#our protagonists are on the same continent now at least
skull-bearer · 1 year
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Dragonlance - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Dalamar the Dark/Raistlin Majere Characters: Raistlin Majere, Scrounger (Dragonlance), Dalamar the Dark, Andras Rannoch, Horkin (Dragonlance), Baron Ivor, Dunbar Mastersmate, Original Characters, Gunthar uth Wistan, Tika Waylan Majere, Caramon Majere, Kitiara uth Matar, Lemuel (Dragonlance), The Tower of Palanthas, Otik Sandath, Crysania (Dragonlance), Elistan (Dragonlance), Bertrem, Ladonna - Character Additional Tags: Man Out of Time, Knighting, Good and Evil, And what they are, Istar, And the traumas therein, Aftermath, of everything, Trees, And the many uses thereof, First Meetings, Mages, The Conclave, Undead, Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, Falling In Love, Mages being adorable, being heroes, and villains, and what that means, Raistlin being awesome, Dalamar being the Witch Lord, And the problems therein Series: Part 2 of Invictus Summary:
The war is over. The peace is presenting problems of its own.
Chapter 6: Horizon, the Sky The army are summoned north. Raistlin enjoys himself, and we pass some familiar faces.
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thetravelerwrites · 4 years
Courtship of the Headless King: Chapter One
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Rating: General Audiences Fandoms: 忘却の首と姫 | Boukyaku no Shirushi to Hime | The Princess and The Forgotten Head Relationship: Female Human/Male Headless King Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Political Marriage, Power Dynamic, Headless King Words: 4366
This is not my original work!
This is a fan retelling of one of my favorite mangas, Boukyaki no Shirushi to Hime, whose original mangaka sadly passed away in 2014, leaving the series unfinished. I will start at the beginning of the manga and go through the entire story that has already been written. Once I reach chapter 20, which is the end of the published chapters, I will have to start extrapolating and imagining how the story may have played out. I hope I can do the original story justice and not disgrace the original author.
I will say that I will be fixing a few things that made me uncomfortable about the original manga, in that the female protagonist was 15, which I didn't like. Otherwise I will try to stick as close to the original story as possible, though I will be arranging it so that it's a bit more linear.
I hope you enjoy!
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“Blessings to you, my lady,” The visitor said, bowing deeply in greeting. “My name is Aquamarine. I am a servant of the high king of Banfarie and a chosen attendant to the future queen.”
The summons wasn’t necessarily a shock, but it was definitely a surprise. Lilya, the third princess of the former kingdom of Tritsia, had come of age during a bloody war between kingdoms to either side, and her small, impoverished land had been caught in the crossfire. Tritsia had been absorbed by the victorious kingdom to the east, Couliea, and was now a vassal state. As such, the royal family of Tritsia were now hardly more than paupers in their own kingdom.
Lilya assumed that she would no longer be eligible for the marriage interviews that were famously, or perhaps infamously, conducted five times every month in the largest empire in the continent, Banfarie. The interviews had been happening since before she had even been born, but as of yet, no queen had been selected. Or rather, no woman had accepted.
The rules for who would be chosen for the interviews was standard for most monarchs looking for a queen: a woman of royal or noble blood with proof of lineage, at least eighteen years old but no older that twenty five, no previous marriages or engagements, no children, and… well… consent.
Lilya met most of the criteria… except for one thing: she wasn’t a high born woman anymore. Her family’s royal status had ended when the kingdom was absorbed into another. Besides, even when her father had been king, they had never exactly been what anyone would consider proper royalty. Her father worked in the fields with his people, doing the same back-breaking labor as his subjects. Back then, she could hardly be called princess, but now she was nothing more than a peasant farm girl, more suited to feeding chickens and mucking out stables than attending grand balls and high teas.
So there had been quite a stir when their unusual guest came to deliver the summons. She was a woman who appeared very young in age, no more than perhaps sixteen, though she spoke as if she were a far older creature. She had a short bob haircut and a thick fringe, but it wasn’t enough to hide her pointed ears, her sharp eyes, and her upswept eyebrows, belying a nature that wasn’t human.
Her cloak was plain, but well-made and of fine cloth, likely silk or satin. She had all the hallmarks of a servant of a wealthy, prosperous nation. She had been given entrance to the house by the only servant Lilya’s family employed, Sebastian, and was standing in the receiving room with Lilya’s mother and aunt.
“I come with greetings from my Lord King, to relay a question and to present a gift to you, beloved princess.”
Lilya tilted her head. “A gift? His Majesty didn’t need to send a gift.”
Aquamarine simply chuckled and bowed. “From his Majesty, with his kindest regards.” From her cloak, she produced a velveteen box and opened it, revealing a tiara of breathtaking beauty. Sizable diamonds and sapphires lined the circlet and rose up to create a lovely sloped and winding style like that of wind on water. It was a crown that would suit any head it rested upon.
“Oh!” Lilya breathed. “It’s breathtaking!” She rushed to her mother in delight. “This is the answer to the famine on the outskirts in the south! If we sell the tiara at the biggest market in the neighboring kingdom, we could feed the farmers for months, maybe a year!”
“Lilya!” Her aunt exclaimed in horror. “How could you suggest such a thing? This was a gift from a king, for goodness sake, you can’t just sell it!”
“But, Auntie, I can’t hoard something like this when people are starving!”
“You would not wear it?” Aquamarine asked, her face shrewdly assessing. “Is it not to your liking?”
“Oh, no, that’s not it at all!” Lilya insisted earnestly. “It’s lovely, more so than anything I’ve ever seen. I’ve never worn anything so extravagant. But… truly, for me to wear it would be like putting silk ribbons on a pig. It would be far less useful as a trinket in my wardrobe and better as a tool to feed the hungry. I’m afraid that Couliea doesn’t pay much attention to our struggles, so we have to fend for ourselves. This,” Lilya gently took the box from Aquamarine and turned it so that she could see the tiara properly. “This is indeed a kingly gift. This will save lives. There is no more noble a gift as that.” She bowed her head and handed the box back gingerly. “If his Majesty would not be pleased with my conduct, I understand, but I would hope he would see the sense in my actions.”
Aquamarine laughed a little. “I do not think his Majesty will be displeased. Quite the opposite. Even still,” Aquamarine set the box down on the table and carefully pried a dangling jewel from the very center, threading it through a silver chain she had worn around her own neck, and placed it on Lilya. “His Majesty will want confirmation that his gift was received. This will suffice.”
“Then I shall wear it to the marriage interview,” Lilya said, patting it fondly.
Aquamarine’s head cocked back in surprise. “I had not even had the chance to ask you, and yet you’re agreeing to go?”
“Well, yes,” Lilya said. “That’s why you’ve come to call on me, isn’t it?”
“Of course,” Aquamarine said with a smirk. “But usually it takes much more convincing on my part. I don’t believe I’ve ever met someone so… eager.”
“At the very least, I have to thank him for his generosity,” Lilya said. “Even if he decides I’m not a good match for him, I have to express my gratitude in person.”
“You’re not scared? I’m certain you’ve heard the rumors about my Lord King.”
“Well… yes,” Lilya admitted. “I won’t lie and say I’m not apprehensive, but kindness like this can’t go unacknowledged. It’s only right that I meet with him.”
Where Aquamarine’s smile had been playful and mischievous before, it was now wide and warm. “I will happily go now and inform his Majesty of your decision. My sisters and I will return in a fortnight to collect you for your interview. You may bring a guest with you, if you wish, though I assure you that you’ll be quite safe in our care.”
“I have no doubt that’s true,” Lilya said, bowing. “Would you like some refreshments to take with you on your trip back?”
“How kind of you, dear, but that won’t be necessary,” Aquamarine said, patting Lilya’s cheek. “We shall return in two weeks. You make sure you take care now. Our Lord King would be much distressed should something happen to you in the meantime.”
Aquamarine snapped her fingers, and there was a flash of light from which everyone in the room had to shield their eyes. When they blinked, the young woman was gone.
“Witch...” Sebastian said in horror. “My Lady, you can’t meet with this monster! What kind of king employs such demons?”
“Likely someone who understands that people like them also need to earn a living, I’d imagine,” Lilya said reasonably. “Besides, I’ve already agreed and accept his gift. I can’t go back on my word.”
“I can’t believe you’d actually sell such a treasure,” Your aunt said disapprovingly. “You’re so like your father.”
She didn’t mean that in a good way. Lilya’s mother’s sister, Kiya, had always disliked her father and resented him for being too weak a king, unable to protect his people during the war. She had also resented Lilya ever since she had been born. There was worry that Sophie would not be able to carry another child at her age, and that the royal line would end as there would be no male heir to Tritsia.
The birth of Lilya’s little brother shortly before her father’s death was not enough to warm Kiya to Lilya. In fact, it seemed to drive the wedge even further, as Sophie and her brother were both terribly weak afterward and there was concern they wouldn’t survive. Kiya had gone so far as to blame Lilya, telling her that it would have been her fault if they died. As a nine year old, she couldn’t imagine what she’d have done to cause such a terrible thing, but now she understood it was just her aunt lashing out.
Perhaps it was because Lilya resembled her father the most out of all her siblings, or because she was most like him in temperament, but she doubted Kiya would ever view her favorably. She was still family, though, and Lilya tried not to take her criticism to heart, though her aunt’s cutting eyes often wore into her painfully.
“I’m doing this for our country, even if it no longer exists,” Lilya said, determinedly putting the box away in a case so that Sebastian could take it to the neighboring kingdom for appraisal. “The king has called for me. The least I can do is answer.”
“Lilya’s right, Kiya,” Lilya’s mother, Sophie, said reluctantly. “It would be improper for us to take his gift and ignore him. Though I can’t say that I’m pleased with the idea of this.” Sophie sighed unhappily. “Lilya would have been expected to marry soon as it is. I supposed we couldn’t hope for better than a king.” Sophie took her daughter’s hands in her own. “Still, I’m very worried. I should come with you.”
“No, Mama, they need you here. You’ll have to be the one to make sure that the tiara gets a fair price and oversee the distribution of the food to the needy. I’ll be fine on my own, and besides, Aquamarine said that she and her sisters were part of the Queen’s guard, and I liked her very much. I couldn’t be any safer.”
Lilya’s mother grimaced. “That doesn’t make me feel better. You have many lovely qualities, my sweet child, but being a good judge of character is not among them. All anyone needs to do is tell you a sad story for you to want to take them under your wing, regardless of their true intentions.” She smiled fondly. “You’re much like your father in that respect.”
Lilya smiled in return. “Father was not a good king,” She said sadly. “But he was a good man.”
“With that, I cannot argue,” Sophie said, but she frowned in distress. “You’re elder sisters had married before they got the summons, so I’ve never met with the king. Your father met with him only once, during a conference of kings, but he never told us anything about him other than he found him to be… striking. I think he didn’t tell us more because he want to frighten us.”
“Have you heard much about him?” Lilya asked anxiously.
“Reports are varied and hard to believe; that the king is a headless monster, thousands of years old, ten feet tall, winged and hulking, who eats the women who refused him. I’m not sure I believed any of that, but the rumors are still enough to make me trepidatious.”
Sebastian grumbled, his mustache shuddering. “It is the rumors that could be true that make me uneasy.”
“How do you mean?”
“I am an old man now,” Sebastian said. “Well into my seventies, so I remember when the interviews began sixty years ago. In all that time, and no queen of Banfarie has been chosen. It concerns me. The king himself may now be an old man.”
“Is that why he’s being turned down?” Lilya asked.
“No, young madam,” He said. “You see, even before the interviews began, Banfarie had no queen in nearly one hundred years. In fact, since that time, no new kings had been crowned, either. The king from one hundred years ago was an elusive man who few had ever met, and those who did were terrified of him. If the current king is that man’s successor, it’s certainly distressing. But if he is the same man, then he is a creature of deeply evil magic, and Lady Lilya should stay far away from him.”
“Even if he were the same man, which should be impossible, his reputation is less than ideal,” Sophie said pensively. “The house of Banfarie is known historically for it’s cruelty and harsh punishments, even of neighboring kingdoms. It instituted a law that allowed Banfarie to make judgments on the conduct of royals, indict them criminally, and even sentence retribution against them, up to and including execution. The neighboring kingdoms pushed back against this, of course, but eventually they all fell in line and wrote it into their countries’ laws. I don’t trust any man who could wield that level of power over others.”
“But think of what that level of influence could do for Tritsia!” Kiya said. “A king with that kind of power could protect us and provide for us!”
Sophie shivered. “I don’t want to know what he would want in return for that protection.”
“Well, I would think that’s be obvious,” Kiya said, looking pointedly at Lilya.
Sophie, normally a mild, even-tempered woman, grew angry. “And you’re alright with that, are you? You’re willing to sell my youngest daughter to a monster if it benefits you?”
“Sophie, don’t be sentimental,” Kiya said, folding her arms. “Political marriages are common for royalty. If we had been a stronger country, this would be completely normal, even for a third daughter.”
“We’re not royalty anymore,” Sophie said firmly.
“But we could be, that’s the point!”
“Please, don’t fight,” Lilya said, getting between the two sisters. “I’ve already made the decision. Kiya is right; if I were to marry His Majesty of Banfarie, our kingdom would then be his responsibility rather than that of Couliea. However he treats that responsibility, it can’t be worse than the wanton destruction from the war or the indifferent cruelty of Couliea. If he accepts me, even if it is only a political marriage and nothing more, it would greatly benefit us both. He would at last gain the queen he’s been searching for and our country will be protected. I will meet him. Perhaps the rumors are wrong.”
“I can only hope,” Sophie remarked grimly. After throwing an angry look at her sister, she pulled Lilya away from Kiya and spoke in an undertone. “But… is this what you really want?”
“I want my family and people safe and well above all,” Lilya said. “If this king can offer that, then I can ask for nothing more.”
“If this is what you wish,” Her mother said slowly. “Then I will respect it. But… it is not what I would wish for you.”
“I know, Mama,” Lilia said. “We don’t always get what we truly wish for. But this is as close as I can get.”
“If the king accepts you,” Lilya’s mother remarked sadly. “We may never see you again.”
“That may not be true. I would hope that his Majesty wouldn’t prevent me from seeing my family once I settle in.”
“Just be careful, my love,” Her mother said, pulling her into a hug. “Be careful.”
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As promised, Aquamarine returned in a fortnight to collect Lilya to take her to the capitol of Banfarie, Rukruf. A carriage had come with them for Lilya’s comfort.
“Couldn’t you transport me like you did the day you first came?”
“I’m afraid that’s a rather disorienting way to travel for humans, My Lady,” Aquamarine said, taking Lilya’s luggage. “It would require some degree of acclamation, and I don’t think his Majesty would want you to be sick during your interview.” She lifted Lilya’s bag up with one hand. “Is this all you’re bringing with you?”
“This is all I have,” Lilya replied simply. “You admit that you’re not human?”
“I was never attempting to hide it. I’m a spirit, specifically an stone spirit, as are my sisters. There they are now.”
She jerked her head toward the carriage. There were two more women identical to Aquamarine near the carriage, one in the driver’s box and another holding open the door to the carriage. All three women had short, pale lavender colored hair and large, glittering eyes. They wore identical uniforms similar to that of an attendant, but the skirts were rather short, stopping just below the knee, giving them a freer rang of movement. Each one had a dagger hanging from their hip.
Both new sisters bowed deeply as Lilya approached.
“My lady,” They said in unison.
“Garnet,” Aquamarine said, pointing to the driver,and then to the coach-woman. “And Peridot.”
“I don’t doubt the three of you are sisters; I can’t tell you apart,” Lilya said.
“Ah, but see?” Peridot said, pointing to a white bow on the right side of her hair in the shape of a butterfly. She then pointed to Garnet, who wore a black butterfly bow on her left side, and to Aquamarine, who wore no bow at all. “Even people who know us well have trouble distinguishing us from the other, so we’ve taken to wearing these. Only his Majesty can tell us apart without them.”
“Here, my Lady,” Peridot said, swinging a beautiful, fur-lined, snow-white cloak around Lilya’s shoulders. “We’ll be going through the mountains and it’s likely to get cold. His Majesty had this made for you.”
“Oh, it’s lovely,” Lilya said, petting the soft, veltvety collar that ruffed around her neck. “I’m starting to get anxious about meeting him.”
“In a good way or a bad way?” Peridot asked ash she helped Lilya up into the carriage.
“I can’t tell,” Lilya replied, laughing nervously.
“Don’t be nervous,” Peridot said as she came in and closed the door behind her, rapping sharply on the roof before settling. “His Majesty is only a threat to humans.”
Lilya looked at Peridot in alarm.
“It was a joke,” Peridot assured her, giggling. “…mostly.”
The carriage lurched forward and Aquamarine put a hand out to steady Lilya before she fell out of her seat.
“When will we arrive?”
“Around sunset tomorrow,” Aquamarine replied. “We’ll continue on through the night rather than stop at an inn. His Majesty is eager to meet you.”
“Won’t you be tired?” Lilya asked.
“Not to worry,” Aquamarine said. “Spirits like us don’t need much sleep, only a few hours a week. We’re all rested up.”
“That’s amazing. I wish I could do that.”
“Yes, it is awfully handy,” Peridot said rather smugly. “Are you hungry? We’ve brought things for you to eat.”
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The two days passed pleasantly and Lilya spent the time having long, friendly conversations with all three sisters. Lilya had never had lady friends her age, and though the women were spirits and likely far older than she was, they seemed to enjoy her company and asked her many questions.
“Oh, Lady, come and see!” Garnet said, pointing out of the window. “You can see the capitol city from this vantage!”
Delighted, Lilya looked out of the window where Garnet was pointing. “It’s huge!” She exclaimed. “I can’t even see the end of it! It must be as large as my entire country!”
“Your country is larger by about fifty miles, in fact,” Aquamarine said. “It’s the smallest country on the continent.”
“Yes, that sounds right,” She sighed. “I mean, I didn’t know that for sure, but I’m not surprised.”
“Are you sad to be from such a small country?”
“No,” She replied. “My country is beautiful and my people are good. I just wish we were better able to defend ourselves.”
“Well, you may not have that problem anymore,” Aquamarine said. “We’re nearly there.”
“Will I meet his Majesty today?”
“No, you will be tired from the trip and will rest for tonight. He will conduct your interview tomorrow after you have your breakfast. His Majesty has instructed us to see to your every comfort.”
“That’s just going to make me more anxious,” Lilya said.
“The best things are worth waiting for,” Peridot said.
That evening, they arrived at the castle, which was every bit as colossal as described. Over it was a cloud of purple, blue, and pink particles, as if it were perpetual sunset over the castle.
“What is that?”
“It’s called the Aurora,” Garnet said. “It’s a magical field that has existed over the castle for hundreds of years and is the source of the royal family’s magical power. It ascends and descends over the castle, depending on how the king feels. It’s highly reactive to his emotional state.”
“Oh, goodness,” Lilya said. “It’s rather low right now. What does that mean?”
“Hmm…” Garnet said. “I believe he may be feeling rather withdrawn.”
“I wonder why that would be,” Lilya mused.
Standing at the front steps of the castle as they pulled up were two young men in uniform, one blond and one dark haired. The blond wore glasses and seemed to be the junior of the two. They bowed as Lilya exited the carriage.
“Miss Lilya, these are the King’s personal attendants, Larima,” She gestured at the dark haired one first, and then to the blond. “And Raba. They are meeting you in place of his Majesty today.”
“Does that mean his Majesty is watching?” Lilya asked, looking up at the windows.
“Whether he is or is not,” Larima said as he straightened. “We are pleased to meet you, My Lady. Please allow us to show you to your room.”
“Yes, thank you,” Lilya replied. Curiously, she noticed as they turned that there appeared to be leaves growing out of their hair.
The sisters were following behind her at a short distance. “Are they spirits, too?” Lilya asked them in an undertone.
“Yes,” Peridot said. “They’re tree spirits. All of the staff employed at his Majesty’s main castle are not human.”
“His Majesty distrusts humans,” Aquamarine replied.
“But isn’t his Majesty human?” Lilya asked in confusion.
“Yes,” Peridot responded.
“And no,” Garnet said.
Lilya made a noise of uncertainty under her breath.
“Don’t worry, my Lady,” Garnet said. “You’ll understand tomorrow.”
“This is all very ominous,” Lilya said uncertainly.
“Yes!” Peridot said. “Isn’t it exciting?”
Before she could answer, she was lead to an opulent guestroom, far larger than any of the rooms in her home, filled with luxurious furniture and carefully crafted decorations.
“This can’t be my room,” Lilya said with a laugh. “What would I do with all this space?”
Raba and Larima exchanged looks. “Do you dislike it? We have a number of other rooms. You’re free to choose any one of them.”
“Oh, it’s not like that,” Lilya said hastily. “It’s beautiful, I adore it. Please, it’s not that I’m ungrateful, I just feel like… I don’t know… isn’t it wasted on me?”
The triplets sighed sadly, having become used to Lilya’s unusual behavior, but the men continued to look confused.
“You do realize that if his Majesty chooses you and you accept, you’ll be queen?” Raba asked. “This,” He gestured at the room. “Is nothing compared to the queen’s suite.”
“Oh…” Lilya replied, a little disconcerted. “This will take some getting used to.”
“I understand,” Larima said. “You’re the princess from Tritsia, correct? The smallest, poorest kingdom on the continent, now a captured vassal state of Couliea. I suppose you must not be accustomed to living so resplendently.”
“Larima!” Aquamarine hissed. “Don’t be so tactless!”
Lilya laughed a little, relieved. “No, it’s alright. I’m not used to this at all, that’s true. Will that bother his Majesty?”
Larima smiled and shook his head. “No, I shouldn’t think so. Don’t worry so much about what’s appropriate and just enjoy your time here. Come.” He lead Lilya inside and showed her two cords right next to the bed, a small blue cord and a larger red cord. “The blue cord is attached to a bell in the queen’s attendants’ quarters. If you need for anything, just ring it and one of the triplets will be here in an instant. The red one is an alarm. If you pull it, bells will go off all throughout the castle. Ring it only if it’s an emergency.”
“I understand,” Lilya said. “Thank you for your hospitality.”
Raba and Larima bowed and left, and the triplets ushered Lilya into an adjacent dining room to have dinner.
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After a restless night of sleep and a breakfast she barely touched, Lilya was dressed in a lovely blue gown that complimented her hair, which was pulled back with matching ribbons. The bodice was tight but comfortable, the cut of the dress was simple but elegant, and for the first time, Lilya felt like a proper grown woman.
A knock on the door revealed Raba.
“His Majesty is ready for you and is waiting in his office,” He said.
Lilya stood and clenched her hands to stop them from shaking and followed Raba out of her quarters with Garnet and Aquamarine following behind her.
“Don’t worry, my Lady,” Garnet said. “I think the king will like you very much.”
“You do?”
“Oh yes,” Aquamarine replied. “We’re more concerned whether or not you’ll like him.”
“Why wouldn’t I like him?” She asked.
“Well…” Garnet began regretfully, but then stopped.
“Here we are,” Raba said, gesturing to a set of large double doors. “One moment please.” Raba knocked on the door. “Your Majesty, I have retrieved Lady Lilya for her interview. Are you ready?”
There was silence, though Raba tilted his head as if he were listening.
“Yes, Your Majesty.” Raba opened one of the doors and stood aside. “You may enter.”
Gulping, checking that the pendant was in place, and taking a deep breath, Lilya stepped inside.
There, standing rail-straight behind a desk, was a tall, thin man wearing elaborate garments in keeping with his status as a king and emperor, as well as a sash and badges of his station. Almost immediately, one of the many rumors about the king was confirmed with Lilya’s own eyes.
His Imperial Majesty, the king of Banfarie, had no head.
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The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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my predictions for a court of silver flames (and the book 5)
since i’ve just forced myself to re-read acofas, i emerge now with head clear and heart full of utter dismay for feysand bullshit. this novella is pretty good at setting up a ton of hints for the next book, so at least there’s that. here are some of the plot points/character arcs which i think are worth to keep in mind before reading acosf, especially for those who finished reading acowar and acofas a while ago. 
Mor is going on a journey to the Continent as a Night Court ambassador, possibly with Azriel. I don’t know to which extent this escapade will be described, but it will definitely happen and it will be important for both of them - Mor especially. My personal opinion is that the toxic triangle in which she’s tangled up with Cass and Az will meet its sad end in this book, due to many reasons such as Cassian;s relationship with Nesta, Az’s growing interest in Elain and, hopefully, Mor’s own growth as a person or her new romance. I also think that Mor’s relationship with her father will be a major plotpoint and the Court of Nightmare will play a BIG role either in this book or in the next one. Also-
Eris will take the throne from Beron in acosf. I will be shocked if he doesn’t. Possibly the reprecussions of this event  will be discussed in the next book. Also possibly, there may be some kind of coup that will result in killing more than one High Lord (yes, I am thinking about Helion)
I’m sorry, but I literally cannot see it any other way - Elain will deny the mating bond with Lucien. The hints for this are scattered all over acofas. She doesn’t want it and she is not, in any freaking way, interested in him nor she is even interested in being interested. I think she’ll also get some opportunities to show more of her character and, hopefully, Mass will finally let her utilize her powers in some sensible way, but this might be saved for the next book. 
Lucien warned Feyre they will need Tamlin as an ally ‘before the dust settles’. I am half-tempted to make an assumption that Tam will die in acosf, but it’s not based on any evidence, so it’s just my personal theory. Regardless, I do believe the destruction of the Spring Court will fucking bite half of Feyre’s ass in the following books and Tamlin either redeems himself (whether or not he should redeem himself when he is already in such a pitiful state is another question) or truly become a villian of the series. The one thing acofas hammered in my head is that his story with Feyre is far from over. 
My fucking heart bleeds for him. My prediction is that he will cut all the ties with the Night Court, if he did not already done it after Feyre was an absolute bitch to him in acofas. I am also like 80% sure that Helion will die and Lucien will inherit the Day Court, thus getting a permanent place to call home, just as he has always wanted (but absolutely not IN A WAY he has wanted). Besides that, I am only praying for Mass to grant him some fucking happiness. i have no doubt that his relationship with Vassa and Jurian will be discussed in more details, if not, I am rioting. 
There are a couple of issues Azriel will have to deal with in this and the following book:
a) his doomed relationship with Mor,
b) his blooming romance/friendship with Elain, 
c) his Illyrian identity.
I do think acosf will be a begining of some longer journey for him. Based on the snippets, I think we can also expect a lot of interactions between him and Nesta and I am so fucking excited for it that I can barely contain it.
Also, I subscribe to the theory that Az’s mom lives in the misterious Rosehall and that we will meet her soon. 
They are basically the same person at this point, let’s be honest.
Rhys will contine to be horny 24/7 and Feyre will continue to focus on small, non-important stuff instead of the actual business of ruling and managing the court, and they will both remain to be terribly self-involved - 
okay, enough of my bitterness.
I HOPE Feyre won’t be pregnant in the next book, but let’s be honest, it will probably happen rather soon, so, there’s that. From the snippet of acosf in acofas, it seems that they will have some disagreement about Nesta and I am all for it. Besides that, I think their personal arcs and journeys are over and I believe that there won’t be too much of them in the next books. Same with Amren - I don’t think she will play a big role, besides being an awesome secondary character. 
NESTA’S and CASSIAN’s arcs seem to be rather obvious, unless Sarah will somehow break our necks with the narrative 180 degrees spin. I think the biggest mistery is whether or not they are truly mates but, regardless of that, they will end acosf as a couple. Personally, I don’t belive Cassian will die in this book. Sarah is pretty allergic to killing her protagonists in a permanent way. Given that he has already suffered two major injuries throughout the series, I am inclined to belive that it’s time for Cassian to give in to fury over injured Nesta. In my book, there are two possible routes for them to get together:
1) a lot of angsty, heart-breaking hate sex slowly transforming into comraderie, friendship and, finally, romance, 
2) no sex, only angsty misunderstandings and sexual frustration strong enough to push them into romantic relationship fairly quickly which then results in more misunderstandings, wrong ideas about each other’s feelings and a whole fucking mess of feelings. 
Nesta and Emerie will, in 1000% meet and become friends as Nesta truly fucking needs her own found-faimily type of friends. She will also discover and develop her powers, learn to manage her emotions and to have healthy relationships with people whom she loves. 
Cassian will have a somehow similar arc as Feyre in acomaf, during which he will realize his own true potential and self-worth. 
Some plotlines I expect to happen:
I think it’s rather unavoidable at the point and it will come as a surprise to no one. I also think Devlon may turn out to be an unexpected ally. 
This one is something which I hope for, cause it would make so much sense, but I am quite apprehensive to make any definite statements about it. If Cassian and Nesta are to get together in acosf, I cannot see it happening in a way which will not disrupt the delicate balance of the inner circle given a) Nesta’s relationship with Rhys and b) Cassian’s with Mor. In general, I do believe Cassian;s arc will be about gaining confidence in himself and his own feelings and insticts, which will involve some separation from his friends. Also, the downfall of Az-Mor-Cass simply cannot be executed bloodlessly.
Feyre toyed with the very fabric of this universe. It has to have some kind of consequences. At this point, we know Koshei will make an appearance (in regards to Vassa), Bryaxis is still on the loose (and Feyre has still not fullfilled her bargain) AND we got an interesting scene of Mor sensing something evil luring in the forests around her estate in acofas. 
and last but not least-
please feel free to add your own predictions and expectations! I’m sure i missed a lot of stuff 
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hendrickfw · 4 years
Three Caballeros story idea
So, reading different posts I thought about this possible fanfiction about the Three Caballeros. Hope you can tell me your ideas and if this sounds good.
Okay. After a fight with Uncle Scrooge during Donald´s birthday, our dear duck decides to take some vacations from his family with his best friends José Carioca and Panchito Pistoles. They travel through Latinamerica and the world discovering new cultures. I thought on making them go to Chapala (my headcanon home for Panchito), Bahía, Rio de Janeiro, Cusco, Cartagena, Buenos Aires, Asunción and other places. They would meet with other characters during their journey (Ari, Fenton-Cabrera, Panchito´s family, Rosinha, Nestor, an OC I love adding to absolutely all my fanfictions).
But, during their journey, they have an evil lurking behind them (*ahem* Felldrake, Sheldgoose and Monkey-Bat-Donkey-Rat). Donald only told Daisy where he went, but because of the last mentioned trio and their allies, the message never arrived, so she and Donald´s family (except Scrooge) are worried where he is. When the Caballeros where in Los Angeles (I will get to that in a second) he is able to contact her. Daisy takes a plane and she discovers Donald´s nephews and Webby sneaked to the plane to follow her and find their uncle. Although they wouldn´t find them at first, because the Caballeros are constantly changing places and our dear antagonists want the McDuck family and the Caballeros divided for their evil plans. Finally she would find Donald in Rio. I was thinking of writing a scene with both ducks dancing while Panchito and José sang “Hot Wings” from the Rio movie. 
Also we can´t stay only with Ducktales and The Legend of the Three Caballeros, right? After leaving Duckburg, our trio gets invited to play at a very famous restaurant in Los Angeles. That restaurant is Pizzarriba from “The Looney Tunes Show”. Am I leading to some kind of competition between Donald and Daffy like the one of “Who framed Roger Rabbit?”? Absolutely! I was planning to write a very similar scene of the movie, with the piano fight and everything. Yes, at the end they leave behind their conflict to defeat Marvin the Martian (obviously not working with Felldrake and the other villains), but this can lead to some interesting dynamics and also show more of the Caballeros friendship. Appearances from other Looney Tunes characters like Bugs Bunny, Speedy Gonzales, Tina Russo, Lola Bunny, Porky Pig, Wile, E. Coyote and the Road Runner are also included.
Now let´s talk about songs. Yes, I want to add a lot of them. During the first episode I wrote (although it is in Spanish), the one in Los Angeles, I added “Hear my voice” from the Louie´s Eleven episode, the Hungarian Rhapsody for the scene based on the Roger Rabbit film, “Ay Jalisco no te rajes” (the original song), “We are the Three Caballeros” from the House of Mouse and, obviously, or loved “The Three Caballeros” song. During the chapter where the Caballeros visit Chapala and Panchito´s family, I wanted to bring a scene where José asks about the large name and all Panchito´s family starts singing “My name is Panchito”. Also Baía, Blame it on the Samba and other songs will appear. I´m not sure about the ones from The Legend of the Three Caballeros.
Each episode would have a special character as protagonist. The Los Angeles will have Donald and his fight with Daffy, the Chapala one is obviously about Panchito and his family dynamic. We don´t need to have one location with one character, for example, when our heroes arrive to Rio we will have an important role with José and his comic characters, and also the Daisy-Donald reunion. Also in Bahia I wanted to have José as protagonist with Panchito. I don´t know if I explained correctly, but to put an example I´ll take Ducktales. One episode can be Scrooge-centered and the other Huey-centered. The same here.
After their crazy journey, the Caballeros continue their journey through other continents. They meet new cultures and characters. They go to South Africa, Kenya (I´m still debating myself if I want to include Zootopia here), Egypt (some Duck Avenger stuff in here), Jordania, Spain, France (chapter based on the Three Musketeers movie, and yes, they meet the Troubador), Greece (specifically they go to Ithaquack and meet Storkules and Xandra), Iran, Russia, India, China, Japan and other places. During this travel they finally discover something´s wrong and Felldrake is back. I´m specially interested on the Egypt episode, as I introduce Uno (Duck Avenger existed before the nephews were born, but Donald left that identity after the Selene incident). The France one is funny as it is a new adaptation of the musketeers movie. England is also funny as I want to write about Donald´s secret agent stuff. And in Japan they finally discover Felldrake and Sheldgoose are back. I don´t know how, but during this episode the Caballeros will become their superhero sonas (Duck Avenger, Morcego Verde and Gallo Loco) and meet this universes incarnation of the Justice Ducks and Fearsome Five (in this case six, as Daffy returns as Duck Dodgers).
There are some other travels after that fight, but just to wrap everything. Donald and Scrooge reconcile and the Caballeros & allies fight against Felldrake & allies. No spoilers because I´m not sure how exactly this can end.
I don´t know a lot about Kingdom Hearts, but I can add something. Also House of Mouse is canon and they have Bugs Bunny as guest character one time, with the a funny cartoon based on the first scene of the Looney Tunes Back in Action movie.
And yes, I thinks that is everything. I wanted to write this because I´m writing other fanfics (Dragon Knight, you can find an early version on fanfiction.net) and I´m not really motivated to write this. I just want to write this so the people can at least have an idea and know this exists.
So hey, hope this is a good idea. Hope you liked it and adiós amigos.
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themonkeycabal · 4 years
re: Fantasy Recs
riseoftherose said: If you don’t mind a slightly younger aimed author, I still enjoy a series I first read as a kid, always thought it deserved more rep. The Land of
Sorry friend, it looks like your rec got cut off a bit there. 
msprufrock said: Also aimed slightly younger, but I really enjoyed Akata Witch (and the sequel Akata Warrior) by Nnedi Okorafor. It’s a YA fantasy series set in Nigeria
Oh nice. Sounds like fun. Scarlet Odyssey is also set in a very Africa-like world, really loved that. 
gerundsandcoffee said: I liked Uprooted by Naomi Novik. It’s a stand alone original but heavily rooted in Eastern European folklore.
I think I might have read that one. It sounds familiar. I’ll have to look again. Thanks! 
solysgoldensun said: The Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman is pretty fun, involving dragons, fae, and librarians (oh my!) in a multiverse semi-portal fantasy deal with steam punk elements.
Oh nice. I’ve got a little bit of a weakness for steampunkish-ness. (oh, bonus, the first book was only $2.99. I picked it up. thanks!)
anomaly-nerd said: The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison is my current favorite. It’s a little plot heavy but the worldbuilding is fantastic and the protagonist is impossible not to love
I don’t mind plot-heavy if I feel like it’s going somewhere. Love good worldbuilding, though. So great. 
Anonymous said: I highly recommend Temeraire. That series was amazing. It's 9 books, complete storyline that begins in Napoleonic Wars era Europe and then expands into almost every continent. It was just mwah *chef's kiss*. The lead characters (one human, one dragon) are both absolutely adorkable and I thoroughly enjoyed every chapter. There are serious matters and some dark chapters, but it's a very optimistic series overall, not grimdark in the least.
Oh, thank you for reminding me of that one! I have the first one, I think I read it when it came out, but I never followed up on the rest of the series. 
emilise284 said: any/all of Diana Wynne Jones’s works: Howl’s Moving Castle, Dogsbody, and Fire and Hemlock are among my favorites. 
Robin McKinley is also gr9, I especially love Pegasus and Chalice
if you’re looking for recent fantasy Gideon the Ninth (and sequel, Harrow the Ninth) by Tamsyn Muir are GREAT fun and very gay (but also maybe edging a lil further towards grimdark than you’re in the mood for rn)
Cool. Thank you!
backwardsandinhighheels said: For urban fantasy, I’ve really enjoyed the Guild Codex series by Annette Marie - funny with found family vibes and slooow burn romances, and the heroine of Spellbound is a normal human girl in a magic guild which gives me serious Darcy vibes
That sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks. (score, the first one is $3.99 and has Margarita in the title. Can’t go wrong there. I grabbed it.) 
lady-of-luthien said: The first fantasy author I really got into was Tamora Pierce. She writes a lot of YA stuff. Song of the Lioness, The Immortals, and Protector of the Small series. All awesome.
Oh yes, I read some of those. Definitely fun. 
furyleika said: Absolutely second Robin McKinley, particularly The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown. Also Tamora Pierce. If you don’t mind younger aimed, my absolute favorites of all time are Patricia C. Wrede’s Enchanted Forest Chronicles. Anne McCaffrey’s Pern novels straddle the fantasy/sci-fi line depending where in the timeline you’re reading. The Harper Hall series is a great starting point.
I also really like Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom series. They may be closer to grim than not, but things turn out okay! Way less depressing than GRRM. I liked Holmberg’s Paper Magician series if you haven’t read that from her.
Swordheart from T. Kingfisher is awesome and funny and romantic. It says it’s in the same series as something else of hers, but I didn’t read those and enjoyed it anyways. Okay, I’ll stop. (Oh wait! Have you read Neil Gaiman’s stuff? I like almost all of it.)
Oh, I’ve totally read Anne McCaffrey, very into Pern back in ye olden tymes.  
I have the Paper Magician, but I haven’t read it yet. I just finished Spellbreaker/Spellmaker and I wanted to try somebody else first. 
T. Kingfisher sounds familiar, but I don’t recognize any of the titles (maybe I read Clockwork Boys, that sounds really familiar. Or I started to read it and got distracted and forgot -- this happens). I will check out Swordheart. 
Garth Nix sounds familiar, too (I am bad with names, so this happens a lot, too). I’ll check out the first one. Thanks! 
And, yes, I’ve read all the Neil Gaiman things lol. 
owl-librarian said: Echoing Diana Wynne Jones, Tamora Pierce, and Garth Nix rec’s. I also recently reread a bunch of Patricia C Wrede books, which are delightful. If J/YA isn’t your jam, try Mercedes Lackey; HIGHLY prolific fantasy writer. Some of her stuff is a little dated now, but gosh a lot of it is still awesome. I particularly like her Arrows of the Queen trilogy.
Oh, yes, definitely I’ve ready Mercedes Lackey. Back in ye olden days with Anne McCaffrey and Terry Brooks (I was very into the Shannara books in high school). 
gothfirefaerie said: If you like amazing world building and word porn I can not recommend Patricia a McKillip enough! My favorites are alphabet of thorn, fantastic beasts of eld and ombria in shadow. Also great for world building is Michelle Sagara and her chronicles of elantra but while I wouldn’t call them grimdark they are heavy.
Those sound fun. Thank you. Love worldbuilding. 
owl-librarian said: Have you done any Terry Pratchett? He’s the right kind of fantasy for me, definitely not too heavy “high fantasy” - and full of real characters and great humor! If you are intimidated by his Oeuvre start with “Guards! Guards!” or “The Wee Free Men”
Oh yes, absolutely. Great fun. 
owl-librarian said: I also highly suggest the Bordertown books edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling; it was a shared world created back in the 80s for authors to play in - there are several short story collections and a couple of novels set in this town that is the border between our world and faerie. It was revived in the 2010s with Ellen and Holly Black in another short story collection.
That sounds familiar, but I don’t think I ever read any of it. Thank you, I’ll check it out. 
cathsith said: @sarahreesbrennan In Other Lands is *amazing* and lots of fun and the furthest thing from grim!dark that I can think of
Awesome. Thank you.
lover-of-the-starkindler said: *nods along for most of the recs and takes notes of the others* Summers at Castle Auburn by Sharon Shinn is good; Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope is a Tam Lin retelling set in Elizabethan England and is amazing; Woodwalker by Emily B. Martin if you like sneaking through forests and political plots…
Sweet, thank you.
Thanks everybody I will check out all of your lovely recs. 
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readerbookclub · 4 years
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Before introducing our newest book list, I want to say sorry about this month. It’s been underwhelming to say the least. So far this year was very chaotic (packing up to move countries, having the plane tickets cancelled, and getting into Oxford?!). Between everything that happened, I neglected this club. But I’m very excited and well-prepared for next month, so it won’t happen again at least in the foreseeable future. We also have several enthusiastic new members who’ve messaged me, so hopefully our discussion will be even more lively this time!
Now back to our newest book list. Not to brag, but I think this is the best one yet. Time Warp is a collection of books that bend and play with time. It’s such an interesting topic that includes books from many different genres. Several of your recommendations also fit in perfectly. So let’s jump right in!
Typically stories play out over the span of weeks, months, or even years. But what if a writer were to shrink that timeline? Not to days or hours, but the mere seconds it takes to ride an elevator? Well, that’s what Jason Reynolds did in our first book, a story that lasts for a single elevator ride:
Long Way Down, Jason Reynolds:
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A cannon. A strap. A piece. A biscuit. A burner. A heater. A chopper. A gat. A hammer A tool for RULE Or, you can call it a gun. That’s what fifteen-year-old Will has shoved in the back waistband of his jeans. See, his brother Shawn was just murdered. And Will knows the rules. No crying. No snitching. Revenge. That’s where Will’s now heading, with that gun shoved in the back waistband of his jeans, the gun that was his brother’s gun. He gets on the elevator, seventh floor, stoked. He knows who he’s after. Or does he? As the elevator stops on the sixth floor, on comes Buck. Buck, Will finds out, is who gave Shawn the gun before Will took the gun. Buck tells Will to check that the gun is even loaded. And that’s when Will sees that one bullet is missing. And the only one who could have fired Shawn’s gun was Shawn. Huh. Will didn’t know that Shawn had ever actually USED his gun. Bigger huh. BUCK IS DEAD. But Buck’s in the elevator? Just as Will’s trying to think this through, the door to the next floor opens. A teenage girl gets on, waves away the smoke from Dead Buck’s cigarette. Will doesn’t know her, but she knew him. Knew. When they were eight. And stray bullets had cut through the playground, and Will had tried to cover her, but she was hit anyway, and so what she wants to know, on that fifth floor elevator stop, is, what if Will, Will with the gun shoved in the back waistband of his jeans, MISSES. And so it goes, the whole long way down, as the elevator stops on each floor, and at each stop someone connected to his brother gets on to give Will a piece to a bigger story than the one he thinks he knows. A story that might never know an END…if WILL gets off that elevator.
Our next book warps time in a slightly different way. What if every time you woke up, you found yourself in the same day (a sort-of Groundhog Day situation)? But unlike Groundhog Day, you wake up in different bodies. This thrilling book was suggested to me by one of you, and I absolutely loved the premise:
The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle, by Stuart Turton:
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Aiden Bishop knows the rules. Evelyn Hardcastle will die every day until he can identify her killer and break the cycle. But every time the day begins again, Aiden wakes up in the body of a different guest at Blackheath Manor. And some of his hosts are more helpful than others. With a locked room mystery that Agatha Christie would envy, Stuart Turton unfurls a breakneck novel of intrigue and suspense. For fans of Claire North, and Kate Atkinson, The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle is a breathlessly addictive mystery that follows one man's race against time to find a killer, with an astonishing time-turning twist that means nothing and no one are quite what they seem.
Now we move on to an exciting genre: time travel! This next book was recommended to me by @earphonesandquills​​ and I just had to put it on the list. A sci-fi love story between two people on opposite sides of a war:
This is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone:
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Among the ashes of a dying world, an agent of the Commandant finds a letter. It reads: Burn before reading. Thus begins an unlikely correspondence between two rival agents hellbent on securing the best possible future for their warring factions. Now, what began as a taunt, a battlefield boast, grows into something more. Something epic. Something romantic. Something that could change the past and the future. Except the discovery of their bond would mean death for each of them. There's still a war going on, after all. And someone has to win that war.
Typically, the protagonists of time-travel books are very intelligent people. But what would happen if someone wasn’t so competent? What if they fucked it up? That’s exactly what the protagonist in our next book does. Coming from a perfect reality, he messes up and finds himself in a horrifying dystopia (aka our world):
All Our Wrong Todays, Elan Mastai:
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You know the future that people in the 1950s imagined we'd have? Well, it happened. In Tom Barren's 2016, humanity thrives in a techno-utopian paradise of flying cars, moving sidewalks, and moon bases, where avocados never go bad and punk rock never existed . . . because it wasn't necessary. Except Tom just can't seem to find his place in this dazzling, idealistic world, and that's before his life gets turned upside down. Utterly blindsided by an accident of fate, Tom makes a rash decision that drastically changes not only his own life but the very fabric of the universe itself. In a time-travel mishap, Tom finds himself stranded in our 2016, what we think of as the real world. For Tom, our normal reality seems like a dystopian wasteland. But when he discovers wonderfully unexpected versions of his family, his career, and—maybe, just maybe—his soul mate, Tom has a decision to make. Does he fix the flow of history, bringing his utopian universe back into existence, or does he try to forge a new life in our messy, unpredictable reality? Tom’s search for the answer takes him across countries, continents, and timelines in a quest to figure out, finally, who he really is and what his future—our future—is supposed to be.
Our final book is something I never knew I needed until I found it. I have spent way too much time day dreaming about a scenario where I find myself in the distant past. I imagine myself telling people about electricity and planes and modern medicine. But if they asked me to actually make something, I wouldn’t be able to. And that bothers me. This book is the solution. It’s a non-fiction guide on what to do if you were to find yourself in such a scenario (as unlikely as it may seem):
How to Invent Everything: A Guide for the Stranded Time Traveler, by Ryan North:
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What would you do if a time machine hurled you thousands of years into the past. . . and then broke? How would you survive? Could you improve on humanity's original timeline? And how hard would it be to domesticate a giant wombat? With this book as your guide, you'll survive--and thrive--in any period in Earth's history. Bestselling author and time-travel enthusiast Ryan North shows you how to invent all the modern conveniences we take for granted--from first principles. This illustrated manual contains all the science, engineering, art, philosophy, facts, and figures required for even the most clueless time traveler to build a civilization from the ground up. Deeply researched, irreverent, and significantly more fun than being eaten by a saber-toothed tiger, How to Invent Everything will make you smarter, more competent, and completely prepared to become the most important and influential person ever.
That’s it for this month’s list. Hope you like these books as much as I do! As always, please vote here.
Member’s List (message me if you want to be added/removed): @solitarystudies​​ @adhyayana-v​​ @gordinmegan​​ @appleinducedsleep​​ @morphedphase​​ @lilian-evans​​ @bowieziggyfan​​ @calebprior25​​ @bluebellraven​​ @love-witch-magic​​ @badasthesun​​ @theeezoneee​​ @montaguest​​ @wanderlustingdreamer​​ @csloreen​​ @elfspectations​​ @astreamoflight​​ @engineeriblr​​ @chemistrybaby6-022x10-23​​ @pepperpaprikash​​ @bubblylion​​
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travllingbunny · 4 years
Tribes of Europa, season 1 - thoughts
I finished season 1 of German post-apocalyptic Netflix drama Tribes of Europa a couple of days ago, and I have... lots of thoughts and mixed feelings.
It's a standard post-apocalyptic show with all the usual tropes, but mostly well done, and has potential. I ended up liking it better than I expected, mostly because one of the storylines (Kiano’s) turned out to be pretty good/interesting.
The main problem of the show is that most characters, so far, don't have a lot of depth. An exception is a female villain who has proven to be quite complex and interesting. On the other hand, while  I loved seeing Oliver Masucci, in a role completely different from Ulrich Nielsen, and he's great and charismatic, I feel like I've seen the exact same lovable rogue-turned-mentor character a dozen times in various shows and movies. The main trio of young protagonists have the potential for interesting character development, but it remains to be seen what saason 2 does with it.
At least there's one thing that makes the show different than most post-apocalyptic shows I'm aware of - I can't think of any others that take place on the European continent? Usually it's North America, Australia, or UK. So, that's interesting... But then, after I finished it, I started thinking a bit more about some of the elements of the worldbuilding, which are a bit... questionable? I'm reserving judgment till these things are explained.
Spoilers under the cut.
In the first episode, the show did the GoT thing of introducing us to a likable family and then having siblings separated by fate and trying to get back together, while having different storylines. But they should've spent a bit more time with them together and explaining their history.
The show also does that thing where the siblings look nothing like each other and are played by actors of different ethnic origins, so I was waiting to hear they were half-siblings or some other explanation, but there was none. Well, OK then.
One thing I wasn't crazy about is that Kiano had a girlfriend we saw for about 20 seconds and then she apparently got killed for no particular reason. I can't say it's even fridging, since he never even mentions her afterwards and he has a lot of other reasons to hate the Crows.
But Kiano's storyline turned out to be the most interesting , and most disturbing, the kind that can make or break the show, depending on how it deals with issues like slavery, rape, trauma. So far, the show has dealt with it well, which made me like the show more than I thought. (It definitely beats The 100 - a show it was the 100 in the Netflix promo campaign - in that respect. I was already scared it would do something similar to The 100, which really dropped the ball when it touched on such issues in a really clumsy way in season 3.)
Lord Varvara has turned out to be the most interesting and compelling character, and excellently played by Melika Foroutan. (I wish I could say the same about the Crows’ big boss, Yvar - but whether it is mostly due to the OTT costume and makeup or the similarly OTT acting, I had a hard time taking this guy seriously.) She is not exactly morally grey - she is definitely a villain, slaver rapist and murderer, but her role as a former slave - a victim of abuse turned abuser, and someone who upholds the ideas of Social Darwinism - makes her role very interesting and ambiguous. I think that (especially based on some hints) that she used to be a sex slave, too, and if she was also made to be a Crow by her former slave master, that would probably mean Yvar used to be her master. That could lead to some interesting tension and conflicts, as she probably hates this guy deep inside, but still has to vie for his approval, even now that she has “made it”.  And she sees to see something in Kiano that makes her think they are similar, that he is 'strong' like she thinks she is (on the other hand, she despised her other slave who had a huge Stockholm Syndrome for her).
I'm curious how they deal with Kiano's character development next season, and how far into moral greyness or darkness it will be willing to go with him. Varvara is a blueprint of what he could become.  He didn't exactly show much concern for the lives of other slaves, except his father.  
Liv's storyline was also pretty interesting. with her navigating the political issues of the Crimsons. I liked that the Crimsons as a whole turned out to be more morally grey than I initially expected - with their strict military discipline to the point of authorianism and lack of tolerance for dissent. 
I don't know if the show expected me to side with the general (aka "Father") or think his views were right, as Liv did? I did not.. "Let's make peace and unity with slavers"? No, dude. But I’ll go with the idea that we are not necessarily supposed to side with him rather than David just because Liv did; or that a third option may be found (such as causing a rebellion among the Crows themselves, which would be my preferred direction of that storyline). 
(I also rolled my eyes whenever he started going on about "old European dream" or whatever he called it. No, my dude, you need to brush up on your history. Your plan is nothing like the EU, unless your plan is to go and deliver a bunch of demands to the Crows:  "Unless you guys: abolish slavery; ensure human rights for everyone; install a viable non-slavery based economy etc.. - we're not letting you into our new unified Europe!" He also may needed to be reminded EU was formed after Axis powers were defeated.)
I've heard that a lot of people didn't like Elja's storyline because they found it the least interesting, and sure, it wasn't very emotional and didn't have much character development, but I'm very curious about the mystery of the Black December, the Atlantians etc. so I liked it.  And I liked the fact that Elja wasn't a naive kid and could deceive people and keep secrets when he needed to.
But there are certain problems I have with the show’s world-building... which, at its worse, may end up being just as problematic as The 100′s was.
While I like the idea of a post-apocalyptic show set in continental Europe, and with languages other than English - almost all of the characters are only speaking German or English (the latter, I guess, for the same reason it's widespread today - people speak it as a second language and use it to communicate). We should really see more people who speak other languages. So far, that’s only happened sporadically - but my problem is more with the fact that the most villainous tribe, Crows (murderous, slave-owning Eurotrash-like villains with very Social Darwinist views) -  even though they speak German or English 99% of the time - very notably use certain words from Slavic languages - and only for specific terms like "lubovnik" ('lover' - actually sex slave), "boi" (fight/battle), "svobodnik" (free man?). These were very recognizable. I have no idea what "Bozie" means, but I read somewhere it comes from Russian. What's supposed to be the backtory behind that? Sure, I am for more language diversity, but did a German show have to give the kind of barbaric-version-of-fascist villains these questionable Slavic references?  That would be uncomfortable in so many ways.... It's not just Slavs, because another notable Crow character, Grieta at some point used Romanian (and the actress is Romanian), but I hope they're not going with the Evil Barbaric Eastern Europeans here. To be fair, many Crows were clearly slaves at the beginning, which complicates things... but Varvara says her real name - slave name - was Sophia, which could be anything - while her Crow names is Varvara - which definitely sounds Russian or Bulgarian (or, I guess, it could be Greek).
On the other side, opposed to the Crows, we have the more “civilized” tribe/army of former Eurocorps, whose members have so far only been heard speaking English, German and, at one point, Dutch - curiously called Red Crimson Army (!), I have so many questions...
Another questionable thing, pointed by the host of the Culture Cave YouTube podcast, who did an overall favorable review of the show, howeverpointed out that the Crows - the villains - are the only ones who don't conform to gender roles? And the males who are the most 'effeminate' looking are baddies. I didn’t even think of that initially, but thinking about it... yes, it has been like that so far, hasn’t it?
I’m reserving judgment till next season, but I only used to give The 100 the benefit of doubt with its questionable world-building, and we know how that turned out.
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awesomefairytailfan · 3 years
So I Going to be starting a Dynasty Warriors fan fiction series here and on fanfiction.net that does not mean I'm going to stop uploading funny picture text images and this is the first chapter no real conversation hasn't even been proof weed by who's going to start it just me talking to my tablet with my speech to text thingy and the protagonist who I haven't made a name for it yet from Canada before the pandemic contemplating on his situation in ancient China.
In less then a week I should be able to have someone check over this and we're going to go through the first chapter. Maybe I should call this first chapter an opening.
Chapter one am I just in a dream?
The last few weeks I just keep asking myself the same question over and over is this all a dream is this just one big dream now? Being in ancient China don't let me know when on the calendar I supposed to use don't even know if this world has an equivalent of it no it's not my world I'm not some sort of super badass in my own world but in this world I am strong I take damaged easily when I woke up in this world or made me fell asleep in my own I found myself walking for I don't know I have no watch on me but I found a number of people being attacked by wolves was completely convinced at that point I was in a dream so I figured let's go wake myself up by grabbing a big stick in it packing them but then something funny happened I found myself running faster than I ever had outside of video games I attacked the walls and I actually sent them major damage one of them jumped me from behind I barely even noticed it then I'm headed to the ground and killed it the people said to me you must be a music Warrior what what Lord do you serve have you gone to fight someone named on Don Zillow do you know who that was I'll talk about what I know about him in a bit I noticed a a small irritation in my back I asked them to look at it and they said I got a small Scar from where the wolf attempted to bite me to death I said Tiny bite me to death I need a doctor my day say no it's only a minor scrape especially to a Musa Warrior I asked him to speak English but they responded what's English? I said it was the language we was speak they said no we speak Mandarin I decided yep I'm definitely in the dream at that point sorry running myself into a tree it hurt a bit but I actually broke the tree in half some people showed up who I did not say from the walls and they'll ask me what was going on and they was saying the Musa Warrior saved us stick just flying off the ground and then done to me I have noticed a big annoyance I was hungry luckily they wanted to have a feast for me shall we walk back to the village and order for us to get some food and number of them dead some things I'd rather not talk about with the Wolves sad don't let stuff like this go to waste I asked him where we are I think they were pretty Pacific and I'm like okay no idea what that means I asked them what country we are in they said China I started finger to myself find it this really wasn't the dream if I'm somehow stuck in China and I don't know what time they asked me a bunch of questions where I'm from Canada over a great ocean and I also said my ancestors are technically from the same land mass as here but I think that continent is actually farther than where my home line is from China don't let me know for sure I'm not an expert in distance of countries and all that have I got that today prepared a small feast they did tell me it was a small village and I had to agree smaller than my hometown and no technology anywhere I was thinking if this is my life now I am going to be I'm going to be so bored but I got offered a lot of free food took some adjustment for me to actually eat things was never no I'm already ten but never was normal to begin with I've always had Asperger's I'm supposed to take medication not going to be able to in ancient China I guess nobody knew about the calendar I kept calling the Christian calendar I think that's what they mean by the years we use never did find out if it was after or before Jesus Christ and then I found the weirdest ability of all I'm super strong now a bunch of heavy wooden blocks was about to smash a kid I pushed the young child out the way thinking suicide maybe I'll wake up but those heavy things did not even hurt me they say see you must be a Musa Warrior can you protect our small village from the evil Don Zillow I told them it's probably the best kind of job I can do for now I'm and told them I never really add something you could call an actual job told them I was on disability a lot of what I say they constantly laughing did not believe they saw me at 2 Mighty and magnificent to be considered disabled in my own world
and they did not believe that I wasn't actually Chinese I was clearly not from this world but I'm constantly moved on I managed to do a number of odd jobs around the town with superhuman strength and with all my time watch and consuming recreational entertainment I managed to entertain them when they had down time which allowed them had more because I could make jobs a lot quicker and easier the kids found me hilarious adult sometime Tom me not to talk about certain things on topics the way I did say good yeah don't want to upset them too much this lasted for about a month I think and tell the town faced its biggest danger of all I was actually the first one to notice that because I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I noticed the fire off in the distance and decided to wake the town mayor of not knowing how dangerous it was noticeably closer the mayor said evacuate everyone we can he started shouting knowing immediately Dan got it was super dangerous I'm like danger fire luckily with my always completely loud voice and my ability to one very fast it was less than like 4 minutes before everyone what's going out of bed quickly the mayor told me top send some trees flying out an amount I think I managed to save the town Catching Fire for like 15 minutes then luckily. Got every one to evacuate and get them money and thinks it could carry but eventually the whole town went up in Flames nobody died everyone had close to travel in but the town was found dead I might have just went into fire except at this point there was so much time passing I believe mostly I wasn't dreaming anymore and that just would have killed me mosa Dean man in the village was talking with the mayor of the town a bunch of the kids were asking can't you make everything better can't you make all the fire damage go away I had to say I don't I can't do anything like that and I don't even know what we were going to do next his not my decision I don't know the knowledge to make that decision and the News came from the mare he decided we're going to one of the Cities some of the people protested we were just beep on ourselves in the danger of the Warlords and on Zillow fighting but the mayor said only a city trying to accommodate so many people at once our hometown is destroyed we do not have the resources to build another before the winter and then we started going towards the city I figured if I can get everybody to the city NeNe I could earn some extra money and you some future knowledge to benefit Chinese Society in general not like I can make them ocracy happen but maybe I couldn't please how much stuff they're about to plant or how quickly they can do harvesting I know a bit about that stuff we travelled as fast as we can and I often had to find myself killing animals with whatever I could it wasn't really that dangerous I beat the crap out of them they could barely do anything to me we had to sweep in pants and a like but I usually got a good night sleep despite being on main source of Defense because while they decided the high people on Sentry Duty and to have somebody wife buy me to wake me up they had to wake me up a few times like that but no one got killed and one day I bet after we started going for that day we were on a big we went up a big hill and then we saw the city I was thinking nice city maybe get to look around but Polly should spend at least a few days after we get there with the townspeople who take good care of me some of them said I'm might be needed to get a job or Join one of the military armies when I asked about it I wasn't thinking I'd probably do that I like saving people but never really been much for military outside of playing video games it was going to be a few hours on our way down that's when the biggest action happened that I wanted to wake up phlegm when I kill somebody.
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magos-dominus · 4 years
FFVII: REMAKE Exists to Mock Your Pain
This is a post about Aerith Gainsborough.
If you are wondering, this is not a post about shipping.  It is also very long. 
I do talk about the love triangle from a narrative construction and game design standpoint, though. If that interests you, go ahead. If not, scroll on.
+++ Open Spoilers for FFVII (1997) and FFVII: REMAKE +++
So, my reading of FFVII’s infamous Love Triangle has always been that, in the text, there, uh…
Isn't one.
Not really.
The structure of the entire narrative and the trajectory of Cloud's and Tifa's character arcs are built around the two of them baring their vulnerabilities at each other in a rare moment of acceptance, connection, and understanding. You might argue that we never see them physically intimate, here them say those three little words, or even engage in a few PDAs, that the nature of their relationship isn’t clear.
But to be honest?
Who cares that we don’t?
Something we can learn from Good Omens is that, if two characters have to kiss or fuck or say ‘I love you’ to convince you that they’re head over heels for each other, the story is either poorly written or you don’t really understand the meaning of the word.
I have a higher opinion of this game than that, and I want to have a high opinion of you, gentle reader.
The Lifestream Sequence is the emotional climax of the game’s narrative. The rest is simply clean up and denouement. However, that fact does beg the question: "What then, is the narrative purpose of Aerith's attraction to Cloud?"
To start, it's not a connection to Zack Fair, given that in the OG he's more plot device than person. So, what is it then?
I'd argue, that through a combination of incident and design, the Triangle exists at the crux of two competing narrative threads, held in tension by the fact that, as an audience, we share our perspective with the POV character, Cloud in this instance, and the plot works through him to us, most of the time. These two narrative threads are:
Establishing and foreshadowing Cloud's romantic feelings for Tifa as present and important to him and his character.
Getting the audience, not Cloud, to fall in love with Aerith Gainsborough.
If you’ll allow me to put my Doylist hat on for a moment, I have some trivia for you.
As an interesting hiccup of human psychology, the wad of soggy bacon that is your brain is incapable of distinguishing, on an emotional level, between real people and fictional ones. This is why you can start to feel like, after watching the same streamer or listening to the same podcast for long enough, you might start to feel like the hosts are your friends, even if you logically know that isn't true. It is the fundamental psychological reason fiction can resonate with us, despite us knowing it’s, fundamentally, an entertaining lie. Video games, as an interactive medium, can dig into this phenomenon like no other form of storytelling. With Aerith, you might have spent 20 to 30 hours with her by the time you get to the Forgotten Capital. You’ve laughed and fought and maybe cried with her across two continents and a trio of plot arcs. She’s a person the audience has, via Cloud, shared a whirlwind, globe-spanning adventure.
The reason that its her death, out of all the other fictional deaths we’ve experienced, out of all the deaths within FFVII itself, that hurts the most, is because that, by the time she leaves the Temple of the Ancients on her own, she doesn’t just feel like Cloud’s friend.
Its over just when she feels like she’s become yours.
Not content to simply to explore the grieving process of its own characters, FFVII reaches out to take something from you, and have you grieve with them.
A recurring and oft-pointed-out design decision is the empty space left by Aerith after she dies. Holes in group formations, gaps in menus, etc. Places where she used to be. A reminder of the loss, or more optimistically, a commentary on how she’s still with the party in spirit.
I would argue that it might just as easily be you in that space. AVALANCHE is a rag-tag group of misfits bound together by their grief, and when you leave the Forgotten Capital, you’ve been blooded. You’re trauma-bonded to the group now, and you’re all there, shoulder-to-shoulder to do right by your fallen friend.
It’s a gimmick that appears on the ludic level as well. Cloud’s various panic attacks, out-of-body experiences, and struggles for control are experienced by the audience through the mechanics. Sephiroth manipulates Cloud by disrupting, blocking, and limiting your connection to him. he isn’t just denying Cloud agency, he’s reaching out through the fourth wall to deny you your own.
To personally victimize you.
Once you leave the Forgotten Capital, the dialogue choices vanish. You are no longer Cloud’s co-pilot. The trauma and grief has severed that connection you had with him. You can’t do anything to help or guide him anymore. He’s on his own and you, along with Tifa, have to watch him slip out of your grasp and into the hands of an enemy all three of you are powerless to fight.
Final Fantasy VII isn’t a video game.
Final Fantasy VII is an elaborate mouse trap masquerading as a late-90′s JRPG, and Aerith Gainsborough, part-time human, full-time hello kitty monster truck, is an insidiously crafted piece of fine Swiss Gouda. It is designed, from script to visuals to music, to fill your heart to bursting and then run it over with a sixteen-wheeler; then leave you reeling for long enough that you don’t hear the tell-tale crunch of rubber-on-asphalt as it backs up over your pulped torso for good measure.
Which brings us to REMAKE. Namely, why did they cut a lot of scenes from the OG’s script that heavily featured Aerith flirting with Cloud? Or suggested there might be something there, between them, to the audience? It’s for the same reason that Sephiroth no longer has his trademark slow-burn rise to the center of the stage.
Those plot points no longer served their narrative purpose.
REMAKE is, functionally, a pseudo-sequel. A retelling that exists in conversation with a past version of itself, and is constructed with the assumption that the audience is, at least passingly, familiar with its legacy. 
Sephiroth doesn’t get a mysterious build-up because everyone already knows who he is and what he’s about, he and Aerith are familiar with at least a broad-strokes version of the script because the audience already knows it by heart, Cloud gets headache flashbacks of scenes from the OG when we see something we know will be picked up down the line, and Aerith isn’t pushed as hard as a love interest to the audience because we’re already attached to her at the hip.
Aerith seemingly knows about her fate, and while the game leans heavily on suggesting Tifa and Cloud’s shared romantic feelings, even moreso than the original did in this segment, it still holds space for Cloud to pursue Aerith, should you choose. However, she all but talks past him and directly to the audience in her Chapter 14 Resolution scene, warning us away and signposting an oncoming tragedy so that we might brace for it when the time comes and spare us any unnecessary pain.
Her character development gets fast tracked too, through knowledge granted from the Arbiters, she grows quickly towards her late-disk-one identity as the Last Ancient. She gets a piece of the closure with Zack she might get at the Gold Saucer on her date with Cloud, a chance to say goodbye to the last bit of her normal life before she was able to fully embrace the fact that it was gone. She even gets the closing speech this time, last words usually reserved for the protagonist.
But that’s what she is at the end of REMAKE, isn’t it? The only one on the same playing field as Sephiroth and the only one who might be on the same page as the audience. Equal parts the Aerith that just left Midgar and the Aerith that we saw leave for the Forgotten Capital back in 1997, on a mission to protect her friends from the danger that lay on the path she knew she had to walk. 
All of us now get to walk that path on more time.
Maybe this time we’ll get to walk it with her. Maybe this time we’ll get that happy ending. Hell, maybe Zack makes it out fine too and we get that heartfelt reunion our hearts bled for when finished Crisis Core. Maybe yours is still bleeding.
Maybe, maybe, maybe.
The Arbiters subplot exists to taunt us with these possibilities, to roll back our grief from acceptance to bargaining to denial, if we ever reached those stages to begin with. I can almost see our girl getting to go home this time, safe and happy and surrounded by her newfound misfit family, free of the crippling loneliness that’s haunted her entire life.
But to be honest?
All I can see is a better mouse trap.
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angelic-serenade · 5 years
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
request: 🌟 Hellou!! I love ur work!! ❤️❤️❤️ Is it possible tó ha e a Alastor and younger(like 4 years younger) reader who have nightmares of his death sonetimes, cause she saw itt Back then, and go to big bother Alastor for comfort? 🦌
requested by: anon
a/n: okay so this was supposed to be a quick one-shot but my hand slipped and I wrote 9500+ words instead. oops. anyway, I hope this meets your expectations, enjoy!
Tumblr media
gif, original work and characters do not belong to me
pairing: Alastor x sister! reader
fandom: Hazbin Hotel
warnings: mentions of death, bit of angst, traumatic events, toxic relationship if you squint, Alastor being Alastor but softer for reader
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
It never rained down in Hell, no matter how ardently you had sometimes wished to feel the drops pouring down your robes. Even during your longest nights, the ones haunted by nightmares and long-forgotten memories resurfacing at your weakest, it would never rain like it did in those Gothic Novels your darling brother used to read you back in the day: you were no virtuous protagonist and never would the skies cry for your misery. It was probably one of the worst downsides of being stuck in Hell for all eternity: the equally eternal blood red sky forever looming over your head, serving as a reminder of your infernal punishment.
When you'd wake up in the middle of the night, after a particularly vivid nightmare, there was no pouring rain to muffle the sound of your hopeless wailings, no thunder to distract your spinning mind from its panic. Therefore, you found yourself continously seeking comfort from the only person you held dear to your now dead cold heart: Alastor, The Radio Demon, whom you had the privilege to refer to as your darling brother (at least in the privacy of your own bedchamber) - older brother to be precise, even if only by a few years. You had always been extremely fond of your sibiling, looking up to him as a role model - definitely not your wisest decision since it had landed you among the sinners of Hell. That's not to say you had any regrets, Heaven seemed like an awfully dreadful and boring place if you were to be completely honest.
Alastor, on his part, had affectionately doted on you back on the surface, taking his little sweetling under his protective wing as if his sole purpose in life had been to take care of you. As a consequence, on more occasions than you cared to remember, you had felt utterly asphixiated by your brother's undivided attention all your life, and quarrels had been a daily occurrence whenever his protective behavior clashed with your own desire for freedom. Your lovely mother had always been there to try and defuse your heated altercations, the poor woman; your dear brother and you, however, both shared the same stubbornness and desire to prevail on others, so that whenever your strong personalities came to oppose, trouble was always certain to follow suit.
You wished you'd appreciated his concerns more when you had been given the chance. Now in the afterlife, shows of affection were hard to come by. Mayhap that had been the worst punishment inflicted upon you after death: the privilege of having your dear brother by your side without actually being able to cherish and bask in his caring regards. Mayhap the illustrious Dante had been right in his musings all along: the law of retaliation had taken away from you the one thing you had never really appreciated in life, making you realize just how much you had taken for granted. Now that your brother had become Hell's greatest menace, an overlord to make things worse, weakness in any shape or form could and would not be tolerated under any circumstance, for both his and your sake.
Luckily, no demon in the seven circles suspected that the feared Radio Demon had any siblings to begin with, thanks to Alastor's foresight.
Your identity was to be kept secret at all costs in order to avoid undesired repercussions. If anyone were to even suspect you had any kind of connection to the Radio Demon - Alastor had told you - overlords and lesser demons alike would be at your throat in the span of a heartbeat. If given the chance, no enemy of his would ever hesitate to stoop as low as to attack him were it hurt the most, where he was most vulnerable. And that chance, he was not willing to give any time soon. You both had already died once and you were not keen on repeating the experience.
So you had followed his every order ever since your fall into the pits, leading a life death away from your darling brother and his chaotic ways - the one thing he hadn't been able to prevent in life -, keeping a low profile as a common denizen of Hell. Alastor would unsuspiciously check up on you every now and then, but his visits had been as rare as it was to see an angel in Hell - seeing him once a year was truly an unfair torture. Time went by and you grew more and more lonely as you mostly kept to yourself and wasted your days away in a nice apartment away from prying eyes. You were a nobody in Hell, and that was how things were meant to be.
Things changed when Alastor unexpectedly showed up at your doorstep for the second time in a year, blabbering about the newest project he'd involved himself with. His words betrayed unusual enthusiasm, a mood you had learned to be usually spurred on by the prospect of carnage and bloodshed or his precious radio broadcasts. Whenever he came to see you, he always showered you in gifts and praise, but it had been centuries since you had seen your brother so excited over... anything, really. Therefore, witnessing his cheeriness brought a genuine smile on your face. You were a little jealous you weren't the reason why he felt so giddy, but you couldn't complain as spending time with him was the greatest gift you could ever ask for these days. So when he told you you'd be moving into this phantomatic Hazbin Hotel, where he'd be staying for a while as well, you were impossibly ecstatic. Alastor had gently caressed your cheek and, in one of his rare moments of tenderness, softened his voice as if to lull you away:
“My dear, it has always pained me so to leave you here to your lonesome, but I am certain you understand that I always ever meant to protect you from harm.”
Unexpectedly, as most of his actions were, your dear brother spun you around into his arms as if he were coaxing you into a dance - which would probably be the case, knowing him. His words were impossibly haughty now, as if a switch had gone off in his mind:
“But now sweetling, now the time has come to finally put an end to this painful arrangement. You'll be joining me at this whimsical Hazbin Hotel our dear princess is so enthusiastic about!”
You knew better than to question Alastor and his ways, so you simply nodded your approval, glad to finally be able to leave that god forsaken apartment you had been locked in for far more than you cared to admit. And so you moved to the hotel - still keeping your true identity a secret, mind you. You were introduced as one of Alastor's acquantances, much like both Niffty and Husk were. Nobody questioned your unexpected presence and Charlie (much more than everybody else) welcomed you with opened arms into her precious hotel. When you offered to lend a hand with whatever she needed, she was utterly ecstatic. All in all, you were quick to adapt to the new situation.
The new accommodation, however, brought about quite a lot of new issues as well.
Spending so much time with Astor, for one, even if pretending not to be as close as siblings should be, awakened long forgotten memories about your life on Earth, most of which you would have preferred to keep locked away. During your very busy days, you were able to distract yourself from your scattered thoughts and memories; at night, however, your subconscious relentlessly haunted you in the form of nightmares and there was nothing you could really do to prevent it.
It was inevitable that you'd start losing sleep, as the only way to evade the cage that your mind had become was not to sleep at all. Astor had grown increasingly worried about your sleep-deprived state, even if he tried not to show it, masking his concern with his usual smile and charming talks:
“You will chase away any potential patrons looking so disheveled and shabby, my dear. Charlie will surely be heartbroken.”
You wouldn't have put it past him to manipulate you through guilt, but you knew that Alastor was truly worried about your health. His gaze, cryptic to most, felt all too familiar to you, just like the expressiveness of his smile held no secrets from you anymore. Needless to say, as fond of him as you were, you tried to sleep once again.
Then one night everything changed: it had been the worst night of your undead life, and the best one too.
The deafening sound of gunshots had echoed through your unconscious mind, increasingly loud footsteps and dogs barking so loud that you subconsciously jerked in your sleep. A call to your name, desperate, hopeless and scared. You saw him, his beautiful maroon eyes that had once only pooled in fondness for you, now dark and miserable. But they held promise too, a promise to fulfill maybe someday, in another life.
“I'm sorry (Y/N)”
His smile had dropped.
So had you.
You woke up screaming, trashing about in your bed. Sweat clung to your brow, your mind in a frenzied panic searched for something concrete and real to cling to. Was your brother alright? Satan, you hoped so. He had to be, he couldn't leave you again, you had to go to him, to see him, you didn't want to lose him again, you wouldn't bear the pain - you almost tripped in the bedsheets as you scrambled to the door.
When you arrived to Alastor's door, you had yet to calm down. You rapidly knocked on the hard wood, agitation evident in both your jerky movements and shivering hands.
“Alastor, Alastor, please. Open up. It's me” you desperately whispered.
As the door gently opened, your brother stepped into the darkness of the hallway and you unceremoniously flung yourself to him, clinging to his neck as if it were your lifeline. Your tears wet his robes, but you couldn't bring yourself to care enough to apologize. You felt like you had almost lost him again after all those years of seclusion.
But he was alive and he was with you. That's all you could hope for and far more than you thought you deserved.
Alastor uncharacteristically started to pat your head, as if trying to console you even though he had little to no experience in that area. His movements were uncertain, but as you lifted your head from his chest to gaze into his eyes, you realized no words would ever convey as much affection as Alastor's eyes did in that brief moment. His smile never faltered - even if it had become a bit strained - but you hadn't expected it to. It made you smile through your tears, despite yourself. You realized in that moment you'll forever be the only one allowed to touch Alastor without eliciting his wrath. That fact alone enough for you to truly appreciate the amount of control he'd give up in order to comfort you. He gently brought you to his bed and sat you down next to him.
“Are you quite alright sister dear? You know, those awful tears don't suit you at all! I rather much prefer your blinding smile!”
You smiled wider this time, for him, to let him know that you were indeed grateful.
“Oh, now that wasn't so difficult, was it?”
When he kissed your forehead, you almost broke up crying once again: it had been so long since you and your brother had been so close. The gesture warmed your long dead heart and you tried to return the favor by kissing his cheek. Nobody had ever been that intimate with the Radio Demon and lived to tell the tale, but in that moment he was no demon of hell: he was just Alastor, your dear brother who had doted on you in life and kept protecting you in death too - even though his ways weren't the most orthodox.
“I missed you Al. Please, don't ever leave me again.”
“I most certainly shall not, my sweet little darling. It's a promise.”
You were glad he let you stay with him for the rest of the night. No words were needed as he brought you close and took your hands into his. You both laid on the bed, in a rare moment of peace and quiet. It reminded you of your childhood on Earth and how you'd always sneak out of your room during the night to sleep next to him - you had always been afraid of the dark after all. Only in your adulthood had you learned that there are worse things than darkness one should fear.
After eons of suffering and terrible loneliness, everything finally fell into its rightful place.
Alastor was safe and so were you.
That was all that mattered.
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natsubeatsrock · 3 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Part 30 (Fairy Tail)
What is the purpose of the Fairy Tail guild?
This is another post that looks different from my very first draft. This was originally a collection of changes I would make regarding specific characters in the guild. However, I realized that would be useless. A lot of it would be more about how little I'd change characters. I've talked about nearly every character in the guild I would want to change already. Some of the posts I've made involving Fairy Tail characters focusing on defending them from fans.
This was going to be a much smaller focus than I originally intended. I've expanded it because I feel that this is the more interesting and important aspect of this post.  It will be helpful to have this post as we talk about other minor characters in the guild. It's also worth recognizing what the guild means to bigger characters. However, I have to talk about this from a more apologetic reason for this focus that we'll get to.
A few times in this series, I've referred to the Strongest Team (or Team Natsu) as "a team of five protagonists". I've meant that each member has an arc reminiscent of a different type of protagonist in a story. The story focuses, to varying degrees, on their progress through the different arcs. For example, Phantom Lord plays with Lucy's connection to the guild and touches on Erza's view of her strength and Natsu's search for Igneel. Of course, the focus of the series, most of the time, is on Lucy and Natsu serving as the sort of Watson and Holms for their series, respectively.
However, the series isn't about any of their individual goals. It's not about Lucy's acclamation to the guild, Natsu's search for Igneel, Erza's shift in perception of strength, Gray's acceptance of self, or Wendy's growth as a mage. It's not even about stuff like defeating the Balam Alliance guilds, stopping Zeref's followers and demons, or saving the world from either Zeref or Acnologia. As important as those things are to the series, they aren't what the series itself is about.
Though, this isn't anything new. I've already said that the focus of the series is the guild. That was in part 1 of this series. While it's been 2 years since then, that much is still the case, and I haven't lost sight of that. I compared this to Durarara!!, but Fairy Tail is different because it actually has a group its story focuses on within the guild, as opposed to the multiple groups in Ikebukuro.
Here's where I have to make a clarification of a point made by Mashima. He said that it's up to the reader to decide who the main characters are. I don't interpret that to mean that Mashima didn't write the series with any main characters in mind. Among the female characters, the focus is definitely on Lucy. That grows to include Erza and Wendy as the series continues. While we'll follow Mira or Cana every now and then, the series isn't focusing on them as the focus for the series. I feel a generous interpretation of this is that fans are free to focus on characters outside of the main cast.
But, now we're back to the main question: What is the purpose of the guild?
A few different YouTuber personalities have tried to get at an answer to this question.
Nux Taku made the case that Fairy Tail as a guild is the main character of the series. I think this is close to the right answer. The threats of the series are usually first and foremost threats to the guild first and others second. Even in a case like Tartarus, where they are trying to affect the world, Fairy Tail only gets involved when their own interests or members are at risk or have been hurt. As far as I know, the only exception is Oracion Seis. Fairy Tail works with other guilds to take them out. And even then, they get hit by the Oracion Seis first.
The issue I have with this view is that the series focus is clearly on Team Natsu. The series starts as Natsu and Lucy meet and ends in chapter 545 on the team's plans to take on the Century Quest. I can't say that the focus on them doesn't exist. However, this is a great look at what the guild means, in a positive light.
Naturally, there are more negative views of the guild's function. Craftsdwarf said that the idea that the guild is as big as it is was a mistake and detriment to the series. Mashima couldn't follow through with establishing the wishes and goals of all the characters in the guild. To be fair, no series is ever going to flesh out the desires of every single character. However, Fairy Tail is unique because it focuses on a large group of characters it portrays as a tight-knit group. This makes the fact that Mashima didn't do this worse.
Despite other sketchy statements (Lucy's treatment in the guild is apparently comparable to her treatment from Jude), there is an interesting question brought up. Why would Lucy want to join the guild? I could point to OVA 3 as an explanation for Lucy wanting to join Fairy Tail. 
However, I feel that there is a more interesting question to ask. Why would Lucy want to stay in Fairy Tail? To its critics, Fairy Tail is a hilariously rambunctious guild with a notoriously terrible reputation. What's so great about this guild? Why would anyone want to be a part of this guild?
I think Craftsdwarf has it wrong. (Shocking, I know.) I think we can identify as members of the guild because of its size. When I think of a group like the Black Bulls in Black Clover (a group another YouTuber contrasted to Fairy Tail), I think that they're cool as a group, but I don't know that I'd like to think of myself as someone who could be a potential member. Fairy Tail has a low bar for entry, doesn't care for its rambunctious members, and is still an elite guild, willing to go to war for its new members? Why wouldn't I want to join them? I could be a low-ranking member, fly under the council's radar, and get the same type of camaraderie that S-Class mages get.
"But what about the fact that only ten percent of the population can use magic?" (I ask this as if I didn’t already address this in talking about magic on the continent.)
Let's get one thing straight. Exclusivity, forced or otherwise, doesn't deny the possibility of camaraderie. Most colleges don't accept everyone that applies, and not everyone that gets in goes. That doesn't mean that you can't form serious lasting bonds on campuses, even among large groups of people. Even still, it's not as if there aren't examples of mages who use magic items as opposed to the magic in their bodies. People outside the ten percent capable of magic can still join magic guilds and work as members, even Fairy Tail. (Think Mystogan, and technically Porlyusica) You could be a part of Fairy Tail even if you can't use magic.
The function of the guild is to serve as a place for the audience to identify with. We ought to see the guild and rejoice as it rejoices, hurt when it hurts, and cry when it cries. At the very least, we should sympathize with the members of the Strongest Team as they seek to protect, save, and work on behalf of the guild.
This is why we get arcs like Edolas where the focus is returning the guild to normal. This is why one of the biggest arcs of the series involves members fighting to prove their worth after being ridiculed for seven years to almost absurd degrees. This is why the final war arc is framed, at least initially, as Fairy Tail vs Alvarez Empire and Acnologia. This is why the sequel found a way to involve the entire guild, even as our main focus ought to be on the Strongest Team.
What this means on a wider scale is keeping the guild's place as important. In arcs like Galuna Island or Daybreak, it's not as if that's a big concern. However, it's worth keeping in mind when arcs such as the Grand Magic Games and Tartarus come up. 
I personally feel this strongest in rewriting the x791 arc. That arc is where I get to play with the feelings of the various members of the guild. What really ties some members to the guild? Prestige? Money? Secure jobs? What happens when that's taken away but the guild is still around?
And on a smaller scale, I have a good framework to address those minor characters of Fairy Tail. I don't know that every character needs to have a serious in-depth reason for joining and staying in Fairy Tail. That's especially true considering a lot of characters will leave halfway through the series. But, it's definitely worth thinking through what even small role folks like Kinana and Warren get out of being in the guild. If not for any reason but to shut the critics up.
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19  | Part 20  | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29
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o-w-quinlan · 4 years
Brief thoughts on every Digimon Adventure 2020 episode
It’s been a while since I wrote a review for Adventure 2020, for lack of time or enthusiasm, so here I’ll go through every episode saying “I like it”, “I don’t like it” or “I’m ambivalent”, along with other brief thoughts.
Breaking it down in short “arcs”, my opinions are as follows:
Character Introductions (1-8): Liked 6, didn’t like 1, was ambivalent about 1.
Perfect evolutions and Nidhoggmon (9-18): Liked 6, didn’t like 3, was ambivalent about 1.
Takeru and Devimon (19-24): Liked 1, didn’t like 1, was ambivalent about 4.
Hikari and DarkKnightmon (25-33): Liked 1, didn’t like 5, was ambivalent about 3.
MoonMillenniummon arc? (34-36 as of now): Didn’t like 1 and was ambivalent about 2.
Overall: I liked 14 episodes, didn’t like 11 episodes and was ambivalent about 11 episodes. The vast, vast majority of the episodes I liked were before the second Omegamon appearence.
Pretty long list below the cut
Tokyo Digital Crisis: I like it. Established Taichi and Koushiro very well, had great fights and ended on a good cliffhanger.
War Game: I like it. Not as much as the first, but the fights were pretty good.
And to the Digital World: I like it. First half was just a remake of Our War Game, but second half was a great showcase of Taichi and Koushiro.
Birdramon Soars: I don’t like it. Sora’s lack of reaction is ridiculous, and the action is terrible.
Holy Digimon: I’m ambivalent. Backstory dump was okay, bond between Koushiro and Tentomon was good, the offscreen escape was ridiculous.
The Targeted Kingdom: I like it. Excelent introduction for Mimi, her personality, background and conflicts, characterization for the rest was great, the situation with the protection against the siege was handled great.
That Boy is Jou Kido: I like it. Not quite as good as Mimi’s episode, but good for basically the same reasons.
The Children’s Attack on the Fortress: I like it. It’s the start of the whole “barrage of attacks that hits nothing” trope for the show, but it’s fun, Yamato’s epiphany was surprisingly well handled.
The Perfect Attacks: I like it. It’s the start of “non-protagonists stand around and do nothing” for this show, but the whole deal with Ogremon and Greymon was great enough for me to not mind it.
The Super Evolution of Steel: I like it. I interpreted it as the synchronicity between Taichi and Agumon being the catalyst for the evolution, and that’s unique enough for the franchise that I enjoyed it. Still had tons of problems though.
The Wolf Standing atop the Desert: I don’t like it. It had Yamato go through the most annoying tropes usually associated with the lone wolf archetype, and the evolution cathalyst was remembering the far more impactful episode 8.
Lilimon Blooms: I like it. As others pointed out, it’s an episode long reference to Castle in the Sky, but I actually liked it better than that movie.
The Crimson Winged Garudamon: I don’t like it. Sora was upstaged by Yamato on her own episode, and Jou was just there to be humiliated.
The Kings of the Insects Clash: I’m ambivalent. There’s enough good stuff here to love it and enough bad stuff to hate it. Pity the lessons Koushiro learned here basically stayed here too.
Zudomon’s Iron Hammer of Lightning: I like it. Jou’s determination to not go back on his word and protect his friends by himself was great, as were his initial attempts at strategy both working and failing because of his lack of experience.
The Jet-Black Shadow Invades Tokyo: I like it. Liked the paranoia this evoked.
The Battle in Tokyo Against Orochimon: I like it. It’s the summation of everything that happened before in terms of every single character.
Countdown to Tokyo’s Annihilation: I don’t like it. It was terrible in terms of plot, character and action.
Roar, Juouken: I’m ambivalent. Tons of good stuff here, and all of it relies on incompetent villains and heroes forgetting their power-ups.
The Seventh One Awakens: I like it. Nay, I love it. Best episode in the series, maybe, the culmination of Yamato’s character up to that moment and the first appearence of the Holy Digimon justifying all the hype for them.
The Tide-turning Update: I’m ambivalent. Agumon and Taichi were good, as was the action, but Yamato doing a 180 on his attitude towards Takeru, and Takeru’s extremely convenient rescue of Eldoradimon, dragged this down.
The Unbeatable Blue Sagittarius: I’m ambivalent. Tons of good stuff, but the emotional core of it was Takeru, and he plain didn’t work here.
Meesenger of Darkness, Devimon: I don’t like it. Lame fight scene extended to full episode length.
The Final Stage, Done Devimon: I’m ambivalent. Flashy, but ultimately meaningless.
Dive to the Next Ocean: I don’t like it. Terrible in almost every regard, with the brief scenes of the B-Team being the highlights.
Break Through the Sea Monster Barricade: I don’t like it. The first scene was good and then it spends the episode reiterating its message.
To the New Continent: I don’t like it. Still repeating the same worldbuilding as the previous episode, though at least now everyone is here (for the last time so far).
The Children’s Fight for Survival: I’m ambivalent. Not a whole lot happens but it’s all directed spectacularly (as in, it’s pure spectacle, and I respect that craft).
Escape the Burning Jungle: I’m ambivalent. Some good moments here, but otherwise still reiterating the same “this is a world where the strong eat the weak” bit from 3 episodes ago.
The Ultimate, WarGreymon: I don’t like it. It’s a worse repeat of episode 10.
The New Darkness, Millenniummon: I don’t like it. Lopmon was cool, but everything else was dull.
Soaring Hope: I like it. It finally made Takeru work as a character, explained what Patamon’s deal was and gave us branching evolution lines.
Hikari of Dawn: I’m ambivalent. There’s some good stuff here, but it’s so underwhelming after so much build-up.
Hikari and Tailmon: I’m ambivalent. Fun set-up, but Hikari’s personality change was immersion breaking and I just couldn’t ignore that once again vastly powerful characters (not just the protagonists, but MarinAngemon and Daipenmon) did nothing just so Tailmon got a moment to shine.
The Glowing Angewomon: I’m ambivalent. It’s pretty terrible that the way they decided to make us care about Tailmon accross is via exposition dump of her emotions and issues, and once again her big conversation with Hikari mid-battle was more than a little ridiculous, but it was a compelling concept for their bond, so I’m willing to overlook it.
Operation Satellite Sniper: I don’t like it. It was going well enough (still with problems, but well enough) until the gratuitious BlitzGreymon evolution and not even Koushiro’s info-dump on his feelings (which will most likely be forgotten after this episode again) could fix it.
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paladin-andric · 4 years
Upcoming Book (Reveal!) and Update on Blackheart
How’s everyone doing? I like making a least one update every couple months to let people know I’m not dead, and now’s a good time due to how things are going here.
First up, Blackheart: Where is it? You’ll be happy to know it’s completely done and ready to be published! I’m just waiting on my artist. I told him I wanted a cover with ‘the works’, so that’s happening. Art takes time. So yeah, should be out by fall, hopefully. I’ll post an update when you can get it!
Secondly, as I was waiting for my artist to finish the cover, with nothing much else to do...I started a new book! Introducing...
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I can say with certainty I’m excited about this one! It takes place in the same universe as Blackheart, the continent of Deaco. It takes place about a century before Blackheart, with a completely different cast. It’s going to be a multi-book series about a young warrior’s adventure to save his tribe from a dark curse!
In A Lost World, Book One, the hero, Rhodri, leaves a cave complex and finds himself outside for the first time in his life. His tribe has been hiding underground ever since the dragons destroyed humanity’s empire many centuries ago. As such, he is the first human to go to the surface for several generations. After a dragon’s curse befalls the tribe, he is found to be the only one unaffected by it, a sadistic part of the curse by the dragon, who wished for one of them to have to watch his loved ones die, with no way to stop it. With everyone else doomed to become bedridden, he’s their only choice. He is to go the surface, and find a way to break the curse, at any cost. However, to their knowledge the surface world and its people are hostile to humans, having killed their scouting party during the last expedition. With this knowledge, Rhodri must use an artifact his ancestors left him to disguise himself as one of the surface dwellers. With his new disguise, he befriends one of the beasts above, and convinces her to aid him in his quest...
The Warhawks, this ancient tribe of humans, believe themselves to be the final bastion of human life on earth. The dragons wiped them all out long ago, so if their clan dies, so too does humanity. I won’t say much more, but this story is very interesting. There’s a lot of worldbuilding and lore, as the lead knows nothing about the world at all. The main character is very deceptive, and anyone that’s read Blackheart or knows about my world’s lore would know the information they get during the book’s opening doesn’t make any sense. This is intentional, and it’s going to play well with the other books down the line. This story is essentially Fallout 1/2′s plot with a medieval fantasy twist. You must save your people, a group that is ignorant of and sheltered from the outside world, before a disaster ends them all. If you fail, everyone you know is going to die. The story runs with that, with our protagonist relentless in his quest to save his tribe. He’ll do whatever it takes to save his people before it’s too late, and he’s okay with that...
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Anyhow, I hope everyone here’s doing okay! You should hopefully get to read Blackheart, in all its physical copy glory, soon!
It’s been a long time, and a lot of people on my taglist are either deactivated, name changed or moved. As such, I’ve made lots of posts that most of you never saw. I tried to update it to be more accurate. If you don’t want to be here anymore, ask and I’ll take you off.
Tag list: @tinydragonadventures​, @lady-redshield-writes, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time,  @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadchronicles, @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @writer-candy, @shewrites-sometimes, @chazwrites, @thewritingcaddy
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ksoap-ie · 4 years
Rocky x reader
WARNINGS: some cursing
Oh my gosh, it’s done! I hope you enjoyed it! This fic was a c h a l l e n g e. I’m not that experienced in kissing scenes and fighting scenes - and it shows, but it can’t get any worse from here! This isn’t exactly what anon asked for, I’m sorry about that :( I know you wanted to see some scenes where Rocky becomes protective after he almost loses the reader but, who’s to say there won’t be a part two... 
Ahh idk, it depends if people like this. Stay safe everyone!
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It was only a month ago when it happened. At the time, everyone saw the threats as negligible. It was just a joke. We believed that no one would actually be stupid enough to start a war, especially in this day and age where technology was powerful enough to destroy the world. To say the least, it was a shock when a missile landed in North Korea the next week. In retaliation, they sent another missile. One even bigger. One that put the surrounding continents in an abysmal state. 
I was with Rocky that day. It was 6pm and we was walking down the street, on our way back to the apartment after getting dinner together. Hands entwined; a warm sunset. It was normal, everything was the same as usual. An array of vehicles flash by, most likely headed home for the weekend. It was nice. It was relaxing. 
I adored every second of it. 
But then that was it.
It was strange. I started to feel itchy, unbearably itchy. I looked at Rocky, he seemed panicked, I asked him if he felt it too. 
But he didn’t answer.
His hand gripped mine and he started sprinting to our apartment. We were only a three minute walk away so it wasn’t long before he shut the door behind us and dragged me towards the bathroom. He let go of my hand, immediately turning on the shower. 
“Rocky, I don’t understand what’s happening.” 
“I’m not sure, but if I’m right there’s not much time to explain.” I notice he’s trembling. His voice is shaky, his eyes were darting around the room. Something’s not right. “I think there’s been a nuclear missile. Ever since the threats have been going on I’ve been doing some research to prepare for the worse case scenario. I didn’t actually think it would- oh my god.
 Okay Y/N, I need you to get in the shower quickly. I think we’re in the thermal radiation zone. There’s a chance radiation is on our bodies right now, so get in the shower. I’ll go check if the windows are closed.” 
“Are you kidding me? You were outside at the same time as me, you’ve got to get in as well.” I step into the shower and pull him in too. “We’re wearing clothes so it’s fine, lets just worry about our health now.” 
He sighs, resting his head on mine; hot breath tickling every inch of my face. Our clothes and bodies were submerged with water. I put my hand on his cheek, rubbing it with my thumb.
“It’s going to be fine. Everything will work out, I promise.”
2 months later...
The panic has finally settled. It had been reported that 1/4 of the population in South Korea have now passed. Whether they have been starved, murdered, blown to pieces, at the end of the day, a lot of people have died. A small portion of buildings were destroyed. Bricks decayed and their fragments sprinkled around the city. All electricity was shut off a month ago. No one was able to manage it due to the minor percentage of the population going out on a killing spree. In this society, it’s kill or be killed. Funny right? It sounds like something a protagonist would say in a movie. 
Luckily Rocky and I were able to text a few friends before that, the ones that we contacted survived and now we’re travelling together. We found a small house on the outskirts of Seoul. 
Unlike the buildings in the city, this one was mostly intact. The front door, was once painted burgundy, but now a rough cream wood peeks out from underneath.  We were relived to see that it had 4 surviving walls, despite having to barrier up some holes with scrap pieces of metal from abandoned cars, it was better then nothing. Inside the house, there was one long corridor with three doors and a staircase. The first door was on the right, it lead to what once was a living room. There was an ivory knole sofa. It was pushed to the side and upon further inspection, circular, brown stains were left on the arms of the chair. A dirty mint rug laid in front. A TV was neatly placed on the table, but there was a hole that shot through the screen. It created a large crack and left glass in its surrounding area. 
To say the least, whoever was in this room at the time, left in a panic. 
The second door lead to a kitchen where we found an astonishing amount of food, the third door was a bathroom. But that didn’t matter really, plumbing stopped working so it has no use. Lastly, the staircase lead to a bedroom. We ended up setting a camp of some sort in the first room. Sleeping bags became a necessity, we had 2 laid on the floor and transformed the sofa into a bed. There was also a reclining armchair in the corner which Moonbin claimed as his own. Rocky and I shared the sofa bed while Jinjin and Sanha took the sleeping bags. 
It was morning, 7am roughly, we were all sitting around Jinjin as he dug through a backpack which contained our supply of food. He placed 2 cans of beans and a breakfast bar on the floor. 
“Is this really all we have?” I ask, Jinjin nods his head in acknowledgement. He puts the food back in the bag and pushes it to the side. 
“Three of us should go out, two should stay here and defend the house.” he inspects the mood before continuing, “ Rocky, Moonbin, lets go out while Sanha and Y/N stay here. They’ll be safer, and Sanha can fight if anything bad happens - which is unlikely.”
The trio stood up and began preparing for their trip. They each balanced a backpack on their shoulders, Moonbin was equipped with a baseball bat, Jinjin had a knife while Rocky held a shotgun. Just as they were about to exit the room, when Rocky pauses at the door. His hand hovers above the handle, and he turns around, opening up a cabinet by the sofa. He pulls out a black pistol and a simple pocket knife. After inspecting them, he silently hands the pistol to Sanha before turning to me. 
He locks the blade in the handle, placing it in my hand and then wraps his arms around me. I clench the knife, feeling goosebumps, and the sickening chill of the metal, travel up my arms. Rocky’s hands move in a calming circular motion, he then places his hands on my shoulders, looking me dead in the eye. 
It brought me back to that day. Those helpless, muddy eyes obstructing my vision from the danger. 
“I know it’s scary, but don’t be afraid to use it if you have to.” Grinning, I nod my head. He reciprocates my action and finally, the three depart for their mission. 
As expected, the house became quiet. 
“Do you think they’ll be okay?” Sanha says after a few minutes. 
“They’re strong.” I began, sitting down on the sofa and patting the spot next to me. Sanha sits with the gun still in his hand. “Jinjin is smart, he won’t panic if he’s threatened. Moonbin is good at self defence and Rocky used to go shooting with his dad when he was a teenager. Also, the store they’re going to is nearby. If anything happens to them - or us - we can help each other out. I don’t think we have to worry.”
We talked about trivial topics to pass the time. We joked, laughed, even danced a bit. Putting it into words like this: we acted recklessly. But it was fun and it kept us going. Despite being so sick with worry, it allowed us to digest our thoughts.
Until, of course we heard a faint murmur. At first, Sanha immediately jumped out of his seat, running to the door. Only then did I chase after him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. He started at me, mouth shaped like an ‘o’, eyes widened. 
“Do you really think it’s them?” I whisper-yelled, then reaching up and tapping his head with my index finger, I continued, “The voices outside... if it was them, don’t you think they would come in by now?”
If was even possible, Sanha’s eyes widened even more then before. Quickly, he seized the pistol, pulling me behind him. 
“Stay behind me. Rocky will kill me if something ever happens to you.”
Laughing a little awkwardly, I tap his back in an attempt to settle his rising tension. “Hey - don’t you think you’re being too mean? I look after you continuously and this is how you repay me?”
“Now’s not the time Y/N.”
I let out a sigh. 
“You’re right.”
The silence was almost nauseating. 
The room was full of blind spots, we had no way of knowing where they were.
My heart palpitated faster then time itself.
Somehow, every passing second felt like years - no, decades. No-
Slowly, I moved my eyes to the left. I stared at three men, and they stared back. A thin layer of glass was the only security we had.
To keep it short, they looked like thugs. The three all had black hair. The first mans hair was unkempt, one could say it was an effect of the missile.
 The second mans hair was almost like someone had stitched together patches of grass. It seems that he cut it with a knife, probably an attempt of wanting to have shaved hair so his vision isn’t obstructed.  
The third man didn’t appear to have any prominent features, but upon further inspection, he was vastly different to the other two. To put it short, he was handsome: slightly wavy hair, large eyes, plump lips pulled into a smirk. Yet, he sparked intense anxiety. He lifted a plank of wood in the air, forcefully striking the window. The glass smashed into fragments on impact. They laid like a moat, glistening by the window.
Once again Sanha pulled me behind him. He placed one foot forward and aimed towards the three men. 
“Back off. Don’t think I won’t shoot, I will. Turn around right now. If you even think about coming closer you three are as good as dead.”
“Kid,” The third one began, boldly stepping forward, “what are you, 19? 20? You look young. Your threats won’t bother me, after all, I can tell you weren’t even planning to shoot any of us from the start.”
He gestures towards Sanha’s hands, they were shaking. The other two men chuckle, also taking a further step. The big eyed man sits on the armchair, he leans back and rests his forearms on the arms of the chair. 
“You two, are you the original owners of this house?”
“What’s it to you?” Sanha retorts.
“Me?” The man tilts his head back and laughs before leaning forward. With his elbows still resting on the chair, he puts one hand over the other, almost like he’s preparing to form a fist. After a few seconds, he moves his chin towards the two men, nodding at the pair. “It’s nothing to me but if you are the owners of the house, you owe those two men money.”
Having enough of his taunts, I step out from behind Sanha.
“Money? Even if we were the original owners of this house do you really think money matters in this society?” I question, enraged. In response, the man stands up.
“A debt is still a debt unfortunately, and I think you’ll find money will become more precious then your lives when the government decides to get their shit together. While a majority, if not all of society is poor right now, they’ll still be poor by the time everything’s been rebuilt. Thus, the smart ones who collected money, are subsequently at the top of the food chain.”
“That’s sick.”
“Maybe in your definition, but we’ll see who’s suffering after this is over. Anyways-” He stands in front of Sanha, grasping the gun. “You. Didn’t you say that you’d shoot me 5 minutes ago? Am I getting a discount?”
Suddenly, the man snatches the gun. While Sanha stands in shock, he’s shoved to the ground. As he’s about to get up, the grass-haired man tackles him. They smash into the wall. When they move away, a crack is revealed, leaving temporary evidence of the incident. 
“Now you. It seems like you aren’t the original house owners but sadly, these greedy men won’t leave with nothing.” 
“What about you then? You keep repeating ‘these men’ this, ‘these men’ that. What’s your purpose? It sounds you’re not even acquainted with each other.”
“Us? Well... it’s none of your business but I suppose there’s no harm in telling you a little bit. They-” He points at the men. “-are my dogs. Whatever master wants, they have to go fetch.” 
“You sound stupid calling them that-” He forcibly grips my face with his hand, moving it around as he talks. 
“I may look like a thug but I prefer scientific terminology if you would. What term did my therapist use...sociopath? No that’s wrong...” Tilting his head, he leans closer. “Ah, psychopath. That was it. Do you want to learn more about people like me? We’re smart. We know how to get our own way, but I suppose in your world that’s considered abnormal. But you-”
He reclines, looking at me up and down. 
“You may not be this house’s owner but you should at least compensate for the time we took to travel here. I mean look at us all. This is nice, I bet you two have been stuck with each other for the past month. It must’ve been boring. Don’t you think you should thank us?”
“We never asked you to come here.” I retort while struggling out of his grip. Scanning the situation, I notice now both men are focused on Sanha. He has no chance of getting out of their claws by himself. We need to take them down together. 
This crazy guy, he’s holding Sanha’s gun in his right hand. Trembling, I tightly shut my eyes, kicked the man in the ‘you know where’, and dived for the gun. 
“You crazy bitch.” 
Quickly, he recovers, tugging my hair and dragging me away from the gun. He shoves the gun in front of my face, waving it around. 
“This? Is this what you were aiming for?”
 Clenching his hand around my neck, he lifts his hand. A stinging pain erupts through my cheek. My throat became tighter. The mans features became muddled as tears formed in my eyes. Anxiety built up in my chest. I tried swallowing, breathing in more oxygen but to no avail.
“How dare you hit me. How dare you. Even when I was being so generous, I was going to look after you. It would’ve been fun. Don’t you think so too?” A grin tugs at his lips as the words left his mouth. I could only stare at him in shock. Aggressively, he begins shaking me around.
“Hey, I’m speaking to you. Answer me-”
Our eyes meet a flickering light on the ground. The man picks it up, unsheathing the blade. It’s sharp edge pieces the skin bellow my eye. A crimson waterfall slides down my cheek.
I closed my eyes as my body was thrown to the floor. Oxygen immediately flowed into my lungs. It took me a few moments to just, breath. To realise that I was breathing. To realise that I wasn’t dead. But when I finally calmed down, standing above me, was two figures. The first one was pinning the second down. He was laying face down, the first figure was sitting on top of him, twisting the first mans arm. His  screeching bounced off of the walls. I realised that it was the man from before.
The first man however, was about average height, had ash-grey (obviously dyed) hair and...
“Rocky...?” I asked. 
“Y/N are you okay?” Moonbin couched down by my side. He placed his hand behind my back for support, helping me up into a sitting position. “We got back a few minutes ago.”
“I see.”
Meanwhile, Rocky had turned the man over so that he was laying on his back. Raising his fist, he repeatedly pummeled the mans face. 
“You sick bastard.” Rocky murmured, punching one last time. He moved his hands, gripping the mans collar and lifting him up. “If I catch you around her one more time, you’re dead.” 
He drags to the door and throws him out. “I’ll kill you, don’t ever come back.” Rocky spits, one last time, before turning back. 
Moonbin and Jinjin rid of the other two men after checking on Sanha. After seeing the weapons they carried, the two men hurried off to find their ‘master’.
“You’re hurt.” A voice stated. A look to my right to find that familiar face that I adored. His eyes were filled with tender and concern. He raised his hand and place it on my cheek, his soft thumb rubbing the cut, in an attempt to soothe the pain. 
“I should have been here sooner.” He whispered, chewing on lower lip as tears welled up in his eyes. I scoot closer to him. I put both my hands on his cheeks, lean close and smile. He rests his hands over mine, looking intently at the gash under my eye.
“There was no way you could have known this would have happened. Sanha and I are safe, you guys came at the best possible time.” He looked down, shaking his head with a flood of tears gushing down his cheeks, dripping onto my hands. He began sniffing uncontrollably though words.
“It must’ve been so scary, I’m so sorry. I’m really sorry, Y/N.” I use my thumbs to wipe his tears away before taking his hand and putting it on my chest, above my heart.
“This is still here because of you. Thank you for protecting me,” with a tear rolling down my cheek, I continued. “Truthfully, I thought I was going to die. I was worried that I was never going to be able to see your face again. But we’re both here together. Thank you for saving me Rocky, if you didn’t come, things would be a lot worse.”
With tear-filled eyes, we both laughed a little. He leaned in slightly, taking a quick glance at my lips while he wiped a tear from my face.
In that moment, it was like we were in our own world. His warm breath tickled my face, eyelashes fluttering and heart pounding. I parted my lips slightly; so did he. I leaned in closer; so did he. His intoxicating scent hypnotised my rational thoughts. I felt the slight stubble on his chin that’s been growing for the past few months, and his soft, warm hands pressed against my jaw, fingers running through my hair. And for a brief moment, he smiled lovingly. 
Then, his thumb grazed my lower lip, and he kissed me gently. I put my hands on his back, feeling the soft fabric of his cotton t-shirt, feeling his fingers caress my locks, feeling his mouth moving against mine. Soon after, our lips unlocked - panting. But he smiled once more and whispered.
“I’ll never leave your side, I promise.”
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greengargouille · 5 years
After a good night of sleep, a reread and access to a readmore, here are some thoughts on the mol update:
-I’m glad the fight didn’t stay too long on the angel and demons, while it’s interesting to see what kind of forms demons can have, it’s just too late in the story to get invested on a whole bunch of new creatures or the danger they pose.
-Zorian almost being petty on Xvim admiring the angels’ barrier, some things never change :’)
-I like that for a moment, Zorian isn’t sure he will be able to use his ‘secret plan’. We know he will, of course; this is not the kind of story where the protagonist ultimately fail. Also Domagoj mentioned on his patreon/wordpress he considered doing a sequel centered on Zorian and Zach, which kinda imply those two survive. But it would feel too... convenient if everything went smoothly. Of course there are going to be moments were he is not sure at all his plan will work.
-Oganj being able to pass through the divine barrier is what really sold me on how impressively dangerous of a threat he is. It’s one thing to be a menace able to make a whole continent shake, but angels felt like a cut above that.
- “After a few seconds, he noticed that everyone except Zach was staring at him strangely.” I thought this would be the set-up for another ‘Zorian forgot what an average mind mage can do’, instead it turns into a moment of reminiscence on how the people we all came to know and love died in the loop. Which is excellent heartcrushing. Well played.
-Zorian’s actions being described as only being ‘a drop in the bucket’ felt a bit... surprising? I expected him to be more of an influence. It makes sense, of course, but after being used to stories where the protagonist become overpowered, it feel unexpected. Not in a bad way through.
-Can I just say that I love that we still have small moments of Zorian thinking his original self would be horrified and that he’s numb of all those atrocities he let happen to spare his mana? Too often stories brush off the mental impact those kind of fights can have on someone. I hope the epilogue will touch on this a bit more.
-An army of pigeons (and cats) to the rescue. Oh man that was hilarious. As always it makes sense because their existence was talked about multiple times, but still. How can you not laugh at the idea of cultists going their way in an intense moment to be stopped by pigeons. It also makes for a small contribution from Raynie and Haslush, which is great. Secondary characters having a role in the finale is great.
-If it weren’t for them surely being made with souls, potion monsters feels like something Zorian would invest in researching once the situation have settled. It feels like something not mana-intensive, and with a bit of mind magic to control them it would be devastating.
-Silverlake trying to get a rise out of Zorian by asking about his sexuality shows she is quite good at finding the touchy points of people, but it does makes me wonder if something happened within the loop for her to think this could potentially work. But also, she formulate the whole choice as merely a personal, selfish one (trying to save one person he is invested in instead of all the potential ones he could have helped with sabotaging the invasion from the inside), which is... quite Silverlake-y. She can’t fathom someone choosing something outside of their own interests.
[Unrelated to the update, but I did wonder some times how common would sapphic relationships be in a witch coven, what’s with them putting men aside. Surely a witch who decided to get a male partner solely for procreation, then abandoning him to go and raise her daughter with another witch must have happened at some point? If Silverlake was aware of such things happening then it would be more likely she would come up with such a question to bait Zorian] -Holy heck, Silverlake and Red Robe being full of primordial essence. It feels so obvious, but it did procure a rush of “how the heck are they going to stop them all from releasing the primordial now”. Same when Silverlake’s regeneration abilities were shown. What a fearsome adversary.
-At last, the grey hunter! It had to come up at some point, and what better prey than the one that trained it against traps. But old Silverlake appearing? It was something I would not be sure would happen. Oh, what a joyful moment, having her own selfishness and paranoia come to bite her back :’D
-The soulseizer chrysanthemum was something I saw some people predict, and it made all too much sense for it to be used. Good luck to Quatach-Ichl to find another live one to train himself to resist against it.
-Speaking of Quatach-Ichl. He might not have the crown anymore, but he have connexions, lot of power, and he is used to long-term thinking. Now that they’re back on linear time, Zorian and Zach are going to have a very troublesome enemy to think about.
-Oganj the powerful dragon mage getting both the imperial crown and orb, while we have no idea if he survives the angel going after him. He is totally not going to be a problem later on the road. (Well, best case scenario, our favorite lich will try to get his crown back and they end up fighting each other. Worst case scenario, however, is an unlikely alliance between the two. How, man, I’m glad the story is ending because I would not have been able to wait on how that would come back).
-Aaand here is the town wide web area of sigils coming up. Most people had guessed it would be used against Zach, some people did thought it would be used on Jornak, but not on both at the same time.
-Gosh, the Zach’s pov chapter. It’s all I wanted from such a chapter at least a canon chapter. It... did feel a little off-putting at first because I felt like... overall voice?... of it would have a different... I dunno, something more... Zach? Not that I had any expectations on how it should have gone- I wasn’t even sure we would get his point of view in the first place.
-Him slowly giving up on ever getting out before Zorian came up in the equation, gosh that’s the kind of content I craved. I wouldn’t mind a whole chapter of this. And ah, him finding Zorian a bit scary is pretty great *stare in the distance at this fic idea that refuse to write itself*
-I hadn’t thought on how, if Zach hadn’t been through that many loops, the two would definitely had more conflicts on the way to do things. An interesting thing to think about.
-Zach isn’t just a dumb brute and I do like that this end up being Red Robe’s fatal mistake. It’s easy to fall back into this error while writing, so I appreciate that Domagoj did play on it; it’s hard writing a character being impulsive and failing to think through on a lot of things, without them coming up as completely stupid, and still making it look consistent as a whole.
-Zach is ‘just a little bit jealous’ of Zorian beating Quatach-Ichl, while Zorian himself wanted earlier to be petty and defensive of his own abilities compared to a angel barrier. Those guys, I swear.
-The diagnosis spell Zach used necessitate contact. Interesting, when a lot of divination magic shown in the story haven’t required it, or even any chant for that matter. Is it for dramatic purpose, or is it specific to divination related to healing? Or is it just ‘the closer the subject of the divination is the better the result, so of course physical contact is going to give the best answer’?
-”And Zach... felt happy. He felt disgust with himself for it, but he really did. [...] He was free, and all it cost him was the life of his best friend.” This. This is the kind of angst I live for. What a perfect conclusion to this chapter.
--- -I half-expected a Zach’s pov chapter, but a Jornak one? Now that’s unexpected, but it answers questions I did not know how to formulate- I always wanted more details on how they ended up becoming more friendly, or how Jornak did manage to get into the loop. (I... actually still want more details even after reading the chapter, but I feel like it’s one of those case where the author would rather leave it at that and let the readers make their own suppositions).
-This chapter also is good for characterisation purpose- Jornak truly believes in what he’s doing, but also show a fair amount of how his life was pretty bad and how he feels the whole world is unfair towards him- which doesn’t make him likeable, but interesting as a character.
-The grey hunter have its belly full of primordial energy after slurping Silverlake, which totally won’t be a problem later on. At least this one the cultists will have a tough time finding it for sacrifice purpose. (Though I do wonder, if the primordial essence itself is linked to the contract? It was only the souls of Silverlake and Jornak, wasn’t it? It would be way too convenient if the primordial essence disappeared after the month is over)
-Zorian making him relieve the supposed after fight over and over till he gets all his secrets. What an horrifying moment. I love it.
-I’m pretty sure I read the theory somewhere the soulseizer chrysanthemum would be used for bypassing mind-blank? It’s been a while since I read discussions on previous chapters. I like the explanation on the whole mind-soul-body link. It’s pretty much like cutting your computer from internet to avoid piracy, but forgetting to put an higher password on said computer when you leave your desk unattended.
-It’s reassuring to know the manifold resonance spell can only be used a few times on the same person. One thought I had on post-story problem is, would Zorian’s ability to bypass mind blank forever put a gap in his relationship with Zach, as the latter is probably still very touchy about anything to do with his memories even after his contract ended? What about anyone who learns of it? Having it being limited on uses solves (at least partially) that problem.
-Kiri’s doll is mentioned, which I totally forgot but would be sad if it did not reappear! And ah, of course, the famous trick of replacing the mini-golem with another while pretending it was just a repair. Since Kirielle is probably going to study magic (if she doesn’t go the witch path instead), I wonder if she will end up specialising in golem-making.
-If the grey hunter goes into the Dungeon and makes it its territory, is there a risk the monsters there get chased to the upper layers? Would the araneas be enough against them? Would they get into the city? What an hilariously horrible conclusion. “Oh yeah we saved the city of the invasion, but with all the monsters coming up it’s impossible to repair it, we have no choice but to abandon it”. Unlikely even if creatures did appear, as it’s just the biggest mana hole of the continent, but it’s fun to think about.
-Not only did Zorian maintained two illusionary worlds, he did so while having an hivemind, and after a long and hard fight in which he also had to redirect an enormous amount of mana into an angel summoning cube. That, plus connecting with various people all over whenever Zach tried to verify their minds. No wonder he is tired.
-It’s probably not a good idea to stay in town, and I’m not sure where that secluded and secure space is, but I bet that’s not where Zorian will wake up next chapter. Not sure in which condition are Ismaya’s house or the Noveda’s estate, but it’s probably safer out of town... Cirin, maybe. Have Zorian wake up in his bedroom and have a small heart attack thinking the loop started again.
-...I hope out of the Damien-Xvim-Alanic trio, one of them at least take the time to wait for Zach’s wake up, or leave something for him to explain the situation. Through all the contingencies Jornak prepared are way more important, so it could be possible to overlook that. Can you imagine how Zach will feel suddenly waking up in a strange room, with your best friend your mourned being unconscious but alive, and a weird pile of goo on the side. Is this an illusion. Was your previous memory an illusion. How can you be sure.
-...What’s with the orb being out of Koth now, and the Taramatula estate having gained portals to move between continents, will Daimen visits his family more now? That’s great news! ...I guess. For Fortov at least, who is sorely needing some training. If he’s still alive. Who knows. Maybe the epilogue will tell us.
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seasaltmemories · 5 years
Tales of Berseria Review/Analysis
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So Berseria is my first Tales game I’ve played, but despite all the praise I’ve heard for many of its titles, I knew I wanted to start here first and foremost.  Having not only having the first solo female protagonist and a darker story of revenge kept me glued to the story.
But to go more into the summary:
Many hundreds of years before the events of Zestiria, the continent of Midgand suffered under a terrible curse called "Daemonblight". Ordinary humans and animals became possessed by evil spirits and were transformed into bloodthirsty monsters that preyed upon the living. That was until the day a saviour named Artorius Colbrande appeared and united the world against the bestial hordes that threatened to destroy it. Wielding a holy sword and a philosophy of "reason over emotion", Artorius causes the Advent of angelic malakhim into the world, and leads the Exorcists of "The Abbey" in a crusade to eradicate Daemonblight once and for all.
Yet in a dark prison cell far from human contact lies a woman named Velvet Crowe, whose peaceful life was shattered three years ago in one of the "Scarlet Nights" that used to inspire terror the world over - the same night the rest of the world knows as the Advent. Velvet knows the terrible truth of how Artorius gained his divine strength during that Scarlet Night, an incident that twisted her left arm with daemonic power, left dark scars upon her former kindness... and left her bereaved of her little brother. One night, a mysterious woman, who Velvet suspects she knows, visits her cell. The woman has a proposal: if Velvet can escape from the prison, the woman will help her take revenge upon Artorius. With burning hatred in her heart, Velvet embarks on a quest that threatens to uproot and revolutionize the world order.
If you can’t tell, this game is a prequel to Tales of Zestiria, which I never played, but as I was more interested in this and had absorbed a lot of plot points from mutuals who loved Zestiria I thought I would be fine.
And starting off I was really endured by the cast.  As you can see, you kick off the main story breaking out of prison and most of the rest of your party are other outlaws, criminals, and morally ambiguous figures.  At first they mainly work together out of mutual self-interest, but after accidentally kidnapping a young Malek, corrupting/raising him begins to bring the party together
I gotta say Act 1 was my favorite part of the game, Velvet is a sharpened sword brought to life living nothing more for her revenge.  And her quest brings an actual moral dilemma, Artorius is bring peace to a world on the verge of chaos, yet what is that peace worth if it came at the price of an innocent life?  Is it worth burning down the rest of civilization to get vengeance for her little brother?
Aside from this, her growing her growing relationship with Laphicet, the young Malek is also interesting, in a fit of trauma she named him after her younger dead brother and the sibling-like bond they develop make it seem as if she is taking out a lot of her grief through projecting onto him, it’s all fascinating stuff
However I found things started to drag for me during Act 2, plot-wise we have to take some time from directly pursuing the revenge plot bc Artorius is too strong atm, and i understand that out of universe we need to give time to explore the rest of the cast, still this really hurts the momentum of Velvet’s arc
And while I enjoyed the rest of the cast, none of the stuff we got focused on them ever felt like it reached its full potential whether individually or game-wide, part of this might be my fault as it seems there might have been some side quests i missed (although I tried to stay on top of most of them and what I got never seemed to be very necessary for getting the main plot) still i feel like if you’re going to make me run all across the world it shouldn’t be that hard to weave more in, there’s just a lot of focus on past backstory rather than active story moments which is frustrating on top of what I previously mentioned
Going into Act 3 spoilers, things did pick up, until then I had tried to construct a consistent morality of the game and came up with the idea that, “sacrificing for the greater good isn’t inherently wrong, but often those who are asked to sacrifice had no choice in the matter” the plot twist of Laphi having been in on the sacrifice and now acting as Innomenant really was great, shaking both the narrative and Velvet, making almost all the pain and hurt she had inflicted on the world for nothing.
The moral ambiguity gets a little simplified when the stakes escalate to world-ending levels, while it fits in with the other themes of independence and free will, it does make our group that gleefully dragged small children with them on assassination attempts into undeniable good guys, not a bad choice but it does leave most of the rest of the narrative pretty straight-forward
I also feel like i never got a good grasp on the lore, like part of this is also me looking stuff up, but Melchior and Artorius seemed to be not human or very old and apparently followed that Claudin guy, but i don’t know if Innomenant was always their main goal or what
As for the actual ending, this is when I really felt like it would be more emotional if I had played Zestiria before bc a lot of stuff felt as if it should have been more meaningful
Ranking the Cast:
1) Phi: the beating heart of the narrative, bringing everyone together and growing into such a strong person, like i said the highlights of the narrative was both his slow “corruption” and then how he matured and began to stand up for himself, his speech to Velvet in the Earthpulse was 10/10
2) Velvet: what can I say, give me a morally ambiguous lead girl and I am hooked, i feel like they did a good job of balancing out her closed off new nature by giving the audience just enough information to know how she must really be feeling, which made her more than just “angry and revenge” focused, but I feel like bc of the break in the 2nd act a lot of the immediacy of her trauma and desperation was kinda lost
3) Magilou: a fun character that worked as comic relief a lot of the time, but the teases about her backstory/true nature were great, and I especially love her scene where she single-handedly holds back Melchior to save the rest of the party, still this is where some of the “only getting to hear backstory” stuff really began to drag on me
4) Eleanor: a good foil for Velvet and solid member of the party, adds good world-building, however I was less invested in her development bc a lot of it was centered around Kamoana who just irked me, after getting such a good kid character with Phi, she was just so baby-ish and ended up dragging Eleanor down
5) Eizen: Nothing wrong with his character, but i feel like he definitely would have meant more to me if i was more familiar with Zesteria, contributed to the themes and had a nice relationship with Phi, but I again a lot of his more personal character moments just weren’t delivered
6) Rokurou: As a character I like him, especially in Act 1 his relaxed personality is good for the party’s chemistry, I just could not get into his arc at all, there’s just a lot of generic ‘I need to get stronger vibes’ and what pathos surrounding it isn’t really utilized the most effectively, like in a game all about family and people going to insane means for them, the fact he just really wants to kill his brother should be a big deal, but while you can read between the lines about likely having a pretty shitty childhood but again I wish we had seen more of that on-screen stuff, for a guy defined by his anger, we don’t actually get a lot of it explicitly which makes it hard to connect,
Also with the ending, I knew Velvet had a tragic fate and I feel like her sacrificing herself was fitting, I guess just the way the last cut-scene was shot gave everything a happy and triumph tone which didn’t really fit, Velvet’s fate seems pretty shitty and so at least getting to mourn that/a more tragic but necessary tone would have made it slide down easier
Overall I may seem so critical was bc I really wanted to love this game, and while it didn’t deliver everything I want and fall into that adoration camp, the fact it left with so much to talk about is definitely worth something
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