hellenhighwater · 4 months
when you went to law school, did you only have a bachelors in graphic design? i heard you could only do lawschool if you already did university and got a degree. i’ve been interested in law for years but the length of time and price threw me way off. im 23 now and just starting in an engineering degree and now im second guessing myself again 😭
I feel like maybe I'm not following this ask precisely, but yeah, I had a double-major Bachelor of Fine Arts when I went to law school. In most states of the US, you need some kind of bachelor's degree to apply to law school, and you get a Juris Doctor at the end of it. If you then also pass the Bar Exam, and pass the character & fitness review, and the Professional Responsibility exam, then you're licensed to practice law and can call yourself an attorney.
Some attorneys go back and get legal Master's degrees, but it's not a prereq for the JD and is usually more about specialization than anything else. Most people do not start their JD with a Master's.
So if your engineering degree is a Bachelor's, not an Associate's, then yeah, you could go to law school afterwards if you did well on the law school entry exam, which is called the LSAT. The Bachelor's doesn't have to be in prelaw necessarily, it can be whatever.
Also, it's not unusual for people to add "lawyer" as a new thing on top of an existing career. Because the field is so broad and touches so many areas of expertise, many people chose to go to law school after working in an industry and deciding they want to also practice law in relation to that field. It's not a bad thing to put the Bachelor's degree to work for a while before deciding if you want to do the law thing.
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wrishwrosh · 2 months
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new! book! new! book! memoir/“philosophical meditation” by an intelligence officer who became a philosophy professor. digging once again into the aboutness!!
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joe-spookyy · 3 months
how does it feel to be a real life werewolf. what is that like. run us through the day by day (and the full moon)
well, first i wake up, and then i
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bethe-hotshit · 2 months
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trying out something new!
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philosophybitmaps · 1 year
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
for your delight: my dad always thought mice were reptiles that layed eggs. he did not realize this was false until i told him so when he was like 48 or something.
I meet your story with a story: my spouse's mom didn't think frogs were animals. Apparently she equated Animal and Mammal in her head.
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sarasa-cat · 7 months
What is the deal with (a certain flavor of) rich people and adherence to pseudo-science medical / dietary beliefs?
These two things correlate in disturbing ways. Furthermore, it isn’t just (a certain flavor of) rich people with some university random but rich people with PhDs in biology (???!) and MDs who are practicing medicine as doctors.
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fauvester · 2 years
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lrt iskra, J.D.
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eggtrolls · 5 days
Someone mentioned Sally Rooney in casual conversation and I blacked out and woke up reading Becca Rothfeld’s “Normal Novels” piece from The Point magazine and now you should too
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stoppopulationdecline · 11 months
Overeducated: Germany & The Role of Performance Pay 
Overeducated workers outperform and earn more than their coworkers in similar roles. Still, they lag behind peers with matching job qualifications in earnings. The big question? How they adjust to the pitfalls of overeducation.
Overeducated workers outperform and earn more than their coworkers in similar roles. Still, they lag behind peers with matching job qualifications in earnings. The big question? How they adjust to the pitfalls of overeducation. This working paper (Overeducation, Performance Pay and Wages: Evidence from Germany by Mehrzad B. Baktash) dives into the idea that these workers might lean into…
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
If I'm going to keep mentioning Lucretia Garfield's heartbreaking letter after James cheated on her during their engagement, maybe I should just share it.
Cleveland, September 1, 1857
My dear James:
Yes, mine forever, though a destiny cruel and relentless separate us as far as the east is from the west. Whatever our earthly relations may be, we are one and belong to each other, and in view of this truth I no longer fear to reveal to you every thought. I know that my motives will be understood however freely I may speak. The fear which has so long sealed my lips that James might construe any expression of my real thoughts and feelings into a design on my part to gain my own selfish ends no longer haunts me. I believe that you trust me now, and I know that in my own heart has been awakened that confidence which brought such sweet peace to my spirit two years ago. James, do you know that it was the withdrawal of that confidence in me which pressed home to this grieving heart the keenest dagger! How many many times I have felt that if you would only love me just enough to come and tell me all, I could endure to know the worst; but to see you shrink away from me as though you could not endure my presence, and hide from me the truth, was almost more than I could bear. May Heaven spare me from ever living again such hours of bitter anguish. Pardon me for alluding to them. It is the last time. They have told upon my heart the lesson I trust they were sent to teach. Their mission has been fulfilled; let them pass unnoticed no longer. I would much rather rest with you beside Erie's moonlit waters and feel my heart throbbing against you own, while I talk to you tonight. But I will not wait until it may be so blessed before saying some things so long unsaid.
James, the bright ideal of life and love which are here held up before us was indeed very beautiful; but was it the true one? Can the human heart hear the tests to which it may be submitted by it? I had hoped it might. Indeed, I had almost, yes, entirely trusted that a love as pure and deep as I believed ours to have been could never never meet with anything that could possibly turn it from its course or prove ever the slightest interruption. I was telling Mother this and remarked that it might be an error. Her reply was that if there was no danger of any such thing happening if two loving hearts could find only in each other all that would satisfy, there would have been no necessity for the marriage vow.
May be it is so. If there could be no temptation, no danger of turning to another, why register in Heaven the vow of constancy? I blame you for nothing, for whatever you may have done I believe your heart's faithfulness; and allowed the generous and gushing affection of your warm impulsive nature to go out in all its fullness toward another than the one to whom you had pledged your all. All innocently as this was done, I can not blame you, and could the effect which all the past of our intimacy might have over you be blotted out, I would say to you this hour, go and marry Rebecca; and hereafter trust not your heart so far. Rebecca is a good and noble girl, in many aspects far my superior but she loves you no better than Crete. If, however, you love her better, if she can satisfy the wants of your nature better, and more than all, if you can with her become a good and noble man in spite of all the Past, Crete can give you up. And pronounce upon your Love a sister's blessing. You told me that judgment prompted you to another course, that to feel yourself an honourable, generous man you must take me alone to your heart. Let feeling dictate whatever it might. I have thought I could never allow that, that I could never be your wife unless every feeling of your heart seconded the decisions of reason. Perhaps I asked too much, but, James, to be an unloved wife, O Heavens, I could not endure it. I am not exacting. It would excite no spirit of jealousy in my heart to know that my husband admired and even loved a thousand others, and know that they possessed traits superior to mine, but I do feel it to be my right to claim this sole assurance, that I am his choice; and that however much he may find to be more admired in others he will not turn away from me to them, but rather seek to correct my faults, and make me like them. I want to find in my husband that strength of love, which can steel itself against every attraction that might come between us, which will hold me nearest his heart in spite of every impulse which an ardent nature might feel. Now, James, I freely pardon any error your ignorance of the human heart may have led you to commit, but I do hope whatever course you may take that hereafter you will be more guarded for your own happiness if nothing more. It pains me to see you so miserable as you are at times, and sometimes I feel that I could dare almost anything, even for the hope of making you happy again. But could I--could I become your wife and see that best hope fail! Oh no, no, no. If it would not fail, may God help me to know it. Then I will make the trial. James, write to me very soon. Keep nothing back that is in your heart
[Update about daily life that I'll spare you from]
Yours most lovingly,
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addonerror · 5 months
it's difficult to describe exactly, but it constantly feels like I'm some kind of amalgamation of at least 8 different people trying desperately to pretend to be one consistent being. which, of course, fails spectacularly because pretending to be a real person is a momentous and, frankly, sisyphean task.
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midnight-roses-candy · 7 months
Everyone loves to talk about their love of NEET trans girls, but what about the overeducated overachievers? We also need love. Does no one want to be bent over my desk so I can relieve some of the stress from work?
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lokh · 8 months
what if i went into a trade. advice???
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mystery-nobility · 2 years
I love being around educated people and still being the smartest person in the room
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artrald · 1 year
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Genuinely surprised I couldn't find this on here already. Now I can.
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