#ouch oof my ovaries
descriptionofaruby · 10 months
ovary hurting juice...
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dreamlogic · 2 years
#shit chat#medical cw#meatsuit renno#finally worked up the guts to message the surgeon who did my hysterectomy like#hey i know it's normal to experience pain and stiffness for a while after this surgery like at least a couple months#but uuh. it's been 8 months and i still wake up feeling like shit most days?#pretty sure regular shooting pains where my right ovary used to be aren't normal almost a year after surgery?#like i could be wrong but i feel like i probably shouldn't need 1200mg of painkillers a day to manage constant throbbing abdominal aches#after i've hit the 'maximum recovery window' for this surgery uuh [checks calendar] ...nearly three times?#at least the fatigue has finally started to go away. i feel my vitality returning slowly but steadily#but i'm still not back to my pre-op activity or mobility levels cause OOF OUCH MY ABSOLUTE PELVIS#and i've been noticing an abnormal amount of abdominal bloating that doesn't seem to correlate with indigestion or other factors#and isn't fat from weight gain like i initially thought it was#idk maybe i'm paranoid but i read an article a while ago abt someone who had a 15lb cyst in that nobody noticed for over a year#bc they were AFAB & our pain is chronically underreported and not taken seriously when it is#like did y'all leave some forceps in my gut and now i'm growing a mass around it?? wtf????#idk if i hope it's nothing so i don't have to deal with more medical bullshit or if i hope it's something to legitimize my experience#godddd it would be so satisfying if i got to tell my boss's boss who's been hounding me relentlessly about proformance and Managing Burnout#HEY JACKASS TURNS OUT I'M A VICTIM OF BOTCHED SURGERY AND YOU'RE A DICK FOR NOT GIVING ME ACCOMMODATIONS
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probablybadrpgideas · 4 months
summon estrogen
oof ouch ow my ovaries
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cyberbun · 2 months
twins who finish eachothers sentences and have perfect synergy making a move on their defenseless older sibling
ouch ow ow oof my ovaries
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subuwu-dyke · 5 years
Every once in a while I am full of pain and I can mean this physically or otherwise right now it's mostly physically
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mwagneto · 6 years
The "my ovaries" thing when people see a cute guy is them basically saying their ovaries have suddenly produced lots of eggs (an exaggeration) to be fertilised for a pregnancy (preferably by the 'cute guy' in question). It's fucking creepy and weird though and I internally cringe whenever I see it, there's no way in hell I would ever write that, especially in regards to a real human being. Gross
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parasitoidism · 7 years
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minimin1993 · 5 years
S/M 9
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Warning: Tom Hiddleston (If that's even a warning)
“Hey Chris I just got off the plane, are you still picking me up?” Min said walking over to the baggage claim waiting for her bag. “Yeah I am parking right now, I will meet you at the gate.” Chris said through the phone.
“Are you sure you want to come get me? You might get mobbed.” Min said quietly in a joking voice.
“Ha-Ha very funny princess. Look whos talking?”
“No one knows I am coming today. Discrete as fuck. Plus I am not in Korea so I ain’t nervous.” Min said proudly grabbing her luggage walking over to the customs. “Well I am about to go through customs right now, I’ll see you outside.” 
“Ok, I will be here. Look for the clean shaven tall white boy with a Nasa hat.” Chris joked. 
“Psh, I swear you think your stealthy as fuck, thats the most lame ass disguse I ever heard of.” Min said before disconnecting her phone. 
After she passed through customs, she practically bouncing with joy ready to see Chris again. When she walked out she started to look for him but saw him nowhere until someone came up behind her hugging her shocking her until she smelled his cologne. 
“Chris don’t fucken do that.” She said turning around smacking his chest hearing him laugh before she gasped.
“YOU HAVE A BEARD STILL.” Min said grabbing his face feeling the beard making him laugh.
“Yeah we still training, so I haven’t shaved yet.” Chris said. “Does my princess have a thing for beards?” 
“Maybe, but just something about beard on you though, dam. Don’t get me wrong, your absolutely gorgeous without it. BUT when you have it. GOD DAM! My ovaries.” Min said playfully grabbing her abdomen making him laugh.
“Uh huh let’s go. The rest is dying to meet you.” Chris said grabbing her luggage before wrapping his arm over her shoulder walking out to the car. 
“What if they won’t like me? What if they find me annoying? Not everyone can stand my annoyingness disorder.” Min said when they got into the car. 
“Annoyingness Disorder? Really Princess? There is no such thing. Plus your more like a fireball on steroids” He joked making her nudge him. 
“Hey driving here.” Chris said laughing nudging her back making her giggle sticking her tongue out at him. 
“I am excited though, I get to meet and work with Scarlett. God that woman is like a Goddess. OH SHIT!!!! AND TOM HIDDLESON… HIS ACCENT GOD DAMM!” Min practically moan in the car making Chris laugh harder. 
“Dam orgasming on chair much.” Chris joked. 
“Hell yes! That man can give me an orgasm just smiling at me.” 
“Uh huh, totally telling him that when we see him.” 
“You better not, or I will cut your balls off.” Min said playfully. 
“Uh huh. You won’t, you love me too much.” “Nope, our relationship doesn’t hit that point yet.” Min pouts. 
“Ouch, and here I thought you loved me.” Chris said grabbing his left chest. “Come on enough joking around we’re almost there.” 
“Oooo I am nervous.” She said when she noticed Chris pulling into the movie lot parking in his designated spot. 
“Come on they most likely training in the gym.” He said exiting the car with Min walking to the gym. When she entered she was awestruck watching Chris Hemsworth on the weights. 
“Shit! That man's biceps.” Min whispered making Chris Evans chuckle.
“I know! Makes mines look like child's play.” He said flexing his arm playfully.
“Psh yours are awesome don’t even start.” She said grabbing it seeing Evans with a proud smirk.
“I knew you loved me.” He said.
“No shit sherlock!” She said
“Did someone call my name?” A voice said from behind her causing her to gasp.
“Holy shit Robert Downey Jr.” Min said turning around staring at RDJ with wide eyes. 
“You must me Min we heard so much about from Evans.” RDJ said looking Min up and down causing her to blush.
“I hope those were good things you heard. If not it wasn’t me.” She joked.
“Of course good things.” RDJ winked at her. “Can’t wait to see you in Captain America, from what we heard you’re a pretty quick learner when it comes to gymnastic type moves.” 
“Yeah, one of the reasons why I got accepted and debuted with Mystic was because of my flexibility.” She said blushing.
“Well I can’t wait to see it but I think it's time you meet the rest of the crew.” RDJ said wrapping his arm around her shoulders, pulling her toward where the rest was working out as Min turns wide eyed look at Evans seeing him smirk at her with his hands in his pocket walking behind them. 
“So everyone the baby of our group has arrived.” RDJ announce to everyone in the gym. “YES! The other female in the bunch. Welcome to the group.” Scarlett said getting off the elliptical walking over to give Min a hug who was speechless looking at her. 
“Thanks.” Min whispered 
“Oh you are puny.” Hemsworth came over lifting her up in a big hug making her squeak.
“I told you!” Evans said with a smirk on his face. 
“I am not!! I am Scarletts height. Maybe.” She said looking at Scarlett height. 
“Ok maybe one inch shorter.” Min said pouting. 
“It's not in a bad mate. The best things come in fun size.” Hemsworth said 
“Ohh don’t start she might make you give her piggyback rides from now on.” Evans said 
“Nope, those are special for you and Sebastian.” Min said with a smirk. 
“Good.” Evans said with a smile. “Anyways this is Jeremy and Mark. But of course you already know that.” 
“Of course I do, I loved you in 28 days later.” Min said giving Jeremy and Mark a hug. “And Mark with some of the classic romantic movies.” 
“Thanks, I wish I could say the same about you but I am not familiar with Kpop music.” Mark said regretfully.
“Oh please, no worries, I know Kpop isn’t for everyone, especially this early in the stage.” Min said with a smile. 
“Anyways where is Tom, I know Min is dying to meet him.” Evans said looking around the gym not seeing him before Min launch herself.
 “I told you not to say anything! Oh I swear I am going to chop you!” Min said hanging on his back making him laugh. 
“Nope you love me!” He said holding her walking her around screaming Tom making everyone laugh.
“Tom is in dress rehearsal for fitting.” Hemsworth said.
“Oh thank god.” Min sighed in relief. “Now let me down you big oof”
“Nope! I miss doing this the past few months. You’re giving me a great workout.” Evans said. 
“ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?” Min screamed.
“Oh he did it now.” Scarlett smiled making the group laugh.
“Yeah right!!! You’re barely 110 lb, don’t even start.” He said bouncing her on his back making her squeal holding tighter on his back. 
“I am so telling on you to Sebastian and he will Bucky your ass.” Min playfully choked him making him laugh.
“Ok ok. Backing off from the princess.” Chris said letting her down pretending to bow down at her. “But I am going to tell Sebastian your cheating on us with Tom.” 
“Pft, like he doesn’t already know.” Min said winking at Chris walking away and completely walked into a hard chest. When she looked up she gulped staring at Tom who was still in his long raven hair wig making her almost moaned.
“Nice to meet you too. You must be Min Hemsworth been texting me about.” Tom said raising his phone causing Min to turn seeing Hemsworth with his phone in his hand caught in the action.
“Hemsworth!! What have you been saying to him?” Min said turning around walking toward him.
“Oh shit! Don’t let her get your phone. Learned that the hard way.” Evans said watching Hemsworth lift his phone up into the air ‘out’ of Mins reach.
“She can’t get it, she's puny.” Hemsworth said again proudly making Min smirk. 
“You do remember she got casted as Linda because of her agility right?” RDJ said excitedly.
Min then turns around walking the opposite direction from Hemsworth leaving everyone confused, only to have her turn and stare at him with a mischievous look on his face. 
“Oh no I know that look anywhere.” Evans said seeing Min run full speed at Hemsworth using to his shoulder as leverage to lift her over his head swiftly landing in a perfect standing form with his phone in her hands shocking everyone. 
“Didn’t see that coming.” Jeremy laughed along with everyone. 
“You are so fucked Hemsworth, hope you locked your phone.” Evans said watching Min run away from Hemsworth who was chasing after her. 
“How do you run so fast?” Hemsworth asked who can’t seem to catch up to her. 
“Might as well give up. You won’t be able to catch her.” Evans said recording the whole ordeal.
“Oh darling, I think you tortured him enough.” Tom said catching Min around the waist as she runs past him making her gasp. 
“Shit! You caught her. Sending this to Sebastian.” Evans said.
“Fine, Hemsworth you got lucky Tom here. Next time.” Min said blushing from contact with Tom. 
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showanus · 6 years
I have a cyst on my right ovary and I am a hurting unit oof ouch owie
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