#palestine was stolen
spiritofmultitudes · 8 months
When the British starved India
When the British starved the Irish
When America starved Afghanistan
When USA UK Canada Australia EU starved Palestine
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akajustmerry · 9 months
that report on Zionists abducting blonde Palestinian children to be "adopted" by Zionists makes me physically shake. I'm an Aboriginal person with extended family who were abducted by the "Australian" government decades ago and put up for "adoption" by whites as part of what is now known as the Stolen Generations. All Aboriginal children, but especially those who were lighter in features, were the target of this genocidal assimilation policy. The colonial legacy of Aboriginal child abduction on my peoples is an intergenerational abyss of cultural loss, the destruction of bloodlines, despair and grief that is still felt by every First Nations person in the country today. To be alive and witness another Indigenous people experience the same destruction by practically the same hand drowns me in anguish. Fuck settler colonial projects. Death to all of them. They're all the fucking same. Land Back for every First Nations peoples living under occupation, from Palestine to so-called Australia.
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fairuzfan · 10 months
i have a special hatred for liberal zionists who say "you're not helping Palestinians" and pretending to advocate for us. keep our names out of your mouth. you do not speak for us. only talking about how you feel victimized while we watch people die of bombardment and starvation. i would rather you admit your selfishness than for you to pretend to care about us only to use us for your own self interests.
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mythica-ithaca · 30 days
You can’t condemn gun violence while arming war criminals to use in crimes against humanity, you can’t condemn your opponent as a fascist while supporting a right-wing ethnonationalist state committing genocide, you can’t say every voice matters while silencing Palestinians.
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Pro-Palestinian supporters are calling for a second real estate event planned north of Toronto to be called down over concerns it involves the selling of land in the occupied West Bank. On Sunday, dozens of people gathered near the Aish Hatorah synagogue in Thornhill, Ont., to protest an event that organizers say was aimed at helping people in the Toronto area buy property in Israel. They were met with pro-Israeli counterprotesters and Jewish leaders took issue with the Sunday protest taking place outside a synagogue. But pro-Palestinian protesters say companies associated with the event market property in the West Bank, where over two million Palestinians live under Israel's military occupation, according to the United Nations (UN). A similar event is expected to take place Thursday at another synagogue in the area. It is unclear whether the two events are connected. "We weren't there because it's a synagogue, we were there because we were protesting against a real estate show," said Ghada Sasa, who was at the protest over the weekend. 
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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moran-with-a-g · 5 months
Do the antisemites that invaded the pro-palestinian movement know the origin of the word Palestine is from the Hebrew root פ.ל.ש, the root for the word invaders? Do they know it's based on Philistia, the name given to the region that's based after the Philistines? Do they know we don't actually know the actual name the Philistines called themselves, and that we called them that as an insult, because it's from the same root as invaders?
Like do you realise all this time the name of this land was "invaded" while we weren't here? When you try to claim Jews have no connection to the Levant do you realise what you're claiming? This is driving me insane.
(this is NOT saying palestinians aren't natives and don't deserve a country of their own, and I will block anyone who reblogs this trying to claim that)
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videodrome-fag · 2 months
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Do you crochet? Do you want to help a family of 6 evacuate Gaza and reunite with family in Egypt? Cool! All the information on who this is for and how to donate and send receipts is here in this public Canva doc (you do not need a Canva account to view it.)
I am the campaign manager of this GoFundMe for Maysaa Balousha on behalf on Mahmoud Balousha, a name you perhaps recognize as he was one of the recent victims of a racist smear campaign by @writing-prompt-s, a delightful piece of human refuse who couldn't be bothered to check a single shred of information on Mahmoud or the many, many layers of verification he's gone through to prove to the world he's a real person with multiple family members at risk of death in Gaza.
I have posted exhaustively about Mahmoud and his campaigns, with dozens of receipts and screenshots of our conversations, so I won't belabor the point here much more. You can check the pinned post on my profile for more information, and there are receipts and information in the Canva doc, as well.
TLDR: Donate $5 to save a family in Gaza and get a really fucking cool crochet pattern. This offer is valid until August 9th, after which I'm retiring this pattern and cycling in a different one.
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redvelvetwishtree · 1 year
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I am still not over a video I saw where they literally picked people from New York and other states to go and populate Israel. They literally have to ask people from other countries to move there and occupy Palestinian land...like ???
The videos of settlers running away from homes (that they occupied) and running to the airport makes you question sooo much and yet no one seems to want to open their eyes.
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i-am-aprl · 6 months
What’s there to say?
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HUGEEE ass s3ph0r@ haul!! My biggest makeup haul to date. I’m so lucky & proud of my new goodies!!!
Total: fuck if I know✨
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spiritofmultitudes · 4 months
When a country is invaded the occupiers and attackers don’t just target military bases. That’s why civilians are being killed in huge numbers. Not because hamas is everywhere , but becaue the invaders are killing city by city, hospital by hospital. The settler colonial expansionist ionists are safe behind their iron dome, leeching the blood of American taxpayers. For what? For American imperialism and to destabilise the Middle East? For oil? For the military industrial complex?
Why are Americans and Palestinians suffering for this? Don’t pretend it’s for an injustice because there is no excuse for genocide. Murdering children’s in their tens of thousands isn’t self defence.
What a terrible indictment of American and i$raeli culture- subjugating and terrorising and invading countries all over the world. Look to genocides and you will find most have links to imperial aims and profit.
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news4dzhozhar · 4 months
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didthekingdieyet · 10 months
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as someone with a platform i would like to remind all of you that this blog stands for the freedom of the palestinian people, by any means necessary. if you are able to. please donate to different pro gaza funds. if not, i get it. if you can please contact those representing you to ask for a ceasefire and to support the palestinian people against the genocide being committed. check to see if there are supportive protests in your area. do not let palestine go quietly into the night. 
educational resource
donate here
this blog has. and always will be, a liberatory space. please feel free to add additional resources and remember it is a privilege for us to be able to set our phones down and separate ourselves from this genocide.
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lecoindecachou · 10 months
Americans constantly harassing and threatening Israelis over their government's treatment of Palestine while at the same time getting ready to celebrate their own country's history of genocide in the houses their families only own bc the land was stolen from its righteous owners has to be the biggest irony of all time.
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