billystorm · 5 months
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some recent kitties, mostly from a campaign im starting up + 1 little snake who snuck into the pile
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scarredlove · 11 months
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Just me...
My boyfriend...
And my beloved Baby Paleberry
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dewclangen · 5 months
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oh they had hearts underneath them. i clicked it then
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bi-loy · 4 days
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Horizon | Aloy x Erend | T Rated | 3 k
The thing with kissing is, Erend doesn’t really have an opinion on it.
It was just… locking of the lips. He’s done it before— A chaste peck from a childhood love when he’d been a reckless kid, or Carja-wine tasting kisses hidden away in the dark corners of the city with a fellow vanguard when he’d become a man. It’s nothing strange— nothing life changing. It’s how you show love, or affection, or whatever other people might want to call it. Everybody does it. Everybody has done it.
…But steel to his soul, kissing Aloy is otherworldly. She reminds him of it all the time, day after day. Like now, for example, when her nose brushes along his in preparation before bringing their lips together.
Read on Ao3
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leavethecookalone · 12 days
Hey there, Louie!
I'm a pioneer workin' for FICSIT Inc. Awhile ago, I got shipped off to a faraway planet full'a dangerous wildlife to work my tail off for the company's profit, riskin' my life in the process.
Relatable, 'm I right?
Anyway, after I took down one a' the hostile local critters, I realized it's got pretty good meat on its bones. Figured you could teach me how ta cook it up! It'd be a good change a' pace from all the plain ol' beryl nuts n' paleberries...
Any recipe ideas'll be mighty appreciated; thank ya kindly!
Interesting..Yes, I can provide.
First, cleave off any tougher scales (primarily of the purple variety) and shave the hair off of everything but the tail.
Sever said tail and either dispose of it or hang it on your mantle, I care little for what you do with it.
Prepare the dish via cutting from the torso of the creature and the upper sections of the legs. Suggestion is grilling, though you can experiment. After all, I've never seen such a creature, so preparation is for you to decide.
Anything else might be a waste, but if you want a few suggestions, I'd advise cooking the legs as well, assuming you're cooking for multiple. To do so, slice the legs horizontally in circular slabs before promptly boiling and or grilling.
Thank you for the ask. Enjoy your meal on the job.
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aerolighte · 4 years
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Memories you’ve shed. Gone for good you feared They’re all around you still. Though they’ve disappeared.
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petalstem · 4 years
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My OCs, layout inspired @maycontainwarriorssalt
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So...here we are! And I refuse to believe that Tonberries are bad! Nothing that cute can be evil! And just to prove it! Another Tonton story!
As the dust cleared the most recent hunt, Tonton shuffled over picking up the spectacles that fell before him, before calling out in a grunt to the man who had lost them.
“Thank you, Tonton,” Ignis called, kneeling before the only member of the Crown's Gaurd that was not a human.
Tonton let out a pleasing huff as his tail wagged, allowing Olive to scoop him up, knowing that it was faster for them to carry him than himself walking, small legs and all. Noctis had given the little guy Crown’s Guard status and last they ran into Iris she promised to make him an attire like the others so that he didn’t feel left out. Such as before when he wasn’t in the blacks like the rest of his team.
“So what’s for dinner Iggy, I’m starving.” Gladiolus huffed.
“Seeing that our provisions are rather low and it is getting late, we are best having Noct catch us dinner,” Ignis stated.
“No prob,” Noctis called summoning his fishing rod. “You up for it, Prompto, Ton?”
The smallest member cheered as Olive handed him over to Noctis, those two loved their fishing. “You remember where we set up camp?”
“Tonton watch over Noct and Prompto,” Ignis called, rather having Gladiolus or Olive go after them, but Gladiolus still needed to set up the tent and Olive needed to go hunt down some herbs until they could get more potions.
Which is why when only the Prince and Photographer returned just before nightfall without a Tonberry it confused everyone at camp.
“Well, he’s a Tonberry, not many things are going to mess with him out here,” Gladiolus stated, setting down his book.
Olive giggled nudging the man, “You’re just as worried as we are, but Gladdy’s right Tonton’s smart.”
“We did get him use to humans think someone picked him up?” Prompto whined, he was very upset that the little green guy went missing on their watch.
“Nah, you see how he is with new people,” Noctis stated. “He knows where we set up camp, he’ll be back before we know it.”
Still, the next hour dragged on as Ignis prepared dinner, once everyone was served did they hear something coming from the darkness, only to see the familiar haunted eyes of one Royal Lucian Tonberry, waddling towards his group.
“There you are!” Prompto cried rushing over to the little guy, scooping him up as Tonton gave a please squeal at getting attention from Prompto. “You had us, worried buddy.”
Tonton gave another squeal, hugging Prompto, before tapping a freckled cheek and then motioning toward the ground. The blonde placed him down, before he waddled just out of the reaches of their fires glow, waving towards something.
Everyone waited on alert, only to see something waddling towards them, only to stare in shock at the two Tonberry babies before him.
“Wait I thought Tonton was a guy,” Gladiolus stated.
Tonton quickly waddled over to Olive pulling at her pant leg, asking her to come over to the two babies. While Tonton came to rest just below Noctis’s knee, these little ones came to rest at Tonton’s shoulder, if not shorter. They also appeared different, one was green still but had a red cloak, while the other was snow white and had a blue cloak on. Both with very long sleeves that was a surprise they didn’t stumble on when they moved.
“Hi, are you friends of Tonton?” Olive smiled kneeling down, only now noticing the white one had a tear on its sleeve. “Were you hurt?” As she reached out the one in red, reached out igniting a small fire, causing the woman to jump back.
“Olive!” “You okay?”
“I’m fine guys.” She giggled, as Tonton moved over to the smaller ones, assuring them that the woman was fine. Only then did the little white one shuffle forward. “I’m sorry did I scare you? Can I see your arm?”
The little one allowed Olive to pick it up, watching as Tonton and it’s friend followed towards her seat.
“Is this why you disappeared, Pug?” Ignis inquired, missing his chef at his side, as Tonton nodded.
Everyone watched as he moved over to the cooler before pulling out an egg, then pointing towards the two smaller Tonberries.
“They just hatched?” Noctis inquired, as Tonton squealed a yes. “So they really are babies.”
“A baby that almost lite, Liv on fire. They don’t look like Tonberries.” Gladiolus stated, watching the red one, who was staring at Olive with the same golden eyes as Tonton as the other healed the pale one in her lap.
“That’s because they’re not Tonberries,” Prompto replied holding up his phone. “The white one is a Paleberry and the red one is Red BonnetBerry, they use magic instead.”
“There you are little one.” Olive smiled finishing the healing to the small on, giving a mending stitch to the sleeve until Ignis could sew it better. “Feel better?”
The Paleberry cooed, looking at the woman with pale blue eyes, it’s small tail wagging underneath its cloak. Turning to its friend with a coo, as Olive set it down so they could inspect each other.
Tonton than moved over to Ignis looking up with bright golden eyes, almost begging as he let out a grunt for Ignis.
“We’re not keeping them,” Ignis replied staring down the Tonberry before him.
Ignis sighed, “All right fine.”
“That quickly Iggy, you losing your edge?” Gladiolus chuckled, as the man moved over to the cooking station filling up Tonton’s plate.
“He makes a very compelling argument,” Ignis replied, as he handed the plate to Tonton, who gave it to the two smaller ones.
The following morning, it wasn’t strange to find the little white one trailing behind Prompto and Ignis as they were always on the move. It even cooed when Prompto picked it up allowing them to see what Ignis was doing at the kitchen table. While the little red one kept an eye on Gladiolus, watching everything the man did with a watchful eye, often scampering away from the man when he turned to it.
It wasn't until everyone was in the car that the little red one seemed to forget it judgment and skittishness it was in awe of the fact of the car. Even being so daring as to sneak in the front seat between Prompto and Ignis.
“Would you like to try?” Ignis asked, raising his arm.
The little red one scampered into his lap, placing their small hands on the wheel like Ignis, standing on tiptoes. Gasping as Ignis lifted them up, so their feet stood on the bottom of the wheel, and they could see out the front.
“Looks like you got it, you’re a much better driver than Noct and Prompto.”
This got the strategist a coo from the Bonnetberry and an offend grunt from the other two.
“I think we should name them if they’re gonna be with us for a bit,” Gladiolus stated, as the little white one sat on the back of the car with Noctis, her little hand holding tightly to Noctis’s jacket so as not to stumble or accidentally get blown from the back of the car.
“We don’t even know what they are.” Olive stated, “We only know Tonton’s a boy because he told us.” She replied referencing when they asked Tonton if he was like Gladiolus or Olive and the little guy pointing towards Gladiolus, this could have also meant that he thought he could take Gladiolus in a fight. “These little ones more than likely don’t know the difference.”
At that moment the ambassador of The Berries woke up from his slumber, poking his head from his carrier with a yawn.
“Morning.” Gladiolus chuckled, as TonTon rubbed an eye. “You wanna help us out, and tell us if these little guys are boys or girls?”
Tonton pointed towards his Moogle charm he got from Iris, then Gladiolus.
“They’re your little sisters?” Prompto asked as Tonton nodded, then pointed to everyone else in the car followed by himself. “You’re gonna take them in like we did you?”
This got the blonde another nod.
“The fact you can understand him is both awesome and terrifying,” Noctis replied, placing a hand on the pale ones back, so she didn’t have to keep clinging to him.
“You said she’s a paleberry and she’s a red bonnetberry?” Olive inquired.
“I believe Ally would be nice for the little paleberry and Bonny for this one here,” Ignis stated, petting the little one's head. “Are you fine with that, Ally, Bonny?”
The two smaller berries let out coos.
With two more berries joining the party, hunts became rather easy, as no one really wanted to tangle with the aggressive fighting style of a regular Tonberry, plus add spell casting berries to the mix, who were learning to use their powers made the battlefield rather dangerous. There were a few times that if someone didn’t get out the way fast enough Bonny might accidentally light them on fire, and Ally ever the sweetheart would try to freeze the flame, accidentally freezing the entire battlefield, which would cause the little Paleberry to panic and tears, as she would cuddle them when they thawed.
Bonny took quite a liking to Gladiolus and often assisted with camping, her job every evening was to start the fire. She was a feisty little thing, and would often fight with Gladiolus, but that only made the duos bond stronger. She also took the role as co-driver, which she took very, very seriously.
While Ally was more sensitive and always enjoyed cuddling, which luckily she wasn’t as chilly as she appeared. She even learned a basic healing spell, not able to heal serious wounds but enough to give comfort until someone could get a potion.
 A backpack was added so that the twins had some place to rest, granted Ally would often sleep in the car’s cooler, surrounding Ignis’s Ebony’s to keep them cool, and handing them out when requested. While Bonny would sleep on the leather seats absorbing the heat.
The duo even got Ignis to make them black cloaks, with a blue hood for Ally and a red one for Bonny.
“Everyone in,” Olive called, as Gladiolus zipped the tent closed. It had started to storm something fierce, fortunately, everyone made it in just as it began to downpour, but dinner was just getting started.
“BonBon mind heating this,” Gladiolus called, pouring a bottle of water into a cup noodle, as the Bonnet Berry wrapped herself around the cup, heating it up.
“Ally,” Ignis called, as the smaller twin climbed into the cooler, flash freezing their suppose dinner so ingredients didn’t go to waste.
“It’s like having our own little kitchen.” Prompto laughed, as Bonny handed him a cup of noodles, while Ally climbed from the cooler, handing a beer to Gladiolus.
The two smaller Berries shrieked as they heard a loud crash of thunder, quickly ducking behind TonTon who petted their backs and heads with soft cooes.
“Poor things.” Olive cooed, only to giggle at another clash of thunder drove the smaller berries to the arms of Noctis and Prompto. “It’s okay, little ones, it’s just a storm.”
As the storm raged on, the duo was placed before Prompto’s phone with Olive’s overhead headphones on to drown out the sound watching a video.
“Maybe we should drop them off with Iris,” Gladiolus replied, this was not the first time that this conversation had come up. “They’re still kids, and we don’t want them to get hurt.”
Tonton nodded, he liked Iris and knew that the smaller Amicitia would protect them.
“The car’s gonna be quieter without them.” Prompto sighed, looking to the two berries huddled together.
“If they’re with Iris, we wouldn’t have to worry about her safety or theirs,” Ignis suggested, as Tonton climbed into his lap. “It’s getting late we’ll discuss this further in the morning.”
As the lanterns turned off for the evening, the two small berries looked towards Tonton as he waddled over sitting beside them, taking up his post of guard. The two removed the headphones as they moved sitting beside their elder brother to join the watch for the evening.
“You’re going to meet Iris tomorrow.”
“Iris?” The younger ones cooed.
“It’s Gladio’s little sister.”
“Like us!” Ally beamed her little blue tail wagging.
“Are we going to be left with her?” Bonny asked.
“Maybe.” Tonton sighed.
“Don’t they like us?” Bonny asked as Ally let out a soft cry.
“Of course, that’s why they want you to go with Iris you’ll be safer, and won’t get hurt,” Tonton explained.
“I like it here.” Ally cried. “I promise not to freeze anyone again.”
“Ally.” Bonny sighed as her little sister stopped her whining. “Is Iris nice?”
“Very,” Tonton called. “You should get some sleep.”
Ally waddled over to Gladiolus, having a little trouble crawling up the man, only to have him in his sleep pull her onto his chest. While Bonny moved over to Ignis snuggling underneath his arm. The two would eventually make it across the tent by morning, but it sucked this was their last night together as a family.
“Come on Ally,” Noctis called, as the little Paleberry clung tightly to his shirt, burying her head into his shoulder as she gave her whine of Noctis.
“They’re normally not like this,” Olive replied, trying to help Prompto pull a growling Bonnet Berry from his shirt too.
Tonton waddled over letting out a grunt, as the two immediately let go of the two shirts.
“Don’t be this way,” Ignis replied petting Bonny’s head.
Bonny whined, Ignis was the smart one, he’d want her around.
“I don’t think they want to leave you,” Iris stated.
Tonton stared his little sisters down, as they whined before walking over to Iris, who scooped them up.
“Are you sure you want to leave them?” Iris asked, the two clinging to the young woman.
Olive moved over stroking the two’s back, “We’ll be back soon. Promise.” The woman gasped as both berries jumped from Iris’s arms, hugging the woman tightly, letting out soft cries in her shoulders. “Oh come now don’t cry.” She whimpered tears appearing in her eyes. “You’ll be safer here.”
“We don’t have to leave them here right?” Prompto cried, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“We never did ask them what they want,” Noctis replied.
The two younger berries jumped from Olive’s arms, before quickly waddling over to Ignis and Gladiolus, hugging the tallest’s legs.
Gladiolus groaned, “Looks like we really don’t have a choice.”
“It’s your call Noct,” Ignis replied.
It was lucky that the Regalia was a spacious car, as five humans and three berries made the car a little cramped. Tonton looked over his family, Bonny was taking selfies with Prompto, where she would bounce back over to help Ignis drive later when the man would request an Ebony from Ally, who would with Noctis’s help bounce over to Gladiolus to climb down to the cooler, and get the can which she would chill to the correct temp and hand to Olive to give to Ignis.
Tonton smile as he curled up on Olive’s lap, his family was strange, but they were his.
Tonton is mostly nocturnal, but the twins are not
A new battle strategy is to pick up the nearest Berry and throw it in the air
Ally gives you a Snow Storm or hail
Bonny gives you firestorms
Tonton gets you a missile of death
Bonny is considered the hothead
But Ally has taken down a courel by herself
You don’t mess with her big brothers!
Everyone learned Bonny is fireproof when she walked into the fire to get a dropped smores
There was a lot of screaming
Like a lot
You don’t understand! There was a lot!
For whatever reason Chocobos aren’t afraid of this group of berry
Tonton will hold the little one's hands so you may have a Bonnetberry holding a lantern and a Paleberry holding a knife
Like a good older brother, he has taught them how to use a knife
This is horrifying to nearly everyone else
Bonny absolutely adores Cor!
Cor is worried that the team keeps gaining Berries
Ally thinks Lunafreya is so pretty!
She has a characterized pin on that backpack that is of Oracle
Gladiolus gave each of them a nickname
Tonton: Little Fucker
Bonny: Smaller Fucker
Ally: Snowball
When asked why Ally doesn’t have a name that matches the others Gladiolus stated
She’s the good one
They both have little dresses because they wanted to have fancy clothes like Big Brother Tonton
Iris makes 90% of them
They pay Iris with their share of the money from hunts
Bonny doesn’t like people touching the Regalia!
They have to go through her first!
Looking at you Cindy!
She will set you on fire!
The berries love cuddles! 
Strange considering most Tonberry aren’t social
Depending on the weather, either Ally or Bonny will act as A/C or a heater
TonTon has taught the twins how to scare Gladiolus
Gladio will wake up in the middle of the night to two golden eyes staring at him, so he’ll roll over and has woken the team up when meeting the glowing blue pair 
The blue eyes only woke up because her bedding shifted and woke her up.
She didn’t mean to scare him
Both Tontoon and Bonny have agreed
Gladiolus is a beautiful soprano
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suosopuli-blog · 2 years
“About getting inked? Yeah, I’ve thought about it,” Erend replied casually, smacked his lips, and rubbed his chin, giving a mocking impression of pensiveness.
Kotallo’s normally stoic features were suddenly the picture of slyness.
“If you need more persuasion, I am happy to provide it,” the Tenakth assured and picked up a cluster of paleberries from a bowl. “For example, ink accentuates muscles.”
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maimedmarshal · 2 years
❰❰ ALMOST ❱❱ our muses almost kiss but don’t or are interrupted before they do
It had become something of a dance, this unspoken attraction between them. Chance would find them close, and either circumstance or lost nerve would have them pull away each time. Noses nearly brushing, quiet murmurs meant for each other's ears alone. Shared laughter, long lingering stares. They watched each other like Red-eyes, both struggling to glean the thoughts that went unsaid.
He would not pursue this, Kotallo told himself. She was Aloy, but she was also Hekarro's Champion, She-Who-Flies-On-The-Wings-Of-The-Ten. And he...was a broken man. Maimed, and no matter how many battles he won to prove his worth, that fact would never change. What she could possibly see in him was a mystery never to be solved.
But he could not deny himself the dance. He orbited around her like a lost planet to the sun. And watching her as he did, he couldn't help but notice she was watching him, too.
They were bent shoulder-to-shoulder over the war room table discussing something as benign as tactics against the Zeniths when they both turned at the same time. He froze even as her eyes widened in surprise. They'd never been so close before. He felt drawn closer until he could taste the pine and winter paleberries she used for soap on his tongue. He licked at his lips for just another sample of the flavor even as Aloy leaned closer.
"I hope I'm not interrupting."
Their Zenith ally watched them from the doorway, her lips pulled back in a smile as Aloy flinched away and Kotallo straightened. It didn't escape the Marshal's notice the way the blonde woman's eyes lingered on his Commander, on the flush in her cheeks. There was no teasing softness to her gaze, but a predatory devouring that had Kotallo barely restraining a growl. Aloy was not his to defend, and she had no need for it.
"We were just planning for tomorrow," Aloy said, rushing to explain their closeness while managing to sound all the while like a child caught doing something she was told not to.
"Were you?" Tilda asked. Kotallo had heard faux patience before. He had many misgivings about this supposed ally, but Aloy was determined to see they all behaved. It would not be by his hand that their tenuous peace was fractured. Still, it was difficult not to resent the woman's poor timing.
Pale, olive-tinged eyes flickered over to meet Kotallo's stern gaze. He could feel her sizing him up. A glance at his missing arm let him know she found him lacking. His right hand fisted on the table and Tilda noted the motion with a subtle smirk. There, then gone.
"Perhaps I can be of more assistance. I know the lay of the land." Without invitation, Tilda strode into the room, a place Kotallo had come to see as a safe haven. She desecrated it with her presence. Worse, she moved between the pair and pointed to a place on the map. "I think you'll find it more prudent to enter here. No offense to the good Marshal's tactical prowess."
Kotallo had no doubt she meant offense. For Aloy's sake, he only nodded his head. "Of course."
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theblueescapist · 5 years
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behindthestrings · 3 years
//A certain paleberry might attempt to pin a certain pink haired espada.
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//He's more than welcome. <3
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dewclangen · 5 months
Paleberry's tail scars
almost looks like string
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bi-loy · 3 months
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Writing Masterpost 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
Just wanted to put my writing here for easy access
1. Call It Fate, Call It Karma – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 2k] Erend's thoughts while marching down to the zeniths
2. Where Steel Bends, (And Fire Burns) – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 8k] ⭐️ Filling in the six months between hzd and hfw
3. Allow – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 9k, E] ⭐️ One shot pwp
4. Venus As A Boy – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 12k, E] Sex incense fic
5. ARTEMIS Log - Ursus Arctos – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 11k] After NEMESIS, Erend raises bear cubs for ARTEMIS. Aloy is there to watch the ride.
6. Amongst The Golden Sand– [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 2k] Aloy gets called into Hidden Ember by Erend early in the morning. He sounds eager. Is he planning something?
7. Swept Under – [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 2k, E] Aloy counts the times Erend has been tender
8. Paleberry-sweet - [Horizon, Aloy/Erend, 3k] There's something to kissing Aloy Erend cant get enough of
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mcalhenwrites · 5 years
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I need to do a proper “Master Post” of FF/KH related crochet sometime with several group photos, when the house gets its repairs finished. Everything’s pretty much in storage atm. Maybe by then, I’ll have Ignis for Latt done, and maybe Chirithy and the flan heartless, too? It’s never-ending, isn’t it? :P Mind, I hope to have Ignis mailed out before then, too. I feel like I’m forgetting some things in this as well. I can’t do a group photo with a few of these because they’re gifts (or commissions I had long ago), but I still have the pictures of Ardyn and all those chocobos!  KH: shadow heartless, shop moogles (khux and normal) WoFF: moogle, baby tonberry, baby paleberry, cactuar FFIX: moogle with book FFXV: Ardyn Izunia, moogle from carnival, chocobos from carnival, Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, carbuncle
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keepermcge · 5 years
@reynndiant 🌸💕🌸
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“Reeeynnn... Reynn! Hey, Reynn!” His index finger lightly prods his older sister’s shoulder a couple of times; although he’s quick to cower back, afraid she might snap instead of groan and roll her eyes.  
He tilts his head inquisitively, a question forming on the tip of his tongue. “Reynn what do you prefer more Santa or ‘Reynndeer’- Uh, Reindeer!”  He quickly covers his tracks, biting his bottom lip, glancing away for a moment. 
She would probably be annoyed at the question because the choices were for something a while away... but! His little project was gonna take a while. He had made small stuffed animals before and a few little accessories, but making a shirt? From scratch? It would take a while even if he asked assistance from a certain fox and pixie. 
And Lann was planning on making three sweaters on top of that! Three ugly Christmas sweaters. 
Reynn’s was going to be pink with Moogles with antlers; he had sort of wanted to do Cactuars; it would look nice... but no way dude! He doesn’t wanna get slugged so Moogles were the safe choice! 
Wyn’s was going to be light purple with Baby Behemoth’s and Christmas Lights and his was going to be dark blue with Baby Paleberry’s and Snowflakes. 
He thought it would be a good contrast! He had them all made out! ...In his head... but Lann was hoping when the time came they could all wear them... 
They wouldn’t be quite ugly Christmas sweaters without something else... hence he was thinking of adding another design on the trim of the shirt, an actual Christmas symbol! He’d ask her and then Wyn between Penguin’s and Snowman, and whatever they didn’t choose he’d choose between. 
Of course, he is sort of scared they’ll reject the idea once he’s done, but... he wants to do something as a family... like they used too... 
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