#p: brienne jaime
stormborns · 14 days
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GAME OF THRONES 2.10, Valar Morghulis
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ilynpilled · 10 months
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asoiaf illustrations by Cao Ke (deviantart) for the chinese edition of the series
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buttercuparry · 15 days
What do you think about Jonrya and Jaime + Cersei being anti parallels of each other?
I think it is brilliant, though I don't know enough about Jaime/Cersei to put all of the anti parallels in words. Anyway i will try but heads up it may all end up being gibberish and nonsense.
So one thing people misunderstand about Jonrya is that we don't just ship it romantically. To us it can very well be a platonic ship. By this I mean, Jonrya can stand without any expectation or obligations that comes with romance. Jon and Arya...there is nothing binding them to love each other as they do. Like Sansa, Arya could have seen Jon as just a half brother. Jon could have seen Arya, as his youngest half sister and leave it just at that. But Jonrya is that and more. They are kisses warming on the cold road to the Wall, they are Needles given in secret, they are oaths taken so as to not betray the other in front of Ned Stark, they are oaths broken and duties dismissed so as to save the other from a cruel fate.
For Cersei and Jaime, there is love, there is once again duty and oaths broken for the sake of love. But somehow to me personally this love on occasion seems to be a love for one who is an extension of self. When they were kids, Cersei and Jaime used to cross dress and fool people. They looked so very similar that even Tywin had difficulty telling them apart. So you see how Grrm plays with the idea of self. Cersei is both her and Jaime. Jaime is both him and Cersei. There is no difference except for a dress and a pair of pants. I think this is what hits Cersei the most. Because they are Jaime/Cersei in their bubble. The self and another self to themselves but not to the world. Her father would make her do embroidery while Jaime trains to weild a sword. Her own desires has no bearing in how the world works and I think it both chips away and binds her all the more to Jaime. Jaime then, is her brother, her lover, her other self in an universe where she too had a cock. He is everything she can't be and so he must do whatever her heart desires. She is his, and she has given herself to him ( you will notice that she seduces him time and time again, so that he may listen to her).
I think this is one of the reasons, Cersei was so aghast at Jaime losing his hand. You know for Lannisters the show of power, of strength is amply important , as is the show of wealth and beauty. Jaime who has been what Cersei never could be, comes back to her with his sword arm amputated. Her extension of self, that which she could have been, is shattered and we see her recoil from him.
Jon and Arya, they look alike too. But be it for the difference in age or something else, they are never mistaken for one another. While they have been outcasts in Winterfell, weighed down by their own lives and troubles and while their storylines have parallels, they aren't extensions of one singular self. They are close, so close that they finish each other's sentences but there is no binding I feel.
I think this can be best seen in how Grrm makes both Arya and Cersei suffocate under gender norms. He also shows us Jaime and Jon too. Jaime loves Cersei. He is her protector, he is her sword ( until a point of time), it is his pleasure to be the man fit for Cersei. Jon is Arya's "brother", he knows how overwhelmed Arya is with what is expected of her. He tells her once, that as a bastard he will never have a coat of arms, while as a lady, she will never be allowed to do train at arms. Arya feels it is unfair, and so Jon gifts her Needle, gives her the sword to alleviate this unfairness. It's the path to freedom that Jon helps Arya on. She is her own "sword". I think this is a fascinating anti parallel.
There are other things in the books as well. Jaime's distances himself from Cersei and then subsequently refuses to heed Cersei's call for help (her infidelity to him, his growing discourse on duty vs love, his fascination with Brienne and again his thoughts on "honour" etc all play a role in this), while Jon meddles in politics and destroys the neutrality of a 8000 year old institute to save "Arya" from Ramsay Bolton. Love and duty is a running theme for many characters in Asoiaf. It is there in Ned's arc, in Dany's arc and both in Jaime and Jon's arc as well. For the latter two, the tug of war between these two concepts happen in relation to their sisters. For years has Jaime refused to do his duty to the Kingsguard (after being disillusioned with Aerys and then of course we had Robert as king) in favour of Cersei, and Jon dangles between duty to the Wall and love for his family, the entire time Robb fights the Lannisters. An inversion happens in Adwd with Jaime choosing to do his duty to his king ( Tommen) and later in following Brienne who claims to have found Sansa ( to fulfill his oath to Catelyn) and Jon finally chooses his 'heart', over his duty.
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elia-nymmeros · 6 days
who would you say is your all time favourite character? could be any media, not just asoiaf :)
tysm for the ask!! i genuinely wince every time i think about favorites bc my mind suddenly wipes clean and i can't remember any piece of media ever. as far as i remember, i really like henry winter from tsh, natasha romanov from marvel and elizabeth bennet from p&p, but i'll say that right now my all time favorite character is brienne tarth. very long propaganda about her under the cut!
at the risk of sounding deranged, i could talk for hours about all the facets of her character that i think work so well with asoiaf's themes? for example, the fact that she's a genuinely ugly (and i think it's super important to her character that she's considered ugly), shy and socially awkward young woman in a world where your appearance determines your morality in the eyes of society and where noble women are expected to perform certain social roles. these traits work very well in her story about knighthood, because she's the one character in the main asoiaf saga that cannot be considered a knight by society (and, in fact, is not even considered a woman in many cases) and yet she truly embodies the values of knighthood (chivalrous, brave, defends women and children at her own cost) to the point that i think her quote 'no chance, and no choice' raises her to the position of the one true knight in westeros (echoing 'are there no true knights among you?' from dunk, her literal ancestor!).
and yet, even though she sounds like the perfect character who is superior because of her morality, she's actually not very successful canonically? like, she failed at protecting renly (and renly didn't particularly liked or respected her), she failed at protecting catelyn and has not been able to find the stark sisters so far, she failed at bringing jaime to king's landing too (and she won their duel because he'd grown rusty after being chained for months), and in her greatest scene so far, fighting seven against one, she's defeated and mutilated and has to be saved by gendry bc she's not actually superhuman and fought while heavily outnumbered.
in most other sagas she'd have been a petite and graceful girl, she'd have defeated rorge's companions without suffering debilitating injuries, she'd be loved and respected by everyone after seeing her noble personality and excellent swordsmanship. grrm goes deeper than this, so brienne embodies the traits of a knight and yet cannot ever become one, she behaves like the hero of a story and is mocked/insulted/assaulted constantly because she's not the ideal of a hero in westeros' social canon (just like dany, tyrion, jon, bran, arya, etc), she's a very capable and strong fighter and yet has also been in 3 different sides of the war with no success (and probably will end up in another side yet again if she lives to fight the others), and long emotional abuse has left her deeply insecure, paranoid, resentful and doubtful of her ability to perform gender (to the point that she calls herself a 'son' at some point bc she utterly fails at westerosi femininity)
idk, i think in her character there are a lot of super interesting themes intersecting, such as gender, social expectations and naivety, bravery and honor, self-esteem and physical ability, treachery and prejudices, what does it mean to be a good knight in an unfair, deeply hostile society, and what does it mean to be a hero where your only reward is most likely going to be injury, mutilation and/or death. she's even more interesting to me when you compare her journey/themes/decisions to her foils jaime and cersei, so there are lots of ways you can explore her character and find very cool meanings (also i've been the biggest braime shipper since i was 15, so that's a bonus!)
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lore-baybee · 6 months
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| Jaime VI (p. 601 - 619), A Storm of Swords
Jaime is forced to learn how to be cared for when he can no longer care for himself
Jaime is forced to be vulnerable, and Brienne must care for the vulnerable, no matter what
Jaime learns he must care for the vulnerable too, because Brienne taught him how to be cared for
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jb-smut-swap · 1 year
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's exchange, and thank you to all the readers out there!
If you want MORE smut, take a look at the unused prompts from this year. There are so many great ideas here to get you inspired!
Post any fics using these prompts to the Quickies collection, and gift the fic to the person who prompted it. This collection is open all year and is not anonymous.
Thanks again for another great year! We will be posting all the stories on here in the coming days.
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apopcornkernel · 6 months
trick or treat!! 🎃🦇 (btw i loved hearing about the backstory/historical aspects of your fav wip, i’m not even in the hsr fandom but it’s so interesting)
THANK YOU <33333
(i know it's literally november 3 but shhhhh, all soul's was just yesterday it still counts—)
anyways!! the next fic i wanna talk about is... also jingfu 😭😭😭 this is embarrassing
presenting: ✨ jingfu vegas wedding ✨
there was a time i got back into asoiaf and jaime/brienne, and there's this subgenre of jb fics where they get quickly married on the quiet isle for one reason or another! and i just got obsessed with this type of wedding, and then i got to thinking about vegas weddings, and then i imagined jingfu drunk and giggly and happy and my gdocs stood NO chance
what's great about jingfu is, as i hope to never stop reminding my readers, is that they're chinese living in a chinese setting wifh chinese culture. so you can't just throw them into an actual vegas wedding situation—china has its own wedding ceremonies and the luofu must have its own technological advancements in that area too! so long story short i had a lot of fun brainstorming the wedding rituals and how it would mesh with the luofu, how people would even discover a wedding has taken place considering chinese weddings CAN technically be done without witnesses if you're feeling quirky enough (like maybe legally it's not allowed but ive seen cdramas where they do the same thing so like. me 🤝 cdramas; ignoring things for dramatic flair), and generally just trying to write their world vividly enough that it doesn't feel like Vague American Fantasy Spaceship #2432
i do think i kinda succeeded!! and even if i didn't, well, in my head i can clearly visualize it and in the end this is a fic for ME and not for yall, sorry but i come first when it comes to my fanfic :P
also i wrote my thoughts on the au while we were out with paternal relatives eating hotpot, so of course their drunken wedding feast is hotpot. i couldn't resist
It was strange to see the General and Master Diviner drinking, and even stranger to see them drinking like they were racing to their graves.
At least it would be. Extenuating circumstances, Dan Heng art thy name.
i also really like these lines i giggle everytime! because i ship jingfu but i also ship jingheng in the pathetic unrequited pining old man jing yuan kinda way.... its hilarious how down bad jing yuan still is for dan heng/dan feng and so since i needed a catalyst for the drinking i used dan heng hehe
also i researched chinese constellations for this because i needed more drunk activities and i figured i could do one of those "laying on the grass and pointing at the stars" except ofc it's the luofu so that's synthetic grass and false stars and their stars are also different and it would be very weird to mention ursa major or something! so i had to do research </3 i swear the things i do for my craft
i don't know how to end this.... i guess here's another excerpt HAHAHA
Jing Yuan, thanks be to Lan, had left behind some of his formal clothes at her residence, which meant the two of them did not have to sneak all the way back to Exalting Sanctum just to nab the appropriate garments. If they had not been drunk, the journey from the gardens to her quarters would not have taken so long. Unfortunately: they were. Unfortunately: Jing Yuan was enamored with every flower that passed him by, and Fu Xuan was busy counting the number of off-color stones in the cobbled path.
They did still make it there. Eventually.
In one of Fu Xuan’s many closets were the robes they’d worn to Qixi-jie—his a simple but elegant grey trimmed with white, and hers a dainty pink, complete with a round embroidered fan. Fu Xuan took Jing Yuan’s out, shoved it into his arms, and then shoved him out. He staggered out into the hallway, and then turned to blink at her, lost.
Fu Xuan rolled her eyes. “Well? What are you waiting for?”
“Oh,” Jing Yuan said. The light came back into his eyes. “Oh! Yes.”
Stupid, she thought, and closed the door. But apparently she’d said it out loud, because he yelled, muffled, “You’re the one marrying me!”
“I won’t if you don’t shut up!” Fu Xuan yelled back.
Immediate silence.
thank you for the ask again hehehe <3
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redwolf17 · 9 months
If you're allowed to answer this can you tell us some of the characters Jaime will be interacting with? Is he on Dragonstone this whole time for the chapter?
Myrcella flashbacks would be nice. Jaime thinking how he had not seen her since she was 8 -9 years old and how even though it was easy enough to replace a son like Joffrey, it was harder to do so with a daughter like Myrcella. Myrcella was a daughter a man could be proud of.
Oh, he’s not on Dragonstone at all 😈
A (partial) list of characters appearing in Chapter 159: Jaime
Jaime’s ego
Aegon VI Targaryen
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Brienne of Tarth
Deziel Dalt
Olyvar Frey Rosby
Assorted guards
Podrick Payne
Septon Jonothor of the Most Devout
Assorted Tyrells
Assorted Martells
Cersei Lannister
Three French hens
Two turtle doves
And a partridge in a pear tree :P
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nossbean · 2 years
would love a snippet of any of yr WIPs... if you're willing to share
Anon this is very sweet, thank you 💕💕💕 I’m sorry it’s taken me a bit to respond. I hemmed and hawed a little, but I’m excited about sharing the full fic once it’s all ready (!) so here, have the *unbeta’d* part 1 of the book canon 5+1 I’ve been working on! It is its own little tale; will complement and be complemented by the whole down the line.
Rated M, sexual content, deleted scene from A Feast for Crows.
1. “Care”
Wrestling off sweaty clothes, rinsing himself with a rough cloth over aching muscles, Jaime reflected: Improvement came in bruises and confession.
He hadn’t remembered that latter from his training as a squire. Then again, what had he to confess as a welp? Tepid water washed away the vinegar which blossomed on his tongue, soothed down his parched throat. Would that confession had worked so well with Lancel as it seemed to work with him.
The bed was cold through his shift, and the mattress had little give. Payne had dumped him on his backside hard enough that riding would be a problem on the morrow, but. Jaime had landed a hit. It was p!sspoor improvement, but improvement nonetheless and it left him bone-weary and loose-limbed. He would rest well.
Straw poked through the mattress when he rolled to the left.
The right was only just better.
He rose up onto his elbow and punched at a lump in the mattress. Not a change to the lump, only a new protest in his knuckles to join the litany across his body with his stump making a b@stard of itself by throbbing in sympathy.
Others take him.
Sleep did not come.
His mind was in full churn — gods damn it. Lancel’s f*cking hair shirt and his anguished eyes. That clacking laugh of Ilyn’s. The twisting hands of the desperate farmer. facing creeping winter with no crop… Every bloody minutiae turned over in his mind — even Lady Amerei, clearly not truly as foolish as she played, her fingers light as she stroked his golden hand in some bid at tender seduction. When had Jaime ever seemed one to have an interest in the tender?
He stared at the ceiling tracking spider webs catching a hint of silver from the moon. Their darker cousins, darts of black, tracing cracks through the white washed ceiling. Would that he were surrounded by people who were more — …interesting had been the word before he thought better of it. Interesting by a certain measure, but really what he meant was dull. Dull people. Dull people, competent, with straightforward wants.
Brienne had been — well. He'd taken her for dull, hadn't he? He imagined the look on her face had she witnessed Amerei with fingers on his hand and guffawed to himself. Fine, he'd not name her dull. Though her face was naught but blunt. Blunt brow and blunt nose and blunt — no, not mouth. Not with lips… such as they were.
Nor her eyes. Her eyes told him whole stories every time he cared to look.
And how she blushed! Gods give him grief, the wench was more prone to blushing than the stars were to shining. Even her chest, her collarbones went pink when she flushed. He’d fixed his eyes there, when she shaved and bathed him. What expanse of her skin might blotch and pink?
For the second time that day, his c0ck stirred.
Alone now, it troubled him less. It had been some time, and ages since he last found himself in true privacy. Perhaps this was precisely what he bloody needed to finally get some godsdamned sleep. His hand was a bit fumbling but his hips remembered what his hand didn’t well know, a tight enough fist and…
And if his mind conjured water trickling over bath-reddened thighs as thick as his own — thicker — freckles spread like seeds in a field of sunset pink, and chapped lips parted — imagine, pressed full against —
It was no business of his what his mind’s eye saw, nor that he thrust faster with unanticipated vigour. His left hand was unknown to him — ah, and, yes, and, more, yes, near exactly that — might as well have a mind of its own.
She certainly had a mind of her own — honourable — Stubborn. That damned dress they’d put her in. Ugly, ugly thing. But he’d been right about the blue —
She’d said, I was about to say that it becomes you —
Nonsense woman, flowered words and face red, her chest had been pink then, too — incongruously delicate, elegant above the blue neckline — above her silly little towel — her muscles coiled beneath my — kneeling before him — might show her — she’d had a gentle touch — gentler, firmer — was sturdy —
Took my weight. Let me lean on her —
Climax took him by surprise, a surge like swift currents in the rush of a river in spring, rolling through his limbs, washing fresh from his gut through his chest to his mind.
The sound of his own ragged breathing brought him back to himself. Jaime swished his tongue around his mouth to find the source of the metallic tang of blood — aha, there. He must have bit his cheek to stay quiet. His stump throbbed as he’d pressed it hard into his thigh. His thigh twinged. His c0ck —
He flexed his hand. Shook it out. Reached across the bed and wiped his palm on the sheet. Pushed himself from the bed and rinsed himself off a second time, let his stump rest in the cool water.
Brienne hadn’t balked, not once, in all the time she tended to him. Touched him without flinching. Bandaged his arm with steady hands and kind fingers more than once on the journey from Harrenhal when Qyburn was busy with some fool else. Jaime had forgotten that.
The slosh and drip from pulling his arm from the water sounded overloud in the echoing silence around him. He took pains to dry his stump carefully.
The bed felt different when he returned to it. The straw bothered him less. The aches of his sparring asserted themselves once more. Sleep was there, though. In his body, as before, but dragging finally at his mind in the covering dark.
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gendrie · 8 months
What relationships/dynamics are you excited for if the remaining books come out, here's a few from me
Arya and Gendry
Arya and Jon
Arya and LSH
Jon and Dany
Jon and Sam
Bran and Euron(if that theory about him being Bloodraven's student is true)
Bran and Theon
Bran and Howland
ooohhh i was actually just thinking of bran and jon's future dynamic the other day with bran rolling up right after jon's been crowned kitn @ the end twow lol surprise bitch! but let me try to keep this brief
arya + key braavosi figures (ie: the sealord, bellegere otherys)
arya + jeyne p. (+ aly mormont)
arya + the riverlands gang (ie: lady stoneheart, gendry, nymeria, thoros, the ghost of high heart, the tullys, ect)
any combo of the big 3 in essos (arya, dany, and tyrion)
jon + theon
brienne + the stark girls
arya + sansa
melisandre + bran and/or arya
jaime + lady stoneheart
dany + jaime
dany + sam
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janiedean · 1 year
Inspired by your el dorado ask, which made me laugh out loud:
Which ASOIAF ship would you attach to Century Fox’s Anastasia? If you haven’t seen it, any other animated children movie set in ASOIAF-verse is just as welcome.
I have seen anastasia but... er let's say that I have ideological issues with that movie's take on the russian revolution so I have... issues... recasting it in general (like no judging I GET it the main ship is a+ but the last time I watched it I cringed every two seconds don't mind me) so I'll give you alternatives not counting b&tb-related stuff because everyone has done that grrm first and foremost xD
idek if or when i'll get around to it but i've been wanting to do treasure planet with theon as jim and davos as long john silver for years so take it as you want anyway I went to fish that recast it also had wex as morph, jon as the robot, ygritte as amelia and robb as doppler with davos getting crackshipped with alannys and idek how I'd have split it so that robb worked in there but anyway the idea was there
also always wanted to do hunchback of notre dame with a twist as in frollo!c. keeps postaerys!jaime locked up in the tower with only tyrion and maybe sometimes bronn keeping him company until he falls in love with esmeralda!brienne while ditching poor phoebus bc in that context it wouldn't make sense but if I can manage it with quasimodo!tyrion and least-likely-esmeralda-ever!bronn i'mma consider it
ssooooo i have two possible versions of hercules one bc I had once recast it and one because I have it on the commission list so you get both (commissioned one is happening at some point hopefully soon the other one we'll see but), commissioned: jb with hercules!brienne and meg!jaime, hades!tywin/cersei split probably, phil!tyrion and everything else is being currently elaborated, the one I had thought of ages ago: hercules!robb, meg!theon, hades!tywin, sandor/bronn as pain and panic, phil!jaime and brienne at the same time
god someone once suggested me the best bronn/tyrion little mermaid au ever but I have it in the references and I don't remember the casting but anyway ANON WHOEVER YOU WERE I SALUTE YOU ONE DAY WE'LL GET THERE
I'm halfway sure I had once recast frozen just because I could tho it's hardly my favorite disney flick ever but I'm 99% sure i went against my usual castings and it was... robb!elsa, theon!anna, kristoff!jon and ramsay as whoeverthefuck was the name of the evil prince? probably if I don't recall wrong
aaand like I also had recast tangled but it was stevebucky and it was whacked and idk if it works for anyone in asoiaf as much as it's like in my top five animated movies ever because fuck me it was exactly my dynamic *cries* anyway that's what i have on short notice but if you want my crack at any other movie possibly not counting extremely recent stuff bc I'm p. sure the last disney movie i've seen in cinemas was coco I'm more than happy to give it a go xD
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musing-and-music · 2 years
Top five fanfiction tropes :P
I see where you're coming from 😁
Secret Relationship: you know which one! The secret meetings, the coded messages, the worry of being followed, the secluded places, the glances
Canon-divergence/Fix-it: one of my beloved for Jaime and Brienne, especially around season 4 (with arranged marriage) or 6 to 8 (he leaves King's Landing way earlier, as he should have done after the Sept got blown up to he survived the bricks and atones for leaving her)
Friends to Lovers: With all the pining, the "do they see me this way?", the jealousy, the uncertain closeness 😍
Team as a Family/Found-Family: We choose each other, we live a lot together, we argue, but we love each other 😄
Soulmates AU: There's so many ways to create these! A word, a tattoo, the Red String of Fate... so many ways to play with them too!
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ilynpilled · 7 months
which asoiaf characters would you put in a saw trap?
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feedesmarais · 2 years
Jaime x Brienne fic rec : favorite authors edition
Part 2 : QuizzicalQuinnia is a wonderful writer who can write anything
- Madonna of the Balcony : a beautiful and poetic modern AU with angst and reflexions on art and love set in Sothoryos.
- O-T-P series : an hilarious modern AU. Myrcella, Sansa and Margeary are teenagers determined to meet their favorite author, Brienne Tarth. They're also convinced that Myrcella's uncle would be a perfect match for Brienne.
- And Then There Were None : an Agatha Christie AU set in the Eyrie on New Year's Eve. Will Jaime and Brienne survive this murder mystery?
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argentvive · 2 years
Alchemy Manuscripts - Book of the Holy Trinity  (1410s)
Alchemy originally drew from Egyptian religion, Greek philosophy, and Zoroastrianism.  Those ideas were then developed by Jewish, Islamic, and Christian writers.  The images in Aurora consurgens were all secular:
 In the Book of the Holy Trinity, composed a few years later, the imagery was explicitly Christian.  The process of creating the Philosopher’s Stone--the repeated dissolutions and coagulations, the purging and “killing” of the Stone--was directly compared to the sufferings of Christ and Christian martyrs.  I would not be surprised if George R R Martin got some of his ideas for the extreme violence in ASOIAF from this manuscript (or the later works it inspired).
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Hanging, breaking on the wheel, beheading--
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Stabbing.  In this case it’s Adam being stabbed (by a serpent woman) as Eve looks on.  
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The Book of the Holy Trinity also includes some often copied images of the rebis/hermaphrodite/androgyne--the result of the Chemical Wedding between Sulphur and Mercury/Argentvive.  
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This next variant of the rebis image, with the sword, is one I’ve returned to again and again in explaining the relationship between Jaime and Brienne in ASOIAF.  
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For a complete list of images from this work, see Adam McLean’s website:
The treatise and its imagery were written at the time of the Hussite rebellion in the Czech lands.  An excerpt was presented to Emperor Sigismund at the Council of Constance (1416-17).  It was intended as a piece of pro-imperial--and thus anti-Hussite-propaganda (van Lennep, p. 70)  It also functioned as a way to legitimize the interest in alchemy by many German rulers at the time and in the following centuries.  
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wlwocprincess · 1 year
GOT & Interview With A Vampire for the fandom ask!
💕💕💕 Thank you anon!
GOT (going off the show only and excluding HOTD I’m assuming)
Favorite male character (s): This is a hard one, probably Bran, Grey Worm, and Oberyn
Favorite female character (s): Sansa, Cersei, and Margaery, Missandei, and Brienne.
Least favorite character: Jon and Jaime not necessarily fully bc of them but bc their Stans are p annoying. I also don’t really like show Dany as a person but Emilia makes her stupidity and self righteousness entertaining, she plays her like a cartoon villain it’s lowkey great. Robert also sucks.
Funniest character: Maester Pycelle, he’s hilariously creepy and Robert was kind of funny.
Favorite season: Season 2
Favorite ships: Sansa x Margaery, Show Jongritte is kind of cute and when I was 11 I thought Dany/Drogo was romantic bc I was a clown. Don’t really ship anything else. Maybe Brienne/Happiness and Cersei/Victory
Favorite male character: Rashid/Armand and Daniel, Louis on thin ice
Favorite female character: Grace, Claudia is cute too
Least favorite character: Honestly don’t have anyone I hate but my least fave has to be Lestat
Funniest character: Lestat
Favorite ships: I don’t really “ship” anything in this show yet again, but all the dynamics are interesting and fun to watch
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