#our moment series
kyurochurro · 8 months
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and now i bring to you my concept art for my imaginary tos episode: the crew go to the beach planet (the beach episode) 🏝️
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Do you like sci-fi and indie animation? Check out Monkey Wrench!
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mizumywife · 4 months
*Mizu to her Fangirls, Mizu simpers and self-shippers squealing over her*
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 7 months
One thing about Andor is the fact that this entire town hates cops so much. Cops come to town and the townspeople immediately start doing everything in their power to harass, annoy, inconvenience and slow them. Both in solidarity for Marva who they love, and just bc they don't want cops in their town.
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This show hates cops so much. This show hates the prison industrial system. This show hates fascism and authoritarianism. This show peels back the layers to show you a Normal Day At Work At Fascist Inc. This show has well intentioned cops, bad intentioned cops, and robot cops who don't care either way, and all of them do harm all the time. This show says that cops will endanger people on purpose and make dangerous mistakes. This show says that community and solidarity are the way to stand up to empire.
Cannot believe the mouse company allowed this to happen
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arsenicflame · 2 months
Izzy Hands leaning by the window in the galley, taking the weight off his bad leg, his head tipped back, eyes closed, not quite fully awake yet. He listens to the sound of the pot on the stove as the dawn sun starts to stream in through the windows, glinting off the hilt of his sword- He's not so put together this early, with nobody around to see him, almost soft in the way his sleeves hang loose & he hasn't yet put on his glove. On the table rests his personal logbook, waiting for him to plan out the tasks for the day, but that can wait until he's had his coffee.
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spicyvampire · 1 year
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Intercultural Bias in the Fan Experience of QL
I've been thinking about writing this post for a while, and I think it's an appropriate time for it after reading @hallowpen's post today - which if you haven't read yet, please do so.
I'm saying this as someone who's been on a lifelong journey of learning, and is also extremely aware I still have so much that I don't know. I am from the U.S. and that comes with a truckload of bias and privilege. But this is something I have learned that I think is worth sharing.
There is a danger, for those of us who are progressive, yet grew up in countries that have been historically exploitative and oppressive to other cultures.
Because colonizer bias is insidious. And it can be very tempting to say, I'm aware, I've done the anti-racism training, I've read the books, I have my own oppressions I have to fight every day, I'm aware of my privilege, I'm an ally, etc, etc, etc. But this is just like racism - if you are not being actively anti-colonialist in your interactions with other cultures, you are likely perpetuating bias and oppression.
I grew up in a very liberal part of the U.S. and had a very progressive education starting from grade school. I got education on systemic racism in junior high, my high school had one of the first gay/straight alliances in our state. I studied science in college, but since it was a liberal arts degree, I also took classes on sociology of race, the religions of Asia, Chinese history, etc.
But despite all this I still grew up in a country with a fuckton of bias about our role in how we interact with countries around the world. And as we all do with bias that we grow up with, I internalized some of that.
It wasn't until I took some graduate coursework on Intercultural Training & Communication that I really was able to recontextualize my perspective and become aware of my unconscious bias, thank to an amazing instructor.
Other countries do not need us to come in, tell them what is wrong, and tell them how to fix it. Whatever problems there are, there are people in that culture who know, who are actively working on it, and they know better than anyone outside what needs to be done.
Honestly, it doesn't even need to extend to other countries - just look at all the nonprofits and charities in the U.S. that talk about helping the poor, but in the end just perpetuate the cycle of oppression by coming in to neighborhoods and doing zero work to center the perspectives of the people most affected.
You can absolutely support and spread awareness and send money and share expertise when asked, and do the things that the people of that culture ask you to do.
But if you come in, and try to say "this is what you all are doing wrong, and this is what you should be doing" - you are perpetuating a colonialist mindset.
And yes, this extends to media as well.
This is why I struggle with some of the takes I have read, especially those that attempt to rank the "queerness authenticity" of shows, from an entirely Western perspective, with no engagement with the idea that one's queer identity is impacted by one's culture (among other things), and that it can look and be expressed in a million different ways.
There are criticisms of queer directors, blaming them for a myriad of perceived sins, with zero understanding of what queerness might mean to them both individually and as a Thai person, and what they might also be trying to navigate socially, culturally, and politically.
There are people making broad sweeping statements about the direction that they think QL is headed in - some of which enter the realm of catastrophizing - entirely based on their own subjective opinion of what is most important for a different country and culture to care most about in a particular moment in time.
You know why I'm not worried about the direction of QL? Because I know there are millions of Thai people who care about it too. I know the Thai queer community and their allies are speaking up, and pushing for change and progress. I know that they are extremely cognizant of when representation fails, and I know they are the reason representation has already improved so much (sorry interfans, it's not about us).
And yeah, sometimes the pendulum swings the other way - those of us in the U.S. should be very aware of this. But the fight doesn't stop.
There are Thai people who are working to promote mental health and therapy, to encourage people to have strong boundaries with family who have hurt them, to provide more representation for groups who still aren't seen. And someone from a different country complaining about all the ways they think their culture is failing isn't helping a thing.
Like @hallowpen says, this is not about saying you can't critique. Most of the people I follow do a great job at making it consistently clear that their perspective is subjective, and they relate it to their own life and experience. That's great, and a place for people from different cultures to connect!
But those of us who are interfans have a responsibility as members of a global community. There are people from Thailand who read your posts. From Japan, from Korea, from China. Are you speaking up to support them? Or are you talking over them? Are you expressing understanding for what they are navigating from historical context and current political conditions? Or are you just lecturing them on how you think their world should be?
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Forehead touches - an indication of not only the emotional or physical connection and understanding, but also a mental one. (Part 2/?)
The Day I Loved You
Boyband - The Series
History 4: Close To You
Shigatsu no Tokyo wa... / Tokyo in April is...
Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go
At The Moment
Gaya Sa Pelikula / Like In The Movies
Chains Of Heart
My Story
Ghost Host, Ghost House
Part of my favorite bl-tropes collection, as always in no particular order.
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mcybree · 4 months
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okay honor system nobody who is intending on watching fishie’s next episode watch this because its spoilers for that. also honor system dont laugh at me
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just-a-carrot · 4 months
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campfire nights 🏕️
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nostalgia-tblr · 3 months
stopped reading a fic just there because it was insisting that thor & co went on many violent adventures pre-movies but of course left poor feeble loki behind cos he's a) feeble and b) blessed with a better understanding of imperialism than the rest, and there are a thousand other fics that also think this is obviously what happened but i think i may just have hit my limit on this one :\
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
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tell me I'm wrong
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mycatismyfriend · 11 months
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Angel the Series | 5x16 "Shells"
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jojotichakorn · 1 month
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[the rest of the anniversary gifs]
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yourangle-yuordevil · 10 months
Grazie mille for all your art! This ineffable duo will be the death of me I swear. How did you get into Good Omens?
In the Garden of Eden (Tumblr.com) the snake (Sof @nataswilde ) whispered to us to taste the apple (reblogged Good Omens gif sets onto our dashboard)
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