#otp: the dragon keeps the princess
regiqoa · 5 months
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Did you know I self-ship with Raihan, too? Well, let me introduce you to Gym Trainer Regi, the fairy princess of Ballonlea!
Ahem, reblogs are HUGELY appreciated!
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Aegon III Targaryen/Daenaera Velaryon, Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen, Larra Rogare/Viserys II Targaryen Characters: Viserys II Targaryen, Aegon III Targaryen, Aegon IV Targaryen, Daenaera Velaryon, Daena Targaryen, Aemon "The Dragonknight" Targaryen, Naerys Targaryen, Falena Stokeworth, Ser Dennis Whitfield, Lucas Lothston, Rhaenyra Targaryen (mentioned), Daemon Targaryen (mentioned), Rhaena Targaryen (Daughter of Aegon III), Daeron I Targaryen, Baelor I Targaryen, Elaena Targaryen (Daughter of Aegon III), Larra Rogare, Aegon II Targaryen (mentioned), Ser Raynard Ruskyn Additional Tags: Book: Fire and Blood (A Song of Ice and Fire), Story: The Rogue Prince (A Song of Ice and Fire), Story: The Princess and the Queen (A Song of Ice and Fire), Spoilers for Book: Fire and Blood (A Song of Ice and Fire), Book: The World of Ice and Fire (A Song of Ice and Fire), House Targaryen (A Song of Ice and Fire), This story is based on the canon events and has no link to any adaptation, Canon Compliant, Asoiaf Canon only, Post-The Dance of the Dragons | Aegon II Targaryen v. Rhaenyra Targaryen Era Summary:
"Don't compare me to him," Prince Aegon ruled, "I would never feed my sister to a dragon."
It is the year of 151 AC, twenty years since the end of the Dance of the Dragons. The Broken King, Aegon Targaryen, the Third of His Name, sits on the Iron Throne with his brother Prince Viserys Targaryen by his side. Many whisper, however, that the one who rules over all is the prince... over all that is, but over his son, the unworthy Prince Aegon.
Based on the characters and events created by GRRM.
For @ammmyturtle <3 hope you like it!
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chaggiehearts · 3 months
Hi! Making a little introduction for my blog <3
You can call me Ruby. I’m 19 years old, I use she/her pronouns and I’m a lesbian. I’m also neurodivergent (though for privacy reasons I won’t be indicating exactly what I have). I speak both Spanish and English (with Spanish being my native tongue). I love Hazbin Hotel and this blog is entirely dedicated to this show that has taken over my life. I watched the pilot in the summer of 2020 so I’ve been here for a long while, but I didn’t get properly obsessed until the show released :)
As one could have imagined seeing my icon, header, username, blog description and general posts, I love chaggie so much, they're my favourite part of the show (as characters and as a ship). I do love the rest of the show too, they’re just my faves.
My favorite characters are, in order: Vaggie, Charlie (very unexpected top 2 I know /s, I love them <33), Lute, Emily (my other two faves!!!), Velvette, Carmilla, Rosie, Niffty and sir Pentious. That being said, I like almost every character. Though I mainly talk about Charlie and Vaggie because #brainrot, you may expect any other character too, specially the aforementioned.
Chaggie is my absolute OTP and around 80% of my posts will be about them. Some other pairings I also love are emilute, fallenwings, huskerdust, guitarspear, royalhalo, velmilla, zestmilla, qpr poly!!Vees, qpr radiorose and cherrisnake. I adore the idea of Charlie's angels as an OT4 because I love throwing all my favorite characters into a ship and imagining the chaos that would follow 👍🏻
I tend to tag absolutely every character and ship I post/reblog about, so if anything here makes you uncomfortable don't hesitate to blacklist it :)
I'm interested in many other things, namely Project Sekai!, BanG Dream!, D4DJ, Love Live!, Vocaloid (specially the Evillious Chronicles series and the Night∞Series), Helluva Boss, RWBY, Red vs. Blue, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, The Dragon Prince, The Owl House, Steven Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Five Nights at Freddy's, Monster High, Ever After High, Rainbow High, Madoka Magica, Kakegurui, Danganronpa, Your Turn To Die, Sanrio, Cookie Run, Heathers, Les Miserables, etc. I'm not completely up to date with all these things though, uni sucks. I might make another blog to talk about this stuff eventually but I'd want to keep this blog focused on Hazbin!
I don't tend to do DNIs because I understand bigots don't tend to respect them, but well, if you're someone that discriminates others on the basis of anything and I find out, I'll block you. When it comes to Hazbin Hotel, I don't want to interact with you if you ship Valentino X Angel, Lucifer or Lilith X Charlie, Vaggie X men or Angel X women, those things really make me uncomfortable.
As a note, I’m extremely anxious and shy, so it’s difficult for me to DM people first, but I assure you I’m nice and if you wanna chat I’m extremely down for it! Please let’s talk about our favorite characters and ships and plot points and moments pspsps or even things outside Hazbin Hotel, whatever you want :)
Finally, I draw and write. You can find my Hazbin Hotel fanarts tagged as “#my art <3” (though I tend to post the actually good stuff in my art blog @elverniia and just rb them here, I only post the stuff that is unfinished or too simple/messy here). I haven’t posted fanfics yet so idk what I’ll tag them, I’ll see when I get there!
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thecoramaria · 12 days
You might have already posted about this, but am too lazy to scroll through your profile lol :') Which fandoms do you write about?
Hey, Nonny~! I mostly write for 'Legend of Zelda', in particular 'Twilight Princess', though I have written a bunch of oneshots for 'RWBY' (mostly Renora) as well, and I wrote a few prompt ficlets for 'Miraculous Ladybug'. I also wrote 'Vocaloid' fanfic (and I think one Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle ficlet?) back in high school but that has since been deleted.
I do have some fics for other fandoms in the works, such as a possible 'Endless Ocean 2' novelisation, a 'Clone Wars' crack fic, and several for 'Spy x Family'. Like goddamn have I been feeling the Twiyor brainrot lately. The ideas keep coming! (Also I think I partially wrote a 'Dragon Prince' oneshot about 3-4 years ago but I don't think that's ever gonna be completed)
Pretty much all my longfics that I've completed (or am actively working on) are 'Legend of Zelda' though, particularly when the pairing is Midlink - the OTP to end all OTPs! I find that the fandom doesn't tend to provide the kinds of fics I want to read about them. I love when they're slowburn and their chemistry is built from the ground up, but the vast majority of the fics that do that are retellings of 'Twilight Princess'. I love a good retelling, but now I want to see them in more alternate universes (that don't involve eight other versions of Link), or stories that significantly diverge from canon as early as possible (which is what I'm doing with 'The Light Invasion' trilogy). And it's also an absolute must for me that Midna be written in-character (which unfortunately the official manga adaptation failed to do!) and that Link be fleshed out instead of left as a blank slate. So I think that's what's motivates me to write my LoZ longfics the most and put the most focus on that fandom: I must photosynthesise and make my own food!
I also don't tend to broadcast my fandoms on this Tumblr account (I have a personal account that Tumblr shadowbanned but I still use it) because I want to keep it relatable to people of any fandom, but maybe by profile you meant my AO3? Idk 🤷 You're not very likely to figure out what fandoms I write for by scrolling through this Tumblr account lol, so even if you had the energy, you saved yourself some effort there!
Thanks for the opportunity to info-dump!
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autumnslance · 1 year
Writer's Game: First Sentences
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Tagged by @elveny! ♥️
Tagging: @driftward @mintibunny @yzeltia @scrollsfromarebornrealm @chysgoda @punchelf @gunbun @dragons-bones @theepicreboot @thebmatt @rinzukodas @phaedra-mero @eremiss @anomaliewrites @raelly-writing and whoever else would like to (also y'all should check these folks out).
Many of these are shippy nonsense, as my pairing sparks joy. I’ve been writing a lot of drabbles and microfics lately, though some things I’d only count as captions more than fics.
I seem to like shorter, snappy openers (especially compared to many of my longer sentences in a given fic), often with or entirely a little dialogue.
1 “Bearing Sins of the Past”, the current (as of 3/13/23) fic in progress on Ao3.
“You say Ser Alberic is missing?” the old lady knight asked as Aeryn warmed herself by the fire.
2 “A Little Lady’s Realization” a microfic about dresses and faith.
*Sigh* “I suppose my ‘princess’ must insist on keeping this new dress as well?”
3 “Linkpearls” a Year of the OTP prompt response.
When Aeryn answered the chiming linkpearl, Thancred’s familiar voice crackled on the other side of the line. “I received your letter.”
4 “Dual Perspectives” also a Year of the OTP prompt response. This line appears first in both sections.
Whenever I look at you, I see Light and Hope.
5 “Misunderstanding” a little pre-Endwalker culture clash.
“Everything all right?” Thancred asked, waiting a bit further along the trail as Estinien and Aeryn caught up.
6 An untitled blurb about languages I should clean up and move from Tumblr to Ao3.
Nanamo had a headache.
7 “Northern Lights” another drabble, about fashion in cold weather
“These northern lights are still impressive after everything.”
8 “This Home Wrested Forth” from the Dark Knight zine, Sidurgu’s 2nd person POV.
Your clan fled the Empire, crossing Ilsabard in search of homelike climes.
9 “Scholarly” a prompt response for Roevember 2022, Felina of the Night’s Blessed reminiscing.
While many important books had been taken to the Crystarium, or copied for inclusion to the Cabinet of Curiosity, a good number of tomes yet remained in the Bookman’s Shelves, a hidden and hard to reach library of history and magical theories.
10 “Mountain” also from Roevember 2022, Felina and Runar at the base of Mt Gulg.
The waiting was the worst part.
Bonus: Current first couple lines of that long promised Shadowbringers Thancred WIP...
“Let expanse contract—Eon become instant! Throw wide the gates that we may pass!”
One moment Thancred was presenting his proposal to the assembled Alliance leaders and his colleagues, the Admiral expressing her approval which was convincing the rest. The next moment, he was clutching his head in agony, hearing as if from a great distance his fellow Scions crying out, while the others called to them in confusion.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Not sure if you're still doing niche asks but I thought this might be a fun one: your Dragon Age Inquisitor.
Her name was Saareti Adaar!
a song that reminds me of them: Easier by The Crane Wives
what they smell like: Nettle tea, but the anchor has a smell that lingers between sulfur, smoke, and ozone. She keeps it wrapped up because she's self conscious about it.
an otp: Josephine my princess :) <3
a notp: Sera sucks and is a terrible revolutionary and team member and no I'm not won over by her fetishizing Qunari. 80% of her appeal is "jar of bees" and that's not her! That's bees!
favorite platonic/familial relationships: Cole is my special special boy and if anyone treats him bad I'm blowing this whole place up. I actually do like the rapport Saareti builds up with Vivienne as well. Maybe Vivienne just has ~an effect~ on Qunari characters... it's the headdress... it's gotta be.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: I dunno, like, I've kind of been out of the fandom for like 3 years now. My most controversial opinion is "Dragon Age 2 sucks" but everyone's like 'waaaah they were working on a big time crunch what about Fenris Fenris is so special look at my anime boy Fenris' like DA2 didn't have the world's most excruciatingly recycled levels you've ever seen. Those levels were like my grandma's clothes which she's put through the wash so much that nothing even shows up in the lint trap. But that doesn't have that much bearing on DAI. I think a lot of people are really racist about Vivienne and even though I'm hardcore mage rights (like 'Anders did nothing wrong' mage rights) Vivienne does make several good points about being born a mage basically meaning you have been born with chainsaws for arms. Like yeah! We need a safe place to learn how to use our chainsaw arms!
the position they sleep in: Usually on her side with her arm as a pillow--she's used to sleeping on rough terrain. She sleeps in absolutely fucked positions when she and Josie start sleeping together. Tummy sleeper who keeps getting cricks in her neck because YOU HAVE BIGHORN SHEEP HORNS, YOU MORON.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in: I dunno, I mean the major appeal of the dragon age games is your immersion in that world. Most AU's just kind of fall short. I think she would be fun teaming up with my Lavellan, Saoirse, who's a nervous wreck. They're both very self-insert-y though (Saoirse and Saareti... obviously...) so it's more like Lavellan is just My Anxiety (TM) and Adaar is just the "Girls who say 'Bruh'" side of my personality. Adaar laughs at my Lavellan for romancing Cullen for a solid 40 minutes.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: You know, I feel like the game designers didn't put a lot of work making the inquisitor outfits look flattering on qunari--especially if you were a mage qunari like me. Also the inquisitor hat is SO EMBARRASSING.
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For meg!
Thank you for participating! 💖
Answered for Shrek-verse Meg:
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
When finding out a barmaid and Death himself are in a romantic relationship it’s not a surprise it’s hard to believe. Even in a world where an ogre married a princess, and a donkey and a dragon had mutant babies…this was so hard to wrap your head around even after seeing it with your own eyes.
Puss in Boots, who had come to a peaceful truce with Death, was shocked and a bit worried for the woman he met on the journey he made that peace on, but seeing how she and the wolf bantered and looked at each other when they thought no one witnessed it, his concerns fell.
Kitty Softpaws, who had a more neutral and even respectful relationship with Death (through her more careful but no less adventurous lifestyle) was surprised too, but having not had the terrifying journey Puss had with the embodiment of death itself, was less concerned. Really she was more amused and even teased Puss about how there seemed to be someone that beat him in charming others if Meg could charm even Death. (Then Kitty and Death developed a casual friendship as Team Friendship came to help track down the one stealing souls.)
Perrito didn’t see a problem at all with this. He thought it was so sweet and was happy his “fellow therapy dog” found his person. Meg tried to correct him, but Death told her just let the pup have this.
Meg’s best friend (maybe she will be an OC, maybe my actual best friend…or heck maybe she and Goldi will become close through similarities of adoption and having only animal friends) was also quite shocked and concerned at first too, but trusted Meg’s judgement and that she knew what she was getting into…eventually.
Life (an OC) was indifferent until getting caught up in the middle of everything. She was more focused on the crime against nature that was someone stealing life from people, but when she saw the lengths this mortal would go to for Death…it surprised her into caring.
The rest of the characters Meg encounters in the story, it depends on what happens when they meet and if they’re friend or foe. She likes to keep the relationship quiet with non-friends.
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
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This is her default outfit, which is her barmaid dress.
But throughout the story she wears other clothes depending on the circumstance and accessibility.
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This dress for example, which is from the party famous for Shrek crashing it and ending in him and Fiona returning to their ogre selves. Muerte and her were there to investigate a death that would occur. Anyone that watched Shrek 2 knows who it was.
12. how would the fandom view your character?
I’m not sure…it depends how protective of Muerte they are, but I think some would think her crazy or in an unhealthy relationship for whatever reason they can make up, especially if she became a popular character in the source.
Others would probably be cruel to her because she’s in the way of their OTP (PussDeath, I’d guess) and unlike Kitty who is also an anthro cat, they wouldn’t do any kind of poly thing because a human and two anthro animals isn’t as hot as three anthro animals.
Then there would probably be those that ship with her because she’s a canon character and is therefore public domain. Which I would be flattered by if this were to happen, because I’m doing something right in that case. lol
Then there would be those that support it because canon monsterfucker, perfect for Tumblr specifically. lol
There’s not just one answer, since fandoms are a chaotic mess of opinions and ideas. My response here is based on my experience seeing all of it.
13. does your self insert have any information about their family?
Yes. Her parents are still alive, as are her siblings, but she doesn’t visit because she doesn’t have time and then because she’s determined to take down her grandparents’ killer.
But she has a strong relationship with her mom, even though they don’t see each other much anymore. She still writes when she can…but has not had the heart or courage to tell them she’s in a relationship with Death himself. For one, would they even believe her? For another, this shatters several dreams her mom had for her future if the relationship stays strong.
On top of that, all three siblings were adopted starting with herself.
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
When she has time and energy, she draws. She has a sketchbook and charcoal pencil that she uses and her muses are those that have made an impact or that she’s fond of. If you flip through the most recent pages you’ll find them full of sketches of Muerte’s various expressions or poses most of which are casual and relaxed.
You will also find sketches of Team Friendship and (if she stays in touch) the Bear Family.
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
In the story she is the protagonist and kind of an anti-hero, so the one that moves the plot mostly. She doesn’t go out of her way to help people in need as she’s almost exclusively driven by her hunt for the man that killed her grandparents and tried to kill her, once she learns he’s at large again. But throughout the story she does more good than she does bad, especially in the quest for the Wishing Star arc.
When it comes to stuff that connects to the movies, though, she’s a supporting character. Still the main character to the reader, but if you watched the movies and she was there she’s a side character that joins the main conflict when it benefits her and Muerte’s mission. Or just her.
And yes she does help defeat Jack Horner directly, but in helping destroy the map which leads to his death.
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
Her gloves aren’t just for fashion purposes, and she always carries a dagger at her hip. She has had to use it several times, but has not taken a life as of the start of Corre, Corre Pequina Roja.
ask game: self insert lore
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《 °•○●|| Jay | 21 | ♤♡ | He/They ||●○•° 》
○ I'm a trans-masc. nonbinary guy with autism and ADHD!! (Tone tags = okay!!) I'm also okay with being called Chaos if you know me from my other blogs!
● This is a personal side blog to reblog stuff I like, post Ninjago stuff, art WIPs, write AUs and headcanons, and generaly just talk about things I like. Also occasional rhythm game posting. My main is @jay-sketchin, I only post my art there.
○ I've got some other side blogs!! My stuff can get a bit difficult to keep track of, so here's a Linktree for everything! For Tumblr specific only, @chaos-husband is my editing blog, @oc-house-of-chaos is my oc lore and headcanon blog, @denjis-chainsaws is my fanfiction/writing blog, and @coles-scythe is my stim blog.
● Currently very hyperfixated on Ninjago and Bruiseshipping!! I've watched up to season 9 and will be starting 10 soon, but I don't really care about spoilers. Chainsaw Man and Guilty Gear are also pretty up there!! I also love things like Persona, Dragon Ball, AKIRA, Xenoblade, Twilight Princess and a lot more!!
○ I self ship!! Tohru Adachi, Happy Chaos, and Son Goku are my F/Os of all time, but I'm currently very fixated on Jay Walker and Cole from Ninjago! I've got many more from almost every fandom I follow lol. Characters like Denji and Shotaro Kaneda are also F/Os, but moreso of the comfort character variety.
● Crossovers are also a big thing on this blog!! It's mainly AUs where the characters from one source are in another source and I rewrite the story to fit them (Ex. My Ninjago/Persona AU). Very few are centered around friendships, and even less focus on romantic relationships. Nanami Hiromachi + Yusuke Kitagawa is my ultimate crossover friendship, and Tohru Adachi/Happy Chaos/Son Goku is my crossover OTP lol.
○ No DNI list for this blog. Usual criteria like bigots, TERFs, MAPs, exclusionists and pro shippers still applies though. Toxic anti shippers, RPF, YouTuber-centric blogs, and Lloyd/Ninja shippers also leave me be, I'll block you.
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bearcina · 1 year
2023 OTP Prompts: March
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A Princess and a Dragon
Fairytale AU!
Princess Ophelia had been in a magical slumber for almost a century, then, a red dragon has an idea to wake her.
The princess Ophelia had been visited by white dragons when she had become of age, the dragons flying long distances from the north to see the girl.
"Your princess will know slumber like the dragons," their matriarch said, "Send her to the northern dens, and we will care for her as my own spawn."
The matriarch circled the princess, her long leathery tail brushing the hem of Ophelia's gown. The dragons and the humans had been in an alliance for hundreds of years, princesses and princes who did not have the chance for a throne would find their way to the cold kingdom without fail.
It did not even take the day for the princess to be promised to the dragons.
Ophelia had been in the care of the white dragons for many years, incubating many broods of eggs and sleeping under the paradoxically warm wings of her keepers.
The dragons were kind to her, keeping her clothed in the finest fabrics and fed fresh food. But she had still not reached her prophesied slumber.
It didn't happen suddenly when it happened, it wasn't falling asleep at night and not waking in the morning, it was a long and slow dive. She started sleeping beneath warm wings more and more for longer and longer times.
Then, she didn't wake at all.
The family of dragons were distraught at their frail princess succumbing to her slumber.
Multiple dozens of years passed, and the princess still slumbered.
The white dragon matriarch was still searching for what would wake her.
The matriarch sent for the fire dragons to the south, ready to combine their expansive knowledge... The fire dragons came as soon as they could, flying the entire way in a few nights.
They brought spices, flowers, magical tinctures, and tomes of all sizes with them in hope it would wake the slumbering princess.
Only two fire dragons survived the trip to the northern snow tower, young Ada and their own matriarch.
Both red dragons nervously circled the fragile sleeping girl. She had not aged a day.
Ada, the smallest dragon in the room, clicked her beak. She blew spices at the sleeping girl, but got no response. She then started crushing flowers into paste, and tried to feed the princess, but still got no response.
So the crimson dragon poured over the books she had brought with her. She searched and searched for cures to magical curses and sleeping illness, but found nothing.
"Matriarch," Ada rasped, "I have not found a cure for your sleeping princess. All of my medicine and tinctures have failed to rouse her." The red dragon bowed before her matriarch.
"Then we shall wait. Go, guard her."  The crimson matriarch stood and walked away.
Ada guarded the sleeping girl for many more years. Then, she had an idea, witches prided themselves on making perfect matches, only letting their curses be let up by a fated kiss.
Perhaps, she thought, this princess was under such a curse. It had been almost a century, and the best dragons could not wake the girl.
The crimson dragon waited into the night for her chance.
She crouched low in the moonlight streaming in from the window. Princess Ophelia looked divine laying upon her plush bed, her forest green hair haloed her head. Ada clicked her beak, a purr crawling its way from her throat.
The dragon slowly creeped up to the side of the bed. Ada purred at the sleeping princess, and delicately leaned onto the bed over her body. She slowly lowered her leathery beak over Ophelia's face, and wondered as she stood there, if it was even possible for a dragon and a human to kiss.
Finally, the crimson dragon pressed the front of her beak to the princess' warm lips.
She shut her eyes, and slowly started to pull away from the girl. It was a good kiss, the dragon thought, even if she had never kissed a dragon before.
Ada slowly returned to all fours, and slunk back to her spot in the window. It was a failure, she could not rouse the princess. It also turned out, dragons could cry.
Ada sobbed in the window, her wings limp against her sides. She did not hear the rustling from the bed.
Princess Ophelia groaned weakly as she woke, stretching each part of her slowly. She cracked her eyes open, and stared at the ceiling for a time, starting to process the sound of sobbing and the fog of her slumber.
She pushed herself to sitting, and tossed her legs over the side of the bed, her ears rewarded with a loud creaking.
The red dragon in the room went quiet at the noise.
"Ah… I really need a drink…" Ophelia whined, her throat dry and parched.
Ada turned around, tucking her tail close her her body. She spotted the once sleeping princess sitting on the edge of her bed, and almost roared at the surprise. She crouched low again, and started to approach Ophelia.
"You have awoken…" Ada said, tentatively approaching the bed again. She kept her entire body close to the floor as she crawled.
"I am Ada, the fire beast of Halcyon." Ada spoke, watching her with bright eyes.
Ophelia yawned loudly, and started to stand. She smiled at the red dragon at her feet, feeling her hot breath on her ankles. 
"Hello there.…" The princess cooed. She rubbed her violet eyes and then reached out to touch the dragon keeping her company. "Now, what is your name?" She asked. She tenderly placed her hand on Ada's snout and rubbed it.
"You have awoken me?" Ophelia asked, her smile still small and tender, like a secret.
Ada clicked approvingly, "Yes. I have. You have slumbered for a long time, princess."
Ophelia seemed to know what was going on, realization slowly dawning on her as she gazed upon the dragon many times her size.
She knew that the crimson dragon was her fated mate.
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iamaicecreamlover · 2 years
Types Of Ships
The types of ships I have supported as a fan in my many fandoms. I can’t speak for every fan, but maybe one of these will relate to you. WARNING! This is gonna be long. You may disagree with some examples, if you do GET OVER IT. Also some ships may be from the same anime so mixed feeling alert incoming.
The Canon Ships
These are the ships that you shipped because they're canon. The creators and everyone behind the scenes guided you to supporting their choice. Rewarding you and every other fan with adorable and can’t help but love scenes. By time these ships become your OTP you’ll be pleading for them to finally become canon because you know it's going to happen, eventually. 
Personal Examples; Natsu x Lucy from Fairy Tail, Inuyasha x Kagome (honestly f*ck Kikyo the zombie) from Inuyasha, Midoriya x Ochaco from Boku No Hero Academia, and my favorite Hinata x Naruto from Naruto/Naruto Shippuden.
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When I first started getting into anime, I was only a fan of canon ships. I may have found other ships cute but because they weren't possible in canon I never thought about it with my imagination. Learned to get rid of that thinking quick, LOL!
P.S Hinata deserve better than just being a love interest!
The Gay Ships
I would love to say if they were a het couple I would still ship it, but it almost 100% possible its because there gay that I ship it. In a heteronormative society sometimes you just need a good old gay couple to hard core ship, whether there canon or not.
Personal Examples; Steve Rogers x Bucky from Marvel, Santana x Brittany from (hate to love this show) Glee, and my one of my many gay favorites Aziraphale x Crowley from Good Omens
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The Only Support As Fanon ships
Some ships you know should never be canon, but you can’t help but dream of the possibility. Something just draws you to the beautiful mess that would be that ship.
Personal favorites; Charlotte x Ichiya from Infinite Stratos, Hawks x Dabi from Boku No Hero Academia, my OTP of guilty pleasures Bakugou x Midoriya from Boku No Hero Academia
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Seriously, never let these ships be canon. My head might explode because of how much is wrong with it. So many toxic relationships
P.S Loveeee Barbarian Bakugou or Dragon Tamer Bakugou design, either way he doesn't have a shirt on so I’m good!
The Enemies To Lovers ships
Didn’t realize I was so into these ships until they recently became a bigger thing over the years.
Personal Favorites; Logan x Veronica from Veronica Mars, Garcia x Alvez from Criminal Minds, Claire x Bender from Breakfast Club, Lux x Amity from Owl House, and my one of my all time favorites Catra x Adora from She-Ra Princesses Of Power
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The Stumble Upon A Great Fanart, Fanfic, Donjin, or Video And Now I’m On Board ships
All of these ships I genuinely had zero interest in until their fandoms hit me over the head
Personal Favorites; Lisanna x Bixlow from Fairy Tail, Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna from RWBY, and wow there is sooo much fanfiction for them Harry Potter X Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter
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The Background Couple Ships
That couple thats always behind the main pairing or even further into the background but even a glimpse of them keeps the ship alive even if there not together.
Janna x Tom from Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Pacifica x Dipper from Gravity falls, and all pairing from Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun (seriously there all hilarious and would be great together)
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The Equal Footing Ships
Especially canon couples sometimes the ship feels uneven. Sometimes it’s there appearance but sometimes it just how one partner treats the other that you can’t help but ship another couple since each person in the relationship seems to have met their match.
Shego x Kim from Kim Possible and Kaito x Shinichi from Detective Conan.
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The Cry So Hard Ships
When the pairing you’ve been rooting for never happens and all you can think is, ‘whyyyyy!!!’
Personal Favorites; Yui x Hinata from Angel Beats, Kaori x Kosei from My Lie In April, and Hatori x Kana from Fruits Basket
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The Childhood Ships The ships you saw growing up that made you the fan you are today Personal Favorites; Ned x Moses from Ned Declassfied, Quinn x Logan from Zoey 101, and Sam x Freddy from ICarly
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The OTP Ships
The couples that you can’t stop squealing, daydreaming, reading fanfiction, looking at fanart, and yearn to see how their children look
Personal Favorites; Percy x Annabeth from Percy Jackson, Cress x Thorne from Lunar Chronicles, Ryuuosuke x Rita from Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo, Anya x Damien from Spy x Family and my recent top favorite Sasaki x Miyano from Sasaki to Miyano
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This defines their relationship so much ❤️
Thanks for reading to the end, especially since I know how long this is. Took me a while to type it all. This is dedicated to the fandoms. If you're a fan in any of my fandoms, I hope it's nice to know someone can relate to loving love. 
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archonfurina · 3 months
what are your otps and notps? and why?
Baldur's Gate 3:
OTP: Wyll x Astarion. Chemistry, both have traumas, many tropes I enjoy like monster hunter x monster. They have their moments in canon too, they're clearly attracted to each other. + Astarion's line about wanting to marry a prince-like type like Wyll.
OTP: Lae'zel x Shadowheart. They are insane. Peak enemies to lovers content. They have so much tension, but they're perfect for each other. Like Shadowheart said, if they channeled all that energy into their enemies, they'd be unstoppable together. + Healer and warrior trope. Mwah.
NOTP: I don't really have one. Maybe Astarion x Shadowheart? They don't really fit together. But I don't hate it either. They're just more like gay best friends.
Genshin Impact:
OTP: Neuvillette x Furina. The angst potential of these two is crazy. Not to be obsessed but like. They spent 400 years together as the rulers of Fontaine. And now Furina thinks it's better that they don't see each other and Neuvillette is desperate to see her again. THE PINING. The misunderstandings. Furina being lonely for centuries and having only Neuvillette as her only companion but being unable to share herself completely with him because her entire nation's existence depends on it?? The grief?? And what Neuvillette must be feeling when he finds out she's sacrificed so much for her people and has had to shoulder so much by herself, an ordinary human? THE GUILT??? And after everything, she's mortal now and what if they missed their chance?? But it could also finally be their moment to be honest and real with each other and heal together. + Neuvillette giving her a vision with dragon claws.. To mark her as being beyond Celestia's clutches. Don't get me started on these two holy shit I WILL go on forever
OTP: Zhongli x Lumine. Old dragon hot. Jk I also love them for lore reasons and they'd be beautiful together.
OTP: Kaeya x Lumine. My original and first ship in Genshin. I just love them so much. I don't really have any coherent thoughts on them I just adore them together. + They're both outsiders.
OTP: Xiao x Lumine. Can you tell I play a fem traveler? Anyway. There's sooo many moments in canon where they're together and having intimate conversations. Xiao appearing only when Lumi calls for him?? "I'll do it because it's you." (paraphrasing). Xiao keeps saving her? Honestly that whole Chasm questline was so much food for us.
OTP: Raiden Shogun x Kujou Sara. Okay hear me out. The archon and her general. The deity and her worshiper. The idol and the fan. I just.... They just are so good. Sara has dedicated her whole life and herself fully to Ei. There's nothing else in her mind. She's loyal, dutiful soldier and she loves the Shogun almost to the point of obsession. That kind of love, devotion... Chef's kiss.
OTP: Cyno x Alhaitham. I like them a lot but I feel like @elbatmun would be better to explain their dynamic. I'm not super invested but going from enemies to friends to lovers is always so good.
OTP: Beidou x Ningguang. The original lesbians of this game. I mean come on. That lantern rite moment where she compliments Ningguang's looks? That moment was loaded. And even in the event going on right now, Beidou keeps her in her mind and wants to get her a potion because she has trouble sleeping.. They're so cute. + The time they traveled to Mondstadt together and went on a date to the tavern.
OTP: Clorinde x Navia. The Fontaine version of Beigguang.. Nah I mean they've got their own stories and chemistry. This is another tragic ship that has angst potential. HOWEVER, they already moved past it in canon and are now friends. So it's a friends to lovers story arc and I love it. + Protector and princess vibes.
NOTP: Wriothesley x Neuvillette. They have nothing in canon, it's just an empty ship born from people's wish to have two men together.
NOTP: Kaveh x Alhaitham. I saw the potential and I get why people ship them but it just.. something about them rubs me the wrong way. Plus the way people act like they're canon is really annoying. Honestly it sounds like they hate each other from their interactions.
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regiqoa · 1 year
1, 4, 6 for Raihan and Piers!
1: Aborted Declaration of Love: How long did it take for you to finally confess to your F/O? How did it go? Were there several attempts, or was it just The One?
Raihan: Raihan was just The One, at Hulbury, in a sunset where he and I pulled each other's hearts out and kissed, which rekindled our old romance from college.
Piers: I'll let you in on a little secret: Piers has tried to confess to me several times but bailed out at the last minute because he just saw my smile and his brain went "brrrrrr". The poor man is insecure and has many self-esteem issues, he sometimes thinks he can't ever be loved. That was until Piers was invited by Raihan to a party with the other Gym Leaders and everyone got a bit tipsy, which led to a little game of 7 Minutes In Heaven. Lo and behold, Piers and I get chosen to go in and, well:
Me: *in love with Piers, completely silent, blushing my head off, incapable of making eye-contact* Piers: *blushing, too* So… Can't remember when was the last time I played this… Me: *mumbling* You don't like me, do you…? Piers: Pardon me? Me: *more clearly, saddened* Y-you don't like me… Right? Piers: *confused* What makes ya say that? Me: *sad sigh* It's the way you look at me, the way you act with me, how you're always so cold. It's like you're perpetually annoyed with me. L-look, I don't remember doing anything bad to you but, if I did, then I'm sorry! Piers: Eh… Pardon me, love, but that's just my face. Nothin' personal, I swear.
Me: You're just saying it… Piers: No, I ain't. In fact, I… I admire ya. You're one of the realest trainers I've ever met, girl. Not just trainer, the realest person, too. You're so forward and filterless when ya speak, ya don't mince words, ya always speak what's on your mind without one single shit to what others might think and ya don't think twice before dumpin' an asshole for bad-mouthin' ya. A-and you're a good roaster, there's that, too.
Me: *Am familiar with his brutal honestly, so I know he's telling the truth*
Piers: Look, girl, from what you're tellin' me, I'm the one who hurt ya and… *Blushing* Well, I didn't mean to hurt ya feelin's, I shoulda given that more attention. So, for makin' ya feel like less, I'm sorry. Me: You don't have to apologise for that, b-but there was no way to communicate that. What was I supposed to do? Just go over to you and go "hey, your coldness and stoicism is hurting my feelings!"?! Piers: *laughs heartily* Oh Arceus! *smiling while looking at me* Ahhh, there ya go again with the forwardness, so cute heh heh~ Me: *looks at him blushing, heart skips a beat* Excuse me…? Piers: *smile falls, blushes more* W-wot…?
Me: …You just called me cute
Piers: *stutters, averts eyes* U-uh, shoot, it's pretty damn tight in here, isn't it? I-I think it's gettin' kinda hot- Me: But hey, *cups his cheek with my palm, making him look at me*
Piers: !!!! *blushing RED*
Me: *Baby Doll Eyes activate* Thanks for letting me know of all this, Piers, for being honest with me, for being so forward. It made me feel better about this :3 A-and I think I would like to talk to you more.
Piers: *thinking* Good Arceus, beat still, my heart… *Speaking, desperately trying to hide his fluster* T-talk more, huh? About what?
Me: Whatever you'd like. Uhm, music? You know, since you you're a rocker and all :3
Piers: Sure, uhhhh… What's your opinion on Queen?
Raihan: *opens door* Time's up, you two!
4: Almost Kiss: What was your first kiss with your F/O like?
Raihan: Our first kiss happened in my dorm room in college, before we had sex for the first time as friends with benefits. Raihan was so embarrassed, he even thought he was making things weird/creepy, but then I took the initiative and just went for it! We kissed many many more times that night~
Piers: So, after that 7 Minutes In Heaven incident, I get to attending a concert of Piers' for the first time. Later, he invites me over to his house, where we talk it all over, about how we feel and about Queen. We listen to A Night At The Opera together and I dance a lot, reliving those beautiful memories. I even confess to Piers I used to be hopelessly in love with Freddie Mercury, to which he says he doesn't blame me, that the man was an absolute legend and very attractive. I tell him it's not like that anymore right as Love Of My Life starts playing, that there's a another musician I like. Piers asks me what is he like and I just start describing him, leaning in more and more. Then Piers asks, one of his hands in my face, moving my hair away from my face: "Do you know if he likes anybody? Maybe a cute thicc autistic girl who loves cats, Queen and death metal?". I blush and tell him "I dunno...". He leans in closer and says "He does" and BAM! Big Damn Kiss!
6: Bodyguard Crush: How does your F/O make you feel safe?
Outdoors, Raihan always walks in front of me, holding my hand and calling his Pokemon out if necessary. Will shield/protect me, it's part of his instinct.
Indoors, Raihan will basically drown me in his huge form in a spooning position in bed, whispering sweet nothings to me. I love it so much because he's just so big~
Piers always goes out with me for whatever. If he can't come, he makes his Pokemon accompany me. Obstagoon is such a big cuddle bear and he ADORES me, so he's always pleased to accompany me during me going out for groceries or something.
Indoors, he sings to me and keeps me in his arms, praising and reassuring me when I cry. He says he'll never judge me or belittle my feelings.
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Of the couples (from the younger generation) that you listed that get married and have children together, which of them are just together for politics sake and which are genuinely in love with each other?
The Blues
Aegon II-Cerelle; They get married primarily to secure House Lannister's allegiance to Aegon II's claim. They are pretty good friends and get along quite well.
Rhaena-Aenar; Love surprisingly. Of course this was also to help expand House Velaryon's interests as well. Originally she was meant to marry a son of a different Bravosi Sea Lord with Aenar challenging him to a duel which he won by slaying him, he also ended up seizing his lands when they got back to Braavos.
Saera-Lucerys; Stating this right off the back neither expected to be married off to each other. It was just mindless flirting for them. But it's both a mix of politics and love.
Joffrey-Cassandra; They fell in love during a tourney after he asked for her favor. Their courting actually becomes like one you'd see in a song? Like they are my personal OTP here because of how devoted they are to one another.
Gaemon-Daenaera; Love match with a bit of rebellion from Daenaera's side. Think canon!Daemyra's love but without the toxic elements and WAY more secrecy for these two.
Daeron-Helaena; 100% a love match. They are essentially the precious babies of their family, with practically everyone supporting their marriage. Honestly they can do no wrong in their families eyes.
The Blacks
Jace-Baela; Purely political arrangement. Love came a lot later to these two probally after the birth of Viserra? They are often seen racing their dragons or bonding with their children.
Aliandra-Arthur; Political for them. Aliandra marries him to secure her future rulership over Dorne and Arthur marries her for political ambitions.
Visenya-Cregan; Purely political for them both. Cregan sees the advantage of marrying of marrying a princess whereas Visenya marries Cregan to help secure alliances for her mother.
Coryanne-Edric; The circumstances of their marriage is super interesting to me as Adric challenged Coryanne to a duel for her OWN hand and it was agreed if he won she'd marry him.
The Reds
Maegor-Ceryse; I think I've already explain their reasoning? If not then it's mainly due to political reasons as well as to unite both bloodlines of Daemon's two wives.
Viserys-Elaena; They are together solely for political reasons as Daemon was the one who pushed for the match between them. It only helps that this also keeps Elaena from getting too involved with the discourse between Laena and Rhaenyra's kids.
Celia-Rhaenar; Purely a love match. It helps that Rhaenar is also of Valyrian blood for Daemon - personally I see them as Elizabeth of York and Henry VII levels of devotion for them (Rhaenar doesn't cheat on her).
Aemma-Aemond: Pretty sure I already explained this. But it's a mix of both.
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I didn't think there were other Septimus Heap fans out there so anyway thanks
Y’all, I have ZERO CHILL about the Septimus Heap series.
∙ I’m a sucker for found family, of course, and I don’t know that any other series has done it to quite the bonkers degree that Septimus Heap has. 
Sometimes family is your long-lost biological relations.  And sometimes family is two parents and seven siblings and a Young Army brat they accidentally kidnapped and their batty aunt and their batty aunt’s duck who was a cat and their mom’s other duck who was never a cat and an in-law with too many ribbons and their Young Army brat’s BFF and a smelly dragon and the smelly dragon’s boat-mom and the youngest sibling’s biological dad and the youngest sibling’s biological dad’s wife (who is also the Young Army brat’s second mom) and at least 1.5 trees.  And that’s before we get into the extended Heap family and start counting wolverines and witches and apprentices and Gringes and alchemists and Message Rats and scribes.
Like, somehow having a protagonist who (by default) has six older brothers and six uncles wasn’t enough family for Angie Sage, and she had to go and add a shitton more.  Which is amazing, because there are approximately twelve million characters in that series (six million of whom are Heaps) and I love every single one of them.
∙ If you don’t ship 821, you’re reading a different series from me.
821 (409 + 412) is my first OTP and I’ll ship it till I die. It shows the best side of both boys when they’re at their worst.  I love all the details that gradually emerge through the series about Boy 412 being the single most incompetent Young Army cadet in the history of the army (because of course Sep’s a mega-nerd who hates the outdoors) and Boy 409 basically carrying him through the do-or-die exercises to overcompensate for the dumbassery of his best friend (because of course Marwick is a softie at heart and no one else will talk with him about spaceships).  I’m just sayin, it’s a near-miracle that 412 made it six whole months without 409 before mostly-dying in a snowbank.
Plus, I love their weird messy dynamic as they become young adults together.  Syren especially hinges on how they effortlessly get each other, even when one or the other is behaving irrationally.  There’s such great contrast in their utter confidence in each other’s love, in contrast to neither one knowing quite what to do with his biological family.
∙ There is a trick to having screwball comedy and genuine, respectful, wrenching tragedy in the same work.  Angie Sage has it, K.A. Applegate has it, Louis Sachar has it, and few other authors do.
∙ Marcia.  Fucking.  Overstrand.
I cannot ever, ever get enough of the mentee-mentorship between Marcia and Sep.  I love how they’re both typically bad at getting along with other people — Marcia’s aloof and snobby, Sep’s awkward and off-putting — but then they meet each other and instantaneously start getting along because they’re the only two people in the universe who care as much as they do about magic.  And so they’re best friends in a matter of days, lifelong platonic soulmates in a matter of months.  To the point where they tend to forget to sleep because they want to do more magic.  To the point where it’s more than a little awkward how much closer Sep is with his magic-mom than his actual parents.  And we get why they like each other so much, because the books do an amazing job of showing that.
Also, can we talk about how fucking good Marcia is at navigating around Sep’s Odd Trauma Legacy Habits?  It’s her being quietly appalled but also willing to enable his insistence on wearing one specific brand of military boots.  It’s her refusal to accept “I’m scared” as an excuse but also making sure he knows how to feel safe while flying or using Darke.  It’s elaborate rituals around removing the bugs from the library instead of killing them.  It’s making sure the kid who hoards cabbage sandwiches can have an infinite supply of non-perishable food.  It’s supporting all the ways that he’s weirdly nostalgic for his godawful childhood, with the Young Army stew supplies and firestarter kits.  It’s her dealing with Sep’s “when in doubt, refuse to speak for months on end” default strategy through note-writing and journal-keeping.
∙ God DAMN do I love that Jenna’s journey as a character is all about her learning that the “don’t treat me like a princess... unless I happen to need something from someone” strategy is about her comfort, and that she can’t keep doing that if she ever wants to be a halfway responsible queen.  Way too often, stories imply that ““don’t call me ‘your highness’” is unironically a Good Thing in all situations at all times.
Anyway, I’ll stop screaming in joy now, because this is an Animorphs blog.
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laylamva · 2 years
Miitopia Nuzlocke!
Okay, so I’d been doing a Miitopia Nuzlocke for a month and decided to chronicle it. Spoilers…I didn’t make it. 
If a Mii falls in battle, they’re gone for good (Unless it’s the protagonist).
I will only use the Life Sprinkle on the protagonist.
If the whole party falls in the same battle, everyone will still be counted as alive.
If a Mii is resurrected by another party member, they will be counted as alive.
If the dead Miis cost us the final boss, only then will I go back to level them up.
When a Mii dies, I will change their hair color to white, their eye color to black, and rename them “Spooky Ghost” to keep track of who I’ve lost (and also to make me feel better about sentencing my beloveds to death).
I will draw random characters from Mii Maker for every major character and decide party jobs by spinning a wheel.
The Nuzlocke ends after the main story. I cannot bring myself to care about the post-game.
If the protagonist dies on their own, the Nuzlocke is aborted.
Sabrina Raincomprix is protag/safe gorl.
WALUIGI x TEMMIE OTP (they’re the lovey-dovey couple)
Sassy Child Elmo pretending to be a dragon foreshadows Dominic.
Dark Lord Chloé Bourgeois is fun to voice
Sabrina’s a chef.
Simone Soleil! Male Pop Star.
Before you look him up, Simone’s an OC. I put an OC in here. Help.
Every time I have played this game with Spotpass on, the freaking blobfish Mii always weasels its way in! (It’s the Nintendo Fangirl)
Got the new Zelda amiibo. Wonder if it’ll give me a costume?
I changed Sabrina’s eyebrows to match the Zelda wig…she looks exactly like me.
Leon Kuwata, Ultimate Mage AU
AU where Genocider Syo is a good guy who unkills people
I almost lost the Danganronpa characters, but we lost the fight.
Simone’s dead. But it’s okay, because he’s a spooky ghost.
I actually made up a “Farm Upstate” story to make myself feel better about Miis dying. “They’re not dead, they just turned into ghosts because of a cosmic paradox and can’t leave the inn as a side effect!”
Leon is at war with the moles. And also Sabrina, apparently.
On a related note, Sabrina Raincomprix and Genocider Syo BroTP???
I made Teruteru Hanamura the King. If you’ve seen all his Free Time Events, the calming fruit mission hits different.
And Sonia Nevermind is the princess. Can you tell what my current hyperfocus is?
Why does the wheel keep giving me Pop Star things? Simone’s been dead for three sessions it’s time to move on—
General Sonia killed Leon and Syo. My entire first party is DEAD.
Sabrina’s a warrior now.
Maya Aida from Glitter Force Doki Doki is my Imp.
One time when I was playing this game, I tried making a Starlow Mii from scratch, but then I realized it looked like someone different. Someone better. And now it’s all come full circle as Tonker Bell joins us as the Airheaded Cat!
Sabrina just got the Bee Armor. Suck it, Chloé!
Genie of the Lamp The Master World’s End Club
Homura Akemi as the Dancing Guide? Imagine Homura being happy.
Steve from Blue’s Clues: The Kind Thief
Steve and Tonker Bell BroTP!
tonker bell just died.
If we’re going with the “Sabrina dumped Chloé” narrative, I feel like even with two kind party members, Sabrina would keep chanting until the genie was sealed again.
Crap I bought Tonker Bell something
Steve’s the only one left.
Ugh, scratch that.
OK, Sabrina’s on her own. If she dies, game over.
Why am I listening to Dodie music while I’m doing this? It’s making this sadder.
I lost. The Nuzlocke is over. RIP.
So…yeah. I plan on doing this again on the Switch later, but that’s gonna go on YouTube…as soon as I can figure out how my capture card works. BTW, “Spooky Ghost” didn’t fit in the text box for Mii names, so here’s what I named them instead:
Simone: Sun Ghost
Tonker Bell: Disbelief
Maya: AngelHeart
Steve: At College
Syo and Leon were taken away before I could give them ghost names, but if I did, they would’ve been called 11037 and Genocided. And I didn’t name Ghost Sabrina because the Nuzlocke ended. But, hypothetically…Vanisher.
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lordmomohismomoness · 3 years
As of late, I have been obsessed with Webtoons. So I figured it was time to make a rec list of my favorites! Though, I couldn't narrow it down to 10, so here are my top 29! In no particular order:
Kind of Confidential by Vivian Darlin
Romance/Superhero updates weekly
-a superhero loses his powers and is saved by a supervillain on the run. Zen and Rena are my OTP and Batcat is adorable
The Witch and the Bull by Moonsia
Romance/Fantasy/Adventure updates weekly
-an a-hole who hates witches gets cursed as a bull, whose only hope is the witch whose career he just ruined
Ghost Wife by Sejung
Romance/Horror completed
-she is constantly followed by ghosts. But she does have a powerful but unsocialized demon to protect her. Bonus! This one has a sequel that just premiered!
I Love Yoo by Quimchee
Drama updates weekly
-she is a loner and down on her luck. When she meets two brothers who are complete opposites, her luck gets even worse. But at least she's not alone
The Kiss Bet by Ingrid Ochoa
Romance/Drama on hiatus
-all she wants is a special first kiss, but a little bet and some new transfer students make it really complicated
The Red Archer by IsabelleRanson
Romance/Adventure/Historical updates weekly
-a mashup of history and adventure, it's Maid Marian's turn to be a badass
The Makeup Remover by Lee Yone
Drama/Romance updates twice weekly
-after becoming a model in a make up competition, she shakes things up with some social commentary
Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe
Romance/Fantasy updates weekly
-Hades and Persephone just want to be happy. But their family is less "The Tanners" and more "Jerry Springer'
Like Wind on a Dry Branch by Dalsaeowl/Hwaeum
Drama/Romance updates weekly
-after losing everything to a plague, she starts her life over as a mage in the prince's harem. Heartwarming friendships and ugly crying included
Let's Play Mongie
Romance/Drama updates weekly
-the person that ruined her career is her new neighbor, and her love life just went from 0 to complicated
Future You by Kumokayaa
Romance/Fantasy updates once a month
-she's a time traveling assassin with no way back home, and he is a cop investigating her company. What could go wrong?
Cape of Spirits by Kris Nguyen
Fantasy/Adventure completed
-an ex prince joins his kidnappers in order to stop the spirits from destroying the world
Subzero by Junepurr
Romance/Fantasy updates weekly
-the princess and last of the azure dragons agrees to marry the prince of the crimson dragons as part of a peace treaty to end the war. But there is a lot more going on in the kingdom than meets the eye, and she has secrets of her own
Tower of God by SIU
Fantasy/Adventure updates weekly
-he climbs the tower to find a girl, but his very existence threatens the hierarchy within. This one is really long, but also AMAZING and addictive
Lumine by Emma Krogell
Fantasy updates weekly
-an orphaned werewolf is hired as a bodyguard to a standoffish witch. What they both really need is friendship
Nice to Meet You by Wishroomness
Romance/Drama updates weekly
-what starts off as an innocent prank turns into a wild romance
Little Mizzi Muffett and the Spider King by Catfish
Horror updates once a month
-something dark and evil is stirring, and she is the only one that can stop it. With the help of the spider king who has decided to make her his bride
Freaking Romance by Snailords
Romance/Sci Fi completed
-an interdimensional bisexual love triangle. Need I say more?
The Rose Prince by Samuraiflame
Romance updates twice a month
-after her twin brother's death, she takes his name and persona so that the kingdom can still pass on to her. However, the neighboring king sees right through her disguise
Siren's Lament by instantmiso
Romance/Fantasy completed
-she is stuck, half siren and half human. Now she must find a way to break the curse before she loses everything and everyone she loves
My Magical Maid by J_hp
Fantasy/Romance updates twice a month
-a witch lives in secret as the physician of the king...who hates witches
Shadow Bride by Sae In Lee/Soo Bean Lim
Romance/Fantasy updates weekly
-this one just started, but it is off to a great start: a beautiful thief who is barely getting by catches the attention of an awkward prince who is the true heir to the throne
Villain to Kill by Fupin/Enuji
Action updates weekly
-another new one. A hero gets reborn... as a villain. Now he is is trying to take down those that killed him, without losing his mind or bringing the apocalypse first
A Good Day to be a Dog by Lee Hey
Romance complete
-the only way to break her curse of turning into a dog is to get a kiss while transformed. Which would be a lot easier if the person she needs to kiss wasn't terrified of dogs
The Spectrum of Us by Sen-Chan
Drama/Romance updates weekly
-a cat in love with a wolf is complicated enough without throwing the cops, the mafia, and a tiger in the mix. Also keep an eye out for her other work Cat vs Dog which will premiere on originals soon!
My Roommate is a Gumiho by NA
Romance updates twice weekly
-after accidentally swallowing his bead, a college student moves in with a strict 900 year old fox so they can find a way to safely remove it. Hijinks ensue
That Awkward Magic by SomeBunny
Romance updates three times a month
-the jock and the loner agree to fake a relationship, and it takes the school by storm. But also, yer a wizard harry
Or: two dorks in love, but one is having a gay crisis and one is having a witch crisis
Eleceed by Jeho Son/ZHENA
Action updates weekly
-a secret agent gets stuck in the body of a fat cat and decides to mentor an optimistic kid with super speed. Wholesome, action packed, and hilarious
Act Like You Love Me! by XUANN
Romance updates weekly
-three people know each other but don't know that they know each other. It's gonna be fun when they figure it out
Great, my OCD says I'm not allowed to have 29 recs and must make it 30. But there are five I am torn between adding. We'll go with:
My Grim Romance by Gears of Rain
Romance updates every two weeks
-instead of dying, she gets a new roommate - in the form of a dramatic grim reaper who lost his powers
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