#otp: you act like you're expendable. but you're wrong
queerbuckleyhans · 5 months
it honestly felt more like eddie was cheating on buck than marisol. that man is painstakingly cooking lasagna for your son and you just DITCH HIM?? jail
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captain-hen · 1 year
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burnthatbridge · 2 years
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Buck + Eddie according to Tumblr [in sp]
Bonuses because I can’t help myself:
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lonelychicago · 3 years
because, evan (affectionate, a little charged)
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evanjinx · 3 years
alternative universe buddie fics recs :)
note: the links weren't working the first time i wrote the post but i edited and they're okay now!! if it still isn't working for you is probably because you're trying to open from a reblog from before i edit it, so try open directly from the original post on my profile.
Blind Date by @sassypopstar [complete | teen and up audiences | 3.8k words]
Buck feels a little ridiculous dressed in a jacket and a shirt. But Maddie had insisted on him dressing up for the occasion and even Chimney had quipped that it’s the right thing to do. So Buck, who never went on a blind date before in his life, listened to his big sister and her boyfriend because apparently that’s who he is now. Or the one where Buck goes on a blind date with someone called Eddie.
Buckley's Bouquets by awashleyno [complete | teen and up audiences | 23.4k words]
A world where Buck owns a flower shop and manages to develop a huge, massive, ridiculous crush on a handsome firefighter that comes in for a visit one day. Or, 5 times Eddie gives flowers to other people and the 1 time he gives them to Buck.
Call It What You Will - Fate? Destiny? (A Tsunami) by @abow123456 [complete | mature | 20k words]
Evan Buckley's day of relaxation is cut short when a tsunami hits the beach he was relaxing at. He has to fight to keep himself and a lost little boy safe from the water, as well as anyone else he finds. After, he meets the boys father and family, and it causes a snowball effect of good things for him, for once.
Capuccino with extra, extra sugar by buckbng [complete | teen and up audiences | 2.7k words]
Buck is the cute barista and Eddie is the grinch that hates coffee. Until, he doesn't. Because if Buck says he looks like the kind of person that would love a cappuccino, who's Eddie to disagree with him? OR Eddie really doesn't like coffee but pretends he does just so he has an excuse to see the cute barista at the coffee shop.
Confirmation Bias by strifechaos [complete | mature | 31k words]
After the fallout with his ex-wife, Eddie believed he could only trust his family with his son. He hadn’t imagined falling for his son’s sweet-hearted nanny, Buck. With his own family so distant, Buck never considered that he’d be lucky enough to find a home for himself, let alone people he could count on. Not until he meets the Diaz boys. AU: Buck was never a firefighter, and becomes Christopher's sitter when Shannon's job takes her away from Eddie and Chris for the summer. Eddie tries to not fall for his son's nanny, he's not very successful.
dream of some epiphany by extasiswings [complete | mature | 7.3k words]
Evan Buckley is lost. It’s happenstance that he wanders into the navy recruiting center—he’s been in San Diego for a few weeks, bartending late nights and weekends, living in a house with three other guys not because he needs the roommates but because he doesn’t want to be alone, and the military is…respectable. Stable. So Buck thinks maybe and opens the door. Buck leaves ten minutes later with a set of printed instructions for sending his first letter, assured that he can drop it off whenever he’s ready, and a name. Staff Sergeant Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
Frequent Flyer by red_to_black [complete | mature | 13.4k words]
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer. (Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
Gave me no messages, gave me no signs... by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 7.4k words]
"Buck is beyond nervous, and he’s really trying to convince himself that the familiarity of the situation is not some sort of bad omen. Just because there are parallels of the start of his relationship with Eddie to that of his relationship with Abby doesn’t mean that this new adventure is destined to end in the same miserable fashion. He hopes it won’t, has to believe it won’t. Because even with Abby, he hadn’t fallen this hard for her before their first official date. With Eddie, everything is already intensified by a thousand." Or, Buck covers a shift for a firefighter at the 136 and it leads to a budding relationship through text messages.
Gotta Find My Corner (Of the Sky) by doctornineandthreequarters [complete | general audiences | 31.3k words]
It was the last day of 2016 and two lost souls found themselves in a quiet dive bar, as the loud noises of the city celebrating New Year’s Eve buzzed around them. Most people chose loud, flashy bars with DJs and entrance fees and promises of champagne for New Year’s Eve. But both occupants of the dive bar preferred the quiet. They both didn’t need the added chaos when everything around them already felt chaotic. --- Or, Buck and Eddie meet on New Year's Eve, 2016, a meeting that sets of a series of events that changes the trajectory of both of their lives.
I Didn't Know I Was Lonely 'Till I Saw Your Face by @hmslusitania [complete | general audiences | 10.4k words]
After the ladder truck and the blood clot and the tsunami, Bobby makes Buck go to therapy before he does something stupid (like sue the city). Buck's not totally comfortable being alone with a therapist, but fortunately he makes a friend and ally who's willing to help him out - Eddie Diaz from the 136 who's just been caught in an illegal fight club. OR Total strangers Buck and Eddie go to couple's therapy together to get out of the therapy requirements their captains have placed on them.
i want your midnights by allyasavedtheday [complete | teen and up audiences | 36.3k words]
In which Eddie decides to rent out his spare room to help with mortgage repayments right around the time Buck decides to move out of Abby's place after some not so gentle prodding from Maddie. It's a coincidence. Or serendipity. Or maybe just really good timing.
i wanna be know (by you) by @starlightbuck [complete | general audiences | 12.5k words]
“I didn’t mean to do it.” Hen glances down at Eddie’s phone then back up at him in disbelief.
“How do you ‘not mean’ to download a bunch of dating apps but still have them on your phone?”
Or  In which Eddie delves into the intimidating world of online dating.
if i got locked away (would you still love me the same?) by @firefighterhan [complete | general audiences | 3.7k words]
Buck gets accidentally thrown in jail after meddling in a fight outside of a grocery store. There, he meets an unexpected guest, famous music artist Eddie Diaz, who is being suspiciously quiet about how he ended up here in the first place.
if only in my dreams by @buttercupbuck [complete | general audiences | 5.4k words]
Years before Eddie joins the 118, Buck meets him at an airport bar on Christmas day.
in a week by @buttercupbuck [complete | explicit | 78.9k]
in which Eddie joins the U.S. Forest Service and in the meadows of California, finds the things he thought he lost and the things he thought he'd never have.
It Started With A Bang And A Hostage Situation by JayJay__884 [complete | general audiences | 6.6k words]
Buck goes to the store one late night to buy food because of Maddie's pregnancy cravings. Whilst at the store, Buck accidentally gets caught in the middle of a robbery and gets knocked out. After waking up in the backroom, Buck finds himself as a hostage with a handsome and caring stranger.
Leading with the Left by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [complete | explicit | 84.7k]
When Buck said he was a "bartender" in "South America" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "Mexico." And when Eddie said, "What's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "Is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?" In other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about Buck. Or Eddie. Or Buck and Eddie's relationship.
Lift me up by @captain--sif [complete | teen and up audiences | 5.5k words]
Buck gets stuck in his apartment building's broken elevator with his good-looking neighbor from the sixth floor.
Love and Bullets Both Shatter Hearts (But Only One Can Put You Back Together) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [complete | explicit | 11.2k words]
Agent [Redacted] Diaz is the best at what he does. Usually. But lately there's this real pain in the ass* who's been ruining his missions: Code Name "Buck."
*stupidly handsome and annoyingly talented rival spy
Mr. Buckley's After Hours Detention by aresaphrodites [complete | mature | 11.4k words]
It’s not like Eddie Diaz planned on this. Really, there was no scenario in his mind where he would ever be bringing his son’s teacher a freaking goody basket to class; a homemade goody basket, no less. Then again, Christopher has never had a teacher quite like Evan Buckley.
MukbangsWithBuck by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 19.3k words]
After growing tired of eating alone in his loft, Buck decides to start a YouTube channel where he records himself eating dinner and telling stories about crazy things his team has encountered on calls. He eventually gains a substantial fanbase, and he is led to the channel of another LA firefighter who uploads informational videos and also casual vlogs with his ten-year-old son. It isn't long before the two start a friendship through messages, both of them secretly hoping it will turn into something more. Or, Eddie and Buck are both firefighters/YouTubers and they end up falling in love.
Objects in the Mirror by SevenSoulmates [complete | explicit | 139.1k words]
The voice had always been around, Eddie remembers it, like a stream of consciousness that babbled incoherently to the point where Eddie just tuned it out.  But then the voice started speaking directly to him. Conversing like he was a whole person standing right in front of him. Like he could see what was happening around Eddie. Eddie shook his head. No one was talking to him, and Eddie most certainly was not talking back. He wouldn’t talk to the boy in his head ever again. There was no boy in his head. 
Passive Aggressive Flirting by @starlingbite [complete | general audiences | 4.5k words]
Buck and Eddie have never met. They both work at the 118 but just on different shifts. That's all about to change when Buck finds a sticky note message, signed E.
String of hearts... by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 11.1k words]
“Now. Eddie is this incredible presence. He’s funny and smoking hot, and he has a son who sounds wonderful. And he’s serious and vulnerable at times. But so enjoyable to be around, every single second that he’s there. And how can I put myself out there when the expectation is so high? When the thing I might lose is so beautiful?”
In which Buck owns a plant shop in LA, and Eddie becomes his new favorite customer. Pining ensues.
check out my post of buddie fics with dad!buck
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
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ceftali · 3 years
i’m missing half of me when we’re apart
this started out as angsty but got really fluffy near the end. enjoy!!!
if i could fly
i’d coming right back home to you 
i think i might give everything 
just ask me to 
His heart felt like it was out of his body. It was getting harder and harder to pretend he wasn’t in love with Buck. Every time he looked at his best friend, his partner, his soulmate, his breath got caught in his throat, and Buck gave him this look whenever he saw Eddie staring right at him.  But then Buck would look away and something would shift out of place once again.
It was not something that ever happened with them  Now, though, Eddie felt like his other half was missing because he and Buck weren’t pressed up right against each other at all times anymore.
On the couch, at the station, Buck would sit on the other side of it, while Eddie was trying so hard not to just rest his feet on Buck’s lap and feel Buck’s beaming smile from miles away.  Sometimes he would see Buck reach out to touch, then frown and realize Eddie’s feet were resting firmly on the ground, several feet away from him.
He would see Buck grimacing and Eddie wanted to kiss the corner of his mouth, his cheek, his jawline.  He would see Buck helping Bobby with cooking dinner and want to wrap his arms around Buck’s waist from behind and just never let go.  Wanted to see that smile directed at him at all times because it was literal sunshine.  He swears Buck’s smile could cure any ailment.  Anybody with half a brain cell knew this was false. Eddie didn’t care. He was in love, sue him.
Right now, though, Eddie saw Buck smiling but not at him. No, at his phone, where he was probably texting his girlfriend. Damn Taylor Kelly.
A flare of jealousy sparked down in his belly and now, he wanted the couch to swallow him whole.
Eddie asked, “Is that Taylor?”
The smile disappeared. Buck was giving him that fucking look again.
Eddie’s chest did a painful twinge when Buck told him, “Yeah. We’re making dinner plans for tonight.”
Now, Eddie’s heart plummeted down to his stomach. Stupid ass feelings. 
Eddie croaked out, “But it’s Diaz-Buckley game night.  Can’t you just reschedule?”
Buck blushed like he had been caught and Eddie realized maybe he had forgotten.
He gave Eddie a sympathetic smile and asked, “I’ll chat with Chris later tonight to make up for it. Tomorrow night instead?”
Eddie barely got out, “Sure”, before Buck got off the couch and took off down the stairs. 
His other half was gone. Again.
Hey, at least, he had Buck all to himself tomorrow night.
Maybe he was a little selfish.
It was worth it to see Buck’s smile that would be lighting up his entire face tomorrow night when Chris was demolishing them both in Mario Kart.
Superman, you did it again.  Man, buddy, you’re too good.
Just better than you, Buck.
Eddie laughed to himself.  Maybe he could make it until tomorrow night.
Tell that to his pining heart.  It wouldn’t rest.
His phone pinged.
From Buck: Can’t wait until tomorrow night! Order the pizza early, Eds.  Also, does Chris need more ice cream?
Yeah, he has the best partner.
To Buck: Get him some triple chocolate.  His new obsession lately.
From Buck: So your son takes after you then?
Heart a little lighter.  Not beating so fast. Maybe a little bold.
To Buck: After you, dumbass.
Yep, he was screwed.
for your eyes only, i show you my heart...
read on ao3. 
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queerbuckleyhans · 2 years
Rewatching the buckley-diaz dinner scene in 6x01
YES the couch is a metaphor thats clear but what about interim captain as a metaphor??
buck looking at eddie and saying that bobby has "so many other excellent options right under his nose" and eddie responding " like you?" 👀👀👀 THEN buck saying "its like hes choosing not to see them and everything they have to offer" like HELLO???
" this is a discussion about their careers" this is blatant FLIRTING acshlajlajzjf
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queerbuckleyhans · 1 year
WHY was buck's first reaction to the prospect of eddie dating like: ghost her. completely ignore her
he doesnt even CONSIDER the idea that eddie may want to go on a date with a woman. hes just like: why would you go on a date with a woman??? when you could go on a date with me???
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queerbuckleyhans · 1 year
mark my words. the Poker Scene is going to become as iconic to the fandom as the Kitchen Scene
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queerbuckleyhans · 1 year
me before: haha maybe it would be nice to learn how to make edits with capcut to post on tiktok
me now:
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lonelychicago · 3 years
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they're soulmates, you're honor
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evanjinx · 3 years
that scene from 'treasure hunt' where the 118 is being interrogated because of the murder of the author and eddie says "we didn't kill him" and, without missing a beat, buck says "we just wanted to" summarizes their whole dynamic and no you can't disagree because it's true
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evanjinx · 3 years
Buddie fics rec with dad!buck
keep my brittle heart warm (give me peace) by extasiswings [complete | teen and up audience | 6k words]
“I think any kid would be lucky to have you as their dad,” Eddie replies. “And—I don’t know—you found her. Isn’t that some kind of sign from the universe or something?”
Buck’s lips twitch as he looks up again.
“You don’t believe in signs.”
“But you do.”
[Or: a baby girl is left at the station in the middle of winter. And everything changes.]
Half Awake in Our Fake Empire by @hmslusitania [complete | teen and up audience | 33.5k words]
In which the past catches up in unexpected ways, the universe finds a new voice to scream with, and an LA rain storm changes everything.
Buck 1.0 fathered a child and Buck 4.0 comes into custody.
For Unto us a Child is Born by @crimsonswolfden [complete | teen and up audience | 8k words]
Be careful what you wish for; the perpetual warning. Sometimes things go great, sometimes not. Let's find out which this is when Buck finds a baby in the firehouse during a long night on shift.
Somebody to Know, Have, and Hold by TheFamilyWeChoose118 [incomplete | 9 works | 21.1k words]
A connected collection of one-shots and fics where Buck is a single dad and moves to LA to join the 118.
Growing Together by Angel_Dawn_Nimbus [complete | teen and up audience | 25.9k words]
Buck never expected to be a parent, a single parent at that. Eddie never thought he'd have to be a single father. Their shared experiences bring them together.
This Is Our Family by Angel_Dawn_Nimbus [complete | teen and up audience | 30k words]
Buck has a daughter with Dyspraxia who goes to the same school as Christopher. He and Eddie meet at pick up the day before Eddie starts at the 118.
Peanut by @datleggy [complete | general audience | 4.9k words]
Buck is a single dad and oops, looks like he forgot/neglected to mention it to anyone on the team until something happens and the crew end up finding out on their own through circumstances Buck can't control.
Baby Mine by @lesbiandiaz [complete | general audiences | 653 words]
Buck holds his daughter for the first time when she is twelve minutes old.
Lost and Pulled Together by CorgiQueen14 [work in progress | teen and up audiences | 19k words]
Evan Buckley had always wanted to be a foster parent.
He finally got his chance when he moved to LA.
How does this change his first year on the job?
And what happens when the child's biological father shows up?
(if you guys have any recs that i can add here send me the link in my ask)
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evanjinx · 3 years
we really are collecting buddie scenes (the kitchen scene, the will scene, The scene and now the balcony scene) as if they're infinite stones and i'm here for it
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evanjinx · 3 years
eddie diaz really said "because, evan, you came in here the other day and say it would have been better if it had been you who was shot. you act like you're expendable. but you're wrong" and changed the course of my life forever.
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