#our smol bbys
minteaspoon · 1 year
A Moment of Reprieve
actually happy lucemond hours:)
a/n: this was based off of song of achilles by madeline miller, go check the book out and give it a read - it’s absolutely worth it:)
Under the Weirwood Tree in the gardens of the Red Keep, there sat two young boys. One of white hair and purple eyes, the other of dark brown locks and dark irises.
The eldest, Aemond, held a book in his right hand, reading in High Valyrian to the younger, Lucerys - all while his left hand caresses his nephew’s head of chocolate.
In the grasp of Lucerys, he toyed with a small and thin horse, listening adeptly to his senior.
He liked listening to his uncle Aemond reading - he had a nice voice. Luke’s smile widens when he sees a servant bringing lemon cakes as ordered by the uncle and nephew duo.
“Uncle Aem! Our lemon cakes are here!” He exclaims, readying to up himself from his laid down position on his uncle’s lap. The brunette feels his shoulders held down, and brought back to rest against the ground.
“Stay, Lucy, the servant will bring the treats over. You don’t have to run and tire your small body,” Aemond jokes, chuckling softly when Luke puffs his cheeks out at the playful quip.
When the servant brings the lemon cakes over, the duo thank them before dismissing them to their chores.
Munching on the sweets, Luke asks, “do you think Mama and Step-grandmother are fighting again?”
Aemond froze, and turns his gaze to his distracted nephew who’s eyes were on the book his uncle had lay down to eat the cakes.
“…Knowing my mother, and with what she’s told me of my half-sister - your mother, I would be surprised if they handled a meeting without even the barest of arguments,” he mumbles loud enough for his nephew to hear.
Lucerys stops mid-bite, before putting his lemon cake back on the tray, wiping remaining crumbs from his fingers while turning to his uncle.
“I guess you have a point…Uncle Aem, do you think we’ll stick together even if our mothers separate us?” This was asked gently and in a whisper, sounding afraid of rejection from the questioner’s source of admiration.
The eldest was silent, before he brings his left hand to pat the younger’s head before it shifts downwards to his cheek. Once there, his thumb makes comforting motions as the brunette further leans into its hold.
“Yes, whatever happens, Lulu, I’ll make sure we stick together, alright? Nothing will separate us, I swear this to the Old and New Gods,” Aemond smiles, as he picks the book back into his grasp.
The duo continue to eat their sweet treats in a comfortable silence, leaning into each other and relishing in the quiet moment of reprieve.
Under the Weirwood Tree, they always found peace together away from the tumultuous life within the Red Keep.
After another minute or so, Luke breaks the silence yet again with a question, this time, one that temporarily stuns Aemond.
“Can you name one hero who was happy?”
Aemond’s face scrunches in confusion, “whatever do you mean?”
“I mean, can you name one hero in our books and lessons who lived and died happily? All at once? Every day and every night, every hour and every minute. They were always happy, and never anything else.”
His uncle’s brows furrowed in thought, as Luke stares at the violet eyes with many thoughts of memories about their Sept’s lessons of past history.
“…I can’t say I have - I’m sorry, Luke.”
Luke shrugs and smiles, “Well, if you can’t name one, then there hasn’t been one both famous AND happy yet, huh?”
“I suppose you can say that.”
Sighing his disappointment loudly, Luke flips onto his back and onto his uncle’s lap yet again. His eyes were closed, and after a few deep breaths, he opens them with a bright smile.
“Alright then, I’ll tell you a secret!”
He scrambles upwards to his knees to the side of his uncle, who’s wide-eyed gaze keeps track of his always moving nephew.
“And what will that be?”
“I’ll be the first!”
Luke brings his soft hands to Aemond’s lightly calloused hands from training, and excitedly shoved their intertwined hands to their chests, leaning into his uncle’s face as his smile widens.
“I’ll be the first hero in history to always be happy! Swear it!”
Aemond’s wide eyes yet again furrows, “why me?”
“Because you’re the reason! Swear it!”
These words were loud yet quiet, as though this claim were so sacred that only Aemond, Luke, the Weirwood Tree and the Old and New Gods were the only ones worthy of hearing it.
And to the boys, it was.
Aemond was brought out of his thoughts by his nephew.
“Swear it,” whispered his beloved.
Hesitantly, he whispers back, much quieter than his nephew; “I swear it.”
Luke leans his forehead against Aemond’s, and both let out shaky breaths held in after the silence that followed their vows.
There, under the Weirwood Tree in the garden of the Red Keep, sat two lovestruck young boys, uncaring of the rest of the world, and relishing in a moment of reprieve from the hectic life of the court.
There they shared kisses and embraces.
There they shared sweet words and sweet treats.
There they comforted the other when troubles arose.
There they would sit and make up when they fight.
And there, a lone man - filled with a burning regret and a strong yearning of a past once forgotten and now remembered - kneels, as the rest of his world burns into nothing but ashes and sulfur, of fire and blood, of the raging ocean and thunderous storms in what once was a place of comfort, safety and love.
a/n: ….Never said it was gonna end sweet:) Just that it was gonna be a happy moment for lucemond, never said I wasn’t gonna make it end with me tearing y’all’s hearts out:)
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lillystarreds · 1 year
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My keychain from @tejennnn just arrived!!!
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They all look adorable🥺💙💚❤️
And I just love the extra sticker that came with it🤣
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jazeswhbhaven · 22 days
We outside with a Bad Boy~ (Satan Attacker Prologue React Part I)
I would say *spoilers* but this card has been out for a minute now so lol FINALLY, A BIH POSTED THIS
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So let me first say, thank you all for sticking around and waiting patiently for my reacts to start up again. Now that I've been getting my sources from the lovely mooties and oomfs with the addition that there's some down time lately for content with PB so now I can hurry up and post some shit before they start hitting us with Belphegor and the next chapter which I assume will be all at once. A simple two-parter! Grab yourself a smol snackie snack and let's gooo~
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Belial bae <3 So today is a rare day for Gehenna where the devils don't need to fight any angels and instead, everyone's doing their part and cleaning up and little and the nobles are doing their part as well! As you see Belial/Jjyu here telling everyone to take it easy because it's pretty much a "day off".
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So Paimon is strong asf because he picked up a pile of rocks which turned out to be a damn wall lmao Thank you Zagan my babes, <3 that is a wall and he shouldn't pick it up
But nah Paimon can pick my fat ass up with one hand and just hold me up if he can pick up a damn wall.
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Lol look at Leraye....being cute as per usual and then we get Astaroth warning everyone to be careful what they wish for when it comes to chaos returning quickly to Gehenna. Like I'm with Ro here...because enjoy your day where you don't have to fight through flying debris, rubble, and having those nice ass homes destroyed in a blink of an eye because Gehenna is literally a fucking war zone 90% of the time. But where there's down time...there's chaos somewhere....
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AND that's when we pan over to MC in Satan's palace....btw his conference room looks so official like I love it for Satan.
But we've got our three kings here and they've showed up for some reason. It's funny that we get to see why...
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First...MC was asking a question about what's going on in each country as to why they're there at the same time. Levi hit 'em with the "stay out of grown folks business" and I wanted to swing on him immediately because no one asked you to get snarky.
he tests my patience every day i swear
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Beel is just speaking plainly but MC brought up a good point where he's never away for a moment his ass is ALWAYS gone lmao
Bael is throwing punches in the air rn if he could hear Beel say this, I know he is sick of him
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Yes. That is mine. All of it. Bring it to me.
*Ahem* wait what were we doing? Oh right ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
So Mammon is just confident that his nobles are handling it well while he's gone. I mean in the first couple of chapters we see that it's clearly Eligos and Valefor holding down the fort since Bimet goes everywhere with him.
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I love how Sitri is just always annoyed as hell when it comes to people gathering around MC like this. But I mean I don't blame him because why are all of them there?
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So Beel just straight up says he came there to go on a date with MC (he's so cute I love him, where we going bae?) and then he proceeds to grab them by their waist (gawdddddd) and then he does his thing where he's sniffin' up on their clothes.
we know damn well he has money he just spends it too much lmao so the buying clothes thing would definitely happen
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so he whisks MC over to Levi, and he apologizes for grabbing them so suddenly. like i feel we don't deserve Foras because he's so nice and soft and I just want to squish him.
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So Levi wants MC to come to Hades for a serious test reason (as if Levi we're on to you) and Beel is like ah so you wanna go on a date too. (clocked him that's most likely why lmao) and Levi gets irriated but he doesn't hang him.
I have my own theory on why he makes empty threats with the kings, and it's mostly because he likes interacting with them and doesn't really want to hang them unless they really piss him off. So empty threats are his communication with them and that's why they all keep calling him "Levi" for short lmao
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So Mammon comes up with his reasons for having MC, and he says he's happy to see everyone get along and wishes the other three were there (so yeah I would assume he gets along with all the kings since he wants to be around them) and he calls Bimet forward. So my boujie noble is here saying that since Mammon is a pacifist he just wants to pay everyone for allowing MC to come to Tartaros since the country is swimming in money and they can afford any price tag. Proceeds to then say low key everybody broke asf so don't even try.
Levi and Foras take that personally as you can see them being irritated. LMAO Bimet is always gonna call someone a broke bitch it's a given.
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Beel is so cute I swear because he literally does not care about what's going on with what the other kings said. As far as he's concerned MC is going on a date with him and everyone else has to wait their turn.
"That's fixed"
Damn right it is, like, you tell 'em Beel <3
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Okay so Levi got some hands with this clapback because he said that with no remorse and with the quickness.
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So imagine how tall Mammon is right, imagine that the room shook when he stood up like that and looked down at Levi.
He's smiling so he's not even being threatening he's just like :D hey Levi real quick...
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So Mammon is basically telling him, that he needs to act correctly because MC belongs to Tartaros and therefore he needs to respect their wishes to come with him to spend the day together. Levi of course is irritated again because everyone keeps cockblocking him.
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Look at this sneaky little devil, being all like "there's gonna be a war in this room so let's go" as if he didn't cause any of that by agitating Levi in the first place lmao (granted Mammon also has been blocking Levi too)
What's weird is that Mammon and Beel have been blocking Levi but Mammon hasn't really directed any of that energy toward Beel at all so it feels like a strange dogpile on Levi. But honestly it's tension all around this room to where MC is feeling a certain way about it and feels bad that they can't be in multiple places.
I love this banter so far between them because this is truly how they interact when it comes to claiming MC and it's going to be a real treat when the other kings start getting involved.
SO this ends part 1. See you all in part twooooooo <3
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8um8le · 7 months
BOi- how big js cartoon sun if he can carry our bby boy like a loaf cat
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The toons are actually very smol, all around 4ft, expect comet, he’s a bit shorter than that
In that doodle, I swapped the roles of city and toon sun hahah <33
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droewyn · 1 year
Okay, so context is important here.
This is Spriggan.
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This is Spriggan’s not-so-smol son, Captain Toebeans T. McGillicuddy Wildboi I.
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Yes, their names are immaculate.  Yes, Cap has thumbs.  Also yes, if you look into one ear, you can see clear through to the other side.
Spriggan was a roughly one-year-old adult feral cat when we trapped her in our backyard on Halloween night, 2019.  We’d caught Cap about a week prior, and he was about 16 weeks old.
Cap assimilated pretty well for a kitten who was too old to be adoptable.  He loves my husband, his mother, and Alisaie beyond life.  He likes me okay.  He’s terrified of my father-in-law.  Very few other humans have ever seen him.
Alisaie isn’t relevant to this story, but here she is anyway.  You know that meme that was going around that was like “which cat is the bby and which is the criminal”?  Yeah, we got one who can do both.
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So, socializing an adult feral cat is hard.  I’m not going to go into it here, because I have this handy link where I did go into it.  It includes more pictures, and also the most important video in human history.
The big takeaway that you need to know is that while Spriggan is part of the family, and likes being part of the family as far as we can tell, she Cannot Be Petted.  Also, that our cats look Very Similar In The Dark, particularly Cap and Spriggs.  He’s enormous but she’s very floofy, and they both can look solid black if they’re curled up or viewed from the wrong angle.
Here’s the oopsie.
It’s 1AM.  I need to use the bathroom.  I must pass through the living room to get to the bathroom, and Cap is on the loveseat.  I pet him and rub his ears.
I go to the bathroom.  I’m in there for like two minutes, max.
I come back out, and reach down to pet Cap again.
The good news is, I still have all my fingers and all my blood.  Spriggan didn’t even hiss; she just teleported across the room and GLARED at me.
She’s still glaring at me today.  I am In Trouble.
But this time last year she would have shredded my hand so yay progress.
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The Inky Kitty Committee having a rare meeting, feat. the baby looking spooky af.
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I can totally see smol baby crow first year manager going up to the Karasuno boys and asking for their autograph.
Kageyama and Hinata would beat each other up over who gets to sign first
Asahi I would pass out from nervousness
Tanaka and Noya would pass away 😂
🥹🥹🥹 ok but imagine this after they beat Shiratorizawa 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 (I will never stop doing that)
“C-can I have your autographs?” Our tiny bby crow manager asks, heart eyes ablaze 😍
The team 👉🏻 *looks left* *looks right* 👁️👄👁️ us??
“Yes! You beat Ushiwaka and Shiratorizawa! You guys are destined for greatness and well, can you sign my book?” Smol manager asks, eyes round with excitement
Daichi and Suga 👉🏻🥲🥲
Tsukishima 👉🏻🙄 *secretly he’s so excited*
Asahi 👉🏻🥹😭
Noya and Tanaka 👉🏻 rolling around on the floor because how freaking cute is their manager
Hinata and Kageyama 👉🏻 fighting about who gets to sign the book first
Kiyoko and Yachi 👉🏻 Happy they get 5 seconds of peace 😌
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Also, can we just take a moment to appreciate Na-Kyum's smol feety feets?
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despair-island · 2 years
Let The Games Begin! ; Prologue
You had received a letter in the mail, the envelope crisp and white. Upon opening it, it delivered a wonderful message to you! It reveals that you had been randomly selected from a handful of contestants to win a free island vacation to Jabberwock Island with all expenses paid!
When you showed up on the island, you were immediately greeted by a woman.
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"Oh, hi there! You must be our prize winner, right? Welcome! I'm Chisa Yukizome, the former Ultimate Housekeeper and now a teacher at Hope's Peak Academy. And I'm also the one supervising the kiddos here. Since your prize was Hope's Peak sponsored, that also makes me your chaperone. Now follow me, I'll take you to the beach."
(( Feel free to ignore, interact if not tagged, or ask for your tag to be removed! Blogs with Kokichi or Kotoko as a muse DNI! This blog is spoiler-free, being a separate Killing Game than the canon! ))
@human-monokuma @unknown-ultimates @smol-princess-bby @lilmessycloud @deranged-danger-sisters (Mikan or Celestia) @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer @ask-ultimate-fashionista @ultimate-investagter-graduate @shsl-bosozoku-mondo-oowada @theultimatemoralcompass @theultimateactress @despairisthenewhope @ask-daimon-things @ask-hiyoko @traditional-dancer-hiyoko @hatchet-wielding-maniacs @ask-shsl-scribe @ryoko-reblogs @bikerandbreeder @restoringhopeau @yui-samidare-returns @oddblogfullofoddmuses @iroha-painter-missing @mikado-sannoji (or anyone else!), @ask-timid-makoto-naegi @floral-samurai @multitalentedsweethearts @bitter-bitter-panic
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milkybonya · 2 years
u hate me, i love u _ pjh
order 050, @sunoo-bby : small classic milk tea with pudding and crystal tapioca pearls
#: enemies to lovers!, highschool!au, secret admirer, smol little drabble, fluff/minimal angst (?), your secret admirer is the person you hate the most
[💌: the xdinary heroes album is so good T.T also why do i feel like my writing is so awkward here uh </3]
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when you open your eyes, you're met with the exact sight you were expecting to see. yet another note slipped between the cracks of your locker door.
you reach for it with a small smile, opening it inside the locker so no one else can see.
was your weekend okay? it was sunny, so i hope you got to enjoy the weather! the exam is coming up, too.. let's do our best but not get too stressed <3 enjoy this candy! i know it's your favourite :)
i just know you're beautiful today, too, as always ♡
- 꿀
you fold the note again after clutching it to your chest, placing it in the jar within your locker where all his notes are kept.
"reading those stupid notes again?" a voice whispers in your ear, making you jump.
"Jihoon! go away," you shriek, shoving the boy aside before you slam your locker shut.
he cackles dramatically.
"stay deluded," he tells you before walking away.
you glare at his backpack after he turns his back to you, finding a new pin added to his collection on his bag.
'꿀', it reads. the korean word for 'honey'. the same pseudonym your secret admirer uses. must be some crazy coincidence...
in class, Jihoon won't stop throwing tiny pieces of paper at you from behind. it frustrates you so much that you ask the teacher to use the bathroom. really, you just end up roaming through the halls, trying to calm down so you can focus again.
somehow, Jihoon finds you again, even in the hallway. unknowing to you, he felt bad and asked the teacher if he could grab some water just so he could run after you.
"can you please just leave me alone right now," you mutter at the ground, not even meeting his eyes once you notice him approaching you.
instead of leaving, he places a warm hand on your shoulder, making you look up.
"i'm sorry if i crossed the line, y/n," he says, his heart racing in his throat.
you've never seen him act so sweetly, so you tilt your head to the side, confused.
as you help the teacher collect the homework later that day, you can't stop staring at Jihoon's. the writing looks so familiar... when you ask Jihoon if you can take a photo of Jihoon's homework to check something, he smirks and tells you if you want to copy, you could just ask. you roll your eyes at him and take a photo of his writing, anyway.
you spend the day staring at the photo, wondering why it's so familiar. when you open your locker and your eyes fall on the jar of notes from 꿀, it clicks. you scramble to open one of the notes and compare it to the photo of Jihoon's writing.
it's a perfect match...
"your writing in your homework looks exactly like the writing in all these notes. also, you have a 꿀 pin on your backpack. it's too muxh now to be coincidence, no?" you tell Jihoon as you interrogate him after class.
he gulps and looks away.
"do you want me to be your admirer?"
you're at a loss for words.
"you've caught me, y/n. and now it's up to you what you'll do next," he says quietly, playing with the strings of his hoodie.
"why are you so mean to me if you're ny admirer?" you ask.
he looks up at you with warm eyes that focus on a loose strand of your hair. his fingers reach out to push it out of your eyes.
"i just didn't want to get caught... so i acted the opposite of what i felt. i'm sorry if you were ever hurt by me."
you're baffled, but if this is your admirer, you can't give up on him so fast.
"take me on a date or two and i'll decide," you say, reaching for his hand.
his sad look turns into a smile as he squeezes your hand.
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apompkwrites · 1 year
Do you know pearl the pink octopus in finding nemo?? IMAGINE LIL ASHENGROTTO AS THIS CUTE BBY OCTOPUS OMGGG I CAN'T RESIST 😭😭😭
https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8XaeeBh/ <- vid of smol bby octopus
waaaaa ofc i do! our lil “you guys made me ink” octo
100% imagining lil ash as pearl bc just imagine them curling up with azul in their octoforms when theyre younger!!!!
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 2 years
The Double Isekai Is back!
I have a creative problem :'3
Like ya know... I had one double Isekai with Malleus... And ya know... All is good and well on that end... A lot of crack...
Until I came with another one TwTb
And this time... IT'S ORTHO...
So a few warnings before we proceed: this will have mentions of bullying and also chap 6 spoilers since chap 7 is literally hours away from us(when I wrote this one). :'3
So yep... That's kinda all :3
Now onto the Isekai explanation!
Under the cut cuz I will TERRORISE you with this for a while. /j
So for starters... If you skimmed through my oneshot book... There is a very suggestive title about what Malleus's double Isekai au looks like. So check that out if you want an unhealthy dose of crack. Healthify it by reading it in parts when ya feeling down if you want. :'3
Well we are going to use that premise of: character gets Isekai when they were smol so they can forget everything about twst.
Well... In Ortho's case... He was Isekai around 5-6 years old...
That's right, folks... This bby was Isekaid right when a Phanthom was ready to butcher him up. Right in front of Idia, who thought his brother was presumably dead.
Meanwhile, Ortho is found by a family outside, with different wounds and crying his eyes out. His hair wasn't a flame anymore, instead just a black wet lump on his head due to the rain.
They take him to a nearby doctor/hospital (whatever fancies you more) to see what was wrong with poor Ortho. It turns out he showed signs of amnesia and hallucinations due to a hit to the head. He had no home to go to, so he would most likely be sent straight to an orphanage. The only thing ortho knew about himself was his name, age and that a little gem pendant he had was very important to keep.
Meanwhile, Ortho was starting to bond with the couple that found him, especially with their child, Yuu. Since they were literally 5-6 years old, they quickly got attached as if they were blood related.
And that's how Ortho got adopted immediately by yuu's parents, having them to be siblings! :D
Years did pass and Yuu with ortho were closer than ever. Sure they were still siblings and acted like one was the most insufferable scum of the earth sometimes. But siblings are siblings... We all know what really goes in there, deep down...
Speaking of deep down... Sometimes ortho would be plagued by nightmares. Something about silhouettes screaming his name as he seemed to be dragged somewhere deep, akin to a big hole. Soon those nightmares were speculated to be the product of the bullying he received.
Due to the fact that he was a programmer prodigy and even a genius at exact science, Ortho was often picked on by the bullies or persuaded by the ones who only wanted him to do something for them.
He did wear glasses to help his sight out due to the endless hours of reading and staying in the front of a screen (most likely in twst the digital screens are developed to not tire out your eye), so he pretty much had a shit eyesight. Add to that his curly black hair that lately covered his eyes, having him actively slamming into things he notices too late. Sometimes, Yuu told him that they swore they saw the hair catching a faith blue or another color when Ortho would feel a powerful emotion. Along with the lil odd coincidences.
But no fear! Yuu to the rescue! Since they were a tad bit older by a few months, Yuu took it upon themselves to protect their 'Lil precious brother'. So Yuu being in a fighting arts club(it can vary for whatever fighting style you like...), they took it upon themselves to protect their lil bro from the big bad bullies.
Of course in exchange ortho gave to them the answer sheets to the tests. That's how siblings work, I ain't makin the rules here... :'3
But Yuu sometimes jumps the gun with the protectiveness. When Ortho wouldn't be home, they would immediately call like:
Yuu: ArE yOu GoInG oUt WiTh SoMeOnE?!
Ortho: Yuu... I'm at the grocery store... WITH OUR MOM!
Yuu: doesn't answer my question...
So with this, the base is kinda there... I know we all are here for the Isekai... Now let's get on with it!
It was a start of high-school year day... Like first weeks when everything sinks in that 'welp, you're in high school... Now ya making part of the tired kids'. So of course new things were on board like: new place, new teachers, new friends! All of this shit!
But also some things are still unchanged like the cafeteria food(if there is any cafeteria in your place), gut wrenching homework, oh so dreaded tests and expectations...
And bullies... Ortho can't forget about that one. :'3
Since in first days he showed to be a prodigy and always cowering behind his sibling, Ortho basically had a massive target on him. And since it was a local high-school, it was basically impossible for his old bullies or even some of their aquitances to not recognise him around or have that shitty luck to even run into them several times.
So of course the first moment Yuu wasn't around, Ortho immediately was targeted. Sure, he tried to stand up for himself, but really he was more on the artistic side of sports rather than violent... So all he could do is 'miraculously have a coincidence save him', by having the bullies slip on the floor so he could escape with his laptop tightly holded in his arms.
Meanwhile, Yuu was looking at a mirror that the students claimed it 'suddenly appeared on the hall wall', when Ortho dashed in, not seeing that well due to his hair, slamming into Yuu with force.
And that slam made the 2 to topple in and hit the mirror, which made them to dissappear right before all the students's eyes.
Now sure as hell no one will tamper with that mirror. :'3
Meanwhile, Ortho wakes up in a coffin and tries to get it out. He hears a voice outside searching for something, so he tries like any normal person to kick and scream that he needs to be out because he isn't dead.
Well the lid of the coffin sure gets blown up like Yuu's coffin too. This time, Yuu doesn't question the Raccoon-cat thing that blows fire. They immediately run to ortho to check if they are alright.
This had to be a grand prank... No? Floating coffins? Cult robes? Floating magic mirror?
Ortho does notice that he still had his laptop, so maybe they could use that to figure out wtf was going on...
But before they could do anything, the Raccoon, who by a good listen they found out was named Grim, threatened to make them BBQ.
Cue chase around the campus until Crow man appeared.
Everything goes exactly like in cannon, making the exception that Yuu was tested first, ending up with crow man leaving ortho off the hook bc 'they are a package deal'. Also because it was clear as day Yuu would obliterate him if he dared separate them.
So they go to the library to research from where exactly they came from. Ortho uses his laptop to prove that indeed they were who they claim to be, so crow man has no other option than to believe them and concluded that they came from another world.
The laptop's location function gave only error by now, but the internet surprisingly worked, so they could still bingie watch cat videos or memes. Or google shit about their world. Ortho needs to see those live performances of his fav k-idols after all...
They end up in Ramshackle and ortho has a new quest: find a goddamn power outlet.
They remeet Grim and also meet the ghosts.
Cue cringe af anime poses while holding Grim or protecting the laptop, their only way to kinda try and contact their previous world.
Crowley comes back to see the chaos unfolding. We get to redemonstrate how this shit works, so crow man can leave us alone. But nope! He doesn't! Because apparently now we are Janitors!
At least the night ends up with sum fluffy sibling cuddles.
The next day, the 3 are assigned to clean up the main street. To liven up the mood, Yuu tries one of those choreographies Ortho tries to learn, only for him to correct them and turn into a quirky time of singing and dancing.
Ace comes along and we get an intro of the great Seven. When they reach the King of the Underworld, Ortho's breath hitches for a moment, as if he saw that figure somewhere. He couldn't fathom where exactly, but he knew he saw it before.
And after the history lesson, Ace becomes a lil shit and jumpes a bit the gun when mentioning about the wierd af music these 2 magicless humans were singing, asking if the one singing it was a constipated elephant. (no... Yuu just doesn't know how to sing, Ace... Get over it.)
This time Ortho immediately flares up bc: 'how dare you disrespect my sibling and my fav band?!' and immediately kicks Ace in the stomach.
But Grim decided to square up while Yuu and ortho were minding their cleaning business. It ends up with the statue of the Queen of hearts getting charred and Crowley punishing them with cleaning 1000 glass windows. Ortho does the math like: 'so 250 for each...'
Bow we go exactly like in cannon, because ortho was the smart one who decided to stay behind and do his side of the punishment. Well now reduced to 200 since Deuce was apart of the group Unwillingly. Then find a power outlet in the cafeteria to plug in his laptop and watch sum cat videos or MVs...
Yuu and Grim return trashed and dirty af, but they are happily telling ortho that now all 3 of them will count as 1 student. Ortho does raise a brow at their deplorable state, but doesn't pursue it as Yuu made it clear they don't wanna talk about it.
But in the middle of the night, a collared Ace comes around. Ortho made him to sleep on the floor.
So the next day, they officially attend classes! Ortho did mostly the brainwork and Yuu with Grim the muscle work. Ortho properly meets Deuce tho, the 2 getting along great.
Grim tries to run away, but it doesn't work like that. :'3
Deuce clears out the fact that Ace was kicked out of his dorm. When asked about it, Ace revealed that it was all because of a slice of goddamn tart.
Yuu suggests that Ace should make a tart to compensate for the 'stolen' one. Yuu was actually decent in kitchen, but they still insisted to ask a dorm mate, who knows what their leader prefers, to help out.
They meet Cater. The older ginger gets so perplexed when Yuu and ortho tell him that they are indeed siblings. Like they looked so different you would say they were from totally different countries. Especially with ortho being so pale he could be compared to a ghost. Ortho does mention how his skin seems to be a tad bit more sensitive and so he cannot get a tan no matter how hard he tried every summer. He was just naturally pale.
Cater does bamboozle them into painting the roses for him so he could get them to Trey. But in the end, with some errands to do, Deuce snapping and finding out the truth about eggs and a lot of cooking mishaps... Finally they baked a mont blanc and were very proud of it.
They were ready to dig into the leftovers when Cater comes in and mentions about Trey's UM. It was another term that Brought ortho a lump in his throat, but he didn't mention it as he was surprised to see that the tart tasted like his favorite type of food. Yuu was also surprised, mentioning that if they could do this spell, they would eat anything in this world without any doubt.
But they have the mont blanc! And off they were to present it to Riddle.
Again, it goes like in cannon because ortho is the smart one who decides to just watch these idiots get their asses handled.
But that also means witnessing the overBlot. And that's when we get tricky.
Ortho started to have a headache and suddenly he could hear screams from the past and see misterious silhouettes he wouldn't recognize. He knew how the ob could be defeated and tell it to Yuu as being 'just a hunch'.
Well defeated ob means sad violin montage. Get yer tissues ready, folks...
After the whole ordeal and Riddle coming to his senses, we have an apology unbirthday party re-run. Riddle presented his extremely salty tart and the group collectively agrees to not let the redhead back in the kitchen. Trey is just laughing on the floor.
Once Crowley brings in Adeuce and our Ramshackle trio to tell them about blot, Ortho keeps it silent. Yuu knew their lil bro would totally ask a flurry of questions. So later on, at Ramshackle, they approach ortho about it.
Ortho just tells them that he simply just knew about overBlot. That he saw silhouettes and heard someone screaming his name, just like in his nightmares. And so he starts to get scared, since he doesn't know what is going on with him.
Yuu just hugs him and reassures that whatever will happen, they will stick together and get home one way or another. They are siblings, one will not make it out without the other.
For the rest of the night, they watch along Grim some funny videos on the laptop to cheer up.
A bit of time passes and things seemed to calm down for Ortho. He heard about the magishift tournament and gets curious, much like Yuu and Grim.
Crow man uses their excitement and curiosity for the game to have them investigate the wierd string of accidents.
So with a few interviews of the students at the infirmary, Ortho notices a pattern and tells to the group his theory: most accidents happened on the main hall/staircase.
They notice a security camera in there and decide to use ortho's genius to hack into it.
The problem? It needs to be manually.
So at 1 am, Adeuce are holding up Yuu who holds up ortho on their shoulders, who holds the laptop and connecting it to the camera while Grim is on his head, holding a flashlight for ortho to see what exactly he is doing.
They manage to connect it to the laptop! :D
But what they don't know is that by that, they disconnected someone else from that camera, gaining their attention.
Cue ortho pulling all nighters as Yuu, Grim and Adeuce continue with their investigation by interrogating people.
But at one point, Ortho suddenly got disconnected. He was took aback by this, so it becomes a war in between ortho and whoever else wanted control of the camera.
In the end, enough evidence is gathered and ortho has to leave the camera alone, much to the misterious party's confusion.
Again, things again roll like in cannon, since it was more handled by the Heartslabyul peeps. The overBlot still happened and ortho has almost a breakdown if it wasn't for Grim to snap him out of it.
The Ramshackle gained their place in the magishift tournament tho. Ortho is really eager to play, but because of his breakdown, he managed to get wounded at the foot, so he couldn't play. He was content with watching his sibling play tho. :3
Yuu gets headbutted by the murderdisk. 400K, ultra HD, color!
Both of them end up in the infirmary and fight with pillows. They also meet cheeka when the lil cub went after his uncle.
Adeuce and Grim fill the 2 in with what they missed: the Ignihyde actually making an appearance along with the Diasomnia's performance in the tournament.
Well ortho's foot and Yuu's head are healed completely by the time exams come. Ortho did raise a brow on how Yuu wasn't asking for him to tutor them, as usually this happened. Yuu just insisted that Ortho need a bit of time to clear up his mind and learn for himself. The younger was a bit touched, but also concerned about this motive, since usually Yuu wouldn't leave him alone unless it's really necessary.
The exams pass, but Ortho notices the lack of a bicker in between his friends. Even Grim stood along him more, which he usually wouldn't in favor of 'bossing' Yuu around or squaring up with Ace.
It turns out Ortho made an almost perfect score, getting in the first 50. Yuu was actually no.49, which had them breath in relief. Ortho wanted to ask why they were suddenly so relieved while Adeuce and Grim were fidgety. Yuu just tells him that they don't know why Adeuce and Grim are so panicky.
But as Jack comes to say hello, the anemones pop up. Yuu accidentally sputters out if Adeuce and Grim signed for the deal too, which gained a colective gasp in between the anemoned boys and Yuu.
Ortho is just confused on main. Jack is also a bit confused, but mainly disappointed in them for getting so low as to sign a deal for a cheatsheet.
As the anemones get dragged to Octavinelle, Yuu explained to Ortho that they signed a deal with Ashengrotto. The condition for not being an anemone and working at the lounge was to enter in the top 50, which they did. Ortho asked what did Yuu give as a collateral.
"Oh, I gave the Ramshackle." "THAT'S WHY I WAS THROWN OUT A WEEK AGO BY THAT TALL BITCH?!" "details... Details..." "DETAILS MY ASS!"
Jack just awkwardly stays there and witnesses the screaming match in between the 2. He does pick up a burning smell, but then again, it was a chaos and he feared that if he bothered the 2 siblings, Jack would get his ass handled.
So what to do? Go to the Octavinelle right now and face Azul. Ortho needs his and his sibling's bastard cat back.
Azul surely picks up too the burning smell, but he thinks it's sum dumbass in the kitchen, so he sends Floyd in there. Ortho was just simply bubbling with rage, but he tried to contain himself in there.
Azul notes how ortho looked familiar, but Ortho was there to see the terms of Yuu's contract, since he needed to know if he will dwelve more in the cafeteria or he can go back there and sleep properly.
Azul simply shows him the said contract, telling him that it was now kept as a receipt more. Ortho calms down once he realises that he can safely return to Ramshackle.
But Yuu wants to free the anemones, since they realised Azul scammed them all. Ortho had no say in all, but at least no contract was signed for the meantime.
But that didn't mean Azul forgot them. He put his eyes on Ramshackle after all...
So here it comes the gathering of possible blackmail against Azul. It doesn't work since that guy was good at literally everything on the surface.
Except PE, but then again, everyone knows that already.
The twins finally get a grasp on an alone Ortho, telling him that he seems quite familiar. His face, his voice, his eyes, all seemed quite familiar. Ortho tells them to leave him alone, which the twins tell him that now surely he reminds them of that 'someone' even more.
And that's when they drop the bomb: Maybe that someone can help Ortho with the mistery about himself.
That's when Ortho stops to listen, asking who that 'someone' is. The twins tell him that Azul can have him meet that person, of course for a few terms that are yet to be discussed.
When Yuu searches for Ortho, they are told by a student that ortho was going to Octavinelle along the Leech twins. Yuu almost strangles that student in that rage fit, but Jack stops them and the 2 go to Octavinelle too.
In the V.I.P. Room, Azul was again selling the idea of 'yes, you look certainly like someone I know', to Ortho, although he mentions a few things that are different, mainly the hair, which ortho doesn't really makes it as something that drastic of a difference.
Yuu just bangs the door with a murderous look, ready to unalive both Azul and the twins then and there.
Jack was just there. :'3
Azul does reveal that Ortho might have a quite important connection with twisted wonderland, especially with a certain individual, hard to reach, that only Azul could convince him to meet with Ortho.
Yuu takes ortho a bit to discuss about it. They did ask if Ortho was alright with such a thing. It must be a bit of a mess for him right now, so of course such things was something game changer for him. Ortho says that if he doesn't know, the nightmares will still plague him. And who knows what wierd things might happen to him in the future if he doesn't figure out?
Yuu this time signs again a contract, because they couldn't afford their lil sibling to get in trouble. The collateral was Ramshackle. Azul was extremely generous with his side of reward tho: giving the answers + freeing the anemones if they manage to get him a certain photo from the Atlantica museum.
So we goin under the sea✨🎶
No... I will never get tired of this joke... X3
We see the twins in their mer forms! They are long! And probably really lethal if we piss them off. :'D
So with the first attempt at  getting the photo being busted by the twins, Jack offers for Ortho, Grim and Yuu to sleep at Savanaclaw. Leona puts them to sleep in his room as long as they don't bother him.
Ortho seeks tho a bit of advice. He knew Leona was a dormleader and had family problems, so he wanted to ask what would happen if, suddenly his actual roots would come back at him. Sure, he was adopted and had to live with this label over him all his life. But on the other hand, suddenly he is supposed to have roots in here, which doesn't make any sense in his agenda.
Leona just gives a piece of advice: Life is full of shit. It's important only what you do out of it to matter for you. Rewards don't come without working hard for them. There are lucky and unlucky people and everyone has to deal with everything at one point. It's inevitable. So just do what makes you happy. You will have deal with shit sometimes, but that's not something to be avoided.
Ortho just thanks for the advice and heads on to sleep with Grim. Meanwhile, Yuu meets HoRnI bOi at the Ramshackle porch like it's totally not creepy. Yes, this is my version to the tsunotaro vs Hornton conflict.
The next day, Leona just gets a laugh out of them for being so dumb to sign a contract with Azul. They couldn't steal the contracts as they are 'protected by a magical zapping spell' as Azul told Ortho, but then he adds that it's also a paradox, mumbling more and more until it turns into ortho rambling about the contracts's theoretical and practical proprieties.
So what to do? Ortho has a plan!
Yuu, Ace Deuce and Grim go back after the photo while Ortho, Leona and Ruggie sneak in the VIP room. Ortho cracked open the safe codes using his laptop that Azul left in there, so they could seenlessly take the contracts.
And put a note with a funky donkey in it. Because that is a must. >:3
So when Azul realises that all of it was actually a diversion, he comes face to face with Ortho, who acted like he just came in. Azul asks if he took the contracts. To which Ortho shakes his head.
But Azul saw the pen in ortho's pocket along with the same sticky notes he found in his safe.
Ortho just showed a mischievous smile as he ran out of there, to Leona, Azul hot on his tail.
Welp... OverBlot...
Here we go again... Yuu just Exhales in 'is this a trend among dormheads?'.
Ortho tries to keep a bit his cool. It's the 3rd time. He can handle it! Yuu just throws again hands.
But everything goes slow motion, when his sibling is almost crushed by one of Azul's attacks. Ortho slides in to take the hit.
But it doesn't come at all.
Instead, gushes of wind almost push ortho and Yuu off their feet. When they opened their eyes, they saw that somehow the spell was conquered by something that also hit the overBlot, making Azul to lose his attention and balance enough to get successfully knocked out.
Ortho simply was at loss of words. He asked who saved him and Yuu in the knack of time, but he was meet with just worried gazes, as if something happened while he had his eyes closed.
Yuu breaks it to him... They saw what happened. They saw a blue flame that was summoned and gulped Azul's spell. Ortho again asked who did it, but it was a bit of silence, before Yuu actually spoke.
He did it. Ortho summoned that flame.
Ace adds how he saw an orange fire too, but that went out really quick. Deuce added that the spell must've been really powerful since ortho looked drained of energy. And instead of being 'Woa, I have magic, so cool!' and get all excited as everyone would expect from him, Ortho enters a panic state. This wasn't supposed to happen at all in his mind. It made no sense and it scared him a lot.
Yuu just suggests to stay for a little, drink a bit of water and try to calm down. It works only after a while. And finally things could start to go back to normal a bit.
Yuu and horni boi bond a lil while Ortho enjoys sum cat videos on his laptop along cuddling with Grim.
Yuu wanted to tell Crowley about the magic mishap, but ortho insists, more like begging, to not do it. He had to figure it out on his own before word would get out.
Leona, Ruggie and Jack decided to keep their mouths shut as the octotrio were forced to as a repayment for Ortho as the anemones were freed, but Azul didn't arrange for Ortho to meet this misterious dude it was speculated he might have a connection to.
With the exams off everyone's chest as well as the anemones, the winter holiday is coming in strong!
Crowley gives to Yuu, Grim and Ortho one phone to share in order to contact him while he is off to 'his very important research trip'. Yeah... The 3 just note in Adeuce and Jack's numbers additionally. They also make a gc with the 3 contacts. Just to be safe... Ya know?
But the shit part was that they still had to do a bit of handymen work while dealing with octatrio for the whole holiday. At least crow man promised them a feast at Ramshackle to patch up for it. Which was alright.
Ortho decided to hit the books seriously this time. So he borrowed a lot of them from the library and was studying in the cafeteria, as the Ramshackle was extremely cold, so they couldn't possibly stay in there without being decked in blankets.
They meet Jamil and the Scarabia peeps. And off they are dragged to the desert dorm. Ortho just wanted to study, but nah... Gotta go and party with Kalim and the Scarabia peeps.
Until the Dormhead suddenly switched moods.
Of course the first day of actual scarabia boot camp. Poor Ortho, Grim and Yuu. Even if 2 out of 3 were athletic a bit, they all ended up crawling by the end of the whole march.
But Kalim again has a wierd mood switch and gives them a oasis to cool off.
Already with the second night in, Yuu demanded that they had to get out. They were locked in there and who knew when Kalim would snap again and put them to March through the desert?!
So they break out!
But during all of that, Ortho trips and from his neck, his gem pendant's string rips and falls. He knew he should've changed that flimsy string, but he didn't have the chance. He didn't have a chance to even look for the gem, as the Scarabia students were hot on their tails and they had to escape via magic carpet!
But they get yeeted in the Octavinelle lounge.
Surely it was a wild night for the poor unsuspecting octatrio. :'3
Because Yuu blackmailed them with the fact that they still didn't repay them personally for everything they did to them, they had to help into the Scarabia mess.
And also find Ortho's pendant. Grim knew how ortho was smelling, so the pendant couldn't have a smell that far from their owner's.
Returning to Scarabia, Kalim seemed in a good mood. Yuu explained that Ortho lost something of value in here, to which Kalim happily showed them that he found a wierd gem on the halls, suspecting that it had to come from Ortho.
He shows a blue-ish gem in a silver frame, attached to a broken string. Grim confirms that it reeks of Ortho's usual smell, so the boy happily puts it in his pocket, thanking Kalim for finding it for him.
So first day was more like looking around and analyzing what seemed wrong, which at first looked exactly like normal, despite the Ramshackle trio's accusations and whines.
At night tho, they split up, having Jade alone with Kalim in the treasure room while the others distract Jamil with a game.
Jamil makes a move and asks what's with Ortho's pendant since it looked quite pricey. Ortho replies that he had it since he could properly remember. Yuu also mentions that it was true, since they only saw ortho with that pendant 24/7 since they first meet. Ortho adds that he doesn't know why, but he must keep it at him at all costs.
Jamil theories that it must be an important heirloom, to which Ortho goes silent. Azul thankfully drifts the convo from becoming too sour, shifting it to Floyd's winning streak.
Back in their shared room, the group contemplates about what to do tomorrow with the problem at hand. It was quickly settled a plan.
Later that night, Ortho couldn't sleep. Azul was also awake, asking why he couldn't sleep. Ortho refuses to say, to which Azul figures on his own that it had to do with what happened before, during his own overBlot.
So he takes ortho under his arm and makes a promise: if by any means Ortho needs to have the need to go to someone to vent, he will personally give him a private place and an ear to listen to him. It was a little thing for helping him out after all. And Yuu was always there, which meant it would be super rare for that to happen.
Ortho finally gets out his pendant, asking if it's possible for this to be magical. Azul tells him that he has to find out on his own, as it's his pendant.
Nonetheless, the next day they bust up Jamil like in cannon!
Cue ob, crying Kalim and the infamous: DOKKAAAANNN...
While trying to resist the gush of powerful wind, Ortho sees for a faith second the blue flames everyone told him about. He starts to panic a bit, but has 0 time to process entirely as he found himself flying off along the others, screaming and praying they won't become pancakes for good.
After some talking and convincing Kalim of the truth, they had to return.
That's when they notice that despite the darkness, they had a quite faith light with them. Turning towards the source, everyone is a bit silent or gasping.
Ortho asks why they are all looking at him, so Yuu pulls out the phone for Ortho to see his reflection in it.
His hair gained blue tints and a few blue flames were swishing around, as if the hair itself was trying to catch fire. That gave the faith light.
Of course ortho got a spook out of his, his panic flaring up the flames more and changing their color accordingly. Yuu tries to get close, but Ortho insists to not do that, in fear of burning them.
Yuu is a petty mf and still hugs their lil bro, even going as far as caressing their head when they realised the flames did not burn them.
Kalim mentions that this has to be something akin to 'their' hair, to which ortho perks up, but Jade reminds them of the overBlot.
While on their way back via oasis maker and the twins swimming, Azul tries to teach Ortho a basic shield spell. It's wonky, but they couldn't deny it would be insanely useful in this situation. Wonky as it was.
It proved to be useful, as ortho and Yuu tried to get out of the other's way of attacking, while distracting the hipnotised scarabia students.
Once the overBlot was defeated, Ortho took a breath of relief and his few flames dissappeared too. He still could do the said spell, but, now his hair was again fully black and curly like a mop. Yuu even joked about the 'mop head' being back, which did gain a small giggle from the one in question.
Unfortunately Grim picked that up and now Yuu is (insert fighting style) minion while Ortho is mop minion.
But still... Everything ends up like in cannon, with Adeuce returning, relieved to see their buddies safe.
Of course sum time passed and with the winter holiday over, the classes had to get their students back in.
While on the first day after the holiday, Yuu notices the statues of great 7. They told Ortho about all the shit with the funky af dreams and the knocking in the mirror. Ortho notes how only the king of the underworld seems familiar to him.
But their thought process gets intrerrupted by Deuce bumping into a boy and the boy starting to cry. Ace sure af didn't miss the opportunity to 'call on a teacher'. Yuu palmfaces as Deuce tries to calm down the boy, but he runs off.
Cue idiots leaving this incident aside.
The VDC gets announced and Yuu tries to nudge in their lil bro, saying that Ortho had some affiliation to this kind of shit. Ace asks if it's because of those girls and boys idols from his world, he keeps watching. Ortho gets really into it and explains that he appreciates the work and the music they make. Yuu just likes to watch crack compilations. :D
So with all the pestering, Ortho decides to finally give it a shot. They sign up for it at Rook tho, who does note that ortho looks familiar, to which he said 'yeah, I get that often... Moving on!'.
Like NRC dudes... Please... For 1 second could you NOT say that?
Training for the VDC was, surprisingly, along Jamil and Kalim, who were incredible dancers. Ortho was skilled into dancing as well, unlike Deuce, Ace and Grim's boiling noodles show. Yuu stood this one out, bc that was something they admit they aren't good at and would rather just dance in private or for the gist of it rather than that.
But because Grim still insisted to go in there, Ortho had to be the 2/3 from their student title to go with him. Sure they weren't fully the 1 student they are marked off ass, but still it is above half, so it can still count, ya know?
Yuu escorted them at the auditions, just to and I quote 'watch the good, the bad and the dumb in action'.
They meet again Lilia! Who notes that Ortho again looks familiar. It was at this point that Ortho was growing annoyed by this. They also see Cater and the older ginger happily explains to Grim how idols are in this world, which wasn't that far fetched from Yuu and Ortho's world.
They wanted to watch a choreography video on Cater's phone, but they had to watch an add of Neige. Ortho points out that the clothes look a bit too big for him to be ruled as just 'oversized style'. Yuu Exhales in the distance because here it comes the fashionista Ortho. As if it wasn't enough the whole 'lemme arrange your hair cuz it looks horrible'.
But also, Ace notes that a robot was in there, which gains the robot's attention and so, they are coming to the lil group.
Cue spiderman pointing meme, but it's Human Ortho and Robo Ortho. It was an awkward silence since everyone else knew this was probably fucked up. Robo Ortho notes how this is one of the 3 part magicless student, which was very curious. The human Ortho notes how it was super cool the robot design and all that.
They are very much empty headed in this situation... Like braincells go poof. :'3
One of the poemfiore guys tasked with organising breaks the moment by looking for 'Ortho' to go in, to which both respond. Even more confusion since 'We have the same name! Who is getting in first?!'.
Yeah... Even the poemfiore student is confused, since there are 2 Orthos. So he calls in Rook to see this one. Rook calls in Robo Ortho, saying that human Ortho was written in as a 2 part student this time, which meant he and Grim will share a comune score.
The auditions go normally after that mishap.
And a few days later, the braincell group was getting out of the lessons, when an arrow almost cut their necks off.
It turns out that Ortho didn't make it (Grim basically made his score split in half), but Adeuce did. Well, it was all up to the judge after all, so Ortho congratulated them on their work. He will support his friends after all. Yuu cheers Ortho a bit more by telling him that he will always be no.1 for them when it comes to dancing.
But also ortho, Grim and Yuu are required to come too! Which was a bit wierd!
It turns absolutely normal when Crowley is in there and announces that Ramshackle will be the new training camp place. Ortho is chill with it as long as his laptop doesn't get tampered with. Yuu is chill with it just if you let them eat their cake in peace.
Well... Somehow, both conditions are broken. Vil cursed all the food and also confiscated Ortho's laptop so he wouldn't stay up until late watching shit on YouTube.
The training camp was annoying for the Ramshackle trio and a hell for the others who participated into it. Ortho is actually glad he didn't make it past the auditions now.
But at least they befriended Epel. Epel was a good friend. :D
One night Jamil saw a bug crawling on the floor and he slept outside. :'3
With all the training and ordeals, finally the culture festival day came.
Ortho and Yuu each received 2 VDC tickets each. Yuu immediately gave one to their friend, Horni Boi, while ortho had no idea who he should give it to.
So as he was contemplating who should he invite, he happens to cross paths again with the other Ortho. They again talk for a bit, robo ortho bringing up the fact that he has to convince somehow his big brother to get the hell out of his room besides for the presentation. Human Ortho kinda pities the situation, so he gives to Robo ortho his other VDC ticket, telling him that he could use it to gaslight robo ortho's big brother into going outside.
Both are little gremlins... Pass it on...
On the big day, Yuu, ortho and Grim look around the stalls a bit. They see Jade, Trey and others who at the sports festival didn't have a club stall. It gets explained that the culture festival is the most important for clubs that aren't sports centered.
They also see the Gargoyle research society, but didn't find anyone in there. Bummer :'3
The trio returns just in time to see the rehearsals. First it was the 'NRC tribe'. Yuu still cannot shake the uga booga image formed due to the name.
Next was Neige and the drawves from RSA. Their performance made Ortho to question why tf these guys didn't go to kindergarten with this. Like it would be something that kids would absolutely eat it up.
Then it clicked for him when he heard Leona passing by and whining about his furball of a nephew coming in here to visit.
So he told his theory to Yuu, the 2 failing to see Vil getting to the backstage.
But Grim, Kalim and Rook saw it!
Cue cannon going downhill and overBlot Vil!
At this, Ortho is a bit took aback and his hair suddenly catches the blue flame it caught back in Scarabia. He notices it and mentions more to himself how he forgot to conceal it, to which Yuu ditches the overBlot to ask 'conceal it?! What do you mean?!'.
Ortho ditches the question in favor of not getting killed. He Aparently now has some better profiency at spells, which was also something that Yuu heavily questioned.
In the end, Deuce's UM saves the day! :D
After all of this, Malleus shows up. Everyone loses it over the nickname Yuu gave to this very OP Fae prince. Malleus is entertained by the nickname and ofc fixes the stage as both a thank you for the ticket and an unintentional flex.
Then he notices Ortho and confuses him for the 'little Shroud' who apparently seems to 'lose his flame'. Ortho is quick to retort that he is no Shroud and that most certainly he had no fire hair or something like that, concealing it back to the black curly hair. He is just a simple human from another world, who is Yuu's younger brother with a few months.
After the whole VDC ordeal which goes like in cannon, Yuu takes Ortho to the backstage to talk about it, asking to be honest with them. They are siblings through and though. They can figure it out one way or another.
So Ortho breaks down crying, telling Yuu about how the fire kept coming back and he tried to hide it. He is scared of this, because it meant he belongs in here, which got ortho to theorise that actually, the accident that brought them in here was because of him. He stated to blame himself for Yuu ending up in here and having to deal with this shit. He didn't want magic, he just wanted back home. He just wanted to not be a freak anymore, as it was clear that everyone else considered his case to be wierd and unnatural.
Yuu and Grim both hug Ortho and try to reassure that it will be alright, that he isn't a freak and that he will forever be Yuu's brother. They are a little family. Even Grim is included. They won't allow for anyone to separate them. They will go home one way or another and everything will be OK.
What they didn't know was that someone heard them.
Robo Ortho was looking for the other Ortho to thank him, bc finally they dragged Idia outside and had a fun time together. But he oh so happened to hear the convo. Sure he didn't intend to do it, it was purely accidental... But it was enough to piece together a few things and go tell Idia about it.
So... After that, everyone is tired, so they go to bed. Yuu didn't find Grim after talking with Mickey, so they went to search for them.
Ortho woke up due to yet another nightmare and so, he went out to search for Yuu, finding them wounded and trying to return to Ramshackle. Oh hell nah... Ortho is getting them immediately to the infirmary and calls Adeuce to get on board with searching for Grim, while Ortho made sure Yuu wouldn't pull a smooth brain move and go after the clearly rabid Grim.
Like in cannon, Grim couldn't be found before the Shrouds get him.
Yuu notes that it was the perfect opportunity for Ortho to meet the supposed Shrouds. He just had to go and ask for Grim. Ortho promptly refused. His denial power really was impossible to fight. :'3
So for the rest of the culture festival... It was that invisible thick tension over everyone.
Until the VDC tribe reunites and discusses about the outcome of it. With Vil, Rook, Jamil and Kalim's generous donations to Ramshackle, Yuu and Ortho were happy for finally having Ramshackle be a decent place.
And that is when the Charons come around. Ortho immediately recognises them, but doesn't know from where. But it didn't matter as the Charons tried to get Vil and Jamil.
And they also managed to take Azul, Riddle, Leona and Aparently Idia along the 2 initial targets.
Yuu is blowing a casket about it. Their friends are unconscious in bed, their cat-raccoon is gone and now NRC is dirty af. Ortho is the voice of reason this time, convincing Yuu to chill tf out before they do anything hasty.
Well chill gets thrown aside when they along Epel find out Rook is off to deliver to Vil something.
Cue crazy af broom race. :V
Rook reveals to be secretly filthy rich and also to have tracked Vil using his UM, which was actually cool.
Yuu tries to cheer Ortho, asking what his UM would probably be, but Ortho is still denying it. :'3
They get pom pomified and Yuu doesn't miss to be extra about it.
So they reach Stix and finally get let inside after Yuu blows a casket and Rook is extra af about it. Ortho and Epel are just 'we don't know these guys'.
They get let in and finally they face Robo Ortho and Idia.
Cue awkward af time... Robo Ortho is very welcoming while Idia is a bit shy. Human Ortho hid behind Yuu before Idia could spot him and he was glued in there.
Yuu tries to move and reveal him, but ortho would follow immediately after. Idia notices if Yuu is perhaps constipated, to which they are all like 'Nah... I have my mophead glued to me'. Idia asks what exactly a 'mophead is' and Yuu tries to show but hooman Ortho had none of that. :'3
It's just awkward for Epel and robo ortho since Rook seemed to enjoy this one to the maximum.
At one point Yuu loses their patience and bodyslams their bro before him, accidentally hitting Idia too.
Well isn't that a nice meeting? U-U/✨
Well of course it's a bit of silence once the 2 properly see each other. Human Ortho's glasses fell off so Yuu picked them and put them in their pocket. Human Ortho immediately hid his face with his hair and hands, saying something in between the lines of 'sorry you have to see me'.
Idia looks at robo Ortho who does motion for him to approach the other Ortho. It ends up with Idia telling the others that they can stay in a meeting room while the ob boys finish the tests and everything. There were just a few things he had to discuss with the human Ortho.
Ofc our hooman Ortho promptly refused, trying to stick to Yuu, but instead slammed face first in a pillar. He can't see shit without his glasses after all. Yuu simply gives him his glasses back and tells him that it will be alright. That he needs to know one way or another. Ortho tries to reason that this isn't how he wanted to find out, but Yuu reassures that it would be just a small talk and then they will be back together.
So while robo ortho gets Yuu, Epel and Rook to the said room, Idia guides human Ortho through the Stix halls, towards another room.
It was a very awkward silence in between them, which ortho decided to break by asking if Idia knew about his pendant, showing it to the other. Of course Idia knew about it. He explains that it was a protective pendant, meant to protect Ortho. Ortho notes how that surely didn't work at all back then, nor did in twisted wonderland, to which Idia responds with the fact that protective stones forcefully pull your magic out to react to different dangers.
That explained so much about the wierd bullies incidents, but Ortho wouldn't voice out that one. :'3
Idia goes on about how the Shroud family has a distinctive 'blessing', which gives them the job of watching over the tartarus. He elaborated about the blot and the 'blessing' having a tight connection, before making a pause and stopping on the hall. Ortho halted too and asked why did they stop.
Idia makes a pause before turning to him and mentioning how he thought he was dead. He thought Ortho died during that incident and he could still remember his cries and how his last words were for him to help, but he couldn't. It marked him deeply after all... And that's how robo Ortho was created. And Idia sure as hell loved his robot lil brother to the bone.
To that, Ortho responds that he can bearly remember. He doesn't have a sharp memory like a robot. He isn't and will never be like Robo Ortho, because he lives in the present and changed accordingly, while Idia still seems to live in the past.
At this, Idia cups Ortho's cheek in his hand. He does admit that he may live sometimes in the past, but even if Ortho before him is not like the other one, he will still be a Shroud. It's in their blood and he cannot change that one.
And that's when Ortho's hair ignites and is fully a blue flame. It wasn't now partially flame as it used to be, but a full blue fire.
Ortho gets back and asks what in tarnation did Idia do to him. Idia says that he did nothing, that it was simply coming from inside. He says that he won't force Ortho to stay in here, but he needs to accept one way or another that he belongs in here, that is his destiny.
It turns out, all this time, Idia guided ortho on another way to the room Yuu, Epel and Rook were assigned in. Idia had to go because something came up and gave Ortho sum time to think about it before leaving.
Ortho immediately makes that hiding spell for his hair, takes a deep breath and comes in, getting immediately tackled by Yuu in a hug, asking if he was alright and if they need to deck Idia. Ortho creaks a smile at that and tells them that it was everything alright... He just had to think a bit about it.
But when the power cuts out and seeming something wierd keeps happening, everyone starts to raise a brow. The announcements told about the layers of tartarus melting to which ortho remembers what Idia told him about STIX up until now.
Only the Shrouds were able to tamper with Tartarus. And only robo Ortho was fast enough to tamper with all the tech around. So of course he goes to the control panel to check if his theory was true, which is confirmed when robo Ortho intercepted his attempt at breaking in the sistem.
They needed to get out and Epel happily blows up the door. :3
They meet up with the kidnapped gang and try to blackmail the employees into getting into Tartarus. At first they are skeptical, until Ortho slams his hands on a table as his flame hair returns, this time a very annoyed orange, scaring the crap out of everyone.
But the employees get blackmailed anyway to help them. Since Ortho had 0 control of his magic and could brealy do something with it, he had to stick with Yuu and the pom pom trio.
At least his fire hair is a good flashlight. :'3
Ofc this one goes like in cannon, but with a few tweakings lore wise.
For starters, Robo ortho was gaslighted by the Tartarus Phanthoms. Once defeated they also formed a will for Robo-Ortho too. So now he is his own person too.
After that, like in cannon, everyone goes back to NRC. Ortho wants to hide again his fire hair, but Yuu stops him, telling him that it looks badass and no matter what, they are still their lil nerdy bro.
Ramshackle was renovated tho! It looks super fancy now. UwU
Idia and robo Ortho turn up to visit the new Ramshackle, revealing that now Robo-ortho had his own will and was officially an NRC student.
As for human Ortho... Idia already knew there was 0 chance of him actually staying with him, but he wants to at least be on good terms with him. They were after all brothers...
Human Ortho is still trying to accept everything, but he admits that even if his blood belongs to twisted wonderland and the Shroud family, his home is back in Yuu's world. His family was the one whom he was raised with and whom he loved for so long. Idia can still be his bigger brother... But it will take some time for that to settle in.
And that, theoretically, would make both orthos twins. :'3
So to tell them apart, Idia refers to robo Ortho as Ortho, while for the human Ortho as Orpheus, since this was actually his full name back in Yuu's world.
Yuu still refers to their lil bro as 'mophead'. Now it's a fire mop! :'3
They play video-games and bond a bit more!
And bc this is where chap 7 starts... Imma leave it at this... While I could convert at least that first smol part(really... Why 19? Usually there were more parts coming out... -3-) I decided that perhaps I should wait to convert it fully along the events!(since we have 2 orthos) :3c
So what do y'all think? What shenanigans would probably be valid and what crack potential can it have? Since I kinda went full on angst on this one U-U
Until next time! Buh bye!
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 years
Maybe you should tag that butt pic with CoA Lexa too 🍑 Our smol kinky little bby
No see this is more CoA Lexa's style
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Spoilers for: Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Steel Ball Run Chapter 20
TW: Blood
Personal note: so many cool poses!!!
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Johnny: What is happening here?!?
Gyro: Girl, I Don't Know!!
They get so confused together it's fun to read about.
Also, on another note, what were the referees doing while the fight was going down? Were they just looking at what was happening??
Referee 2: A monster just appeared! We have to stop the fight!
Referee 1: Even if there actually was a monster like you claim, it's their fight, not ours.
Which team are you betting on? I personally bet on the Boom Booms.
Referee 2: Mountain Tim. Also, it's our job to look out for these sorts of things.
Referee 1: Yeah, 'look out' not interfere. It's not our business, so there is no need for us to interfere.
Referee 2: I guess you have a point. Mountain Tim won, by the way.
Referee 1: Yeah, yeah. I'll treat you to your favorite after this checkpoint.
It's my turn, hand me the binoculars, and take some rest.
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It's Papa and Mama Zeppeli!!! Mama Zeppeli looks so pretty!!
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The food looks so edible. The glass and the cutlery are my favorites. Look at it!!! I love this!!
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Bby Gyro!!! He is so smol!! So lovable!!
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13?!?! You're telling me that he is 13 in this pic?!? He looks like he's ready to go to Polpo and join Passione. He's got that look.
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This panel!!
The imposing sword and the pink electricity!!
The lighting on Gyro is such a great way to show earth-shattering shock.
The sword looks amazing. I love swords.
12/10 love the juxtaposition between the two images. It makes the whole thing more impact full.
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My man is looking like the front cover of Vogue.
I just wanted to talk about how much I love how he is drawn here. I want to see this animated. I really do.
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So this is his family crest?!
Not Marco's employers crest like I thought.
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The Virtuvian Man!!
Look at the depth in this image. The angle shows a set of feet on the lines of the square while the other set is in the realm of the square and circle.
I'm not sure what the words are supposed to mean, but after looking up some of them, I'm guessing that they are parts of the body and punishments associated with them. Like Aures means the chopping of ears as punishment, and words like diaphragm are also mentioned.
It's like the drawing was custom-made for people wanting to know how to injure the human body.
Also, Zodiac signs!!!
25/10 It's like moving around a 3D model of Da Vinci's drawing, and I'm living for it.
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It exists for peace!! Like Hamon!! I'm crying here! I miss Hamon so much.
*looks longingly at parts 1 and 2 but especially part 2*
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teacupconfections · 9 months
Here's to bg Angels and Demons in the Ineffabler Universe
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this one dedicated to my Bby Bastet, a Cat Demon who has a BIG OL CRUSH on our Serpent Demon Crow 🖤 Bast, hunny no..
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Bast and Azira do not get along. At all.
Got some lore for you under the cut ovo
Bastet was one of the later Demons to stumble into Hell, and he was a smol little wet kitten at the time. This opened up to him being bullied by the much bigger Demons.
the Whisker marks on his cheeks are actually scars from that day. they were carved into his skin by said other Demons, mocking him for being the Feline that he is.
So, cue Crow being in the right place, right time for Bast and breaking up the scene. Long story short, he warns Bastet that he'd better become smthn fierce or continue being the punching bag. Survival of the fittest or whatev.
From that day Bastet is smitten and does indeed make himself smthn fierce. at least in the eyes of Hell.
Unfortunately, his affection towards Crow is in vain. but not to worry yall. Therell come a day he meets his own Angel 🩵
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taegularities · 2 years
hiii Rid i've been mia so i'm only now seeing that you're not well, i hope you get better soon 🥺 rest a lot, i'm sending you the warmest hug and all the health i can spare 🧡
also THE TEASER YOU POSTED ksbcisknd i'm so happy they're having that conversation and the way it was not said but implied ughhhh my heart was ready to burst, it was perfect 😭 i'm so happy for the next part and THE DRABBLE I'M SO CURIOUS bc their process of falling is so beautiful and i love their "earlier days" (it's like half a year before our present time in cmi right?)
Eh i'm rlly tired and overstimulated lately but i'm hoping to sit down through christmas and write a bit about silk&stones, eventually i read it in parts bc i was so afraid to know how it ends but i remembered that you choose good endings and oh i cried 😭 i loved it so so much Rid 🧡 pls take care love and i really hope you're gonna be healthy in no time 🥹
hey c, it's good to hear from you !! 🥺 ahhh yeah, the past week was hell – the cough won't leave me still, but i'm doing a lot better now! genuinely spent the last days just sleeping :') thank you for your wishes... and i'll take the warm hug hehe thank you lovely 🥺
THE TEASER I KNOWWWWW! ughhh, the chapter is jam packed... kind of gentle, kind of like a ticking bomb. a bunch of stuff happens, truly, so i really can't wait to show you what i've been brewing <3 and the drabble !!! it's just a smol 4k thing, but i really hope it makes you feel as warm as i felt when writing it... 🥺 (and you're right! around half a year!)
ah gosh, please do get a lot of rest soon, bby :/ i don't know why, but these days have been truly exhausting – maybe bc of the holiday season? in any case, take care of yourself! and ahhh, silk&stones, don't worry at all, i'll be waiting patiently, so take your time. i'm just happy you trusted me and enjoyed it 🥺 thank you sweetheart <333
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moonlightchn · 19 days
Uncle Channie, can I ask something? Mama said I have to ask and I can't just make plans myself without permission! Can we go see the new Inside Out movie when it comes out, pleaseeeeeee? — 🔮
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