#outright fucking sobbing
shima-draws · 2 years
I’m really torn with what I want to see happen in the epilogue miniseries…on one hand getting a timeskip and seeing Ash grown up would be really interesting. On the other hand sometimes timeskips are cheesy and if they confirm any Ash-centric ships as canon I will riot. Yes I know I’m all about shipping but HONESTLY I would much rather them leave that aspect of Ash’s life ambiguous;; I really like the idea of Ash’s story arc being a “never-ending journey” kind of thing. So that viewers can just…interpret what happens to him in their own way rather than having it be outright stated. And this kid can go on adventures forever because there’s not a solid ending to his storyline
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Hmhmhmmmm. Thinking about. Monkeys. (< MK and shadowpeach)
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waitineedaname · 1 year
watching everything everywhere all at once with my mom made it hit different
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this-should-do · 2 years
fuck me that was embarrasing
#just fuckkng dammit#ive been struggling with this painting for class cuz oil paints are a bitch to deal with and my teacher was maki g the rounds#coming by seeing how were doing talking with us about what were feelong about our work struggles sucesses#that typa thing shes cool like that#and when i was talking about it and how ive been struggling i just started fucking crying#not outright sobbing but my eyes wouldnt stop leaking and nose wouldnt stop running and sniffling#and just it fuckjgn sucked#and tbat shouldnt be my reaction to struggling with a painting right normally im p good at goimg ah me struggle but no problem#i can just do this#but mother fucker my dumb fucking brain hasnt been doign great so this miniscule thing just fuckjng crumpled my fucking mood#so im jist crying and the teachers being all worried and sympathetic an shit and it fucked#i hated it just fuck#god i really really need a therapist but thats just not fuckjng possible#even tho i literally have free fucking therapy available to me at school as a student here i just cant fucking get myself to go#becjz i just cant brjng myself to trust anytypa school realted counselor or therapist or authority or whatever#after fuckjng my middle and high school experiences#which fucking sucmed#so i jsut feel so fucking stuck#i csn tafford outside therapists without my parents i surance but i cant#use that cuz theyll be able to veto anytherapists they dont like i and i dont wanna go thru that#just#FUCK#and its stupid cuz it despite all the shitty public crying feelimgs it felt so nice to cry but i hate fuckjng crying#god i hate my dumb fuckjng brain for not beng able to cope with whatever mystical issues that i cant#immediarely identitfy like a normal fucking persons cuz it leaves me fucking struggljng to act normal#just fucj#anyways to cope i am now writing a post combine gordon fic of him havign simialr experience#look forward to that i guess#iwillspeakincessantly
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1980ssunflower · 2 years
if i think too hard abt how heavily min and ryans romantic feelings for eachother is implied in show i get emotional hfdjksl
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kneworder · 6 months
so in my endless torture (24 hour travel day rocking with about 2 hours of sleep the night before and about 4 the night before that) I
- woke up to find my expander zipper on my big suitcase was stuck and spent half an hour trying to fix it with interlude to sob on the kitchen floor because if I can’t compress it it’s over the size limit before I finally got it closed
- said tearful goodbye to my roommates and walked to the train station with one of them
- got to the airport to find out my first short flight was cancelled so I wouldn’t be making the long one
- waited in a long ass line just to get rebooked out of a different airport they put me on a bus for that left like 20 minutes behind schedule
- while on the bus see that my new booking is apparently misconnected bc the airline thinks I won’t have enough time to make the connection so not only am I probably fucked it also refuses to show me any of my booking details in the app so all I have is my printed boarding pass
- get on that plane while commiserating with a middle aged dude in the same situation
- get to the other airport, book it, commiserate with a different middle aged dude while we run to our gate, hitch a ride on an airport baggage golf cart with him and against all odds make it to my flight
- get asked to switch my middle seat for an aisle with crazy leg room (things are looking up)
- make it to my final airport
- find out my checked bag never left the third airport actually and we’re gonna have to pick it up hopefully tomorrow if they find it by then (the airport is a 2 hour drive from our house) 😐
- somehow not sleep on a single one of these flights
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satoruxx · 6 months
pairing: toji fushiguro x reader | 1.6k words summary: boyfriend!toji headcanons, fluff, soft!toji, grumpy x sunshine, he’s a simp but he’ll never admit it !! rheya's note: grumpy man being soft for the person he really loves? i’m here for it. mamaguro is literal proof that he can and will love !!
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bf!toji who is silent with his care for you. he's not one to be open or dramatic about his feelings, but you bet he'll show them in actions. small, mundane things that could only be picked out under critical eyes—like quietly placing an extra mug of coffee next to you as you work, or being the one to walk closest to the street, fingers firmly clasped around your palm. if you point it out he'll just grunt, shaking his head with a quiet "keep walking" all while pretending to ignore your silly little grin.
bf!toji who isn't really the type to be big on words of affirmation, but huge on physical touch. you tell him you did well on a project at school or work and he just hums, giving you a little nod. he doesn't say anything else—doesn't really have to because the soft lingering pat on your head is enough to tell you that he's proud.
bf!toji who is an aggressive yet affectionate lover. if you're doing something and he's not receiving your attention he will come up behind you and put you in a headlock. he thinks it's an appropriate response considering how much he craves your attention and company—why on earth are you focused on something that isn't him anyway? so be prepared to have his heavy bicep playfully curling around your throat or slinging you over his shoulders at random times—it's his way of telling you he misses you. and if anything, he'll do it to hear you whine and attempt to shove him off.
bf!toji who will absolutely take your phone and change your lockscreen to pictures of him. every so often, you'll turn your phone on and see an entirely different picture—sometimes a picture of him at the gym, other times a picture of him blocking out his face—but it's always him.
bf!toji whose own lockscreen is always something that's related to you. he's sneaky with it, always stealing pictures of you when you're not looking. he's got a separate album with them—probably hidden behind a password because it's something only he should be allowed to see. but whether it's a snapshot of his hand intertwined with yours or a blurry image of you fast asleep in his bed, it's always you. because of course you’re the first thing he should be able to see when he turns his phone on.
bf!toji who, as cliché as it sounds, is exactly the type to go feral if someone's made you upset. and he's freakishly observant, noticing even a slight pinch of your nose or wobble in your lips—he's caught them all. whether you're just down or outright sobbing, he's there, standing in front of you with pure anger weighing heavy on his brows. and yet for all his rage he's nothing but gentle as he firmly takes your face in his calloused hands, muttering a strained "what the fuck happened?" as he forces you to make eye contact with him. his own eyes will dart over your features, searching for discomfort or any other emotion as you explain, barely holding back his own emotions because there's no reason on the fucking planet that you should be upset at all.
bf!toji who rarely says the words "i love you" not because he doesn't but because the words themselves don't hold all that much meaning to him. no he'd rather spend his time proving it to you than just saying it for the sake of saying it. but, sometimes if you pretend to be asleep long enough, you'll catch him quietly whisper the words into your hair, almost like he doesn't want anyone to hear it. don't even bother trying to call him out for it—he'll deny deny deny.
bf!toji whose eyes flutter when he lets you trace over his scars. not just the one cutting over his lips but the ones that litter his back and torso—battle remnants that he doesn't remember much of. he's always hated the look of them, indifferent to old memories of a much more chaotic time in his life. but when your gentle fingers graze over the raised skin he'll sigh, oddly quiet but yet so comfortable.
bf!toji who will drop everything if you need him. don't ever hesitate to ask him for things because you're scared of being a burden—he will yell at you (affectionately). you drank too much with your friends and can't get a ride? call him and he'll pick you up even if it's 4 am. you're feeling nervous about walking home from the convenience store even though it's only ten minutes away from home? stay put and he'll come get you so that you can walk back together. shut up about all that "it's an inconvenience for you" bullshit—he'll do it and that's that.
bf!toji who asks if you've eaten today, and when you answer with a sheepish smile he'll click his tongue, crossing his bulky arms over his chest and giving you a pointed glare. then he'll say "get your ass to the kitchen. c'mon, up." while hoisting you to your feet—most of the time he'll just pick you up and plop you on the counter himself.
bf!toji who wordlessly makes you something to eat, whether it's a quick snack put together with leftovers or an actual full meal. then he'll stand in front of you with the plate and demand you eat. even a slight word of protest and he's scowling, already holding up a spoonful while grumbling a low "don't wanna hear it. open up, kid."
bf!toji who hates when you fall asleep on the couch waiting for him to get home. his job doesn't allow for the comfort of a strict schedule, and he's told you this many times. but you're nothing if not stubborn, and he can only sigh heavily as he sees you dozing against the armrest when he pushes the door open late at night. he'll click his tongue quietly, hooking both arms under your back and knees to cradle you against his chest before walking to the bedroom. though some part of him is pleased, knowing that you seem to care about him enough to make sure he's coming home every night.
bf!toji who glares at anyone who even breathes in your direction the wrong way. some guy eyeing you while you're walking on the street? toji looks like he's ready to rip his head off. some "friend" of yours asking too many questions about why you're dating a man like him? well…if looks could kill.
bf!toji who pulls you into his lap when he kisses you, because he likes the way you fit into his space so perfectly. he won't ever admit how it makes him swoon when you giggle against his lips, instead choosing to tighten his grip on your hips and pull you closer to his chest.
bf!toji who enjoys watching you sit on the kitchen counter and swing your legs back and forth—finding it so unbelievably endearing that he ends up just standing in between your legs and burying his face into your neck. his lips will map chaste kisses across your skin, and he'll hide a wry smile as your quiet giggles wash over him.
bf!toji who will notice when you eye something at a store, whether it's a pretty piece of jewelry or a new sweater or whatever—he keeps note. and then weeks later, once you've forgotten all about it, he'll come home and drop a bag into your lap before shoving his hands into his pockets. when you open it and start gushing about how much you wanted it and how pleased you are, he'll huff and turn away, muttering a low "whatever, kid. 's not a big deal."
bf!toji who sees you upset about something, and loops his bicep around your neck and tucks you under his chin. to an outsider it doesn't look like the most comforting form of a hug, but it's toji, and he's secure and he's safe and he's all the comfort you need—a tight squeeze that grounds you in a way that you can't quite describe.
bf!toji who will never admit how interested he is in your gossip. his ideal way to destress after he comes home is to sit on the couch with you in his lap, your arms looped around his waist as you press yourself against his torso and tuck your head under his chin. and even though his eyes are trained on the tv, he has no clue what's going on—he's more focused on the drama you're spilling or whoever you're ranting about. and he makes it known too, occasionally asking "then what happened, baby?" and adding in a few sounds of disbelief. by the end of your rant, he'll be saying something along the lines of "what a fucking bitch," or "honestly he deserved that," and then asks for updates on the situation over the next few days.
bf!toji who silently watches you trace your fingers over the lines on his palms. you're blabbering about something, tucked against his chest as his other arm remains wrapped around you securely, but he's just focused on your hands. it scares him a little bit—the difference between you and him. his palms are calloused, rough with battle and death, while yours are soft, clean of the horrors he's determined to keep away from you. and a small part of him tells him he shouldn't taint you with all his faults, that you deserve someone more capable of loving than he is. but then he feels you brush your lips over his scarred fingers and he sucks in a breath, tightening his grip imperceptibly. even as he hides a half smile against your brow, he knows he isn't going anywhere.
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Not me watching an RE4 remake playthrough and wanting to write a knife fight scene between Paresse and Michel.
God Damn It.
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s0dium · 2 months
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A/n: This is honestly the BEST fic I've ever written! I took a lot from prompts I found on this site and the smut scene is inspired from a book called "The Kiss Quotient." (It was just so damn good). This fanfic is also inspired by my original fanfic, "Douchebag" Tengen x Reader. ALSO, I AM WORKING ON YUTA FICS, SO DON'T WORRY! Word count: 3.5k
Synopsis: Gojo Satrou was a man of many things. It would be hard to find anyone in the jujutsu world who hadn’t heard of his name before, whether that be through his many wins in battle or his reputation as an A-class player. Some describe him as eccentric, and others (mostly girls) describe him as irresistible. You? Well, you on the other hand would describe him as nothing else than an utter, complete,  douchebag. Warnings: Enemies to lovers,  teasing, fingering, intense kissing for a sec, squirting, use of pet names, belly bulge, cervix fucking, breeding kink, virgin!reader, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, choking ~
You scoffed, watching through the classroom window as a clearly frustrated old man stormed out of the building, no doubt a higher up. No doubt the work of Gojo Satoru. "God I hate him." You hissed, turning to face a dozing-off Shoko and your other friend Haibara. The classroom you sat in was almost empty, bathed in the soft light of midday filtering through large windows. Sparse shadows stretch across the well-worn wooden floor. Rows of desks, mostly unoccupied, face a dusty chalkboard at the front. "Who Satoru?" Shoko yawned, leaning into the palm of her hand to face you. Haibara lets out a loud chuckle. "Why? Because he's an ass to higher-ups?" He nods to the window and you click your tongue against the rough of your mouth. "No, it's because he is an ass in general. His whole 'holier than thou' attitude, and don't get me started on the way he treats girls." You practically shiver as you remember the time you saw some poor girl from Kyoto Jujutsu High profess her love to the white hair man, only to run away sobbing. "I swear to god it's like he expects us to kiss the floor that he walks on, he's.... infuriating" "Who's infuriating?" Oh god, you knew that stupidly deep voice anywhere. You whipped around to find yourself face to face with the very tall white-haired man you were talking about; a shit-eating grin spread across his infuriatingly handsome face.
“You couldn't be talking about me, could you?” Satoru's voice dripped faux shock and you rolled your eyes.
“Well you know what they say, speak of the devil and he shall appear.” You spat.
“That must be why you love using that pretty mouth of yours to talk about me so much.” Satoru lowered himself to close the provoking height difference between the two of you until your noses were inches away from touching. “Cause ya love having me around  doncha.”
In that moment you have to conjure up every ounce of self-restraint to not spit in his face there and then, and luckily your friends catch the drift. "Hey Satoru! What are you doing here?" Perked up Haibara who reached out his hand to dap Gojo up. "Well, Suguru and I are heading for a night out today, small club, and I thought, out of the kindness of my heart," You scoff and Gojo merely grins and continues, "I'd invite you all. Drink on me of course." As Satrou's invitation lingered in the air, you noticed Shoko's ears perk up. Her curiosity was piqued, a subtle lift of her eyebrows betraying her interest. You bit your tongue, the taste of reluctance sharp against your teeth. The idea of going anywhere with Satrou was far from appealing, but knowing your friends might join made it harder to outright refuse.
You crossed your arms defensively, leaning back slightly as you fixed Satrou with a skeptical look. "And why would you want me there?"
Satrou's lips curled into a half-smirk, his eyes lighting up with a mischievous glint."You're annoying, I'll give you that," He took a casual step closer, and leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper, "but I never said you weren't fun."
His words, intended to irk you, did their job well. You glared at him sharply, the frustration evident in your furrowed brows and the hard set of your jaw.
Satrou chuckled.
“Great, I’ll take that as a yes then, I'll text you guys the details.” He turns around to walk out of the classroom. “See you guys there!”
There was a silence as you all watched Satrou walk away before Haibara turns to look at you. “So are you going to go y/n? Come on it will be so much fun!”
“Yeah no way in hell.”
~ You were a liar. You were a liar because here you were, leaning over the counter of a bar in a club that was far from "small." The nightclub was a pulsing, chaotic hive of activity. Neon lights flashed in syncopation with the deafening throb of electronic dance music that shook the very air. The club was jam-packed with bodies moving rhythmically, the heat from the mass of humanity palpable as the scent of sweat and sweet perfumes mingled. The bar surface was sticky under your arms, and the occasional spill from a too-hastily poured drink added to the chaos of sounds and smells around you. You lazily stirred the thin red straw into your drink, trying to politely ignore the creep who wouldn't stop talking to you.
Somehow, in the maze of gyrating bodies and blinding strobe lights, you had lost both Shoko and Haibara, leaving you stranded at the mercy of this clueless conversationalist. Despite the roar of bass and the chatter of dozens of conversations, his words seemed to bore into your ears, relentless and unyielding. He leaned in closer than necessary, trying to make himself heard over the club's cacophony, not realizing or perhaps not caring, that you were more interested in plotting an escape than in anything he had to say. "And might I say you look gorgeous tonight." It took everything you had not to scoff at this creep's words, but before you should shut the man down, you felt an arm wrap around you. "Everything alright love?" Oh god. You knew that voice anywhere. As you turned, you were met by Satrou's piercing blue eyes, their color vivid even behind stylish rectangular sunglasses. The multicolor flashing lights overhead caught in the threads of Satrou’s light blue button-up, making it shimmer subtly, and the fabric clung just right to his broad shoulders and tapered waist, hinting at the well-defined physique beneath. You hated the fact that your brain immediately noted how damn good he looked. His arm was wrapped around your waist drawing you close and you had to bite your tongue from frowning at the pet name he had given you As he leaned in, his voice was low, a soft murmur over the noise of the club, "This guy bothering you baby?" His tone was teasing, and you could detect the challenge in it, as if daring you to admit that his closeness and pet names affected you just as much as he knew it did. "Of course I'm fine baby!" You smile brightly and for a second you think Satrou looked a bit taken aback. If playing along got you out of this situation so be it. "This guy, I'm sorry, what's your name?" You glance back at the creep who had turned bright red. "I'm sorry, excuse me." You watched as the man disappeared into the throng of the bustling crowd, your attention fixed until he was well out of sight. Only then did you turn back to Satrou, the false warmth on your face instantly transforming into a cold, hard glare.
"Thanks for that, but you can get your hand off me now," you said, your voice icy as you tried to wriggle out of his hold. Despite your efforts, Satrou’s grip on your waist remained firm, unyielding.
"And why should I? I think we made a fantastic couple," Satrou cooed, a teasing lilt in his voice. His eyes sparkled with amusement, clearly enjoying the moment far more than you.
You rolled your eyes, exasperation seeping through. "You really think I would fall for something like that?"
"Why? Did you?" he probed further, his smile widening, eyes searching yours for any sign of genuine affect. Anger started to boil up inside you as your attempts to escape his grasp remained futile.
"I don't think you understand the dynamic here very well, Satoru," you began, your voice low and deliberate, each word punctuated for emphasis. You stepped closer, invading his space as much as he had invaded yours, your eyes never leaving his. "Let me make this crystal clear, I'm not someone you can just fucking conquer, and I'm certainly not one of those girls who's gonna kiss the ground you walk on with your whole 'I'm the strongest' act," you seethed.
Your face was mere inches from his now, your breath mingling, the tension palpable. "Because I know what you really are, Satrou," you hissed, the anger in your voice barely contained. "You're a fucking douche bag." "Oh? Is that so."
Satrou's expression shifted subtly, the amusement fading into something more measured, more cautious. He studied you for a moment and you took the chance to wiggle out of his grasp and make your way through the crowd on the dance floor toward the door. The beat of the music pounds in your ears and throughout your body making your synapses jump like beans in a tin can. You can barely see the floor, only flashes of bodies you frantically tried to push past. Before you can make it to the back door, a hand grips your wrist tightly enough to halt your forward rush. Above the din of the pulsating music and amidst the strobe-lit shadows of dancing figures, Satoru's face comes into view. You feel your breath catch in your throat. God his is beautiful. Strobe lights catch and accent every one of his sharp features alighting them in a multicolor color hue. He pulls your wrist to him so you're close, too close. You can smell the old spice shampoo from his hair mixed in with some sort of sweet cologne. It's a smell that makes you want to bury your nose into him over and over again. "Jesus fucking Christ y/n" he breathed his eyes searching yours. "How long are we going to keep this thing of ours going?" You furrowed your eyebrows. “Our thing? What thing?”
“The thing where we act like we hate each other but actually want to fuck the brains out of each other.” Your eyes widen and you feel your face grow deathly hot. You try to step back, get some space, some room to breathe, but the hand on your wrist keeps you from doing so
“I-fuck you” the words come out of your mouth more soft and meager than you intended to, and you find yourself locked into his blue gaze.
“Believe me, I've thought about it.” His voice is low, and his face isn't painted with a shit-eating grin like it so usually is, he's serious and his eyes are soft. Fuck it. You can no longer hear the lyrics to whatever song was playing, only a soft dull hum of the beat in your ears. Immediately your lips are on his. The kiss is frantic, hot, messy. The club's pulse thrummed through you like a second heartbeat, the noise and chaos all but forgotten in the singular focus of his presence. You could feel one of his large hands on the small of your back, drawing you in until there was no space left between the both of you. Your mouths clashed against each other as if you were both seeking something vital, something long-denied. Satoru's lips were insistent against yours, moving with a fervor that matched the pounding bass surrounding you. You whined as his tongue slipped into your mouth, your hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the firm press of his chest against yours. The scent of his cologne mixed with the smoky air around us, intoxicating and heady.
Your mouths separated with a soft pop, and Satoru is grinning while you're left dazed, breath heavy and chests rising and falling after it. "How bout you say we get out of here Princess."Gojo's voice was a low murmur, his breath warm against your ear as you broke from the intense kiss.
Before you could even respond, a dizzying rush enveloped you. The loud club vanished in an instant, replaced by the quiet, dimly lit ambiance of his bedroom. You were suddenly on his bed, the soft duvet beneath you a stark contrast to the hard dance floor we'd just left. Right, he can teleport. You forgot about that. Wait was he... where are you going to... Before you can get a word in, he’s once again engulfing your lips with his and pulling you into a feverish kiss in which the two of you can’t seem to get enough of each other. The moment one pulls away to breathe, the other is immediately searching for their lips again; intertwining tongues and teeth clashing together recklessly.
Your hot, everything is hot, your body is burning up by the second and there’s a sickly sweet feeling in your stomach that keeps on expanding as time passes. You whine into his mouth when you feel a hand slip under your skirt and lightly trace the outline of your slit with his index finger. You're painfully wet; your arousal has made a large spot on your underwear translucent. “Just touch me,’ you whined, arching impatiently against his hand. He couldn’t make either of you wait any longer. Slowly, he brought his middle finger down and slid it gently over her folds. You threw your head back. "Ahhhh, more please." He did it again, this time his fingertip slipping between and gathering your wetness. He parted you with two fingers. You let out a gasp when he hit your clit and started to rub it in small circles. You tried to say something, anything to explain how hot you were feeling right now, but your words were lost against his soft lips. The taste of him, the smell of him, the feel of him so close against you, skin to skin. Time and space had no meaning anymore. There was only you and Satrou.
“You feeling good baby? Satrou speaks slowly, breath on your neck and voice in your ear making you shiver. You bite your lip and nod like any words that came from you would ruin it. You almost wince when you feel two fingers slip into your tight hole. "Jesus, fuck. You gotta relax princesses." He chuckled, knowing far to well that the tightness was going to feel delicious around him. Two fingers worked into you, and your eyes rolled back into your head. He began a steady rhythm as his tongue nipped and sucked the tender skin of your neck. You couldn’t prevent her hips from rising to meet his thrusts. Oh God, you were riding his hand. That had to be bad. You told herself to stop. You couldn’t. Somehow, you found your hands tangled in his short white hair. Your body was coiled tighter, grasping at his fingers, so wet now you could hear the slippery sounds every time he drove back into you. "Hnghhh.... so good." You squeezed your eyes type, becoming focused on the tightening feeling of your core and the blossoming warm pleasure. Your legs started to tremble under the unbearable pleasure and your back arched against the bed as if your body was trying to escape the euphoric feeling that coursed through your skin. "That’s it, fuck, beautiful girl... such a natural submissive...." You want to tell him he's wrong, all this pleasure wasn't because of his egotistic ass, but it'd be a lie. And as if on command, all feelings come to a heightened crescendo; explosions of euphoria clouding your brain causing your toes to curl from pleasure and your body to shake like a leaf.
It takes a couple seconds after you calmed down to realize you squirted all over Satoru's hand and all blood rushes to your face turning you a bright red.
“Oh my god in so sorry I didn’t-”
Your voice dies out as you watch Satrou pull off his shirt, revealing his extremely built body and toned muscles, to wipe the liquid off his hand. You don’t even notice that he had pulled out his dick until you feel something pressing against your entrance, making you look down and your eyes widen as you do so. Your stomach inwardly twisted,  filled with the sickly excitement and your breathing started to quicken. "Shhhhh baby," Satoru cups your cheek and kisses your forehead. It was a sweet gesture despite everything happening right now, a gesture that made your heart swell and your mind yearn for Satoru. The stretch of his dick spreading your walls is insane. No amount of preparation could've prepared you for the length of Satoru's dick. You feel it heavy inside you and Satrou pushes into you until he can't push anymore, until his hips are flush against you and the tip of his length is smushed against your cervix. The pleasure of that alone felt numb, unbearable, you needed friction, you needed him to move. You practically faint when he first thrusts into you in earnest. It's euphoric; the curvature of his dick digging itself against your g-spot, scraping against your vaginal walls every time he backed his hips up. His cock pulsed inside of your silky walls, stretching you to the fullest capacity as he bottomed out again and again. "Oh fuck." Satrou groaned. He was no longer grinning, Satoru's playful resolves vanished and his smile quickly dropped. He knew you'd feel good, but he didn't expect how good you'd feel. The feeling of his hand he had fucked himself to the thought of you for so many nights was nothing compared to the real thing. It was too much, the feeling of your wet soft walls gripping him so tightly. How was he able to live without your pussy in the first place? The pleasure built rapidly, too potent, too insistent. He kneeled over you, a groan escaping his lips—a raw, primal sound that vibrated through the charged air between you. Satorus thrust your quick and hard, a clear display of strength and endurance he had gained from years of jujutsu training. "Been thinking about this, so long, bet you have to have ya~"
As Satrou's long, deliberate fingers encircle your neck, a thrilling chill races down your spine. He applies pressure gently at first, then with a firmer, insistent grip that gradually restricts your airflow, sending a wave of exhilaration through your senses. The world around you narrows, focusing intently on the point where his skin contacts yours, heightening every other sensation that courses through you. His other hand slips under your bra bra to grab and massage your breast, his thumb flicking over your nipples.
"Satoru..! Ahhhh..! I..I, fuckkkkk can't handle this.." You had no strength to answer him, only offering wanton moans in retort as he continued to wreck your body with his completely brutal thrusts. The pain of him hitting the tip of your cervix nearly every time mixed with his hand squeezing your throat it was just all too much.
Satoru. Satoru. Satoru
"Slow down.. please im gonna ahhhh~" Drool slipped passed your lips and you writhed and squirmed at the feeling of hot euphoria passed over your body in flesh arrow. "Gonna cum? Fuck baby, let's... let's come together m'kay?" Satrou almost stuttered. His body had kicked into autopilot, and a deep primal need for you settled in as he thrust in and out, creating a methodical rhythm that echoed in your ears. Your ankles lock around his lower back and you cry out when the head of his cock kisses your womb, your legs shaking as you feel yourself start to be thrown into an intense orgasm. You want to say something about the weird feeling in your stomach, how your skin is buzzing but it's all too much, and before you know it your tumbling toward the edge. It feels like your whole body was shot with electricity and color dances in your eyes as you float in ecstasy.
"Sh-Shit, shit, fuuuuck~" He chuckles into your ear, choking over his words as his hips sputter inside of you, hot cum fills you as much as you can hold inside of your stuffed cunny. Satoru doesn't pull out as you both come down from your high, instead watching you intently as you ride through the aftershocks of your orgasm. "Wanna do this again?" He chuckles.
"Fuck, yes, please."
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Also does Flower not have a mobile phone why is she using a corded one hdsxfhbjjdbj /lh -🌟
the real answer: i, the artist, didn't feel like drawing one b/c i didn't know if you'd be able to tell it was a phone (+ i like drawing corded phones b/c nostalgia)
the funny answer: flower's house is permanently stuck in the early 2000s. most modern piece of tech up in there is an iDog
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keekee-chan · 2 years
Real funny how my mom will ask me what's wrong when every single time I've ever come to her because I'm sad or hopeless or lonely or actively thinking about suicide, she's responded by yelling at me until the problem (me) goes away bc if I just never talk to her about anything being wrong then nothings wrong
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underscorespider · 2 years
i hate when people who are supposed to be my friends arent mean to me but just ignore me cause then i feel like i have no right to be upset because they /technically/ didnt do anything wrong so really it should all be fine
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anastasiabowe · 6 months
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“𝗧𝗢𝗢 𝗕𝗜𝗚!” — KNBmen and how they comfort you and work you down on their big cocks.
note: Enjoy!
Content warnings: Praise, piv, pain kink, dacryphilia, big dick, head, choking, cum swallowing, anything else!
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Kagami is VERY gentile. He cannot and WILL NOT hurt you. He just can’t do it! Sometimes his personal needs get the best of him, but he makes sure you beat him up afterwards.
Kagami prefers if you take the lead only so you can take your time and use your dick as much as you want. He likes when you can just be comfortable and happy!
Although he hates you being in pain, he can’t help but get a little turned on knowing his cock is like a spear that is plotting you open- hey, it might be a weird kink, but he’s happy he is more than enough for you!
“Good girl.” Kagami groaned as you slowly lowered down on him. Your legs shook and strained as the pain between your legs and the burning in your thighs became nearly unbearable.
“I-it’s too big!” You whimpered. “And my legs hurt!” Tears welled in your eyes, and your throat burned.
Kagami grabbed your hips to help relieve the burn in your thighs after he heard your cry. You grateful, slowly slid inch by inch down his cock until you were now comfortably (leg wise) sitting on him.
Kagami leaned up and softly kissed your lips. “Doing so good f’me, take your time.” He praised as you nodded and kissed him back, tears in your eyes.
“Take your time.” He repeated.
Kuroko is surprisingly mean! Not mean like Aomine (which you will soon see) but he’s mean! If you’re not riding, he’s bullying his way into his pussy. He did his best to stretch you before hand, so it shouldn’t hurt, right?
Wrong! It hurts like hell, every. Fucking. Time! Kuroko just tunes you out and continues to slowly but faster than comfort slide in to your tight cunt.
Kuroko usually stops when he’s fully sheathed inside, he may be mean, but he isn’t cruel. He’ll also kiss you and rub your sides as you sniffle from crying earlier.
“*hip* y-your *hip* so mean!” You cry as he finally bottomed out. He groaned trying not to cum right then and there, and all you could do is try to catch your breath from all the hysterical crying you were doing.
“I’m sorry baby, you just feel so good.” His soft voice comforted as his dick twitched at every whimper and hic from you recovering.
He kissed your wet lips, and you kissed him back. He grabbed your face, and used his thumbs to rub your cheeks soothingly.
“Just take some deep breaths, I won’t move, promise.” His blue eyes locked on your glossy ones, and you nodded and controlled your breathing. When the pain soon decreased, and a burn of desire took over, all signs of being upset and sad disappeared.
“Ready?” He asked, and you nodded eagerly.
“Words please.”
“I’m r-ready.”
“Ok, I’m going to move now, squeeze my hand if it’s too much.” He grabbed your hand and you smiled.
“Ok!” He smiled back and pulled his hips back and pushed them in.
★ — KISE
Kise starts off really mean but then when he hears you cry he is an instant golden teddy bear, I swear on my life! He wants to act tough and like he enjoys being in control, which is partly true, but the second you cry out in pain, that persona went out the window.
Kise will usually have you in mating press, he loves to see your face in pain or pleasure, but if it’s just outright unbearable pain in your face, he will switch up.
He would stop all of his movements and focus on your soft spots and your sensitive ones to get you comfortable!
“K-Kise!” You gasp in pain, and he ignores you. You cling to his back and he continued to push in.
“Stop! Please it hurts!” Again he ignores you and continues pushing in. At some point you started sobbing, and that must have knocked him out of whatever he was in. You didn’t want to use your safe word, you didn’t want him to completely stop, you just wanted him to slow down!
He blinked and looked at your face. His eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed. He stopped moving iing, and grabbed your face.
“S-shit, I’m sorry!” He looked frantic, yet you could still sense a bit of lust coming off of him. “I-I must of zoned out, I’m so sorry baby!” His blonde locks tickled your face, and you felt upset at him. Very upset.
“I asked you to *hip* stop!” You continued to cry and he slowly pulled out, making you wrap your legs around him to stop.
“Don’t pull out!” He looked at you confused and you whined your eyes. “Just slow down! Y-you big fat bitch!” You insulted him, making him laugh knowing who you were really talking about.
“I’m sorry, baby, I’ll slow down. Just can’t help getting excited when I have all this to myself!” He pecked your lips, and whiled the rest of the tears in your face.
The biggest, the meanest, the most utterly cruel man you know! Well, you chose this man, so you’re not REALLY complaining, but still!
Aomine is a sadist, a very mild one, and your kind of a masochist so you both go hand in hand, but just because you enjoy a little bit of pain doesn’t mean you can’t say he isn’t mean!
Aomine has a tendency to just slam himself into you, and slowly fuck you to be nice. He loves to hear you cry for him, he loves to see your eyes widen in pain, he just loves loves LOVES it!
Aomine slammed into you, making you scream and dig your fresh nails into the pillows. “Mine!” You cry out, he growled and fucked you harder than usual.
“You know you like it, you slut.” He pounded into you, and you continued to cry and cry. He had you in doggy, and you could feel the pillows getting wetter and wetter from your tears, making you feel agitated.
“Please slow down!” You begged, not wanting him to, but the idea of it didn’t sound to bad either.
“Nah, like hearing you cry on my cock.” He chuckled, as he continued to pound into you. You sniffled and cried and he just continued to claim what was his. Aomine wrapped his arm around your torso and pulled you up to him. He continued to fuck you while also kissing your neck.
“Such a good fucking slut. Taking my dick better than normal, bet you like when I use you like this.” You whimper when you felt your high coming in.
“A-aomin-“ he sucked in your neck and you moaned.
“What?” He mocked when you fell silent. The pleasure was becoming so much.
“Already fucked my baby dumb. What do you know!” He chuckled.
Murasakibara doesn’t even know he’s big. I mean he knows it, but whenever he tried to put it in, it just doesn’t… fit? Like, I mean, his tip doesn’t slide in, he has to physically push the tip in, like more than how normal guy who have big dicks have too.
You usually have a hard time when it comes to his dick because he can’t even put it all inside of you, it reaches your cervix at halfway. So he can’t fuck you luke he wants too.
So whenever it doesn’t usually work out he just uses your mouth instead.
“Fuck baby, using your mouth like a fucking pro.” He praised as your mouth opened to the hilt. He was reaching deep in your throat, and you couldn’t breath very well. You pulled off and coughed. His stomach fluttered with butterfly’s when he saw that his dick was too much for you to handle.
“What’s wrong baby?” He pushed the hair out of your face, and a visible pour formed on your lips.
“I can’t take it all! You’re too big!” You wanted to impress him, even though he was already very impressed by you. You always impress him.
“It’s ok baby, you’re doing so well!” He praised and you didn’t believe him.
You liwerwd back on him and tried to take him again, this time much harder than last time since your throat was in defense mode.
Murasakibara brought his heavy hand to the back of your head and pushed you down. You gagged but tried your best. Tears spilled out your eyes from the pressure, and he only encouraged you to continue, and you did.
You bobbed your head despite it only being halfway there. He groaned and you felt a warm and slightly salty liquid fill your mouth.
He held you down despite you tapping his thigh to breath. He grabbed your hair and pulled you up. He chuckled and squished your cheeks with his other hand. You were coughing, and he was treating you like a baby.
“Breathe baby, breath.” You wiped your mouth, and he let go of your cheeks.
“How about we try my cock in your pussy next?”
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ghostfacd · 6 months
you’ll see my face in every place (but you can’t catch me now)
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!capitol!reader
summary: you were finally dead, so why did you show up everyday in Coriolanus’s life?
warnings: coriolanus is a sick motherf, seriously sick. mentions of sex, mentions of killing & snakes, reader finally getting justice in end (sorta?)
part 1 | can be read off as standalone but recommend reading for context
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Coriolanus Snow was utterly and undeniably fucked. He absolutely was.
He was sure when he had gotten rid of Sejanus, Lucy Gray, and you—that that was the end of it, and no one would hear about it again. After all, the Plinths and Ciceros took in Coriolanus like a son, thanking them for taking such good care of their son and daughter when they couldn’t.
And it wasn’t like Coriolanus Snow was some idiot. He knew how to cover up his tracks, and he knew how to do it good. If there’s one thing about him, it’s that he believes if one truly wants to get rid of something, one should do all in his power to make it happen. And that’s what Coriolanus did. He erased every trace of Lucy Gray Baird and Sejanus, and hopefully, you.
Coriolanus woke up one morning in the Cicero estate feeling extremely cold. He looked outside to see snow, which made his lips quirk up in a sly smile. Your parents were devastated over your death, Mrs. Cicero automatically offering Coriolanus your bedroom because she couldn’t stand her only daughter being gone.
- - -
Coriolanus opens your closet, a walk-in closet that not even the whole District 1 would be able to afford. Gosh, he remembered the first time he was here and you were showing him a pretty short dress that covered nothing, and how he wanted to take you right then and there. He did minutes after, and that short dress was long discarded on the floor.
But now your presence was gone, just your clothes that were still there. Mr. Cicero refused for the maids to get rid of it; he said he wanted to remember his daughter for the lovely fashionable girl she was. Coriolanus looked through your sweaters, much were pink or white, but Corio found a dark blue one that was gender neutral that he liked.
Although it was just polyester, Coriolanus felt chills as he wore it. He swore he took in a whiff of your perfume. How could that have been possible? It was weeks after yours and Sejanus’s death, weeks after he went back to the Capitol with a fake sob story and bloodshot eyes. There was no way—just absolutely no way that your perfume could still be lingering on this old polyester sweater.
Snow gasps. A loud sound hits your window, a bird, he assumes. And as he gets closer, his suspicions are confirmed when he sees a unconscious bird on the floor, with snow melting around it.
Snow melting. Snow. Melting.
Coriolanus needed to get out of his own head. It wasn’t healthy.
He was now an apprentice to Dr. Gaul, a spot that brought him enormous pride. Soon, he’ll take over all of Panem, and make sure any remaining rebels would be expelled, or better yet, executed.
Was Coriolanus going crazy? He was so sure he heard your voice in the trees, just right outside your estate. Mrs. Cicero, your mother, had expressed how much you liked planting, and it was evident from the amount of tall bark trees littering around the entire home.
In the lab, Dr. Gaul was teaching Coriolanus how to be gentle with the snakes so he wouldn’t get bitten like poor Clemensia had before the 10th Hunger Games even started. He thought she was long dead by now, but she had came to him a few weeks prior yelling about how she can’t believe he never visited her in the hospital. Coriolanus didn’t outright tell her—but he saw fading scales all over her neck. The turtleneck wasn’t doing her any good.
“Alright, here you go,” Dr. Gaul says gently, handing Coriolanus one of the longer snakes. He looked into its eyes, and was horrified to see your eyes stare back at him. He shrieked, flapping the snake into the air and blinking a few times to make sure he wasn’t going crazy.
“What is wrong with you Mr. Snow?!” Dr. Gaul asks, astonished by her star pupil’s behavior.
He only gulps, excusing himself home early that day.
- - -
“Oh Corio, I wanted you to have this,” Mr. Cicero approached him as he sat in front of your giant vanity. He was holding a few printed photographs of you and Coriolanus, huddled up together, looking as cute of a couple as ever. He remembered those moments, where you were smiling like crazy as you looked up at him with the doe eyes he seem to have been missing lately. “You know my daughter really loved you. And I’m not a man of many words—but I want to thank you for being there for her. She loved you so much she begged me to let her go to district 12 to be with you and Sejanus again. I hate the way things happened, but at least I know she was loved by you.”
And slowly, Snow starts to crack.
When the Ciceros had fallen asleep, he lit the fireplace, watching as the fire slowly get taller. He takes one good look at the photographs, then throws them in with the flames. He gave his blood, sweat, and tears for this moment. To finally be in a huge estate, to be with loving parents, to be an apprentice to the most important doctor in the Capitol. He deserved this. He did. He gave up his best friend, he gave up his own tribute, Lucy Gray—not that she mattered or anything because Coriolanus established a clear line in his head that she was simply just a district scum who was lucky enough to win because of him. And lastly, he gave up his girlfriend, Y/N Cicero, you, for this.
Coriolanus Snow was not going to let anything get in the way of his goal.
- - -
The next week, Coriolanus suggests the Ciceros throw a party to memorialize you. Coriolanus thinks of this big, grand, emotional speech. He’ll tell everyone how much of a sweetheart you were, how much you two were inlove. Then he’d get stern—saying that he’ll make sure your death won’t be forgotten, especially when he plans on running for president soon.
Everyone claps, so infatuated with the way he speaks. It’s cause he lies; straight from his mouth.
“I know what you did.”
The trees speak to Coriolanus in hushed violent murmurs, almost as if they were mad at him. They spoke in riddles, but sometimes they’d just outright say what Coriolanus had done.
“You killed them. You killed them all.”
“Blood is on your hands.”
“Snow bleeds red.”
And it frustrates Snow. It’s something, for once, that he can’t control. It sickens him that he’s unable to anything about the trees.
- - -
Mr. and Mrs. Cicero die a year later. Rebel bombing, they assumed. But only Coriolanus knew that it wasn’t—that it was him, and because he was like a son to them for the past year, he was under their will, meaning he got the entire estate.
He ran for president with the Cicero family name, and with their money too.
Coriolanus marries Livia Cardew. He doesn’t like her, much less tolerate her, but she was a good asset. Just a trophy hanging from his arm.
And Livia didn’t mind, she knew Snow was incapable of loving her, and she had an itching feeling it had something to do with you.
But Livia loved you when she was friends with you at the Academy, so she doesn’t bat an eye when Coriolanus mumbles out your name while they’re having sex. In fact, Coriolanus refused to touch or look at Livia unless he was under enormous pressure and needed someone—no something—to get his anger out on. Livia always took the blows, but she was still grateful that she hadn’t married Fetus, because that—that wouldn’t have been pretty.
The first thing Snow does as president is cut down the trees. The forests and woods? Well he burned them all. He didn’t like the cat and mouse chase that Lucy Gray had played on him in the woods, so he figured getting rid of them was like finally erasing you from his brain. No more Sejanus Plinth, no more Lucy Gray Baird, and fucking finally, finally!—no more Y/N Cicero.
But Coriolanus made a slight error. Because 64 years later, his ex lover comes back to haunt him, only this time, in the form of a girl from District 12, Katniss Everdeen.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
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agenderarkham · 2 years
Love that I can’t just have like. Normal nightmares that are scary where there’s like a guy chasing me or whatever I just woke up for work like 5 minutes before my alarm fully sobbing over my dream 🙃🙃
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