jet-teeth · 1 year
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More funky dread - this is actually one of the first sketches I'd started with the idea, I might make more variations later In the meantime, please look at the style of mechanical joints of this dive suit it's INSANE:
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stumblngrumbl · 2 years
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smaller gate for access from the drive that goes by our property on the north side
part of our land was fenced with the ugly chain link that extends to and from the gate that's behind and to the left of the white one
i hate chain link - for whatever reason my eyes gravitate right to it and it just yells industrial to me - and also the chain link is only 6' high and sags in many places, making it trivial for the coyotes and bobcat to climb or jump over. i've been replacing the chain link fence with a less visible fence that's similar to the white gate's grid up to 5', then there's 3 lines of barbless wire above that, 8" spaced apart, for a total of 7-7½ feet tall. there's... also some electric fence between the barbless wires to dissuade climbers.
in many places we've put the new fence out closer to the property line, which in the last couple of years opened up a nice big sunny place for our new garden.
this gate in the picture is white from primer paint; it'll be a dark green which makes it almost disappear as it matches the pine trees of the area it's in. i had to build it, and a few others, because your typical gate is 4' or 5' high and only some of them have a grid to keep lambs or sheep from going through, but they do very little for jumpers. these gates i've built closely match the rest of the newer fence, other than the top small horizontal support bar.
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artificer4396 · 7 months
A pickup truck is a utility vehicle meant to haul cargo, often off road.
A crew cab doesn’t make it any more of a “family car” than a sedan, hatchback, station wagon, or minivan.
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exhaled-spirals · 8 months
« To mention the global loss of biodiversity, that is to say, the disappearance of life on our planet, as one of our problems, along with air pollution or ocean acidification, is absurd—like a doctor listing the death of his patient as one symptom among others.
The ecological catastrophe cannot be reduced to the climate crisis. We must think about the disappearance of life in a global way. About two-thirds of insects, wild mammals and trees disappeared in a few years, a few decades and a few millennia, respectively. This mass extinction is not mainly caused by rising temperatures, but by the devastation of natural habitats.
Suppose we managed to invent clean and unlimited energy. This technological feat would be feted by the vast majority of scientists, synonymous in their eyes with a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions. In my opinion, it would lead to an even worse disaster. I am deeply convinced that, given the current state of our appetites and values, this energy would be used to intensify our gigantic project of systemic destruction of planetary life. Isn't that what we've set out to do—replace forests with supermarket parking lots, turn the planet into a landfill? What if, to cap it all, energy was free?
[...C]limate change has emerged as our most important ecological battle [...] because it is one that can perpetuate the delusional idea that we are faced with an engineering problem, in need of technological solutions. At the heart of current political and economic thought lies the idea that an ideal world would be a world in which we could continue to live in the same way, with fewer negative externalities. This is insane on several levels. Firstly because it is impossible. We can't have infinite growth in a finite world. We won't. But also, and more importantly, it is not desirable. Even if it were sustainable, the reality we construct is hell. [...]
It is often said that our Western world is desacralised. In reality, our civilisation treats the technosphere with almost devout reverence. And that's worse. We perceive the totality of reality through the prism of a hegemonic science, convinced that it “says” the only truth.
The problem is that technology is based on a very strange principle, so deeply ingrained in us that it remains unexpressed: no brakes are acceptable, what can be done must be done. We don't even bother to seriously and collectively debate the advisability of such "advances". We are under a spell. And we are avoiding the essential question: is this world in the making, standardised and computed, overbuilt and predictable, stripped of stars and birds, desirable?
To confine science to the search for "solutions" so we can continue down the same path is to lack both imagination and ambition. Because the “problem” we face doesn't seem to me, at this point, to be understood. No hope is possible if we don't start by questioning our assumptions, our values, our appetites, our symbols... [...] Let's stop pretending that the numerous and diverse human societies that have populated this planet did not exist. Certainly, some of them have taken the wrong route. But ours is the first to forge ahead towards guaranteed failure. »
— Aurélien Barrau, particle physicist and philosopher, in an interview in Télérama about his book L'Hypothèse K
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While Palestinians have gone thirsty, Israelis had more than enough water to go around. The daily supply to Israelis and Jewish settlers is three to five times greater than to the average Palestinian household, whose consumption is almost 30 percent below the minimum amount recommended by the World Health Organization. Since they are all connected to Israel’s water network, the settlements have access to unlimited and highly subsidized resources; they can always fill their swimming pools and irrigate their vineyards, even during the region’s scorching summers. Under the 1995 Oslo Accords, Israel is entitled to siphon off a full 80 percent of the West Bank’s groundwater and 100 percent of the surface water from the Jordan River Basin. The limited allocation of 15 percent to the Palestinian Authority (PA) has not accommodated the massive growth in population in the Occupied Territories, which today is home to 75 percent more residents than at the time of the Accords’ signing. Mekorot, the Israeli water company, controls almost all of the distribution, and its monopoly ensures that water does not flow anywhere without its say-so. Not unpredictably, this stark power to turn on and off the tap is being used to accelerate the rate of Jewish settlement: without steady access to water in their villages, rural Palestinians are being pushed off their land and into the overbuilt and overcrowded cities.
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jpitha · 1 year
Risk Tolerance
Humans have an unusually high risk tolerance among the galaxy's sapients. Watching a human operate their own equipment can be truly something to behold (from a safe distance).
Perhaps their utter indifference to death and dismemberment developed as a result of evolutionary pressures on their planet. Among worlds that support sapient life, theirs is unusually competitive.
Or it could just be cultural.
Griz'ek and Summer Breeze were sitting in a cafe, enjoying their evening meal when two humans sprinted past them. Remembering the Confederation's second rule when living and working with humans (if they're running away from something, you run too) Griz and Summer jumped out of their seats and took off after them.
As soon as Griz and Summer started after the humans, they heard the alarm. One of the ships on the docking ring had an overspeed alarm, it's hooting trill making it very clear that something was very wrong.
The humans passed the pressure door for the docking ring, and a small crowd trotted after them.
One of the humans, a male Griz thought, looked down the hall worried, "Is that everyone? Station! Is anyone left on the docking ring?"
"I don't detect anyone within the confines of the docks. Sealing doors." The pressure doors came down with a muffled slam. A moment later there was a thump as the stricken ship was ejected from the docking ring, and then the windows in the hall went white from the flash a split second before the anti-glare shields darkened the images.
The female human looked to the other. "Okay, okay you were right. adding a 3% solution of telmurian gas caused it to overspeed."
"What did I tell you?" Summer could have sworn the second human looked smug, but they weren't completely sure about human body language. "I said that the telmurian gas was much too volatile. It was never going to work"
"Well, yes, I see that now Jamie. What do you recommend then?"
Jamie nodded his head. "We should have increased the outer compensator allowance by 10 microns."
The female human rolled her eyes. "That would cause an unacceptable amount of coke buildup and you know it. If it was that easy, the Confederation would have done it already!"
Finally, Griz'ek spoke up. "I'm sorry, but what happened?"
Jamie and the other human looked over, and with a realization that they had an audience, they looked sheepish. "Oh, I'm sorry. Mary here-:" Jamie gestured "-thought that if we injected a 3% solution of telmurian gas into the engines we'd get a stable 15% increase in drive output."
Summer Breeze's feathers rippled concern. "But, telmurian gas is highly dangerous! It's downright explosive. Why would you mix it into the drive beam?"
Mary looked defiant. "It would have worked if the Remlar Drive Yards knew how to make an engine. Human thrusters are always overbuilt by a factor of two or three. It would have been fine if the injection chamber came from Niven." She looks at Jamie. "The next ship we buy is 100% human made."
Summer Breeze couldn't help themselves. Their feathers puffed out and they gestured angrily. "You tried injecting a known explosive gas into the drive beam and though it would make it work better?"
Mary looks surprised. "Yes? How else do you gain efficiencies? Sure, sometimes it explodes, but other times you get a Flip drive."
Humans tended to use their own domestically developed Flip drive to travel between the stars. It was quite a bit faster than the Confederation's FTL Warp, but most other sapients considered it much too unstable to use.
Griz looked at the humans with awe. "But, your ship was destroyed."
Jamie shrugged. "We'll get another, and everyone is fine. Chalk it up to lessons learned." He looked out the window. "Hey Station, anyone get hurt?"
"No Jamie, there was no damage other than your ship - which was completely destroyed. The ejection systems worked perfectly."
Jamie smiled at Griz and Summer. "See? No harm done."
Summer couldn't stand it anymore. "NO HARM DONE HE SAYS. HE HAS NO SHIP!" Summer's feathers won't stop rippling up and down.
Griz puts his tentacle around his friend. "Come on Summer, let's leave the humans to their own insanity and go get some drinks-" He glares at Jamie and Mary "-on the other side of the station. Summer Breeze continues on, "THEY JUST THOUGHT IT WAS FINE TO ADD AN EXPLOSIVE TO THEIR DRIVE JUST TO SEE WHAT IT WOULD DO!"
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titanomancy · 10 months
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One of the things that I love to see in hive city art is the recognition that even the large, open spaces are all indoors. Pillars of incredible girth uphold the vaults, above, and the conurbation stacked thereupon. You could live your entire life in the literal strata of your social station and never know a world beyond it.
Even the comparatively nice places are an overbuilt megalopolitan horror. Darktide has been exceptional in this regard, and continues to deliver.
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seat-safety-switch · 8 months
Modern engines rev really nicely. Particularly well-balanced ones will spin up to seven thousand rpm, which makes a nice noise and feels like you're really getting somewhere. Back in the 70s, when my Volare was built, people didn't believe in revs. Engines should make all of their power down low and be out of puff at around forty-five hundred.
Thing is, everyone who's ever been in or around a race car or even a low-displacement two-stroke scooter craves those revs. I wasn't getting enough spin in my life, and it made me despondent. There was no diagnosis for it back then. No test. I'd get hits of high RPM wherever I could, sneaking it with a rental car here, a bribed taxi driver there. I only figured out what the problem was when I found myself in a parking lot, zinging the regulator on a forgotten weed-whacker just to hear some precious RPMs.
Is there a cure for this low RPM madness? Yes: turbochargers. Turbochargers are like little jet turbines that spin really fast, like hundreds of thousands of rpm fast. They go vreeeeeeeee and then your engine either gets filled with power-giving air, or you get a new hole in the block and walk home. And the Slant Six in my Volare is so overbuilt that it's practically a crime not to turbocharge it, just like the Olympics admitted they were going to start forcibly entering members of the audience juiced up on amphetamines in order to "make things interesting" for the bettors.
Now, I haven't exactly hooked up the turbo yet. It's sitting in my engine bay, hanging on a bracket that I fabricated myself. Okay, I lied again. It's really a couple of bungee cords holding it into the engine bay. If I really get going down the highway, though, the wind coming in through the hole in the grille will make the impeller spin a little bit. That's still revs. You can't take it from me.
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canadianfangirl-95 · 2 days
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Window of Opportunity 
Frankie Morales fanfiction x f! reader 
Summary: Years spent with the wrong guy leaves you desperate for true love and single again. Will Frankie be able to squeeze into the window of opportunity and confess his feelings, or will he miss his shot again?
Warnings: swearing, deadbeat boyfriend, talks of infidelity, drinking, friends to lover’s, fluff, kissing 
Picture is just for the banner, does not indicate readers appearance.
Word Count: 6k+ 
“Alright it’s Thirsty Thursday guys, what can I get you?” You say with a smile spread across your face, staring at your favourite customers and some of your best friends, Santi, Will, Benny and Frankie. They themselves have been coming into this bar for 6 years, after they were all discharged from the army and relocated to Fort Lauderdale. You’ve worked at this bar for almost 8 years now, having gotten the job in your mid-twenties to make some extra cash. It was only supposed to be temporary but here you are all these years later, still with an apron wrapped around your waist, a pen tucked behind your ear and shuffling around behind the old wood bar, illuminated by the neon beer signs. 
Santi offers you a kind wink as he settles onto the bar stool across from you, “Just a Rum and Coke sweetheart.” His effervescent smile shining as bright as always.  
Nodding, you begin to make the drink, while Benny and Will offer up their orders. Finally, Frankies sweet brown eyes meet yours and your lungs feel a bit lighter. “And what about our pilot?” you ask sweetly.  
He grins just enough for some of his teeth to peek out below his mustache and tucks his hand under his chin, “Surprise me Skip.”  
Smirking, you begin to whip him up your favourite and slide it over to him on the bar.  
Taking it, he smiles, “Should’ve guessed it’d be a Whisky Sour.” 
“Hey, pick your own drinks if you don’t like my favourite.” You say with a huffed laugh, knowing that despite them not being his type of drink, he’ll sip it down anyway. “How has your week been?” 
“Good, picked up Camila from JK on Monday so now she’s with me until next week Friday morning. She’s having some much-needed Abuela time right now.” 
“That’s good, everything still good with Liv?” You ask intently. 
He shrugs, “Yeah I’d say so, we’re doing pretty well at the whole coparenting thing now that negotiations are over.”  
You reach over and pat his hand that rests on the bar top, “Good, you’re a good dad Frankie. I’m glad you’re able to enjoy her again.”  
His ears and cheeks grow red, and his eyes soften, he whispers to you, “Thanks Skip, couldn’t do it without you.”  
Pulling your lips into a tight smile, you bat your lashes a bit to relax and turn your attention back to the rest of the group, “So, Will, how was the trip? Did you pick a venue?” 
Will nods, “Yeah, Orange County is really beautiful. It was tough picking just one place to have the wedding at, but we put a deposit down on a winery, so now we have a date which is great.” He says with a smile plastered across his face.  
“Oh, that’s great, Wendy must be so excited. Especially since it can be so close to her family.” You say before you notice the server drop down some chits on the other end of the bar. “Oh, I’ll be back guys.” You say before departing down the bar to work on the new orders.  
Later, you are standing cutting limes in front of the men, talking and laughing causally when the bell on the door chimes again. You look up, seeing your boyfriend Marcus step through the door and scan the room for you. The rest of the group turn their heads slightly to see what has caught your attention.  
Frankie grumbles to himself as he peers over his drink to see your boyfriend strutting towards the bar. His overbuilt muscles and $50 hair cut speak volumes about his personality. “Why’s Marcus here?” 
Will nudges his shoulder with a shush, Frankies eyes widen slightly realizing his voice was a tad bit higher than it should have been. Luckily for him, you had already moved down the bar towards Marcus. “He’s here to see his girlfriend, idiot. Why wouldn’t he be here?” Will says sarcastically.  
“He only visits her at work when he needs money.” Frankie states matter-of-factly under his breath.  
“That’s none of your business man, play nice.”  
With that Frankie rolls his eyes and stares Santi down the bar with an annoyed look on his face. Santi nods and takes his hint. Standing from the stool he calls over to you, “Hey Skip, we’re gonna be at the pool table.” The rest of them follow his lead and stand with their drinks to head over to the other side of the room.  
You nod and smile at them before turning your attention back to Marcus.  
“Why do they call you Skip anyway?” Marcus asks, leaning his body weight on the bar top.  
You shrug and smile to yourself, “One time, they were the only ones in the bar, like it was completely dead, and so we played Uno. The guys were such assholes every time it was one of their turns before me, they played a skip card. I swear I got every skip a turn card the whole night.” You say, laughing slightly until you see the utterly unamused face of your boyfriend staring back at your explanation. Swallowing your laughter quickly you clear your throat, “Um, and so yeah, they just call me Skip now because of uh…’cuz of that.”  
His face hangs low with uninterest, “Huh, guess you didn’t get many tips that night huh?” 
Pulling your face tight you reply, “No, I guess not.” 
“Does that happen often? Maybe you should find a different place to work where you can make more money.”  
“Um, no it doesn’t happen a lot. I think there was a storm that day.” You say quietly before stepping to the side to grab your wallet. “So, uh- how much did you say you needed for this football thing again?” 
He rolls his eyes exasperated, “Babe, it’s my fraternity brothers NFL fantasy league, it’s not just some football thing. And the buy in is $200.”  
Your eyebrows pop up, “Geeze, that’s kind of steep, isn’t it?”  
“It’s not about that, it’s about the networking I do with it, alright?” Marcus says. 
Nodding, you hand him the cash from your wallet, and he takes it with a giant smile, “Thanks babe, you’re the best you know that right?” He says before leaning across the bar and planting a kiss on your cheek.  
You say your goodbyes and wipe your sweaty hands on your jeans, letting out a deep breath you didn’t realize you were holding.  
Across the room, Frankie watches you fidget after your uncomfortable meeting with your boyfriend. He stands near the pool table holding his stick standing straight up and leaning some weight on it. “What is she still doing with that guy?” He asks the group. 
Benny huffs, “Wish I knew. Every time we hang out it’s always Marcus did this, and Marcus won’t do that. It’s like she’s his mom”  
Will steps up to the table and leans forward to take his shot, “He seriously doesn’t mind the two of you hanging out as much as you do?” 
“Nope, she even asked him before the first time we went to the movies if it was okay, and the guy is so fucking full of himself he said there’s no way she would ever find better than him, so he doesn’t worry about her cheating at all. In fact, one time he even thanked me for “listening to all her bull shit” so he doesn’t have to.” He says with air quotes and a sarcastic tone. 
Santi shakes his head, “What a dick. Why won’t she just end it with him?” 
Benny steps up to the red-felt pool table and eyes his shot that his brother has set up for him by accident. “Oh, she’s still holding out hope that he’ll man up and pop the question and then things will be better. Not gonna happen though, I think he’s cheating.”  
With that Frankie straightens up, “Why do you say that?” 
“He’s shady as shit, she works evenings and a lot of weekends, you think an asshole like that is really just waiting around for her watching Game of Thrones by himself every night?” 
“So, you don’t have any proof then?” Will comments. 
“Well, don’t tell her I told you this. But a few months ago, she got a DM from a girl that she knows, claiming he was hitting on her at a bar across town. But this girl knew Skip and recognized him from her social media, so she turned him down and messaged her. When Skip asked him about it, he said he wasn’t hitting on her, he was just trying to make some female friends, since you know, she has so many male friends.” he says, pointing around the pool table at the group of them and shaking his head at the obvious lie.  
They all groan in response and look over at you at the bar, working tirelessly to pay for yourself and your deadbeat boyfriends’ lifestyle. All the while he’s probably sneaking around behind your back and then dipping in to steal a kiss and some cash. 
Behind the bar, you stare blankly at the faucet on the sink, seeing your angled reflection in it. Your face looks sad, your eyes tired and your heart sunken. All you want, all you’ve ever wanted, was a relationship, an engagement, a marriage, a house and a family. It’s what you grew up in, it’s what your sister has. The white picket fence, the husband that kisses her at the door when he gets home, the two beautiful children she chases around all day. In your early twenties, it seemed like something that was guaranteed. Then it was just disappointing man after another until you finally found yourself on a date with Marcus 6 years ago. He was handsome and charming, and after a year you settled into a nice routine. But year after year you asked for a ring and never got one. One thing you could control was the house, so you saved everything you had to buy both of you one, thinking that would kickstart the conversation again. Yet here you are, a cold finger and your love for a man long gone, but 6 years too long invested in the relationship to bow out now.  
Grabbing a washcloth, you decide to take out your frustrations through cleaning up the bar top, using all the bent-up anger you felt towards your life to scrub off that damn stain you’ve never been able to get off. You peer up through your lashes and see the guys at the pool table, seemingly in deep discussion. You wonder if they’re shit talking your boyfriend. You wouldn’t blame them if they were, you wish you could join them. Frankie rounds the table and bends over to take his shot. His t shirt stretching across his broad shoulders, his curly locks peeking out from underneath the baseball hat you loved to see him in. Frankie, a man who actually talked about wanting a marriage one day but lost it all when his girlfriend fell in love with someone at work. He says they were mostly together for their child that they had accidentally gotten pregnant with and that he could move on. Not seeing his baby girl every day was by far the hardest part for him.  
Frankie was different than the others to you. Santi was your advice guy, always offering his words of wisdom. Will was your hands on guy. Need your breaks done on your car? Will’s got it. Need an Ikea cabinet put together? Will’s on it. Benny is your bestie, your movie and sushi date guy. Your talk shit about your boyfriend guy. But Frankie, Frankie is your if things were different guy. If you weren’t with Marcus, if he was ever even interested in you. Maybe, he could be something more, just by the way you talk so earnestly with one another, you knew he would never treat you the way Marcus does. And boy was he cute. You wish you felt bad when you would find yourself thinking about him late at night instead of your boyfriend laying a foot away from you. You figure after his failed relationship he is probably done with anything serious, maybe just date casually for the next few years and then settle down with someone as a companion. Surely, he wouldn’t be interested in learning about how lovesick you are over him and ruining your friendship and his favourite hangout-. 
A hand suddenly grabs yours to hold it still as you look up and see Frankie looking at you with concerned eyes. You look back down at the bar and see that during your whole internal monologue, you had still been scrubbing the stain and now the pain in your wrist was starting to register just how aggressive you were being with it. Pulling your hand out of his grip you toss the rag into the bucket and slowly rub your wrist with your hand, avoiding eye contact with the man across from you.  
He breathes deeply out of his nose and grabs some of the paper towel you have on the counter to wipe up the soap and water on the spot. He pulls a half smirk and looks at you, “Looks like you finally got that stain huh?”  
You peer over and see that it is indeed gone, certainly needed some elbow grease.  
“You okay?” he asks. The very last question you want to answer right now.  
Doing your best impression of a girl who is going to be okay, you nod and suck your teeth before muttering out, “Yeah, yeah just, - really fucking hated that stain.”  
Frankie can see the tears that want to spill over your eyes, knowing you the way he does, he knows very well that you do not want to lose it right there behind the bar. “Alright well, could I get another delicious Whisky Sour please?” he says with a boyish grin on his face. 
Looking up at him through your lashes you let out a chuckle, “I thought you didn’t like them.”  
“People change.” He states.  
His words dry your throat, and you do your best to nod and go on making his drink. Hoping his statement to be true.  
The night wears on and you say your goodbyes. You close up shop and head home to Marcus, playing every moment of the night through again in your head and hoping to make that people change statement a reality, whether it be you or Marcus.  
Sunday is your day off, and you and the guys planned a backyard BBQ at Will and Wendys to commemorate the end of summer. 
Frankie steps through the patio doors into the backyard. A red and white striped umbrella is stretched out over the patio table and chairs where Santi is seated comfortably talking with Wendy while Will works on the grill. He moves to sit down across from Santi and says hello to everyone.  
Wendy excuses herself to go work on the salad for dinner, and Frankie stares at the door she exits through, hoping you may come through it. Alas, you still don’t show up after another ten minutes, so he turns to Santi. 
“When are uh, Ben and Skip getting here?” Frankie asks, urging his voice to sound less eager than it does.  
Santi gives him a knowing look, “Ben told Will yesterday they may be a bit late cuz Ben had to go out of town this afternoon to pick up some stuff from their moms, she went with him for the drive.”  
Frankie nods and brings his cold beer to his lips, excited at the notion that Marucs won’t be joining them after all.  
A half hour later, Frankie, Santi and Will are seated at the patio table as Wendy finishes up in the kitchen. Their attention is pulled from their conversation when they hear Bennys boisterous voice call out to her as he moves through the kitchen and to the sliding patio door.  
“No Skip?” Santi calls out, as he notices Bennys lonely walk towards them. Frankie and Will look up from their plates of appetizers to observe your apparent absence for themselves. 
The younger man has a surprisingly pleased look on his face as he slides into the chair next to Will. “You’re never gonna believe this. They broke up.” He states with excitement burning behind his eyes.  
The group looks perplexed for a beat, Will asks to clarify “Who broke up?” 
“Skip and Marcus.” Benny says, popping his eyebrows up and down and nudging Frankie’s shoulder.  
Frankie’s eyes blow wide, unable to believe what he was hearing. His ears ring and before he knows it, he’s lost part of the conversation, gripping his beer bottle tighter he tries to focus on the flow of questions coming Bennys way from Will and Santi. 
Santi leans forward on the glass tabletop, “What happened?” 
“She finally had enough. I guess she tried to talk to him again last night about getting engaged and just like all the other times, he made up shitty excuses, so she dumped him right there on the spot. Took all her shit and is staying with her sister right now until they get the house sold and her money back. She called me this morning to tell me she couldn’t come today.” 
“How’s she doing? She okay?” Will asks, concern growing in his voice.  
Shrugging, Benny replies, “As good as she can be, I think. They were together a long time, and she feels like it was all wasted. He’s such a jackass.” He says before shoving some chips from a bowl on the table into his mouth. 
Will glances at Frankie, “So Fish, girl of your dreams finally single. What do you think about that?”  
His eyebrows almost get caught in his hair line and he stutters, “I uh- what. Don’t know what you’re talking about Will.” he says, trying to slurp down his beer before he puts his foot in his mouth instead. 
Shaking his head he dives deeper, “Don’t give me that shit man, we owe nothing to that guy. You’ve always liked her, you’ve been respectful, but now she’s fair game.”  
Santi nods along, “Yeah, we all know man. It’s pretty obvious.” 
Benny and Will nod along to Santis’ statement as Frankie looks around flabbergasted. “Seriously? Does she know?” 
“Nah, I don’t think so. She’s been too caught up in her own shit to notice.” Benny confirms.  
“But now’s the time to make a move, alright? Don’t let the window of opportunity close. Girls like that don’t stay single long.” Santi comments, giving Frankie a stern look.  
Frankie nods, “I can’t just ask her out the day after her relationship ended, she needs time to process this. I don’t want to be a rebound. I’ll let her sell the house, get her shit together, and then I promise I’ll talk to her.” He says defensively.  
“You better, because I’m not listening to her complain about another shitty boyfriend for half a decade.” Benny says, tapping his hand on the table and peering up at the sky, thinking about all the nights he’s had to hear you cry about how Marcus wouldn’t commit to you, even your house was bought by you, him not wanting to invest too much of his savings in case it didn’t work out between the two of you.  
“I don’t think any of us want to see her go through that again, and Frankie man, you’d be perfect together. I hope it works out for you.” Will says, reaching over to pat Frankie on the chest.  
Frankie nods, “How do I do this without looking like a total jackass who just wants to take advantage of her vulnerable state though?” he asks inquisitively.  
Santi shakes his head, “Frankie, Frankie, always counting yourself out before you get in the game. Any girl would be lucky to get a man like you, just have some faith in yourself alright?” 
Before they can continue the conversation, Wendy waltzes up to the table with salads in tow. “Alright everybody, time to dig in.” 
Thursday comes around again; you have switched shifts with the other bartender for a very exciting reason. Each of the guys had reached out in their own ways after they got the news on Sunday, simple texts and calls here and there, all trying to be as delicate as possible. 
Skipping through the door, you make your way over to the booth the guys are situated at. Santi spots you first and gestures to you for the rest of the group to turn and look. They all grin when they see your smile, your hair done exactly how you like it best, a white sundress with brown flowers and brown sandals finishing off the look. Frankies eyes light up seeing your sunny appearance and blossoming self-confidence.  
“Whoa, what are you all dressed up for?” Santi whistles, taking in your ensemble. 
Smiling brightly, you stand in front of the booth and state, “I have a date.”  
Their faces drop entirely, and Frankie can swear you could hear his heart fall to the floor and roll down between the booths like a child dropping candy in church.  
Will is the first to pick his jaw up from his chest and stutter out, “A date?”  
Nodding you reply, “Yep, I’m meeting him soon for drinks and appetizers but I needed to swing by here first for my pay cheque.”  
Santi waves his hands casually in the air as he formulates a question. “Don’t you think that’s a little soon, I mean, you and Marcus broke up last week.”  
“I know, I know trust me I’ve heard it already from my sister. But I’m not really grieving the relationship ‘cuz to be honest, I fell out of love with Marcus a long time ago, but I just had already invested all that time and energy, so I wanted to make it work. But, since he’s a total asshat, I have now had no choice but to move on and there’s no time like the present. I don’t want to have wasted 6 years with him and then 6 months waiting for the “right time” to start dating again and then another 2 years trying to meet the right person.” You take a deep breath, trying not to get too worked up over your current situation and pinch your eyes closed for a moment. “I just want…. All I’ve wanted this whole time is a marriage and a family and I’m frankly running out of time. So, I hopped on the dating apps and met this guy Sean, and now we’re going on a first date and then I guess we’ll see what happens from there.” You finish your sentence out of breath and out of options. If Marcus wasn’t your person, and you were too scared to see if Frankie would be interested in you, then this would have to do. 
Frankie can’t believe his ears. He’s already missed the window of opportunity. You’re going to go on a date with this guy, he’s going to fall madly in love with you, because how could he not and whether you like him or not, you’ll stay with him another 6 years just like Marcus. You just want it so badly, that you’ve grown careless with your heart. His stomach is turning in his seat as he tries not to look at Santi, whose eyes he can feel burning into him with a plea to stop this madness.  
The uncomfortable silence finally creeps through your skin and makes you eager to leave. Their shocked and unapproving faces with no acknowledgement of what you have said has you unsettled and honestly kind of annoyed. Looking over your shoulder, you spot your manager and nod to her briefly. “Well, um, I’m gonna go get my cheque and then head out.” Turning quickly, you miss the way their heads all spin to Frankie whose mouth still lay low.  
Benny finally speaks once you are out of ear shot, “What the fuck?” He throws his hands into his hair and looks around the table dumbstruck.  
Will is shaking his head and chewing his bottom lip, Santi is still looking at Frankie as if trying to use secret superpowers to control his body and make him rush after you. Frankie is silent, picking at the label on his cold beer as the condensation loosens the adhesive on the fish picture laden across the front.  
Santi finally breaks his stare and leans in closer, “You gonna do anything about this Fish?” 
Frankie shrugs, “Nothing I can do. You heard her, she’s moving on.”  
“From Marcus, not from you.”  
“Same difference.” He sighs, blowing all the air and joy out of his lungs.  
Shaking his head Santi straightens up in his seat. “No, it’s not the same man. She has no idea you have feelings for her and I’m willing to bet if you told her to cancel that date, she would in a heartbeat.” 
Shaking his head he sighs, “You don’t know that man, what if I fall flat on my face with her. There’s no going back.”  
Will leans his elbows on the table, “Fish, you gotta start believing in yourself more. I know what happened with Liv was really hard on you but-,” 
“But it wasn’t.” Frankie states. Upon being met with the confused eyes of his comrades he continues with shaky breathes, “It wasn’t hard. I liked Liv, felt something similar to love at times when it was easy, but it wasn’t hard when she left, because she wasn’t Skip.” His voice trails off with his confession.  
The familiar sound of your sandals hitting the hard wood floors snaps the group out of their trance, they turn to look at you with desperate eyes, unsure what to say as you stop for a beat in front of them.  
“Alright well, got my cheque.” You say awkwardly, raising the envelope up slightly in your hand. “You guys have a good night.” You tuck your chin down and don’t wait for their goodbyes. They’re being completely weird after all, gawking at you with open mouths like it’s the worst mistake of your life to go on this date.  
Stepping through the bar door you’re hit with the humidity of a late summer night. The sun was already setting leaving a low glow across the sky. You stand for a second, squeezing your eyes and urging the thoughts of Frankie out of your mind in an effort to stop the trickle of tears that would surely flow if you let yourself convince yourself that this wasn’t a mistake. Convince yourself you should go back in that bar and put it all on the line, even if it meant you’d fall with no safety net and lose him for good. That just wasn’t your style though, you didn’t free fall, you didn’t trust the universe. You needed certainty, and right now, the only certainty was that there was a handsome guy, who actually expressed interest in you waiting at a different bar, ready and willing to give you a shot. Taking one last look over your shoulder, you let your breath out and head to your vehicle.  
Frankie and the guys sit in silence, unsure what to do now. He watched as you left, desperate to follow and grab your wrist to spin you around and plant a seething kiss to your luscious lips.  
Benny takes a deep breath in and out, settling his head against the back of the booth. “That girl, Frankie, is worth the ifs, ands or buts. You know that, I know that, and I’m willing to bet she would agree.” 
Before Frankie can respond, the bartender that is covering for you, Tasha, hurries up to the table with a black notebook in hand. “Hey, did she leave already?” 
Santi nods, “Uh, yeah just. Why what’s up?” 
Tasha huffs, “She forgot her day planner again, would one of you be able to drop it off? I know she needs it before her next shift.” She asks. 
Frankie clears his throat and nods, “Yeah, no problem, Tash I’ll get it to her.” He says, leaning forward and taking the book out of her hands.  
She says thank you and swiftly heads back to the bar to greet the hoard of customers who have just stumbled through. 
Frankie stares absentmindedly at the worn book, pages from old day planners ripped out of their books and stuffed into this one instead of rewriting all the phone numbers and addresses you have in it. Quietly he passes it back and forth in his hands, a million thoughts running through his mind when it slips and falls down onto the table, some of the pages slipping out and exposing themselves in front of him. The guys look on with confused faces as Frankies face falls while he reads one of the faded and crinkled pages in front of him.  
Santi is the first to express his interest, “What’s that?” 
Taking a deep gulp, he picks up the piece of paper to examine it closer. Upon being sure that it says what he thinks it says, he slowly turns it around and slides it into the middle of the table for the guys to read. They all lean in and fall silent to see what has their friend so shocked.  
Frankie 555-666-7777 
baseball hat  
cutest guy ever?  
Update to self- definitely cutest guy ever 
He looks down at the book on the table, and thinks to himself, would it be wrong to go through it. Yes, it definitely would be, but he has to know if there’s anything else you’ve written about him it.  
Before the guys can get their “heys” and waits” out, he is opening up the cover and sifts through the pages. His ears start to ring as week after week contain the same notations. 
Lunch with Frankie <3 
Taking Frankie shopping to get news boots <3 
Borrowing Frankies truck <3 
No hearts beside Bennys name, Santis, Wills, or even Marcus’. He keeps flipping through the disheveled pages until he finds himself at the end of the book where the note pages are. “Fuuuck me.” Comes out of his mouth quietly as his whole world begins to spin, seeing a daily checklist you wrote out for yourself.  
Getting through the day, one step at a time. 
drink your water  
eat one vegetable, spinach dip doesn’t count 
do your morning Pilates, even though you hate it 
talk to Frankie <3 
He drops the book ceremoniously for the others to peer over and read as well. A grin spreads across Wills face as he pats Frankie's shoulder. “Alright man, no more excuses. What are you gonna do now?”  
Staring straight ahead with a sense of determination and wonder Frankie mutters, “I’m gonna go get my girl.” 
“Yeah!” Benny sounds as the others clap along and smile with Frankie.  
He thinks for a second, “Shit, did she say where she’s going?” he asks in a panic. 
Santi’s eyebrows pop up, “Oh, check todays date in the planner.” He says, pointing back to the book, seemingly the solution to all their problems that night.  
Frankie points his finger at his friend to acknowledge his good idea before grabbing the weathered book back into his hands and flitting through the pages to today’s date. He scans the week to Thursday and taps the page when he finds the notation. “9pm drinks with Sean, The Green Door.” He smirks to himself at the notice of no heart once again.  
“Green Door? That’s over on Park Street, right?” Benny asks. 
Will nods, “Yeah like a 5-minute drive, you better get going man.”  
Letting a deep breath out Frankie blinks quickly, “Yeah, yeah, you’re right. Okay.” He pushes past Santi in the booth and quickly pats his pockets to make sure he hasn’t forgotten anything. “Okay, I uh, I guess here I go.”  
“Go get her Fish!” Santi calls as Frankie begins to step away. Before Frankie suddenly finds himself turning in his spot and standing desperately back at the booth. 
“What the fuck am I supposed to say?” He asks with eyes wild.  
Benny scoffs, “Just say whatever you’ve been practicing in your head for the last 6 years and I’m sure it will be fine. Now go or I’ll kick your ass!” He swats at him playfully.  
With that Frankie gives them one last look of gratitude and jogs out the bar towards his truck, throwing it in gear and peeling out of the parking lot as quickly as the law will let him.  
After leaving work, you stop at a gas station to fill your tank. Standing at the pump you lean against the cool metal of your car and sigh. This new chapter of your life was daunting to say the least, no matter how optimistic you tried to feel about it, no matter how many fake smiles you had to put on for your sister, no matter how many cute guys messaged you on the app. You hear the click of the full tank signal and finish up, sliding back into your car and putting on some Taylor Swift to hopefully boost your mood on the drive over.  
Stepping out of your car, you look up at the neon sign above the green door. Sean had texted you on the drive over that he was there and grabbed a quiet table at the back. You smooth out your sundress to make sure it’s not sticking to the back of your thighs, thank you humidity and leather seats for that, and make your way over to the entrance.  
You hear the sound of a vehicle door slamming shut heavily and then the sound of boots sprinting against the pavement just as you are about to pull at the handle.  
“Skip wait!” 
Turning you look back and see none other than Frankie jogging up the sidewalk towards you nearly out of breath.  
“Frankie? What are you doing here?” you ask, your eyebrows furrowed as you peer over his shoulder to see if he is alone.  
Stopping in front of you he tries to catch his breath, “You can’t, - you, - you can’t go on this date.” He stutters out, trying to pull his shoulders square as he calms himself down.  
Feeling utterly bewildered by his statement you ask, “Why not?” 
He takes a deep breath and stares down directly into your soul. “You can’t because, well, I’m in love with you.”  
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your face and your breath hitches, unable to speak.  
He continues, noticing your shock. “I know, I know. This is probably not something you expected, because I’ve done my best to keep it locked away while you were with Marcus, and I was with Liv. But you’re not with him anymore, and I was never in love with Liv. I couldn’t have been, not when you were already taking up so much room in my heart. My heart is split right down the middle. It’s Camila, and it’s you. Has been for years now, there’s just no room for anyone else right now.” Gesturing to the green door beside you he continues. “This guy, I’m sure he’s nice or whatever, but I know you. I know you better than I know myself and I just, I love you. I do, and I’m not a hundred percent sure what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours, but I just need you to know, before you meet someone else. Before I miss that damn window of opportunity.” 
Taking a big gulp of air he finishes, looking down and embarrassed at his confession, fearing to look you in the eyes and see nothing but pity.  
“Frankie.” You whisper.  
He looks up to meet your gaze, and his heart thumps harder in his chest when he sees the tears welling up in your eyes and the way you have to bite your bottom lip to stop yourself from breaking into the biggest smile he’s ever seen.  
Clearing your throat, you find the courage to speak. “I love you too Frankie.” You say, finally allowing the smile to crack your cheeks.  
Frankie's grins goofily and his eyes light up, “Really? Since when?” 
Shrugging you admit, “Since I fell out of love with Marcus. So, years ago.”  
“Huh, never thought I’d want to thank that son a bitch for being such a useless boyfriend.” He jokes.  
You giggle and nod before noticing his face has suddenly changed into something of longing and he inches closer to you.  
Bringing his hands to your warm arms, he slides them up and down and looks down earnestly at you. “Can I kiss you baby?” he whispers.  
Looking into his deep brown eyes you part your lips and nod, “Yes, Frankie, please. I’ve waited too long for this.”  
He slowly leans down, his hands trailing up your arms to cup your face before gently pressing his lips to yours. His lips are plush and soft and move with such care. You bring your hands to his back and pull him slightly closer. He grins before encapsulating your mouth again in a seething kiss, poking his tongue through your teeth to lick into you. A moan vibrates through your throat.  
Before you can really get out of hand, a sound of “Whoops” and cheers sounds from the parking lot beside you and you both break to turn to look at the commotion. A large black truck with Will, Benny and Santi hanging out of the windows and sunroof with devilish grins on their faces is what your shocked and embarrassed faces are met with.  
“Oh gosh.” You laugh to yourself as you turn your body into Frankie's, he instinctively pulls you in close and wraps an arm around your back to shield you from the eyes of your obnoxious friends.  
“Seriously guys? Can’t you let me do anything on my own?” He calls over to them with his free hand raised. 
Santi laughs and retorts, “Had to make sure you didn’t bitch out man! Looks like we came at the right time though otherwise we would’ve been picking you two up from the jail for public indecency.”  
Will and Benny laugh before Benny calls out, “Alright guys, I think we’ve embarrassed them enough. We’re going back to my place for pizza if you two love birds wanna join.” 
You peel your face off Frankie's warm and firm chest and shrug, “I could go for some pizza.” 
He smiles and nods, before taking your chin in his fingers and pulling you closer for one more sweet kiss. “Sounds good to me, I’ll meet you there, okay?” he says once he has sufficiently sucked the smile off your face. 
“Okay.” You say and break apart from his hold. He swiftly takes your hand and walks you to your car, opening and closing the door behind you with a boyish smile on his face.  
You settle into your car and watch him as his tight little butt saunters over to his truck. You bite your lip before pulling out your phone and bringing up your messages. 
Sean: Hey just checking if you’re alright. 
You: Hey, I’m so sorry, I’m gonna have to cancel. Something came up, and I don’t think it’s gonna work out between us. It was nice chatting with you. Have a good night.  
Your phone pings before you put it back in your purse, you’re expecting it to be a disappointing text from Sean, but your eyes light up when you see the name on the notification.  
Frankie: *photo of the checklist in your day planner* 
Getting through the day, one step at a time. 
drink your water 
eat one vegetable, spinach dip doesn’t count 
do your morning Pilates, even though you hate it 
talk to Frankie <3   kiss Frankie <3  
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hellenhighwater · 2 years
I am in the grips of The ADHD and wandering around a building store with half a plan and a Considering Look and I feel a kinship with you in this moment
You're describing a significant majority of my life experiences except half a plan is often a generous overstatement. May the muses speak though your powertools, and may that which you build be overbuilt.
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mst3kgifs · 10 months
Tumblr media
Okay, good. It has an overbuilt engine and a mushy suspension.
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whetstonefires · 11 months
I hope you're having an excellent day 😊😊😊 What about Wei Wuxian as Naruto?
Thanks! It was pretty good. I organized my embroidery floss and took advantage of being alone in the building to dance around like a maniac for about 20 minutes. My cat hated it. My knees aren't sure they approve either.
Wei Wuxian as Naruto has a lot going for it right out the gate. Orphaned sunshine boy protagonist types, now we're cooking with propane. They're even both fox coded!
However, at the risk of stating the obvious, if Wei Wuxian were Naruto he wouldn't be Naruto anymore. That is. Fundamental to Wei Wuxian is that he is brilliant and talented and he damn well knows it. He would excel without effort in ninja school--not as much as he did in Jiang Sect unless he unlike Naruto was still getting personal mentoring in honor of his late father, but still.
Difference is, when this Wei Wuxian slacks off in class and the teacher tries to embarrass him, if he reels off the correct answer and then reinvents senjutsu from first principles in a creepy-sounding way for a lark just to show off, the teacher is not going to think that he's just like his annoying late mother. (Though he'll still have one. Kushina and Cangse Sanren are fairly similar Dead Mom archetypes too.)
The teacher is going to think things like, no real child would say that shit and I'm expected to teach the monster fox that killed my family basic ninjutsu I hate this I hate this we're all gonna die.
So basically this Wei Wuxian gets his Yiling Laozu reputation mod as part of the starter pack. I don't think he'd handle it super gracefully! But not the worst, either.
Not even as badly as he did in the actual version, probably, on account of he doesn't know his own dark secret. So he can't self-isolate to protect it. Though him pulling away from people once he does learn would be cool.
He'd probably have forged slightly stronger social ties rather sooner than Naruto did, even if he was just as neglected and radioactive; Wei Wuxian doesn't care what people think of him nearly as much as Naruto does, but in some ways he's a more genuinely social person, and he's got much better social intuition, so it's easier for him to figure out what people want and either do that or not do that on purpose.
He'd have at least a bunch of casual friends. Mostly civilians, and other kids from ninja school whose parents told them not to play with him but they did anyway.
Wei Wuxian cannot do therapy no jutsu. He does not have that ability to confront and exist with emotional discomfort or that intensity of interest in what is going on with other people.
He does however have some level of Friendship Beam Attack (the plot to some extent hinges utterly on how effectively it hit Wen Ning) and it would presumably be more effective, in a shounen context.
But that's the thing, Wei Wuxian isn't really built to confront shounen manga style problems. Or, well, he is, but he's overbuilt for them; they're his bread and butter. One of Naruto's key motifs, early on at least before we got into the heavy power creep, is not being a genius.
Wei Wuxian, by definition, is a genius. He is the kind of guy who walks up to shounen manga sorts of problems scaled to what ought to be his level, handles them, and goes 'what, like it's hard?'
Wei Wuxian is designed to be destroyed not by external threats but by his own loyalties, politics, and lies. (Which was a point of confluence with Itachi I didn't really touch on because the flow was so different lmao.)
He's also, otoh, designed to be destroyed. Naruto is designed to start off artificially low and climb steadily up toward heaven. (Ymmv on how this worked out but he sure did escalate.)
You have to pick which schema to apply when performing the fusion--I mean, it's not either-or, the whole deal with Wei Wuxian is he goes through the entire arc of a tragedy and then comes back to life and stars in a romcom. These things can superimpose and stack. But there are structural decisions that have to be made early.
So anyway, Wei Wuxian as Naruto is not going to enter the Genin Team phase of life with the same priorities, even if he has largely conducted himself about the same way hitherto. 'Proving himself' so 'people will accept him' is not a motive that works for this character--you basically have to give him actual precious people earlier just to get him to care about attaining ninja rank at all.
Otherwise he would probably much rather loaf his way through his teens stealing jutsu and making trouble. Which is the well-adjusted reaction to the idea of becoming a child soldier, like. He likes recognition but 'showing off' is a reason he does dumb fun things, not difficult high-commitment ones. He's like if Shikamaru had ADHD and no parents.
Being twelve is going to make him dumber, but I can't see it making him not the kind of person who stops caring about his marks in school if the teacher is hostile.
If Wei Wuxian here isn't acting out of appreciation for the Hokage raising him, or something like that, you have to give him a practical motive to enter military service like 'Konoha stops supporting orphans out of the public purse at thirteen so he's got to get some kind of job and ninja is the least boring option' which. Is significantly less like either Naruto or Wei Wuxian in terms of reasons to do anything, and starts getting into solidly OC territory.
The whole fact that Konoha's worldbuilding centers around an attempt to move away from decentralized clannish social organization and promote the idea of shared, communal social institutions and (in theory) civil society, and the ways this does and does not work out for people especially considering it is still a relatively small military dictatorship, honestly interfaces super interestingly with how, in Mo Dao Zu Shi, one of the underlying challenges backstopping all character choice is that there is no feasible alternative to the clan system, and you have to pick a family-faction to depend upon and submit yourself to, or face the world with no safety net.
Like. Huh.
.....Kishimoto is honestly unusually-for-shounen well-grounded in the genres he's riffing on tbh, for all my bitching there were some very good reasons his work found such success; I would have liked to see what kind of story he produced without the insane pressures of the Weekly part of Weekly Shounen Jump. I wonder if he'll ever publish again. For all I know he already is lmao.
So anyway, however we manage it we get Wei Wuxian on his genin team with like. Lan Wangji and Mianmian or whoever. Actually that's hilarious. Yeah, make it lwj and lqy, both of them so done with his shit.
Setting up some wild role-reversal here--Lan Wangji being the one to go Away and Wei Wuxian asking him to stay? Or Naruto-person leaving into the dark, and Sasuke-person remaining and calling for him to come back? Either way. Getting some inversion. Tasty.
Where does this leave Jiang Cheng, though? Because in a lot of ways Uchiha 'Deuteragonist by Editorial Mandate' Sasuke is straddling both roles.
In many ways Wangxian is much more like if Naruto had an endgame romance with Neji. Which is a great ship tbh, I saw very little of it back in the day?? In a series with a smaller cast or with less Sasuke Creep (not sasuke being a creep, it's like power creep) it would probably have done numbers.
...Naruto going away for that timeskip really limited his opportunity to make connections in the village huh.
I guess it depends on the kind of narrative you're trying to put together. On one hand, you can do Jiang Fengmian as the rather-more-involved Third Hokage, with Jiang Cheng as an aged-up Konohamaru kind of figure. And then Jiang Yanli is standing in as both Iruka and. I know I know the ramen guy's name. Ichiraku. Soup! XD Emotionally significant soup!
But with a different backstory than either lmao. Kurama very possibly killed Yu Ziyuan in this universe, though I can't visualize her as a midwife.
[[[Why do I have so much Naruto lore on tap, there is no life value in knowing Sarutobi Hiruzen's wife was at ground zero of the Kyuubi attack because she was the expert overseeing Uzumaki Kushina's childbirth a;kdj;lafdks. I do not remember the things I was actually studying in high school nearly this well.]]]
(Actually Jin Ling is Konohamaru and Jiang Cheng is aged-down Asuma. But whatever.)
And in this case Wei Wuxian's genin team is Lan Wangji and Mianmian under idk who. Lan Qiren, possibly, although he seems more the Ebisu type. Lan Xichen? (It's not like he can serve as a plausible Itachi. Can you imagine.) Actual Kakashi, possibly; we can't replace everyone with mdzs characters; the cast sizes don't square.
Kakashi training Wei Wuxian is very funny to think about. He deserves this.
Or on the other hand for a different pacing and focus, the genin team is him, Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Yanli under Jiang Fengmian, who dies sometime after or probably during the climax of the chuunin exams. And Sarutobi stays Hokage, and probably doesn't die during the chuunin exams. And we aim for a Naruto/Neji kind of romance storyline lol.
What is the Lan Wangji equivalent of Neji exposing his caged bird seal in front of god and everybody and ranting (it is very unclear at what effective volume though you'd think the proctors would have shut him up if he could be heard from the stadium seating that shit was sedition) about his traumatic backstory and the deep injustices in his family's system of hierarchy? I'm gonna say Not That.
Wei Wuxian versus Lan Wangji important ideological-conflict bonding duel in the Chuunin exam finals sounds excellent though.
Either way Wei Wuxian is going to get much more thoroughly involved in the ugly ninja politics than Naruto ever did, and he's going to hate it so so bad and at least temporarily lose so so so hard. A likely story element is he becomes troublesome enough he winds up having to flee the village ahead of a scheme by Danzou to (fatally) rip the Kyuubi out of him and implant it in some thoroughly conditioned ROOT kid.
Maybe Wen Ning?? Idk. I'm mostly saying this because Wen Ning 1) canonically gets Victimized and Transformed and 2) shares some notes with Sai. And this means he's leaving, in part, for Wen Ning, which ties into some plot and character stuff from their original narrative. You could make it work.
Also him taking the replacement human sacrifice with him when he books it would be hysterical.
Anyway he's branded a missing nin and it is, canonically, illegal for him to tell anyone who doesn't already know about the kyuubi thing, so both Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji are appropriately what the fucking fuck and receive no adequate answer. This is a workable plot element.
Either the Jiangs or the Lans are the Uchiha, here, which has its own story value, lots of fun to be had. Gotta engineer a way he's protecting Jiang Cheng--does Danzou want to make him the jinchuuriki? Is Orochimaru or his replacement making a play for Jiang Cheng's bloodline limit, whatever it is, fun if it's eyeballs, and Wei Wuxian bargains to give him a jinchuuriki instead? Hmmm.
You want an inside and an outside threat, the obvious viper and the political spider, so you can silo information and make sure nobody entirely knows what's going on.
If it's Jiang Cheng who's assigned the role of bloodline limit macguffin, I have the very wicked urge to cast Yu Ziyuan as some combination of Itachi and Obito. Very Vader kind of effect.
Jin Guangyao as Kabuto, excellent, I need that innocent smile and those torture skills. This may require making Jin Guangshan much smarter than he really is just to fill out the ranks, or again you can keep Danzou as himself.
Tsunade is amusingly enough occupying an overlapping Baoshan Sanren and Wen Qing position; given one of them impersonated the other that time you'd have to do something with that. She's also got some Yu Ziyuan vibe up ofc. Tsunade just contains an entire franchise's supply of girlboss tbh.
Who could possibly stand in for Jiraiya, nobody, but at the same time. Wei Wuxian (with internal sapient asshole nuke) apprenticing under Jiraiya of the Sannin sounds like enough problem-creating goofy jackass genius clown energy in one place to open a singularity. That's too much. No narrative could survive.
Anyway someone please feel free to write this, I am intrigued but also will 100percent never ever put in the time it would take to realize any version of this concept.
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neoatlantiscodex · 3 months
Layered Metropolis
Almost a requirement for Neo-Atlantis, but the real question is how do you do it without turning it into a dystopia? Because layered Metropolis is also dystopic, right?
If you have a complete lack of ordered regulation. Regulations don't have to be verbose prose that would put War and Peace to shame. For those who think I'm exaggerating, Omnibus Spending Bills in the US can be five times the length of War and Peace.
Honestly, all you have to do is say that every 15 stories, you have to leave room for a parkade, surrounding lobbies, and the ability to allow a highway/trainway/viaduct to be built through it. Why fifteen stories? SimTower. These would be the stopping off point for express elevators, with local elevator access form the sky lobbies. And this solves the elevator problem.
The elevator problem is that conventional elevator designs would take up all of a skyscrappers internal space when you decide to go really big.
In fact, if you mandate elevated interconnection between, you can solve the problem of alternate access in case of emergencies.
Then mandate a minimum distance between skyscrapers, like say, a full block. This would allow light and air access, because our current city designs turn them into pitch black wind tunnels.
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gemsofgreece · 9 months
What is a more ethical way to visit Greece in terms of lodging? Like in terms of over development in the tourist sector? Hotels or air bnb or hostiles?
That’s a good question. With the assumption that there is the budget for any of these, my recommendation is definitely:
Hotels >> Hostels >>> Airbnbs
With an ethical perspective. (With a quality perspective I would probably switch hostels with airbnbs.)
Hostels are not particularly developed in Greece. It can be an okay choice though, especially if you do not care about many amenities, you are young and don’t have too particular needs / preferences or are tight on budget. But it is 90% the lowest quality option in Greece.
Greek airbnbs can vary from mediocre to awesome and you can find okay places for very good prices. However, it is the least ethical option. Yes, it’s usually people renting a property for some more income but a) many rich people with a LOT of properties turn all of them into airbnbs or buy more and more properties to use them exclusively as airbnbs and b) Greece is one of the countries that has started facing very serious problems due to the uncontrollable expansion of airbnbs. The government is trying now to set some limitations to them. Especially the most touristy areas have huge issues since all property owners - regardless of income - turn their apartments into airbnbs, making it impossible for local people and critically important professions such as teachers and doctors to find houses on normal rent to stay. As a result they are forced to quit on their jobs and touristy yet remote places such as islands and traditional towns are left without teachers and doctors and generally suffer from an imbalance of necessary services. There are now just tourists, restaurant owners and airbnb owners frenchkissing or something there and that’s it. Sometimes, when the need for them is too bad yet people still insist on turning their houses to airbnbs, teachers and doctors end up sleeping in rooms or yards or rooftops of the local owners. That shit has turned into a dystopia. Furthermore, the rise of airbnbs has been causing big problems in cities and non-touristy areas as the cost of rent has skyrocketed (as the incentive for house owners to not make their property an airbnb) which makes it impossible for students and young people to find apartments in reasonable and affordable prices! I don’t care if anyone reading this has airbnbs and is pissed, airbnb is unethical in touristy countries!!!
Because Greece is a touristy country there is a huge variety of hotels to choose from, all quality types, all types of businesses. Greece is a country with MANY family run hotel businesses that can have great quality and can provide a cozy environment even better than airbnbs do. There are obviously also many big shark hotel chains but they are not the standard. The standard are the family run hotels. You can usually tell by the websites whether a hotel is part of a chain. For example, the Hiltons are foreign sharks. The Domotels are Greek sharks. But even so, even the sharks, honestly they do not cause a lot of problems. Usually they are expensive large hotels with all sorts of amenities, big breakfasts, nice environments.
There are some concerns about hotels lately getting overbuilt in environmentally sensitive areas but that is also the case for private properties intended to be used as airbnbs. This is something you as a tourist can’t possibly guess. But hotels - big chains or not - definitely cause fewer problems in the society compared to airbnbs.
But if you want both an ethical choice and good services opt for a small or medium sized hotel that is not part of a chain. Usually most of them are of the 3 star and the 4 star range, but you can find lower and higher as well. Those are often called boutique hotels.
Last but not least, a whopping 80% of the services sector in Greece is tourism, therefore all these people need tourists to go to hotels to make an income and help economy run smoothly. We are not talking about the sharks here, but simple owners who have to sustain the hotels, receptionists, cleaners, waiters, cooks and all other professions involved in a hotel. Let alone that the sharks employ a gazillion of people that have to make a living - gardeners, physiotherapists, gymnasts, drivers and so on. Airbnbs are antagonising that 80% of the service economy trying to steal tourism’s profit and turn it into their personal side income.
I know I didn’t have to write all this but I am passionate about this topic.
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mbta-unofficial · 3 months
I am getting flak for my opposition to the north-south rail link and want to clarify: The commuter rail isn’t set up to move you from point A to point B unless point B is Boston. This is because of the economy of scale. Given the practical reality, you should probably drive most short trips in MA unless you live in Boston because very few single town pairs have sufficient gravity to warrant a mass transit solution. This isn’t to say that more or better trains aren’t an overall good, but a system that is overbuilt is going to limit its own ability to effectively serve the public, and cars are, practically speaking, a more autonomous and therefore efficient mode of transport in zones of uniform low density.
When greater Boston has trains and buses that serve significantly more demand than they do now, a north south rail link could be a logical next step, but for right now the corridors that would represent the greatest increase in T Benefit are Everett, chelsea and SoWa/Roxbury/Dorchester and it’s not close.
The tool I have to measure this is a gravity model, which doesn’t give you an absolute number of trips but can give you a comparison between two city pairs.
Population (x) x population (y)/distance^2
Let’s look at some pairs:
Boston population (in thousands): 675
Hingham population (in thousands): 24
Distance: 17 miles
Score: 56
Concord population (in thousands): 18
Distance: 18 miles
Score: 37.5
Distance: 31 miles
Score: 0.44
These three pairs show that while only slightly fewer people are likely to travel to boston from concord than hingham, people are 100 times less likely to make a trip from hingham to concord than boston. These are fairly characteristic of commuter rail communities, and transit should reflect that. The commuter rail is organized to get people to boston for a reason. Now, compare that to boston-cambridge or boston-brookline.
Brookline population: 63,000.
Distance: 4 miles
Score: 2,657
Cambridge population: 118,000
Distance: 3 miles
Score: 8,836
These are well connected, peer urban areas with light or heavy rail in proportion to their weight. But now look at Everett:
Population: 49,000
Distance: 4 miles.
Score: 2,064
logically, It should have nearly as much transit as Brookline, which has two and a half legs of the green line. It doesn’t, although the T is fixing this with increased bus connectivity. SoWa/Roxbury/Dorchester is the hardest one to look at here because it’s actually part of boston, meaning I have to change some assumptions about distance and population. I have been up to this point using government center as my boston location, and I’ll pick franklin park as my location for dorchester. I’ll be subtracting the dorchester and roxbury populations from the boston population to get an estimate.
Dorchester pop: 100,000
Roxbury Pop: 60,000
Adjusted Boston Pop: 515,000
Distance: 4.8miles
Score: 3,576
Now, depending on location, these residents might be served by the red or orange lines, but the scores are much higher and there is still nothing like the connectivity of brookline or cambridge. This is a major result of boston’s historic redlining, which I’ve discussed before.
These communities, with scores in the thousands, are desperate for better transit. There are ten thousand trips made on that kind of connection for each trip made between Lowell and Foxborough, and until those communities, who are disproportionately minority, have access to good transit, I won’t worry about the rail link.
There’s a reason this is called a gravity model: it’s an inverse square law, which can be generalized with calculus to cover a whole two dimensional field. Someone who is better at math than me probably already has mapped MA in this way. But the force of gravity between any two communities outside of Worcester-Boston-Springfield-Providence is probably going to be weak, or at least much weaker than the gravity pulling those commuters towards Worcester-Boston-Springfield-Providence.
So with these numbers in mind, who is the rail link for? Which communities are driving the demand for large scale movement of people not to Boston, but past it? Why should the MBTA take on the entire downtown MPA and MASSDot and the Legislature and try to build through the very land government center is on to link north station to south? Why not instead build from Fields Corner to Back Bay and give transit access to one of the most populous transit deserts in the city? Or From Maverick To Malden by way of Chelsea and Everett? It’s just such a low priority for me, and I think it should be for you too.
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jpitha · 1 year
Blockade Runner (redux)
I decided to edit and combine my old story Blockade Runner into a single (longish) one shot. I'm still working on ideas for my next long story in addition to posting some cool stuff to /r/HFY if you want to check me out and offer kudos there too.
The small group of K'laxi stood before the Captain.
Their fur was puffed out and their eyes were wide. They were trying to hide their fear, but the Human Captain saw through it. They had escaped from the Xenni attack on their starbase with only their lives. They were the lucky ones.
"W-what did you say?" the leader of the group, Tingmell, was trying his best to stand up to the tall human who frankly towered over them, but it was a losing battle.
"We're going to run the blockade and get you home." The Captain explained things- to Ting at least -entirely too matter-of-factly. "I put it to a vote with the crew and Dawnbreaker they were all in agreement. It's not right that you got caught up in the war, and we know what happens to K'laxi who get captured by the Xenni."
K'laxi who get captured by the Xenni get killed and turned into coats the Xenni wear, but only after they're tortured and any useful information is extracted.
It's not pleasant. It's not meant to be.
"Please don't misunderstand Captain Bennigan, we're very grateful, but we can't ask you to do this, it's too dangerous"
"Good thing you didn't ask then!" Captain Bennigan laughed at his own joke. "Now, we're going to be operating at the ragged edge of what's survivable for Humans. Dawnbreaker says that so long as you stay in the acceleration couches you'll survive too. Turns out K'kaxi are more durable than you let on, eh" He closed one eyelid quickly in a gesture that Tingmell's translator explained was 'complicated but like a joke. he's trying to set your mind at ease.'
Captain Bennigan turned to Ting and spoke to him directly. "If you want, you can sit up here with us, but everyone else should get into the couches now."
"Y-yes, okay, I'll stay up here." He turned to the group. He was the only one wearing a translator, so nobody could follow the conversation. He switched to Cali'mak, a northern K'laxi language that most everyone in the group understood. "Captain Bennigan is going to take us home-" There were gasps and noises of surprise "-but it's going to be a dangerous ride. Everyone into the acceleration couches now please. I'll stay up here and tell you how it goes." Wide eyed, but understanding, the K'laxi left the command deck and went down to the cargo deck, which was set up with K'laxi sized acceleration couches.
Ting had never worn a support frame before. It was - at the same time - clunky and awkward, but also powerful and fluid feeling. According to Dawnbreaker, it would enable him to survive the punishing gee forces that they were expecting while out of an acceleration couch.
It was extremely overbuilt like most things of Human design. Dawnbreaker interrupted his marveling at the support frame. "The K'laxi are secured in their couches and are waiting comfortably." Ting knew most starships were run by AI, but only the Humans gave theirs so much agency and let them give opinions on how things should be run. It was odd to hear the AI speak so... casually to him and everyone.
"Excellent." The captain adjusted his position in his command chair. When he did so, the vegan leather in the chair squeaked and rumbled. "Dawnbreaker, have our gifts to the Xenni finished printing?"
"Two more minutes Captain, and the missiles will be complete; we can proceed now."
"Good." Bennigan pressed a button and there was a two tone whistle that was heard all over the ship. "Crew, it's time to set off. I apologize, but as we are taking off near the end of the evening shift, please take your stimulant pill now." While Ting watched and tried to make sense of what was happening, everyone took out a small box from their pocket and swallowed a small green capsule. He caught the Captains eye but didn't say anything. "Going to be a long day, Tingmell. You're about to see some things that the Humans don't prefer the other races - especially the Xenni - know about us, so uh, keep it quiet, okay?" Wide eyed, Ting nodded.
With that acknowledgment, his seat molded around him and his support frame, and straps came across his chest which locked him tightly in the seat. He looked around and everyone was strapped into their seats too. The straps tightened automatically just to the point when they were too tight, and backed off just a bit. Ting had a moment wondering how they knew how tightly to strap him in.
"Dawnbreaker? As Captain on board, I authorize you to unleash War Emergency Power, and in the case I am incapacitated you are free to make your own decisions to continue the mission, save the crew and save your own life in that order. Acknowledge."
"Acknowledged Captain Bennigan. War Emergency Power authorized. All fuses and limiters removed. Operating time at WEP is estimated to be sixty three minutes before permanent damage occurs."
At that, the low thrumming of the ship that Ting felt at all times aboard a human starship changed. It became a steady roar of power, straining to be released.
Captain Bennigan turned and faced the crew on the command deck. " Lieutenant Richards? Proceed ahead, War Power. Commander Penn? Launch countermeasures, missiles, and drones. Lieutenant Commander Harrison? Prepare for wormhole generation." Everyone immediately busied themselves to complete the Captain's orders.
As the ship streaked towards the Xenni blockade Ting was able to notice the flashes of the Xenni firing at them. Most seemed to miss, but the roar of the ship was punctuated with hollow thumps of shots hitting the thick Human armor. Dawnbreaker seemed to shrug it all off without worry. While they were on the run, Ting's superior sense of balance was getting all turned around as Dawnbreaker dove and spun and turned, dodging the Xenni and trying to foil their systems from picking up a missile lock.
After a few minutes, Lieutenant Commander Harrison looked up from his console in the rear of the deck and shouted "Navigation solution found. K'lax coordinates locked in."
A different human at a front console called out. "Power output at 280 percent. Wormhole generation in 183 seconds."
"What?" Ting was utterly lost as to what was going on. "Captain Bennigan, what about the warp gate?"
"Oh, we're not going through the warp gate" Captain Bennigan turned to face Ting and he had a wicked grin. "I told you, you're going to see some stuff."
Ting could barely follow what was going on. The noise, the smells, the changes in orientation in his seat were all playing havoc with his perception of the scene. It seemed they were diving towards the Xenni blockade but also avoiding the warp gate - the main method of (non-human) transit between systems. It seems like the humans were buying time for something.
"Power output at 420 percent, nice!" cried the human at the front console. Even during this high stress environment, a few humans around Ting who heard the number chuckled, thought he had no idea why. Some Human thing.
Dawnbreaker called out, "Captain Bennigan, power output is sufficient for wormhole generation, and the navigation solution has been found. At your command."
"Thank you, Dawnbreaker." Captain Bennigan was calm and collected even with all the noise and stress and action around him. He signaled the ship. "Attention, Attention, Attention. Wormhole generation shall commence once this message has completed. Those of you who-" he paused a fleeting moment. "-have trouble with the process, please make sure you are secured. See you on the other side."
"Link us to K'lax."
Ting felt, rather than heard the change. It was a whole body vibration that started in his lower extremities and worked it way up until his whole body was vibrating. It was as if he was a bell that had been struck. The vibration grew in intensity and made even his fur vibrate. It felt like he was going to vibrate apart and then...
Tingmell awoke.
He was lying on soft moss, and the dappled orange-yellow light of home was shining down on him. With a start, he sat up and found himself in a forest at home. The very type of forest his kind came from.
About 3 meters away, were a small group of K'laxi, all wearing very old and traditional clothes. Some in the back had fashions that predated Contact even! The one closest to him tipped his head back and made the barking cough of K'laxi laughter.
"You did it! You actually did it!" He stopped to laugh again. "I have a wager with Himelli over there." He pointed to a K'laxi in the back in an exceedingly ancient garb. "Did they tell you what was going to happen, or did they just buckle you in and say something like - he affected a surprisingly good human impression - "This is gonna be so cool! Just wait and see!"
"W-what? No, they didn't tell me." Ting saw Himelli make a sour face and give a small satchel of what he assumed were coins to the elder he was speaking with. "They said they were going to generate a wormhole. What actually happened?"
"Oh, that happened. They did it. They actually learned how to do it before Contact, so they used it as their sole method of transit for a while before we showed them the warp gates. Most of the other sapient races know about it too, they're just not crazy enough to do it. This happens to about 1 in 100 of all sapients who try. The humans just decide that it's fine."
"But, please, honored elder, what happened?"
"Oh, you're dead."
Ting must have misheard. He couldn't be dead. There was much too much to do!
"Oh yes, very." The eldest K'laxi flicked his tail, a nod. "Though," he continued. "Not for very long. Once the human ship leaves the wormhole and enters space again you'll go back to your body and 'be alive' again. Whole thing is a mess really." He scoffed. "And the humans think this is normal!." He laughed.
Ting came to in his support frame, belted to the seat on the command deck of Dawnbreaker. He glared at Captain Bennigan who was watching him carefully. The Captain locked eyes with Tingmell, nodded with a small grunt and said "We'll talk about it later." He turned forward. "Status!" he barked to the room.
"We've exited the wormhole in atmosphere of K'lax!" The human who shouted the update sounded like he was trying not to panic.
Dawnbreaker spoke right after. "Captain Bennigan, we have exited the wormhole much closer to the K'laxi homeworld than anticipated. We are deep in the atmosphere, tumbling towards the surface from a height of approximately seventy five kilometers."
When Ting heard Dawnbreaker's report, he was confused. When he saw Captain Bennigan's surprise he was terrified. It was then that Ting noticed the noise. In addition to the buzzing hum of the reatctors at WEP, he heard the howl.
The howl of air rushing around the hull.
Bennigan regained control over his features immediately and started barking orders. "Direct emergency power to the engines. We need to boost into a safe orbit. Fire the juke-charges to arrest our spin and orient us towards orbit"
Even Dawnbreaker sounded worried. "Aye Captain, firing juke charges. All-hands prepare for shock."
In space, there is no real way to change your direction quickly. Early human ships experimented with huge, heavy, fast spinning gyroscopes so that they could spin around quickly, but this only changed their orientation, not their direction of travel. Later, it was decided that since everyone was chained to the same laws of physics, space battles weren't going to be like air battles. Instead, the humans concentrated on thick armor to withstand attack.
In the case of a missile attack, human ships could launch small shaped charges which would detonate near the thick hull, and the shockwave of the explosion would cause the ship to slide or 'juke' out of the way of the incoming missile without changing their direction of flight. In atmosphere, tumbling towards the surface with no control surfaces, Dawnbreaker was using the juke charges to arrest the ships spin, and orient it back towards space.
Ting didn't know this. What he did know was suddenly there was a cacophony of double booms as the charges were launched and almost immediately detonated, the force of the explosion pushing against the ship, causing it to move.
The noise was incredible.
Ting could only describe it like being in a hailstorm inside a metal box. Mercifully, it only lasted a few seconds. After the spin was stopped and the ship was pointed back to space, Dawnbreaker's main drive fired. At war emergency power, everyone onboard was subjected to punishing gee forces to boost the ship back into orbit. Ting thought that his bones were going to snap from the weight, but Dawnbreaker knew the limits of his passengers and kept the thrust right at the edge of what he could take.
After a few minutes, the thrust eased and Dawnbreaker spoke. "Attention. We have entered a safe - though low - orbit around K'lax. I apologize for any discomfort you may have experienced. I report no Xenni presence. So as to maintain preservation of my systems, I request War Emergency Power be suspended."
Captain Bennigan nodded. "I concur. Suspend War Emergency Power, set systems to standard power."
The howl of this ship quieted to the low thrum Ting was more familiar with. Captain Bennigan sighed heavily and looked at Ting. "Well, we made it. How was your first trip through a wormhole?"
Now that the emergency was over, Ting could afford to be angry. "Captain Bennigan, it was fine except for the part where I died."
The captain looked at Ting with a soft, weary expression. "It happens to me too and I hate it every time. It may be a small consolation, but our philosophers keep arguing about whether it's actually death or just a hallucination as a side effect of cutting a hole through spacetime."
"That doesn't help."
"Yeah. Didn't help me first time I heard it too."
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