nonbinarybaby · 4 years
Follow me on TikTok for more terrible jokes @aryn.spen ✨🖤🥰
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lyxy · 7 years
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~Mint Eye~ You can’t sit with us.
So the idea started because i though of when i was wayyyy younger (like, 15 years ago ^^’ ), i was in a team rocket rpg forum and i was a team rocket member; and i’ve realised that if MM would have exist in 2002, the rpg would totally have been about Mint Eye. And I didn’t wanted to be alone, so i’ve bring my lovely @pansexualtrash with me. So meet the cool kids :3
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casualpastelgay · 7 years
Dear anon- Please respect that sometimes people have to take the time to help themselves, rather than focus on creating. Sometimes it gets *really* difficult to stay on top of things. You don't know everything the content creator is going through. Don't be so rude as to come into their ask box saying "you're getting impatient" for their story. Let them do what they need to do for their health. (Sorry for coming in like this, I just can't stand stuff like that. I hope you are okay, love.)
I’m fine, don’t worry about it. And thanks a lot for your support. c:
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elvendara · 7 years
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first ten people on your dash? make sure someone gets a hug today, and stay safe. ♡♡ *finger barrels*
Thank you! You’re the best! Right back at ya!!
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yooran · 7 years
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Finally finally FINALLY made art for Silver Lining, a wonderful Yooran fic by my friend Kate (@pansexualtrash). Silver Lining is really long and encompasses so much of their relationship, but I think my favorite chapter is the one where they look at the stars together.... It’s so beautiful. ;__;
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waywardwarlord · 7 years
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@pansexualtrash join me in snugglesville
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@pansexualtrash those are fair opinions. i get the sentiment behind wanting those to hurt you to KNOW what they did. but i think that the shows portrayal of it, hannah getting the actual last word on the matter, is super dangerous. i know that when i was experiencing suicidal thoughts (and still often do), i wanted to do something extremely similar. through notes, through video, anything to get the last word. and those are dangerous thoughts to a kid who wants to die again i'm not trying to cast blame on suicidal kids. i get it. i've been there. not everyone knows how to take care of themselves: god knows i sure didn't. but i feel like this show isn't opening up any conversations abt mental illness or suicide: it's just ending them. it implies that "god... if everyone were just... nicer... love can save these people" and that suicide is 100% super preventable in all cases if we just "communicate better" which i think is silly and strips away the complexities behind mental illness and suicide themselves. and yeah, i know that kids can be needlessly cruel. high school kids can be evil and manipulative. they can pile on when they sense weakness. but i also think that it's just... incomprehensible in this case that the show is depicting. hannah baker is desirable: she's attractive, she's funny, she's quirky and nice, apparently, without need for reciprocation. cruel high school kids just... don't pick on people like hannah. idk you make good points but it still rubs me the wrong way lmao. i'm gonna keep going thru it to see if the end changes my perspective at all but we'll see
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nonbinarybaby · 6 years
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I like how I look tonight, so have some selfies ✨
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lyxy · 6 years
Fandom Tag
Fandom Tag
Tagged by @kuromiyadk​ (Awww youu !! <3 i feel like it’s been so long since i’ve drew about Mystic messenger and this makes me feel like i’m still alive :D thank you ! )
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Three Fandoms:
° Mystic Messenger  |  ° Miraculous Ladybug  |  ° Hey Arnold!
The First Character You Loved:
° Yoosung Kim  |   ° Chat noir  |  ° Helga G Pataki
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
° Saeran   |  ° Chat noir (you don’t event know how much i love him.  |  ° Stinky (He’s a sweetheart! :3 )
The Character You Relate To The Most :
° Jaehee (i kinda want to be the assistant of someone :/ and i Looove coffee and musicals :D )  |   ° Marinette/Ladybug   |  ° Helga G Pataki (for the 2 lasts one, you know, the girl acting stupid or like abully to the guy she likes... Hi ! it’s me ! and i’m a mash up of the 2 aethetics... pig tails with a bow, blue hair, wearing red a lot. and for the personnality, i’m kind of a mash up of the 2 too... sweet but sassy and sarcastic.)
As for me, I would have chosen: [I’ll interpret this as if they weren’t there, what would your other option be?]
i’m not sure i know you enough to say ;_; sowwy 
The Character You’d Slap :
° Yoosung kim (he’d like it...)  |   °  Chloé  |  ° i kinda want to say Helga... i would slap her to wake her up.
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
° Yoosung Kim | Saeran Choi | Jumin Han   ° Chat noir  | Ladybuy/Marinette | Alya ° Helga | Arnold | Phoebe
Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Like Anymore:
V (Jihyun Kim), I spotted the blue hair guy first... OF COURSE !... but since i’ve seen his personnality... he hate him...
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
° Jaehee: i wasn’t sure about her, i found her upthight, an since i did her route, i was a fan. 
° I feel like i might have some sympathie for Chloé when she will evolve a bit.
° nop... my opinion didnt change that much for them
Three OTPs:
° Yoosung x Custom MC x Saeran (i do what i want LOL)  | ° Chat noir x Marinette/Ladybug  |  ° Arnold x Helga (OF COURSE - but i like Gerald x Pheobe too ! :D ) 
I tag… @joz-stankovich, @pansexualtrash, @mysticdaddies, @guacameowle (You’re not obligated, but i still love youu! <3 )
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elvendara · 6 years
Maybe I've asked before but how did you first discover yooran? :3
@pansexualtrash ‘s fics! I just, fell HARD for this ship! Then I read everything I could about them. I hadn’t even finished all of the routes in the game, and knew very little about Unknown/Saeran. But, I just haven’t looked back since! After I finished the secret endings, my brain just burst with ideas and I had to write them. Now, it’s pretty much all I write! LOL
Thanks for the question! And Thanks for feeding my addiction with your amazing fics too!!!!!!!!!!!
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rawxlilacx · 7 years
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Thank you @pansexualtrash! :) I don't have any midol, I don't know if that's in Australia? I usually have tea and a hot wheat bag but it's 37 degrees today (98°F) and I don't think I could do that without fainting or something haha damn summer D:
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waywardwarlord · 7 years
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Happy birthday @pansexualtrash ! :D
This took me a lot longer than I thought it would but I finally finished it! :’D Hope you like it!
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foxyotomelady · 7 years
Music tag
Tagged by @zoecam37
You can tell a lot about the person by the music they listen to. Put your MP3 player, iTunes, Spotify, etc. on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and tag 10 people. NO SKIPPING!  
Sex Metal Barbie - In This Moment
When We Were Younger & Better - 65daysofstatic
The Phantom of The Opera - Nightwish
Breaking Skin - Nonpoint
How'm I Supposed to Die - Civil Twilight 
Awake and Alive - Skillet
The Chosen One - Dream Evil
Weak4 - 65daysofstatic
You're Gonna Listen - In This Moment
Steeds of Thunder - Nox Arcana
Well.... xd I'm a weird person, I know. Sorry, less than 10 people, cause I don't know whom I should tag ^^’ @pansexualtrash, @themadpuppy85, @yoreoo, @babbling-bibs, @flowvx, @fateaid
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pupsung · 7 years
Which blogs do you have notifications on for? I'm looking for more to follow! Or just a small list of some of your favorites if you can!
i honestly have so many notifs on which is why every morning you’ll get bombarded with reblogs from me lololunder the cut because there are way fuckin more than i thought oops
these are (most of??) the blogs i have notifs on for in no particular order(aka the order they come up on my follow list):@godd707@kiirdonel@promiscuous-jalapeno@mysticdaddies@pansexualtrash@synchxart@queenpomo@green-tea-galaxy@vess-hs@myetie@neighborhoodtom@babyleefsnsfw@fromthedeskofelizabeththird@lyxy@s-fellows-art@moonmanga@seraphstar@mysmess-seol@zzzzash@nandrii@zjlva@asltwos@kearttg@lyzeki@vveonnee98@onii-girii@kinlkeyl@blind-leviathan@fothetinyotter@trainerashandred35@windaura@starrycomets@akizero@6-in-the-am@daeddrart@jelly-june@sakuraihum@nia-nek0@kareru-nekoi@toasterstrude1@zoecam37@nocterre@sketchyy-pencil@ningyosan@maristoryart@eori-namo@ygsp @yugosp@quippuh@elactobuddy@dokipuff@meeyopi@cryharu@flitzie-chan@v-raider@raina-0918@1o8k@zeibeebee@blimpcat-art@fujofi@mintykoi@ishin021@waraable@khaizu92@complexwish@talentlessartblog@nazedanya@lostintherfa@dylerius@trichosirius@ceceru@rc-04@mysticmessengeraudio@cheritzteam (lol)
i think……that’s it? that’s ridiculous i didnt realise there were so many omfg i should probably turn some off but i don’t….want to…………
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@pansexualtrash nah i totally appreciate your thoughts! i get what you're saying. different people are going to perceive this show differently and have a different impact on others. i know people who feel as though the show has left them with something to think about, which i can appreciate as a medium to open real life conversation about the topic.
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nonbinarybaby · 6 years
A new year's wish.
As 2018 nears, I wish many things for everyone. Safety- in self, in relationships (platonic or otherwise), in family, in finance, in home, in career. Health- mentally, physically, emotionally. Riches- in money, in internal love, in bountiful experiences. Experience- the good, the bad, and the ugly, as all of the things we go through teach us something valuable in the end. Love- from family, friends, lovers, pets, and most importantly, yourself. It would take forever to list all of the things I wish for everyone, but one of my biggest wishes is that no matter what, you be proud of yourself. For your biggest and smallest accomplishments. Pride isn't reserved for promotions, engagements, travel- it is for the little things too, like cooking a meal, calling to make an appointment, and even getting out of bed when you barely have the strength. My wish for everyone this year is to recognize how strong you are, and be proud of that. That forms in so many ways. Just, be proud. And treat yourself to self-care. 💕
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