of untimely death”.
 “What lady is that, which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight?
O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows. The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand, And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night”.
“ If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss”. 
“But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green And none but fools do wear it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were! She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that? Her eye discourses; I will answer it. I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks: Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat her eyes To twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven Would through the airy region stream so bright That birds would sing and think it were not night. See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek”!
 “She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art As glorious to this night, being o'er my head As is a winged messenger of heaven Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds And sails upon the bosom of the air”.
“ Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this”?
 “Amen, amen! but come what sorrow can, It cannot countervail the exchange of joy That one short minute gives me in her sight: Do thou but close our hands with holy words, Then love-devouring death do what he dare; It is enough I may but call her mine”.
“Ah, Juliet, if the measure of thy joy Be heap'd like mine and that thy skill be more To blazon it, then sweeten with thy breath This neighbour air, and let rich music's tongue Unfold the imagined happiness that both Receive in either by this dear encounter”.
“This gentleman, the prince's near ally, My very friend, hath got his mortal hurt In my behalf; my reputation stain'd With Tybalt's slander,—Tybalt, that an hour Hath been my kinsman! O sweet Juliet, Thy beauty hath made me effeminate And in my temper soften'd valour's steel”!
“ This day's black fate on more days doth depend; This but begins the woe, others must end”.
“Alive, in triumph! and Mercutio slain! Away to heaven, respective lenity, And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now”!
“O, I am fortune's fool”!
“Thou canst not speak of that thou dost not feel: Wert thou as young as I, Juliet thy love, An hour but married, Tybalt murdered, Doting like me and like me banished, Then mightst thou speak, then mightst thou tear thy hair, And fall upon the ground, as I do now, Taking the measure of an unmade grave”.
“ It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale: look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east: Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. I must be gone and live, or stay and die”.
“ Let me be ta'en, let me be put to death; I am content, so thou wilt have it so. I'll say yon grey is not the morning's eye, 'Tis but the pale reflex of Cynthia's brow; Nor that is not the lark, whose notes do beat The vaulty heaven so high above our heads: I have more care to stay than will to go: Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so. How is't, my soul? let's talk; it is not day”.
 “Come hither, man. I see that thou art poor: Hold, there is forty ducats: let me have A dram of poison, such soon-speeding gear As will disperse itself through all the veins That the life-weary taker may fall dead And that the trunk may be discharged of breath As violently as hasty powder fired Doth hurry from the fatal cannon's womb”.
“Art thou so bare and full of wretchedness, And fear'st to die? famine is in thy cheeks, Need and oppression starveth in thine eyes, Contempt and beggary hangs upon thy back; The world is not thy friend nor the world's law; The world affords no law to make thee rich; Then be not poor, but break it, and take this”.
“I pay thy poverty, and not thy will”.
“There is thy gold, worse poison to men's souls, Doing more murders in this loathsome world, Than these poor compounds that thou mayst not sell. I sell thee poison; thou hast sold me none. Farewell: buy food, and get thyself in flesh. Come, cordial and not poison, go with me To Juliet's grave; for there must I use thee”.
“How oft when men are at the point of death Have they been merry! which their keepers call A lightning before death: O, how may I Call this a lightning? O my love! my wife! Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty: Thou art not conquer'd; beauty's ensign yet3040 Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there. Tybalt, liest thou there in thy bloody sheet? O, what more favour can I do to thee, Than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain To sunder his that was thine enemy? Forgive me, cousin! Ah, dear Juliet, Why art thou yet so fair? shall I believe That unsubstantial death is amorous, And that the lean abhorred monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour? For fear of that, I still will stay with thee; And never from this palace of dim night Depart again: here, here will I remain With worms that are thy chamber-maids; O, here Will I set up my everlasting rest, And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars From this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace! and, lips, O you The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss A dateless bargain to engrossing death! Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide! Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark! Here's to my love”!
“O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die”.    
brOTP: With Mercucio and Benvolio.
OTP: With Juliet.
nOTP: With Rosaline, Benvolio, Mercucio and Tybalt.
Random Headcanon:
-His favorite colors are: blue, green, white and silver.
-His favorite fairy tale is Rapunzel.
-His favorite greek myth is the love story of Orpheus and Euridice.
-In a Modern Day Everybody Lives AU i made in collab with @giuliettaluce​, he becomes an English Lit and Poetry professor. To know more about it, read it here:
Unpopular Opinion: Yes, Leonard Whiting is a good actor and he was a very good casting choice for the role of Romeo in the 1968 movie. But the cuts of many of his lines, like the one where he thinks that killing Tybalt as a regaining of honor and his dialogue with the apotecary, tones the characters actual complexity and intelligence way, way down, and is the cause of the popular misconception that Romeo is an impulsive bratty teenager.
Song i associate with them: 
Flor, Minha Flor (Grupo Galpão), wich is the theme of Grupo Galpão’s montage of Romeo and Juliet: 
Favorite picture of them:
Sir Ian Holm, 1967
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Dolhai Attila, 2001
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Adetomiwa Edun, 2010 
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Eduardo Moreira, 2012/13
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Lucien Laviscount in the Still Star-Crossed series, 2017
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Tag 11 people you’d like to get to know better!
I was tagged by @jadeplumbob and @prima-rina! Thank you so much to the both of you <3. I have never been tagged for anything so this is super exciting! <3333333
dogs or cats? Dogs! I have a 9 year old English lab. Wrigley, my baby. Who grouns when he eats and always wants to cuddle. But honestly I like anything floofy!
youtube celebrities or normal celebrities? Can I say both. I feel like we fall in love with youtubers because of their personalities. But regular celebrities are more of a cinematic experience that most youtubers wouldn’t be able to duplicate.
if you could live anywhere where would be? Somewhere in the mountains. Remote. Off the grid where you are just continuously surrounded by the nature that cities have forgotten existed.
Disney or DreamWorks? Disney, I like the star Wars. Love all the aliens and species in the films. I was a swtor mmo player for a long time because of it. Yes I am letting the nerd out of the closet! :D
favorite childhood tv show(s)? Duck tales the movie. Rescue Rangers, Tailspin.Oh and Winnie the poo “The land of milk and honey movie” We were poor and only had movies lol
the movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? David Copperfeild, Mulan, Artimes Fowl, I was super excited about Zombieland 2 that just came out! I haven't seen it yet. The new mutuants look pretty darn cool too.
favorite book you read in 2019? Hmm. I haven't had a chance to read a lot this year. I’ve been so busy. But “Red Rising’ By peirce Brown was AMAZING I could not put it down. Like a dystopian hunger games. That is just uuugggg soo good. I am going to read it again now!! lol
marvel or dc? I like characters from both but Dc: Green lantern, Flash, and Green Arrow. Of course Batman and all their amazing villians. Poison Ivy. Pengin. 
if you choose marvel favorite member of the X-men? if you choose DC favorite justice league member? He’s not a member, but I love The penguin. I do think Aqua man is pretty cool though all in all. He’s a little but of both the villain and the hero.
night or day? So I wake up for my job at like 4 something in the morning, and I tend to walk up generally pretty early on my days off because of that. But I am a night owl all the way. I will get some stuff done after 8 pm! LOL
favorite Pokémon? Oh man I remember when pokemon just came out. I loved Ninetails, but the last evalution. Cubone was cute. But I think out of the total original was squirtal
Top 5 Bands? This one is hard. Cuz I love me some songs. Hmmmm ones I cant live without. Queen. Freddy Mercury is a musical genious. I love me some Bruno Mars. Blink 182, Green Day. Red Hot chilli peppers, Lady Gaga. The eagles.  Rush and some Phil collins. Disturbed, Korn. Yeah my musical tastes are everywhere. Basically anything that bops.
top 10 books? 1. The City of Bones 2. Red Rising Series 3. Divergent Series 4. Harry Potter 5. Anything Kresley Kole Paranormal romance. 6. Angels and demons by dan brown. 7. Karen Marie Monings Fever Series. (AMAZING.) 8. Gena Showalter The darkest touch and that series. 9. Planet Urth series (AMAZING) 10. The dragon riders of pern. 11. Eragon Series 12. Throne of glass (AMAZING LOL no really good.) 13. Children of Eden
top 4 movies? 1. Memoirs of a Geisha, Inception, Gangs of New York. Avatar, Zombieland, The fifth Element, Looper was cool too. Minority Report
america or europe? Id say both. Ive never seen Europe. So until I do I can’t say ^.^
tumblr or twitter? Tumblr I’ve never used anything else.
pro-choice or pro-life? Pro-choice
favorite youtuber? Daz Games, Joey Garceffa, and Devon Bumpkin
favorite author? Kresley Kole. Her whole immortals after dark series is amazing. It’s paranormal romance though (Mature ;) only though.)
tea or coffee? I love tea but lately Ive need caffine (Coffee) and my skin hates it.
OTP? Jack and Rose on the titanic. But come one she could have scooted over a little. 
do you play an instrument/ sing ? I used to play the flute, I was in marching band. This one time, at band camp..... no. I haven't played since then but I wish I never gave it up. I was pretty good!
Yes, I cannot deny the amount of geekiness in this post. But I embrace it.I am sorry I have not done this sooner. My grandfather has been very sick in the hospital, so thank you to you too for thinking of me. I needed this. <3 
I tag @gerbithats @geeky-simz @ladykendalsims @prismaticpixels @vapidsims @gladlypants @blurri-sim-kid @oasiscreek @pxelbeans @guapogato @reecey-v @sikasims
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gcwcns · 5 years
below the cut you will find 100+ (i lost count) lyrics from hozier’s entire discography that could be used as rp (charrie, otp, etc.) tags. they are arranged by song. if you’re looking for a specific song press ctrl (command if on mac) and f to search it! 
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take me to church 
if the heavens ever did speak she's the last true mouthpiece
i'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
i’m a pagan of the good times my lover’s the sunlight
drain the whole sea get something shiny
there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
angel of small death & the codeine scene
shaking the wings of their terrible youths
with her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean
she's the angel of small death and the codeine scene 
it's bloody and raw, but i swear it is sweet
the sweet heat of her breath in my mouth I'm alive
jackie and wilson
so tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes
no better version of me i could pretend to be tonight
she blows outta nowhere roman candle of the wild
every version of me dead and buried in the yard outside
cut clean from the dream at night let my mind reset
someone new 
electing strange perfections in any stranger i choose.
there's an art to life's distractions,
the dark caress of someone else i guess any thrill will do
my heart's already sinned.
i fall in love just a little bit every day with someone new
to be alone 
never feel too good in crowds
all i’ve ever done is hide 
i feel like a person for a moment of my life
to have someone kiss the skin that crawls from you
it's the god that heroin prays to
from eden 
something tragic about you something so magic about you
honey you're familiar like my mirror years ago
idealism sits in prison chivalry fell on its sword
innocence died screaming honey ask me i should know
i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door
in a week 
i have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me
our hunger's appeased our heart beats becoming slow
so long, we'd become the flowers
after the foxes have known our taste
they'd find us in a week when the buzzards get loud
just a little rush to feel dizzy to derail the mind of me
our veins are busy but my heart's in atrophy
you and I nursing on a poison that never stung
free and young and we can feel none of it
i'm somewhere outside my life babe
work song
there's nothing sweeter than my baby
she'd give me toothaches just from kissing me 
no grave can hold my body down i’ll crawl home to her 
in the low lamp light i was free 
heaven and hell were words to me 
like real people do 
why were you digging what did you bury 
i will not ask and neither should you
honey just put your sweet lips on my lips
we should just kiss like real people do 
i knew that look dear eyes always seeking
it will come back 
i know who i am when I'm alone
you should never know how easy you are to need 
don't let me in with with no intention to keep me
give me mercy no more
don't you hear me howling babe
foreigner’s god 
she moved with shameless wonder perfect creature rarely seen 
her eyes look sharp and steady into the empty parts of me 
always a well dressed fraud
screaming the name of a foreigner's god the purest expression of grief
i've no language left to say it every word i've got is foreign to me 
cherry wine
her eyes and words are so icy 
she burns like rum on a fire
the blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine
her fight and fury is fiery 
and it's worth it all it's divine
in the woods somewhere
i called your name til the fever broke
night so black that the darkness hums
i prayed my mind be good to me  
i spoke no word no sound he made
to save a life i didn't have
tare is this love keep it covered
her hungry eyes her ancient soul
a shame without a sin
with as many souls claimed as she
run til you feel your lungs bleeding
arsonist’s lullaby
i learned the voices died with me
all you have is your fire
don't you ever tame your demons but always keep em on a leash
i knew that something would always rule m
but my peace has always depended on all the ashes in my wake
my love will never die 
honey please try to love me
my love will never die
flowers grow where I'm laid to rest
pick a blossom and hold it hold it to your breast
my love bursting loud from inside
nina cried power 
it's not the waking, it's the rising
it's the heaven of a human spirit ringing
i could cry power
power has been cried by those stronger than me
rattle your chains if you love being free
give your heart and soul to charity
the rest of you the best of you belongs to me
If I was born as a black thorn tree I'd wanna be felled by you 
fuel the pyre of your enemies
ain't it warming you the world goin up in flames
moment’s silence (common tongue) 
relax and catch the manic rhapsody
all of me is a prayer in perfect piety
when the meaning is gone there is clarity
since it all begun to it's reckoning
so summon on the pearl rosary
the words hung above but never would form
remember me love when i'm reborn 
as the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn 
all of my goodness is going with you now
grounded and giving and darkening scorn
almost (sweet music)
sweet music playin in the dark
be still my foolish heart don't ruin this on me
let's get lost and let the good times roll
a love supreme seems far removed
reporting russian lullabies
i could never define all that you are to me
shake like the bough of a willow tree
honey you're atlas in his sleeping
in awe of something so flawed and free
when you move i move
no plan
the screaming heaving fuckery of the world
there's no kingdom to come
there will be darkness again
keep my body from the fire hire a gardener for my grave
when I'm lying under marble marvel at flowers you'll have made 
i've been fed gold by sweet fools in abu dhabi
i'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint
if i had the choice between hearing either noise
i once warmed my hands over a burning Maserati
i’ve had no love like your love
to noise making (sing)
your head tilt back your funny mouth to the clouds
was it just the act of making noise that brought you joy
you don't have to sing it right but who could call you wrong
put your emptiness to melody your awful heart to song
who could ask you be unbroken or be brave again
as it was
i'd had life enough my heart is screaming of
whatever here that's left of me is yours
but your love was unmoved
just as it was before the otherness came
nights were as dark as my baby half as beautiful too
i’d be the voice that urged orpheus when her body was found 
i'd be the choiceless hope in grief that drove him underground
imagine being loved by me
i'd be the last shred of truth in the lost myth of true love
that's found in the last witness before the wave hits
once atrocity is hoarse from voicing shame
with the same sweet shock of when Adam first came
be the hopeful feeling when eden was lost
when i have no kind words left love for you now
that will grow bold in a barren and desolate land
dinner & diatribes
hell is the talking type
i'd suffer hell if you'd tell me what you'd do to me tonight 
a pillar i am of pride
let there be hotel complaints and grievances raised
that's the kinda love i’ve been dreaming of
would that i 
love in withdrawal was the weeping of me
with the roar of the fire my heart rose to its feet
i fell in love with the fire long ago 
i was fixed on your hand of gold
and it’s not tonight where i’m set alight
betray the moon as acolyte on first and fierce affirming sight
a soul that's born in cold and rain
i would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty
strap the wing to me death trap clad happily
your love is sunlight
wasteland, baby!
all the fear and fire of the end of the world
like the bonfire that burns that all words in the fight fell to
be still my indelible friend you are unbreaking
and that day that we'll watch the death of the sun
the death of all things that are seen and unseen
better love
blind to the purpose of the brute divine
Staring in the blackness at some distant star
you whose heart would sing of anarchy
when our truth is burned from history
like fire weeping from a cedar tree know that my love would burn with me
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insfiringyou · 6 years
BTS - what perfumes / fragrances they would like on their girlfriend
Our opinions only based on our idea of the types of girls they would go for & what we think they would personally enjoying smelling when close to a girl
Our full masterlist can be found here
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What perfumes their ideal girlfriends would wear. You will find some references to our headcanon OTP scents within our scenarios. Our headcanon masterlist can be found here & our complete masterlist here
Descriptions of the perfumes are our own. Notes have been found on fragrantica.
Content below cut
RM’s girlfriend
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Christian Dior - J’Adore (1999)
Light and floral, this fragrance is classic without being overly old fashioned or headache inducing. Perfect for all occasions, it opens with a citrussy-floral burst including notes of pear and mandarin, flourishes with a heart of jasmine and orchid and dries down to a soft, light musk.
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Paco Rabanne - Lady Million (2010)
This sweet, floral fragrance is perfect for cocktail parties and would pair well with a classy little black dress. A little headier than the day time scent, fruity top notes of lemon and raspberry give way to a warm, ambery dry down which includes notes of honey.
Jin’s girlfriend
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Marc Jacobs - Daisy (2007)
A light, fresh floral scent which feels airy and pretty and casual enough for all occasions. This modern classic opens with sweet strawberry and violet leaf before giving way to a white floral heart and soft musks.
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Lancome - La Vie Est Belle (2012)
This sweet, gourmand fragrance is a little more grown up and heavy for evening wear. Delicious and foody, this fragrance opens with fruity blackcurrant and pear before giving way to heavier notes of iris, prailine, vanilla, tonka bean and patchouli.
Suga’s girlfriend
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Yves Saint Laurent - Black Opium (2014)
This gourmand is sweet, but soft enough for casual occasions and everday wear. The standout note in this fragrance is coffee which we feel would suit Yoongi’s girlfriend a lot. It dries down to a warm, vanilla scent with notes of almond and a touch of liquorice.
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Christian Dior - Hypnotic Poison (1998)
This fragrance is slightly heavier for evening wear. A heady, smoky concoction of plum and coconut merge into a sweet base of almond and vanilla. Heady and unique, we feel Yoongi would be drawn to this on his girlfriend.
J-Hope’s girlfriend
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Juicy Couture - Peace, Love & Juicy Couture (2010)
This earthy, natural smelling fragrance would a perfect go-to for Hoseok’s carefree girlfriend. This opens with a light burst of lemon and hyacinth and dries down to an aromatic base of patchouli, orris root and musk. We think this smells like the wet earth after a thunderstorm.
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The Body Shop - Satsuma (2012)
We feel like Hoseok’s girlfriend would go for something cheap and uplifting if she were going out. This bright, citrusy fragrance smells just like a freshly peeled orange.
Jimin’s girlfriend
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Ralph Lauren - Romance (1998)
Like the name, this fragrance is soft and romantic. Fresh and dewy, we feel it smells youthful and pretty and would suit Jimin’s girlfriend well. Containing soft, watery notes of lily of the valley, violet and ginger, this pale fragrance is great for every day wear. (P.S - to those of you in the UK, Next’s Just Pink smells just like it!)
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Juicy Couture - Viva La Juicy (2008)
This heavy gourmand is sweeter than sweet and is perfect for going out. We feel Jimin would be charmed by its iconic girliness. Opening with fruity notes of wild berries and mandarin, this settles into a thick caramel, praline and vanilla base.
V’s girlfriend
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Guerlain - Apres l’Ondee (1906)
We feel like Taehyung would love it if his girlfriend wore a vintage classic. This fragrance, originally created in 1906 and still available today, is beautiful, quiet, melancholy and surprisingly timeless and easy to wear. Consisting primarily of soft, watery violet notes and anise against earthy orris root, this fragrance smells like a flower garden after a day’s heavy rain.
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Bond No. 9 - Chinatown (2005)
This fragrance, inspired by the Chinatown district in New York, would be perfect for Taehyung’s girlfriend. Quirky, busy and very unique, this scent leaves a beautiful trail behind the wearer in a style reminiscent of classic fragrances. Compromising of heady white floral notes, waxy woods and a soft, vanilla dry down, this fragrance is floral, sweet, spicy and reminiscent of expensive incense.
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Jennifer Lopez - Glow (2002)
We feel that Jungkook’s girlfriend would like something light, casual and easy to wear during the day time. We feel Glow is the perfect ‘skin scent’, reminiscent of skin after a shower. Containing notes of grapefruit, orange blossom and jasmine, this fragrance is floral but without being overbearing or trying too hard.
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Viktor & Rolf - Flowerbomb (2005)
For evening wear or special occasions, we feel Jungkook would love to smell something a little heavier and sweeter. Despite the name, Flowerbomb is primarily a sweet fragrance. Set over a slightly sexy base of patchouli, the fragrance contains notes of bergamot, green tea, rose and orchid. The fragrance is not too overbearing and would be perfect for someone practical (as we imagine Jungkook’s girl to be).
Thanks for reading! Check out our full masterlist for more fics, scenarios, imagines, lists etc.
Also check out our Playbuzz, your ideal BTS boyfriend quiz here
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professorbellarke · 6 years
Honestly a bit disappointed in the “traitor you love” moment. Am I crazy for wising it had been a quieter character moment instead? I love soft bellarke so much. Please convince me I’m wrong! im begging you, I don’t want to be a negative Nancy :(
OHHHH. Oh sweet honey baby, you have come to the right person! And I hope you have some time to relax and pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents the thesis you didn’t ask for! This is going to be a long one.
Because I loved everything about that scene. Honestly, I loved the entire episode top to bottom, and I’ll tell you why. Because this story is a genre story. It is science fiction. And while good genre stories have intimate character moments and connections as the…I don’t know, the flesh and blood of a story, the BONES of genre fiction must be plot. And sometimes, it feels like The 100 carves away too much of that flesh and blood to focus on the bones, when the blood is what makes us care about the bones (this metaphor went cannibal places, oh no). BUT THAT MOMENT! Ohh, that moment, sweet anonymous, was the perfect fusion of flesh and bone. Heart and head. Plot and character. In other words it was our beloved Bellamy’s favorite thing:
!!!!!!HIGH DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!
One of the things I love best about genre fic is that everything—even and especially emotional revelations and turning points—must be done in the most dramatic way possible. It’s ingrained in the dna of the genre, and I’m always disappointed when sci fi and plots take the easy way out. No, I don’t want a magical amulet that’ll just fix everything! YAWN AND SNOOZE AND OO. The 100 never does this, which means it always pushes its characters into impossible corners, forcing them to make unthinkable choices, and that is what I love. If there’s an easy way out, like say, a space station that can shelter Skaikru from the radiation, THE 100 BLOWS IT UP. I LOVE WHEN SHOWS BLOW THINGS UP! I want the drama so explosive that my nose is three inches from the screen because I’m so eager for what’s next that I’m trying to physically leap into the story. I like the stakes SO HIGH that I’m in a constant state of tension. It’s why I’m obsessed with this show. It’s why it’s also not for everyone.
But like I said, this show is at its best when it has the character stakes and the plot stakes working in harmony. 5x08 was a masterclass in that.
For an example in how stakes make a story, Clarke’s radio could have worked (ignore science, I don’t know her, I know only story.) So Spacekru could have known she was alive the whole time, she and Bellamy could have had merry chats across space, she could have told them about her berries, they could have laughed together about that time Murphy slid into a coma, lol, classic Murphy. Then Spacekru could have come bback down when the five years were up, because of course they had enough fuel, and then Clarke would be waiting for them and yay! Good times.
Good snooze.
I have read really good fics that are about this exact thing. They’re cozy, dreamy, romantic, and beautiful. They fill a crack in my heart formed by the agony of Praimfaya. They are also NOT MARKETABLE GENRE STORIES BEING EXPLORED ON THE SCREEN. There are certain expectations there. You need obstacles before you earn the payoff. Bellamy must think Clarke is DEAD!!! And learn to move on without her! And Clarke must talk to him EVERY DAY because the thing that keeps her going is that he’ll come BACK TO HER! BUT THEY CAN’T GET BACK BECAUSE NO FUEL!!!! BUT CLARKE IS IN TROUBLE AND NEEDS THEM NOW!!! Ahhh! The stakes raise with every plot twist. And we’re personally invested to boot.
Bellamy could have learned Clarke was alive in a million ways, by stepping out of the dropship and seeing her waiting, by hearing her on the radio, on and on. But it’s so much better that they reunited in the climactic scene of the WHOLE EPISODE. That the first time Clarke sees him in six years is through a haze of pain, when all hope is lost, and then there is hope. Her drama bae. Dramatically saving her life like no time at all has passed. The whole plot of 5x03 was Bellarke reuniting! That’s what the stakes were. Will Bellamy get to Clarke in time? First he must overcome the fact that he’s stuck in space, and then that he thinks she’s dead, and that Diyoza will kill him, and ack it’s getting harder because Clarke is getting in deeper water by the second!
I LIVE FOR THIS. Those are the moments I watch over and over and over again.
So Octavia could have thrown out that “lol, you love Clarke, you’re so lame, sick burn Blodreina well done have a humansnack ration” at any time in the episode to try to get a rise out of him. But they saved it. For when it counted most. For when it would have the most impact for us and for them.
That is my ABSOLUTE JAM RIGHT THERE oh my god. Oh my god I can’t even word about it. Yes, I love quiet character moments. I love them so much. And this show could use more of them. Honestly, this episode was so strong because it not only HAD them, but it let us feel them: Bellarke in the tent, Monty and Harper planning their happy farmlives, Emori and Murphy having a very sad second breakup in the woods while McCreary cursed his entire existence, Raven and Echo holding hands, Raven breaking down with Zeke at the end. From a character point of view, this episode was a gift.
But one of the things I’ve always loved best about Bellarke is that their emotional beats are TIED DIRECTLY INTO THE PLOT IN THE BIGGEST WAY. The stakes in their relationship are literally world-changing, life or death, apocalypses and war and, well, epic, in the Logan Echolls sense. What’s the first time the word love is used in connection to Clarke’s feelings for Bellamy? WHEN SHE’S SENDING HIM TO SACRIFICE HIMSELF IN MT WEATHER. When is the first time Clarke realizes how much losing Bellamy will hurt her? When she closes the dropship door on him and believes she has just killed him herself. Who is the one person on earth Clarke cannot sacrifice, even if THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE HANGS IN THE BALANCE? Bellamy freaking Blake, that’s who. Your OTP could never.
I love quiet, subtle, low drama Bellarke in my fan fiction, so very much. They deserve to have a break and so do we. But there’s a reason that never happens on screen—because that’s not Story, in the classic way of sci fi and fantasy, where the stakes are magnified. I had a writing professor who liked to use the common writing adage Twist the knife. You stab them right where it hurts, but you don’t just leave it there. You twist it. You milk it for everything its got.
Everything in genre fiction must be bigger. It takes the themes of our world and blows them up by adding bloodier stakes. It’s the same interpersonal struggles, but instead of you losing a job or a friend, you lose a kingdom. You lose a planet. Genre stakes are both personal and external, and the really good genre stories manage to fuse them—which is what they’ve done with Bellarke since day one. The fate of the hundred, of skaikru, of spacekru, of humanity, rested on Bellamy and Clarke being able to forge a working partnership.
And, spoiler alert, they did. And now they have to fucking kiss, hopefully in a moment of high plot-related drama as well.
I know fiction is objective and you super don’t have to agree with me. But I’m a high stakes ho, and 5x08 gave me my high stakes fix. Thank you for coming to the TED talk you only a little bit asked for.
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kuromantic · 6 years
YIPPEE OTP ASK! All? Ohoho there’s nothing I can’t do my dear anon. *cracks knuckles* this will be a long ride.
1. Who can outdrink the other? Okay, I hc that Kageyama is suuuuper lightweight. Like, about a can and a half and he’s swaying on his feet, slurring about kicking ass at the Spring High tournaments. So yeah, Hinata’s totally gonna tease him and down the rest of the drinks after he passes out.
2. Who says “I love you” more? Hinata. This one isn’t much of a surprise because Kageyama can be kinda emotionally constipated. It takes him a while to settle into the habit of displaying affection, but Hinata lets him ease into it pretty fast.
3. Who has trouble sleeping alone? I think neither. They both love cuddling, but they don’t need it every night to drop off. Hinata probably is slightly needier, because he loves to latch onto Kageyama’s body with all his limbs. Kageyama can sometimes kick in his sleep or shove his hands in Hinata’s face by accident. He even once bit his arm muttering ‘oniku’. Hinata did not appreciate that.
4. Who swears more? Kageyama. Hinata’s used to not swearing because he has an easily influenced little sister Natsu, but Kageyama doesn’t care where or when he swears. When he hurts himself or he’s building IKEA furniture, there’s a whole load of 'Shit! Fuck! Boke!“ coming from his mouth.
5. Who does more of the housework? Both do their fair share, and have the need to turn everything into a competition. Floor scrubbing races with cloths down the hallway, plate juggling that doesn’t end well… They both do just about the same amount of work and break a lot of stuff.
6. Who forgets their anniversary? Kageyama. He doesn’t see any significance in it at first, but he understands a little more when Hinata explains how important of a day it is for him. For a while, Kageyama gets confused and makes anniversaries out of every little thing. Hinata doesn’t mind.
7. Who steals the duvet in their sleep? 100% both. They have a tug-of-war session with the duvet in their sleep until one of them falls off the bed. If one of them wins, the other will just cling onto them like a leech.
8. Who keeps the other awake with their snoring? Usually Hinata. He insists Kageyama can’t complain though, because the blueberry is a notorious teeth grinder. They sleep through each other’s snorning and grinding eventually.
9. Who finds stay animals and begs the other to keep them? Kageyama! Hinata would never say no though, because he knows how much Kageyama wants to be close with animals. They end up with three stray cats and a bunny that Kageyama adores dearly.
10. Who usually makes dinner? Hinata. Poor Kageyama can’t cook without burning something or giving someone food poisoning. Gordon Ramsay would smack him with a frying pan. Hinata can make some basic stuff like omelette or pasta, and that’s all they need to survive.
11. Who plays their music out loud? Kageyama without a doubt. He loves piano covers because I headcanon that he can play the piano, especially Ghibli OSTs and all that good stuff. Hinata doesn’t mind at all, because he loves listening to him play.
12. Who hogs the bathroom? Neither, really. They don’t particularly care about staying in there too long, they just want to look decent and play volleyball. They don’t spend too much time on their appearance either, and they don’t need to really.
13. Who gives the most compliments? Hinata for sure. He always calls Kageyama "amazing” and “an incredible setter!” Kageyama just loses all his vocabulary because he still doesn’t know how to react. Kageyama’s 'compliments’ sound more like statements, but they’re reassuring nonetheless.
14. Who usually starts/causes arguments between them? It’s impossible to know, really. They bicker a lot by nature, it’s how they grow together and end up bonding sometimes. It takes a lot for them to actually argue about something, and even so they make up pretty quickly without others needing to intervene.
15. Who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public?Kageyama can be pretty blunt, which can cause Hinata quite a bit of embarrassment when people can hear what’s being said to him. Kageyama doesn’t really mean to embarrass him, but Hinata tries to get back at him anyway. They both humiliate themselves at some point.
16. Who gives the other cringeworthy pet names? Hinata does it a lot just to get a rise out of Kageyama. He has a whole plethora of bad, cringey 'Honey-yama kun’ pet names and Kageyama is about to scream. Kageyama would love to get back at him, but he just… can’t. It’s beyond his power to call Hinata anything other than “Boke”.
17. Who fusses over takes care of the other when they’re sick? Hinata! Kageyama’s used to the nervous orange getting sick from a whole variety of reasons, so he just gives him the usual care package. Kageyama is so miserable and teary-eyed when he gets sick, Hinata can’t help fussing over him, trying to get him comfortable.
18. Who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long? Both. They just don’t find it effective, and they usually stop being angry once they blow off some steam. Chances are that they’ve both forgotten what they were mad about in the first place.
19. Who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared? Hinata! He likes to hide behind Kageyama and have him act as a human shield for whatever’s making him anxious. Kageyama lets him, because he knows it’s what helps Hinata calm down. He’d appreciate his trousers not being pulled down, though.
20. Who is more 'physically passionate’? Hinata, but just by a small stretch. He’s very openly affectionate, and will hug Kageyama just about anywhere and anytime. Kageyama isn’t good with expressing his love on the other hand, so he uses his actions instead of his words. He seems like a small child sometimes.
Send me an ask!
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ladyofthelake · 2 years
Ranty time again but again I don’t understand why people spend their time hating on Jensen (yet claim they’re Jared fans, newsflash he would be so hurt and disappointed by the hate spewed) and vice versa the people hating on Jared. It’s all so toxic :( 
The things I’ve seen on this hellsite and others is appalling then people will fawn at the cons over them like?? There’s plenty of people you can dislike and it’s possible to just ignore them you know but the sheer poison I’ve seen aimed at my boys makes me super bummed and doesn’t and never will make you a better fan of your fave (and yes this is aimed at extreme Jared stans/fans too, hating on his brother is shitty and I’m still not over that person who said the most vile things about Jensen, then got upset when I blocked them like honey you’re toxic and you’re STILL hating on Jensen in wank posts, your url is there pls get a life) 
and also why people hate on ships (canon ships *nail polish emoji*) like thasmin
I mean no ones saying you have to like them but putting it in the ship and character tag is shitty and also haven’t you got otp’s you can focus on?! lmao I’d go even crazier than I am if I focused and hated on my notp’s all the time or constantly ripped things apart
find the joy in things you love it’s not that complicated to just not be a dick :)
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littlemermaidinspo · 7 years
ryan beaver; verse tags
Under the cut you’ll find a list of otp/ship tags, verse tags, character tags, short character quotes, headlines, graphic quotes, etc. from Ryan Beaver’s RX album. I’d appreciate if you like or reblog if you use! ♥
first comes the rain then comes the pain
sirens scream i don’t give damn
twister coming; i keep on drinking
let the lights go out in this town and in my heart
bring it on
i ain’t afraid of the dark
this ain’t my first fight with lonely
before we met i lived for the night
i admit i like it; loving you only
we both know you and i were just a matter of time
shadows dancing in front of me
got a bad case of the used to be’s
you used to be my love
i keep on shaking
sometimes i just wanna feel it burn on your lips
sometimes you just wanna hold something beautiful
rum and roses 
poison and thorns
we won’t regret until the morning
some nights you just wanna feel something comfortable
the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t 
some nights you know you’re gonna hurt anyway
you give into your weakness for a little something stronger
we’ll say it’s over until the next time i show up with rum and roses
one makes the room look redder; one makes the world look better
some things just go together like rum and roses
we go together like rum and roses
here we are; just you and me
i like the way you aren’t afraid of whiskey
you hate the way the glass looks in your hand when it’s empty
say something risky
i like the way your wild is showing
normally i wouldn’t be the kind to come on strong
something tells me that you’re the kind of girl that likes the kind of guy who knows what he wants exactly
what i want is looking like she sees what she wants looking at me
churches and the bars are all full tonight
preachers and the poets say the end’s in sight
when this world ends they say it’s coming 
when this world ends and the sky starts falling; it’s gonna get lonely out there
i’ll love you until the end i swear
i’ve made mistakes in the past
i’ve got a good feeling you and i are gonna last
let’s go out there and burn the whole thing down
jesus was a capicorn
long hair beard and sandals and a funky bunch of friends
everybody’s gotta have somebody to look down on
if you can’t find nobody else then help yourself to me
a guitar full of songs nobody wants to hear you sing
whiskey stained lonely nights
drunken words and barroom fights
you can’t hide a poet’s broken heart 
tortured in a hotel room
morning sneaking up on you
counting nickels for a pack of cigarettes
burning luck and chasing stars
wondering who the hell you are
knowing deep down in your heart this may be all you get
and the tears run when the truth falls from your tongue
tough as leather hard as steel
it’s all been said; it’s all been done
honey here you are again
same old tears in your eyes; just a different day
why can’t love stay like it is when it’s brand new
you’re gonna leave; you just haven’t
you ain’t packed up yet; but you will
i ain’t saying that you’ve got a habit
but don’t it feel like the last time
you say he’s a good guy; you say that everytime
honey i believe you
if you want the real thing you’ve gotta stick around
i hope you find what you’re looking for
what happens in vegas doesn’t stay in vegas
you play to win but you lose
you bet it all but your ace don’t fall
the bank ain’t all that’s breaking
forever dropped me like a stone
felt a bullet from the cold steel
had a judas kiss from an angel
had the devil lying in my bed
aint nobody ever done me like you did
you always had your pretty finger on the trigger
i thought i’d been about as low as i could be until you came along and dug a deeper hole for me
i drank every drop of your poison; you served it up in such a pretty cup
it should be illegal; your love’s just plain evil
i swear you keep a shovel in your trunk
you chiseled out my name in stone
left me for dead and all alone
i’ve had this heart a long long time
i tell myself it’s mine all mine
lock every lock; close every door
what am i pretending for
still yours; still yours
the voice i miss when i’m alone
what am i supposed to do
i feel like my whole world belongs to you
there ain’t a place that doesn’t sting
i feel your name on everything 
there ain’t a street that you don’t own
i don’t want you anymore
two for one on a marquee sign
you can waste the night in half the time
fools like me just can’t help but try to find holy water in a whiskey well
it takes a little more medicine that it used to take
it takes a little more of the highs to chase the lows away
it takes a little more of the night to make it through the day
she’s a looker looked over one too many times
she likes the boys that don’t really try
she sleeps in a bed that’s never made
she tells herself one day they’ll stay
we’ve all got things to get us by
i can’t judge
no such thing as a perfect drug
in the end it’s never enough
it’s strange thing we do
a compromise between the two
somewhere along the road i just did what i was told
lost the map to all my dreams
watched that trail run cold
i’d ride straight back to innocence and the promises i made
i’d right all the wrongs
with a pistol by my side i’d get back to being brave
i bet things would change if i had a horse to ride away
we were good at robbing trains
but life does it’s thing and imagination fades
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juliaroleplays · 7 years
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Because I haven’t seen one yet, here is a masterlist of lyrics from Taylor Swift’s sixth album, reputation. You can use them as starters, memes, character tags, otp/brotp tags, thread titles, verse titles, blog titles etc. Anything in parentheses I feel like you can omit, usually for pronouns or length, but you can do whatever you want. If you find this useful, please give it a like or reblog!
Trigger warnings for: allusions to drug use/getting high
...Ready for it?
I know I’m gonna be with you I see nothing better, I keep him/her/them forever Let the games begin Lights down low No one has to know Touch me and you’ll never be alone You should see the things we do
End Game
And I heard about you And you heard about me Drinking on the beach with you all over me I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put them I can't let you go, your hand prints on my soul I don’t wanna hurt you I don’t wanna miss you I don't wanna be just another ex-love (you don’t wanna see) I got a bad (boy/girl) persona, (that’s what they like) I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders I got some big enemies I gotta reputation (girl/boy) that don’t precede me I swear I don’t love the drama (it loves me) I wanna be your end game I’m one call away whenever you need me I've made mistakes and made some choices, that's hard to deny It's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold Reputation precedes me (they told you I’m crazy) The truth is, it's easier to ignore it We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't With four words on the tip of my tongue You and me, we got big reputations You and me would be a big conversation You like the bad ones too You hold me down and I protect you with my life You've been calling my bluff on all my usual tricks
I Did Something Bad
Crimson red paint on my lips Don’t throw away a good thing For every like I tell them/him/her, they/he/she tells me three Go ahead and light me up I can feel the flames on my skin I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he/she/they had it coming I let him/her/them think they saved me I never trust a narcissist (but they love me) I never trust a playboy (but they love me) If a man/woman/person/someone talks shit, then I owe him/her/them nothing If he/she/they drop my name then I owe him/her/them nothing If he/she/they spends my change then I owe he/she/they had it coming   Most fun I ever had (and I would do it over again if I could) Now all he/she/they think about is me They got their pitchforks and proof, receipts and reasons They said I did something bad (but why’s/why does it feel so good?) They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one This is how the world works (you gotta leave before you get left) Why’s/Why does it feel so good? You gotta leave before you get left
Don’t Blame Me
Don’t blame me, love made me crazy (if it isn’t you ain’t doing it right) Echoes of your name in my mind For you, I would cross the line (For you,) I would fall from grace (just to touch your face) For you, I would lose my mind For you, I would waste my time I get so high every time you’re loving me I get so high every time you’re touching me I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy If you walk away, I'd beg you on my knees to stay I'm insane, but I'm your baby I’m just gonna call you mine I’ve been breaking hearts a long time I’ve been toying with them older (guys/girls/people) Lord save me, my drug is my baby (that I be using for the rest of my life) My name is whatever you decide They say she’s/he’s/they’ve gone too far this time Something happened for the first time (in the darkest little paradise)
Come here, you can meet me in the back Do the girls/boys/people back home touch you like I do?   I don’t wanna share I know that it’s delicate I pretend your mine all the damn time Is it chill that you’re in my head? Is it cool that I said all that? Is it too soon to do this yet? Just think of the fun things we could do Long night, with your hands up in my hair, (echoes of your footsteps on the stairs) My reputation has never been worse so, you must like me for me Oh damn, never seen that color blue Sometimes I wonder when you sleep, are you dreaming of me? Sometimes when I look into your eyes, I pretend you’re mine (all the damn time) Stay here honey, I don’t wanna share This ain’t for the best We can’t make any promises now can we babe? (but you can make me a drink)
Look What You Made Me Do
All I think about is karma (Honey,) I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time I don’t like how you laugh when you lie I don’t like you little games I don’t like your perfect crime I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined Look what you made me do Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours The world moves on, another day, another drama You said the gun was mine Your kingdom keys once belonged to me
So It Goes
All eyes on us But, honestly, baby, who's counting? But when I get you alone, it's so simple Get caught up in the moment (lipstick on your face) Gold cage, hostage to my feelings I do bad things to you I did a number on you I know what you know I make all your grey days clear I'm so chill, but you make me jealous I’m tripping when you’re gone I’m yours to keep I’m yours to lose Met you in a bar Our pieces fall, right into place So it goes… You know I’m not a bad girl/boy/person You make everyone disappear We break down a little We can feel it You did a number on me When you get me alone, it’s so simple
He's/She’s/They’re in the club doing, I don't know what Ocean blue eyes looking in mine I feel like I might sink and drown and die I got a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, he's/she’s/their older than us If you’re single, that’s honestly worse If you've got a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner, I'm jealous of her/him/them I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way (but what can I say?) There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad You make me so happy, it turns back to sad You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk You should take it as a compliment that I'm talking to everyone here but you (but you, but you) You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face You're so gorgeous it actually hurts You've ruined my life, by not being mine
Getaway Car
A circus ain't a love story And now we’re both sorry (we're both sorry) Don't pretend it's such a mystery He/She/They poisoned the well, I was lying to myself He/She/They was the best of times, the worst of crimes I didn’t mean it and you didn’t see it I knew it from the first Old Fashioned, we were cursed I left you in a motel bar, put the money in a bag and I stole the keys I struck a match and blew your mind I wanted to leave him/her/them, but I needed a reason It was the great escape, the prison break I'm in a getaway car It's no surprise I turned you in, because us traitors never win Nothing good starts in a getaway car That was the last time you ever saw me The ties were black, the lies were white There were sirens in the beat of your heart Think about the place where you first met me Shades of grey in candlelight Should've known I'd be the first to leave We never had a shotgun shot in the dark We were flying, but we'd never get far X marks the spot, where we fell apart You were driving the getaway car We were flying, but we'd never get far We were jetset, Bonnie and Clyde, until I switched to the other side While he/she/they was/were running after us, I was screamin', "go, go, go!" With three of us, honey, it's a sideshow
King of My Heart
All the boys/girls/people and their expensive cars, (with their Range Rovers and their Jaguars), never took me quite where you do And all at once, you're all I want I'll never let you go And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for   Baby, all at once, this is enough I made up my mind, I'm better off being alone Is the end of all the endings? I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own King/Queen/Ruler of my heart, body and soul The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury Up on the roof with a school girl/boy/kid crush, drinking beer out of plastic cups You move to me like a Motown beat You try on calling me baby, like trying on clothes Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Baby can we dance (through an avalanche)? But we were dancing with our hands tied Darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis Deep blue, but you painted me golden First sight, we love without reason I could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets I had a bad feeling I knew there was no one in the world who could take it I loved you in secret I loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us I'd hold you as the water rushes in, if I could dance with you again I'd kiss you as the lights went out, (swaying as the room burned down) I’m a mess (but I’m the mess that you wanted) My love had been frozen Twenty-five years old, how were you to know? You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it People started talking, putting us through our paces Picture of your face in an invisible locket We were dancing like it was the first time
All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting Carve your name into my bedpost Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me Everyone thinks that they know us Flashback to my mistakes, my rebounds, my earthquakes Flashback when you met me I don’t want you like a best friend I only bought this dress so you could take if off I woke up just in time If I get burned, at least we were electrified Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo My hands are shaking from all this My hands are shaking from holding back from you My hands shake, I can't explain this My one and only, my lifeline Now I wake up by your side Our secret moments in a crowded room Say my name and everything just stops They got no idea about me and you There is an indentation in the shape of you You kiss my face and we're both drunk
This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Did you think I wouldn't hear all the things you said about me? Everyone swimming in a champagne sea Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year Forgiveness is a nice thing to do Friends don't try to trick you Here's a toast to my real friends, they don't care about the he-said-she-said Here's to my baby, he/she/they ain't reading what they call me lately Here's to my momma, had to listen to all this drama I can’t even say it with a straight face I took an axe to a mended fence It was so nice being friends again It was so nice throwing big parties I'm not the only friend you've lost lately, if only you weren't so shady I'm shaking my head and locking the gates Jump into the pool from the balcony So why'd you have to rain on my parade? There I was, giving you a second chance There are no rules when you show up here This is why we can't have nice things, (darling/honey) You stabbed in the back while shaking my hand
Call It What You Want
All my flowers grew back as thorns, windows boarded up after the storm All the drama queens taking swings All the liars are calling me one, nobody's heard from me for months All the jokers dressing up as kings Bridges burn, I never learn, at least I did one thing right Call it what you want, (call it what you want to) I brought a knife to a gunfight I did one thing right I know I make the same mistakes every time I want to wear his/her/their initial on a chain round my neck It fades to nothing when I look at him I'm doing better than I ever was I'm laughing with my lover, making forts under covers He/She/They built a fire just to keep me warm (He/She/They) love(s) me like I'm brand new My baby's fit like a daydream My castle crumbled overnight They took the crown, but it's alright (Slowly I said,) "You don't need to save me, but would you run away with me?" Starry eyes sparking up my darkest night
New Year’s Day
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor Don’t read the last page Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you I can tell that it's going to be a long road I stay when it's hard or it’s wrong or you’re making mistakes I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you’re turning away I want your midnights I will hold onto you I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day I’ll be there if you strike out and you're crawling home I'll be there if you're the toast of the town Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere There's glitter on the floor after the party, girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi
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bataillexroyale · 4 years
Who would be the big spoon? Edgar, Amabella loves the feeling of his arms around her.
Who would wake up first? Tie - they like to wake each other up with soft kisses and tickles.
Do they have nicknames for each other? Amabella calls him Eddie, Ed, hot stuff, my one and only. He calls her Bella, Caruso, honey, etc. lots of nicknames here folks!
What happened when they met each other’s parents? Nothing really, solely for the reason that they had been best friends for so long they had already met one another’s parents as friends. Amabella is definitely nervous though how his parents will feel about the shift in their relationship.
How do they apologise after an argument? They are both quick to apologize, solely for the fact that they both can say things they don’t mean in the heat of the moment and they don’t want to hurt the other.
What would they be like as parents? They would make great parents. They would teach their kids love and acceptance.
Who is the better cook? Amabella is probably the better cook. She loves to eat so she is constantly making them food or snacks.
Who is more romantic? Edgar, definitely. Amabella tried, but she isn’t that great at planning romantic dates.
What sort of gifts do they get for each other? Normally they get each other gifts to go do something, like trips and fun things for them to experience together.
Who gets jealous easiest? Amabella, she has had so many failed relationships in the past and sometimes it is hard for her to believe that she got so lucky to fall in love with her best friend, which can make her insecure at times.
Who gets more excited for events e.g.. Birthdays, Christmas? They both love holidays and the ambiance that goes with each one.
Who is the most adventurous? It depends on what they are doing, but most of the time it is Edgar.
Who is the most protective? Tie - They are both very defensive of the other one.
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? Well, they were best friends so it probably would have saved them both a lot of heartache if they would have realized their feelings sooner.
*BONUS: Song to sum them up?* From This Moment On - Shania Twain
Do I ship it?
NOTP / Crack only / AU only / Not really / Maybe a little / Well now I do/ Yes / Of course! / OTP
Who would be the big spoon? Neither, they aren’t big cuddlers. At most, they will play with the other’s hair or trace patterns on their skin.
Who would wake up first? Natalya, Bella doesn’t enjoy waking up before noon if she doesn’t have to.
Do they have nicknames for each other? Bellatrix calls her my bespoke psychopath. Most of the other names they have for one another are more insults than nicknames.
What happened when they met each other’s parents? Bella’s parents don’t mind Nat, her father quite enjoys Nat’s antics.
How do they apologise after an argument? Apologize? They don’t really do that sort of thing. They brew on it or pick at one another until angry sex happens and then they forget about the fight.
What would they be like as parents? Horrific. They would kill anyone that even looked at their child the wrong way, but the nutcase that kid would turn out to be would likely be tragic for many.
Who is the better cook? I’m not sure either have ever cooked for one another. As much as Bella hates to admit it, Nat picks the better restaurants.
Who is more romantic? Define romance. They both enjoy surprising one another with future murder victims, but that’s really as far as the romance goes. Though, they can tend to be a little sweeter to one another after sex.
What sort of gifts do they get for each other? People to kill. Sometimes, on spur of the moments they will pick out something for one another (outfits, makeup, jewelry), but they never make a big deal out if it.
Who gets jealous easiest? Neither are really jealous when the other sleeps with someone, but they do have a strange possession over one another. Bellatrix tends to lean on the possessive side more.
Who gets more excited for events e.g.. Birthdays, Christmas? Neither, really. Unless they are planning some sort of chaos.
Who is the most adventurous? Both - they are always trying to one up another in everything they do.
Who is the most protective? Both - they can hurt each other, but they would also gladly kill for the other.
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? A nightmare for the entire student body.
*BONUS: Song to sum them up?* Poison & Wine - The Civil Wars
Do I ship it?
NOTP / Crack only / AU only / Not really / Maybe a little / Well now I do/ Yes / Of course! / OTP
0 notes
rosy-eds · 7 years
Otp Questions - Angsty
Otp Questions - Angsty
(Btw these would make really good fic Prompts!)
1. Who would be clutching on to the other person whispering, “Don’t die,” while the other is covered in blood?
Richie , because that's literally what happens in the book
2. Who tells their partner not to leave them, and the other has to leave to protect them even though it kills them to leave?
Richie, he would do anything to protect Eddie even if it meant leaving him
3. Who has to hold back tears as the other slips away?
Richie he'd try to be strong for Eddie but when actually Eddie dies that when he'd let it all out
4. Who would have to watch the other get murdered in front of them?
Ok welp, I guess Eddie because the amount of angst that would come from that would be unbearable. I can imagine Eddie screaming and kicking and Richie just telling him it's going to be ok, turn away, and not to worry and now I'm crying
5. Who cries out for their partner but their partner isn’t there?
Richie, because he misses Eddie and he'd yell occasionally like, "Honey can you grab the salt" and then just start crying after he realized that spaghetti is gone
6.Who sleeps with their partner shirt after they passed away?
Eddie, mostly because Richie wouldn't fit in Eddies clothes. But Eddie would lay down wrapped in a giant shirt curled up in bed. Tears falling down as he sniffed the shirt smelling the bubble gum and cigarettes
7.Who watches their partner get tortured and is helpless to do anything about it?
Well well this is gonna make me cry again I think Eddie because like I said before Richie would risk his life for him so if that meant he had to be tortured for Eddie to be safe then he'd be there.
8. Who yells for their partner to warn them about danger but then their partner drops dead?
Eddie, he'd yell at Richie to be safe not to fall, not to drive fast, to be careful but one day Richie is driving to work quickly and the rode is icy and the tires skid crashing him into a tree and killing him instantly and Eddie leans over his casket and says "I told you to be safe". While tears fall down his cheeks and onto the stiff boy.
9. Who takes the poison so the other person doesn’t have to?
How many times do I have to say Richie before it gets old!!!!
10. Who takes a gun wound for their partner?
Richie bit of you want really angst then you can make Eddie jump infront of him.
11. Who falls to floor screaming once they find out their partner is dead?
Both, honestly I think Eddie would be more emotional and depressed about it refusing to get out of bed or eat. And I think Richie would smoke more and hit things also scream and just refuse to do anything
12. Who accidentally murders someone close to their partner?
Neither my beans aren't murderers
13. Who brings flowers to their partner’s grave every week?
Both, Eddie would get sunflowers or tulips because of Richies bright personality and Richie would get white or red roses and clean around the grave because Eddie hated mess and dirt and germs
14. Who is willing to die to keep the other safe, and when their partner protests, the one who is willing to die, dies in that moment, leaving their partner with their corpse?
RICHIE how many times do I have to say it!
15. Who cries and bangs on their partner’s chest as their partner holds them close?
Eddie, because he'd be so angry and sad that it happens and he'd just start hitting things and banging on Riches chest but Richie doesn't mind because Eddie is to weak to ever hurt him and it makes Eddie feel a little better after a couple minutes and all he wants is for Eddie to be happy.
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diggorypuff · 7 years
Best Lyrics of Reputation and my commentary
Ready for It:
He can be my jailer, Burton to this Taylor - My 1950s loving ass is just here for this Burton to this Taylor shit, cause their an OTP
Every love I’ve known in comparison is a faliure - Also a reference in my mind to Burton-Taylor love.
End Game:
I wanna be your A-Team - Just here for the early Ed Sheeran reference ;)
I’ve got some big enemies - idk i like the drama what the hell
Ooo you and me would be a big conversation - Media
I got a reputation that don’t precede me - opposite of the line that taylor cut from gorgeous
I don’t wanna just be another ex love that you don’t wanna see - <3
I don’t wanna miss you like the other girls do - hmmm... i really don’t feel joe vibes listening to this?
I just wanna be drinking on the beach with you all over me - This makes me think of the pics of Tom & Taylor on the beach
I got issues and chips on both of my shoulders - Ed’s singing always gets me and I like the chip on the shoulder trope
The truth is it’s easier to ignore it believe me - Love it
Even when we argue we don’t do it for long - Sounds like me with my friends <3
You understand the good and bad end up in the song - now that sounds like Joe
(Side note if it is all about Joe like she ‘claims’, seems odd but whatever, betcha that Calvin & Tom are so fucking thankful that Joe’s got her so loved up that she can’t even give a shit about their asses and how she thinks they may have wronged her)
All my flaws, paranoias, and insecurities - reference to the image built of Taylor
After the storm something was born - <3
Four words on the tip of my tongue - ???? Four words?
You and me we got big reputations - ... can’t be joe cause when they started dating everyone was legit like Joe who????
And I bury hatchets, but I keep maps of where I put them - i’d rather it be like about putting them in peoples backs, but i like this too, like she keeps maps of where she puts them after their buried, cause she’ll happily dig them up again if your wrong her, ie Kanye drama
My reputation precedes me - there it is again
I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me - Love this line <3
Your handprints in my soul - <3
I Did Something Bad
I never trust a narcissist but they love me, so I play them like a violin, and I make it look oh so easy - I love it idk
Cause for every lie I tell them they tell me three - wtf love it 
This is how the world works, now all he thinks about is me - LOVE
If a man talks shit then I owe him nothing - reference to kanye’s i made that bitch famous lyrics? and i love it
I don’t regret it one bit cause he had it coming - this song has drilled into the vindictive, slice your throat open side of me??? pls stop
They say I did something bad - <3
And i love the techno sound of it like tear it up
I never trust a playboy but they love me - ;)
So I fly them all around the world and let them think they saved me - ? Taylor who this about?
They never see it coming - ;) devilish
You gotta leave before you get left - heart ripping feel the power
He says don’t throw away a good thing  - idk im torn whether I like this line or not???
If he drops my name then I owe him nothing - Kanye, Calvin, a ton of ppl? 
And if he spends me change then he had it coming - I love the had it coming line makes me think of Cellblock Tango
They’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one - Strong line
They got their pitchfork and proof, their receipts and reasons - Receipts -_-
Light me up - I love whenever that term is used
The little bubblier tune change towards the end is magic too
Don’t Blame Me -
 How this is not a Jack Antoff produced tune is beyond me it sounds so much like Waiting Game, whatever the tune is magic
Don’t blame me love made me crazy, and if it doesn’t you ain’t doing it right - I love the passion filled love story goes back to my love of Burton-Taylor, also reminds me of that thread of That’s the Way I Loved You
I’ve been breaking hearts a long time - Love it
They say she’s gone too far this time - this is powerful
And I’m just gonna call you mine, I’m insane but I’m your baby - Playing on the medias stereotype, getting a bit old 
Echoes, love you name inside my mind, halo, hiding my obsession - It’s a good lyric especially the name inside my mind
And baby, for you, I would fall from grace, just to touch your face - I wrote a similar line in a song earlier today before I heard this similar feeling runs deep
If you walk away, I'd beg you on my knees to stay - playing on the damsel in distress vibe again, also getting a bit old
This ain’t for the best, my reputations never been worse - I love the my reputations never been worse line <3
Oh damn, never seen that color blue - Love it
Is it cool that I said all that, Is it chill that you're in my head? 'Cause I know that it's delicate - Fresh love, and I like it cause I get
Is it too soon to do this yet? 'Cause I know that it's delicate - I feel like this is about writing a song about someone, like is it too soon to write a song about this yet, not in a bad way!!!
Do the girls back home touch you like I do? - Sexy line, hot
Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs - Line reminds me of ‘ Sounded like footsteps on my stairs’ from If This Was a Movie. Also reminds me of All Too Well and the ‘down the stairs you were there I remember it all too well’ cause you know I’ll look for any reason to mention the power song
Stay here, honey, I don't wanna share - ??? what’s this about
Sometimes I wonder when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me? - <3
Sometimes when I look into your eyes, I pretend you're mine, all the damn time -  LOVE IT
Look What You Made Me Do
I’ve fallen out of love with the beat but it is still lit
But I got smarter I got harder in the nick of time - It’s strong and give me power
Honey I rose up from the dead I do it all time - See above
I got a list of names and yours is in red underlined, I check it once, then I check it twice - See above, also it’s vicious and I live for it
Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours - Kitty got claws
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me - Makes me grin with evil intentions
I’m sorry, the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now" "Why?" "Oh, 'cause she's dead!" - Maniacal laughter like Yzma as the cat in Emperorers New Groove
Below the lines that I’m not here for anymore
You ask me for a place to sleep,locked me out and threw a feast - idk? just eye roll?
The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama, but not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma - again just done with it
So it Goes...
I'm yours to keep and I'm yours to lose - Cool 
You know I'm not a bad girl, but I do bad things with you - ;)
Met you in a bar, All eyes on me, your illusion is, All eyes on us - Makes me think of This is What You Came For, so I’m thinking this is a Calvin dig, for him being a intimidated by her success
I make all your grey days clear and wear you like a necklace - This whole song I’m like idek if this is good or not, this is my least fav song on the album
I'm so chill, but you make me jealous - Girl we’re cool, but when have you ever been chill, and you’ve always been jelly?
Come here, dressed in black now - Oooh reputation era, bad ass taylor coming in, having her emo dressing in all black phase coming in XD
Scratches down your back now - Rawr sexy
You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk - Making fun of Joe’s British accent ;)
And I got a boyfriend he’s older than us he’s in the club doing I don’t know what - Tom? Calvin??? Who knows.
Whiskey on ice, sunset and vine, you’ve ruined my life by not being mine - I get it 
You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your face, cause look at your face - Again I feel it
You should take it as a compliment that I’m talking to everyone here but you - Agreed
If you got a girlfriend, I’m jealous of her, but if you’re single it’s actually worse - Honestly yes, cause if you got a girlfriend, Ima be good cause I’m a Jackie not a Marilyn, but if you don’t omg I’m sorry I can’t stop it
You’re so gorgeous it actually hurts - Yep
Ocean blue eyes looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die - I’m sinking drowning and dying all at once
Like Joe isn’t really attractive to me but I’m glad she’s happy and wrote this bop cause I feel it in my soul
Getaway Car
The robo voice can go thank you
It was the best of times the worst of crimes - Love it already
I struck a match and blew your mind, but I didn’t mean it, and you didn’t see it - <3
The tires were black, the lies were white, and shades of gray in candle light - WHY DO I ENJOY THIS?
I wanted to leave him, but I needed a reason - IS JOE THE REASON? Okay love, but also come on if you wanna leave him, leave him for you!
X marks the spot where we fell apart, he poisoned the well, I was lying to myself - I love it so much and the beat??!?
I knew from the first old fashioned we were cursed, we never had a shot, shot, shot in the dark - Honestly can’t tell if this is her being like been on Joe for the longest time wanted to kick all the boys to curb moment I saw him shit, or whether it’s just her telling one of her made up love stories tied to the truth??? Like this is just about Bonnie and Clyde sorta and she’s just tying it to this.
You were driving the get away car, we were flying but we never get far - BOP BOP BOP
Don't pretend it's such a mystery think about the place where you first met me-And where exactly is that Taylor we’d all like to know, WHERE, WHEN, AND HOW DID YOU REALLY MEET JOE EXPLAIN
We're ridin' in a getaway car there were sirens in the beat of your heart - <3
Shoulda know I'd be the first to leave - Love
While he was runnin' after us, I was screamin', "go, go, go!" - LOVE LOVE LOVE
But with three of us, honey, it's a side show and a circus ain't a love story and now we're both sorry - Getting all kinds of era refs here
It hit you like a shotgun shot in the heart - Dead
I'm in a getaway car,I left you in a motel bar, put the money in the bag and I stole the keys that was the last time you ever saw me - This whole line is killer and I love it
King of My Heart
I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own,I made up my mind, I'm better off bein' alone - Love it
We met a few weeks ago - Idk but I like this single line
So prove to me I'm your American Queen and you move to me like I'm a Motown beat - I get American Boy vibes from this
Cause all the boys and their expensive cars, with their Range Rovers and their Jaguars, never took me quite where you do - All I can think about is Harry’s Range Rover, and Tom in the Jaguar commercials, and lol jaggywires 
Late in the night, the city's asleep your love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep - sound of my heart beat
Change my priorities - sweet
Overall song is just eh - second least av
Dancing with Our Hands Tied 
That beginning piano is magic
I, I loved you in secret first sight, yeah, we love without reason - <3
Oh, 25 years old, Oh, how were you to know and my, my love had been frozen - </3
Deep blue, but you painted me golden - powerful
You said there was nothing in the world that could stop it, I had a bad feeling - Strong, and heartbreaking
People started talking, putting us through our paces,I knew there was no one in the world who could take it - SEE ABOVE
I hate the chourus 
I, I loved you in spite of, deep fears that the world would divide us - Beautiful
I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted - Darling
Swaying as the room burned down, I'd hold you as the water rushes in - All about the idc, and lets keep going even as havoc wreaks 
Third least fav maybe?
Golden Tattoo - ????
All of this silence and patience, panic, and anticipation, my hands are shaking from holding back from you - Darling and sexy at the same time also come on Taylor just jump his bones!
I don't want you like a best friend - Did anyone not know this?
Only bought this dress on you could take it off, take it off, carve your name into my bedpost - Sexy, also still hear carve you name into my nipples XD
And if I get burned, at least we were electrified - Cool, but if you get burned you’re gonna be pissed
Nights back when you met me your buzzcut, and my hair bleed - Hair bleeds??
Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me - <3
Flash back to my mistakes,my rebounds, my earthquakes - Pain
Even in my worst nights, you saw the truth of me - <3
Don’t like the high pitch of the song, everyone built it up so it fell flat 
Fourth least fav maybe???
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year - BOP
So why'd you have to rain on my parade? -  BOP
This is why we can’t have nice things, cause you break them, I have to take them away - !!!!!
It was so nice being friends again, there I was, giving you a second chance, but then you stabbed my back - KANYE KANYE KANYE
And therein lies the issue, friends don't try to trick you, get you on the phone and mind-twist you, and so I took an axe to a mended fence - HOT HOT HOT, I really want an axe to swing
But I'm not the only friend you've lost lately, if only you weren't so shady - grinning cuz Jay-Z
Here's a toast to my real friends,they don't care about that he-said-she-said - POWERFUL, makes me think of Taylor’s You Belong With Me Shirt in LWYMMD
And here's to my baby he ain't reading what they call me lately - Getting a lil tired of this her BABY, all songs are about Joe, JOE, JOE, JOE okay we get it, glad you happy, calm down 
And here's to my momma had to listen to all this drama - My favorite part idk why
And here's to you cause forgiveness is a nice thing to do haha, I can't even say it with a straight face - ;) I it’s funny, idek how to feel cuz im like oh god but also HYSTARICAL??
Not for the siren sounds, but also it’s lit and a secret fav?
Call it What You Want
My castle crumbled overnight, I brought a knife to a gunfight - <3
They took the crown but it’s alright - </3
All the liars are calling me one, nobodies heard from me for months - 0.0
I’m doing better than I ever was - Happy for her
My babies fit like a daydream, walking with his head down, I’m the one he’s walking to - <3 :) love it, and she used the British term fit XD
My babies fly like a jetstream, high above the whole scene, loves me like I’m brand new - Beautiful
All my flowers grew back as thorns, windows boarded up after the storm -  The afterward to Clean
He built a fire just to keep me warm - Bonfire imagery gets me
They fade to nothing when I look at him - <3
And I know I make the same mistakes everytime, bridges burn, I never learn - POWERFUL ADMITTING IT
At least I did one thing right - <3
I’m laughing with my lover making forts under covers - <3 :)
Trust him like a brother - TRUST TRUST TRUST GETS ME
I want to wear his initial on chain round my neck, not because he owns me, but cause he really knows me - UGH I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT
Which is more than they can say - <3
I recall late November, holding my breath slowly I said, you don’t need to save me, but would you runaway with me, yes - <3 LOVE LIKE THIS IS KILLING ME
New Years Day
Her voice is so sweet and dewey here and I love it, but everyone hyped it up and so it fell a lil flat on me imagery is great tho
Don’t read the last page, but I stay when you’re lost and I’m scared and you’re turning away - <3 <3 <3
I want your midnights - <3
You squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi - Eh it’s okay, sweet???
I can tell it’s gonna be a long road - LONG GOOD ROAD
If you strike out and you’re crawling home - Strong supportive
When it’s hard or it’s wrong or we’re making mistakes - AGAIN SUPPORTIVE LOVE
Hold on to the memories, they will hold onto you - Strong strong strong anything with the word memories gets me everytime
Please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere - CRYING HERE
You and me forevermore - I hope <3
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