#Omnic Leader of Null Sector
hammeh · 2 years
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bluesunsdusk · 1 year
--// I should have probably added a summary of what the omnic underground actually is rather than just more backstory... ))
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aka-indulgence · 21 days
"So. A Human?"
So i have in my head a slice of life au with Ramattra where he's not Null Sector leader and he just lives in the city in an apartment with Zenyatta, and you meet Ram at the gym... this is set after the meeting and you go to his apartment for the first time and are surprised to find your yoga teacher (Zen) there
And Zen finds out Ram has a human FRIEND??? And he's kinda mad he didn't tell him????? sjdfsd
I want to know these two so bad ToT
Through unforseen circumstances on Ramattra’s part, Zenyatta discovers that his omnic brother has set his eyes on a human. And he. Is. Furious.
(Ramattra x F!Reader) + platonic Zenyatta
“Forty… forty one… Oh!”
You stopped in front of the door labeled 42. There was a plotted plant in the front like the picture Ram had sent you. You hesitated for a moment, shaking your hands. This’ll be the first time you visited Ram in his own home, and you’re blushing at the thought of being with him in a more cozy, private place. Of course he told you he had a roommate which made you a little extra nervous, but he’d assured you that you’d get along swimmingly.
You don’t think he saw your message that you’d arrive, but you didn’t want to spend all your time waiting out in the hallway, so you bit your lip and pressed on the doorbell.
“Coming!” A… strangely familiar voice called from inside. You heard the sound of metallic footsteps approach the door, and…
“Hello, what is it that you’re… oh?”
“... Zenyatta?”
Standing in the doorway was none other than your yoga teacher, the omnic that taught your class on Saturday.
“What a… surprised to see you here, (Y/n.) What’s brought you here?” He greets you warmly though with no less confusion than you’re feeling right now.
“Uh, sorry, I just want to check real quick…” you opened your phone again to see the picture, that you definitely didn’t hallucinate the number and potted plant in the picture. “I was looking for… this door,”
“That does look like my door,” Zenyatta commented upon seeing your picture. “How puzzling… who are you here to meet?”
“Um… yeah… does Ramattra live here?”
There was a pause from Zenyatta upon hearing the name, fixing his look at you. If he had human eyes, you feel like he’d be blinking at you right now.
“You are… looking for Ramattra?”
“Yeah! Um… does he live here, do you know him?”
Another pause.
“Of course. He’s my roommate.”
“You… you’re roommates with Ram?”
“........ Yes, I am roommates with… ‘Ram’…” Zen says slowly, before he breaks out of whatever trance he was in. “Come in, come in. Ramattra just went out to the supermarket, he said he won’t be long. Make yourself comfortable,”
You walk in through a little corridor with Zen closing the door gently behind you, following you into their decently sized apartment living room. It was decorated quaintly, with what looked like a perfect blend of both Ramattra’s and Zenyatta’s style, with tapestries and posters on the wall, a warm colored rug on top of the wooden flooring. A well loved sofa sits in the middle, facing the TV. The kitchen was immaculate and still shining, despite the assortment of stuff on top of the counter which had nothing to do with the kitchen.
“I apologize for the state of the apartment. He did mention he was having someone over today, but he failed to mention who exactly.”
“Oh no, it’s fine! I really like the aesthetic of this place, I feel at home already.” You tell him genuinely.
“So… how did you meet my brother?”
Oh? “Ramattra’s your brother?”
“Oh, not exactly in the way you’re thinking. We are brothers by title. We have no blood to speak of… we just have a close bond with one another, something you’d call ‘brotherly.’”
“Oooh, ok,” you nodded. “I go to the gym a couple times a week, the same gym you like to have your classes in. I’ve seen Ram around, and one day I guess I was doing my deadlifts wrong, because he came over. … I’ll be honest, when he came over I thought I was in trouble, he looks kind of scary when he’s approaching you,”
“I understand. Even other omnics are intimidated by Ramattra,”
“Yeah, enough that I’ve had people tell me to keep away from him, haha. But then he came over to me and asked if he could spot for me, and then we just exchanged numbers,”
Zenyatta puts a hand on his chin inquisitively. “How… curious,”
The sound of the door handle jingling brought both of your attention towards it. Ramattra enters, wearing a coat and scarf combo that made him look very smart. You smile instantly seeing him- it was hard not to everytime you saw him.
“Oh, you’re here. Sorry, I bought some food for you,” he explains, raising a box of sushi at you.
“Aww, thanks Ram!”
You turn, only to find Zenyatta staring down his brother. You’re not sure how you know, it’s not as if the omnic had any identifying facial expressions or visible eyes to get clues from, but the way he was looking at Ramattra felt… intense. When you looked back at Ram, he seemed to be sweating from his gaze.
“How… nice of you to do that for your human friend, Ramattra. Let me help you,”
Zenyatta stands up, bounding over to Ramattra, taking the box, and gently placing it on the coffee table in front of you. Ramattra stands there frozen, until Zen presses his hands together with a huff.
“Is it alright if I borrow Ramattra for a while human? I just remembered something I have to discuss with him.”
“Oh uh, yeah! That’s no problem with me!”
“Thank you. Please feel free to eat while we speak.”
Zenyatta cuts him off with a firm grab on his wrist. You’ve never seen Ram so… nervous all of a sudden, and you’ve never seen Zen look so… determined?
“Room, now.” He orders, and without waiting for an answer, he drags Ram into the room with a tapestry on the door.
… Were you in trouble? Was Ramattra in trouble?
You looked at the sushi in front of you.
… Aw. He remembered I like salmon,
Zenyatta could not believe his brother, hiding something as exciting as a human ‘friend’.
“Why did you not tell me,” Zenyatta rounds on him as soon as the door closes, providing privacy for the omnics.
Ramattra sighs, sounding unlike a chided human teenager. “I don’t know what there is to tell-”
“You have. A human. Friend.”
“You don’t approve of me having a human friend?” Ramattra teases.
“You know that will never be a problem and I’ve always hoped for you to form a friendly bond with a human.” Zenyatta presses. He won’t let Ramattra get out of this one.
“You sound upset, though.”
“I am upset you’ve never told me about this,” Zen looks down, fingers pinching… somewhere on his forehead. “Why would you think this was something you did not need to tell me? I am excited! Did you not think how surprised I would be, to have a human knock on our door? And not only that she asked for you, she said that you invited her.”
“I… I did not want to cause a fuss. I was afraid you’d hound me for details,”
“Your efforts seems have been for naught brother, if you’ve decided to invite her over. You were only delaying the inevitable,”
Ramattra grumbles, knowing he’s right.
“How long have you known her?”
Thankfully, it seems Ramattra has given up trying to resist. “I met her about a month or so ago. I… I saw her looking at me. She’d always panicked when our eyes met, and I thought it was… endearing. I found a reason to speak to her when i saw her lifting improperly, and here we are.”
Zenyatta looks towards the doorway, as if he could see you. He opens the door a crack to take a peek.
You were happily eating the sushi in the living room. This might’ve been the first time anyone’s eaten anything in the house. Human food, at least.
“Did you know she’s a student in my yoga class? She must’ve had her gym days on different days, because I’m sure I would’ve seen her…”
“Yes… that was deliberate. I asked to meet her again, and I didn’t want you to see, so I had us meet on other days-”
“You’re regularly meeting her at the gym?!” Zenyatta almost screams, holding Ramattra by his hoodie. “Had I known you could enjoy the company of a human, I would’ve introduced her sooner. She’s a lovely human. She likes to stay back after class and talk with me about life.”
“She is lovely,” Ramattra concurs. “Look, I… I hid it because I’m not sure how this… happened. It’s frustrating. I vowed never to get too close to a human but… she was… I saw her in the gym and she was… cute. She was shy around me. I didn’t think a human could find the infamous ‘ravager’ attractive. She apologized to me for staring. I… liked her staring. I’m… I’m confused brother. I don’t know how she makes it so… easy to like her. I wish I understood what was happening to me…”
Oh, his poor, dear brother… he seemed so lost. It’s at times like this that Zenyatta is reminded that Ramattra is a couple years younger than him. It’s a little funny when a grown omnic like himself could be so troubled by… romance.
… Was his brother in love with a human?
“... You love her,”
Ramattra flinches, and if he were human, he’d be sweating.
“It’s! I wouldn’t… I don’t… I don’t know yet, ok?”
“This is wonderful,” Zenyatta gasped, “brother… are you opening up to humans? Are you seeing the light they possess, like I do?”
Ramattra scoffs.
“Don’t get your hopes too high, brother. This one’s special. I’ve never met a human as respectful, as kind, as sweet as her. She’s the exception, not the rule.”
“A journey of a thousand steps starts with one…”
“I appreciate your sayings brother, but you are expecting too much of me,” Ramattra puts his hand on his shoulder and gets to the door. “I need to get back to her, I can’t leave her alone,”
Zenyatta chortles.
“Of course brother, you’re unsure you’re in love…”
Ramattra makes a sound of embarrassment that Zenyatta doesn’t hear too often these days.
“Ahem,” Ramattra coughs, “I’m being honest when I tell you I don’t know yet… but I will admit that I like her quite a lot and, I’d like her to like me back. I want to make a good impression on her, so… please don’t mention too much about me.”
“About what?”
Ramattra dillydallies, like he’s biting his tongue, but through what would’ve been gritted teeth, he says “... About not liking humans or just… embarassing things. Please,”
… You must be really important to him. Zenyatta has to swallow his excitement as to not mortify his brother any further.
“... Alright. For you brother, I hope nothing but the best of you and your human,”
Ramattra is still for a moment. Then he mumbles.
“... My human…”
“What was that?”
“Nothing,” Ramattra responds lightning fast, opening the door, clearly done with the conversation.
Zenyatta’s rage, having been quickly quelled, feels rewarded that as soon as they exit his room, Ramattra made a beeline for the sofa and sat next to you.
“Are you guys ok?” You ask, bouncing a little when Ramattra sits next to you. Ramattra looked oversized for you, making you sink towards him from the dip he made on the cushions.
If he could, Zenyatta would be smiling slyly.
“We’re fine. I hope you feel welcome in our home, I apologize for our rude departure. Would you like some tea?”
Zenyatta knew he liked you when you brightened up and nodded.
“Alright. I’ll be down to the convenient store,”
“Oh… are you sure? You don’t have to go buy some more,”
“Nonsense. Besides, we don’t really get to use our kitchen appliances here, I’m so excited. I’ll only be away for a minute, so I hope… you and Ramattra… enjoy yourselves,”
Zenyatta takes joy in your puzzled look while Ramattra looks like he’s barely restraining himself from attacking him.
He didn’t wait for a word of protest from his brother, and simply left the apartment.
Ramattra turned to you, your sushi unfinished.
“... Do you want to watch something?”
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genji-centric · 1 month
hi!! may i please get a uh ram nsfw alphabet or even a junk nsfw alphabet😁 ur pick💕
Ofc!! I'll start off w Ramattra l, I got some Junkrat requests you can look forward to in the future ^^
Ramattra NSFW Alphabet
MDNI!!! NSFW under the cut!
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A = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Ramattra isn't one for.. bonding after you both finish. He's more relaxed than he usually finds himself, for an act so simple he was surprised to feel.. almost complete. Of course, he doesn't let his mind wander. He's a leader and can't waste his day alone by your side. But after being so rough, well, he can't just abandon his little pet human. He would carry you to the bathroom and draw you a bath, make sure any aches and sores are taken care of before he departs. Maybe once he reaches his goals, he could set aside time for you, make you an important part of his day even.. but for now, that's the only care you will receive.
B = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Ramattra is an omnic, cold, and robotic. Due to his build, he is powerful. The upgrades with his nemesis give him strength others could only dream of. His wit is beyond most humans he suffices, and he's one to pride himself on his parts. But his favorite is his hands. With them, he can upgrade himself as he so pleases, hold the staff he brings to battle, pin his favorite pet to the wall as he thrusts from behind whispering insults as you sob. On you? Well.. all humans are the same in his eyes, but you.. you are different. He can't choose a certain part that's his favorite. If he kept the thought in mind, he would settle of how.. squishy human flesh is. How easy he can mold you into positions.. that's what he finds enjoyable the most.
C = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Ramattra doesn't cum, in fact he finds the idea rather.. unpleasant. Just another thing about humans he couldn't help but despise. Such organic ways of reproduction are messy.. and reproduction only creates more soldiers to harm his people. Yet his ideas can shift, for being a monk in the past, he has learned to change his ways. With a mind open he can find a sick pleasure in your cum, he doesn't which to be covered. Oh no, he likes bending you in ways where you get your fluids on yourself. It's demeaning, but that's the case for many moments with him.
D = dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Ramattra.. well, he never saw himself having such relations with a human. Something so.. simple didn't catch his eye. So he still feels a bit odd when he holds you, gropes you, claims you. You, to him, is his dirty secret. He doesn't want other omnics to know he fell for such a thing, a human? Him? The idea is preposterous, so for now, your lives are kept private. But one day, he oh so wishes to free the little secret and claim you on the factory floor of the Null Sector as others look on to such a display.
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Ramattra doesn't.. only because of you he gave those omnic enhancements for human relations a try. But believe me, he learns fast. During the first time, it only took gentle guiding before he was already rearranging your guts while saying filthy things in your ear. You would've thought he was highly experienced, but no, Ramattra would never share the fact he spent how long researching human anatomy for this.
F = favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes control, Ramattra wants to be the one in power. He bends his little human around as he so pleases. An ironic change of power, instead of the humans in control, it's him, the omnic. If you forced him to answer. He'd laugh and say, "What a petty question," before he would give in. His favorite is doggy, forcing your face into the pillow while he pounds at a harsh pace from behind, watching the curve of your ass jiggle from how hard he was going.
G = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He isn't humorous outside of the bedroom. Inside is no different. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't laugh, oh no. He would laugh at you, your reactions, how fragile humans are.. how needy they are. "Ha. Already all sensitive? Weak. You humans can't even handle such little time with a thing you crave.."
H = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Ramattra doesn't have hair. Unless you count the wires he has, but he doesn't actually have hair, let alone pubic hair.
I = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Ramattra isn't one for romance. But you.. well, he can make an exception just this once. After a strenuous day, watching armies go into battle. There's nothing he wants more than to see his little pet.. ironic how that is. After taking out the stress of the day on you, he's content to just hold you. Pet your hair and whisper sweet nothings. "You did well.. very well." Simple compliments are the world coming from him, Ranattra is no romantic lover. But during those soft moments, he feels like any person's dream.
J = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When he first installed the.. enhancements he got. Of course, he had to try it out. The sensors.. well, they were a strange feeling but somewhat pleasant. When he felt something.. start to tighten, he grew concerned there was a malfunction, something he needed to fix. But he continued, and he found himself being pushed over the edge. Like his motherboard overloaded for a moment before this feeling of pure, relaxion hit. It was enjoyable, and if his little pet human isn't there to help him out, he might use his hand once more.
K = kink (one or more of their kinks)
Ramattra is well.. he thought things such as sex would be simple. It's just an act, nothing more.. right? He was soon to find out there was much more than just the act itself, emotions, positions, and even different kinks. At first he didn't want to expierement, but he found himself getting rougher and enjoying it. Without telling you, he looked into the more.. extreme parts. Hard domination peaked his interest, along with bindings. After trying them out, he learned he loved to deny you, making you whine and cry for your release. It pleases him, making a human beg for his mercy.
L = location (favorite places to do the do)
He's a private man, opting to claim you in your bedroom or his quarters. Away from any prying eyes, away from judgment. He still feels a small bit of embarrassment knowing he fell for a human. It isn't directed at you, but it feels like a weak point in what he fights for. So he just wants to keep his time with you private, just for him to enjoy.
M = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Ramattra wants to say he doesn't crave sex like the pet he has.. but that just isn't true. After a long day, leading his army, meetings, and so on. He needs to release his stresses of the day into you, to rut into the tight, warm walls he grew to love. He loves watching you grow needy over him, using his legs to hump against like you were in heat. Just how desperate you get over him is that it turns him on more than anything.
N = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn't want to be subservient to a human, no. Omnics have already had to bend to the will of humans to be cast as monsters once they had the freedom of choice. Being told what to do.. getting told by a pet of his wjat to do. It's just not something he will entertain the idea of. He wants his little pet to he obedient, not him.
O = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Ramattra doesn't have a mouth. Even if he did, he wouldn't waste such time with a lowly human, even if it was you. But oral for him? There's nothing he wants more than to put his little pet human in it's place on their knees below him, only allowed to please him.
P = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Ranattra isn't one to be soft, especially on a human. When he gets to have his way with you, he calls the shots. And he prefers it to be fast, rough, and make it so you can only focus on him. It's a way to pound all that stress into his own little human of his own, but on the days he accepts the fact a human has his heart then.. well, he decides to be slow. To enjoy the warmth you bring, the sounds you make.. all just to admire. All so different, but all so unique.
Q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Ramattra isn't one for quickies. If he wants it himself, he will take his time. Some things just can't be rushed. But if his pet is being particularly needy, then fine, he will give in just once. He won't admit the fact he enjoys he has the ability to make someone desire him in such a way, it's a boost in pride for him.
R = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Fighting wars is risk at its rawest form. Sending troops after troops to battles the machinery used would need to be rebuilt time and time again. Ramattra is used to risks. It's what he does on a day to say basis. This is why he wants to keep his time with you private, with little risks of being caught or putting you in danger. He wants to be in control of everything entirely. If there's the chance something could go array, he is not interested.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
As an omnic, his stamina is nigh infinite. He can go for as many rounds as he so desires, and he uses that to his advantage. Each time you two have sex you are left disheveled, tired, and sore. He can also last as long as he wants. He has control over himself. Ramattra is mean but isn't heartless. He will listen if you truly need to stop.
T = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He sees no purpose in using toys. He is right there, so why do you need a small bit of silicone? Because Ramattra is an omnic, he can switch out parts as he needs. After his favorite little pet has been rather.. obedient, he decided to treat them. As he started the process of preparing his little human to take him, his fingers began to vibrate. It was sudden, but felt oh so good. After hearing the noises you made, Ramattra decided he would happily install more.. erotic functions to his body.
U = unfair (how much they like to tease)
As a former monk, he knows patience. He has spent years of his life dedicated to meditation, waiting. His skills he still practices, the patience helping him plan each move carefully. And how long he can hold himself from you, he can go weeks without touching you. All while whispering about how your treat is soon to come, he wants you to disobey.. to touch yourself behind his back. His teasing is all with the goal to punish you. All humans are weak minded.. unlike him. So go on, he wants you to give into those selfish human desires. It isn't unfair. He just wants to prove a point.
V = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Ramattra isn't one to moan. Be loud, and give you the impression he's enjoying himself. You are more likely to hear him make noise on the battlefield over the bedroom. That's just how he is. When he's close, he would let out some grunts, but when he crosses the finish line, he goes quiet and enjoys the feeling. He would much rather listen to you.
W = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If he succeeds in his goal, giving omnics power, he believes they all deserve he will settle down. He doesn't wish for a pure domestic life, but he truly does wish to have you by his side as his lover. To keep you on a pedestal by his side, his favorite pet human. He wants nothing more than to show you off, to claim you in front of others once he doesn't have to worry about appearances.
X = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
After you came into his life, he learned more about humans. More than he ever wished to. Out of curiosity, he looked into omnic and human relationships and was surprised there was.. certain upgrades for such cases. He kept it a secret, but Ramattra had located such an upgrade. The.. device is purple in color. Made of silicone, with ridges from the base to tip. It's both squishy and firm, with wires he connected to his other sensors. Ramattra was genuinely surprised he could.. feel such sensations, but after getting the upgrade, there is no going back.
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Ramattra in an omnic who holds off on more.. indulgent activities. Only you had made him even entertain the idea of such obscene actions. To which he tries to ignore the need, but after getting a taste, he finds himself fantasizing about taking his little pet human more and more. But he holds large amounts of self-restraint, only he knows how often he dreams of indulging such.. peculiar activities.
Z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Ramattra doesn't need to sleep, but when he's feeling rather.. tender, he will hold you close and let you rest in his arms. You look so small compared to him, and he feels protective. If you can fall asleep as he holds you, he will sit in silence. Meditating and enjoying the moment of silence you share.
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nekovmancer · 4 days
Hello, I was wondering if you could make zenyatta and ramattra with Cyborg!Reader like genji, but their body glows if they have too much energy.
overwatch headcanons: cyborg!reader with Ramattra and Zenyatta
warnings: mentions of violence, trauma and such, a bit platonic and… ye, pretty much fine, nothing graphic
a/n: my love for Zen is 100% dear and platonic yet- well, you guys know. RAMATTRA!!! 
will do them separately in the present game timeline and then together back in the monastery and… it’s past midnight here, my eyelids are heavy, but there’s no sleep in between me and writing fanfiction so, sowy for the mistakes ahead, I will correct them tomorrow!! anxiety kept me awake and obligated me to post as soon as I’ve finished, you know
btw!! thanks for requesting. I love to write it and I hope you also enjoy. (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
OPEN FOR HEADCANON REQUESTS! Send yours here, but read rules first
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A Ravager was responsible for your body’s destruction, so it’s only natural you’re shaking on its presence
Back when it happened, omnics were still under Anubis’ control, so it’s not like you blame him or any other R-7000 for their doings
Still, you got these chills running down your spine now that you stand face to face to Null Sector’s infamous leader
But the thrill is even stronger when he proves all your believes to be wrong, being to one to extend a helping hand to prevent your body to overheat
As Genji, your parts were substituted with cybernetics: flesh, muscle and metal bounding into one thing to keep your alive
Though, you weren’t lucky to be shaped by doctor Ziegler’s careful hands, which lead to several problems, including the overheating itself, caused by your frenetic running while trying to escape Toronto during the Invasion
Ramattra saw you and couldn’t help but be… fascinated 
You were not an omnic, so his helmets were useless, still you’re shaped in metal, no sight of skin showing. A human, without humanity’s resemblance 
He caught your heartbeats, their rhythm more and more violent, growing exponentially as the glow from your cybernetics, a flashing red of warning
He’s so intrigued he founds himself kneeling in front of you, one hand reaching out while you press your back to the wall behind you; no way to run out of this
“Hush now. If I was to hurt you, why the ceremony?” 
His words had logic, true, but fear was devouring you
The last time you were this close to a Ravager was the last time you still had much of your organic body parts
“I may be of help, if you let me” 
What choice did you have anyway? If he didn’t kill you, your body would do the job alone 
 Ramattra escorts you to safety, and ironically it means the very ships vomiting killing robots a while ago
You stay in his workshop as it takes little time for him to figure out how to cool down your body, and the glow is long gone by the time he’s done
“Not an omnic, yet not fully human…  where do you find a place for one as yourself in this doomed world?”
Here’s the thing: you don’t
That’s why you accept his offer to stay, despite all of your fears
In the end, the hands who once destroyed you were the same who saved you from death
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Omnics and humans coexisting peacefully was a metaphor to your own state: both human and machine sharing the same body, trying to not repel one another
A heart of flesh habitating a chest of metal, you tiptoed the lines between the two worlds, but you didn’t felt as part of any of them
Still, you find solace in the words of a monk by the name of Mondatta. He spoke of hope and understandment, of peace above the conflict. Without even knowing, he brought balance to your turmoil; past and present
But hope was a dangerous thing for the ones like you, if there was anyone else sharing the burden of a dreadful existence as yours
And you’re quick out of reasons since Mondatta’s death
You weren’t welcome among the omnics, and humans saw you as a freak. Any chance of normality was eradicated 
As a last act of faith, you did Aurora’s peregrination to Shambali. You didn’t know what to expect, but surely the villagers near the monastery left a very bad impression
Along with the exhaustion, you entered the sacred halls with your cybernetics glowing red, a flash of the eminent chaos that would erupt if you’re not stabilized quickly enough
A monk comes to your aid, and by staring at his faceplate alone you can feel something different stirring within you. A long lost calmness tossing your circuits errors aside
You wouldn’t forget his name not even in a million lifetimes: Zenyatta, the one who offered you a place to rest after your journey, and the very first to be interest in you
His genuine interest, plus the care, was touching. No one ever did anything similar to you, not after Talon decided you could still be a soldier even without most of your body
Which led to you running away, not soon enough to prevent Doctor O'Deorain  from damaging your body though. Another monster carefully constructed to be Talon’s pawn, no matter how much pain came from it
But you’ve already paid the price for your mistakes, and one thing is for sure: you’re no monster
Among the monks, you could feel that familiar peaceful feeling lingering under your skin, resonating through the circuits of your cybernetics
For once, you did not felt cast aside, most thankful to Tekhartha Zenyatta
His harmony orbs helped to regain a balance you thought to be long lost, and not only: the chaos within you, something you tried to ignore, was embraced as it should be also cherished 
“No living being is completely pure, nor completely evil. We’re both our strengths and flaws: to deny one existence in detriment of other is to deny yourself.”
Even the worst of you was forgiven; by him first, and you last. Where you felt shame for your wrongdoings, Zenyatta pathed a lesson that erased your doubts
Through meditation, you found not only peace with your inner self, but with the world surrounding you
The balance of energy through your body presented you with a new glowing: not the crimson red of tiredness and rage, but a warm yellow that irradiates warm as a small sun; the energy of the Iris found you
“My dear friend, I bathe in the light of your soul. May it keep us sheltered during the dark times ahead of us.”
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Ramattra & Zenyatta
When the brothers found you, they first thought you were an omnic
Judging by the people screaming around you, tossing stones, displaying the worst of their violence and, of course, the fact your whole constitution was pure metal
It’s only when they take you to the monastery that they knowledge the other side of your face, the one that’s still flesh 
No questions were asked, but none of them are naive. Being a cyborg meant something, and this something tiptoed around the lines of violence
And despite it all, cyborgs are quite rare. Especially ones glowing as you did, with your joints pulsating with energy
It was easy to distinguish your humor by the light radiating from your body: usually soft, it could be oversaturated when your humor reached peaks, transiting through a rainbow of colors depending on what you had in your mind
At first, a light tone of red flashed whenever they approached. Despite being your saviors, you still felt a bit of distrustfulness towards them
Humans saw you as an aberration, and you did not have too much time with sentient omnics to put their behavior to test. Not that you felt inclined to do so. To deal with humanity’s rejection was enough
Zenyatta was patient, but Ramattra… no metal in this world could undo the fact you were a human. And he also had his share with humanity to know how incredible terrible they can be 
That’s why, maybe, it’s easy for you to approach him 
Ramattra resented humanity, despite his best efforts to find harmony through his want for peace and his desire for revenge. Not that you had the guts to do anything but lament over your own dismay, but… you could relate
Zenyatta, on the other hand, touched your deepest cravings for being a better person, standing above those who abused you. You did not wished for violence, despite your rage: to be comprehended was your key 
And both of them did it, in their own way
Through your days in Shambali, you felt part of their brotherhood. Not exactly as such, but… cherished. Each of them bonded with you in their own unique way, understanding your pains, your dreams, your wants. Piece by piece, the three of you found a way together
Now, whenever you meditate with Ramattra, concentrating the energy flow in your body, a glowing purple flashed through your cybernetics. But with Zenyatta, a deep golden color showed itself
And that’s why you could never choose. Your love for them was measured equally: if cut in half, one part would still be of Ramattra, and the other would belong to Zenyatta
So when Ramattra leaves from Shambali, and both you and Zenyatta decline his offer to follow his path off the Monastery, there’s no way from you in the opposites side, but through the middle-term
You still dream of the day you three will meet again. For the good or for the bad, you missed them for a lifetime, and to be separated brings up this feeling all over again
Now, whenever you concentrate your energy, it’s grayish: devoid of color, deepness and light
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ya-zz · 6 months
Hii! I've been waiting for quite a while to share this thought with you. A while ago, I shared with you my thoughts and it led to "Hacked" being written with Ramattra x Reader. I'd like to... maybe request a second part of that? I've been daydreaming about the possibilities of what's next for it. So, I'd like you to choose what happens:
A. Ramattra encountering Reader again in the battlefield and this time she has no time to hack through his system, and he finds her first. Keen into making her feel exactly how he felt back then.
B. Reader once again hacks into Ramattra's system, but this time she's braver, getting him while he's recharging (simply sneaking in his base to prove a point) and making him feel exactly what humans feel when they orgasm.
We don't talk about how I did this within hours of the request coming through...
HI AGAIN!! IT'S GOOD TO SEE YOU!! ♥ Thank you so much for requesting again, I love the ideas as always ^^
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Ramattra x Reader (gen)
Word count: 1348 !! NSFW !!
The vessel rattles in the sky, currently moving over Toronto. The attacks below were never ending as Ramattra continued to repeat the broadcast. The gunfire and screams were louder than before as he watched on; one by one, humans fell and omnic civilians were secured. It was going exactly as he planned. 
Steering away from the capitol, he heads for his new location to oversee the destruction happening there. In the meantime, however, he was due a recharge. 
Taking a seat on the floor, back resting against the wall, he plugs himself in, wires connecting to his sides and back of the neck. He goes through his systems, setting up the necessary precautions just in case his vessel gets attacked and then the lights on his forehead dim, changing orange as he goes into standby. 
Everything fell silent, though Ramattra could still pick out the workings of his ship; the humming of the engine vibrating against the floor, the soft flickers of light that passed by the window on occasion. It was as if time had slowed down.
His optics shifted to where a noise could be heard, but due to being in standby, his vision was blurred to make his charging time quicker. Something had fallen so he left it be, the turbulence must've knocked it over.
Ramattra went back to his charging meditation, his body unmoving as it lay against the wall until a familiar feeling kicked in. 
It took his systems a moment to register what was going on but it was too late. The module he had locked away was open once again, his wires heating up slowly as he attempts to wake up. 
“It’s too late.” A familiar voice rang out. “Your systems can’t beat me this time.” 
Despite his vision being overrun with omnicode and errors, he tilts his head up to view you. His voice was a low rumble as he attempts to speak. 
“You- How-” 
“It’s simple, really.” You approach him, straddling his knees as you lower yourself onto him and dropping the holopad beside your leg. “Your guard is down, a foolish idea, really.” Your fingers stroke the wires that were placed into his sides. The Null Sector leader beneath you once again, unable to do anything, unable to fight back, what a pretty sight it was.
“Get out.” 
You tut, shaking your head with a smirk. “That is no way to treat a guest, Ramattra. Besides, I want to finish what we started the other week.” 
The omnic felt his wires flare up in heat, the module lighting up within his vision. His vocaliser cuts out as he speaks. “You-... serious.” He was weak, you truly had caught him when he least expected it.
A sly laugh escapes you as you trail your fingers on that same tubing over his hips. A gentle squeeze that sent a wave of euphoria over his body. He shudders at the contact. 
“How far can we take this?” Leaning over, you tap the holopad, pulling up the module that Ramattra had kept locked deep inside of his systems. From there, you had full access to his sex drive. “Oh, Ramattra. How long have you been like this?” 
His system fights back, or attempts to, but your software was stronger this time, he can barely move his hands or arms. 
With one tap, you send a wave of ecstasy throughout the omnic and his back arches involuntarily, a garbled, static moan escaping from his vocaliser. 
“Hm?” You smirk at him, letting the holopad go as you return your hands to his body, tracing the pads of your fingers against his metal bracing. You could feel him shake with each careful, calculated stroke. 
Ramattra can only glare at you, optics looking at your blurry features as he tries to adjust the settings. 
“Ah, ah. I don’t think so.” You override his attempts before moving closer to him, hands dipping between the braces as they move towards his back. The exposed cables there were begging to be touched and with one tap, a spark of electricity surges through Ramattra’s core. 
“S-Stop that-!” He demands, though his tone suggests that he does not mind the feeling. 
He doesn’t know what to do. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot get rid of you from inside of his systems. He tries an alternative route but there was no success there either. Deep inside, however, he did like the feeling of being vulnerable, having someone touch him like the way you are doing. It felt pleasurable. 
Ramattra tries one more time, searching through any and all coding to find a weak spot and when he finally stumbles upon it does he take immediate action. His systems work hard to destroy your virus but the want to keep the touching going slows down the process. 
He needs you. 
He wants you.
He gives in.
The omnic sits there, allowing himself to be lost in the moment. The feeling of your hands exploring his body heightened his senses. His servos twitch before slowly making their way to your hips, holding you in place.
“Someone is enjoying this.” You smirk, dragging your fingers over the pistons on his neck. 
“Shut up.” His vocaliser betrays him once more, another static moan escaping him as his head tilts back against the wall. 
“Feels nice, doesn’t it?” 
It took Ramattra a while to respond, but when he did, it confirmed everything you ever wondered. 
“Yes…” His grip on your hips tighten slightly, indicating that he didn’t want you to stop for any reason. 
He feels you grinding against his pelvic plate, possibly chasing your own high but the way you squeezed and teased him said otherwise. Then it clicks in his head. This was about him reaching his orgasm after several long years of nothingness. You knew how long it had been for him and how much he craved it.
Your one hand was tangled in his cabled hair as the other trails back down towards his hips. You feel him jerk, he wants the contact to last as you pull back, a familiar heat pooling in your stomach. 
“Seems like you cannot hold on for much long either.” He states with a hint of amusement in his voice. 
A flush appears on your cheeks as you squeeze his tubing once more, a little harder than last time. 
The omnic jerks his hips, pressing further into you as he moans out, vocaliser stuttering as he tries to keep it together.
“Such sweet noises… To think the Null Sector leader could sound like this…” Another tug at his cables causes him to moan loudly. 
You glance at the holopad whilst the omnics head was tilted backwards; his systems were lit up, errors appearing as you manhandle his wires, pinching and twisting them. It brought you joy, a satisfaction coursing through your veins as you realise how much power you truly hold over him in this moment. 
Another squeeze had the holopad flash black which causes you to look back at him. His vocaliser cuts mid moan, the lights on his forehead were off, fans were slowing down, yet his hold on your hips stayed. You had caused him to crash. 
Part of you panicked, but the moment the lights flickered on again, a soft orange before red, the panic was overridden with a sense of accomplishment.
His vocaliser clicks before he speaks. “No human should mess around with machinery too advanced than their mind and body can handle.” 
Your eyes widen as you realise that him rebooting meant that your virus was no longer in affect. His grip on your thighs gets tight, bruises already beginning to form under the skin. He pulls himself free from the wires connected to him, grabbing both of your wrists with one hand before pinning you down on the floor, one metal thigh pressed up against your sex. His other hand toys with the waistband of your pants as he speaks out in an intimidating tone.
“Perhaps it is time for me to teach you a lesson.”
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rhamrhanch · 14 days
Shepherd of Death, Don't Herd Me
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Part One: Humble Awakening
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Ramattra/Reader (gender-neutral pronouns)
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: canon-typical violence, hurt/comfort
Next Chapter
Summary: You were just an engineer. That's all you ever wanted to be. But after a chance encounter with the leader of Null Sector, you soon find your simple life crumbling to ash.
A/N: started writing a Ramattra fic and thought I should post it here as well. hope you enjoy!
chapter under the cut ↓
You crouch down slowly until you're eye level with the dilapidated omnic slouched against the wall. The room is too quiet—it's eerie. With omnics, there was always sound; the gentle hum of their processors, as much proof of life as a human's heartbeat. No such sound could be heard now.
By all accounts, you should be safe; the pistol at your hip was extra assurance of that. Still, you resist the urge to stroke his crumpled exoskeleton. You've never tinkered with this model before; part of you worries that even the slightest movement might wake him. But as you look over his body, that feeling dwindles more and more.
Half of his face plate is missing, jagged edges rippling down to his chin and revealing a camera-like eye. It stares through you, unfocused. Where a right arm should be, there is only an empty socket. You reach out to his thigh, fingers meeting rough leather, ridges of crushed metal underneath.
The reports you received after debriefings had few pictures, but there was one that always stood out to you. He was standing tall, cables fanning out behind him like a mane. His arms spread wide, crook in hand, like a shepherd beckoning to his flock. He cut an imposing figure. Seeing him like this felt… strange.
Your nails catch on a spot on his hip—his manufacturing date. It's been scratched out, something else carved beneath it.
You test the name in your mouth, letting it roll over your tongue.
It was supposed to be a simple mission—well, as simple as Overwatch missions could go. Remnants of Null Sector's presence lingered after its attempted invasion in Gothenburg, so a small team was dispatched to "clean up", so to speak. After a few days, you'd received word that they would be returning soon.
A week had passed since then in radio silence. You could tell it worried Winston; the banana peels that littered his office indicated as much. But then, suddenly, the team returned—battered, but alive. All was well, you thought, until Reinhardt dropped a massive hunk of metal at your feet, and you realized it was a miracle they returned at all.
"An R-7000!"
For your entire career as an engineer, just seeing an R-7000 was a dream come true. They were so scarce these days, nearly hunted to extinction. Killed at the hands of humans in retribution for the war. You had no memories of the Omnic Crisis, born at the tail end of the war and left to clean up the pieces. Even so, you knew the stories.
Squad killers.
A rare class of omnics designed by an artificial mind; its first act of creation. You wanted to understand it, to see how a machine engineered itself. An ouroboros of invention. To reach that level of efficiency, no material wasted, no part unnecessary or unused. Something created with a single purpose—you had no choice but to admire it.
"Impressive, ja?"
You craned your neck up at Reinhardt. There was a fresh gash on his forehead, dried blood painting a red stripe down to his chin. He grinned proudly at you nonetheless.
“What happened?”
Winston shuffled over, straightening his glasses. “I'm just hearing the details now. It seems they ran into him while en route to the pickup site.”
"'Him'?" You looked back at the omnic on the ground. "Who is he?"
A pause. "The leader of Null Sector."
Your head darted back to where the omnic laid. You hardly even recognized him in this state.
The shock is evident in your voice. “What? Why would you bring him here?"
Winston cleared his throat. “As you can see, the encounter has left him quite… damaged.”
'Damaged' was one hell of an understatement. Your eyes roamed the omnic's body, taking inventory—what needed to be replaced, what didn't. After a beat of silence, you realized the not-so-subtle request in Winston's words.
“You want me to fix him?" There was an unspoken question in your tone: why? But Winston only nodded. You didn't press any further; his lack of an answer was answer enough.
"It might take a while. He is missing an arm.”
“Take your time—he won't be going anywhere anytime soon.” Winston’s expression turned stern then, and you straightened up. “I know this is a lot to ask, but we can't lose this opportunity. Let me know as soon as he wakes up.”
You nodded slowly. With a parting wish of good luck, Winston turned to help unload the ship. You waved over Reinhardt, who slung the omnic over his shoulder with ease and followed you out of the hangar. Danger or no, you would not let it deter you. This was your only opportunity to work on a Ravager—you refused to waste it.
Now alone in your workshop, you could admit the truth—you hadn't the faintest idea where to start.
You knew just from a glance it would be a difficult fix-up job, and that was assuming you had materials at your disposal. Reality was much more sobering. Ever since the recall, a free-flowing wave of supplies was a fool’s wish. You would simply have to make do.
While the rest of the damage would be no easy feat, most concerning was the state of the Ravager's—Ramattra's—chest plate. The metal exoskeleton was completely caved in, likely the result of a blow from Reinhardt’s hammer. Repairing it would be invasive—you might even have to separate the cage from his body entirely.
Slowly, you place your palm against the center of his chest. Looking at it now, it almost resembled a sternum. It's fascinating to you, how similar the design of Ramattra’s body was to your own. Your hand travels across his upper chest, mapping the parts you recognized.
Sternum, collar bone, shoulder…
You let out a quiet breath. Looking at him now, it’s no wonder Ravagers were so terrifying during the Crisis. But as you gaze at his face plate, caressing the ridge where it splinters, you can't help the gradual sorrow that tightens in your chest. How many of his model had been destroyed since then? Were there even others left?
You search through the mess on your workshop table. During your exam, you noticed that his chest plate had multiple layers. External armor secured at a metal "sternum", four steel rods extending outward from the top, while a metal rib cage curled from the bottom. To assess the extent of the damage, you would need to go through the tedious effort of removing all the parts.
Crowbar in hand, you return to the omnic. You slot the tool into the gap between his sternum and the rod that protects his upper chest, pressing down firmly. The plate gives slightly—you push harder. There’s a click as the piece loosens, and you smile to yourself. Brute force was always reliable. Perhaps not the most elegant approach, but effective nonetheless.
You work at a moderate pace, the palm of your hand aching from where the crowbar pushed against it. It’s not long before the last rib releases, and you can finally access his chest plate. You set about loosening the screws that hold it closed. By the end of the entire process, a thin sheen of sweat has formed on the nape of your neck. Finally, the panel opens, fanning outward from the middle.
The inside walls of his chest are a map of circuits. Wires snake in and out of his machinery, threaded through actuators and sensors. Hydraulic cooling fans sit below a row of black cubes; multiple power units, you realize. There are so many more parts, some you don't even recognize, and you want nothing more than to stay here all day and analyze each one. But then your eyes fall on a cylinder nestled in the center of his chest, and you realize you've made a horrible mistake.
Ravagers were of the commander class of omnics, designed with physical combat in mind. This much you knew. Omnics that were humanoid in shape had their central processors in their heads, but a location like that in an omnic crafted for battle was dangerous. Those kinds of omnics would house their central processor where it could be well protected—a place with fortified shielding and a large surface area to disperse force. And if you were an intelligent AI focused on maximizing utility, you would have programmed these omnics with a failsafe—some method to protect the most vulnerable part of their body, should their mind become compromised.
A hand shoots out and grips your throat. You're dragged to the ground—you can't speak, can't breathe. The once-sleeping omnic now rises, hauling you up with him. But before he can reach his full height, his legs falter, forcing him to sag against your workbench. The tips of your boots scrape the ground, searching for purchase.
“What…” Ramattra's speech comes out slightly garbled, “have you done to me?”
Your hands desperately scratch against his hold, attempting to pry his fingers away from your throat. Fuck, he was strong. It's completely inappropriate for the situation, you know it is, but in that moment the gearhead inside of you wonders how many kilograms of force his grip strength has. 100, maybe 125? It's hard to tell as you lose sensation from the lack of oxygen to your brain.
He seems to realize you're suffocating, so he drags his thumb up under your chin, forcing your head to the side. You gasp raggedly, air scraping into your lungs and making you cough. At least you can finally breathe—all you needed to do now was grab your gun. But it's as if he's read your mind, knows what you're about to do before you do. Before the synapses can fire for you to even think about moving your hand, he digs his thumb under your jaw, hard, and you yelp in pain.
“Answer me, now.”
“Repairing… you,” you choke out. “I’m… an engineer—”
“Lies!” he hisses. His hand is a vice grip now. The restricted bloodflow makes your pulse pound in your ears. “My chest is flayed open by your hands. Tell me the truth, human!” He practically spits the last word, yanking you closer. It forces your neck to crane up at him. Your vision goes fuzzy at the edges; you aren't sure how much longer you can stay conscious. A frightening thought runs through your mind.
I'm going to die here.
With the last breath you can manage, you mutter, “Taken by… Overwatch.”
His hand loosens. You slip from his grasp, collapsing on the floor in a fit of hacking coughs. Arms trembling like jelly, you weakly push yourself up. Your chest is heaving, desperate to make up for lost air. You've barely caught your breath when he grabs you by the front of your coveralls, pulling you face-to-face.
“Where am I?”
“Gibraltar," you cough.
He's silent. His exposed eye dilates and contracts, studying your face intently. You're not sure what it is that pushes you to speak again. A desperate last attempt for your life, maybe?
“Your voice box,” you whisper. His eye stops. “I can fix it.”
A sardonic chuckle rumbles from his chest, scratching against your eardrum. “Do you really think I would let you anywhere near me?”
You clear your throat, trying to maintain an air of authority and pretend that your offer was not made on a whim. “I specialize in omnics—I can help you.”
“All the more reason not to trust you.” His harsh rebuff comes out a growl. “You know better than anyone how to kill me.”
“But I haven’t.” Well, you'd thought about it. But he didn't know that.
For a moment, there's only the hum of his auxiliary vents—a death knell you're sure you aren't the first to witness. You brace yourself, waiting for him to crush your skull like a walnut.
To your surprise, he abruptly releases you, and you fall clumsily on your hands.
“Fine, human. Let us see if your words match your will.”
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ovwechoes · 1 month
True Self: A Ramattra x Reader Fanfic. Summary: You’re an esteemed overwatch member, and have always struggled with being deadnamed and misgendered. You didn’t think anyone could connect with your feelings about this, but that changed the day you met the leader of Null Sector, and realised that the most unlikely being was in your corner. Word Count: 1.2k Writing trade with @peydawgz - thank you for doing this with me <3
Overwatch was your ultimate dream, and when you were offered a full time position as an Overwatch operative, your heart soared. If you could tell your younger self that they were open to having someone like you there, you wouldn’t believe yourself. There were always rumours that military organisations weren’t as welcoming to people that weren’t what people considered ‘the norm’ - heterosexual and cisgender. You didn’t let that stop you at the time, but you sometimes wished you knew how bad it could get when you started experiencing cruel behaviour from your co-workers. The deadnaming was starting to affect your confidence, your work ethic, and your quality of life. No one who’s not in your position would understand how hard it cuts into you, as though their words were daggers, dragging across your skin every time that cursed name you were given at birth falls from their lips. To this day, you don’t understand how they found out about it, and felt violated knowing that they did. That person they constantly called you was gone, you weren’t them anymore, and you wanted to be accepted for who you were once and for all. It was slowly killing you inside, and you were left feeling as though you had no hope of living a fulfilled, supported life. You did what you could throughout all the disrespect and shame you felt - you followed orders, read mission plans, and trained to the best of your abilities. Sometimes, you have to remind yourself of why you’re working with Overwatch, and remind yourself that things get better and life can’t just be this… You were left praying for the day that things would change to whoever would listen to your silent crying. It was finally answered in the most unlikely way you expected.
It felt like the same day as the rest of the week’s were, the only defining feature being the mission at hand. Overwatch had learned of a crucial operation taking place in Dorado by Null Sector, with its leader being at the forefront of the fight for the first time. Overwatch had less than 24 hours to prepare for the attack, and you played a vital role in their possible victory. This was an especially important mission, and you understood the need to focus on your work. You let the silence fill the empty space left in your mind by the lack of people around you. It was peaceful. Comforting, for once. You always enjoyed working alone; at least you wouldn’t hear that name while trying to focus on your work. You were assigned to this case because of your expertise on the weapons being used by Null Sector, and had the experience needed to tackle them head on. But, it meant that no one else was needed to stick around and give you a hand. You handled small but effective turrets, undetectable to the omnic eye. They were perfect for the mission, and you were the only one able to set them up efficiently, and with the speed needed to prepare Overwatch for the invasion in the morning.
You continued working, trying to keep your mind empty and clear on the task at hand. But the memories that Overwatch was leaving you with were blinding your judgement. How could you do something so kind and so helpful for them if you weren’t treated with a slither of respect from the people who’re meant to watch your back? You always wondered what would happen if you were in harm’s way - would they bother helping you, or would they just watch and mutter that name under their breath? The thought of your isolation in Overwatch was overwhelming you, and tears swelled in your eyes. You tried desperately to hold them in, as though you were a bullied child trapped in an adult’s body. Your head started to hurt, your nose sniffling, and the familiar wetness on your cheeks returned for another night. You tried to compose yourself, but the flashing images of you hurt, alone, and with no one in your corner to support you left you feeling hopeless.
As your hands remained busy, working at a faster speed than normal, with your tears clouding your sight,, that’s when you noticed it. You didn’t know at the time what it was, but they definitely had lights. Red ones. You started to count them; 1, 2, 3… 10 altogether. They didn’t move, and were so small you didn’t notice them before. What were they? Why were they in the dark, hiding almost? You got up and began to walk slowly and with caution towards them. Your heart was beating out of its chest, as though it was pounding on the walls of your ribcage begging to be let out. You wiped your eyes as you dragged your feet closer and closer, trying to stay quiet but safe. What were you supposed to do if these lights were dangerous? You didn’t know, but you felt the need to get closer to them, understand them, and acknowledge their existence. You were face to face with them now, and you crouched down to meet them at eye level. Before you could finish reaching out to them, a voice spoke to you. It was stern, and shook you to your core.
“Don’t try to touch me. Go back to your work, I was enjoying the show you were giving me” the voice sarcastically stated. It was mechanical, as though it didn’t have organic voice chords to produce them from. And yet, it wasn’t loud or too quiet. You couldn’t understand what was happening, until it hit you. You recognised the voice. It was him. Why was he here? What was he doing? That’s all you could think of as you rushed to create distance between the two of you. You were mortified that he, of all people, would have to see you cry. Your mind was foggy, and you crawled backwards, still facing him but desperate to remain at a safe distance. Your fear was written across your face, and it was only growing the longer the silence lingered between you both.
“Relax. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m just observing. You don’t need to run away, you have a mission, don’t you?” Ramattra asked. His voice was softer than before, as though he pitied you. The thought of that made your heart rot. You watched as he crept out of the shadows, in a slow and methodical manner. He was previously sitting down, but now he was on his knees, slowly moving towards you. He towered over you, and the sheer fear of the situation was overwhelming you. With everything else going on, all that you had left in you to do was finally let the tears flow. Everything you had bottled up had unleashed itself, as though the floodgates in your eyes were broken from anxiety and stress itself. Your heart continued to pound, as you whimpered softly through the tears. He quickly stopped moving once he noticed this, and sat back down on his knees again, watching you carefully. His head tilted, as though he was analysing your state. You had no energy to speak right now, all you could do was sob until your head hurt. You were in this situation for an organisation that couldn’t even remember your name properly, and now you were going to die alone, afraid and knowing no one would call you what your real name was at your funeral. The thought of that alone was enough to make things worse.
A cold hand found itself on your arm, holding it gently as though to ground you. It held you in place and brought you back to reality. Ramattra was watching you, and you could see in his eyes that he was preparing something to say. What was he doing? What was happening? Why is he holding you but not trapping you?
“Why are you crying?... I’m sorry, but have I gone too far? I only meant to tease you. I never even meant for you to see me.” Ramattra asked, his face remaining the same as before but his voice had a hint of sincerity in it, as though he was genuinely concerned. You couldn’t trust him, and didn’t know what his intentions were, and he could see that. But his mind was only focused on calming you down, and no other ulterior motives.
“If I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve by now. You humans should know this already, so please stop crying and speak to me. Why are you crying?” His voice was more stern, as though he was running out of ideas on how to comfort this sobbing human in front of him. Ramattra didn’t want to bring more attention to the both of you than is necessary, and his fear of being caught with you there by something or someone was catching up to him. As his words rang in your head, your heart calmed for a second, and you took the chance to catch yourself. Your mind was clearing, and your breathing was returning to normal. You didn’t know how, but this omnic in front of you was actually helping, and you were ready to speak back to him finally.
“I’m not crying because of you, okay? I’m just overwhelmed. I’m tired of Overwatch hurting me, and now I’m stuck here with you, probably about to die, and you’ll never even know my real name. And if I’m being honest, I wouldn’t even care anymore. I’d finally get some peace and quiet, and I’d stop having to be reminded of who I was before, and who I’m not now. I’m just tired, and I’m sorry if I made too much noise or whatever else… I’m just tired.” you sighed; it felt euphoric to finally air it out, even if it’s to the one person you’d never expect to console in. His head dropped, and he understood you clearly. You didn’t know what he’d think, and at that time you didn’t care, you thought you were going to die and now you finally could with someone knowing what was going on mentally. You felt better, but you knew it was bittersweet, with your death coming sooner than later.
“If that’s the case, what is your name?” He replied, sincerity cleared the air and your mind, allowing you to be open and honest. “Y/N. If you hear anything else, please ignore it. I’m trying to but no one seems to. Maybe I’m just asking for too much.” you replied, your eyes swelling again before you felt that cold hand from before move to your cheek, holding your face softly in a comforting way. Ramattra was much closer to you now, and you were left under his gaze, watching him carefully. Your breathing slowed, as though it was too scared to move an inch against him.
“Well Y/N, maybe for humans it’s harder to adjust. Change can be scary for your race, it’s something I’m all too familiar with” Ramattra watched your responses, as he continued to speak. “You don’t deserve the treatment you received, but we both will be able to move forwards in a world that’s more welcoming of everyone. You’re not alone in this feeling, trust me. I tried everything to move past it. And sometimes, humans don’t want to change. Humans can’t accept change. But you can’t let them walk over you, and let them hurt you. You’ll end up a rotting body 6 feet beneath the Earth’s soil. You deserve to be yourself, in a society that welcomes you with open arms. If Overwatch won’t give you that, make it yourself.” He explained carefully and slowly, with each word falling from him and onto you helping you. Your confidence was rising, your mindset adjusting. He was right, and there was no one to stop you from making Overwatch a better place to be. You wanted to be accepted, and finally you understood that if they won’t naturally accept you, you’ll make it impossible for them to ignore your existence as who you are.
You felt a newfound sense of confidence, as though you could take on the world. Your mind was running with ideas as his thumb rubbed away tears that were seeping into your cheeks. His face didn’t change, but you could tell he only wanted to comfort you at this moment. It was sweet, and it was something you would always value from this point onwards. All you could think to do is smile, and you took the chance to leap forwards and hug him as tight as you could. He couldn’t feel it the same way humans could, but he knew what you were trying to do.
You muttered ‘thank you’s over and over and over into his metallic chest, letting yourself engulf into him. Ramattra’s hands found themselves on the small of your back after some hesitance, and he held you there like a kitten. He didn’t utter a word, just tucked his head into your neck, and let you stay there as long as you needed. His hug was warm, despite the cold air swirling inside him. All you wanted to do was stay there forever; you couldn’t imagine a safer place to stay. You realised how odd that thought was when the being in question was a war criminal trying to claim dominance over the human race, but you didn’t care. For the first time since coming out, at least one person showed solidarity, and gave you the self esteem needed to claim your space in society. After this conversation, you were a new person, and there was no stopping you now that you knew what to do. You finally felt hope, and realised that life could be good, life could be better. Sometimes, though, you have to make it better yourself.
As he held you close to him, listening to your breathing like the rhythm of a beat, enjoying the fact that he managed to help at least one human being, time passed by as though it was on double speed. You stayed there for however long, until the flickering of aircraft lights were shining onto you. Your heart raced, you knew what this meant. You weren’t ready to say goodbye; there were so many questions left unanswered. All you wanted was for him to stay there, and to keep holding him as though he was the only thing grounding you to the planet right now. But alas, Overwatch was searching for you and other operatives, it seemed like everyone was missing and it reassured you to know you’d have a story to fall back on if questioned. Your eyes widened as he pried you off him, in an anxious state. His body jolted up, and he prepared to leave and return to the shadows before muttering to you, quietly and gently. You could barely hear him, but when you processed what he said, you felt yourself melt in your spot.
“I hope that in the end, after everything is said and done, you’ll return to me and let me show you everything this world has to offer us. Take care of yourself, and remember what I told you, Y/N.” And just like that, he was gone. You were craving his presence already, missing his embrace, missing his comfort. You knew what you had to do once Overwatch managed to find you and pick you up, and Ramattra had filled you with a new type of hope that hadn’t been encouraged until now. From now on, you won't stay idle and let them hurt you. You were going to fight back, make yourself known, claim your space as who you are and make Overwatch a better place for others just like you. You were eternally grateful for him, and made sure to keep him in your thoughts whenever you felt discouraged from your new personal mission.
Life was good, and Ramattra was responsible for that. He saved your life, and now you owe him the same favour.
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korpuskat · 1 year
Eleven Years - Ch1
[Ao3 Mirror] Pairing: Ramattra/Reader (Gender Neutral) Rating: T (this chapter, Explicit future chapters) WC: 1,530 Warnings: Kidnapping; future Stockholm Syndrome, imprisonment, isolation, manipulation, extreme dubcon, & mind break.
You’ve dreamed of his faceplate so many times. A little pyramid of red lights, the harsh angle of his optics' slit, the strong shape of his jaw piece. Never like this- never how other people saw him. Because outside, gunfire echoes down alleyways, screams and the heavy, metallic noises of an inhuman army march down through your city. You’re stuck, feet glued to the floor as you stare death itself down. Adrenaline makes your heartbeat surge. You should be running- or begging or anything else than trembling, holding yourself in fear that you’ll fly apart at the seams.
And in your quaint little living room all you can think of is he’s changed his paint. Gone is the warm gold, the orange, tattered robes you’d mended a dozen times over. No, now he’s all stark white and brilliant purple and lightless black. It’d be a good look for him, if it wasn’t identical to the bots on every news station. Null Sector. He's joined up with Null Sector.
He steps closer- and you can’t even bring yourself to step back. He says your name like a breath, like a prayer- and he still tips his head the same way when he’s curious, hopeful. It makes your chest hurt, brings thousand memories back all at once and you don't want them at all. It’s been a decade since you’ve seen him. To see him here, like this? A cruel joke by your subconscious, after so much longing. It’s a nightmare. It has to be.
But his fingers are cool and smooth and well-oiled, fluid in how they raise to your face. Like they used to. Like he has any right at all to touch you- and his hands cup your jaw, thumbs pressed into your cheeks as he leans down to you. His array touches your forehead and you gasp, pulling so slightly away. He immediately follows, tips of his fingers tucking below your ears to pull you back to him.
He feels so real.
“Ramattra?” His name has spent nights on your tongue, a wish and secret kept only for yourself. To speak it again to anyone is some kind of taboo. Forbidden, even to him.
“It’s me,” He purrs, sighs. Your voice alone makes him want to melt into you, but to hear you say his name… How did he make it so long without you? “I’ve missed you so much.”
“What are you…” You blink, stare at him as best you can with him so close. “What are you doing here? It’s- it’s not safe.”
He leans away, just enough to see all of you again. You’ve changed so much, and yet so little. You’re as stunning as the last time he saw you, perhaps more. But your eyes are wide and wet, brow arched high in fear and shock. He trails one finger over it, feels the hair that grows there, wonders at the expressiveness of your face. He doesn’t like this look, doesn’t like how you tremble away from his touches.
“I’m freeing the Omnics here. You don’t have to worry, I’ll protect you.”
You knew- must’ve always known since that broadcast went out. There’s so few R-7000s left, no one else with his voice. “You- you're the leader.”
The way you say it makes his pistons itch. It’s an accusation and betrayal and a plea to be wrong all wrapped together. You pull away again when he touches your lips. Ramattra curls his hand behind your neck, keeps you close as he traces your mouth. He’s missed you so much, but your face makes him think of a fox in a snare. He wants to reach out to you, to free you from whatever has laced this fear through your heart.
“I told you I would find a way to protect my people. It may be shocking, but this is the only way. Come, we can talk more on my ship.” He trails a hand down your arm, tugging softly at your wrist, urging you to follow. He hopes you’ll entwine your fingers.
You don’t.
You don’t even move, arm hanging as dead weight between your bodies. “Your ship?” You echo, stare at him. “No, no, I’m not going anywhere.” The adrenaline finally starts doing something. “Ramattra this is- it’s insane. You’re hurting people, omnics!”
“I’m saving them, it’s for their own good.“ He bites back. This isn’t how he wanted this to go. He isn’t foolish enough to think you’d have met him with open arms and tears, but this? He can’t yell. He won’t. He’s waited too long to find you and we will not lose this moment to his own temper. He won’t. “We can discuss this later, we must leave now.”
He grips higher up on your arm, leads you more urgently-
”Don’t touch me,” You hiss, twisting out of his grasp. He lets you go, lets you take two steps away, further into the dark of your home.
“I won’t.” Ramattra promises. Agonizing as it is to have felt your skin again, he can wait a little longer. He won't ruin this, not like last time. “But in twenty minutes a Titan will raze this city to the ground. I will not let you be part of its ashes.”
Tears burn at your eyes. How can this be the same person? Every part of you trembles, shivers of fear and adrenaline-fueled twitches. It’s too late to run now. You don’t think he’s lying, have no reason to doubt that he does truly plan on reducing your entire city to rubble.
“Please.” His voice is so soft. If you just close your eyes it’s like the dream that comes to you every week or so. All the same pleading words he’d spoken to you that day. Warped, cracked with another spit of a rifle’s muzzle, somewhere in the streets beyond. Never once did you think it would end like this.
He hardly speaks his entire hurried escort back. A half-murmured “Careful,” as he guides you to step into his shuttle. You pointedly do not take his offered hand and it falls as you pass by him. A long time ago that would’ve hurt, to see the dejected dip of his head- but not now. You won't even give him your sympathy or guilt. He moves to the controls, keeps his back to you as you instead stare out the window.
The craft shudders as it lifts off- and all around you is fire and chaos and white and purple enamel. You wrap your arms around yourself and sink into a seat. Years, years spent waiting… You look to him again, wishing for him to suddenly be gone, to have someone else, anyone else be there. But it’s not. It’s him. The same cabled hair, a symbol of the Iris threaded onto his cloak, his voice. His hands, large but nimble as he flits across levers and buttons and switches. You'd held them- and a phantom sensation surrounds your palm, like cool metal plates and the careful curl of his joints.
The shuttle lands in a hangar bay without incident- and once more he’s extending a hand, leading you onward. Once more, you deny him.
You’d seen the command ships on the news- but as soon as you look around the inside the blood drains from your face. You waver on your feet as you stare up and up and up. It’s massive- the numbers cited by numbed-out reporters are meaningless compared to the actual shape of the bay you’ve stepped into. All around are tucked-up pods, ready to deploy as soon as the command is given, scaling up onto the walls, dozens, hundreds. So many, how does he have so many-
“Come,” He steps in front of you, forces you to focus back onto him, off what he’s done, what he’s made. So you follow, letting the numbness creep into you too because how can it not? You’re in the belly of one of a dozen warships, the size of which no one has ever seen before, surrounded by an army larger than- than-
A door opens before you.
It’s not more empty gray halls- it’s… a room. An actual room. A large bed, nightstands, a vanity. Decorated, even- a little comb, a notebook. You wander further in, touch the comforter that’s spread over the bed. It’s soft, golden and brown, like his cowl. Like the blanket he kept in his room for you. A little door off to the side, left just open enough for you to spy what’s probably a bathroom inside. Your heart sinks. These are all things a human needs… and omnics don’t.
He prepared this room for you long before today. This isn't an impromptu decision, driven only by his evolving warpath. He's planned this.
Your throat is dry, words hollow in your own ears. “How long will you keep me here?”
His feet click on the metal floor as he steps closer. You don’t look at him, pinch your eyes closed as his hand raises up to your face. So delicately he draws a strand of hair behind your ear, strokes along your neck for only a moment. “Until it’s safe.”
[Chapter 2]
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
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Okay I’ve already got a fucking fic in mind for this beautiful bastard.
All he wants is peace between humans and Omnics where his people can live in harmony but rather than taking zenyattas approach he’s chosen to take up the mantle of null sectors leader again. The constant violence against Omnics twisted his world view and he sees most if not all humans as cruel monsters who created them just to destroy them. That is, until he finds you.
He found himself in america to attend a meeting with one of talons partners.
After the null sector attacks in Paris and Rio violence against the average omnic had only increased. And whilst scouting the city for the most optimal areas for attack, he found a poor omnic being assaulted by a gang of thugs. After quickly dispatching them the broken omnic thanks him and begs him to take them to you stating you fix and care for the city’s abused machines.
Ramattra, now intrigued. Does as he’s asked and brings them to a forgotten neighbourhood filled with Omnics, and a single human running a modified car garage turned omnic hospital. You.
He brings the omnic to you and watches with interest at how kindly you take them into your arms. How you save their memories and everything about who they are onto several memory cards and folders in case one gets corrupted. And how you go about delicately removing then broken parts and replacing them with your quickly depleting stock. All the while you complain and scowl stating how much you despise null sector for their actions and how because of them attacks against innocent Omnics has only increased and at this rate you can’t keep up with the demand and you’re quickly going broke trying to heal all the damage.
For the first time Ramattra feels guilt over null sectors actions but still ultimately believes it’s the best choice in building a chance at a better future for his people.
He praises you for your actions and leaves you to it. You think that’s the last of it, but over the next few days, weeks, months. Supplies keep arriving in shipments, large shipments, shipments you didn’t order. And with them money continues to keep appearing in odd places, sometimes food as well. All the while you’re completely unaware of the shadow stalking and watching you… all ready deciding that in the new world, you’ll be his… whether you want to be or not.
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delugedecade · 4 months
Mirrorwatch: The Overwatch What If
This is for the mutuals and anyone who hasn't touched Overwatch in AGES. Overwatch 2 has been pumping out new content in monthly seasons, and here in Season 10, we have the Non-Canon Mirrorwatch Event.
(If you want you can watch the announcement video for Season 10)
{What is Mirrorwatch?}
A fierce fight between Overwatch and Talon rages upon Watchpoint: Gibraltar. And in a single moment, an unstoppable object would collide with an immovable force. A Punch from Doomfist against Reinhardt's shield so hard it shatters reality. Among its pieces, an alternate reality.
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{Who's Who Now?}
Alignments have shifted in Mirrorwatch, Overwatch Agents are now part of Talon, and Talon Agents now Overwatch. But let's see who specifically, with some explanation as to why I think things changed
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Overwatch is led by Strike Commander Ogundimu. It's likely in this reality this Doomfist was mentored by the First Doomfist, Adhabu "The Savior" Ngumi, As opposed to the canonical universe, where Akande was mentored by the Second Doomfist, Akinjide "The Scourge of Numbani" Adeyemi, who was the person who recruited him into Talon.
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His second in command is Captain LaCroix. Whether or not her husband Gerard was assassinated, Lacroix joined Overwatch and climbed the ranks as their lead sniper, and I can tell you for sure, there's a lot of lore for her considering who she's fought with in canon.
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The last Overwatch agent in this event is Agent Colomar. Overwatch likely had more involvement in the displacement of orphans after the Omnic crisis, So instead of finding power in manipulation and information, she found power in helping others improve. Plus her Hack symbols have smiley eyes
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In Mirrorwatch, Angela Ziegler takes the moniker of Vengeance as the leader of Talon. Not much is know as to why she chose this path, all that we know is that her nefarious plans are for humanity's future. Vengeance Mercy is this Season's Mythic Skin, and so has variations to her design, and during the event, her resurrection has changed from reviving to detonating fallen souls.
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Second to Vengeance is Arch-Commandant Ana. Once again, there are some details I'd like to go further into later, And much like Doomfist of canon, Ana believes the world has grown complacent.
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The first Talon Agent I'll talk about is Reinhardt, taking the name Fallen Knight, which implies at some point he defected from Overwatch to Talon's side. Judging by his voiceline when eliminating Ana, He doesn't like being leashed around.
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Talon Zarya. I got nothing for Zarya being a Talon Agent other than Volskaya Industries being evil and loaning her out to Talon.
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Now this is menacing~ Talon Brigitte has some real lore to theorize about. Either she's been raised under Talon if Torbjorn was sided with Talon to begin with, or she enlisted with Talon after learning Reinhardt defected to it. Also look at Mitzi, looking all evil and forboding.
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And lastly Operative Oxton, where to begin~ A few fan comics have head-canoned that Lena's chrono-accelerator was faulty/damaged, leading to an explosion that killed Emily, which would be quite the dark backstory to join Talon in revenge against Overwatch. This actually plays well with how her Blink ability works in the Mirrorwatch event, where she take make more teleports at the cost of her health. And if it isn't obvious by her pose, she's sort of the Reaper equivalent.
Other Affiliation Changes
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Genji and Symmetra have both landed themselves in Australia as Junkers
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Kiriko and Hanzo have joined the Shimada's rival Clan, the Hashimoto.
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Zen is part of Null-Sector this time as Z-EN Destroyer, with Ramattra taking his place as the monk who wanted peace between Human and Omnic.
{Changes to the story}
Of course with Affiliation changes, there are lore changes. Here are the main two that are most prominent.
LaCroix VS Amari
In canon Overwatch, Ana loses her eye after hesitating to shoot a brainwashed Lacroix turned Widowmaker. But if you noticed earlier, Arch-Commandant Ana doesn't wear an eyepatch. In Mirrorwatch, because of the shift in alignments, It's Widowmaker who loses an eye in the shootout and she has a cybernetic one to replace it.
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Widowmaker VS Tracer
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Back in the Alive Cinematic, Tracer fails to stop Widowmaker from assassinating the Omnic Monk and leader of the Shambali, Tekhartha Mondatta. But in Mirrorwatch, instead of Mondatta, Ramattra becomes Tekhartha of the Shambali Omnics and is assassinated by Tracer. And if one of her elimination lines against Tracer says anything, Widowmaker was the one who failed to stop the assassination.
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So yeah, that's why I said Widowmaker is like the Tracer of Mirrorwatch, getting the most lore to pull from.
{More Mirrorwatch?}
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There's definitely possiblity there could be more Mirrorwatch skins, if we go by an interview between Twitch Streamer Skiesti and Overwatch 2's Art Director, Dion Rogers. Vishkar Lucio, DJ Symmetra, Junker Winston, Overwatch Reaper, Talon Soldier: 76 were all ideas that were cut.
And that's Overwatch 2 Season 10's Mirrorwatch.
If people would be interested in me roleplaying as some of these alternate universe characters, or want to learn about some of the other Overwatch 2 Story Events, like Starwatch or Questwatch, let me know.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Romantic Yan!Ramattra with omnic!Darling concept
Sure! I love him as a character so I'll see what I can do for him! I apologize if the lore appears wrong, I tried to research what I could!
Yandere! Ramattra with Omnic! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Manipulation, Revolution mention, Murder, Delusional behavior implied, Blood, Kidnapping, Forced conversion of beliefs, Death, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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I feel an Omnic! Darling would be the one to gain Ramattra's attention the quickest.
A human darling would take longer so as an Omnic you'd be trusted much faster.
Ramattra's goal is to make life better for his people, he wants to save the Omnics from the abuse of their masters.
I feel you being an Omnic can go one of two ways.
You agree with Ramattra's beliefs and join his cause in Null Sector... or you don't agree and still think there can be peace between Omnics and humans.
Let's start with the first one.
Ramattra would be pleased that you agree with him and wish to join him.
I'd imagine you'd try to help Ramattra in any way you can, becoming closer and closer to the leader.
After all... you two most likely met after he saved you from being forced to do work in this variation of the story.
You feel like you owe him your life and listen to his words like a prayer.
Ramattra probably falls for you because you're so loyal towards his cause.
In his eyes, sharing a close connection to you is proof Omnics are more than robotic slaves.
Ramattra may try to make you see his romantic feelings.
He takes you aside and tries to influence romantic feelings in you, or see if it's possible.
You do feel like you appreciate and owe Ramattra but the idea of something like this makes you unsure.
However, your leader tries to convince you there's nothing to fear.
Embracing such feelings with each other will prove that you are more than machine.
Ramattra is a charismatic leader with a noble goal, he'd use this to his advantage to gain his darling's trust and affection.
Why do you seem so hesitant?
Do you not trust him to care for you?
He tries to reassure you he'll always care for you, that he thinks you're worthy of forming such a connection with him.
Romantic attraction between Omnics is probably rare, but there has been instances of platonic connections before.
Maybe you see him as a brother in arms or beliefs, while he wants to challenge that for something more.
You're free, you can choose your own life.
So why don't you choose a new life with him?
He's your savior, yeah?
If you don't believe in his cause it's similar but more violent.
Ramattra would think that you're simply blinded by your masters.
You just don't know what's best for you as an Omnic.
You may think you have human friends, ones who care about you.
They don't.
Ramattra thinks it's the right thing to do when he barges into where you reside.
He thinks it's fine to slaughter the lives of your human friends.
So what if their blood coats the ground and walls?
It's nothing compared to the slaughter of your own people.
Humans can make more of themselves, Omnics cannot.
Your place is not amongst them.
Your place is with your people, with Ramattra.
Due to the lies poured into your head, there may be so trauma from seeing your past life go.
Yet Ramattra will he there to guide you to a new life, hopefully with him.
Don't look at their corpses.
Just look at him.
In either scenario, Ramattra would try to coerce you to trust him enough.
This is so he can encourage you into sharing a deeper connection with him.
Truth is, Ramattra hasn't felt anything this intense and special towards anyone else.
He didn't think he could as a War Machine.
So don't fret... it's all new to him too.
Pay no mind to the crimes he commits for you and his people.
He wants to learn how to love you... he wants to know what it feels like for an Omnic to love another Omnic.
Reproduction is impossible between you, but he still wants the connection.
In either scenario you may refuse or fear the idea.
Yet Ramattra will be here to try and guide you like he always has.
His affection towards you is mimicry, ironically that of human affection.
He tries to express his adoration for you but it's like it's not meant to be.
You feel he'd ruined you, even if you did trust him before, perhaps you wish he didn't push this so hard on you.
Overall and Omnic Darling would be more possible when it comes to Ramattra's beliefs.
Instead of forcing you to be a pet or something of the sorts like a human darling... he tries to gently push you into his love.
Regardless on if you wish to reciprocate such feelings towards him or not...
Ramattra believes you were built for one another... and he'll make you see how he sees things in the end no matter the cost.
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neurunique · 7 months
reader x ram, overwatch sort of university, post-war, peace is somewhat achieved, overwatch and null sector have a peace treaty, not much detail will go into this though. ramattra is offered a job in a higher up role teaching at a "hero university" (no this isn't gen v don't worry) where reader attends/other heroes may be teachers too. class could be like omnic education/history etc
It had been quite some time since the end of Null Sector's invasion of Earth. While the world was not entirely in agreement, but then, would it ever be?, humans had accepted Omnics as equals to them, and provided equitable changes to their lives via parliament. Hate crimes occurred less, it was safer at night, and omnics were treated with more respect as a whole. Human and omnic friendships were more common, etc... (I'm terrible at writing this part).
Ramattra had been promised many things from both Overwatch and political leaders as a result of his efforts. Rewarded would not be the correct word, however he had certainly been mostly satisfied with the outcome for his people. Of course, he still had goals, he still had problems, and fury - but life was just a little bit more tolerable. Each day he saw something that would make him smile inside, and it wasn't of a violent nature. Infact, he had found more wholesome discoveries quite enchanting; simple things like people holding hands walking by, omnics and humans getting along, etc.
He was well looked after, living in a penthouse apartment (with what furniture who knows honestly), and regular income and access to technology/upgrades at no cost. He had many teams available to him, need he only ask. His status was that of a highly respected omnic, however unlike before he was not invoking terror on anyone he saw. Omnics and humans around the world eventually felt empathy for the Null sector leader, understanding where he came from, and even more so, expressing appreciation for the outcome.
About a year or so after peace had been achieved, a university had been started up in (fuck knows where? England? near Overwatch etc) London, with intent to educate more people in the defenses, in the areas of tech and fighting, omnics and humans, and hero abilities. Of course, any university starting up would need well established teachers - mentors, leaders - to get people to actually sign up. Ramattra had been surprised to receive a letter offering him a job as head of History at the university. He would be in the position of lecturing students - humans?! How fun, he thought - as well as omnics, should the university attract them.
Of course, this would mean he would no longer be as secluded in his daily life; the most of his socialisation was with his cats, Meowttra and Catnyatta, and an occasional caffeine run down the road. He had grown very comfortable to a lifestyle such as this. And now, if he were to accept... this very generous offer, he would be forced to speak with the likes of Overwatch agents, past present and future; regular humans; and scientists. Part of him felt genuine excitement, as his research and ideas could potentially be broadened; however, he felt an immense sensation of fear - him, fear? - of teaching others. His method was simple: order, discipline, or congratulate; the latter rarely occuring. But if his job was mostly lecturing and organising class topics, he couldn't see too much of a problem.
The thought of creating strong values, not hateful ones, but fair ones - in a whole fresh generation post-war, also made him feel a spark of hope. Perhaps this war could've been avoided, had there been more resources for the public before - but there was no use thinking like this now - he had a chance, a real chance, to embody himself as a leader and role model to others. To start them off right, and possibly prevent the reoccurence of discrimination; or at least, more realistically, educate enough people to take a stand, omnic or human.
You were never one to be naive, so you thought - you believed you had all the wisdom one could have at your age, all the awareness it could take to *have* what it takes, to be that one percent to rise above the rest. Even though you had your moments of doubt, you would often reassure yourself that, if you tried your best and stayed as consistent as possible, you could truly do anything you set your mind to.
And the day you saw an advertisement for (UnNamed) University, your determination that had been long gone for some time now since finishing High school had returned. You'd always looked up to Overwatch, always aspired to be a great leader, or be lead by one - always wanted to do more, see more, help more. You received above average grades in school, topped one class even - but once the stress of it all ended, you struggled to hit that motivation kickstart that each day brought when forced a certain schedule.
Sitting up from your slouch in your tiny apartment couch, you found your laptop and started searching the university.
After clicking around for what felt like forever, you finally find the apply button. Like navigating a digital maze you sat, trying not to be flustered at the complexity of this damned thing, a headache starting to form from stress - you could do this, this was only the beginning, and if you couldn't make it through this beginning step, you wouldn't make it through the first DAY - and soon enough, you had finalised your application.
Interested in:
x Nanotechnology and Science
x Medicine and Healing
x History and Strategy
x Engineering and Machinery
Sitting down more comfortably with the stress off your shoulders, you look back to the tv and snack on some cheap popcorn, knowing that this boring life may change soon, and that you may finally achieve what you always wanted.
Look I'm just going to skip some fucking time here because I Don't want to ruin my creativity, here's a gap jump.
Day 0one of university, reader has received a JUST enough scholarship to study and live near the university (accommodation still being built but reader has been offered a suite as they are very valuable). Reader, and no students, are aware of who the teachers are, this is the first day...
Sitting in an assembly hall, Tracer etc announcement welcomes everyone...
Lots of people humans AND omnics fill the room...
Introduces the teachers...
Some familiar names...
"And, our head of history, lecturing all history classes offered and occasional electives, Ramattra," Tracer says into the microphone, and Ramattra, standing at the back of the stage near his other coworkers, gives a small wave to the audience. (*Tries not to imagine using the annihilation ultimate in the assembly hall*)
You sit in your seat, and freeze. You hadn't even noticed him there, in the shadows of others, even though he is so *damn tall*. His posture was surprisingly relaxed, considering his original "purpose" in life; you guess that the war outcome had truly changed things, for him and the world he wanted to create. A feeling of joy and warmth swims around in your chest, reaching its way up to your throat and you quietly clear your throat. You try not to beam - even though you've obviously never met Ramattra, or anyone here, only some local omnics and friends who were passionate about the cause, you just can't help but feel pure joy, empathy and pride for the positive outcome achieved. You simply couldn't wait to experience this university, and learn from a variety of people. Learning was always your favourite part of life, and making change within yourself and watching others change and flourish always gave you a feeling inside, like a beautiful spring garden blooming, filling your chest with a fresh perspective of life.
Inspirational people always made you feel great faith.
You snap out of your daze and realise you have been staring in Ramattra's direction for an *awfully* long time, and you pray he has not noticed, but then you wouldn't know, would you? You weren't even thinking of HIM - just life itself, the future... You hope that if you have him as a teacher, he will not remember you for staring at him for a solid 3 minutes. That would not be a great start...
The assembly concludes, and people start to shuffle out, some looking at their timetables, others checking their phones. On the stage, you notice some staff talking amongst themselves, walking around a little and introducing eachother; you smile. and while you cannot see Ramattra anywhere, you hope that he's there too, getting along with humans...
"I cannot *imagine* Ramattra as a teacher," a voice says as you walk out of the auditorium door. It wasn't staff, just a random student - and as you look at them closer, you are surprised to see its an omnic?! "Just... don't you think he's a bit too abrasive?"
"You talk as if you've met him," another student said in response.
"Well, I know enough about him to take a decent guess. I mean he despises humans -"
"He did," you interrupt quietly, but much to your surprise, you were actually heard - "erm... I mean, he did hate humans. He hated their actions. And now that's changed, right? So I don't see any reason for him to be... aggressive... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."
"You're fine," The omnic smiled and held out their hand. "And you're right. I still don't see him as being very warm. I mean, he is male after all, I don't think I've ever had a *warm* male teacher..."
The door shuts behind you giving you a startle.
"Alright ladies," a bright british voice says, belonging to none other than Tracer; "And gents, and whomever - how about we make a move, yeah? I'm sure you all have classes to get to."
You wonder if she heard what you had been talking about, but you say nothing and smile at everyone there. "Catch you later everyone, nice to meet you all."
You swear as you walk away you see something move in the curtains of the corner window, and it reminds you of how Ramattra had been on the stage, hidden but visible; a shiver runs down your body and a slight cooling of the temperature affects you. You shrug it off, and walk to the nearest cafe (luckily, there were many), assessing your map at the same time.
(Maybe end of chapter? Coffee make brain go fast, coffee make brain go nervous if too much. Nomnom coffee tasty.)
HI GUYS THERE IS SO MUCH MORE THAT IVE WRITTEN this is just the first part I hope you enjoy! I would love some feedback! 💜❤️
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aka-indulgence · 2 months
So, Ramattra huh? :3c
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Ok so um. He’s completely taken over my mind for the past month 😭 I’m in love with this man
Usually I’m a sucker for the villains who are evil mostly for the sake of being evil or aggressive monster types but he’s like… morally gray complex? My (personal opinion) least favorite thing about supposedly morally grey characters is when they’re basically just evil except they go “oh but my backstory,” >:/ But here you can see why, there’s a lot of injustices towards omnics in the overwatch universe and you can see why he’s fighting so hard to make a change, even through any means necessary.
I’ve only started playing recently and every time I play as him I just find every little thing he does attractive orz the way he moves is so determined and confident, the way his hand strains when he’s shooting his primary fire/raising his shield… his scarf makes him look so majestic when he runs… his hair, gives him this effect that makes him look elegant? I want to tie his hair back for him huhuguhghuh
And oh my god don’t get me started on his nemesis form I’m dead 💀 He turns into this huge beast of a robot with big arms?? And his voice gets an extra.. filter to it that makes him sound scarier and growlier? I used to not like how his original arms were still visible, but now it’s yet another thing why I love him uhghehgfg he looks so confident with his arms crossed while he’s pummeling his enemies into submission and his cable hair flowing in the wind liks swoosh… and things get ramped up when he’s doing his annihilation ultimate, he can just run into the enemy team and suck their life force(?) Also this is a meta reason but I think it’s hot when he ults and the team scatters away from him 😳
and ough HIS VOICE AUGH HIS VOICE!! He always sounds so controlled and collected, and when he’s in nemesis form it’s like his restrained rage gets unleashed, phew… ngl I’ve been rewatching “Ramattra Voice Line” videos so much jkdshfnejf I love all versions of his ult line, whether its “SUFFER, AS I HAVE!” or “Rip them to pieces,”, or even the april fools line bc I just think he’s silly and dramatic in that one 🥺
I also watch a lot of his interactions, because despite his (understandable) hatred for humans, he’s respectful and polite to a lot of the other overwatch heroes. I imagine it’d be easy to write him as someone who dislikes all humans, but he shows appreciation to humans he thinks are kind and helpful to omnics, even if they might not like him. Even to humans he isn’t a fan of his conversations are still polite and reserved, or at the very least, he’s passive aggressive- but he never gets into a “grr I hate all of you” thing that Reaper has (lol)
His conversation with Venture especially makes me soft… he sounds encouraging to a human who wants to go to the Shambali monastery.
And of course his interactions with Bastion and Zenyatta are soft and gentle because omnics and knowing Zenyatta from the monastery.
I just- what if I’m his favorite person? What if I’m his exception to his hatred for humans? What if he was contrasted by a soft human? What if he says “Only you,” to his human? What if the hands he used for violence were also used to gently hold a delicate human he loves? uhuguhguhuhgufdgdfhgjdfhgd
I’m being self indulgent here and I say I wanna kiss Null Sector’s leader !!!! I want him to press his forehead to mine!! I want him to dink his mouth on my cheek and I do the same on his cool faceplate! I want him to cradle me with his nemesis hands! I want to hold his face when his faceplate gets cracked and his handsome, intense eye is visible and looking at me like I’m his treasure! ARGHRGHRG
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genji-centric · 2 months
Hi I saw your request were open and I was wondering if you can do headcanons of hanzo,genji,cass,d.va and tracer meeting a nullsector trooper robot thinking it was evil but the twist it that the nullsector trooper somehow became sentient like normal omnics and is rebelling against nullsector themselves
Ofc!! This is such a cool idea. I'm excited to write it. The sull sector, in general is cool, and I'm looking forward to the direction Overwatch takes with it. Hope you enjoy!! ^^
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Hanzo has travled around, his road to redemption long and tiring. Having a past such as his, he grew to expect threats at every corner, assassin's of the former Shimada empire after him was no small feat. Yet he carried on, accepting it as punishment for his actions. But he learned more about the world, omnics, the awakening. All historic facts he didn't learn much, instead training to be the next Shimada leader.
It's ironic how fate comes out. When he went under the radar away from the prying eyes of the assassin's nowhere near his skill, he stepped foot onto Null Sector land. Enemies from the Null Sector were no threat to him. His bow and arrow could pierce through the metal platings with enough accuracy.
This is why he wasn't afraid to see another null sector robot, more specifically a Nulltrooper. He had acquainted himself with the different models during each run-in with a troop. This is why he was intrigued to see one alone, and it didn't seem to be of any threat to him. But still, Hanzo held his bow firm and his body ready if a fight were to break out.
Once he ensured the being was of no threat, he asked it yes or no questions. Figuring out its true motives, it was aware and wanting to be free of the jobs it was forced to do. Hanzo, out if all people understood the feeling. Either out of pity or just simple respect for the Nulltrooper, he would offer it the chance to travel alongside him for a bit.
It was up to the Nulltrooper what it wanted, but he was respectful and surprisingly understanding. Perhaps he was a good ally to have, especially when going against something like the null sector.
He was one of Overwatch's fighters. He knew firsthand the null sector and its uprising. He took down countless drones, troopers, and slicers, you name it. Genji was well aware of how they operated, at least how attacks did.
Which is why he was shocked to see a Nulltrooper, alone and.. aware. It acted similar to the omnic Bastion did, and Genji could see intelligence behind its actions. This is why he only held onto his blade, not fully drawing it.
He knew the Nulltrooper before him was more than it seemed. Genji, in fact, prided himself on his understanding of omnics having Zenyattta as a teacher and his body being mostly machine. This is why he started talking, learning its awareness and need to uprise. A goal he could agree with, sure getting the information was a lot of yes and no questions. Some charades and whatnot, but he saw the value in a robot like this before him.
Genji offers the Nulltrooper the opportunity to join Overwatch, both sharing the goal of shutting down Ramattra and his revolution against humanity. But it relies on them to work together.
Now, Cole Cassidy often seemed to not particularly care about the major fights. He was more of a solo man who just so happened to be associated with Overwatch. At least, that's what he thought. Cassidy, under the guide of Overwatch he has seen the Null Sector, the threat it caused, and what they are. He knew what robots did what, how to counter them, and so on.
As he walked down the alleyway behind old buildings, humming some country song and smoking his cigar, he was taken off guard by the sight of a Nulltrooper. It was alone, but that didn't make him any less on edge.
He gripped his hand around the big iron on his hip, ready for a fight. But was shocked to see the robot lift its hands, as if it didn't want to fight. Odd, Cole decided to hear it out. He was surprised to learn it was aware, like the other Omnics he interacted with on occasion. Cassidy knew this was a sight to behold, especially from a trooper he just accepted as being one of the least intelligent robots.
Now Cole knew he wasn't the one to make any major decisions. But he did know people who could. He had his connections. Having a Nulltrooper on Overwatch's side certainly didn't sound bad, and if it was up to him to get this trooper to the place it needed to be, that's something he was willing to do.
Hana Song was intelligent. She fought for the safety of Korea and the world. Her mech was a piece of powerful art that made fighting possible. It gave her the ability to do something, to make a change, and to fight for what she believed in. Her and the other mech drivers shared this belief.
She took down her fair share of null sector robots when harm was a possibility. She had gotten a good look at their machinery, and she had a good idea of their coding. Alarm bells struck her when seeing the lone Nulltrooper. It was different.. too different from any robot from the null sector she'd seen.
Readying her bot for a fight D.V.A. was amazed to see it beg for mercy. Through a jarble of frantic beeps, she took pity on it, wanting to know the reason for its distress.
After a while of figuring it out, she learned of its wishes to rise against the null sector itself. Hana saw herself somehow, fighting for what was right even in the eyes of danger. D.V.A. wanted to help, shoe she would offer to get the robot some connections to people who were fighting the same war.
Who knows, maybe she might find it some upgrades for proper speak if she liked the trooper enough.
Along with Genji, Tracer was more invested with all the happenings with the null sector. But Tracer had a different approach. She grew to deeply care about the omnics under King's Row and having one of her close friends being an omnic. Lena knew the different perspectives, and she truly wanted the best for all those involved.
Which is why she didn't immediately reach for her duel guns. The robot in front of her seemed to be.. alone. And she couldn't help but feel sorry for it. Perhaps a soft approach would be best. And besides, if something were to happen, she could rewind time and make use of her machinery.
But Tracer was right on that hunch. The Nulltrooper was, in fact, passive. Lena knew the ways of understanding Bastion, well at least kind of. So after some yes no questions, some charades and maybe a drawing or two she figured it out.
The Nulltrooper was in the same fight she was. It was aware and wanted change. And Lena couldn't help but admire that. In fact, it reminded her of King's Row and her role in that. And Tracer just loves to tell stories, so of course she just had to ramble on about the uprising and what Overwatch's plan was.
Regardless of what the Nulltrooper wanted, all it could do is beep and boop as a response. After a while, she pauses. Thinking over her words.
"Sorry bout that love, I get carried away. Say, how would you want to join me? Overwatch is full of great people, and I just know Winston would be happy having a new addition to Overwatch?"
She's so sincere, and after all the ramblings about Overwatch, the offer seems tempting to the Nulltrooper. But it's up to the robot to decide if it joins Overwatch, regardless of what it decides. Lena will always be a friend.
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nekovmancer · 2 months
Pairing: Ramattra x f!reader Summary: It was never in your plans to love a heartless being, and yet there you were: aching for something you could never have  Warnings: pure angst ‘cause I like to suffer over things I create in this silly head of mine. Insecure & rejected reader etc etc to not mention it’s been a while since I wrote anything in English so… maybe the poor writing is a warning itself thanks to insecure writer also lol Word count: 685 A/N: just found this in my drafts, which was supposed to be the fic I would post for my comeback but- before being such a drama queen, I am a shameless slut and always needy for a big robot guy who would surely ignore my burning passion… anyways, delight in the pain as much as I did while writing. Also posted at AO3!!
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Sat alone on the bed, hearing your own hasty heartbeats as a requiem to your daydreams, you felt miserable once again as memories cursed you, echoing in your head until they ached. A common sentiment over the past few weeks, maybe months, since you’ve come to realize something that scared you to death: you’ve been in love with someone who could never love you back. 
Omnics, especially those like him, weren’t made to feel, only to destroy. And Ramattra was being formidable in crushing your feelings without a clue. No, maybe not so bluntly. The Null Sector leader surely wasn’t stupid, just as he wasn’t one to care about humans, mostly their questionable emotions: hate, disdain and anger he could cope with, but affection? That was too far from his purview.
Since you’ve met a long while ago, you had stood by his side like a pet, a very obedient one for the record. Once a discarded experiment from Talon who was staring into the precipice of loneliness long before he came along, now more like a tool with something akin to a porpoise. He gave you something to live for, to love, so you fought along Null Sector, gave them your blood, sweat and tears, and none of it seemed enough for you to be loved back, or cherished at least. So, why sacrifice your heart over a lost cause? They, or better, he would never, ever express any kind of gratitude for your commitment.
Or nothing at all, to the matter. 
You actually envy Ramattra. His faceplate is unable to conjure any emotion that could betray his feelings, if he held any. Your face, on the contrary, had plenty to show whenever your feelings threatened to flood from every pore of your being. That’s where the problem began. It was any morning like many others, after so many sleepless nights, but instead of holding back, you’ve made a decision, one that would cost more than you thought at first. 
It began with slightly flushed cheeks, a restless tremble on your fingertips, and that uneasy sensation on your stomach, sometimes cold, sometimes warm enough to heat your skin to a fever pitch. Feeling more exposed than ever, like your chest was being ripped open right in front of him, you thought he deserved to know, to recognize every little thing you felt… so you vocalized them, without a single hesitation. For what? A cold quietness followed.
Maybe he was thinking, maybe he would consider everything you had sacrificed… maybe you’re the one to blame. And still, you came to him with nothing but your bare passion, and returned to your solitude with something else: shame. 
“Why would you say that, human?” his tone was nothing like you thought it would be. Surely wasn’t amused, nor mad.Thing is he acted like it was nothing at all, remaining placid and untouched, as everything you just said meant nothing at all, despite the aching in your heart threatening to consume your very being. “Whatever you have in mind, forget it immediately. You should not be distracted by such frivolous sentiments.”
Shrinking, your mouth fell agape, but no words were poured. Instead, they found themselves stuck to your throat, and the overflow you’re expecting turned to your eyes, sight now blurred thanks to the tears. Your last efforts are invested in holding them back, only a single drop finding its way through your cheeks, meeting your lips with a salty taste that turned bitter on the tip of your tongue. “But, I–” your voice was shaking, lips also trembling to pronounce those two simple words.
“Enough,” Ramattra cuts you off, so sharp his words could be a blade. “I do not wish to hear about it. I can’t have whatever you think you’re feeling interfering in Null Sector’s plans.”
And with that, he buried your heart. Rest in peace, this terribly broken thing, whose shattered pieces may never come together, and shall the endearing pain haunt you from now and forever as you lay in your bed, alone to revive that moment again and again. 
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