#ozai took the one thing azula enjoyed doing just for herself and turned it into another tool for his living weapon
iluvzuko · 10 months
Jazmine Dragon
So I wanna set a little background first: 
→ I do not own any of ATLA’s characters nor story, I just own my own characters and the thoughts on my mind, ofc I do not own all of you hot babes <3 I just wanted to write something that hopefully helped all of your hearts that love Zuko just as mine; some events are not exactly as portrayed on the show but ofc I had to shake things up as we need to get ourselves on the storyline, but I´mma try to make it the most organic as possible; any suggestions are accepted 
→ Yes, there are going to be some nsfw chapters, but in all of them are going to be warnings so that no one under 18 reads them, also in those chapters all characters involved are going to be +18 yo <3 
→ AAAAAND that's all, hope you all enjoy and hold on tight because this is a long story, if you don't like long storylines I’m sorry but this is more like a low heat cooking rather than a burning flame; I was not going to publish this, but I thought that maybe some of y’all may like it (or not), and even if no one reads this it is a good exercise as to not lose this story and remember it on the future. 
Our story begins waaaaaay back, before Katara and Sokka found Aang on that giant iceberg. 
Y/n L/n 
→ Waterbender (some extra ‘cos we deserve it: healing, bloodbending) 
→ Beautiful as you are baby, your beauty is a weapon <3 
→ Waterbender from the North Pole tribe (some extra spice: healing) 
→ Daughter of Pakku and Kanna (yes, gran gran herself haha, I had to adjust some family trees in order to make a more interesting story) 
Dad (here is were the trouble begins) 
→ Firebender, one of Ozai’s best generals (c’mon, we know where this is going, gotta add more drama) (extra: nothing, he’s already cool enough) 
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“Zuko, the banished prince, even when he was born he couldn't fulfill his father’s expectations on what a prince should look like, afraid of him not being a firebender, born without the fire nation spark on his eyes his father tried to kill him when he was born, and he could have gotten away with it if not for his mother that begged for his life… But not everything was bad, he also used to play with his uncle and cousin, as well as with his mother Ursa, his sister Azula and his father Ozai on Ember Island; once when he was about 3yo, Zuko saw a hawk that was about to attack a turtlecrab, he tried to save the small animal but soon realized that by saving him he condemned the hawk to starvation, he was confused as to what to do but before he could make his mind on this, a wave hoovered over him, his father saved him and he spend the rest of the day coughing water and on his mother arms”
Meanwhile on the North Pole (*on your birth day, happy birthday Yn/Ln!) 
Mom: What? What is it? Let me see her! *she said with pure happiness tears rolling down her eyes 
Midfive: She’s a little girl *said with a soft tone on her voice while handing the baby to her mother 
Mom: *grabs the baby in her arms with love and care* She’s beautiful… Look at her…
Dad: *stands by his wife and looks down to see the baby* 
Her dad thought that Y/n was going to be a great firebender…he certainly hoped so. When he fell for a water nation girl back in his youth and took her to the fire nation to marry her, he was scared as to what would happen if they had a child, he even told her that he never wanted to have kids of his own, that they could always adopt a little boy or girl from the colonies of the fire nation…but it finally happened, she got pregnant and even when he was scared, the joy was simply overwhelming. He didn't care if the baby turned out to be a waterbender or a firebender, or none (well, he preferred firebender or none), he sweard that he was going to protect that child with his life even… but as everything, it is easier said than done, and now here he stands, looking at a little baby girl with eyes as blue as the deep sea…definitely a child of the watertribe, he stands there looking at those pretty orbs that were so painfully beautiful, eyes that were going to see how the entire nation turns their back on her because of her origins, because of her roots… a girl that would even be noble on the water tribe of the north, but here, here she would be a problem.. 
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abittersweetraisin · 4 months
Saw the ask about netflix azula and wanting to prove herself to her father and...
Did people honestly ever think it was anything else? Like, did people miss the point because it wasn't spelled out?
Ozai ruled a house and nation where strength, ruthlessness, and bloody cunning were how life worked.
We see Zuko rejecting, then trying to embrace, then reject, then embrace, then ultimately rejecting this.
Azula is what you get when a child accepts their parent's bad reachings as truth.That's the tragedy of her character. She's like... 14? 13? She didn't make a conscious choice to be a beast. She adapted to the life she was raised in.
Is she a monster by the time of Atla? Yes! Hells yes. That does not mean she isn't also doing it to impress her father. Every child by the time they can walk wants to impress their parents. It's not something you wake up and choose daily. It's just life.
The second tragedy of Azula is her talent. Zuko, ironically, had a better chance because he wasn't as talented. The system rejected him, giving him a motive to reject it (and even then it took a long time and his uncle's personal care) Azula was unfortunately a prodigy. The system rewarded and reinforced her behavior at every turn. She has no reason to question, and every reason not to. After all, this system is one she thrives in, if it is wrong then everything about uer might be wrong too.
Just a long way to say 'Azula is evil' and 'Azula is a child attempting to impress her father' are not mutually exclusive. In fact with a parent like Ozai the second guarantees the first.
Umm… yes,. I’m obviously guilty. I think you are right, but I do would had used more signs here and there.
Azula always looked more than ready to start a fight, even since she was a little kid. Like she did it because she enjoyed it, not because she was trying to please or impress anyone else. You are absolutely right in saying children want to impress their parents. But this is fiction so it is easy to believe in just what you’re shown and the scenes where Ozai and Azula are together are very little. So, there aren’t many opportunities to pick on that aspect of Azula’s psychology. We can sit and think about what’s behind a character’s decisions, but if it isn’t clearly, explicitly shown in the story then we run the risk at taking head cannon as cannon.
Now I’m not saying I think you’re wrong. I think you are right. I just remembered a scene from book 3 where this is shown. It’s near the end of the show and many things were going on at that point. One brief moment in 61 episodes, I completely missed it. 😅 The end of the Phoenix King episode. First there is Azula’s anger and frustration at feeling like she was being treated like Zuko, then there’s this expression in her at hearing he wants her to be the Firelord. In those few minutes it does show she needed her father’s approval.
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Not just a soft princess  - Azula x female reader imagine: Part Six
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You and Azula plan to leave the fire nation but will you make it?
Part one here
Part two here
Part three here
Part four here
Part five here
Your POV
As soon as Azula got her confidence and motivation back she was as focused and calculating as ever. She developed a full proof plan as well as many back up options should anything go wrong. Mai and Ty lee were recruited and helped Azula get messages to you about the progress of the mission. Of course Azula was allowed nowhere near you but with the help of Mai and Ty lee you got word to each other and the 12 Di Lee agents in the fire nation with you. You refused to leave any behind knowing they’d face Ozai’s wrath and so Azula worked out a plan to have some slip off before the eclipse and the rest would accompany you personally. The only downside was in the mean time you couldn’t see Azula and had to act realistically miserable so Ozai wouldn’t suspect anything. He’d kept you locked in your room the entire time so it was realistic but still exhausting having to put on a show anytime a maid came in to give you food. Apparently your marriage to Zuko had already been announced but for Azula’s Ozai was waiting for the grand party he was throwing a few days before the eclipse to make the announcement he was selling off his daughter. The thought made you sick and the night got closer and closer until it was finally time. Ozai had told you that you’d be let of your room for this one party. He had to show you off or it’d look odd to the nobles. He needed to show a united front to keep up the perfect fire nation image he loved so much. You would attend the party, stay by Zuko the entire time and were warned if you so much as approached Azula you would be locked away in an actual cell until she was married and gone.
So you dutifully got dressed alone (Ozai didn’t think it was a good idea to let a maid anywhere near you) and dolled yourself up as the earth nation stereotype one more time. Zuko appeared at your door right on time and he met your eye for a second before looking away “are you ready to go?”. You nodded and fell into step beside him. You walked towards the throne room where you could already hear the party. Your stomach clenched and your legs suddenly felt like lead. You were trying to calm you breath when Zuko suddenly held out his arm to you making you glance at him. He shot you a look and so you took his arm stepping closer to him. “I just wanted you to know” he whispered so quietly the guards wouldn’t be able to hear “I’m sorry about you and Azula, but I promise I will try and protect you both as much as I can from my father”. You struggled not to react to Zuko’s words especially when they made you want to burst into tears. “Thank you” you said squeezing Zuko’s arm and he nodded to you, his eyes filled with sympathy “we can get through this” he told you as you reached the ballroom.
A round of applause followed as soon as the nobles spotted the two of you and Ozai called to you both. Zuko led you to the front of the room where you stood on a raised platform beside Ozai. “To the future of the fire nation” he cried gesturing to the two of you and everyone raised their glasses repeating him. You cringed as did Zuko but you both just smiled and held onto each other tighter. This was just for tonight, one night and you’d be free, you just had to get through this. You were doing rather well repeating that as a mantra to yourself while Zuko led you around the room and then all your resolved fell away when you saw her. You knew seeing Azula would be painful but you didn’t expect it to be so shocking. Azula was dressed....well nothing like Azula. Instead of the usual armour or shoulder padded shirts she wore Azula was in a traditional fire nation dress. Make up and jewellery overly adorned her and it looked forced and false. Her hair was pulled back away from her face sharply and in a position that looked painful. You realised with a sinking realisation that Ozai had done to Azula what he’d done to you. He turned her into the “perfect fire nation woman” and in the process she didn’t even look like herself...but that wasn’t the worst part. When you saw the man she was engaged to your stomach sunk and you legs felt weak. If Zuko didn’t have a hold of you, you’d have fallen but his grip alone kept you upright. The man Azula was stood next to was just awful. He was at least triple her age and from his facial expressions alone seemed cruel and entitled. He was surrounded by an adoring crowd of men who hung on his every word, no doubt because he was about to shoot up in standings by marrying a princess. He didn’t even acknowledge Azula’s presence as he talked to his friends and acted as if she wasn’t there. The only evidence showing her was aware of her presence was the large hand he had clasped around her, resting on her lower back. You never thought of Azula as small or vulnerable but with that horrible man holding onto her, trapping her beside him, you wanted to grab Azula and protect her from him. Azula looked up as if she sensed you but she shot her head down as soon as she met your eye. You’d both agreed to act the part of pining for one another but it wasn’t hard. Zuko pulled your arm and you tore your eyes away from her which were now full of tears. Zuko hurried you to a quieter area and hid you from everyone else standing infront of you. “Are you okay?” Zuko asked and you sighed at how stupid that question was. If it wasn’t for the fact you knew this time in a few days you’d both be free you’d have launched rocks at everyone in the room. “Look I know it must be hard for you seeing Azula...but you have to hold it together, at least until we can leave okay?”. You nodded your head and met Zuko’s eyes but had to look away again as they reminded you of Azula’s. “As soon as we can retire...” you started and Zuko nodded taking your hand “I promise, now are you ready?”. You took a deep breath and nodded “lets go” you said, a fake smile plastered on your face.
True to his word as soon as you could Zuko whisked you out of the ballroom and you were returned to your prison. You were surprised to find when you were in the privacy of your own room you didn’t break down crying. You were so emotional you were shaking but not in sadness, you were angry. You were more determined than ever to get away from the fire nation and to take Azula with you. Nothing would stop you and if the firelord dared to try...in the mood you were in, you’d catapult him off the earth.
Azula’s POV
Azula had hated this evening more than anything in her whole life. From the tight dress she was contorted into, to the face paint they called make up that was smudged heavily all over her face but of course the worse thing was her fiancé. Any time he looked at her Azula felt her stomach churn and the fact her was so excited about the marriage made it worse. Azula was forced to listen as her “future husband” bragged about what he’d do with his new titles and land. He didn’t ask her opinion of course, she was just part of the deal. A body not a person. Azula had never been good at holding her temper and all evening she’d been itching to burn this man’s hand from her waist and she was losing her restraint. So when Azula saw Mai and Ty lee waiting for her by the door, the signal she could retire, Azula felt like collapsing in relief. She glanced at the man beside her and cleared her throat. He carried on talking and so she tried again, louder. He narrowed his eyes and gave her a side glare but apart from that ignored her. Her patience running thin Azula sighed “general Yamun my ladies are waiting for me”. The man paused and slowly turned around “so?”. “So, with your permission, i would like to retire for the night”. Her fiancé sighed and waved his hand “yes yes whatever you may leave” and waved her away. He turned away from her taking his arm and Azula felt her whole body relax. She rushed to Mai and Ty lee and only felt safe when she was between them and walking down the hallway to her bedroom. Both her friends seem horrified and didn’t know what to say. “Azula i’m....” Ty lee started but she didn’t get far. “No” Azula cut her friend off, she knew her father had placed people to spy on her and she couldn’t risk them overhearing anything. “I enjoyed the party I am just tired” Azula said pointedly hoping her friends would get the hint to not speak until they were alone. As Azula reached her room the guards parted but as Mai and Ty lee went to follow her they held out a hand. “Sorry princess, your father has told us no females are allowed to enter your room”. The guard couldn’t even look her in the eye as he said that and Azula thought that was wise, she might’ve spat fire at him if he dared to look up. Azula sighed deeply angered at the tricks her father was pulling, as if she couldn’t be trusted around women because of her feelings for you. “Fine” she said stiffly and Mai and Ty lee paused surprised “really?”. Azula nodded her head “yes if my father commands it” she said managing not to sound sarcastic. Mai nodded her head but Ty lee was frowning. Worried her more sensitive friend would burst and ruin her plan Azula blinked “Ty lee...” when the girl flung her arms around her. The guards cried out and Ty lee glared suddenly looking very intimidating and scary “what can’t i hug her? She’s my best friend I will not stop hugging her because you forbid it”. The guards looked away and Ty lee hugged her tightly “don’t worry we’ve got the plan memorised, we’ll sort everything even if he stops us seeing you I promise” Ty lee quickly whispered into Azula’s ear. Azula was shocked and touched by Ty lee’s promise and when they pulled away Azula smiled at her friend fondly. “Do exactly as you have been told and everything will be fine” Azula said pointedly and Mai and Ty lee smiled “of course princess” and turned and left. 
The day of the comet Azula woke up bursting with energy and was itching to get the plan under way. She struggled to wait till the appointed time but when it finally came...she took it. Azula knocked her guards aside easily and freed herself from her own prison. She met Mai and Ty lee on their way to help her and they jumped surprised “Azula...you already made it this far? How many guards did you...”. “I stopped counting after 30, now you guys go and clear the way to the ship, i’m going for y/n” she said with a grin and took off into a run. 
Your POV
You paced back and forth in your cell waiting for Azula. It was actually a proper cell now. You’d been moved into the barracks like everyone else but given that there was earth everywhere down here Ozai had locked up away in a tiny metal cell to trap you. So the plan depended on Azula coming to free you meaning all you could do was wait and it was excruciating. However the plan also depended on Azula reaching you before the eclipse. Otherwise her strongest attack, her fire bending, would be gone and your escape over. You stared at your watch anxiously and counted down the minutes until Azula was scheduled to appear. There wasn’t much time for a delay, she had to get you out before the eclipse and then with most of the fire nation defenceless you could literally sweep aside the guards using your earth bending, but she had to get here first. As it got closer and there was no sign of her you began to panic. What if she’d been caught? What if someone had told Ozai? As the time for Azula to appear passed you were ready to try destroying the box with your bare hands in frustration when suddenly one of your guards paused “what was that noise?”. You looked up hopefully as a guard was selected to investigate. You watched discreetly and saw the man approach the corner cautiously. He peered around the side and was blasted with a wall of fire instantly. He fell back unconscious and Azula appeared. Well you assumed it was her, it was hard to tell given she basically looked like she was on fire with how fast she was fire bending. The guards closest didn’t stand a chance as she rapidly shot debilitating shots making them fall heavily to the floor. The guards further back were lucky and had time to duck before retaliating. Of your 8 guards Azula had taken out 4 but 4 more remained and they obviously knew their was strength in numbers. A fire bender’s strength was attack and speed and so they worked on taking that away from her. They backed her into a corner slowing her down and Azula had to switch to a few defensive shots as their plan worked. You knew Azula would win eventually but the time was ticking further and further away, taking your chance of escape with it. “Azula get me out I can help” you yelled as you saw she was tiring. Azula looked at you and launched into a flurry of attacks. She propelled herself over the guards using sheer power and landed infront of your cell. Before her feet even hit the ground she sent a stream of fire to the hinges of your door. Azula them turned to defend herself and you threw your body weight against the door. It gave way and clanged loudly against the ground making the guards all pause. You walked out of your cell and came to stand beside Azula. You grinned at all the earth surrounding you and looked directly at the guards. “So who’s first?” you asked. 
The guards taken care of Azula took your hand and led you as quickly as possible to the launch pad. Neither of you talked, both too set on escaping. Azula let you know the eclipse was close and you nodded, any guards you encountered were yours. Surprisingly after the eclipse hit it got easier. The guards weren’t used to not using fire bending and so you knocked them aside like dolls. Azula finished off any with close combat and you got closer and closer to freedom. As you got closer to the surface you began to see signs Mai, Ty lee and your dai li had been here. Soldiers pinned to the wall with knives or guards limp on the floor unable to move their muscles. Azula risked a grin at you as you neared the airships “we’re going to make it” she told you and you squeezed her hand tightly “don’t jinx us”. 
You burst onto the air field and both blinked trying to adjust from the gloomy tunnels to the bright sky. “Azula y/n!” you heard someone yell and turned to see Ty lee waving to you widely. You rushed to her and she grinned “you made it! Mai’s inside with the engine all started, the dai li are on board too, everyone made it”. Mai appeared rushing off the air ship “you have to go now” she yelled “the eclipse is almost over!”. You nodded but Azula paused looking at her friends “you two are....I should say...”. “You should say nothing” Mai interrupted her “don’t waste all our effort getting caught now, go!”. “Yeah don’t worry Azula we know what you want to say” Ty lee nodded and Azula smiled. She nodded to her friends and then looked at you “lets go”. 
Azula was the only who knew how to fly the air ship and so while she sailed it out of the fire nation you watched the horizon for any signs of attack. Apart from a lone air ship sailing in the opposite direction there was nothing. Still you stared out watching long after the fire nation has disappeared and jumped when a hand touched you. “Y/n” Azula said softly and you paused “who’s flying the ship?”. “The Dai li, at this stage it’s just steering so it’s easy”. You nodded your head and looked down. Azula watched you worried, you still looked so stressed even though you were safe. She went to try and comfort you when you suddenly grabbed her and held her tightly. Azula jumped caught of guard but let you bury your head in her neck emotional. “I...you’re”. “It’s okay y/n” Azula told you as you finally let yourself cry “I was so worried you wouldn’t make it, that they’d keep you”. “I’m here y/n, we both are we did it!”. Azula smiled but you couldn’t “watching that man treat you like he did made me so angry” you told her and Azula nodded. “It made my skin crawl but this moment got me through it, knowing I’d be free with you and now we are...together”. “Free” you smiled and Azula nodded “free”. You buried your head against her neck and held onto her tightly, it was all finally over.
Ba Sing Sei
When you reached Ba Sing Sei it was only too easy to get back inside. The fire nation guards waved the fire nation air ship in and Azula got the ship manoeuvred to the general of the city. Ozai had kept her disgrace quiet so although the people were confused why she was here when her wedding was tomorrow they didn’t dare question it. Once Azula was alone with the general she easily over powered him. Then together you organised the dai li to clear the city of fire nation soldiers from the inside out. You started at the palace and worked swiftly until every solider had run back to the fire nation.
The work was tough and there were many close calls but finally after 3 weeks the city was yours, the earth kingdom flag flew proudly above the palace and Azula stood beside you admiring it. “What you told me on the beach....about how I took your city, I hope giving it you back helps to make up my debt to you”. “It more than does” you smiled grabbing her hand “now the next thing we have to do is defend it.
You had no doubt Ozai would be sending a large army against the city and with so little time to prepare new additions were always welcome. Mai and Ty lee showed up one day, apparently Ozai had blamed them for your escape and when Zuko left there was nobody there to protect them and so they fled. You weren’t surprised they outmanoeuvred the fire lord and welcomed them warmly. Then a small group of men called the white lotus appeared. You agreed to meet with them and so you and Azula walked to the assigned meeting place. The second Azula walked inside the building a flame shot out for her. She blocked it just barely and you identified the attacker and laughed a large rock at his head. It only narrowly missed but your dai li soon joined in and you had the man trapped in rock. “Who are you and why did you attack her? Did Ozai send you?” you yelled but Azula grabbed your arm. “He’s not working for my father y/n, he’s my uncle”. You frowned looking from Azula to the man “if that’s true then why did he attack you?”. “We’ve never seen eye to eye...” Azula said awkwardly. “We heard Ba Sing Sei had been freed and came to help but when I saw you...i thought it was a lie and you were in charge, how do i know it is not?” Azula’s uncle asked and your temper flared. You glared tightening the rock that held him “your niece helped me reclaim the city, she helped me escape the clutches of her father and rescued my people from the fire nation. You say you are here to help the city? Attack her again and I’ll have you thrown away so fast you never get an option”. Iroh blinked “okay I believe you, i’m sorry for attacking her it won’t happen again”. You looked at Azula and she nodded so you let the rock fall away. Iroh massaged his wrists still confused by the situation until he saw you and Azula together. He had burnt Azula’s hand and he saw you fussing over it while Azula blushed and told you it was fine. He saw you agree to leave it but still your eyes never left her for more than a few seconds and he was surprised that what had obviously saved his niece was the one thing he’d figured her incapable of...love.
With the white lotus, Mai, Ty lee, the dai li and the entire ba sing sei army you defended the city and defeated all of Ozai’s troops easily. The avatar defeated the fire lord and finally it was all over. You worried Azula might see the open spot on the throne and become enticed to battle her brother for it but she didn’t. Zuko had appeared with team avatar in Ba Sing Sei the day before the comet and they’d had a long talk. Azula didn’t tell you everything but apparently they’d both come to an understanding that their father had pitted them against each other for his own gain and they both vowed not to let him anymore. Azula told you the fire nation was of no interest to her anymore and you believed her. 
After the war your Uncle came out of hiding and took over Ba Sing Sei again. You and Azula remained and helped the earth kingdom reach it’s full potential. The two of you openly began dating and despite the earth kingdom being rather old fashioned, in your home of Ba Sing Sei nobody had a bad word to say about the two princesses that ruined and then saved Ba Sing Sei.
After a long and happy reign your uncle decided to abdicate and as next in line you were crowned queen of Ba Sing Sei. Azula became your queen consort and you ruled together, historically being the first same sex royal couple.
You had been on the throne 5 years now and everything was peaceful. Relations with the fire nation were better than they had ever been. The water tribe was a close ally and friend thanks to the avatar’s companions and the avatar himself regularly visited Ba Sing Sei due to your close friendship. But the best thing about your life was Azula. 
You were thinking about how lucky you were when like magic she appeared. “Y/n are you busy?” she asked peaking into your study and you smiled “for you? Never too busy, what’s wrong?”. Azula blushed “well for once nothing actually, our city is thriving and the other nations are all at peace”. You nodded smiling “so what did you want to talk about”. “Ow it’s just gossip really” she smiled coming to sit on your desk. “I was doing some archival reading and found something interesting...did you know avatar Kyoshi’s life partner was a woman of the fire nation called Rangi?” Azula asked and you frowned. “I did not, how have I never heard of that?”. Azula shrugged “apparently as soon as my great grandfather Sozin decided it was wrong he erased all records of her or well he tried to, I’ve spoken to Zuko and he’s ensuring every single fire nation child learns about the heroic fire bending body guard companion of the avatar”. You smiled “that’s really nice Azula, tell me more about her”. Azula launched into an extensive account of the fire bender, how her mother taught avatar Kuruk, how she’d actually been the first fire bender to use jet stepping and how, like Azula, her fire wasn’t the tradition orange but white. You smirked half way through Azula’s story and she paused “what?”. “I was just thinking...do all earth kingdom girls have a weakness for short tempered beautiful fire bender women or is it just a coincidence?”. Azula blushed and you laughed trying to pull her to you. Azula resisted before just giving up she crashed against you. “You’re adorably annoying” she huffed and you smirked “see you’re short tempered and difficult but i’m smitten...I wonder if Kyoshi ever had these problems?”. “Problems?” Azula called and you smiled “this privilege” you corrected yourself smiling. “Maybe it is a trend or a pattern, you may be onto something here y/n” Azula smiled indulging you “either way I don’t care, i’d want nobody else for my wife”. You’d been married for several years now but it still made you embarrassingly proud whenever Azula spoke about it, so she did it all the more. You rolled your eyes blushing fiercely and Azula laughed “don’t make that face I know you love me”. You grinned despite yourself “you’re right I do more than anything” and Azula smiled softly. “It goes without saying I love you too”. “I know” you smiled and Azula grinned before getting off you “come on we have to get ready, my family, the avatar and all his friends will be here soon to celebrate your 5 year anniversary as queen and you can’t be late to that”. You nodded standing up “you go ahead i’ll be right behind you”. Azula nodded and left your office and you watched her before smiling softly. You looked out of your window at your city below, the districts based on class long since disbanded, and watched as everyone bustled around with their day. You city was happy, your friends and family safe and you had the best wife in the world. Life was good. 
That’s it! I had to get some Rangi and Kyoshi in there of course because I am obsessed with them (i’m convinced that fire nation women are just the best thing in the four nations at this stage) and love the similarities between Azula and Rangi. 
Thanks for all the support it means a lot :) 
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azure-firecracker · 3 years
"Paint me"
The idea for this comes from a little fandom head canon of mine that I alluded to in "One Step at a Time".
Basically, the perfectionism learned from Ozai is too ingrained in Azula's personality for her to completely move past. So her therapist suggests finding a healthy outlet for it and she decides to take up painting, something she learned that she enjoyed during her Academy days which Ozai put a stop to, citing it as a waste of time.
I can totally see Azula spending hours upon hours making sure the finest details are perfect.
How would I tie this into Azutara? I always imagined Azula doing significant acts for her partner as a love language (the way she was raised (neglected, touch starved, not shown unconstitutional love) makes it incredibly hard for Azula to verbally or physically show affection, however, she loves receiving it. So, hearing from Katara that they are constructing a palace in the Southern Watertribe, she begins working on pieces to fill the future empty walls of the palace. Recreating pre-war images of their capital, asking Katara about cultural lore/stories/mythology and painting them, a portrait of Hakoda who lead their people through the last stages of the war, etc. She gifts her work to Katara and the tribe upon the completion of the palace. I think Azula contributing to giving back the culture her grandfather and namesake helped destroy would be a nice redemption move and a way for that often overlooked detail of the story to come full circle. As you can imagine, it would also be extremely touching to Katara, who wants to see her home recover.
Whether you wanna flesh that scenario or come up with your own is entirely up to you. I know whatever you decide to write will be awesome! 🙂
What an awesome idea! Your AUs are always so detailed and intricate! Sorry this took a while. I was just trying to come up with the right thing to say (also you’re so nice😊)
Azula stood on top of a ladder, reaching to paint the final detail on the top of the mural. It was by far the most ambitious project she’d ever attempted, and she took pride in the effort every brushstroke had required, the hours she’d spent planning and painting. She took pride in the work she’d put in to make every detail perfect.
Technically, Azula had been warned against wanting things to be perfect. But this was for Katara, and she was more than willing to put in the work to make it as perfect as it could be. After all, though she would never say it, in her eyes, Katara was the most perfect person she knew. A perfect person deserved a perfect gift.
Satisfied at last, Azula climbed down and stared at her work. The Southern Water Tribe as it was a century ago looked back at her. The painting was so detailed that Azula could have walked into it and visited the place herself.
Footsteps echoed in the hallway, and Azula turned to see the painting’s recipient coming towards her. Katara was wearing the traditional robes of a Water Tribe princess, something Azula had never seen her wear before. She looked absolutely breathtaking.
Katara stood next to her and stared at the mural. « Azula...that’s amazing » She turned to her girlfriend. “Thank you.”
Azula felt her face flush. « Well, I suppose it’s only fair. It was my ancestors who destroyed this place. It’s only the natural order of things that I attempt to repair it. »
Katara looked away. « Oh. Well, I think that’s very...nice of you. » Her disappointment was clear. Katara had never been one for hiding her feelings.
Azula sighed.  « I didn’t mean it that way. I want to fix what my ancestors did... »
« I know you do. »
« You didn’t let me finish. But I also want to do it for you. This place means the world to you. You’re something special, Katara. You deserve to have everything you dream of. »
Katara blushed and Azula felt the waterbender’s hand slide into her own. « Well, whatever the cause, it looks incredible. You’re really the best artist I’ve ever seen. »
« I thought I was the only artist you knew. »
Katara laughed. «��Well, you’ve seen Sokka’s drawings. »
They sat in silence for a moment, staring at the mural as it was lit up by the light of the setting sun. Then Katara turned to Azula.
« This place isn’t all, you know. »
« What? »
« You said this place means the world to me. It’s not all that does. » Quick as lightning, Katara leaned over and kissed Azula’s cheek. It was over in less than a second. « You mean the world to me, too, you know. »
Azula felt her heartbeat speed up. Katara had managed to articulate exactly what Azula had been trying to say the entire time.
But perhaps, she thought as she looked at the mural she had made for the girl she loved, she hadn’t needed to say it out loud at all.
Thank you so much for the prompt! I hope you enjoy, because I really enjoyed writing it:) Your idea is amazing, as usual!
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Incompatible Intentions
Chapter Two
A/N: This is a Sokka x female!reader and Zuko x female!reader. This is one of my first stories so please enjoy. Also, Y/N is 10 years old in this chapter, making Zuko, Sokka, Azula and Katara 11, 10, 9 and 9 respectively. The year is 94AG.
Can be read on both A03 and Wattpad (same username)
WARNING: mention of a dead body, somewhat hand to hand combat
Also sorry for any spelling mistakes or typing errors. I have proofread this, but sometimes it just skips over my head. 
Series Masterlist
Tumblr media
Y/N- your name
Y/F/N- your father’s name
Y/L/N- your last name
If you’re on Chrome, you can use this extension to personalise your names.
WC: 3.8K
It had been weeks since Y/N had last seen Azula or Zuko. Summer break was over and school was back in session at the Royal Fire Academy. 
Despite her numerous pleas to her father, Y/N wasn't allowed to join the rest of her classmates back in school.  
Why he had decided to do this; she was unsure. Her father had always seemed to be a patriotic man, proud of the Fire Nation and what it stood for. Recently, however, he seemed different. She even attempted to convince him to let her join him at work. But again, he refused.
Y/N was never one to question her father and mother when it came to most things. She would always listen and do what she was told. But once her father had prevented her from seeing her friends; she wholeheartedly disagreed.
Of course, she didn't do anything drastic for a while. She listened patiently to him- hoping that he had a reason for all of this.
During the first week, she took the opportunity of her confinement to practise her firebending. During her first month, she hung out more in her room, trying to learn traditional Fire Nation Dances. And by the third month, all of her motivation had vanished: she preferred to lay in her bed the entire day.
But on the first day of the fourth month, Y/N had decided enough was enough. And now, she was getting dressed. She changed into her school uniform, readying herself to sneak out and finally go to school. It had been almost five months since she had last seen her friends and she couldn't be happier to hug them again.
It was hard to deny that Y/N missed her friends extremely. Not seeing them for so long left her feeling less than perfect. But every time she missed them, she would look down at her wrist, remembering the meaning of the jewellery that she wore: that no matter where they went; no matter how far apart they'd be from one another; they'd always be best friends. It had been almost a year since that day she thought as she solemnly began to wonder: why hadn't they visited her?
Y/N and Zuko had been friends for just over a year; spending every moment together. Well, that was before her father had isolated her from the rest of the nation for 'whatever reason.'
Unbeknownst to her, her father hadn't agreed with many of the Fire Lord's more recent plans and policies; and instead of allowing his daughter to be surrounded by such ideologies, he chose to shield her from them. 
Fire Azulon had plans to raid the Southern Water Tribe, and capture every waterbender there was. The Fire Lord believed this to be the easiest way of reaching Fire Nation supremacy; by destroying all other benders of the elements. 
Of course, his plan started long ago with the murder of the Air Nomads- ensuring the permanent destruction of the Avatar. As the Earth Kingdom and Northern Water Tribe proved more difficult to conquer, the Fire Lord believed that the Southern Water Tribe was the next easiest target.
Admiral Y/L/N disagreed strongly with these new plans, arguing that this was genocide. It came to no surprise that these newer, more invasive plans were courtesy of Fire Prince Ozai; his plans for the Fire Nation always seemed more intense than the rest of the Royals.  Of course, Fire Lord Azulon agree with his son and dismissed the Admiral's concern. 
And even though the Admiral may not have been able to say it aloud, an old family friend lived in the Southern Water Tribe; an old friend whom he didn't wish any harm upon.
Chief Hakoda and Admiral Y/L/N had met when they were children. Their grandfathers' long-lasting friendship transcending generations. Admiral Y/L/N would recall his grandfather telling him stories of a pre-war world of peace and prosperity. Their friendship began during the reign of Fire Lord Sozin, both Y/F/N's and Hakoda's grandfathers had been best friends. When the two had children, it was only natural for their kids to meet and become friends. And that happened, for a while.
 And then the Hundred-year war began, and the two friends saw each other less and less; consequently, as did their children. But as the kids grew up and began to reminisce fondly on the memories of one another; they found ways to communicate. And it wasn't long before Hakoda's and Y/F/N's fathers introduced them to one another. The two adults would converse as their children would play, momentarily forgetting the chaos of the conflict that separated their two nations. And as they aged, it became rare for the two to talk: the unwavering concern that the Admiral would be found and killed for treason due to their friendship remained ever-present.
Not too long after the Admiral's objection, the Fire Nation began preparing for their raiding of the Southern Water Tribe: The Admiral continued to advise against the plot that Prince Ozai had put in place, but it was too late.
Y/N was in a different year group to Zuko and Azula and therefore were in separate classes. She wouldn't be able to see them until lunch. Annoyingly, her classes dragged, and as she waited for the lessons to end- she often found herself staring at the clock, hoping it would make time go by faster.
Despite the excitement she had felt for the better part of two hours, Y/N soon began to grow worried at the thought of seeing her friends again.  
What if the reason they never visited her was that they didn't care about her? What if they didn't want to be her friend anymore? 
Y/N's mind filled with troubled thoughts and she soon began to dread seeing her friends, debating whether or not she should go home.
Why would she think that they cared about her if they never visited her? They probably forgot all about her by now. There was no use in her being there. She should probably go home...
After her class had finished, Y/N slowly made her way to the courtyard, scared to see Zuko and Azula again. She sat down on a bench and pulled out her favourite book; figuring she needed a distraction. It wasn't long before the yard had filled up: occupied by running children playing with one another. 
A few minutes had passed when the sound of her classmates gasping and shouting snapped her out of her trance. A concerned look brushing over her features as she stood up, intrigued by whatever was going on. A crowd of children had rushed around two boys; Y/N recognised one of them immediately. 
Instantly, she rushed over and joined the others in the crowd. Her heart pumped rapidly inside her chest as she tried to make sense of what was going on. Zuko had a bruised lip, his knuckles appeared swollen; he seemed disorientated. Y/N had to hold herself back as she watched from the shadows. She couldn't get involved. Her parents would be called then she'd be caught, not to mention that Zuko maybe didn't even want her help.
Similarly, the boy Zuko had been fighting looked just as badly injured. Y/N struggled to recognise him until she realised she had seen him before. He was a boy from her history class.
His left eye swollen, much like Zuko's knuckles. His eyebrow had a cut and a bruised had formed on his left leg. Y/N slowly walked closer as she tried to get a better view of the fight. Zuko had knocked the boy to the floor, turning his back to him and walking away.
"You're not worth it," Zuko mocked.
People soon began to lose interest walked away. But Y/N stayed; this felt too easy.
The boy swiftly brought himself up off of the floor, steam blowing from his ears, and spread his legs apart in a fighting stance; taking a deep breath. Y/N gasped quietly, instantly realising what the boy was about to do. All of her responsibilities quickly dismissed as she ran to tackle the boy to the ground.
With full force she landed on him, stopping the lightning bolt he was about to shoot at an unsuspecting Zuko. The lightning shot past his arm barely missing him. The crackling of the electricity made the young prince turn around briskly, a panicked look on his face. His eyes landed on Y/N, as her body held down the boy who he had moments ago pushed to the ground.  Instinctively, Zuko ran towards Y/N. 
"Y/N what the hell was that?" he asked his worry rapidly turning into anger, at the realisation of what his friend had done, " Why did you do that? He could've hurt you!"
"Yeah well, he was about to shoot lightning at you." she retorted, picking herself up off of the ground. "I'm sorry for trying to protect you." She stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"I don't need your help." his words coming off harshly through gritted teeth.
They were more severe than he'd first meant them to be, his face dropping in realisation. Y/N's anger had faded at Zuko's cruel words and she quickly turned away, starting to speed walk back to her bench. Zuko swiftly ran after her. 
"Look Y/N I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."
She scoffed at his words as she quickly picked up her book, shoving it in her bag, refusing to look him in the eye. 
"I was just worried about you. And seeing you on the floor after you tried to save me, well I. I didn't mean it. " 
"You sure sounded like you meant it when you said it a minute ago Zuko." she spat back, her anger and betrayal seething through her words. 
"Y/N, please," he begged once more, but she refused to look up at him. Giving up on trying to reason with her, Zuko instead opted to question her. 
"Where have you been these past four months?" his voice laced with concern. 
She took a moment to process, almost as if she couldn't believe what she had heard, "Maybe if you'd bothered to come to find me, you wouldn't be asking that question." Y/N's pain evident as she placed her bag on her shoulder aggressively, before staring Zuko directly in the eyes.
It clicked. 
Zuko suddenly realised why she had refused to look at him the entire time they'd talked. It wasn't until that moment that he finally saw the betrayal she hid behind her beautiful  E/C eyes. The hurt and anguish she felt by being abandoned by her best friend.
She looked away from him for a second, catching the eyes of everyone that had been staring at them. Briefly, she made eye contact with Azula, seeing her beside two girls, she recognised one of them as Mai, her partner in music class.
Y/N hadn't realised that they had attracted this much attention. Rapidly, she looked to the ground, then back at Zuko.
 "I'm leaving."
As she turned away, Zuko intrinsically grabbed onto her wrist. For a short moment, she looked back at him, the tears that had welled up in her eye threatening to escape, before she snapped her wrist away from him and walked home. 
This was a mistake.
Arriving home, Y/N slowly walked into the house, carefully and quietly in case someone was inside. She quietly tiptoed towards her bedroom and closed the door behind her; a sigh of relief escaping her lips. 
Effortlessly, she got changed into her nightgown before throwing herself on her bed. The cool of the sheets finally grounding her and she began to forget all the problems today had brought with it. She snuggled tightly into the sheets and closed her eyes; a little nap wouldn't hurt.
Abruptly, Y/N opened her eyes. Her heart was beating rapidly as she heard the distant voices of her parents. Seemingly, they were having a conversation about something and had seemed to be doing so for a while.
Y/N rubbed her eyes gently before getting discreetly out of bed. She walked to her door and turned the handle slowly, leaving the door with a slight crack in it so she could hear what was going on. 
Despite the open door, she couldn't hear what her parents were talking about any better; they had finally quieted down and were now speaking in hushed murmurs. Y/N immediately became more intrigued as she tried to open her door further to hear what was going on. But the door creaked. 
Agonisingly, Y/N looked up and made eye contact with her parents. 
"Ma' what's going on?" she asked, her concern quickly turning into panic at the sight of her mother. Had she been crying?  
"Y/N sweetie it's ok. Everything's going to be ok." she rushed to her daughter's side and enveloped her in a tight hug, " I promise you it's all going to be ok."
 Y/N was remarkably confused. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips pursed.
"Ma' please what's happening?"  she looked into he mother's eyes, examining her, hoping she could find out more.
"Y/N, baby, can you go to your room and pack some stuff quickly; only the absolute essentials, ok?" she looked at her daughter to make sure she understood. 
Y/n nodded, walking back into her room she glanced at her father who had now sat down at his desk: was he writing a letter?
It had been nine days since that night. Y/N's parents had refused to tell her what was going on, but she was a smart kid. It didn't take long for her to realise what had happened. 
What she had yet to figure out was why it had happened; why had they been banished from the Fire Nation? Her mind would often wander back to that day, questioning if it was her fault. Strenuously, she would think back to that night as she desperately tried to remember if she had heard anything that her parents had said: but nothing ever came to mind.
It was a long and tiresome journey, which Y/N had slept for the majority of. She remembers walking a lot and being on a couple of boats, yet nothing stood out to her. It was almost as if she went numb in the following days. Her mind refusing to believe what was happening, yet her body happily obliging to her father's orders: following him wherever he went. 
They first travelled to the Crescent Island, the closest land of Fire Nation territory to the Earth Kingdom. From there, they travelled south towards the Chin Village. And there they met him: Hakoda. He was taller than Y/N first imagined. But then again, everyone is when you are a nine-year-old child. Hakoda had arrived on a small boat, accompanied by other members of his village, and soon they began their journey home.
Upon their arrival, the Admiral and his family weren't greeted with pleasantries: as expected. No one felt truly comfortable around the Fire Nation family, which was understandable.
 Despite Hakoda's pleas of reasoning, no one wanted to trust them-not completely anyway. This, surprisingly, applied to Hakoda's children. Despite their similarity in ages, and the long-standing friendship between the two families. Y/N found it hard to bond with Sokka and Katara. 
As their parents would talk and gossip, Y/N would watch on as Sokka attempted to sword fight, and Katara tried to move a droplet of water from her bowl. Even though she too could bend, Y/N was scared to do so. Scared that if people in the village saw her abilities, they'd cower in fear more greatly than they already had. That they'd isolate her more strongly from the village- if that were even possible. So she held back.  She watched on gloomily as the two siblings would bond and play, and she'd be left staring blankly at the snow.  But she didn't blame them. Of course, she wouldn't. Why would she, when Zuko and Azula had done the same to her before?
Six weeks had passed in the Southern Water tribe, and Y/N slowly started to feel at home again. Sure it wasn't as warm as her old home, but she found it to be more comforting- even if no one trusted her or her family. Rumours and whispers had started to spread: gossip from other neighbouring villages. 
The Fire Nation had arrived. 
Upon hearing the news, former Admiral Lee had snapped back into action and quickly dragged all of the abled men and women into one of the igloos, no doubt to prepare for battle. And even if no one had told her, Y/N knew too; she knew they were coming.
When the day finally arrived, all Y/N could do was hide. As her parents and the rest of the men left to defend their home,  Y/N hid away inside one of the farthest igloos.
 She remembers seeing her parents that morning, waving them an ecstatic 'Good Morning' before running off to play with the penguins. She didn't return until she heard Katara's shaky voice call out to her. 
In the past few weeks that Y/N  had been there, Katara never dared to talk to her; rarely ever even looking at her. But as she ran up to the young girl, Y/N could see the panic that was plastered on Katara's face. Something was wrong. Something was horribly wrong.
The two girls ran inside an igloo, as they hid with Sokka and their grandmother. Neither Y/N's parents nor Sokka and Katara's were anywhere in sight. Were they here? Had the Fire Nation arrived?
Desperately she tried to get answers from Kanna, but the old lady wouldn't budge. Only ever daring to speak to shush or comfort the children. 
Then it happened. Then Y/N heard the horn of a ship she never thought she would have to hear again. 
A Fire Nation warship.
Subconsciously, Y/N snuggled deeper into Kanna's arms as she tried to comfort herself. She didn't know why the Fire Nation could be here. What could they want? They had banished her family and they left without a fight. What more could they want? 
Impatient and worried, Y/N was the first to run out: Kanna's grip too weak to stop her unrelenting determination. She was going to find her parents. Sokka was next, following Y/N outside of the igloo as he ran towards a boomerang on the ground and picked it up. 
He wanted to help fight against the raiders. He was a man now- well, he sure thought he was. Highly improbable that a nine-year-old boy would be considered a man. Katara was next, slipping through her Gran-Gran's fingers and running outside into the cold air. Frightened, they all looked at one another as they saw the 'black snow' falling on them. 
Y/N  swiftly ran towards the front of the village as she tried franticly to search for her parents. Having two fire bending parents was always a great thing in Y/N's eyes. But now, now that they had to use that fire bending to fight against their home nation? Now, she wasn't so sure.
She briefly saw Katara run in the opposite direction, in search of her mother, no doubt. Sokka, though, was right behind her- boomerang in hand- ready to fight. 
It wasn't long before she saw her mother. Her ferocious and powerful nature present as she took down Fire Nation soldier after Fire Nation soldier. A proud smile grew on Y/N's lips as she watched her mother take down men twice her size. She had always hoped that one day she'd be as skilled as her.
However, her smile quickly vanished when she saw the tears that had begun to cascade down her mother's eyes; the liquid covering her rosy cheeks.
Y/N abruptly looked in the direction that her mother had not pried her eyes away from; praying she wouldn't see what she thought she would. 
But she did. 
A distraught whimper left Y/N's lips as she stared at two Fire Nation soldiers, carrying her father's limp body onto the ship.  
As she watched the horrifying image play out in front of her, Y/N found it hard to breathe. Her voice stuck inside of her chest as she tried to talk, to scream, to have any sort of reaction. But she couldn't. 
Hearing Y/N's cry, Sokka looked away from the group of warriors he was studying and glanced at her. 
His body tensed as he saw a single tear drip down the side of her cheek.  Following her line of sight, Sokka saw two men boarding a ship with her father's body in their arms. Startled and anxious: he watched as Y/N cried silently, gawking at the ship her father had just been taken to. 
He could be alive he thought. He could be alive and only unconscious. They could bring him back. He could be okay. But even he knew that that would be wishful thinking.
It wasn't until Y/N heard a thud on the ground that she finally ripped her eyes away from her father. 
Her mother was on her knees, arms behind her head as soldiers cuffed her arms. Y/N looked towards her confused, staring at her for an answer. Then it clicked.
She was surrendering.
 Her mother- the most stubborn person she knew, one of the most powerful firebenders in the Nation - was surrendering, and she couldn't do a thing about it. 
But she had to do something. She had to go in and help. She had to save them. It was unachievable, that she knew. But she had to try. She couldn't just-
Her thoughts were interrupted as she saw her mother be moved. She was pushed forcefully onto the cold metal of the ship,  spitting disgustedly at one of the soldiers. Then, he reacted the only way he knew how- a bright orange flame scorched her mother's skin as she screamed in pain. 
The sparkle in her mother's eyes was slowly dying, and as she looked up and at her daughter, they shared a moment of adoration.
 They looked at each other for a little while longer until her mother mouthed a final 'I love you' and 'I'm sorry' before being dragged away deeper inside the hull of the ship.
A gut-wrenching, uncontrollable scream escaped her lips as she watched her parents get taken away. The harrowing cry echoed from her chest as she dropped weakly to her knees. Sokka swiftly, dropping down beside her in an attempt to comfort her. 
He instinctively stroked her hair and shushed her as he tried to calm her. Long ago, he had given up on trying to fight. His father didn't need him: Y/N did. He brought her closer to him, laying her head on his shoulder- muffling her cries from the Fire Nation soldiers in an attempt to keep her hidden.
His eyes were glued on to her, his mind muddled with ideas on how to help her. If only he had looked up to see his mother get dragged away towards the same fate.
A/N: remember to like and share! It shows me you are enjoying the story :)
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Okay so my mother and I have finished ATLA and here are her final thoughts-
• First she was really upset that it was looking like Aang was gonna have to kill Ozai and Zuko was going to kill Azula
• Then Azula started acting crazy and she was like “maybe they have to kill that one”
• Sukka was her favorite canon ship. She loved their dynamic and was really surprised that the tent scene made it into a kids show 👀
• She does miss Yue but she sees Suki as a good partner for Sokka and especially loved how she gave Sokka space when he didn’t kiss her back. She felt like they built up the relationship really nicely and she thought their reunion in Boiling Rock was cute
• She loved all of Sokka’s genius ideas and said Team Avatar would be dead without him and the Earth Kingdom would’ve been burned
• Also she really loved Toph’s power escalation with metal bending. The show did a good job of showing how she slowly got more advanced to the point where we see her bending herself a whole suit of metal in the finale
• She really thought the lion turtle thing came out of left field. She thought it kind of went against the lore we already knew and was introduced too late in the story
• When Mai came out before Zuko’s coronation she literally said, “no I don’t like them together! They’re not gonna get back together are they??”
• She really disliked M@iko lmao which I was surprised by cause she was kinda okay with Kataang
• I think this might be because she is a Zuko stan and saw Mai as counterintuitive to his character arc
• To quote she said “all they are is depressed together and that kind of relationship only works when you’re depressed”
• Also she was a bit confused by Mai and Ty Lee’s redemption arcs. Yes she understood how they turned against Azula but she thought that was just to save the people they care about (Mai saving Zuko and Ty Lee saving Mai) not because they’d turned against the Fire Nation. Mai herself seemed really into the Fire Nation and in the same episode had just yelled at Zuko for turning away from his nation, so she thought it didn’t make sense that Mai was suddenly on the “good side”
• She definitely thought Katara and Zuko were gonna get together, especially after Southern Raiders, and after he took that lightning for her in the Final Agni Kai she thought they were end game
• During Ember Island Players she started thinking that Aang was a little young for Katara. She asked me what the age difference was and I told her only 2 years, same as Katara and Zuko, but she said he just seemed really immature (especially in that episode) which is not his fault it’s the writer’s
• She was okay with the Kataang ending. Like she preferred Zutara but she felt like Katara and Aang could work out, especially as he got older and matured (I didn’t tell her what went down in LOK). She was frustrated that they never had a conversation about their feelings and felt it was rushed in the show but it didn’t ruin the ending for her
• With Katara being with Aang she wanted Zuko to just be single in the finale
• She also really wanted Zuko’s scar to get healed and kept hoping it was gonna happen. She just really wanted him to get rid of that mark and constant reminder of his father’s abuse which I understand but I think it’s important that Zuko keeps his it. I hope he starts to think of it as a symbol of his strength of character in that despite all his father did to him he continued to look out for his people
Overall she really loved the show and I was surprised by how into it she got. This was the first animated show she’s ever really enjoyed and also the only fantasy world she’s experienced that was based on Eastern mythology. Shipping aside, she really loved all the characters and has absolutely no hate towards anyone. She liked the ending and felt like it left just enough to keep you thinking. It was really fun to watch this with her and get all her reactions. I told her that LOK exists but she didn’t want to watch it right now because she was deeply disturbed by the thought of Aang being dead but maybe we’ll do that one in the future!
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It’s All in the Past - Zuko x Reader
Part 26
Summary: University is starting in less than two weeks and Y/n is in need of a new place closer to campus. Thankfully, she learns an old friend is looking for a roommate. However, this old friend and her might have a lot more in common than she anticipated, which brings up quite a few complications...
Warnings: swearing, violence, mentions of rape
Word Count: 4k ish?
A/N: hey lovelies!! Another part of IAITP is finally here! I’m so sorry for the wait but I had a bit of writers block and this part was a doozy. I know this is technically a smau but this chapter is written out because I didn’t feel the smau format would do it justice. Anywho, I hope y’all enjoy and lmk what u think because u kno I’m a simp for your love and support🥺🥺💕💕
Zuko left the apartment at exactly 8:50pm. It was in his best interest not to take his car, and luckily for him it wouldn’t take long to walk to the location anyway. Merchant Street was about a 7 minute walk away and he knew exactly where to find the broken building; it was an old bank, abandoned about 30 years ago, although, he’s not sure why no one’s bought the land since then. He assumed the rendezvous point was the parking lot behind the building since it was secluded: perfect for an ambush.
Zuko knew this wasn’t a perfect plan... he knew that. But, he only had so many options, and right now this was the best one. Whoever had contacted him had information on him and that meant it was his problem to handle alone. He could understand why y/n was upset with him, and he knew she was only trying to help him, but he wouldn’t put her in a situation like this if he didn’t have to. If they were looking to hurt someone then it would only be him, and he was willing to go through with that if it meant keeping her out of it. Zuko knew what kinds of information they could have found, most of them he assumed were linked to his dad and the company; another reason why Azula would be the perfect person to contact if something went awry. He trusted his friends to keep an eye out for him; they were intelligent and resourceful and he knew they could handle themselves in this situation. He just hoped they would keep their promise and follow his instructions in a worst case scenario.
He came across Merchant Street and the building was in view. Here we go, he thought.
He wasn’t aware of the person trailing him.
The girls knew she was going after Zuko, but y/n didn’t tell Sokka or Aang. She couldn’t exactly trust them to keep their mouths shut if they knew she was leaving, or not to follow along as well, for that matter. Zuko was stubborn, of course, but she was too, and she wasn’t going to let him steal the title of being the strong, brave one of the group. That was her job! Toph could fight her on that title, sure, but she wouldn’t let Zuko have it, no sir! It was hers and that meant she had to follow him. Not because she cared about him obviously, it was about the glory! Okay, no it was because she cared about him. She’d admitted that to the girls and to him earlier anyway so she couldn’t lie to herself. She was worried for him.
Y/n crept out her window about a minute or two after Zuko had left, just to be sure he wouldn’t notice her. After that it was a trek to Merchant Street and to the broken building a few paces after. The night air was chilly so she was glad she’d grabbed her hoodie before climbing outside. It was October now, and even in the dying light she could see the trees start to change colours. It would have been beautiful under different circumstances. Maybe she’d ask Zuko to see it with her when this was all over.
The scenery reminded her a little of autumn with Zuko when they were kids. They’d spend the day with each other at school and then they’d go home and play games in y/n’s backyard. It was always at y/n’s house because Ursa never allowed them to play near her own. Y/n can understand why now, although she didn’t at the time; it’s probably better that she’d stayed away from Ozai as long as she did.
Zuko was a troublemaker when they were younger. But, there was one day in particular that she remembers where Zuko got himself into pretty deep shit, and he almost brought y/n down with him. The school bully had been messing around with the other kids more than usual that day. Usually, he didn’t bother with Zuko or her since Zuko was known for his fiery spirit and could easily take down anyone who tried to mess with him, and because y/n spent so much time with him no one dared to come for her out of fear of what Zuko might do. But, that day the bully was feeling particularly bold...
Zuko reached the back of the building. Across the lot he could make out four figures. As soon as they saw him approach they made their way over to meet him halfway. Once their faces became clearer, Zuko couldn’t believe what he was seeing; or rather who.
“Jet,” Zuko sneered.
“Hey pal. Long time no see.”
“What do you want?” Zuko eyed the other three cautiously. He wasn’t stupid, he knew Jet wouldn’t have brought backup if he wasn’t planning something. Though, Zuko was confident he could take them in a fight if need be.
“Touchy touchy, so eager to get to the point. That’s fine, I figured you would be,” Jet smirked. “Where’re your friends?”
“Not here.”
“Too bad. I was hoping I’d have an audience when I beat the shit out of you,” Zuko stiffened. “Well, not me exactly. My friends here were happy to take up the offer instead.”
“Why’s that? Scared I’ll break your nose a second time?”
At that, Jet growled. He looked like he was about ready to rush in a take a swing at Zuko, but stopped himself.
“Don’t you wanna know what I found?”
“I figured this meet up was more than just a friendly hello, so yeah,” Zuko never let his guard down as they spoke.
“It’s pretty well known that your dad went to prison, I’m not surprised about that. He was a bastard after all, seems to run in the family,” even though he hated his dad, the comment still made Zuko’s blood boil. There were plenty of people in his family who he loved and respected, and he wouldn’t tolerate insults toward them from anybody, let alone this asshole. “But, it looks like there was some pretty illegal shit that went down in the company before he left. The same company you recently took over, am I right?”
“Get to the point, Jet.”
“I don’t think the public would much appreciate it if they knew the kinds of things your company did while your dad was in charge.”
“Like you said, it was when my dad was in charge. Things are different now.”
“It doesn’t make any difference. People don’t care who was in charge when scandals happen, they just care that they happened, and they’ll blame you for it. It’ll ruin you, Zuko.”
“You’re insane.”
Jet laughed, “That’s true.”
“I’ll ask again, then: what do you want?”
“I want my pride back. That night you took y/n away from me hurt, pal. It’s your turn.”
Y/n reached the front of the broken building. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn’t realize she was already there. The place already felt foreboding, and she was hoping whatever she saw behind the building wouldn’t scare her. Not that she was scared; in fact, she was gearing up to tackle anyone who would dare to hurt her man. Yes, her man. Y/n crept around the side of the building, making sure to keep her body pressed against the brick walls. She could hear the commotion before she saw it, and she poked her head around the corner to watch what was happening.
Zuko, in all his glory, was taking on three guys in a fight while a fourth stood back and watched. Most people didn’t know this about Zuko, but he’d been taking different forms of combat classes since he was little, they both had. The difference was that y/n was much more open about it. So, y/n wasn’t surprised to see Zuko handling the three men with ease, though she was still worried. One thing she had learned was that it didn’t matter how well trained you were... one slip up could be fatal. In this case, she was more angry with him than anything else. She knew it would be dangerous and she had told him that, but he didn’t listen. She just wished she had gotten here earlier so she could understand what their motive was. That’s when she began to analyze who exactly these people were to Zuko, but she immediately regretted that decision when she really looked at the face of the fourth person.
Her heart stopped and her blood ran cold when she recognized him. It was Jet. That slimy bastard was the one behind this whole thing. Of course he was! Zuko must have humiliated Jet more than he let on that night, and while that put a bit of a smile on her face, she wasn’t any more relieved about the situation. Then, her heart stopped a second time, but for a different reason.
Zuko had made a mistake.
A small stone had caught underneath Zuko’s shoe in the darkening space making him stumble just slightly, but it was enough for the other three men to take the advantage. Jet laughed loudly as his ‘friends’ began to pummel Zuko. There was a sickening gleam in his eyes and y/n almost panicked remembering it as the same look he gave her the night of his party. Zuko fell harshly to the ground as the largest of the three men struck him on the side of the head.
No, she thought, fuck fuck fuck.
“Hey!” Y/n yelled running out of her place behind the wall of the building and into the open parking lot. “Stop it!” The men stopped their assault momentarily.
“I thought you’d said none of your friends were coming, Zuko,” Jet sneered. “I’m not mad about this particular friend showing up, though. Makes things more exciting, if you know what I mean.”
Zuko didn’t move much from his position on the ground, but he flicked his eyes up to y/n’s own when he’d heard her voice. At first, there was anger in his expression, and honestly y/n wasn’t surprised to see that, but slowly it turned to worry and regret.
“Y/n what are you doing?!” Zuko’s voice gave a hint of something almost desperate, like he wanted her to leave, but she wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. Even now, she was looking for ways to frustrate the shit out of him; this seemed like the perfect opportunity!
“Well, listen, I know you said not to come with, but honestly it was a little boring without you at home so... here I am!” She gave him a half smirk, Zuko just glared back. “Besides, if I’d known it was Jet who called you here I definitely wouldn’t have let you go by yourself.”
“Trust me, if I’d known it was Jet I wouldn’t have come myself at all.”
“Awe sugar,” Jet interrupted then, directing his words toward y/n, “I love that you’re still thinking about me. Although, I’m a little hurt you chose Zuko here over me, especially considering his history.”
“I told you! I wasn’t even in charge at the ti- argh!” Zuko’s sentence was cut off by a boot to his chest. He began coughing harshly. Y/n looked menacingly at the man responsible, striding forward a few steps.
“I told you to stop,” she growled.
“Or what? What are you gonna do, huh?” the man spoke to her with a chuckle. He was quite large, broad in the shoulders, and his voice was deep. Y/n wasn’t very intimidated, if she was being honest. She was more focused on Jet than the other three; he was unpredictable.
“I don’t think you wanna find out what I’m gonna do, so I’ll tell you one last time to lay off!”
The man drew his head back in a loud laugh, his friends snickering behind him.
“Jet, do you believe this bitch?” facing Jet, who didn’t speak, but stared blankly at y/n. The man then turned back to face her himself. “Your boyfriend didn’t stand a chance against us, what makes you think you could do anything?”
Y/n didn’t say anything further to the man. She stared him down, but with a relaxed form. This somehow made him incredibly angry. With one last shove to Zuko’s side, he stalked over to y/n with his chest puffed out. Still, y/n didn’t flinch or move from her position. When he was within arms distance he reached out to grab her, only for y/n to move out of the way just slightly, taking his outstretched arm and tossing him over her shoulder. Although he was much larger than she was, it wasn’t hard to shift herself into a position where he would be at her mercy. As his body flung forward and crashed onto the ground, he stared up at her in shock. He only registered his pain when she took his arm and yanked it to the side. At this point, the other two men had taken their focus off of Zuko to help their struggling comrade. Y/n took care of them just as easily.
Although Zuko had seen y/n fight before, he didn’t realize how much she’d improved since then. It was like watching a dance; a beautifully coordinated and mesmerizing dance. Her movements flowing and graceful, despite the fact that she was taking on three men twice her size. But, Zuko still felt the need to protect her with everything he had, even if she could take these men with her eyes closed. So, he tried to stand. The first thing he noticed was the pain in his chest like a sharp knife was gnawing at his insides; he must have broken a rib or two. Not the first time it’s happened, so Zuko shook off his discomfort and deemed it unimportant for the time being. His priority was y/n.
The second thing he noticed was the pounding in his head once he got himself upright. This made it difficult for him to focus properly, which is why when a figure came up from behind him he wasn’t quick enough to react. Jet pushed Zuko back down to the ground, Zuko landing flat on his stomach, his face pressed into the cement. Jet’s foot landed squarely on Zuko’s back, eliciting a painful groan from the pressure put on his ribs. His foot stayed there, pinning Zuko to the ground and ever so slightly increasing the pressure to his chest. At some point the pressure became too much and Zuko cried out unintentionally.
Y/n whipped her head around at the sound of Zuko’s cry. The fight was basically over and it didn’t seem like these men had much else to offer her, so she knew she could take her eyes off of them for now to focus on the real problem: Jet. As it so happened, he was the cause of Zuko’s shout, his foot pressed into the center of his back keeping him pinned to the rock-hard ground.
“Jet, get off him. Now.”
“Or what, sugar-tits? You gonna punish me?”
Zuko squirmed underneath Jet’s hold, fury emitting from him at the way Jet was speaking to y/n. He would not hesitate to beat the man again if he got the chance. Y/n just rolled her eyes, she knew what Jet was trying to do.
“You sure you wanna try that? Did you even see what I just did to your friends?”
As if in response, the three men groaned from the ground behind her.
“You know,” Jet spoke, “you’re a lot more capable of handling yourself than I thought you’d be. Guess it was a good thing I’d made sure you had a little extra to drink that night. Or maybe not. Could’a been more exciting if I didn’t.”
“Shut up!” Y/n screamed, her fists clenched at her sides. She didn’t want to react, she knew Jet was trying to rile her up so she couldn’t think as clearly. But, he’d hit a nerve bringing up the night he’d almost raped her. It was a topic she was trying to avoid at this moment.
“Awe. Sorry, we’re a little touchy on that subject, huh?”
“I said SHUT UP!”
Y/n went to move toward Jet, ready for a fight, but he had other plans. His foot pressed harder into Zuko’s back, making him cry out a second time, his fingernails scraping into the ground from the pain. Y/n stopped abruptly, her eyes widening at Zuko’s slight whimper.
“Okay, okay, stop. Please. Just-“ she hesitated for a second. “What do you want?”
Jet smiled. “It’s funny since I didn’t really expect you to show up. But since you’re here now, I guess it means something. This prick isn’t worth your time, y/n. He’s weak and he doesn’t deserve you. Why don’t you come back to me? I can take care of you, we can start over. And, I’d never hurt you, not like he has.”
Y/n stopped short at his last comment. How did he know about their past? How did he know Zuko had hurt her before? Jet must have noticed her expression because he continued...
“I know a lot about Zuko here, especially about the things he’s done to people he supposedly ‘loves’. There’s a lot he hasn’t told you. His sister isn’t the only one capable of doing a little research.” At that, he glared down at Zuko, increasing the pressure to his back ever so slightly.
Zuko gasped. So, he knew. He knew about everything; about how he’d asked Azula to look into his history, about his shared past with y/n... everything.
“I’m sorry about what I did to you earlier. But, I’m willing to make it up to you if you come back to me,” Jet spoke calmly to y/n. It was almost too much. Y/n looked down at her feet, unsure of how to go on. Zuko was only watching her with pleading eyes, hoping to god she wouldn’t believe what Jet was telling her.
After a brief moment, y/n looked up determined. She’d made up her mind. She walked calmly toward the two, stopping only inches away and looked straight into Jet’s eyes. Then, she offered her hand to him.
“You’re right Jet. I’ll give you another chance.”
Zuko’s heart sunk. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Just like that she’d left him to suffer at her feet. He was heartbroken, yes, but he supposed he deserved it. It wasn’t like he expected this to last - nothing ever did. He had hurt her too much to ever deserve her love, and y/n knew that. She could never be with him after everything he had done to her. She deserved better. She deserved someone who wasn’t weak like him, someone who could protect her. Zuko was a failure, and he should have known y/n could never love someone like him. His own father didn’t.
Jet smiled broadly, taking his foot off of Zuko’s back and grasping y/n outstretched hand. He walked a couple steps toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist, one hand travelling towards her ass.
“I knew you’d make the right choice, baby. You’re mine.”
Y/n looked him in the eyes, a small smile gracing her lips. Just as Jet was about to lean down for a kiss, y/n took that moment to strike, ramming her knee into Jet’s groin. He doubled over, wheezing, giving y/n the chance to strike his head, making him drop to the ground, his nose spurting blood down to his chin. Zuko was shocked, but immensely relieved. He felt like he could breathe again as y/n rushed over to his side.
“Are you alright? Where does it hurt?” She began asking him once she’d knelt by his side. Zuko just lay there captivated by her.
“You didn’t go with him,” he said finally.
“What? No, of course not! Zuko, I would never choose him over you... did you think I would?” She asked sadly.
“Well... yeah. I mean, kinda? I don’t know, I-“
“Zuko,” she interrupted him, “Look at me. I will always choose you. You’re important to me.”
Zuko watched her as she helped him to get on his feet, a small smile creeping onto his face. He was important to her.
The moment was interrupted by a glint in the corner of his eye just behind y/n. Without thinking, Zuko rushed to pull her behind him, shielding her from the impact of the knife which had just imbedded itself into his shoulder. Zuko yelled in pain, gripping onto y/n’s shirt while blood flowed freely down his back. Y/n was screaming. Jet backed away slowly, after having recovered from y/n’s attack and retaliating with the pocketknife he kept hidden in his shoe. He hadn’t meant for it to hit Zuko, and frankly he was surprised when it did, not fully registering the weight of his actions. He immediately turned and ran in the opposite direction leaving his comrades, as well as y/n and Zuko, on their own.
“Zuko,” y/n cried, “hey, look at me. Zuko, please-“
“Y/n, I’m fine,” Zuko forced out. “Just give me a second.”
“You’re not fine! You-“
“There they are! Guys over here!” A voice shouted suddenly. It was Sokka.
Behind Sokka was the whole group: Aang, Katara, Suki, and Toph. They all rushed to the couple, at which point Zuko began leaning heavily on y/n for support. Y/n immediately lowered the both of them to the ground, looking to her friends in desperation and placing her palm firmly over the wound. Zuko hissed. She maneuvered him into a position where his uninjured shoulder was leaning against her while they both sat on the pavement.
“What happened?” Katara questioned once they were close enough to see the damage.
Y/n looked to Zuko’s injury with regret, “Jet happened.”
“What?!” Toph yelled from behind the group.
“Guys?” Zuko spoke roughly, “What the hell? I thought I told you all not to come!”
“Zuko, I swear to god, now is not the time for this,” y/n looked to him deeply unimpressed. He glared back at her.
“So,” Suki jumped in, “is someone gonna call an ambulance or...? You know, for Zuko’s shoulder?”
“Wait, what’s wrong with his shoulder?” Toph asked, confused.
“It’s got a fucking hole in it,” Sokka put it frankly.
“What the fuck, Zuko?!”
“It’s not that bad! Seriously, it’s just my shoulder, I’ll live,” he glared at them, not wanting to make a big deal of the situation.
“You need stitches,” Katara glared back. “It won’t heal properly if you leave it.”
“Katara’s in nursing, you gotta trust her, Zuko,” Aang spoke for the first time since getting there.
Zuko looked to the ground, as if it would give him an answer to his problems. He never liked the hospital. It brought back too many memories from when he was younger. Then again, his friends were right. He needed proper care, and they weren’t even aware of the possible fractures to his rib cage.
“Fine,” Zuko relented. “But, you’re not calling an ambulance. We can just drive there.”
“Y/n, I’m serious. I just need something to bandage it and I’ll be fine until we get there.”
She said nothing, but nodded reluctantly. She looked to the rest of the group and they all seemed to be in agreement: they would drive. Y/n moved to stand, careful not to move Zuko’s shoulder the wrong way, and helped him to his feet as well. Once standing, Zuko seemed to sway a bit so y/n put her arm around his waist to steady him. She looked to him concerned, his eyes seemed unfocused and all his concentration went to making sure he didn’t fall over. Obviously, he was in a worse state than he was letting on, but he’d never tell them that. Instead, he leaned slightly onto y/n as they took a few steps forward. About a five steps in, however, his knees buckled and y/n had to jump in to catch him before he hit the ground.
“Zuko!” Y/n screeched. Sokka jumped in to help as y/n held Zuko in her arms. His eyes were shut tight, fists trembling. “Damnit, I knew it!”
“I’m fin-“
Y/n was at the end of her rope. She turned determinedly to the rest of the group, but before she could get a word out she realized she didn’t have to say much for them to get the message. Sokka and Suki were already running to grab Sokka’s car that was parked just down the road while Katara, Aang, and Toph helped in making a makeshift bandage for Zuko’s shoulder. Y/n turned back to him. His eyes were drifting and he felt limp in her hold. So much for being fine, she thought. In reality she was freaking out. She didn’t know what else to do, she wasn’t a doctor!
“Zuko...” she spoke softly but stern, cradling his cheek in her palm. He drifted his focus to her eyes, searching them, but it seemed like he was struggling. “You gotta keep your eyes open for me, ‘kay?”
“Y/n,” his words were almost like a whisper, “sorry...”
“Hey, no, don’t do that. This isn’t your fault.”
He stared into her eyes, contemplating on something. Then he spoke.
“You’re important to me too...”
“I’m- what do you mean?”
“Earlier you said I was important to you... you’re important to me too.”
He lightly grasped the hand cupping his face in his own, squeezing gently in hopes of conveying what he meant. Y/n got the message loud and clear.
“Y/n I need you to lift him up a bit for me while I wrap his shoulder,” Katara chimed in, unintentionally breaking their moment. Y/n did as she was told, lifting Zuko as much as she could while Katara fit the makeshift bandage around his shoulder and torso. Zuko groaned lightly in pain, his features twisted to try and hide how much it really hurt. Y/n did everything she could to help, even if it wasn’t much. Soon, Sokka pulled the car up next to them, Suki in the passenger seat.
“We won’t be able to fit everyone, so you guys are gonna have to decide who’s going first and I’ll pick the others up later,” Sokka stated.
“Y/n,” Aang turned to her, “you should be the one to go with him. I can stay behind.”
“I’ll stay too,” Toph said. “Katara should be in the car with you guys since she’s got the most experience medical-wise.”
Everyone nodded, Aang helping to lift Zuko into the back seat while y/n climbed in after, holding his body as close to hers as she possibly could. Katara got in on the other side of the car and they were off. Y/n never let go of Zuko the whole car ride, thinking of what he’d said to her just before. Of course he was important to her, she loved him and she would do anything for him.
She loved him.
Oh god.
They pulled up to the emergency room, rushing to get Zuko help, and the whole way, from the car, to finding help, and finally to the whole gang sitting in the guest area waiting for some sort of update on Zuko’s condition, all she could think about was that... she loved him.
AHH Okok so finally finished and I’m sorry if the chapter kinda dropped off at the end🤭😬😬 but I hope you guys enjoyed, I know it’s been a whole long ass time so this was something I was looking forward too! Again, love you guys and I’ll see you at the next chapter💕✨💖🥰
Part 25 | Part 27
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sukifans · 4 years
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[n] a pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather
SUMMARY: a captured waterbender and the fire prince may sound like an unlikely pair, but kena never much cared about others’ expectations and zuko, well… he was just along for the ride
A/N: we have read more cuts, bitches. also iroh is the ultimate wingman lmao. enjoy this pt it is very soft and fun ~
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Zuko found himself walking down the seemingly endless corridors of the Fire Nation palace. He caught sight of his reflection in a window pane and stopped to look. He quickly reached up to touch his face when he realized he no longer had his scar. The skin that was usually rough and dry and cracked was now as smooth as the rest of his cheek. His hair was longer, pulled half-up in a top knot that held the Fire Lord’s hairpiece. He moved his fingers away from his face to touch the golden flame but stopped when he heard a voice.
“Hey, over here!” the voice called. He turned and saw the familiar girl from the tea house standing at the other end of the corridor. She giggled before running off, rounding a corner.
“Wait!” he shouted, chasing after her. He was only barely keeping up, just catching glimpses of her long braid or her clothes whipping around a corner before she disappeared again. He stopped when he saw her standing still in front of a doorway, smiling. “Who are you?”
Her face immediately fell and her eyes filled with tears. Guilt squeezed his chest, making it hard to breathe. “You mean, you don’t remember me, Zuko?”
“I- I’m sorry. You’re so familiar, I just can’t place you-“ he stammered.
“You forgot me!” she roared, face contorting with anger now. He took a step back, frightened by her distorted features. “You killed me, and now you forgot me! How could you?”
“I d-didn’t kill anyone,” he whispered. The girl opened her mouth wider than should’ve been possible and let out an inhuman wail, running into the dark room beyond the doorway. Against his better judgement, he followed.
Zuko’s heart raced when he looked around and found himself in the Agni Kai room he’d been burned in. Three figures stood in the middle of the room with their backs to him, one on their knees between the other two. Cautiously, he approached. He felt sick to his stomach when he saw his father and Azula were the two standing figures. On her knees was the waterbending girl from the infirmary he’d known as a child. Ozai was holding her by her hair as silent tears rolled down her cheeks, forcing her to hold her head up.
“Let her go,” Zuko demanded. Ozai and Azula both laughed.
“Or what, Zuzu? You can’t fight both of us and protect the snow savage,” Azula purred. She crouched down and grabbed Kena’s face roughly, her sharp nails digging into her skin. Kena whimpered helplessly and Zuko felt like he’d been hollowed out. The poor girl’s whole body was trembling with fear.
“Zuko, help me. Please,” she whispered desperately. He tried to move to reach her but his feet were rooted to the spot. Ozai yanked her hair and Kena swallowed a yelp.
“Look, little girl. He’s not going to save you. In fact, he gave you to me.” He forced her head back up to make her look Zuko in the eye.
“I didn’t! Kena, please-“
“Beg, savage, and maybe he’ll help you,” Ozai snarled, throwing her onto her face at Zuko’s feet. No matter how hard he tried, he still couldn’t move. He felt like he might fall apart when he and Kena made eye contact just as she started sobbing openly and loudly.
“Zuko, please! Don’t hurt me! I’ll do anything, just please don’t hurt me again!”
“I- I would never-“ he started but was cut off by Kena’s desperate cries as she dropped her head again. “I’m trying but I can’t move.”
She tilted her head up and suddenly she was older — the girl from the tea shop again. With a rush he realized he could move again and immediately dove down to scoop her up. As soon as he touched her, she screamed like she’d been burned and scrambled away from him, looking terrified. Ozai laughed again and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her up off the ground so her feet barely skimmed the floor. She desperately clawed at his arm but Ozai was entirely unbothered. She was struggling to breathe, chest heaving while she choked and sputtered.
“You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher,” his father said and Zuko’s blood turned to ice in his veins.
Azula approached Kena with her hand engulfed in blue flame. The waterbender thrashed and fought but couldn’t get free, not before Azula brought her hand to her face-
“Kena!” Zuko sat bolt upright in his bed, drenched in sweat and his heart racing. His blanket was tangled and twisted around his legs and his pillow was somehow across the room. When he realized what he’d seen had just been a nightmare, he started trying to calm himself down with deep, uneven breaths, holding his head in his shaking hands.
Kena. She was here. She spoke with him. Hell, he had a date with her in less than twenty four hours. Sana had told him that she and her mother had escaped from the palace before being executed, but he had never been sure whether or not she was lying to spare his feelings. To see her here, alive and seemingly happy... he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to speak to her again without blowing his cover. She didn’t seem to recognize him, what with the scar and all the time that has passed. He didn’t know if he preferred that over her knowing it was him or not.
Sighing, Zuko slipped out of bed and started to dress himself. He needed to get out for a bit and take a walk, maybe pick a fight, to clear his head. He slung his swords in their sheath over his shoulder and tied the ribbon of his mask around his head before creeping out of the apartment, careful not to wake Iroh. He wandered down the empty streets, sticking to the shadows cast by the shoddy buildings of the Lower Ring in the moonlight and slipped into small alleyways to avoid running into any late-night stragglers.
His breath caught in his throat when he turned into an alley see someone else at the other end. There stood a woman in a flowing white dress with a large black bag across her body. Most peculiarly, she also wore a mask — a black base painted with white detail to depict a smiling koi face. She cocked her head curiously as they studied each other silently. He briefly considered pulling out his swords, believing he’d found his fight, but changed his mind when he realized she didn’t seem to be carrying any weapons. If she had, surely she would’ve drawn it by now.
Slowly, she nodded to him in acknowledgement before turning and disappearing around the corner. He hurried to follow but she was nowhere to be seen when he poked his head out of the alley. Maybe she really was a spirit of some sort. Ba Sing Se was certainly weird enough for it.
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Kena woke up late in the morning, sunshine streaming in through her small window and directly across her closed eyelids. She sighed and turned over, burying her face into the pillow to maybe sneak a few more minutes. That, is until whoever was at the door started banging on it again like they had been when they’d woken her. She continued to lay there, listening for Fera. They knocked again. Clearly Fera wouldn’t be answering this morning. She had probably already left for her job as a maid for a wealthy family in the Upper Ring. Groaning, she pushed herself to her feet and wrapped her robe around her body.
“I’m coming, I’m coming! Spirits, just stop banging on the door before you break the damn thing!” She yanked the door open only to immediately be trampled by four raucous girls rushing into the apartment.
“Morning, sunshine!”
“Are you okay? You just left us yesterday!”
“Yeah, you looked like you’d run into a spirit or something!”
“Did he reject you for some reason? Do we need to go knock him around for a bit until he finds his sense?”
“Because we totally will.”
“Yeah, we can take that skinny kid, easy.”
Kena laughed at her friends. “Guys, it’s fine. Last night I just remembered that Fera had asked me to pick something up for dinner from the market and I’d totally forgotten so I had to hurry. Sorry I didn’t say anything, you know my one-track mind.” She went to the kitchen to put on some tea while the rest all settled down in the living room.
“But you did ask him out, right?” Jin pressed and Kena rolled her eyes, cheeks heating up.
“Yes. You guys shoved me back in there.”
The girls looked at her expectantly. “And? What did he say?” Mona gestured for her to continue, raising her eyebrows.
“He said yes,” she answered quietly and her friends immediately started hooting and hollering. “Shut up! The neighbors are gonna make a noise complaint again!”
“Aren’t you excited, Sola?” Kyali sighed dreamily, clasping her hands. “I don’t think you’ve been on a date in the entire time we’ve known you and now you’re going out with this hot, brooding, mysterious guy.”
“I bet he writes poetry,” said Oma. “Maybe he’ll write something about you!”
“You guys are insane,” Kena laughed, shaking her head. “All of you need to stop reading those garbage romance books.”
“Look, we all already know you’re Miss Independent and you don’t need a man or whatever. You can be excited about your date tonight,” Jin said pointedly. Kena rolled her eyes as she carried over the pot of tea and five cups.
“Fine, okay; I’m a little excited,” she said, pouring everyone a cup before sitting on the mat next to Mona. She was more than a little excited, but for different reasons than her friends thought. She was also incredibly nervous, unsure of whether or not to confront her childhood best friend.
Mona took a sip and smirked. “Is this jasmine?” Kena shook her head exasperatedly, hiding a smile, as her friends all laughed.
Zuko sat on the floor in front of his uncle, who by all appearances was attacking him with a small comb. He winced when the teeth pulled through another knot, grumbling.
“Nephew, when was the last time you combed your hair?” Iroh tsked as he gave another mighty pull.
“I’ve had bigger things to worry about recently, in case you forgot,” Zuko responded. Iroh sighed dramatically.
“Often, we only feel inside as good as we look outside,” he said. Zuko rolled his eyes.
“This seems like a little much.”
“It’s your first date with this girl! You need to make a good first impression.”
“I’ve already made a first impression. She knocked me over and cut her hand open.”
“And that was very kind of you to help her!”
“You kind of gave me no choice.”
“I could tell you liked her, I was just pushing you in the right direction,” Iroh said smugly and Zuko grimaced. “But you’re still working on your first impression. A first impression only ends when the relationship does.”
“That doesn’t make any sense, Uncle.” Zuko made a strangled noise of protest as Iroh started slicking his hair down with some sort of slimy paste.
“I used to be very popular with the ladies in my prime. I can give you some tips, if you’d like.”
“I would not,” Zuko interjected quickly but his uncle steamrolled ahead anyways.
“First, you should compliment her as soon as you see her. Tell her she is more radiant than the first fire lily of spring.”
“Talking about fire lilies seems like a bad move,” Zuko said. His cheeks tinged pink, however, remembering the fire lily he gave her that night in the palace — the last time he’d ever seen her until the day before.
“Perhaps you’re right, Nephew,” Iroh mused, looking thoughtful. “Instead, tell her that her eyes are more captivating than a moon flower during a lunar eclipse. Or, perhaps that her presence is as warm and comforting as a fresh cup of tea on a winter night! Remember, this could be your future wife!”
“That’s enough, thank you.” Zuko stood quickly, having heard enough to be sufficiently embarrassed. “You’re going to make me late if you keep messing with my hair.”
“I suppose that will be as good as it’s going to get, then. Do a turn so I can see you properly.”
“Uncle, honestly-“
“Turn, Prince Zuko.” Exasperated, Zuko turned in a quick circle, shoulders tense as Iroh scrutinized him. “You look very handsome! But you would look much better if you smiled.” Iroh beamed as if to demonstrate and Zuko gave him a sour look. “I said ‘smile,’ not ‘scowl.’ Don’t do that in front of her.”
“I’m leaving now,” Zuko said flatly, walking towards the door.
“Be nice! Pay for dinner! Don’t frown! Stay out as late as you want, I won’t wait up,” Iroh called after him as he hurried out.
Kena felt her heart start racing when she caught sight of him outside the Pao Family Tea House, hair combed and flattened into a middle part that she had to swallow a laugh about — surely Iroh’s work.
“Hey, Lee,” she said as she approached. “You look so cute.” She laughed and she ruffled his hair. He gave her a pained look and caught her wrist in his hand.
“It took my uncle ten minutes to do my hair.”
“That’s sweet,” she said with a soft smile, surprising him as she laced their fingers together. He willed himself not to go red in the face. “Come on, the festival’s already begun!”
She dragged him through the streets, talking excitedly about the food she wanted him to try and a few performers that would be on the stage in the middle of the Lower Ring later. He didn’t say much, just enjoyed her presence and the fact that she was alive and here and somehow with him. Any chance he got he stared at her, analyzing every detail of her face and comparing it to what he could remember from childhood. She still had the same medium-brown skin, dark hair, and grey eyes of course, but it all felt new and exciting again; her hair was longer and flowed freely down her back and her eyes, though still kind and sparkling, held something deeper that had not been there before. He also noticed a long, thin white scar that trailed down the left side of her face from her forehead, through her eyebrow, and down to the corner of her jaw. The thought of someone hurting her made him angrier than he’d anticipated, but he tried not to focus on it. Instead he fixated on how she was almost always smiling or laughing, how casually and comfortably she touched him when she held his hand or grabbed his arm when he made her laugh or brushed her fingers against his forehead when she put a goofy hat she’d won in a game on top of his head. It had been a long time since he’d let himself just be around someone, and it felt incredible. She was still, despite everything, so unabashedly Kena that it made his heart squeeze in his chest. He didn’t know how he hadn’t recognized her as soon as he laid eyes on her, because it seemed overwhelmingly obvious now.
Kena, meanwhile, was trying her hardest to get him to slip up. Something had happened between that night and the day before, because she saw immediately from the way he looked at her that he knew. She figured it was only a matter of time before he misstepped somewhere.
“Lee is an interesting name,” she’d mentioned casually as they watched two contortionists on stage twist themselves into impossible positions.
“I really have to beg to differ on that one,” he’d said in response.
“It’s just a very common name in the Fire Nation, you know? Before I came to Ba Sing Se, there were at least a dozen people named Lee in even the smallest villages. But oddly enough, I’ve never met anyone named Lee here except for you.”
He’d simply shrugged and said, “my village was colonized by the Fire Nation decades ago. I guess the name bled into the local culture.” She’d hummed noncommittally at that and went back to square one with a new plan.
“So, you mentioned you and your uncle traveled around a lot,” she’d started. “Why?”
He hesitated just a beat too long. “We were... uh, part of this traveling circus.” She couldn’t believe he didn’t have a better lie ready.
“Really? What did you do? Actually, let me guess.” She tapped her chin for dramatic effect as she considered something Zuko would likely be awful at. Her face split into a wicked grin. “You juggled!”
He looked at her, slightly annoyed. “Yeah, you got me. I juggled.”
“I’ve always wanted to learn how to juggle. Can you show me something?” She handed him a couple small fruits from a cart they were standing near, looking up at him expectantly. He looked ashen as he slowly took them from her. Awkwardly, he threw them up in the air and they flew in wildly different directions, one landing directly on his head.
“I haven’t practiced for a while.” He cleared his throat, a deep red creeping across his cheeks as she laughed.
“Ah, I understand.”
When they stopped for food at a noodle cart, she’d mentioned they offered supposedly authentic Fire Nation fire flakes. He’d nodded in acknowledgement and then ordered the blandest thing on the menu. The prince was certainly going to give her a run for her money.
Zuko didn’t understand why she kept bringing up the Fire Nation throughout the night. Did she know? He didn’t think she did. She hadn’t at the tea shop, why would she now? Did he do something to tip her off? She’d been in Ba Sing Se for many years; she most likely had heard nothing about his banishment or his hunt for the Avatar and had yet to bring up anything about his scar. He hoped that she didn’t think he was here to hurt people — surely she wouldn’t have asked him on a date if she thought that, right?
Night had long since fallen, but the streets were still bursting with light and life from the festival. He had a small grin on his face while he watched Kena start an argument with a man running some rigged betting game. She accused him of cheating and he shouted at her to leave immediately or he’d call in the Dai Li. Grumbling, Kena grabbed his hand again and stalked away. He was still smiling as she pulled him along and she sent him a (mostly) playful glare.
“What are you grinning at? I just lost ten silver pieces!” she huffed.
“You,” he responded without thinking. Realizing what he said, he quickly shut his mouth. They both flush and looked away from each other.
She took in a deep breath to regain her composure before turning her head to look at him again. “Do you want to see something cool?” There was no way he would’ve been able to refuse that excited look in her eye, even if he’d wanted to.
Zuko followed as she lead him into an alley and started climbing up a fire escape. He watched as she nimbly maneuvered herself higher and higher. “Are you sure this is... legal?” he asked hesitantly.
“It’s not,” she called down to him, peeking her head over the railing, “but it’s alright! We’re crafty. Now hurry up or we’ll miss it!”
“If you say so...” he trailed off as he gripped the side of the ladder and started making his way up. When he reached the top, he found her sitting with her legs dangling over the edge of the flat roof and staring at the city skyline, holding her chin in her hands. He sat down next to her and took the opportunity of the quiet moment to examine her profile illuminated by the festival lights below. She leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed contentedly. At first he tensed but then he slowly relaxed, slowly wrapping his arm around around her waist. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, taking in the view. Well, she was taking in the view; Zuko was trying to ignore the goosebumps running across his skin from her warm breath dancing across his neck.
“Lee,” she started quietly, “I know we just met yesterday, but I think I really like you.”
“I really like you, too,” he agreed, surprising himself a little. He rested his cheek on top of her head and closed his eyes. She still smelled the same — something fresh and pleasant and clean that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
Kena was tired of dancing around what they both knew. Throwing caution to the wind, she cleared her throat and spoke. “You know, I used to be a servant for the royal family in the Fire Nation.”
He cursed himself for the way his whole body flinched. “Yeah? How was that?”
“Terrible. I was taken from my home when I was young and kept there for years. It was just my mom and I.”
“No friends?”
“They don’t exactly let the help just make friends all willy-nilly. That’s a good foundation for a staff revolt.” She rolled her eyes. “I did have one friend I managed to make though.”
“Oh, that’s nice.”
“Yeah, except he was the prince.”
She heard his breath hitch. “Oh. That’s rough.”
“Yeah. That’s why we had to leave, actually. Ozai found out and was not happy his firebender son was making nice with someone like me. Apparently he wanted to execute us to make some sort of point, but Ursa and the other servants helped us sneak out of the palace before we were taken to be killed.”
“I’ve heard a lot of good about Ursa,” he said softly, tenderness in his voice.
“She was a wonderful woman. There was a lot of her in the prince, too. I guess that’s why I liked them so much.” He said nothing, so she continued. “It broke my heart to leave. I never even got to say goodbye even though I pinky-promised to see him again the night before Ozai found out.” She thought for a moment. “I always wondered if he ever thought of me, because I thought of him all the time.”
“I- he did. Probably. I don’t know,” he huffed. “I mean that I think, if it were me, I would’ve thought about you every day.”
They were quiet for a long time before Kena finally spoke, smiling faintly. “You and your uncle stick out like two sore thumbs here.”
His shoulder shook under her cheek when he chuckled. “I know. I think it started out as a joke, and then we actually couldn’t think of anything better.”
She sat up straight now and cupped his face in her hands. Gently, she brushed her thumb over the rough, gnarled skin on his cheek. She wasn’t sure why, but a few slow tears rolled down her cheeks. “We match,” she said softly, meeting his eyes when he used his fingertip to trace the scar that ran down her face.
“It looks much better on you,” he joked and she gave him a watery smile. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
Suddenly, she lunged at him to squeeze him in a tight hug, knocking them both backwards into a pile. “It’ll take a lot more than your awful father to kill me,” she murmured into his chest from her position on top of him. Hesitant at first, he wrapped his arms around her. It just felt so right to be with her again. He couldn’t help tightening his grip and burying his face into her cascade of hair. In the background he could hear fireworks going off, but he didn’t care about anything that wasn’t her.
“I missed you, Kena,” he said, so quietly the wind almost carried the words away. His lungs ached because her name on his lips felt like a long, full breath of fresh air after years underwater.
“I missed you too, Zuko.” Her cool skin against his warmth felt like a wave of water over the flames inside of him. He finally, for the first time he could remember since losing his mother, felt safe. He clutched at her clothes to pull her in as close as possible, breathing her in deeply. She smelled like the first monsoon after a lifelong dry season; she smelled like petrichor.
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TAGS: @beifongsss @the-lva-way @lammello @llorom6nnic @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @royahllty @mamooska8 @bucky-blogs @youneedmemanidonotneedyou @eridanuswave @rosetheshapeshifter @fantasticchaoticwho @bwndito @dancerslovelife @justab-eautifulmess
123 notes · View notes
Azula is two when her baby brother is born. He’s small, ugly, and squishy. Father seems disappointed in him, so Azula ignores him as well. She has better things to do than holding a squishy baby. 
That night, he won’t stop crying. Azula sneaks out of her crib without the guards noticing and toddles to his room. It’s smaller than her’s, and she’s grateful. She lights a small fire in her hands, just wanting the baby to be quiet. She had seen that people got quiet if she burned them. She made her way to the crib, and looked down at her crying brother. 
Zuko looked up at her with his big eyes, and stopped crying. Azula put out the fire, not able to even think about burning him. Now that she got a closer look, he wasn’t as ugly as he was before. He kind of looked like one of her dolls. Something new sparked inside of Azula, the need to protect her brother. 
When she was ten, Azula found out she had a blue fire. It was something that people were amazed by. Even Father was proud of her for it. She lived up to her name, and she was sure that she could be the most powerful firebender out there, but that didn’t matter. 
What mattered was how Zuko loved to play. She didn’t want to admit she had a soft spot for her baby brother, but she had stopped tormenting the turtleducks as soon as he had asked her to. She was going soft, but only for him. 
Zuko had only discovered his fire when he was six. It was strong, but Azula’s was stronger. Behind Father’s back, Azula helped Zuko with his training. Uncle was a good teacher to him, no matter how much Azula couldn’t stand him. Zuko seemed to like him, so she left them alone. The other teachers weren’t as good. They treated him as if he had already done something wrong. 
No matter what Father said, Azula knew that Zuko was talented. He could made a small dragon with his flames. She could too, and hers was bigger, but it was still amazing. When no one was watching, the two of them played silly games and reenacted scenes from Zuko and Mother’s favorite play. 
Zuko needed a patient teacher, and one who knew how to sneak around Father. She was the only good option other than Uncle. So she pulled back her biting comments when he messed up, and learned how to guide him through movements. She even helped him learn how to use those stupid swords that he loved so much. 
Azula thought that when he finally won a sparring match, that would be the end of it. She would be happy to go back to life, knowing that he could now protect herself. Some of herself thought she would be angry that someone younger than her could beat her, but when Zuko won a match, she only felt one thing. Pride. 
Zuko ran up to her after, making sure she was okay and hugging her tightly. It was then that Azula realized her job would never be done. 
Uncle went to war, and Zuko wouldn’t stop crying. Even though Azula complained that he was ruining her dress, she still held him tightly and rubbed his back that night. It felt like a mother’s job, but Ursa had lost that title in her mind, letting Father treat Zuko the way he did. 
Ursa died or ran off after Father talked about killing Zuko. Azula didn’t care much about either, knowing that if Father tried she would end him. She had never been close with Ursa anyways. She still held Zuko close while he cried, and she ignored her own tears that fell that night. 
When Zuko was thirteen he begged to go into a war meeting with Father. Azula didn’t really understand why he wanted to, the meetings were boring. Father had taken her to a few, and she had always had to do her best not to fall asleep, so she didn’t worry about what would happen. He would be fine. 
She was wrong. 
Zuko tried to protect the innocent, like he always was, and spoke up against a general. He was challenged to an agni kai against a general. Azula flicked his forehead before helping him train for the fight. He didn’t need to be scared. She was his teacher. 
Azula was as horrified as Zuko when instead of the cocky general, Father walked out. There was no way for Zuko to win this battle. If he got burned, he would bring dishonour to their entire family. If he somehow won, he would burn the Firelord. An act of treason.
Zuko didn’t fight, because of course he didn’t. Azula was the only one to scream in protest, flames coming to her hands even though she didn’t ask them to. Uncle, the coward who had looked away while Zuko screamed, held her back. 
She wasn’t surprised when Ozai banished them. He spat something about finding the Avatar, The Avatar who had been missing for a hundred years, before sending them, Uncle, and a crew away. 
She and Uncle worked together to help Zuko, but Azula reminded him at every moment that she would never forgive his cowardice. Zuko was like a son to him, and he sat by while he screamed in agony. At least the old man agreed. 
Zuko took their fruitless goal as a challenge, and no one had the heart to tell him that it was hopeless. As soon as he could stand without falling over, she and Uncle helped him train. 
He was afraid of fire, so Azula helped him with his swords. Even though she would never say it out loud, Uncle was better at dealing with emotions and fears. While she was uncomfortable and awkward, Uncle understood and knew exactly what to do. 
Zuko became bitter and hateful, something she knew well enough. She heard their crew calling them cruel and heartless behind closed doors, but she couldn’t find it within herself to care. They could think what they wanted. 
She was eighteen when the Avatar was found, and she couldn’t believe it. She was as excited as Zuko. She realized she had gone soft when she doesn’t take the kill, just to prove that crossing her and her brother will end with anyone you’ve ever loved gone. Instead she follows Zuko out. 
They keep training, and they keep getting better. The Avatar always seems to be out of their reach, and the Water Tribe girl seems to be a gifted young waterbender, even if she’s not classically trained. 
For far too long, they’re chasing. It’s like a game of cat and mouse, without the fun part. A little blind girl that's far too strong joins the group. 
Azula knew that if she wanted to, really wanted to, they could easily get the Avatar. He had obvious weaknesses and would be devastated if any of his friends dropped dead due to a lightning strike. He’d either fall apart or kill them all, she wasn’t sure. But Zuko didn’t want to hurt anyone, so she let him take the lead. 
After almost a year of playing the stupid game, even ignoring Father’s offer to bring them home, they actually joined the Avatar. Azula laughed in Aang’s face when he asked her to teach him, pointing him to Zuko. 
Uncle offered her tea while they watched Zuko fumble through conversations with Katara and Sokka. The kid deserved talking to people his age, needed it even. When Uncle told her that she should join in, she shook her head and drank her tea. 
It was unrelated to that conversation, but when Suki joined them, Azula found that she didn’t mind talking to her. And with Suki came Sokka, who was surprisingly smart. 
There were lots of adventures that didn’t really need to be had in Azula’s opinion. Zuko and Sokka snuck off to break some people out of prison from a failed infiltration attempt on the day of the black son. Hakoda was added to the list of people Azula didn’t mind. 
When Aang won, Azula wasn’t sure what to do with herself. She was no Firelord, and she wasn’t going to be someone who fixed relations between nations. She was good at war. Talking war, training, and planning. 
She almost killed Zuko when he suggested she become a teacher. She almost did it again when she did it, enjoying the terrifying and dramatic lives of her students. 
If anyone asked, Ozai had been transferred to the Earth Kingdom. That’s what Zuko and his friends thought. Only Azula and Iroh knew the truth. He had walked in, just as Ozai was turned to ashes in her blue flame. Surprisingly, he nodded and then left. 
Azula stood by her brother. If she was anything, she was loyal. If she had someone to protect, then nothing mattered. 
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
From Chin To Yon Rah (Part 11)
“How’d things go last night?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know? How can you not know?”
“I don’t really have any other dates that I can compare it to, Hajime.”
“Well did he make you laugh and smile?”
“He did.” But he also reminded her of just why she doesn’t particularly deserve to laugh and smile. She wonders if Hajime would reprimand her for turning his son down. Even if he wouldn’t, she isn’t sure that she should. She can’t imagine that there is a line of people waiting to shower her with affection. She is almost certain that she wouldn’t take well to it anyhow. She isn’t the sort for hugs and kisses and tender touches. It is quite hard to imagine herself on the receiving end of it. She can already picture her cheeks growing red and she loathes the very idea of being left a flustered mess.
“But?” Hajime prompts.
She shrugs and slaps her hands against her thighs. “But then he told me about how his wife died. That kind of ruins the mood, wouldn’t you say?”
Hajime rolls his eyes, “sounds like Seukhyun. He doesn’t exactly know how to choose dinner conversations. I’d wager that he’s just about as...socially confused as you are.”
“Is that how Atsu’s mother died? Did those soldiers kill her too?”
He glances into the other room where Atsu leaps off of his bed with Bao, The Magnificent Mole in hand. He drops the stuffed badger-mole into Caihong’s lap. “I thought that his name was Mud Muncher!” The girl declares. Satisfied that the boy is fully engrossed, Hajime turns back to her. “No. She was killed by the Fire Nation. After our own soldiers left they told the enemy soldiers exactly where to find us. I told Atsu that she just got sick…”
“Have you ever met a good soldier, Hajime?”
“Personally, no.” He replies. “But I’m sure that there are some out there.”
Azula responds with a bitter sniff.
“You don’t think so?”
“I don’t. They fight for what they think is best and then they find out that, that thing is actually the worst. And then they realize that they are monsters. Of course, most of them knew it all along. Nobody joins the military unless they want to kill someone.”
“Do you…” he looks into the other room. Atsu has fastened one of Caihong’s dolls to Bao. “Do you want to go for a walk?”
She nods her head towards the children.
“Atsu, Caihong!” They look up. “Rikka and I are going for a quick walk, stay out of trouble or I’ll go right to old man Hajime!”
“Don’t worry dad, Bao the Magnificent Mole has Avatar powers, he can defend the whole house from evil Fire Lord Bonsai!”
“Do you mean, Ozai?” Azula asks.
He shakes his head, “nope, I mean Bonsai! Fire Lord Bonsai is an evil bonsai tree that can talk and its leaves are on fire--except the fire is purple---and Avatar Mao is the world’s last hope because…” he sucks in a deep breath, “...because if he doesn’t stop Bonsai then Bonsai will use Roku’s comet to destroy the lion-turtle!”
“Also Ba Sing Se, Bonsai is going to burn Ba Sing Se if Mao can’t stop him.” Caihong adds.
Azula nods. “If you say so.”
“And! And! And also Fire Lord Bonsai has a son that’s a cabbage named Leaf and he’s the prince.” He holds up a leaf, “this is…”
“Leaf?” Hajime guesses.
“Come on, Hajime.” She tugs at the man’s arm before Atsu can introduce any other offensive caricatures.
“You and Cai behave.” He waits for the children to nod before following Azula outside. “We were saying…”
“There are no good soldiers Hajime. It doesn’t matter what side of the war they are on. The winning side simply looks less evil because they are painted well. But they’re all…”
“You were a soldier, weren’t you?”  Azula swallows. She feels his hand cup around her own. “Let’s walk by the riverside, it’s quieter there.”
He doesn’t speak to her again until they come to a stop on a rickety bridge. “I know that you like being right but I disagree with you. Sure, there are people who join the war over power and bloodlust but some people join the military because they have no choice. Some folks need money, some were forced into it, and some want to protect loved ones. What was your reason?”
Azula thinks for a moment. It certainly wasn’t a matter of money and really she had no one to protect. She didn’t feel particularly forced, she’d rather enjoyed it and she thinks that she would enjoy it still--to feel the thrill of a conquest, a rush of adrenaline, a feeling of worth and accomplishment. “Power.”
“Power?” Hajime asks.
She nods. “I don’t know why you are surprised.”
He seems to study her for a long time. “Why did you want power?”
She furrows her brows.
“I’ve come to observe that most people who want power want it because they feel weak.”
But she had, had all of the power in the world in riches and in bending.
“So why did you want it?”
“I…” She looks off. Off to where the river leads, curling into a tangle of pine. Catkins and tallgrasses bob in the breeze. And yet, even with all of this clarity, she can’t seem to think of a reason why she would have wanted more power. She supposes that, that is just it; she never wanted it for herself, she wanted it so that she could turn it over to her father.
“I think that soldiers are a bit different in the Fire Nation. It seems like, over there, some people were raised on war and never knew any different.” He pauses to chuck a stone into the river. It lands with a plop and stirred up ringlets on the surface. A dragonfly launches itself out of the grasses. “I guess it isn’t so different in the Earth Kingdom. They make it sound glorious, and good and so you start to think that it is…”
Azula stares at the backs of her hands, feels the breeze fluttering her hair against her neck.
“I don’t think that you wanted power, usually people can say exactly why they want it.”
“To give it to my father.”
He nods. “So...love then?”
“You wanted power so that you could give it to someone you loved? He was too weak to get it for himself so…”
“He wasn’t weak. He was the most powerful man I knew. He wanted more of it so I was going to get it for him.”
“Okay, he wasn’t weak.” Hajime nods. He is quiet for the longest time. And several times he opens his mouth as if to say something but closes it once more as if thinking better of doing so. She watches a count of six birds swoop down to take drinks before he finally says, “It sounds like you were one of the people who was raised on war. I don’t think that a good father would want his daughter to go to war for him.”
“My father was a good father.” Her stomach sinks even as she says it. He was such a good father that he left her behind. Strangely that probably was the best thing that he could have done for her. It weighs on her so heavily that she finds herself practically slumping over the bridge.
“You didn’t go to war for power. You went to war for love, to show it or to earn it. Or maybe both.”
He cups his hand over hers. “Maybe it led to bad things but at least you can say that you had one of the best reasons to become a soldier.”
If only that was it. If only that was the whole truth. If only glory and fear had no part of why she’d done so. If only she had just been a simple soldier. “I’m not what you think I am.”
He chuckles. “Who says that I’ve leapt to any conclusions about you?”
“It isn’t a matter of saying it, it’s a matter of implying.”
“I don’t have any solid ideas of who you are but I know what you aren’t.”
He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “I know that you’re not a bad person, Rikka.”
Rikka is not a bad person. He can’t soundly say the same for Azula. She opens her mouth and it very nearly comes out. She very nearly tells him just who he is dealing with.
“The people in this village only say good things about you. A lot of them are more open to firebenders because of you. Maybe you think that you’re a bad person, but you’re not.” His hand slides off her hers. “We should probably check on Atsu and Caihong.”
She nods. “Yes, that would be a good idea.”
That day she learns that she might not be a monster.
She hates to admit it but she likes Sokka’s laugh. It isn’t charming. It isn’t elegant. It isn’t a pleasant sound, he snorts. But it is genuine, pure, and unapologetic happiness. The sort of laugh she hasn’t heard since listening in on Atsu and Caihong’s play. She holds the Bao against her stomach, absently stroking his head as she waits for Sokka to finish laughing.
“So you’re telling me that this Atsu kid sees me as a boomerang and he thinks that you’re a…”
“The color blue.” She nods. “Anything that he can find that is blue. He had bits and pieces of information but he had it all mixed up and so instead of blue fire, Fire Lord Bonsai’s daughter is just blue. Anything blue.”
“And ‘Roku’s’ comet was a…”
“Flaming cabbage sent by a very vengeful merchant, yes.”
“Oh man, that kid’s a genius. He outta write for the Ember Island players.” He wipes a tear from his eyes. “Maybe you can introduce me to him one day.”
She squeezes the badger-mole and shakes her head. She is glad that his eyes are still closed with laughter. She campuses herself before he looks up.
“Sorry, I know that I promised not to ask any questions after your story but I really just needed some clarification.”
“Those questions were superficial, I didn’t mind answering them. Your turn.”
“Alright, so do you want to hear about the time when we took Zuko to the Water Tribes for some penguin sledding and he got swarmed by them or…”
“Yes. I want to hear that one.”
“I want to hear the Zuko penguin story.” Azula says firmly.
He supposes that he will have to save the, Zuko stuck in a coconut tree for a day when she isn’t so stubbornly refusing the possibility of a funnier Zuko mishap story. She stares at him expectantly, drumming her fingers upon the badger-mole.
“So it was an anniversary present from me to Suki. I decided that it would be fun to take her to the tribes because she always wanted to see a penguin in person. It was great we got all snuggly and cozy, we had these really warm fur blankets and this fire going. There was a blizzard outside so Katara and Zuko and the others were stuck with Hakoda at Bato’s place. Suki and I had some alone time.” He winks. “She pecked me on the cheek and...”
“Spare me the details, Sokka. The only pecking that I would like to hear about involves Zuzu and penguins.”
He flushes. “Right, well after Suki and I got our alone time we decided to take a group trip to the penguin caves. Aang wanted to go penguin sledding again, he said that he could beat Zuko down the hillside. And you know how Zuko gets, ‘I’m going to beat the Avatar in a penguin race, for honor!’ So he went after the largest penguin. Those things are bigger than you think!”
Azula takes a sip of tea, “are they now?”
He nods. “Pretty sure there was one that is bigger than you. I guess that’s not saying much because…”
She fixes him with a deadpan stare and a quirked brow.
“Because...those penguins are massive, not because you’re really small.” He hears her inhale through her nose and snickers. “So Zuko finds the largest penguin that he could find and just leaps on. But that penguin was a mother and it was meal time so all of the chicks just waddle on up but Zuko is in the way. I think that they thought that he was their mother because they were trying to get food from him.”
“Did they get it?”
Sokka shakes his head. “Not from Zuko. Katara had to run all the way back to the village to get buckets of krill to lure them off of Zuko. He was picking feathers out of his hair for days.”
“That does sound like Zuzu. But usually it’s the turtle-ducks.” She gives a one armed shrug. “I guess that he has an affinity for creatures with beaks.”
“Thanks for sharing the badger-mole story.”  
She toys with the sash of her nightgown. “I’m...glad that you enjoyed it.”
He grins, though it isn’t particularly the story that he enjoyed--granted her certainly did enjoy that well enough--what he enjoyed was hearing it from her. Was seeing the soft smile on her lips. Was noticing and observing the way her eyes seemed to light up when she made mention of the boy. It was comforting. Comforting and reassuring somehow.
“Does it make you feel better?” He asks.
She tilts her head.
“To talk about moments that made you happy.”
She works a muscle in her jaw, “I suppose that it helps a little, yes.”  
“Maybe all of us can get together and…”
“No.” Azula murmurs. “Not yet. I don’t want to share these things with Zuzu yet, he’ll be...overbearing. TyLee gets too sappy and Mai isn’t interested in hearing me go on about some kid.”
“He’s not just some kid.” Sokka says immediately. “I can tell.” Azula tenses and he lifts his hands. “Don’t worry, I’m not asking questions. But it isn’t a bad thing, you know, to show people that you’ve got feelings and that you care about other people.”
She reclines in the chair, props her head against her arm and drapes the other over her belly. She seems to stare off at nothing at all. “Perhaps.”
“Think about it!” He insists. “Servants and guards have been approaching you more. They aren’t scared of you. I know that Mai and TyLee say that you have a thing for being all scary and intimidating but you don’t need to be anymore because…”
“The war has been over for years.” Her eyes don’t leave that distant spot, wherever it is. “I know.”
“Then why do you still have so many walls up?”
Because she is afraid.
“If you think that we won’t like you for being yourself, it’s not true. We have met all sorts of weirdos that we love. Like those swamp guys, you met them! They’re weird and we like them!”
“The more you talk the deeper you dig.” She rolls her eyes. But he isn’t entirely off in his assumptions.
“You took a lot of walls down for me today,” he continues. “Believe it or not, I liked it. I liked the little glimpse that I saw.”
Her tummy flutters. “Yes well I’m not ready for that.”
“Not ready to let people know that you’re a human being?”
Not ready to let people see her, all of her. Not ready for them to get attached to her and care for her.  She isn’t even ready for the possibility. She certainly isn’t ready to let people love her. Not the way Hajime did. Cherishable or not she isn’t ready to feel again what Hajime had made her feel. Not with someone who isn’t Hajime.  
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raexxbb · 4 years
Critic of Cartoons (SPOILERS!)
KyI figured I would begin doing on here what I do in my life. Rate a cartoon 10 out of 0 (-10 being highest/best and zero being the worst of the worst nonsense-) while telling my thoughts as to why. The third one is older and full of adventure with tales beyond what’s expected. Now on Netflix:
9 -Avatar: the Last Airbender
This may get a bit long ‘cause I want to bring each character justice. I love this show so much. I only deducted one point for the smallest of reasons otherwise it probably would have gotten a ten.
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There’s a strong love-hate relationship with this show. All of the characters are incredible in there own unique way. My only issue is with the fact that the ‘hero gets the girl’ and does so by being whiny. It’s such a cliche and literally the only reason this show has a nine. The romantic element has a strong scale to hold but this show does a poor job of holding it up. Aang is fine, and I love Katara just not them romantically. Aang’s crush on her right away just rubbed me weird. I guess, it’s fine to crush on a pretty girl but to push the crush so much until she feels the same way... Katara had multiple boyfriends along the show and didn’t show much interest in Aang other then as a friend. So, them romantically together I never saw it being as Aang also pushes the chemistry. That’s it, my only issue is there in that relationship. Alone every character is very well thought out and placed in such a particular situation it makes them each perfect.
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This forced kiss is the most disgusting moment in the entire show. He pushes this on her right after she says she’s confused and doesn’t know her feelings towards anyone. He’s just being childish (yes, I register he’s twelve) but if you want an adult relationship this is the wrong way to go about it. I don’t see why Katara would ever consider moving into a romantic relationship after this. Pushy is such a red-flag for me. Maybe I’m the only one that feels this way but it just outright infuriates me. Just look at how uncomfortable she looks during this moment.
Another thing I’d like to bring to light is the fact that Aang maybe a bit sexiest. I state this lightly ‘cause of the play episode in the third season. The thought came to be while reviewing Korra. Katara fights against sexism and to empower women. However, Aang became overly insulted when a woman was acting as him in the Ember Island play. Toph loved the idea of a guy playing her, but Aang just couldn’t get over his part being played by a female cast member. It is rude. Yes, everyone knows he still isn’t a girl but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t doing a decent job representing him. The fact that Katara still enters into a relationship just makes me feel like she’s going against something she stood so strongly for. 
People may believe it’s because I favor Zuko and Katara but it isn’t that. Honestly, I’m no longer sure I like them as a couple anymore either. They have cute moments. There are just so many issues among all of the romantic relationships. Somehow, I found myself wishing it revolved more around friendship ‘cause the romance in this show wasn’t handled well at all.
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The only reason I’d ever argue for Katara and Zuko to be a couple is because of the ending where he saves her life from Azula. I mean, yes, he put her in danger quite a few times but he was slowly redeeming himself throughout all of that. This wasn’t the only time he saved her and tried to give his life for hers. Throughout the third season of him trying to redeem himself, he tried the hardest with Katara because he had already betrayed her trust once. 
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Although, I’m still not saying they would’ve been the best couple either. Let’s not forget: they’re young -teenagers and children. If someone has found their soulmate already, good for them. It’s just abnormal and I’m trying to look at these relationships with a bit of a more realistic thought process. 
There are a few times this show has been about friendship:
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Toph was once worried about their friendships, however, one line from Roku gave her confidence and soothed her completely.
“Some friendships are so strong, they can even transcend lifetimes.” -Avatar Roku
Really love this quote from Roku~ 
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Zuko’s redemption ark was beyond the best point in the show and had me balling the entire time, every time I’ve watched it gets my heart throbbing for this boy! What if his mother had taken him with her? His life would’ve been so different and probably a lot better! The scar would be gone. No father abuse for him! Of course, without him the Fire Nation would be even worse then it ever was.
“It was to teach you respect!” -Ozai
“It was cruel! And it was wrong!” -Zuko
“Then you’ve learned nothing!” -Ozai
“NO! I’ve learned everything! And, I’ve had to do it on my own.” -Zuko
That conversation with his father, where he finally stands up to such a horrible man was beyond astonishing. Especially seeing as it seemed like something Zuko would never do. 
Although, Iroh new all along that Zuko is great.
“Then would you come and take your rightful place on the throne?” -Zuko
“No. Someone new much take the throne. An idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor. It has to be you, Prince Zuko.” -Iroh
Uncle has always believed in his nephew. That he would be the one to take the Fire Nation and bring balance to the world. They’re the best relationship in this show once Zuko stops being so angry.
Of course, there’s also the Mai of it all. 
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They’re occasionally good for each other. Their relationship is highly problematic. Mai is an awesome character alone, standing up to Azula when she’s terrified of her is great! However, Zuko and her argue nonstop and have an on-off dating history. It can be tiresome to watch. There just wasn’t any chemistry between them that I felt.
The only thing that I love about them is the prison scene. (Which could’ve been a friendship scene.)
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Even when Zuko locks her away she chooses him. That is when I thought perhaps their relationship isn’t terrible. She still chooses him afterwards. Their behavior before is erratic and not that of a good relationship. Mai alone wouldn’t have been a trouble thing. Honestly, I relate to Mai as a gayer character then straight.
Although, that leads me to think about Azula, the girl of evil.
“My own mother, thought I was a monster...” -Azula
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She’s only fourteen and she’s been raised by an abusive mad man. The entire background just makes me wish someone had tried to love her instead of shown her hatred. Her mother feared her, didn’t even say good-bye. Her brother had to fight her in order to save her from herself and father. 
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The thing that made her truly snap was her friends (only ‘cause they fear her) betray her. The last people she had on her side! She just needed love as Zuko did. It would probably take her years to recover from the madness just as it took Zuko. She needs love and help. Who was going to give it to her after the third season? 
In the graphic novels, it’s revealed Zuko has her in a special insane asylum trying to give her the mental help she needs. But, she still seems tense and full of rage. It would’ve been nice to see further into that department of the Fire Nation.
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These two are both extremely important. Their bond throughout the entire story is amazing. Him becoming his teacher was his true redemption, true honor came from that act. Of course, he learned so much from hunting Aang and trying to kill him as well.
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Above all else, Uncle Iroh (-Zuko’s true father-) is definitely my favorite of all the characters. He’s just so warm and always does the right thing. He waited for Zuko when he went down the wrong path continuously knowing Zuko would realize his mistakes.
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The White Lotus is one of the greatest things about this show.
“Don’t you know? All old people know each other?” -King Bumi
He’s just so hilarious and random. All of the great masters together in a secret society despite their nation’s differences is the most grandest thing.
Of course, another favorite is Appa.
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The episode portraying animal abuse is heartwrenching. Him being taken from the ones that love and protect him only to be beaten and abused. This show goes beyond any other show in displaying all the different types of abuse in the world- emotional, physical... And it covers even more than this.
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Another piece of me would’ve been interested in seeing if Aang had died and a water Avatar born to be the last Airbender. *Cough, cough* Maybe Katara? She is the most powerful bender in the show after all.
“I will never ever turn my back on people who need me!” -Katara
Perhaps instead of killing Aang off, just have them be wrong that he’s the Avatar and so whoever was actually got killed during the air temple raid. Causing the line to move on to water. Aang could’ve been trapped in an iceberg to be able to teach Katara air. Of course, that may not work if he weren’t able to waterbend and freeze a bubble around him. But, there’s definitely an air pocket in there. 
It is one of the most beautiful cartoons ever created. Besides the fact I never really enjoyed Aang as the main character. All of the others are just so much more interesting then him, in my opinion.
Toph is one of the many characters I didn’t discuss. That fact just is that Toph is beyond incredible. She is the character that is ahead of her time. She proves that being disabled doesn’t mean she a person that’ll stop trying.That’s all, her blindness doesn’t work against her. Instead it works for her giving her a stronger way to see the world.
I’ll be doing Avatar: Legend of Korra at a later time. Trying to make sure I go back and re-watch everything to properly review it.
I really wish they would go back and create a show called Avatars about all of the past lives. Maybe 2/3 episodes to display each of them. There are hundreds and I’m curious to know more about them. I’d love to see Kyoshi as a badass teenager.
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Not just a soft princess - Azula x female reader imagine: Part Three
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Your relationship with Azula develops but a reality check makes you question if you are wise to trust the princess of the fire nation...
Part one here
Part two here
Part four here
Part five here
Part six here
Your POV
Since the day Azula stood up to Ozai for you things changed. You supposed word got out Azula was protecting you that’s why people started treating you better but it could also be due to Azula’s presence herself. After that night you saw a lot more of her and you weren’t complaining. She attended your lessons more frequently and even took over some portions of them herself. You got more freedom granted to you and when you were with Azula you didn’t even need a guard anymore. Thanks to the clause Azula placed in the contract there was no reason to force you and Zuko together and so you no longer dreaded all the formal occasions. Instead you were free to do as you wished at such events and that often included Azula. You found her presence comforting but also enjoyable. She was witty and clever, making you laugh with her deductions and well timed quips. You liked the proud blush that would fill her cheeks when she made you laugh and the only thing better was when she’d laugh at one of your own jokes. The way her mouth upturned into her signature smirk, how her shoulders would shake lightly and then she’d realise you were admiring her and be unable to meet your eyes for a few seconds. You’d never seen a sight so beautiful and were convinced there wasn’t anyone as beautiful as Azula, ever. You realised you’d developed more than a fondness for her when you found yourself thinking about her when she wasn’t around. The realisation made you nervous but also excited for one reason in particular. You were pretty sure the fire princess liked you too.
You were thinking about Azula as you dressed for the party that night. You had been at the fire nation for 2 months now and the constant feeling of dread and uncertainty was now more of a memory. You still missed home but it was no longer painful being here, you were adapting. That thought in mind you frowned when your maid asked you what dress you would like to wear tonight. There were dozens of beautiful options but they were all green given Ozai’s desire to make you up as a earth kingdom doll. You were sick of the colour green now and wanted to wear any other colour at this point. You’d noticed Azula constantly wore red and it always looked flattering. You couldn’t tell if that was because of Azula herself or if red was simply a flattering colour but the fire nation certainly did fashion better than the earth nation and if you were forced to live here you thought you should benefit from that. "Are there any red dresses?" you asked and the maid looked at you "red?". "Yes...i just thought as i’m part of the fire nation now maybe i could show it?". The maid smiled 'that sounds lovely princess y/n, i’ll go find one right away".
Azula’s POV
Azula stared out of the window as her father complained about some nobleman. Typically Azula would hang on her father’s every word and rush to assure him he was superior to everyone but lately her mind had been elsewhere...well it’d been on you more accurately. The truth was Azula had greatly enjoyed her time with you and found herself looking forward to the next chance she’d get to interact with you. Sure she’d had her friends Mai and Ty lee growing up but she’d never had someone she could relate to or feel solidarity with. With you Azula felt that. She’d always figured she was the exception to the typical princess role but you had made her see that was incorrect. You were smart and outspoken, you weren’t intimidated by the fire nation anymore and it showed. Your confidence seemed to grow each day and while it clearly bothered her father Azula relished in it. Despite the nation you were from, she couldn’t help but root for you and it had nothing to do with the fact your fate was tied to hers. It was because she genuinely liked and cared for you, something she’d never expected to happen. 
Azula was ironically pulled out of her thoughts about you because of you.
"What is she doing?" Ozai snapped and Azula was so distracted she didn’t turn around for a few seconds. When she did her breath was knocked out of her. Her eyes were drawn to you immediately and they widened as a smile formed on her face. You were wearing her favourite shade of red and you looked amazing. The dress was simple and so was your hair and makeup but that seemed to make the effect all the more impactful, Azula remembered when she saw you back in Ba Sing Sei and how then you’d been dressed simply but still managed to look amazing. You didn’t need to dress up a diamond, it was beautiful no matter what adorned it. Azula was biased but saw this as a good sign, you had donned their colours, surely this showed your willingness to cooperate? 
Her father didn’t agree. "I ordered all the maids to give her green clothing only! What use is she to us if you cannot identify her as earth kingdom royalty at a glance". Azula thought the emphasis on colour scheme a tad ridiculous but tried to appease her father "i think it is only for one night, this is good though. It seems she is showing loyalty to us". Ozai scoffed "as she should given all we’ve done for her, less of a prisoner and more of a honoured guest considering we’re housing and educating her for free". "She will get us the whole of the earth empire". "So you keep saying but so far all she has brought is Ba Sing Sei". Azula’s eye twitched. Ba Sing Sei was the biggest victory for the war in decades and was the brightest piece of the earth empire. For her father to disregard that was ludicrously idiotic but Azula knew he was just in a strop. He knew your use he was just annoyed he couldn’t exploit every drop of it at once and she was more determined than ever to prevent him for ever being able to do that to you.
Your POV
"You must've been dreadfully bored to make such a bold statement" a silky voice called and you didn’t even have to turn to know who it belonged to. Azula always found you sooner or later but she was definitely getting quicker. When you looked at Azula confused by her comment she gestured to your outfit "the dress, I can’t imagine what provoked you to don our colours". You laughed smiling "i thought a change would be nice, plus if this is to be my home now i thought showing some loyalty to it couldn’t hurt, but given your father’s reaction...". Azula almost scoffed but caught herself. "He was anxious but i made him see it correctly, that this a symbol of unity. How you were proclaiming your support and love for the fire nation simply by wearing a colour...a very subtle but effective political statement”. You smiled "yes but honestly? I’m just sick to death of the colour green". That thought never occurred to Azula and it caught her off guard making her laugh aloud. Something the princess had never done at a formal event. She caught herself quickly but blushed to see you were beaming at her reaction. "I’ve seen you wear it so successfully i thought i would try" you smiled and Azula looked at you surprised. "I...i am flattered". Azula’s slight blush deepened making you more confident and so you stepped back from her and opened your arms "so what’s the verdict? Did i pass in red?". Azula glanced over you very quickly her blush still very evident as she purposefully avoided looking you in the eye "you know you did, the colour suits you rather well, especially with your skin tone...." Azula trailed off before coughing "so yes you passed". You blushed smiling too "i would wear it more but i do not know if that is wise". Azula shook her head "i think green is safer". You nodded your head but felt deflated "i thought as much". "It’s lucky you look good in that colour too then i suppose" Azula commented suddenly and you looked at her in shock. "Maybe it is simply all colours?" she suggested "that wouldn't surprise me". "It wouldn't?" you asked and Azula shook her head "not at all princess". You looked away first, flustered and now blushing too and Azula grinned widely.
Mai and Zuko’s POV
Mai and Zuko watched you and discussed your show quietly. Zuko was worried what this would provoke from his father and Mai was worried Ozai would like seeing you in red. They were discussing which outcome was most likely when Azula approached you. They carried on talking when they noticed Azula laugh. An actual genuine unprovoked laugh. The couple went silent and Zuko spoke first after a delay "did my sister just....". "Burst out laughing? Yes". "When has she ever...". "Never" Mai finished "i’ve only seen her laugh when somebody falls or says something stupid". Zuko nodded "what on earth did y/n sat to her?”. Mai narrowed her eyes wondering just that too. "Could Azula...are they friends?" Zuko asked watching you two talk and Mai paused "Azula did keep her promise to protect her and she did add that marriage clause to her contract risking your father’s wrath". "But Azula never likes anyone" Zuko frowned "especially enough to put her neck on the line". "She must really like y/n then" Mai frowned as Azula suddenly blushed. Her and Zuko watched the two of you both blushing vividly, glancing at each other excitedly and they both inhaled. "She really really likes y/n" Zuko gaped and Mai nodded "and y/n her it appears .
Azula’s POV
Azula knew she had secured your place theoretically but she still worried you were physically vulnerable. She knew you were a skilled earth bender but you didn’t know how sneaky fire nation fighting was. The earth nation was upfront in their attacks but the fire nation was a fan of knives in the back and so Azula thought it wise to prepare you. So she invited you to join her for an hour a day to train.
Your POV
When Azula first invited you to spar with her your initial thought was suspicion. Why would the fire nation want to train you physically? However that was quickly overshadowed by excitement as Azula assured you that you’d be alone and that she just wanted to show you some basics. You’d seen Azula fight and were more than eager to receive tips from her. Not to mention it would make the seemingly never ending days go faster. You arrived at the sparring yard before the agreed time to find Azula already there. "You’re early" she commented dismissing your guards and you frowned "i apologise i thought the walk would take longer". "Do not apologise being early or on time are the only two acceptable options". You smiled getting the feeling Azula was early for everything and your smile lingered as the princess had you warm up. After your cardio Azula started showing you forms. Basic crucial ones first like how to avoid a knife strike or block a blow. She made it look so easy but was also a very good teacher. By the end of your third session you were able to successfully block Azula at her fastest pace and you were thrilled. Azula had been springing surprise attacks at you all session and even once she declared the session over she attacked you once again. You didn’t even register it but instead your body reacted and blocked her using perfect form. Azula looked at you impressed and a smile broke your face "i didn’t even think about it I just blocked you! I did it Azula!". Azula smirked at your endearing excitement "yes well done". "You are a very good teacher, i am a slow learner but you helped me master that in three days!". "It is only one of many forms" Azula replied "we still have many more to go before you are truly a master or i a good teacher". "Of course but this is a good first step is it not?" you asked. Azula would’ve said no. She was always hard on herself and didn’t believe in small victories but your smile was infectious and so she agreed "yes, you did well".
Azula’s POV
As your hand to hand combat improved Azula turned her attention to your bending. She was more than excited to have you display your bending again and not just because she found it enjoyable to watch. She also knew you’d been strictly forbidden from bending ever since you’d stepped foot in the fire nation. She figured it might make you more comfortable to be able to bend again and so she quickly worked it into your curriculum. She was impressed again as soon as she saw you bend. Earth was the element of strength and you were very skilled in that aspect. Azula would catch herself admiring your back and arms as your muscles tensed before she’d catch and scold herself for being unprofessional.
It soon became tradition that at the end of every session you and Azula would spar using your bending and it was the favourite part for both of you, You were both in your element (no pun intended) and Azula could get caught up in the feeling easily. Sometimes too much...
The two of you were sparring and it was going as it always did. You would stubbornly hold territory and refuse to move while Azula would flit around attempting to dislodge your stance. It took a while for either of you to wear the other down and so when Azula saw you starting to grow tired she got excited. She attacked your left side with a flurry of attacks coaxing you into exposing your other side to attacks. Azula knew you’d block the attack with your quick reflexes but when she finally saw you neglect your right side defences she acted. Azula reached out for your exposed arm directing a whip of fire straight for it. She smiled as you noticed and went to block it when you lost your footing. The floor was littered with debris from all your rocks that Azula had shattered and a piece had wormed it’s way directly between your feet. You stumbled over the rock your defence forgotten as you tried to regain your balance and Azula’s fire sped at you. Azula tried to yell but it was no use as her fire hit you knocking you over, a trail of smoke following. 
Your POV
“Y/n” you heard Azula yell as the blast hit you. You had been knocked flat on the floor but managed to sit up. You arm had took the brunt of the attack and you clutched your arm tightly into your side as it pulsed in pain. Azula appeared by your side and stared at your arm horrified. The moment you saw her worried look you tried to play it off and smile. "I’m fine" you assured her but Azula shook her head "no you’re not, come here". You glanced down at your arm but held it out to her.
Azula inspected the burn and frowned. It wasn’t serious, the skin would be healed in a few weeks and it shouldn’t cause you too much pain in the meantime but it would scar. “It’s not too bad but it needs dressing...come on”. Azula soaked your arm and apologised as you winced. She carefully dried it and applied a cooling balm onto it. You flinched and she frowned “does it hurt?”. “Yes but that feels nice, it feels cold”. Azula nodded. She waited for the gel to soak in before bandaging your arm carefully. “We’re lucky it was just your arm...if you’d fallen and my fire hit you somewhere else...” Azula paused “I should’ve been more careful”. “It wasn’t your fault, it was just an accident” you tried but Azula shook her head “fire benders aren’t allowed accidents, accidents get people killed”. You watched Azula’s concentrated tense face and wished you could ease the guilt she seemed to feel. Azula finished bandaging your arm and tucked the bandages away expertly, you watched amazed as her fingers worked softly and swiftly. For the first time you noticed there were many small scars from burns and cuts along her fingers and you watched her face closely. The princess was immaculate but on closer inspection, you could see the small scars and flaws of any person. It didn’t surprise you Azula kept hers hidden, she seemed like the type to tightly guard her weaknesses and you frowned wondering if she’d been told to do that as a child. From how faded some of the scar were you were guessing she had and it made you angry. Azula was a powerful force of nature but she was still a human with flaws. Not despite those flaws but because of them you viewed her as the most beautiful and intelligent woman you’d ever known and you wanted her to know that.
"Finished" Azula declared and then looked up to see you staring at her. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked. In response you blinked and leant across the table to kiss her. Azula jumped pulling away as soon as you touched her and you jumped back too, upset and horrified you’d read her signals wrong. "You shouldn’t do that" Azula said and you blinked "i’m sorry i just thought...we’ve been flirting and I thought you might like me...". "No i meant here" Azula said cutting you off "we shouldn’t do that here but other places...". You paused and slowly smiled at Azula’s tone "other places....so you do like me?". Azula shushed you "not here too many ears come on" and held a hand out to you "but yes" she whispered as you took her hand. You smiled at her and Azula’s cheeks turned a shade of pink as she shot her eyes away from you. Azula led you through the palace confidently and to the royal gardens. You frowned figuring this was an open space with many prying eyes and ears but Azula just smiled more "as a child i learnt all the best places to hide are in here". "You had need of many hiding places?" you asked as Azula led you into the maze. She nodded "this was my mothers favourite place and so the last place she'd think to look for me when she wanted to yell at me, i hid right under her nose and avoided detection". Azula led you deep into the maze before she stopped suddenly "here".  A large hedge stood before you and you frowned “Azula it’s...” but Azula just smiled “watch”. She pressed her hands under the left side and pushed the bush to the side. It moved aside easily and Azula stepped through. You followed and found yourself behind large grass sculptures. They perfectly obscured you and gave you a small secluded area. You were still admiring how the hedge just bounced back hiding your entrance perfectly when you realised Azula was close behind you staring at you. Suddenly she couldn’t wait any longer and she kissed you. You laughed at her eagerness but kissed her back. As you were taller Azula wrapped her arms around your neck to be able to reach you easier. You rested your hands on her waist and smirked as Azula almost made you lose your balance in her excitement. You were thoroughly enjoying the kiss when Azula broke it and shot away from you "come on we have to keep moving" she laughed and tugged you out of your hidden area. “Why?” you asked and Azula smiled “you only go undetected as long as you keep moving so that’s what we’ll do”. Azula tugged you into another perfectly hidden alcove and brought her lips to your again before pulling away again just as you were slipping into it. Azula smirked at you exasperated look and you got the feeling she was toying with you. So in the third hiding spot Azula brought you too as soon as she had hidden your entrance you trapped her against it. Being taller had it’s advantages and you gripped Azula’s waist while hovering over her “No more running princess”. Azula grinned and happily accepted her fate.
You liked these hiding places in the garden and apparently so did Azula. She leant against your arms the most content you’d ever seen her. You could see why she loved it here. You could hear other people in the gardens but it felt so wonderfully private. The weather was beautiful and you laid down looking at the sun. “This is one thing I have grown to love about the fire nation, the weather...it’s so nice and warm here” you smiled. “Well it is summer” Azula smirked leaning on her forearms to look down at you “but it is beautiful, wait until you see the festival for the summer solstice. The sky stays light all night and the streets are lit with lanterns everywhere, the whole city glows and all night you just bask in the beauty” Azula sighed “I can’t wait to show it you all”. “Yeah?” you asked and Azula nodded “it’s beautiful even in winter too! We don’t get snow but it gets colder meaning there’s fires on every street corner. They even make a hot chocolate with fire flakes that you have to try” Azula told you “we can take a trip into town and get one....and the restaurants serve festive dishes that are spiced to perfection we will see it all” Azula declared and you smiled. “That sounds amazing”. Azula smiled up at you before leaning further into you.
A while later with a large sigh Azula sat up moving off you “I have to go...my father requested to see me and Zuko, it must be important...if it wasn’t there’s no way I’d go” she told you and you smiled “I know, it’s fine i’ll find someway to manage without you”. Azula smirked “I know Mai and Ty lee were going shopping, you could always tag along with them...they’re not as good company as me of course but it may distract you until i’m done”. “Until you’re done?”. Azula nodded “how about I come join you when i’m finished?”. You nodded your head “sounds perfect” and kissed her softly. Azula smiled and lingered with you as long as she could before pulling back “come on”. She stood up swiftly before helping you up. You walked out of the gardens together and Azula stopped at one path “Ty lee and Mai will be that way, you should hurry so you catch them”. You nodded “have fun at your meeting” and with a purposeful brush against her hurried away. You noticed Azula stayed long enough to watch you walk away before she rushed off for the meeting and smirked, she was definitely going to be late for that.
You came around the corner abruptly and both Mai and Ty lee jumped. “Y/n” Ty lee said surprised “are you okay princess?”. You nodded “I was actually looking for you both, I was wondering if i could accompany you into town? Azula mentioned you were going and suggested you wouldn’t mind”. “Of course we don’t” Ty lee cried and Mai shot her a look. You glanced at Mai who paused before sighing “of course you can come princess”. You smiled “thanks” and went to walk out of the open door but Mai held out her arm “are you forgetting something? A royal can’t leave the palace without a quadrant of guards and a royal precession”. “But she’s not fire nation does she really have to?” Ty lee asked and Mai sighed “you know she does” and turned to call the nearest servant.
It was easy to forget everything the fire nation stood for while you were running around the gardens with Azula but it had a way of reminding you. Mai and Ty lee were not permitted in the royal procession with you and had to walk behind you. The fire nation guards cleared the way through the streets mercilessly and you could see why Mai hadn’t wanted you to come. The citizens were either excited to see you and got beaten back or had been pushed forwards accidentally and suffered the same fate. When you finally reached your destination you felt so malevolent and cruel as the towns people stared but dared not come close. You’d never left the palace in the earth kingdom but there were often parties when normal people could come and they never hesitated to approach or touch you, here you bet the guards would have their hands if they tried. “Y/n?” Ty lee asked as you stared at the guards *controlling* the crowd. “Are you okay?” Ty lee asked and you paused before nodding “i’m fine” and you followed her inside.
Everywhere you went caused a fuss and you felt like you stuck out like a sore thumb. Ty lee wanted to go clothes shopping with Mai but because none of the shops sold green clothes you couldn’t join in. Every time you left a store you had to get back into your stupid cart even if the store was simply down the street. Each store you went into ignored Ty lee and Mai and only focused on you being the royal. You hated all the special treatment you received. You didn’t deserve it and you didn’t want it but there was no escaping it. This was the fire nation.
“What’s wrong y/n?” Ty lee asked “ you’ve barely touched your food” she said noticing how you were just pushing it around. You frowned “I just feel like i ruined your day, everywhere I go I causes a scene, it must be so annoying”. Ty lee shook her head “you haven’t ruined anything we’re used to it”. “How?” you asked and Mai fixed you with a look “you’re not the first royal we’ve travelled with, Azula and Zuko have the same rules but they revel in it a lot more than you”. “They enjoy it?” you asked shocked. “Well not so much Zuko” Mai admitted “but Azula does, she says it reminds people of their position....beneath her”. Mai’s disgusted tone wasn’t lost on you but it did make you think. You didn’t doubt Mai was being truthful, you’d seen first hand how Azula could act but recently you’d started forgetting. You realised with a crashing taste of reality that Azula was probably only like she was with you, with everyone else...who knows how cruel she was. You stared down at your hands feeling guilty for your morning activities with her. What on earth had you been doing sneaking around with the princess that conquered your city. Azula had taken over your home and sent your uncle into exile. The only reason you were here was because she liked you, if you hadn’t have appealed to her would you be exiled too or worse? These thoughts worried you and you couldn’t help but feel like a hypocrite. You’d personally sworn to detest the fire nation but had fallen for the princess? You couldn’t allow that and so you decided to call whatever this was off with Azula. As soon as she joined you.
However Azula never made it to the cafe. When you returned to the palace in the evening there was still no word from her and you weren’t sure if you were relieved or not. The evening pressed on when suddenly there was a knock at your door. You opened it to find Azula smiling widely. “I know I missed this afternoon but I have a good reason!” she waved some servants into your room and you watched confused as they started packing your belongings. “Azula what on earth....”. “We don’t have time!” she said excitedly “we’re leaving tonight! Mai, Ty lee and Zuko have to come too but it will still be great y/n”. “What will be...where are we going?”. “Ember Islands” Azula smiled.
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yannasunflower · 4 years
on today’s episode of “yanna needs to stop writing new things and work on her wips”. i love this show and i wanted to write a lil something that’s been at the back of my mind for a while. always wanted to know what happened while Katara and Zuko waited to hear if they were able to win the war, or if their friends would survive or not. may keep this as a one-shot, may turn it into an actual fic with an Azula redemption arc and actual Zutara shenanigans and politics GALORE. who knows? enjoy!
Katara is sure he’s dead. She’s never been more sure of anything in her life, to be precise. Azula’s aim is impeccable, Zuko has always been at least a little suicidal, and Katara is a waterbender who is absolutely useless against lightning. Tears are streaming down her face and she’s trying to convince her sputtering heart to keep beating even as she runs toward his prone body, so lifeless, so helpless on the cold, stone ground.
It is no place for a son of Agni.
She falls to her knees and doesn’t stop to listen for a heartbeat, just puts her hands to his chest and prays. The wound is gaping and raw and scorching. She tries to keep her memory from racing to another night on Appa’s back when she held the world’s future in her hands for the first time. Katara hiccups, not sure if she has felt fear like this since Aang took the same lightning bolt in Ba Sing Se. Lightning that put him in a coma for weeks, a wound that didn’t let her sleep for days at a time. 
Aang had been necessary to world peace but right now, looking down at Zuko’s pale, fine face, Katara knows in her gut that Zuko is just as instrumental to the future Aang saw, was willing to die, that they were all willing to die for. The comet is still streaking a path of fire through the sky and behind her, Azula is screaming like a wounded animal. 
Katara flutters her fingers, inhales, holds her breath, squeezes her eyes shut and tries to imagine the heart in Zuko’s chest, one that is red and bleeds just like hers would be if Zuko hadn’t been so damn noble, so honorable. The thought makes her flinch even while her hands stay steady.
And then she feels more than hears the first tremblings of a heart that’s alive. The heart beneath her stirs, beats, skips, and beats again, stronger and steadier with every passing second. She’s sobbing and thanking every spirit out loud she can think of: Agni, La, Tui, Yue, Agni again for saving his son.
Zuko’s body twitches, his fingers curling inward. Katara could jump for joy when his eyes open, still gold and bright. His voice is quiet and low but strong. 
“Thank you, Katara,” he rasps. 
Katara can’t stop herself from throwing her arms around his shoulders, sobbing freely now, unable to imagine a future where his heart had remained still forever. Was it only weeks ago she had wanted to throw him from a cliff?
“I think I’m the one who should be thanking you,” she sniffles when she can finally let go of him, trying her best to give him a big, if somewhat watery, smile. Zuko smiles back, awkwardly like he does everything, and Katara resists the urge to hug him again. 
“Where’s - what happened to...Azula?” his words are halting. Katara helps him sit up, healer eyes careful to catch any wince. 
She jerks her head in Azula’s direction and watches as at first, understanding, then, an indescribable sadness passes over Zuko’s face. She helps him stand at his insistence and when he finally sees his little sister, chained and broken, tears streaming down her face even as she sends fire roaring into the red sky, Katara’s heart breaks. A single word is threaded in Azula’s cries, mama, and Katara’s breath hitches. She looks away, unable in that moment to see anything but a frightened girl she knows she cannot help. A war criminal, a killer, a teenager who was never meant to fight the way she did. 
Attendants are flooding the courtyard. Katara can see the understanding dawning on their faces, many of them scurrying in the direction of what she presumes are the Fire Sages who fled at the first sign of Zuko. She glances at him, sees the grim knowing in the set of his jaw.
“Find the Fire Sages. And someone sedate my sister.” Katara flinches. She does not envy the poor soul tasked with shutting a wild Azula up.
His voice rings through the courtyard, commanding, more powerful than he probably feels, sagging against Katara. She frowns up at him, guiding him to the stone steps and setting him down carefully, gently.
“I need to clean that wound and bandage it Zuko, now is not the time for state matters,” she admonishes, preparing herself to pull more water from the soaked ground. Zuko grits his teeth and she recognizes the way his eyes flash molten gold at her. Zuko is truly the most stubborn person she’s ever met, and she’s met Toph Bei Fong. 
“Scowl at me all you want, I’m cleaning that wound right this second, even if I have to tie you up to do it. Wouldn’t want your Fire Sages walking in on that I bet,” she growls. He shuts his mouth with a click and she gets to work, trying to be gentle, clenching her jaw at every hiss of pained breath Zuko lets out. With Zuko out of immediate danger, her mind wanders to Aang and Sokka and Toph and Suki. Spirits, her father and her tribe’s men. She wonders if Iroh and the White Lotus have recaptured Ba Sing Se, if they ever even had a chance in hell of it. 
Mostly, she tries not to imagine her father’s face if Sokka never comes back. 
“Do...do you think Aang is out there, fighting my father?”
The question is quiet, almost a whisper. Katara pauses to consider it. She manages to flash a smile she doesn’t fully feel at him. 
“Aang always comes through,” she answers. It is as honest one she can give. It seems to satisfy Zuko, who leans back on his palms as Katara rips the hem of her tunic and wraps it around his torso. 
“If,” Katara can’t finish the question. She looks away, at the damaged rooftops still burning, gnawing on her lip. Azula is still shooting blue fire and sobbing and really she knows there’s a comet but how much fire does Azula have? Zuko waits. “If Aang doesn’t defeat Ozai...what will happen to us?”
There is silence for a moment. Katara is afraid to look him in the eye, to even look at his face, so she keeps her gaze focused on wounding the bandage around his chest, tightly but not too much. She ties it off much more carefully than usual, trying to avoid the moment when she will have to look up.
“He’ll try to kill me,” Zuko finally says after a long pause. He can’t run from his homeland again. Her horrified eyes dart to his, mouth open with shock at the mere idea of a father murdering his son. A grin almost curls at the corner of his mouth. Zuko knows that Katara, for all her strengths and intelligence, for all the awful, inhuman things she had seen during the war, he knows that perhaps the one thing she and her brother cannot imagine is that. He realizes, a little abruptly, he has never told any of them how he got his scar.
It’s a story for another day, one bathed in sunlight, where his father’s shadow cannot reach him. He likes to think that day will come, that it exists in his murky future.
The Fire Sages arrive, immediately falling to their knees and pressing their foreheads to the ground, still wet from Katara’s water. She glares at them balefully, disgusted by their spineless cowering and simpering. 
“Prince Zuko,” one whimpers, voice somewhat muffled by the floor. “The Fire Sages welcome your return as the rightful heir to the throne.”
Zuko says nothing. She can’t read his eyes or his face, smooth and imperturbable. With a pang, Katara sees the Fire Lord he could become. She is sorely tempted to tell the cowards to scramble in language she has picked up from travelling some of the coarser parts of the world. But this is not her nation, not her palace, and it is not her crown at risk.
“Sit up,” Zuko orders. He speaks with a new authority, one he never uses when talking to her. She blinks a little. It is hard to keep up with Zuko’s faces and sides at times. “Preparations for my coronation will begin immediately. You will declare me Fire Lord in the next hour. We can have a more formal ceremony at a later date.”
Whatever objections the Sage had been about to sputter died on his lips with one hiss from Katara and a little help from the water rapidly freezing around his wrists. Swallowing, hard, he rises to his feet, as well as his companion, who pulls a familiar object from his robes. 
“An honor, my lord,” this one rumbles and he meets Zuko’s eyes with a little more defiance than the first. Zuko holds his gaze. The air warms by at least a few degrees. While not versed in Fire Nation politics, Katara is somewhat sure the proper address should have been your highness. By the narrow slit of Zuko’s molten eyes, the slight had not passed unnoticed. She shivers. Katara resists the urge to throw the Sage into the ocean, to make him and his hard, dark eyes disappear. He is a viper in a snake’s nest, at home in a court that Zuko has not truly belonged to for years. The hairs at the back of her neck prickle. 
The ceremony is brief and to the point. Katara is beginning to scan the sky for a messenger hawk or some other sign that her brother and their friends are alive. The comet is fading away into the darkening sky. Every moment that passes is painful, agony really. Zuko stands up, shoulders squared and straight, crown gleaming in his black hair. Katara forces a smile, swallowing bile, taking his arm and walking with him to a chamber just a little ways down the hall. When the door closes after a bowing servant, she presses a careful finger to the wound, relieved to find it still closed and not-bleeding. 
Her body sags without permission. She is tired, deep in her bones and blood, with a world to rebuild in front of her. Zuko doesn’t look any better off, the dark circles under his eyes difficult to miss. He plucks the crown from his hair, letting it fall loose around his face once more. Katara brushes an errant strand from his cheek, gently, and she marvels at how Zuko no longer flinches from her touch. When had he begun to look at her with trust in those eyes? When did he stop wincing at every movement she made?
He leans into her touch, just a little, and she allows her fingertips to graze his cheek, enjoying the way his eyes fall shut seemingly without permission. There was a time when Zuko had found it difficult to sleep around her, and there was a time when Katara had stood guard outside his door, stiffening at every noise while he slept. Now, his eyes remain shut and it doesn’t take Toph’s hearing to know his breathing has slowed. 
They don’t move for what feels like days. When he stirs, Katara startles just a little, averting her gaze quickly, praying Zuko hadn’t caught her tracing the thick black (how unfair) eyelashes that fluttered against his cheekbones (too fine, too angled, the bastard even had good bone structure) with her eyes. She stands, wringing her hands, feeling the last of the water in her skin swirling restlessly. 
Katara orders tea and watches with no small amount of amazement as Zuko pours it gracefully. She had nearly forgotten his time working a menial tea shop job in Ba Sing Se. Somehow, the sight of an injured Fire Lord Zuko skillfully pouring her steaming tea is both humorous and disconcerting. 
“We should have heard by now,” she frets as the sky still darkens and time still passes with no word from any of their allies. Outside, she knows the palace is in disarray and the nobles are probably wondering if it is safe to come out yet, but Zuko is in no condition to appear before them as their new Fire Lord, he looks exhausted, La she wishes she could let him sleep. But the world is on fire and Katara is drinking tea mostly to preserve her sanity at this point, so damn the nobles and damn the politics. 
The waiting is almost worse than the fighting. After a few comfortable minutes spent in silence, Katara’s worrying breaks it again.
Zuko flashes her a familiar, exasperated scowl. 
“Stop fidgeting, for Agni’s sake,” he sighs. His tired, overly-patient tone is familiar. Afternoons watching him and Aang work through firebending forms flood her mind. She grins sheepishly. “If Ozai had defeated Aang, we would know by now. That’s not something he would keep to himself for longer than necessary.”
The words soothe her, but only slightly. Because by defeated he meant killed and the thought of Aang’s small, broken body is too much for her to bear. 
“Katara.” Zuko hesitates, and she waits, because they always know when more is coming, they always know when to wait for the other. 
“Thank you, for healing me,” he says and she can’t help but laugh at the genuine, earnest way he looks at her from under those unfair lashes. It’s a boyish expression in a face that long ago lost its roundness.  
“You already said that,” she dismisses him. “And I told you, I’m the one who should thank you. I would be dead if it wasn’t for you. You almost threatened the future of the world to save me.”
Zuko looks slightly confused. 
“You are the future,” he says and damn him he’s done it again. Her heart is sputtering, blood rushing to her cheeks and she briefly considers trying to bloodbend the blush away. Because Zuko’s face, no longer boy-round, permanently scarred by the cruelty of his father, is so damned honest and grateful and la, she is trying hard not to wonder what would happen if she leans forward, just a little.
Zuko’s eyes are more than gold, she finds, especially in firelight, and is this what Agni’s eyes would look like she tries not to wonder, tries not to see that she has leaned closer, unwittingly, or maybe not, her thoughts a jumbled tangle of heat and fear and spirits there’s still a war going on. But she can’t help but notice that Zuko isn’t moving away, is just watching her face in a way that sets her bones on fire and spirits, she wants to touch his cheek again - 
A rapid, soft knock on the door makes her gasp. She throws her body away from him in a ridiculously dramatic motion. It’s only a servant, asking if her new Fire Lord would like food, bowing all the while. Katara takes that moment to straighten herself, gulping in steadying breaths and pushing the stolen moment far, far from the front of her mind.
“Have any messages come for me?” Zuko asks and the servant girl shakes her head. Katara’s heart sinks and from Zuko’s thin mouth, fear is beginning to settle into his bones, too. 
It only takes a few moments of awkward silence after the servant leaves for Katara to start fidgeting again. She has just about made up her mind to take Appa to where the Fire Nation’s fleet had planned to raze the Earth Kingdom to the ground when a servant enters, bowing low at the waist, a sealed message in her hand. 
“Pardon me, Your Majesty, but a messenger hawk has just arrived from Ba Sing Se.”
Zuko grabs the message hungrily, breaking it open and scanning the words before the girl has straightened from her bow. He sighs, deeply, and Katara reads it over his shoulder, nearly bursting into tears again with relief. 
“They recaptured Ba Sing Se,” she whispers. Her hand grasps Zuko’s shoulder and he reaches a hand up to clasp it silently. For a moment, the world straightens. 
“Please bring any other messages directly to me,” Zuko says. The girl can’t quite stop herself from blinking rapidly before bowing low again and retreating, red definitely crawling up her neck. Zuko looks confused and Katara nearly laughs. She doesn’t have the heart to tell him that she doesn’t think Fire Lords often say please when addressing servants. 
A distant scream sends Katara scrambling for her waterskin and Zuko trying to jump to his feet, failing miserably and crying out as he slumps back. 
“Stay put,” Katara orders him, forgetting for a moment the crown on Zuko’s head. She runs out before she can think too hard about it, her legs taking her to the courtyard, water already rising from the stones, fire burning in her veins because Zuko bled for this palace, these people, before a familiar wolf tail registers in her heart. 
“Sokka!” She definitely screams it a little, nearly falls at least twice as she rushes forward and throws herself into his arms, his healthy, alive arms. He’s on crutches and his leg is bent strangely but she doesn’t care because he’s alive and holding her tight and trembling against her. Suki grunts a little, bearing the brunt of his weight, but makes no complaints, smiling too broadly to feign irritation. 
Aang is standing next to him when she finally pulls back, a tired smile on his young face. 
“Hey Katara,” he says and he sounds his age for once but she doesn’t care because La, he’s alive and so is Toph and Suki and she’s going to cry again. She’s not sure who is hugging who but it doesn’t matter because all of her friends are breathing and here. 
“Where’s Sparky?” Toph asks when they all manage to disentangle themselves. Katara’s eyes widen and she gasps. 
She turns on her heel to find a very injured Zuko hobbling down the steps. 
She runs to him, throwing his arm over her shoulder and shooting him an apologetic grin. 
“Agni, did you think you could face Ozai alone?” he wheezes and she laughs because he is alive, too, and he took lightning for her, and everyone she loves may have just made it out of this war. 
The group rushes forward, murmuring sympathies, arms reaching out to embrace Zuko, and they fall into another tangled hug, tears streaming down faces, Sokka complaining about his leg, Toph grumbling about sappiness even as she slings to Katara like she’ll never let go. Katara looks at Aang and his grey eyes are still alight with something that is all him, all Aang the airbender, and he smiles at her the way a child who has not been ravaged by war would. 
Questions and answers will come later, as will healing and scars and hard work and negotiations. In the light of the lanterns and the moon and the small spots of fire the servants have not yet put out though, Katara clings to her family and begins to realize that the war that killed her mother is over. The war that took her father, took Aang’s people and Zuko’s innocence, took Azula’s soul. It is over. 
She is alive, they all are, and they are breathing in a new life, a future. Together.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
rotations. (zuko x f!reader) ch. 11
hello hello hello!! thank you all so much for reading my fic, it really means the world to me! i never thought i’d see this many people enjoy something i wrote, so i want you guys to know that i appreciate each and every one of you and i see every single one of your comments and they make me smile so big!!! i hope you’re all having a great day :)
pt 1
pt 10
pt 12
The door to her cell opened and she had to squint against the bright light of civilization. It took her eyes a few moments to adjust to the change before she recognized the shadowy figures that stood in front of her. “Mom?” She asked. “Dad?” 
The cement walls of the cells were covered in years of dirt and dust. The little light that filtered through the window at the very top of the wall illuminated the room just enough so that one could see their hand in front of their face. The floor of her cell was dirt, which she supposed was a benefit, as she didn’t have a bed. 
(Y/N) spent most of her days in solitude. Occasionally, a guard would come in and toss her meals on the floor. They had no problem being unkind to her. They reminded her that she was a traitor to her people, a worthless and groveling little girl that used others for her own advantages. They called her names, threw food at her, and reminded her that she would be spending the rest of her life in this wretched place. 
After Katara fled with Aang, she and Iroh had been captured in Ba Sing Se. Their hands and feet were placed in shackles to prevent them from bending. Azula herself had thrown her into her cell on the ship that they would use to travel back to the Fire Nation. The girl spit at her from outside the cell bars before shutting the door behind her. That was the last time (Y/N) had seen anyone she recognized.
She wasn’t sure how many days she had been in prison. They all melted together when she tried to think about it. The only thing she knew was that the guards woke her up when it was time to wake up. 
It was a long time before she received her first visitors. She was sat at the back of the cell against the wall, replaying all the good times that she had had with her friends in her mind. Pushing Aang into the river on accident, teaching Toph how to do a cartwheel, and hunting and making dinner with Sokka and Katara were just a few of the things that popped into her mind. 
The door to her cell opened and she had to squint against the bright light of civilization. It took her eyes a few moments to adjust to the change before she recognized the shadowy figures that stood in front of her. “Mom?” She asked. “Dad?” 
Her parents looked down at her. She scrambled to her feet to come closer to the bars. She reached her hands out to touch them, but neither of them reached out to her. Her father’s face was one of anger and disgust. Her mother, surprisingly, just looked sad. 
“When I found out that you had betrayed us--betrayed your nation, I was in disbelief. You had always been such an obedient young girl. And then I find out that my daughter had released prisoners and run away with the Avatar.” Her father turned his nose up at her. “You deserve every single thing that has come to you. You’re lucky Fire Lord Ozai hasn’t imprisoned us all for your treachery.” 
(Y/N)’s fingers curled around the bars of her cell. “You’re in far too deep to ever understand,” she said. 
“What I understand is that my own daughter is a traitor and that I have no choice but to disown her from our family.” 
She stared at him in disbelief. “You would put the Fire Nation before me?” 
“I will always put the Fire Nation before you.” For the first time since she arrived at the prison, (Y/N) felt an emotion besides sadness overcome her: anger. 
“That is what’s wrong with you! Throughout my entire life, you’ve chosen everything but your wife and daughter. You think it’s for the good of the Fire Nation, but it’s not! The Fire Nation isn’t good. What they’re doing isn’t good! I’ve seen the destruction we’ve caused with my own two hands. I’ve watched it happen. You’re just a puppet who blindly follows the orders of a tyrannical monster. So fine, disown me! I haven’t wanted to be part of this family since Zuko’s Agni Kai.” 
Her father chuckled. “I had a feeling that’s where you had gone wrong. Your affection for the boy made you weak. You didn’t understand that that’s what needed to be done.”
“And my father needed to make me watch it, right? My father needed to hold my head to make sure that I didn’t turn away while I watched my closest friend--a child--be scarred by his father?” She shook her head. “You’re just as sick as the rest of them.” 
She moved away from the bars and sat down with her back against the wall. “You know, Dad, I actually feel sorry for you. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be so poisoned on the inside.” 
Her father had had enough. He was a man who hated pity and she knew this. Her words had dug deep. He turned and stormed out of the room. Her mother remained. 
“Are you going to disown me too?” She asked. 
Her mother stared at her for a long time. (Y/N) was surprised to see that as she moved closer, her mother was crying. She couldn’t remember her mother expressing any sort of emotion before. 
“My sweet girl,” her mother said, grabbing her hand through the cell bars. “I love you. I wish there was something I could do, but-” 
“It’s okay,” (Y/N) said softly. “I can keep myself safe. You do the same, okay?” Her mother nodded and kissed her hand before leaving the room. 
The encounter with her parents, although horrible, gave her hope. She would make it out of this prison if it was the last thing she did. And if Aang hadn’t survived, she would get rid of Ozai herself. 
(Y/N) had been sleeping when she heard something fall to the floor. 
She sat up immediately, looking in every direction to see the source of the noise. The moon was high, but provided very little light into the cell. After feeling around for a few minutes, her hands finally scraped against a brick. She walked over to where it had fallen from and peered inside. 
“Can you hear me?” The voice almost made her scream in surprise. She covered her mouth before leaning close to the hole. She could see another cell on the other side, but she couldn’t see the person. 
“Who’s there?” She whispered back. 
“It’s me,” said the voice, a bit louder this time. She instantly recognized it. 
“Iroh!” She sighed happily. “You can’t understand how happy I am to hear you. How’d you know I was over here?” 
“There’s a nice guard lady who told me about you when I asked. She said you were doing well.” 
“As well as I can be, given...y’know.” Iroh hummed. 
“Listen. I have a plan.” (Y/N) felt her heart begin to race. “The Day of the Black Sun is in two days time. It only last for eight minutes, but we are going to break out.” 
“How are we going to do that?” 
“Follow my lead. And trust me.” 
The evening before the Day of the Black Sun, (Y/N) received another visitor. The door shut just as quickly as it opened, so she wasn’t even sure if there was anyone inside with her. Normally the guards left the door open if there were visitors. 
“Hello?” She called out. 
“(Y/N),” Zuko said. 
“Get out.” She didn’t hesitate to say it. “Get out right now or I’ll blast you to pieces.” 
“I know your bending doesn’t work in here.” 
“Fine. Then I’ll tear you to pieces. Leave. Now. I don’t want to talk to you.” 
“Would you just listen to me for a second?” 
“No! You don’t deserve my time. I thought you had changed.” 
“I have changed--” 
“Obviously not, Zuko, because one of us is in this cell and one of us isn’t.” She sat up the actually face him. He sat in front of the cell bars. He was wearing an imperial cloak. “I see you’ve been living fancy in the royal palace.” 
“If you would just shut your mouth for two seconds--” 
“Why? So you can tell me how awful I am? How horrendous it was of me to betray Azula to protect my friends? You want to tell me how good it is now that your Father doesn’t absolutely despise you anymore?”
“I didn’t come here to say any of that.” 
“Then why did you come here?” 
“I...Remember when you came to the tea shop in Ba Sing Se? And we talked and you told me all of those things about how despite everything I’d done, you still missed me?” 
“I take it all back,” she said decidedly. “That was back when I thought you were different. But you’re the same boy who’s let me down time and time again.” She turned away from him. “I trusted you, Zuko. I let myself believe you could really be different. And you know how I hate being wrong.” 
Zuko stood and walked out of her cell, slamming the door shut behind him. (Y/N) held in her tears. She would not let herself cry over Zuko anymore. 
(Y/N) tried her hardest to wait during the Day of the Black Sun, but she was too excited. She tried her hardest to see out the window of her cell so that she could tell where the sun was, but it was impossible. Instead, she just paced along the dirt floor. 
She wondered where her friends were, at this very moment. How would she get back to them? She hoped they weren’t far. 
Suddenly, her cell went dark. She heard a commotion happening to her left and then the door to her cell was kicked in. A very buff-looking Iroh entered and bent her cell bars apart just enough so that she could slip through. “I see you haven’t been wasting your time here,” she commented, before the two of them darted down the halls of the prison. They encountered a few Fire Nation soldiers, but without their bending, they were absolutely useless against hand-to-hand combat. (Y/N) and Iroh quickly overpowered them and made their way outside. 
“Don’t look up!” Iroh shouted at her. He grabbed her hand and they ran as far away from the prison as they could. (Y/N) looked around and saw that the royal city had been completely emptied, no doubt to the bunker that extended underneath it. 
She and Iroh climbed over a hill and finally stopped to catch their breath. The clanging of swords against armor caught her attention and (Y/N) looked down to see Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe warriors fighting below them. She figured out instantly that this was the invasion and that meant that her friends must not be far away. 
“Come with me!” (Y/N) called to Iroh as she made her way down the slope. She turned to find him still standing at the top of the hill. 
“I must go another way. I will be alright. Go, reunite with your friends.” He gave her a big smile before disappearing on the other side of the hill. She didn’t hesitate. She ran down the hill, nearly breaking her ankles multiple times in the process, and ran up to the crowd surrounding the big hunk of armor that was undoubtedly Appa. 
“Hey!” She called out, waving her arms wildly. “Guys, it’s me!” 
Aang was the first one to notice her. He squinted his eyes to see who was running towards them. Once he realized, his face broke out into a big smile. “It’s (Y/N)!” He shouted. 
“(Y/N)?” Sokka exclaimed. He ran toward her and their bodies collided into a tight embrace. 
“You almost knocked me over,” (Y/N) laughed. Sokka pulled away and kissed her quickly. 
“I’m never, ever letting go again.” (Y/N) felt her face get hot but she had no time to hide it as she started getting bombarded by her friends. 
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” Katara sobbed into (Y/N). She held her friend tight, her own eyes pooling with tears. 
“Katara, it’s okay. I don’t blame you one bit. I’m the one who told you to go.” She turned to Aang and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t have this guy around!” 
“You’re all squishing me!” Toph exclaimed. Somehow, the small girl had gotten herself in the middle of the group hug. (Y/N) grinned, pulling Toph close. 
“Toph! I thought I’d never be able to smell your stinky feet again!” Toph smiled and wrapped her arms around her midsection. 
“Don’t go getting imprisoned ever again,” Toph said. “You hear me?” 
(Y/N)’s cheeks hurt from how big she was smiling. “Alright Toph, but only since you asked.” 
Tag List! 
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker , @kryptidkova , @bigbuckyenergy , @omgwhattheeven , @ohmigooosh , @snapchatisoverrated , @inlove-maze , @harapirena , @sooske , @sweeetteaa , @selenvx , @ilovespideyyy , @saaaasib , @mochminnie , @agentsofblinks , @happyariesbabey , @slytherky , @uglipotata72829 , @og-disaster-bi , @animeluver23 , @afxndommess , @xapham , @thanosismybitxh , @outerxorbit , @thenerdiverse , @himawarichild , @welovediaaxx , @justahockeylover , @loganrwebb 
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jaxsteamblog · 4 years
Click here to read the full fic on AO3
The palace was as grand as she thought. Architecture wasn’t anything she ever showed any interest in, but there were certain buildings that she just knew were designed well. The ice palace of the North Pole was a fortress but still kept all the swirling, arching beauty of ocean swells. The Earth Kingdoms had strong bases with any number of geometric patterns stacked in a mighty display.
The Fire Nation had some of the oldest, man made buildings in the world.
On the palace grounds, Katara was amazed by the dark wooden floors, the massive pillars, and the ornate scrollwork all along the beams. With the palace at the top of the mountain, and the land below being mostly prairie, she wondered at the perseverance to drag all that timber up this high.
“It’s pretty, right?” Sokka asked as they got out of the car.
“Incredibly so.” Katara replied.
“You know this is a dormant volcano?” He questioned. Katara jumped and Sokka laughed.
“There’s magma way down in the earth. Nothing to worry about.” Zuko said as he approached. Katara didn’t relax and scowled at him as he walked up.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure I’m going to enjoy every minute of this now.” Katara said and rolled her eyes. Zuko hugged her and kissed the top of her head.
Sokka blanched loudly.
“I cannot believe you two are dating, dating now.” He lamented.
“We can’t officially. There’d be a scandal.” Katara replied with mock admonishment.
“I can only hope that day never comes.” Sokka muttered and started off toward the palace.
“You and Suki are affectionate all the time!” Katara shouted after him.
“Come on, let me show you to your room.” Zuko said.
They walked inside and Katara gasped at the interior. There was so much wood, it felt like she was a doll being kept in an ornate chest. The electric lights and air vents seemed anachronistic against the lacquer and ancient wooden beams, but it was still a sight to behold.
“We haven’t had so many guests all at once in a long time, so hopefully everything is ready.” Zuko said as they walked. “I didn’t get a chance to check.”
Housekeepers were still in Katara’s room as they came to it, startling them.
“Oh, your highness. I’m sorry, we’re not quite done.” A woman said, bowing while in the doorway.
“It’s fine. Is it possible to at least put her things away?” Zuko asked. The woman looked nervous but stood aside.
As Zuko and Katara entered the room, she wondered where the woman’s dread originated.
The room was done up like a movie set. Piles of furs were laid on the bed while torches were being shoved into ancient holders. It smelled like grease oil and pellet fire. Rough, woven blankets were partially tacked up in the doorways and there was, impossibly, a pair of snowshoes and hunting spear propped up against the wall.
“What is the meaning of this?” Zuko demanded as Katara looked around with her mouth open.
“Sir, we haven’t been able to find everything that was requested.” A man on a ladder said as he awkwardly held up a blanket.
“That’s not-” Zuko pressed his fingers to his forehead.
“I only wanted to make our guest feel more at home.” Another woman’s voice, high and lilting, came from the hall. Both Zuko and Katara turned to see Azula leaning in the doorframe.
“Azula, this is at best a horrible caricature and I know there was nothing good about your intentions here.” Zuko seethed.
Azula’s mouth went down as her eyebrows went up, pulling her face into smooth incomprehension.  She stood and raised her hands.
“Zuzu, you wound me. You know I’d never think to have someone feel unwelcome in our home.” She replied.
“Azula-” Zuko stopped as Katara held his hand. Looking down at her, Zuko was confused by her smile.
“Did you guys just have this stuff lying around?” She asked and then faced Azula. “Or did you really go to all this trouble to try and make me upset?”
Katara then turned and walked purposefully to the snowshoes. “Because these are genuine South Pole snowshoes and I don’t think I’ve seen a pair outside of a museum.”
Zuko sighed and turned to the housekeepers.
“It’ll be too warm for the furs. Please pack all of this up and have the room set like normal.” He said.
“Yes your highness!” They all said in unison, bowing deeply.
Katara and Zuko walked out of the room, pushing past Azula as they went.
“You’ll have to try harder than that, princess.” Katara whispered sharply. Azula narrowed her eyes and watched them go silently.
Azula did certainly try. Katara was given a sour imitation of seaprune stew for lunch. Speaking politely, Katara requested a regular plate and offered to give Azula an authentic recipe. Later, her clothes here found out in a pond, but Katara could easily remedy that. Finally, when Katara’s toiletry bag went missing, she finally had enough.
For most of the day, it had only been the younger members of the group. Thuy, Toph, and Rohan had gotten delayed by the same storm but from further away and only arrived in the evening. The heads of states - Ozai, Hakoda, Arnook, Tenzin, and Kuei - were in meetings pertaining to the festival that would take place that night.
So it wasn’t until dinner that they were all together.
Katara sighed as the server placed a whole fish down in front of her.
“Is the food not to your liking?” Azula asked immediately.
“No, Azula, it’s not.” Katara replied. “If you’re going to serve fish, you should at least make sure a fish fork is out.”
Then, turning to the server - who looked incredibly fearful - Katara smiled. “May I please have the regular plate?”
“Of course, my apologies.” He said and bowed, taking her plate as he backed away.
“What is your problem Azula?” Zuko questioned and the rest of the table went quiet. The Fire Lord, sitting at the head of the table, steepled his fingers and watched his children. Tenzin, being the oldest person at the table, leaned back in his seat and rubbed his eyes.
“We have guests, Zuko. Do you really think this is the time for your petty squabbling?” Ozai asked.
“I think, father, that we should be addressing Azula’s petty behavior toward our guests.” Zuko answered evenly.
“Is there something we should know?” Arnook questioned and ice filled Katara’s heart. Literally every major leader sat at the Fire Lord’s dining table. This had never happened, and now there was the chance of something terrible happening.
“Azula must be held accountable for her disrespect.” Zuko stated and Katara took in a hissing breath.
“You have caused your sister to lose face in front of our esteemed guests. That is the utmost disrespect.” Ozai growled.
“Sounds like a stupid fight to me.” Thuy interjected. Everyone turned to the Avatar, who shrugged.
“I have a bratty little sister too.” She added. Azula spluttered while Zuko laughed.
“I believe the Avatar is reminding us that we are all human.” King Kuei said and Katara relaxed a bit.
“I don’t see why you have such a problem with Katara anyway.” Thuy said and smiled over at Katara. “I think she’s really nice.”
“You would, since you’re both cut from the same cloth.” Azula remarked snidely and jumped when Ozai slammed his hand on the table.
“You will not speak to the Avatar in such a manner.” He said.
“I’m to be her teacher, am I not? She should be showing me more respect.” Azula retorted.
“I think as I’m the Avatar, you should be the one showing some respect. Plus,” Thuy sat up straighter in her seat, glaring at Azula. “You shouldn’t treat a Queen so poorly.”
“And who is a Que-” Azula started cocky but stopped abruptly. Turning in her seat, she stared at Katara. “You?”
Katara nodded with a grin. “Me.”
Azula then whirled about, staring at Zuko. “You’re dating the Queen of the Water Tribes?”
“WHAT?” Came multiple voices, all at once.
Thuy laughed to herself, clapping her hands. “Yay! I had hoped so.”
Katara sat on a couch, her head in her hands.
“You cannot be romantically involved with the crown prince of the Fire Nation.” Arnook said.
Lifting her head, Katara flattened her hands in supplication. “Why not?”
“There’s inheritance to think of. If Zuko gives up his throne-” Hakoda said but Katara interrupted him.
“Why would Zuko give up his throne?” She asked.
“If you marry-” Arnook began.
“We just started dating!” Katara interjected.
“You can’t think in the short term Katara!” Hakoda bellowed. “This is serious!”
Katara stood up, her hand at her throat, gripping her mother’s necklace.
“Do you know what I’ve gone through for you?” She screamed. Hakoda took a step back and Sokka, previously standing in the corner, walked forward.
“Do you know how many people I killed before I turned eighteen? Do you know what it was like to fight, alone? Do you have any idea how it felt to hold mom’s body and being able to do nothing about it?” Katara yelled.
Sokka pushed past Hakoda and went to Katara. She shoved him away, turning her back on the others in the room.
“I am soul bound to the ocean, I saved the North Pole from destruction, I drowned the Fire Nation fleet.” Katara said, her voice rising as she spoke. She whirled around then, ice shards forming around her from the moisture in the air.
“I will be Queen, not because I want to be, but because it was ordered of me. And so, with all the rage and power of the ocean, I will do as I please with it.” She said. Her breath curled in the cold air, causing even more slivers of ice to glint in the light. In her fury, she sparkled.
“Katara-” Hakoda reached out and Katara pulled a wall of ice in front of her.
“I did all of this for you.” She said, tears rising and falling from her eyes. She touched her mother’s necklace again, lightly this time. “But I will love as I want, for mom.”
Sokka touched the ice wall and it parted for him; fractals shifting to let him through. He hugged Katara and she sniffled, burying her face into his shoulder.
“Come on.” He said softly and Katara nodded. He turned her and they walked out of the room.
“Are you okay?” Sokka asked once they started down the hall.
“When was the last time I was okay?” She responded. Sokka chuckled and held her hand.
Hearing running footsteps, they paused and looked around. Coming toward them was Zuko.
“Katara!” He shouted. Sokka released her hand and stepped aside. When Zuko ran up to them, he embraced Katara, picking her up and swinging her around.
“Are you okay?” Zuko asked as he set her down.
“I’ll be fine.” Katara said with a breathy laugh.
“Wonderful. I was worried because a pipe burst in the main hallway.” He said.
“What?” Sokka burst out laughing and Katara felt her face flush.
“I just got a little angry!” She said.
“Then I certainly don’t want to see you very angry.” Zuko replied.
“Hey Katara!” Thuy shouted from the end of the hall. “Did you break the pipes?”
Katara covered her face and groaned.
“Don’t worry, Sifu’s got it!” Thuy yelled.
“Get over here Wet Wipe and help with the water!” Toph bellowed.
“Yes, Sifu!”
Still groaning, Katara turned into Zuko’s arms, pressing her face against his chest.
They still had to get through the festival.
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seyaryminamoto · 4 years
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If you're caught in the shadow then turn around Lost in the darkness, you will be found If you hear my voice, follow the sound 'Cause I'm here to guide you home
Gladiator’s Seventh Anniversary
March 26th swings by once more, and this time I’ve been celebrating this milestone for nearly a whole month :’D We have twenty Gladiator-arcs-themed artworks by now, and here’s our grand finale! A little more grand than every anniversary up to date, I hope!
This particular entry comes in two forms, however! And here’s the second one:
Yeah, it wasn’t always meant to be the first xD I have two other videos in the works, and one of them is at least over halfway done (with rudimentary animation in it too :’D). Still, this occasion demanded it! And so I decided to go for a video this time, hopefully the next videos won’t take too long to finish!
This hasn’t been an easy year for me, despite I’ve certainly written a lot of things I’m reeeally happy about (that you guys will be seeing later this year). Quite often I’ve found myself losing traction, hope, faltering against many obstacles in my life. I’ve made big and small mistakes here and there, and I’ve had low points, even if none quite as low as the one I hit two years ago...
Still, at the end of the day, this story has always had my back in its own way. I’ve been able to find peace by writing it, even in the darkest of moments. Going over all the progress I’ve made with it, and looking ahead at everything that’s yet to come often fills me with the willpower and strength I need to keep going, no matter what. So, after a year of blackouts, water shortages, internet collapses, countless setbacks with my real-life plans and now even a pandemic, Gladiator has always been the safest harbor I can find refuge in when everything else fails.
This big finale is, of course, meant to encapsulate the growth of Sokka and Azula’s relationship throughout the first half of Part 2. At first I had wanted to draw scenes from each arc I had skipped... but that didn’t quite work out as well as that after I revisited a certain movie, which features a BRILLIANT OST, and it had two songs that I’ve now poached outright for Gladiator purposes :’D Strange Sight is a song that really works well for Sokka and Azula in general (from Sokka’s POV), but the bulk of the song really sounds more like it fits these two in Part 1 xD yet the very conclusion of the song changes its tone... and that’s the part that inspired me into making this video/artwork set!
The first scene depicted is Azula’s “blunder”, when she nearly admits she loves Sokka despite not being ready to say it out loud. He is thrilled, but she’s very flustered, so he gives her space while she blushes stubbornly in her Barge’s cabin (?). The second artwork comes from a scene I always wanted to depict in art, even while I was writing it: Azula watching Pohuai Stronghold at a distance while Sokka is enthralled, looking at her (even blurts out she’s beautiful because he’s a goofball like that xD). The third scene comes from their escapade to the healing hot springs, on the same chapter Sokka gives Azula her secret betrothal necklace. The fourth scene is the crazy kiss these two steal in the airship factory, when they lose sight of Ozai’s retinue and make out amidst the factory equipment, steam and whatnot rising around them... because that’s just the stuff they like to do xD The fifth scene is taken from their chaotic anniversary arc, once they had already patched things up and were drying each other’s hair with towels... Azula dried Sokka, his hair was a disaster afterwards and she laughed her ass off while he did his best to take revenge xD the sixth scene depicts a much darker moment, Azula using her gold fire to fight back against Seethus, underground (not sure if it shows, but clutching Sokka’s hand is what allowed her to use gold fire properly in the midst of such a desperate situation. And the seventh scene is meant to portray Azula in that arc too, after she has rebelled against her father and takes off with Sokka, putting more distance between herself and Ozai than ever before...
The final one isn’t really derived from a particular scene of the fic, instead it’s the image I always get of these two when I hear the end of that song. “You’re not alone” is definitely one of the most important things Azula needs and deserves to hear. Though it’s not only for her to hear it... it’s for her to know for sure that it’s true, that she has a partner who will stand by her through thick and thin, to the ends of the world if need be. That no matter how bad things can get, she knows he’s on her side and always will be.
It has taken quiiiite a while to develop their bond and relationship to this extent, but I have to say it has been such a wonderful process for me... as I’ve said in the past, Gladiator’s Part 1 was the story of how they get together, but Part 2 is the story of how things work now that they are together. There’s a strange, general perception of romance storytelling, and it even expands into IRL relationships, I’d say, that suggests, whether intentionally or not, that relationships stop developing, evolving, growing once they’re consummated. I don’t know if the fairytale “they lived happily ever after!” is to blame for that, but personally, I don’t see the point in watching a relationship be built up from the ground only to witness a brief glimpse of how it works before the curtain falls. That’s why Gladiator’s Part 2 has been the exact opposite of that. Both Azula and Sokka had a lot left to grow and develop after Part 1 was finished, their partnership did too, and there’s like a gazillion plotlines, new and old, that will be crucial in building up the biggest, baddest climax of the story so far. Therefore... I’d like to think my point has been made? You CAN tell a story about this side of a couple’s life together. Whether people stick around to read it is another subject, but if you’re working with a couple as dynamic as these two, getting them together is barely the first part of the journey.
I make it no secret that Part 2 is definitely my favorite chunk of the story, especially the chapters that are being published nowadays (and those that will be published in the future), so part of the reason why I went all out here is because I really, REALLY wanted to cherish everything this part of the story embodies for me and, hopefully, for everyone who has read and enjoyed it.
I deeply thank everyone who has stuck it out with me through this journey, no matter if you were here from the first moment or if you’re a newcomer who hasn’t even caught up yet. I’m also really grateful if you don’t know the story at all but still took your time to even drop a like on any of these posts. It has always been scary to be a creator on the Internet, both because of the potential backlash against what you do and, perhaps even worse than that, the indifference of people who don’t really care much about what you create, regardless of how much work you’ve put into it, and how much you’ve grown so you can make new ideas a reality. But there’s people out there, really wonderful people, who have always been supportive of my crazy creative efforts, always sticking by me no matter how difficult it could be (and no matter how long this story gets :’D). I’m far from a perfect content creator, and sometimes I get discouraged by the stupidest things... but when you guys show interest in what I do, when you say how much the story means to you, it never fails to revitalize me and get me going once again.
So this big celebration is for those of you who stick by me, who support me, who encourage me at my lowest and highest alike because you believe in me and the story I’ve been telling for SEVEN YEARS NOW :’D It’s also for those who may yet return to see what mayhem I’ve crafted for these two in the years since they stopped reading. And it’s, without a doubt, for myself... because now I’m certainly far more confident with my art than ever before, and because everything I make for these two gives me all the right feels just when I need them. Finally... it’s for Sokka and Azula, most of all. The two sides of my beloved OTP, who have been by far the most inspiring characters I’ve ever worked with, and who deserve the entire world, as far as I’m concerned. Granted, I’m a jerk and I won’t make things easy for them in the coming years... but we all know they can be stronger and prevail! At least, I hope you all believe that as well as I do xD
So, as always, here’s to you, my supportive readers, to these wonderful protagonists, and to the story that chronicles their many adventures on their way to changing the world, as they always have meant to! Thanks to all of you for your support, and keep an eye out for Gladiator’s next update, dropping tomorrow!
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