#p.s. i love her she's ride or die
swan-orpheus · 2 years
bix caleen’s sacrifice
We were told that this show was going to highlight how morally grey the Rebellion is, whatever the heck that means. I phrase it like this because I always get a little wary when folks vaguely insinuate that the Rebels are even remotely on the same level as the Empire in terms of being a nasty bit of business bent on taking over the entire galaxy and causing mass suffering. What’s the old saying, “When the force of example no longer works, there’s just the example of force”?  When you take away someone’s tools to object, to protest, and make it a fight for their very existence, what other choice do they have? You fight or you perish. This is what it means to be radicalized. There’s nothing pretty about rebellion. You can’t invoke the revolution and then expect to be comfortably home in time for tea. That isn’t how it works. And after all, folks who murder and control and oppress who say, “Well you gave us no choice but to crank the murder and oppression up to 11 for daring to protest!” are not justified in what they are doing under any circumstances no matter what Luthen Rael has up his sleeve. It’s the usual villainous bullshit of, “If I point a gun at everyone in the room and decide to open fire, it’s your fault! You murdered them.” Yeah, no, sorry that is insane emotional blackmail villain logic. 
The point that I’m working towards is that if there is something to find rather disturbing and that makes this show the big moral grey space that we were informed it would be, then it is Bix’s sacrifice to a cause that she did not agree to join.
Bix Caleen and her sacrifice, Bix Caleen caught in the center of the maelstrom as much as Cassian, Bix Caleen who didn’t take a vow or sign up for this. 
From what we hear in Episode 9, Salaman Paak met with Kleya two years ago and was being paid to maintain the radio, I am assuming that he had an inkling of what she was about based on the contents of their apparent conversation about Paak wanting to “be more political” (If you check out his son, Wilmon, when Bix asks to go in back in Episode 1, his eyes look like they are vibrating in his head. He knows it’s risky.) But then Paak hands operation of it over to Bix and from what we see she has no knowledge of the radio’s true import. She thinks that she signals a “buyer” to come buy parts so that she can earn some more credits. Sure you could say that she could have asked questions, but why? It’s business and she is a professional. You steal, you sell, you lie low for a bit. Making money at the expense of The Empire is a crime in their eyes, but it is not the same as actively, and here is the keyword, actively, being a rebel. And considering the amount of corruption within the Empire itself being practiced by Imperials, this is small time. Even Dedra acknowledges that being a thief is not in the same league as being “a fish”, though I do not doubt that it is a punishable offense.  
Vel, Mon, the heist crew, Anto Kreegyr, Cassian, Lonni Jung, all know what they have gotten themselves into or have at least walked into it willingly. They took a vow, or made a deal for credits, accepted a job. But Bix never makes the conscious decision to get involved. When Luthen speaks of Kreegyr and his men dying, it is lamentable to say the least, but at least they likely go into an operation (forgive the wording there owch Nemik) knowing full well that they might not come out of it alive. This is what the rebellion entails. Their eyes are wide open to paraphrase Kleya Marki when she accuses Luthen of slipping. 
Folks are talking about Kreegyr and Jung and how now we are getting into the tough and disturbing choices that the rebels are having to make for the future of the galaxy. Narkina 5, Spellhaus, the Aldhani heist are big spectacles. But for me Bix’s fate is a lot more shocking because it is so vile and so intimate and goes largely unwitnessed. It makes you wonder what else we do not see.  
To use Dedra’s phrasing, Bix is put up “on the carving block” for the machinations of Luthen, and Kleya. (Not to mention Paak getting tortured and hanged for merely having this dubious fractal radio.) Of course so are the prisoners and anyone in the galaxy suffering because of PORD, but Bix is all alone in a room, friendless, companionless being tortured in one of the most horrific ways imaginable. It’s even worse than the floor being lava and she has nobody to talk to about it. There is no “One Way Out” for her. She can’t even take her own life if she wants. She is in the Empire’s net and has no means of escape. 
I’m certain we have not seen the last of her and I do not think that she will blame Cassian. As she said he and the buyer ‘don’t have a relationship’. Unless of course Dedra and company have poisoned her mind with torture and psychological duress to the point that she now believes that he was complicit. Apart from that, Bix has already gone through it emotionally with her past relationship with him, the incident on Morlana One and its collateral damage with Timm being murdered, and the Imperial occupation. She knows that Cassian is also a victim of the system. But in terms of the Rebellion and being press-ganged into assisting them, without her consent, she might not be so sanguine if she eventually realizes who precisely was at the other end of that radio. We get a small glimpse of this in the prison with Ulaf and Xaul angrily commenting on how the rebel activity has lengthened their sentences. 
I am hoping that this is leading to a long and complex storyline for Bix, one in which she resists along with the others, but questions some of the decisions being made. It would be incredible to have a mirror to Mon Mothma in someone working class who knows that the Rebellion is necessary, but who is trying to reconcile the strategies being employed with who is being forced to make sacrifices as a result. I think that Bix would be more willing to use violence at this point considering what she’s been through and who they’ve hurt in her community, but might draw the line at  something like sacrificing fifty men. At any rate, I cannot wait to find out. 
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miabebe · 6 months
Where you're convenient (II)
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Scenario - Yes it was circumstances that forced these arrangements but why was it that at its breaking point, all you want to do is hold on to it?
Pairing - Husband! Seokmin × reader
Genre - smut with lots of plot, fluff fluff fluff cause there's a kid 👀, and angsty angsty pining hehe
Word Count - 11K (as usual, I apologise)
Warnings - oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (well there's babies wanted here so), riding, cum eating
A/n -  part 2 is finally here! These keep getting longer idk why 😭 I'm gonna take a small break and shift attention to my series before I return for part 3 (woozi)!
P.s all 3 parts are not related, they can be read individually, they simply share the same trope of marriage of convenience which I'm an absolute sucker for 🙃 Read Joshua's here!
The moment Seokmin’s eyes fell on the entrance of the overpriced restaurant, he knew exactly why his sister insisted on this meeting.
Sighing deeply, he parked his car in a vacant lot and ran his fingers through his untamed hair, glancing at his reflection of the mirror. There was no need to look his best for this meeting, just presentable would do - after all, he was not here to impress. Grabbing the bag you handed him earlier today, he made his way in, eyes falling on his sister and her company - a pretty woman, definitely around his age since clearly, this was yet another attempt to set him up on a date.
He greeted them with his usual sweet smile before hugging his devil of a sister, whispering a bunch of obscene words in her ear which she coolly ignored, habituated to his reaction to such meetings over time. Although he was already prepared to leave, he slid across the boxes of cupcakes you made and took a seat, pulling out his phone, while his sister raved to her friend about how you made the best cupcakes in the world.
Seokmin 17:48: Just met Minseo. Should be home in an hour. Traffic's really bad.
And then his sister began her usual business of introducing her friend to him, then him to her, then mentioning how 'surprisingly' the two of them were so similar, subtly hinting how they would be so compatible.
Seokmin rolled his eyes, familiar with this drill, listening to her blabber with a struggling, polite smile. This was quite a frequent occurrence - every now and then Minseo would bring a friend or colleague to introduce them, afraid that her useless brother would die single given how uninterested he was in dating. Today's friend was Sumi, her colleague from the first ever company she worked in, who was apparently his age, recently single, also loved pizza and working out. Barely interested in the ongoing conversation, Seokmin kept glancing at his phone time and again, relieved when it finally buzzed.
You 18:04: Okay, have fun with MinSeo, tell her I said hi!
You 18:04: Also, look at this [attachment]
It was a photo of Aera, her mouth, hands and clothes covered in a light pink frosting as she laughed at the camera both innocently and mischievously.
You 18:05: I swear to god, I can't look away from her for a second.
"Are you even listening Min-ah?
Seokmin looked up at both ladies staring at him with a tinge of annoyance and turned his phone to show them the picture that was making him smile so ridiculously. Instantly, they broke out into a series of awws and little praises making his heart swell with pride. That was his daughter after all.
"Isn't she the cutest?" Sumi looked up from his phone. "She's two and a half right?"
"Actually she's 2 years and 10 months." Seokmin took back his phone, taking another look at the love of his life. "Born in May."
"A Taurus baby?"
"Gemini." He corrected. "Last week of May."
"She must be quite the troublemaker huh?"
"You have no idea." Seokmin laughed typing a reply.
Seokmin 18:08: What have you done to my sweet angel?
"Shall we order food first?" Minseo picked the menu card. "What about pizza-"
"Not for me." Seokmin shook his head. "I'm not eating. In fact, I have to leave soon."
"Min-ah, come on, you're seeing me after so long-"
"I literally saw you last week, at mum's place."
"But it's your first time meeting Sumi, don't be rude."
Seokmin turned to her friend. "I'm sorry, I would stay longer but I haven't seen my daughter all day and I'm sure there's food at home already." He glanced at his sister before turning back. "I don't know if you know, but my wife makes really good food, she's a chef."
"A pastry chef." His sister corrected. "I mean no one makes desserts better than her but you're the better cook. "
You 18:10: Angel? She's the devil spawn, this little thing.
Seokmin 18:11: Are you calling me the devil? How dare you
"Maybe," He looked up from his phone. "But I always eat dinner made by my wife."
Minseo rolled her eyes yet again, but Sumi nodded understandingly. When the two women discussed for 20 whole minutes, finally placed an order for themselves and Sumi excused herself to the washroom, Seokmin turned to his sister.
"Why won't you give up?"
"Why won't you give in?"
"Because, everyone you try to set me up with is not my type.."
"Really?" Minseo raised an eyebrow. "What about Sumi is not your type? You two are literally the same people."
"Yeah well, did you see her nails? Clearly she loves manicures and stuff like that."
His sister blinked, lost. "And that's a problem because?"
"I have a child you idiot, I can't have those claws around her?"
"So she'll stop getting them done. That should solve your issue."
"I don't want anyone to change themselves or give up on things they like because of me."
"I'm about to kick your ass Lee Seokmin." She muttered angrily. "I have tried to set you up with all kinds of women yet no one is good enough. What do you want Min-ah?"
"What do you want? Why do you keep dragging me to these-"
"Because I want to see you happy!"
"I am happy!"
"Say what you want Seokmin, that's not a happy marriage."
He sighed. "What problem do you have with Y/n?"
"With Y/n?" She looked at him perplexed. "Not one damn thing. In fact when you leave her, I might just ask her to marry me, I love that woman so much. The question is......do you?"
Seokmin blinked, not finding the words. Love? Sure he had a crush on you a couple of years ago but to be honest, nearly everyone did. He was in his final year of culinary school when he caught sight of you at the freshers party, walking in in that tight silver dress, looking like a dream. Rumor was you already had a boyfriend so Seokmin simply introduced himself and walked away, letting that little crush of his fade over time. Soon after, he successfully graduated, got a job at a Michelin star restaurant and life was good until he met you again, almost 4 years later at an alumni party.
Now, did Seokmin still have a crush on you? He didn't know really, he didn't even have the time to sort his feelings, not when you were giving him the flirtiest eyes, hands and body moving not very decently on the dance floor and especially not when you dragged him by the collar to a nearby room and the two of you fucked for hours.
"You always go silent when I ask you this Min-ah. It's a simple yes or no question."
Minseo looked expectantly at her brother who had now diverted his attention to the notification bar and time on his phone - you had still not replied to him. Panic slightly bubbled in his chest. Was something wrong?
He quickly downed the glass of water before of him and grabbed his bag.
"I'm sorry noona, I should head home. I think Y/n needs me."
Before she could reply, he dropped a kiss on her forehead and ran out to the parking, leaving his sighing sister behind. Through the glass she watched her brother rush away in his car, wondering how many more of such set ups it would take before he admitted what he felt for you.
Though Seokmin wanted to get back home as soon as possible, with all that traffic, all he could do was wait, fingers tapping on the wheel, mind getting restless. It was not like you to take so long to reply, he knew that much. Sinking back into the car seat, he glanced out at the streets that he no longer walked down ever since he became a father. The life of leisure he once lived was no longer a possibility because now he lived only for his daughter. And you.
It wasn't a part of his life plan to become a father so young but apparently, things have their own way of panning out. He was supposed to become a famous chef, open his own chain of restaurants, establish himself as a successful businessman and retire by 45. Instead, he found himself getting a phone call from an unknown number about 2 months after that fateful night of the alumni party. It was you.
It was indeed strange that you asked to meet up at your workplace considering the two of you had made it very clear to each other that this was a one time thing, but he went regardless. Over a cup of coffee and a piece of cake you broke the news that you were pregnant and the child was his. Now Seokmin knew condoms were not 100% effective but that night the two of you had used quite a few of them, given how many rounds went down.
You told him you were going to have the child and if he wanted, he could be a part of the baby's life too. Of course he wanted to, even though this entirely threw off his life plan, of course he would be a part of his child's life, there was no question. Seokmin had grown up without the presence of a father his whole life and he knew what the felt like - there was not a chance he would let that child go through the same as well. So he told you he was there for whatever you needed and however you needed him.
The first trimester was quite uneventful. Seokmin had barely seen you after that meeting in the cafe - the two of you would just keep in touch via texts. He would check up to make sure you were eating on time and that the morning sickness wasn't too much. You would simply answer his questions and thank him. But you didn't ever ask much of him.
By your second trimester, he had moved into the building across yours so he could be near you for anything you wanted and everything you needed. He helped drive you to and from your prenatal visits, did grocery runs whenever you worked too late, carried your bags and boxes up the stairs. It was all on his own though, you still had asked for any favours.
The first thing you had ever asked of him was nearly a month later, around the 7th month of your pregnancy. In the middle of a rainy night, with a small bag slung over your shoulder, you had knocked on this door, mildly drenched and shivering. Seokmin instantly panicked even though you repeatedly assured him you were alright. The problem was your dick of an ex boyfriend, constantly knocking down your front door leaving you no choice but to take the fire escape and come here. That man had been behind you for months, insisting you take him back into your life, not taking no for an answer. His persistence had forced you to even change homes and numbers over the last year but now somehow, he had managed to find you again. You asked if you could stay here for a day or two till he stopped bothering you and Seokmin immediately agreed. He had no idea you were going through all this.
One day turned to two and two became a week. Seokmin had now began accompanying you almost everywhere, constantly keeping an eye on your surroundings and it was a miracle he hadn't landed a punch on that slime ball of an ex of yours. That man would harass and embarrass you publicly, he would turn up drunk at the doorstep and create a scene, throwing up and passing out, he would follow you to your workplace and just sit in the store hours on end. Things became exponentially worse when he found out that you and Seokmin were not in fact in a relationship, just expecting a child together - he went ballistic with his attempts to get you back.
Panic rose in Seokmins chest just thinking about those days years ago, hoping to god everything was fine at home. He glanced at his phone again as he parked his car and rushed out, bolting up the stairs, unable to wait for the lift. When he opened the door of his apartment, toys and books and things were scattered everywhere, in the middle of the living room, a bunch of disorganised chairs and sheets haphazardly thrown around.
Seokmin slowly and quietly approached the mess pushing everything aside, heart racing in his chest, thoughts plaguing his mind till he spotted you and his little girl, fast asleep in what was clearly a blanket fort, making him sigh in relief. Your phone was lying next to you and Aera was lying on top, head snuggled in your chest, raising and falling rhythmically. You looked so beautiful tired, sleeping with your hair askew and mouth slightly open - seeing the mess all around, Seokmin knew it must have been one of Aera's uncontrollably active days. He smiled at the way your arm protectively wrapped around her and how she clung onto you - watching the two of you together was always his favourite thing to do. But he knew it must hurt to carry her weight on top for so long so he slowly crouched and quietly tried to take his daughter into his arms but the moment he lifted her-
Seokmin laughed as his girl, now somehow fully awake, began excitedly moving in his arms in a little dance to welcome him home, giggling away. He stood up, hugging her back and peppering her tiny face with kisses as she proceeded to sing loudly in joy. (She truly did take after him.) He watched her amused, trying to make out what in the world she was saying, when you let out a soft groan, making him turn. As you stretched awake, yawning and sighing, eyes slowly fluttering open, flashing him a sleepy smile, Seokmin felt his heart flip in his chest.
"Why, why, why doesn't your daughter sleep Mr. Lee?"
He chuckled. "I think she takes after you Ms. L/n."
"Oh no no, I was always the obedient child in the house. Your sister told me you were the troublemaker."
"You're calling this cutie a troublemaker?" Seokmin scrunched the cheeks of his daughter earning the cutest laugh. "She looks like the best baby in the world to me."
You sighed, getting up and rubbing soft circles her tummy.
"You're always gonna be daddy's baby girl aren't you?"
You could too if you want to.
Seokmin ignored his stupid mind voice and glanced at your tired self, slightly worried. "How was your day?"
"Decent." You smiled. "I was working on orders in the morning - there was a baby shower I had to cater for in the afternoon. I swear, I stepped out into the balcony to take a call for literally 5 minutes and your 'best' baby here had lathered herself in all the frosting I made. Then I had to sit make another batch while while the sugar turned your daughter into a hyperactive destruction machine. She didn't even sleep in the afternoon and I had just managed to get her to sleep when..."
"Sorry." Seokmin gushed sheepishly. "I thought I was helping-"
"No, no that's okay, she needs to bathe and eat anyways. Better you wake her up, she gets all cranky otherwise."
Seokmin dropped a sweet kiss on his child's cheek as she continued to search for something in his ear lobe with utmost seriousness.
"How was your day? How's Minseo?"
"Oh same old, just complaining about her kids and mom, the usual." He didn't need you to know the exact details of what happened. Not when it didn't matter to him anyways. "She said she had dinner prepared at home so we didn't really eat anything."
"Oh no, you must be so hungry? I have a few orders to pack for tomorrow, let me quickly finish that up, then we can do dinner yeah?"
Seokmin nodded as you walked away to the kitchen, sleep barely shaken away.
The good thing about Seokmin's apartment was the large pantry, which when you first came to this house was merely a storeroom but over time, it had become your working station. After you had graduated, given your sweet tooth, you had traveled around, meeting different chefs, taking small courses and mastered the art of dessert making. Not only did that trip help get away from and over your ex boyfriend but it had also solidified your skill set as a pâtissier. After coming back to Seoul, an old senior and friend had contacted you, offering you a job in her bakery cafe till you worked on your own business plan and all was going well till that alumni party.
Sure, when Seokmin introduced himself to you in your freshmen year you thought he was possibly the most gorgeous person you'd ever laid your eyes on. He didn't seem too interested in you and that was fine, given you were already in a relationship with your high school boyfriend. Meeting him again, so many years later, finding out he had gotten oh so much hotter and having suffered a dry spell for so long, you had managed to somehow get into his pants for what was the best night you had ever had. You had quite literally fucked him out of your mind, and were happily moving on with your life when the news of the pregnancy hit.
You did go to work in the initial months but as the third trimester approached, it was hard to balance your well being and the strain that came from working. Your boss was kind enough to let you keep your job and that's how for the last 2 odd years, you found yourself working from home, only preparing and delivering on custom orders the shop received, allowing you to keep both your passion alive and make decent money.
"I was going to give Aera a bath-"
"-but the neighbour's kids want to take her downstairs to play."
Normally, you wouldn't let her go down when it was late and dark outside but she needed to get that sugar out of her system and you needed to be alone with Seokmin for a bit. There was something you wanted to talk to him for a while now.
The giggles of your daughter faded in the background as Seokmin walked into the kitchen, pulling out a tub of something from his bag.
"I'm going to make the best ravioli you've ever had for dinner."
You smiled watching him wash up and put on an apron, getting ready to bustle away in the kitchen. You loved watching Seokmin cook - there was something so elegant and attractive about how well he navigated around while cooking, smoothly chopping and stirring away. He never let you make dinner. Though he slogged in the kitchen restaurant from day break till the evening cooking away, Seokmin never let you cook when he was home. He'd say you didn't have to worry about it when he was there. Actually, as long as he was around, you never worried about anything.
You didn't think there would come a point where Seokmin would become your partner for life but here you are. Years ago, when your ex was tormenting you, you had contemplated just moving out of the city but it was Seokmin who held your hand and asked you to face him bravely. You did, you really tried, but it didn't matter when the other man was such a terrible pain in the ass - nothing changed. It was then that Seokmin’s mother suggested that the two of you get married, hoping that would settle things once and for all but you refused.
As idealistic as that seemed, it was never your intention to bind Seokmin with you in such a permanent relationship but he didn't seem to think so. If a marriage was what it would take to keep his child safe, he was willing to do it. It took a few more months, a few more threats from your ex and a reasonable suggestion from your sister for you to finally agree to it. Within a few days the two of you were married with a set of promises said out loud and a set of them silently agreed upon
One, this would be an open marriage - two of you were free to see and be with other people and two, 3 years later, you would reassess where this relationship stood and what it's future would be.
You had agreed on this arrangement for Seokmin more than for yourself. Once you gave birth, you knew you'd be busy with your child and work, but you didn't want Seokmin to feel trapped because of one night's decision. True enough, after Aera came along, you didn't even have the time to look at another man, forget thinking about one. Sometimes you wondered if Seokmin found someone but from the intel that had reached you, it didn't seem like he had. He'd always come home immediately after work, he didn't usually go out anywhere on the weekends, his friends always complained to you that they never saw him around - Seokmin spent every breathing minute he had free with his daughter.
You glanced at the calendar hanging on the wall beside Seokmin for the nth time this month, noting each day that your wedding anniversary was approaching. It would soon be time to reevaluate your marriage with him but if you didn't find anyone and if he didn't find anyone, you wondered what he thought about your idea. One that you had been nurturing for a while now.....
Seokmin could feel your eyes burning into his back and knew you wanted to say something. By the time he walked into the kitchen you were already done with your orders which meant the last 20 minutes he spent cooking, you were simply lost in thought about something. Something Seokmin had a feeling he knew.
Ever since a month ago, when the restraining order against your ex was finally approved and the threat on you had been lifted, Seokmin had a gnawing feeling about the future of this relationship. You were not interested in a marriage to begin with, now you didn't have a reason to continue in it either. That could only mean one thing - you were going to leave him. The time had come.
Seokmin held his breath as you approached him,
"Seokmin, I was thinking...."
Please don't say you wanna leave me. Please don't say it. Please don't say it.
"It's been almost 3 years since we've gotten married and had Aera. She's not all grown up yet, but she's grown up quite a bit and....."
Please. Please. Please.
"I was thinking maybe it's time we...."
Seokmin took a deep breath preparing himself. This was it.
"Get a cat or something?"
Seokmin turned to you surprised. "A what?"
"A cat, or a dog if you prefer that, any pet actually."
"So you're not leaving me?"
"I mean" Seokmin mentally smacked himself, rambling to his defence. "You're.... leaving that decision to me? To get a pet? Why? I mean why a pet, I mean why so suddenly?"
You sighed, leaning against the counter. "Aera constantly needs me around because she gets bored. She's young, she needs company and I'm hoping a pet can give her that? I mean obviously the better option would be if we.... I mean if she....."
Seokmin looked at you confused. "If she?"
Well, fingers crossed, here we go.
"I don't know, could have a sibling? Kids need company to grow up and I think it would be nice if Aera could have a little brother or sister....."
Seokmin stared at you, his expression unreadable before his voice softened, leaving him uncertain. "Do you really want that? Another child?"
"I think I'm ready for another one?..... if you want one that is." You add quickly. "I don't want you to feel compelled or anything. We can still just get a pet-"
"No..." Seokmin shook his head, clearing his throat before continuing. "I don't mind. I don't mind having another child. It's just....I don't know how complicated the adoption process is-"
"Oh." You scratched the back of your neck. This conversation was a lot harder than you had anticipated. "I wasn't thinking about adoption actually..... I mean it's great and everything but I was thinking more of a child of my own..... our child."
Seokmin blinked rapidly. "O-ours?"
"I mean we already have one together, I think it'll be a lot less complicated if I were to have another one that.....you be the father?" 
That would not make anything less complicated.
"Your silence is scaring me Seokmin. There's no compulsion, it's only if you want. I might be the one giving birth but your preference matters too. If you don't want this then we'll just forget this conversation ever happened."
It was ridiculous you thought he might not want a future, a bigger family with you when he had been dreaming of this for the last 3 years.
"I love Aera more than anything in this world. If I could have another child that's part me, especially if it'll make Aera happy, of course I'd want that. It's just...."
"How...." He refused to meet your questioning eyes. "How are you and supposed to.....you know?"
"Oh." Of course there would be a discussion about the process and of course you're flushed a violent shade of pink. "I uh looked into that, there's a few fertility clinics here that do a procedure called IUI, intrauterine insemination or something like that, basically it's an artificial process of.....sex?"
"Ah....." He nods slowly. "That sounds-"
You wanted to know what he's thinking, you wanted to know what he wanted but the doorbell rang, pulling you away from the conversation. Knowing the delivery person was here for today's orders you quickly excused yourself and turned your attention to your work, bringing out the orders, taking them down to load the van. By the time you're done and ready to listen to him again, Seokmin has already finished up in the kitchen and has his eyes glued to his phone.
He didn't acknowledge your presence, which is rather odd because Seokmin is always so reactive to you. Realising that he was perhaps not comfortable or in a disagreement with the discussion, you decided to end it and not being it up anymore. Instead, you resorted to cleaning up the mess in the living room, pointlessly might I add, for within minutes, your daughter came barging in, done with her playtime, ready to make a mess again. Before she could topple over the box of toys, Seokmin appeared out of nowhere, swooping her into this arms, protecting your just cleaned zone. He flashed you a smile, continuing to play a game of Aera-plane with her as you hugged your knees and watched them.
Seokmin was a great father and that was the reason you wanted to have another child with him. That and the fact that he was also a great person - one could scour the whole earth and not find a man even half as good as him. Though you had entered this marriage with the idea that it could end anytime, with each passing day, that turned into a strange fear - a fear of him leaving you, especially now that you and Aera were no longer in danger. When even your marriage could not keep your ex away from you, Seokmin decided to take things in a legal direction to finally get him out of the way. Now that all of that was successfully done, the number of things binding this marriage had reduced.
When you discussed the idea of having another baby with your sister, she asked if this was an attempt to add to the list of reasons keeping this marriage together. Oh hell no. If anything it was the exact opposite. Having another child with Seokmin would only lead to one thing - you falling in love with him all over again and him not feeling the same for you yet again. It would make ending this relationship, whenever the time came for it, that much harder. But you knew for Aera this decision made sense - it was only for her sake.
Seokmin and Aera had now switched to the game of Aera-train, the two of them crawling all around the space on their knees, making you laugh at their antics. You grabbed your little girl and pulled her into your lap, smothering her cute face with kisses as she wriggled in your grip. Exhausted, Seokmin lied down beside you, mouthing a thank you.
"How much more playtime is it going to take before you burn all that sugar missy?"
"Hide and seek!" Aera clapped, still not understanding how exhausted the two of you were. "You and daddy hide, I count."
"Aera, you need to shower-"
Not listening, she slipped out of your lap, plastering herself against at wall, closing her eyes.
"One, two-"
"Seven, ten, twelve-"
Seokmin looked up. "Who the hell is teaching her numbers?"
"Thirty, forty-"
Laughing you quickly pulled Seokmin to his feet, the two of your scrambling to find a place to hide and in the hurry, settling in the tiny gap between the closet and the bathroom, bodies pressed against each other. As the laughter faded, you realised just how close you were, faces inches apart, breath held and heart racing.
With your hands pressed against his pecs, you could feel his racing too.
"Should have hidden in different places huh" Seokmin whispered, earning a short nod from you.
"It's too late. We're stuck, I guess."
Seokmin couldn't tell what exactly you were talking about, somehow it's different. You gulped the phantom lump in your throat, trying to look away but there's only so much you could look at around you. When you looked at him again, he was lost in thought.
"What are you thinking?"
"I uh." Seokmin cleared his throat. "I was reading up about this Intra- thing."
Oh. So the conversation wasn't done. "Uh huh."
"It's expensive."
"Yeah it is...." You had already done all the research for it of course. "Which sucks because it doesn't have a very high chance of success either."
"Not to mention, it requires many tests and appointments."
"Yeah, it would interrupt with both our work schedules too."
"Exactly.....so I'm not sure if it's really the best option for us?"
You looked at him straight in the eye. What was going on in his head? Why was a completely wild thought entering your head?
You nodded slowly. "Maybe we should look into the alternatives. Try and do a little more research?"
"And find an option that's affordable, efficient, and not very time consuming."
"That would be ideal.....I wonder what that could be."
Both of you knew what it could be. Both of you knew exactly what it could be.
"The only way I can think of is," You tried not to let your voice shake. "The way everyone usually does this...."
Seokmin frowned, "There are other ways?"
How could a man this fine be this stupid?
"The way we already made a child Seokmin."
Just the memory of that night sends blood rushing down Seokmin’s body. That was not an event of loving baby making.
"You want to do t-that again?"
Your stomach literally wanted to hurl its contents. "Do you?"
"I mean," He could feel the sweat drip down the groove of his back. "If that's the best way to have another child. It does seem like the practical, logical, reasonable choice."
"Yeah..." You met his eyes, hoping to god he could tell you were lying. "That's the only reason why...."
The thick, unresolved tension makes you shiver, prompting you to shift in the space, and Seokmin's arms immediately grabbed you at the waist to keep you steady - he was terrified that the secret in his pants would expose him for what he truly was.....absolutely and fatally, gone for you.
If you had ever given him even the slightest indication that you wanted him, Seokmin knew for a fact that he would have given you a whole lot of babies by now - there was nothing more he wanted than a life and a family with you. But you only ever smiled at him sweetly, never letting on anything further and Seokmin was okay with that too. He was okay with whatever you wanted. Now you wanted him to put another baby in you and he had no idea how he was going to stay sane doing that. Or after that.
"Speaking of which...." You pulled away from him, looking concerned. "Where's the child we already made?"
It had to have been a while by now and Aera was usually much better than this at hide and seek, making the two of you panic and rush out of your hiding space, calling out to her. In less than a minute, Seokmin found her curled up in the couch fast asleep, snoring away.
You groaned. "She hasn't showered or eaten-"
"Shh, it's okay." Seokmin crouched beside her, attempting to carry her to her bed. "We can just-"
"Caught you!"
Much to Seokmin's disappointment, your daughter jumped out of the couch, kicking her feet, ecstatic that she had him fooled. You covered your mouth so Seokmin could not see you struggling to hold back your laughter as Aera ran around chanting, caught you, caught you.
"Well isn't she a smartass." You noted, trying to soothe his annoyance.
"Yeah, we need to stop letting her hang out with Yoon Jeonghan." He muttered as he picked up his running daughter, seating her on the side of his hip, squeezing her cheeks. "And I caught you so now playtime is over. It's shower time, you little pig."
Aera whined, trying to reach for you to save her and you stepped back. "No, no, you've done enough today. You've to sleep soon-"
"Not sleepy." She groaned, snuggling her head into Seokmin’s neck, as he walked away, shaking his head.
"You're not gonna let mommy and daddy sleep tonight are you?"
You froze in the middle of the hall hearing his words.
You were not really sure what came over you when you suggested having sex again to make another baby. Maybe it was the proximity of the space or the fact that he was already so on board with the idea or just because you've been wanting to jump this man for 3 years now. You don't really know. You didn't know how you were even going to sleep with him just one more time. Or how to handle things after that. Maybe this was a terrible idea.
Of course it was a terrible idea. And it was only further proven when you grabbed Aera's night clothes and walked into the bathroom to find both father and daughter settled in the bathtub, engaged in a waterfight, making you raise your eye brows in question.
"She put water all over me!" Seokmin justified as Aera covered her face in soap bubbles, hiding from you. "It's not my fault, she insisted I get in with her."
Yes but why did he have to take his shirt off for that? And why did your eyes have to follow those little rivets of water running down his bicep and chest? You tore your gaze away from him and quickly pulled your child out of the tub, and the moment you set her down, she giggled and bolted, making you sigh.
"I'm banning sugar in this house." Seokmin laughed.
"She usually gets sleepy after a meal." You threw him a towel too and looked away as he caught it. "Shouldn't disturb us too much tonight."
Seokmin stared at you as you left. Tonight?
You wanted to do this tonight? Hell no. He needed time. He needed to convince himself to not let this one time raises his hopes, to not let himself fall more miserably in love with you. How was he ever going to do that? Everything you did only made him that much more whipped for you. Even now, after he washed himself up and walked out, he saw you softly drying Aera's hair, singing her favourite song, and leaned against the door frame, smiling fondly. Just the thought of another child, part you part him, running across this space made his heart swell with joy. He really wanted that.
When you meet his eye and smiled, he returned it, ignoring his racing heart and walked off to heat the sauces for dinner - a non spicy one for Aera and another spicy one for the two of you. Your eyes followed him, noticing that he had donned a new pair of grey sweatpants which were hanging low on his hips, coupled with a white tank top that was doing a terrible job of hiding his pecs. God this man wanted to end you.
By the time you put Aera in her baby chair, he had already set everything on the table and true to his word it is the best damn ravioli in the world.  You told him that and that was all the conversation that took place - dinner was unusually silent. Maybe because the both of you had the same set of thoughts running through your minds, both apprehensive about what would go down in the coming few hours. Even Aera had noticed the silence, her head turning between the two of you, her expression confused all through dinner. Yawning, she watched her parents awkwardly move around each other in the kitchen, even more polite and formal than they usually were as they cleaned it up.
You left Seokmin to put Aera to sleep as you headed to the shower to wash up for the night. Staring at the mirror, you stripped out of your clothes, observing everything that had changed over the last three years - you hadn't really cared for the post pregnancy effects on your body but somehow today you were feeling conscious. Taking a deep breath you convinced yourself that it was fine - that this was a one time thing anyways, that this was just to procreate, nothing else. Still, you quickly shaved yourself, used your best smelling soap and wore a new night suit - a pink one, with tiny flowers all over the shirt and shorts.
By the time you returned, Seokmin had already put Aera to sleep and settled in front of the TV, ready to play the next episode of masterchef, the one show the two of you being professionals thoroughly enjoyed. You wondered if you has misread his statement and had unnecessarily readied yourself for tonight and contemplated changing into something different when Seokmin sensed your presence behind him and asked you to hurry up. Biting your lip out of embarrassment, you walked over and settled down on the other end of the couch where you usually sat, not noticing the way his eyes trailed down your body before gulping and looking away.
"You're wearing a new night suit." He observed, avoiding mentioning that he also noticed you smelt different than usual - sweeter, more addicting.
"You're wearing a new track pant too." You added so it didn't seem like you were the only one who was prepared for tonight.
"I.... didn't really notice. Just grabbed the first thing I could find and..." Lies. Pure lies. Seokmin deliberately wore the most loose sweatpants he could find hoping to god it would hide the raging boner he was housing between his legs. Even though he had already jerked off prior to showering to avoid being caught, he knew just the thought of what might happen tonight was enough to bring it back and sure enough, just your scent was enough to do that. He pulled a pillow onto his lap, starting the episode to divert the topic.
As the show continued, the two of you did your usual drill of discussing the recipes, how you'd do it differently and what he'd change to improve it. The thought hadn't stopped running in the back of your mind though, about whether tonight was indeed the night. About who was going to bring it up, how you were going to do....it.
"That guy, he's got a great future as a pâtissier." Seokmin pointed at the screen. "If he ever opens a shop, I bet his dessert will be some of the most in demand in the city." He turned to you smiling. "Unless you enter the business. Then nobody stands a chance."
You laughed a little sadder than you intended to. "Having my own business feels like a once upon a dream now. With Aera now, I'm not sure how I can handle a whole business by myself-"
"Of course you won't be by yourself. I'll be there, with you, for you." He tilted his head. "Always."
"You've always wanted to have a restaurant of your own too. What about your dream?"
"I'm already working in one of the best restaurants in the city. I'm living half of it already. I wish you could live yours too."
How did he always place you before him? Why was he always so good to you?
You turned to face him, leaning against the armrest. "What if we both had one dream? We could open a small business of our own which could feature both my desserts and your food."
"That would work." Seokmin nodded. "But it would require an extensive kitchen, we both need a ton of very different equipment, a lot more investment and time on our hands too. I mean if both of us are busy, with not fixed working hours, who'll take care of the kid?" He paused for a moment before reminding himself and you. "Kids."
Your heart felt like it was in your mouth.
"If they're of school going age, it shouldn't be so hard to handle should it?"
He mirrored your posture, more interested in the prospect now that it seemed possible and you continued.
"I wanted to have my own shop by the time I was 30, which means we have another 6 years for that. Aera will start going to school when she's 5, so there's another 2 years for that."
"Which means if we want our second child to also be of school going age by that time then we should have one by....." Seokmin did the math on his fingers. "Early next year."
You nodded, doing math of your own. "Given it will take 9 months to get one out, it means I have to get pregnant by latest...."
"March." Seokmin concluded, staring at his hands. "Which is this month."
"And given the best time to get pregnant is when I'm most fertile and that's..." You glanced at the date on your phone screen and looked up at him just as he lifted his head. "Now."
The two of you stared at each other in the silence as the end credits of the episode rolled on the screen, the next one waiting to be played.
"Is..." Seokmin took a deep breath. "Is that the future you really want? Running a business together, having 2 kids.... us?"
You really really really wanted that.
You nodded slowly. "If you want it too."
Seokmin took a whole minute to stare at the floor before turning off the TV, submerging the two of you in the dimness of the night lights.
"I do." He tossed the remote aside, slowly meeting your eye. "So, we do this.... right now?"
You glanced around the house. "Well, we are done for the day. All we have left to do is head to bed....."
Fuck, fuck, fuck, this was really happening?
"Wait," Seokmin panicked. "I don't have any condoms, I'll need to buy-."
"Lee Seokmin."
Oh no. "Yeah?" Had he messed up already? Did you not want to any more?
"We're trying to have a baby."
"I know....." and when the realisation hit, Seokmin felt all the blood leave his brain and shoot straight to his dick.
"So I..... so we're....I'm gonna do this raw?"
You looked at him, just a little amused. "That's kinda how getting pregnant works."
"What if you don't get pregnant?"
"Considering I got pregnant even when we did it with condoms, I don't know if that's going to be such a huge problem."
"Things don't always work out the same right? What if you don't get pregnant?"
"Then....we're going to have to do this till I get pregnant."
"This as in I...." Seokmin held his breath. "We have sex raw and...."
Your stomach flipped inside you. "And you come inside me, yes"
"I'm gonna fucking die." He muttered under his breath.
He looked at your confused face, having not heard him. If you were going to let him re-live this, you deserved it too.
"Well, we have to do this right."
"What right?"
Seokmin ran his hand through his hair knowing he was digging his own grave with this.
"Come here." He tossed the pillow aside and held his hand out, pulling you closer as you took it, guiding you to straddle his lap. Both of you let out a soft groan as you felt his hard length under you and he could feel how soaked you were, through both your shorts and his pants.
"I know we're doing this to get you pregnant but when was the last time you...." slept with someone.
"With you." You confessed. "3 years ago."
Seokmin nodded slowly. "Then it's only right I make sure you feel good."
"What about you?" You stared at his collar bone instead, absentmindedly playing with the fabric of his tank top, wondering what the answer would be. Dreading what it would be.
"With you."
You looked up a little surprised. "You didn't see anyone else? In 3 years?"
"You didn't either."
"I didn't have the time."
"And I didn't have the need." He looked at you so earnestly, you wanted to bury this man in you and never let him go. "I'm happy with my life. I'm happy with Aera, I'm...." He smiled softly. "I'm happy with you. I'm not seeking anything else."
You cupped his cheek, running your thumb across the bone. How did you get so lucky?
"Seokmin." He hummed as you let your hands wrap around his neck. "Hurry up and put a baby inside me."
Groaning, he hooked his hands under your thighs, lifting you into his arms with surprising ease. Moving to the room with soft footfall and gently dropping you onto the bed, he watched as looked at him, pupils blown, reminding him of that night all those years ago. Fuck he really wanted to be inside you.
"Move back." He tapped your leg, clambering on the bed slowly as you obeyed, scooting behind, letting him slide his fingers between the elastic of your shorts. "Up."
As you raised your hips, he pulled down both your shorts and your panties in one go, leaving you feeling both strangely exposed and admired.
"You didn't have to." He muttered and you know he's talking about you shaving as he ran his hands up and down your thighs softly, before meeting your eye. "You're unbelievably beautiful, no matter what." A shiver ran down your spine as he leaned to drop a small kiss on your belly.
"Seokmin please..." You whined, pulling him up, unable to take the wait anymore. "Please just...."
"You don't have to beg sweetheart." He dropped another kiss on your forehead, then your jaw. "Let me make you feel good first, then I'll fill you up." His finger slipped between your soaked folds. "....and then again, just to be sure."
You let out the most unholy moan as his words shot straight to your core and his fingers easily found your clit, drawing soft circles, driving you insane in all ways possible. Seokmin looked at you with the softest eyes, laced with a hint of undeniable desire, like he was craving you. "Is it okay if I go down on you?"
Okay? It took all the sanity left in you to nod slowly, like you weren't eagerly throbbing just at the thought of it.
As you propped yourself on your elbows, he slowly slid down between your legs, pulling them over this shoulders, holding back a groan at the sight of the wet mess you'd made - you were dripping and he revelled in it. Eyes still locked with yours, his tongue ran up your folds, making you grip the sheets below, mouth falling open in a not so silent sigh. Fuck you hadn't been touched properly in so long and the fact that it was Seokmin again of all people was making it so much better. You'd been wanting him for way too long now.
"You need to keep it down baby." It took everything in you to turn the moan that left you into a whimper. How on earth were you supposed to that when he was saying such things??? "Our daughter is asleep next door."
You nod hurriedly, lacing your hand through his thick hair, as he went down on your again, smiling against your skin. He knew you needed him, badly, and God he wanted you so much too, he wanted you in entirely.
His nose brushed against your clit, making you almost writhe at the overstimulation, stopped only by the tight grip of his hands around your thighs. Unable to grab much of the sheets with your free hand, you slid it under your shirt, grabbing a boob, squeezing it pathetically as Seokmin watched you, nearly cumming in his pants. Maybe one day he would admit this out loud, but the first year after Aera was born, watching you feed her with your breasts spilling out of your bra always drove him certifiably insane. As pathetic as it sounded, he was jealous of his months old daughter but now..... Seokmin slid his hand up your body, feeling how perfectly your free breast filled his hand, the moan he let go against your clit vibrating through your body, pulling out the sexiest gasp he'd ever heard.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, you were going to be the end of him.
"More." You moaned, pushing your hips up, desperate to be filled. "Seokmin, just a little more-"
And that's when letting go his ministrations on your boob, he brought his hand back down to your entrance, pushing a finger in. And then another. And God, though you were throbbing and practically dying to be filled, the intrusion sent the pain of the stretch shooting up you, making you wince and grab all you had your hands on a lot tighter. Sensing your discomfort, Seokmin stopped immediately, raising himself up, his face hovering over yours, concerned.
"Did I hurt you?" He hadn't touched you in so long, honestly he had no idea how to touch you either - what you liked, what you wanted, he didn't have a clue. He'll learn, he swears if you let him, he'd memorise every small detail, every single sign.
"Just...." You panted, feeling the pain ebb into pleasure. "No, no, you didn't, please don't stop."
Obeying, Seokmin instantly began pumping his fingers, still watching you closely. Under his gaze you felt so exposed, like if he looked a little deeper into your eyes he would see the unbelievable amount of love you had for him. Would that be such a bad thing though?.....
Fisting the material of his tank top, you pulled him down, pressing your forehead against his, letting your moans spill right into his ears. Chest swelling with pride, Seokmin picked up the pace, alternating between scissoring you open and pushing his fingers knuckle deep. Lord why was he so good at this?
Seokmin watched as your breaths got shallow and quick, knowing you were nearly there and brushed his thumb over your clit with just enough pressure to push you over the edge. Back arching off the bed, you clenched around him, feeling wave after wave of pleasure erupt across your being as though every nerve in your body was set on fire. Seokmin stopped but did not pull out, eyes fixed on the way you were a panting mess under him, still struggling to ground yourself.
"That...." You focused your vision on him, a slight smile dancing your lips. "That was fucking good."
"Hmm language." Seokmin laughed, finally and unfortunately pulling his fingers out leaving you empty and wanting. You turned to him as he buried his elbow into the mattress beside your face, propping his head on his hand, glancing down at you. You looked at him and he looked at you, blinking slowly, letting so many unsaid things pass in the silence. Bringing your hand up, you traced the outline of his features with a strange sadness that when all this was over there was going to be distance between the two of you again.
Seokmin needed you to stop that. He needed you stop looking at him, to stop touching him like that, there was only so much he could control himself. He knew he wouldn't get this chance over and over again and he wanted to make it count as much as possible. For you and for him.
"Didn't actually get to eat you out." He muttered in your ear, running his fingers between folds, gathering your release, spreading it around your throbbing hole. "Wanna make you come on my tongue."
To his momentary disappointment, you shook your head. "Some other time." What? "Right now I need you to get inside me."
"Just one-"
He stuttered to a stop when you ran your hand down his torso, palming his erection, it's thickness literally making you salivate. God you wanted him in your mouth so bad but you needed him inside you a lot more desperately. You had slept with him him before, you knew he felt like heaven and you had waited long enough.
"Seokmin please." You squeezed his length, earning a low growl from him. "I want that baby. I really want it." When he moved, hovering over you once again, palms planted beside you, you didn't even realise the words that left you. "I really want you."
Seokmins eyes widened, processing your words, but that was before you clawed the material of his tank top on his back, making him sit up and strip out if it in a flash. He didn't have it in him to get out of the bed and step put of his track pants, opting to pull his length out of them instead, stroking it, spreading his precum all over it. He watched your eyes fixed on his movements, mouth slight open, before you blinked up at him, sighing like you couldn't wait. Mirroring your desperation, Seokmin slowly pushed himself into you, slipping in with a satisfying ease, bottoming out with a groan. Your nails raked his bare back, struggling to ground yourself as he filled that emptiness in you oh so well.
"Move." You moaned, adding a please at the end as though he wouldn't happily bury himself in you again and again. Though he needed a minute. He needed to memorise the feeling of you so warm and tight around him. Fuck you were a dream.
When you whimpered his name again he finally started moving, pulling back a little and pushing himself all the way in again and again. You slid your hands up, hooking them onto his shoulders, feeling every bit of him inside you, walls throbbing with every drag against it. It took everything in Seokmin to not empty himself entirely in you when you clenched around him, slowly approaching your high.
"A little longer." He pleaded. He didn't want this to end yet. "Hang in there a little longer for me beautiful. Come with me."
Then maybe he should have shut his mouth. His words had your heart racing as you felt that familiar build up in you, the one that has your toes curling. Seokmin knew you were going to come soon with the way your kept fluttering around him, squeezing and releasing him in a way that was testing his sanity.
"Shit." He muttered, burying his face in the crook of your neck and pulling your leg, guiding it towards his waist, making you wrap both of them around him, his length reaching spots you didn't even know were possible. It only took a few more strokes of increasing speed before you felt that knot tightening in you rapidly unravel, pushing wave after wave of please coursing through your body, literally blinding you for a minute there.
By the time you regained your composure Seokmin was still in the same position, buried deep inside you, his breath softly caressing the skin of your neck, face hidden from you. You slowly ran your hands up and down his back, letting him know you were okay. In fact you were better than okay, something told you if he fucked you a little longer you would fall apart around him all over again.
"Go on." You tightened your legs around his waist, feeling how he was still so painfully hard inside you. "Do it Seokmin, come inside me."
To your surprise, you felt him sigh, as he attempted to pull out but remained unsuccessful given the way you had locked him against you.
"What's wrong?" You could feel your heart thump in your chest at his uncertainty.
"Can I be honest with you?"
Oh no. "Of course."
Please don't end this.
Please don't say you don't want this.
"I don't want you to get pregnant again."
The way you immediately let him go makes him quickly pull up, his eyes meeting yours which look devastated. Was all he wanted just sex? 
"Yet!" He added hurriedly, panicking at your misinterpretation. "I don't want you to get pregnant again yet. Not that I don't want to have another child with you, God no, there's nothing I want more, just....." He gulped looking away. "Not yet."
His words don't offer you much comfort.
"Why not?" You whispered, terrified of where this conversation was going. "I thought we both thought the timing was right...."
"It is. Its absolutely right. It makes absolute sense. It's just..." Did us making this future together not make sense? "I don't know what this is going to make you think of me but I can't keep pretending anymore. It's going to sound incredibly selfish of me but...."
Please please please don't say you don't want me anymore.
"I want you." You looked at him surprised. "I want you entirely. I don't want you to just be the mother of my children, I want you to be my woman. Mine." He sighed, refusing to meet your eye, terrified to learn what you think of him. "If you get pregnant now, it'll be another few months of dealing with the pregnancy, then the baby and I love the thought of that, god I really do, but a part of me just wants you to myself for a while. To have you as my wife, as a partner, to make love to you again and again and-"
"Wait." You stopped him, unable to take the weight of his words. Did this mean he.... "Look at me." You held his face in both your hands, forcing him to meet your eyes. God, if only you both had just a little more courage, this could've happened years ago. But clearly, it was still not too late.
"I love you."
Your husband's eyes widened with a whole range of emotions. "Y-you do?"
"Fuck Seokmin, I love you so much. I've been in love with you for so long. How could I not? There's not a thing about you that doesn't make my soul crave for you. I just thought I was a burden, a responsibility you had no choice but to fulfill-"
"No choice?" Seokmin looked at you incredulously. "You are who I would pick over and over and over again, till my last breath, God I love you so much it drives me insane-"
Before he can say anything more you pulled him down into what you realised was your first ever kiss, and he immediately kissed you back, like he wanted this more than he needed to breathe. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer like you couldn't bear to part from him as his hands found your waist, pressing you against him. You didn't want to stop, neither did he, until he pulled away, burying his face in your neck, holding you in a tight hug, one that felt so complete and made you realise how perfectly they two of you fit against each other. And that this entire time Seokmin was still inside you, waiting to finish. As you involuntary clenched around him, Seokmin groaned in your ear.
"Lie on your back."
He pulled back at your words, raising an eyebrow. You gently pushed him off you, his back hitting the mattress.
"Off." You patted his pants, and he quickly lifted hips and kicked it off just before you swung your legs around his waist, straddling him. Seokmin let out a low whistle, slightly smiling at the sight of you above him. You ran your hands down his pecs to his abs as he tucked an arm under his head, watching you.
You hummed in response, tilting your head at him.
"I love you." He looked at you earnestly. "I really really do."
"I love you too." You confessed again, leaning down to drop him a quick kiss, your hand wrapping around his length. "But right now, let me make you come big boy."
Seokmin somehow felt himself get more hard, if that was even possible, as you pumped his length in your hand a few times before raising yourself and aligning it against your entrance, slowly sinking down on it. As your mouth dropped open in a silent sigh feeling him fill both your body and your heart, Seokmin moaned, his free hand running up your thigh. Rocking your hips, slowly readjusting to his thickness, you threw your head back, baring your neck in a way that made Seokmin's mouth water. As he tried to bring his hand up to strip you of your shirt, you beat him to it, slowly unbuttoning it and sliding it off your shoulders, allowing Seokmin to sit up and wrap his mouth around your breast. You ran your hand up the nape of his neck, relishing the way his tongue swirled around your nipple, wondering how in the world the two of you managed to keep your hands off each other all these years. You didn't think you could do more than a while without this man's touch from now.
Pulling him from you, you pushed him back once more, holding onto his shoulders for support as you began moving your hips up and down his length. Seokmin cursed under his breath as he gripped the flesh of your ass, guiding your movements. Honestly, he didn't even need you to ride him to finish, just the look on your face, the perfect combination of love and lust, flushed red, slightly shining with sweat, fuck that was enough for him. He held on for as long as he could, hating the idea of not being in you anymore, but when you bit your lower lip, eyes hooded, he couldn't stop himself anymore.
"Fuck, I'm cumming."
To his surprise you immediately pulled yourself off him, stroking his dick in your hand, as he finally lost it, his cum splaying all over his abs and your stomach. He looked at you eyebrows raised as you, collected his cum with a finger and slipped it your mouth.
"Do not." Seokmin groaned at the sight. "Don't make me go again, I might just break you."
You laughed, dropping into the space beside him as he put his arm around you, pulling you closer.
"Why though? Wasn't all this for baby number two?"
"Yeah well, I don't think any of what we did was part of traditional baby making."
Seokmin laughed. "You're not wrong there but what about the plan then..."
"I think we can give ourselves some time before we execute our perfect life plan." You cupped his cheek. "Besides, I think everything is perfect already with you by my side."
You had no idea how long the two of made out after that, simply entangled with each other. Maybe it was until you both realised how desperately you needed to shower (though you continued to kiss and giggle under the water.) You only stopped when you stepped out and heard a soft whimpering in the baby monitor, prompting you to quickly get dressed and rush to Aera's room, Seokmin following behind.
He stood, leaning against the door as he watched you lift her into your arms and holding her against your chest.
"Why won't your daughter sleep Mr. Lee?"
"Again, I think she's taken after you Ms.L/n."
"It's Mrs. Lee." You corrected, making him smile.
As he watched you put your child to sleep, be didn't think he could love you any more. Little did he know, in a little over 9 months, mini Seokmin would make his way into this world, and Seokmin loved you more than ever.
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𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐵𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠
Summary: Being the director and also a single mum of 462818 people at the same time, being shown in Y/N. Y/L/N's newest Instagram post with some special guest
A/N: I really enjoy making these Instagram AU posts, and you will see my inner gremlin appearing lol and İ'll make a second and even third part for it!
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Liked by benbarnes, jacktwolfe, aarontaylorjohnson and 5,897,476 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Did they force me to take them on a train ride? Yes. Did I loose a bet? Also yes. So, as a result, I'm broke now. Please start a campaign and funds.🤭🤗
Also, don't let Jack's innocence fool you, that man is a real life Wylan and is a menace to society. He ate 15 burgers. Fuck you 🖕😑
View 623,325 comments
User1: I love how Y/n is the sugar mommy of the cast djskdjsj
User2: The way she is trully the mom apart from being the director. They are like a family 🥰
Y/N: A family that uses me... Cruel, cruel kids. Look at their smiles! They know what they are doing 🥲
freddycarter1: you made us walk under extreme hot weather and left us to die in a desert! It's only fair 😌
Y/N: Shut up Kazzle Dazzle, and eat your burger! And I gave you umbrellas, ıt's enough.
Sab.Memes: Jack ate 15 burgers?! *Chokes on water* HOW CAN HE DO THAT?!
User4: I feel bad for Y/N, she earns money through them and still spend it for them 😂
Y/NFanforever23: She knows guys, she know the power the fans have!
Y/N: I watched people start campaign and cancelling celebrities, ending their whole life. FAN SUPREMACY IS THE ONLY TRUE POWER!! 🫡
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Liked by benbarnes, shadowandbone, freddycarter1 and 3,789,968 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Here is a warning: I'm everywhere and I see all of you... Please keep doing God's work by making memes🤭
1. There is a reason why I chose Ben as Darkling, only one reason: He is the ultimate CEO of puppy eyes... A good way to manipulate people because I fell for it. And Leigh and I fought very hard for them to accept him already.
2. Apart from the fact that he killed innocents, manipulated kids and offered one to the Royal family, used many people and created the Fold alonsgide other War crimes... It seems my job is over *drops the mic and leaves the stage to go and write the New script,crying*
3. Real applause for Alina because I would have folded and accepted immediately.
P.S: Ben is getting ready to defend Darkling in his Insta story while avoiding me... And laying over my lap and making me play with his hair.
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kittheyounger: When exactly are you going to stop sharing memes of us?
Y/N: Never? You should be grateful I'm not sharing every one of your's fetus photos and the ones I took to blackmail you later :)
archierenaux3: Couldn't be me hehe
Y/N: Keep living in your dreams :) @archierenaux3
User7: She is so real for the third slide 🤣
User9: Ben is so babygirl for her I can't-
User3: The way Y/N just terrorizes the entire cast with those childhood photos is too funny to me 😂
User6: That's some Queen behaviour... another day another slay from Y/N 💯
User1: She is known to have a talent for taking photos when no one sees and notices her so... For all we know, she could take photos of us and we still wouldn't know.
User5: And she only annoys the male cast members... 😌🤔I wonder why she doesn't do the same with others?
Y/N: They are my little babies and precious wives, they could do no wrong 🥰
Benbarnes: Talk about favouritism... And I'm her boyfriend.
Y/N: And they are my wives, so? 🤗
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Liked by benbarnes, tchalamet, lilyjcollins, kit.connor and 6,243,125 others
Y/N Y/L/N: Oh, the amount of chaos here... *Sips wine* 🤭🍷
P.S: He came to me crying and asking what was wrong with the fans... I said he was so hot for his own good and now, he refuses to meet my eye because he blushes too much... Sir, you are 41 not 15! Either way, what a cutie 😌🤭
View 746,923 comments
benbarnes: you promised to not share these!
Y/N: Haven't you learnt nothing is safe with me?
User5: Poor Shadow Daddy... Show us more.🫣
User3: The cast once said that Ben blushes the most when Y/N is near or the one who compliments him... My heart can't take it!
User6: I want what they have! ❤️
User3: They both had become so good to each other, especially Y/N... Seeing my baby happy makes me cry tears of joy 🥹
User6: I hope they will get married already! We need little Y/L/N- Barnes in our lives 🥲
User4: When can I get a Y/N or Ben in my life?
User2: And just like that, I'm scared for what's waiting for us and Matthias in SaB season 3...
User1: ıf people doesn't know... Y/N is very good at drama and slicing our hearts and squeezing it painfully with her emotional scenes and talent for shooting those scenes just... Diferrently.
User3: We are doomed... Like girl, who hurt you that much?
Y/N: Trauma, tears, sadness and more trauma are what's waiting for yall probably... Sorry🫣 And I love watching and reading heartwrenching things in general, no one hurt me so don't come at Ben😄😇
benbarnes: Thanks love... Your fans scare me...
User1: Suddenly, ıt's a need to see Kaz and Monopoly together
Y/N: You wouldn't want that... Freddie gets too absorbed in his character and we thought it was a good idea to do this... It didn't turn out well
User5: The way Ben is scared of Y/N's fanbase is very funny... *Evil laugh* Sir, you are dating our girl, millions are after your ass as soon as we see a tear on her pretty face 🙎🔪
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Liked by benbarnes, kittheyounger, amitasuman_, freddycarter1 and 10,895,675 others
Y/N Y/L/N: This cast had become my everything, all these amazing people changed me in the best way possible and I'm grateful to have met them. I'm known to always share funny things but today, I wanted to show my love and appreciation. I'm thankful for accepting the offer to direct and also take a role in this amazing job. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better version of myself, thank you for changing my life for the better and thank you for trusting me. shadowandbone :)
Thank you for the backstage workers who always gossipped with me and did their very best and made me fangirl at their job
Thank you for convincing me and holding a gun to my temple to accept this job and also writing this amazing book universe @lbardugo 🫡❤️ I'm hoping to talk to you soon again!
But the biggest thank you is for my dear boyfriend @BenBarnes. Thank you for always supporting me and loving me. Thank you for holding me when I needed, trusting me when I didn't and lifting me up with your dad jokes and thank you for being you. I'm the most grateful for you, and that won't change. I love you and your goofy personality even though you ate my last cookie 🥲❤️
Oh and a final note? These people and these pictures? Let the Fold take me :) shadowandbone
shadowandbone: A toast for the best director ever! We are glad to have someone like you! And there is no way out of the Fold :)
User6: The way she always includes everyone, down until the very last person in backstage is... Her heart is so amazing and her soul is so pure🥹
User2: You just know that they all love her so much.. Thank you for accepting and thank you for bringing our dream book to life Y/N 🥹
lbardugo: I wouldn't want anyone except you to this! You have so much potential and I was at ease knowing that the show was in good hands... Love you so much and İ'll eagerly wait for your other projects 🥹🥰 And I'm waiting for that meeting to, love! Just don't forget to spend time with Ben, he sulks like a puppy later 😂
Y/N: Thank you so much... OMG I'm crying at all the sweet messages now but you can be sure I'll spend all my time with him!
amitasuman_: We love you, Y/N! You are the best and thank you for always making sure we were fine and comfortable! Now, I'm off to cry🥹
Jessie_mei_li: Thank you for being you! I wouldn't have gotten a bestfriend like you if you hadn't accept!❤️ Thank you for assembling all of us, Queen of Fantasy!
freddycarter1: and also accidently adopt all of us in some ways...
User5: the whole Shadow and Bone cast looking at their director with heart eyes are making me jdkshdqkvwu🥰💞❤️😍🥺
User4: YEAH, THEY ARE SO LOVELY WITH EACH OTHER! BUT! Have you seen how Ben looks at her? I have been manifesting a man like hım over a decade now...
User1: Do you think she saw that fifth slide on Ben's Insta??
User4: Definetly! I wonder what her reaction was like...
Y/N: I was a Darklina hater my whole life until Jessie and Ben ruined it for me and made me just turn a blind eye... I regret making them shoot that scene but also not.
User1: she always does, another reason to live, laugh and love Y/N. Hı, Y/N!
Y/N: Hi, love! And btw yes, that video woke something in me... Which payed off iykyk 🤭
User6: when I learnt the whole cast, mainly Ben, was begging her to make a Marauders series is just... Wow... I hope she does that, she is the only one who could pull that!
User1: Remember when she said she would break the Net when the time comes? Might be it, who knows?🤔
User3: She also said she wasn't letting any of the cast go like that and had plans for every one of them... And that they were her slaves and had to do anything she told them lol
User4: People trust her with book adaptation because she always stays loyal to it, while also adding something from herself. It's normal everyone wants her to work on every book adaptation possible
User2: I wonder who she prefers the most: Kaz or Darkling?🤔
User5: Ben is her boyfriend so I think she would say Darkling because he would pout otherwise
User6: But she also said she often giggled and blushed while reading Kaz's point of view and specifically begged Freddy to audition
Y/N: The true question is: Are you a fan of terrifying blue eyes or deep, empty black eyes?
benbarnes: I'm forever lucky and grateful to have met you and be your boyfriend. I can never be proud enough of you since you have a habit of always exceeding yourself. I'll always be by your side through thick and thin, just as you do every day. You are my beautiful and succesfull girlfriend, my rock when I need you, my bestfriend when I need a good laugh and my other half and there is no enough words to explain my feelings but I'll stick to this one: I love you always. liked by Y/N Y/L/N
User1: And that's how you get away with eating a lady's last cookie 😂
User3: I'm not crying ıt's just their love in my eyes that stings 🥹
User5: I swear there is nothing I want more than see them getting married 😭
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eqt-95 · 4 months
I'm here to bring fluff and happiness back with this ♥️
ok so get this: my phone showed your ask as a red heart. so here I was, typing away about deep-throating popsicles and fingering milkshakes when I opened your ask on my laptop and saw a... white heart?! absolute witchcraft!
and since now i don't know what's right-side up from upside down, i offer a mash up: ❤️+🤍 or 'first kiss / realization' + 'kiss at the wedding / milestone'
p.s. thanks for the fluff and happiness injection. i needed it
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Kara loved going to weddings. What wasn’t there to love? There were flowers, delicious foods, endless dancing, and, best of all, that excuse to confess your deepest feelings in front of friends and family to the love of your life. 
She’d watched her sister and Kelly share their vows, commit to each other, and look darn good while doing it. She danced with Nia and Brainy to Bye-Bye-Bye which was technically of Alex’s no-play list, but Nia bribed the DJ. She stuffed her face with cake alongside Esme who was stubbornly fighting off the sleepies. She even had the most amazing pep-talk slash hug slash reveal with Lena.
The very best kind.
The kind that left her warm and seen and cherished.
The kind that left her wanting that same feeling for forever. 
The kind that felt like a Red Sun: held and understood and home. 
So why did she feel so… heavy and twisted inside?
Stumped. She was stumped. She was also in a slump. Her lower lip was quite close to a grump. But how to overcome this hump?
She shook her head. Now was definitely not the time for Dr. Seuss rhymes. Though silently she argued there was always time for Dr. Seuss rhymes.
Serious Kara won out. So instead of rhymes she stewed. She stewed and brewed and searched for a clue(d) -
“What’s up homie?” Nia asked, sliding across the bench and tipsily colliding into Kara’s side. “You missed REO Speedwagon. Even J’onn gave it his all; might’ve thrown out his back though. Poor guy. I am parched.”
Kara bit her lip and scowled and really really wanted a rhyme scheme to get her through this. “You love Brainy, right?”
“Woa, left field there swinger,” Nia smirked. Her attention was on the array of glasses with colorful drinks littering the table behind them. “Sure do.”
Kara slouched and let her chin find the palm of her hand. “So how did-”
“You think this is sour raspberry?” Nia interrupted, a cup of bright blue liquid appearing under Kara’s nose. “Or tropical punch,” she said.
Kara sniffed the cup. “Tropical punch.”
“Bonus,” Nia exclaimed and took a long drag. “You were saying?”
“Um,” Kara began without an ounce of heroic chutzpah. “How did you know?”
The question made the ‘heavy’ feeling morph into butterflies. It did nothing for the twisting. In fact, it exacerbated the twisting. It wrangled around her heart and made her breaths shallow with nerves. Definitely no chutzpah.
“Easy: He’s my person. My ride or die. To infinity and beyond. The Clyde to my Bonnie.”
“Are you sure that’s who you want to compare-”
“Look, it doesn’t matter. They went out with a bang,” Nia scoffed. “But fine, point taken,” Nia conceded then pulled another deep swig. “He’s the Orpheus to my Persephone.”
“I think you mean Eurydice.”
“Sure.” Her lips were now a faint shade of blue.
“But also, didn’t Orpheus fail-?���
“He did no such thing!” Nia proclaimed with rather unfounded enthusiasm. Juice sloshed onto the grass. “He went to the depths of hell for the woman he loved. He descended through souls and ghouls and fools-”
Kara wondered if this was the rhyme she needed. Maybe it was, because it propelled her up and across the lawn and so focused was she that Nia’s parting words of ‘Go get her, champ!’ fell of deaf ears.
She stumbled over lawn darts and accidentally destroyed a life-size jenga game. She nearly walked straight through the barn wall and into a decorative trough. She walked straight past the cake without grabbing a slice. 
Kara Zor El was on a mission.
And that mission was less than ten feet away, laughing and radiating like the sun rose and shone only for her. Her nose scrunched as the smile spread wider when Kara approached. It faded only slightly when the palpable look of fear on Kara’s face was noticed.
“Kara? Is everything ok?” she asked, stepping away from the group and brushing a reassuring thumb over Kara’s arm.
They stepped more steps until the steps led them to crickets and tree frogs and only the white noise of people. And ever the Pulitzer winning wordsmith, these were the words that managed to trip out of her mouth:
“I want to be your Orpheus.”
Lena’s mouth parted and eyes narrowed. “You… what?”
“I want to… shoot, no I mean…”
“You want to trap me in hell?” Lena asked. And bless the straight face she was trying to keep, but between Kara’s fish mouthing and absolutely butchering of whatever heartfelt words she had hoped would appear out of thin air, Lena’s face was doing some serious gymnastics to keep from smirking.
“He didn’t fail! He… he…”
Straws. Those were the things Kara was grasping for. Humiliatingly limp, paper straws.
“I want to fight off souls and ghouls and fools for you. I want the chance. I want you and the world to know that you are the person I’d move heaven and hell for you, because you make me feel whole. You make me feel seen and wanted and loved and I just… I just want you. And I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to realize it but I-”
Soft lips.
Soft lips and deep sighs and the flutter of long dark hair tickling her cheeks.
And then a sigh.
And then a ‘wowzers’.
And then a laugh.
And then again.
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ask game
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itsybitsybluesy · 2 months
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ELUCIEN / EXPLICIT / WIP, 3 OF 6 CHAPTERS / CH1 CH2 CH3 Stuck in the Florida Keys and tired of letting her sisters make decisions for her, Elain ditches their group vacay plans and signs herself up for a scuba diving course on an impulse. The instructor Lucien tells her he’s never had to fail anyone after the four days she’ll spend with him. What’s the worst that could happen?
wow! this is, i kid you not, my first fanfic in over 10 years. i want you to dive right in (HAHAHA), but let me first say: i was having a really bad time earlier this year, and turned to the work of some fantastic, generous creators as a distraction from stuff going on.
you don't know me, but: @separatist-apologist and @the-lonelybarricade, thank you for the hours / nights / months i spent curling up to read your work and giggle, and really, converting me into a big big elucien stan. the elain and lucien living happily ever after in my head (or let's be real, living the 10,000 stupid idiots in love plots in my head) were born thanks to you.
p.s. i started posting this before @elucienweekofficial so let this be a fun little AU warmup while i get something else kicking around. i think i might??? actually finish this before the weekend so i'm going to ride the high of writing spicy fanfic for the first time ever(!) while it lasts and whip up something else next week if i can. i'm so happy to be here!
xoxo, and please, do NOT bother your dive instructors!!
[read a snippet under the cut]
It was a quick drive to Elain’s hotel, which looked out over the small, locals-only marina he’d been meaning to show her. Elain followed him trustingly down the dock as he led her towards the slip. “You know, I eat my breakfast out here,” she said, pointing to a swimming pier by the hotel restaurant. “Have you been following me?” 
“A coincidence,” Lucien promised, though his heart beat a little faster. “In fact, the question is, are you trying to steal my secret spot?” 
Elain gave him a confused look and Lucien grinned, turning from her to climb onto a small but newly-painted red sailboat. He extended a hand to help her get on. “Don’t worry, we’re not going anywhere,” he said. “I’m not much of a boat captain.” 
Elain stepped over to him, one hand on the rolled-up sail. “And yet, this boat,” she said. Her face said, why are we here? 
Lucien stretched his arms out. “This happens to be the most exclusive place to watch a sunset around here, I’ll have you know,” he said. Then he opened the cabin door, climbed down, and reached up a hand to her. “There’s more.” 
She followed him in, expression unreadable as she made her way down the ladder, then straightened and looked around. They were in a tiny, fully furnished apartment cabin. 
“Whoa,” Elain said as Lucien ducked to switch on the small A/C unit. “You are like, full of mysteries today.” Her voice was soft, leaving him room to fill in the blanks if he wanted to. Lucien reached into the minifridge he still kept plugged in, pulled out two Cokes, passing one to her as he fussed around the cabin to keep from looking at her. 
“When I graduated college, Jurian had this boat,” he started, and stopped for a moment. No one except Jurian and Vassa knew this about him. But she was so open and so lovely to him that he wanted to make up for rebuffing her attempts to get to know him, give her something real about himself even if she hated what she saw. 
“He had the shop, but I still had to get my instructor training, and pay for it too. My dad had died that senior year,” he said, “And my mom was figuring stuff out.” And he’d had no place to go, and not enough money in the bank to sign a lease, and nobody wanted him around. “It was temporary. I showered at the dive shop and ate a lot of microwave meals.” He shrugged. “When you’re 22 it’s like camping.”
He thought he’d die if he saw pity in her eyes, but when he turned, Elain was standing leaned against the lofted bed, fingertips resting on the sheets, eyes closed. She opened them and looked at him. “I can feel the boat rocking,” she said, almost in a whisper, with a small smile. Lucien was so grateful for her kindness he could burst with it. 
“I used to turn off all the lights and A/C when it was cool enough and just lie here and listen to the water,” he said, taking a step towards her. Elain watched him but did not move. There were no windows except a tinted skylight. The sheets on the bed were the same ones he’d made neatly and desperately every morning that long year, as if willing the place into a home beneath his hands. 
“I can hear it,” Elain said, eyes fluttering closed once again. Lucien watched her for a beat as she stood there, trusting him, and then crossed the distance between them and kissed her.
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kckt88 · 10 months
Drowning Inside You IV
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Aemond and Valaera settle into their new lives on Driftmark.
-Features an Aemond POV
Warning(s): Mini Time Skip, Inner thoughts, Language, Kissing, Mild Angst, Possessive Behaviour, Child Birth, Arguement.
Word Count: 4339
Author Note: An Alpha/Omega Story.
P.S - Some Scenes/Dialogue from Dynasty has been reused.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon or Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated.
“You will die screaming in flames just like your father did. Bastards”
“My father’s still alive”
“She doesn’t know does she? Lord Strong”
Aemond stared down the dark passageway and took a deep breath.
This was where it happened. Where I lost my eye.
Many weeks had passed since Aemond, Valaera and their pups had moved to Driftmark, and it had taken just as many weeks before Aemond had summoned enough courage to venture into this particular passageway.
Valaera had offered to come with him, but this was something that Aemond needed to do on his own.
The passageway was dark and cold. It almost seemed like it was endless.
As Aemond took a few steps into the darkness, he realised how much things had changed since that night.
Aemond thought of Valaera as he continued down the passage.
His sweet Omega, the mother of his children and the love of his life.
She had left her mark, permanently etched onto Aemond’s skin. Even before they were mated.
“Maybe your cousins could find you a pig to ride. It would suit you”.
Claiming Vhagar on the day of her previous rider’s funeral perhaps wasn’t the best idea, but he wanted so badly to have a dragon of his own.
His cradle egg had never hatched, and he always felt like the odd one out.
Always on the receiving end of his brothers jokes.
But Vhagar, saw something in him that night. It wasn’t just him that claimed her. She claimed him in return.
He was always meant for the sky. Sure, Vhagar was often grumpy and liked her sleep, but when they were soaring together in the clouds, he knew she felt it too.
Their bond.
The day he claimed her, was the day he found the missing part of his soul.
He wasn’t her first rider. But he would most likely be her last.
Too think one day he would be without Vhagar.
No. Not yet. Maybe they could die together. Dragon and rider bound forever.
Aemond shook his head, he didn’t want to think of death. Only life.
At last, he had made it to the end of the passage. He would never need to come down here again. But it was something he just had to do. For himself.
To finally make peace.
Aemond opened the heavy door and smiled as he was greeted by Valaera and their pups.
“Everything ok?” asked Valaera as she placed Vaella in her father’s arms.
“It’s more than ok Issa dōna” (my sweet).
“So, what’s the plan for today?”
“Well, seen as we are both free of our duties for today, I would like to spend time with my family” replied Aemond sweetly.
“Come. Helaena is waiting for us on the beach” whispered Valaera.
Aemond nodded and followed Valaera as she headed towards the beach. Vhalarr of course still fast asleep in his mother’s arms.
“U-Uncle Aemy,” cried a sweet voice.
“Daena” exclaimed Aemond as he bent down to hug his niece.
“Found a shell. Look” cooed Daena as she opened her hand and showed her uncle the brightly coloured shell.
Aemond moved back to observe what Daena was showing him and he smiled.
“That’s a fantastic one. Another for your collection” mused Aemond as he sat beside his sister in the sand.
“Mama said I can make them into a necklace” gasped Daena as she flopped into Helaena’s arms.
“I’m sure uncle Aemy would love to help” muttered Valaera.
Aemond glared at his Omega as she sat next to him.
I hate that nickname and she knows it. I only tolerate it for the sake of my niece.
Just wait until we are alone my sweet mate, I will make you regret teasing me.
Almost as if she could read his thoughts, Valaera slowly turned to him and placed a delicate kiss on his cheek.
“Don’t worry Alpha. You can spank me later” whispered Valaera.
Did she just? Yes, she did. My naughty Omega. I’ll spank her so good later.
“So, brother. How are you finding Driftmark so far?” asked Helaena.
“Better than the Red Keep” muttered Aemond.
“You were trapped there. But here you will grow into a beautiful flower” exclaimed Helaena happily as she took hold of Vaella.
“Aemond. A beautiful flower?” laughed Baela.
“I’d rather be a beautiful flower than a measly weed” retorted Aemond.
“Who are you calling a weed?” snapped Baela.
“You. You’re the weed” exclaimed Aemond.
“Oh, here they go again” muttered Valaera as Aemond and Baela began bickering back and forth and trading insults with one another.
“Best just let them get on with it” said Helaena as she began cooing at Vaella.
Initially Valaera was a little worried how Baela would react to Aemond living on Driftmark, but some awkwardness in the beginning the two of them actually got along. Most of the time.
Baela and Aemond regularly indulged in insults and small arguments. Aemond claimed it was some form of bonding between Alpha’s but to Valaera they just looked like squabbling siblings.
“Yeah, well you smell like dragon shit”.
“Well, I do ride a dragon and if I smell then so do you” quipped Aemond.
“So, Helaena how is your spider colony coming along?” asked Valaera.
“Very well. Baela found me a black widow”.
“Aren’t they poisonous” gasped Valaera.
“Yes, but they only bite as a last resort. Respect them and they respect you” replied Helaena.
“I’ll bear that in mind” muttered Valaera.
I don’t like spiders. But I won’t tell Helaena.
Suddenly Vhalarr let out a high-pitched cry.
“I-Is he ok?” asked Aemond.
“He’s fine. Just hungry” said Valaera as she loosened her dress and held Vhalarr to her breast.
“Are you two finished bonding?” asked Helaena.
“Yes sweetling” whispered Baela.
“Pass me a bucket” mocked Aemond as he pretended to be sick.
“Says you. Oh, Valaera Jorrāelagon hen issa glaeson, Issa prūmia, Issa dōna ābrazȳrys” laughed Baela (Love of my life, my heart, my sweet wife).
“Shut up” snapped Aemond.
“Maybe just be quieter when your bedding your Omega,” said Baela.
“Or maybe they should be more discreet when they have sex in the library”.
“Helaena” gasped Valaera.
“And the gardens or the beach” added Baela smirking.
“Baela” snapped Valaera, her cheeks-tinged red.
“Honestly Valaera, I’m surprised you’re not pupped again the amount of sex you two have”.
“This conversation is not happening” grumbled Valaera as she looked over at Aemond who was trying to hide a smirk.
The audacity. He’s actually proud of it. I can’t believe it.
“Too late Laera. It’s already happened,” laughed Baela.
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“Is everything ok?” asked Aemond as he sat on the bed.
“I’m fine” snapped Valaera as she ripped off her dress and threw it to the floor.
“Are you sure about that. I can sense something is wrong” replied Aemond.
“I-I was just a little embarrassed by what Baela said that’s all”.
“Why are you lying to me?” mused Aemond.
“I’m not lying” said Valaera quickly as she ducked behind a privacy screen and began pulling off the rest of her clothes.
“Yes, you are. I know you well enough by now”.
“I need to check on the twins” urged Valaera as she reemerged wearing her night clothes.
“Vhalarr and Vaella are already asleep for the night. Please Laera, talk to me” begged Aemond as he sprang from the bed and took his Omega into his arms.
I can feel it. She’s nervous. Please my sweet tell me what’s wrong.
Valaera seemed to hesitate for a moment, her eyes shining with tears.
“I-I forgot to take the tea and now-“ sobbed Valaera as she buried her face in Aemond’s chest.
“-Your with child” whispered Aemond.
“I’m sorry Alpha, it’s just when Baela made that comment about us, I realised my monthly bleeding is really late” cried Valaera.
“It’s ok. You don’t have to apologize”.
“Y-You’re not angry?” asked Valaera.
“Why would I be angry my sweet, your carrying another pup” whispered Aemond.
“But the twins are only six moons old” sniffed Valaera.
“But they’ll be well over a name day old before the next pup is born. I’m sure we’ll manage, but if you’re not ready for another pup just yet, then I won’t force you” muttered Aemond.
“No. Aemond, I want this pup. I was just a little worried and overwhelmed,” said Valaera.
“I just want you to know that I will support you no matter what. Were in this together, and you know that I’ll be with you every step of the way” replied Aemond.
Forgive me for being silly. I know you’ll be there for me Alpha.
“I love you Aemond. More than anything”
“I love you too my sweet girl. But perhaps on the morrow you should call on Maester Selkin”
Valaera nodded and smiled.
I know I’m with child again. But it will be good to have it confirmed.
“I don’t suppose you fancy a stroll in the gardens?” asked Aemond smirking.
“What, now? I’m in my night clothes”.
“Or mayhaps a visit to the library” said Aemond smirking.
Surely, he’s not suggesting.
Oh my god he is. He’s insatiable. My naughty Alpha.
“Only if we find a more secluded place” replied Valaera blushing.
“For reading?” laughed Aemond.
“Yes Alpha. Reading” said Valaera smiling.
“I wonder if our pup was conceived whilst we were reading?”
“It’s entirely possible” mused Valaera.
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“That’s it Princess, keep pushing” encouraged Maester Selkin.
“AEMOND!” screamed Valaera.
“I’m here my sweet” replied Aemond.
“I-I can’t do this,” cried Valaera.
“Yes, you can” exclaimed Aemond as he climbed onto the bed at sat behind Valaera.
“W-What are you doing?” muttered Valaera.
“Lean against me and take my hands” urged Aemond as he sat Valaera between his open legs.
This is better. I can feel my Alpha. He’s here. He’s helping. He’s taking care of me.
“Now, you squeeze my hands as hard as you like” said Aemond.
Valaera was sweaty and exhausted, but she took a deep breath and as the next contraction ripped across her stomach, she pushed.
“The head is out Princess, but I need you to stop pushing. The cord is wrapped around the babe’s neck” exclaimed Maester Selkin.
“W-What” cried Valaera in alarm.
“It’s ok. Issa dōna ābrazȳrys. Just breathe” said Aemond (My sweet wife).
After a few moments, the Maester had managed to cut the cord from the babe’s neck and with one last push the babe arrived.
But the room was silent.
“M-My babe?” asked Valaera her hands raised in expectation of receiving her pup.
“Just a moment” replied Maester Selkin as the babe was lifted off the bed.
“What’s happening?” yelled Valaera, her hands still grasping for her babe.
Why is my babe not crying? What’s happening? Please someone.
“Alpha” sobbed Valaera, her entire body shaking.
Aemond could only sit in silence as he watched the Maester try to save his newly born pup.
Valaera began wailing loudly in anguish, as the seconds passed. She couldn’t think of anything except his pup. Not even the pain of the afterbirth swayed her mind away from the quiet bundle in Maester Selkin’s arms.
No. Please. Don’t take my babe. Please I pray to the mother. I pray to the god’s of old Valyria.
Then the sweetest sound in the world echoed around the room.
A shrieking cry.
“A son, Princess” declared the Maester.
Valaera all but snatched the crying babe away from Maester Selkin and sobbed.
“T-Thank you maester” breathed Valaera, the tears streaming down her face.
“Your welcome Princess” replied Maester Selkin.
“H-He’s ok. Aemond, look” gasped Valaera.
Aemond who’s face had been buried in Valaera’s shoulder, let out a sob of relief as he gazed at his crying son.
My son. He’s ok. He’s alive. Thank the gods.
“What shall we call him?” asked Aemond.
“Aemon” whispered Valaera smiling as she gently rocked their new pup.
“A-After me” questioned Aemond in awe.
“There is no other name for him. He is the very image of you,” said Valaera.
He has a full head of silver hair. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that much hair on a babe.
But his eyes. They were different.
His pup had one amethyst eye and the other was brown. The exact same shade as his mother.
“He’s so beautiful, his eyes are unlike anything I’ve ever seen” cooed Valaera.
“I’m so proud of you Issa prūmia” (My heart).
“W-We have three pups now” sighed Valaera as she leaned back against Aemond.
“My sweet perfect Omega” praised Aemond as he nuzzled Valaera’s mating mark.
A good Alpha should treasure his Omega. Make her feel special. Make her feel loved.
“Alpha” gasped Valaera as he felt the rush of Aemond’s love and devotion through their bond.
“Would you like you hold your pup?”
“Please” whispered Aemond as he manoeuvred himself away from Valaera and climbed off the bed.
Their pup. They almost lost him. But he’s here. He’s safe. My son.
Aemond cried openly when his Omega placed their tiny pup in his arms.
“A-Are you ok?” asked Valaera her voice laced with concern.
Aemond nodded meekly as his gaze never leaving his precious pup.
"Princess, shall we get you cleaned up?” asked a midwife.
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“Papa up” urged Vhalarr eagerly.
“Be careful sweet boy” said Aemond as he helped his son climb onto the bed.
“Mama. Baba” cooed Vhalarr as he nuzzled against his mother.
“That’s right. Vaella my darling come here” exclaimed Valaera.
Vaella shook her head and clung to Aemond, burying her head into his shoulder.
“W-What’s wrong?” asked Valaera.
“Mama no hurt” whispered Vaella.
“I’m ok, I promise” replied Valaera.
“Don’t worry issa dōna tala” muttered Aemond, as he placed Vaella on the bed next to Valaera (my sweet daughter).
“This is your brother Aemon”.
“Aemy” whispered Vaella.
Valaera had to bite her lip to stop her from laughing at the look on Aemond’s face.
“Isn’t he tiny” muttered Valaera softly.
“Gevie” whispered Vaella as she looked at her newborn brother (Beautiful).
“Well done tala” said Aemond proudly.
“Lēkia” exclaimed Vhalarr (Brother).
“H-How did they?” gasped Valaera.
“I’ve been reading to them in our mother tongue. I guess they’ve picked up a few words here and there” declared Aemond smiling widely.
“Avy jorrāelan valzȳrys” whispered Valaera (I love you husband).
Aemond sat on the edge of the bed and placed a gentle kiss on his Omega’s cheek.
“Ao issi vok issa darling” muttered Aemond (You are perfect my darling).
“Mama Zaldrīzes” said Vaella excitedly as a warming chamber was brought into the room (Dragon).
“Syrax brought forth another clutch. Your mother sent three eggs for the children”.
“Vhalarr and Vaella?” asked Valaera.
“They’ve already chosen their eggs” muttered Aemond as he opened the warming pan and showed Valaera the red and gold-tinged egg.
Valaera could sense Aemond’s unease. He feared his children would be without dragons just as he was. He did not want them to feel as though they weren’t enough.
“īlva riñar jāhor emagon zaldrīzoti valzȳrys” (Our children will have dragons husband).
“Nyke gīmigon yn nyke nykeēdrosa worry” replied Aemond. (I know but I still worry).
I have every faith, Alpha. Our children will fly beside you.
“Shall we put Aemon in his crib with his egg?” asked Valaera.
“Yes” Vhalarr and Vaella declared in unison.
“Allow me” said Aemond as he took his son and placed him in the crib beside their bed.
The egg was placed beside Aemon, and they all watched as the tiny babe, reached out and placed his hand on the ridged shell.
“Do not worry my love. Our children are meant for the sky. Just like you”
“I know they are” replied Aemond quietly as he wrapped his arms around Valaera and held her close.
That night, Driftmark was graced with the screeches of three new dragons emerging into the world eager to greet their riders.
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Night time at Driftmark was always rather pleasant, the light of the moon, the sound of the sea, and the smell of salt upon the air.
It made Valaera happy; she was glad to call it home.
Not that she hated Dragonstone or Kings Landing, it’s just Driftmark was where she felt close to her father Laenor.
Sure, Valaera knew that Laenor wasn’t her biological father, but he was the man that called Valaera his daughter no matter who sired her.
She missed Laenor terribly at times, especially now she had children of her own.
But she was also glad for Daemon. Of course, the Rogue Prince still terrified her at times, but she knew for all his outwardly bravado Daemon was a good man who loved her mother the way she deserved to be loved.
Rather like Aemond in a way. Valaera had been terrified for many years that her uncle would seek retribution for his eye but here they were happy and in love with three beautiful pups.
Sometimes it’s funny how things work out.
As Valaera entered the chambers, she shared with Aemond she was stopped in her tracks at the sight that greeted her.
Her Alpha sat by the fire, with their six week old pup fast asleep on his bare chest.
“Issa dōna riñītsos” whispered Aemond.(My sweet little boy).
Valaera smiled and simply observed her husband and their son.
“Issa byka zaldrīzes” (My tiny dragon).
Despite his initial fears over what type of father he would be, Valaera could say with absolute certainty that Aemond was an amazing father.
The love he had for their pups was unparalleled.
Most Alpha’s left the upbringing of pups to their Omega mothers. But Aemond had insisted from day one that he be included, whether it was changing their soiled cloths or simply rocking them to sleep.
He was there.
The other half of my heart. My Alpha. My dragon.
“Valzȳrys” whispered Valaera. (Husband).
Aemond turned towards his Omega and smiled. His sapphire eye glistening in the dim light of the fire.
“Is everything ok? Issa prūmia” asked Aemond. (My heart).
“The twins are fast asleep with their dragons, and I’ve had my check up with Maester Selkin”
Aemond raised a curious eyebrow at Valaera’s mention of the Maester.
“He’s declared me healthy and ready to engage in matters of the marriage bed” replied Valaera.
“But-” said Aemond.
“I-I would like to wait just a little bit longer if that’s ok?” muttered Valaera.
“Of course, it is. I will wait for as long as required. The Maester can declare you sufficiently healed, but it’s your body Valaera and you’ll know when you’re ready” replied Aemond.
Could he be any more perfect? What did I do to earn such a wonderful caring Alpha?
“Besides there are other forms of intimacy besides sex” whispered Aemond as he carefully placed Aemon in his crib.
“Such as?” asked Valaera.
“I could hold you in my arms as you sleep, or mayhaps we could simply take a walk on the beach together” suggested Aemond.
“A walk on the beach” muttered Valaera shyly.
“I know how much you like the moon my precious pearl” replied Aemond as he pulled on a loose tunic and slipped his eyepatch over his head.
“I will call Tarla to watch Aemon” said Valaera as she quickly left the room and reappeared a few moments later with the nanny.
“We shouldn’t be gone long” muttered Aemond.
“Of course, my Prince. I will watch over the little one whilst you are gone” replied Tarla.
“Come my sweet” said Aemond as he held out his hand.
Valaera took one last look at their sleeping pup before she took her Alpha’s outstretched hand and the two of them left the room.
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Aemond could help but smile to himself as he walked hand in hand with Valaera, the chill of the sea washing over their toes.
“Thank you for this” exclaimed Valaera happily.
“I live to make you happy my sweet. Mayhaps on the morrow I can take you flying on Vhagar, my old girl has been feeling quite restless lately” replied Aemond.
“Has it been a while since you flew together?” asked Valaera.
“I haven’t taken her out since before Aemon was born”.
That was surprising, Aemond never usually went more than a week without flying Vhagar.
“I-Is that because of me?” asked Valaera nervously.
“No, in truth I’ve been feeling a bit strange lately”.
“S-Strange?” mused Valaera curiously.
“Yes, the thought of being separated from you or our pups has me on edge. It’s difficult to explain but since we almost lost Aemon…”
“I understand Alpha” muttered Valaera.
“Things have been better recently; I feel ready to fly again” replied Aemond as he swept Valaera into his arms and held her close, breathing in her sweet scent.
“A raven arrived earlier, from your mother” mumbled Valaera.
“What does the Queen have to say?”
“She asked that we visit Kings Landing and bring the children,” said Valaera.
“No” growled Aemond as he stepped away from Valaera.
“She also writes that your father grows weaker by the day”.
“All the more reason for us to stay away” muttered Aemond.
“I said no Valaera” snapped Aemond.
“I would like to introduce Aemon to the King before he passes” replied Valaera.
“WHY WON’T YOU LISTEN TO ME” shouted Aemond.
“I-I’m sorry-“ stammered Valaera.
“A-Alpha. Please.” begged Valaera, her head lowered in submission.
The anger poured from her Alpha like acid rain and stung just as deep.
Never had Aemond been so angry. His scent was making Valaera feel sick.
“A-Aemond” sobbed Valaera, the tears streaming down her face.
I will not be separated from my pups. I have to keep them safe. I will not have my mother scorn Aemon for his mismatched eyes. I refuse to have my father pretend to care about my pups. Even if he is sick.
Wait. My Omega. She’s distressed and scared.
Suddenly Aemond seemed to come back to himself, he blinked several times and immediately tried to take the sobbing Omega into his arms.
But Valaera flinched away from him.
“I’m sorry Valaera, I just-“
“N-No. You don’t get to speak to me like that. I-I might be an Omega, but I am your mate, were supposed to be partners” sniffed Valaera wiping her snotty nose on her sleeve.
“Omega please” begged Aemond.
“NO! You stay away from me” shouted Valaera the tears still pouring down her face.
“B-But…” exclaimed Aemond.
“Don’t you bother coming back to our chambers tonight. Find somewhere else to sleep” cried Valaera as she turned on her heel and ran away from her Alpha.
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Sleeping alone was the absolute worst.
Aemond tossed and turned on the lumpy unfamiliar bed and whined at the absence of his Omega.
Since they married, they’d never spent a night apart.
The Alpha cursed himself for getting so angry with his Omega. It wasn’t Valaera’s fault at all.
Sitting there holding his wailing Omega in his arms was something Aemond wouldn’t never forget.
That day he’d felt so helpless.
He was the rider of the mighty Vhagar, the largest dragon in the world and all he could do as the Maester tried to save his pup was just sit there.
But what else could I do? I don’t like feeling like this. Please Omega.
Aemond whined again and then he felt it.
His Omega. Valaera was crying out for him through their bond.
Aemond flew off the bed and raced back to his chambers.
Soon he was standing in front of the heavy wooden door. The guardsman on watch simply stepped aside and allowed the Alpha entry.
Valaera was huddled on the bed clutching one of Aemond’s cloaks. Her breath hitching every so often as she cried.
“Alpha” begged Valaera.
Please. Come back. I’m sorry. I need you.
“A-Aemond” howled Valaera.
“I’m here Issa jorrāelagon” replied Aemond. (My love).
“Alpha. Please”
Aemond didn’t need telling twice and he leapt onto the bed, reaching for his Omega.
“Nyke sorry issa dōna. Shijetra issa” said Aemond (I’m sorry my sweet. Forgive me).
“N-Never leave me again. Swear to me. I don’t want to be alone”.
“I swear to you my love that I will never leave you” replied Aemond.
“I don’t like feeling like this. It hurts to be away from you”.
“Then I’ll stay. Forever” muttered Aemond as he rubbed his nose along Valaera’s scent gland.
My Omega. My sweet. Love of my life.
“Kiss me” urged Valaera.
Aemond hesitated for a moment before he surged forward and pressed his lips against Valaera’s.
Valaera almost seemed to merge with Aemond as she pressed herself closer.
Gods, I want her. His scent. It’s driving me crazy.
The Alpha inside him was screaming at him to take his Omega and knot her. But Aemond knew he couldn’t. Not yet.
“V-Valaera. We should stop” gasped Aemond.
“No. I want you” begged Valaera.
“You’re not ready. I won’t be able to stop myself from knotting you. Let me just wrap my arms around you” gasped Aemond.
“O-Ok” muttered Valaera feeling a little dejected, but deep down she knew Aemond was right, no matter if her Omega was begging for her Alpha to take her, she wasn’t physically ready.
“I don’t want us to fight”.
“Me either” replied Valaera quietly.
“W-We could go to Kings Landing, but the pups stay with us or Tarla at all times”.
It was a compromise. Even though Aemond dreaded his mother’s reaction to Aemon he knew Valaera missed her brothers and if truth be told Aemond did kind of miss Aegon, even if he was a massive twat with a punchable face.
Valaera nodded slightly and closed hers eyes.
Aemond had reacted so strongly to almost losing Aemon that he was overcompensating on his protectiveness. His Alpha instincts going crazy.
They would sort out the details of their trip to Kings Landing on the morrow, but right now all Valaera wanted to do was bask in her Alpha’s scent and forget this day ever happened.
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justanotherlostgrl · 8 months
Okay, ranting about the new PJO episode(im making these up as i go alr)
First off, the percabeth hug? Perfection, loved it, second, Annabeth giving attitude to Ares? Yes, we live that, keep that up sweetie you're doing great, also, in the amusement park, my guy just offered a date to Annabeth without knowing he was doing so???? Yeah, Percy behavior right there.
Annabeth trying to lighten the mood even tho she's terrified of that thing falling on Percy? My percabeth heart can't handle it.
Grover making small talk with Ares? Didn't like that.
Moving on, the Thrill Ride O' Love? STAWP (tho I almost choked on air when I started laughing when What Is Love started playing) Their little angsty talk? Give me more of those, those are amazing. Percy trying to reach for Annabeth underwater but instead realizing another power of his? Loved that.
Grover suspecting something's off with Ares and making him talk? Yes, we love our smart goat boy. All the right stuff he was saying to butter him up.
Back to Percy n Annabeth, that whole argument about the throne? So on character for them. ALSO, the first!!! Seaweed Brain??!!!!! Changing course now, I was legit on tears when Percy sat down but I knew my girl was gonna try something and boy was I right. And her snapping out of her "That's how Gods work and we don't ever question it" mindset is so gratifying to me I can't even begin to explain it, and her standing up for Percy and calling him her friend (fucking finally) and deciding to be her own person and don't follow their stupid rules? I'm invested, give me more. And Hephaestus being sympathetic towards Annabeth because he felt like that too, he's too tired of following Olympus' rules and being the cast out so he understands and him being nice and saying he'll put in good word for Annabeth... Don't touch me I might die.
And we finally got some good ol' sass thrown in for Ares on Percy's part and I'm delighted.
Still, Grover thinking he knows who stole the bolt is something so funny to me
Plus, Lin in the post-credit scenes is something I didn't expect, that one suprised me
So yeah that's pretty much it, loved every second of it
P.S. I've read the books this is just me plastering my thoughts on the show somewhere
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djarinsidebitch · 2 years
What Happens at Girl's Night Stays at Girl's Night {b.f/n.t/s.o}
pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace/Samantha 'Cosmo' Ortiz. Past!Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace/Samantha 'Cosmo' Ortiz. kinda insinuated future!Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw/Samantha 'Cosmo' Ortiz
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[a/n] alright, this was supposed to go up yesterday but I had such a bad migraine that the idea of looking at a screen was death. I have come to the conclusion that I am going to just post both versions. This is the OC version since I have to go through and reformat some sentences to make it more accessible for everyone.
That being said the oc in here is Samantha "Cosmo" Ortiz, she is a top gun graduate and actual stealth pilot. She grew up with a single dad, who is a USMC vet, in the Bronx after her mother decided that being a mom wasn't for her. She got her callsign from punching another aviator so hard they knocked out, or "saw stars" and the callsign cosmo was born. It's not really mentioned until the very end but she has been friends with Rooster for years, and both act much closer than friends but refuse to do anything about it citing that they are "just friends" and just close..... some real idiots to lovers going on.
I am pretty sure that is all that you really need to know for this, the reader version should be out soon if you don't want to have to change the details in your mind. Love ya'll- Ani<3
p.s- i added in the headcanon that rhett abbot was bob's older brother(so he would be Rhett Floyd) and that they had matching tattoos, no I will not explain myself
Warnings: Minors fuck off- I will end you 18+ only I don't know how to write a threesome, dirty talk, oral (f&m receiving) unprotected p in v sex (this is fiction wrap it before you tap it) kinda ooc in some parts, dirty talk, face sitting, I said bob fucks and ran with it. Not beta-ed we die like real men here
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“Girl's Night” is something that Cosmo and phoenix had along with any other female pilots when they needed a break from the never-ending pissing contest that is the navy. After the uranium mission, there was an exception to the “no boys allowed at girls' night” and that exception was none other than Robert “Bob” Floyd, the soft-spoken southern sweetheart. He was quickly taken in by the duo as an honorary member of “The Girls” and whenever they had a tough week the three would go to a bar (that wasn’t the hard deck- they wanted to get away from the navy) and just have a good time. Phoenix and Cosmo learned that after a few drinks Mr. Stealth pilot turned into a completely different person. His southern accent is much more present, he suddenly is a dancer pulling the two onto the dance floor and he talks much, MUCH, more. Talking about growing up on his family’s ranch, his dipshit older brother that rides bulls. It was a completely different part of bob that neither of them has known about, they also found out he knew how to line dance, Phoenix and Bob were naturals while Cosmo, who grew up in the Bronx was just trying not to fall on her ass. 
The two women weren’t better than bob sobriety-wise, Cosmo has had one too many margaritas and she felt like she was floating, not just from the alcohol but from being around two of the people she loves the most. Cosmo and Phoenix had a long history, they were in the academy and top gun at the same time, always vying for first place they had a playful relationship. They would never tell anyone (with exceptions) that they had a sort of… friends with benefits situation for years, after being around navy men for so long you know how much of animals they were, they would sleep with a girl and all you heard the next day was them talking about it- rating how good they were, comparing them to other women, treating them like slabs of meat- it was disgusting. But you still need to burn off steam even as a woman, maybe even more for the amount of bullshit the men put you through. 
Moonlight peaked through the blinds of the empty room, cutting through the silence of the night were hushed moans and harsh pants of breath. Natasha laid against the cheap basic issue sheets body covered in sweat and her hair was undone cascading across the pillow. One hand was gripping the pillow behind her while the other was entangled in Samantha’s light brown hair. Sam was settled between Natasha’s thighs, her hands having to hold her legs apart as her hips jump at every movement of Sam’s mouth against her pussy. They had Bering going at it for a while- the shine on sams mouth was testimony to that, she could spend the rest of her life between her legs hearing Natasha whine and try so hard to be quiet. 
Speaking of being quiet Samantha moved to suck on her clit making Natasha almost scream out in pleasure as she came who knows how many times now. She brought her hand up to bite down on it to muffle herself 
“Aw sweetheart, you gotta stay quiet- your noises are for me- not them” Samantha rasps removing her fingers from Natasha’s wearing hole causing her to whimper. Sam started trailing kisses up from her inner thighs, up Natasha’s stomach and sternum stopping to suckle on her breasts leaving light bites and bruises. The continuing up to Natasha’s lips, the kiss was messy, Natasha moaned tasting herself on Samantha’s lips. She wanted to return the favor but her body felt like a million tons- her bones absolute jello. 
Samantha knew that and was completely fine- she got off just as much as Nat watching her squirm and lost in pleasure. Natasha tried to move and roll her over but Sam stopped her 
“Hey hey hey, it’s ok- just rest” she softly caressed her cheeks as she looked confused “but-“ “I’m fine sweetheart- next time” she kissed her cheek and stood up grabbing a towel to clean up before finding her clothes and sneak back to her room. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow starshine,” Natasha said- her brain finally catching up
“‘Course firebird” Sam winks, fully dressed while slowly opening up the door to sneak out before early patrol catches her. 
It was almost the last call when the trio decided to leave, they all went to bob’s house, he was the only one with off-base housing that was closest to the bar they were at. None of them could drive so one cramped and overpriced Uber the three stumbled to bob’s front door Cosmo almost ate shit on a small step to his porch but caught herself, but that didn’t stop phoenix from wrapping her arms around her muttering- more like slurring something about not letting her pretty little ass fall, to which bob without looking back while trying to unlock his door with little success “there is nothing little about that ass- it is gorgeous” he finally unlocks the door and leans against it to open the door, almost falling himself before turning and making sure the two get in- not missing the large blush that was spread over the two girls face- especially cosmo she was beat red. Bob closes the door after they get in and locks it before walking around the back of the couch that separated the entryway to the living room. Both girls were laying on the couch, cosmo was laying on top of Phoenix as she traced circles on her hips, bob walked over and laid on top of them resting his head right below cosmos' breasts his forehead pressing against the bottom of them pushing them up and teetering on the brink of spilling out of the bra and tight white shirt that she had worn. Phoenix moved her hand to card through bobs messy hair, slightly tugging at the strands as she hits knots. Her hand gets caught on a particularly large one as she tugs he lets out a groan his hands coming up to grip Natasha’s hips and waist his hips moved on their own accord grinding down against Samantha’s plush thighs that had been squeezed into the jeans that she had on. 
The air shifted and Bob looks up at the two women all three had the same fire lit in their eyes 
“Do it again” he all but growls against Samantha’s breasts as Natasha pulls at his hair- more deliberately and he groans again moving to bury his head in Sam’s breasts. Natasha shifts up to slide out from under Sam moving to kneel on the ground next to bob and Cosmo. 
“That was really hot,” Cosmo says grinding her hips against bob. 
“Yeah- who knew Bobby was like this” phoenix tried to tease- but Bob wasn’t having it, he popped his head up Turing to the side a hand shot out pulling Phoenix’s lips to his effectively shutting her up. She moaned into the kiss as he shifted off of Cosmo following Phoenix onto the floor, their lips barely parting enough to get air. 
Natasha grabbed his glasses pulling them off his face and throwing them to the side, both on their knees Nat grabbed onto his hips pulling his body as close as possible, her breasts squished against his toned chest. Bob’s hands roamed under her shirt pushing it up higher over her breast and she helped pull her arms out of the sleeves before disconnecting their lips to toss her shirt off. Bob took that time to reach behind him grabbing onto the back of his shirt and pulling it off in one go. He never worked out without a shirt off or when they played dogfight football-which is a disgrace as he was beautiful, nicely toned but not so over the top ripped like some of the other men, but what was the most surprising was the tattoo that sat on his peck, it was a silhouette of a man riding a bull. Natasha reached behind her to unclip her bra letting it fall to the growing pile of clothes, Bob pulled her back in, this time kissing down the collum of her throat lighting biting her at the conjunction of her neck and shoulder, then moving down to her chest, one hand coming up to knead the tender breast while he takes the other into his mouth. 
While the two of them were making out Cosmo got to watch the show, she had one hand down the front of her jeans rubbing herself through the cotton of her panties. She let out a whimper that made Natasha look over and hold her hand out “get your pretty ass over here” that’s all it took for Samantha to slide onto the floor to crawl over to the duo, her breasts still almost falling out of her top. Natasha tugs at her shirt as a sign to pull it off, Samantha obliges crossing her arms over her front grabbing at the ends of the shirt, and pulling it off, truly showcasing her large breasts, cosmo would say they were a blessing and a curse- sports bra’s were her best friend and main defense against both men and the forces of gravity when it came to her breasts. Natasha tries to say something but is cut off by her loud moan as bob lightly bites down on her nipple. He lets the boob out of his mouth with a pop before looking at the art that is in front of him, his best friends the most gorgeous women on the face of this earth, is absolutely in shambles already….. and they barely have gotten started. Bob moves to give Samantha some attention his hands roaming all over her body, starting at her waist, moving down over her hips, and getting to her ass he takes what can be described as a handful of it, giving it a squeeze before slapping it, making Samantha jump at the action letting out a whine. He reaches behind her with one hand disconnecting her bra and pulling it off before throwing it to the side, he starts doing a similar thing to cosmo that he did to Phoenix fondling one of her breasts while he bites and sucks on the other, with his free hand he slides his hand to the top of Natasha’s pants, undoing them he slides his hand
undoing them he slides his hand down the front moaning against Samantha when his slightly calloused fingers came in contact with Natasha’s slick folds, he pulls back looking at the two of them once again “I've gone died and this is heaven” he croaks out.
Samantha laughs, it was light and airy as she runs her hands down his chest trailing wet kisses as she goes. Her hands made quick work of his belt and jeans yanking them down as far as she could as bob continues his motions with his other hand, his thumb rubbing against Natasha’s clit while his middle finger pushes into her weeping hole. She shudders, leaning back to pull her pants and underwear off then leaning back on her elbows.
Cosmo continued her wet kisses over his hip bones leaving some dark hickeys as a reminder, then starts to mouth his cock through his underwear causing his breath to hitch. He looks down at Cosmo who is resting on her elbows and knees, ass up in the air as she teases him.
“Gah-Please” he all but whimpers bucking his hips against her mouth. He slipped another finger into Natasha’s pussy pumping in and out aiming for the spongey spot, he knows he found it when her back arched and moans
“Is that it-“ he keeps aiming for the same movement and she nods, her eyes screwed shut as she reaches her first climax of the night. “Yeah it is sweetness, oh fu-“ He was so focused on Natasha that he didn’t even notice Cosmo pulling down his briefs until he feels her take the bulbous head of his dick into her mouth sucking on just the tip before taking it out and licking up the shaft pressing her tongue flat against the vein that runs up his dick. Once she gets back to the tip she takes him back into her mouth, this time sinking as far as she could; he was bigger than anyone she had been with, both fairly long and girth as all hell, her jaw ached as it stretched around him. Before she could try and use her free hand to wrap around what hadn’t fit he bucks up into her mouth making her gag.
“Fuck- she sucks dick so well” Natasha moans at the sight of her closets friend sucking her other friend off
“That she does- shit-“ Bob digs his hand into Samantha’s hair before starting to move her head up and down his cock.
Tears well in Samantha’s eyes as she focuses on sucking him off as he controls the pace, Her free hand comes up to massage his balls.
He feels himself start to get close then pulls cosmo off of his dick making her whimper, he shuts her up quickly “No no honey, if I am cuming it's in one of your pussies, got it-“ the fire behind his eyes has both of them nodding. “Good” Bob pulls off his pants along with cosmo, who was absolutely soaked, he could see the glistening on the inside of her thighs. He got an idea and tapped Natasha’s leg pulling his hand away from her
“Com’ere, I want you to sit on my face” Natasha almost came just from his words, he lays back on the floor as Natasha moves to put her thighs on either side of his face, she was facing Samantha, reaching out for her, she grabs the sides of Samanthas face pulling her into a messy kiss moaning into her mouth as bob pulls her against his mouth licking up and down Natasha's cunt circling her clit before thrusting his tongue back into her core. Samantha and Natasha continue to make out while sam grinds her bare cunt against bob’s dick, her juices mixing with the precum that leaked out of the head of his dick, Bob's groans are muffled and the sounds coming from all three of them are truly lewd, the slick sounds of Samantha and bob, and the whimpers and screams of pleasure muffled from Natasha as she starts to feel the knot start to tighten in her lower stomach. Sam pulled away from Nat letting Natasha’s noises echo in the room.
Cosmo finally takes bobs dick in her hand now slick and lines it up with her entrance. She starts to lower herself down and lets out an almost pornographic moan at the stretch, she had to pause letting herself get used to just how big he was. She soon sunk down farther, rolling her hips down until she sat flush against him. Bob grunts out still licking and sucking on Natasha's clit, one hand gripping onto her thigh and the other returning to thrusting into her. Her moans grow higher in pitch and more frequent as she reaches her peak. Sam starts rolling her hips her breaths were short like they were being pushed out of her chest every time she sunk back onto his cock, it felt like he was in her stomach.
As Natasha starts to come down from her second orgasm, her legs were already twitching she pulled away swinging her leg over to rest her back against the couch watching Sam place her hands behind her griping bob’s thighs as she bounces on his lap. Both of them start to get close, bob sits up moving Samantha to shift on his lap. Her legs were now untucked laying out on either side of his waist, one arm wrapping around her back and grabbing onto the back of her neck pulling her forehead to rest against his as he plants his feet more- now thrusting up into her but still rolling his hips in time with her’s. He looks down and you couldn’t see where one person ended and the other began, but he did notice something- every time he thrust in a little bump formed above her pubic area- he really was in so deep you could see the head of his cock. That lit a new fire in him.
“Shit- Darlin, so tight you can see me up in your stomach- so fucking perfect.” Samantha whines, the only thing coming out of her mouth a high-pitched “Ah. Ah. Ah” in time with each of bob’s thrusts. She hurries her head into the space between his neck and shoulder and her hand's grip onto his shoulders as the knot at the base of her stomach tightens, her cunt clenches up and bob bites down on her shoulder “You're squeezing me so good baby- so good, you gonna cum for me? Yeah… yeah you are- fuck such a good girl princess” his voice is so low and gravelly it was all she needed as her nails dig into his skin scratching the skin of his back, the knot snaps and she yells out as her pussy contracts as much as it could stretched around him. He didn’t slow down- he did the opposite pushing her back onto her back grabbing onto the backs of Samantha's knees bending her almost in half and starts pounding into her core. This whole time Natasha’s hand trailed between her legs as she started to rub her clit again.
Not allowed time from the first climax Samantha hits her second orgasm, this time it felt different as she soaks his dick, pubic area, and upper thighs. The only sound was the wet slapping of skin on skin, Samantha’s squeals of overstimulation, and bob’s grunts as he reaches his climax pushing in as deep as he can as he cums, his body shuddering as he coats her insides filling her to the brim. He stills, not pulling out for a second letting his breathing calm down before finally pulling out and watching his cum start to leak out of cosmo’s hole. He wipes up what leaks out before pushing it back inside of her. Samantha squeals still coming down from the endorphins swimming in her brain.
Natasha scoots closer, placing soft kisses over Samantha's flushed skin, what she didn’t notice was that bob was still hard, how- god only knows he just gave both of them two mind-blowing orgasms each and he still wants to go. His hand runs up the back of Natasha’s thighs fingers running through her still soaked folds and she moans “Fuck bob” and lays down resting her head on cosmo’s stomach on her knees- basically presenting herself for him. A deep laugh rumbles from his chest as bob grips Natasha’s hips sliding into her in one stroke. He wasn’t going as slow, right from the gate he sets a powerful pace, hips snapping against hers. Natasha made eye contact with Samantha as bobby pounded into her. The fucked out expression on both of their faces just made it all the more hotter. Nat spreads Samantha's thighs once more looking at her abused pussy, all red and puffy and dripping with bob’s cum.
Bob watched as Natasha started licking a stripe up Samantha's core licking and sucking up all of her nectar and his cum that was spilling out of her hole. He moaned speeding up his thrusts as both women moan. The grip he has on nat’s hips is sure to cause bruising but they all were marked up, he was still sensitive from his last orgasm and he felt himself already start to get closer to the edge, he reaches around and starts playing with Natasha’s clit, her moans grow higher and higher pitch as she is pushed over the edge for the third time, this time she did something she had never done- she squirted just like cosmo had done earlier. Her hips moved on their own accord and bob wasn’t able to hold back once nat clenched up on him, he pushed in as deep as he could, pushing her further into the floor grunting as the rope of cum coated Natasha’s insides. Cosmo came for the third time watching the two of them come undone coating Natasha's face in her release.
The three of them lay there soaked in sweat panting on the floor as the sun started to rise over the horizon. They truly fucked all night long. After what seemed like forever bob gets up and with little issue picks both women up and walks through the small house to his bedroom laying them down and climbing in bed along with them. They easily curl up against each other pulling the blankets over their bodies and drifting off to sleep.
It was well into the late morning or early afternoon when they started to wake up, Cosmo was the first- head pounding and the rest of her body felt like she was ejected out of her jet. She looks around her surroundings and notices the other two people in bed with her- and their lack of clothes reminds her very quickly of the events of last night, causing a blush to form over her features. Luckily she can slip out of bed grabbing a shirt that is definitely bob’s and walks out into the rest of the house with the plan of making breakfast and some coffee for the other two, but before that she showers through bob’s medicine cabinet for some pain killers and leaves the bottle on the night table with a full glass of water.
Once the other two wake up making the same connections of the events of the night before, they both take the painkillers that cosmo had left out and walked out to the kitchen, following the smell of coffee and breakfast, no one mentions what happened because……
What happens at girl's night, stays at girl's night.
Two days later.
The daggers set up a last-minute beach day and dogfight football. It was nothing out of the ordinary, everyone running across the sand, taking breaks to sit and drink beer. Until about halfway through the third game cosmo got pushed into a wave by Coyote soaking the shirt she was wearing. The fabric now clinging to her body she pulls the sopping piece of fabric off of her tossing it to the side. Completely forgetting about the bruises, hickeys, and marks that covered her chest, waist, and hips. She didn’t even notice until the boys (sans Rooster and Bob) started making a commotion letting out wolf whistles and praises
“Aye- yo what do we got here” “Someone had a fun past few days” “YEA get it, Cosmo!”
Her face heated up a little but she just shrugged it off rolling her eyes from under her Roosters sunglasses “Hey hey- not my fault I’m getting laid and your not boys” she laughs and then everyone focuses back on the game. Yet if you were to have looked closely you would have seen sweet little ole bob go as red as a tomato the second he saw her take off the shirt….. and a certain morning bird clenches his jaw and fists- eyes trailing over the lustful marks then back to the glasses, his glasses sitting on her face. It took everything in him not to finally make a move on his best friend that he has been in love with for longer than he would like to admit. But he does know- there is no way he is gonna let someone else touch his Stardust-
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Hahahahahaha First of all --- I LOVE YOUR MESSAGE AND I LOVE YOU OMFG!!!!!!!
Second, you are officially the Leader / General / Captain / Emperor / Superintendent / Boss of the TEAM BUCKY CLUB 🦾🦾🦾🦾🦾🦾 AKA THE ANTI-AMERICA'S ASS SOCIETY ~~~
I fear I may be writing Bucky too endearing, too tempting, too cute, too freaking everything because I JUST LOVE HIM, even though this still is a Steve story (for now 😉)
P.S. I'm AM getting a lot of pro-Bucky from you guys. Anyone want to lead Team Steve? 😂😂😂
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not-poignant · 7 months
Hey there Pia! I want to say I absolutely love your work and it's very inspiring. It's helped me feel more relaxed about just writing for myself for the sheer fun of it and exploring characters, after many years trying to write or do artwork for other people. Something I think I read somewhere was that you tend to ship a lot of your OC's together and could ship anyone (or were a multi-shipper). I may have got that wrong so I apologise if that's the case! I wondered if you had any of your own OC ships that really surprised you? Do you have any OC ships you would love to write one day that keep popping up in your brain? Are there any OCs ships you think would be interesting but probably wouldn't ever write because it doesn't necessarily work? Thanks! x x P.s. I live in the south of England and have a friend in Scotland and we were chatting casually about fics we like as we tend to gravitate towards the same tags and she said "Oh have you heard of not-poignant" and I have never heard her squee so loudly when I told her yes xD You got fans all over the place. <3
Hi anon!
I'm definitely a multi-shipper! Though I don't ship all of my characters together, it's more like... I'm open to considering a lot of different permutations but I also don't enjoy all the ships!
I also support everyone else shipping whoever they want. :D I'm very 'ship and let ship' hehe.
I wondered if you had any of your own OC ships that really surprised you?
Honestly, Augus and Gwyn was probably the very first one! I didn't ship them at the time when other people started coming to me and asking about it, in fact I was like 'ehhhh actually that makes me not very comfortable to think about.' I even avoided answering anon asks about it, and felt very much like you know the nervous 'haha I'm really glad you enjoy it but I don't think that's for me.' And that was partly because I imagined it to be such a tragic pairing at the time. And while it seems wild to talk about that now, because I am so ride or die for them, that is definitely where I started!
Other OC ships that kind of surprised me with their intensity was Mosk and Augus, because Augus really didn't rate Mosk at first, and I was so in Augus' POV for that, it was like...for a long time I never saw the potential until enough changed that Augus could also see the potential. Because of that, Smoke in Autumn was born.
Temsen and Gwyn was unexpected for me, and honestly there's a side character coming in Underline the Red and I ship Faber and Kenneth so much that I suspect Underline the Red will become an OT3 because of it!
Are there any OCs ships you think would be interesting but probably wouldn't ever write because it doesn't necessarily work?
Yeah there's lots. Honestly too many to put here. But lots and lots. For example Temsen and Gwyn from the Underline series are interesting to me, but I don't think that'd ever work or be anything other than like a short tragic abusive moment in time and I've already written a version of that with Albion and Gwyn in a oneshot.
Leo and Efnisien I think could have a very sweet romance in Falling Falling Stars, but I like them more as friends in that universe. And I always kind of daydreamed of Nate somehow going to a play party re: Kadek's and seeing Efnisien and kind of...admiring another side of him and enjoying that somehow.
Gwyn and Ash in the canon when Ash was at his most mutinous and antagonistic was interesting to me in a noncon sense, and I actually have a fic I've never released which is Ash assaulting Gwyn around...mid-way through The Court of Five Thrones. I definitely think Ash has enough dark sexuality that this seemed very 'obvious' to me while also not being at all feasible in the canon.
Faber and Efnisien is really interesting to me in the Underline universe, though I don't think it would ever work/happy, the attraction is definitely there on Efnisien's side, and he feels very kind of alpha-protective towards Faber in a very strong way. And the idea of a toppy Efnisien in that universe is just fun for me, even though I don't plan on ever writing it.
I also low-key ship Temsen with everyone. Like, Temsen just has vibes with everyone. He's always the top and I'm always like 'damn son you have taken over my brain' and he has.
The fun of multi-shipping is I can kind of go anywhere depending on the mood I'm in. The good news is I love the ships I'm writing so much already that they're usually the place I go to first anyway. :D
You got fans all over the place. <3
Ahhhh <3333
I wish I hadn't been so anxious back when I visited England and Scotland last time because it'd have been great to do some kind of like... group meet-up or something. With Covid now I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to do international travel again, but I love that folks live in so many awesome places. :D
It's funny because there's almost no readers that I know of in Western Australia, so it's like being on a very weird island where all the reading happens elsehwere. And while there's like maybe one or two exceptions to this, for the most part it's like 'oh reading my stuff is a thing that does not happen here :D ' But I love all y'all. I've met the coolest people and become interested in so many different countries and languages and foods and cultures in part because of this writing and how many different folks have turned up in my comments or in my ask box just sharing different anecdotes and stories from all over the world.
The faedom's just so amazing :D It's really global, and that makes me feel so grateful and fortunate and also makes me wish teleportation was easily possible and affordable!!
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tsukuyomii45 · 1 year
oooo, may i hear your adult Rin warlord Obito headcanon? p.s. really glad you are back! <3
Yes you definitely may hear it! Buckle up! This is A VERY LONG, angsty ride, and a lot of it is canon compliant and will be sticking to Naruto themes so that things can remain in-character and hopefully makes you feel like you're watching the show, but I'll keep what we already know and saw short so I can get straight to the point:
-Every event that took place in Naruto, including Obito's descent to darkness, takes place - except that Rin lives and grows up, while Obito is just too far gone and no longer really cares for the world anymore and already has a broken mind.
-So while Obito is developing the Akatsuki, Rin is enhancing her powers as the Sanbi's Jinchuuriki, and Obito maintains his hidden identity as Tobi and Rin never figures out who he is until the start of the 4th Shinobi World War.
-Mask reveal happens, and Rin is horrified and shocked that the masked man this whole time, the one that was the catalyst to many of the destructive events, was the very best friend she thought she lost in Kannabi. So naturally, Rin would go through so many different emotions; horror, confusion, denial, joy and heartbreak all at the same time.
-She at first expresses how happy she is to see him, and then would say that there is no way that he'd do everything he did, and there has to be someone that made him. She'd then watch Kakashi and Obito interact and listen to the way Obito taunts him, and she couldn't believe the words she was hearing out of his mouth, words expressing that he didn't care for this world and had one goal, etc.
-She would then tearfully remind Obito that his one goal was to become the Hokage, but Obito would coldly tell her, "That boy is dead." Rin argues back, saying that he'd never die in her eyes, but Obito silences her by launching a large shuriken from his Kamui dimension (but he purposefully misses hitting her, which hints that he doesn't want to hurt her), just to show her that he "doesn't care" about her words.
-Of course, Naruto's yelling draws Kakashi and Rin's attention back to him and the war, then Madara shows up and Rin has to watch Obito standing with the enemy trying to control the Juubi. Rin is frozen in shock, to the point where even Isobu tries to shake her back to her senses in order to focus and to put her emotions on the side. Rin becomes more convinced that Madara had everything to do with this. As soon as Naruto, Gai, and Kakashi get injured by a few attacks, and Killer B is already growing tired of using Gyuuki, Rin snaps back to her senses and utilizes her Tailed Beast Mode, and rushes to heal them with Isobu's chakra.
-Madara taunts Obito by asking if he purposely forgot to extract her Tailed Beast because he still held love for her, to which Obito scoffs and says that Yagura's Tailed Beast (Isobu's other half) is more than enough. Of course, Madara doubts his words and has a plan of his own given that Obito is already doing as he pleases.
-Fast forward to the Alliance showing up, and Rin forces herself to see Obito as an imposter, not the person she knew, and no longer hesitates to throw her own attacks at him, much to his shock. He remains on the defensive, however, using his Kamui to make her attacks pass through. Rin angrily tells him that she already knows the trick to his jutsu thanks to Kakashi, and while this riles up Obito, he didn't have the time to react or respond since Kakashi shows up in an attempt to protect Rin.
-When Kakashi tries to teleport Juubi's head and sever it off with his Kamui, Obito steps in to stop him, but then Rin uses her tail to grab Kakashi away and gets sucked into the Kamui dimension first. Here, she exhausts her Tailed Beast Chakra and is back to her standard shinobi alliance uniform, which is quite tattered and torn up.
-He starts to talk to her about the day he found her with Kakashi's hand pierced right through her heart. He tells her all of the things he saw in this world. Rin listens intently as she remains cautious, but then as she looked into Obito's eyes, she could easily see how much turmoil he's been through. The scars on his face is a grim reminder that it is him, he's not an imposter.
-She tries to bargain with him again, telling him that she just wants to understand what happened to him. She wants to know why he's doing all of this, and if he knew that she was still alive, why didn't he allow her to be by his side all of this time?
-Obito starts to approach her and Rin tenses up, feeling vulnerable as she can no longer anticipate his next words and movements. He then stands close enough to her, then he wraps an arm around her waist and draws her to him, tightly pressing her against him while he lifts up her chin with his other hand to make her face him fully. He whispers to her softly, asking, "Do you hate me?" Rin shakily answers, "No...I can't hate you..." Obito then asks, "Are you afraid of me?" Rin would then respond, "I don't want to be." Obito would then respond, "You should be."
-He brushes his thumb over her pink lips, his eyes in a daze. He expresses how much he loved her, and what could've been if things were different. Rin swallows and says, "I know you're still in there. The Obito that I always knew. The Obito that I always stood by. The Obito whose dream was to become a Hokage." Tears start to slowly flow down her cheeks as she says, "Despite all of this, I still believe in you.."
-Obito tells her that he's right here, standing before her, and holding her closely like he always dreamed of doing for so long. But because he's a manipulative cunt (we're talking about black-haired bad boy Obito here), he guilts her by saying that if she really wants the old Obito back, he could make it happen. All she has to do is to be by his side like she always did before. He guilts her by saying that if she really loved and missed her old friend, she would stop at no end to bring him back.
!!!!! TW: Mental Issues !!!!
-Rin however, knows better. She pulls herself away from Obito and sternly tells him that he is not the Obito that she wants to stand by. She says, "The Obito that I want to watch over is the one who will become the Hokage!" And this shocks Obito to his core of course, and Rin then witnesses a sudden change in his movements. Obito starts hallucinating his old self, and the voice of his old self saying, "I will become a Hokage!" starts ringing all over.
-Obito grips at his head and screams for the voices to shut up. Rin immediately grows concerned for him and rushes to him, prying his hand off then holding his face so he could look at her, attempting to ground him. Obito stares at her for a little, and sees flashing images of Rin's younger self, then his younger self, hearing cheerful laughter and fragments of the things they used to say to each other, such as Rin saying, "I'm always watching you!". Then he sees an image of her face when Kakashi pierced her with his Chidori, and Madara's voice ringing, talking to him about the realities of the world.
-He starts hyperventilating, and then he pushes Rin off of him, shocking her as he tells her to get away. He focuses his Mangekyou so that he can teleport her out of the Kamui dimension, and he's once again alone. He spends some time to gather himself, and just as he does so, Kakashi shows up. Here, the talking and the battle between them in the Kamui dimension takes place.
-Fast forward to Obito being severely injured by Kakashi, and Madara extracting the chakra rods out of him. Then we get to hear his iconic raging scream when he tries to shake off Madara's manipulation, and Rin, who has finally recharged her Tailed Beast chakra, rushes towards him so she could stop the resurrection along with Naruto and Sasuke. She ends up watching Minato slash him before she could even reach.
-She couldn't register what happen, and the next thing she knew, Obito absorbs the Ten-Tails and becomes the Ten-Tail's Jinchuuriki. As she watches turn into the monstrosity that he is, all she could do is whisper, "Obito... what have you done..." And the whole battle between Obito and Naruto + Sasuke ensues and so does everything else in the show, while Rin turns her focus onto healing and buffing up the alliance since Juubito did a number on them.
-Rin eventually supports Naruto and the alliance who were empowered by Minato and Naruto's Nine-Tails chakra to extract the Ten-Tails from Obito. Here the whole talk-no-jutsu scene plays out xD and as Rin uses Isobu's powers and tails to pull Yagura's Isobu and merge it with her own, she becomes more determined to bring back the Obito she once knew.
-Obito collapses (and we now get our white-haired DILF into the scene), and while Sasuke rushes to kill him, with Naruto chasing after him, and Kakashi teleporting out of nowhere with the attempt to slash a kunai, Rin shoots a coral spike at Kakashi's kunai to stop him just as Minato rushes to hold back his arm, and summons a trail of coral spikes to block Sasuke's path.
-All attention is drawn on Rin, who stares at Obito with a serious and firm look as warm, silent tears stream down her eyes. Obito watches in anticipation as she approaches him, her chakra mode dissipating for a temporary moment, and she begins to speak. Rin says, "For the longest time, I felt like I existed so that I can take away people's pain, because I too, knew of the cruelty of this world. It's this world's cruelty that lead to you and I making a promise to one another."
- She then settles on her knees next to his paralyzed body, and caresses his scarred cheek with a sad smile on her face, reassuring him that no matter what and after everything that happened, she bears no hatred or resentment towards him, only that her she is heartbroken because he had to endure so much and she hates that she couldn't take away his pain.
-So, tears are shed and it becomes a very emotional moment, and Kakashi talks to Obito about Naruto's path of life, making Obito finally see that Naruto's way is the right way (again, we're complying with canon), and then just as he decides to use Rinne Tensei, Black Zetsu stops him - and that whole scene where Madara gets resurrected is played here.
-Fast forward to everyone trying to fight off a shirtless and insane Madara, and Obito struggles to remain conscious while shaking off Black Zetsu's manipulation. Rin steps in here to help Obito by using her Tailed Beast chakra to heal him and provide him some sense of movement since he's merely alive thanks to the husk of the 10-Tails sealed inside him.
-Obito gains consciousness and Black Zetsu escapes somewhere, but steals Obito's Rinnegan along the way, and this is where shit hits the fan: Madara is now fully powerful, but before he could even extract the husk of the 10-Tails, everyone attempts to fight him off, including Obito, who falls into a hand-to-hand combat with him and tries to use his Kamui as an advantage. Kakashi and Naruto try to fight as well, but because Madara is Madara, they all fail, and Madara chokes Obito and then sinisterly says that he's going to fully punish him for his betrayal.
-Madara extracts the husk at last, and throws Obito towards Kakashi, and now every Tailed Beast is in danger, including Rin and Naruto. The Tailed Beasts get chained up and sucked into the husk, and Rin, who knows all too well that Naruto's powers are essential for the war, fights against the chains transforming into Isobu and parrying away the chain that is after the Kyuubi.
-Unfortunately, Rin fails... as the chain fully wraps around Isobu's neck, including the Kyuubi. In her subconscious, Rin fights against the strong pull, but she knows she is losing her strength and that the worst is about to happen. As Isobu is drawing further and further away, she leaves her last words to her Bijuu: "Be free!"
-Isobu is extracted and sealed in the husk, along with all other Tailed Beast. We all know what this means! Naruto falls and is captured by Gaara's sand. Rin falls and hits the ground, snapping the attention of Obito and Kakashi towards her. Out of nowhere, Obito finds the strength to move and dash towards her, while Kakashi just stands in utter shock.
-Obito urgently and shakily holds Rin to him (like he did when he found her corpse), and asks her to stay with him and that he'll get help. His Sharingan registers that her heartbeat is slowing down, and he starts to panic and tremble, willing his mind to block out the feeling of dejavu that was about to consume him. Rin looks up at him, trying to remain conscious as she makes him promise that he'll save Naruto. He promises that he'll save him, and begs her to stay alive.
-Rin's breathing grows shallow as she utters more of her final words, and she says with a weak, but relieved smile, "I always knew that your pure heart remained steadfast. I never stopped believing in you." She then tells him that she's sorry she couldn't do more, and she's sorry that the world has beaten him down to the person he became. And then she tells him one thing that completely breaks him: "More than anything... I'm just happy that I saw you again."
-Regret, guilt and anguish consumes Obito as he tearfully responds with heavy pain in his voice while tightly gripping her hands : "You are the only person that I've ever cared for and loved so endlessly... and yet I... I couldn't save you...!" Rin would warmly respond, "You're here now. That's more than enough for me."
-Rin would then lastly say that she will always be watching him and would live on in his heart, and then her eyes slowly starts to close... her hand would loosen up in the hold of his hand, indicating that her final breath has finally been released, and she peacefully dies in his arms (again).
Long, but yeah. Angst. :3
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avernusfuries · 8 months
wasn't sure the comments was the right place for this SO. After the Gortash Fight is when Calem realizes how much Karlach is scared and wants to live. Before he thought she was more like him and really just genuinely okay with dying. He begs her to go to the hells after that so he has time to go to Eorzea and grab Cid and Nero. He's sure the people he knows could build her a new heart, he just needs to give them time.
You see, that's the real fucking kicker about Karlach, really. The whole thing about her saying she'd rather die than go back to Avernus? Only really applied when she really had nothing truly tying her to Faerûn. Throughout the entirety of the game, we see Karlach slowly fall in love with life again, something that she had, briefly, lost in Avernus when she was going through the slog of The Blood Wars. She's literally seen the worst of what humanity / hell could truly do. Sell a friend. Kill. Murder. Fucking steal. The lot of it. So the second she high tailed out of it, there was always that phew, i'm back, if my engine kicks it, it kicks it. But Dammon gave her hope. Tav. The other companions. She fell completely and utterly in love with living again now that she could do it on her own terms.
The fact that she had friends? Honest to God friends who were less of a what she could do for them / they could do for her in turn. The fact that she willingly stuck her neck out for others and they did so in kind, because they cared about her and what happened to her.
The fear really kicks in around act 2 because she was functioning on mindless optimism, and that carried her right the way through to act 3, when she is standing over Gortash and she realised that while, yes, it was a victory, it was a hollow one. And death looming over her head like a guillotine? Kinda made her realise that she wasn't going to get fixed. She was either going to die here, or she was going to end up going back to Avernus. That loneliness. The mindlessness of fighting and now she wouldn't be offered whatever small grace she'd had fighting as Zariel's champion, because she would also be faced again Zariel's best.
Karlach swore blind that she didn't know why Zariel chose her because she was nowhere near her best soldier.
Though if we're being realistic about it, I am thinking Zariel saw a little bit of herself and how she was before The Ride™️, but that's a headcanon for another day.
Aaaaand I'm realising this isn't exactly what you planned this to look like when I answered this but ramblers are gonna ramble.
P.S: please take her to eorzea she needs a fucking break.
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loveislovealways · 2 years
Make Or Break !!!!!
Respect! Respect! Respect!
I have a lot to say, so kindly bear with me.
When you feel what the characters are feeling while they are performing, it means they have great acting skills and they know what to be expected from them in a given situation, I don't know how to say this but big shout to Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato they can be really proud of themselves because that was some intense performance.
This whole episode was one big roller coaster ride when it comes to Maya and Carina ( I least care about other characters on the show for now, though I have a lots of not so good things about them when it comes to Maya) This is one the most important situation in their relationship as they have not being like this in past.
The essence of child abuse and having a traumatic childhood weather its from abusive or maniac father is so well captured, that how it effects a childhood and its there with you in some point of their life even if they are grown up, from showing how Maya being so strong headed and stubborn that she is unable to see her own issue and ask for help, the way she got panic since the time she opened her eyes and ask for Carina till the time where she was screaming Carina's name and had a panic attack.
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Carina, such a strong character from being soft and giving space to Maya to that extended that she trusted that her wife will come back to her, and than fighting for her relation in the hospital so that her wife can get help to the extended that she is ready to loose her but can't see the love of her life in pain or most probably die.
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Its a breaking point for both of them specially for Carina given her past history. I am really intrested to see how the writers how they will write their relation because they both need therapy and this will be the make or break for their relation, its like now or never kind of situation. I am just gonna trust the process till it run its course and hopefully we get our favourite couple back together. I just want happy ending. (My little heart is still not over from Sanvers break up and I love Marina so much that I just want happy ending. There is something special about women loving women having happy ending just like Wayhaught)
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P.S - Special thanks to our Ao3 writers they have done a great job and helped us through the hiatus and hoping to read lot more great stories in future. You guys are Awesomeeee. Keep writing.
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Nitpick November
Okay, this is an ancient nitpick now and I’m like 95% sure I already ranted wrote about it in a previous year, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why oh why didn’t we learn what Ruby bought at the gift shop?
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This is a fantastic, lighthearted moment in an otherwise depressing Volume! It shows off the characters’ personalities in a natural way, helping to distinguish what will quickly become a fairly homogenous group! Ruby is spending her money (Qrow’s money?) buying gifts for her teammates. Weiss thinks it’s all a waste of time (getting annoyed over inconsequential dolt stuff to hide how anxious she is about returning to Atlas). Yang is actually acting like a sister, getting playfully mad that Ruby won’t say what she got her and making a grab for the bag. “You’ll have to wait and see~”
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Except Yang - and the audience - never get to find out what Ruby chose for her. It’s like a domestic Chekhov’s gun, but the included element is actually inconsequential. You wanted the story to follow up on a question it posed, one another character expressed enthusiastic interest in? Lol don’t be ridiculous.
The fact that RWBYOQ seem to have lost all their luggage (except the bike) and never comment on that is downright weird to me. Yang rants about gaining a “defenseless old lady,” but not that they presumably lost whatever was in the 9+ bags they were traveling with.
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Which, given that they expected to have a nice, leisurely, day long ride into Argus on an otherwise dangerous quest, most likely includes things like dust and weapons supplies. You know, the important stuff a huntress would miss when suddenly stranded in hostile territory.
Give us a bonding moment where Ruby tells Yang what her gift was in an effort to cheer her up. Add tension to their travels by limiting the means with which they have to defend themselves. Hell, give a meh, but technically believable line about how gee golly gosh, we sure are glad everything we were traveling with was up front with JNR. I’m sure they’ll have it all unpacked at whatever safe house we’re heading towards. Oh look, there we go. Here’s your gift, Yang!
As always, the most annoying part is that RWBY’s nitpicks are, often, not actually nitpicks. The show forgot Ruby’s shopping spree in the Argus train station. Okay, big deal. Problem is, the show forgot everything else that happened in the station too.
Like the letter Qrow sent to Ironwood, the one that goes a long way towards explaining his increase in security (among every other justification) and providing the group with a means of entering Atlas if they just show a little patience. It would be real silly for our conflicts to revolve around entering the city + the group’s cliff-hanger shock at Ironwood defending his Kingdom + then seguing into total suspicion of the general when Qrow started the Volume with a letter that boiled down to “Things are awful and if you get this first, oopsies, things likely got worse and you’re on your own.”
Or, a revision:
“Dear James,
Things are really fucking bad right now! Worse even than you’re hearing and definitely worse than is safe to say over mail. So we’re coming to you. Trains are faster than letters, so if you get this first then, uh, something bad probably happened to us? Like, I don’t know, we got stranded in the woods with apathy-inducing grimm. Or something. Just tell your people to be on the lookout for wandering huntsmen because you’re smart enough to realize that getting this letter before we show up is a #BadSign.
You and I, we’ve had a playfully antagonistic, but ultimately respectful relationship over the years, which is why I’m warning you ahead of time. I look forward to resuming our partnership. I definitely don’t plan to become so randomly suspicious of you that I try to live in Atlas as a fugitive, then return your hug, then lie to you for weeks, then trust you again, then decide you need to die for my own stupidity. That would be wild, right?
See you soon!
P.S. I bet Ruby bought you something at the gift shop. She’s a nice kid and would definitely want to thank the guy who gave her beloved sister a state-of-the-art arm, helping to bring her out of the depression that Ruby then had intense guilt over leaving her in to hunt a power-hungry murderer. Something to look forward to!”
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sparrowsarus · 9 months
Still up for the alphabet ask game? What about:
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
P.S. Have a nice day!
Good timing, I'm just off work! I gotta say, the character with the best development arc is Rodney McKay from Stargate Atlantis (if you ignore S5, wherein the writers chucked all of it.)
When you first meet Rodney in SG-1, he is fucking awful. Every single stereotype about A Certain Kind Of Guy. Sexist, demeaning, has no consideration for others--just the worst. Sam should have gotten to hit him--or, you know, her superiors should have taken him aside and told him it was inappropriate workplace behaviour, but it was the US military in the 90s. Let's temper our expectations a bit.
But in SGA? He's sympathetic. Genuinely respects his (woman!) boss, is only a little bit of a creep to his main woman coworker, is more generally a dick to everyone instead of women in particular and even that eases up as the seasons go on. Is only a little weird to Sam when she becomes leader in S4.
And! He demonstrates loyalty to people not-him! Is brave under pressure! Becomes more self aware about his faults and admits them to people, while still being recognizably the same character.
And frankly that all comes down to David Hewlett rather than the writers, but I digress.
Three favs you say
Ed Darvis, D&D:HAT: A man who is so utterly devoted to his mental idea of his wife and his perfect family that he fucks over his alive family, realizes that fact, and tries to unfuck it. Tries to not make it anyone else's problem. Likes his friends and isn't a fucking creep.
Sam Gamgee, LOTR: Speaking of loyalty. Of friendship. Of doing the right thing. Sam/Rosie is genuinely one of my OTPs. My man is a ride-or-die sort of chap.
Karlach Cliffgate, BG3: My girl. She was sold to the Hells and conscripted into a war, had her body modified against her will in a way that will eventually kill her, and she survives anyway. She survives! She laughs and she jokes and she's so loving, even when she spent a decade in a place where love is dangerous. She knows she's dying. She knows everything she loves will be stolen from her.
But she does it anyway.
Bonus characters: Ulder Ravengard, who fucks up so much no matter how hard he tries--and he tries so hard, who loved a woman who died giving him a son--Sam Vimes, who loves his wife and his city and his kid, whose his wife nearly gave her life for their son--and really this list is characters who love, they love so hard and so much and they get it wrong sometimes but gods do they try their best.
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sea-owl · 2 years
So I had a weird thought about what if they made Felicity one of Polins kids. Imagine post season 2 the Featheringtons are deep in debt that even Whistledown can’t save so Penelope’s agrees to marry a wealthy merchant 12 years her senior who will pay off their debt. The only catch is she has to move to Australia with him but seeing nothing left for her in England she agrees and leaves with her new husband. Flash forward eight years where Colin gets knocked off his horse by a little girls bonnet. Only to look down to see a five year old girl resembling Penelope. At that moment Penelope comes rushing over to check on her daughter and Colin is shocked to find 1) Penelope is back 2) apparently widowed 3) she has a spitfire of a daughter named Felicity and 4) she’s definitely no longer a girl but a beautiful woman whose blue eyes are filled with sadness. But Colin’s not the only one shocked. Eloise is shocked to discover her friend no longer writes anything (her husband beat that out of her long ago) and flinches when anyone touches her or Agatha. All Penelope wants is to retire to the country with her daughter while helping to run her dead husbands shipping company as she tries her best to forget the nightmare that was her marriage. She’s long since given up on love stories and lives only for her daughter but with the Bridgertons suddenly back in her life that’s not any easy task.
P.S- Felicity isn’t Colin’s but Penelope’s dead husbands. Penelope tried to shield the girl from seeing how her father treated her but Felicity could still hear her father beat her mother at night. So she trusts very few men especially the ones who are trying to steal her mama!
Anon, please understand that when I say this, it is not directed at you, I do like the premise of Felicity being Penelope's daughter instead of sister, but why, whenever one of the couples marries someone else (especially with the ABC wives) that other person is almost always abusive? I'd rather see Penelope and said husband treating their marriage like the business transaction it is and have them becoming business partners rather than her get beaten to the point she's a shell of a woman.
I can work with this though.
Post season 2, 18yr old Penelope is helping her mother run the numbers of the debt her father left behind, and it's not looking good.
Enter Penelope's first husband, Mr. Alexander Williams. He was an acidemically inclined second son of a lord, around Anthony's age, possibly a year or two older, and he was interested in Penelope for a wife. He was honest with her he was looking for a marriage of convince to produce a spare heir in case his older brother never had children. Being more forward-thinking, he did not care if their child was a boy or a girl (legally, daughters could inherit, socially, it was frowned upon) In exchange he would pay her family's debt. The catch was that he was required to travel a lot due to his work. If Penelope were to become his wife, she would be required to come with.
Seeing no other way to pay off the debt without causing even more whispers around her family, Penelope agreed.
During their marriage, Alexander learned Penelope has a talent for business and writing. She slowly becomes a partner and ends up writing a lot of their proposals and helps edit contacts. They never fall in love, but they do respect one another and trust each other enough to work as business partners. Eventually, Alexander will die from a foreign illness during their travels and by that time Penelope believes the business is doing well enough that she can permanently move back to England.
8 years later, Colin Bridgerton is riding his horse through the park when a stray bonett unseats him from his horse. The culprit ends up being a seven year old girl with familiar red hair.
Felicity stares at the strange man her bonnet had unseated. Face growing red with embarrassment. She thought for sure this man would yell at her. It would be only fair. So imagine her surprise when he just laughed.
"Well, that wasn't well to do of me." He said. He hands Felicity back her bonnet. "May I know your name, little one?"
"Felicity Williams," Felicity answered. "And what is your name?"
"Colin Bridgerton," Colin said. "Where is your nanny? Or your mama?"
Felicity looked around like she just realized she was alone with a stranger. "I don't know."
Felicity holds out a coin to Colin. "If I give you this, will you pick me up? I want to find Mama."
Colin tried rejecting the coin. He does not need paymemt to help the little girl, but Felicity was serious about giving it to him in exchange for being able to see more.
"Mr. Bridgerton, you will take this coin as payment!" Well, he can hand it back to her parents when they find them.
Colin "accepts" the coin and lifts Felicity onto his horse while he leads on foot. They search for a few minutes when a familiar voice reaches their ears."
Felicity's face brightens. "Mama!"
Colin's heart almost stops when he sees Penelope come into sight. It has been 8 years since he saw her last and those 8 years have definitely shaped her into a lovely woman.
Colin helps Felicity down, and after handing him another coin, the little girl races towards her mama.
Penelope wraps her daughter in a hug. "Oh Felicity you can't scare me like that."
Felicity pressed a coin into her mother's hand. (How many of those did she have?) "I'm sorry, Mama, but Mr. Bridgerton helped me!"
Penelope blinked. "Mr. Bridgerton?"
Brown eyes met green as Colin gave Penelope an awkward wave. "Hey Pen."
Felicity is suspicious of Mr. Bridgerton. She saw him give the money she paid him back to her mama. So what does he want? Does he want a favor instead? Why is he consulting a deal with Mama instead of her?
Felicity's sense of relationships is kinda screwed as she believes every relationship has a give and take like a business transaction. It's the kind of relationship her parents have, so she really doesn't know what partners in love look like.
Penelope stopped any hope for a love match after the Featherington ball eight years ago. She is debating getting married again in another marriage of convince for a son this time to inherit Featherington estate, but maybe it's better to just get pregnant, disappear for two years into the country for year or two and then come back claiming her husband died then. After all, no one outside her mother and Felicity knows that Penelope is now a widow.
Her thoughts start to travel down a dangerous road before she shuts the thought away. No, a Bridgerton baby would not be ignored by the family. No matter how good she makes the contract. She needs to find a rake or a man she can buy off.
Colin wants Penelope in his life again even if she's married to a husband he's never seen. He has missed her, and he finds himself enjoying Felicity's attempts to pay him every time they meet. Honestly this absent husband of her's truly does not know the treasure he has.
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