#pallbearers at vs at
dimmeddown · 3 months
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Psycho - Muse I could use someone like you / Someone who'll kill on my command / And asks no questions […] I'm in control, motherfucker, do you understand?
Counting Bodies Like Sheep - A Perfect Circle Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums 
Gunshot - Instrumental Core [Gunshot, instrumental]
MYEN - EQUI - No More Comedowns [Repair cubicle regeneration, instrumental]
The Hex Core - Pentakill [Returning to service, instrumental]
Like Spinning Plates - Radiohead And this just feels like spinning plates
Sugarbread - Soap&Skin Ich spür mich nicht mehr (ENG: I do not feel myself anymore)
Pallbearer - Bong-Ra vs Igorrr [This eats at you, instrumental]
Beside You In Time - Nine Inch Nails I can feel me start to fade away […] This goes on (and on) / And on (and on)
Goodbye (Instrumental) - Apparat [Time marches onward, instrumental]
Track downloads available on google drive, and mediafire.
Also viewable on AO3
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A Bewitching Tale
I adore character art with story driven and expressive elements; art that isn't just nice to look at but leaves me wondering about the character: how did they end up in that situation? What is their world like? How do they interact with everything that makes their world? What is their personality, their talents, their roles? Such things can be what collectively create the visual narrative of a design, particularly when combined with storyboards or additional panels depicting the character in context using abstract knowledge of concepts, such as 3D objects that are universally known, to relate information to the viewer (Cohn, 2013).
I am in love with this character concept by Alexander Skripnikov (2023), (fig.1). It's a humorous portrayal of a witch who seems to lavishly enjoy causing a little mischief with her undead powers, also using them in unconventional ways as a means of transport; a pallbeared coffin is a refreshing alternative to the classic broomstick!
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Fig. 1 Witch by Alexander Skripnikov
The personality sketch panels on the right are a great way of portraying the practical use of her magic and her traits. The panels also help build the visual narrative around this character, but also impressively, these elements are also presented in the main concept through design. Her dark suit has stylistic nods to 17th century fashion (when witch scares were at large (Schons, 2022)), as seen with Wenceslaus Hollar's etching "illustrating the commonwear of 17th century ladies in England" (1640), (fig. 2).
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Fig. 2 Etching by Wenceslaus Hollar
Skripnikov seems to push the classic design in a way that captures the fear and terror of women gaining more independence and power by creating a more masculine cut and using a ruffled cravat: the cravat, with its regal and militaristic origins, was donned mostly by men at that time (Le Blanc, 1828). Skripnikov's character, while defiant in her style, still embraces the feminine with a long wide skirt, emphasised waistline and a delicate shoe, (although men also wore delicate heels at that time (Peoples, L. 2015)).
The brass buttons, large belt buckle, utilitarian bag and magical tools hint at an independent and handy woman. The defiant smile and confidence of her posture, despite what must be a ridiculously heavy prop, further reinforce that independence and strength.
The coffin prop is both hilarious and brilliant. She's ditched the broomstick, which can be representative of housework, and seems to be able to summon undead men to do her bidding: a satirical turn of the tables, and a good use of Levi-Strauss’ (1908 - 2009) binary opposition of Man vs. Woman in cultural narrative structures, which is seen again in the panel where she is summoning her army to chase off the men with pitchforks, probably engaged in a witch-hunt.
 The coffin and ornament in the shape of sacred geometry are in the Gothic style famously used in cathedrals. The style choice is wonderfully blasphemous for a woman with a god-like ability: she holds the literal the key to unlocking the chains of death and also hints at proficiency with the ability through the pose of her fingers manipulating the flaming skull.
Overall, this design seems to be a fun take on the classic narrative of women embracing what was once feared of them; summed up in, what seems to me, the exaggerated point of her traditional witches' hat as a playful middle finger to extreme patriarchy. Which in turn may describe the challenges and role of a Witch presented in a character concept piece that uses history, pop culture, shape and colour to tell a narrative that is a blend of universal and individual experiences. All this may be conjecture on my part, but therein lies my next argument, is what I experienced analysing this work intentional on Skripnikov's part beyond the shared abstract knowledge? Were they just creating a fun design and had subconsciously included these symbols? Controlling the experience of the viewer is something that directors and artists struggle with, in trying to solve this problem Rico Garcia et al. (2022) have created an AI powered electroencephalography (EEG)-based emotion recognition system, which can by-pass audience biases by directly reading electrical activity in the brain and thereby intuitively guide the viewer into the emotional state the content creator desires by selecting from multiple outcomes. This sits more in the realm of interactive storytelling, but with the way technology is advancing, I can’t help but feel excited about the future integration of AI to guide viewers into a desired emotional or cognitive state perhaps even through a series of images/panels or changeable props in concept design or comics. 
Concept art is already evolving to be more than representations, for example 3D animations that can relate more information, or perhaps even working simulations for pre-visualising interactive media, but at the heart of it is visual narrative and how much can be conveyed from the simplest design to the more complex. While technology may not be advanced enough to non-invasively alter experiences in every electronic medium, for now by being aware of the cultural and psychological impact of visual narratives, my concept art will become richer and more informed and can break the barrier of the expected, or intentionally embrace the familiar, and somewhat guide the viewer into my intended narrative. 
COHN, N. (2013). 'Visual Narrative Structure'. Cognitive Science. [Online] Volume 37. (Issue 3). pp 413-604. Available from: https://doi-org.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/10.1111/cogs.12016  [Accessed: 06 October 2023]
LE BLANC, H. (1828) The art of tying the cravat: demonstrated in sixteen lessons, including thirty-two different styles, forming a pocket manual … preceded by a history of the cravat from its origin to the present time … and remarks on its influence on society in general. [Online] London : Effingham Wilson. Available from: https://archive.org/details/b22018967/page/12/mode/2up [Accessed: 02 October 2023]
PEOPLES, L. (2015) A History Of Men In Heels In 18 Stunning Pairs. [Online] Available at: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/history-of-men-in-heels [Accessed: 02 October 2023] 
RICO GARCIA, O.D., FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ, J., BECERRA SALDANA, R.A., WITKOWSKI, O. (2022). 'Emotion-Driven Interactive Storytelling: Let Me Tell You How to Feel'. In: MARTINS, T., RODERIGUEZ-FERNANDEZ, N., REBELO, S.M. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design. EvoMUSART 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13221. Cham: Springer. pp 259–274 https://doi-org.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/10.1007/978-3-031-03789-4_17
SCHONS, M. (2022) Witch Trials in the 21st Century. [Online] Available at: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/witch-trials-21st-century/ [Accessed: 02 October 2023] 
Image References:
HOLLAR, W. (1640). Ornatus muliebris Anglicanus, Plate 21; The severall habits of English women, from the nobilitie: to the contry woman, as they are in these times. [Etching on Paper]. Available at:  https://www.robzangerrarebooks.com/pages/books/273/wenceslaus-hollar/ornatus-muliebris-anglicanus-plate-21-the-severall-habits-of-english-women-from-the-nobilitie-to [Accessed: 02 October 2023] 
SKRIPNIKOV, A. (2023). Witch. [Digital Artwork]. [Online]. Available at:  https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xYGBY2 [Accessed: 02 October 2023] 
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moyalucom · 2 years
Pallbearers At The Funeral of Higher Education
Pallbearers At The Funeral of Higher Education
Accreditation as compared to education is a topic/situation that continues to germinate in our country today. Our future posterity is based solely upon the whims and needs of corporate America – so it seems. Let’s take a look at the decline of our educational system as opinionated by several Philly college professors, shall we… There is a lot of hope. “Something’s going to change,” says Randy…
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mrsgojosatoru · 2 years
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really REALLY interesting the way western media choses to frame the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh. Note the killed by Israel forces use vs the passive was shot. Interesting. Shot by who? 
The people tear gassing her funeral perhaps? The people getting violent with her pallbearers? 
I haven’t seen much on this on my dash today, though admittedly I just got home. The funeral of Shireen Abu Akleh was a massive event for Palestinians, by some estimates there hadn’t been this outpouring of national grief over a public figure since the death of Yasser Arafat. At her funeral, where people had gathered to mourn, Israel attacked her funeral. After they denied murdering her and tried to blame it on Palestinians.  It’s fucking disgusting and unreal but what can I expect of colonizers? 
And what can I expect of a genocidal colonizer state but to support another colonizer state. 
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thatiranianphantom · 4 years
Veronica let Betty stay at her house. 
She gave her the ransom money she needed to save her mother. 
She drank poison for Betty.
She helped Betty cover up a “murder”.
Jughead kept the secret of Archie and Ms. Grundy
He left town to make sure Archie was safe. 
He forgave Archie for kissing Betty without question.
He wrote Archie’s dad’s obituary and was a pallbearer for his funeral. 
Putting the issue of Bughead vs. Barchie completely aside, this is cheating, and it is so profoundly unfair to Jughead and Veronica. 
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valleydean · 3 years
happy doc holliDay!! I was just rewatching tombstone and I noticed that val kilmer’s delivery of The Line is kind of ambiguous as to whether he’s saying huckleberry or huckle bearer because of his accent… what is your stance on the berry vs. bearer debate? also was kilmer doing that on purpose?? superb either way
happy holliday holiday!!! idk do you think i did enough for his birthday? do you think he'd be satisfied with it? he's a leo :/ lmaoo
val kilmer's delivery of that line is iconic, first of all. second of all, so happy you were rewatching tombstone! but to answer your question, it's not a debate lol. it's "huckleberry." so, that line wasn't original to the movie. doc holliday actually did say that to johnny ringo. (a lot of lines in that scene, and especially the ok corral scenes, are historically accurate or shortened versions of the historically accurate lines. for example, in the scene right before the ok corral when wyatt says it isn't doc's fight and doc says "that's a hell of a thing for you to say to me." that's correct, but after that is supposed to be "it's going to be a tough kind." "tough kinds are the kind i like." and then in the ok corral, the other iconic line of "you're a daisy if you do." it was actually "i've got you now, holliday." "blaze away, you're a daisy if you have." so, they're somewhat accurate or very closely accurate lines of dialogue. but anyway!! that's not what you asked!!)
but yeah, doc did actually say "i'm your huckleberry. that's just my game." in the most iconic two sentences ever spoke in the history of time. i've answered this question before on here, so sorry to be repeating myself. but the phrase "i'm your huckleberry" was southern slang at the time, and doc was obviously a southern man. but the phrase was an answer to a challenge or a game, such a poker or racing, etc. it was like, "i'll play your game." but it also had a double meaning because, back then, pallbearers would use huckleberry wood to carry out a coffin. so the phrase also meant, "i'll put you in your grave." so when johnny ringo was looking for a gunfight, doc basically said pointblank, "i accept your challenge and i'll win."
so yeah, it's pretty firmly "huckleberry."
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doomedandstoned · 3 years
Moscow Melodic Doomer Moanhand Surprises with Striking First Album
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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Though MOANHAND has been active since at least 2016, it was only this year that I became aware of multiinstrumentalist Roman Filatov's stirring experimental doom-sludge project. To call it a project feels like a slight, for 'Present Serpent' (2021) is a revelation. And I don't cast such remarks lightly.
The six-chapter epic coils like a rattler warning you of impending doom ahead if you dare tread further. "Serpent Soul (A Tale of Angels' Slaughter)" features swift, strumming chords that feel like they could be a dozen peeved Ophidia looking for a fresh ankle to bite. There's no escaping once these fangs dig in, either. Might as well settle in and see what happens next, for not all serpents kill. This adder bears a tale indeed, carried by a compelling mix of mournfully appealing clean singing and caustic, venomous vocals that made me think of Enslaved as their wickedest.
"The Charmthrower" goes straight for the jugular with harsh shrieks of pained emotion. This one is perfect for your next spiritual catharsis. Unbelievably, there is a salve to this course track with a soulful, healing vibe that I shall happily compare to Apostle of Solitude. I've yet to comment on the dark floor of doom riffage and dire drumming that has given this track its sturdy foundation. The instrumental theme is beyond moving and opens Moanhands telltale devil vs. angel crooning, complete with a most haunting chorus. Tastefully, the song dissipates not with a fade, but with acoustic reprise of the beautifully dismal central motif.
Next we take on "Nightwings" and we're flying right into Khemmis and Warning territory, with a ballad of august glory, accented by lilting vocal harmonies and supreme skills on the strings. The song presents with a warmth and sympathy uncharacteristic even for choice melodic doom.
"Endless Embrace" is another number that wears heart on sleeve. This far into the album, the more stoic among us may have had just about had our fill of "feeling" -- enough to trigger one of those Alien chestbusters that's been aching to rip right through your rib cage. But don't give up on the song quite yet, beloved Doomer, for it holds a bounty of menacing treasure further along in the cavernous second-half.
"Raw Blessings" steps out at a true Pallbearer's pace, this time with a searing guitar solo (with gorgeous tone) as prelude to the lyrics. I can really appreciate the basswork here, probably because it's slow enough for me to really take notice of and be gripped by its wallshaking force.
Our doomed excursion finishes grandly with "The Boomerang of Serpents," which was another one of the singles. If you haven't put two and two together by now, there is a certain meditation we've been having on these sleek, limbless reptiles. And if you reflect for long enough, there's plenty of metaphor to be had throughout the album. How telling that the snake has so fastened itself to human poetry, myth, folklore, and religious texts.
The tenor here is at once grim and urgent, with devilishly downtuned bass and guitar strings doubling in effect to rumble right through your gut. There is little respite to be found in the lungs of singer/songwriter Roman Filatov this time. This is a churning den of disquiet. The vipers are striking with passion, composed equal parts of spiteful rage and deeply troubling sorrow. Few tracks have so accurately captured the mood of doom as to arrive on my personal "Depressed As Fuck" playlist, but this one has done it. I can't even think of a more striking emotional passage than the last three minutes of this song.
Moanhand's Present Serpent is a keeper, alive with poignant feeling, heart-rending affectation, and inspired heights of grandeur. For me, at least, it was a profoundly moving experience taken in from beginning to end (and in repeated listening sessions). It will go high on my Top 25 submissions to the Doom Charts council toward month's end, and with any luck will hold steady in Doomed & Stoned's HeavyBest of 2021. Roman is a sensitive musician and an accomplished vocalist. Here's hoping that circumstances will usher him to a stage near us in the future.
Look for the record to drop on Friday, June 18th on CD, cassette tape, and digital format via Burning Shine Records (get it here). For the hours leading up to its release, Doomed & Stoned is giving you this exclusive listen.
Give ear...
Present Serpent by Moanhand
Some Buzz
Hailing from Moscow, musician/songwriter Roman Filatov is the one-man intermediary of rising metal behemoth, Moanhand.
Created in 2016 as a vehicle for Filatov to flex his musical muscle and classically tempered mind, he has since gone on to produce an imposing catalogue in recent years. Always under the radar and autonomous-in-action, his talents have culminated most recently in the release of Plague Sessions, an EP recorded live at Pentagram House Studio, in 2019.
But 2021 sees the arrival of his biggest project yet.
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“I’ve always tried to avoid putting myself into boxes when making music,” explained Filatov recently. “Present Serpent is definitely a hybrid of genres. It’s not just a doom, sludge or stoner album. There are a lot of different influences from black/death metal, post-metal, classical and even pop music. It’s as melodic as it is brutal.”
Written, arranged, performed and programmed by Filatov himself, there’s no question that as an album, Present Serpent is the apex of an almighty creative offering, and a truly dynamic piece of work that demands your attention.
Present Serpent will be officially released on 18th June 2021 on Burning Shine.
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yuissamidare · 4 years
aight im alive.
dressrosa was super good!!! i really enjoyed almost everything about it (hello sabo i will invite u to my funeral as a pallbearer so u can let me down one last time) but other than that everything was incredible! im really amazed at all the little details oda put here and there - like his doffys god strings are a callback to his childhood and the man who cried about his children getting shot sixteen times, or how luffys gear fourth is reminiscent of apsara and divinities who protect humans in the face of unjust gods. i really enjoyed the build up and new revelations about law and the development of his childhood with cora (and as u can see by my essay in simp chat i find cora very fascinating as study for how he was willing to become an enemy of an entire world for the sake of law despite his own lack of self worth, and it does provide some insight as to why law saved luffy in marineford. ace and cora are so similar in that way)
senor pink was a Delight and i love his fight with franky and them just basically just having a dick measuring contest bc franky... Is Not hardboiled. hes open and empathetic and caring in contrast to senor pink cold and callous demeanor. two people who express themselves in very different ways and are like. the two most popular depictions of manliness in pop culture duking it out (the over the top-american parody vs the mysterious sasuke-esqe detective type) and it was amazing i loved every part of it.
and i LOVED rebecca. like her outfits shit but i loved rebecca and im so happy she got her happy ending too, i think shes one of the better characters in the arc and i love her relationship with both kyros and luffy. luffy himself is a symbol of happiness for rebecca and i love that oda showed that by making sunflowers a reoccurring theme - oda says luffys assigned flower is a sunflower, he wears sunflowers all through the arc, sunflowers are always present when shes talkingbor reminiscing about happy days... Bruh. Poetry. shes just a kid who hates fighting and was under the eyes of the entire world who hated her for no fault of her own (like ace, like luffy) and needed to protect herself in any way possible. while kyros hated himself so much, he needed to do something to prove that he was was worthy of being a parent and by rebbys side, by fighting for her so she doesnt need to fight for herself anymore, but will let herself be protected. i love them. and im happy robin got to see a parent/child reunion when she was denied one in her past.
all of the side characters are amazing. great arc. loved it. luffys floral shirt was sexy as hell 10/10 thank u oda
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itttsarkanyokvannak · 5 years
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Bong-Ra vs. Igorrr - Tombs / Pallbearer
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relationshipidiot · 6 years
King Push v. 6ixGod
OCTOBER 12, 2016
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H.G.T.V. FREESTYLE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Half a year later, still ain't heard an album greater The natives want me out of the office, back on the pavement Jokers at the top know the king is nothin' to play with 9 to 5 money is just as sweet as the grave shift El presidenté, Blowbama, blow by ya Chopper next to me in every picture, Osama Oh mama, they question my starting line up You only find a diamond from diggin' like coal miners Don't listen to 'em, Desiigner The same rappers talkin' next year will be Uber drivers (Fuck 'em) Chanel dad hats, but you don't know that they got 'em Trap door shopper, they rotate the wall So you will never see me as you rotate the mall 330 spin, cook a steak up on this grill Me myself and I, we like a hamster in the wheel Rolls emblem, Black Virginia Pull in a neighborhood I don't blend in Album of the year contender every year The kitchen's full of work, it's blenders everywhere Blended bitches everywhere that do the most They never seen with him so they fuck his ghost Invisible man, timepiece with the invisible hands MJ, remember the time they counted in sand hourglass But mine come with purse and heels And the DIY Gucci with the crest and shields 
It's too far gone when the realest ain't real I walk amongst the clouds so your ceilings ain't real These niggas Call of Duty cause their killings ain't real With a questionable pen so the feelin' ain't real Rap's John Grisham I can paint the picture with the words if you listen (shh) The bar's been lowered, the well's run dry They beefin' over melodies, but no, not I (yugh) See I'm so top 5 If they factor in the truth I just might blow by Blowbama
~~~~~~~~~~~TWO BIRDS W ONE STONE by DRAKE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
OCTOBER 29, 2016
More time with family and friends, more life
More time to get it right
It's only me, but I'm seeing four shadows in the light
My demons visit me every night
To the most high, I'm forever indebted
I know I gotta pay somethin', I know that day's comin'
I put it all in the music
Because if I don't say it here, then I won't say nothin'
Could feel my hand getting tired from holding the grudges
Two birds, one stone, my aim is amazin'
I need to start losing my shit on you niggas that's hatin'
Too reserved, like I called ahead for me and my lady
Free C5, how the fuck we got the boss waiting?
Ever since the blue basement, I found God and I lost patience
Between rocks and hard places of all places
Spotted everywhere, like Dalmatian
Cops snoop around now, 'cause all of my dogs famous
Please welcome the October fall baby
Vaughan Road Academy, star player—my mind's not all there
Used to carry a lot of dead weight like a pallbearer
People too scared to tell the truth, so it's all dares
Count it, it's all there, and we all square
Quick money, I'm in and out
My dad used to use a soap bar 'til it's thinnin' out
But, shit, look at Dennis now
All Stacy Adams and linnen'd out
More blessings for Sandy and him, more life
My parents never got it right
But God bless 'em both, I think we all alike
We all wide awake late at night, thinking on what to change
If we do get to do it twice in another life
Scared to go to sleep now
'Cause being awake is what all my dreams were like
Back when the bar that I had set for myself was out of sight
Tell me how I went and did chin-ups
On this shit when I can't see it
Pin-ups of Meagan Good and Pam Grier
Soul sisters inspired my old scriptures
Now that feeling's gone like them old pictures
Mixin' liquor got us both twisted, words get so vicious
You just stare at me while you roll Swishers
Girl, I love you, but I don't miss ya
And no matter what year it is, I'm a 06er
Go figure, cold nigga, stay in school, man
Fuck the rap game, it's all lies and it's all filthy
Two percent of us rich and the rest of these niggas all milk it
Got two of my niggas off with a "not guilty"
Gave back to the city and never said it if I didn't live it
But still they try and tell you I'm not the realest. 
Like I'm some privileged kid
That never sat through a prison visit
Or like it was just handed to me tied with a ribbon. 
I never worked to get it

But really it's you with all the drug dealer stories
That's gotta stop, though
You made a couple chops and now you think you Chapo
If you ask me though, you ain't lining the trunk with kilos
You bagging weed watching Pacino with all your niggas
Like, "This what we need to be on," but you never went live
You middle-man in this shit, boy, you was never them guys
I can tell, 'cause I look most of you dead in your eyes
And you'll be tryna sell that story for the rest of your lives
Can't show us where the cash is
Me, I don't judge, I'm just going off what the math is
Numbers inflated
They all look at me, like, "What have you done for me lately?"
"I like your older shit but wasn't in love with the latest."
Aw, baby, stop debatin', I'm just a creative
My numbers out of this world
No wonder they got me feeling so alienated

You were the man on the moon
Now you just go through your phases
Life of the angry and famous
Rap like I know I'm the greatest
Then give you tropical flavours
Still never been on hiatus
You stay xann'd and perk'd up
So when reality set in, you don't gotta face it
I'm down 200 in Vegas but winning life on a daily basis
It seems like nobody wants to stay in my good graces
I'm like a real estate agent, putting you all in your places
Look what happens soon as you talk to me crazy
Is you crazy?
[on the album]
The game's fucked up Niggas beats is bangin’, nigga, ya hooks did it The lyric pennin' equal the Trumps winnin' The bigger question is how the Russians did it It was written like Nas but it came from Quentin At the mercy of a game where the culture’s missing When the CEO's blinded by the glow, it's different Believe in myself and the Coles and Kendricks Let the sock puppets play in their roles and gimmicks, shit Remember Will Smith won the first Grammy? And they ain't even recognize Hov until "Annie" So I don't tap dance for the crackers and sing Mammy 'Cause I'm posed to juggle these flows and nose candy (yugh) Ferrari, my 40th, blew the candles out Tom Brady'ed you niggas, I had to scramble out They be ridin’ these waves, I pulled my sandals out Jefe Latin my Grammy, I went the Spanish route
Oh now it’s okay to kill Baby Niggas looked at me crazy like I really killed a baby Salute Ross 'cause the message was pure He see what I see when you see Wayne on tour Flash without the fire Another multi-platinum rapper trapped and can’t retire Niggas get exposed, I see the cracks and I'm the liar? Shit I've been exposed, I took the crack and built the wire
Now who do you admire? Your rap songs is all tryin' my patience Them prices ain’t real without inflation I done flew it, I done grew it, been a conduit Moynat bags on my bitches, I done blew it See through it, neck, igloo it Habla en español, I y tu it Let Steven talk streamin' and Shazam numbers I'll ensure you gettin' every gram from us Let's cram numbers, easily The only rapper sold more dope than me was Eazy-E How could you ever right these wrongs When you don't even write your songs? But let us all play along We all know what niggas for real been waitin' on, Push
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DUPPY FREESTYLE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MAY 25 
So if you rebuke me for working with someone else on a couple of Vs What do you really think of the nigga that's making your beats? I've done things for him I thought that he never would need Father had to stretch his hands out and get it from me I pop style for 30 hours, then let him repeat Now, you popping up with the jokes, I'm dead, I'm asleep I just left from over by y'all putting pen to the sheets Tired of sitting quiet, and helping my enemies eat Keep getting temperature checks They know that my head overheats Don't know why the fuck you niggas listen to Denim or Steve Must've had your Infrared wrong, now your head on the beam Ya'll are the spitting image of whatever jealousy breeds Don’t push me when I’m in album mode You not even top 5 as far as your label talent goes You send shots, well, I got to challenge those But I bring Calicos to the Alamo I could never have a Virgil in my circle and hold him back 'cause he makes me nervous I wanna see my brothers flourish to their higher purpose You niggas leeches and serpents I think it's good that now the teachers are learning, yeah Your brother said, it was your cousin then him, then you So, you don't rap what you did, you just rap what you knew Don't be ashamed, it's plenty niggas that do what you do There's no malice in your heart, you're an approachable dude Man, you might've sold the college kids for Nikes and Mercedes But, you act like you sold drugs for Escobar in the 80's I had a microphone of yours, but then the signature faded I think that pretty much resembles what's been happening lately Please believe your demise will be televised, yeah And as for Q, man I changed his life a couple times Nigga was at Kroger working double time Ya'll acting like he made the boy when I was trying to help the guy Yeah, who gassed you to play with me? Man, you made this shit easy as ABCs Whoever supposedly making me hits, but then got no hits sound like they need me My hooks did it, my lyrics did it, my spirit did it I'm fearless with it, yeah I really shouldn't have given you none of my time 'Cause you older than the nigga you running behind Look, holla at me when you multi-million I told you keep playing with my name and I'ma let it ring on you Like Virginia Williams I'm too resilient, get out your feelings It's gonna be a cruel summer for you I told Weezy and Baby "I'ma done him for you" Tell 'Ye we got a invoice coming to you Considering that we just sold another 20 for you
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top10albums2020 · 4 years
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James Scarlett - 2000trees and ArcTanGent Festival organiser 
Albums (in order, 1-10) 1. The Ocean – Phanerozoic II Fans of post-metal should be all over this. Like Cult of Luna jamming with Tool while Radiohead watch from a distance. Absolutely incredible.
2. Psychonaut – Unfold the God Man Signed to the always brilliant Pelagic Records, Belgium’s Psychonaut are my find of the year. This album is fantastic from front to back and somehow finds the meeting point between Mastodon, The Ocean and Baroness. I’m gobsmacked that more people aren’t talking about it.
3. Deftones - Ohms Deftones being brilliant at being Deftones.
4. Oranssi Pazzuzu – Mestarin Kynsi The sound of the Mars Volta falling into hell and playing black-metal for all eternity.
5. VENNART – In The Dead, Dead Wood I love everything that former Oceansize leader Mike Vennart does and this is no exception. A true one of a kind songwriter.
6. Spanish Love Songs – Brave Faces Everyone If depressing bangers are your thing then this is the album for you! For Fans Of: The Menzingers and Gaslight Anthem.
7. Elephant Tree – Habits Amplifier vs Pallbearer vs The Smashing Pumpkins. What is not to love?!
8. Dool – Summerland This is a really hard one to describe… Kind of like a satanic version of melodic 80s rock. It shouldn’t work but it is does!
9. Phoxjaw – Black Swan Bristol’s Phoxjaw have hit on a truly unique recipe here. A brilliantly exciting amalgam of Deftones, Artic Monkeys, and Queens of the Stone Age. Get involved people!
10. BRIQUEVILLE - Quelle Another Album Of The Year release on Pelagic Records, BRIQUEVILLE offer a truly unique take on doom. There is more than a hint of Russian Circles at times plus a plethora of other non-rock influences are thrown into the mix.
3 Fave Tracks Of 2020: The Ocean - Jurassic Cretaceous Psychonaught - The Fall Of Consciousness Oranssi Pazzuzu - Uusi Teknokratia
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delapatadanews-blog · 6 years
MLB El gran Luis González "Bendito y honrado" ser el encargado de abogar por John McCain en Noticias de Futbol y Deportes en México y el Mundo
Noticia nueva en https://delapatada.news/mlb-el-gran-luis-gonzalez-bendito-y-honrado-ser-el-encargado-de-abogar-por-john-mccain/28584/
MLB El gran Luis González "Bendito y honrado" ser el encargado de abogar por John McCain
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Luis Gonzalez says being a pallbearer for McCain is one of the great honors of his life. Noticias Relacionadas Chelsea para mantener nuevas conversaciones Rugani... 3 Le falta un ojo, juega en la Tercera de Paraguay y... 4 Famosas antes y después de operarse el pecho 5 Planes de rotación de los Yankees vs. Cambio de lo... 3 .yuzo_related_post imgwidth:120px !important; height:110px !important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumbline-height:15px;background: !important;color:!important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb:hoverbackground:#fcfcf4 !important; -webkit-transition: background 0.2s linear; -moz-transition: background 0.2s linear; -o-transition: background 0.2s linear; transition: background 0.2s linear;;color:!important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb acolor:!important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb a:hover color:!important;} .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb:hover a color:!important; .yuzo_related_post .yuzo_text color:!important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb:hover .yuzo_text color:!important; .yuzo_related_post .relatedthumb margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) //jQuery('.yuzo_related_post').equalizer( overflow : 'relatedthumb' ); jQuery('.yuzo_related_post .yuzo_wraps').equalizer( columns : '> div' ); )
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chorusfm · 8 years
Today sees the release of new albums from Aaron Sprinkle, Creeper, Betty Who, and Craig Finn. If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the quote bubble to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed.
Aaron Sprinkle – Real Life
Betty Who – The VAlley
Boss Hog – Brood X
Craig Finn – We All Want The Same Things
Creeper – Eternity, In Your Arms
Drew Holcomb And The Neighbors – Souvenir
Forever Unclean – Float
Great Cynics – Posi
James Blunt – Afterlove
Jethro Tull – The String Quartets
Laetitia Sadier Source Ensemble – Finding Me Finding You
Laureate – Landmarks
Mike WiLL Made-It – Ransom 2
Mount Eerie – A Crow Looked aAt Me
My Enemies & I – Riot
Pallbearer – Heartless
Pins – Bad Thing
Raekwon – The Wild
Snakehole – Interludes Of Insanity
Spiral Stairs – Doris And The Daggers
Steel Panther – Lower the Bar
Steve Hackett – The Night Siren
The Bug vs Earth – Concrete Desert
The Dollyrots – Whiplash Splash
The Jesus and Mary Chain – Damage And Joy
Trey Songz – Tremaine The Album
Wolf Eyes – Undertow
You’ll Never Get To Heaven – Images
​Soulwax – From Deewee
Please consider supporting us so we can keep bringing you stories like this one.
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brentbill · 8 years
Diversity/Inclusion vs Homogeneity/Exclusion
Sally Wen Mao
In the autumn I moved to New York, I recognized her face all over the subway stations—pearls around her throat, she poses for her immigration papers. In 1924, the only Americans required to carry identity cards were ethnically Chinese—the first photo IDs, red targets on the head of every man, woman, child, infant, movie star. Like pallbearers, they lined up to get their pictures taken: full-face view, direct camera gaze, no smiles, ears showing, in silver gelatin. A rogue’s gallery of Chinese exclusion. The subway poster doesn’t name her—though it does mention her ethnicity, and the name of the New York Historical Society exhibition: Exclusion/Inclusion. Soon, when I felt alone in this city, her face would peer at me from behind seats, turnstiles, heads, and headphones, and I swear she wore a smile only I could see. Sometimes my face aligned with hers, and we would rush past the bewildered lives before us—hers, gone the year my mother was born, and mine, a belt of ghosts trailing after my scent. In the same aboveground train, in the same city where slain umbrellas travel across the Hudson River, we live and live. I’ve left my landline so ghosts can’t dial me at midnight with the hunger of hunters anymore. I’m so hungry I gnaw at light. It tunnels from the shadows, an exhausting hope. I know this hunger tormented her too. It haunted her through her years in L.A., Paris, and New York, the parties she went to, people she met—Paul Robeson, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, Gertrude Stein. It haunts her expression still, on the 6 train, Grand Central station, an echo chamber behind her eyes. But dear universe: if I can recognize her face under this tunnel of endless shadows against the luminance of all that is extinct and oncoming, then I am not a stranger here.
About This Poem
“When I moved to New York in 2014, I noticed a poster in many subway stations—the exhibition posters of the Exclusion/Inclusion show about the Chinese in America at the New York Historical Society. Anna May Wong, the Chinese American actress, was the face of these posters, but her name was not displayed prominently. It unnerved me that I recognized her immediately but most passersby likely didn’t know who she was, that in 2014 her face would still represent a vague concept of Chineseness, a conduit of this foreign ‘other.’”
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nuclearblastuk · 6 years
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KHEMMIS | 'Flesh To Nothing' Guitar Playthrough
Hailing from Denver's thriving doom-metal scene, KHEMMIS captivated fans with their latest album Desolation, which was released on June 22nd of this year via 20 Buck Spin and Nuclear Blast Entertainment. Combining traditional doom with Thin Lizzy-style hard rock, the band have honed their craft to blend both extreme and old-school influences more seamlessly than ever before. Ill-omened melodies alongside chugging, galloping riffs set the tone of the album and in a special trailer being unveiled today, duelling axemen Phil Pendergast and Ben Hutcherson play through new track, 'Flesh To Nothing'. Check it out here:
"With Desolation we wanted to make a record that celebrated our love of the metal that got us into heavy music in the first place while still adding our own spin on that sound," explains Phil. "For me, 'Flesh to Nothing' is the song that most explicitly captures that spirit. My vocals were very inspired by both Rob Halford and Nick Holmes here, and the riffing has a lot of heavy metal swagger, making it one of my favorite tracks to play. The vocal climax into the dueling guitar solos is one of my favorite moments on the new record." Ben adds: "We chose 'Flesh to Nothing' for this guitar playthrough because it covers a lot of ground -- a somber, downtempo chorus gives way to a galloping bridge early in the song, while the vocal interplay during the black metal pre-solo break alludes to the dueling guitar solos near the end. Oh, and let's not forget all of the harmonized guitar lines -- we channeled Iron Maiden quite a few times in this track! Over the years, lots of fans asked how we write and play these songs, so we felt that 'Flesh' would serve as an ideal introduction to playing our brand of doomed heavy metal.
 We tune our Flying Vs to Drop D down two whole steps (low to high A# F A# D# G C) and we both use D'Addario EXL158 Light Baritone Strings (13-62). When you tune low and play hard, you've gotta beef up those strings!"
Desolation is available for order now:
All formats: 
Limited Edition Orange Vinyl:
Limited Edition Digisleeve CD:
Limited Edition Black Vinyl:
Digital album:
"This Denver quartet's six-track follow-up to 2016's Hunted is a thundering blend of NWOBHM riffs shot through with sternum-shuddering doom." **** - Planet Rock
"Masters of epic, melodic and elegantly intricate doom metal anthems....this album is both adventurous and disarmingly timeless." - Prog Magazine
"Desolation's six anthems of stadium-striving power is an uplifting collection of soaring vocals, lead guitar showmanship and grooving gallop...." - Metal Hammer
"On Desolation, their third album, they come on like a cross between the classic '80s metal of genre kings Candlemass and fiddly Canadian prog lords Rush - and it's a mixture that's entirely agreeable!" - Kerrang! Magazine
The bewitching cover artwork for the new album was created by Sam Turner (Black Breath, 3 Inches Of Blood, In The Company Of Serpents). 
The Desolation track list reads as follows:
1. Bloodletting
2. Isolation
3. Flesh To Nothing
4. The Seer
5. Maw Of Time
6. From Ruin 
Watch the official video for 'Isolation': youtu.be/xZd2liHm8P8
Watch the official visualizer for 'Bloodletting':  youtu.be/P073izSb9bQ
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Khemmis' passion for progressive and soulful heavy music is more evident than ever. Though undeniably influenced by doom and classic metal, to tag them with those labels doesn’t do justice to what’s accomplished on Desolation; a perfect representation of modern heavy metal in 2018 that integrates the past in a way only possible in the present. It's impossible to ignore the lengths that the four piece go to, to master their craft and produce a highly unique form of heavy sound. Their magnificently uplifting, yet sorrowful groovy riffs weave you along on an unparalleled journey. Desolation is not just the best Khemmis record to date but a testament to the quality that heavy metal is still capable of. From the stadium-sized opening notes of 'Bloodletting' it is immediately evident that Khemmis is again putting distance between themselves and their earlier influences, to inform a sound that is singularly their own. 'Isolation' - which the band recently aired live in the US on their tour with Enslaved, Wolves In The Throne Room and Myrkur - is the album’s lead single and most immediate track, with the classic metal melodies the band have become revered for shining throughout. On epic closer 'From Ruin' and throughout the entirety of the album, the lead vocals and melodies of Phil Pendergast are the clearest, most powerful and best arranged that the band has achieved. Working for the third time with Dave Otero at Flatline Audio in Denver, the band and producer now have the familiarity and mutual experience to arrive at the perfect symbiosis of songwriting, arrangement and production value. Desolation is an album that fans of Paradise Lost, Candlemass, Judas Priest, Thin Lizzy, Iron Maiden, Spirit Adrift, Pallbearer, Yob, Warning, Atlantean Kodex, High On Fire, Metallica and Corrosion Of Conformity should not miss.
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
WWE Smackdown Live Coverage & Results (7/17) Wilkes-Barre, PA
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/wwe-smackdown-live-coverage-results-7-17-wilkes-barre-pa/
WWE Smackdown Live Coverage & Results (7/17) Wilkes-Barre, PA
Welcome to the live coverage for WWE SmackDown Live!
Jeff Hardy opens the show by telling the crowd that at Extreme Rules he was blindsided by Shinsuke Nakamura.  He says that he shouldn’t have taken the match after being low blowed by Shinsuke.  Still, he took the match, and tonight he’ll be taking back what is rightfully his.  That United States Championship.  He tells the crowd to enjoy the show before leaving.
Backstage, Shinsuke Nakamura is shown watching this happen in the interview area.  Renee Young steps into the picture and asks him about his title win.  He says that he hates to see a clown cry.  He says that he should be smiling like him.  He says that he’s going to have to make a cry again as this is his title.  God Bless America.
AJ Styles makes his way out to the ring as he’s in action NEXT against Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas!
  AJ Styles vs. Andrade ‘Cien’ Almas
  The match starts with the two tying it up.  Almas slams Styles to the mat as the commentators talk about Styles’ next opponent being up in the air even saying Almas could secure a shot with a win tonight.  Almas and Styles tie up again with the same result as earlier.  Almas connects with a big elbow to Styles before locking on a side headlock.  He continues working over the hold before Styles whips him off.  Styles goes for a dropkick, but Almas catches himself between the top and second rope with a taunt and a grin.
While commercials are ongoing, the fight continues in the corner.  Almas hits some big kicks and knocks down Styles for a two count.  He stalks Styles before AJ hits a big chop.  Almas whips him into the corner and tries for a running knee, but Styles dodges out of the way!  Almas hits the corner and tumbles right over to the mat.  Styles hits the Phenomenal Forearm on the outside.  Styles rolls him him back in.  Almas tries to kick Styles only for Styles to catch his leg and whip him down.  They roll outside before Zega gets in the way allowing for Almas to blindside him.  Almas rolls him back inside the ring before locking on the headlock.  Styles fights out and hits a big facebuster slam to floor both of them.  They begin trading blows before Styles hits the running forearm strike.  He pulls Almas up before taking a dropkick on the chin!
Almas knocks Styles into the corner with vicious elbow strikes before hitting a backbreaker in the ropes followed by a chest chop to flatten him for a two count.  Styles is put up on the top rope before Almas hits the running dropkick.  Styles falls to the mat in the corner.  Almas teases his double knee attack before getting caught by Styles into a fireman’s carry neckbreaker on his own knee!  Styles tries for the Styles Clash, but he’s blocked by Almas by pushing him into the ropes.  Styles clocks him before trying for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Almas elbows his leg out from underneath him!  Almas climbs up goes for the moonsault, misses, but does another moonsault that connects for a two count!
Andrade tries for the suplex, but he takes an enzuigiri the knocks him back into the corner.  Styles rushes towards Almas before eating a boot.  Almas climbs up and take a Pele Kick that stops him.  Styles climbs up, hooks an arm, but Almas pushes him back.  Styles is hooked on the second rope as Almas hits the double footstomp to the mat!  Almas hits the running double knee strike for the two count!  Almas is showing frustration.
Almas hooks the arm of Styles before trying for the hammerlock DDT, but Styles hooks his leg and rolls through.  He locks in the Calf Crusher as Almas taps out!
Winner:  AJ Styles
They show highlights from the PPV before Aiden English is shown walking backstage.  He walks up to Lana and says that he has to apologize for costing Rusev at Extreme Rules.  He says that he took it from Rusev.  She says that Rusev is angry and that he needs space.  She says that Rusev needs to think about what is best for Rusev and whether he needs English.  Aiden says that he needs a second chance, and she says she’ll take it into consideration.
Becky Lynch makes her way out to the ring as we head into…
  Becky Lynch vs. Mandy Rose
  Sonya Deville accompanies Mandy Rose down to the ring.  The two ladies lock up in the center of the ring before Rose hits a big right hand to Lynch.  She tries for a big kick before catching one in the gut.  Lynch tries a springboard move, but Rose hooks her leg and yanks her down.  Mandy Rose begins stomping away at Lynch in the corner.  Lynch tries to fight back before taking some big blows from Rose.  Rose traps the arm of Lynch before locking in a sort of Octopus Stretch.  Mandy drops it as Lynch fights out before hitting big dropkick.  Rose follows that up with a bicycle knee for a two count.  Mandy Rose locks in the submission again before Lynch breaks out and rolls up Rose for a two count.  Lynch hits a leaping forearm followed by a dropkick.  Becky hits the Becksploder Suplex followed by the Disarmher!  Mandy Rose taps out.
Winner:  Becky Lynch
Becky Lynch has a microphone and says thank you so much to the audience.  She says winning feels good… no great!  She says that she’s been patiently waiting and biding her time.  She says that she’s never stopped working for the audience.  She says that she’s just getting started.  She asks if Carmella heard that.  Straight Fire is coming for Carmella.  She says it’s time for Becky Balboa to become SmackDown Womens Champion!
Paige is shown backstage.  Carmella walks into the room.  Paige talked about the crowd cheering for Becky before Carmella says Paige’s accent is annoying.  Carmella demands a party for next week and Paige agrees… if Carmella can beat her opponent next week, Becky Lynch.
Tye Dillinger is shown backstage getting ready before R-Truth walks in and asks him if he’s okay.  Tye says that if this is going to be some dumb motivational thing, he’s good.  Truth says what?  Tye says yeah he’s got Samoa Joe tonight!  He storms out of the room before Truth pulls off a Bluetooth from his ear and tells his mom that he’s going to have to call her back.
  Samoa Joe vs. Tye Dillinger
  As soon as the bell sounds, Tye Dillinger attacks Samoa Joe and floors him with pummeling blows!  Dillinger follows him out of the ring before slamming Joe into the table!  Samoa Joe reverses Tye Dillinger and sends him crotch-first into the corner post outside.  He rolls Tye into the ring before hitting the running elbow strike followed by the high kick.  Samoa Joe locks in the Coquina Clutch as Tye Dillinger has no choice but to tap out!
Winner:  Samoa Joe
We come back as funeral music is being played.  The Miz comes out and shakes hands of fans as if thanking them for attending.  Kane’s mask is on a mannequin head as it’s being wheeled out by three other people.  The Miz brings the mask into the ring where a couple of pictures of Team Hell No is shown.  The Miz thanks us for attending the Eulogy of Team Hell No.
Miz says that we’re here not to discuss Miz & Mrs.  He says that they would love to hear about that as well as him being in the MLB Celebrity All-Star game.  He says that tonight is not about him.  He says that we pay respects to one of the best tag teams and worst friends.  He says that it’s time to say bye bye bye to them.  The Miz talks about Kane nearly decapitating Daniel Bryan a few years ago.  Miz says that any sane person would not be friends with that person.  Miz talks about Bryan making that mistake again by trusting Kane.  The Miz says that Team Hell No is six feet under after Extreme Rules.  Miz asks for a moment of silence. They don’t oblige as he tells them to shut up and show some respect.  He holds his hand up and says that when his hand goes up, your mouth goes shut.  Miz says that he’ll wait for silence.
YES chants fill the arena as The Miz agrees that makes sense.  The Miz says that he TOLD you so.  He says that Kane was nothing more than a broken down demon and that Bryan was a bogus hero.  Miz calls Daniel Bryan a glory hound with impossible goals to target your heart strings.  The Miz says that Team Hell No was just Daniel Bryan rolling out the greatest hits on the album no one is buying.  The Miz says that Bryan knows that his injury has been a bust.  The Miz says that Bryan is destroying his legacy, his times of headlining WrestleMania, his team with Kane is dead.
Daniel Bryan’s music hits as he comes from behind to hit Miz.  He destroys the pallbearers before destroying the set as Miz runs up the entrance ramp.  Bryan hits the running knee to one of the pallbearers before standing off with Miz.
Kofi Kingston is shown getting psyched up before Xavier Woods and Big E talk about Sanity being unsanitary before leaving towards the ring.
  Kofi Kingston vs. Eric Young
  They tie up before Young wrenches on the arm of Kofi.  Kingston rolls through and rams Young into the corner.  Kofi kicks the hamstring of Young before suckering him in for a dropkick.  Young hits an elbow to the head to floor Kofi.  He continues with some strikes.  Young hits the ropes, but Kofi trips him up and hits the double axe handle from the top rope.  Kofi Kingston clotheslines Young right over the top rope to the floor.
Another picture-in-picture commercial as Young reunites with his buddies on the outside.  Young catches Kofi at the ropes before rolling into the ring.  He rushes towards Kofi who dumps him over the top rope.  Young smashes the head of Kofi on the apron before rolling Kofi into the ring.  Young smashes Kofi in the face with a big punch.  Kofi kicks the legs out from underneath Young as his face smashes into the second turnbuckle.  Kofi rolls outside before Eric Young catches him from behind.  Young drapes Kofi over the apron before dropping a knee onto his chest.  Young rolls Kofi into the ring and pins him for a two count.  Eric Young hits a big neckbreaker for a two count.  Young smashes Kofi into the corner before hitting another big strike.  Young climbs up the turnbuckle and hits a guillotine choke as he lifts Kofi into the air.  Young leaps off the second rope before taking a dropkick from Kofi!
Kofi begins getting fired up with clotheslines, dropkick, and a springboard crossbody.  Kofi hits the New Day Boom Drop.  He begins setting up for the Trouble in Paradise.  Young dodges it and rolls him up for a two count.  Young climbs up to the top rope before Kofi leaps up there and hits a big superplex!  Kofi covers Young for a two count.  Young rolls out of the ring before Kofi leaps over the top rope to take out all of Sanity!  Kofi rolls Young back in before hitting the SOS for the two count!  Kofi hits the enzuigiri in the corner before climbing up.  Wolfe is up on the apron before getting take out by Big E.  Killian Dane is being taken out by Woods.  Kofi rolls up Young, but Young pushes him out as Dane THROWS Woods into Kofi!  Kofi staggers backwards before getting caught with the wheelbarrow neckbreaker from Eric Young for the three count!
Winner:  Eric Young
Shinsuke Nakamura is shown backstage looking at his United States Championship before Jeff Hardy is shown.  Hardy opens his eyes as we head into….
Next week, Paige will be giving a big SummerSlam announcement for who AJ Styles will be fighting.
  United States Championship Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
  The bell sounds as Jeff Hardy blasts Shinsuke.  Shinsuke teases the low blow, but Jeff Hardy has seen that coming.  Jeff Hardy dropkicks Shinsuke into the corner before hitting Good Vibrations on him!  Shinsuke is thrown out of the ring before Hardy hits a big body splash on him on the ring barricade.  Hardy rolls him into the ring before trying for the Swanton Bomb that Shinsuke rolls out of the way of.  He rolls right into a…
We come back and Shinsuke is just kicking at Hardy who is down.  Shinsuke kicks Hardy in the gut.  He tries for another, but Hardy catches it.  Shinsuke leaps up and kicks him with his other foot.  Shinsuke locks in a chinlock and slams Hardy to the mat when he tries to escape.  Nakamura lifts up Hardy and slams him into the corner.  He chokes Hardy with his long legs before hitting his own Bad Vibrations.  Shinsuke locks in the guillotine hold as Hardy is fading.  Shinsuke tries for the leaping knee drop and misses.  Hardy slams Shinsuke into the different corners.  Hardy hits the jawbreaker followed by the running splash for a two count.  Shinsuke hits a throat shot, but Hardy hits a Russian leg sweep followed by the innovative legs pinned pinfall for a two count.  Hardy tries for the Twist of Fate, but Nakamura pushes him into the corner and nails a knee to the back.  Hardy falls onto the apron where Nakamura hits a running knee strike as he’s leaning over.
We come back and Shinsuke eats a kick from Hardy before he hits a Whisper in the Wind for the two count!  Jeff Hardy hits the low dropkick for a two count.  Jeff Hardy hits the dragon whip kick before taking a big boot to his chest.  Shinsuke hits the running kneelift for a two count.  Shinsuke hits a single leg backstabber followed by a knee to the face for a two count.  Hardy climbs up before getting kicked down.  Shinsuke gets set up for a Kinshasa, but it’s reversed into a Twist of Fate.  Jeff Hardy climbs up to the top rope and hits a Swanton Bomb!  But Randy Orton pulls out Jeff Hardy as he goes for the pin!
Winner (By DQ): Jeff Hardy
Randy Orton continues beating on Hardy by slamming him into the steel steps and slamming him into the barricade.  Orton continues beating on Hardy before taking the top of the steel steps off.  He stomps Hardy’s head on the bottom part of the steel steps.  Randy Orton grabs Hardy’s hair and he says that Hardy is going to have to wait to find out why he’s doing this.  Orton begins pulling on the earlobe of Hardy before sending him over the announce table.  Orton asks where is Shinsuke.  The agents make their way down to the ring as Orton clears the announce table.  He pulls Hardy back on top and begins beating on him some more.  Orton drapes the legs of Hardy on the table before hitting the DDT.  He’s finally leaving as the show comes to a close.
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