#pan iphone case
lilyaceofdiamonds · 7 months
New phone means new nerdy redbubble case and new nerdy lockscreen pic. I don’t make the rules.
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kinopio-writes · 3 months
Hi!!!! I’d like to request Vox and a reader who just refuses to get like new technology at all because they’re like “I don’t wanna waste money when it still works!” Like their phone case could literally be hanging on by a thread and they’d still refuse to get a new one
You don’t have to do this request if you don’t want to, take care of yourself and drink water❤️
A/N: Thank you. I keep forgetting to drink water every day. The only time I remember to drink is whenever I eat. Take care of yourself, too. And I’m the same as the reader you’re describing, lol. I still have an iPhone 6 and it’s still working. The battery drains so fucking fast though.
Warnings: None
Vox x Reader who’s a minimalist
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• while Vox is someone who owns (I think is) a multi-billionaire company and never had to think of not buying things he needed or wanted, he might agree with you about the money part
• he’s like Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls or Scrooge McDuck (rich as hell but doesn’t like wasting money)
• but the thing is, he owned technology
• if it were any other stuff, he would be okay with it (it’s your money, after all. You do you)
• but it’s literally what his brand is built around
• he could just…give you a new one
• “No! I don’t want a new one.”
• he’d take offense to that
• because he already put all of your personal information in, from the apps you downloaded to your photos and, heck, your passwords, too
• and he did all of that without syncing it with your old phone (yeah, he knows everything—it’s not creepy at all)
• he knew you were complaining about the darn thing and decided to give you one
• so…why didn’t you want it???
• “Because it still works.”
• he’d just give you the deadest pan (not a word) ever
• your phone was old as hell, so the battery is pretty chemically fucked up
• it was also a device that he no longer puts any new updates in (because everyone else already moved on from it), so your phone was pretty outdated
• like, extremely outdated
• all of which meant that there would be some slight difficulty with communication
• and this man thrives from Facetiming you (he’s a busy guy)
• there would probably be more times you Facetime him than actually seeing him in person (assuming you don’t live with him. He probably has cameras there regardless)
• you’d keep complaining about how he keeps bugging out after a certain time has passed in the call or how it’s already gone down to 5% or how your phone is overheating because you’re charging it while calling him or how it’s just searing hot in general every time you use it—speaking from personal experience, lol
• it’s the reason why he decided to give you a new phone (he wanted longer calls without you having to hang up every 20 minutes because you needed to charge it)
• but noooo—your stubborn ass still insisted on using it because ‘it’s still working’
• ...yeah, no, he’s not taking any of that shit
• he’s still going to give it to you whether you like it or not
• his proposition is that, okay, you can use your old phone, but you have to use the new one for calls
• that’s all he’s asking for, really
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I think Hulu is tryina do a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series or something rn but fuck them I should be given the rights and should be allowed to make a limited run hitchhikers guide series under my grand vision
Important steps:
It will be filmed mostly in someone’s backyard and in sets constructed entirely within disused office building on the cheap
It will be crowdfunded so everything has to be cheap. Having 15 full minutes of kickstarter credits adds to any project.
Every member of the cast will be a rando nobody except for whatever low budget horror movie actors/big budget British stars past their prime I can get on the cheap who are willing to play side characters. I’m thinking we can swing Bill Nighy as Vogon Jeltz.
Arthur’s bathrobe will be as dirty as physically possible and will vary inconsistently in filth throughout the series.
The only real money spent will go into special effects like prosthetics and makeup except in the case of Zaphod’s second head, which will be carved and painted styrofoam. Marvin will be a real robot we’ll commission for the project voiced, ideally, by Frank Oz.
The Heart of Gold will be a leftover Star Trek Picard set that we’ve converted to our needs. Because of this, there will be a framed picture of Patrick Stewart on the ship that is never addressed or explained, treated in the same way one would treat a picture of Jesus Christ hung above their bed.
The book’s footnotes will be accounted for in the form of the show pausing, the narrator (ideally another austere British actor like Colin Firth. More likely, I call in my dad and have him run some lines in a British accent) explaining the footnote with a graphic overlaid on the screen, and then the show resuming. The pause is not an actual pause of footage, instead the actors will be frozen in whatever position they were at the beginning of the footnote and will periodically glance at the camera, fear and hatred in their eyes, before they can begin moving again.
It will be crunchy science fiction except for the Heart of Gold. That can have the sleek iPhone look. Everything else should look like a dirty used toaster you found at a garage sale that you think someone will end up buying even though there’s a big red stain on the side that might be blood.
Arthur and Ford will be gay but it will not be explicitly stated. Instead, it will be revealed to the viewer through a series of vignettes of Trillian and Zaphod accidentally catching the two of them rawdogging it across the ship. Zaphod asks to join them. They tell him no, as they’re pretty sure he has some kind of space herpes. He insists that having three arms and two heads makes him a better lover, since he can suck two dicks at once.
The music will be composed by a series of musical artists who made music for the PlayStation 1
As many of the props will be from dumpsters or thrift stores as possible. I’m talking old pots and pans and used coffee makers painted to look like scientific instruments.
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe serves exclusively the Chili’s menu. Someone orders a fajita. Instead of sizzling, it is loudly complaining about the fact half of it is still lukewarm, having not been properly microwaved.
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rosy-avenger · 7 months
Yo. Tell us more of your Knives Out visual language takes.
Or don't. I'm not your dad.
(Unless your dad asks you really specific questions about cinematography, in which case, uh yo, we're out of milk)
Anon I wish I could make gifs because just talking about it doesn't have the same impact. Alas.
I particularly appreciated the shots that communicated Marta's economic status as compared to the Thrombeys. My initial post was about Meg's iPhone, but that wasn't the only example. Others:
-Marta drives a semi-crappy Hyundai, in contrast to the cars the Thrombeys drive (especially Ransom's vintage BMW)
-the shot of Marta's phone with its cracked screen, and later her beat-up sneakers
Then aside from the effective communication about Marta not being wealthy, there were some other good cinematography moments:
-the halo of knives being visible behind all of the family members during their interviews, but it's always off-center with nobody standing directly in front of it, until near the end when first Benoit, then Marta, sit so their heads are right in the center (the hole in the center of the... knife... donut?)
-during Richard's interview, he says something about Marta really being part of the family, and the audio of that line is played over a clip of Richard sitting in the living room and gesturing Marta forward like he's welcoming her into the family conversation; but later when we see the full context of that scene, he's actually calling her forward so he can use her as a prop in his political discussion. The movie is a mystery story with a lot of confusion about the circumstances of Harlan's death; this type of callback shot is a really effective way of showing that the Thrombeys can and do misrepresent their experiences to make themselves look better. It's a reminder to the audience not to take anything at face value.
-really fast blink-and-you'll-miss-it thing: the OS on Harlan's laptop is Windows XP or something similarly way out of date. Very typical for an older person who got used to one OS and never wants to update to a newer one.
-an obvious one: when Marta is giving Harlan the medications, the camera pans sideways and the sheathed knife on its stand moves into frame in the foreground, passing over Harlan's throat.
-when Marta and Benoit are talking on the patio and the outdoor light shines from over Benoit's shoulder (visual metaphor for the illumination of the truth?)
-I saw a thing about how Ransom's clothes are expensive but worn, like he doesn't take care of them; but while watching the movie I interpreted it as that he's cosplaying being poor like some wealthy people do.
-with a couple of brief exceptions, every time we see the portrait of Harlan, it's in the background over Marta's shoulder or Marta is the one looking at it. I interpreted this as showing that while the family focuses on what they can get (or rather, what they stand to lose) out of Harlan's death, Marta is the only one who loved him as a friend and genuinely misses him.
BONUS! Not a cinematography thing, but an imdb-trivia type thing that inexplicably is not on the imdb trivia page: in the sequence of reading Harlan's will, all the reading of the will is done by Frank Oz's character. However, he keeps having to be prompted by a woman attorney who never speaks herself, and none of the other characters interact with her. To put it another way, Frank Oz plays a character who lacks agency and needs to be directed by a character who no one else acknowledges. One might call him a puppet.
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wanderingcas · 2 years
ahh man it's really been on my mind lately, how to parent with social media and tiktok and instagram and ipads designed for 2+ year olds and instant gratification via a blue screen being SO prominent nowadays and that post i just reblogged about not giving toddlers screens just made me spiral lol
because here's the thing. when i got pregnant with my baby i was like "no screen time, no phones, no nothing". but it's just not realistic. i don't scroll on my phone when i'm around her, but it doesn't matter - she sees phones EVERYWHERE, and she wants to do what everyone else is doing: hold a phone (and in her case, because she's 8 months old, chew on it). we don't do any intentional screen time at the house, but she's getting exposed to it anyway: but the television is inevitably on some days when my husband wants to watch a game, or my parents are babysitting and i come home to find the news on, or we're at a thanksgiving family gathering and they have football on the obnoxiously huge tv screen.
it's just the state of our world. if i successfully don't get her addicted to any screens, she'll still come across kids with ipads and iphones when she starts going to school. she'll come home and ask for one, wondering why she's left out of the crowd. studies have shown that even by the age of 3 children are noticing if their behaviors or environment "different" from others and have a strong desire to fit in with the group. if you think about it, it's an instinctive desire from our time living in caves - get separated from the group, get picked off and eaten by a sabertooth tiger. it makes sense.
but what about all the people in that post reblogged banging on pots and pans going "give your kid a book instead" or "just talk to them" or "it's a slippery slope"? i agree with them. whole-heartedly. but also as a parent, as with most things in parenting, i'm realizing it's just not that simple. the lovely thoughts i had before having the baby of "we'll simply stare at each other and babble all day" or "she'll play quietly while i read" or "she'll never see a screen until her 2nd birthday" just aren't realistic. unless we all go back to living in those caves, i guess.
like, what's the solution for kids' attention spans? our attention spans? none of us can stay on a topic for more than 30 seconds because that's how long we can manage to sit through each individual tiktok video. i want to raise her while giving her the best chance possible and not getting addicted to an ipad before she's 4 years old. i want to make conscious decisions. but the current world just isn't designed to avoid it.
so, really, as a new parent in the year of our lord 2022 - what in the fuck do i do about it?
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averyauthorship · 1 year
Highly recommend this writing exercise for anyone with original characters: Come up with the contents of their bag. An author visited my workplace recently and this was her tip, so I gave it a shot. It really helps with writer's block, and it helps you get to know your lil' guys a little bit. (I also added phones because that is another great glimpse into the person.)
The bag: A square, black backpack with a Lord of the Rings keychain and a space needle pin on it. The straps are a little frayed because she has been using it since high school. It’s very practical and spacious.
Inside the bag
Emotional support water bottle
Laptop (covered in various stickers)
A pile of discarded/forgotten elastic headbands
Notebook filled with DM scrawlings
At least one book at all times
Wallet with keys attached
Phone: iPhone (a couple generations old) from high school, cracked screen, yellowed clear phone case with a couple stickers stuck inside. Both the home screen and lock screen wallpaper are the Eye of Sauron.
The bag: A generic gray backpack with an Adventure Zone lanyard with keys and his wallet clipped onto the outside in a little card holder.
Inside the bag
Work laptop (it’s sort of a brick, old and thick, but it runs numbers well)
Switch (in case he gets bored at work)
Personal laptop
Creased up old comic book
Glasses case w/ wipe
A bottle of coke that he’s been working on for a week
Phone: An older iPhone in an opaque red phone case with black D20 phone grip. His home screen wallpaper is a picture of him and his dad at his sister’s quinceañera, and the lock screen is a picture of his dad’s EMS dog Mariposa.
The bag: A very big tote bag (pink).
Inside the bag
Collapsible wireless headphones (pink)
Nail kit for emergencies (including file, clippers, clear polish, etc.) (pink)
Hairbrush (pink)
Tinted sunscreen (pink, somehow)
Cat shaped wallet (pink)
An unacceptably heavy chemistry textbook (not pink)
Phone: The newest iPhone (she saved up for it) in a (pink) sparkly case. Her lock screen is a picture of the best smoothie she ever had in her life and her home screen is a selfie of her and Sam on a hike.
The bag: An army green satchel bag absolutely covered in pins and buttons (including, but not limited to, a Green Day button, a pan flag button, a trans flag button, one that says, “Screw you I’m hilarious,” and various other ones with cheeky little phrases).
Inside the bag
A journal stuffed full of receipts and scribbles that they use to keep track of store inventory and purchases. (They log everything into a computer too, but they like having a physical copy on them in case their internet or computer poops out.)
Folgers instant coffee (travel sized packets)
Pocket knife
An absolutely fat ring of keys on a Dark Crystal lanyard
Big sunglasses (stolen from their mom when they moved out halfway through high school)
A leather pouch with a clasp instead of a wallet (filled with loose cash, change, and one card)
Phone: They never upgraded to a smartphone, so they have the same flip phone they had in middle school. The wallpaper is a very unflattering picture of Link that they took after he fell asleep on the couch during a sleepover. They also have an iPhone for work, but it only supports the internet so that they can post about their tabletop store “The Do’s and Don’ts of Dice” on Instagram.
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desireandduty · 8 months
from DORRA: idk how to tell you this but.... there's been a break in from DORRA: already called the police. they're sending a couple of detectives over. just fyi when you get here and see police tape no one's died
From the back seat of her taxi, Padmé just stared at her iPhone screen. A break in? At this stage of the campaign, what could the motivation possibly be? She and Clovis were in a tight race for the Mayor of New York, and he might be cocksure, but he wasn't stupid enough to be unaware of how this would reflect on his campaign. Even if he wasn't the one who arranged for the break in, that was most certainly how the public would perceive it. Or was he really that stupid? It was fitting... the shades of Nixon and Watergate in the whole scenario.
to DORRA: wow. just... wow. Need me to stop by Cafecito's for some REAL coffee for us today?
She didn't really need to ask, she just asked the taxi driver to stop a couple of blocks earlier than the address she actually gave to him. She and Dorra have been best friends since they were freshmen at Columbia, both majoring in political science. When she'd decided a year ago to run for office, there had been no other choice except Dorra for her campaign manager.
And now, armed with two dark roast coffees and a bag of pan dulces, she approached the police tape around her campaign headquarters, eyes widening at the sight of shattered glass littering the sidewalk. She was recognizable enough that the policewoman on guard duty let her cross the tape line without even a word. Padmé smiled in gratitude, since both her hands were full and digging out her ID would have been difficult. Walking through the front room and towards her office, she saw Dorra standing in its doorway talking to two men who she presumed were the detectives she'd texted about.
"I've brought reinforcement," she said to her friend, lifting the bag of treats high and smiling encouragingly. Except the expression froze on her face for a fragment of a second when the men turned around to look at her. Honestly, both of them were attractive, but the younger of the two was unfairly so. She had never seen eyes so blue or so soulful in her entire life. He was tall and fit and his hair was just a glorious tangle of dark golden curls that she suddenly could visualize running her fingers through while they-
Nope. No way. She was stopping this train of thought before it could leave the station. Maybe she needed to give Tinder another try if she was actually so starved for male company that she was reacting this way to a literal stranger. Even if he was the most gorgeous man she had ever met in her life.
Swallowing hard, she recovered her composure and forced her gaze away from Mr. Sexy Detective to Dorra. She walked over to her desk and set down her things, then turned to greet both men with a business-like smile, holding out her hand to shake. "Padmé Naberrie. You're the detectives on the case I presume? What can you tell us so far?"
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modern starter for @sithdestined
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writerblock-sucks · 2 years
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white iphone 12 ~ she had the se since she was a trainee and just never thought to replace it. after when she was out on a date she bumped into a pole, she wasn’t hurt and it was just a jacket that hit the pole when she took it out her pocket it wouldn’t turn on. she went to the apple store that same night and the worker told her a upgrade would be better.
colorful ~ she has two cases that she switches between, one is a colorful mushrooms with charms hanging from it, one she uses most of the time. the other is a betty boop case she got to remember her mother, betty boop was her mother’s favorite cartoon and loona loves her design.
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herself ~ she picked herself as her lockscreen cause she thought someone, like other idols, would feel uncomfortable if they were her lockscreen. the picture was taken by her father on a father-daughter day.
her and soobin ~ it was taken by kai, when all six of them decided to go out late at night, loona was making fun of his sailor outfit for mcing. soobin started to badly do swing dancing with her.
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two versions ~ her dad got her a pair after airpods were officially released, got the second pair herself. she like that she can move around more freely without accidentally popping one bud out, they other guys say she’s a bunny on sugar when she has wireless earbuds / headphones.
cute cases ~ she was hungry when she picked up the ‘fluffy pan cake’ one but she like sit and it goes with a lot of her outfits. loona was afraid she wouldn’t find a good case for her version 2 pair, but got the job done with a clear case and pack of stickers.
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public instagram - she has a ig names ‘looney’ named after her favorite harry potter character luna, she very active
non kpop fans think she a just a rich kid from south korea, and very surprised when finding out she’s a kpop idol 
2022 © writerblock-sucks
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manicparadox · 1 year
“For Your Entertainment”
Chapter 3: What You Want
Bill has a heart to heart with the only family he has, and returns to The Bou-Peek, where he meets Armond (aka Frank) formally. Bill has a decision to make about where this goes next.
Read on AO3
“So, you went?” Becca asked, sipping at a glass of wine in Bill’s kitchen.
“Yes, yes,” he muttered, looking from her down to the carrots he’d been working on chopping. “But you’ll have to wait until I check on the chicken.” He went to the oven and pulled out the roasting pan, sitting it on a trivet and lifting the foil. He checked the temperature and nodded, then threw in the vegetables he’d prepared. He covered it with foil again and put the whole pan back into the oven.
“Oh, I know I can’t interrupt your cooking ritual.” She grinned. “But now you’ve checked the chicken.” She held up his glass of wine and he took it from her.
Bill sighed, leaning against the counter as he contemplated the wine. “Yeah. I mean, what do you want me to say? It’s a strip club. It’s not like I’ve never gone before.”
“But that other place was… eh.” Becca shrugged, then tucked the streak of bright blue in her hair back over her ear. Her hair was thinner, now, but she’d been lucky to not lose much to the chemotherapy. “It was fine, but it wasn’t cool. It was a lot of the same. This place sounds a lot more interesting.” She pulled her iPhone out of her pocket and tapped on the screen a few times, then pushed it over towards Bill. “Did you even look at their dancers?”
“Isn’t it a little weird to post them to the website?” Bill peered down at the phone and tried to pretend he didn’t have a temptation to scroll. “And you know that advertising companies track your browsing history and now you’re going to get ads for strip clubs?”
“In case you forgot, I work in advertising.” She shrugged. “And I already get ads for sex toys. So don’t scroll too much, you might find one.”
Bill didn’t rise to that bait and instead looked down at the phone. “But what if people run into them in public? Or if their families see this?”
“They’re working jobs like you and me, Bill.” Becca set her glass down. “I don’t think anyone’s exactly forced to put their picture on the site. It’s good advertising.” She chuckled.
Read the rest on AO3.
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myfirstloveispizza · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Disney Otterbox D-Tech Glow In The Dark Peter Pan IPhone 10XS Max Phone Case.
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smarthometekkie · 5 months
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magicalshipment · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Disney Parks - Peter Pan - iPhone Xs Max Case - Glows in the Dark.
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description GOCART WITH G LOGO Outdoor Tactical Waist Bag Waist Pouch Snap Button : It Can Be Attached To a Backpack Or a Belt And Therefore Fits Snugly To Your Trouser's Waist Light Weight Portable Water Resistance Great To Hold Strong Belts Easy Adjustment Waist Belt Bag Features : It's a Ideal Molle Bag, Tactical Waist Bag Or Gadget Pouch. It Can Be Attached To a Backpack Or a Belt And Therefore Fits Snugly To Your Trouser's Waist. This EDC (Everyday Carry) Can Be Used With other Molle Military Tactical Bag, Backpack Etc Package included: 1x Tactical Waist Pack Bag,. Item Name :Waist Belt Bag Material : Oxford Clothes SIZE : 6.89 x 4.72x 2.36 (INCH) Color : Green Style : Sports Pattern Type:Solid Gender: Men, Women Suitable For Most Of iPhone XS Max, XS, XR, X, iPhone 6 6s 7 8 plus/Samsung Galaxy A8/S5 / S6/ Note 9 8 5 4 3/Note Edge/ S5/ S5 / S6 Edge / E7 /S9 Plus, S8 Plus /s7 edge Plus/ LG G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 /HTC One M9 /Google Nexus 6 with case on Size About : 6.89 x 4.72x 2.36 Inch Features For Belt : It Can Be Attached To a Backpack Or a Belt And Therefore Fits Snugly To Your Trouser's Waist. Multi Pockets Inside With a Large Capacity and Many Things Can Be Put In, Such As Mobiles, Pens, Cigarettes, Wallets And Other Camping Item Description : Handy Pan HolderSturdy ZipperHeavy-Duty Release BuckleSnap Button, Easy Adjustment Great for : Suitable For Outdoor Sports, Hiking,Climbing,Hunting,Camping,Mountaineering. This Molle Pouch Is a Great Organizer For Big Screen Smart Phone, Camera, Key, Wallet, Pen, Knife, Notebook, Small Tool, Small Accessories, And Even Can Be a Holster
Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 17 x 12 x 6 cm; 100 Grams Date First Available ‏ : ‎ 18 January 2019 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ GOCART WITH G LOGO ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07MXX41TF Item part number ‏ : ‎ GOCART WITH G LOGO Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India Department ‏ : ‎ Unisex Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ GOCART WITH G LOGO Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 100 g Item Dimensions LxWxH ‏ : ‎ 17 x 12 x 6 Centimeters Net Quantity ‏ : ‎ 1.00 count Generic Name ‏ : ‎ Waist Bag 【COMPACT SIZE & LARGE CAPACITY】:SIZE : 6.89 x 4.72x 2.36 (INCH) With Large Capacity. Multi Pockets Design Provides Enough Room To Carry Your Phone As Well As Keys, Wall Charger, Headphones, ID Cards And Cash. Perfect For Storing Cell Phone, Keychain, GPS Device, Digital Cameras, Medical Supplies, Small Tools And Everything Else You Need Readily Accessible 【STURDY CONSTRUCTION】: 2 Zippered Compartments (With Mesh Layer And Interior Hook) + One Exterior Cellphone Pocket With Buckle Strap Closure + One Exterior Pen Sheath. 【MOLLE COMPATIBLE】: GOCART EDC Pouch Has Strong Webbing Belt Loops On Rear, MOLLE System Straps Suitable For Tactical Belt, Tactical Molle Vest Or Molle Backpack. Molle Width Is Adjustable For Different Belt 【VERSATILE POUCH】Designed As a Tactical Molle Bag, Also Can Be Used As a Small EDC Pouch, Military Pouch, Army Pouch, Gadget Pouch, Utility Belt Pouch. Suitable For Camping, Hiking, Outdoor-Living, Trekking, Fishing, act. [ad_2]
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productsreviewings · 1 year
The proliferation of recent safety digicam tech making the most of digital networking – together with wi-fi – and batteries has marched on apace in 2023, with some thrilling new developments and others changing into established.1: Software program EnhancementsOne side which doesn’t get quite a lot of protection is the refined modifications within the software program which underpins safety cameras. For the big share of the market that are wi-fi enabled ‘sensible cameras,’ new options can now sneak on this manner, or points disappear and that is occurring on a regular basis. It’s price noting that software program has gone a protracted option to mitigating what may need been seen as the important thing drawback with sensible cameras that solely document once they detect movement. Features like Ring’s snapshot construct timelapse-like video which might be simply swiped via on the app and that is discovered even of their battery cameras and video doorbells (opens in new tab).Google and Apple each proceed to attempt to supply a single level of management of all sensible gadgets, together with cameras. Each together with an identical ‘Dwelling’ app on their platforms (and, in Google’s case, on a browser if wanted). These enable shopping and creation of integrations between linked cameras, and each noticed refreshes and enhancements in 2023.Google’s new search for Dwelling in fall 2023 provides ‘Areas’ to make it simpler to group gadgets, in addition to ‘Favorites,’ integration with media gamers and extra highly effective ‘Automations.’ (Picture credit score: Google)2: Characteristic integrationExtra integrations imply folks will need smarter gadgets, and an excellent instance of that's the Aqara 2K Safety Indoor Digicam Hub G3, which incorporates nearly too many talents to say. One is that it may well function an IR blaster, which means it may be setup to regulate your TV. Because it additionally has AI gesture recognition and a pan/tilt means to comply with topics, you'll be able to conceivably use it to show in your TV with a ‘peace out’ gesture.Aqara Digicam Hub G3 has a in-built IR blaster (Picture credit score: Aqara)3: Low cost pan and tilt indoorsThe Aqara is simply one of many many pan and tilt indoor cameras which have established themselves in 2023. The newest is the Blink Mini (which already existed in static type). There may be now in depth selection in cameras designed to take a seat discretely in a room and go searching on demand. Some even have programmable patrols, and ever-improving AI can scan the room and ignore 4-legged pleasant invaders. The Blink M with pan and tilt base is an effective worth indoor digicam which might be remotely repositioned. (Picture credit score: Adam Juniper / Digital Digicam World)4: Apple’s HomeKit is lastly a contenderApple’s historical past with the iPod and iPhone have little doubt helped them set up themselves within the music streaming market, however even then Apple Music is a distant second to Spotify there. With no related background, the HomeKit – together with the cloud HomeKit Safe Video service – was at all times going to be tougher to determine.Lastly in 2023 sufficient third celebration merchandise have emerged to supply an choice in each main class (indoor, outside, floodlight).As well as there's Homebridge (opens in new tab), a software program platform which calls itself “HomeKit assist for the impatient” which offers plugins for geeks to hack different manufacturers like Ring right into a HomeKit system.Eve Outside Digicam was introduced in the beginning of 2023, and nonetheless appears nice now. (Picture credit score: Adam Juniper/Digital Digicam World)5: Mild and floodlight camerasThere have been cameras with built-in lights and floodlights earlier than 2023, however this 12 months has seen development within the space. There has additionally been an actual pattern towards lights designed to look good on a property with the sensible digicam performance being nearly secondary.
Since they have an inclination to incorporate two-way-talk, they can be utilized instead of (or with) a digicam doorbell, however mounted to supply the view and illumination you select.An amazing instance of the type is the EVE Outside however lighting has additionally develop into a major a part of the providing of many cameras. It is sensible as a result of battery LED-powered sensor lights are widespread, however should you embody a digicam you get extra safety for the holes drilled in your house.6: Batteries in every single placeThe pattern towards batteries to stop wired being required in set up has continued apace. This has maybe been mastered by Ring, who've a typical battery designThe place extra energy is required for a tool like their 2023-launched Highlight Cam Plus (assessment) or Professional, they’ve designed the system with twin battery bays. This appears designed to reward loyalty since you need to use the battery throughout Ring gadgets. Ring Highlight Cam Professional has room for 2 of Ring’s rechargeable batteries. (Picture credit score: Amazon/Ring)Batteries additionally imply solar energy is changing into extra widespread and, in 2023, extra discrete, with cameras like the brand new EufyCam S330 4K gadgets capable of maintain themselves charged indefinitely even with out giant satellite-dish like panels. It nonetheless is determined by the path, and different corporations like Ring supply separate panels so the digicam angle isn’t influenced by issues about energy, however visually Eufy have made a step in the fitting path.EufyCam S330 cameras with photo voltaic panel tops and homebase. (Picture credit score: Adam Juniper/Digital Digicam World)7: InflationRegardless of the much-discussed rise in costs world wide, safety cameras (particularly sensible wi-fi ones) hardware costs appear to have been held in place, and even pushed down, in 2023. For a lot of that's solely half the story, nevertheless; no agency has diminished the costs for his or her cloud service and for some manufacturers – for instance Ring – some options are depending on this being paid up. Ring costs rose to $3.99/£3.49 a month per digicam in 2023 and whereas that's on the excessive finish, it’ll at all times be a priority.8: Native storage has had a bumper 2023A 12 months in the past it may need appeared that conventional safety methods with NVR packing containers, plugged into TV screens and recording to onerous drives have been drifting into the previous. In 2023 main gamers Eufy and Swann have launched gadgets which as an alternative recommend that many shoppers wish to take cost of their very own information.Swan AllSecure650 (opens in new tab)has built-in battery backup and storage within the NVR/hub, and you may assessment the cameras by way of a monitor or the app.   (Picture credit score: Swann)Maybe as a result of shoppers count on a friendlier expertise, and maybe due to main participant’s authorized woes, innovation has shone out right here in 2023. There have additionally been increasingly more cameras with built-in storage, both by way of a microSD card or embedding. It is usually widespread to search out typical NAS RAID methods (opens in new tab) like these from Synology are capable of retailer digicam information and carry out AI video analytics to generate alerts. (A ‘Surveillance Station’ instrument has lengthy been out there within the Synology ‘Package deal Centre’ from which IP cameras might be screens while not having a separate NVR, and the 2023 fashions actually have the ability to supply a full function set.)9: Authorized points, commerce restrictions… and anti-trust?Privateness isn't just a authorized one. It has been mirrored in design as a lot as consent guidelines. Many indoor cameras can now bodily flip their digicam away like this Logitech Circle View. (Picture credit score: Logitech)The broader safety digicam market remains to be reeling from sanctions positioned on Chinese language agency  Hikvision by the
US in Might, and that's simply the tip of the iceberg; that is already pushing many to rethink their tools selections and may but be deadly to the agency (to not point out US/China relations).  We can also’t assist however ponder whether sooner or later the clear and apparent affect that Google exerts on Nest and Amazon on Blink/Ring will come underneath scrutiny. There appears no good cause why Nest helps Google Assistant, Blink/Ring assist Alexa and none of these manufacturers work with Apple’s HomeKit save for firm possession.Privateness basically is at all times a problem. This 12 months Eufy was caught together with software program that might add to the cloud even when it mentioned it was working domestically.10: Shifting into 2023There are some things we’d prefer to see subsequent 12 months, not least 4K – or not less than 2.7K – changing into extra prevalent on cloud-friendly cameras. There are sufficient 4K cameras from historically security-focussed manufacturers that it's clear even battery energy and wi-fi are sufficient, so it feels as if the constraint is the revenue margin on the cloud storage. We’d prefer to see that change – and for HomeKit Safe Video to retailer larger than 1080P. Failing that one workaround that we count on to extend is the variety of cameras storing higher-res video domestically even when solely 1080P is shipped cloud-wards.We surprise if, since indoor PTZ has grown, we would see some outside gadgets from shopper manufacturers to tackle the safety conventional (maybe, although, the necessity for wired energy is off-putting for too many).Lastly, in fact, as processing energy will get larger, we’d prefer to see fewer false positives via higher on-board AI (and easy measures like PIR sensors). Ring’s Highlight Cam Professional with ‘3D Movement’ radar – a tech they first launched in 2021 – is unquestionably one thing we’d hope to see being developed.Different helpful shopping for guides: Greatest outside safety cameras (opens in new tab) Greatest indoor safety cameras (opens in new tab)Greatest PTZ digicam (opens in new tab)Greatest PoE cameras (opens in new tab)Greatest pet cameras (opens in new tab)The very best doorbell cameras (opens in new tab)The very best physique cameras (opens in new tab) for private safety  #Safety #cameras #12 months
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kesmondsuniversity · 1 year
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*Webinar Registration Approved* *Dear Kesmonds International University* Topic *CUGH Webinar: Cervical Cancer- what can we do to address this global tragedy?* Description Over 340,000 women die every year from cervical cancer. It is the 4th most common cancer among women. However, it has its greatest impact on the poor, with 90% of new cases and deaths occurring in low and middle-income countries. This is a horrible tragedy and a preventable one. We know how to prevent, detect and treat this disease. This panel of global experts will share how we can address this neglected public health and humanitarian challenge. Join CUGH in our efforts to eliminate cervical cancer world-wide . Time Jan 31, 2023 01:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada) Add to calendar Webinar ID 867 1456 8846 To Join the Webinar Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this URL to join. shorturl.at/CKM79 *Click here to see Kesmonds International University Global Health Membership* https://www.cugh.org/about/member-institutions/members-a-z/ SPEAKERS Patricia J Garcia MD MPH PhD Former Minister of Health, Peru Gina Ogilvie, MD MSc FCFP DrPH Professor School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine University of British Columbia Canada Mauricio Maza, MD MPH Regional Advisor, Cancer Prevention and Control Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) USA/El Salvador Edward L. Trimble, MD MPH Senior Advisor for Global HPV and Cervical Cancer Control National Cancer Institute USA Moderator Keith Martin, MD PC Executive Director Consortium of Universities for Global Health https://www.instagram.com/p/CoGwrARqgfJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mmcompany · 1 year
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Starting a brand new year with new iPhone case.✨🤳🏻 I just made zouni (雑煮), stewed chicken and carrots with broth and soy sauce adding mochi and garnish, for New Year’s Day. I cut carrots into flower. Most of them crushed and collapsed in the pan. Sad…😅 #illustration #drawing #procreate #suzuri #carrot #雑煮 #newyear #newyearsday #iphonecase #printdesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CnYUO2gDyPW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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