#otp: victoria x charlotte
cass1x1 · 8 months
[ 📲 sms: ] i don’t have anything interesting to tell you, but i really wanted to talk to you. (tori/charlotte)
[1:04pm] awwww babeeee [1:05pm] i'm sure you have interesting things! how's doctoring or, like, whatever you're doing??? [1:05pm] LA is soooo trash this time of year everyone's like, super weird about the cold and stuff [unsent] i miss cuddling you though
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
[text]: what are you wearing? ;) (victoria/charlotte)
[ charlotte » victoria ]: Something you'd approve of for once [ charlotte » victoria ]: Which means I definitely look fabulous tonight [ charlotte » victoria ]: Wanna see? ;)
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sotwk · 6 months
Charlotte and George are my new favorite couple.
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Y'all, I was bawling at final closing scene (last episode) of Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story. It probably hit me so hard as a married woman who hopes to grow old with my husband, but OMG. There's really nothing more romantic and comforting than a love-filled, enduring marriage. As enjoyable as the Bridgerton children are, none of them could possibly live up to Charlotte and George. My heart hurts from the feels I get thinking about their love story, especially with the knowledge that it was based on a real-life royal couple. (Same reason I adore their descendants, Victoria and Albert.)
Tolkien side note:
The good news is, this has rekindled my interest in picking back up my writings for my personal OTP, Thranduil and (Elvenqueen) Maereth--another royal married couple who grew old together, while thriving through many hardships due to the strength and depth of their loyalty and passion for each other. Chills.
Unfortunately, it's become obvious to me that my Thranduil x Maereth or Thranduilion writings get much less support/feedback than my works featuring other canon characters. But well... that's the price most of us writers have to pay for our passion projects!
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"Melmenya" - Thranduil x Maereth art commission by @beelzeebub
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heyxxangel · 5 years
can i just say that the boat scene was very intense... like you could have seen so much in Sidney’s and Charlotte’s eyes. especially Sidney when he started to realize that he loves this girl and he is fucked up, like wow
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emmett-mchearty · 4 years
Twilight Tag Game!
Wanted to start one so I could rant about my favorite shit, and hear about y'all's too!
Favorite Book: Eclipse. It has the most going on and Victoria is a bamf.
Favorite Movie: New Moon. I will forever be Team Jacob and that bike fixing scene is 👌😫
Human or Animal Blood: A mix. I'm not gonna be a cold blooded murderer, but some bitches out there gotta die.
Favorite Character: Rosalie Man-Eater Hale
Most Hated Character: Renee Narcisist-Who-Uses-Only-Daughter-As-Her-Therpist Dwyer
Favorite Underdeveloped Side Character: Peter and Charlotte. I need their spinoff.
OTP: Garrett x Kate x Tanya we love healthy poly rep.
NOTP: Jacob x Renesmee
Personal Headcanon: The vampires have fangs, Smeyer is just a kinkshamer.
You become a vampire, and are lucky enough to get an ability. What is it?: The ability to understand any language being spoken, and can absorb knowledge of it temporarily so I can speak back.
Tag 10 people: @twilightofficial @a-sucker-for-rosalie @twinaissance @rose-lily-hale @bellaswanandleahclearwater4eva @bellaskhakis @emmettmc-heart-y @emmettsmantiddies @facegodandwalkbackwards @terrifictwilight
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my-random-ocs · 3 years
WBW; Sabrina Argent
Full Name: Sabrina Epona Argent
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Pronouns: She/her
Family: Sara Argent (mother), James Gaumond (father, deceased), Charlotte Gaumond (paternal grandmother), Rebecca Gaumond (younger sister), Christopher and Victoria Argent (maternal aunt and uncle), Allison Argent (maternal cousin), Kate Argent (maternal aunt), Gerard Argent (maternal grandfather)
Birthplace: Stamford, Connecticut
Job: Student
Phobias: Heights
Guilty Pleasures:
Morality Alignment:
Sins: lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
Virtues: chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
This or That
OTP: Sabrina x Isaac
OT3: n/a
Brotp: Sabrina x Stiles, Sabrina x Scott, Sabrina x Erica, Sabrina x Bex, Sabrina x Boyd, Sabrina x Derek, Sabrina x Allison (jesus christ that's a lot of brotps lmao)
Notp: Sabrina x Theo
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volturisecretary · 7 years
About the questions: 001, fandom Twilight. (That gift in your blog is awesome!)
Meme Thing
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: Twilight
Favorite character: Pretty much all of the Volturi Guards, but especially Afton, Demetri, Felix, Heidi, and Renata.
Least Favorite character: Laurent
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Peter x Charlotte, any variation of Demetri x Heidi x Felix, Bella x Edward, Benjamin x Tia, and Emmett x Rosalie.
Character I find most attractive: Def Demetri, but Tanya is a close second tbh.
Character I would marry: At first I want to scream either Emmett or Felix, but I’m not sure how I’d do in a relationship with someone extremely extroverted. So, maybe Renata?
Character I would be best friends with: Probably Bella or Emmett
A Random Thought: Do you ever feel badly for Riley? Because I do.
An unpopular opinion: I will fight everyone and anyone that thinks the Cullens could have killed the Volturi in that “battle scene.” Also the Volturi are important and them falling would be…bad.
My Canon OTP: Excluding Bella x Edward, Benjamin x Tia are adorable :3.
My Non-canon OTP: any and all variations of Demetri x Heidi x Felix
Most Badass Character: If you didn’t enjoy watching Felix wreck Edward in NM, you are a liar.
Most Epic Villain: Victoria because her whole scheme to kill Bella is pretty awesome tbh.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Jacob x Renesmee {or any of the implied shifter x young!child ‘future’ relationships}
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Aro really got dragged through the mud in Breaking Dawn. I have to believe he’d be more intelligent if he truly wanted an excuse to annihilate the Cullens. I could give him at least 5 different charges he could use.
Favorite Friendship: Emmett and Bella or Seth and Jacob
Character I most identify with: This varies a lot, but usually Carlisle, Edward, Eleazar, Fred, and Renata.
Character I wish I could be: The thing about this series is pretty much every character has some sort of tragic backstory, so there really aren’t many characters I wish I could be (borrowing their powers is a totally different story though). I guess I’d go with Bella, but I would have wanted to go to college and all that tbh. 
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thebadtimewolf · 8 years
Rules: List 5 OTP’s from 5 fandoms and tag 10 people to pass it on to
I was tagged by @girl-in-the-tardis {and im going to make gifs because woo!dedication}
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1. Sherlock Holmes and John/Joan Watson (Sherlock/Elementary) - If John and Sherlock end up as end game on BBC in any form of attraction, i really expect Joan and Sherlock to end up as end game as well on cbs. 
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2. The Doctor & Women with an R in their name (Doctor Who) - He has a type. I’m calling him out on it. Rose Tyler, River Song, Romanadvoratrelundar, Iris Wildthyme, Astrid Peth, Clara Oswald, Norma ‘Marilyn Monroe’ Jean, Sarah Jane Smith, Grace Holloway, Queen Victoria I, Mistress (missy). Probably more. If you have an R in your name, you’re in as a traveling lover. Unless you happen to become immortal then, he’s turned off. So, far he hasn’t fell for a WOC but, guess what? If you have an R in your name, strong chance, you caught his eye.
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3. Cophine [Cosima Niehaus & Delphine Corimer] (Orphan Black) - it’s more like ‘PLEASE DON’T FUCKING DIE OH MY GOD.’ i just need my babies to live until they are like really old and married with their adoptive daughter(/sister to cosima), Charlotte all grown up and healthy and not dead.
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4. SuperCanary/ Kara Danvers & Sara Lance (Invasion! Crossover) - Look, I love Lena Luthor, I do and I want them together but...I also want Kara to be taught to fight like the League of Shadows w/ Nyssa and Lena isn’t going to get her that.
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5. Lily Croft x Murder (Penny Dreadful) - My love for her is as strong as her love for bringing the men of the world to their knees. My thirst for her is as high as her lust for blood.
I am tagging: @nytehavyn-circle  @xthemutegirl @britishdarkhairwelldressed @thedoctornumber11 @mjxlnxr @echoesxofxthexpast @the-vampire-timelord @gallifreylegacy @ask-xi
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cass1x1 · 2 years
[ stumble ] for tori/charlotte
[ stumble ]  –  for the sender’s muse to catch and help the receiver’s muse keep balance
Were the heels a mistake? No, next question. Were the heels a mistake when the waiters were clearly hell-bent on refilling Tori's wine glass faster than she could drink it? Maybe, but really, that was the waiters' fault, not the heels. The point was that her heels were part of her look, thank you very much, and if the cost of that was that she felt like the room was tilting when she stood up, so be it.
Tori stood up, and the room tilted a little too quickly. She reached out, but before the floor could come up against her, she felt arms around her shoulders. "Whoa, there," Charlotte said softly in her ear, helping her right herself.
Physically, she was upright, but she felt off-kilter nonetheless. "Shit, I'm sorry," she muttered. "It's like--" She gestured with her hands to try to show how she was feeling.
Charlotte laughed. So fucking cute. Victoria wasn't sure whether she'd spoken out loud or not, but when she looked into the other woman's eyes, she was surprised by how flushed the other woman was. "Just, like, really cute." That was intentionally aloud.
"You're not too bad yourself," Charlotte answered, slowly righting the both of them. Fortunately, though, she didn't pull away. "Where were you trying to go?"
"B--" Even tipsy, Victoria wouldn't mention somewhere indelicate in front of a pretty girl. Not even a pretty girl who had heard her fart on more than one occasion. "My room?"
Charlotte laughed again, that cute little laugh, and slid her hand down to Victoria's lower back. "Let's go."
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cass1x1 · 2 years
victoria/charlotte: [ CAUGHT ]
[  CAUGHT  ]  receiver catches sender getting flushed because of something they are doing or wearing. 
It wasn't like Victoria specifically brought this dress because she expected to see Charlotte. Like, she didn't even know Charlotte was coming, so how could she even do that? Victoria was wearing this because she knew her legs looked good and Victoria liked to look good. The fact that Charlotte might like it was a total perk, but nothing more.
Still, as she was doing her last check in the mirror--Coco Chanel was a bitch or whatever, but she knew a thing or two about fashion--she did take an extra moment to examine those legs, make sure there were no unsightly ingrowns or anything to ruin the look. Not just for Charlotte. Since they were going to the club, they might run into anybody. But, like, just to check.
Once she was sure they were perfect, and she'd removed her one accessory--a totally unnecessary bracelet--she made her entrance in the foyer of the house they were all staying in. The other girls were all already assembled, except Robin of course, who was absconded away so that the group could surprise her for her bachelorette. Alex and Nora were deep in conversation about whatever they talked about when they were together; Rach, Pippa, and Zan were all pouring over something on one of their phones; and Charlotte wasn't there yet.
Or so Victoria thought, until she felt the distinct heat of someone staring at her. She turned as minimally as she could, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw her. Charlotte. Standing there. Looking pretty, yeah, as usual, but also. Looking enchanted by the absolute expanse of bare leg Victoria was sporting. When Charlotte noticed her moving, though, she turned away, a cute pink washing her cheeks and the tips of her ears.
Victoria had always loved how Charlotte blushed. It was so girlishly at odds with her personality. She did her best to hide her own smirk, turning away again and making her way to the sofa, where she very slowly lowered herself down and, making a meal of it, crossed her legs. She knew--she just knew--Charlotte was looking, despite herself. And when Alex finally noticed that all the bridesmaids had assembled and ordered them back up, Victoria took her time with that as well, giving Charlotte a good eyeful as she uncrossed her legs and stood back up.
What could she say? It was good for the ego, especially coming from those eyes in particular.
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cass1x1 · 1 year
✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ all of themmmm
is that 2 each? i'm going to assume it's 2 each or i'll be here for 20000 years writing headcanons
sage's ex-fiance left her the ring (it was cheap and he just wanted to be rid of her) but adrian gets her a ring eventually anyway. he says it's to make this seem more real but we all know the real reason...
sage starts tucking little notes into the books he's reading but since he reads so many she doesn't always know which one/ones he'll see first so she puts a little code on them so she can keep track
the first time astrid had a vision that they were able to prevent involving zara was actually in person. they just happened to be at the store (definitely not trying to figure out if it would come true or not) and ran into zara at the exact moment where they could pull her away from the falling sign
because zara is a celebrity, once they do start going out, they agree to try to hide astrid's identity for a little while so they can have privacy. they both blow it pretty much immediately though
chan yeol/jae
there's one (1) girl jae thinks is good enough for chan yeol of the ones he is forced to go on dates with, but it turns out she's not interested either and jae finds that Proof in some way
once he's comfortable/secure that he's not gonna get fired, jae starts slipping little meetings or briefings into yeol's schedule with people who could actually improve the world in hopes that yeol accidentally greenlights one of their ideas without knowing he's been set up
after the wedding, victoria lingers back home/near charlotte for an extra week before going back to california because she's not ready to face her real life yet
when they dated the first time around, they used to go to really pretentious museums and stuff like that because they both thought the other one liked it, oops
their original plan/contract includes a breakup date
elizabeth starts keeping clothes (work outfits mostly) at ryan's place way before the first time they have sex because they go back to his place just to hang out more often than they go to hers
movies are one of the kinds of "dates" they can go on where they can hide well, but they also do a speakeasy in downtown that none of their friends like
they do eventually make friends with the other person being cheated on (barry's other bf's bf) and have a little circle of "fuck barry tho"
after their first kiss, wynter pretty much avoids julian until he gives her a sign that she didn't mess things up between them
their moms have absolutely no idea they're together until they tell them. charlotte, on the other hand, knows right away
when sonia graduates, miles takes her on a li'l vacation to celebrate (idk where he'd take her but it's super cute regardless)
sonia never sabotages any of miles's dates but one of her coworkers (who works in the kitchen) DEFINITELY purposefully makes worse food for the date because she's rooting for sonia/miles from day 1
before wren figures out who linette is/why a hit's been taken out on her, she tries really, really hard to hide who she is from him. not because she knows who/what he is or anything, just like...it's so nice for someone to seem like they're taking an interest in her that's not about her ex
wren audits a few of her lessons (for recon reasons i assume) and linette becomes really determined to figure out what kind of art he likes
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cass1x1 · 2 years
victoria/charlotte: [ text ] game time means crunch time
[4:21pm] yeah no shit [4:22pm] but like i don't want to [4:24pm] chet is so bORING
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cass1x1 · 2 years
[TEXT] - i’ll seduce you with cool scientific facts. (tori/charlotte)
[6:29pm] is that a promise? [6:29pm] because i'd be down but you gotta give a girl a heads up first
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
[ THIRTY-EIGHT ] : “ this can mean something… if you want it to ? ” (victoria/charlotte)
Charlotte had promised herself to not fall into this very situation. It was too much of a cliché to end up falling into bed with one of the bridesmaids, especially when said-bridesmaid was her ex-girlfriend. But she blamed having one too many drinks and the overwhelming tension that seemed to weigh between them the entire week. 
The fact that they were sharing a room seemed to be the icing on the cake--a feat she was sure Robin would be overly proud of administering. 
Their coats were tossed to the floor as soon as they entered their shared room. She was warm to the touch, her breathing coming out ragged with every press of Victoria’s lips against her neck. Already she was reaching for the zip at the back of Tori’s dress, their bodies flushed together as they took hurried steps backwards into the room. It shouldn’t have come to a surprise to either of them when they stumbled back onto the bed because she’d stepped on her own dress in a rush to rid each other of their clothes. 
Falling back, Victoria landed on top of her with a startled shout. Letting out a shaky breath, they broke out into a fit of drunken giggles. 
Victoria shifted so she was hovering over her on the bed, brushing a lock of hair off of Charlotte’s face. Their gazes locked and Charlotte’s expression changing at having her so close. This reminded her of so many other firsts they’d once shared in the past. She pressed a soft kiss against Tori’s lips. Was this really a smart thing to do considering? She wondered if the question was apparent on her face because Victoria soon seemed to echo the sentiments Charlotte had been considering. 
“This can mean something... If you want it to?” 
Her heart echoed loudly in her chest. Did she want that? Did either of them really? 
Charlotte didn’t have an answer to that, nor did she want to find one. 
So instead of answering, she reached up and locked lips with her once more. She relaxed as Tori’s hand came to rest against her face and Charlotte pulled at her waist. All she wanted right now was this. 
They could figure everything else out tomorrow. 
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
Send me a '✉' for five times my muse didn't text yours, and one time they did (for any/all!!)
[ charlotte » victoria ]: I miss you [ charlotte » victoria ]: I saw you in some magazine today. You looked great in it.  [ charlotte » victoria ]: Today sucked and I wish I could call you and tell you all about it.  [ charlotte » victoria ]: My mom asked about you today. She hopes you’re doing well. We both are.  [ charlotte » victoria ]: I wanted to know if you ever still think about me
[ charlotte » victoria ]: Happy birthday. Have a good one. 
Bonus HC: Charlotte only texts her hbd and happy holiday related things once they’ve broken up. She uses the excuse of being too busy with work to otherwise answer if Victoria ever does text. 
Julian/Wynter (spooky cabin au)
[ julian » wynter👎🙄 ]: Can we pretend last night didn’t happen? [ julian » wynter👎🙄 ]: Are you still awake?  [ julian » wynter👎🙄 ]: Did you really have to share that horrible story? Now I’m going to have nightmares.  [ julian » wynter👎🙄 ]: I’m heading down to the lake if you want to come with [ julian » wynter👎🙄 ]: I’m sorry for always assuming the worst in you
[ julian » wynter👎🙄 ]: Sam is looking for you for something
[ miles » sonia ]: I have a date tonight again and I really don’t want to go. I’d much rather hang out with you. [ miles » sonia ]: My friends keep thinking we’re more than friends and won’t stop asking me about you [ miles » sonia ]: I stopped by your work and you weren’t there. Is everything alright?  [ miles » sonia ]: I made a mistake not telling you how I felt before [ miles » sonia ]: I’m worried if we’re anything more than friends, I’m going to mess things up and lose you
[ miles » sonia ]: Are you free? I need to tell you something important
[ noah » ethan✨🐭 ]: I just saw Barry stick his tongue down some guy’s throat 🤮 [ noah » ethan✨🐭 ]: I just made out with someone I don’t even like because seeing you with Barry was nauseating [ noah » ethan✨🐭 ]: If I asked you to hang out with me instead of Barry tonight, would you? [ noah » ethan✨🐭 ]: Tim just asked me out and I wanted to say no, but what’s the point? It’s not like you’re dating me.  [ noah » ethan✨🐭 ]: Just leave me alone. Please. 
[ noah » ethan✨🐭 ]: Let me know when you’re free to hang out! 
[ zara » astrid 💖✨ ]: I’m totally in love with you it’s not even funny [ zara » astrid 💖✨ ]: I’ve been thinking about you all day and I miss you! [ zara » astrid 💖✨ ]: I could listen to your voice for hours and not be bored [ zara » astrid 💖✨ ]: I wish we were closer [ zara » astrid 💖✨ ]: I just want you to know that I absolutely adore you and everything you do is amazing to me. 
[ zara » astrid 💖✨ ]: Hey! Loved hearing from you on today’s show. Hope you call in again :)
Bonus HC: This is most definitely how Zara was in the beginning before they became friends. It was a lot of her deleting what she was about to send because she knew it was A LOT and knew that would probably freak them out. 
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
There's a sour taste in her mouth that has no business being there. Her gazes averts elsewhere. Anywhere else. But it doesn't matter now, she's already seen Tori all over one of the faceless guests at the wedding. Bringing her drink to her lips, she's even more annoyed to find it empty. Charlotte sucks in a breath, scowling as she sets her glass down a little too roughly on the table.
Pippa appears besides her, grins all around, but more importantly with a drink in hand. "Did you see Alex on the dancefloor just now--" Charlotte grabs at the drink like some pathetic lifeline. "--Hey, I wasn't done with that you know." She mutters something incomprehensible under her breath and Pippa glances around to see what's put her in such a sudden funk. It's apparent when she spots it. "Ah... I see."
"Don't," Charlotte chides. The last thing she needs is to hear about it from someone else.
But Pippa holds her hands up in mock surrender. "I didn't say anything."
"But you were going to and I don't wanna hear."
"Uh huh..."
She takes another swig of the mixed cocktail. Her tastebuds recoil at its sweetness. "All I want to do is drink this--well drink something, because really, Pippa? This sucks as a drink--and just be here and happy for Robin. Everything else is whatever."
"Uh huh..."
Charlotte glares. "Stop doing that. I mean it." The small pat on her arm does nothing but irritate her more.
She definitely needed something better and stronger if she's going to stick to her word. But when she catches sight of them still glue to each other, Charlotte considers leaving altogether.
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