#owl pred
predakingrising · 1 year
(Continued from here x ) @thesoundlessvoid
Blackout is in the middle of Primus know's what in his office when the call comes through. At first, he is silent, but then, excitement strikes.
:: Preds? Dude. What the fuck, where you been? Are you okay? ::
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Predaking had never expected to get a reply, having fully antisipated people to be furious with him for vanishing so suddenly without a trace, not even a distress beacon left behind. There one day, and gone the next- much like the titan and his nomadic ways he supposed. Perhaps that's why he wasn't met with ire?
Instead the excitement that coloured Blackout's tone has him surprised, frankly endeared the giant owl was happy to see the dragon at all- or rather hear him. However choppy the signal was.
::I believe I owe you an apology, firstly. I've-::
The predacon pauses, worrying at his bottom lipplate.
::Stranded was where i've been. I was with my creator- Shockwave. He had requested assistance to what should have been a routine inspection on his territories... It was not, as you can guess.::
Predaking sounds far more tired than the last he had met Blackout, their audacious rambles across the lush islands now long since colonised by Cybertronian and Predacon alike.
::Shockwave's entire fleet was struck into deepspace, communication dead and adrift into nebulae- it is a miracle we made it free. Your engineering skills taught to me long ago certainly made the difference.::
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jplupine · 10 months
Primal Pred!Grimmjow x Prey!Reader
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Pairing: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x AFAB Reader Word Count: ~4.6k Date Published: Nov 25, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Exophilia, Established Relationship, Size Difference, Primal Play, Marking, Light Blood/Injury, Cunnilingus, Outdoor Sex, Feral Behavior, Name Calling [Asshole, Bitch, Kitty Cat], Creampie, Brat!Reader; Reader is AFAB but no gender is specified, Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used
A/N: The follower milestone fic is finally finished! I want to thank everyone who participated in the event and everyone kindly supporting me ^-^ <3
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  The crackling fire danced in the pit surrounded by pale stones. The shadows swayed with the light flickering shades of orange and white. Insects of the night called out their chorus from the darkness beyond the fire.
  You sat on a log with your fingers wrapped around a warm cup of coffee. It wasn't quite the same as what you brewed at home, but it did add a bit of comfort as you sipped it. The atmosphere was relaxing and made you glad you'd decided to go on a camping trip to get away from the bustle of work and city life.
  The dark night sky littered with glittering stars and the moon shining bright were so unlike the sky hidden by street lights back home. It was breathtaking.
  And given it was still in the transition time between summer and autumn, it wasn't too warm nor too cold out. You'd checked the weather forecast before heading out into the woods too, and it was supposed to remain like this for the next few days you were out there.
  An owl screeched in the distance before a stick in the fire snapped, sending embers up into the night sky as if they were trying to join the stars.
  You closed your eyes to just listen to the world around you; soaking it in while bringing the coffee to your lips. No sound of speeding cars. No foul smells from rotting garbage or fumes from exhaust pipes. And certainly no manager or boss nagging about work.
  It was bliss.
  You sighed and opened your eyes again. Glancing around, you began to wonder where your camping partner was. He'd gone off to stretch his legs, but that had been some time ago now.
  Looking into the shadows of the trees, you tried to see if you could spot him. You weren't all that worried since you knew he could take care of himself, but that didn't stop you from wondering when he'd come back. Taking another drink of your coffee, you stretched out your legs in front of you.
  However, as the fire popped and crackled, the woods began to feel different. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end as unease began to settle in. Something was wrong, but you couldn't tell what.
  Your heart began to beat faster as you sensed something you couldn't see.
  A low, thunderous rumble shook the air and made you jolt. It was hard to tell where the sound was coming from with how it bounced through the trees surrounding your campsite.
  Sitting up straight with your eyes darting around, you still didn't see anything. It sounded like an animal; big and dangerous. Slowly setting down your coffee, you reached into your pocket to grab your knife.
  It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing as the blade flipped out from the handle. Gradually rising to your feet, your grip on the knife tightened while your heart was pounding.
  You could feel eyes on you. Whatever the beast was, it was certainly watching you. Swallowing, you hoped the fire was enough to keep the thing in the shadows.
  Hearing a twig snap, your gaze shot in the direction of the sound. Eyes reflecting the fire's light shined from the darkness. Another rumbling growl came from the same direction as the eyes, and your heart beat faster.
  The eyes went lower, and you had a feeling the beast was getting ready to pounce. Brandishing your knife, the creature in the shadows seemed to hesitate as light shined against the blade. The eyes in the dark locked with yours before there was a loud rush of wind.
  The fire was blown out, leaving you surrounded in complete darkness until your eyes could adjust. You couldn't yet see but heard movement ahead of you.
  The beast was closing in.
  You ran and nearly tripped over the log if you hadn't caught yourself from falling. As you ran, your eyes became more accustomed to the night, allowing you to run through the trees faster. A roar that shook you to the bone silenced the rest of the woods, sending the other creatures into hiding to avoid getting caught.
  With your heart loudly pounding in your own ears, you nearly screamed when something grabbed your shoulder only to swing the knife instead. You felt the blade make contact before the beast roared. Everything happened so fast that you only saw a flash of fangs in the moonlight and claws before the knife was sent flying out of your hand. You heard it thunk as the blade was buried deep into a tree trunk.
  You didn't think twice, going into survival mode to run even faster.
  "Bitch!" A barked, angry voice made you nearly stumble. No, you must have misheard. You still didn't stop. When a fallen tree blocked your path, you vaulted over it and hoped it would deter the beast.
  However, as your legs carried you further, you could still feel the thing behind you, chasing you. What made it more terrifying were the sounds; the growling and snapping of sharp teeth like the razor point edges of scissors grinding against each other.
  You knew it was getting closer and were already picturing in your head how it would tear you apart once it caught you.
  You were grabbed from behind, getting jerked back by your jacket. Crying out from shock, you struggled and unzipped your jacket to slip out of the garment. The beast held onto the jacket as you scrambled away and managed to get distance.
  Looking back, you saw the creature as it stood a few yards away. Its body was lean and pale with a long tail whipping around behind it. It was bipedal with muscled limbs and long hair past their waistline. And your jacket was clutched in its hands while being pressed against the beast's face.
  When it looked at you, your breath caught in your throat. Those glowing eyes were set in a face that was all too human.
  It wasn't an animal. It wasn't human, either.
  "Grimmjow! You scared the shit out of me, you fucking asshole!"
  "I know. I can smell it." His face then lifted from your jacket with a displeased expression. "And you cut me, fucker." Grimmjow's low voice growled, and your eyes drifted to his cheek where there was dried blood but no wound.
  "It's already healed, you big baby." You retorted with a huff. His tail twitched as his gaze traveled over your face. Grimmjow's lips curled up into a vicious grin with his fangs exposed.
  "Why are you still standing all the way over there? Aw, are you mad?" His tone was mocking, and your hands balled into fists at your sides.
  "Yes, I'm mad!" You angrily pointed at the Arrancar without taking a step closer. "You made me think I was about to get eaten!"
  "I mean," Grimmjow cocked his head to the side as his ears perked up. His slit pupils widened a slight fraction, eyelids lowering just a bit as he looked over your body. "I never said I wasn't going to eat you."
  His tone and hungry gaze sparked something deep in your gut. Grimmjow's tail curled as he shifted his weight on his digitigrade legs, his paws so quiet when he took a step closer. You took a step back, maintaining the distance between you two.
  Grimmjow stopped to look at you again as the hunger in his eyes intensified. He slowly licked his lips like a beast would its maw.
  You knew the Arrancar well enough by now to recognize when the predator within him was stirring. You also knew if you made any sudden movement, he just might pounce and take you down like prey.
  The air felt electrified as you two just stared at one another, eyes locked as unspoken words lingered at the forefront of your mind. Grimmjow brought your jacket to his face again, making a show of inhaling your scent with a soft purr rumbling in his chest.
  You still didn't move. The Arrancar was on a precarious edge, and you weren't entirely sure what he would do next.
  Grimmjow suddenly threw your jacket to the side and lunged forward. You reacted as soon as you saw him move, turning to run as he landed where you had been standing just a second prior. He was on his hands and paws like a beast, watching you as you went around a tree.
  His instincts made his blood run hot through his veins, and you could feel those piercing eyes trailing after you. You'd set off the predator and ran like prey.
  The hunt was on.
  The bestial call that rang out through the trees made your heart beat faster as you weaved through the trees. Excitement and fear mingled together and fueled your legs to carry you further. Not knowing what he might do if he caught you had your mind racing with the possibilities.
  Skidding around a boulder, you changed directions. Running in a straight line would make it easier for Grimmjow to track you down, and you didn't want that.
  You'd learned to shift your weight and posture to make your steps quieter over the ground littered with dead leaves and did so now. You were going to do everything within your power to make this as difficult as possible for Grimmjow.
  Grabbing your beanie, you rubbed it against your neck to make your scent on it stronger before you threw it into the bushes. You went in the opposite direction in the hopes of confusing Grimmjow even if just for a moment.
  Panting, you hid behind a large tree surrounded by plants tall enough to cover you as you crouched. Leaning one hand against the trunk of the tree, you tried to catch your breath. Hearing a growl in the distance made you smirk.
  Going lower, you pressed your body down against the earth to look out from under the foliage without giving your position away. The moon and stars cutting through the trees gave you enough light to see beyond where you were hidden.
  Taking slow, deep breaths, your eyes scanned the woods. Far away, you spotted movement. Through the trees, you could see Grimmjow as spots of moonlight danced over his body.
  The Arrancar was still on his hands and paws, muscles rolling beneath his skin-tight clothing as his movements were reminiscent of a big cat. His tail swayed with his head held level with his spine and nose twitching as he scented the air.
  Watching him thrilled you. He was neither man nor beast and didn't care about keeping up appearances of either, and you liked that. You liked how he could posture and smirk like a man, and you also liked how he would act like an animal as he pursued you.
  It certainly appealed to a primal part of your brain in a way you didn't fully understand. You should be terrified of his power and destructive capabilities, but seeing how his feral eyes and silky hair shined in the moonlight as he crouched left you enamored.
  With Grimmjow crouching where he was, you could see the muscles in his thighs bunching beneath his clothes. You covered your mouth and nose to muffle the sound of your breathing as his furry ears began to swivel. He was listening to the woods around him, picking up sounds in several directions that his ears moved in.
  His eyes closed with his head tilting back. Grimmjow's fingers flexed with his daunting claws catching the moonlight. His head then rolled to the side, his eyes snapping open as he looked right at you with a grin.
  Your hair stood on end as the predator twisted and moved in your direction. Scrambling to your feet, you kicked up leaves and dirt before bolting to keep the chase going.
  You ran faster even as your muscles and lungs burned. Grimmjow roared, letting you know that he was closing the distance and fast.
  Something caught your foot, sending you tumbling across the ground right as the beast went flying overhead. Tripping over a root had saved you from being caught again.
  Grimmjow landed ahead of you and twisted with claws digging into the earth. Locking eyes with him as you pushed yourself up, your fingers sank into the soil beneath you. His tail whipped from side to side as you both were in similar positions on all fours, waiting for one or the other to make a move.
  You couldn't look away, panting as you tried to think of what to do next. Grimmjow's slit pupils widened as his top lip curled to bare a mouth full of fangs with a maniacal grin.
  He made the first move, lunging forward with a flex of his thighs and biceps. You reared back in an attempt to get away only to fail. He was faster, but you weren't giving up so easily.
  Grabbing a nearby fallen branch, you swung it like a bat and hit him across the face. He reared back with a vicious yowl while flashing his fangs. When his head swung back down, you used the branch to keep those sharp teeth away from you, already knowing how much of a biter the bastard was.
  His growling vibrated through the branch and up your arms as his fangs sank into the wood. Claws tore through the sleeves of your shirt as you struggled to get him off you. He was so strong, keeping you trapped like a mouse beneath him.
  Your pounding heart sent adrenalin rushing through your veins while you watched his long canines vanish into the branch as it creaked from the force of his jaws. His bite was powerful enough to break through the wood and sent a rain of splinters falling over you.
  His big hands grabbed your wrists and pinned them against the ground by your head. Kicking against the ground, you still fought to get free only to fail. His fangs snapped right in front of your face as you screamed, sounding more angry than afraid.
  "Got ya." Grimmjow sounded amused, but you snarled and moved to punch him. However, his strength was far greater than yours, keeping your hands firmly against the ground. "Mm, yeah. Keep struggling. I like it when my prey puts up a fight."
  He was mocking you, but you knew he was telling the truth all the same. Perhaps it was a part of the Hollow nature within Grimmjow that made him enjoy subduing you in such a way. It was domination through force when you put up a fight and didn't let him have you so easily.
  And this appealed to you as well. While you couldn't fight back the way another Hollow might, you also knew you didn't have to hold back as much with him not being human.
  Locking your legs around his waist, you twisted to switch your positions. Grimmjow fell on his back while still holding your wrists. The momentum kept going as you both rolled across the ground with him snarling and growling.
  You managed to wrench one hand free and grabbed the folded collar around most of his neck to yank it back. More of his scarred chest was exposed along with part of his shoulder and the side of his neck, and you sank your teeth into the muscle now bared. Claws tore through the side of your shirt as Grimmjow yowled.
  He roughly forced you onto your stomach, using his weight against your back to pin you down as he fisted your hair and made you bare the back of your neck. His breath was hot against your skin before his fangs scraped over your neck, causing goosebumps to rise even as he bit down. Grimmjow ground his hips against your ass as his chest rumbled.
  He had you now. With his sharp teeth clamped against your neck hard enough to cause small beads of blood to form, there was no more getting away. His erection pressed against you through the layers of clothes you both wore, letting you know just how worked up the Arrancar had gotten.
  You knew Grimmjow could smell your arousal and could hear the quick beating of your heart. Those two things in combination never failed to drive his instincts wild.
  His warm tongue lapped up the blood from the back of your neck as he purred. The sound of ripping fabric met your ears before you realized he was tearing through your shirt.
  "Grimmjow!" You snapped at him, but the garment was already ruined and being shoved over your shoulders. You didn't actually mind it; the action aroused you more, but you didn't want to give in just yet.
  "Pick your next words carefully." His voice was breathy with a warning tone as he spoke near your ear. His hands went down your sides to roughly grab the waistband of your jeans.
  "Or what? You'll bite me again?" You spoke while lifting your hips to push your ass against him more. "Try me, fucker." Getting your hands under you, you managed to undo the button and zipper of your pants, but Grimmjow tore his claws through the material while shoving it down over your ass and legs.
  You kicked off your shoes to let him take the last shreds of your pants off. They were tossed to the side without a care. Grimmjow then grabbed your hips to lift your ass higher into the air as you pushed your underwear down before he could get his claws on them.
  Grimmjow's hands went lower, spreading you open before eagerly burying his face between your thighs. His tongue lapped up your arousal with a low groan. Your breath faltered as you spread your knees further.
  You sucked your bottom lip between your teeth when his tongue dragged over your clit. His fangs brushed against your flesh as he pulled you closer to his hungry mouth. Grimmjow's claws pricked your skin before he let go.
  His lips and tongue were still on you, and based on his movement, you assumed he was undressing while still eating your pussy. You took in a sharp breath when he growled and the vibration was carried on his tongue. Your hips rocked back to chase the feeling, and Grimmjow grabbed your ass and squeezed.
  He was ravenous with his claws pricking your skin. By now, he knew what made you feel good and what could make you elicit the very sounds he wanted to hear. His growl shook you to the bone as wet sounds came from between your thighs.
  You were panting when his broad tongue swiped over your core before he pulled away. Grimmjow spit, his saliva landing on your pussy as your clit throbbed.
  One of his large hands grabbed your head to pin it against the ground, pressing your cheek into the dirt as the head of his cock slid between your wet lips. He mixed his spit in with your arousal while slicking up his dick. You could tell the Arrancar was eager from his unsteady breaths and his grip on you.
  When he finally pushed inside, you felt yourself stretching to accommodate his thickness. Grimmjow didn't go slow, thrusting deep until his hips hit your ass. You both grunted as your hands balled into fists.
  Looking over your shoulder, your gaze met Grimmjow's. Something in your eyes made his tail twitch.
  "You're being awfully impatient, kitty cat. You really that needy for me?" Your words made his nose scrunch up with a snarl. You had yet to truly submit to him even if your body had.
  Grimmjow fisted his hand in your hair, tugging on it to pull your head back and make you incapable of looking at him. His other hand grabbed your hip with his claws digging into your skin hard enough to leave marks. Without warning, he pulled out and thrust back in harshly, forcing a low moan from your throat.
  "Who the fuck are you calling kitty cat, bitch?" He growled, but you couldn't respond since he forced another moan from you. You'd pissed him off as intended, and he was going to fuck you into submission.
  He'd mistakenly believed the fight was over. Too bad that spark in you was harder to quell and you were certain to give the Arrancar attitude. He may have caught you, but he needed to earn your submission.
  Grimmjow let go of your hair to hold both of your hips, his heavy thrusts slamming his hips into your ass hard enough that you could feel the jiggle of your flesh. He was an animal pinning you in place as your mind swam with pleasure.
  You were moaning, crying out into the night as he grunted and drove his cock deeper.
  "Listen to you." You could hear the smile in his voice. "Now who's the needy one?" You didn't trust your voice enough to verbally respond and settled on raising your middle finger. Grimmjow then went for your throat, wrapping his big arms around you while forcing you to lay flat against the ground with his large hand curled around your neck.
  He still rutted against you as his hot breath hit the side of your head. This position meant he couldn't go as deep as before, but the angle had his cock ramming into the perfect spot to make you buck and writhe. Grimmjow chuckled as you struggled to contain yourself beneath him.
  "That's it." His voice rumbled near your ear before his firm grip on your neck tilted your head up. "Submit to your king." Your moan pitched higher as your eyes fluttered closed. His lips and teeth brushed against the shell of your ear as he panted, making you shiver.
  His grip on your throat tightened but remained loose enough that you could still freely moan. Grimmjow wanted to hear you cry out, every moan a form of worship that stroked his ego. He knew with how pliant you were in his hands now that you had given over control and submitted.
  You felt the sweat forming on your skin as fire burned through your veins. Grimmjow's heat and weight on your back made your head spin as the pleasure made you buck. He grabbed one of your wrists and pinned it to the ground, exerting more control over your body as you bent to his will.
  Being trapped beneath him, you took whatever he gave with enthusiasm. Each heavy thrust made you fall deeper into the pit of pleasure. Grimmjow's mouth moved to the back of your neck again, licking the bite he'd already left while nipping in other places.
  Your voice shook as your toes curled, and the deep groan the Arrancar made was bordering a growl. You panted curses under your breath as Grimmjow fucked you, ramming his cock into the spot that lit your nerves aflame and made you cry out his name.
  Grimmjow ran his tongue over the bites littering your skin as he savored every sound you made. How you clenched around him drove him further toward the edge. His strong grip on your throat with his claws scraping against your skin only fueled your desire.
  The sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the air. Grimmjow's growls mingled with your moans and carried through the trees and into the darkness of the woods. He buried his face into your hair, inhaling your scent and groaning low with his hips grinding against your ass. His dick dragged against your walls, rubbing against every spot that made you squirm and gasp and moan.
  The carnality was bliss. You gave yourself to him completely, leaning into his touch while your spine arched from the pleasure wracking through your body. Grimmjow released your wrist and throat to grab your hips as his weight on your back pushed you further against the earth.
  His claws scraped your skin as his thrusts picked up speed, his balls smacking against you with his frenzied pace. Grimmjow sank his teeth into your shoulder with a groan as your blood coated his tongue. You would always wear his mark so long as you were his.
  Grimmjow pistoning into your wet pussy created lewd, slicking sounds that drove him wilder. Your taste, your scent, how you felt around his cock, and how wet you were for him made Grimmjow's head fall into such a primal state of desire. He was drowning in you and unable to come up for air until he could cum.
  So he fucked you harder, chasing that high and that feral instinct screaming in his veins to fill you with his seed. Claiming his prey in every way he could left both of you unable to think straight. You were drooling with your fingers digging into the dirt, muscles tensing and rolling beneath your skin.
  Your bodies being flush against each other meant everything was felt. Every twitch, every heartbeat, every sound that vibrated from the chest and throat.
  Grimmjow left scratches over your hips as he tried to pull you even closer. It was impossible, but that didn't stop his pleasure-clouded mind from telling him he needed to. He moaned into your skin while thrusting his cock as deep as he could go.
  You cried out with your thighs shivering, and that was the final thing that made Grimmjow snap. With shallow thrusts and animalistic grunts, his cock began to twitch while pumping you full of his cum. He didn't stop, continuing to fuck you through his orgasm and drive his seed deeper into your core even as it overflowed and dripped down your thighs.
  Grimmjow released your shoulder from his jaws, groaning and licking the bite while his cum mixed with your arousal. He let go of one hip and slipped his hand under you to find your clit. Being mindful of his claws, he pressed his fingertips against the throbbing bud.
  You bucked and moaned an octave higher. Grimmjow let go of your other hip to grab your jaw and make you turn your head for a kiss. His tongue dove into your mouth without warning and glided across yours as he devoured your moans. He soon had you cumming around his cock as you clenched and cried out in pleasure.
  He didn't stop until you were whimpering and dancing on the line of overstimulation. He pulled away with his nose brushing through your hair before his lips traveled down your spine with kisses and gentle nips as he purred. You propped your upper half up on your elbows and wiped the drool from your chin.
  Your skin still buzzed despite feeling sated. Grimmjow pulled his cock free of your heat and spread you open to see the mess leaking from your pussy. He huffed and gave a satisfied purr that rumbled deep in his chest.
  You looked over your shoulder to see Grimmjow admiring you with a smirk on his soft lips and his pupils still blown wide. Biting your bottom lip, you couldn't help but give a sultry smile.
  Pushing yourself up, you turned to drape your arms over his shoulders and capture his lips in a hungry kiss. Grimmjow's tail thumped against the ground as he wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
  "Maybe next time we should start the hunt naked." You muttered with your lips only centimeters from his. "Jeans are expensive, you know?" Grimmjow chuckled, and his warm palm traveled up your back.
  "Yeah. 'Cause you're really so concerned about that." His smirk didn't falter even as he had a sarcastic tone. "I'll hunt you however, my sweet bitch." Grimmjow nipped your bottom lip while purring, and you yelped when his hand smacked against your ass hard enough to make it sting.
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hemipenal-system · 9 months
i want more representation for feral bird preds
show me the humiliation of a little thing who gets devoured so fast it’s like nothing by a tiny little songbird
corvid preds who are smart enough to bait their prey out of safety or just dismantle the place they’re hiding
someone moving across a dark field of tall grass at night when they get snatched by the owl they didn’t even know was there
the biggest fucking vulture you’ve ever seen, who won’t get any nutrition out of you but will eat you out of spite if you don’t show them where the massive beast you just killed is so they can scavenge it
getting pinned down under a hawk’s talons, imperious creature looking down at you and clicking her beak eagerly, tilting her head to look at you like a curiosity because she’s never seen prey shaped like this before
underrated concept imo
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astraymetronome · 1 month
a au where Tommy is reincarnated as a villain from a book he heard/read about. It's like those manhwa where the protagonist reincarnates or wakes up as the villain/villainess. Maybe do to a curse or something everyone in the castle/estate shrinks or just a few main characters aside from Tommy. Maybe it's a sport of beauty and beast situation where while everyone is small Tommy is big and looks like naga/spider/dragom hybrid(he has a storage and instincts). Maybe the shrinking was never part of the of story and Tommy has no clue what is going on(thou if he never read the book he wouldn't realize it). Dream or ranboo could have have been the og stories protagonist and the svi the family
While this would be fun to write and go over, I don't think I have the time or the energy to put that much into another project right now.
College starts on the 19th and I really can't get bad grades this year. Plus I still need to work to pay for stuff and put money aside for future classes.
What I will do is scribble down this for the future! (And give you a few small ideas for now)
So I feel like if I was to write this I would prob make Tommy a Naga or a Drider just because I really like snakes and spiders. The idea of the whole castle shrinking is iffy to me but what if, instead, Tommy is naturally big and can shape shift. Think Stringbean from The owl house-
Anyways, I feel like Tommy wouldn't wanna shoot for being the bad guy. Yeah he'd probably admit it later on but I feel like, to start, he'd try to be good.
He'd probably bond with everyone quickly, at least on his side of things, because of the previous connections with them and would grow some pretty insane instincts.
If I get to this, and I hope I will, I'll probably have a big plot point be based around Tommy losing control, shifting, and eating a lot of people. Over stuffed preds are adorable in my opinion, now they'd all be in storage but they wouldn't know and stuff.
Then I'd probably throw in the villain arc which is mostly Tommy trying to make amends and stuff but them all being scared and stuff. I don't know who I'll have to be his go too person, probably Techno because Bedrock Duo is my heart and soul, but I'll figure that out in the future. If you have anymore questions for this and world building I can think up some stuff!
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citrus-kiddo · 4 months
Owl pred oc rambles
Ive been thinking, I may or may not retire Antonio, Ruben, and Sol. Not cuz they're bad concepts or that im bored of em, but i feel like I could do better for them, so for rn, I wont post too much abt em (theyll remain on the ask blog so dw!).
But this post aint rlly abt them. Instead, I've been coming up with a new oc idea. Another darn pred! (dw, he has a friend thats a prey)
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Anyway, the concept is just a owl boy (like a humanized owl). The owl, Simon Strigiformes (he/him), is an ominous figure of the night in the forest town he watches over, being like a debt collector of sorts, and failing to pay your required share of food is not an option. He's believed to be the reason of many disappearances of anyone unable to pay. One day, Toby Thimble (they/them), a mouse boy who in a weakened state, wandered into Simon's home, right on dinner time too, the townsfolk thought they was as food.
Luckily for Toby, Simon decided to nurse the small man back to health and even took him understand his wing. Toby was initially confused and even fearful of his new host but overtime grew closer to the bird, discovering he's actually not as threatening as he makes himself appear.
Anyways, that's it for now! I may draw them later :33
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dreamytum · 6 months
I couldn't stop thinking about this since the noise update came out-
Hear me out on this- Pred peddito [ the guy who snatches doise away ]
I swear I didn't even register it was Ped//dito the first time around lmfao
But anyway, I definetely got owl vibes from how quick he snatched d//oise up. I'm not sure if he's a clone like fake, but if he is then he's definitely a bird like clone. Those two are definetely dollar store versions of pep and noise, down to the predator prey dynamic.
It would be funny if when rematching d//oise, ped//dito is just chilling in the arena with a full tum.
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comfyhome · 8 months
PAPERCLIP ANON HAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD after some life shit that made me kinda stop voring lmao.
owl pred. being in their throat and feeling it twist as they rotate their neck. idk why but this seems like such an interesting prospect
-🧷 paperclip anon
WOAH. how did u even come up w this. also good to see u again paperclip anon I’m answering everything at once helppp.
that wld be so interesting tho???? feeling the space constrict around u as the pred turns their head around .. warm n cozy n a little overwhelming!!!! youre put into a weird position .. but additionally: they coo softly and it vibrates around u in their throat. now do we consider this a win
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mousegirlvorecast · 2 months
Hi there! Welcome to my vore side blog! I interact from @mousegirlpodcast !
If you are not 18+ GET THE FUCK OFF MY BLOG OR ELSE!!!
Otherwise welcome to the show! More details about who you’re talking to under the cut!
We are mostly into fatal and unwilling vore so expect a lot of that! Also expect oral, anal, unbirth, and cock vore; along with digestion and hard vore!
My writings can be found under #my writing
Our DMs are always open and so is our ask box! Please interact! Some of us don’t bite!
Speaking of which; we are a system! We will try to tag our posts with who is talking so here is everyone that will generally be interacting with this blog (note that this isn’t all of us, just those who run this blog
Dari: the mouse this blog is named for! She is a small pathetic bratty prey who will always fight back, and will try to trick you with either her words or inventions.
Hazel: the body! Another mouse but not as pathetic. If you’re talking to a mouse it’s more often Dari but hazel appears here too. Also a prey usually but can be willing at times.
Francis: a strong demon pred who will hunt you down. Is known to be quite cruel and gets off on the suffering of her prey. Has on very very rare occasions been known to sub or be prey but don’t count on it
Azalea: the opposite of Francis, a kind angel who may be a pred for softer willing scenes; but is also down to be destroyed and consumed.
Kai: a kitty switch who is arrogant and thinks she’s stronger than she is. She can sometimes be crueler than Francis but rarely gets the chance to be before she gets pinned down.
Lily- our puppy switch, she is very excitable and will most likely agree to whatever you say; she does have a sadistic streak if she thinks you’re weaker than her though
Phoenix: a human girl with fire wings who tends to overestimate her ability to fight back. An unwilling prey most of the time
Aria: an owl affini hybrid who finds more pleasure in hunting down and consuming sophonts than bringing them comfort. A pred all the way.
Trixie: a slime girl switch who is more go with the flow no pun included
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sunnydaworm · 3 months
Hey the rest of the cool internet people I look up to, can y’all make extra sure to not be creepy or do something bad? I’m so tired of internet discourse and most of the cool people getting outed for being a pred or something
*coughs in Mama Owl, Creepshow Art, Freckled Zelda (she’s still creepy for sending pics of her in a suggestive bunny cosplay to a group with a minor in it, also her and her friends talking about how autistic her ex was like girl stop please)* like PLEASE Jay from the Kubz Scouts PLEASE Josh from Let’s Game It Out PLEASE Markiplier PLEASE GreyStillPlays P L E A S E.
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vore-scientist · 2 years
Hi! Um, so, I wasn't sure if you were the right person to go to for this, but I like your stuff and the way you've approached things like this in the past, so I thought I might give it a shot!
So I've got kind of a long thing about dragon vore I wrote that I wanted somebody else to see, but I'm too nervous to actually post it anywhere. And, uh, here it is!
//For clarification, it's sort of a headcanon thing cuz I got tired of the usual tropes and wanted something that sounds nice and realistic without making the anatomy super unusual. I hope somebody likes it enough to use it but really I just wanted to get it out there. It's made for dragons but I think it can be applied to whatever!
Did You Know?: dragons' gastric acid is about as corrosive as an average glass of lemonade to things that are still alive. It kills most bacteria and viruses easily though, so it's not an infection risk. (This also means a dragon's insides are basically sterile.) But, when introduced to dead meat (or plants, dragons can be omnivorous!), the microbes and enzymes in the solution turn angry and eat through the carrion rapidly. Any large non-digestible materials, like bones, hair, or exceptionally tough and fibrous parts, are regurgitated in a mass similar to an owl pellet.
A dragon's digestive tract also tends to contain breathable air, which accumulates as a side-effect of the nutrient absorption taking place in the intestines. This, however, means that a dragon who has gone without food for long enough that their previous meal has been fully expended (one to a few weeks depending on the size) will also lack breathable air inside. Don't get eaten by a starving dragon... on second thought, that should go without saying regardless.
In conclusion, if your draconic companion ever decides you look like a snack (in the more literal sense), don't worry! You'll be perfectly undigested, your clothes will probably be fine, and you'll be able to breathe comfortably! And due to the antibacterial qualities, unless you're devoured alongside a raw steak (dragons: for hygiene purposes, it is not recommended that you eat your friends within an hour after a large meal), you'll likely escape any unwanted stench as well! Depending on the size of your dragon, though, it may be a bit of a snug fit, and you're going to come out soggy no matter what, so make sure both parties know what you're getting yourselves into!
//I wanted something new because... storage stomachs/baby pouches are fine for endo, but they don't really *feel* like vore, you know? On the other hand, controlled digestion feels a little too dangerous. What if the pred is dreaming and involuntarily turns on the juices??? And on the OTHER other hand, magic??? Come on, I want *science!* Biological plausibility FTW!
You put A LOT OF THOUGHT into this and I Love this unique take of microbiome and enzymes synergy on non-living organic matter.
A couple notes (not critiques! Additions);
The source of the oxygen is specifically the microbiome (microbes love to make gasses as a waste!) which yes would do better in the intestines than in a stomach.
While a lemon level of pH could irritate the skin I think what could be really cool as a kind of skin-treatment. All the dander and dead skin cleaned away (hair untouched bc reasons idk the composition of hair makes it not be impacted). So it’s kinda like a spa!
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your-fave-is-a-pred · 9 months
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Emperor Belos from The Owl House is a pred!
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wolfgirlguts · 1 year
Do you have a collection of your characters/friends or something of that sort?
If not, do you want to give any of them some attention, like with Aspen?
If you're wanting to know if I've got some kind of list of all my characters, ehhhh. . . Not in one place, and there's just so many of them. But there's only a few that make sense to talk about here, so I guess I could make that list!
Aife, Prin's gf and a socialite with a secret
Alina, mad scientist fox
Cecily, pred streamer lynx
Evonne, evil (she is a deer)
Vanilla, acrobat/magician bunny
Sonja, programmer horse. Her job involves spreadsheets idk.
Etra, scary kobold, good at music
Astrid, scary unicorn, good at magic
Nima, cheetah sweetheart obsessed with gaining weight
Saffron, gutslut heiress mousegirl
Lexi, Saffron's owl roommate desperately trying to keep her alive so she can keep covering rent
Kinsey, geeky lioness
Tacita, antisocial owl witch
Dritha, cold blooded raptor who pretends not to actually be smitten with
Keoni, a mousegirl convinced that her girlfriend Dritha cares for her only as a backup supply of food and is fine with that
Pip (short for Epiphany), a tiger shark medical researcher who can totally control herself around that blood don't worry she definitely hasn't eaten her last 3 interns you'll be fine
. . . And there's definitely more but that's a sampler.
As far as ones I want to give attention, I was thinking about introducing Alina or Evonne next? But questions about anyone are welcome!
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queersrus · 1 year
Owl Theme
tagging @bpdxhoardic, @w-onderhoy
Owle, Owlet/Owlett/Owlette, Owlin/Owline, Owler, Owlie/Owly, Owel, Owling, Owled/Owledd, Owletta, Owlina, Owletto, Owlino, Owlucious, Owllouicious, Owlouis/Owlouise, Owlouisa, otus, otos, owlbert, owlberta, owlester, owlestar, owlastair, owlaya, owlex, owlexa, owlexo, owlexi/owlexie/owlexy, owlexina, owlexander, owlexandra, owlexandre, owlexandro, owlexis, owlfred, owlice, owlisia/owlicia, owliver, owlive, owlivier, owlivia, owliviar, owlivera, owliveira snowy/snowie, scop, screech, strix, sova, sowa athena, alba, azio, axio, asio, Atenea, Athenais, Athene, Afina, Athenodoros, Archimedes minerva wise, wiser, wisdom, wing, who, whoot Glaukopis, glaux, great, grey/gray, Gaebora barn, bar/barr, barred, burrow, beak, beaker, bumin, buho, baykuş, bufniţă eagle, eostrix, eule tawney/tawny, talon/tallon, true, tyto, tokori, tuto hoot, hooty/hootie ural, ugle, uil flores, feather, fly, flight, flyer knowledge, kotori, Kaepora, koukouvágia noctum, noct, nocturn/nocturne, nocturna, noctua caligo, cato, coruja, chouette, civetta jarli intel, intellect Laxmi, lilith pollo
1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ow/owe/owl/owline/owlself ow/owl/owls/owlself ow/owe/owly/owline/owlyself wi/we/wy/wise/wiseself wi/wise/wises/wiseself kni/know/knows/knowself kni/knowle/knowly/knowline/knowlyself kni/knowle/knowledges/knowledgeself ni/noc/noturn/nocturns/nocturnself ni/nocturne/nocturnes/nocturneself ni/ne/ny/noctine/nyself ni/noct/nocturnals/nocturnalself pri/pre/predi/predators/predatorself fi/fea/feather/feathers/featherself wi/wing/wings/wingself
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
ow/owler/owlers/owlerself wo/wiser/wises/wiserself kno/knower/knowers/knowerself no/noctur/nocturns/nocturself pro/predator/predators/predatorself fo/feather/feathers/featherself wo/wingr/wingrs/wingrself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/theirself
ow/owl/owls/owlself o/owl, owl/owls wi/wise/wises/wiseself wi/se, wi/ise, wise/wises kno/know/knows/knowself know/knowledge, know/knows, know/ledge noct/nocturn/nocturnes/nocturneself noct/urnal, noct/nocturnal, nocturn/nocturnes, nocturnal/nocturnals pred/predator/predators/predatorself pred/ator, predator/predators fea/feather/feathers/featherself feath/er, feath/feather, feathers/feathers wi/wing/wings/wingself wing/wings, wi/ing
the owl, the owler, the owlette, the caretaker of owls, the protector of owls, the owl trainer, the nocturnal one, the day sleeper, the night flyer, the barn owl, the snowy owl, the horned owl, the nocturnal predator, the one who hoots, the night hunter, the wise one, the wise owl
(prn) who flies at night, (prn) who hoots, (prn) who sleeps during the day, (prn) who hunts at night, (prn) who trains owls, (prn) who is owl-like, (prn) who cares for owls, (prn) who is nocturnal, (prn) who protects owls, (prn) who is wise
this owl, this owl trainer, this nocturnal predator, this wise owl
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slivergtfandomart · 2 years
I'm doing request that will stay open so just ask away! I dunno if I'll write stories but I will!
Fandoms I'm currently in:
Care bears
Cookie run kingdom
South Park
Super Mario bros
SMG4 franchise
The Owl House
Danganronpa (just v2)
Poppy playtime (only the smiling Critters)
Short wars (a series on yt)
My favorite characters from each fandom:
Care bears: Grumpy Bear (probably post a lot of shit about him)
Slendytubbies: all of them but mostly the shadow tubby
FNAF: Funtime Freddy
Cookie run kingdom: Licorice cookie, Dark Cacao cookie, and captain caviar!
South Park: Kyle
Super Mario bros: Bowser
SMG4 franchise: SMG3
The Owl House: Papa Titan
Danganronpa v2: Gundham Tanaka
Changed: puro!!
Poppy playtime (Smiling Critters): Catnap
Short wars/fav yt in short wars: Riggy the Runkey (he's a rabbit monkey hybrid)
What I will write/draw:
Possibly vore or some shit but probably just safe vore -3-
X Reader for stories and now hcs.
What I won't write/draw:
Nsfw (ew)
Hard vore
Digestion (again ew)
Female preds (I think it's just weird)
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Okay, sooo.... I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to make an actual series of OMaW. But I will definitely write the occasional story, doodle, and ramble on the topic...
Speaking of ramble, here's some information about the two love birds in this AU.
- Has central heterochromia. Eyes are a rich amber around her pupil and fade into light forest green
- Tastes like sweet, salted caramel or French vanilla/ caramel latte depending on the day
- She's still very much a foodie in the AU
- Is conversationally fluent in Japanese, having had a relationship with a Japanese-American for a few years before splitting up on good terms
- Is very much a night owl
- Still is an exceptionally lovely singer
- Is studying to become a fashion designer
- Is in the market for a new job
- Is only willing to be eaten by her partner. Anyone else she tends to put up a fight and is pretty pissed afterward. If asked by someone, she trusts... she may let them eat her
- DO. NOT. CALL HER. SWEETS. She's allows Dusk and only Dusk to call her that. She'll be absolutely furious if anyone calls her that... except a good kick to groin or punch to the face as a result
- Suffers something very similar to a Windago's curse of always being constantly hungry, but is not a Windago
- Does not like talking about her eating habits and will get pissed if pressed
- Still works as a bounty hunter of sorts, but tends to keep it under wraps
- Still knows how to play the violin
- Is a skilled fighter, but also knows a good amount of magic and is a decent potion maker.
- Eats both humans and other monsters... so watch out
- Tends to act very possessive of Astra when around other preds. She'll know if she's been eaten by another pred and won't exactly be happy about it. Dusk makes it extremely clear that her partner is off-limits unless she's absolutely willing
- Dusk is able to regulate her body's energy at will. Meaning, if she wants you awake, you stay awake while inside of her as well as the other way around. She generally prefers her prey to be rather lively and conscious over being passed out.
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vorekody · 2 months
I live in an area in Tornado Alley, was born and raised here, and I just had an epiphany. Preds being used as an underground Tornado shelter. Be there huge burrowing types who can hide underground as the storm blows over or maybe huge stone golems who are too hefty for any wind to lift!
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I really liked this idea!! Burrowing made me think of the burrowing owl- who I believe also live in Tornado Alley - so here's this! Cozy burrowing owl harpy with a tum full of mouse, waiting out the storm above
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