#papa i want more
ericahbrillina · 1 month
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The cat king has my whole art and soul
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miremummy · 5 months
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"you call on me for powers clandestine"
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ace-dodo · 2 days
Bro gimme me more Bradley and Roxanne interacting like this 😭😭
Maybe Roxanne changed schools and ended up in the same place as Bradley and they both immediately became besties
Give me Bradley telling Roxanne about this "freshman" that just "makes him want to claw his eyes out" and Roxanne is like 🤨🤨 cuz she can tell what's happening from a distance
Give me Bradley finally admitting he has feelings for this mysterious freshman and Roxanne being all I TOLD YOU
Roxanne wanting to meet the mysterious freshman cuz she wants to but Bradley constantly being like "nooo you probably won't like him ☹️☹️"
Finally, Bradley agreeing to letting them meet
And as soon as Roxanne sees Max she's like "ARIANA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE"
I need this
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cricketghoul · 7 days
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the ol razzle dazzle
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batgirlcopia · 10 months
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🔷 🟥 🟡
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angellayercake · 3 months
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You know you have it bad when you start fantasizing about the silliest softest things imaginable.
Travelling alone is an absolute nightmare on your skin, let alone wearing and sweating in the thick paints every night. Using only horrible hotel room water and cheap soap to wash it off and he is from a generation of men that do not know what moisturiser is.
One day you get tired of seeing him rub at his face with a soapy wash cloth so you take matters into your own hands. You confiscate his usual products and send him into his post ritual shower with a foamy cleanser with careful instructions to only use his hands.
He grumbles when he is finished the stubborn black paint still covering his face but you shush him as you wrap him in the fluffy complimentary robe and sit him in front of you at the mirror. He spares you one last glare before he closes his eyes at your request and lets you get to work.
You begin with a cleansing balm, melting away the remnants of his paint until there are no traces left even in the most stubborn areas. His thick eyebrows, the corners of his eyes and his jawline. He is starting to relax under your hands already, his shoulders relaxing and his brow smoothing at least as much as it can. There are some lines so deep that no amount of relaxation will smooth away but you love him all the more for them.
You wipe the product away with damp cotton pads until his face is clean and clear and as reluctant as he is to admit it this already feels much better than his usual routine as you generously called it. You explain what you are doing as you continue through the next steps. Gentle acidic exfoliation focusing just on the dryer patches that form at the corners of his lips and between his eyebrows.
He had scoffed when you had first explained the products you had chosen but as you apply each layer he begins to feel the deep hydration you are working into his skin. The usual stiff tightness he ignores as he collapses in his bed never even starts as you pat toner into his skin and he can't help the range of expressions he pulls in the mirror without feeling that familiar uncomfortable pull.
You encourage his eyes closed again so you can smooth some light cream over his eyelids, the delicate skin especially abused by his thick black paint and vigorous scrubbing to remove it. Then a thicker balm for his lips though you suspect this is one product he is more than familiar with. You were well acquainted with his soft lips and the fact that they were never ever chapped.
Finally you apply the moisturizer, working it everywhere you can reach, soothing the tension in his temples and jaw, sweeping across his cheekbones and forehead and working down his chin to his neck until every bit of product has been absorbed.
You settle your hands over his chest feeling his slow steady heartbeat and watch as his eyes flutter open, lost as he was in your gentle treatment of him. His face is glowing but not only from the lotions and potions but from his satisfaction. You have shared something with him that may seem small or insignificant but that shows you care for him in a way very few people have before.
He presses his hands to his face marveling at how soft it feels and accuses you of working some kind of magic and demands you explain to him exactly what you did to make him feel so good. You swat at his chest playfully. You had been explaining all along if he had bothered to listen but he takes your hands in his, kissing your palms and explaining how he couldn't have concentrated on anything but your talented fingers.
He gives you that look you can never resist and smiles when you go all the way back to the beginning, listening intently as you explain but only relinquishing one of your hands for your demonstration. You would go through it all a thousand times if I made him as happy as he looks in this moment.
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citrushomie · 2 years
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happy halloween at 25
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rogueddie · 6 months
s5 scene where Erica has a tiny cut but it's a headwound so it's bleeding quite a bit and Lucas insists on patching her up, right then and there, even though they don't have time, bc that's his baby sister. it's a soft moment and it's completely ruined immediately bc they start playfully bullying each other again as soon as he's done.
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gravehags · 28 days
it's monumentally funny to me that nihil put out two (2) songs in the 60s and sister imperator saw him impulsively kiss another woman and immediately retired his ass like...she really said "lol you're done. you're done."
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dailyghostpics · 6 months
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day 291
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xhanisai · 2 years
If we do get some marichat interactions in this season I want something like this:
Chat Noir - *smiling sweetly like a lovesick kitten at Marinette*
Marinette in her mind - 'How dare you smile at ME like this you should only smile at LADYBUG like that! Keep your eyes on your WIFE! I don't care if we're the same person you two timing cat!'
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gojoest · 2 months
more papa satoru from satoai instagram feed
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cupcakerias · 2 months
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blank room scoop
redraw of this video lol
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ride-a-dromedary · 8 months
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dualcontrol · 3 months
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my mocharia workers 🐱🐱🐱
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
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Thank you f1 for being canon compliant and putting Fernando in his habitual Santa suit
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