#pak love
chthonic-empyrean · 5 months
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أنت ذلك الـ "لا شيء" عندما يسألني الناس عما أفكر فيه
You're that "nothing" when people ask me what I'm thinking about."
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itsallaboutbl · 6 months
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WayuJao - Two Worlds OST MV
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gabrielokun · 1 month
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pharawee · 4 months
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Pak Varayu Pusomjitsakul as JUMPER —KNOCK KNOCK, BOYS! · Episode 1
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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"it's settled then."
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random-iz-stuff · 2 years
Can I talk about how much I love the design and use of PAK legs? Because I’m going to talk about how much I love the design and use of PAK legs.
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Even when you ignore their ability to shoot lasers and create energy shields, PAK legs are cool as hell and I love seeing them be used for everything from climbing to combat to faster movement to even fast dodging and launching the user in various directions in episodes like Plague Of Babies (with Zim using his PAK legs to launch himself to the ceiling and generally dodge things during the Giganto-Baby fight) and The Frycook That Came From All That Space (with Zim using his PAK legs to dodge out of the way of Sizz-Lorr).
We also see them be used for intimidation in Halloween Spectacular Of Spooky Doom with Zim using them to tower over Dib.
But best of all, best seen in Dark Harvest, PAK legs can be used for more delicate actions as well, like flipping a light switch. They aren’t just a mode of transportation, they’re mechanical limbs that can be used for everything that an Irken’s hands can do. Hence why I headcanon that the tips of the PAK legs can split into three smaller claw-like tips, able to be used as fingers.
And one thing I constantly think about is things like PAK legs acting in tandem with the user’s organic limbs, mimicking the actions of the user’s arms and hands, even using those mechanical claws to mimic the user’s fingers.
I also think about things like Irken locks that can only be opened with a PAK leg, requiring that someone insert a PAK leg into a hole and use the leg as a key, rotating and maneuvering the leg as needed. Or an Irken control panel where the user inserts a PAK leg and maneuvers it to control whatever the panel is attached to.
I also think about things like an Irken struggling to control a ship and then deploying the PAK legs to press buttons and flip switches in the cockpit around them while they keep their organic hands on the steering wheel trying to regain control.
Or an Irken using their PAK legs to attack something behind them while they keep doing something else. Like this one clip from Sonic Prime:
And once again, this is IGNORING the fact that PAK legs can shoot lasers and create energy shields and I headcanon they they can also be used as welding equipment or precision laser cutters and a bunch of other tools.
This has been my incoherent ramblings about PAK legs.
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negrowhat · 1 year
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scri--bble · 3 months
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Silly fella
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chthonic-empyrean · 5 months
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لقد استنفد العالم، والثروة الوحيدة المتبقية لنا هي الحب.
The world is exhausted, and the only wealth we have left is love.
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chellodello · 8 months
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How’s that hanahaki going for you space-boy?
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gabrielokun · 2 months
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pharawee · 4 months
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Good proportions.
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gay-ppl-real · 3 months
Love the trope of "Snufkin coming back late to the valley and Moomin attentively waiting for him" that Moominsummer Madness and the adaptations inspired by that aspect of that story have given us in the Moomin community, but I do feel sad that because of its popularity and the interpretation of this 'cold/tsundere Snufkin' who's aloof and off doing his own thing that so many people accept from that and The Spring Tune, so few explore the alternative.
The year that Snufkin arrives early, and the Moomins aren't awake yet. There's so much opportunity there! So many different ways it could go!
Does he set up his tent and wait? Go and spend the last few days with Too-Ticky? Let himself in to Moominhouse and go to sleep in his bed? (Drives me crazy that non-book readers have no way of knowing that pre-Finn Family Moomintroll he hibernated WITH the Moomins and he HAS A BED IN MOOMIN'S ROOM for when it's too cold or dangerous out for the tent. Grrr biting chewing gnawing) Does he quietly start prepping the house for when they do wake so that their spring workload is reduced? Does he wake Moomin up himself?
There are ways that all those events could make sense for his character, and I want to see themmm T-T
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queeniecook · 1 month
"Growing Pains" - Part 2
“MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!” I heard from upstairs. I ran up the stairs, two at time. Vera rarely yelled for me or her Dad.
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When I got there she was climbing out of bed, scared. “What’s wrong?” I asked her, worried. Apollo was amazingly asleep.
“I had a bad dream and then there was a noise under my bed.” Vera told me, on the verge of tears.
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I hugged her close to me “It’s okay, sweetie. It was just a dream and it was probably Sabrina under your bed. You know how she likes to get into things.” I explained to her, still hugging her.
“Can you check?” Vera asked softly.
I released her from the hug and nodded. I got down on my hands and knees and checked under the bed. “All clear.”
I got Vera back into bed and stayed with her until she fell asleep. That was the first time that had happened and it made me a little sad. I didn’t like my babies being upset.
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To cheer her up, though I think she had forgotten about the dream before I did. Also to help her deal with us remodeling the room to make it more for both a boy and a girl. We got her a small laptop she could use for school and to play games on. She liked it a lot.
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“You know, it won’t be long before Apollo is a child.” I told Pak one evening, I had been looking through the calendar and realized how close it was coming.
“That’s not the only birthday coming up.” Pak told me.
“Ah yes, I had realized that too.” I said, grumpily.
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“You’re always going to be beautiful to me, ku’uipo. Even with silver in your hair and wrinkles. Pure beauty.” He said, caressing my cheek.
I melted. He still knew what to say to me and somehow knew I was worried about how I’d look, vain yes. But you get that way a bit in my line of work.
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“I love you, Pak.” I told him, pulling him close and hugging him. I felt a bit better about my upcoming birthday after talking to him.
“I love you too, Evie.” He replied, hugging me back.
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I shifted some focus back to my career. I didn’t really have to do much anymore. Release a video now and then. Make charity appearances – those were important to me. It was the main reason I kept my name in the spotlight. I loved being able to help others.
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Soon it was time to make Apollo’s cake. My youngest was having his birthday and I realized, he was most likely my last baby. I was sad about that for a few seconds before realizing how blessed I was to have him and Vera.
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I got dressed and caught my husband coming in the door. He had been somewhat secretive lately. He was up to something. But I didn’t jump to the usual conclusions, I trusted him.
“So what have you been up to, my handsome hubby?” I asked, flirting with him and batting my eyelashes at him.
“You’ll see when the time is right.” Pak told me. He was not budging.
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I went and got Apollo. He actually let me help him blow out his candles, I was surprised but pleased.
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Pak went out before Apollo’s birthday and got him a science set. The first thing he did with it was blow something up. I wasn’t too sure the set was a good idea, but Pak thought it was. So I kept quiet.
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At least Apollo was really good with the cats. As is Vera, teach them early and teach them right when it comes to handling pets.
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alejunsu · 4 months
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Two Worlds EP 9 (Wayu x Jao)
Necesito una serie de estos dos!!!
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onlyrainbowshipstbh · 3 months
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Pak, Sunny, Fort, Peat, Aya, and Chanya via Me Mind Y’s Insta!
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