#otto x kaelis
ftwdb · 6 months
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Troy and Kaelie moodboard from an unposted fanfic, The Exiles.
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thotly-thoughts-101 · 3 years
Unwanted Pining
Summary: Mykaelis North, a young trans man in the city, except its not the city he knows. It's New York from Sam Rami's Spider-Man movies. One of his favorite film franchises. The issue is, Mykaelis is from 2022, not 2002, which happens to be the year he was born. So now he's an adult in a time full of technology that he has no idea how to use, all while being the unfortunate recipient of affection. Working in Oscorp for a boss who takes an uncomfortable interest in him, and a friend who has become an unfortunately accurate conspiracy theorist. Kae however, has his heart set on his idol and guilty pleasure, Otto Octavius, who finds this unfortunate protagonist endearing and intelligent, yet incredibly dense. As always, shit can and will go wrong in this turn around romance, full of wit, humor, and Kae being awkward as all fuck.
Pairings?: Otto x Kae, Norman x Kae
Warnings: Language, drugs, fire, food/eating, mentions of death, night terrors, Norman is kinda creepy, conspiracies, tumblr is real here, fax machines.
A/n: Hiya! I'm the author of Unwanted pining, this is an 18+ story, as it covers some mature themes as the story progresses. Kaelis is a self insert and this fic is pure therapy for me while I navigate my life. Likes, reposts comments and asks are always appreciated, keep 'em appropriate and constructive, bullying and harassment will just get you blocked.
Multi universe traveling sucks ass, I know this. How? Well I’m not from this universe, superheroes aren’t real in my world, unless you look in movies or comic books. But this, this was a spiderman universe. Tobey Miguire, if I am thinking correctly. Which meant only one thing… Doctor Octopus, and the Green Goblin, if this was following No way home, they might still be alive. That or this is all before those events and none of the original events have happened yet.
I hummed while I ate my three dollar hot dog. Who knew that New York street food was so expensive? I sure as hell didn’t, I’m just some trans boy with dyed hair and no way to have a life, unless I got into the hero industry, or the villain industry. However, both occupations required more smarts and physical capabilities than I was able to produce. Maybe I could be a street performer, read poetry or something? It wasn’t my worst idea. But it certainly wasn’t my best.
I was disrupted from my thoughts by a harsh shove as some guy ran past me, making me drop my food, “Hey!” I shouted, hands up in frustration, “What the fuck man?!”
He didn’t even respond, but people kept running past me. Scowling I turned around to see whatever was causing such a raucous. With a dim expression that could have only radiated boredom, I watched a glowing copper ball roll to my feet. Internally, I was thrilled, an opportunity to live out my protestor dreams. I picked up the pumpkin bomb and threw it into the air with all the aggression a wimpy looking person like me could. By that I meant, that bitch was gone, it was just in the air, and it exploded, to no effect, as no people, or goblins, for that matter, were within the blast range.
I, however, was left to face a hovering Goblin, and Spider-man, staring at me. “What?” I asked, still pretty pissed that I no longer had any more food, but I feigned innocence, “I’d always wanted to do that, who was I to ignore the impulse to yeet?”
“Yeet?” Spiderman responded, “That’s a new one.”
“What exactly does it mean to yeet?” Goblin asked, tilting his oversized helmet in a way that really only reminded me of a puppy.
“You know, to throw something really fast,” I smiled, it definitely looked forced, “There is Kobe, for accuracy and yeet for speed, and to take something really fast is yoink.” I was elaborating too much, wasn’t I? But at least I had halted the fighting for a time to explain a universal and time difference, I guess.
Spider-man seemed to perk up at the word yoink, “I know that last one!” He paused, “but that doesn’t explain why you threw a pumpkin bomb in the air.”
I blinked, a little bit faster than I intended, “I wasn’t just…you know, going to let it kill me.”
“So you threw it?” The Goblin’s voice sounded more like Norman Osborn by now, maybe I had defused the fight with my other universal slang and trauma response, “Are you insane?”
Oh my gods, was he aware how ironic that was?
I shook my head, “I just wanted to live out that one fantasy from seeing riots on TV.”
And at that I ran, using what little ability I had left over from cross country and my idiodic desire to climb stuff to join the swarm of people watching from a distance. I watched the two masked beings stare at each other before the Green Goblin flew off, presumably to go back to his big ass penthouse and let Norman rest off the confusion. Spider-Man however, webbed off in the other direction and the crowd disbursed, leaving me standing in the street.
Maybe I could try out that hero shit. But first, to find out if I had been swapped out, and if I even existed.
Though some weird fanfic trope bullshit, I had apparently been a missing person for like, three years. They did let me collect the reward, which was a bonus, but I did have to explain the whole transgender thing to my parents, who were still married, which I don’t recall them being married, but whatever, healthy marriage pog? I think they were only accepting because they were thrilled to have their kid back, I did choose to stay in New York though.
Why did I do that?
One, I kinda liked the danger, and who was I kidding, in my own universe I was probably going to seek out the son of a mob boss or some shit like that.
(haha… you know who you are)
But job opportunities were booming in the city, during normal hours I worked as a receptionist for Oscorp, to keep an eye on the action, of course. And off hours, I went about salvaging junk parts and roadkill. It was a good life for me and my ever growing cluster of plants that were taking up my single room apartment.
Norman Osborn never died, which means this was the NO WAY HOME ark, where everyone got cured of whatever made them into who they are.
I mainly found myself keeping alone, knowing that either way, Doc Ock was still bound to die. He was my favorite from the movies, and his redemption arc was so important to me.
Years passed, and the doctor did die, his fusion reactor going down with him in the ocean. As one does when they are in mourning, I dressed in my most work appropriate Victorian dandy clothes. I really had no shame in showing how I mourned. It had been roughly three years since I had been thrown into this universe, and I wasn’t about to just change my whole lifestyle.
Today was no different, save for the fact that I was now standing in the elevator to see the man in charge. I adjusted my vest, fully expecting to be reprimanded for my choice in dress for a work day. Rather, I was greeted by the much older man with a smile.
“Mr. North, thank you for coming in today,” he shook my hand with a strange sort of energy, “come in, have a seat, coffee?”
I found myself sitting in Norman Osborn’s office, shaking my head politely, “No thank you sir… you wanted to speak to me?”
He nodded, donning a serious expression as he sat down, “Yes, Mykaelis, I had noticed you taking a special interest in Dr. Octavius’s work and his…accident, no?”
I nodded, “Yes, well, I can explain sir, Dr. Octavius presented a fascinating case on the subject of clean energy and his work with the actuators could be used– if to a less extreme degree– to help amputees or those who need physical aid to overcome obstacles that exist in an ableist society… I was just curious, if anything.”
I could feel his gaze on me as he spoke, “I see,” he paused, “Well, I would like to offer you a new position, if you are interested.”
“That depends on the job, sir.”
“You would be archiving Dr. Octavius’s items, from his abandoned workshop in the harbor, his office, the police, and his home, you would be housing and cataloging them in what used to be his research office in Oscorps main building, here.”
I thought about it, I swear I did, but I only had one question, “What’s the pay?”
Norman laughed, well, it was more of a cackle, “of course, you would be paid by the hour until I know if I would like to keep you as an archivist, but how does $45 an hour sound?”
And here I was thinking he would be skimping on me, “That sounds like a deal to me Mr. Osborn.”
“You can just call me Norman,” He slid the official document to me, “sign here, and if anyone gives you trouble, send them to me.”
I grazed the documents before signing my life away to salvage the remains of the life of a man I only knew through film, “Of course sir.”
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seraphblvdes · 7 years
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It’s been 100 years since the last class left Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. The once thriving institute for people born with a unique genetic mutation giving them extraordinary powers, otherwise known as mutants, had to close it’s doors for good because of a shortage of mutant students following the events of House of M. Soon, the world all but forgot that mutants ever existed, and stories told by the older generations were often viewed as nothing more than tall tales. But there’s a little truth to every tale, isn’t there? Over the past couple years, a new crop of mutants have discovered their powers and after being cryogenically frozen for 100 years, Scott Sommers gathered some of them together to reopen Xavier’s for a new class of students. This is the new generation of mutants. Welcome to Xavier’s,  G E N E R A T I O N  X .
Generation X is a group verse set in the Marvel’s X-MEN universe. Since all characters attend Xavier’s, they should all be mutants but if you have a storyline that makes sense and you really want a non-mutant, human character, we can discuss. When choosing your character’s super power, you should keep their canon in mind and choose a power that fits their personality. Get creative so we don’t have duplicate powers in the verse. No all powerful characters will be accepted. On a scale of 1-5, no character should be above a 3 controlling their power, and they should all still be learning how to control them. Older characters could have a better handle on their powers but younger characters will probably still be novices. Though this takes place 100+ years after X-MEN canon, no canon X-MEN or next gen X-MEN characters will be accepted unless you have a valid reason for their return, (ex. Scott Summers was cryogenically frozen for 100 years.
There’s bound to be mature content including but not limited to sex and violence in a group like this, so we ask that all muns and characters be 18+, no exceptions. 
While in characters drama is encouraged, OOC drama will not be tolerated.
Major plots should always be run by an admin. (ex. major injuries or NPC deaths) Pregnancy and in verse children plots will not be allowed because they don’t really have a place in an environment like this.
Activity will be required either on the group discord or on the dash, but preferably both. If we don’t feel like you’re contributing to the group, you will be asked to leave.
Characters from all fandoms will be accepted as well as original characters.
Each member is allowed up to THREE characters, but we might allow more in the future. If you have at least ONE teacher, you can have a FOURTH character.
Duplicate face claims will not be allowed so if a canon face claim has been taken you will have to use an alternate face.
Duplicate powers will not be allowed so get creative.
Please send applications to KATIE.
DISCORD TAG: (will not be posted)
TRIGGERS: (if any, will not be posted)
SUPER POWER: (3-5 sentences please - this is an overview of YOUR character’s specific power and their control of it, not a textbook, wikipedia definition)
Join the group DISCORD server for IC and OOC interactions with the group.
OPTIONAL: follow everyone in the verse for on the dash interactions.
Track the tags:  gv. generation x  and  gv. generation x ooc.
ALEC LIGHTWOOD. 25. telescopic vision/sensory scrying . ( tbd fc. ) played by Clary. 28. est. ( @heartguided )
BELLAMY BLAKE. 25. earth manipulation. played by Beth. 26. cst. ( @portectorisms )
CLARY FAIRCHILD. 21. empathy. played by Katie. 27. est. ( @seraphblvdes )
ISABELLE LIGHTWOOD. 23. metal manipulation. played by Mal. 27. est. ( @heartwhipped )
JACE HERONDALE. 24. enhanced combat. played by Katie. 27. est. ( @seraphblvdes )
JEREMY GILBERT. 23. phantasm manipulation. played by Olivia. 27. ( @hauntedgilbert )
KAELIE WHITEWILLOW. 24. agrokinesis. ( margot robbie fc. ) played by Tot. 24. pst.( @nixieeyes )
KIT WALKER. 24. psychometry + precognition. played by Liz. 25. cst. ( @tothedevilsshow )
KLAUS MIKAELSON. 28. lycanthropy. played by Fish. 25. pst. ( @anditsxsorrows )
LIV PARKER. 25. illusion manipulation. played by Olivia. 27. mdt. ( @denofvoices )
MAGNUS BANE. ##.  telekinesis. ( teacher ) played by Richard. 33. GMT+1. ( @ofdemonicmagic )
NICK CLARK. 19. intangibility / phasing played by Nini. 23. gmt+1. ( @neverfittedin )
RAVEN REYES. 24. technokinesis. played by Katie. 27. est. ( @spiceandsugar )
REBEKAH MIKAELSON. 21. mental persuasion. played by Fish. 25. pst. ( @everflaming )
SCOTT “CYCLOPS” SUMMERS. 30. optic blasts. ( teacher ) played by Beth. 26. cst. ( @ofmanyvoices )
SIMON LEWIS. 22. sound manipulation. played by Jill. 22. gmt. ( @remembcr )
STEVE HARRINGTON. 22. indestructibility. played by Clary. 28. est. ( @sempreinfranto )
TROY OTTO. 21. energy absorbtion. played by Cassidy. 21. gmt+10.( @notbrcken )
ADAM WESTON. 29. paul wesley fc. mind compulsion. played by Beth. 26. cst. ( @ofmanyvoices​ )
ANTHONY PARKER. 24. jack o’connell. emotion negation. played by Beth. 26. cst. ( @negateswar​ )
BENJI COOPER. 22. wes tucker fc. molecular manipulation. played by Tot. 24. pst. ( @hahayousaidpenis )
CADEN BLOODSAW. 29. brock o’hurn. body cache/power effect storage. played by Olivia. 27. mdt. ( @denofvoices )
CHARLEE LEWIS. 22. phoebe tonkin fc. invisibility. played by Andrea. 28. pst. ( @nottobecrossed )
EDEN CROSS. 30. olivia wilde fc. cryokinesis. ( teacher ) played by Andrea. 28. pst. ( @nottobecrossed )
HALE ASHWOOD. 24. werewolf physiology. played by Kay. old af. cst. ( @runedsoldier )
LARK OREAGA. ##. fc. aerokinesis. played by Kay. old af. cst. ( @glitchmcb )
MACK McKNIGHT. 24. matt daddario fc. divided mind/shapeshifting. played by Clary. 28. est. ( @acquiredcraving )
MAX PARKER. 21. shelley hennig fc. pyrokinesis. played by Kim. 24. est. ( @normaltothemax )
MELLIE WILSON. 21. moriah poppy fc. telekinesis. played by Tot. 24. pst. ( @hahayousaidpenis )
NIKOLAI CZERNY. 30. seb stan fc. power negation. played by Katie. 27. est. ( @spiceandsugar​ )
NOELLE FLEUR. 19. caitlin stasey fc. telepathy. played by Simone. 20. gmt+1. ( @spiralhearted​ )
ROSE MATHERS. 22. a.debnam-carey fc. memory manipulation. played by Rachie. 28. cst. ( @descrtflower )
SAMSON KING. 30. zach mcgowan fc. thermokinesis. ( teacher ) played by Tot. 24. pst. ( @hahayousaidpenis​ )
TEAGAN BYRNE. 28. cintia dicker fc. venemous bite. ( teacher ) played by Mal. 27. est. ( @blightcd )
TIERAN LINDHOLM. 27. liz olsen fc. healing/bio. manipulation ( teacher ) played by Kay. old af. cst. ( @glitchmcb )
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thotly-thoughts-101 · 3 years
Unwanted pining ch 2
Summary: Mykaelis North, a young trans man in the city, except its not the city he knows. It's New York from Sam Rami's Spider-Man movies. One of his favorite film franchises. The issue is, Mykaelis is from 2022, not 2002, which happens to be the year he was born. So now he's an adult in a time full of technology that he has no idea how to use, all while being the unfortunate recipient of affection. Working in Oscorp for a boss who takes an uncomfortable interest in him, and a friend who has become an unfortunately accurate conspiracy theorist. Kae however, has his heart set on his idol and guilty pleasure, Otto Octavius, who finds this unfortunate protagonist endearing and intelligent, yet incredibly dense. As always, shit can and will go wrong in this turn around romance, full of wit, humor, and Kae being awkward as all fuck.
Pairings?: Otto x Kae, Norman x Kae
Warnings: Language, drugs, fire, food/eating, mentions of death, night terrors, Norman is kinda creepy, conspiracies, tumblr is real here, fax machines.
A/n: Hiya! I'm the author of Unwanted pining, this is an 18+ story, as it covers some mature themes as the story progresses. Kaelis is a self insert and this fic is pure therapy for me while I navigate my life. Likes, reposts comments and asks are always appreciated, keep 'em appropriate and constructive, bullying and harassment will just get you blocked
To be fair, I did not expect my life to be rummaging in the fucking river or half sunken wrecks of buildings looking for a scrap of Otto Octavius’s existence. I did find one of his actuators on the shore, likely cut off in that fight in “No Way Home”. Norman would at least have some reaction to it, I personally wanted it showcased, a good display box would be nice.
I had lugged the damn thing into my cart that I pulled around while mucking around the bank, my thoughts drifting to who knows where, vague thoughts of what it would have been like if I had gotten to grow up in this world, work with Otto Octavius, rather than pick up the discarded pieces of him.
I sighed, “Damnit Kae, no daydreamin right now, gotta find that good shit.”
Of course, I had already found the best that could be found in the river without a professional salvage crew to dig it up from the bottom of this, god, damn, RIVER.
All the little bits of metal I could identify ended up in the truck Norman had given me… cause you know, I’m going to be recovering history, I need a vehicle. Mr. Osborn was a pretty nice guy, when he wasn’t busy ya know, being the goblin and terrorizing town.
I sat in the driver's seat with a sigh, head back and staring at the ceiling. It must be a sight, a young, 20 some year old with neon hair sitting in an Oscorp official pickup truck with a piece of Doctor Octopus’s metal arms shoved into the bed. If anything it would be more comical if I was smoking. Ah well, no point wishing for drugs that haven’t been legalized yet. Major downside of essentially going back in time, to another world, when your world was probably suffering a major pandemic, and who the hell knew if my other universe self was still in this world or if they got dropped in mine, or if I was even alive. Oh gods what if I was meant to be dead in this world?
I shot up in my seat, sitting straight, “Nope, nope, not the time to think about that, you live in this world now, picking up stuff for Oscorp, your old world doesn’t matter right now Kaelis.” I took a deep breath and turned the key, just listening as the engine sputtered before turning on with its own huff of forced compliance.
“I feel you man, life fucking sucks,” I rolled my eyes and shifted out of parking, pulling out of the docks as the sun went down. I proceeded to drive my way into New York traffic towards the Oscorp tower.
Now, it wasn’t uncommon for me to be doing this job at night, I had only started a few days ago, and the night shift fit my shit sleep schedule. What wasn’t Norman, however, was Norman Osborn waiting for me in the office I had been given to store Otto’s materials. I walked in, humming some tune that by my standard was kinda…old, but was new by the standards of this time. A 25 pound metal claw in my arms, and my phone was out.
I repeat, my phone was out, the one I had when I ended up in this universe, a phone that wouldn’t come out until 2018, and it was currently 2005.
“Fuck,” I cussed, almost dropping the actuator, “Hi Mr. Os- Norman, hi Norman.”
Norman tilted his head at me, “What on earth is that?”
“Well, do you mean the severed actuator or my phone?”
“That little thing is your phone!?” He stepped closer, “You may explain after you set down the actuator.” Mr. Osborn took the arm from me and moved it to a table, and I watched, a longing to have gotten to know the man that was Dr. Octavius outside of a screen sense.
I took a seat, “So uh…how much do you want answered, and do you promise not to think me crazy?”
Norman quirked an eyebrow at me, “I would like as much as you can explain to me, and I doubt it will be much crazier than a man in red and blue spandex swinging around New York fighting bad guys.” At that he laughed, and I laughed. That nervous laugh that told me I was likely in the deepest shit I could have gotten into.
I folded my hands in front of me and took a deep breath, “I’m from another universe, not the universe you traveled to, but a universe where everyone here is fictional, and I don’t know how I got here but if i go back I potentially return to a pandemic and I personally am not interested in that.” I smiled, that nervous, tight lipped smile that really was a signal of nervousness, trying not to cry and acting like everything is fine, smile.
Norman Osborn leaned back on his chair, looking over me, with what I could guess was understanding? “I see, that does explain why you talk a little differently than any other employee I have hired, but that doesn’t explain your capacity for deescalation…”
“Well that’s just from experience and trying not to get killed by some Karen who thinks the government is microchipping us with COVID vaccines,” I did my best to be plain and matter of factly in my statement, but my boss only seemed more confused.
“If I may ask, Mykaelis, what is COVID?” He had leaned forward putting his hands together.
“The plague.”
“The plague?”
I nodded, “Yeah, it’s the plague. Just as much as you are the Green Goblin.” and the cat is out of the bag. I swallowed dryly as I watched, taking in Mr. Osborn’s reaction.
And I watched a bit longer. Roughly two minutes passed, “I see, other universe information?”
I nodded, slowly, “I also know who Spider-man is, and roughly…” I counted on my fingers, “nine other Spider-men and women as well. May I continue my work sir?”
Norman stood, “Yes, of course,” He stepped around me, “I do hope you will continue to work with Oscorp Mykaelis, you have become quite indispensable to the company.”
“I had no plans on leaving sir,” I started with a smile, and at that, my boss was gone, leaving me in a room filled with memories, both real and nonexistent. I stood and began organizing and arranging all that I had gathered of Otto Octavius’s belongings in the short time I had been doing this.
I found my mind drifting to one of the few times I had gotten to meet the man, while I had been working the front desk, my first week at Oscorp.
I had only just gotten a hang of welcoming guests and answering phone calls when I heard shouting. Had a fight broken out?
I, stupidly, got up and headed over towards the sound, fully expecting it to be some shady looking man arguing with the security officer, but instead, I was faced with a broadly built, 6’2” man in a turtle neck and tiny glasses.
“Hello, I don’t mean to intrude, but what is the problem here officer?” I butted in with a sweet smile. The officer, who went by TJ for some reason, had always been a pain, didn’t understand that lots of scientists never passed the detector due to some materials that they may have purchased from outside properties.
TJ grinned, as though he had one, “Well, Miss-”
I cut him off, “Mister, try that again TJ, you know how Mr. Osborn feels about misgendering his employees.”
“Right, well, this man here brought in gunpowder, lead and other metals and substances not allowed from the outside,” TJ sputtered around his words, probably frustrated at me for interrupting, or correcting him, who knew.
“May I see your Id sir?” I asked the much taller man, who seemed a bit red in the face from arguing with the officer, so I kept my voice as sweet as could be, with a customer service smile that often came off as a threat.
(I had found that people always thought I had “too many teeth”, but that’s another thing.)
“Of course, Norman might have mentioned I would be in today,” He handed me his Id, which was so small in his hand, I found it rather amusing.
“Otto Octavius…” I read the name, unable to hide the wistfulness in my voice, “Yes, Mr. Osborn did mention you would be in. You may retrieve your items and carry on,” I smiled again, a softer one, at least, it felt gentler, “I’m so sorry for the inconvenience Dr. Octavius.”
I handed his pass back to him, and Otto smiled, “It’s not your fault young man,” TJ had long left with a huff, likely to gripe to his superiors, but I didn’t care, this was one of the few moment’s I would ever get with Dr. Otto Octavius.
“Though, you seem rather young to be a receptionist here…” The question was left open, the topic was obvious. Was I in college?
“Well, unfortunately, it’s what pays the bills,” I side stepped, well aware of my desire to linger, “I’m sure I’ve kept you long enough Dr. Octavius, have a nice day.”
I fled.
Well, what did you expect? All I wanted to do was lose myself to the smell of his expensive cigars and machine oil that lingered around him.
I was broken from the memory by knocking on the glass door of the office I resided in. I turned to see a young man, Harry Osborn, my boss’s son. What the hell was he doing here?
I opened the door, “Young Mr. Osborn, what are you doing here so late?” I was leaning on the frame, still drunk on memories.
“My father sent me, said a young man like you needed to be around people your own age,” He frowned, as though he didn’t want to be here, “And please, call me Harry.”
I smiled, “Ah, do come in then, sorry for the mess. I was just…organizing.”
“Actually, it’s rather late, why don’t I walk with you to your car,” He suggested, and Harry was probably right, it was late, and I should get home to sleep.
“You know, that sounds rather nice, thank you Harry,” I stepped out of my den of cleaning and turned the lights off, locking the door behind me.
The first couple of minutes were walked in silence, as I was dressed in camo overalls and he was in a suit and tie. It’s a little difficult to make conversation with someone who lived an entirely different life from you.
“So,” Harry started, “Where are you from, I can never place your accent when you talk.”
I laughed, “Oh, yeah, I don’t really sound like where I’m from, I grew up in North Dakota, but having a distinct vocal intonation was frowned upon by my mother.”
“I see,” He hummed, “Why was it frowned upon?”
“Politics, polite society, bull shit and the fae court.”
“Fae court?” Harry sounded rather shocked, “I haven’t heard that before.”
“It’s a lot of heritage stuff really,” I explained, not really wanting to go in depth. It could, and would get awkward way too fast for my tastes, “And this is my car, thank you Harry, it was nice to properly meet you.”
He nodded, “You too, Mykaelis.”
Soon, the wealthy young man was gone and I was left to leave the parking garage to walk the three blocks to my apartment complex, and there, waiting for me, was a mound of blankets and lingering dreams.
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thotly-thoughts-101 · 2 years
Unwanted pining, part 3
Summary: Mykaelis North, a young trans man in the city, except its not the city he knows. It's New York from Sam Rami's Spider-Man movies. One of his favorite film franchises. The issue is, Mykaelis is from 2022, not 2002, which happens to be the year he was born. So now he's an adult in a time full of technology that he has no idea how to use, all while being the unfortunate recipient of affection. Working in Oscorp for a boss who takes an uncomfortable interest in him, and a friend who has become an unfortunately accurate conspiracy theorist. Kae however, has his heart set on his idol and guilty pleasure, Otto Octavius, who finds this unfortunate protagonist endearing and intelligent, yet incredibly dense. As always, shit can and will go wrong in this turn around romance, full of wit, humor, and Kae being awkward as all fuck.
Pairings?: Otto x Kae, Norman x Kae
Warnings: Language, drugs, fire, food/eating, mentions of death, night terrors, Norman is kinda creepy, conspiracies, tumblr is real here, fax machines.
A/n: Hiya! I'm the author of Unwanted pining, this is an 18+ story, as it covers some mature themes as the story progresses. Kaelis is a self insert and this fic is pure therapy for me while I navigate my life. Likes, reposts comments and asks are always appreciated, keep 'em appropriate and constructive, bullying and harassment will just get you blocked
Ah, two days off a week, working that nine to five is a bit tiring, even if you like the work you do. Well, hyper fixating on one very dead man is rather entertaining and fun for me, but I do understand that not everyone jives with it.
Either way, I wake up around, say, two in the afternoon, the only thing keeping my blankets on me is the weighted blanket I use to stop my thrashing, but 25 pounds is getting a bit light, I might need to get another one. I sigh and trudge the three feet to my hot plate where my kettle sits.
“Another morning, another day where I can’t be a simp for villains,” I sigh and turn the plate on, preparing the grounds for my french press while I wait for water to boil.
I know I look a mess to whatever peeping tom that could be looking through my very open window. The air conditioning had broken last week and I just elected to open my windows until I could find the parts to fix it myself. Personally, I didn’t feel like fixing it right now, so I decided, windows open, tits out. 
Yes I know I don’t sleep with a top on, it’s a sensory issue for me, besides, body confidence helps deal with the dysphoria. I poured my water and pressed my coffee, promptly pouring it into a cup and sat down on my single chair in the whole room. I turned on the computer sitting in front of me.
(I couldn’t keep all my tech, multi universal deities don’t like me that much.)
I sipped that plain bean juice while scrolling through my emails, reading newer ones and scanning for the one from the police office, clearing me to take the items they had taken as evidence for Otto’s crimes. No dice yet.
“Damnit,” I grumbled, “Why can’t they just let me pick that shit up?!” I continued to scroll down, sipping my coffee with a mildly disappointed expression crossing my face as my mind wandered.
“Dr. Octavius, what brings you to my desk?”  I asked, looking up from my desktop, curious. It had been a few days since the first interaction and really I did want to see him again. At least before the AI of the actuators took control of him.
He smiled, “I wanted to thank you for helping with the security guard the other day.”  Oh gods he was a puppy, a giant, dangerous, and very much married puppy of a man. 
“It’s no problem, TJ just has yet to learn a few things, like how childish the nickname TJ is,” I kept my laugh to myself and looked up at the taller man, “Besides, it’s my job to deescalate those types of things.”
“I-I see,” He hesitated and took a step as though thinking of ending the conversation there, “Actually, Mykaelis-”
Like that the memory was gone and I adjusted how I was sitting, that was one year ago, and Otto is dead, along with his wife. Nothing was going to change that fact, I was just going to have to live with it.
Of course, those facts never stopped me from imagining him holding me close and breathing in the smell of the smoke that clung to his jacket, or the oil spots that got stuck on the ends of his sleeves. Nothing could stop those pointless fantasies.
I sighed and got up, heading to my single dresser and pulled out my rattiest shirt, “I could…or I could dress nice and get those things from evidence for Mr. Osborn.”
Now here I am, sitting nice and pretty in the police office, dressed to the best of my ability, being yelled at by a police officer for requesting access to the acquired items from the Octavius case. And by jove did I want a cup of coffee. 
I had tuned the man out and decided to open up my computer bag and pull out some papers while he finished chewing me out for no reason, “...Ma’am are you listening to me?!”
I blinked slowly, my expression flat, “No, and I will not be listening to your reasoning sir. My name is Mr. Mykaelis North, I am here on behalf of Oscorp Industries to claim Dr. Octavius’s things from evidence as the case has been closed for over a year now. Here are my papers.” 
The officer looked shocked that I didn’t just comply with him and took the papers, reading them and grumbling, “I’ll bring the boxes out,” he stood, “You have a car?”
I nodded and he headed into the back. I waited up front for him to bring me the boxes. He brought up three decent sized boxes and just, left them for me to carry out.
I didn’t mind but, damn, rude much? I shoved the boxes into the back of the Oscorp provided truck. I did walk and get it of course, I just didn’t intend to use it for anything other than work. I shut the door as the last box was secured. 
“Damn, I’m good,” I grinned and placed my hands on my hips, proud of myself for being productive. “Would Norman be upset if I just, put in some extra work? Just to relax?” 
The answer was yes. Yes he would.
I got to the office, carting my three boxes behind me and shutting myself in the office space I had been granted by Norman. This was one of my many mistakes. I lost myself to my lists of items, keeping things in order and forgetting my existence in my work.
Norman, I’m sure, was not expecting to see me in the office on my day off, singing a song he didn’t know and writing lists. Of course I only knew he was there by the light tap on the door frame.
“I’m glad you’re enthusiastic about this project Mykaelis, but it is your day off,” he stated plainly, trying to hide the touch of amusement at the fact that he had caught me mid jam session.
I froze and corrected my posture, “I’m sorry, it was the only way I could think to relax,” I rocked on my feet, “and since I’m off work you can just call me Kaelis.”
Norman sighed and made his way into the office space, “I assume you haven’t eaten yet then, Kaelis?
I stopped my anxious rocking, beyond my coffee, I had consumed nothing today, “Um…no, I haven’t.”
The sheer look of disappointment on Norman’s face kinda stung, a lot. He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Come with me, I don’t know if you eat at that apartment of your’s and I’d rather know you ate something healthy.”
“What do you mean by that?” I followed him out of the office regardless, barely keeping pace with his purposeful stride. I shoved my hands in my pockets to keep me from doing any unwanted fidgeting as I walked.
“My place,” Norman informed me, his tone a bit flat, “You haven’t been taking care of yourself, Kaelis.” 
I let out my small, “Oh.” and kept walking with him all the way to his car, which he opened the passenger door so I could get in.
And that’s how I ended up at a wealthy man’s house, eating dinner and looking extremely outclassed in the penthouse. I swear his staff were better dressed than me. 
“We’ll eat in my office, your sheet said you had a shellfish allergy?” Norman asked, looking a bit more regal than I was used to on a day to day basis.
I nodded and kept quiet, looking around the rooms as we walked, so many midcentury pieces of furniture. It was beautiful and the urge to just, sleep on the sofa, that probably had more back support than my mattress.
Dinner went well, my capacity to stay awake however, was not. The combination of a new environment, real food, and decent furniture left me drowsy and before I knew it I had fallen into a half sleep.
I remember hearing things, it sounded like Harry and Norman talking, “Why is your archivist sleeping on your couch?” That must have been Harry.
“He was tired and overworking himself,” Norman, did he think I was over doing it?
“So? And why would you have me talk to him, he’s an employee, not your friend,” Ouch, Harry, that stung. I may be a bit eclectic, but I'm not that weird.
Fabric rustled, was someone standing up, “Mykaelis doesn’t fall under the standard employee, He’s…different.”
“Are you fucking him?!” 
One, ew. Harry what the fuck, I’m not shagging your dad.
“No Harry. I don’t sleep with my employees. Mr. North is just, a different case, you wouldn’t understand son.”
I’m a different case? Was it because of the multiversal travel? If Norman thought I could tell him how to get ahead in the world, he was wrong. The timeline was already mixed up, I couldn’t change anything…
I was gone before I could find the energy to lift my head.
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