#paganini: the devil’s violinist
vampire-chronicles · 1 year
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“He tore the notes out of the violin and each note was translucent and throbbing. His eyes were closed, his mouth a little distorted, his lower lip sliding to the side, and what struck my heart almost as much as the song itself was the way that he seemed with his whole body to lean into the music, to press his soul like an ear to the instrument. I had never known music like it, the rawness of it, the intensity, the rapid glittering torrents of notes that came out of the strings as he sawed away. It was Mozart that he was playing, and it had all the gaiety, the velocity, and the sheer loveliness of everything Mozart wrote. When he'd finished, I was staring at him and I realized I was gripping the sides of my head. "Monsieur, what's the matter! " he said, almost helplessly, and I stood up and threw my arms around him and kissed him on both cheeks and kissed the violin. "Stop calling me Monsieur, " I said. "Call me by my name. " I lay back down on the bed and buried my face on my arm and started to cry, and once I'd started I couldn't stop it. He sat next to me, hugging me and asking me why I was crying, and though I couldn't tell him, I could see that he was overwhelmed that his music had produced this effect.”
-The Vampire Lestat
The violinist pictures are from the movie ‘The Devil's Violinist’
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jharrisgifs · 6 months
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THE DEVIL'S VIOLINIST (2013) — Jared Harris as Urbani
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I may have found another guy
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I think I'm gonna ship with him
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reine-du-sourire · 4 months
Nicolo Paganini was one of Sebastian's contracts. More at 5
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csswingandeasy · 6 months
day whatever of fast forwarding through shitty movies because Jared Harris is in them and tonight I watched The Devil’s Violinist and. 2 things:
1. Jared’s hilariously weird accent
2. Jared’s hilariously huge top hat
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Bonus: this waistcoat
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slydiddledeedee · 1 year
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sold his soul
Image ID: Jade Curtiss from Tales of the Abyss playing the violin, wearing a black tuxedo and a light blue shirt.  He is concentrating on playing.  The music emanating from him are the first 28 measures of Paganini’s ‘Caprice in A Minor.’
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motleywolf-et-al · 1 year
ah, the devil's violinist. i remember discovering him wayyy back in the day when i first read the vampire chronicles. he is entrancing and passionate and his music will draw from you gutteral sounds you only make in the bedroom if you let it. enjoy.
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stranger15 · 5 months
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She plays like the devil..
The idea for this steampunk collage of a violin virtuoso popped into my head as I was listening to N. Paganini yesterday evening.
(Song: Niccolo Paganini - Caprice No. 9)
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opticsimon · 4 months
If there's one point in which Hannibal missed is not using Paganini as background music in the human cello episode (especially in the fight scene). First of all it would be cool as fuck, second of all the symbolism would be on point.
We all know about the "Hannibal is the devil" thing, Paganini is a violinist known to have sold his soul to the devil in exchange for his playing skills. Tobias not only attempted to cheat the devil (aka. Hannibal obv) but attempted to befriend him afterwards, paying for it with his life.
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i--see--everything · 2 months
Lesser-known historical figures that would be avatars in TMA
Ernest Shackleton - Explorer who tried to cross the Antarctic, almost died but him and his crew managed to survive out of puré stubbornes. Imagine if Peter was an avatar of the Vast instead of the Lonely.
Miyamoto Musashi - XV century Japanese samurai that loved nothing more than winning duels to the death, being obnoxiously rude, and painting. Running around Japan to this day as an avatar of the Slaughter.
Mary Mallon (Typhoid Mary) - Cook believed to have spread typhoid fever to dozens of families she worked for, even though she was asymptomatic. Unwilling Corruption avatar.
Philip Zimbardo - Director of the Standford Prison Experiment. Avatar of the Web and maked by the Eye.
Edward Hopper - Painter of Nighthawks. His entire work is about the loneliness and isolation of urban life. Lonely avatar who vanishes you into his paintings.
John Jones - Guy who died at the Nutty Putty Caves after being stuck upside down for 27 hours. Guess which entity he would serve.
Niccolò Paganini - Famous violinist rumoured to have made a deal with the devil in exchange for talent. Same deal as Grifters Bone.
Jack Parsons - Californian occultist, sex fanatic and inventor of rocket science who died of an explosion of his own creation, after becoming an avatar of the Eye.
Simo Häyhä- Slaughter avatar nicknamed the White Death, he's considered one of the best snipers in history with 505 confirmed kills.
Frederick Taylor - He developed the theory of Taylorism, a method of managing industrial production through science and one of the many reasons work is so awful nowadays. Probably is the Buried's special little boy.
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lydiablackblade · 7 months
My headcanon is Crowley made a pact with Paganini (he is called the Devil's violinist after all) that he'll make Paganini the greatest virtuoso of violin of all time and for exchange he'll teach Crowley how to play the violin. And as it turned out Crowley is very, very good at it.
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Andrea Deck as Charlotte Watson and David Garrett as Niccolo Paganini performing lo Ti Penso Amore in The Devil's Violinist (2013) Dir. Bernard Rose
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bizarre-blorbo-bracket · 10 months
Round 1 poll 18: Antonio the Violinist from Identity V vs Waldo Trumbull from The Comedy of Terrors
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Propaganda under the cut:
Antonio the Violinist
Antonio is a less popular character from an obscure video game. He's an incredibly tall, lanky, undead man based partially on the real life Niccolò Paganini and legends surrounding him. I have purchased things for research on Paganini to fuel my obsession with Antonio. He has prehensile hair and I just want him to carry me in it. I research harder into his lore than I do for any other character in this game, and he has very little. He's possessed by the devil because the devil got him out of music based slavery. He plays the violin and spins around when he hits a survivor. His original animation for a survivor struggling out of his hold was changed from him falling on the ground and getting up without using his arms to him swiping at the air around him. He has music magic that hurts you. He has no connection to any other playable character as of my submission. He's spooky yet handsome. One of his accessories implies he died alone in the cold of winter. He has insane amounts of gender. He can play violin on a single string. He can play that single stringed violin with his HAIR. He's full of skill and diseases. His first deduction(lore snippet gained by completing tasks) shows that he's got a CVS receipt length of medical disorders, and the second one shows that he's the only character in the game confirmed to fuck for pleasure. I want him carnally. I want him to be my bestie IRL. I want to be him. I want to hold him. I want to comfort him. I want to tear his limbs off and stitch them back on. I want him to be turned into a marketable plushie.
Waldo Trumbull
He's from a rarely talked about 1963 film which is absolutely ridiculous slapstick + dark comedy combined. He's a complete arsehole who there is no good reason to like--not only is he a serial killer (murders people to bring in customers to his undertaker's business) but he's also just a petty dick. He is built like a stick insect and moves around like a live-action cartoon, ungainliest creature ever. Has the personality of a scraggly feral cat that will bite and scratch if you get too close. He asks "May I?" before touching the breast of a *wooden carving* of a woman. His name is *Waldo Trumbull*, his first name only being revealed late in the film as he seems to know it's ridiculous and goes by his last name or "Mr W. Trumbull" (you can't pretend your first name is just W, Waldo, that's not how it works). Half of me wants to grab and shake him, half of me wants to keep him as a pet, he is such a creature.
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catovyen · 1 year
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What if there are more classical composers in Rhythm Heaven? If no one does it then I will take over... 😳 I will design more classical composers if they're in Rhythm Heaven in the future, I have a few in mind!
I've drawn 6 composers in this artwork! There is Dvorak, Bach, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Liszt and Paganini. I was tempted to add Mozart, Chopin, Shostakovich, Schubert or Debussy but I can't add more characters in because my tablet will crash - My laptop is already lagging while trying to finish this. 💀 I think this broke the record of time taken I took for drawing - The longest one was the RhythMoid artwork (my very first post in tumblr)
Feel free to listen to me rambling on why I assign these composers in the artwork or just skip it, but I hope you like the artwork! 🏃‍♂️
Tbh I was going to color Paganini (the one with the violin) with Q Maou's color but it looks odd imo - However he has a connection with Q Maou since Paganini was called "The Devil's Violinist". People believed
Liszt (the one with angel wings) was meant to look similar to Lady Cupid since Liszt is a composer of the romantic period. One of his pieces, Liebestraum No.3, means Dream of Love. It is also based of a poem about unconditional love, perfect for Valentine's day!
Bach (person in pink clothes) is the father of music, he would be the father figure of the step switchers. He's able to change his colors to match with the other step switchers.
Beethoven (person in black clothes and white hair) would be a metal head if he's still alive today. His pieces are getting more intense when he starts to lose his hearing.
Tchaikovsky (bearded person in blue) composed a piece called 1812 Overture and he used cannons for that piece. Cannons are officially a musical instrument guys! /hj He also composed Swan Lake, which is why I put a swan on the back! Dvorak (bearded person in black and purple clothes) LOVES trains, he would wait for one to come just to watch them. I connected him with space because one of the astronauts who first landed on the moon played a recording of Dvorak’s New World Symphony as he stepped out onto the lunar surface. Dvorak himself hates being in open spaces.
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satanachia666 · 2 years
Hi!😺 I just did a ritual to invoke/embrace Satan’s love.🖤 Listening to classical music during rituals creates such a dreamy, romantic, yet empowering atmosphere.💞 I was listening to music by Niccolo Paganini, The Devil’s Violinist, during this Satanic ritual.😈🎻
🖤 My Pentagram Instagram 🖤
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