#papa silva
crazyclownthanos · 5 months
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husband and wifee
Aicer back when she was younger, i thought it would be neat if her and Noelle had the same robe strap colour thingo (I understand Noelle favourite colour is green hence why her strap colour, but i hc Acier favourite colour also being green, same go for the choice of wearing leg warmers)
Aicer’s fashion inspo reminds of an ice skater lol. but i wanted something elegant yet flexible, i wanted her to wear something that represented her youth hence the short dress, side bangs, messy ponytail. I didn’t want her outfit to ENTIRELY represent Noelle, so i added a lil bit of Nebra’s and Solid’s lavender and light pink colour palette to her outfit.
I want to explore other then adding feathers to the end of their dresses or suits. feathers to the the hem, sleeves.
Triton awfully looks like Nozel. in the future i need to make him look like less Nozel and more like Nebra and Solid!!! Originally I pitched him to be from the Seabed temple, but i strayed from the idea and forged he’s from Atlantis. He has gills, fibbers that once withered or magically or biologically had to rid of when Triton moved to the Clover Kingdom.
The original background:
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lyranova · 8 months
Care and Love are Two Different Things
Hiya guys! So this idea came up yesterday after talking to a few of my mutuals about Papa Silva and Acier. Papa Silva (I named him Arno Loch 😆), isn’t as big of a jerk in this (altho he still is one) because…I feel like there had to be something good about him for Acier to marry him (like some kind of respect or admiration between them). Anyway I hope you all enjoy~!
Word Count: 1,686
Warnings: None
It was a calm and moonless night in the Clover Kingdom. People were laughing, cheering, and celebrating what was a beautiful wedding between Acier Silva, the Steel War Princess, and Arno Loch, the Water Dragoon.
Their wedding was the same as any other Royal and Noble wedding; arranged.
The two had known each other from being in the same squad and having gone on various missions together, but they saw each other as nothing more than Captain and Subordinate. There was no romantic attraction between them, not even a little bit, but their families had made a deal when they were young that the two would be married once Acier was of age.
And that day had finally come.
Acier initially wasn’t interested in participating in this marriage and wanted absolutely nothing to do with it, she wanted to fall in love with someone and then marry them, instead of being forced into it just like everyone else. But her parents refused, saying that she could either marry Arno, or be disowned and lose everything she had worked hard for. Including her squad and Captain’s rank.
She was very tempted to do just that. To give her family the bird and walk away, but when she thought about her squad and what her family could possibly do to them…she just couldn’t do it.
Acier had gone to talk to Arno, to ask what he thought about this and if he agreed to it, but he just looked at her. This wedding would benefit his family more than it would hers, so of course his family would want to go through with it, and they would most likely disown him if he refused.
But he then admitted to her that he genuinely didn’t care about the marriage, they could either go through with it or not, it was all the same to him. If she wanted to go through with it, then he would, if she wanted to call it off, then he would call it off.
She was his Captain, and he would follow her orders.
Arno saying that, and being quite blunt about it too, made it that much harder for Acier to decide what to do.
She could go through with the wedding, keeping her status, title, squad, and all of her achievements, but would have to admit defeat to her family. Or she could stand by her convictions and not go through with it, but in the process she would end up ruining multiple lives, including her own and Arno’s.
Why was it always up to her to make these types of decisions?
But eventually, she agreed to marry Arno, telling her family that she was doing so under protest, and that if anything were to happen to her or her squad then she would end the marriage definitively.
They agreed, and kept their word that nothing would happen. So she went through with the marriage, and was now standing off to the side of the ballroom. Watching everyone dance and celebrate happily, while she was completely miserable.
“ Lost in thought, Captain?” A voice suddenly asked from beside her, Acier turned to the side and saw it was her newlywed husband, Arno.
“ I am. Shouldn’t you be off shaking hands and ‘rubbing shoulders’ with the other royals and nobles here?” Acier asked as she sipped on her champagne, and Arno hummed for a moment.
“ I will in due time, but right now I thought it would be best to check on you, Captain.” He explained simply, his voice calm and somewhat aloof. Acier sighed.
“ You don’t need to keep calling me ‘Captain’,” She muttered as she turned from him to face the ballroom. “ You can either call me ‘Lady Silva’ or ‘Lady Acier’.”
“ So… I can’t just call you ‘Acier’?”
“ We’re not close enough to use only our first names, Lord Arno.” Acier explained coolly as she took another sip of her drink, he tilted his head a bit.
“ Not even now that we’re husband and wife?” He asked curiously, and watched as she shook her head.
“ Not even now.”
Arno nodded, and the two fell silent again.
They watched as people continued to dance, eat, laugh, and drink. But they also began to notice the soft whispers that floated around them, the looks they were being given, and the snickers behind their hands and fans. Some were jealous that House Silva had chosen House Arno over the others, and some were probably giddy at the fact that Acier had to bend to her families will and agree to marriage despite her objections.
It showed them that she wasn’t as ‘Steely’ as they all initially believed.
“ Care to dance, Lady Acier?” Arno suddenly asked, holding a hand out towards her. She stared at his hand in confusion for a moment, he didn’t really like to dance, from what she had gathered, so why was he doing this?
Acier frowned before eventually sighing and taking his hand. The couple walked towards the center of the dance floor, making the other nobles and royals move out of their way, before they eventually stopped to face one another.
He held her hand in his and placed his other hand on her waist, as she gently placed hers onto his shoulder. Then the two slowly began to move around the dance floor. Their movements perfectly in sync with, not only the music, but with each other as well. The guests watched in slight awe and amazement, they were all probably hoping they would flounder and make fools of themselves.
Instead, they showed them exactly why they were a perfect ‘match’ for one another.
“ You know, I won’t say anything if you decide to take a mistress or a concubine someday.” Acier suddenly whispered as the two spun around on the dance floor. Arno suddenly frowned before looking down at her.
“ Where is this coming from, My Lady?” He asked, his voice full of confusion, and she glanced up at him.
“ Arno, this is an arranged marriage between two people who don’t like each other romantically. So what I’m saying is…if there is someone out there that you happen to like in that way, and you wish to take them on as a mistress or concubine or whatever, then I won’t stand in your way.” She explained, her voice soft yet serious, she felt his shoulder move up and down as a soft chuckle escaped his lips.
“ That’ll never happen, my lady, I have absolutely no intentions on acquiring a mistress or concubine.” He told her seriously as his purple eyes glanced down to look at her pink ones. She frowned at his words, confusion suddenly filling her mind.
“ I thought you said you’d never fall in love?” Acier asked, and she watched him quirk a dark brow at her.
“ I did, and I haven’t fallen in love with you, at least not at the moment,” He began as the two continued to dance. “ The only reason I’m not taking on a mistress is because of how it could greatly affect our House’s reputation if word got out. While it isn’t uncommon for husbands and wives of noble and royal houses to take on other…suitors, if you or I were to do that, especially if we were to do so right after getting married, then it would cause a great commotion.” Arno suddenly leaned down and began to whisper in her ear.
“ All the people in this room want to destroy you, while laughing in your face as they do. Why? Because they’re jealous of you. They’re jealous of your power, your title, your achievements, and of your beauty. They will dig and dig until they find something that could completely ruin you and House Silva, and I refuse to give them what they need.” He whispered into her ear. “ And don’t misunderstand my lady, I’m not doing this because I love you, I’m doing this because it’s in my best interest to protect and keep you safe.”
Acier nearly laughed, of course he would be thinking about his best interest.
“ And here I thought that you were slowly starting to care about me.” She muttered quietly with a soft laugh and a shake of her head, she watched as he moved his face away from hers.
“ Caring about someone, and loving someone, are two very different things,” She watched as his cheeks suddenly turned a faint pink and his eyes moved away from hers. “ But I do care about you, Lady Acier, as both my wife and as my Captain, which is why I’m telling you this. And is why I’m going to do whatever I have to in order to keep you safe.”
Acier blinked in surprise. She had always known Arno to be aloof and pretty cold towards everyone, including towards her. So for him to be blushing just a bit, and for his tone to be a little warm, maybe that meant he did care about her. At least a little bit.
Arno suddenly frowned and looked down as he noticed Acier beginning to chuckle, he raised a curious brow.
“ What’s so funny, My Lady?” He asked curiously, and she shook her head as her giggling continued.
“ Nothing. You’re everything I expected you would be; cold, aloof, calculating, and very serious. But just now, I got to see a different side of you, one I don’t think you were intending on showing me,” Acier said as she looked up at him, and gave him a gentle smile. “ Thank you, Arno.”
She watched in amusement as his face grew a darker shade of red, and he muttered something quietly under his breath as they finished their dance.
Would the two eventually fall in love? Unlikely, but stranger things have happened. Would they always get along? No. But would the two always have some sort of respect and care for each other? Yes, she liked to believe that they would. Despite their differences, despite the lack of love for one another, the two would always care and respect each other.
That was her hope, at least.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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vilandel · 20 days
Silver Cats & Black Roses
Chapter 11 – Different Talks
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A/N Trigger Warning: Papa Silva Cosy Warning: Kaiser Granvorka Since this chapter is not the fluffiest one, I will post chapter 12 just right after. But just so you know, I love the scene with Kaiser, one of my favorites in this story 💜💙 And yes, I gave Kaisers wife a name. For me, she is now Isabelle^^
Ao3 link
Two months later
“Wasn’t so bad, right, handsome?”
Nozel just shrugged. It probably wasn’t so bad as he feared, but he won’t go back to Black Market this soon. Between the fact you had to go through a literal wall, the more than suspicious merchants, merchandise and shops, the suffocating air and probably the thieves hidden here and there, that wasn’t a place for him to just go shopping.
But Vanessa liked that place…
And this was the reason why he came along in the first place. Just for her. It wasn’t the first time Vanessa invited him on a shopping trip when none of the other Black Bulls wanted to accompany her and well, it became more and more difficult for Nozel to say no to her. Was that what love did to people, among other things? Heck, he even accepted to enter the Black Market for the first time, just for her.
Nozel sighed. He realized and somehow accepted that he was in love with Vanessa two months ago, but that was it. He was still frozen by many things instead of going forward. By many more reasons he originally thought of.
Of course, he couldn’t forget that he didn’t deserved that kind of happiness, after all his past mistakes. But as hurtful as it was, he find it more and more difficult to live up to it. He used to know this for so long that it became almost like a second nature. Yet today, he was needed to hammer those words in his mind over and over again in order to not taste that forbidden fruit. But he wasn’t as successful as he thought. Was he not trying hard enough, maybe? And did he still wanted to believe it, deep down?
Nozel also got silly reasons, for which he was truly ashamed deep down. Because it made him sound like a stupid lovestruck teenage boy. He had no idea how to court a woman. The only experiences he had was reduced to a short and shameful period of some flings, as well as fade dates arranged by a trice person. In short, he had absolutely no idea how do everything in a courtship and he would be damned before he would ask Fuegoleon for advice. Also wasn’t like he would court Vanessa anytime soon.
Besides, what they had right now was so nice just as it was. Again, more than he deserved, but being in Vanessas company was something he couldn’t help but enjoy. Rarely did he had such kind of happiness since his mother died. So innocent, so pure… Nozel was afraid to corrupt it by pushing something he had no right to obtain in the first place. This was probably acting like a coward, but he already knew that for years. Vanessa deserved better than a coward, who was chained by duties, guilt and so many issues.
At least, Nozel still could love her in a courtly way. Like a knight of ancient times, he gave his heart to her and hold his secret love dearly, even if she would never love him back. He doubt she would. Vanessa was so different from him, everything he wasn’t. He could only be her knight in secret. He couldn’t be hurt too much if he had not a lot of hope to begin with. Too much hope had a great risk of pain, Nozel knew that from experience.
But… there was a problem. As beautiful the idea of courtly love seemed to him, it probably also was a naïve one and Nozel wondered if it was just another excuse to not start to court Vanessa properly. Because the dreams he had of her at night weren’t as pure and innocent he wanted them to be. Or at least, not in the way of courtly love. He imagined so much to know her better, to go on official dates with her, to slowly start to see a future with her, to hug her like a lover, not just a friend, kiss her, feel her lips on his… And there were other dreams and fantasies that weren’t innocent at all.
Nozel felt the blood rush to his cheeks and slightly shook his head to not see those images again. It already wasn’t helpful that Vanessa usually wasn’t wearing much. Always more skin than clothing. Nozel refused to reduce Vanessa to that. He loved who she was mostly, but of course, he couldn’t help that his love for her was a bit mixed with lust as well.
Did Fuegoleon felt like that with Lital Lys as well? Even after ten years?
Nozel would never know.
Was he maybe complicating just complicating things more than what they should be?
“Are you alright, handsome? You seem a bit hot.”
And now she was right in front of him, caressing his cheek softly, her eyes concerned about him. Nozel froze again under her intense glance.
It’s always had been like that since a few weeks. There were moments of tension between them from time to time. Not due to fights, thankfully. It was a strange tension, awaiting but still comfortable. Intense, yes, but comfortable. As if time decided to stop altogether just for them.
It was a silly thought, he knew, but Nozel started to grew fond of some silliness. Him, a captain. Who put so much importance on discipline and order, for his squad, for his house, for his life.
But in moments like these, none of it seemed to matter anymore. Nothing mattered to him than those mesmerizing amethyst eyes, the rosewood curls falling on porcelain shoulders like a soft waterfall, the entire woman in front of him, who glanced at him just as intensely as he was glancing at her.
During those moments, Nozel wondered if Vanessa would ever fall in love with him…
And that was the moment he had to stop this comfortable tension before he could start to have false hope.
“Thank you, but I’m fine…”
“If you say so, sugar.”
She just giggled as if he said something stupid – which honestly happened quite often to him when he was around her – and took his arm before they started to walk.
Nozel didn’t show it, but he was quite shocked at the gesture. It almost felt so terribly intimate, as if they were really a couple and not just two people who happened to enjoy spending time with each other.
And still, somehow it felt right.
The walked through an empty street full of trees and sunlight. It was a nice late afternoon, warm but not too hot for summer. Perfect for shopping in Vanessas books and since Nozel had practically no shopping experience, it was fair to assume that she was right.
“Were you able to get every ingredients you wanted for your potions?” Nozel finally asked her. Not that he was interested in potions and other witch things in particular, but… Vanessa was a witch, it was her world and she loved making those. He was interested about her, every bit of her.
“Yes. I especially happy that I got those blue poppy leaves. They’re extremely rare to get outside of the Black Market and the only merchant who sells them is such a thief, he changes the prices every time I’m there.”
“That was somehow the feeling I got.”
“Right? He’s not even subtle about it! Usually I end up slapping him so that I can get those leaves. But he seems to have a good day today, he didn’t argued too much.”
Nozel smiled. That might be because he discreetly put some of his own money in Vanessas wallet. She seemed to need and want urgently those blue poppy leaves, given how she argued with that corrupted merchant.
Actually, despite the moments of strange tension between them, despite the fact that he had absolutely no idea how to act with his feelings, despite his guilt, Nozel liked to spend so much time with Vanessa. He liked how more open he was around her, only for her.
He couldn’t deny that having Vanessa in his life was more than just a good thing. Maybe it was good to allow himself some happiness.
Suddenly, Vanessa stopped to walk and looked in front of her, frowning.
“Vanessa, what’s the matter?”
“Do you perhaps know that man over there? He’s looking at us in a way I don’t know if I should like or not.”
Nozel followed her stare… and froze when he saw the man looking at them.
Those white hair tucked in a ridiculously complicated hairdo, those arrogant magenta coloured eyes, this moustache subtly curled, this grin that looked like a crueller version of Solids smile.
Oh no. Why is he here?
“Darling, are you alright? You look horribly pale.”
Nozel wanted to reassure her, but it would be a lie. He couldn’t say anything at all, as the man walked swiftly to them, while looking he had every time in the world.
“Hello, son.”
Nozel felt Vanessa flinched heavily against him. He never told her much about his father, but still enough that she knew what this reappearance was implying.
Lac Silva gave them a smile that didn’t reached his eyes. Of course it didn’t, his smiles were always fake. Especially for his children and his late wife.
“You don’t greet your own father? Where are your manners, Nozel, I teached you better than that.”
“You teached me, but you never raised me.”
Nozel hated for once how quiet his voice sounded. Normally, he never needed to yell or scream to make everyone obey him. But with his father, his usual authority wouldn’t work. In fact, he never had any authority in the presence of this man, instead he felt and sounded more like a child who was getting punished for something he didn’t made.
He felt Vanessa hold his arm slightly tighter and despite her presence, Nozel couldn’t find any comfort. He wished she wasn’t here, so that she wouldn’t witness how pathetic and weak he was against his father or worse, that Lac Silva would somehow hurt her.
“Teaching and raising are one and the same for royalty, Nozel. But would you please introduce me to your… charming companion?”
Nozel flinched and he felt that Vanessa did as well. That tone, that choice of words… Subtle and clear as crystal at the same time, Lac practically implied that Vanessa was nothing more than a fling, a grisette with a humble job and low morals, who choose a noble or royal protector to gain a bit more wealth until she was considered too old.
Vanessa wasn’t that and Nozel would rather give up his royal status than treating her that way. But his father wouldn’t care for that.
“A witch wearing a Magic Knight robe. Oh, a Black Bull… you must be the Drunken Witch, then. How delightful to make your acquaintance”, Lac said with a sickening smile and taking Vanessas hand to blow a kiss on it. Nozel clinched a fist. It looked so disrespectful when his father was doing it and all he wanted was to kiss Vanessas hand, in a naïve attempt to wash away his father’s touch.
“Sir,” Vanessa simply said with a cold nod. He never seen her like this and it hurt to see her with a similar cold mask to his.
“Son, I’m quite surprised that you are in the company of someone way too far away from your status and one of Noelles squadmates at that. Still feeling ashamed to be directly in your little sisters company?”
There was it again. The ultimate strategy of Lac Silva. Never lying, but telling the truth in a way so that it would humiliate his opponent and be beneficial only for him.
Like always, Nozel had no idea what to say.
It was Vanessa who replied instead. “Not true, they’re getting along better than ever!”
“Oh, really? But Noelle is still a Black Bull.”
“She’s very happy in this squad, I won’t take her away from them.”
“So, she’s still happier away from you, dear son?”
That hurt so much more than it should and Nozel had a very hard time to not look down. But even if he did, Lac knew that he hit a nerve, given his slight victorious smile.
“That’s not true, Noelle is-“
“Miss witch, I don’t think you have any concern into the affairs of house Silva.”
“You neither, you left your children alone for years when they needed a father the most.”
Lac stopped smiling, looking now terribly insulted. Vanessa looked at him with anger and protectiveness towards Noelle and… Nozel.
She was protective of him? Why?
“Miss witch, you-“
“Her name is Vanessa!”
Both looked at him, Lac with outrage, Vanessa with surprise and something he couldn’t really identify. But Nozel didn’t care. His father could insult him every time, he could live with that. But Nozel just couldn’t tolerate this man insulting a woman he fell hopelessly in love with despite every issue he had.
“Miss… Vanessa, you should go, I have something to discuss with my son without any witnesses.”
“I won’t let you-“
“Vanessa, please, it’s alright.”
She looked at him, clearly not believing it would be alright. Nozel didn’t believed his own words as well. But he wanted her out of here, out of this situation before she could be corrupted and getting cracks for interacting with Lac Silva.
Despite his father’s presence, he looked at her pleadingly, hoping she would somehow understand.
It was just a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity until Vanessa nodded slowly. “Will you call me later.”
That seemed enough for Vanessa. She looked at him intensely, with the same comfortable tension they always had since two months. She tighten her grip on his arm for a second, as if she tried to give him some comfort, before she took her broom and her bags, flying away.
Just as she disappeared, his father turned to him and said with cold tone he used only for Nozel, “You won’t call her back.”
“You have no right to tell me what to do,” Nozel replied coldly before turning his back to his father. He started to walk away, which was useless, but he still had to get out of here as quickly as he could.
“Oh, because you’re a thirty year old grown adult? Don’t be silly, Nozel. Given all the stupid decisions you took concerning house Silva since you took over, I think I have every right to,” his father replied. Nozel heard him walk behind him.
“You only consider those decisions stupid because they don’t help you for your own schemes. Do you really think I’m stupid? I know that you less married mother and more house Silva, I know that our family is just a stepping stone for you.”
“Haven’t you learned anything, Nozel? In an arranged marriage, it never matters who you’re getting married to, but from which house your spouse will be. Acier was just the only Silva princess left to marry, since Océane was married into the Vermillions and all the others died already. Typical Silvas, at least I gave this four heirs, which is always the main reason why a house who loses members quite often should get marital alliances… and shall I remember you that your dearest mother was more than willing to have children with me.”
Nozel knew that Silvas had a strange habit to die mostly young and in celibacy, he knew that his duty of arranged marriage implied to conceive heirs. But he hated how his father talked about it, as if it was his achievement only.
“Four heirs, but only because I didn’t got a magic with water affinity like you. Otherwise, I would have been an only child. You never enjoyed fatherhood anyway. You only accepted to have more children the moment you learned I have mercury magic.”
His father didn’t answered, which was the proof that Nozel did hit a point. But he couldn’t rejoice this small and rare victory, as his father now got a grip on his arm, holding him back.
“It doesn’t change the fact that you won’t meet up with this… witch again, whatever her name is.”
“That’s not up to you to decide, you never cared about my frequentations before. So why now?”
“Because you never dealt with people who weren’t part of our circles outside of you work as Magic Knight before. I don’t have personally something against witches, but you shouldn’t frequent them. Think of your duty.”
“Since when has it to do with my duty that I shouldn’t meet up with Vanessa?”
“Son, you seem to be more stupid than years ago. It doesn’t matter which witch you met up with for some luxurious activities, that’s not the point. It is already rather stupid and naïve of you that you’re frequenting a witch, this is worse than with just peasants and commoners. Royals don’t mix with witches in particular, our terms with their queen are peaceful but fragile. But the worst part is, that you prefer following your braindead sexual instinct instead on finally focusing on your duty.
Nozel felt nauseous and angry at his father words. How dare this man believe that? How dare his father insinuate that he… treat Vanessa that way, just for his own fun? Even though he was always taken aback by her beauty, it was more than anything her personality that touched his heart!
“How dare you… Vanessa and I did not-“
“Oh, do you perhaps think that your lust is love?” The fake pity was so sickening and Lac Silva certainly knew that. “Nozel, my dear son, you must have forgotten. Royals don’t love. Royals. Don’t. Love.”
“Not true! Don’t you remember mother? It might have broken her heart in the end, but she did love you!”
“Acier loved me? Well, her mistake, her weakness.”
“Don’t talk about my mother like that!”
“Still the mama’s boy, I see. You were always behind her skirts when you were a little boy, always looking up to her and I have to say, Acier spoiled you rotten, cherishing you instead of being a proper royal parent. Your grandfather, may he rest peace, already had concern that she was going to be too soft with you. And he was right. You might look all cold and stern on the outside, but you’re weak. You played your role well, I was impressed. But unlike the nobles, I am not a fool. You and your mother, you might think that love is a good thing, but no. It is a weakness, makes you braindead and it’s overall just a flimsy emotion, be it for royals or peasants. Why do you think that most scandals involving love end tragically? All those secret weddings of the past? Eloping only makes you happy until the bliss of an adventure fades away and you’re stuck in an unstable life with a partner you have nothing in common with. Why are so many divorces occurring after many so called love weddings happened? It is pretty common in the Common Realm and unlike nobles, commoners at least have nothing to lose after a divorce. Why do most so-called big love stories end tragically? I can tell you two examples from my youth, it portrays the generality of this nonsense. I remember lady Gloria from house Pompadour, who fell in love with a foreigner from the Heart kingdom and instead of letting go of it, she threw herself out of a cliff when her house make her lover disappear for her safety. Or lady Desirée from house Évantail, she loved her husband and when she found out he had a mistress, she poisoned herself. Not to mention your own mother, little mama’s boy. Didn’t she ended up broken hearted after years of living in a delusion of true love?”
Nozel wanted to protest, but he knew he was useless. Not because his father was stubborn, bluffing or desperate enough to cling on this belief.
No, Lac Silva was effortlessly convinced on what he just said. For him, it was just a fact and there was no way anyone could convince him otherwise.
Lac Silva never used lies to convince. Only the truth and for him, this was the truth.
His father took his lack of answer as a success, as he continued with a superior smile, “You know how fragile house Silva is right now. There’s only four of you and none of you are married, not to mention that none of you have at least one heir. Nebra should have been married a decade ago, Noelle at least engaged and even though Solid is a difficult cause, a search for a potential spouse for him should start soon. And you, Nozel… unlike your siblings, you aren’t so much of a disappointment, except your magic affinity. You should think of your future marriage instead of playing with a pretty witch. At least, you’re quite concious of the stupidity of adultery, so you will not have manipulative mistress once your married. But stop postponing it. This is just calling for me to take this matter into my own hands.”
“I will NOT let you decide upon my life anymore!”
“Then you should stop acting like a child.”
Nozel snickered unhappily, “You say that, but you still treat me like a child. And you don’t really want to stop me to actlike a child, it makes it just easier for you to manipulate me. And on the other hand, when I was a child, you treated me like I was already an adult, but a stupid one who had no idea of the world. When mother died, you weren’t even there, not to mention you were absent at the funeral. All I got from you is a note saying I should pull myself together and that sadness is a weakness.”
“Well, it is.”
“I hold back my sadness and any other so-called weak affections for almost two decades, just for the sake of the house! I was a child, too young for this burden… but my own father just called me pathetic because I was cursed and made things even more difficult for me once I became Head and since he’s so popular within nobility, it was already his word against mine! And you’re still wondering why I refuse to let my life be a chess piece for you? Despite your reputation, you only married into royalty, but I’m the head of house Silva, I’m a captain of a royal Magic Knight squad and it’s my decision alone if I get married for political reasons or out of love.”
Nozel tried to sound calm, but it was clear as crystal that he didn’t have his emotion under control. Never in his father’s presence.
The choice of his words, how he formed his sentences, spilling out his grudges against that man… all that was a clear indicator that he was in control of the situation.
Lac Silva knew that. He looked at him with an air of superiority, caressing his moustache and smiling, amused and disdained at the same time.
With all the love Nozel had for his mother, sometimes he couldn’t help but wonder what she actually saw in her husband.
Nozel wanted to walk away again, but of course his father didn’t let go of his arm.
“I might accept to let you choose your future betrothed, if you hear what I have to offer you.”
“Don’t take me for a fool. Since are you making deals that might be not beneficial to you?”
“Just listen. You are a Magic Knight and despite it is clearly not the a very useful job given what happened the last two years, you’re taking it very seriously… And since I heard that all nine squads are currently dealing on a matter of thievery in the Common Realm, I’m ready to give you some help for this ridiculous affair.”
Nozel flinched. Well, he had to admit that help was indeed the Magic Knights needed help with those thefts that were putting the Common Realm on edge. Since they had learned that a secret and very well prepared organisation was pulling the strings in the background, they were very cautious with anything tied to this affair. Nozel would admit that he had thought more of Vanessa than this organized thievery during those past few weeks, but still, he couldn’t forget his duty as a Magic Knight and as a captain. They indeed might need help on this.
But… accepting help from his father? Even if that man wasn’t lying and even though it wouldn’t be bad to have some help from someone more neutral than the Magic Knights, it wasn’t right still. Because Lac Silva didn’t offer help out of generosity, he wanted something in return.
But what exactly? He was offering his help and in exchange, he would accept to let Nozel make his own decision about his future spouse and marriage. It sounded fair. But Nozel just knew that it wasn’t, not with his father.
Whether he let him choose on his own or not, now that Lac was on board on that topic, he would gain something out of it either way. That much was clear to Nozel. By ruining a noble house, making his daughter-in-law is willing or unwilling ally… he would gain something out of it either way and it would serve and his goal, not the Silvas.
As for the help he could offer the Magic Knights, Lac Silva would consider that the Wizard King and all nine squads would owe him something in return. And he was eloquent enough to make it sound like they owe him big and he would put the nobles on his side. Given how the Magic Knights weren’t already well received within nobility these days, it would be a piece of cake for him.
“Consider it, son. You have everything to gain. It’s not like you want to be happy in marriage, am I right?”
Why did it sound so wrong coming out of his father’s mouth? Why did his conviction falter for a second?
And why couldn’t he stop thinking about Vanessa, longing for her presence and at the same time, be afraid should find him pathetic and stupid?
It came out before he could even think about it. But still, it felt like the only right thing for him to say.
“No? Hm, guess I was wrong, perhaps. If this is your answer, maybe being a Magic Knight and a captain isn’t that important to you after all. Maybe you hang on it just because of your mother, like the perfect little mama’s boy you are. What would your witch think of that, I w-“
“No, you’re wrong. It is important for me, not only because of my mother. I’m very aware of my duty and I learned from experience that help that comes in the form of deals shouldn’t be trusted on this matter. And don’t you dare think this poorly of Vanessa. You don’t know her, she’s not driven by ambition and she’s not hoping to gain something by being around me. She is not my mistress, she doesn’t deserve to be called like that. She… means a lot to me and unlike you and most nobles, she… likes to be with me. Vanessa is kind and honest and everything you consider weak, but she is strong. Now, leave me alone!”
“I’m here only for the day before I have to follow my important duties. I can give you some time if you want, but I’m not finished talking to you, Nozel.”
“But I’m done listening to you… Lac.”
There was no way he would call this man directly father. It felt so wrong.
Lac continued to talk, but Nozel refused to listen. He pulled his father’s hand from his arm, summoned his mercury eagle and flew away.
He didn’t know if this was a victory or not. It didn’t felt like it. Even worse, Nozel didn’t felt like the thirty year old adult, captain, knight and house head, he actually was, but more like a teenager.
Like the fourteen year old boy who lost his mother and who cried all alone, next to her dead body.
Maybe that fourteen year old boy never disappeared, maybe he never stopped crying in silent and all alone, during those seventeen years.
Nozel felt himself like crying right now. He probably made things worse for him and more importantly, for his siblings during this interaction with Lac Silva. What if that man would try to marry Nebra or Noelle off behind Nozels back? What if he threaten Solid with a political marriage that would end in disaster, because Solid was Solid and Lac would be able to turn this disaster into an advantage?
What if…
Nozel stopped. He was overthinking again. Lac surely had other duties to follow, he said it himself and he wasn’t a liar. King Augustus, Achilles Vermillion and the vast majority of the nobles either trusted or admired him. Lac wasn’t the type to waste his time on bothering, at least. And Nozel knew that he would give him some time. Lac reminded him of his duty to his house and at the same time, managed to make him feel completely lost.
He was pathetic, so pathetic. Nozel had no idea what to do. But mostly, he couldn’t help but think about Vanessa. How would she feel about him, seeing him like this, being played like fiddle by father? Would she be disgusted, disappointed? Nozel didn’t want Vanessa to think badly of him! But why would she even think of him as someone wonderful? He loved her hopelessly, but Nozel knew that it was irrational to hope for something like that.
Lost in his thoughts, Nozel didn’t realized that someone was following him. A very specific witch, who actually didn’t exactly left after he asked her to go.
Nozel didn’t know yet that Vanessa heard everything…
“I’ll bring you to captain Kaiser.”
“Yeah, geez, you don’t need to be this nervous.”
The Purple Orca – Digit or something like that – who was leading the captain of the Black Bulls through the headquarters just nodded, but didn’t get less nervous. Weird, Yami didn’t even tried yet to be threatening or something.
Looking around, Yami was surprised that while everything looked cleaned, it was also really cosy. Not up tight, not random, not military, just cosy. Back when that traitor ham Gueldre was the captain of the Purple Orcas, the headquarters just looked nasty, suspicious and full of unfairness. Now, it was both cleaned and cosy. Yami was used that cleaned places weren’t cosy at all and that cosy places weren’t cleaned.
It looked like the purple moustache grandpa actually did a very decent job to turn the Purple Orcas back into a proud and more than decent squad. Well, a proof that kindness wasn’t a weakness at all.
Yami sighed. It had ask a lot of his own pride to come here and actually ask for an advice. Since two months, the tension between him and Prickly Queen just grew more and more intense. The weirdest part was actually that the tension didn’t felt in any way negative. He never had something like that before and even though he hated to admit it, but it was freaking him out.
The shock over her lost brother’s identity was calmer now, but not really over. Charlotte hadn’t been ready to tell Luck the truth immediately, which Yami totally get. Oh, he had no concerns about Lucks reaction, honestly. But the hardest part was always before the revelation and Prickly Queen needed some time to prepare. At least, Charlotte asked if she could visit the Black Bulls and Yami accepted. It seemed a good idea, allowing Charlotte to get used to her brother’s squad and getting Luck used to Charlottes presence before he will learn the truth about their family bonds.
Which was today. Prickly Queen got a grip on herself and decided to tell Luck that she was his half-sister.
She wanted to do it alone and Yami let her be. Not only because it would indeed be better for both siblings if Charlotte did it all by herself. But also, all this weird tension and emotions and thoughts around Prickly Queen became really unbearable for Yami lately, to a point he decided to ignore his pride for once and ask for advice.
Actually, Kaiser wasn’t just a random choice. Yami came to some kind of partly conclusion lately. It just didn’t make any sense when it came to Charlotte for him, but since nothing made sense with her… Kaiser just happened to be nice guy, pretty chill and who was in a happy marriage and unusual for a noble, that man married out of love. His marriage also wasn’t only happy, but also calm and apparently, one of Kaisers favourite thing to do was spending some nice quality time with his wife.
All that put together, it was probably the best person Yami could ask advice for. Okay, Finral was happily married as well, but he was a Black Bull and Yami would NEVER ask one of his subordinates for help. He had still some pride left, for fuck’s sakes! As for other captains, Fuegoleon was apparently in a very happy relationship, but he still wasn’t married yet. Kaiser was older and that meant he had the most experience out of all the people Yami knew. Also, he probably won’t be judging.
So, this morning, Yami put his pride aside and called the purple moustache grandpa if he could come over for a talk. About something personal, he needed to add.
Kaiser didn’t sound surprised and didn’t ask any questions. He practically invited him to the Purple Orcas headquarters in the afternoon. Right during the time of Charlottes visit, which was perfect. Yami had no idea if he was able to face her right now.
So, in the afternoon, Yami took his wheels and ordered him to bring him to the Purple Orcas. Thankfully, Finral had been there before. Now, he was waiting outside and having small talk with some young Orcas. When Finral asked his captain why the sudden visit, Yami just said something about squad business and while his wheels frowned, probably sensing the lie, he was also clever enough to not pry.
“We’re here, captain Yami,” the nervous Orca finally said, stopping at a door, knocking on it and leaving immediately.
Yami sighed, before slowly opening the door. Depending on this talk, he would either get even more confused or finally got his answers.
Entering the office, Yami was taken aback again by how cleaned and cosy it looked. Heck, the office looked like the perfect mix of a captains office and a cosy living room.
For the first time, Yami wondered if it wouldn’t be too bad to have his own office back at the Hideout. He needed to talk with Henry about it.
“Welcome Yami, I was expecting you,” Kaiser stood in front of his desk, actually smiling and even handing him a glass of whiskey. Not full, of course, by nobles fucked up logic, the best way to enjoy whiskey was only to put not much in a glass with some little ice cubes and to took only sips from it for an hour. Yami would have preferred a full glass or even better, some booze.
But at the same time, this was going to be an important talk for him, so he better needed to not get drunk.
“Geez, thanks,” Yami just said, taking a small sip. Hm, that whiskey was pretty tasty. Purple Moustache Grandpa had some good taste at least.
Kaiser made a gesture, inviting him to sit at the desk. He even was actually polite enough to wait for his visitor to sit down, before taking place himself. Unexpected from a noble but at the same time, Yami knew already that Kaiser was just a nice moustache grandpa.
“I had to admit that your call from this morning surprised me, Yami. Not in a negative way, of course not, but still surprising. Is there something bothering you?”
“Ya can say that, Moustache Guy,” Yami replied, taking another sip from his drink. A bigger one this time, because he really needed some courage right now.
This never happened before to him and Yami wasn’t sure to like this new side of him. Well, hopefully his brats wouldn’t learn or he might risk to lose his authority among them.
“Well, moustache… Kaiser,” he finally started, hating how unsure his voice sounded. Thankfully Kaiser probably won’t be judging for it. “I might… need some advice for… something very specific and complicated to explain. Well… I came to you because, um, you’re married for years and, um… having a happy marriage and you… um, love… your wife.”
“Does it have something to do with Charlotte?”
Yami was very happy that he didn’t take another sip from his whiskey, because he would have spit that excellent drink directly on his host in this very moment.
“How… how did you know?”
“Well, ever since I’ve become captain, I noticed pretty fast the tension between you both. I even sit next to both of you during most captains meeting, but to be fair, I think everyone noticed it. But that tension honestly became more intense after Spade, especially those last few months.”
“Wait, there was tension before?”
“Yes, there was. I don’t blame you for not realizing it immediately. It me also some time before I understood what was specifically between you and Charlotte.”
Yami didn’t know what to say. Kaiser had no reason to lie to him and according to his Ki, he didn’t. But if there was already tension before between Prickly Queen and himself, why didn’t he noticed it?
Either they just had a weird and unique way to act with each other… Or Yami had to admit that he had been terribly dense.
Kaiser smiled, while looking at a framed portrait standing on his desk. A rather round grandma with a shining smile was on it. Probably his lady wife. She wasn’t a proper beauty by nobles standards, but Kaiser still looked at her as if she hung sun, moon and star all by herself.
Proof for Yami that he actually knocked on the right door.
“I feel honoured that you’re asking me for advice on this matter, Yami. I understand first-hand how difficult it can be when you have romantic feelings for a very specific person. And given your situation… Well, how about you first tell me everything.”
Yami told Kaiser everything he knew, everything that happened since Spade and even what happened before when Kaiser was asking, everything that was just so unique and weird and without any sense concerning Charlotte, just… everything. Yami never would have imagined how good it felt to open his heart to someone, to just put all his worries and everything he couldn’t understand into words.
Kaiser was also a good listener. He didn’t interrupted, asked for some more details here and then and most importantly, he wasn’t judging at all! Just understanding and thinking.
It took longer to put everything into words, especially since his colleague was also asking some questions, who seemed random at first but by answering them, Yami had to admit that those were clever details to ask for.
After a long while, both captains were silent. Kaiser actually gave Yami another glass of whiskey and this time, it was full.
“Well, Yami… There’s a lot of unspoken things between you and Charlotte. But in my books, you actually came to the right conclusion.”
“So… I love her.”
“Yes, indeed.”
Yami had no idea what to think exactly or to even feel. He was so surprised to find out he was head over heels for the Prickly Queen, but at the same time, he wasn’t. It just made so much sense, given… everything.
“And… Charlotte?”
“Oh, I can tell you for sure that she loves you as well, Yami.”
Again, so terribly surprising and at the same time, it made so much sense. And everyone else but him probably figured it out. Yami groaned. Had he been really that stupid, that dense? Seemed like it. Goldie Guts already pointed it out that he might wasn’t able to recognize if someone was in love with him, despite his Ki reading.
But how would he have ever been able to get it, with how Charlotte treated him for years? Okay, he never questioned in the first place and never asked himself if she was just putting on a mask or not. But still!
And… what now?
That was honestly the real question in this very moment. Concerning his brats, he never cared if they fell in love and with whom. Why care about the consequences, when all you had to do was surpassing your limits?
But now that he was in a situation like this, Yami felt that he couldn’t just waltz in, tell Charlotte he was head over heels for her and they live happily ever after, everyone’s happy, who cares for the consequences?
Their circles were different, Charlotte cared a lot about her duty, she fight a lot against the sexism concerning her rank and position… She would care about the consequences and who was Yami to go against her will? He never needed to tell to surpass her limits, she always did it all by herself. To a point that she actually needed to relax and rely on others. If they wanted to be in a relationship, people would help them. But others would put stones in their way. Nobles never cared for a relationship who didn’t apply to their marital standard and even more to their own selfish schemes.
Besides… Why would Charlotte even love him? Why him of all people?
Fuck, was he actually doubting himself right now? Never happened before… What Charlotte thought of him was also really important for him.
“What do I do now?”
Kaiser didn’t answered directly, just silently thinking, his eyes focused on the portrait of his wife. But when he spoke, his voice sounded concerned and caring, like the nice grandpa he was.
“Listen, Yami. I won’t lie to you and won’t try to tell you to just jump in without any care. You must be well aware how nobility runs in our poor kingdom. My marriage with Isabelle was an exception and even today, politics, fortunes, reputation, alliances are considered to be some of the most important topics for a marital bond. Love is considered as flimsy and stupid, a nice bonus at best, one of the most terrible weakness at worst. House Roselei is from high nobility and Charlotte, who cares about her duty as you know, is one of the most renown parties on the noble marital market.”
Kaiser made a pause, before continuing with a smile, “But I also won’t tell you to give up. Arranged marriages are maybe the norm, but it shouldn’t be, as they’re mostly awful. Love is a very good reason to go against this status quo and it’s worth all the difficulties. You love Charlotte and she loves you, both of you have a good reason to take the risk. You just need to be careful, to not take unnecessary risks. I firmly believe that this would be a fight you can win. And don’t forget that both of you aren’t alone, people would help you.”
Yami knew all of this already, but it was good to heard it confirmed from a more neutral party. It made everything more real.
But there was still something that made Yami weirdly unsure. Unusual for him, but maybe it was probably a common issue for every people in love. Did Finral felt like this too with his beloved Finesse?
“How… can I tell Prickly Queen, um, Charlotte that I… well, you know.”
“Every romance is different from each other, so it won’t be the same for every couple. You and Charlotte are very different from Isabelle and me. All I can advise is you is to be yourself and to feel it for yourself, as well as for Charlotte. And to not let your doubts and fear be stronger than your love for her. She means a lot to you already. You wouldn’t have come to ask for my advice otherwise.”
Very true. Yami did made a good choice to ask this specific colleague for help. He’ll never admit it out loud, but for once he needed advice. The right advice.
Kaiser just smiled at him with an understanding look in his eyes, not judging at all. Wasn’t this the proof that some people won’t be upset to have him at Charlottes side?
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Ngl Nozel and Papa Silva having a battle royale over being Captain of the SE would be pretty interesting 👀!
It would be, but it would also be the culmination of all the years of pain and neglect Nozel has experienced with his siblings from their father. Because Nozel isn't, despite all the wrong he has done, a bad person, I could see him, in the rather dark and tormented moment, after the battle is ending, standing over his father who is bleeding out on the ground after having spent all his mana
"I have surpassed you father," Nozel would say. "You won't torment me, or my siblings anymore. No more disgrace, done by you, on the House of Silva. You always wanted to help none other than yourself, so... Help yourself, out of this. If you can." And then he'd walk away with tears streaming down his face because there are a lot of conflicting emotions in him.
Nozel isn't a bad person, but he's withholding help from his father. In the manner of a Battle Royale. But by doing so he's becoming a bit more like his father at the same time
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axowotl-l · 9 months
more craftlings but this time theyre stress doodles! i have been struggling to make and finish an essay :")
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136 notes · View notes
the-black-bulls · 10 months
Yami: You’re doing a good job around here, I think you’re up to it.
Noelle: W-wait, for real? Thank you, da-SIR! I've to call my father and tell him he was wrong about me.
Noelle, on the communication device: Father? Oh, he died? [softly] Where’s his grave?
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papa-evershed · 2 years
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»»» 15 days until new Saul Silva content
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faz-o-l · 11 months
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Papa Francisco
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smugbunch · 1 year
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the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
A punk boi
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Another punk boi
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And another punk boi
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But what makes these punk bois different?
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wththefriz · 4 months
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I'm gonna subject you guys to my oc shit because I haven't posted here in a while-
I'm gonna try cause I need more publicity so if you see me reposting fanfiction, no you didn't ♡
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crazyclownthanos · 5 months
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Acier’s hand compared to her husbands hand 🥲
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perfettamentechic · 8 months
14 settembre … ricordiamo …
14 settembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Henry Silva, attore statunitense. Il suo volto, caratteristico per impassibilità e durezza dell’espressione, si è prestato spesso per la parte dell’antagonista cattivo. In Italia ebbe un certo successo negli anni settanta partecipando a film del filone western e di quello poliziesco. Proveniente da una famiglia povera di origine ispanica ed italiana, figlio di Jesus Silva e della siciliana…
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vilandel · 14 days
Silver Cats & Black Roses
Chapter 16 – Lady Orchidea and the Nobles
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A/N Little warning, we learn more about the past of Charlottes mother, lady Roselei... and it is not a happy one 💙 Also, a bit of Vanessa and Finesse friendship 💜
Ao3 link
Grenadine always had the habit to wake up early. Back in the inn where her mother worked and lived, it didn’t changed when she became a Magic Knight.
A new habit actually was to get a copious breakfast. Back at the village in the Forsaken Realm, she only got a glass of milk in the morning and when her mother or the inn keeper were in a good mood, a slice or two of buttered bread.
But here at the Silver Eagles, she had been amazed by the good food and Grenadine couldn’t help but fill her breakfast tray always with most food she could find, especially that roasted bread nobles called toast and all those different kinds of jam. Sometimes it filled her stomach for the whole day. And when it was early morning, she had the most choice of food.
Grenadine didn’t eat breakfast back in the squads refectory, though. It was such a big room and it intimated her when it was as good as empty. Which was always the case early in the morning. So, she just took a tray, filled it with her breakfast, would talk a bit with the chefs and then go back to her room.
But because the night wing of the Silver Eagles was almost on the opposite site of the refectory, it always took a while to go back to her room. The only direct disadvantage she considered in the Silver Eagle’s base. Otherwise, Grenadine was always excited to have her own room.
She sighed. That hadn’t been the case back in the inn, where she shared a tiny room with her mother. Even more so, Grenadine was the one who slept on the floor on a too soft mattress while her mother had the wobbly bed. Well, Grenadine admitted that her life became better and not only in terms of food and living place.
Her mother was always bitter, but that Grenadine could understand. She wanted a better, easier life and maybe she had thought being the mistress of a noble would be the best way. But the noble she choose, Cygnus Évantail, just had her fun with her for a while before he left her pregnant and alone. Yeah, no wonder she became bitter. But what was less understandable was how her mother considered her own daughter guilty for her condition, while the only thing Grenadine did was being born a bastard.
Another problem was that the village they lived in was a conservative one. Bastards weren’t loved, considered less and Grenadine had those looks on her every day she lived there. The inn keeper who engaged her mother out of “charity”, even had to point out her condition. The only person who loved Grenadine and who took care of her was the inn keepers wife. She was the one to believe her, to never mock her for her wish to become a Magic Knight and who encouraged her to train her fan magic.
That woman sadly died not long after Grenadine got her grimoire. So, nothing else held her back in that village. Grenadine tried to talk things out with her mother, but she wouldn’t hear anything. So, Grenadine left the village for the royal capital, determined to join a Magic Knight squad.
She was lucky, then she got there just in time for a special entrance exam. This year, there would be two, because of the whole raid in the Spade kingdom, so Grenadine didn’t need to wait for months for the next one. She seemed to have done well , because she managed to impress six captains out of nine.
Six captains wanted to give her a chance and let her join their squads. The villagers were certain that none would take her, and yet…
One of those captains was Nozel Silva, a royal and the captain of the Silver Eagles.
This had taken Grenadine aback. Everyone told her that the Silver Eagles only accepted nobles and royals in their ranks, no one less. And yet, the captain of this squad raised his hand, offering her a place as a Silver Eagle.
Honestly, it was too good to be true, so she accepted. Actually, Grenadine had been surprised, because most of the knights she met were welcoming of the bastard she was. Sometimes, she wondered if it has always been like this behind the appearances or if the Silver Eagles just started to be more open minded recently.
Of course, she met a bunch of arrogant nobles within the Silver Eagles, like her half-brother Samuel. Grenadine first had naively hoped that some of her father’s family would accept her, but interacting with her half-brother made her unwilling to try to reach out. She learned that the Évantails were mostly arrogant jerks and the family tree was incredibly messy. If all members of this noble house were like that, then Grenadine didn’t want to interact with them at all.
The Silver Eagles were her home, almost becoming like family to her, as strange as it might sound. The older knights were like mentors, the younger ones became somehow siblings, vice-captain Agatha was always nice and supportive. And captain Nozel, despite being busy, always tried to find some time to supervise her training and even helping her, in his own ways. He was a good captain and today, Grenadine was deeply grateful that he gave her chance, even though she was a bastard daughter.
If only she could give him back some of his kindness somehow.
While she was thinking and remembering, Grenadine reached the night quarters. Although, not exactly. She reached the hall were captain Nozel has his chamber. He didn’t often slept at the base, but when he did, it was always in this particular chamber that was pretty much apart from the rest.
Grenadine thought that he must have his reasons why his bedroom was not along the others. Honestly, captain Nozel was always very secretive with his private life, if he had any, and was still a mystery to her today. She was curious, but also knew better than to push or digging. The few things she gathered from the history of house Silva, especially concerning the late lady Acier, sounded tragic and she wouldn’t be surprised if captain Nozel suffered terribly back then.
The door to his chamber was slightly open. Did he slept at the base last night? No, if he did, the captain would have closed and locked his door. That was always a habit of his, he always locked his office three times when he left and when he was in there, no one could just waltz in, everyone had to knock and wait for his answer before entering, even vice-captain Agatha.
But his room at the base was also always locked, even when he wasn’t sleeping there. Maybe he forgot? But it was so unlike captain Nozel to forget anything. He had such a good memory, he even always remembered a small detail a knight said like a year ago.
Suddenly, Grenadine grinned, putting her tray on the floor against the wall. It was actually a unique occasion to see what his room was like. Many Silver Eagles always speculated what kind of style he had. Well, she was about to find out.
Just a peek, though. That would be enough, entering his bedroom would be highly disrespecting.
But when she took a glance to the gap of the door, the first thing Grenadine saw was the bed. Not empty. To her surprise, captain Nozel actually was here.
And he wasn’t alone in his bed…
The wheels in her brain were only working slowly as Grenadine tried to understand what this could mean and to recognize the woman who was in her captains arms.
Rosewood hair, a really beautiful face who seemed very familiar. Grenadine frowned. She had seen that woman before, sometimes. Always when there was a report coming from another squad, the Black Bulls actually. So, wasn’t that Vanessa Enoteca, the witch who was also a Magic Knight, member of the Black Bulls.
The Black Bull witch was here, in captain Nozel’s chamber, in his bed.
Actually, they were in each other’s arms, bodies intertwined, silver and pink hair mixed, a blanket covering them from the waist.
Wait a minute!
Grenadine jumped away from the door and leaned against the opposite wall, trying to breathe normally.
The captain of the Silver Eagles was in the arms of the Black Bull witch.
Nozel Silva and Vanessa Enoteca were lovers.
One of the most eligible royal bachelors of the kingdom had a witch, someone way far away from his own circles, as his lover.
A royal and a witch were lovers!
Holy Grimoire!
Grenadine stood frozen against the wall as she slowly realized was this would imply for nobility, for royalty and more importantly… for those two lovers especially.
She did hear some rumours within her squadmates about the dreamy state captain Nozel had lightly. But even though she wondered about it as well, Grenadine would have never imagined that he could be in love.
At least, not with someone out of his circles. But should this really be surprising? Was she more shocked that it was a witch or about the reaction corrupt nobles would have?
Grenadine wasn’t blind, she did saw how some nobles, even some Silver Eagles, were treating captain Nozel, subtle for sure, but still disrespectful. She didn’t know why and since when, but she also knew that he didn’t deserve to get some little respect. Especially since he always put others before himself. He deserved some kind of happiness and right there, with Vanessa Enoteca in his arms, captain Nozel actually looked happy while he slept.
But nobles would never accept that, right?
“Oh, little newbie hatchling, what did shocked you that much to glue you against the wall?”
Grenadine jumped as she heard the voice. Thankfully, it was only granny Julia coming from the refectory as well, with a tray of breakfast.
“Goodness, are we attacked again by devils that you react like that?”
“No, it’s just… captain Nozel…”
Julia’s smile faded away, while concern appeared in her golden eyes. “Did something happened to him?”
Granny Julia didn’t even waited for an answer, as she rushed to the still slight open door, taking a glance into the room.
“Oh. Oh my. Oh by my old bones.”
Julia immediately took a step away, closing the door silently. Grenadine bit her lip. Actually, she should have done that from the start instead of looking and getting shocked. Damn curiosity.
The golden eyes of the oldest Silver Eagle were now filled with relief, although the concern didn’t disappeared.
“Well, I was certain that young Nozel was in love, but I haven’t expected that his lady love would be the Black Bull witch. Although, it explains why… Never mind. Captain Nozel and his witch lover will need a lot of support. His jerk of a father will give him hell if he ever finds out.”
“Father?” Grenadine asked. Lady Acier, the mother of the four Silva siblings, was always a subject, but she never heard about the father.
“Yes, young Aciers husband. Lac Silva, anciently from that good for nothing house Wavecliff. A true jerk, trust me. He was always thinking about himself. Besides, he has no inch of love for his children, especially Nozel. Don’t ask me why, though. Fact is, if he learns that his son is in love with a witch, he would give them hell.”
“That sounds awful…”
“Exactly, little hatchling. Captain Nozel deserves to finally have something good happening to him personally and while I don’t know Vanessa well, she seems like a very kind hearted person. She doesn’t deserve hell either.”
“But… what can we do?”
“You and I will have a discussion over breakfast about that. I don’t know everything about that family’s history, but I know quite a lot, I was knight already under Roland Silva, young Nozel’s great-uncle. And if you want to help, you need to understand a bit more. Now, take your tray, we’ll eat and talk in my room.”
When Julia Ambrosia decided something, there was no chance to argue. So, Grenadine took her tray and followed the old knight.
Charlotte was just looking at her mother.
And her mother looked back.
Alright, this silence was starting to get on her nerves. As if she wasn’t fed up since she came here. Charlotte got an invitation for tea for her mother, just the two of them. It was the first time her mother reached out to her since that soirée from two months ago, when Charlotte stood up to Orchidea.
Charlotte had no idea how to feel about this. Her bond with her mother was strained since that evening and given all the arranged marriage discussions lately, she hadn’t been too eager to rekindle that bond, sadly.
Although she never would have thought that her mother would reach out first. But she was still met with silence since she entered lady Orchideas boudoir. By her honour as a Magic Knight, Charlotte didn’t came here to just get silence in return! She preferred to return to her squad.
Or to see Yami. She once thought that the moment they got together, the longing for him would calm down. But it just got stronger. Was it because they came from different circles, had right now a secret relationship which was still very young and were both very aware of their situation?
It wasn’t too long ago, but the more she thought about it felt to be in his arms and making love, the more she longed to be back in his arms. Not only to sleep with him, but also to just talk, to tease each other, to cuddle, to spend time together…
To do any of those things a couple would do. The possibilities were actually endless.
She really had enough of this silence.
“Mother, if you don’t-“
“I’m sorry that I reached out to you only now,” lady Orchidea immediately said and from the tone of her voice, she was really sorry. “It’s just… what you told me two months ago, it reminded me of memories I tried to forget for years now. But those are also things I shouldn’t have put under the rug. It’s just… I was a coward, many times in my life. And to be fair, you… you were right to stand up to me.”
Alright, Charlotte didn’t expected that. She didn’t have any idea what to answer.
Looking over at her mother, who always looked younger than her age, she realized for the first time that lady Orchidea had wrinkles around her bright green eyes and there was already strands of grey in her black hair. And she looked so tired.
A mask was fallen. Her mother had decided to show her a very vulnerable side of herself, something most nobles would never dare to do. Charlotte started to feel bad for her mother.
“I warn you, it’s a bit a long story. And won’t tell you that to excuse my actions or to give good reasons to marry you of. I… don’t even beg you to understand me. But you deserve to know. All I ask of you is to listen to me.”
“I promise, mother.”
Orchidea took a deep breath. “I was sixteen when I was married of to your father. No surprise here, it’s still very normal for nobility. But what isn’t normal and what no one knew until now… I wasn’t a virgin anymore when I got married.”
Charlotte was very grateful that she didn’t have a cup of tea in her hands right now, because it would have fallen from her hands and break into thousand pieces.
“I understand your shock. And you can call out on my hypocrisy, as I always taught you noble ladies should stay virgins until their wedding day. It doesn’t matter that most nobles think that, I followed the rule. This was my mistake, one of many.”
“With… whom…”
“A peasant, Pierrot. Yes, I lost my virginity to someone way outside of my circle. But Pierrot and I… we were hopelessly in love, passionately and innocently at the same time. First love for the both of us. We always met in secret. We actually even planned to run away together, in another kingdom, even another continent. It was never a real plan, more the fantasies of two teenagers hopelessly in love. No one ever knew about us. Except his mother, she find out. You can imagine her panic. Her son, a peasant in love with a noble lady. It was dangerous, the consequences would have been terrible if someone with ill intentions would have found out. She reasoned with us and since I was about to get married, Pierrot and I listened to her. His mother was kind enough to give us one last night together. And that’s how I lost my virginity. At least, it was to someone I loved.”
“That man, Pierrot… Is he-“
“No, he’s not your real father. Although I would have preferred, Pierrot is so much kinder than Fidel. But it just wasn’t possible. You never knew, no one ever knew except my mother and an aunt, but… it is almost impossible for me to have children. It’s not quite an illness and not complete sterility, but still a difficult condition. I hated it, especially since I never could have gotten a child from Pierrot. I actually even believed I would never have some… Until I got you when I was eighteen. My little miracle. But I feared that you would inherit the same condition as me. Thankfully, the healer I brought you to gave me the relieving news that you didn’t got that condition. You would not have difficulties to have children. That was my relief. I just regretted that I was never able to give you any siblings.”
Charlotte looked away. Well, she actually got a sibling, but not from her mother.
“I tried to accept my life, to make the best out of it. I don’t love my husband and never got more children after you. But I had you and my position was secure, I wasn’t an outcast in the family. It should have been enough. I just couldn’t forget my love for Pierrot and I tried to fall in love with Fidel, so that I would have something similar again. It never worked, but during the first years of marriage, I kinda forced myself to live in an illusion that it worked. But then, your father… he cheated on me and-“
“I know that already. He had an affair with a poor innocent girl from the Common Realm and conceived a bastard.”
“You know already?”
“I was there, mother. Remember that I was supposed to come with you and other family members on a shopping trip? But I wasn’t feeling well, so I stood behind. I witnessed how father treated that poor girl, I saw how he chased her away with his own child. Why do you think I never gave father presents since I was ten years old?”
“Oh, my poor Charlotte…”
“How did you find out?”
“I forgot something, so I went back home to get it. That’s how I found out, about your fathers affair and the fact he got a bastard son. And of course he chased her and his own child away, he is a typical noble on that matter.”
Charlotte never saw her mother this upset before. It was an uncommon sight, especially because Orchidea still looked so upset about it. Her mother sighed deeply before continuing, “That whole affair hurt me, more than it should have. But I found it so unfair. I was never able to get more children and your father just throw his second child away, because it was a bastard, humiliating that poor girl by doing so. I tried so much to love him and wanted to believe it was true, but he cheated on me like it was no big deal. From that day on, I stopped trying to love Fidel.”
“It was a dark time for me. You might remember that I was kinda absent back then. I’m so sorry for that, my sweet girl. I just… your father’s adultery hurt me more than it should have. Since I had to know better… Pierrot’s memory became so strong, I longed for the feeling he gave me. I haven’t thought about anything, I went back to the Forsaken Realm to see him.”
“Did you… became lovers again?”
“No. Actually, Pierrot never saw me, but I saw him from afar. With his family.”
“Pierrot did something I wasn’t able to do. He moved on. He find himself a kind wife to cherish for the rest of his life and who loved him back. They got eight children together. I saw them play on the grass in front of their cabin. Three boys and five girls. I heard the name of one of his daughters. Orchidea. He named her after me. Pierrot never forgot me, but he still had the strength to move on. All of them seemed so happy. Who was I to destroy their idyl, just because I was unhappy in my own life? So I left, Pierrot never knew I came back.”
Tears filled her mothers eyes. Still grieving her lost love. Charlotte felt so bad for her. She never knew what her mother had to go through. It maybe wasn’t a curse, not a loss because of devils, nothing like that. Just emotions. But those could also hurt as much as a curses or devils.
While handing her mother a handkerchief, Charlotte asked softly, “Where you able to move on after that?”
“From Pierrot, yes. But not from my longing for affection and love. It was terrible. And… it was around back then when I commit one of the biggest mistake of my life. Shortly after I came back from the Forsaken Realm, there was a royal ball at the Vermillions. The Roseleis were invited too, of course. I didn’t had any fun, I was still moping, even though I forced myself to never show anything. I drank a lot during that ball, trying to cope. My mind wasn’t clear anymore. And then… Oh, Charlotte, I’m so ashamed of what I’ve done. A man came to me… I don’t if we talked first or if I just followed him. I was drunk and starving for at least a bit of affection. We went to an empty bedroom, somewhere in the Vermillion palace. And I… I slept with that man!”
Orchidea started sobbing and all Charlotte could do was to stand up, walk over to her and hugged her mother as much as she could.
“Mother, please. It’s not your fault.”
“It is! I was mad at your father for his adultery and then, I did the same. I’m a hypocrite.”
“Father had no regrets and was totally concious of his actions, he had no excuses. But you have. You were in a dark phase of your life and you were drunk. If anything, that man practically took advantage of you.”
This made Charlotte furious. She was always hated when something like that happened to any woman. But here, it happened to her own mother!
“Who is this man? Don’t tell me he left you in a drunk sleep after you… slept together.”
“No, he waited until I was awake the next morning. But… given the circumstances, I would have preferred that he left. The fact that he staid was worse. Because he used our night together somehow as a leverage.”
“How dare he! He was more at fault as you!”
“You heard of Lac Silva’s reputation, right?”
This made Charlotte froze. Lac Silva. Nozels father. One noble really well loved, so popular even that king Augustus and Achilles Vermillion spoke so highly of him, even though lord Lac only married into royalty, so wasn’t a full royal and actually came originally from low nobility. And still, he became so influential within nobles, mostly those who weren’t knights.
She never that man personally, she just mostly knew of his reputation within nobility. She also knew that Nozel didn’t seem to love his father at all and his siblings also never talked about in particular. Charlotte was even certain that Lac Silva wasn’t a kind man, just a very intelligent noble who knew what to do to gain his goal.
And this man was the man her mother had a one-night-stand with?
“What… what did he said to you?”
“First off, he laughed at my shock. Then he told me casually that thanks to my condition, he actually didn’t need to use protection this time.”
“The audacity! And what did he meant with this time?”
“It probably wasn’t the first time he had an one-night-stand with someone. Poor lady Acier… I remember how she always seems so deeply in love with lord Lac. Back then, she was still recovering from her last pregnancy. Solid Silvas birth had been quite a difficult one and there was rumours that the healers and midwives told her she better had to wait for at least five years if she wanted another child. But as you know, she got pregnant again before that with Noelle Silva. It wasn’t an easy time for the Silvas. I think lady Acier somehow found out about her husband’s adultery and wanted to win him back with a child. I don’t know. But I felt so guilty. I took her husband away from her, even if it was just for one night.”
“No, the only culprit is Lac Silva. You were a victim just as much as lady Acier. Oh mother… If I had known, I wouldn’t have been so harsh on you!”
“No, you were right to stand up. You had the courage I never had, Charlotte. I wish I was as brave as you.”
“It took already a lot of inner strength to go through that and still walk with your head high. And it was brave of you to tell me all of this. Trust me, mother. I know from experience how difficult it is to talk about heavy secrets.”
Both mother and daughter hold each other for a while in silent, enjoying a closeness they never knew before.
But after a while, Charlotte couldn’t help but ask with a quiet voice, “What… what did Lac Silva told you after that?”
“He gave up on casual talk immediately. Actually, he told me about you… Or rather, your future marriage.”
Charlotte tensed.
“You have to know that lord Lac is an important authority on the marital market. Just like lady Bianca, the head of house Évantail. Or lady Athénaïs Vitrail, even though she isn’t twenty-six yet. Six or seven other people as well, maybe more. It’s not an official business, it’s not even considered as it. Officially it doesn’t exist, but it has power. Those people don’t make the final decisions, but they are very popular within nobility and their influence is strong. To a point that in some cases, their suggestion for arranged marriages can be definite.”
“And… Lac Silva?”
“He definitely is one with the strongest influence and reputation. And he wasn’t very subtle when he talked to me about you. Lord Lac directly said that he didn’t trust me to find you a potential match and that our house would probably more listening to me if I don’t get better on this topic. I protested, but he pointed out that since I drank last night and slept with him, it doesn’t speak highly for me. Then he left, leaving me alone. Our house members think so highly of him and I practically gave him a reason that I shouldn’t be trusted. But… I just couldn’t let him decide over your future. I couldn’t!”
“Is that… is that why you try to marry into royalty?”
“Oh, Charlotte, my baby girl! I feel so bad for this! But I stopped believing in love since that fateful night and all I wanted was to find a good man for you, so that my history wouldn’t repeat itself. And marrying you into royalty seemed like a good idea to get you out of his clutches. The Silvas probably don’t held their father in high regards and people like lord Fuegoleon or lady Océane have a good authority in house Vermillion and aren’t hypnotized by lord Lac. I have considered lord Damnatio as well, as he’s not someone lord Lac could manipulate. But I don’t think he would make you happy, unlike lord Nozel or lord Fuegoleon. That’s why I…”
Orchidea stopped, sobbing again. But Charlotte understood what she wanted to say.
“So that’s why you tried to pair me up with two of my captain colleagues.”
“I was wrong, I realized that now. The day you stand up to me and claiming you wanted to marry out of love, I realized that I was wrong. It wasn’t my intention, but now I know that I was hurting you with those potential candidates.”
“At least, you wanted me to be happy, to be safe. You never wanted to use me for some goal like aunt Rosamund or father. It wasn’t the best idea and it did hurt me. But you were hurt too, mother, and at least, you still put my happiness before anything else. I can’t deny you that and I don’t want either. Speaking of aunt Rosamund, is her suggestion to marry me to lord Reginald Évantail in fact Lac Silva’s idea.”
“No, I can guarantee you that. She has lord Lac in high esteem, that’s true. But you know Rosamund, she’s too stubborn to let anyone suggest her anything.”
“That’s true… Mother, there’s something I need to tell you. About me marrying out of love. Well, do you remember my curse?”
“How could I forget?”
“Well, I don’t think you know, but… the catch to break the curse was for me to lose my heart to a man. And… this is exactly what happened to me. I fell in love with the man who saved me from the thorns running wild. I loved him for ten years. I still love him today. I don’t think I can ever stop loving him.”
It was true. Charlotte was certain that she won’t be able to ever stop loving Yami. Especially now, after they finally started their relationship.
How much she wanted to be back in his arms right now. Especially after she learned all those things from her mother. But at the same time, she couldn’t leave Orchidea alone.
For the first time since Charlotte came, a small smile was on her mother’s lips. “Whoever this man is, I have to thank him for saving you. But don’t tell me who he is. At least not yet. I’m not trusting myself to be really someone to trust with this kind of things.”
“I think you are trustworthy, mother. But I respect your position. Let me tell you this still. He’s not a noble or a royal.”
“I expected that. I promise you to support you from now on as much as I can, even if it’s against the status quo.”
“Thank you, mother.”
A comfortable silence settled between mother and daughter. Charlotte sighed deeply. All those arranged marriage problems weren’t over, but it still felt like a burden fell from her shoulders. She knew now why her mother truly wanted to marry her off and now she had her support with Yami. That was more than she could ask from Orchidea.
Feeling herself in a sharing mood, Charlotte said after a while, “You know, I actually met my half-sibling recently. My little brother…”
“Really? Can you please tell me about him?”
“His name is Luck and…”
Charlotte spend the rest of her visit to tell her mother everything about Luck. To a point that at the end, lady Orchidea Roselei looked like she wanted to adopt him.
“What a nice place to be,” Finesse smiled, taking a sip from the blue juice Charmy gave her and enjoying the afternoon sun.
“Indeed, it’s one of the calmest place at the hideout. Granted, we don’t have a lot of calm spots, we’re the Black Bulls after all. But this one is the best,” Vanessa replied in a giggle, searching for a light blue thread within her sewing box.
Both women were currently sitting on the bench next to Charmys vegetable garden. Indeed one of the calmer place at the Black Bulls hideout and the best spot if someone wanted to be alone for a moment or just hang out in peace with someone.
And honestly, given Finesse’s health and even though the Black Bulls learned to pull themselves together around her, it was the best place for her to rest properly from Bull’s behaviour.
Finesse came again for a visit and while waiting for Finral until he finishes his shift, she asked Vanessa to keep her some company. Which Vanessa accepted. She liked Finesse a lot, not only because she made Finral happy, but also because she was just such a kind lady.
So, Vanessa brought Finesse to the Vegetable Bench, as the Black Bulls called this spot, and took her sewing box with her, for a nice girly chat.
“Does Luck cope well, by being the little brother of captain Charlotte Roselei?”
“Of course Finral told you. In fact, Luck is overjoyed. He’s really bragging about having such a strong big sister. It’s getting on Magna’s nerves especially, but I think it’s cute.”
“I’m glad he and Charlotte have such a strong bond already. It is pretty rare in those bastard situations, sadly. I hope it will become better one day. Maybe Luck and lady Charlotte can start to make a difference.”
“You’re really kind-hearted, Fin. But that won’t be for now. Both still want to keep it for themselves for now, before the storms, as captain Charlotte put it.”
“It’s very understandable. Nobles can be so quick to jump to conclusions most of the time. I guess that I’m the only one outside of the Black Bulls and the Blue Roses to know about those new found siblings.”
Vanessa giggled, but didn’t answered. After all, she was the only one who knew that Finesse wasn’t the only one outside of both squads to know about Charlotte and Luck. Nozel knew it too, after all.
But both Finesse and Nozel were perfectly able to keep the secret until it was time to make it official to the world.
Vanessa smiled, probably dreamy. It had been a perfect morning when she woke up in Nozels arms and even more so when she kissed him awake. They just started their relationship a few days ago and it already felt like they were together for longer than that.
It was still a secret, yes, for many reasons. Right now, no one else knew about them. But surprisingly, it didn’t bothered Vanessa as much as she imagined. It still felt like a pretty normal relationship, when they continue to meet pretty much like dates, under the willow in the parc, the café or anywhere else, really.
Also, Vanessa understood why it was still a secret. She might still not know or understand everything about royalty and nobility, but still enough to understand why it was better to not blurt it out.
Actually, she was enjoying this calm secrecy. For now, it was enough, being just with Nozel was enough. Even more than that. Sometimes, she had the feeling that it was him would sometimes felt fed up with the secrecy.
Maybe because he had secrets for so long, he probably had enough of them and didn’t like to keep secret something that made him happy.
Indeed, since they spend time together and even more since they were a secret couple, Nozel seemed happier than he was before. His eyes seemed to brighten up every time he saw her and his smile was more often to seen when they were alone together. As if she made his cold mask disappear by her simple presence.
Did she really had that effect on him?
Well, Nozel definitely had an effect on her. She felt more curious about the world of royals and nobles, she drank less than before and… well, she couldn’t sleep alone anymore. It just felt somehow terribly wrong to be alone in her bed, without someone next to her. Without Nozel, being in his arms or he in hers.
Even more, he definitely cared about her. All those little gestures proved it, even though he always seemed to fear that he wasn’t doing enough. But he was, more than that. Nozel maybe even already cared about her before they became a couple. Why else would he have gifted her that amazing sewing box?
“You really love that sewing box,” Finesse commented, gesturing at said box. Right, she had been there when Vanessa got that gift.
“Oh, that I do. It just has everything! I already loved any kind of needlework before, but thanks to this, I have more motivation than before. Speaking of motivation, when do you and Finral plan to have little babies? I volunteer to sew you all the baby clothing and tiny Black Bull robes for the little ones.”
Finesse chuckled, clearly amused. “When the time is here, we will surely talk to you about it, Vanessa. But I think that won’t be for soon.”
“Oh, why? You don’t want some yet?”
“Oh no, that’s not it. But Finral and I would love to have children one day. It’s just difficult, due to my health.”
“You can’t have any?” Vanessa asked quietly, suddenly scared to asked something hurtful.
To her relief, Finesse just laughed gently, not looking pained by the question at all.
“I understand that this would be the first thought you have, but no, I am actually fertile. I can have children. But a pregnancy in my condition is very risky, so we need to be very cautious. Finral and I talked about adoption sometimes. It’s not usual for nobility to adopt and not loved either, but I don’t really care if it’s the norm or not.”
“Why is adoption not loved in nobility,” Vanessa asked, surprised. “You don’t need to be only bond by blood to be like family.”
“I know. You Black Bulls are one of the best proofs of it or Astas little church family in Hage. But family feeling and affection isn’t the norm within nobility. What’s more important is to continue the line, the bloodline, and for that, you need heirs. Not adopted but from your own blood. The reasons and excuses for this are various and complex, so I won’t bother you with them. But adoption is considered a commoner or peasant luxury, because nobles care more about the bloodline and if the heirs will get a magic that matches the family standard. Even I have sometimes to understand this logic myself. But this is sadly how the majority of nobles view things that should actually be beautiful and honourable.”
 “This sucks.”
“Crude, but true. But I know the status quo and this is not a useless knowledge. Knowing how it works is always helpful if you want to make a change, even the tiniest one. There’s not much I can do because I’m not so healthy, but I still can do something. Adoption is one of those things I can do. Even better if it’s with Finral. We have already Langris’ support for this decision and my mother is on our side as well, that’s important.”
Vanessa paused in her embroidery to look at Finesse with surprise, but also admiration. Despite her poor health, Finrals wife was much more determined than she looked like. She might seem just kind, accepting and discreet, which she was, but underneath she was more than that. She used her knowledge to help and to change things into a better shape. Finesse might knew that she couldn’t do much and not everything she probably wanted, but that didn’t seemed to stop her. It seemed that for her, even the smallest changes were powerful successes.
Vanessa smiled. Finral got himself a wonderful wife.
But Finesse’s words, it still made her wonder…
Was it so difficult for uncorrupted nobles and royals to make a change in their circle? Vanessa knew now that not every noble and royal in the kingdom were arrogant jerks who just thought about themselves. Finesse and her mother weren’t, Finral too and Langris as well, now that he was free from the influence of his parents and starting to be more decent. Noelle wasn’t like that either or Gauche. Mereoleona was a league on her own, captain Fuegoleon was loyal and true to a point it deserved an award, and Leopold, and Mimosa. Even difficult people like Kirsch Vermillion and even more so Nebra Silva at least started to use what they could to make a change, as tiny as it seemed.
There were actually more uncorrupted nobles and royals than one would thought.
And Nozel was one of them…
Did he want things to change? It wouldn’t surprise Vanessa, honestly. Nozel seemed so often unhappy about so many topics, be it responsibility or not. He didn’t show it, but it was there, Vanessa didn’t learned to look behind his cold mask for nothing. Whatever his course of action was, it certainly wasn’t open and direct, more hidden and on the long run for the results. At least, that’s how she came to understand him.
Why was he acting like this, though? Why the most difficult and complicated way? Has it to do with the fact he lost his mother and had to take over a royal house while still being a child? A grieving and broken child at that? How did this influenced the view others had of him, especially those nobles who didn’t seemed to respect him like at first glance.
Vanessa liked at Finesse again, who was just enjoying the afternoon sun. Well, she was a royal, even though she was came from a secondary branch and by that wasn’t directly a Kira. But that didn’t matter to Vanessa now, those topic about main and secondary branches were too complicated anyway. But as a royal, Finesse surely has her opinion on Nozel.
“What do you know about Nozel Silva?”
“The captain of the Silver Eagles? Why do you ask? Do you want to join his fan-club? Well, he is good-looking and many girls have a crush on him.”
“No, that’s not it,” Vanessa replied as casual as she could, trying her best to not blush. She really hoped that she didn’t already said too much
She also hoped that the fact of Nozels fan-club won’t bother her that much. She already knew he was popular within the kingdom, she already knew he had admirers. Why wouldn’t he, he was handsome, more than that? Besides, Vanessa had his heart and she knew him, unlike those girls who probably only saw an image of him. So, why should this bother her.
Finesse just smiled, but didn’t ask or tease. In fact, she just put her hands on her lap and started to tell, “Well, you know, Nozel and I almost got engaged years ago.”
“Wait, what?”
Vanessa almost let her embroidery fall due to the shock. Finesse just chuckled with compassion at her reaction.
“I know, it is kinda surprising. It’s no wonder you’re a bit shocked. It was never public knowledge, so there’s that.”
“How… how was that decided?”
“It’s not really a happy story, it is more sad. You know, there aren’t many Silvas anymore, not even secondary branches. Just four. Nozel, Nebra, Solid and Noelle. Compared to the Kiras and Vermillions who counts many members, it is less than the accepted minimum, in a way. Some believe that house Silva is cursed, because most of the members either die young or in celibacy, for most. Personally, I don’t believe it’s true, it just happens to be a sad coincidence. Add to this that the current house heads of the Kiras and the Vermillions doesn’t like the Silvas, especially Nozel. I don’t exactly know where this Silva-phobia comes from, exactly. It was already there before when lady Acier was house head, maybe even at the times of her father, Roc Silva. But it seems to have increased after her death, when Nozel came in charge. He was only fifteen, after all.”
Vanessa had no idea what to say.
“It is rare that royals marries into another royal house, but it can happen. But I’m not fully a Kira, just a Calmreich and with my health, me bearing children was a high risk. Some people thought back then that maybe I won’t have any. And I think this was a reason why I was suggested as potential fiancée for lord Nozel. Giving the head of house Silva a spouse that probably won’t give him any children, won’t continue the Silva bloodline, while there was so few Silvas left. I think it was lord Achilles Vermillions idea, he’s always so harsh on the Silvas. But that didn’t continue, because even he knew that fragilize another royal house like that could fragilize the whole royalty in Clover. Besides, Lac Silva, the father of the current Silva siblings, wasn’t so keen on the perspective and since my uncle and lord Achilles have him in high regards, they gave up on the project. Which was a relief for both Nozel and me. Now, I’m married to Finral and I hope Nozel would find someone as well to cherish.”
There was almost a teasing undertone within the last sentence, but Vanessa didn’t jumped on it. What Finesse told her lined up perfectly with what she already gathered concerning Nozels world and story. She had no idea what to say, what to even think concretely. It was so fucked up and unfair, to both Nozel and Finesse.
But one thing was clear to Vanessa. “Neither you nor Nozel deserved to be treated that way. Adopted or not, you’re going to be an amazing mother, Finesse.”
She was certain of that. Finesse had been treated unfairly with that almost engagement to Nozel, just because of her health. It was admirable how she dealt with it and how it proves that she was stronger than most people would give her credit for. She and Finral deserved to be parents in the future.
Nozel too deserved this kind of happiness, not for continuing the Silva bloodline, but because it was time that good things would happen to him, after what he’d been through since his mother died.
Vanessa wondered for a moment what kind of parent he would be. Maybe overprotective, but certainly caring, that she was sure of it. She could see him taking time for his children, being a good father for them…
Well, it was of course too early to think about this kind of future, but Vanessa couldn’t help but dream a bit. Nozel smiling, with a silver haired baby in his arms. Or was the hair more pink?
Wait, what was she thinking about? That was way more focused than the daydreams she had lately. Why was she thinking so clearly about such a future when their relationship was still so young and still a secret?
And somehow, it made her happy…
“Thank you Vanessa. Well, I think you’re going to be an amazing aunt. And a mother as well, but it’s really too early for that for now, am I right?”
Vanessa almost dropped her embroidery again, stunned, while looking at Finesse, who had a kind and know smile on her lips. Wait… Did Finesse know about… Did she had suspicions of a sort? How?
Vanessa couldn’t ask, because Charmy called for dinner. Finesse stood up immediately, putting a hand on Vanessas shoulder before going back into the hideout. Somehow, that gesture had felt so encouraging, telling her to not give up.
Shocked, hopeful, frightened, happy… A mix of emotions run through Vanessa, as she almost automatically put her work back and took her sewing box, before walking back to the hideout.
Was she ready or not? For what exactly?
But one thing was certain. Nozel would now always be part of her life.
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Kaiser: Married man vibes and is married
Fuegoleon: Married man vibes and is unmarried
Nozel: Unmarried man vibes and is unmarried
Nozel's Father: Unmarried man vibes and is married
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adribosch-fan · 11 months
El Papa Francisco recibe esta semana en el Vaticano a Lula y Díaz-Canel
El Papa retoma esta semana su agenda política al recibir en el Vaticano al presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva y al de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Archivo El Papa retoma esta semana su agenda política al recibir en el Vaticano al presidente de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva y al de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, tras la operación a la que se sometió el pasado 7 de junio debido a una…
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