mcybree · 4 months
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okay honor system nobody who is intending on watching fishie’s next episode watch this because its spoilers for that. also honor system dont laugh at me
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
hi hi i love your writing style !! could u maybe do ellie x goth!reader? like someone who wears a lot of black, likes goth music, dark makeup and hair, etc. i’ve only seen hyperfem reader (and there’s nothing wrong with that!) and it’s just not me 😭
ahh thank you love🩷
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! smut, dom!ellie, sub!reader, a mention of reader being needy and ellie taunting you about it🤗
writers note: im not goth and none of my friends are so i have honestly no idea how it is like.. i also wasnt sure wether to make it a one shot or headcanons but here we are !! its kinda short since i honestly try to make all my stories as general as possible (until someone requests otherwise) but enjoy!!💞
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ellie always loved your aesthetic. she would go shopping with you, staring at all the typical goth clothes you buy in admiration. even though she wasn't goth herself, she enjoyed seeing how happy it made you, and the confidence it gave you. she'd often complement you on how the style suits you, and tell you how cool and unique you are.
she always stared at you while you were doing your daily make-up. she made sure you know you look pretty without it but she knew how comfortable doing it makes you feel, so she didn't complain. in her opinion, you looked beautiful both ways. she loved the way you tried out new makeup looks, and would ask questions about the trends and what each product does. she thought it was cute - the way you would watch makeup tutorials and take notes, and would sometimes watch them with you. she didn't really understand it, still couldn't help but be curious like a little kid. for her, your basic skills were unbelievable. she'd act like you just turned the house upside down after you made the simplest eyeliner ever that she would easily do too if only she tried.
the only problem with your appearance she had was getting you undressed. your tight, black clothes full of accessories, everything in the same color so it was hard to find out where to pull to take it off. the problem wasn't exactly hers, though. for her, it was a lot of fun. in fact, she intentionally took her time, laughing at your impatience and neediness. she would play dumb, 'looking for the zip' which was right next to her hand, and whenever you wanted to help her out of desperation she'd pin your wrists above your head. you secretly enjoyed it, as mush as did she. she loved the way it made you whimper when she held you down. she found your reluctance and neediness to be cute and innocent, and enjoyed teasing you and seeing your reactions. whenever you tried to make a move, she would make you beg for it, and the more desperate you got the more she'd hold back. she loved the way it made you squirm and the noises you made. she'd often whisper in your ear things like; "quiet. i'll give you exactly what you want, but on my terms" and enjoyed your helpless response.
she was a bit bossy, and sometimes liked to use her physical and / or emotional power over you. she knew she could push and pull your strings as she pleased, and often liked to remind you of that. she would frequently try to provoke you or push your limits to see how you would react.
eventually, she would release you and help you undress in a much more teasing and slow way. she would make it clear that it was no longer a game, but an important moment where you have to behave. even though she enjoyed taunting you, she always took care of your needs and made sure you were comfortable and felt good.
and after she finally completes your desires, she can't help but look at you and laugh. "you're ready for halloween, babe."
you'd frown, not sure whether to chuckle with her or feel offended, until you see yourself in the mirror. your goth, expressive make-up was smudged and shabby. you were lucky you decided to do one of the light ones this day, so you didn't really look like a victim of possession. you both laughed, knowing that your appearance after the intimate moment was quite a far cry from your usual look. you'd give her a look of mock frustration, as if she had ruined your makeup purposely. you'd go to wash your face, but you knew it would leave an afterglow of black smudges and mascara that would be quite difficult to remove. but you didn't mind, because the moment you had shared with her was unforgettable, and those smudges would be a reminder for what happened for the rest of the night, until they finally wear off.
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miiilowo · 1 year
I've never really watched anything about Security Breach's cut content so I'm don't know much about it. Any specific things or moments that you wish the most were actually used?
And/or, could you tell us about your interpretation of Vanny :3c, I don't have any less vague questions off the top of my head so just in general I guess-
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there are voice lines and unused art for glamrock freddy that show vanny commanded to other glamrocks to disassemble him, and it would have turned him against gregory. Having your one failsafe source of protection and guidance (well. if you dont include him getting stuck on walls and railings) ripped out from underneath you, now hunting you? can you imagine how effective that would have been for most people?
this was the intention for the game. it wasnt an idea that was scrapped, it was cut because they didn't have enough time. this was SUPPOSED to happen. even if it wasnt scary, (which it might not have been accounting for how MONSTROUSLY BRIGHT THE PIZZAPLEX IS), it would've made the game much more memorable, the characters have more stakes, and made the game feel less empty. and can you IMAGINE the sexyman potential? Hot bear dad turns fucked up and evil??? you know the fandom would be all over this freak
like all silliness aside, one of my major complaints w SB is how empty it feels. It's fundamentally broken, and not just from a bugs perspective; The story does not work like it should, because most of the story was removed. You experience the most barebones version of the plot. The meat used to be there, but they hid it in the files never to be seen again. It's stuff LIKE shattered freddy that would've made this game more than it is, would've fleshed out the characters, the plot, and motivations. It injects some EMOTION in there, god forbid. Among the lines for shattered freddy related cut content is one of gregory crying!!!! come on man!!
They'll probably bring him back for Ruin, but it won't be the same, nor have the same plot or characterization. Just a skin slapped onto him, I imagine.
Before I get to vanny, i wanna touch on glamrock bonnie. I do think we were supposed to get more of him in general, seeing as a whole bonnie bowl minigame was cut out, but we really only got scraps hinting at a larger mystery. I'm not sure what all was cut, but it feels like it was building up to something much bigger and it simply never had the chance to be executed, which is a shame.
Moving away from him though, theres a bunch of stuff about Vanny/Vanessa (most of which i will not cover here). vanny my sweet lovely girl who was done so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dirty
First of all, they completely made Vanessas personality do a 180 degree turn right before release. The version of her that we got is very mean, short tempered and cruel, whereas the version of her before actually cared about Gregory and helping him out of the pizzaplex; The reason Gregory wouldn't trust her, being that he knows she is also Vanny, but I'll get into that in a second. She seemed just as confused and scared as Gregory is, and while, yeah, having every female character be motherly and sweet is BAD i do have a point as to why that would have been better for her character, especially if it was a ruse she was putting on:
It makes the player want to trust her. Since Gregory never explains WHY we shouldn't trust Vanessa, it would make sense that we would want to doubt him, wouldn't it? There's cut lines that show Freddy didnt believe Gregory for a while either until he proves that something is up. The game was originally supposed to have a sort of "vanny meter"; I'm not sure how this would deplete, but whenever it did, Vanessas model itself would turn INTO Vanny, at which point she would start hunting you. Having the player witness one of these transitions after being led to believe that Vanessa has been genuinely trying to help us this whole time would be 1. scary in the same sense shattered freddy wouldve been 2. would explain why gregory doesn't trust her (he's seen this happen before, presumably) 3. would give freddy an actual reason to protect you instead of just doing it for the sake of protecting you, continuously going against his programming in rather inconsistent fashions
You can see how this was likely going to be incorporated through the trailers, (the line where shes saying she didnt want to hurt gregory, and it was 'just a glitch'), and it would also explain why shes NEVER IN THE FUCKING GAME DESPITE BEING ADVERTISED AS A MAIN CHARACTER AND VILLAIN
While I do think steel wool wouldn't have made her full evil (as much as i would love her to be) and would've made her genuinely a helpless wet rag whos scared and being puppeted around by afton, I do think this wouldve been better, because she wouldve been an effective threat and more sympathetic as a character. In the end game she still is just a helpless wet rag being puppeted around by afton but without any of the emotional impact. what fucking ever i guess
i still stand by the fact she should've been a copycat killer and afton's "i always come back" line would mean his INFLUENCE is eternal, not that HE HIMSELF is eternal, as we both know this would have been better in one thousand hundred million billion trillion ways forever
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dnpbeats · 7 months
No but actually on the topic about the fuchsia phone case joke. I sometimes find it so hard to reconcile the images and videos of them then, with a)the two idiots we know now, but also just the two people we now understand them to have been at the time.
I see dan making a slightly off colour joke about phils phone case looking gay, and then i think the scared closeted 20yr old, trying to desperately figure himself out, and qhen i try to match them up, in some ways it makes so much more sense and in others it feels like my brain is short-circuiting.
I guess I just always wonder what those jokes and comments actually meant to them at the time. When I first started watching them, way back in 2015, I always understood the jokes they made as being in the same context as when my straight peers/friends made them. Misinformed but not malicious. As coming from the perspective of a straight person who didnt really think about what they were saying. But now obviously we have context, and now im a full raging lesbian myself, who similarly made gay jokes/comments when I was still in the closet, and I'm just starting to realise what mustve been going on in their heads. Like, im not saying the fuschia phone case comment was some desperate desire to be free and open or whatever, it was a joke and it wasnt a particularly deep one, but there is an added layer to it. Dnp laughed for more than just the fact that the 'fuchsia phone case looks gay'. They laughed bc they knew who they were, they were making fun of the whole 'having a purple phone case means your gay' concept in the first place, and they were just two closeted 20-somethings, existing in a world that wasnt ready for them yet. And yeah it was just a stupid joke, but thinking about it too much has made me a little emotional so here we are.
Hi!!! I totally understand this. It’s been wild going back and watching their content with the knowledge we have now. Like I, as most people did, presumed they were queer before they came out. But it’s absolutely a different experience thinking that and knowing that. While I was watching ditl it hit me that like. They were a closeted couple while filming that, and that’s not speculation, Dan confirmed that. And it kind of hit me in a way I can’t describe, but honestly part of it did make me sad. Just like, knowing what it must’ve been like for them. And I totally get what you’re saying about the gay joke. Like for them obviously part of it was like “oh haha making a gay joke when we’re gay!” But it’s also like… making a gay joke because you’re closeted and that’s as close as you can get to publicly being yourself. And even then, whatever the exact joke was, they cut out part of it. Which honestly was probably a good call lmao but, yeah. I agree that specific joke wouldn’t have been some like grand moment in their lives or that it’s that deep at the end of the day. But it’s just knowing that things/jokes like that were probably a regular occurrence and for a while that was like what they had yk? Making gay jokes and then cutting them out, because they didn’t want them to be misconstrued but maybe bc they hit a little too close to home
And now look at them. Joking about eating jizz on the gaming channel for all the world to see
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azucaradamente · 3 months
"An autumn and spring love" Chapter 2
check it out on AO3, i update there first :). Chapter 1
FUZZ... my head pounded with the rhythmic squeak of the mop against the gym floor. I never thought cleaning duty would be this soul-crushing. Maybe Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had a point with their constant complaints. Karma, perhaps?
Twenty minutes felt like an eternity. Finally finished, I couldn't understand why Coach Ukai insisted on staying. He barely lifted a finger, spending the entire time glued to his phone – games, laughter at some message... or maybe... was he staying for me? A shiver danced down my spine. Could it be? He could actually have some...
My fantasizing was cut brutally short by a throat clearing so sharp it could cut butter.
"So, Y/N," Coach Ukai's voice rumbled, closer than necessary, "finally finished?"
"Uh – y-yeah," I stammered, cheeks burning. "Just putting these basketballs away."
"Good. Make it snappy. Took longer than expected, and I—"
His words were cut off by another chime from his phone. He glanced at it briefly, his expression unreadable, then shoved it back in his pocket with a sigh.
The silence stretched, thick and heavy. "Isn't that a bit late for a text?" I blurted, instantly hating the stupid question that tumbled out of my mouth, it wasnt even fucking late! besides he is and ault im just his student, tf i care... A low chuckle escaped Coach Ukai's lips. "Nosy, are we?" His voice was a caress, sending shivers down my spine. He took a deliberate step forward, caging me between his body and the wall.
This is it. My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drum solo in the stillness. Where was this going? My breath hitched as Coach Ukai invaded my personal space, his cologne a sharp tang in the air. "I-I think you're a little closer than you need to be, Coach," I stammered, my voice barely a whisper.
A slow smile played on his lips. "Is that so, Y/N?" His voice was a low rumble, sending a tremor through me. "Tell me, why do you care so much?"
My cheeks burned with a mixture of humiliation and a strange thrill. "I... I'm sorry, Coach," I blurted out, desperate to break the suffocating silence. "It's just that you said you'd stay to help and teach me, but you barely did anything. So I thought, maybe you just wanted to be with me..." My voice trailed off, a choked sob escaping my lips. "But with all those texts, maybe it's your girlfriend wondering where you are..." Regret flooded my stomach. Why couldn't I just keep my mouth shut?
Coach Ukai's eyes narrowed for a brief moment, then softened with a hint of amusement. "So, you thought I wanted to be with you, huh?" He took a deliberate step forward, caging me between his body and the wall. "Well, you're not entirely wrong."
My heart hammered against my ribs. This wasn't right. He had a girlfriend. But the heat radiating from his body, the way his gaze lingered on my lips, sent a confusing mix of fear and desire swirling inside me.
"I do have a girlfriend," he continued, his voice a husky murmur. "She's waiting for me, and I am late for our date. But..." He paused, his eyes searching mine. "I couldn't resist the opportunity to be alone with you."
A shiver ran down my spine as he leaned in closer, the promise of a kiss hanging heavy in the air. "Ah-ah, wait, Coach," I stammered, pushing weakly against his chest. "If you have a girlfriend, shouldn't we stop?"
He ignored my plea, his hand trailing down my arm, sending sparks igniting across my skin. He unbuttoned my shirt with practiced ease, the coolness of the air against my exposed skin a stark contrast to the burning heat of his touch. My mind screamed at me to stop him, he had a girlfriend and i was just a student, but my body seemed frozen, caught between fear and a strange, exhilarating anticipation. He started kissing my neck harshly, likely leaving a mark later, while his hands crept up my torso, inching towards my breasts. A confusing mix of emotions swirled within me. I should stop this, a voice in my head screamed, but my body seemed frozen. Maybe I actually wanted this, or at least that's what I desperately clung to in that moment.
A jarring ring cut through the haze of our heated exchange. How long had we been like this? He answered the phone, annoyance lacing his voice.
"What the hell do you want? I told you I'm busy working on something, it won't take long," he snapped, breaking the kiss abruptly and fumbling with the phone. He stepped back from me, my surprise evident at his sudden shift. My shirt hung open, unbuttoned in the frenzy. Ignoring me completely, he stalked towards the door, still yelling into the phone.
"Fine, fine, I'm on my way already," he conceded, flinging the door open. But before disappearing completely, he threw a final glance my way, a lingering smirk playing on his lips. Then, he was gone. My breasts hung free, exposed and suddenly cold thanks to the gaping doorway. A shiver ran down my spine, a stark contrast to the heat that had just flooded my body. A wave of nausea washed over me, and a lump formed in my throat, threatening to erupt into tears. Collapsing onto the floor, I wrapped my arms around myself, the familiar comfort failing to soothe the turmoil within. The harsh reality of the situation hit me. Was this... what I wanted? The question echoed in the emptiness left by his abrupt departure.
Just as the tears welled up, shattering the fragile dam of emotions, my phone pierced the silence. Grasping at the lifeline, I answered. It was Mom. The sound of her voice, laced with concern, momentarily pulled me away from the whirlwind within. I could faintly hear Tadashi and Tsukishima's voices in the background, their curiosity piqued. I forced a smile into my voice, weaving a tale of being almost finished with whatever vague task I'd concocted. Reassurance dripped from my words as I promised not to be too late.
Hanging up, the charade crumbled. Stepping outside, the cool night air hit me like a physical blow. Rain began to fall, a relentless downpour mirroring the torrent of emotions within. Tears finally escaped, blurring the city lights into streaks of shimmering pain. The feeling of being used, a foreign concept mere moments ago, now clung to me like a second skin. But how could that be? I'd craved this, hadn't I? The question hung heavy in the air, unanswered, lost amidst the symphony of rain and my own choked sobs. The walk home stretched into an eternity, each step a battle against the storm raging within.
Rain plastered my clothes to my skin, the chill seeping deep into my bones. Tossing the damp towel onto the counter, I sank onto the edge of my bed, burying my face in its welcoming softness. Exhaustion pressed down on me, a physical manifestation of the emotional rollercoaster I'd just been on.
The walk home had been a blur of pounding rain and unanswered questions. Every muscle in my body ached with a weariness that went beyond the physical. The city lights had blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors, reflecting the turmoil within. My breath hitched, and a sob escaped my lips, breaking the fragile peace. It was a single tear, the first of many, finally bursting forth after being held captive for so long.
The sound must have alerted Mom, because she appeared moments later, her brow furrowed with concern. The questions came at me like a tidal wave - why was I so late, where had I been, didn't I have an umbrella? I couldn't answer, the words caught in the tightness of my throat. Seeing the state I was in, Mom's concern morphed into gentle understanding. With a soft smile, she announced a hot bath was waiting for me. Sinking into the steamy water, I let the warmth seep into my muscles, finally allowing myself to relax. But the emotional turmoil wouldn't be so easily soothed. My mind replayed the scene, the heat of his touch, the confusion within me. Did I want this? The question echoed in the silence, a constant refrain.
Just as I began to drift off, a soft chime from my phone shattered the quiet. A notification blinked on the screen, the familiar name sending a jolt through me. It was Ukai. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my ribs as I unlocked the phone. His message was a confusing jumble of words.
— From: Ukai (⸝⸝๑ ̫ ๑⸝⸝⸝) —--------------------------- Hey, it was a good night, you did a great job that perhaps should stay between us, had a great date with my girlfriend if ur wondering but i'm still waiting for our thing to repeat.
Cya tomorrow in practice. —---------------------------——-------------------------------
My breath caught in my throat. Was he serious? Anger bubbled up within me, a stark contrast to the confused longing I'd felt earlier. Here he was, bragging about a date while dangling the promise of something more with me. It felt like a slap in the face, a blatant disregard for my feelings. The tears that had been held at bay before began to flow freely, each drop a silent scream of frustration and hurt.
Closing my eyes, I reread the message, each word dripping with a cruel indifference. Ukai's playful emoji mocked me, a stark reminder of the manipulative game he seemed to be playing. With trembling fingers, I began to type a reply. What would I say? How could I possibly convey the tangled mess of emotions swirling within me? The cursor blinked, taunting me with its emptiness.
The night stretched before me, long and heavy. The rain outside had softened to a gentle patter, but the storm within raged on. As exhaustion finally claimed me, sleep offered a temporary escape, but I knew the questions would be waiting for me when I woke up.
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not-souleaterpost · 7 months
The suprisingly bad plot of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
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So I played this little fun Jet Set Radio clone (don't worry, it ties into the iceberg, so I wasnt technically procrastinating with video games-)
And the thing that stuck out besides the expected and fun is how the story was bad. In a surprising way - not as "oh I didnt expect it to suck so much!!!" But nah, what I mean is that it failed in a interesting way.
So what do I mean?
Well lets start with the whole setup "Oh yeah, you get your head chopper of and are actually just a random scrap metal robot controling a should-be lifeless body."
This is weird enough, but the fact that there is that much head switching and body stitching is just strange, you wouldnt really expect that from a skating game - hell it makes the casual light-bulb eye-switching from Naruto look tame in comparison.
Still, one could guess that its just a quirky thing (or more disturbingly that some of the developers gets off from it, like not the weirdest thing that exist) - just some funny detail to get attention and stand out.
But not, this thing actually is the crux of the whole "theme" and "charachter arc"
And its weird that this kind of game trys that, like if mario struggled with alcholism as a framing decice for generic platformer #64. Cause why do something that is overly ambitious and will fail?
Like this game sadly failed - the whole search for "roots" just felt kinda unatural and as if the people were living in a different world from you (like ok I get it the society literally is that much weirder, but I mean in a sense of just procecing information and emotions differently than a standard human would)
Just the fact that the charachters feel empty and you dont really connect with them or their relationships makes everything hollow - yet its weird that they tried at all - cause yeah in the end in Jet Set Radio, nobody gives a shit about that stuff, we just wanna ride the line with carefull cartoon charicatures.
Yet still the story decided to introduce plot twist, thematic foils, villians with pseudo-arcs, drama etc.
But somehow it doesnt get how at the same time it just doesnt work on a basic level - like after its revealed that not only that Faux guy killed Felix for a petty reason but also is about to kill all other Graffiti pals, its kinda irellevant that his "big secret" was "Oh your dad kept you out of trouble"
Yet the game plays that up as some final all revealing shocker, and even gives Faux a death mirroring Felix initial fall.
Also the whole arc of Felix is both weird and at the same time something that seems to be trying to say something - from starting as some random smart hair-dryer, to it being revealed that he secretly was a legendary skater with amnesia, and the whole "you are both now"-
I get kinda that they tried to say "look he died partly because of his arrogance and not letting others be close may sparked Faux's psychopathy", but still at the end it just doesnt click, you know what Im saying - the first thing after coming to life with no memory is "Oh I wanna paint the city, yeah why not and find my original head even if its not really mine" and then "Oh I guess I learned the power of friendship, even if we interacted minimally and in the end only the final thematic attack showed the use of bonds"
Like yeah, it showed literally moments how without other people he would be dead but still it was so subdued that its weird to do a whole story like that.
Especially a story as whacky as it - with a evil skater head taking over the police and brainwashing everyone to do his biding while becoming a giant centipede monster.
But the weirdest part is that it even had the whole meta-commentary about how yeah it IS a rip-off and one cant escape that, but like, we are totally something new too guys!
But guess the only really clever writting was the set up of that weirdo with angel wings actually having a absurd but believable reason for overhearing everything lol.
Yet other things just go nowhere - the sniper kinda disapears from the story, there are obvious times where you are just sent in circles for padding, etc.
And that last thing is kinda what leads me to my attempt to reverse engineer the story -
I would guess they started with the wacky desing of the main guy and someone though "but why do he be having that crazy head thou?"
And from that it sparked the idea, well he lost the head - and that connected with the whole "identity" thing especially when they had to think if they were making something creative or just puppetering the corpse of a dead, head-team less corpse of a faux legendary franchise (I dunno why I said faux, I like JSR, but I had to tie in the names)
The details came later, hence why DJ Cybers Mask is supposedly Felix's, even though it doesnt fit the latter - cause yeah the charachter designs werent made like that originally.
And thats why there is some weird padding and moments - cause of budget reasons some things had to be stretched, or maybe some things had to be used in a way to maximise what one has done and to not throw away some cool concepts, even if they clash.
Also, Im not knocking this associative way of coming up with storys, just speculating if thats how it all came together.
Still, the fact that the story isnt just "Yeah we are rebels and here are police, lets fight!" without any of the before mentioned window dressing is surprising.
And, being non-generic is a positive surprise, no matter the execution - so see, this "essay" wasnt shitting on this game afterall.
(also contrast for a simmilar story that is unsurprisingly bad - Gravity Rush - but I'll save that for another time, man I wish that games creative direction was done by someone else, cause the gameplay itself has moments of being more fun than a lot of things...)
Oh also the proof that this all relates back to the Soul Eater iceberg - see what I found (sadly not first, cause I googled and some redditor noticed 2 months ago, alas if I played this game way back I would have had this eternal glory, not shame😔):
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And if you say: That's it? I expected more!:
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dndfuckhouse · 1 year
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After the Wraiths and Before We Touch Down...
Finn and Ozan in the Evening - 7/24 
Cimmorro and Keva in the Morning -  13/8 - 16/8
Cimmorro and Vinny in the Morning - 8/19 
Finn and Ozan in the Evening - 7/24
After his plan to cry to Vinny and Cimmorro doesn't pan out, Finn attempts to cope with the emotional stress hes under in the only other way he knows how to. Well, its not the only other way he knows to, but other methods aren't viable in his current state and he'd be doing this even if he weren't desperate to relieve his anguish. So its actually normal behavior. Great! With this self assessment in mind, he purposefully strides down the hallway where he had seen Ozan and Vernalis in their room earlier.
Finn: he looks vernalis up and down exactly once, remembering how it felt to be squished against her chest. a memory that couldve been pleasant, were it not for her being born as herself. he then focuses on his target instead, snaking an arm around ozans and gently tugging at it "pardon my interrupting but i believe we were sharing a bed earlier" he smiles at ozan with intent "and it was thanks to you that we were able to win our little game with the ghosts.. itd be improper if i were not to give my thanks for your cooperation.. perhaps youd like to chat with me over it elsewhere?" Ozan: amusing himself and trying to lighten the mood a little ozan continues chatting away with vernalis about this and that with his pipe in one hand. though not harrowed by the events of the evening himself hes glad to see it ended up alright in the end, prompting no needed intervention from himself. he leans against the wall near the door casually puffing away until a man suddenly makes himself known to his right in the door frame. he blinks over trying to recognise him and nearly flinches when the stranger invades his personal space, covering it with a lean back and a laugh. "whoo-a, hello there?" at the statements he blinks and recognition settles in his mind "ahhh, you were with the group helping this one then?" he points over at verny with his thumb "alot taller in your normal form huh?" he thinks for a moment glancing down at his arm still held with a curious look "we can shuttle out into the hall, sure" and turns to Vernalis "i'll be back in a tick, feel free to head to sleep ahead of me, you're probably more tired anyway." he gestures to his bag as if to imply if you want to keep smoking thats where i keep my stuff with a smirk Vernalis: Verny really was just shooting the shit with Ozan and recounting what she saw which admittedly wasn’t much. Despite the heavy tone from earlier, she seems to have gone back to her regular self pretty quickly. She does remember Finn a little bit. The one who turned into a bat right? She didn’t get to see much of it so it amused her somewhat. She clasps her hands together excitedly. “Ohh its you!” She says at the sight of Finn. She just listens until Ozan suggests she retire and she stifles a yawn. “Oh dear, well I suppose we did get interrupted didn’t we. I’d love to pick you apart for your little bat trick… but it’ll just have to remain an unsolved mystery.” She says as she rubs her eyes. “I think I’m just gonna turn in, sleep a bit more, thanks for sharing mister ^^” She yawns before giving a toddle-o and shuffling back into the room god speed finn Finn: at verny saying she'd love to pick finn apart for his 'bat trick' he just goes TAILS.JPEG for a moment. he was hoping no one paid attention to that. hell, he didnt want ozan to get any ideas about it and question him instead of going to bed with him. as if that wasnt enough, shes the reason he doesnt get to respond to ozans remark in the way he'd like... finn briefly allows his mind to wander but decides to try and remember the pick up line he just invented if someone else ever complained about his height again. back to bat business, finn would think 'at least she left it as an unsolved mystery' but that'd make him sound 'grateful' for her 'mercy', which he is not, so he opts to curse her internally for her insolence and is satisfied when she finally exits the scene. when thats done with, he tugs at ozans arm again, intending to drag him out a little further into the hallway "you dont mind, do you?" he looks at where hes touching the other mans arm Ozan: he gives verny a little wave before shutting the door behind him to giver her some quiet as he steps out into the hallway after finn. It's a little dark and he can hear the sounds of revelry echoing down the hall from the dining hall but its private enough for a chat he supposes.
Ozan: he glances down at the grasp the man still has on his arm as if amused by the confidence in his over familiarness "i typically ask a mans name before i try and sell him something myself?" Finn: finn goes a little red at that and laughs nervously "o-oh... i suppose i cant help but admit that ive been quite eager to be alone with you again..." he smiles shyly, seemingly genuine, before slipping back into his usual chuuni persona "allow me to correct that mistake!" he lets go of ozan and bows courteously "im finnian oswald atticus barvotte of antessa! and most recently, hero of shorewater." he ceases his bowing and extends his arm this time, patiently awaiting ozans response and giving him the opportunity to reject finn "may i have the pleasure of enjoying your company and learning your name?" Ozan: ozan seems perplexed at how he could have garnered finns intense attention from one brief interaction but appreciates being released from his grasp nonetheless, perhaps...verny did something unusual in his body..? he doesnt usually draw the younger crowd. at finn's little display he politely claps, laughing to himself "nobility aboard i see" he gives a courteous bow of his own with one arm, presenting himself in a showy manner he would at his own storefront before standing upright again "you were all involved in that mess in shorewater? now that's certainly interesting. my names ozan callin, im a merchant of sorts myself" he folds his arms and leans against the wall of the hallway again in a more relaxed manner "company may be enjoyed, but if you're looking for something more intimate than this i cant exactly say i'll be providing." Finn: at first, finn is excited at ozans interest and clapping, finding himself listening to him with full attention in return. he repeats 'ozan' in his mind over and over.. a merchant, thats fine. if finn is attracted enough to a person, their being a commoner shouldnt matter for as long as hes interested. he had anticipated his status already anyway. Ozan (echo): if you're looking for something more intimate than this i cant exactly say i'll be providing Finn: finn takes this to mean that ozan isn't looking for a relationship, which is fine by him. hes not looking either! "your company i shall gladly enjoy..." finn smiles and shuffles over to lean against the wall as well "and you sound quite interesting yourself, if i may say so... what sort of merchandise do you handle, pray tell?" he'll get these pleasantries over with and then invite him to his room! score! this confidence and joy is reflected clearly in finns dazzling smile.
Ozan: he quirks a brow at the positive response considering how strong he came on earlier and takes a puff from the pipe hes still holding. he watches finn shuffle against the wall and give him a sunny smile, hes almost starting to doubt his own reading of his intentions, but maybe hes just really genial, or lying? either way he's somewhat amused by whatever he's doing "mostly just the odd trinkets and baubles, ah but of the arcane variety typically. i travel around alot hunting down whatever little treasures i can, there's quite a few unique enchantments out there. i'd try to pitch you a couple now if they weren't back in the room." he lets out a laugh in response. Finn: "hmm... arcane trinkets and enchantments you say..." finn rotates the information in his mind for a moment "itd certainly be quite amusing to be subjected to such a sales pitch, for you see i am a man of the sword!" he proudly exclaims, lighting up a little more at praising himself for his own favourite talent "i generally do not find much use for magic and such in my profession or day to day life... would you still attempt to sell to me?" he tilts his head a little "oh, and have you been to antessa before? or anywhere in vargonia?" <- forgetting his manners a little in his excitement Ozan: he smiles at finns dramatics "hmm a man of the sword! but picture how all the more powerful you'd be if your weapon of choice's output could be enhanced in certain ways? you'd be all the more a fearsome foe im sure" he waves his hands in the air "alot of adventurers like to wield enchanted items whether they wield magic themselves or not, and you never know when something innocuous could come in handy, in just the right situation, aye" he snaps his fingers to punctuate the point "the bangle that makes you a little faster could save your life, or the ring that changes the colour of your hair could blend you into the walls, but im a bit of a hoarder myself, hah!" he considers the question "i have traveled to vargonia before, only to her capital, though i've heard a whisper of the name antessa before though on my walks." Finn: finn doesn't hesitate in his answer here "your words ring true, but id much rather be fearsome because i am just that good, which i am by the way!" he beams again "i see the value and use of upping your opponent in just the right moment, in a battle for life and death most would prefer to survive by any means necessary and i am well aware that you often cannot choose your fights, but i find it all the more gratifying to overcome a foe who relies on more than their own strength" he grins now, recalling how he handled the situation with olst's enchanted dagger (<- it was very pathetic but he exudes confidence regardless). he calms down a little from his enthusiasm though as to not overwhelm ozan and gestures vaguely with his wrist "im most pleased to hear youve seen the beauty of my homeland nevertheless.." he looks rather fond when he speaks of it "ah... excuse me, i keep thinking of so many things i wish to ask and know of you and barely extend the opportunity to you, but id love to know where youre headed from here on... and i also wonder if itd be possible to peruse your wares tomorrow regardless of my own preference..." he thinks of katrina.......
Ozan: he considers finn's words "hoho, well lets hope that confidence in your skills continues to carry you further in your misadventures saving cities then. i wish you luck. buuu-t if you ever need a little pep in your step..." he winks and takes another puff of his pipe as finn reminisces "i will be selling a few things tomorrow before the boat lands, give the people some time to recuperate before i try and start hawking my wares" he laughs a little "im on my way to ackran right now, they've got some nice fabrics in this time of year, plus i hear tale of an arcane seamstress or another working away at a few things, but i tend to pop up wherever my whims take me" Finn: finn merely smirks back at him and flips his hair a little "only fools believe in luck... but your encouragement is much appreciated regardless" he nods as ozan goes on about setting up shop tomorrow. 'off to france, huh?' he thinks to himself "you'll be seeing more of me tomorrow, then... i have someone back home id like to gift something to. all the better if it could be useful to them, even. so think about your pitch for me until then, yeah? whats this about an arcane seamstress though? 🧐" Ozan: he laughs again "call me a fool then i suppose! lady luck hasn't steered me wrong yet" he seems to fiddle about with something in his pocket as he ponders finn's statements "if its a present for a loved one maybe i could even gift wrap it for you? extra charge of course" he smirks a little as he turns and strokes his chin dramatically "ahh you haven't her name? Colette the nimble fingered they call her, seems she's an up and coming professional in the field of enchantment." he gestures with both hands as if telling a story "they say she can imbue any garment with the strength of a thousand bulls, the colour of the glittering rainbow, the scent of the feywild and even the sense to walk about on their own, all while being stitched and crafted so beautifully you'd think each a masterwork!" he drops his hands as he finishes "now, i doubt most of these claims are entirely correct but im curious to see what her thread and fabrics are capable of, and if im able to purchase a few of my own." Finn: for perhaps the second time of his life, finn briefly wonders if it was a mistake to out himself as a noble. but he judges ozan as a merchant to probably charge anyone hefty enough sums... surely it cant be because finn is well off that he'd mention an extra charge "convince me of your work and i might just find myself agreeing to it..." he then listens patiently to the tale of colette the nimble fingered, although with less interest than previously "those claims sound far too outlandish to carry even a grain of truth" finn pushes himself off the wall and stems his hands on his hips "and i cannot say that this colette sounds worthy of my time, i am, however, an appreciator of beauty... so if these garments are as marvelous as you say, id be curious if you were able to acquire one, next time we happen upon one another" he muses and gives ozan A Look..... a look of lowered eyelids "it may be abrupt, but dont you tire of loitering here? i certainly do... and i believe we both would enjoy each others company much more in a similar fashion as to earlier... and my room happens to be vacant as of right now..." finn twirls a strand of his hair and smiles sheepishly "unless youd prefer it to be quick? im not one to shy away from a utility closet if need be..."
Ozan: he smiles "i assure you i charge only the most agreeable prices for my goods and services" he taps his foot on the ground idly "the tales are tall its true, but it makes me all the more curious to sift the fact from fiction. if i snub my nose at every rumour i lose the chance to find something truly unique myself" he stares at finn curiously as he gives him A Look, before he quickly realises hes coming onto him again, interesting. perhaps he wasn't actually coherent enough, but he didnt want to be too unsubtle about it, maybe save his ego a little, ahh what a predicament. he tries to hide how entertained he is by the mans confidence, truly it is as boundless as he said. he smiles into his hand as he raises a brow at finn "ah.. i apologise if i wasn't clear enough earlier, but when i said intimate i meant sex. not that your interest isn't incredible flattering, approaching me before you knew my name, even! but you're a little out of my strike zone" he waves a hand in the air consolingly, still smiling "and beautiful young men don't typically try their hand at me much anyway" Finn: "oh..." finns gaze turns somewhat blank. hes let down, but determined to not make a show of it. his posture relaxes and he sighs. hes no stranger to being rejected, although he firmly believes ozan to be in the wrong for not desiring him, but finn really couldve used the company tonight. another reminder of his hideous vampirism... how miserable "...thats a shame" finn shakes his head and smiles, also determined to overcome this little mishap "truthfully, youre out of my strike zone as well... but i couldnt help but enjoy your attitude very much from when we had lied together... it was enough to have me turn a blind eye to your age, you know!" he gestures like an anime girl again, seemingly back to his good spirits from before "i enjoyed your company regardless of my intentions, ill have you know... and ill still see you for your trinkets tomorrow, yeah?" he doesnt think much of the 'beautiful young men' remark. its what anyone is supposed to think of him anyway. no need to show gratitude for such base compliments. Ozan: he tips his head politely "it is" before lifting it a little again "haha, well well i did say i was flattered, i thank you for your courtesy towards my aged self" he waves his hand a little showily, happy that finn seems to have taken it well enough he relaxes against the wall again "my great personality and silver tongue always getting me into trouble it seems.." he says it jokingly as he takes a last puff from his pipe "ive also enjoyed our chat, and i appreciate you letting me ramble on, some people find it annoying" he gives you a sharp grin as he snickers at himself "and i look forward to your patronage, esteemed customer finnian barvotte" he bows again though this time much more purposefully in a joking manner before rising again "could always try your hand at someone in the dining hall if you're still feeling lonely, i could wingman for you" he gives finn a wink "im sure there're some lonely singles somewhere on here looking to celebrate..." Finn: finn is a little embarassed at ozans offer to wingman for him and hes quick to wave him off "n-no need... i believe ill be quite fine just like this. b-besides, i like obtaining my trophies through my own efforts!" he'd rather not go through the trouble of expending the energy of getting to know a whole new person again tonight, or much worse, gain some sort of reputation among the travelers on this airship, should he get rejected again and again. he'll just be by his lonesome self, maybe sulk in the baths again... maybe the urge to cry will even well up again and he could get that out! yeah! but finn shakes his head as if to shake the thoughts out for as long as he's stuck in ending this conversation gracefully "you should be aware though, mr callin, that i hold high expectations for your service now..." finn bows again, as to part "ill dare hope that silver tongue of yours isnt just for show..." he laughs a little at how silly they sound now and extends his hand towards ozan "may we shake on our eventful meeting?" and he smiles..... Ozan: he laughs at finns sudden bashfulness compared to his earlier advances "ahh~ and here i was willing to help bring some tomfoolery in your evening" he lets it drop though with a smile as finn goes on sensing he might want to escape to his room in solace now. he flicks his hand out not holding his pipe to shake with finn's, giving his hand a firm and friendly shake "lets hope i can deliver for you and the others then, it's been a pleasure meeting you and your little wraith hunting band" Finn: finn gives an equally firm and friendly shake, surprised to find his sexual attraction to ozan has evaporated w the moment of the rejection. he does have nice hands, but thats all they are now. "augh, dont say that... id prefer we never hunt wraiths again" finn scoffs at the idea in general. "its been a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well... and i" he cringes "apologize in advance, actually. the rest of my party, theyre not so eloquent and polite like i am... some of them will most certainly cause you a headache, if not worse, and as much as this knowledge pains me, i am unable to handle them effectively..." he looks somewhat apologetic for real "remember me in your good graces regardless, will you?" Ozan: he as their handshake drop after an appropriate amount of time, pleased how well this seems to have panned out "ahh believe me i've dealt with plenty of colourful characters in my work and travels, im sure they're no more eccentric than the rest" he folds his arms still smiling "i appreciate the forewarning nonetheless, i will do my best to regard you all as individual skilled wraith hunters then, who coincidentally save cities together" he releases the next chuckle as he pops the pipe back between his teeth for a puff "should your party truly shake me you can buy me a drink in commisery" he says this like he doesnt ever expect such a thing will occur Finn: finn seems a little exhausted as the conversation starts to center on the vengaboys, unwillingly occupying his mind with them as well. at the mention of buying ozan a drink he gives a little laugh "not that i wouldnt want to, but id still hope it wouldnt come to that because of them..." with any other men theyd be doing finn a favor actually, but since theres a mutual disinterest in sex now in place, itd be useless with ozan "even so, i wish you a pleasant remainder of the night ozan..." finn smiles and turns to leave... Ozan: he finds himself amused at the overt annoyance on display and packs it away into the back of his mind. as finn turns to leave he gives him a cheery wave that would no doubt make jangling sounds if he'd been wearing his usual accoutrements "and the same to you mr barvotte" 
Ozan watches Finn walk off as he stifles a yawn, carefully opening the door to his room again as quietly as he can just in case Vernalis has already fallen asleep. He idly begins reassessing the price points of some of his items in his head as he considers the next days events...
Cimmorro and Keva in the Morning -  13/8 - 16/8
An invisible boulder greets Keva on her chest as she wakes. With a groan, she rubs the crusty sleep from her eyes as she starts to stir, stretching out her limbs after being curled up in her blanket most of the night. All this, only to turn over and bury her face into her pillow with a soft poff. Gods, what time is it? She knocked out pretty quickly after her bath but she still feels like she didn't get a wink. Naturally she tries to continue sleeping, but unfortunately, her hunger wins out over her fatigue, per usual. 
The bun she lazily wraps her hair in slouches much like she does as she drags her way to the dining area. it's unusually quiet for late morning, but predictably so after all the ghoul business, and she's grateful for it. She could use a quick and quiet breakfast, no prying eyes to point out her puffy eyes. She grabs a plate and piles on all the food she can, always thinking of what she can save for later, before she settles at a table away from any other relatively early risers. The plate hits the wood first, and then her elbows, and her face finds its ways into her hands as she sighs before digging in.
Cimmorro softly yawns as he walks into the dining hall soon after, relieved and welcoming of the sunlight peeking through the ship's windows after a long night. usually he sleeps quite featherlight, but their activities the night before had left him quite spent, the grogginess still showing somewhat despite sleeping in (only a tad.) He's been awake for earlier than now but the need for food can't be ignored for much longer with his stomach being more demanding than usual. 
After how he nearly run himself dry after last night's events, it's only fair, he thinks. It doesn't take long for him to procure a large platter of a wide array of food. Jasper, who also seems groggy herself, lazily drooping on top of his head seems to have taken notice of a lone yet familiar figure sitting by one of the tables. Meanwhile, Cimmorro finds it odd when jasper ignores his query of whether he should take a breakfast salmon for her or the poached shrimp, so he turns to where she's fixated and-- lo and behold. 
He quickly decides to take the shrimp, can't go wrong with it if it's jasper after all, and approaches where Keva seems to have found herself a perfect spot to be in her lonesome, which means a perfect spot for him to be a nuisance. behind her, he gives a small tap on one of her shoulders, ready to swing to the opposite side if she decides to turn and look.
Keva: readying her fork, she snaps her head around to see who touched her to find... no one? swinging in the other direction, she finds, of course, cimmorro. her face pinches together at him before her shoulders relax and turn back to her food. "it's too early for this" Cimmorro: "it's late into the 9 of the AMs, perfect time for something like-- goddess, a-are you quite alright?" his snickering coming to a halt after catching a glimpse of her actual state. needless to say she looked like shit. somehow worse than the day after she practically threw herself overboard. he places his food down and leans over to get a better look, and, on instinct, the back of his hand plants on her forehead. "no fever at least." Keva: keva pulls her head away from the contact and weakly attempts to swat him away with a hand. "i'm fine, just tired is all... where is all your energy coming from?" she asks with disgruntled disbelief. he went thru about as much trouble as she had last night, but he has not bit of glitter out of place on him as usual. annoying, she notes as she stuffs a piece of fluffy scrambled eggs into her mouth. so much for her peaceful morning... but at least she gets to see jasper Cimmorro: his lips twist to the side while he waves his swatted hand, faking hurt. "i get it, last night was horrible. but if all of us are gloomy then what good would that do? here," he plucks jasper from his head and puts her in keva's lap, sliding the small bowl of shrimp towards her. "you can have the honors of feeding her," he says decisively while jasper looks up between her and the bowl expectantly. Keva: keva's slumped posture uncurls uncurls to allow jasper onto her lap, and she gives jasper a gentle pet and 'good morning' before she promptly offers her a shrimp. "i take it you slept fine then" Cimmorro: "i slept like a log but my head still feels a bit heavy--- er," he side eyes keva in jest. "unless you were asking jasper then let me just mind my own business," he adds while skittishly going back to his own meal, playing like a third wheel. Jasper:
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Keva: she glances up from watching jasper happily eat and there's the barest twitch of amusement in the corner of her lips. "i was" she wasn't "but good to know you're doing okay too" Cimmorro: he gives her a joking sneer while chewing. there's a little bit of silence as both of them focus on their meals, but soon enough his mouth opens for something other than food again. "i actually thought you caught yourself sick, last night with the rain and all. i was just about to make rounds to see if anyone else did too." Keva: keva hmms with her fork hanging out her mouth as she feeds jasper another shrimp. "i'm sturdier than i look" she says after freeing her fork "don't know about anyone else though. half the ship's probably still asleep" even amos is still curled up against her pillow, and he wasn't even involved. "when are we getting off this thing? the sooner, the better" she mumbles the last bit before scooping another mouthful of food in. Cimmorro: "sturdy doesn't mean you're immune," said as a matter of fact. although, if she's not sick then the redness and puffy eyes can only mean one other thing. "anyhow, more time for me to regale you with my presence. we should be landing tonight, and thank the goddess for that. i'm so sick of it here," commenting with a frown as he picks on a fruit cocktail Keva: keva makes a sound of agreement as she eats. "of course the one time i get to ride an airship i lose my body and get stuck in an extremely high stakes game of hide-and-seek" between her chews she blows away a wisp of hair that's loosed itself from her bun. "probably won't even get to relax when we land bc some other insane thing is going to happen to us. again." Cimmorro: he snorts. "well the city... is definitely not a frolic through the meadows, but at least we'll be on land? lesson learned that i am not an up-in-the-air person... at the very least they should put some sort of casino in here to liven things up." Keva: "didn't take you for a gambler. though i guess you do like some risk, considering you're going around poking me." she huffs a bit, and asks after a pause "what's the city like?" she's curious, but anxious at the same time Cimmorro: "that comes with a risk?" he said innocently, but not without a smidge of jest. "you're the least threatening one yet." he taps his fork on his lips as he thinks of how to describe bakaldor. "without ruining the surprise... i'll say it's a very lively one... people like to throw each other around for sport so watch out for any bodies flying towards you. 😇 " Keva: keva squints at him "why... would they do that?" Cimmorro: "it's just the way things are around here. things are often solved through fists. so don't get in anyone's hair!" Keva: "doesn't sound too different from any other big city then" she gives jasper another shrimp. she'd never left shuk kuyu until her life got completely upended, but as different as the two cities she's been to are, some things aren't all that different. suppose that's just what they call 'city living' "is it far from coralwash?" Cimmorro: "yeah but, bakaldor is... well, you'll see for yourself." he thinks he personally would rather not stay in the city for long but if the others want to sightsee then he's not going to be wholly against it. gives him some time to visit the main church after all. "and no, not really, about 1-2 days on foot? depends on how much of in a hurry you are. less on horse, of course." Keva: "must be exciting to be so close to home for a bit, then" Cimmorro: "it is!" he grins. "but if you guys want to look around the city, then go ahead. so long as we don't dally for a whole week you don't need to worry about me. i oughta pick some gifts for my sisters on the way, anyhow." Keva: "you'll have to make it special then, since you've been away for so long" she turns her attention to jasper lightly tickling under her chin and cleaning away any bit of food stuck "i bet you're excited to go home too, huh?" Cimmorro: "bah, just getting them the specialty donuts is enough. i've been mailing gifts to them the past few years and food is always the way through with them still-- and i'm more than enough of a present!" he huffs all smugly with his chest out. jasper meows to his display, as if affirming his statement to which he responds with "yes, thank you, my sweet little pumpkin! you always get it!" he leans back into his chair and turns to keva with a chuckle. "she's been at home more than i've been! i bet she's thinking, 'what? after i went all the way to shorewater! you're just taking me back home?!' or something." jasper makes a face, as far as a tressym could express, that says, 't-that's not what i was thinking at all!'
Keva: she rolls her eyes in the same moment jasper meows. he really is just fine. keva opens her mouth to question a new detail she picks up on, the face jasper makes catches her off guard for a moment. a small laugh peppers through her words, "wait, she hasn't been with you this whole time? how did she get to you then?" Cimmorro: "what?" he blinks almost clueless. "no, willow brought her over to my request. i left her our temple when i first left. i didn't really think it was wise to bring her when i didn't even know where i was going." Keva: "oh, that's right" keva winces and shakes her head a bit in her lapse of memory. she really should get a nap in later today... "sorry, i forgot you didn't always have a cat riding around in your hood" she says with a little bit of humor, and goes back to jasper "suppose it's actually you that's the star of the show" Cimmorro: "with all that we get up to, i can't really blame you having your memories in a disarray," he says sympathetically with jasper looking up at her and giving her a small comforting mew. at the last comment he goes, "if i'm going to let anyone outshine me, then it's only right that it's jasper. though we oughta have a long talk when we get home if she wants to keep tagging along... the wraiths did scare you a bit didn't they, girl?" cooing at her while she relishes in the scritches that come with. Keva: "they didn't mess with her or anything, did they?" keva is now staring off considering if jasper and amos also swapped bodies last night Cimmorro: "she's fine as a fiddle, apart from the little spook. stayed in the room like a good girl! but how about amos? amos.... amos...?" he looks up as his thoughts trail off for a fleeting moment. "ah, amos-keteer! get it? a musketeer!" he beams as if he's said something brilliant when he's actually just smiling stupidly. Keva: keva gives him a slightly wide-eyed for a long silent moment before saying to jasper nonchalantly “maybe you’re better off at home” like she looks at her like that shrek and donkey they don’t even have dental meme Cimmorro: he fakes a gasp and whines. "c'moooon that was good! i'd like to see you try and do better, hmpf!" Keva: “actually it’s funny how bad it was” she laughs at his reaction as she hands jasper back over to him, shrimp vanquished. “amos is fine. he’s just sleeping, like i should be” speaking of him, she starts to wrap a bit of meat for him in a napkin for when he wakes up. “he doesn’t have anywhere to go but the wild, as far as i’m aware” Cimmorro: "it's alright, i won't tell anyone you're just shy of admitting i'm clever," he retorts as he gingerly takes jasper back into his arms, cuddling her up against his cheek. "me and jaspie know, and that's all that matters."
Keva: keva snorts in disagreement but smiles a bit at the scene before tending to her food again. while she would have chosen to be alone, it actually... wasn't too awful having company. boastful as it was. in truth, she felt rather lonely after the events of last night, and she wished she could talk to orin. and she knows she could, with cimm's help. she half-considered it, but she wouldn't know what to say other than 'hi, how are you.' and she wouldn't want to keep bothering him on his adventure, especially after all her talk of letting go. she heaves a big sigh thru her nose to put her mind out of it and eats another mouthful. she looks back up at cimmorro still cooing over jasper as she chews... might as well get used to this. she leans over a bit and nicks a strawberry off his plate, popping it into her mouth. Cimmorro: cimm was in the middle of singing something about jasper's toe beans when he notices keva attempting to swipe, to which he cries out, "ahh!! that's mine!!" and a hand attempting to swipe the fruit back. this of course was only in vain for he's no match against her cunning swiftness that seems to be a boon given to her by the gods themselves (an exaggeration, yet the difference between his and her reflexes is staggering.) with a comical tear, he glares at her. heartbroken from being robbed of his favorite treat! he was looking forward to dipping it in honey and, and, and! sure it was only one, but what if she keeps taking more... no! no more! he makes a low growl as he moves his plate a few inches away from her reach. "the next one is going to cost you!" Keva: her chewing stops midway at what she takes as a challenge, but it continues momentarily as she puts her hands up as if to say 'alright, alright, no more'... but then she taps on her face near her mouth as if to suggest he's got something on his face. vain as he is, she knows this could open up a chance from another swipe and goes for it without hesitation. Cimmorro: her prediction performing true, he furrows his brows at her as reaches for the spot on his own face but not a second longer when he notices her change in stance once more as she attempts to practically leap for his plate again. in this moment, everything slows and his life about less than thirty minutes ago starts flashing before him in a nostalgic montage: the voice of one of the crewmates telling him it was the last bowl of strawberries they had on the ship and cimm sparkling in glee that he even managed to nab them at all. their foreign strawberries were much different from home but still a delicacy in itself, it's been a nice treat to have and one that he's grateful to have even blessed his mouth. he discovered there's a special tanginess to it that makes honey a perfect partner and was looking forward to trying them with some dark chocolate... but, in the end, here is keva about to take it all away in one fell swoop. how dare she! he can't let this happen... not on his last day on this miserable ship! he's not trained to move his body as quick as a snap, but he knows one thing: he talks... a lot. if there's anything he can contest against keva's unnatural speed, it's his unrelenting will to talk in the speed of blink dogs... blinking. and so, in a split second out of desperation to stop her in her tracks, he mutters a spell and the next thing she knows there's a sudden flash of light between them. Keva: keva makes a surprised noise as the sudden brightness forces her to squeeze her eyes shut, but she's not deterred--her hand had already started on its preplanned route. in her momentary blindness, it's easier to grab the whole bowl of berries rather than just one, but the trip back towards her isn't as smooth. cimmorro was going for the berries too, but his blind dive puts him in the path of the bowl as she swipes and the ceramic punches into his cheek, the speed and force of movement rippling through. a mix of soft thuds, a clattering of tableware, and a yelp of pain. keva gasps bc she knows she's hit something, and when she blinks away the white edges of her vision, she sees the following: a couple of strawberries having leapt overboard onto the table, their food shifted nearly off the table, and a great red splotch flooding where she had gotten him in the face... oops! "oh my gods, i-- i'm so sorry" laughing behind a hand, despite genuinely feeling bad Cimmorro: the aftermath of the events leaves him practically sprawled over the table, hand on the ever growing sore cheek on the right. when he gets up, it's not without a groan and a contorted wince as if he's trying to discern the severity of the pain. aside from the growing redness (that will likely bruise if he doesn't treat it) there isn't much else damage on the outside. on the inside, however, well, that sure doesn't taste like anything he had for breakfast. he's still lightly suckling on the inside of his cheek, tongue clicking for good measure, when keva attempts to apologize, which he then only sticks a finger into his own mouth to actually see the blood himself. "wow," is all he says at the sight of it. his expression is vague, in a way that it's both unfeeling but as well as slightly surprised? he continues to rub his hand on his cheek while he turns to looks at her, his face calculating how to actually feel about it. on one hand, what the fuck. on the other, it was also his fault, he's aware. he was annoyed, needless to say, and it was just a matter of where to direct the frustration to. he eventually moves to straighten himself up and pop that slowly melting ice cube from the orange juice he had into his mouth, letting it sit on the bleeding spot. he left his holy symbol back at his room, this will have to do for now.
Keva: the sight of blood on cimmorro's finger makes hers run cold. "oh... oh gods, i didn't mean--um--" she sets the bowl down haphazardly and grabs a napkin, standing up a bit as if to try to do something, but her hands hover uselessly in the air near his face. the damage was in his mouth, what is she going to do, gag him with the napkin? a sinking feeling starts to come over her as he turns to look at her. it feels even worse that she can't read his expression. gods, she just has to mess things up. can't help herself, can she? she had just started her lessons and was actually getting on pretty well with him up to this point, and now she goes and gets a little too greedy. it was all supposed to be in good fun. she wasn't even going to eat the berries but, ah... "i'm, are you--" stupid question, keva, no he's not okay, he's bleeding. stop stammering, people are staring. her eyes fall to the fresh pink stains in the wood "i'm sorry" keva shrinks back into her seat, guilt and embarrassment bearing down on her shoulders. the berries make their way back into the bowl and back towards him, her gaze not lifting once, and she braces herself to bear his anger. Cimmorro: for the moment, he only sits there in silence, observing her with sideway glances. truthfully, despite the bleeding, the pain itself is nothing that alarming. not to say that keva doesn't pack a punch, because she does. that's the only way the impact could cause a cut on the inside from being grazed by his teeth. but, this is also not the worst he's felt and not the stupidest reason for it if malaya's roughhousing was any testament to that. he's had his own fare share of broken lips and a bruised face from both his sister being too excitable and strangers who decided they want to exploit him through whatever method they pleased. the annoyance he's feeling mainly comes from feeling a bit humiliated, especially now that they've caused a little scene. this is also the reason why he's not making it any worse by getting on keva's case about it, aside from the fact that she looks like she's about ready to be taken behind bars. again, he was in the wrong too for even taking it as far as using magic that also blew up on his own face... okay, maybe he was more humiliated than he initially thought, now more annoyed at himself than her. eventually, after some clicking of the ice against his teeth, he lets out a snort. "welp, i understand the risks now," he jokes, a little dry but doesn't bear any harboring bitterness. Keva: keva's thinking of ways she can excuse herself without stares following her when he finally speaks up. her eyes flick up carefully at him once, twice before saying hesitantly, "...you're not mad?" Cimmorro: "do you want me to be?" he asks curiously, if not a little teasingly. (jez: i cant transcribe it in text but [insert him trying to talk with ice in his mouth comedy]) Keva: she's been chewing her thumbnail since silence joined them at their table, making the upward twitch at the corners of her mouth more visible than usual, but they disappear with her thumb. "well, you're bleeding" she's... surprised he's taking it so well. she expected to at minimum for, how would he say... 'damaging the goods.' he only looks like the second most pampered person in the group. maybe he could take more of a hit (pun not intended) than she thought. he's... probably okay? he must be if he's joking with her instead of huffing and puffing and storming away. she considers this for a quiet moment, wonders if she should push things, then cheekily mumbles, "that's what cheaters get" Cimmorro: "oh, i see." with his teeth, he takes a second to crunch on the small piece of ice left in his mouth, bleeding now miniscule, before he smirks back at her. "so, stealing my berries and using underhanded tactics on me isn't anything? and yes, i am bleeding quite a bit... ahhh, my poor chiseled and handsome cheekbone... oh- i'm in pain!" he continues with the theatrics, loud but only enough to emphasize between the both of them. Keva: she snorts a bit and turns her head away just a bit at his theatrics, but her eyes do still find their way to his face for a moment to double check it's not just an act. "maybe it's your own fault for choosing to eat breakfast with a known thief. most people would call that a poor choice of company" Cimmorro: he peeks up at her after faking a sob on the table and props his elbow to rest his head on a hand all leisurely. despite the stinging on the side of his face, he smiles amused. "hah! you're funny. if i listened to what most people would have to say then i wouldn't have kept this job now, would i?" Keva: something clicks in keva's mind then, as he says that. wee jas is well known near her hometown, but some would say respect and fear aren't too different from each other. the jasidian temple was shrouded in mystery and rumors, enough for her child self to cower behind cover whenever she crossed paths with a member of the clergy, especially in the dark underground tunnels. it only strikes her now that their reputation can only be worse elsewhere. it's a bit at odds, she thinks, with her idea of him as someone who rather enjoys being liked. then again, based on how often he riles up finn, perhaps he doesn't mind being disliked so much. "weirdo" is all she says before pushing her food in front of her properly again to eat again. after a moment, she says, "you're sure you're okay? you're not going to hold this against me later, are you?" Cimmorro: "maybe... maybe not," he teases. "buuuut, if you really feel bad about it you can try to make it up to me~" it's all said playfully, with him batting his eyelashes at her and everything. he doesn't really expect anything, just being a nuisance. Keva: (keva's face is like that v)
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Keva: she knows nothing good can come of this. she knoooows it. but... she did just nearly knock a tooth out. on accident!! but blood was spilled nonetheless. what if he makes her wear something stupid. he would, she knows that, too. but she can't have this hang over her either!!!!! the internal struggle plays out in her twitching eyebrows she finally relents. "fine... but it better not be stupid, or i'll make both sides of your face match" Cimmorro: his eyes go wide in surprise. "wow, for real? huh, now i actually have to give it some thought" he leans back on his chair with a rather animated quizzical look, acting lost between all the possibilities. before shifting his back to her, he asks "is 'surprise me' an option?" Keva: keva blinks at him. "how am i supposed to know how to make it up to you for accidentally decking you in the face? i've only done it on purpose before" she starts to pore over her options in her head. she doesn't have anything to give him. he certainly has more money than her. there isn't anything on this ship that he couldn't get for himself... he does seem to like sweets. maybe she could get him something in the city? "i don't know... do you want.. cake or something?" Cimmorro: "oh, curious about me now, are you? yes i do like cake. 🐱 are you going to ask me what kind next? and then my favorite cafe? and then my favorite musician? i'm open to all your questioning" he coos with his face resting on both hands and enjoying the false attention he's made up for himself Keva: she makes that face and silently raises a fist (threateningly but will not actually hit him)
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Keva: KLGEKJkjkjgjekkljLKJFEGLKGRLKG keva's gonna bet he one to storm off at this rate
Cimmorro: "ahh! but i'm helping you! you said you don't know! so what better way to know but," he winks obnoxiously on purpose "ask?" there's glitter fluttering in the space between them Keva: (insert keva swatting away the anime sparkles for the comedic visual) "i would have if you didn't act like i'd be making a pass at you!" Cimmorro: he barks out a laugh that gets struck with a sudden "AH!" when his sore cheek stings from the strain. he takes a moment to rub it and goes "i'm just messing arooooooouunnnd. but if you're asking for a date to grab cake then why yes, i accept! it's funny, really, cause finnian, he sort of asked me out. and i was planning to use vinny as my scapegoat but he invited him as well?! so now i can run off with you. yippie!" Keva: she interjects (chowder “imm not your boyfriend” voice) “not a date!” in between his words, but the freshly scooped food falls off her fork at the mention of finn. “he asked you out? you sure he’s not trying to lure you away and put you into your grave early?” Cimmorro: he sighs and frowns as he leans on the table with a pout. "yeah, just out of nowhere too. after i pretty much insulted him to the bone-- see that's why i don't really wanna go! i just agreed so he'd get off my case about it, i don't want to know what would fruit if i turned him down either! i can't get a read on the guy!" Keva: keva snorts “maybe he’s secretly into that sort of thing” she gets her bite of food into her mouth before saying “if you’re looking to not piss him off, i feel like choosing me over him wouldn’t be the smartest move. but i’m not one to say no to humiliating a noble” orin said to play nice with him… but suppose she would deniability with this one? she wouldn’t be doing anything in this situation… Cimmorro: "that's what i thought too- but i refuse to think more of it, lest i get hives!" he does a little comical shiver thinking of finn's fetishes. "really, when have i ever not wanted to piss him off? ah. he's so adamant though, i'm sure if i told him we had an outing on the same day, he would say, 'it matters not, we shall reschedule ours at the next convenient time then!'" Keva: “true, he’s clearly not told ‘no’ enough. but maybe he hates the poor enough to think you’ve got horrible taste and give up.” Cimmorro: he shrugs. "it gets him both off our hides, so it's a win for me personally" Keva: keva leans back in her seat, satisfied with their deal. "okay, there's your favor then." her brows furrow again and her expression comically grave. "it's not a date." Cimmorro: "sure, whatever you sa~aaay." he leans back with both hands behind his head, seemingly satisfied for now. "one thing though, finn asked me to take him around my town. so we would have our not-date then. but we can still grab some cake in the city! you could come with me when i get those donuts!" Keva: her expression eases up considerably at the idea and even smiles a bit. trying new foods has been the best part of not having a home anymore "sounds like a plan then" offering one of the remaining scraps of food on her plate to jasper Cimmorro: he seems pleasantly surprised by her agreeing, thought she might've tried to debate how there was only one favor to be granted so why must she join him for donut buying as well? he decides to not tease her about it, for now. when she moves to feed jasper again (who's been loafing on a chair after the tensions have subsided), it reminds him of his berries and plops one into his mouth after dipping it in honey. the delight that flashes on his face only lasts for a second before it twists in pain, the strawberry juice irritating the wound with its sweet, sweet acidity. his hand finding purchase against his cheek again as he turns into ueueue soung of crying (not really crying but same mood) Keva: worry starts to worm back in seeing him wince. "can't you heal it?" Cimmorro: he sighs while rolling the strawberries around the bowl. "i left my pendant back at the room... didn't think i'd need it for breakfast. if vinny's awake i'm sure he'd flip out seeing me like this," he snorts then. "i'll just say a cranky old lady in the dining hit me" Keva: she makes an insincere 'ha ha' face at him "what are you going to say you did to earn it, flirting too much in front of her oatmeal?" Cimmorro: "nahh, she just didn't appreciate my puns. 😌 " he decides to push the bowl away, to eat for later instead, when a thought crosses him. "reminds me, didn't they promise some sort of reward for last night? what do you think it'll be?" Keva: she tries to get something unstuck from her teeth as she thinks "i mean, probably just money, right? or maybe nicer rooms next time, if they even have any. if there's even a next time. what else would they have to offer?" Cimmorro: "money is... ehhh." he shrugs and pouts "was hoping for something more interesting. hm... they should give us free rides for life! they'd be out of business if it weren't for us." Keva: keva sort of laughs "would you even want free rides for life?" Cimmorro: "the experience was terrible for a first. i got swapped here, the food and drinks were great but i got swapped here." he huffs through his nose. "and i'd rather get from one place to another through other means, but i can't deny that riding an airship is convenient in terms of speed. i'd be visiting home every other month if i could afford it." Keva: "hmm... well, if they don't offer it, maybe you could talk their ears off until they agree. you're good at that," she lightly jokes. Cimmorro: "i would but," he runs his head to the side, hand on cheek, acting dejected. "i'm injured... and besides, i bet they'd listen more to the stars of last night," he snickers knowingly.
Keva: keva considers their options then... vinny's a pushover, finn's ego would grow 10 times its size to be asked a favor... their only hope is psalm. she looks back up to cimmorro "he was pretty excited about the airship ride..." Cimmorro: "airship rides for daaaaays. [spongebob imagination rainbow gif] so be sure to bring the idea up to him, eh?" he says with a nudge of an elbow. Keva: "me? how many favors are you going try to get out of me breakfast is over? i don't need airship rides every month" Cimmorro: he kind of just smiles wide in disbelief. "he's your roomie, not mine! also, hey, i'm not the only one benefiting from this. you wanna pay for another ride when you head back to- where was it, talankra? shuk kuyu, no? that's quite a way back from antessa!" Keva: she says matter-of-factly, "nothing to go back to there" she gives the smallest half-shrug, not quite looking at him but not avoiding him either. not sad, but... more contemplative. it only lasts a moment before she's looking to him straight on again. "but if you're so set on it, maybe we can work out another deal" she says wryly Cimmorro: "oh?" he says with a hint of surprise and intrigue. "planning to travel more after, are you? where you heading?" at the last part he just kind of laughs and jokes, "alright, i'll hear what you have to say while i'm feeling gracious. out with it then." Keva: she sighs before admitting, "don't know yet." she hasn't had the time to think about it much lately bc of more pressing matters regarding survival, but the anxiety simmers at the back of her mind at all times. not that he needs to know that, so she tries to play it cool. "i'm hoping i'll have a better idea after all this"--vague gesture--"is done with. as far as our deal... don't know that one either." she smiles wryly "i'll just have to cash that in later whenever i want. i think a lifetime of airship rides is worth at least that" Cimmorro: "ah... keeping me on the edge of my seat-- both times too!" he continues to tease her. the terms of this deal is a tad alarming though. what could she probably ask him to that degree? he feels the need to clarify before it blows up on his face. "cashing on that amount well, i think it's only fair that it only applies only if your boy can get us the rides, no? and obviously, like you, i'm not going to do anything that's too stupid now." Keva: "deal" she holds a hand out for handshake Cimmorro: he gladly takes her hand and gives it a good shake, amused that keva, this time, made a forward deal with him at all. "looking forward to the results later then. speaking of results," he lets her go before dusting off his clothes as if to conclude business. "i know you had a particularly hard night, so you don't need to show me anything but if you have something to show of your writing activities, you know where to find me, hm?" Keva: ah. "i... didn't finish everything yet" when she had gone to bed last night, she planned on finishing when she rose in the morning. of course, she didn't plan on waking up in the middle of a stormy night, fighitng wraiths in someone else's body, and being confronted with her own deep-seated fears and feelings. "can we do tomorrow?" Cimmorro: he leisurely waves a hand understandingly. "if we find the time and, well, the privacy, tomorrow, sure. we are supposed to land tonight, so we're likely to rest up for the bustling morning... i don't imagine you all scampering around the city the entire evening when most of it are closed." Keva: keva rubs her face before resting a cheek in her hand "you never know with this group though, do you?" she starts to collect their finished dishware to be returned to the kitchen "gods, i can't wait to just fucking sleep" Cimmorro: when keva first tries to take his plate, he gently tries to protest he can do it himself. but when she doesn't seem to care and just takes it anyway, he just mouths a thanks with a smile. "hmm, you do have a point. at the very least i can imagine finn roaming around, maybe han too..." after 2 weeks on this ship, he thinks he would also appreciate an evening stroll before tucking in, but figures he may as well get more rest for the days ahead. plenty of time to go around the city the next day. "if anyone gets into trouble well, that's not gonna be on me! i'll be sleeping! my tour is in the morning!" Keva: the way things are going, trouble might just find us first, keva thinks... but probably best to not jinx it. she makes a brief trip to turn in her and cimmorro's dirty dishes before standing back at their table. "already have a plan for where you'll take us and everything?" Cimmorro: "ahh, i haven't been in the city for quite some time so i'll have to get a quick look around to decide. but i do recommend we find us a guide to hire for the rest of the trek to antessa. so perhaps a merc house or two. i also plan to visit the temple in the city myself, but you lot don't really have to follow me there." lest they break something, he thinks. Keva: oh, a guide probably would be helpful for getting around, huh. now that she thinks about it, plenty of tour guides sold their services to visitors in shuk kuyu, being old and confusing. she briefly wonders how this city will compare to the towering mountains of her hometown, then adds, "and cake and donuts" Cimmorro: "yes, cake and donuts," he smiles. "the bakery where i get the donuts is just a few blocks away from the temple, it's part of the reason why my sisters tell me to grab some when i come down here. we could make a stop there before i head to the tower and you can be on your merry way." Keva: “why not after your temple visit? that way you could take the donuts straight back to the inn” Cimmorro: he tilts his head at her. "are you suggesting you come with me to our lady's tower?" Keva: “oh, no. no” she laughs a bit at the suggestion, as if the idea is funny “i could just meet you there if i know what the shop’s called. not hard to ask for directions” Cimmorro: he gives her a sort of incredulous look before he goes, "that works, sure. just thought you'd be too cranky to ask around." a snort "but it is quite easy to ask, yes, too easy even. people can get eager around here." he rubs at his chin in thought.
Keva: she squints at him warily, “what do you mean by that?” Cimmorro: "oh, it's nothing to be alarmed of. it's just like every capitol, people like to make money by showing travelers around. but i'm sure you could find someone who wouldn't charge you a nick for directions to a bakery." Keva: "i'm quite aware, dabbled myself even" she smirks a bit mischievously. a frazzled traveler about to miss a meeting or simply desperate to put their feet up makes up for a lack of people skills. "i'll probably be fine." Cimmorro: "hmmmmm," squinting eyes and acting like he's thinking long and hard. "maybe i should charge you all tomorrow for my services, now that i think about it" Keva: keva lets out a half-scoff, half-laugh "maybe you should, tho i don't think we'd make for good business" Cimmorro: "you lot will likely rather go get lost in the city on your own before you even think of compensating me," he sighs wearily then dramatically puts an arm over his eyes. "never appreciated around here... not for my good looks, or my charming personality, or my sharp wit and sex appeal!" Keva: she rolls her eyes, tho more with humor rather than annoyance, "yes, yes, poor you. tho i think you do plenty appreciating yourself for all of us." she looks to jasper, "don't you think?" Cimmorro: not expecting to be addressed into this, jasper's ears nervously fold back for a split second, conflicted about not wanting to partake in ragging on her papa but at the same time, she thinks keva is not really entirely wrong in her comment. she decides to respond by adjusting the way that she loafs while cimm continues on his melodramatic ranting.  "--at this rate, who is going to appeciate me but myself? who?! certainly not you!" ending with a dramatic point of a finger at keva. contrary to all his whining and complaining, it's quite obvious that he's merely playing around, simply just enjoying the fact that he has an audience. "egads!" he goes, putting his entire weight on an elbow propped onto the table while his head hangs in defeat and continues, with his normal voice, "i need to do some appreciating of myself before this bruise leaves a permanent mark on my face, or inside of my mouth rather." keva can tell he's trying to probe where the wound is again with his tongue inside his cheek. Keva: keva nonchalantly pulls her head back when he jabs a finger at her. seeing him mess with his wound, she tuts her tongue steps closer as if to somehow physically stop him “stop doing that, what if you make it worse?” actually, how does someone even treat that sort of thing if they’re not a healer? she’s done her share of accidentally cutting herself on her teeth from falls or fights, but she’s always just toughed it out. “don’t you have things you can treat it with without magic?” Cimmorro: "it's not that severe... aha! it's been a hot second since your first aid lesson, so let me share this with you." [insert obnoxious herlock sholmes pose with the spotlight and everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-ZhSG3u-ag] "if the cut isn't too bad, then it will eventually heal on its own. but to deal with the bleeding, you can press it with a clean cloth and/or some ice, like i did earlier. the rest of the treatment just relies on how well you can keep the wound clean. so gargling some salt mixed in some lukewarm water is an easy way to achieve that." he nods with his arms crossed as he explains, then brings a finger up to garner attention. "but! if the wound isn't healing after a couple of days, for example it keeps bleeding, go to a clinic! it could need some stitches. aaand that's your first aid lesson of the day!" he does a little bow in his seat. Keva: with cimmorro's herlock sholmes deduction monologue audio muffled in the background, keva is quietly mumbling "if it's not that severe then stop crying about it" she tunes back in just in time to catch the details. "salt?" she says surprised and doubtful "wouldn't that hurt more?"
Cimmorro: he casually shrugs. "medicine isn't always comfortable, but something we must do. otherwise, you might get yourself an infection, which would only make it more complicated." Keva: she considers the salt shaker on the table, taking it and covering the openings with her fingers before giving it a leisurely shake and peering at the grains. "could you use salt on... any wound?" she winces at the idea as she says it. Cimmorro: "for most home remedies, yes! salt keeps bacteria away but i wouldn't recommend directly using salt though-- it's not for the faint hearted, my dear kevster, hence the water." he does a little tut-tut motion with his finger. Keva: keva opens her mouth to correct his nickname but sighs in resignation instead. she opens the top and closes an eye to look inside more closely with the other. she had no idea something so commonplace —something she had easy access to (with a little swipe, course)—could be useful in medicine. what else was in her reach all this time but she just didn’t know? there really is a lot to learn… “i guess i should be trying to write this down” Cimmorro: "glad you now see why i recommended i teach you how to" after the comedic display of a lesson, he gives her a genuinely good-natured smile while he rests his chin on a hand, elbow leaning on the table once more. Keva: she look out from behind the salt shaker and smiles a bit back, "well, i can appreciate that much." she puts back the top and slides it across the table back to its place, before joking, "don't know about the other things though." Cimmorro: she sees him roll his eyes humorously. "you'll come to realize that i'm actually quite irresistible. it's only a matter of time." he sits up straighter and, to his surprise, a light yawn comes out of him. perhaps that grogginess is still there after all. "mmm, i should head back and get this sorted out," he points at his cheek. "it's more annoying than painful, like a nag. and you could also use a nap it seems." Keva: keva has to actively resist yawning as he does. "you have no idea" she starts away a few steps before turning and adding "thanks for the chat" and tosses him another strawberry she had snuck when he doesn't looking. Cimmorro: his hands move on instinct to catch it, his surprise turning into something more of a lighthearted 'really?' when he sees the berry. "normally i'd appreciate this, but after what just happened, well... i can't help but feel like this feels like you're-- and you'll get this now-- rubbing salt in the wound." a playful jab accompanied with a warm laugh. "rest up then." he gives her a little wave as jasper also gives her cheerful mewrping. Keva: keva laughs "i thought this was nicer than eating it in front of you" and turns on her heel to return to her room. she quietly slinks back in so as to not wake psalm, even peeking over him a bit to make sure he's still asleep. once she's reassured herself that he's unconscious, she pulls out her notebook to poorly sketch out what she's learned. she doesn't let herself linger very long on how she could try representing this or that for fear psalm would wake any moment, and when she's satisifed, she shoves it away under her mattress again and rolls herself back into bed, feeling a bit lighter than she had before.
Cimmorro and Vinny in the Morning - 8/19
Soon after Cimmorro scuttles off to find himself something does Vinny rouse from his own rest. Groggy from the previous nights events he huffs a tired sigh, nearly falling back asleep. He finally decides to sit up with a low grunt, rubbing at his red faded eyes. He's not surprised to not see Cimmorro around, he tended to wake up a little before him anyway, he's a little glad to have the time to put himself together at least after the hectic nature of the evening before. 
He ambles up and out to the washroom to clean up somewhat before returning. He finds himself already ruminating on the wraiths again though, feeling more alert.
Vinny: Upon returning to their room he rummages around for his journal to jot something down and empty his mind a little, seated on his bed. He really ought to be thinking about what they'll be doing when they land instead but the wayward thoughts continue to drift across his mind as he writes. Cimmorro: cimm and japser find their way back to the door of their room soon enough. he gives her a little signal to be quiet, just in case vinny is still asleep, to which she nods obediently before he slowly opens the door enough for both of their heads to curiously peek into the room. at the sight of vinny being up and about, cimm makes the door swing open with a cheerful "oh! good morning sleeping beauty!" followed by a jasper who does a little sprint and hops onto the bed him to rub against his side. Vinny: he nearly startles at cimmorro's entrance, lost in his own thoughts. he quickly glances over, closing the journal and speaking "oh- goodness, good morning" he looks down at jasper first, smiling at her friendliness and rubbing her head with a smile. As she purrs against him he turns cimm proper and continues "did you already-" before he stops, noticing the bruise blossoming on his cheek "w-what on earth, are you alright?" he quickly stands, shuffling over towards him in a hurry "th-there's not a fight going on is there?" he hands flit through the air anxiously, as he brings one to cimmorro's injured cheek. within a couple of seconds a warm kind of healing magic is dispersed across it, stitching up the wound and diminishing the swelling with rapid speed, as if it were never there. Cimmorro: he was about to ask what vinny was writing when the other decided to focus on the mark on his face. right, that was still there. as vinny buzzes over him he says, "ah, you'd never believe what i got into. i--!" he had prepared a hilarious joke to tell him about and everything, it had a good punchline too. pun intended.  but before he could even get to the bit, vinny had already planted his palm on his bruise, causing him to flinch and protest, feeling violated of his personal space (hypocrite.) "w-what do you think you're--!" his hand instinctively moves to swat him by his wrist but finds himself stunned at the sensation of healing. his eyes go wide as he stares at the space between them, face flushed from embarrassment. probably the most embarrassed vinny has ever seen him be thus far. "e-e-e-eee..." is all he manages to stutter when the magical warmth subsides which immediately turns into something akin to a pathetic shrill and then--- a 'thwap!' against vinny's wrist. "e-ENOUGH!! get out, out!!!" he frantically pushes vinny out the still open door before he could say anything and promptly shuts it as soon as he's been forced over the threshold. leaning his back on the door, he sort of fumes by himself. how dare he! firstly, the face is off limits! second, the gesture... it wasn't necessary! he could take care of himself! and yet he... he... it takes a a good handful of seconds for cimm to gather his scattered composure, locking eyes with jasper who looks up at him confused. it's all he needed to realize what he's actually done. he facepalms with an audible slap before he hurriedly pulls the door open again, looking down as he timidly go, "y-you... you just startled me!" Vinny: he processes cimmorro's unexpected reaction, thinking he'd inform him of some tomfoolery occurring outside as to the cause of the injury, simply brushing him off or giving a quick thanks for the spell. before he can contemplate his red faced expression too hard, thinking that perhaps he'd misread something, he's quickly ejected with a push and a yelp. he stands out the hallway blinking, stunned as he wobbles afterwards trying to not trip over his own feet. it takes him a moment to even register what happened, he glances both ways down the hallway, hoping no random passengers walking around saw whatever that was. he turns back towards the door... yes it is indeed shut. he stares dumbfounded, he didnt think he could rile such a reaction of of cimmorro, he's not sure what even embarrassed him so much, he's done much the same for him hasn't he? his mind sits silent yet somehow suddenly racing with confusion. when the door clicks open again he stares at cimmorro's timid face, somehow the sight is even more surprising to him. he lifts a hand to awkwardly rub his chin "ah... a-apologies, i-i er, didn't think, or uh, mean to... upset you?" as he continues staring wide eyed a small part of him is laughing at the strange karma of the situation, happy he's not the one exploding from embarrassment for once, but he does his best to ignore it as he slots the thought away in his mind.
Cimmorro: he sees cimm kind of bristle like a cat puffing up with his hands and arms making meaningless yet distraught gestures in the air. "shut-- just, don't apologize you're making it even weirder! just--" he starts pulling him back into the room "get back inside before the others see you!!" Vinny: he holds back an amused smile as he sidles back through the door past him, making a conscious effort to clasp his hands and hold them to himself. once inside he glances back at cimmorro's face while standing next to him as if to check if the magic actually took, though he's pretty sure it did. he coughs into his hand politely as he observes him "you've done pretty similar things to me, y'know? i didn't expect... w-well feeling any better there?" Cimmorro: cimm frowns and stares holes behind vinny's head as he walks past him, the door half-slamming shut behind them with a kick.  he doesn't move much from his spot and only continues to give vinny sideways glares from where he stands. vinny's attempt to alleviate the earlier remark by focusing on his concern on his now-healed injury only makes him seethe more. "your true colors are finally showing, huh" Vinny: he finally lets out a laugh at the statement, that was the last thing he was expecting, it was almost absurd, all seriousness lost "y-you dont have to sound so angry!" he fights a wobbly smile held behind his fist "i was pretty concerned, i've used that spell on you before y'know. do you not like people doting over you?" he tilts his head still smiling as if genuinely curious Cimmorro: "you did! but that wasn't on my face!!!" he yells out defensively, pointedly ignoring the doting comment while vinny's laughter only making his embarrassment worse. at the end of his flittering fit, he harrumphs and stomps over to his own bed and sits down angry pingu style, not making any eye contact with vinny. "here i was excited to be the bearer of good news...!! perhaps i shan't share afterall!!" Vinny: still chuckling a little under his breath at the fit cimmorro's having, vinny walks over to where hes sat on his bed smiling down at him "but thats where you were hurt? you rather i reached in poked your gums?" he pats cimm good naturedly on the bicep as if he were burying the hatchet before turning back to walk to his own bed, sitting back down while speaking "and y-you can share! im just glad you're not here to tell me we need to go pull someone out from under a broken bar table" he lets out one last laugh before shuffling for his journal Cimmorro: his brooding quickly turns into shock at vinny's alternative idea. "t-that's where your mind went...? goddess, i didn't think you could be so dirty..." he looks at him with a hand over his mouth, acting scandalized. "i didn't know i was rooming with a pervert this whole time...!" he exclaims in jest and his arms move to hug himself protectively, leaning to the opposite direction where vinny is at. with his theatrics coming back once more, his earlier demeanor seems to have recovered. Vinny: he looks back at cimmorro, pointing at his own mouth "well, it looked like you'd got a tooth knocked out or something..!" he stares and snorts after rolling his eyes and smirking "well you can pick someone else if you're so scared of me now, who knows when next i'll strike... maybe kindly helping you with a splinter... the thought is chilling..." he shakes his head a little from side to side "these dreaded hands of mine..." he mumbles jokingly as he skims through the books pages Cimmorro: he hears cimm click his tongue, unimpressed. "you can't fool me anymore, you with your innocent facade... you've set me up! and-- oi," he reaches forward to tip the journal downward. "look at me when i'm talking to you! what are you so busy with anyway?" he asks with the tilt of his head, looking at the journal in his hands.
Vinny: he's about to retort to the set up comment a little confused before cimmorro tips the journal forward, he blinks and quickly closes it shut, removing cimm's hand "i-i was writing before you came in, nothing so important as to go snooping!" he glances back up at cimmorro's face "and you still haven't told me that good news..." he tilts his head as well mirroring cimmorro expectantly with an awkward smile Cimmorro: cimm's hand awkwardly hangs in the air as vinny reels back. "if that's the case, why are you hiding it then?" he asks straightforwardly, staring at him with an incredulous look. "you seemed perfectly fine with showing me your lesson plan before." Vinny: he blinks and hangs his head a little with a sigh at the shut down "because i-it's not lesson plans, just a personal journal. i use it to sort out my thoughts, honestly its more dreary than anything, not something i go around reading to people" he looks sidelong awkwardly, not enjoying being drilled about it Cimmorro: "ehhh, so like a diary? why didn't you just say so." he waves it off. he can respect that much privacy at least. "you write about how i've been ragging on you?" he asks jokingly then a little more seriously, "or last nights events perhaps?" Vinny: he makes a somewhat relieved face at him backing down and sets the book aside further away "yes well, i didn't expect you to be that curious..." he shakes his head at the joke smiling a little thinly "is that what were calling it now? but yes more the latter than the former really" Cimmorro: "what would you call it then?" tell me, will........... at the confirmation of his actual question he gives vinny a look of regard. "i had a feeling you weren't doing so hot after all that." Vinny: he leans forward settling his elbows on his knees and gesturing with one hand still smiling "friendly ribbing? or you trying to embarrass me, maybe?" he hums in thought more seriously after "yes... well it was a rough night on most of us, im sure" he glances aside idly thinking to himself Cimmorro: cimm sorta mirrors his posture, but with his hands cupping his own face instead while he nods, unclear which it is he is agreeing to. perhaps he agrees with both. he decides to focus on the topic of last night. "and you were sobbing. i was quite busy myself but i could tell when we headed back inside." Vinny: he looks over a little surprised before looking aside again, scratching his nose a little self consciously "w-well... it reminded me of some things. not that it wasn't enough of a sad affair on its own really..." he looks back at cimmorro now "when i woke up my eyes were still feeling a little raw actually" he smiles ruefully Cimmorro: "yes it is quite puffy, still. reminded me of someone i bumped into this morning but that's besides the case--i'm sure finn's visit grounded you." he laughs quietly, taking a brief pause to joke before continuing. "i simply thought it moved you. i didn't think there was a personal root to it."
Vinny: "hah, well like i said rough night for most so that's not too surprising... i think seeing finn transform shocked me enough that i passed out within minutes once he'd left, perhaps i should thank him for that..?" he settles his chin in his hand looking towards the window "ah... well im just sensitive to children i suppose, more than i'd realised" he drums his other hand idly on his other knee Cimmorro: "that wasn't the first time you've seen him do that, no? i could've sworn you've seen him during that tussle with the body jopper (genuine typo i decided to keep bc its funny) at figstup. but in any case, he seems to have latched onto you like a pup. i'm sure he'd relish your attention." he chuckles behind a hand. "as for children, well, isn't it a good thing to be? being sensitive to them, that is. a compassionate nature." Vinny: he tilts his head "ill be honest i had a hard time seeing anything in the dark and the flames and er, plants... evil scarecrows..." his face gets more strained as he goes on, before continuing "i really don't know what i did to make him think so highly of me, but i suppose its better than the alternative? lets hope..." he makes a face at cimmorro after as if conflicted about the last comment "its not that its a bad thing, really... is that meant to be a compliment?" Cimmorro: "right, there was a lot going on. and who can say? whenever i think i can anticipate his next move, it turns out completely wrong." he kind of laughs a bit at the last comment. "yes? i was simply saying you're kind. but if that's not really something you take as a compliment then i'm curious as to why" Vinny: "not something you really want to hear about someone who's in charge of you in a way..." he thinks seriously about that before shaking his head awkwardly "n-no, not that part, i do my best to treat people well, i appreciate it. really." he smiles again before leaning forwards, scratching his head as if a little frustrated "im just thinking about alot of things again i haven't thought about in years and they're not all that great, the store was good at keeping me distracted until now i suppose" he lets out a puff of air Cimmorro: cimm only sighs tiredly in response, choosing to just listen to anything else but the topic of finn and his shady uncle's demands right now. he lets vinny begin to vent out his frustrations and listens with a nod or two. "in a bustling city, no less. i'm sure that'd keep anyone busy," he comments. he leans back a bit as a show of giving space. "contrary to popular belief, i'm not the type to pry. i'm curious, not nosy. but, if you want someone to lend an ear, well... i do have all day," he openly offers, then a small shrug and adds, "might be more productive than disfiguring that diary. unless... you don't trust me?" his eyes turn to look at him all wet and soggy, but it is clear he's playing around. "after all we've been through...? we bathed together...!" Vinny: he nods, his head still leaned on his hand "it was the good part of being there, even in spite of the uh, cult business" he glances over at cimmorro again and laughs under his breath "i trust you well enough, and its nothing so grand... i'm just homesick, really. we ought to discuss cheerier things in the morning, i'll forget about it again in time" a fleeting emotion flickers across his face before its gone again, he sits up proper before continuing on "...bathed together and a tap on the cheek still had you as red as a tomato if i recall?" Cimmorro: he vaguely hums when vinny shows avoidance. half of him wants to give him a little push, while the other half reminding him of the recent drunk episode that he still feels a little bad about, so he decides to give him time. perhaps he'll speak to him one of these days about it, hopefully without another unpleasant event to spur it on. when vinny tries for another jab, cimm looks like he was about to get annoyed for a split second before his eyes glint in mischief. "you talk as if you wouldn't react the same," he smirks while one of his hands reaches out, making his fingers pitter-patter up the other's neck. itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout.... Vinny: his amused smile warps into surprise as soon as cimm leans forward and starts tapping him, he very nearly jumps. in a show of restraint, his face only reddens the faintest amount as he glances the other way, pushing cimm's hand off while avoiding eye contact. he coughs to clear his throat "if it were in the name of h-healing and not embarrassing me im sure i could act mature about it" he glances back "you're really proving my earlier point, i imagine i cant be that amusing..." Cimmorro: "but you are," he says bluntly. his cocky smile doesn't really seem to wane, still. "i wouldn't be giving you, what did you call it? friendly ribbing if you didn't amuse me the slightest," the honesty is almost a little ominous. "and from the looks of it, well, you seem to me enjoying yourself the same way too, barking back more often now. " Vinny: he blinks a little wide eyed as his face flushes darker "now, w-what does that even mean?" he rubs his eyes beneath the glasses as he turns his head away, cimm's bluntness shaking him a little. he sighs through his nose as he stands up, messing with his hair a little anxiously "alright p-point proven, i wont doubt the source of your thrills again, may i go get myself some breakfast now and escape further harassment?" he asks it sarcastically, still looking away he stares at the door Cimmorro: cimm sticks his tongue out while leisurely waving a hand like a king shooing off his jester. "go on then, you know where to find me if you find yourself aching for my presence once more. shoo, shoo~" Vinny: vinny glances back towards cimm once he changes his tone, putting his hands on his hips he stares for a few seconds with an inscrutable expression like he's fighting back the urge to do something before he sighs and turns around, walking towards the door he mumbles under his breath "im not bringing you back more strawberries..." he makes a quick exit and turns the corner, soon enough he's out of sight. as he walks to the dining hall he rubs his cheeks to bid them to die down again, he really needs to stop reacting the way he does sometimes, get it together and remember what you're doing here in the first place... his thoughts trail off distracted from what they were on earlier in the morning Cimmorro: just before the door completely shuts, cimm's laughter and shout manages to ring through it enough for vinny to hear. "THERE AREN'T ANY LEFT ANYWAY!!" with all the room to himself (and jasper) he plops down on the soft cushion of his bed with a huff, glaring at the ceiling for a moment or two lost in thought. one of his hands idly pat on the side of his face that was once injured, face twisting and turning into a conflicted expression, consoling his own cheek, "you've went through many battles this morning..." when he hears jasper meow beside him, he stops and turns to look at her with a smile and goes "you're right. we should start packing up for later." the two busy themselves with their chores for the rest of the morning
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spoiler thots for totk now that ive finished the game and slept on it:
fun game :) not a gamer gamer so idk what i can say about gameplay stuff do not have the uh literacy for that, but i had fun lmao lmao but yeah lots of great turns i did not expect like with discovering how big the depths were, mineru and the dragons will say i found the draconification foreshadow memory early and then while high in the sky happened to find a new dragon and i was like "wazzat about" and then it hit me, also was pretty sure i caught a glimpse of the sword on its head, and after i got mineru pretty much got confirmation lmao pretty cool ass reveal nonetheless
hmm im not super familiar with zelda games so felt like we needed more father dorfeus scenes, mostly for his modus operandi, i do know enough about the demise stuff that yeah he's always fated to be born and end up "like that" lmao, and i can see why being born male in your race and suddenly youre just king no matter what and how that can warp his delusions of grandeur but would have liked to see that in action rather than just assume it, then again all the memories were stuff zeldy had to be there for so idk maybe just some like writing in the gerudo town archives or ruins etc.
also not the biggest fan of the ancient aliens stuff with the zonai, at the end of the day i know theyre going mostly for the simple good kingdom vs the evil conquerors and they dont wanna get into the nitty gritty of how kingdoms are formed in the first place cuz they want it to play out like a fairy tale, but im biased considering my own country lol, definitely felt colonizer myth vibes from how they presented the zonai as a super advance race coming to bring peace to the barbaric land.
do like rauru and sonia, thought it was nice they gave zelda a father figure-ish that was nice to her, and another mom, too bad they took that away from her again lmao. Also did like how they presented zeldas impact to the kingdom, she moved into a normal ass house and not fix the castle, built a school, helps people with gardening, you can really feel how much hyrule loves her and thats nice but also yes that final dive to zelda, with the music swelling and the reaching out and holding A and the redemption for her fall at the start of the game and yeah that really got me man, im sure some funny folk wanted to see what happens if we just let them fall and even i do somewhat now lmao, but in the moment swept up in the emotion so i wasnt gonna do that ofc
anyway whens the 3rd game :D
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reineyday · 3 years
my main takeaway from the batman is that selina's WAY too cool for bruce
#i guess she just likes the sad man aesthetic lmao#rei rambles#the batman#battinson#selina kyle was SO cool tho!!! love how they gave her so much character#i never got too into her cuz it seemed like in so many of the bat movies her characterization was just 'sexy'#but here i felt like that wasnt her main characteristic and i really appreciated that lol#love that their relationship consisted of bruce being socially inept and selina shooting her shot#anyways that movie was SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL#i am always a ho for warm-toned lighting and extreme close-ups and this movie had those in SPADES#the flare scene??? the upsidedown shots of when battinson was approaching the guy in the car after the car chase? yum#i wish we could have dug in a LITTLE deeper when bruce and alf were having their emotional moment#but the fact that it was there at all was already a nice improvement#overall it was a little gloomier than i like bruce to be but i appreciated the character exploration that came with it#i liked it quite a bit#definitely lots of very teen angst bruce moments but they made me giggle a lil lol im not mad about it#man dresses up as a bat to fight crime so he should be a lil dramatic#also that part where he gets dragged by his cape? all i heard in my head was edna mode going 'NO CAPES'#and i appreciated the lil lesson on how important your brand messaging is haha#and how this will ostensibly lead to bruce upping his charity game in his personal identity#and making sure to be more vocal about the fact that hes trying to save and that he wont kill#anyways!!! good stuff
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kageyuji · 4 years
shortening his name except he thinks you called him another guy’s name
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⤷ oikawa, bokuto, atsumu, suna, mattsun ; [gn!reader]
GENRE/WARNINGS: comfort(?), angst if you squint hard enough, mild swearing
NOTES: i will literally offer my hand in marriage if you reblog. and thank you to @/sugawaaras for giving me the idea for mattsun’s <33
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even though he tried to be confident, in reality, his self confidence sat on a throne built from things he told himself in the mirror and compliments he never believed
so its not a surprise that his first reaction just... isn’t one. he’ll stop and replay it over and over again in his head to make sure he’d heard you correctly
and then his heart breaks — it actually hurts him, makes him feel like he can’t breath, and before he even knows it theres tears in his eyes
of course, he knows you’re never supposed to let the reason you’re crying see you crying
so he attempts to act like he’s more annoyed than that he just had his heart just obliterated
it’s not a secret though. through the pain in his eyes, anyone can see the shattered remnants of what was once his heart
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“ru, can you grab my phone for me?” you called to your boyfriend from the couch, remembering that you’d left your phone in the other room.
it was quiet for a moment; not long enough for you to ask if he was okay, but long enough that the silence was odd. you heard heavy footfalls again, then saw oikawa standing just inside the room with a clear look of betrayal on his face.
“what?” you asked him, wondering if he was kidding around. you hadn’t done anything, there was no reason why he’d actually be upset with you.
as he stepped closer to you, you could see the tears whelling up in his eyes, and you were left to wonder what was wrong.
“what’s wrong? tooru, hey, are you ok?” your voice was much softer when you spoke this time. your heart dropped when you saw him step back at your step forward.
“so now you can call me by my name?” you think his voice was meant to be low and hostile, but in his struggle not to cry it came out strangled and cracked.
“what did... do you mean ‘ru?”
“yes! who the hell is that? if you wanted to-“
“no no, babe, your name is tooru. the last syllable of your name is ru. it’s just a shortening of your name, not someone else’s.”
you watched his lips form a smile and he let out something like a laugh, seemingly at his own confusion, and then the tears finally fell.
he’d walked into your arms soon after, with his arms wrapped tightly around you and his face buried in the crook of your neck
“sorry... sorry for not trust- trusting you, i just-” his sentence was cut through with sharp breaths and hiccups, and then finally stopped with your own voice.
“it’s alright, i didn’t mean to scare you. we can cuddle if you want, hm?”
he was already struggling to keep himself from fully breaking down. but when one of your hands came up to pet his hair, a whine left him — you think it was supposed to be an ‘mhm’ to your offer — and his hands gripped tightly at your shirt, his arms around you getting tighter.
he doesn’t miss a beat, immediately looking up at you to wonder if he’d heard you correctly
it’s just a small spike of anxiety at first, but the more he lets the foreign name resonate with him, the more it makes him worry
he has to build up the courage to ask you who the other guy is, because he can’t do it right away, he’s way too nervous
he looks so sad as well, puppy dog eyes looking at you, seemingly just slightly worried
unbeknownst to you, his heart is pounding in is chest and with each passing second, it runs the risk of shattering
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“‘taro!” your voice was a giggle as he left little kisses all over you. they weren’t nearly enough to leave hickeys, just little pecks across your face, your neck, your chest.
as soon as the name left your lips though, he stopped, golden eyes snapping up to look at you with a pain you’d never seen in them before.
you could tell he was definitely upset about something, but you had no idea what it could be. hell, the way he looked at you, it was almost as though you were the reason.
of course, you were unaware that bokuto’s first thoughts went to rintaro, middle blocker from the famed inarizaki. suddenly he was thinking of every time you’d ever spoken about the team, said how many fan girls they had, how many games they’d won.
he wanted to say something. he really wanted to ask what you’d meant. but the words seemed caught in his throat.
it wasn’t long before he couldn’t take it though, and he pushed the words out, despite the alarms going off in his head and his heart immediately jumping to his throat.
“who is ‘taro?” you didnt think you’d ever heard him sound so small. so timid, so close to his voice cracking with the tears he was holding back, so... scared.
“you? who else? i can call you kou if you’d prefer that though. you don’t have to look so upset.”
bokuto smiled then, relaxing the weight on his arms enough so he was on top of you. he supported himself enough not to crush you, but there was nothing more he wanted in the world right now than to be held by you.
he liked to consider himself a tough guy. he liked to.
but there were times whenever his support fell, leaving his world to crumble in his hands, slipping through his fingers no matter how hard he tried to hold it all together
and when thought he heard a guy’s name that isn’t his own come from you, it felt just like one of those times
he was asking what you’d meant before his mind could even properly register your words
and by that point he didn’t care enough to replay the name in his head, his mind already caught up looking for the things he’d done wrong, the things he hadn’t done.
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“oh, ‘umi, if you want to we can go to th-”
“what the hell?”
it surprised you how much venom laced his words, despite the fact that you’d done nothing wrong. the thought that he was being sarcastic or joking with you crossed your mind, but atsumu wasn’t exactly the best actor.
he couldn’t fake the look on his face, couldn’t fake how his heart had seemingly stopped just from the look in his eyes.
“what do you mean?” your voice was soft when you spoke now, no longer so nonchalant.
he lips pressed into a thin line and he set his jaw in frustration. it took him taking a deep breath to finally say, “you called me ‘omi.’ if you like-”
“no, i heard you, you called me omi. if- if theres...” he never finished his sentence. there was already a lump in his throat and he knew that if he were to say anything more, he’d cry.
“no, no. i called you umi. like your name just a little bit different.”
his face was drawn in a look on confusion. his eyes studied you, trying to look for any sign of you lying. but he trusted you, of course he trusted you.
he came over to hug you, his arms wrapped tightly around you. you heard him sniff, but you knew he’d deny crying if you asked him.
“i love you,” his voice made him sound so small, it was a level of weak and vulnerable you’d not seen from him.
“i love you too.”
the words “stay calm” had never been repeated in his head to himself so much
well, it was more like a string of curse words with “stay calm” thrown in occasionally, but he’d never felt so scared
the look on his face is annoyed at first, but it quickly starts to shift into one with a little more worry
he’s terrified, in all honesty. but he’s already told himself he’s not going to let you see that
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“taro, can we stop by a corner store on the way home? i need something.”
your voice had been so calm. so why did it feel like his heart had just been ripped out of his chest?
he knew you hadn’t meant to. but why you’d even slipped and call him by another name in the first place worried him. it took him only a few seconds for his mind to land on bokuto koutarou.
bokuto koutarou, one of the top aces.
“well fuck you too i guess.” his tone may have been confused with one of anger at first, but you could tell that wasnt it. anger is a secondary emotion, you knew in reality he was hurt.
the only problem is, you didn’t know what. from his words you knew it was something you’d done. but there was nothing that came to mind.
“sorry? what did i do?”
suna hesitated for only a second before asking why you’d called him by another name. he took a deep breath immediately after speaking, your silence only breaking his heart more. as though it wasn’t already destroyed.
but your silence was born from shock and confusion, not being caught like suna had assumed.
“taro. like rintarou. like your name. who else would i be talking about?”
“uhm. koutarou? i don’t know, forget about it.” he’d never felt like a bigger jackass before; he never swore at you.
you smiled a little at his words and walked over to hug him. he hummed at that and pressed a small kiss to your temple, then buried his face into the crook of your neck.
“i didn’t mean to-”
“it’s ok, rin.”
he had to stop for a moment to let it sink in before he could react
after that there were too many emotions rushing through him to do anything for another few moments
in fact, his silence coupled with the distant, betrayed look on his face was somewhat unsettling
it takes him longer than he would like to question you, but it’s because he’s already preparing to collect his shattered heart after one of his worst fears becomes true
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“why are you here?” mattsun heard iwaizumi’s voice and he smiled a little to himself, knowing that he must have been talking to you.
he’d been waiting for you all day, it seemed like forever since he’d last seen you. the only thing he wanted right now was to hold you.
“oh, i’m here to see ‘kawa!” you said happily. mattsun could hear the smile in your voice without even seeing you.
you were here for oikawa. of course you were here for starboy oikawa tooru, of course your boyfriend was just a stepping stone.
he was still frozen when you rounded the corner. the look on his face was concerning, you couldn’t remember the last time — if there ever was one — he’d looked absolutely terrified, the last time he looked so hurt.
“mattsun... are you ok?”
he didn’t answer you. it took him a few moments before he could finally speak, and even then his voice was different than it usually was. it was... pained? betrayed? whatever it was, you knew it wasn’t mattsun.
“did you really come here just to see oikawa? what happened to me being your boyfriend?”
it took you a few moments to try and understand what he was talking about. you’d never said that. hell, you always came for mattsun, not once had you ever spared oikawa a thought.
“no, babe. i said ‘kawa’, as in matsukawa.”
he seemed to melt at your words. that expression disappeared from his face, his body untensing. he moved to pull you into his arms, holding you close to himself with a desperation he’d not had before.
him thumb rubbed soothing circles on your back. you could tell he wanted to say something. but then he stopped right before the words left him, instead opting to make a joke to lift the mood.
“good, i was about to kick oikawa’s ass.”
“...we were having a moment.”
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beann-e · 4 years
Haikyu! boys reacting to their s/o flinching during an argument
Karasuno boys reacting to their s/o flinching
“ what’s the problem are you serious are you not even understanding why we’re here in the first place“
“ oh I understand—really but I just don’t care “ he moved to think before speaking
“ I actually don’t think i’ve ever had one of those cares when I hear you talk “
you fumed “ i’m so so sick of this Tsukishima i’m so sick of everything having sarcasm in it —you can’t be serious for two seconds “
he moved to throw up a peace sign before his fingers dropped one by one “ is that two seconds — i’m not sure if you meant literally because according to you I look like a grade school swim team member who doesn’t know basic communication skills”
you felt your throat beginning to hurt you’d been screaming with him for hours over his comments he’d made about the cake you ate earlier
as soon as you sat down on the couch he spoke telling you
‘ babe maybe you should’ve saved that cake for later I can feel the extra weight weighing down mine and your side of the couch ‘
“ I can’t be serious no you can’t be serious — you fucking told me that your sorry i’m so skinny that my legs look like toothpicks in the shorts that you bought me “ he screamed
“ you bought them on purpose they were a size large you know i’m a size small you just wanted to be fucking funny “
you scoffed as you two were now standing in the kitchen while he was cooking dinner. His body turning to look down on you.
you could never say tsukishima got mad at you he never did he would just get really annoyed and make more sarcastic comments then he did in his free time but right now you couldn’t figure out what was so different about him
About his voice
About his body that was making him seem like the boss at the end of a video game you just couldn’t beat
“ i’m just really tired of everything being turned into a slick comment with you tsukki and then you can’t even say a shitty sorry you just look at me like i’m crazy “
he sighed as he looked away “ look baby— “ he pushed up his glasses that were threatening to fall
“ i’m really sorry for all the mean , awful , accurate , things I said “
your body went hot as you screamed “ THATS NOT A FUCKING SORRY “
“ well why the hell would you think you’d get one from me “
he screamed at you backing you up eyes still downcast on you
“ you —annoying —child —every fucking five seconds your complaining about something now it’s how I talk ? before it was how I don’t show you enough physical affection in public are you serious “
you heart quickened as his body jerked at you almost threatening you “ what else do you want from me huh “
“ want me to fuckin—“
you closed your eyes and your body moved on instinct to cover your face body sinking into itself in a hole before standing up trying to protect yourself as the loud clack went through the house
Your breathing fast as you had all the worse possibilities move through your head that was rattling along with your body in fear
“ aw damn — their cracked anyways we gotta figu—“
his voice stopped as he came face to face with your covered body “ a-are you dancing or something why the fuck are you —“
then his thoughts clicked as his blurry eyes ran over the way your arms were above your head and body tucked in as if trying to limit the pain you would feel wherever he touched you
“uh “ he coughed as you relaxed looking at the male with wide eyes as you spoke
“ no I didn’t —I didn’t think “
“ um — so i’m not gonna take offense and instead i’m just gonna “
he moved to sit his glasses on the table before his hand grabbed your head forcefully and pushed you into his stone cold chest your body flaring up and shaking
“ yeah you totally did —I wasn’t sure because I can’t see but yeah you did “
“ I - — I didn’t mean to —it was just so loud I thought — and you were yelling “
“ I would never hit you — I would never ever hit you with anything except my beautiful words “
you pushed out of his chest with a small smile trying to seem upset “ your still joking after something like that “
“ well i’m not a soft person what do you expect I mean I feel bad really bad but — “
“ I know I know — it’s better to make jokes than make it sad and make the both of us feel uncomfortable “
he moved his head down to kiss you softly “ I promise you it was just my glasses falling I would never hurt you y/n no matter if we fight or not “
he scoffed “ I love you and all that other crap blah blah “
you ran away with your hands to your ears “ no no I feel like you just put a curse on me — you’ve hugged me , kissed me , apologized and told me you love me all at one time I have to call yams and get an exorcist over here “
he scoffed “ just call Hinata his non stop talking could pass as an exorcism “
you smiled as he whispered small apologies in your ear all night the both of cringing when he would say them knowing he hated you feeling that way but also hating how the word sorry rolled off his tounge
“ Great king that Great King this — I must beat The king — I have to beat this person and that person your always beating someone Hinata “
you cried as you stood fighting with him in the gym as he had sweat running down his forehead
you’d originally came here to watch him play a game between a team he had yet to beat that he told you they’d practiced for months to win.
Only for them to lose In a straight set of 2 that caused him to stay after and continue to practice in the same spot all night
You being the loving s/o you were decided to stay with him
only for him to take your kindness for granted and practice at the gym until 3 in the morning letting you wake up to the constant thump of the ball against the wall and your body shivering on the bench while he wore his jacket
“ of course I did “
“ then why didn’t you give me your jacket —babe I woke up freezing “
“ because I wanted it too— if I gave you my jacket what would I wear was I suppose to freeze “
you knew all rationality was thrown out the window when Hinata lost a match and right now that’s exactly what was happening
“ you can’t keep expecting me to put you first — it’s stupid “
he raised his voice “ the only thing i’ll put first is this ball in my hands and you may come in third to my team other than that — I don’t know what you want from me “
“ I want you to understand i’m here too —not just that lifeless ball Hinata “
he screeched at your words “ it’s not fucking lifeless”
“ I worked hard for this I worked hard for everything when I pick up that ball I put my energy into it when I —“
his hand outstretched as you sunk to the floor ears covered as you ducked into your knees hearing the loud smack moved to every corner of the room
“ that’s me putting life into the bal—baby where’d you go—if this is you telling me to stop—ok I get it I need to calm down “
he looked around the gym eyes finally searching the floor for the ball he’d thrown until they landed on your huddled figure
“ babe what —why are you on the floor come on its dirty get off “ you shook at his voice
“ w—why are you so scared I don’t understand come on stand up y/n “
you tried to calm down your body knowing you couldn’t tell him what just happened you knew Hinata wasnt innocent but you still didn’t want to break his heart not tonight not more than it already was argument or not
you moved to stand up as he grabbed the ball and threw it harshly to the wall for a second time
your body reacting out of control as it thought back to that moment of fear you had seeing him that angry at you and the same noise that followed after
“ y/n-chan did you just—“ his eyes creased “ baby why did you “
he said quietly thinking “ baby who hurt you “
his voice was concerned as he raced to you who shook a bit at his changing emotions taking a shaky step back to get away from him his eyes falling as he finally realized softly speaking
“ o-oh I hurt you “
he sat thinking as he pulled your arms from your face slowly “ I—i’m so sorry I don’t —it was the ball really it was the ball it went woosh and so I went weee to go get it I swear “
you straightened up cursing your body for reacting the way it did “ I didn’t mean to scare you that way I just —I was upset over a match and wanted to prove a point “
he moved to hug you tightly “ I’m so greatful for you and so lucky to have someone who would even stay with me for over 7 hours in a gym hearing nothing but loud noises and echoes —someone who’d fall asleep on the cold floor because they love me so much “
he hugged you tighter kissing your head repeatedly whispering the same line over and over “ i’d never hit you —i’d never hate you or be mad at you “
your tense nerves leaving as you sighed out wrapping your arms around his body “ I —I know and i’m sorry “
“ nothing to be sorry for I do need to put you first and I will from now on —I will “
he pulled you back as he spoke “ i’ll start putting you first and taking your needs into account and you start speaking up and saying no to me instead of doing everything I do or want you to do “
he smiled as he held his pinkie out “ promise baby? “
you shook your head in a yes smiling up at him “ promise “
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
hey queen! Girl you have done it again. Constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly. i’d say i’m surprised but i know who you are. i’ve seen it up close and personal. girl you make me so proud.
“Father figure” is so cute omg 🥺 Could Maybe write something about reader finally joining the scouts and Levi/erwin being so impressed by scared for her (if u want)
“Father Figure,” Pt 2 Levi x Erwin Headcanon
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PLEASEEEE, I love you🤧❤️ I shall give out a part 2. I’m thinkinnnng Levi’s reaction to you joining scouts annnnd Erwin’s reaction to both you wanting to be a scout and dating Jean😗 we’ll see how that goes.
Warnings: Season 3 mentions aka the beast titan for Levi. that is alllllllll
It had taken weeks, even a few months before Levi had finally went through with letting you join the scouts but he never took it easy on you, he treated you the same and even when he would train with you alone, he would be more harsh.
He only did this to benefit you, he wanted you to be better and definitely better than him and it had all worked in his favor. Once the first expedition came along, you had proven yourself well above than what the scouts expected.
As Levi watched you swing, flip and spin along the lines between buildings and the way you swiftly had taken down your first Titan, he was in awe the entire time. His eyes never left you and he would admit he got a bit emotional.
The flashbacks of you as a small child, tugging on his coat that he would wear and the way you always wanted to ride his horse or hear stories, they all flooded his mind. His own child stood in front of him, grown up and turned into a mini Levi and he couldn’t help but feel proud.
It wasn’t long until you turned into exactly like Levi onto the field, always putting yourself at risk and taking the bigger Titans on by yourself with no issue. He was shocked to say the least, he wouldn’t have expected you to grow up so quickly and turn into such a great scout.
One mission in particular had Levi on the edge, when the commander had ordered for only Levi to handle the beast titan, you had all but ignored both their commands and followed behind your father in battle. Maybe it was because you were worried for your dads safety, you didn’t want him to take the beast Titan on his own. You knew he was the best of the best but even then, you still knew your fathers weakness.
At the last moment, you had swooped in and spun around in the air, using your blades to swipe through and cut the hand off that was reaching for you before lunging your blades right through his eyes, hearing Levi yelling behind you.
“What the hell are you doing?! This wasn’t your mission!” He was beyond frustrated with you but more fearful that you would get caught up because you were too confident in yourself.
You ignored your fathers yelling, following his lead and instantly breaking apart the beast Titan until Levi had sliced the nape of his neck open and saw the older man break out of the Titans skin.
“Y/N, take your ass back to where the cadets are!” Levi grabbed onto your upper arm and practically yanked you towards him, the fury in his eyes was all but filled with fear.
“Dad, we literally just took down the beast Titan and you’re screaming in my face because I helped?” You glared up at him, the stubbornness you both had was too overbearing.
While you two were busy bickering about you joining in the fight, another Titan swooped in and had almost chopped you up in their mouth but Levi had pushed you down, watching the Titan pick the beast Titans body and run off.
“You let them get away because you were too fucking worried about me!” You yelled at your father, the anger boiling in both of you was steaming hot and he couldn’t help but feel angry towards himself too, for letting him get so distracted.
Levi had let a deep breath in, rubbing his temples for a moment as he tried to think clearly. He had reached over to you, embracing you in a tight hug and rested his chin on the top of your head, luckily you were short enough for him to even do so.
“I’m sorry, I’m trying to get used to you being out here and I get... scared. Only because you remind me of... me when I first joined, always putting yourself on the line, always going out of your way to prove you’re better but I need you to be careful.” He fully admitted, shaking his head at your carelessness but he couldn’t stay mad because you learned all that from him.
“Dad, I’m not stupid. I’m being careful, you have to trust me.” You rolled your eyes at your father, you frustrated you but you couldn’t help but understood the fear he felt while you were out here with him.
“I do trust you but I also need you to listen to commands when directed, do you hear me? You aren’t in control.” He grabbed your shoulders and forced you to look up at him, making you slowly nod you head.
“Don’t let that shit happen again or else you’ll be on horse shit duty.”
Erwin wasnt as strict when you joined the scouts, he was actually pretty proud to know he raised you to be a great cadet and probably a great future leader. All the nights he helped trained you was a very proud moment for him to be apart of.
He felt like he had accomplished something greater, this was a feeling better than becoming a Commander and that was raising you to be a great scout member.
He had put you under Levi’s team for many reasons, only because he wanted him to watch you closely and he had trusted Levi enough to put his child’s fate in his hands.
He had watched you flourish nicely on expeditions, you always proved yourself to be great. Your first expedition you had taken down a total of five Titans on your own and ended up saving Connie in the middle of it.
Erwin couldn’t help but openly get emotional in front of everyone, causing them to grow awkward at your fathers tears as he watched you. You had repeatedly told him to stop being so emotional about everything but he did anyways, he couldn’t help but cry only because he was so proud of who you’ve grown to be.
The long nights of staying up with you when you wouldn’t sleep, the days where he would forget about his work to take you out on walks, to explore with you and play silly games that you made up. It was all worth it to him and his heart was full of love and happiness when it came to you.
But one day he had been looking for you after a mission, he was pretty worried and wanted to talk to you with dinner about how the mission went. He unexpectedly caught you and Jean outside alone, lips smashed together.
“Y/N, Jean.” He cleared his throat awkwardly and your face instantly heated up into a dark shade of red once you both had been caught, you wished it was anyone else but your own dad, you were completely embarrassed.
You had rushed inside, following your dad to his office where you two usually sat and ate your meals. Erwin was silent, he couldn’t stay mad at you thought, it was bound to happen that his own child would grow up and find someone.
“I didn’t know you two were daring.” He spoke up, causing your face to heat up again and you had tried to look anywhere else but him
“I mean, yeah, it’s only been recent.”
“Ahh and he makes you happy, yes? That’s what I would hope for.” He stared at you, both of you making eye contact and you were shocked that he was acting so calm about everything.
“Yeah, I’m happy.”
“Good, good but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. I’ve been watching you on some missions and even had your Captain report back to me on how you do on them. I know I’ve said I didn’t want you to be apart of this life but I’m very proud of you, you’ve grown up to be amazing and intelligent. I’m proud to be your father.” Erwin told you, taking a bite out of his food to hold in the emotions he wanted to express but he had to tell himself to not be such an emotional father.
“Oh,” You were certainly caught off guard by his words and you had to think to yourself if this was a dream and ask yourself why was your father acting like this.
“Thank you, I really appreciate it, dead.” You smiled at him, both of you finishing your dinner rather quickly.
Erwin had ended the night laughing and bringing up stories of when you were a small child to both you and Jean, he mostly told you the embarrassing stories and would mention one or two that were adorable. You had shaken your head at your fathers idea of a fun time, telling embarrassing stories but Jean had been enjoying himself a little too much.
Your father stood across from you, the intense feeling of being proud but also mixed with fear when it came to you telling him about today’s mission and how you taken out a few Titans in a second all on your own. You were definitely his child but it was scary to see how fascinated you were with being a scout and how truly happy you were with your job.
Erwin had to swallow his pride and his instinct to be an over protecting father, he always feared for your life out on those missions but he also trusted you and your strength to come back alive and well, you were his child after all.
AHH well. I hope this is as good as the first one🤧
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rosemary-bells · 2 years
okay so i. um. coughs. i f. i finall y read the luke anny ssr card story. voice acting and all. and. i. h. hoo boy.
i'm just gonna go in and start screaming for a few paragraphs maybe possibly. im not one to review things at all but whatever i have like a hundred years worth of things to say. i was gonna go n post abt this as i read but then i was like na h ill just make a bunch of memes and cry later
like first part(s) of the story i was already screaming and crying over that flashback where hes arguing w aaron. highkey i was like bro is this rly the time to tell luke to make this romantic. rly. then later on it was nothing but sadness and heartache and crying and i was like yknow what maybe he was right about this
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first meme! i saw peanut and i was like oh m y god. my little boy. my baby. hes back. highkey i miss the kid. he's not present enough in luke stories lmao. the fact that luke styled the lil handle on peanut was. hooo. i was like man i cant believe this is the perfect man maybe? (im kidding. hes far from perfect but he is baby.)
also highkey during his classical music lore session i was like "lmao shouldve made it fur elise" and then i was like Hm. i also highkey love the fact that they changed the music for the music box bits. that was cute. love that they used the main theme on the default card screen too. very nice
every time he mentioned larping schumann or brahms i was like man is this rly the time lmao. altho i am happy it brought him resolution
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meme two i dont have that many memes again most of this is just me ranting for a bit. the voice acting was literally peak though. every time he yelled, or even every time he was quiet, you could really get all that hesitation and heartbreak, all at once. it was amazing. it was heartaching. loved it. i cant speak for the other dubs since i use jpn but like. i bet they were. immaculate.
also highkey im still so miffed that they didnt give rosa voice acting. i could rant abt this for hours but to keep it short, like. mhy is always at its strongest when its not making a self-insert, yknow? in some cases, self-insert characters work, but when your choices don't matter too much, in an otome game, which are mostly character driven, trying to make her too basic is just kind of eh ig. she does get a pretty solid character from what we have, though. like, shes got a strong personality. very passionate abt justice to the point of embarrassment. very honest. is generally driven a bit more by her heart than her brain. like seafood. that sort of thing. she's already her own character, so i just wish they gave her a va. its gotten to the point in which ive literally started imagining a va for her. she kind of sounds like shirayuki (jpn) in my mind...
also man fr he really did think that romantic partners were the only way to receive proper emotional support. she has friends, man. she's a strong kid who you left for like, 8 years. have some faith in her, yknow? also god, that line where he was like "As long as he can make you happy." god. that just stung, man. im thinking abt him in other routes and like, 3/4 times he really just gave up, didn't he?
on that note i also thought the towel that he was using to dry her hair was just. on top of her head the entire time, so thinking abt all these dramatic scenes w her just doing that was funny. ik thats not how it worked but like still. also did she rly run to her parent's house in that outfit? in the storm? ik she wasnt thinking but oof dude shes gonna catch the worst cold after all this blows over
that kiss scene though. man. the orchestra music playing. i always love that theme, even if it does feel mis-timed at moments. it just feels so refreshing. rly does make it feel like a "kiss of fervor" (also how he just caresses her arm during the kiss. how gentle. what a sweet guy. he rly just wants to comfort her.) he even used 大好き instead of just 好き like man. ... man.
and then that bit where they called each other their greatest treasure... and then, how he said "I swear, I will do everything I can to live, so that I can be with you." man. it was cheesy but it rly did feel like the rainbow after the storm. it rly is all abt learning to love yourself because of how loved you are. like wow. man. it rly is abt loving someone so much that you want to live for them. live w them. man.
all in all, super cheesy card. it was a short-ish storyline, but i highkey loved it. it was cute. it was precious. i nearly cried. (more or less did when i found out his badge was called "Luke's Vow" like hooo. oh my god) i Enjoy. looking forward to the 2nd anny's cards....
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the final meme. its another version of the last one but hey accurate lmao i was shaking crying screaming sobbing throwing up the entire time but by god was my heart full
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peachiikawa · 4 years
Tradition | Route: Seijoh
a/n: here the first route my new series! hope you all enjoy it!
summary: getting taken before a game always seemed like something out of one of those high school sport movies where the opposing team kidnaps the mascot out of tradition. who knew kidnapping the manager was the new trend.
genre: choose your own adventure, fluff, manager au
warnings: mild violence, reader injury
word count: 1.0k
tradition masterlist
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“y/n! Can you refill the waters?”
You dropped the ball in your hands back into the bin beside you and nodded your head
“Sure thing iwaizumi!”
He handed you the bottles one by one
“Do you need any help filling them up?”
You just shook your head with a smile
“Nope! You just focus on warming up ive got this!”
He smiled back at you but before he could say anything he was rudely interrupted
“Iwa! If you keep flirting with y/n theyre gonna lose brain cells!”
“What did you say shittykawa!”
You just laughed as maki and kindaichi held iwaizumi back and walked off to the nearest water fountain
It was just outside of the gym and down the hall a bit so you didnt feel any reason to feel nervous
But the moment you felt someone grab you from behind your anxiety skyrocketed
“Get them to shut up! We gotta move fast!”
You had heard about this happening to other managers in the area
Getting kidnapped right before a game
It was almost a sick joke at this point
You just brushed it off your shoulders though, what were the odds it would happen to you?
Apparently, they were very high
You kept trying to get out of their grip and finally opened your mouth wide enough to bite the hand of the person holding you
“Mattsun! Kunimi! Help!”
You called out the first names that came to you but were met with silence as you were dragged away
“Did you guys hear something?”
Kunimi looked towards the door of the gym and got a weird feeling in his chest
“Guys y/n’s been gone for a while. Maybe we should go check on them?”
So a couple of them went off to go see what was up with you
And when kunimi and yahaba saw the water bottles spilled all over the ground they knew something was wrong
“Oikawa! Somethings wrong!”
Kunimi and yahaba explained what they found and everyone immediately fell into a panic
“Coach! We’ll be right back!”
They all ran out of the gym in hopes of finding you
“Tie them up!”
Meanwhile, you were being thrown into a closet, a blindfold tied around your eyes as they bound your hands too
“Please… whatever you want ill give it to you”
You could hear snickering coming from all around you
“Oh we dont want anything from you...we just wanted to have a bit of fun and freak seijoh out a bit. Wouldnt hurt if they all missed their match too”
God what even was this situation
And knowing seijoh, they probably were all looking for you
So you gave it one last try and yelled as loud as you could
“Kindaichi! Kenta! Someone, please help me!”
“Shut up!”
You felt a sting on your face as they knocked you to the ground
But at that same moment, you heard the door open
You felt tears come to your eyes as you recognized those voices
“Guys please…”
Now they were pissed
“Oh so you wanted to rough up our manager? Is that how you guys want to play?”
Iwaizumi and kentarou cracked their knuckles and took a step towards the men who captured you
But before they could do anything you heard someone else approaching you and gently take off your blindfold
“Come on y/n lets get out of here”
Oikawa helped you up to your feet and usually, his presence was a pleasant one
But at this moment...you felt a cold chill go down your back as you looked at his face
“Dont go too hard on them guys...you need your hands for the match later where we will also crush them”
His voice was void of emotion
“Dont worry we’re just going to scare them a bit”
The door closed behind you and the rest of the team took you back to the gym
Kunimi came up to you with a fist aid kit and gently started to treat the wound on your face while mattsun wrapped his jacket around you and patted your head
“You gonna be okay y/n?”
Maki handed you a water bottle and kneeled down in front of you to try and get a good look at your injury
You just nodded your head, still too shaken to say anything
Oikawa stood off to the side with his arms crossed
He was utterly pissed and couldnt even say anything at the moment that would be coherent
Iwaizumi and kenta came back shortly after with no visible injuries and just gave a thumbs up to everyone
Soon seijoh was up to play against the team that had taken you and you could feel the tension in the air
It almost suffocated you
“Lets go everyone. Im trusting you guys”
The mood with everyone became even more serious at oikawas words
And by the end of the match, it wasnt even a question as to who was going to win
Seijoh completely annihilated them
And as soon as they were done for the day they led you back to the bus and made sure to have someone on either side of you at all times
Oikawa kept his hand around yours the entire bus ride, squeezing your hand throughout the ride while kunimi napped on your other shoulder with a looser grip on your other
You let out a small breath and looked up at everyone with a smile
“Thank you guys”
They all stared at you with wide eyes, these were your first words since it all happened
Even kunimi had woken up
“Don’t worry about it y/n we’ll always come looking for you”
The smile on kindaichis face sent a calming feeling through you
“Yeah we wont let this happen ever again”
Kenta left you at a loss for words he usually never cared about anyone here
You could feel oikawas hand tighten around yours even more though
“Never again”
And from then on seijoh no matter what always made sure to have someone with you at all times
You dont even want to imagine what would happen if this happened again
taglist: @babyshoyo​
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om-headcanon · 4 years
☆ mc catching the obey me brothers crying
i believe its fair to assume mc has seen at least one of the boys cry. here is what i believe happened. (if you want me to do undateables, let me know! tw for low self worth, panic attacks, and survivors guilt/death mentions)
without a doubt the most embarassed to be caught crying
he had just gotten into an argument with diavolo, and he questions his importance in diavolos life
he goes into the study to get some extra work done late at night to reassure himself he is useful
with all of the stress from the situation at hand and some stress from supporting the family on his back, he cant help but shed a few tears
all he wants to do is keep those around him happy and healthy... and it tears him apart when he cant
if i cant make the ones i love happy then... what can i do...
he doesnt notice your presence, as he has hands over his eyes and is breathing slowly in order to relax himself
you call out his name softly to get his attention
lucy jumps and tries wiping his eyes and playing it off as if he was never crying
you walk closer to him and he keeps inquiring if theres anything you need
you dont say anything, you just place your arms around him and hold him in a tight embrace
and he starts crying again on your shoulder... harder, this time. holding you tighter and closer in the embrace
because of his pride, its hard for him to admit what he needs the most: someone to show they care for him
mammon is the type to not cry often but when he does, its a lot
while his brothers dont really have bad intentions, the daily degradation they execute against mammon really gets to him
he can only put up his confident front for so long, and not long after a fight with asmo, it recedes
he lay on his bed sobbing heavily into a pillow to muffle the sound for nearly a full hour
his mind cant help but insist all the words his siblings tell him are true... and he wishes more than anything that you were there to tell him they werent
he looks up to the door every once in a while with blurry vision, mind convincing him theyre at the door, but you not being there makes him cry even harder
maybe they just think the same as the rest of my brothers
he hears the doorknob, but convinces himself its his mind again. ironically enough, this makes him cry even harder
except its actually you this time
you run over to his bed to sit down next to him and rub his back reassuringly, asking if hes alright
he jolts up, shocked youre actually here. he closes his mind and smiles sadly with a tear stained face
he pulls you into an embrace and whispers a soft thank you... your presence helps him more than you will ever know
you hold him for a few minutes and tell him how awesome the Great Mammon really is
its been a long stressful day at rad, and he cant help but overthink every single action he has made
every single glance hes made, every single word hes said ... just everything
most days he would resort to playing a game or watching an anime he loves in attempt to distract himself, but other days its not that easy
he starts spiraling, thinking of not only everything hes done that day, but actions hes done in the past too
eventually hes past the point of no return, and starts having a panic attack
levi cant seem to catch his breath and with the thoughts still rushing through his head at full speed, he cant attempt to calm himself down
he envies those who dont feel the way he does right now because god, what he would do to not feel like this
you were just wondering why your gaming buddy hasnt come looking for you so naturally, you go to him
you knock on his door waiting for him to ask you for the entry code... but theres no response
you enter and are quite shocked to see levi shaking on his bed
this is familiar to you... whether youve had to guide a friend through a panic attack or have been through one yourself, you know what to do
you reassure him this will all pass and knowing how hard school is for him, you tell him he did well today
you get him to regulate his breathing and gain some composure
hes embarassed you had to see him like that... but he lets you know hes so thankful that you came to help him
he just wants to be his own person but with how his life was set for him, its almost as if thats a tall order
its very rare he cries from happiness or anything like that, but sometimes he gets so sad that he gets angry... and then he cries a lot
no one dares to go near him like that
and that hurts him too... that nobody could or would ever dare to console him because they fear what hed do to them
he acknowledges this is a justified fear as he is after all the representation of wrath itself, but it still hurts nonetheless
belphie decided to poke fun and tease satan reminding him of how hes lucifers shadow
he didnt take it well... and retreated to his room to handle his emotions
he knew his family didnt want anything to do with him while he was angry... and that made him feel like a burden
but he grew used to everyone expecting he handle his emotions himself even if every once in a while he desired some reassurance
satan sat in a corner of his room crying to himself waiting for this to pass because he didnt believe anyone else would care to check on him
but you were curious as to why he wasnt in his usual 4 pm reading spot, so you decided to check his room
he was just sat completely still staring into the distance while tears fell down his face
he didnt even notice your presence until you sat down next to him
you didnt want to pry, so you just asked if he wanted to talk about it
he shook his head, laid on your shoulder, and just said “this is all i need”
ahh... while self love is so easy for him, self value isnt
its easy for him to believe people want to be around him solely with lustful intent rather than because they genuinely love him
he doesnt really believe anyone could ever love him
so he overcompensates through self love because he believes hes the only person who could ever love him
hes great at hiding it but sometimes, this gets to him... especially after some quick encounters with others at the fall
he thinks maybe there is no depth to him.. maybe i really am just a pretty face and nothing else
asmo cries pretty often, but he only lets people see him cry when its over something material (ie, he couldnt get a new bag hes been wanting for weeks)
he cries quietly too in effort to make sure nobody sees him
he seemed to have forgetten that you two were planning to go shopping today so you went to his room to see if he was ready
you werent expecting to see him rolled over in bed softly crying to himself
you startled him when you said his name
“oh, mc, i didnt see you there!” he chuckles lightly to himself in effort to change the mood of the atmosphere as he wipes his eyes
you ask if hes okay and his sad smile falls slightly
he asks you if you genuinely think he could ever be lovable
your heart breaks a little knowing that he even has a moment of self doubt, but you reassure him that hes a lovable person inside and out
you hug him tightly while another tear falls down his face
you two decide shopping is best for another day... for now, you just want to talk and do facials
beel loves his family a lot
more than he loves food (also a lot)
he hates conflict between them and would do absolutely anything to avoid it
what he hates the most about himself is how hungry he gets... hes aware its poorly timed but theres really nothing he can do about it
but the feeling hes being an inconvenience to those he loves hurts him
beel is great at smiling as often as possible, but if theres any tension between the family, he wont stop crying until its resolved
once he was so hungry it wasnt possible to control himself and he ended up going on a rampage
he earned scolds from lucifer, mammon, and satan for this
it tore him apart knowing that he had caused his family trouble for even a second and he started crying because of the guilt
he couldnt even find enough energy to make it back to his room, so he just sat in the kitchen with tears on his face
you had decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack when you saw him
he apologized for being in the kitchen and offered to move if you wanted his seat, but you declined
beel didnt even bother wiping the tears from his eyes... he wore them like they were a punishment for his own behavior
when you asked him what was wrong, all he said was that he was a bad brother
you tried to tell him otherwise, but then he went into detail about the situation and how all he does is cause the family distress
you told him that isnt true at all and he continues to bring light and happiness to all those around him
hearing that his brothers will come around and know he meant no harm is all he needed to hear
“thank you, mc... i feel less hungry when im with you”
he has lots of survivors guilt
its been millenia but he still wishes that it was him instead of lilith
because of this he cries quite often, but never in front of anyone other than beel
this feeling that lilith and him should have traded places haunts him often, and its not always so easy to sleep it off
as fore mentioned, he usually finds comfort in talking to his older twin but beel isnt always there
beel was at one of his clubs at rad and belphie didnt want to bother him, but he really did need someone right now
unlike his older brothers, belphie actually makes an effort to find you
he doesnt find you in your room nor the kitchen, so he continues to search around the house in hopes youre around here somewhere
he happens to find you by yourself in the study on your d.d.d.
belphie feels bad bothering you, and enters the room quite quietly
“mc, can we talk?”
he sits down next to you and lays his head on your shoulder
contrary to what he stated he wanted, not much talking is being done
he just lies there quietly crying with no explanation why
he realises he may not be as ready to talk about it as he thought... but thats okay
you tell him that youre going to listen whenever hes ready to talk about it
that makes him feel a lot better
he falls asleep right there with a thankful smile placed on his face
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
both a little crazy // d.m
request: Hi! Just noticed ur requests r open! Can u please do a Draco x Slytherin Reader in which the Reader is a bad boss biatch and is TOTALLY savage, but her and Draco hides feelings for each other?
warnings: very brief mentions of torture, language?? not proof read bc i am sick and dont feel like it i am sorry
word count: 3.1k
a/n: don’t mind the fact that i based the reader off of rosa diaz. :)))) enjoy! (also yes i reposted this bc my tumblr wasnt working and tags were wonky!)
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Your head was held rather high as you entered the Great Hall, your eyes pointed straight towards the Slytherin table in hopes that no one would talk to you as you walked over. It was way too early for conversation, in your opinion. Any attempt would just be sour.
You took your usual seat next to Pansy, who’s head was down on the table as she breathed slowly — quite possibly sound asleep. It wouldn’t be a surprise. She was not one for early mornings either. Quite possibly less so than you were.
The empty goblet in front of you was quickly filled with pumpkin juice before you took a big gulp, hoping the familiar liquid would help bring a bit of energy into you. However, that was a failed attempt as you felt your eyes stay heavy, your head swaying to the side slightly before a loud voice startled you out of your dozed out state.
“Crabbe, shut your mouth,” you snapped, silencing the boy sitting across from you who looked over with wide eyes, his mouth closing slowly, “You just woke up half the bloody hall with your laughter.”
Pansy jumped up from next to you, thick red marks across her forehead that resembled the wooden carvings on the table she was just rested against. You let out a low chuckle, eyes darting towards the entrance to the Hall — what you saw made you stop your laughing and sit up straighter.
Draco, accompanied by a brunette Slytherin, waltzed in with a smile on his face. You looked down immediately, hating the bubbling jealousy that threatened to emerge. You had seen the two together before but it didn’t help the sudden onslaught of negative emotions every time you saw him with her.
Maybe, possibly, you’ve had dreams where you use muggle torture techniques to keep her out of your life.
But no one needed to know that.
“Ah, Malfoy’s brought his admirer,” Pansy sighed, resting her chin on her hand, “What a surprise.”
You scoffed, trying to play it off, “When doesn’t he?”
No one knew of your little crush on Draco Malfoy. And if things were to go your way, no one would ever know. Being sly was always one of your specialties and you were rather proud of that. You didn’t let people in on a lot of secrets and you were bound to keep this one to yourself too.
“Fair point,” Pansy said lowly as Draco walked towards the table with an arrogant smirk on his face. A pleasantly attractive smirk, yes, but it was arrogant nonetheless. And you wanted to bite your own tongue off at the knowledge that the brunette was the one that put it there.
He sat across from you, seated between Crabbe and Blaise, but you didn’t greet him. Pettiness was overtaking your mood and you sat quietly, not even turning up to face him as you picked at some breakfast foods to put into your plate. Your day already felt like it was ruined — as dramatic as that was.
“You ready for tonight’s Quidditch game?” Blaise asked nonchalantly, taking a sip of tea and raising his eyebrows at Draco. You hid a scoff.
“Yep, can’t wait,” you sighed, leaning forwards, “The rain will really up the fun factor.”
You looked up at the bewitched ceiling, the heavy rain clouds pouring down on the students below. The drops obviously never reached anyone, but it was still awfully gloomy. You always hated playing in the rain. You’d end up in bed, shivering and wet with the early signs of a cold.
“Only reason I joined the team was to take down Gryffindor,” Draco sneered, “Will gladly get to do that tonight.”
“That’s if we win,” you scoffed, “Potter’s always got one up on you. You should probably fix that.”
After saying the words, you felt guilt blossom in your chest. You knew Draco’s weakness was the fact that his ‘sworn enemy’ Harry Potter always beat him — you had never really thrown it into his face until now.
You could see the change in his mood from the way his eyes grew slightly darker, glaring at you as if he wanted to retaliate. His shoulders slouched downwards and he leaned forwards on the table.
“Well, what’s got your wand in a twist this morning?” the corner of his lip curved up into a smirk and you had to force yourself to look away from him so you wouldn’t cave.
Shrugging, you kept your voice neutral, “Just saying. Maybe it’ll give you more incentive to win and prove me wrong,” you picked up your cup, avoiding eye contact if at all possible.
He eyed you, confusion laced into the creases of his forehead. You had never snapped at him like this before but you just couldn’t help it. The faint smirk quickly vanished and was replaced with a scowl as he turned down to face his plate.
You bit the inside of your cheek, absentmindedly picking at the scraps of bacon and toast on your plate. This section of table grew awfully quiet at your outburst, an awkward air surrounding all of you.
Being friends with Draco, it wasn’t rare that the two of you bickered. He always carried his nose and chin high, and sometimes you liked to knock him down a peg, no matter how much you swooned over the platinum headed boy. His charismatic charm was just one of the endless reasons he always thought he could get his way.
“Seriously,” Pansy leaned over and whispered in your ear, “What’s up? Why’d you say that?”
A blush rose to your cheeks and your snapped your head to her, “Out of my business, Parkinson.”
Her eyes widened and she held her hands up in surrender, “My bad.”
You let out a huff and went back to eating your meal, very much aware of Draco’s eyes piercing the top of your scalp as you kept your own eyes facing down, attempting with all of your might to avoid any more conversation than necessary.
Tonight’s match should be fun.
As usual, Potions class was a complete drag.
Snape was in his usual foul mood, nitpicking every single damn thing. You were used to it by now, having been in Snape’s house for nearly six years now, but it didn’t mean you particularly enjoyed it.
Least of all now, after being paired with Draco for a potions assignment.
If this were any other day, your heart would be doing leaps inside of your chest right about now — however the idea of just the two of you having to work together and talk was slightly nauseating after this morning’s outbreak.
“So,” he sat next to you, sliding awkwardly into the empty seat, “You still mad at me?”
You scoffed, flipping through the pages of you book, “Wasn’t cross with you.”
Fun fact about Draco Malfoy; he always saw right through you.
“C’mon,” he nudged your shoulder, causing you to look up from your book, “Don’t think you’ve ever spoken to me like that before.” His soft voice and piercing eyes were so hard to lie to. You always found yourself tempted to spill your deepest darkest secrets.
“I said I wasn’t mad at you,” you forced a smile, “I’ve got... other things going on.”
He didn’t believe you for a second, “What other things?”
You blessed Salazar and all of the Hogwarts founders that Snape decided to do his rounds, cutting your awkward conversation short and placing a piece of paper on your desk — the name of the potion you’d have to make.
Grinning, you re-opened your book and began scanning through, landing on the very worn down page with said potion on it. You couldn’t count how many times you’ve made this, which was great since you could do it easily and get away from Draco as soon as possible.
“Stop ignoring me,” he pushed, a small smile on his face, “We’ve gotta team up and play well together tonight so you might as well come clean.”
“Stay out of my business and I won’t have to hex you,” you said through gritted teeth, your voice low so no one could overhead. You reckon that’d be quite embarrassing.
He leaned even closer to you — close enough that you could smell some sort of faint cologne and laundry detergent lingering on his house robes. Close enough that you could see the small strands of brown hair in the sea of bleach blond. Close enough that his eyes weren’t just blue; they were turquoise. Green stars scattered amongst a sky of blue.
Close enough that you nearly forgot to breathe.
“I’ll find out eventually, you know?” he looked over the page in your book and began writing the ingredients and steps down on the parchment in front of him.
You fought back a chuckle at his childish handwriting.
He offered to go get the ingredients and you let him do so as you cleaned up your desk, preparing it to become a potion station. You hated working in a dirty environment and so you attempted to make the dingy desk as spotless as possible.
Your partner had been gone for quite a while as you felt slightly guilty. There were quite a few ingredients to Wiggenweld and it’d be tough for him to walk back with everything in his hands. You gazed over to see if he needed help, your heart leapt up into your throat.
Draco was leaned up against the wall, his arms crossed against his chest and a smirk on his face as he chatted to the same Slytherin girl from breakfast.
You bit down on your tongue, fighting a deep breathe that would surely give away your overwhelming jealousy. After taking a good long moment to calm down the rapid, angry beating of your heart, you balled your fists behind your back and walked over to him.
“Give me these,” you snatched the bottles and ingredients from his hands, looking anywhere but his eyes as you turned away from him, “When you feel like actually doing the work, that’d be great.”
Storming back to the table and placing everything down in a somewhat organized fashion, you decided to turn over to Blaise at the table next to you, “Wanna switch partners?”
He let out a low chuckle, looking over to the quiet Hufflepuff boy that was chopping away at the other half of the ingredients, “Mine’s actually working so I’d say no.”
“So selfish,” you scoffed, shaking your head, “Mine’s off being a git.”
Dropping the tool he was using to grate a unicorn horn, Blaise crossed his arms and walked over to you, “Lucy? She’s great.”
You let your hair fall from behind your ears to hide your frustrated blush, “Yeah, she’s real great. Taking his time while he should be here working”
If you had looked away, you would have missed the smirk that overtook his face. However, you noticed it, and it only made the blush on your cheeks grow even deeper.
“Oh, I see what’s going on,” he wiggled his eyebrows.
“No you don’t,” you snapped, “Go back to work or I’ll cut your tongue off and use it as an ingredient.”
He stepped back, but the smirk and amusement never left his face. Blaise was intuitive, yes — but you were being incredibly obvious, that much was certain. Him putting the pieces together was your fault, really.
“Oi, don’t attack me. If you’re to go after anyone, wouldn’t it be her?” he nudged his head in the direction of the girl that Draco was now walking away from, “after all, she’s the one stealing your man.”
“Shut your face,” you spoke lowly, glaring him down with all of your might as he walked back to his table with a chuckle. You watched as he went back to work before you decided to do the same yourself, picking up a tiny bottle and reading the label before unscrewing the tiny lid.
Draco’s bright head popped up on the other side of the table, “We getting started?”
Fighting the urge to snap, you nodded your head slowly, “So kind of you to join. Now get to work.”
He brushed your comment aside, stepping closer to you and ignoring your demand to get to work, “Do you know Lucy?”
Biting down on your tongue, you shook your head, “Nope. Your girlfriend?” You hated how bitter and insecure you sounded but at the moment, that was really the least of your concerns. All logic has been thrown out the window.
He rolled his eyes and let out a small laugh, “Bloody hell, no. She’s actually interested in Zabini. But I was wondering—”
“Wait, what?” you asked, nearly knocking a tiny bottle over as you leaned into the table, trying to get closer to him as if your hearing was off. Which, by the sound of what he said, you assumed it might be.
“What?” he stopped, “I’m trying to help her get with Zabini. He keeps talking about her.”
Suddenly, you felt like a complete idiot. The blush on your cheeks resurfaced and your heart did a leap against your ribcage.
“Oh,” you looked down, letting out a humourless chuckle, “I’m so sorry.”
Of course, you had jumped to conclusions. That’s what you always did. And now here you were, looking like a complete idiot and making your feelings blatantly obvious. The one thing you had been trying to avoid.
“Sorry? For what?” he was now the one to be confused, “What’s going on?”
“I—,” you blinked rapidly, looking over at him and trying your best to come up with any sentence that could make sense, “Nevermind. Let’s just get back to work.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly put off by how oddly you had been behaving all day so far, but he didn’t press the subject. You knew he’d ask you about it later, but that was for another time. You couldn’t exactly blame him either. If the tables were turned and he was the one behaving oddly, you’d be on his rear about it too.
You made a promise to yourself to talk to him after tonight’s game. The conversation might end up going against your one goal, and it might end up going really badly for you, but you had to tell him. It was time.
The Quidditch match ended up being a breeze. You guys ended up victorious by a landslide, Draco catching the snitch with a massive grin on his face. The relief spread through your body like a tidal wave as you watched him hold up the tiny golden ball — but what was even better was watching Gryffindor stalk off the field with glum expressions.
A real victory.
The Slytherin team gathered down on the pitch, surrounding a boastful Draco as he held his head high. A part of you wanted to go down, give him a hug and apologize for the rude comments you made this morning — but the other part of you thought that he was fine celebrating without you. You’re the one who made him feel like complete crap this morning; why would he want to celebrate with you?
You smiled from afar, walking into the Slytherin tent. You were alone, obviously. Everyone was still shouting and cheering on the pitch and you highly doubted the partying would end anytime soon.
The perfect escape for you.
You hung up your broom and removed your uniform, bundling yourself in a comfy sweater and leggings so you could walk back up to the castle without getting too cold now that the sun was gone.
Hoping no one would catch you sneaking off before party plans were made, you began to open the tent door, only to be interrupted by a voice.
“Not sticking around?”
You spun on the spot, facing a rather sweaty and satisfied looking Draco. You cursed his good looks under your breath, knowing that you’d have a hard time saying no to him while he looked like this.
“Not feeling well,” you lied, shrugging and looking down at the ground.
He stepped closer to you, “Right, you’ve been odd all day. What’s wrong? And don’t say nothing again.”
You took a deep breath, biting your lower lip as you gazed back up at him, looking into the eyes that made butterflies fly wildly in your belly.
“I spoke to Blaise and I think I know what your problem is,” he stepped even closer, the space between the two of you now only a few inches.
Letting out a small laugh, you shook your head, “That little git.”
He pursed his lips, placing one of his warm hands on the side of your cheek. Your breath hitched in your throat and you leaned into his touch, not sure where he was going with this but enjoying every second of it.
One step closer, and he was nearly flush against your body. He was radiating warmth, his entire body still high off of the win, and you swore he could feel your rapid heartbeat.
Why else would he be smirking like that?
His smirk didn’t last long, however, as his lips pressed against yours.
Many people say their first kiss with their crush is soft, delicate — this wasn’t the case here. His lips pressed against yours with feverish passion, bringing the temperature in the small tent up by at least ten degrees. His lips were hot and wet as they moulded against yours, both hands cupping the sides of your face as he locked his body up against yours.
How many times you dreamt of this, you couldn’t count. But by Merlin, was it better than you could have ever imagined. You felt as if you were dancing with him, letting loose and moving to a rhythm of heartbeats. It was truly a beautiful feeling; one that you hoped you’d get to experience again.
“Well,” he muttered against your lips after pulling away, “Guess I was right.”
You wanted to retaliate and give him a sarcastic comment, but your mind was too numb and flummoxed to do so.
“Sorry I was acting all crazy,” you sighed, looking up into his blissful eyes, “Perhaps it’s true when they say jealousy makes people do crazy things.”
“It’s alright, love,” he smirked, placing hands on both sides of your waist and pulling you even closer, “We’re both a little crazy then.”
It felt like hippogriffs were fluttering around your belly as he kissed you once more, hands tightening their grip as he deepened the passionate act.
This would be awkward to explain when the team walked in, but for now, the two of you were perfectly content as you were.
Finally together.
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