#ouat cast icons
crime-wives · 7 months
ouat 1x01 thoughts
god regina, you dramatic bitch. “I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do” ok darling, you can destroy me if you’d like
henry is so small, his tiny cheeks awww
not to be gay but… emma swan in the pink dress. fuck. i forgot how attracted to her i was. and the HAIR, the fucking princess curls. jesus christ her ARMS.
“bail bonds-person” i love her
yesss bitch, strut across the street like you own it. absolute icon behavior, slamming that asshole’s face into the steering wheel.
babe you’re so sad and pathetic with your vanilla cupcake. i bet she wished for family.
not her apartment door saying ‘cast a spell’
“My name’s Henry, and i’m your son” agevgsvegw STOP
her having a panic attack in the bathroom, so real.
once again, her ARMS, i want her so bad
henry’s cute little freckles, i can’t do this.
idgaf abt snow and charming “She poisoned an apple because she thought I was prettier than her” shut up bitch, you know that’s not why
“Oh kid, you’ve got problems” emma swan, insulting children since 1983
ok but the fact that they chose the name ‘emma’ in a fairytale world, lmao
evil queen theme song playing as they enter storybrooke
emma swan wearing the most dyke outfit possible. getting ready to impress milfs
not that there’s any significance, but emma’s license plate is: 836•M4X
snow and charming are so annoying istg
ewww the blue fairy, i hate that bitch (derogatory)
regina running towards henry and wrapping him up in a hug. her eyes are wet. good lord, her first reaction is concern and worry, not anger.
“I found my real mom” my HEART. her face after he said that, so stricken and hurt, baby…
emma’s little flustered, ‘hi’ when talking to a gorgeous milf. ok babe, we get it, you’re gay.
graham leaving bc of emma and regina’s immediate sexual tension. and regina’s eyes roving over emma.
first ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at exactly 21:00 minutes.
emma swan is so desperate to impress regina. it’d be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic (affectionate)
“Sneaky bastard” once again, emma swan insulting children since 1983
crashing into the storybrooke sign like the absolute icon she is
the cgi 💀💀
yay!! curse time :)
emma waking up in a jail cell. she just does not give a fuck about this shit.
her lips parting when she she’s regina, ok babe, she’s hot we get it
god mary-margaret pisses me off
go regina, knock over mary-margaret’s shit, absolute queen
“She’s kinda a hardass” yes but that turns you on, doesn’t it?
gina’s so hot when she’s evil
putting a newborn through the wardrobe to save themselves, a+ parenting
henry mills, once again, the most mature one in a situation “You don’t have to be hostile. You like me, I can tell. You’re just pushing me away because I make you feel guilty.”
“I wanted you to have your best chance. But it’s not with me. C’mon, let’s go.” go emma! be the mature adult i know you can be
petition to get emma swan a therapist so she can deal with all her issues (trust me, she’s got a lot of them)
“Look, your mom is trying her best. I know it’s hard, and I know sometimes you think she doesn’t love you, but at least she wants you.” emma swan, standing up for regina mills since the moment they met
mmm regina’s voice is so hot.
her unhinged laughter, i love her so much
“Where are we going?” “Somewhere horrible, absolutely horrible” takes them to maine
emma swan is so fucking desperate for regina’s approval. she wished to not be alone on her birthday, baby…
second ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at 38:43 (i will be keeping count of all of them :D)
regina fidgeting with her blazer pockets, she’s so anxious
first “He’s my son” at 39:01 minutes
“I will destroy you if it is the last thing I do” babe, it’s kinda gay to have a nemesis, just saying
third ‘Miss Swan’ of the show at 39:32
baby… gina is coming apart at the seems
god, not to be gay, but regina’s HANDS at 40:27 agevvegse
emma’s only staying because of regina’s provocations. she wouldn’t have stayed for henry.
gold is so icky.
she’s staying a *only* a week, sure babe, sure.
also side note, i forgot how good the coloring was in ouat. like its very faded, maybe indicative of storybrooke being stuck in the past???
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Did the bots forget to mention that earth is unicron to the rest of their population? That's one jelo of a fack to forget!
The issue is there are two versions of Earth, the one Team Prime remembers, and the echo left of what had once been.
Grief does something to people, regardless of who you are it leaves a mark. A memory. Something that mimics the emotional investment that you had. And the bots are grieving. The issue is that only they can understand where that grief is coming from.
Organics, typically, are not liked simply because of how different their composition is from a mechanical frame. Humans in particular can be looked down on for how short their lifespan is. Individuals who are not your species, not your kind, who would die before a sparkling could even upgrade to their next frame, and yet these children created such strong, vibrant, connections to all of the bots. Earth, organic, small, and primitive, held beauty in its natural wonders and housed them despite the trouble that came with them.
How can they ever describe what they lost to their comrades? How can they ever capture what it was that they've lost and explain it to bots who can't even comprehend the foundations of it?
You can't.
So, Team Prime does the next best thing, they mourn quietly. Earth is gone, destroyed, and nothing has emerged from the death that they brought to that world. Sure, there were problems. M.E.C.H. and Unicron are among them, but it's all been wiped away now. Why bother remembering it, dredging it all backup? Not when there are other things better immortalized in their processors. Miko's face when crashing over a sand dune. Jack's laughter when pelting Vince's car with takeout. Raf's quiet presence as he focused on a video game.
It's even worse when fragments of earth survive. Knockout's collection of paints and recordings of his races. A few vehicons kept downloads of movies ranging from golden age Disney to The Real Housewives of Orange County. Knicknacks and junk like bobbleheads, blankets, and other scrap that just looked interesting to the alien eye. Odd artifacts that are shuffled around, are given worth because they are the last pieces of a dead civilization. Eath becomes a collectible icon. A pop culture reference. A hollowed-out version constructed and rebuilt by optics that never saw anything but the caricatures and broken pieces left by civilization's shadow.
Such a silly, small, fragile world. No one would believe that Unicron was the seed of it. That it produced species tenacious and willful. That it could produce monsters of its own beyond the nightmares they cast in stories.
How can you grieve when the ones you lost are remade in such a way?
You can't.
So you remain silent, you remain distant, and you clutch on to those memories, those true experiences and ignore every rumor and false tale that circulates the world you loved and the world you lost.
Earth is dead. It isn't coming back. The stories that whisper otherwise are nothing more than cruel and thoughtless lies.
So please, just let the dead rest in peace.
Thank you for reading!
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thegirlwondcr · 1 year
i'm gonna do some more ooc posts just some deep dives on emma! sometimes it's cause it's being brought up in a thread and other times it just comes across my mind
tonights deep dive is: selecting her FC
so starting off when I was making Emma, I had a few set rules/guidelines I wanted to stick to when looking for a face claim
First, the two big eye color and hair color. In a lot of iterations of Joker, when his past self is shown (or just looking at the actor), a majority of the time he's born with brown hair and blue eyes. Eyes kinda vary a bit more, so I felt sticking to her getting brown hair from him to be a safe bet! Her mom, which I can go into detail on another dive, has blonde hair and brown eyes--so she gets her eyes from her mom.
Second, no big name actors. One reason is a lot of time when you see someone playing a teenager, they're like twenty-something and that was not the vibe I was going for. I wanted Emma to look more like a kid rather than a young adult, so that cut down a lot of options. Another reason is a lot of people have a lot of rules, and for one reason or another they might have an actor on their ban list. Totally respectable and understandable! But for someone who is planning to rp an OC, I don't want to lose my options because of that. Also, given how all the superhero franchises are just so HUGE, I did not want to pick someone who did ended up getting casted who'd ended up being in my universe.
So from there it was: find a lesser known actress with brown hair and brown eyes, who does not look like some young adult model.
I think from there I was going onto some website that had a like 'find an actor based off their features' search option and was scrolling through there for awhile. I honestly cannot remember any of the other contenders but once I saw Olivia Steele Falconer, I stuck to it!
Coincidentally, I actually already knew of the actress from her appearance on Once Upon A Time. The show, whose main character's name is Emma. So yeah, if you've seen that show you can see the parallels probably lol.
I've never been someone who likes to use icons in replies--I just overthink and stress out too much over them, so the lack of icons did not bother me too much! Olivia's character's style in OUAT is also nothing like Emma's, but she did some indie projects before the shore which majority of my photos are from! Thank goodness for her IMDB and her projects being on YouTube.
So as a treat for reading this crazy ramble, here's some random pics of her that I probably will not ever use.
She was one of the kids in that live action Fairly Odd Parents Movie (LOOK HOW TINY SHE IS)
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This is her on Once Upon A Time. To be honest, I stopped watching the show around this time. She was like King Arthurs Daughter??? Something like that
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I really love every outfit she did wear :,)
also they set up her character so much and just kinda??? forgot about her??? this show was a mess. i ate it up, but what a mess
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foreveranevilregal · 1 year
12,28 🤔
12. Talk about a performance you love. I mean, you can’t be following me, with my icon and my URL and not think this is gonna be about Lana Parrilla. I would not have kept watching OUAT nearly as long if it wasn’t for her performance. She just loves Regina so genuinely and turned her from a standard issue villain to a nuanced and complex antihero. Her acting, her inflections, queen of meaningful looks and microexpressions, and insane chemistry with everyone and everything. Also the sass. So much sass. Regina could not have been the amazing character she was if it wasn’t for Lana’s performance. Brava.
28. What do you think is the worst adaptation of a book? Well, I’d say it’s the Percy Jackson movies, where they cast actors in their 20s to play 12 year olds, no one had bothered to read the books and had only a passing knowledge of vague plot points. Fortunately, they were a horrible fever dream and don’t actually exist.
Thank you!
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serratosackles · 4 years
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         lana parrilla icons
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lamoreicons · 5 years
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lana parrilla icons! like and reblog if you save it.
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mysarahjanesicons · 6 years
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400x400 various lana parrilla twitter icons like if taking credit to mysarahjanes on twitter
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donamarocas · 3 years
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littlew4ve · 3 years
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jmparkbts · 4 years
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yesskyscraper-icons · 6 years
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xpale--rosex · 5 years
i fucking miss emma swan :(
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oledits · 5 years
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• emma swan icons
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metadinhaxsz · 5 years
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⥂ Metadinha
Emma Swan +  Killian
⥂ @metadinhaxsz​
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parrillaedits · 6 years
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avatars-by-cece · 6 years
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Adelaide Kane x9, like or reblog if you use. 
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