nemfrog · 5 months
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In an office, a man makes an open-handed gesture. Postindex : the turning point in business control. 1939
Internet Archive
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chicago-geniza · 7 months
Tehanu feels, in terms of its "contemporary / companion" ideas + implicitly reflected public discourses, much later than the previous three Earthsea books. This is a post-Reagan, mid-late Sex Wars, early Riot Grrl era book. Don't tell me when it was written I want to finish it first then check to see if my intuition was correct
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morepopcornplease · 10 months
once again struck by how actually unfathomably grotesque and dismissively inhumane abortion is
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neuxue · 2 years
I just think it would be fun if English could switch up the royal We with some spicy self-referential My Majesty. There is no reason to preserve such a glaring lexical gap at the expense of fun. Cowards.
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dathen · 2 years
“It is dated from Grosvenor Mansions, written with a quill pen, and the noble lord has had the misfortune to get a smear of ink upon the outer side of his right little finger," remarked Holmes as he folded up the epistle.
Now I’m picturing Holmes picking up a letter written by Seward and instantly being like “Ah yes I see this is scribed by an enthusiast for of recording to wax cylinders by use of the phonograph” because there’s WAY more than one pinkie’s worth of smudges.
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j-august · 1 year
The Library was outmoded and archaic -- it had been so even in Ebling Mis's time -- but that was all to the good. Pelorat always rubbed his hands with excitement when he thought of an old and outmoded Library. The older and more outmoded, the more likely it was to have what he needed. In his dreams, he would enter the Library and ask with breathless alarm, 'Has the Library been modernized? Have you thrown out the old tapes and computerizations?' And always he imagined the answer from dusty and ancient librarians, 'As it has been, Professor, so it still is.'
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larkspurious · 2 years
One of the funniest things about Pinterest’s algorithm is that it’s picked up on the fact that I like Witcher, despite the fact that I’ve never saved a Witcher-related pin. I DO, however, save engagement ring and wedding-related pins, since I’ve been using Pinterest to narrow down potential rings now that my partner and I have decided to get married. Means my Pinterest feed looks like this:
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Wall of tacky wedding schlock punctuated by the occasional Henry Cavill. 
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aliennasaprincess · 1 year
the vintage fashion influencer world seems so concerning actually
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daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Iron Man (1968) #18
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forensicated · 1 month
04x46 - Outmoded
Uniform rush to a call to 'Camford Estate' but it's really for the Bamford Estate. Tom Penny moans about the comprehension of whoever typed it up. Pete takes a shortcut using local knowledge... it takes longer than the normal way. Once they finally arrive, it is yet another bogus call that they've had a lot lately. Instead of armed men fighting they find a group of young lads having a kick around. It's the fourth bogus call that week alone.
A car is pulled out of the river with CID looking on. Mike's not entirely sure what's going on yet as it's as a result of an anonymous call approx 2am. The body of a woman is found inside it with the name of J Finch on her cards. The car was reported stolen at 8am from an estate. Ted asks Jim to locate the owner.
Tom has been tracking the bogus calls, it seems they aren't originating from the usual place so they're definitely suspicious but those he's taken it up with think he's going around the bend and won't follow it up.
June gets called to the flat of Beryl Jenkins. She's been knocked around and had her bag stolen. June tells her how sorry she is and says she's 'very unlucky' to be mugged three times on her estate. That's putting it mildly. June admits she feels like the force has let her down and that's why she's come to see her. Beryl tells June how scared she is and how she won't leave her flat and June tells her that that is letting 'those people' win. She shouts at her to pull herself together and the woman throws her cup, saying she can't stand it anymore.
Bob has rung Network Control and they've found out that someone, somewhere, has a computer and they're hacking into the network. "What are they going to do about it?" "Call us back."
Mike has found out that the card in the dead woman's handbag is registered to Janice Finch who lives on the same estate that the car was stolen from. Ted asks Mike to take Finch's parents to the morgue to get a formal ID and he goes with Jim to visit the owner of the car.
June clears up after Beryl and tells her she has to go out sometime and can't keep cooped up in the flat. Beryl is terrified and June tells her she's suffering the aftereffects of trauma called emotional distress and that she has to break the cycle to start to heal. She's desperate for some cigarettes so June says she'll get her her cigarettes but only if she walks with her.
Ted and Jim visit Desmond Parker. He drives forklifts in a grocery warehouse. He says he hasn't heard of Janice Finch even if she did live on his estate. He tells them he went to a disco at a pub but Ted doesn't believe he doesn't know Janice so pulls him in with them.
Mike stands with Janice's dad as the pathologist raises the blanket - it's definitely her. He asks who Janice was out with last night and her father says she went to a disco - it's all he knows. He doesn't think she has a boyfriend but recognises Desmond Parker's name and says Janice went to school with him.
Bob leans over Robin as he looks up Janice Finch in the CAD room. The name rings a bell for him but before he can work it through Network Control rings back. They've set a trap for whoever it is who keeps accessing their network.
Beryl pauses at the front doors of the main block of flats. She's frozen and adamant she can't go any further but June continues to try and encourage her to come with her - just one step at a time. June gets Beryl near the shops and they stop to admire some greenery outside but Beryl gets nervous again as a police car passes with its siren blaring and lights flashing.
Mike tries to comfort Mr Finch and talk through what happened. Mr Finch is angry that someone drove into the water and then ran off, leaving Janice to die. Mike says he'd likely be scared and not know what to do. It's difficult to say until they interview whoever it is. Mike promises him that they'll get the driver.
Uniform receive another bogus call. Viv had already told them that the building they were called to had been knocked down the year before. Hopefully, now they've found whoever it is.
Desmond Parker admits driving to and from the disco but claims he didn't give anyone a lift and got home about midnight. He can't be sure if he locked the car. Ted keeps pushing for the truth. Desmond admits that he had a few drinks and might have been over the limit but he insists he didn't drive into the river.
Network Control call CAD with the details of the hoaxer It's room 209 at the local university.
June returns back to the flats with Beryl. She's a lot calmer and calls June an angel. She tells her she feels so much better. June promises to call in the next day as they approach Beryl's flat. As they do, June is sent flying by two youths running out.
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A university professor tells Bob that to be able to hack a computer or network is one of man's last great adventures and that it's very therapeutic. He doesn't see the harm in it. Bob points out the harm in tying up multiple police officers and vehicles repeatedly. With that in mind, the professor sees the problem.
Pete and Viv arrive to help June. Beryl's flat has been completely trashed, as have her belongings. Beryl is in shock and just stands staring into space. Pete reckons she looks like she needs taking to the hospital and June snaps at him that she doesn't care who he has to contact. She wants Beryl of the estate - now! - even if she has to put her up herself.
Ted tells Parker that he's no longer being considered as a witness to the crime but a suspect. Mike threatens to take him to the morgue to see Janice's body.
The professor shows Bob around their computer room. Bob asks if they have a record of who uses the computers as he wants to know who used them at 2pm and again about an hour ago. The professor doesn't think that that is possible then Bob tells him he wants to talk to every student who has a computer account. He admits they're rather lax and don't monitor computer security as they should. It's possible that an ex-student could still be using his account. There's one ex-student in particular who he suspects could be sophisticated enough to do it. When the professor checks into it his account was last used an hour ago. He's an absolute genius with computers and can do anything but struggles to compute that into exams.
June manages to get Beryl to leave the flats. The youths outside mock her and call her a 'silly old cow' and one throws something but they escape on rollerblades before Pete can catch them.
Parker tells Ted he can do what he likes to him, he won't say anything. Ted and Mike change tact and talk about what Janice's father told them. Ted suggests bringing Mr Finch in and asking him to 'take a look at young Desmond'. Parker admits finally that he does know her.
Jason Scott lives with his mother who tells Bob that her son is upstairs in his room. She invites him in to talk to him and follows so she can hear what's been said. Bob asks him if he's been hacking into the police computer network. "I knew you'd get into trouble! That's why you got thrown out of university!" Jason asks his mum to go downstairs and tells Bob that he hasn't hacked as such. He bought an old computer that has turned out to be from the MOD. Although it was wiped, Jason recalled the memory, and on the hard drive were the access codes for both the computer and government networks.
Parker tells Ted and Mike that it was an accident. A mate borrowed the car to take his girlfriend - Janice out. They made up the story of the car being stolen as a cover. Ted presses for the friend's name.
Ted asks for Bob and Yorkie tells him that she's on the way in with a prisoner. Ted goes to wait for him whilst Tom speaks to the MOD about their computer.
June, Viv and Pete take Beryl to Victim Support. It's set up rather like a women's refuge to look after those who really need it. June tells her it's temporary and she'll be looked after and she'll make sure that someone finds her a new flat.
Bob checks in his prisoner who says he didn't know the codes were police until he used them. He leaves out the fact that he used them repeatedly once he did no and created false calls to waste time.
Ted calls Bob aside whilst Alec checks in his prisoner. He tells him that it's serious and has to break the news that it was Patrick, his son, who was the driver of the car that went into the water. He doesn't appear to have tried to save the girl. Ted tells him he'll have to come in but he'll play it fair and not pull any strokes.
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muppetjokerno1haterrr · 3 months
I accidentally deleted theask 2 answer, ur just FUCKING JEALOUS that I have the courage 2 act so OBNOXIOUSLY yeah I COULD talk more maturely or whatever but that’s no fun at all
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starrypawz · 4 months
I will say though one thing that will tamper any interest I have in DA4 is the chance I won't have anything that can run the game by the time it comes out
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goodugong · 4 months
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murderballadeer · 5 months
my school's anth department is generally considered fairly good but it's also a bit of a joke bc we only have two of the four fields
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hillsofuhhtennessee · 11 months
man I got a solid cyberpunk sort of NTYTD/Runaway crossover idea last night… it’s only tangentially related in terms of some characters but Velvet (and Luther) just work too well in the role I have and I have a great complementary protag concept.
the basic tl;dr of it is that as much as I want to find transhumanism appealing I am way too practical and cynical to see it ending well most of the time and people never seem to discuss the fragility of electronics/machinery in it
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viridianeyez · 11 months
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hALP i'm still stuck in my 2015 tumblr rp era and i am LOST WTF
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