#it could be that newton just really likes his dad
axowotl-l · 10 months
more craftlings but this time theyre stress doodles! i have been struggling to make and finish an essay :")
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Summary: Coming home from college without a degree has you scrambling to find your place in the world. Charlie just might be your savior.
A/N: I was thinking this would be set around eclipse. This was in the drafts for a while.
Warnings: Besides an age gap (reader in her 20s Charlie in his 40s) there is none.
Word Count: 3.1K
You didn’t expect your life to turn out the way it did, and neither did the people of Forks. If the confused looks you would get on the way into town were anything to go by. You had been a stellar student, assignments were early if not on time, and teachers never had a bad thing to say about you. You graduated and moved on to college like everyone would expect, but college was harder. It wasn’t even the work, it was you. 
For once you had no set path, everyone else just seemed to know what they wanted to do. After 2 years you realized how far behind you felt you decided to take a break. If you didn’t know what you wanted to do you were just wasting time and money. The loneliness set in soon after too. Although you have friends they’re all off doing their things, making their place in the world. 
Your dad helped if only by sending cringe Facebook posts captioned “It’s never too late.” His efforts were much appreciated but it’s not a good feeling when you feel like you are in last place for a race you didn’t even know you were running. Staying holed up in your room won’t help but at least you won’t have to run into anyone you know. You hate feeling like such a disappointment even though your parents assured you that would never be the case.
After a few weeks of licking your wounds, you started looking for jobs. You reach downtown and begin combing through your options. All of which would require you to run into people who would ask too many questions that you do not want to answer. Forks was already limited in what they had and if you wanted to avoid working for the Newton family your choices were much more slim. But you do take note of it just in case. Syphering through your selections you almost want to give up.
Turning the corner you bump smack into another person, you brace yourself for a fall that doesn’t come. Peeking through one eye you make out a badge and ‘C. Swan’. You immediately straighten yourself up after realizing you just bumped into Chief Swan. 
“You alright-”
“I’m so sorry-”
The both of you speak at the same time, a loud silence fills the air as you both stare at each other. Your wide eyes and his furrowed brow. You snap out of it first and bend down to pick up your fallen pamphlets, The Chief crouches down to help you. 
“You don’t have to do that Chief Swan.” He ignores you in favor of picking up the rest, stealing a glance at them before handing them back to you. 
“Charlie’s fine.” He scratches his head before telling you, “Since you’re looking we could use another receptionist down at the station.” Charlie took pity on you, Although he isn’t one for gossip everyone’s been talking about how you came back from university without finishing. He knows what it feels like to be lost especially in a town like Forks. 
“Really?” The prospect of working at the station was much better than any option sitting in your hands. “Is there anything for me to fill out?”
“No just stop by on Monday and I’ll have Helen walk you through everything.” His mouth forms into what you think is a half-smile, and you return it tenfold.
The conversation with Charlie was so refreshing you’re unsure why out of all the people in Forks he was the one to make you feel normal. You realize it’s because he’s the first person to not question or probe why you’re back here. Working at the station doing administration would be perfect. On your way home you mentally comb through your closet for appropriate clothes you can wear to the station for work. The combination list isn’t huge but you could make it work.
Monday morning you awake at 6:00 am to begin getting ready, he never mentioned a time but you imagine how bad you would look strolling in there at 1:00 pm. You decide on black stretchy office pants, a chocolate sweater, and white sneakers that are comfortable enough to do sustainable walking. Grabbing your backpack you pack your essentials and bid your father goodbye before heading off.
On the way in you have enough time to stop for some coffee so you order for yourself and Charlie as a thank you. You make sure to get his black with no sugar, though you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover you can’t imagine he enjoys cremer. The last stretch of your walk toward the station has your heart pounding. You're not even sure what you are nervous about it shouldn’t be that hard since it’s Forks.
The station smells like stale coffee and mothballs, the atmosphere is mostly static but that’s given. Upon walking up to the front desk you see an older redhead who you assume is Helen. You smile as you approach her and she returns one.
“Excuse me, Chief Swan said to come up here for you to train me on administration stuff.” You hope Charlie actually talked to her.
“Of course, he told me about you yesterday dear follow me.” You set down your coffee before being given the grand tour. After a minute you’re back at the front being directed on your daily duties. Most of which is pretending to look busy, Helen prefers solitaire on her computer to get her through the day. On the other hand, you brought a book that remains hidden behind the ancient monitor in front of you. 
You thought about bringing Charlie his coffee but his office lights are off and his doors are locked so he must be out patrolling already. Within 45 minutes you’re given your first task of making more coffee, while the water pours out you see Charlie step into the break room. His eyes look surprised to see you but his face doesn't change, he peers around you toward the coffee maker before he can ask you to tell him. 
“I bought you coffee on the way in, it is at the front desk.” You quickly leave the break room to get it before he can react. On your way back you inform him, “Black, no sugar, no cream.”
“Thank you.” As he takes the cup your hands brush his, and he can feel the increased beating of his heart. It’s the most contact he’s had with a woman. He likes it. Your bright smile gives him that butterfly feeling he hears Bella talk about with her friend.
“No thank you, Sher- Charlie I appreciate the opportunity.” He waves off your thanks as if he does stuff like this all the time. 
“You adjusting OK?” He finds he wants to keep conversation with you despite his nature. You may be surprised but you don’t show it, enjoying this interaction.
“Yes, Helen is nice and I get to just pretend to work all day.” You bump your hip against him before you can think better of it.
Charlie surprises you with a deep chuckle, It’s not a full-blown laugh but it’s more than enough. It’s no secret that Charlie is one of the more attractive men in Forks, but you didn’t think of him like that until now. Not many men could pull off the 70s pornstache, or his grumpy attitude without being a complete ass. Your thoughts are interrupted by Charlie leaning down to speak quietly to you.
“Well let me know if you need more books to keep you busy Bella’s got tons of those romance ones.” He rolls his eyes playfully and nods his head before heading to his office. 
In the wake of his leave, you revel in the way his deep voice felt so close to your ear. However, you don’t dwell on his actions too much because there is no way he was flirting with you. Making your way back to the front desk you see Helen packing up to leave, she informs you she’s taking lunch. 
Charlie lets out an exasperated sigh at the stack of paperwork waiting for him when he unlocks his office. The coffee you brought him goes straight down like a shot, he appreciates the fact that you knew he wouldn’t like the extra bullshit. Throughout his shift, he sneaks peeks at you. He pauses when he sees you talking on the phone, telling himself he’s only checking to make sure you don’t need help. But the way your lips move has him in a trance, he snaps out of it before you can catch him. 
Even though he spent a fair amount of time staring at you he managed to complete over half of his paperwork. He’s overdue for a break and he knows you could use one since you never took a lunch.  
You have been manning the phones even after Helen came back, you know you should’ve taken your 1-hour lunch but you were in a groove. At least until Charlie strolled up beside you to see what you were doing. You could smell Irish Spring wafting off of him with a hint of laundry detergent. 
“You busy?” It was a loaded question on his part but he didn't want to just command you to come with him. 
“Not for the Chief.” You turn your body towards him to prove your words, and in return the corner of his mouth lifts almost like a smile.
“Lunch on me then?” He asks you with his hands balled in his pockets.
“I’ll never turn down a free lunch.” You turn to Helen to check that she’ll be okay, and she gives you a wink nodding her head toward the chief telling you to ‘have fun’. You raise our eyebrows at the implication.
On the way out Charlie gets the door, and his veiny forearm peeks out from his uniform. You wouldn’t say you have a thing for hairy guys but yet again Charlie somehow makes it work. Luckily you could blame the frigid breeze for your flustered expression. You follow his lead to the cruiser and he opens your door for you again. Your bashful expression after thanking him goes straight to his lower stomach, it’s been a while since a woman looked at him so fervently. 
Once he’s in the cruiser a comfortable silence fills the air, and you think of all the things you could bring up with him later in the diner. So far all you’ve come up with are sports and books but honestly, that should be more than enough for Charlie. Orange leaves take up most of the ground, a warning for the upcoming months. The diner is the same as always when you pull up, you open the door before Charlie can hustle his way to where you are. The stern look he gives you only makes your sudden attraction to him worse. 
The bell above the door alerts Cora to your presence. Charlie saddles up right behind you urging you forward with his hand on your middle back. Walking past the patrons, you can feel the questioning stares. But you’re sure Charlie won’t pay them any mind so neither do you. At the booth, Charlie gestures for you to slide in first.
Cora turns to you for your order since she already knows Charlie’s by heart.
“I’ll do a burger and fries with a sprite please.” You smile at Cora as she takes down your order. 
“So,” You turn to Charlie, “What’s been going on in the sports world?” 
Charlie’s side glance is enough to make you laugh. “Steelers are cleaning up, they have a path to the Super Bowl.” He didn’t mean to look at you crazy but it was the first time in a while someone was genuinely interested in his interests. The flutters in his stomach make another appearance. 
“My dad’s a cowboy fan so it’s the same thing every year.” Charlie snorts at that. 
The sound of plates landing in front of you ends your and Charlie’s moment. Looking up your eyes meet Cora’s and you thank her before she leaves again. You and Charlie waste no time digging into your food. With all of your fries and most of your burger gone you throw in the towel, leaning back against the booth.
“You gonna eat that?” Charlie eyes the rest of your burger.
“No, you can have it.” After your acceptance, he finishes it in one quick bite. You wish you didn't find that attractive.
After your first lunch together many were shared, Charlie would always schedule his break around yours to make sure you ate. He also wanted to spend time with you when the opportunity would lend itself. The feeling was mutual, you put in more effort with your work outfits and make-up. Every morning you would stop to get Charlie coffee on the way in, and Helen would always give you sly smiles. You figured she picked up on the undertones of your and Charlie’s interactions, but unlike most people, she kept it to herself.
That didn’t stop others from probing you about your “Diner Dates” with the Chief. When you were collecting produce a few older women came up to you under the guise of concern. They told you getting with a man that age wouldn’t be good for any girl your age, while it was good advice you know it wasn’t given with good intentions. Instead, you pretend to not know what they are talking about effectively outing their ill-informed gossip. Charlie also hadn’t shown any initiative to ask you out on an actual date so you’re unsure where the fuel is coming from. 
The next day at work you decide to pull back seeing as the entire town somehow thinks you both are dating. You took your lunch before Helen, the words of the older ladies on replay in your head. Sure it was the wrong messenger but it was the right message you don’t know what you were thinking. 
It didn’t last a day, Charlie came by the desk deliberately when Helen took her lunch. 
“Hey there’s some discrepancies with the evidence log of Riley’s stuff, can you help me sort through it.” Though he posed it as a question he began to walk toward his office immediately. 
Once you’re in the office he shuts the door behind you before he moves to stand in front of his desk.
“I just uh wanted to check that everything was alright,” He clears his throat before continuing, “That you feel comfortable or if there’s something I’ve done.” After he finishes your face morphs to shock.
“No of course not, I just know there’s been some gossip around town about us dating and figured I’d have lunch by myself.” Charlie’s eyebrows furrow at your admission.
“I haven’t heard anything did someone say something to you?” His voice drops at the thought of anyone badgering you about this. 
“It’s not a big deal, and I didn’t want you to feel uncomfo-” He cuts you off with a deadpan stare. 
“Why would I be uncomfortable with people thinking a woman out of my league is dating me?” His definitive words leave you stunned. “It is a big deal, do you remember who it was?”
“No it’s fine Charlie really,” You try to convince him.
“It’s not if means you don’t go to lunch with me.” He gripes.
“I didn’t realize you enjoyed my company that much.” You stare at him until he returns your gaze.
“Well I do.” He assures you.
The both of you stand in front of each other in silence, the smile grows bigger on your face at Charlie’s confession. 
“Does this mean you want to go on a date with me?” You inch your way closer to him, gently tugging his tie. 
“Of course I do, I was working my way up to it.” He swallows hard when he feels you get even closer to him. 
“Yeah?” Your eyes never stray from his as your smile widens. Charlie’s eyes fall to your lips just as quickly as he looks away. You grab his hands placing them on your waist before bringing your lips to his ear. “How about now?” 
Charlie’s hands firmly grip your waist when he feels your warm breath tickle his ear. His pants grow tighter when your perfume invades his nostrils. When you reer back to look at him he wastes no time planting his lips on yours. His mustache tickles underneath your nose but you respond back with the same fervor. You tilt your head to the side to deepen the kiss, Charlie groans at your eagerness. 
Your hands slide up his chest and wrap around his neck to play with the hair on the back of his neck. When his tongue licks your bottom lip you eagerly open your mouth to him, pressing your chest against his. Charlie lets his hands dip to cup your ass through the jeans you’re wearing, earning himself a pretty moan from you. The way his tongue licks into your mouth gives you ideas of what else he would be good at. 
But all good things come to an end, and a knock at the door sends you two flying apart. You immediately focus on fixing yourself so it doesn’t look like you were in a make-out session with your boss. A folder catches your eye and you pick it up hoping to look busy. Helen peeks her head in to let Charlie know Bella is getting dropped off by Edward. Charlie’s eyes roll to the back of his head at the mention of his daughter’s boyfriend, you can’t stop the giggle that pours out of you. 
Helen slips back out and Charlie walks over to the far corner you’ve placed yourself in. “It’s a little backward now but would you let me take you out on a proper date?” 
“I’ll have to check my schedule.” You smile up at him knowing he knows you’re joking.
“How does Saturday at 7 sound?” He bends down to your ear before continuing, “I know a nice Italian place in Port Angeles.” When he pulls back he is glad to see the bashful expression on your face. He’s still got it. 
“It sounds great Charlie.” You get on your tip toes to peck him on the cheek before exiting his office. 
On the way to your desk, you see Edward and Bella sitting in the waiting chairs talking. As you sit down you see Bella’s head snap in your direction, her and Edward's conversation halting. You pretend to do work as usual until Charlie comes out to greet Bella and grunt in Ed’s direction. 
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newtonsheffield · 22 days
take me home country roads was probably the softest thing I’ve ever read I’m so obsessed with it that i read all the snippets you wrote in the hashtag for this story here! do you think you will ever write something in this universe again so we can have a little update for them? thank you for this one💚
Oh Muffin and Bear.
I miss those two softies. They were so sweet. They really helped one another heal and I think because of that their relationship is really strong. And their children would be so loved.
Imagine the very first time Neddy whittled something for Kate. Imagine how Neddy’s always sat with Anthony in his workshop, sat on the bench watching his Dad work, fascinated as he watches the shapes appear.
“Can I make something, Papa?”
Anthony knelt in front of his son, five years old and Anthony still can hardly believe Kate found him. Let alone the two beautiful children they have and a third on the way. His chest feels tight every time he watches Kate with their sons, the swell of her stomach just visible when they pile onto the sofa around her, desperate to be as close as possible to her while she reads to them with her chin resting on the tops of their heads. His wife and their children.
“Do you want to?”
“Yeah!” Neddy grinned at him with his curly hair falling in his eyes, his feet swinging over the edge of the table. “I wanna be like you!”
It had brought tears to his eyes the first time they had let Neddy pick out his own clothes and he’d ended up with a pile that looked just like Anthony’s half of the wardrobe and he’d let them fall with his head against Kate’s chest and he fingers in his hair.
“Of course he wants to be like you. You’re a great father, Bear.”
Anthony kissed his son’s forehead, ruffling his hair. “Let’s make something for Amma then.”
It takes weeks. Weeks and weeks of Neddy’s hard work. His determined frown and his frustrated pout before finally it’s done and he takes them inside, wrapped in brown paper and twine.
“Mummy!” Neddy rushed forward, the parcel big in his hands as he races towards Kate sat at her easel with Miles on her lap as she works, Newton dozing at her feet. “Amma I made something!”
Kate smiled at their son and Anthony’s chest felt tight when she kissed his cheek, wrapping him in her arms tightly for a moment. “Did you? That’s so amazing little cub. Did Daddy help you?”
Her eyes met Anthony’s sparkling at him in the fading light of the day. And Anthony shifted slightly, still lost for words when he looked at her sometimes. “Just a little. It’s mostly his work.”
“Well, let’s see then.” Kate hummed, tugging carefully at the twine while Neddy practically vibrated with excitement as the paper slipped away.
Four bears on a log. That’s what Neddy had wanted to make. They were a little lumpy and imperfect but he’d made them with love and Anthony could see the way Kate swallowed thickly as she ran her fingers over the roughly oiled carvings.
“Neddy, it’s beautiful.”
“It’ll hold your brushes.” He said proudly. Leaning in to the touch of Anthony’s hand on his shoulder. “Daddy made the holes. That’s Papa, and Me, and Miles and the new baby.” He pointed to the Bear and his three cubs.
“You did such an amazing job, baby.” Kate’s voice shook as she kissed his face again, “I am so proud of you.”
Neddy took a deep breath, his chest puffing out, “Can we call gramma Mary and Violet so I can show them?”
“Absolutely, go and grab my phone.”
Neddy raced inside and Miles took off after him, desperate to catch up to his brother.
Kate stood slowly, wrapping her arms around Anthony’s waist and pressing her face against his chest. She breathed deeply, “You’ve been keeping secrets.”
Anthony huffed, holding his wife tighter, “It was hard. He was so cute about it but I took lots of videos.”
Kate sighed, leaning back in his arms, “Ugh who would’ve thought the grumpy bear I stayed next to one Autumn would make such sweet babies?”
“You did.”
“Yeah, I did. It’s so incredible to be right about everything.”
“Yeah yeah yeah.”
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rainydayandmondays · 7 months
Thanksgiving Potluck
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Summary: It’s time for the annual Thanksgiving potluck at work. Andy wants to make sure that he brings something special for you. You worked so hard, you deserve it.
Pairing: Andy Barber X Reader, Jake Jensen
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: 18+ only. Explicit language, explicit sexual content, male masturbation, slight non-con
Author's Note: This came about after seeing a challenge to write a spicy Thanksgiving story. With the blessing of @georgiapeach30513 to use Andy Barber, this is what I got.
You had been planning the department’s Thanksgiving potluck for weeks. Running around, trying to get everyone to sign up to bring in something, even if it was just silverware and napkins. Andy never participated in these get-togethers. They were some weird kind of team building bullshit that he had never really subscribed to. Why play nice that one day, while all the remaining days everyone was trying to one up each other. Comparing their win-loss ratios like they were some goddamn a-list athletes. The fucking Red Sox, they were not.
But you had started earlier this year, right around Valentine’s day. He remembered your first day, you wore your pink button down shirt the first two buttons undone and your simple gold necklace nestled in the crux of your shirt. Your pencil skirt was knee-length but seemed to hug from your waist to your hips. He imagined his hands could skim down the sides of it as if it was a second skin. Then your sensible flats, all that up top and did you finish with three-inch heels? No, just sensible flats. The red nail polish on your fingers with a small heart decals on each ring finger, let him know that you enjoyed celebrating holidays.
He watched you as you grew into the department, quickly planting roots and befriending each person you met. You were easy to get along with, never really asked for much, but always willing to give. He had spent most of October working with you. You were assisting on the research for his latest case, spending nights in the conference room with law books spread out in front of the two of you and boxes of half-eaten Chinese in each of your laps. You had asked about his story as you took a break from the mind-numbing reading of passage after passage. He had given you the cliff-notes version. The “everything is pretty on the outside” story. Loving wife at home and kid excelling in school. It was easier that way. Even if he could tell you didn’t totally buy it, you let him lie.
You on the other hand, were open. Told him everything. You were a paralegal, barely starting out with dreams of making it to law school one day. A sick mother at home had meant your law school dreams had taken the back burner. Your mom had been part of the last of the baby boomers and their idealized version of marriage. She had taken care of the household, you and your dad. With her bedbound, your dad was completely lost. You took over and everything else had been pushed aside. No sign of any romantic partners or life outside of work and home. But the glint in your eye talking about becoming lawyer, let him know you had more to offer. You had told him how you had aced your LSATS, spent every night up until 4 in the morning studying for them. You were younger then, could handle the late nights. Shit, you are younger now. Just barely hitting your late 20s, if he had to guess.
After those nights spent over cold takeaway dinners and finishing the McDonald v. City of Newton case, he realized that family dinners with little more than polite conversation paled in contrast to those talks and stale fast food. He had tried to get you on his next case, but Neal had snatched you up the moment you were free. He remembered the apologetic look you gave him when he swung by your desk with some briefs to review.
“Sorry Mr. Barber. I’m already working with Mr. Longudice. But you can leave those here and I’ll look at them when I get a chance.” You fidgeted with your pen, twirling it between your fingers. It was your nervous tick, he had noticed it the first night when you had found a passage that completely derailed his current case plan.
He nodded and walked away, noticing Neal looking on from the corner smirking. Fuck him, he wasn’t going to just use you to improve his standing in the department. He watched as the month progressed and Neal worked you into the ground. He found you more and more frequently in the break room, loading up on coffee. You were up to four glasses a day. That couldn’t be good for you. Not if you still had to go home and get your mom ready for bed.
He started to stay later and later, just to make sure someone was still here when you left. Neal took most of his case work home, leaving you with a list of readings to cover and present the next day. He watched as you flipped through pages, making notes in the growing stack of legal pads, and only the small desk lamp providing any light. He told Laurie that he had a big case he was finishing up. It was easier to keep working at his desk, instead of making the trip home, only to end up in his study. It didn’t take much to persuade her. He was pretty sure she preferred having the time to herself, she barely moved when he finally made it home to bed.
One night, he had timed it just right to meet you at the elevators at the end of the night. He walked up behind you, watching as you raised your right foot to scratch at the back of your left calf. Your pencil skirt rippled around your hips as you ran your foot down your leg. The sensible flats, the same ones you had worn that first day skimmed down the back of your left calf and he wondered what it would be like to have you run those sensible flats down his pant leg. He could feel himself twitch in his dress pants. This was a first. Up until this point, he had found you endearing, wanting to help you as much as you helped everyone else. But now, right now, he could imagine grabbing onto your hips, dipping his head into the crook of you neck as he ground against your pert ass. He felt his cock harden that bit more at the image, starting to push against the fly of his dress pants. Using his overcoat from that day’s chilly morning, he covertly covered the front of his slacks.
It wasn’t until the chime announced the elevator’s arrival and you turned around, that he came out of his brief stupor. You smiled and waved him into the waiting lift. That smile did nothing to help him, he shoved his hand into pocket to discreetly adjust himself before walking towards you. Standing next to you, he could smell those last remnants of your perfume. Was it your perfume? It had been a 12 hour work day, maybe that smell was just you. Why hadn’t he noticed that before? You chatted with him, promising that you were going to get to those briefs he left. It would be the first thing you would work on the next day. He listened and tried his best to feign interest, but you then looked up at him as you made your promise to him, and all his brainpower was immediately redirected to willing away his excitement. His hand still in his pocket, it brushed against his tip and he cleared his throat to cover the small groan that wanted to escape.
Reaching the garage, he offered to walk you to your car. You had gestured to the nearly empty lot, but he only uttered, “Better to be safe.”
You only nodded, leading him to your small late 2000s sedan. Reaching the car, you opened the squeaky driver’s door and threw in your workbag and handbag, before easing yourself into the seat. Andy held the door open for you, only to close it once you had settled. Lowering your window, you gave him a smile, thanking him for the escort, “You really didn’t have to do that. You’re a good man, Mr. Barber.”
He leaned down into your window, sighing before bidding you a good night, “You get home safe, sweetheart.”
He hadn’t meant to let the term of endearment slip, but your bashful smile was all it took to let him know he would be using that name again. Watching as you drove off, he made his way to his car. Popping the trunk on the Audi and throwing in the coat and briefcase, he hustled back to front of the car. Giving one more look around the lot, he noticed the security cam pointed at the opposite corner of the garage. Slipping into the driver’s seat, he only took a second to think through his next action. Closing his eyes, he remembered your big eyes looking up at him in the elevator, promising him something and his hand reached down to his pants.
He hadn’t gone down, no matter how he tried to calm himself, his coat had been his only saving grace, hiding away his reaction to you. Wrestling with his belt and button of his pants, he shoved his fly open, grabbing onto himself through his boxer briefs. He had already been steadily growing a nice wet spot on the front side of his briefs. Admittedly, bumping against himself with his hand in his pocket as he walked with you, might have gone a long way to making that spot. A couple of strokes, he reached in and pulled himself out.
Fuck, his hands were still cold from outside. It made his cock jump in his hold and he imagined your little hand taking him. You would apologize to him about your cold hands.
“Sorry Mr. Barber. Let me warm up my hands.”  The imaginary you whispered to him.
“Andy. Call me Andy, sweetheart.” He mumbled into the empty car.
He spit into the palm of his hand, before wrapping it around himself. He could feel you next to him, cuddling as much as possible against him, reaching across the console. Your hand stoking up and down, making sure to twist around the head of his cock. He dribbled onto your fingers and you took your thumb rubbing it along the tip urging more to come out.
“Fuck sweetheart. That feels so good. You’re making me feel so good.” He grunted, his head falling back against the headrest.
He could hear you giggle at that, pressing hard against the vein on the underside of his cock, causing it to throb in your hold.
“Ah shit, sweetheart, squeeze me. I know your hand is so little but try my sweet girl. Come on, try for me.” You would hum at that, reaching between his legs and grabbing onto his sack. Rolling his balls in one hand as you steadily stroked him with the other, giving a squeeze to his cock before a squeeze to his sack.
“What do you need Andy? Whatever you need, I promise I’ll give it to you. Please Andy, tell me what you need.” The imaginary you nipped at his neck, murmuring another promise into his neck.
“Fuck me, sweet girl. Look at me, watch me cum for you. Just for you, sweet girl. Just for you…” He reached for the empty coffee tumbler in his console, placing it under the tip of his cock as he let go. Groaning he pulsed a couple times, continuing to stroke himself until he drained himself fully, because that’s what you would do. You would never do a half ass job.
Sitting back, he looked into the tumbler, seeing a layer of his cum coating the bottom of the cup. He hadn’t cum that hard in a long time. But he supposed a sexless marriage would leave him with a lot of pent-up energy. Remembering Laurie, he grabbed a couple of napkins from the glove compartment, wiping himself before shoving them into the tumbler. After buckling his pants, he started the car, backing out lot and turning onto the freeway for home.
That night had been a couple of weeks ago and he found himself hovering around your desk as much as possible, asking for help finding a text. He would time your coffee breaks and bump into you in the breakroom to make small talk with you. Each time he saw you, he tried to get you to smile. Even on your most stressful days, your shoulders hunch, he would make quick jabs at Neal which would inevitably cause a small giggle to pass your lips. He liked those times, the sound of your laugh would get stored away in his mind, coming out only in the shower as he painted the walls for you.
When you came by with the potluck sign up sheet earlier this week, you mentioned that there were still a few sides left that no one had chosen. Looking at the list, he saw the mashed potatoes listed and quickly jotted his name down beside it. He could probably get Laurie to make it for him. She had been in a better mood recently. Had waited up for him when he worked late. She would welcome him to bed and curl into his side, rubbing circles along his chest. He wasn’t sure what had changed, but if it meant not having to deal with a moody Laurie daily, he would take it.
The day of the potluck, he walked in finding most of the office milling about. It didn’t look like much would be getting done today. With Thanksgiving tomorrow, most had spent the last few days easing into their vacation. He looked at the conference room to see the spread already laid out, you were flitting around making sure everything was set up just right.
“Here you go, sweetheart,” you jumped a little as he came up behind you, placing the dish of mashed potatoes in front of you.
“This will be perfect,” you took the dish moving it next to someone’s version of cornbread stuffing.
Turning around, you smiled at him. He thought about stepping back from you, but instead stood still. Reaching up to his arm, you grabbed his elbow and let out small breath, “I should let everyone know it’s ready.”
Slipping from around him, you walked out to the bull pin area, inviting everyone to come and dig in. He watched as everyone hustled to the conference room as he stepped out of the other door. Making his way towards his desk, he settled down, starting up his computer to check some late correspondence. He needed to spend time with you but not with everyone around. He placed his coffee tumbler on the clay coaster that Jacob had made him back in 4th grade. Sighing, he would wait to talk with you later.
The din in the conference room started to slowly die down and looking at the clock he saw that it was nearly half past 2. Most of the office should be heading out for their holiday and he figured, now would be his best bet. Grabbing his stuff together, he headed back out to find the room mostly empty. He couldn’t possibly have missed you, could he? Staring out to the row of desks, he spotted your workbag and handbag still on your desk. So, you were here, just not in the conference room.
Walking into the breakroom, he saw you at the sink scrapping off food into the trash and rinsing off dishes. Standing in the doorway, he watched this small glimpse into the domestic side of you and fuck, if it didn’t do something for him. Imagining coming home to you in the kitchen, prepping dinner for the two of you. You would still have your work clothes on but only now you would be barefoot. You would relax into him as he came up behind you, arms circling your waist.
He let out a quick breath, shaking himself from his daydream, before setting down his bag on the small table in the room. Coffee tumbler in hand, he approached you, quietly interrupting your dishwashing, “I bet you haven’t even made yourself a plate.”
Looking down, followed by a small bashful smile, you nodded, “There was so much to do.”
Grabbing onto his mashed potatoes, he looked for a spoon before starting to serve a portion onto a plate, “Come on. It’s your potluck too. You should get to enjoy it too. Besides, you got to at least try these mashed potatoes. A lot of effort went into making them. Go on now, sit down.”
Watching you sit down, he turns back to the counter, grabbing the gravy boat beside the sink. Taking the coffee tumbler, he had set down, he carefully removed the lid before emptying the contents into the remaining gravy. He stared as the viscous liquid drizzled out. With the spoon, he quickly mixed the gravy with the new ingredient together before pouring out the mixture on the mashed potatoes.
Turning back towards you, you sat at the table patiently waiting for him as he set the plate in front you. Quickly thanking him, you dug in, spooning a generous amount, gravy and all, onto your utensil and bringing to your mouth.
“Mmm, that’s really good Mr. Barber. Kind of earthy tasting. Are there mushrooms in the gravy?” You looked at him, a small amount of gravy stuck to the side of your mouth.
“Something like that,” he whispered, eyeing that speck of gravy and reaching out to clean it from your lip.
“Oh, I’m a mess,” your cheeks heated as you grabbed a napkin to clean the corner of your mouth.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he replied, taking his thumb with gravy still on it and licking it clean, “Go ahead, finish it all.”
You followed his direction, cleaning your plate, your spoon making a sound as you laid it down. You had eaten it all. Enjoying it, if he were to go by the little happy noises you made as you ate. He knew you would love it.
“Here, let me put this up for you,” he took the plate and spoon back the sink and as he rinsed the plate, he asked over his shoulder, “Did you like it, sweetheart?”
“Yes, Mr. Barber. I promise.”
He gulped, steadying himself against the counter at your promise.
“You know, what, why don’t you take the rest home? There’s still a little bit of mashed potatoes and gravy left,” he asked already reaching for the lid of the Tupperware Laurie had used when packing it this morning.
“I couldn’t do that. You made it, you should take it home,” you answered next to him, and he realized that you must have gotten up from the table.
Locking the lid on the dish, he turned to you, already handing over the remaining potatoes covered in his gravy, “I insist.”
He had made that gravy just for you. After stroking another one out in the front seat of his car in the courthouse parking garage, he had sprayed another load into his tumbler. Looking at the cup again, he swore each session’s load was getting bigger even though this was a daily occurrence at this point. It had ended with a particularly bountiful finish, as he imagined you between his legs. Head bobbing on this cock, tits hanging from your top, before you had spit onto his cock, trapping it between your breasts and finishing him with a hard snuck to just the mushroom head of his cock.
It hit him then what a waste it was to rinse out his tumbler every night when he got home. You would love the taste of him. He knew would. Over the next few days, he collected each load, storing it in his coffee tumbler on the top shelf of his fridge at home. He had a couple of close calls when Laurie asked why he was keeping his coffee cold. He brushed it off, saying it was just water. He was trying to stop drinking so much coffee. Bad for his health. She had just nodded, leaving the tumbler alone.
“Thank you, Mr. Barber,” you nodded taking the dish with a smile.
“You can call me Andy. Promise you will?” He asked, shoving his hands into his pockets, giving himself room in the suddenly tight pants.
“I promise. Thank you, Andy,” smiling up at him, he swore you could feel what he did. He swore you knew exactly what he had given you. Swore that you were happy and willing to take it. His sweet girl would take anything he gave her.
“You almost done, Ace?”
Andy was interrupted from his trance, hearing a male voice enter the room.
“Jake!” You called to the blonde man walking into the room. His shirt was untucked and his tie not quite knotted straight.
“I’m supposed to take you out for a Friendsgiving dinner today, remember?” Jake moved towards you, wrapping an arm around your waist.
Who in the ever-loving fuck is this guy? Andy watched as you hugged Jake around the waist, shaking your head, ready to apologize, “I’m sorry Jake. My day got away from me. Oh, this my kind of boss, Andy. Andy Barber.”
Jake reached out a hand to him to shake while his other still stayed slung along your waist, “Jake. Nice to meet you.”
Andy looked at the hand in front of him, before nodding and giving this fucker a firm handshake. If he squeezed a little harder than he should, well that wasn’t on him.
“Go get your stuff together and then we’ll head out,” Jake whispered down at you, to which you just nodded and flitted out the room.
Stuck with just Jake in the room, Andy leaning back against the sink giving this other guy a once over. He wouldn’t be an issue. No way did this guy have the prowess or charm to lure you away. You were his sweet girl. This fucker wouldn’t change that.
“I’m only going to say this once, leave her alone.”
Andy looked back at Jake, eyebrow raised, before scoffing, “And who are you exactly?”
“I’m guy who knows how to download the feed from the parking garage’s cameras.” Andy swallowed hard as Jake stared him down. He refused to nod, instead crossing his arms and looking down.
“I’m ready Jake!” You came back in, your handbag slung over your shoulder and the mashed potatoes in your arms as Jake took your workbag from you.
“Let’s shake a leg then, Ace,” you giggled at Jake and Andy frowned. When did that giggle change from just being his?
“Bye Andy. I’ll see you next week. Happy Thanksgiving!”
Waving goodbye to the two of you, Andy waited to hear the ding of the elevator before grabbing the tumbler and throwing it across the room. It clanked against the wall before rolling back towards his feet.
Hands on hips, he looked down at the cup. It was okay. Jake couldn’t do anything to him. He had checked to make sure the cameras were never pointed at him. But you, his sweet girl, he needed a new plan. Grabbing the cup from the floor, he rinsed it before setting it next to the empty coffee maker.
It hit Andy then. You did love your coffee. And you always made sure to have cream with it.
@buckybarnesisdaddy, @theinheriteddutchess, @sarahdonald87
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mewhenimanangel · 11 months
spiderboy, miles morales x reader
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part 1 ʚɞ part 2! ʚɞ part 3 ʚɞ part 4 ʚɞ part 5
pairing: earth 1610! miles morales x reader
chapter 2 synopsis: Mr Johnson’s assignment brings you and Miles closer together
wc: 2.3k
warnings!: cursing
It had been two months now since you started going to Visions and you were settling in nicely. Growing closer to your new friends and Miles.
You were sitting in physics when Mr Johnson assigned your class a project. "Your assignment is to study and prove a law that we've learned so far. Any one. And I’ll be pairing you guys up" he began calling out names until he got to you "L/n, you'll work with Morales". You two looked at each other with small smiles on their face. “Thank god. Didn’t wanna get paired up with anybody else.” he whispered to you
"So, I was thinking we could do Newton's law. For Mr Johnson's project?" you suggested stepping over a small pile of leaves that were collecting on the ground. Miles was walking you home, a new usual to your daily routines. "Yeah, yeah I'm cool with that. Where you wanna work on it?" he asked you, looking down at his feet to avoid stepping on any cracks. "My house should be fine, it's just me and my mom anyways so nobody would really disturb us." "Just you and your mom?" he questioned looking at you.
"Uh..yeah. My dad's not in the picture much" you brushed off with a light chuckle. "Oh..m'sorry" he said, an apologetic look plastered on his face. "Nah it's cool. Anyways I think my mom should be fine with it so just lemme know when you're free and whatever" "Yeah, see you tomorrow" he said when you opened your building door. "Bye" "Bye" he waved, walking away.
You gathered your notebooks from your locker while Zoya waited on your side. "So, when are you gonna admit you like Miles?" she teased. "And who said I like him?" you raised an eyebrow. "Girl please, i know a crush when I see one" she rolled her eyes. "It's been like a month please give it a rest." Just then Miles walked up with Ganke on his side. "Hey Zoya. Hey Y/n" Miles said with his usual grin. "Hey Miles" you greeted, hiding the smile on your face, lips ultimately betraying you.
A beat passed as you two just stared at each other without a word said "Uh.. I cant walk with you today. But we're still on for the project right?" he asked. "Yeah, yeah that's fine. Don't worry"
He nodded his head and walked away with Ganke to class. You took her eyes off him and landed back on Zoya,who was staring at you with a smug look on her face. You giggled out a “what?” closing your locker. "Oh it's nothing Ms. 'who said i like him'" she mocked. "Because i don't.." you said. "Girll when he came up you basically melted, don't piss me off." You laughed it off and you guys made your way to class.
Later, in physics, you found yourself staring at Miles though the corner of your eye. Zoya's pushing made you think, did you like him? No, he's just a friend, just a sweet guy, who also happened to be extremely attractive. You snapped back into reality when Mr Johnson called out your name name "Do you know the answer?" "Uh..no?" you answered, slightly embarrassed. He simply raised his eyebrow implying that you needed to pay attention.
Miles looked at you with a glint of amusement in his eyes. Unbeknownst to you, he could feel your stare burning into him a moment ago.
You were at home, frantically cleaning your apartment and bedroom, and putting away things you didn't want Miles to see. It's not that you’re embarrassed of who you are or how you live, you just wanted to make a good first impression is all. You looked through your drawers for an outfit that was laid back but still pretty cute. Settling on a pair of dark blue track pants, a black tank top and black socks, you put your braids into pigtails and went in the mirror to put on a glossy lip balm. You hated that you wanted to look good for when he came over, you really didn't want Zoya to be right.
You laid your notebooks and textbook out on your bed when a knock was heard at the door. Going out into the kitchen - Bobo following behind - and looking through the peephole you saw Miles standing on the other side with his backpack and a bag that looked like take-out. Opening the latch you pulled the door open with a small smile on your face.
"Heyy" you greeted, allowing him inside before closing the door behind you. "Hey, I brought some food so I hope you like Chick-fil-a" he said taking his shoes off at the door, something you informed him to do over text. "Aw you didn't have to, I was gonna have snacks". He looked down when he felt something rub up on his leg. "You have a cat!" he exclaimed. "I do! His name is Bobo" you reached down to hold him in your arms.
He let out a snigger "You know 'bobo' means fool in Spanish right?" You giggled "Yeah, I learned that word from my dad when I was like nine and the name stuck" Only now did it dawn on you that this was your first time seeing him in 'normal' clothes. He wore a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t shirt. You had to admit, the way the shirt clung onto him, made him look even more good-looking.
"Oh and you can bring your bag down here" you let Bobo down to roam around and sit on his flower tree before leading Miles down the hallway to your room, him resting his backpack on the floor by the door.
An awkward silence rolled by as he stared at you and studied your room. He focused on the hello kitty plushies, the naked angel baby figurines, the pictures of you and your family and friends, the posters all around the room, a little figurine caught his eye. "You like spider-man?" he lit up walking over to look at the little black and red suit. "Yeah, I like that he's helping people, i think he's cool." you responded going next to him to look at it. Miles heart beat a little faster, you thought he was cool - well not him directly but he was spider-man so. "Yeah..I think so too"
"Do you wanna eat before we start?" you asked him, heading to her door. "Yeah, I'm cool with whatever" he followed behind you, taking in your image. He would be lying if he said he didn't think you were pretty, he would often sneak glances at you because he just couldn't keep his eyes off for too long. He loved your braids, your natural hair, to him anything looked good on you. When he sees you in the halls with Zoya and Maya, he would let his eyes linger a little longer, watching you laugh and throw your head back when someone said something. He would zone out of Ganke’s chatter and watch you as you walked to class, you always had this confidence about you.
"Seriously thank you so much for this though. I've been craving bad" you put her palms together and shook her head playfully. "Yea, it's nothing. Chick-fil-a just too good to pass up" he took a seat at the small island in the kitchen, grabbing his sandwich.
Finishing your food, Miles went to wash whatever dishes you’d used. "Oh you don't have to do that" you told him. "It's cool. I know how to clean up after myself" he shrugged off. "Alright well before it gets any later let's get started on this shit" you groaned, making your way to your room.
Miles began lowering himself to the ground "Oh uh you could sit on the bed...if you want" you told him, trying to make him feel comfortable. He nod his head and sat near the foot of the bed. You two just smiled at each other before getting into their work.
Laughing as you built the base layer of their project, you heard a knock on the door as your mom eased it open "Hey baby" she greeted. "Oh hey mama, I didn't hear you come home" "Miles, sweetie your mom just called asking when you're coming home?" she told the boy. He looked at you with a questioning expression. "Uh, I think we got pretty far?" you said asking Miles. "Oh..uh sure we got a good amount done." he reluctantly went along. Truth is, he was having a really good time with you and didn’t want to leave yet.
"Alright honey, I'll drive you home" she told him, going out into the living room to wait. "We can just leave the project here if you want?" you offered. "You sure? I could deal with it" he said putting his notebook in his bookbag. "Yeah, gives you a reason to come back" you blurted out. His lips awkwardly quirked into a smile as his heart dropped, you wanted to hang out again. "Yeah I guess it does, but I don't need a reason" he smirked. Just then your mom called out from the living room "Are you guys ready?" "Yeah mom, we're coming"
You opted for the back seat with Miles so he didn't feel awkward and alone. Pulling up to the front of his building, Miles smiled and closed the door "See you tomorrow, Y/n.” "Bye Miles" you called out. They waited until he was in the building to drive off. "So..." your mom teased. "Soo what?" you looked up. "He seems nice" "Yeah, so?" "Nothing" your mom brushed off with a tight lipped smile.
It was Saturday and you woke up feeling the sun shine on your face. Miles would be coming back over today to work on the project for Monday. You opened her phone to check your notifications.
mommy 👩‍👧 - i'm at the grocery store, want anything?
zoya 🩰 - peter's throwing a party tonight, pleaseeee come thru 😪
miles ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ - is 2 a good time to come over later
You answered them telling your mom to grab a few foods you liked and Zoya that you'd think about it and Miles that two was fine. You pushed your blankets off and rolled out of bed. Walking to your bathroom, you washed your face and brushed your teeth. After changing into a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt, you went out into the kitchen to feed Bobo. "Hey baby, good morning good morning" you talked in a playful baby voice while scratching his head.
You walked over to the fridge to grab an egg, cheese, and some bacon for breakfast. You fried the egg and put the bacon in the oven, letting them cook to just how you liked it. Grabbing a bagel, you put it in the toaster while you warmed some coffee. Assembling the sandwich and putting caramel creamer into your coffee, you walked over to the living room, turning the tv onto an episode of family guy. You lolled around on the couch before your mom opened the front door. "N/n, come help me"
You got up and put your dishes in the sink before helping your mom put the groceries away. Once finished, you found your spot on the couch again. "Don't you have a project to be working on?" your mom questioned. "Miles not coming until two." She nodded her head before heading down the hallway.
"Wait mommy...do you think I could go...to a party tonight" you begrudgingly asked. "Who's party?" she raised an eyebrow. "Peter's. For his birthday" you answered. "Ugh Peter, that damn hooligan" she rolled her eyes "Please like he's my friend" "Where?" she sighed "It's at some venue down the road. I could send you the address?" you said excitedly. "Fine. But! I want that phone charged and on you all night, location on, do not go anywhere with anybody you don't know, do not go anywhere but where you say you're going. And I swear to god if you get in any trouble-" "Mommy, I won't!" "Alright"
"Oou thank you mommy!" you called out as she went to her room. You told Zoya you could come and that you'd see her later.
Before you knew it, it was 1:57 and Miles texted that he was on his way. Hearing a knock, you checked to make sure it was him and opened the door. "Hey y/n" he smiled walking in, taking off his shoes. "Hey, I was just about to go grab the project from my closet" you walked down to her room where Bobo was laying on her window sill. "Hey Bobo" he greeted, practically running over to pet the cat. Bobo rubbed his head up against Miles' palm and licked it. "I think he likes you" you smiled. "Who wouldn't" he joked in a cocky tone, to which you rolled your eyes and smiled.
You opted for the floor this time, working hard to get the project finishing, not wanting to work any more past today. You had taken a break when your mom ordered pizza for you to munch on, before getting back to work. Before you knew it, it was around 6 pm and you finished writing up the thesis. "Ugh finally!" you groaned out, leaning against your bed. "So glad to be done" he blew out a breath. After packing up, Miles went over to Bobo to play with him. "Hey um, are you going to Peter's party tonight?" you brought up. "Oh yeah he told me about it. Not sure if I'm going though" he said.
"Oh well uh, would you wanna go...like together, to hangout or whatever?" you asked, awkwardly fiddling with your nails. "Together? Yeah." He answered with a smile on his face. His heart was doing backflips, you wanted to hang out with him, outside of project duties.
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 9 months
If a Speed Stinger could speed speedily, softly swooping swiftly, how speedy is he really?
Never has the word “speed” looked so wrong, now.
The Next Big Sting (1x12) is a great episode for Snotlout, actually. Personally, I love it for Speedy and the taming of a species otherwise thought to be untrainable (cough, still waiting for the Changewing, cough cough), but Snotlout is so great here! And with Ruffnut, too? Oh, ho, we were spoiled.
Plus, it’s funny how this episode includes Snotlout trying to get rid of a dragon, but then is preceded by an episode where he’s trying to keep his dragon. Kind of ironic, actually.
Reasons why this episode is great include:
The important stuff (like Meatlug cuteness and Ruffnut & Snotlout centralism):
The first ones shown to give Hiccup “a look” when he presents the Dragon Fly One are Ruffnut and Snotlout. This is obviously foreshadowing.
Hiccup talking about how The Dragon Fly One will be handy if they and their dragons ever get separated. Sorry, Hiccup but I think this mostly only ever affects you. And Ruffnut and Snotlout that one time.
Actually, I don’t think it’s ever actually happened to Fishlegs and Meatlug other than when Scardian’s pack carried Fishlegs off in season two. Look out, Hiccup, looks like you could stand to learn a thing or two.
Additionally, Hiccup says it’s going to be so handy, and yet he’s built the heaviest looking thing imaginable. I know it’s a prototype but like, come on!
Snotlout asks if he could have Toothless after it all doesn’t work. Yeah, like you wouldn’t be in too much shock after the fact, Snotlout. That’s so cousin of you.
Hiccup: “I’ll be floating on a bed of air!” — Snotlout: “Or crashing on a bed of rock.” This man.
“I cannot believe that that hunk of junk actually worked.” It’s okay, Snotlout, neither can Isaac Newton.
Snotlout’s whole character this episode is remembering Frozen from Defenders of Berk. And rightfully so. But the other riders don’t acknowledge it at all until it happens to them (aka Ruffnut).
“Is he seriously going back?!” Snotlout is so real for that. — “Snotlout, meet Hiccup. Of course he’s going back.” Maybe someone should tell Astrid that when she’s grouching over the Dragon Fly One like she did earlier and inevitably will later.
The only one that doesn’t help wrangle the Stinger is Snotlout. And, honestly, who can blame him.
Part of Forbidden Friendship (a harmony with some sopranos) plays when Hiccup tames Speedy. I love the symbolism behind this sound effect because of what a righteous, monumental moment it’s supposed to be.
Ruffnut is fine around the Stinger until she gets stung. And then it’s all downhill from there. I love the natural progression (albeit a quick one) of her character through this episode. At least she and Snotlout can relate to one another now.
Speedy immediately goes for Snotlout because of how on edge he is. He also is able to dodge, punching the air, “Not even on your best day, pal.” He’s so extra here I love it. (Makes you think what his dad said to him after he got stung the first time.)
And of course Ruffnut immediately gets stung again but makes sure to cross her legs.
Tuffnut starts boxing the air, intensely mimicking Snotlout ready to I assume defend Ruffnut from anymore stings before he starts getting kicked. How cute-turned-cruel this is.
Barf gets stung and immediately Ruff calls out to him before crawling her way as quick as she can to I assume comfort him despite the difficulty it takes her. This is so sweet. I wish we had more episodes surrounding Barf & Belch and the twins, and not just the twins or whatever The Zippleback Experience was. (Also symbolism how it was Barf to get stung and not Belch. Barf and Ruffnut are great together <3)
Snotlout gets to basically say “I told you so” but no one listens except for Ruffnut (I assume she also wants to avenge her dragon, which is sweet). I wonder if this went in his book.
Snotlout and Ruffnut’s whole interaction as the sun’s rising is pure serotonin. They are BFFs. (Also both of their episodes together and Snotlout and Tuffnut’s in Maces and Talons Pt. 1 include Ruffnut riding Hookfang. And of course Tuffnut gets a spin in Snotlout’s Angels. Makes you wonder how much Hookfang actually tolerates and/or likes the twins.)
“There are other things I want to say, but none of them are very ladylike!” Between this and the leg crossing you can really tell that Ruffnut was experimenting with gender this episode.
Snotlout immediately grabs Ruffnut after she gets stung and starts falling off and as such takes his attention away from the air-sick and anxious Speedy. He cares so much!
Hookfang then gets stung and they crash land. The fact that he and Snotlout have both been stung is very poetic, much like Ruff and Barf! (Maybe I’m too obsessed with the “Dragon is a reflection of the rider’s soul” analogy.)
Speedy is calm once back on the ground and licks Snotlout as thanks for catching him! See, guys? He was only scared when up in the air, the poor thing.
Hookfang lights on fire to protect Snotlout from the no-longer-hostile Speedy. See? Now he’s cautious! Snotlout and Hookfang are paralleling one another.
“This is a new low even for you, Snotlout!” — “I was trying to save us!” :(
A sign that Speedy doesn’t belong in the pack (and is a teenager, obviously) is that he talks back to Toothless telling him off, whereas the others wouldn’t have done so! I like little bits like this. (And Toothless had Stormfly as back up. Like a mom and dad telling their kid off.)
Ruffnut and Hookfang have a semi-paralysed affiliation together now, both going around in a circle. And I love how they’re going it side by side, I wonder if they did it to support the other. At least Meatlug is here to defend them!
Ruffnut saying to Meatlug, “Hey, girl, thanks,” and fist-bumping her tail is really cute. Hookfang also gives an additional sound.
Speedy also realises that his old pack is hurting his new pack! Nurse/Big Sister/Favourite Aunt Meatlug getting hurt was the final straw for him.
Snotlout starts swinging with a stick and says he’s not leaving anyone behind (start of his heroism/selfless arc) but it’s obvious he’s still scared himself. Hiccup’s sass was not necessary! The nerve.
Snotlout using Speedy as his own Stinger feels like a thousand IQ move and I love him for it.
“Needle Butts” feels like the millennial term for Speed Stingers and we have Snotlout to thank for it. Alternative terms were probably “Deadly Dodos” and “Sneaky Sewing Machines”.
“Snotlout, Snotlout, oi oi oi!”
Snotlout accepting Speedy after he turns on his own to protect him.
“I’m never going to get you, dragon” Snotlout: confirmer of species’ and genuses everywhere! Also, why isn’t this dragon a dinosaur, again?
“But he hates me!” Snotlout’s delivery of this is great.
Kind of criminal that Speedy couldn’t have become Part Of The Gang™. It’s okay, Speedy, you’ll always be in our hearts. (Doesn’t this kind of make Speedy Snotlout’s Scauldy? I guess?) (Shame, too. I alway imagined he would have gotten along great with Smidvarg.)
I realised when Tuffnut lights a streak of gas on fire to ward off some Stingers and then he compliments a still-paralysed Barf that Barf looks kind of drunk. Now that you’ve noticed that, too, I order you all to laugh.
Oh, and then goes Belch.
And I think Tuffnut. See what I said about one not being able to go down without the other soon following? This. Is. Symbolic. (Or so I religiously believe.)
Hookfang is still seen as formidable by the Titan Wing Speed Stinger even with half his body still paralysed. I wonder if this could temporarily be seen as disabled rep — I wish we could have seen his development from being completely defenceless (Meatlug protecting him and Ruffnut) to him doing this.
It was probably to defend Snotlout.
And that’s great.
The Meatlug Cuteness Counter:
Fishlegs reminding Hiccup that their dragons can fly and Meatlug being cute about it. (Meatlug Cuteness Counter: 1.) (She’s the cutest.)
I love how Fishlegs tries hiding his arm’s paralysis by leaning on Meatlug only to get sabotaged when she goes to play with Speedy. (Meatlug Cuteness Counter: +1 point. 2.)
Nurse Meatlug encouraging Speedy through his physiotherapy is adorable. (Meatlug Cuteness Counter: +5 points. 7.)
When Snotlout is about to go off, we can see Meatlug and Fishlegs sleeping next to one another. (Meatlug Cuteness Counter: +4 points. 11.)
“Nurse Meatlug, if you would do the honours, please” and she does! She does do the honours! Oh, she’s such a good girl. (Meatlug Cuteness Counter: +10 points. 21.)
“Meatlug, quick! Stop him! Speed Stingers can’t swim!” And then she goes so determinedly. So cute. (Meatlug Cuteness Counter: +100 points! 121.)
Meatlug’s shocked face when she sees Speedy being able to skim the water. (Meatlug Cuteness Counter: +20 points. 141.)
Meatlug defends the defenceless (Ruffnut and Hookfang), only to immediately get stung. She tried! (Meatlug Cuteness Counter: +59 points. 200. Additionally, Meatlug Heroism Counter: 10 added points.)
It also takes us back to that scene in Frozen where she defended Fishlegs and so he couldn’t leave her. (Nostalgia Counter: 1. Meatlug Cuteness Counter: +30 points. 230. Additionally, Meatlug Heroism Counter: +15 added points. 25.)
Fishlegs stands by Meatlug after she gets frozen. (Fishlug/Meatlug Cuteness Counter: 10.)
Bonus (mostly non-Snotlout and Meatlug related things):
First thing Tuffnut thinks about is food and/or destruction in the morning.
Chicken was also woken up early to see all this. She is the best dragon rider.
“The chicken is not amused.” (She then leaves dramatically.)
Surely it would be more efficient in situations like this to employ either Stormfly or Hookfang to go after Hiccup instead of the one dragon that can’t fucking fly. Surely allowing the latter is just counter-intuitive.
Astrid goes “Ugh, boys” and Tuffnut is shown right next to her with this simple frown on his face as his eyes flick back to Hiccup! I don’t know why that’s so funny but it is. Shame how quick it was shown though.
“Okay, everyone. Dragon Fly One: maiden flight.” Foreshadowing. I think.
“You’re not actually thinking of trying to train it, are you?” Oh, Astrid. This is extremely ironic for when you coerce Hiccup into letting you bring Garff along on a rescue mission.
In conclusion: Meatlug is cute, Snotlout is great, Barfruff supremacy, Hiccup sabotaged having a pet Speed Stinger on the Edge, and Chicken is the supreme leader.
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kathryndaily · 5 months
Cole Sprouse and Kathryn Newton Are the Screen Duo We've Been Waiting For (via WhoWhatWear)
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Full interview under the cut.
When I click into my Zoom meeting with Cole Sprouse and Kathryn Newton, they're already debriefing about the SAG Awards Season Celebration party they attended the night prior with their Hollywood peers, dishing on who left when and how the night ended up. In that moment, I wished I could toss out the questions I'd prepared for them and just be a fly on the wall listening to their banter. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume the two have been working alongside each other for years based on the inside jokes and heartfelt compliments being tossed back and forth. In reality, the forthcoming comedy horror flick Lisa Frankenstein (in theaters February 9) marks the first time the actors are sharing the screen, and it's a duo so good it hopefully won't be the last.
The two have had parallel paths in the industry, something they admit to bonding over on set. Both came up in Hollywood as child actors, Sprouse from age 1 and Newton from age 4. They're each well-versed in the YA genre: Sprouse, of course, is a Disney Channel alum who starred in The Suite Life of Zack and Cody before graduating to a high schooler in the hit CW series Riverdale and featuring in rom-coms Moonshot and Five Feet Apart. For her part, Newton played the lead in Amazon's The Map of Tiny Perfect Things and a teen in Netflix's The Society. Whether because of or despite their career longevity, both have noteworthy side hustles outside of acting—Sprouse's esteemed photography portfolio and Newton's successful golf career. The commonalities run deep, yet in many ways, the two are opposites. Sprouse is cerebral and loquacious, while Newton strikes me as bouncy and lighthearted. Newton is perched in a pink sweat set with bow-adorned Ugg boots, her three poodles tip-tapping lightly in the background. Sprouse wears backless New Balance sneakers that he refers to as "dad mode" and admits to playing the video game Rogue Trader at his desk before our call. Despite these differences, their chemistry as co-workers and friends is palpable both on and off the screen.
This immediately became apparent a few scenes into Lisa Frankenstein, which has all the makings of the next cult horror flick. Set in the '80s, the classic coming-of-age story follows an angsty teen (Newton) and her love interest (Sprouse), who just so happens to be a corpse from the Victorian era. The film was written by Diablo Cody, the mastermind behind iconic camp titles such as Jennifer's Body and Juno, and directed by Zelda Williams (her dad is Robin Williams—maybe you've heard of him?) in her directorial debut. Lisa Frankenstein is 120 minutes of belly-laughing, jaw-dropping ridiculousness—a guaranteed wild ride from start to finish.
When they weren't dressed in '80s prom and Victorian-era attire respectively, I got caught up with Newton and Sprouse fresh off the set of our January cover shoot and on the precipice of a booming post-strike award season. The mid-20s actress and early-30s actor collectively have more TV and movie credits under their belts than some career actors double their age but none of the pretentiousness. They were eager to discuss their longevity in the industry and express gratitude toward the high school–aged roles that got them to where they are now. Whether it's '80s fashion, careers outside of acting, or getting to work with your best friends, it's impossible not to get excited by Sprouse and Newton when they're geeking out about what they love.
First of all, I'm so excited about the whole vision of this cover shoot with the retro car, the trunk luggage, and the Bonnie and Clyde references. How do you think the shoot went? 
Kathryn Newton: First of all, Cole is the consummate professional because he's always just down to play. He doesn't say no to anything. [He does] the "yes, and…" thing. So together, like you see in the movie, we really go there. We just had a lot of fun. We leaned into the clothes, the sets, and the creative direction. Cole and I were just fully in Bonnie and Clyde mode, looking over our shoulders and pretending to be in love.
Cole Sprouse: I always geek out when I get to work with photographers [I admire], too, because we just sit and chat about cameras and whatnot. It's easy when you're working with someone like Kathryn, who's also just capable of pulling out the character stuff immediately. I think being an actor on that side of the camera is always a lot of play. It's always a collaboration between the people that are being shot and the photographer—the subjects have to push themselves a little bit if the shots are really going to turn out well. It's easy when you already have a rapport with the person you're being shot with, to just push it a little.
Cole, you've also built a photography career for yourself, so being that you're often the one behind the camera on fashion shoots, has that altered your experience of being the subject when it comes to promoting your own projects?
CS: I'm a big believer in every department just doing what they're trained and good at. I find the more that you try to be hands-on if your role is a bit more passive, the worse the shots turn out. If you're in front of the camera, just play and go. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, and the photographer will know almost immediately. For me, it doesn't really feel weird. It's just the difference between if I want to be in a more passive or a more active role.
KN: I was wondering if being a photographer helps you create a shot. With some of these pictures, if the composition is right, the way you're posing is right, and the angle is better, it makes the image better. I feel like there are no guys who know their angles. You know how to make a shot a photograph. It was cinematic. There's an energy there. You're telling a lot of a story in the pictures with me but also in the solo ones I saw of you, like the one of you running. I love that one.
CS: Look, I don't hold back anything for the photo. It was hot out that day, and they put me in some shorts, which is a rare occasion. It's very rare to see Cole Sprouse in some shorts.
See that, people? You're getting an exclusive on Cole Sprouse's knees! Well, I'm excited to dive into Lisa Frankenstein because the movie had me laughing out loud. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. How did you both get involved with the project to begin with? What were your initial thoughts?
KN: I had a Zoom with our director, Zelda Williams, and I remember being really inspired after getting off the phone with her. She sounded like she was a risk-taker. She was encouraging me because one of my biggest fears of the movie is the fact that my amazing co-star Cole Sprouse doesn't speak. I was like, "What are we supposed to do here? How are we going to make a movie?" Then it was pretty much a no-brainer after reading screenwriter Diablo Cody's script. She can do no wrong, and it was just so exciting and delicious and fun. It was nothing like what I thought the movie was going to be, nor was it anything like what we shot, so I was pleasantly blown away.
What would you say surprised you the most?
KN: I would say it was about how big my character became. I thought my character was the quiet one and soon realized you can't be the quiet one since Cole's character doesn't speak. It changed everything. I watched She-Devil and Death Becomes Her to get some inspiration and learn to take up space. But I wouldn't have been able to do it without Cole. It felt like we were all one—Zelda, Cole, and I. We were all on the same page.
Cole, you basically have zero lines in the movie save for a few animated grunts. In fact, your character isn't even granted a name. You're only referred to as "Creature" when the credits roll. You've known director Zelda Williams for a while, and with this being her directorial debut, what were some of those early conversations like? 
CS: Those [grunts] weren't even part of the original [script]! Those were [improvised] on the day of. For me personally, I was excited to shut the hell up. I was like, "Damn, I've done a lot, a lot of talking over the last five, six years. What would happen if I didn't do any of that?" The script presented the challenge of needing a really strong female lead and a strong female lead that had a solid sense of humor. Kathryn came up because I had known Kathryn for a couple of years. Zelda and I put our heads together and were like, "Alright, are we going to beg? What are we going to do here to try and secure the Kathryn bag?" When she got on board, we knew that this was really going to work. Diablo's writing is like bubble gum. It's really big, but it requires delivery that is authentic and genuine in order to work, so you need someone that has a sense of timing and a sense of humor. Kathryn immediately brought the life that we needed with it.
Had you been a fan of Diablo Cody's work for a while?
KN: Jennifer's Body was the first horror film I ever saw. It blew my mind. It's still one of my favorite horror films. I've seen it a million times, and the soundtrack is on my phone. I was really nervous to meet Diablo because she's the mastermind behind it, and I didn't want to let her down. But she really handed it off and gave us the freedom. Even though Cole doesn't speak, the way he had created this character, no one could have done it the way he did with such care and grace. It's a really big honor to be a part of her Diablo universe.
Was there anything that you both had to do specifically to prepare for your respective roles? For you, Cole, it seems to be a lot of body language. For you, Kathryn, it feels a lot more about hitting the right tone with the lines and bringing that lightheartedness into it.
CS: I worked with a movement coach for three months. He was a mime, which I thought was a fun way to play with [my character's] voicelessness. He is a great dude. He drives a car that has a license plate that just says speechless, which I thought was really hilarious. We built on a lot of Buster Keaton, the old silent-movie stars. The groaning came later when we were on set. That felt like a character that was really desperately trying to speak.
So the grunting was something you just improvised?
CS: Yeah, after many years of smoking cigarettes, I can croak. Gravelly voice? I was like, "Alright, cigarettes are gonna make you some money. Silver lining. Let's go."
I know that you two had worked with each other prior to Lisa Frankenstein when Cole shot you, Kathryn, for a spread that ended up in Interview magazine in 2020. Was that the first time you two met?
KN: I actually met Zack and Cody ages ago. I was probably 8, and they must have been, I don't know, 12. I was at Bob's Big Boy, and they were in their booth, and I got a picture with them. [As for the shoot,] it was actually just a shoot we did in my house. That's when we made magic. We got couture gowns from Valentino. My amazing hairstylist Renato brought all these wigs. I really think it was a precursor to Lisa Frankenstein because it was a very camp shoot. I had all these ideas about how the character was a woman who kills all her husbands, and she's really wealthy now with all her poodles. The photos are some of my favorite photos ever taken of me. It was just [Cole] and his camera—really low-key.
CS: When Kathryn went, "I have three poodles," I thought, "I can go with this."
KN: He didn't ask for my dogs' availability call. You can't afford them, but they would have done it for free.
CS: Next time I need three poodles, I'll let you know.
In general, you're both used to playing these younger characters who are often in high school. What is it about these kinds of roles that draws you in? Do you feel nostalgic for your own high school experience? Do you feel like you get to go back and rewrite the script a bit?
KN: I think that there is an element of rewriting the script to do things you wouldn't have done in your real life. For me, though, the young audience is the most important one because they're going to continue to grow with me, and I want to continue to grow with them. I do projects because I feel like no one else can do them. I just hope that the audience does like [Lisa Frankenstein]. It's a coming-of-age story, but something that we haven't seen in a while. This one, in particular, gave me a lot of nostalgia for the movies I grew up with that are colorful and bright—[the movies where] you lean in and you don't ask too many questions. You just go on a wild ride and are entertained. 
CS:  I think I've just aged. For a while, yeah, for sure. But at 31 and playing a teen? It's just not as believable as it once was. I would be so lucky, though. I would be so lucky to play high school my whole life!
I think that's a good point to bring up. Cole, you just wrapped seven seasons of Riverdale, where you were on location in Canada for many months on end and many seasons on end. Do you feel ready to "grow up" as far as your next characters are concerned?
CS: I get this question a lot. To be honest, I don't think about it too much. I think there are really compelling parts all over the age map. The more that you build an idea and aim for it professionally, the less it comes true. The one thing I will say is that I would love to shoot in California. Yeah, that's the manifestation I'm trying to put out. Right down the street at the studio complexes. Come home for lunch to my own house. 
Do you hear that, universe? Manifesting it for you, Cole. Well, I'm curious. Age aside, what are the things about the projects you take on that you're like, "Oh my gosh, yes." Is it something in particular or more of a gut feeling? I feel like for you, Kathryn, you've had such a great breadth of projects, from critically acclaimed titles like Three Billboards and Big Little Lies to Marvel movies. Is there anything that stands out in the process of choosing the roles?
KN: The thing that stands out to me is, What am I going to get to bring to this role? Who are the people I'm going to surround myself with? What kind of conversations are we going to have on set to make this story? My process for roles hasn't really changed much. It's always been, What can I do for this movie? The second thing is, Who am I gonna get to hang out with every day?
I want to get into the fashion in the movie because I feel like it's so good. Your looks really capture the '80s perfectly, but I also feel like you are so comfortable in this aesthetic. What were some of the references that you brought forth? Do you create a mood board before a project like this?
KN:  [The costume designer Meagan McLaughlin] brought along actual vintage from her own closet, but then to supplement, we went to Hot Topic, obviously. I like a fit-and-flare on camera. I find silhouettes beautiful from old movies like Bringing Up Baby and Breakfast at Tiffany's, so I wanted that kind of silhouette because I thought that was very camp to have me always in a shirt and a skirt cinched at the waist. We see her character progress from wearing big gaucho pants to leaning into her powerful femininity. … When she becomes the most monstrous is when she's in her cutest outfit, in my opinion.
Both of you have these amazing creative outlets that you've cultivated outside of your acting. Kathryn, you are an avid golfer working with the LPGA and R&A, and you're competing and crushing it, which is so amazing. Cole, your photography, I would say, seems to be your biggest focus outside of acting. I see that a bit more with you two than with other actors in your peer group. Are these passions as necessary to your creative life as acting is?
KN: In life, you're always told you can only be one thing. I'm a golfer who acts, and sometimes, I'm an actor who golfs. If I'm not working, I go play golf with my dad on the weekend. … I just did a movie in Ireland, and one of the producers was a big golfer, so every other weekend, I got to go to these beautiful places in the country and play these incredible golf courses. I'm trying to create a space in this golf world for more accessibility for young people not to just start playing but to continue to be golfers their whole lives because it's been such a gift [for me]. It's given me a lot of confidence. 
CS: You're talking to actors that were also kid actors, right? I think that comes along with a perspective on acting that is understanding it's a job. It's a financial pursuit alongside a kind of artistic pursuit. For me, the photography thing was one area where I could flex my own creative control in a much more active way alongside an acting career that you can't predict the future of and one where there's not a lot of security. I need to do something outside of this other arena if I'm going to have a healthy relationship to work. I'm a huge proponent of actors having another career alongside acting.
To your point, you've both been acting from such a young age. Cole, you've been vocal about the fact that it wasn't always a choice. It was often out of financial necessity. Kathryn, you've likewise been in the industry since you were 4. How does that influence your current approach?
CS: When a lot of people talk about acting, they talk about the beauty and the passion of acting, and they forget that it's also a job. The healthiest relationship is somewhere in the middle, where you can go, "Alright, I ideally want to do one for me and one for the coffers."
KN: We found a lot of common ground, and we had some amazing discussions about it on [the set of] Lisa Frankenstein. I felt like I was so similar in my approach, where we take it seriously, but we don't identify with it. I've been an actress since I was 4. Every experience I had has been like candy. It's just been fun. I went to real school my whole life, so there was this experience of "Is school real, or is the job that I'm on set for real?" Neither one of them felt like reality. I was class president, and I did the commencement speech and everything. I loved school and being a kid who was super uncool and then going to set and shooting 15-hour days and then going back to school and having to take five tests. These are the things that have made me who I am, and I wouldn't change anything.
I can't help but think that this mindset is really unique to folks like you who have been doing this job for so many years. It's essentially the defining experience of your life. Did you ever look back and maybe feel any type of resentment or regret about the way that the industry made you grow up quicker and faster than kids your own age?
CS: Great question. I don't hold resentment. It comes with an incredible amount of privilege, and also, you do kind of know what you're signing up for. I might not have had as much agency over career decisions as a kid, but it made complete and logical sense at the time as to why we were doing the thing that we were doing.
KN: What's funny is I feel like I'm just getting started all the time. Every time I finish a project, I feel like I'm never going to work again. To piggyback on what Cole is saying, the longer you do it, the less you need to do your job. I don't need anything to do my scene. I don't need a coffee. I don't need five minutes to get ready. If you say "action," I'm ready. [Cole is similar to me in that way.] I wonder if it's because we did grow up as child actors. The roles have required more of me as I've matured simply with age and material. Now, the material just asks more of you. I feel like I'm just getting started because now I'm at a new level. 
I want to pivot a little to the topic of your relationship to the fashion world. You're both regulars at fashion week—Kathryn, I know you're a Ralph Lauren girl, and Cole, you attended your fair share of spring/summer 2024 shows during Paris Fashion Week as well. Is this a world that you are actively trying to further yourself in?
KN: I'm just constantly inspired. Cole is someone who I think has an amazing personal style. He says something with his looks. I don't think any of it is on accident.
What are some of the brands that you would say you have the best relationships with and that are the ones you keep coming back to in terms of your personal style?
CS: I like brands that are … unabashedly moving in a very particular direction. I think Versace leans into decadence and opulence in a really cool way unashamedly. I think Demna with Balenciaga is doing something really fun by not taking itself too seriously and creating a self-awareness that can be self-deprecating, which is so on-brand for me.
I am so excited to see what you both will pull out for the press tours for this movie. What are some of the conversations and themes that are being thrown around? Are either of you working with a stylist for your press outings?
KN: I know Zelda and I are contemplating if we all wear the same suit to the premiere or whether I should dress up as Lisa or if we should both dress up as Lisa and wear the wigs. I have a lot of vintage archival pieces that are from either the Versace 1997 collection or Chanel 1984. I'm in constant flux of whether I should just be myself and wear my own stuff or wear what's new. But I think vintage for this movie is where my heart's at. I think it's time to pull out the big pieces.
CS: I don't normally [work with a stylist], no. That's the first time on a press tour that I'm not working with a stylist. I actually feel way more confident when I'm just going into my own personal closet and throwing on what I wear. 
Wait, I'm honestly shocked by that. I was expecting both of you to say that you work with a stylist—if not in an everyday capacity, then at least for red carpet outings.
CS: The beauty of the relationships that I think Kathryn and I both have to these certain brands now is that we can go, "Hey, I have this thing coming up."
KN: When I was 14 for the Bad Teacher premiere, I used all my money and bought a Valentino dress. I didn't know the rules that you can ask a brand for an outfit, right? So the person I bought the dress from was like, "You need to know [publicist] Katie Goodwin." So then, Katie met me, and she invited me to the Valentino show, where [Creative Director] Pierpaolo [Piccioli] knew the dress. I wore it again to my prom. It paid off so much that I just liked fashion and Valentino. Well, you've seen my looks. Valentino has been a huge part of my fashion story.
What a full-circle moment. I love how genuinely that relationship started for you. Clearly, you have such a good eye. Well, as much as I could keep chatting with you two for another several hours, I realize I've kept you way over our allotted time, and you've let me!
CS: You have some really great questions. I feel bad for you because you're gonna have to find a way to condense all of this.
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Honey, no.
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Alright. Spoilers for 'Sun has a Plan to KILL ECLIPSE in VRCHAT'.
This is gonna be a fun one.
Trigger Warnings Below for: Cursing.
They really gotta set up, like, a teleporter or something so they can get to GF's faster. I know they don't have magic but, like, get a car? Something? Marathoning over here to the point that an animatronic is losing it's breath is, like, just do something so your not dying every time you have a magic question that's gonna take less than ten minutes to answer.
I know GF wants his privacy and also he's being hunted by every government in the universe or something, but also, like, come on man. Are you really hiding all that well at this point? You get visitors at least three or four times a month, you know? You have kids who wanna come see you.
Oh! I ALSO thought GF wouldn't be affected by the wish. He'll probs figure out real quick what's going on.
That or he's fucking with Sun.
Oh yeah there he goes, literally not even a second later.
I never thought the fucking 'bippity boppity' could be threatening. I'd be nervous too.
"My boy! How ya doin?" Awwwwwwww.
*serious conversation about the power of the Newton Star* *Golden Freddy jamming out on the stairs* Sometimes you just gotta boogie down, I guess.
"You'll need to find another primordial source" Like this one I conveniently have in my backyard!
Sun does not care for magic lore. RIP Sun
didn't they say at one point that there was only one Star per universe? And, that's, like the reason you can't use it in another universe because it's tethered to the universe it belongs too or something?
Newton Star out here with the most confusing backstory of any character on any of the FNAF reactsverse shows.
Maybe it's more of a 'the folks in other universes who have acquired a Star have used it's power so that no one could oppose them.' Lord Eclipse, Lord Lunar, Lord Monty are all the most powerful people in their respective universes, I'm sure they would have just eradicated any other stars/ returned them to their source form so they couldn't be utilized.
Maybe it's different objects. There's just ONE Newton Star. There's Just ONE Star of the North. There is only one object that can do a thing, one star that can grant wishes.
bit cnfoosed.
"You are *dolphin noises* me!" LOLOLOL
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wasn't a faaaaaaaan of the Stan Lee thing mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Look, okay. The magic shit is always so out of pocket, because, like they just keep adding onto the rules and stuff of magic in the FNAFreactsverse. It's probably one of, if not THE most complicated system in the whole thing because it's built by just slapping more stuff onto this ball of what magic is and how it can be done and stuff. So every episode where they talk about magic or they meet w Golden Freddy is a treasure because I can't take ANY of it seriously.
They just make shit up and it's so fun.
aaand then they ruined it by bringing up the submarine god dammit.
two for two on jokes that were maaybe not so great
Ayyyyyyeeee do you know who ELSE would have the knowledge to make the star via residual memories and stuff because they were in the same body? Someone who has outright been stated to have absorbed all of the magical knowledge Moon had? HMMM?
Golden Freddy is so fun too. He's like. He's timeless. He's been around for a long ass time. He's been divorced, multiple times I think. He's a dad. He has several kids, all of whom are magically inclined. He's lived through the events of the shows more than once and knows what's going to happen. He's from a different universe. He lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in a spooky house where it's always raining. He's surprisingly nice. He's the most powerful entity across several universes. He's nearly omnipotent. He charmed his house to jumpscare people randomly because he thinks it's hilarious. He laughed at Moon getting punched in the face. There's a Dragon Ball under his bed.
Sun did the thing! Where you accidentally use a different name casue you've got too many siblings/family members to keep track of and then have to correct yourself. My family does that all the time!!!
Killcode's off enjoying life to it's fullest. I hope getting dragged back into all this shit doesn't end in tragedy for him. We only want good things for Killcode in this house.
It only has to be a good enough reason for Eclipse. Eclipse's reasoning doesn't have to make sense to anyone else. It just has to make sense to him for it to be the thing that drives him.
Sun bobbling his head while he's sarcastically asking GF "Hey! Freddy! Can you zap me home?" was great lol.
What fucking voodoo doll?
Is this going to become a legit plot point in the future? I fucking hope it does that sounds real funny.
Poor Sun he's so fucking stressed. He even looks stressed in the thumbnail. Of course the second Moon's gone he's out trying to solve the problem.
That was less stressful than I thought it was gonna be. This was a fun episode. Lore heavy, moving the plot forward, but like not heavy heavy you know? It's a nice reprieve.
I CANNOT take the serious moments w GF seriously at all. I can't do it. "How do you know this?" "Maybe it's because I lived through it once already." "You're not from here are you?" "i'm from many. I'm an amalgamation. I've seen a LOT." My DUDE. You are a FREDDY FAZBEAR. This cryptic shit DOES NOT WORK.
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Seventeen p12-14
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Media The Maze Runner AU
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Seventeen Series
I sat in the office and the discussion began
"So what brings you in this morning Mr. Newton? I assume about Isaac given" she says looking at me
"Yes, it is. You see his many injuries"
"I do, has he had an accident at home?"
"No, as a matter of fact, these were caused here. By one of your students yesterday."
"AHH yes the janitors did leave me an email so I have been partially briefed on the situation"
"I'd like to know why there was no intervention firstly"
"Well we don't often step into altercations between students unless absolutely necessary We find it helps their social skills and of course, this was after final bell and clubs so really hours is not our jurisdiction"
"Regardless it was on school property if your janitors knew enough to tell you why didn't they intervene?"
"Well, it could have risked injury"
"Injury? My son has a black eye and a thousand other cuts after being slapped and kicked into the wall. I'm sure insurance can cover whatever damage that seventeen-year-old could have done to your janitor"
"Yes but I meant Injury to him"
"Him? The other boy involved!"
"Yes you see the other half of this altercation was student Ben Smith and you see-"
"Let me guess. His parents are on the board?'
"They do add a lot of funds to the school, but it's mainly due to him being one of the stars of our track team a real example of the school and if he were to get hurt that could cause Issues in upcoming competitions"
"Okay, I see. So because the track team is the shining example of the school, all the kids are treated like gold stars are shinning out their asses and can do whatever they want. The rest of the kids namely my son who I will mention is captain of the scholastic decathlon team which has won more trophies, wins and subsequent funding in the last two years than in the last fifteen of your previous track team. These kids have to stiffen their lips and deal with the assholes who can run fast. I have that right?" He asks and she is completely stunned "I expect an apology from the boy, from his parents and from you by the end of class today or I call the police on that little thug. Have a nice day Miss Paige"
I was admitted pretty damn impressed. 
Go, dad!
I followed him out and by now people were busy so I walked him out
"Have a good day okay"
"I'll try"
"Anything happens let me know"
"I will do Dad. Thanks for everything"
"No problem. Hey, what's this Ben Smith drive anyhow?"
"Blue Corsa why?"
"I'm gonna key his car on my way out" he smirked "Hey, talk to y/n today"
"I told you I can't -"
"Just give it a go, maybe the whole Florence Nightingale effect might kick in with that eye. But you actually grow some balls and talk to her today we'll get pizza for dinner"
"I'll try"
"Alright, see you at home" 
I felt a lot safer but I still kept my head down just trying to get through the day without getting beat up again when the bell went for lunch I scampered too the haunted boy's bathroom so I could put some cream that my mum gave me on my eye "Owww... Owww... owww" I whined as every time I put pressure on my skin it hurt and honestly the cream kind of burnt Once I was done I headed out to the usual bench Alby was off elsewhere likely had a class president meeting or something so the table was a passed out zart, fry working on adding cheese to his cafeteria supplied fries and.. some dust I don't know what, Thomas who was sat clearly texting Teresa as he had a wide smile and his backpack over his crotch, And jack sat at the table in his jeans and blue button down.
Jack Hampton, was one of the younger kids, I think he is in my maths class I'm not sure, but he was well known as the tech kid, he is who the teachers call when the smart boards fuck up, he is the one you bring your glitching phone, and the one who offered a complimentary walkthrough service for any videogame issue you could bring him. 
I sat down at the table and ran my hand through my hair 
"You okay man?" Fry asks
"I mean... I can't completely see, it hurts to breathe and walk, I'll keep you updated on my system later if you want"
"I'm good, Ben really took it out of you" he laughs 
"That's why I'm here," Jack says
"Right, Hi Jack" I smiled 
 "I am here to offer my services" He says grabbing a card from his jacket and handing it over, it was a literal business card with his name, number and email address 
"I offer many different services for any price range, I can go from mild to intense cyberbullying, I can do hacking, docking, and if you have the cash I can do my full destroy life package he'll have his life destroyed, get cancelled and have to move away" He explained
"Uhhh I'm good thanks Jack"
"You sure?" 
"Yeah, I'm good no cyberbullying" I told him going to hand back the card
"Keep it, my services are always available," he says before heading off elsewhere 
"I'm scared of that kid," Thomas says
"Yeah, I think we all should be" I nodded 
I didn't have much lunch left so I went to my locket threw my lunch in grabbed the books I'd need for this afternoon, I heard a gentle tap on my locker door and I didn't even bother to look.
"I told you Tommy, I don't have tomorrow's test answers," I said
"Ohh that's okay" Her voice spoke up
I know that voice! 
I looked through the small vents in my locker door and saw her sweet face immediately I fixed my hair and shut my locker door 
"Y/n! Hi" 
"Hi" she smiled as she stood in her sneakers, little cheerleader's uniform her books close to her chest 
"You... uhhh you wanna talk to me?"
"Of course" she smiled "I...I wanted to apologize"
"I felt awful when I heard what happened last night, It broke my heart that you got hurt because of me," She says looking into my eye, her face making it clear she is upset "Are you're eye okay?" she asks trying to reach my eye but I moved back
"It's okay it stings a little is all,"
"I've spoken to Ben he was such an ass for what he did. I promise it won't happen again"
"Thank you, I didn't think -"
"I hate to think I caused you so much trouble over a slushie" she says getting something from her pocket and offering me some money enough to cover the slushie
"No, please don't worry about it. It's not your fault Ben was just being a dick it's okay really" I told her folding her hand back in around the money and pushing it close to her 
"Still I feel terrible about it. Here, I made you something to say sorry for everything that happened, and to make you feel better" she says getting a little black box from her bag 
"For- for me?"
"Umm humm" she nods 
"Y-you're sure?"
"Of course" 
"This- this isn't some prank from the cheer squad?" 
"No, they don't know. I was worried they'd stop me" she says "Here take it"
I happily took the little box "Thank you, so much y/n"
"You're welcome" she smiled "Are uhh are you coming to the track meet tonight?"
"Oh, No. I have a meeting with the scholastic team" 
"Oh, that's okay I'll see you around then"
"Yeah, see you around. Thanks again"
"You're welcome"
"Good luck with the track Meet tonight"
"Thank you" she giggled "Good luck with the scholastic team" she smiled waving as she headed down the corridor 
"Thanks" I waved until she disappeared 
She spoke to me! I touched her hand! She gave me a present! She all but asked me on a date! She wished me luck on my team... I think I might faint. 
Fuck! I locked my key in my locker... 
Well, Guess I'm off to the office. 
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silverhallow · 10 months
14-"This is so stupid."
let's get that muse going
I’ve no idea what this but I hope you like it…
“This is so stupid”
Anthony scowled as he looked at himself in the mirror, his fingers moving to the top of the costume and he let out an annoyed growl as the door opened and Benedict walked through the door, his own costume on and looking as thrilled as Anthony looked.
“This is so stupid” Anthony complained again, “how on earth did we get roped into this”
“Because Sophie was desperate for characters for the school kids as an end of term treat and I find it physically impossible to say no to Sophie, and Kate threatened you if you didn’t agree…” Benedict sighed
“I know but really, Spongebob and Patrick?” he groaned
“Yes but the kids are into Spongebob at the moment… and at least you got to be Spongebob! I look ridiculous as Patrick…” Benedict groaned
“You’re Patrick because you’re taller, at least neither of us are Squidward…” Anthony sighed.
“I wonder which poor soul she’s roped into doing that or if it’s just us two… but come on, we’ve gotta go, the kids are waiting for us” Benedict said, grabbing Patrick’s head.
As they made their way out of the changing room and headed down the corridor towards Sophie’s classroom feeling completely ridiculous but knowing it was for a good cause.
But what they didn’t know was Kate was in the classroom waiting with a camera to film them with the kids and in their costumes.
Anthony jammed the top of his spongebob costume, rueing the day he let Kate introduce Benedict to Sophie as they knocked on the door.
The excited chatter stopped and they heard Sophie’s voice “I wonder who that could be…”
There was a giggle and a squeak from the kids and then a shhhhh from a few of the kids and they heard Sophie’s footsteps coming towards the door “ohhhh kids, I think we have some extra special guests waiting for us… can you remember the words of the song that introduces them?” she asked brightly.
As Sophie opened the door, the words of the Spongebob Song started being sung loudly and very out of key and Anthony and Benedict, fully dressed in their costumes, bounced into the room singing along with the kids.
Kate sat at the back of the room trying not to laugh as she filmed the entire thing. “Oh this is so stupid I love it” she laughed as Sophie made her way over as Anthony and Benedict had started answering questions that the kids were asking.
Sophie giggled “it is rather stupid but it was a genius idea”
“Well Anthony, did say he’d do anything to make up for stepping on Newton… but Benedict…?”
“Spongebob would have been lonely, and honestly, I didn’t think he’d go for it…”
“Just shows you how much he loves you” Kate grinned
“Very true… and they are very cute with the kids” Sophie sighed happily. “They’re going to be amazing dads”
“One sooner rather than later” Kate said quietly.
Sophie gasped, “you… your?!”
“We told our parents and Edi last night…” Kate said her voice low. “I wanted you to be the next one to know… and I wanted to see Ant around kids so this was just a win win”
Sophie squealed and hugged her best friend happily “best news ever”
Their hug was interrupted by a loud grunt as Anthony lost his balance in his costume and toppled to the floor and was being hugged by all the kids “Kate… babe… a little help…”
“Should we?” Sophie said,
“Nah, he’ll work it out, or Ben will when that little boy stops swinging on his arms…” Kate laughed moving the camera back onto them, laughing as they watched the school kids with their husband and boyfriend.
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satinelibra · 3 months
‘We need to talk about your behavior at the store yesterday and your future at my company.  My house.  12:30.’
She gulped as she looked at the text from her boss and wondered what the hell could be wrong.  Her mind went right to Mike.  Maybe he’d blabbed about what he’d been getting her to do for him at work.  Yes, she agreed, but… She was going to kill Mike anyway.  Her dad would go ballistic if she got fired.
So, she got dressed in warm clothes for an uncharacteristically hot day and made her way to the Newton house on the dot.  She was chewing a hole in her lower lip as she nervously approached the front door and knocked.
Mr. Newton was taller and more built than his son.  Fully matured.  He was very outdoorsy and active and it showed.  But now, he just looked intimidating with a perfect poker face as he held the door open and told her to come in.
“I have something very disturbing to talk to you about, Miss,” he said seriously. 
“Wh—what is it, Mr. Newton?” She stammered.
“Come with me,” he said, jerking his head to the hallway.  She followed him into the kitchen.  His computer was open on the island counter.  He led her to it.  “It seems you and my son have been fooling around on company time.”
Bella’s whole face turned red.  “N-no, it’s not like—”
“And forgot about the new 360 security cameras,” he finished, spinning his laptop screen around to show her the black and white footage of her giving Mike a handjob in the back of the store yesterday.  “Obviously, you can see the problem with this.  I imagine your father would to.”
Her eyes immediately welled with tears as she prepared to beg Mr. Newton not to tell her father.  “Please don’t—”
“This is grounds for immediate dismissal from your job,” he said sternly.  “Which I don’t think the your father would like.  Nor do I think he would like having to book you for indecent exposure.”
Tears started to track down her face.  “Please!  It’ll never happen again!  Just don’t tell my dad!”
Mr. Newton gave a dark chuckle.  “I guess it’s time to turn this footage into the authorities.  Unless…”
She gulped as she noticed his eyes trained on her like a predator.  “Unless, Sir?”
“Sir, I like that,” he murmured darkly.  Then his hand was suddenly on her chest, feeling up her breasts through her thin white shirt.
She let out a squeak and began to back away.  But he spun her around and pulled her back to his chest.  Then his wide hand was skimming down the front of her shorts and pressing into her center.  It felt salacious and wrong.  Her stomach sunk.
“Mr. Newton!” She shrieked.  “You’re my boss – I’m your son’s friend.”
“Doesn’t look like that on the footage,” he hissed in her ear.  “It looks like you’re his whore.  I just want a taste.  Of course, if you’d rather I turn this into your dad and have you fired and charged—”
“No,” She whimpered helplessly.
Mr. Newton smiled evilly and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her into the living room and tossing her unceremoniously onto the couch.  “Then you’ll be a good little worker for me today, won’t you?”
She whimpered in fear as he launched his body onto hers.  His mouth smashed onto hers as he forced his tongue into her mouth.  She made herself not bite and fight him.  Her body was frozen in fear and indecision.  Was this really happening?  Could she let him do this to her just to keep her dad from finding that video?
Mr. Newton sat up and started haphazardly undoing the buttons of her shirt.  She thought she heard the fabric tear as he pulled her to pull the garment off.  Her arms came to cover her breasts in her modest white bra.  But Mr. Newton gave a grunt and yanked her hands away, pinning them above her head.
“Don’t hide from me now, whore,” he said tauntingly.  “Not unless you want Daddy to see that video.”
She shut her eyes in shame as she felt the older man pull her bra and start kneading at her bare breasts with the eagerness of a starving man at the sight of food.  His teeth came down to close on one of her nipples and the sharp pain had her crying out.  But her comfort was no never mind to the old man molesting her.
With a dark grunt, he reared up and kicked her knees apart.  He pressed his jean clad erection into her covered center and started to harshly dry hump her.  It was pleasurable at all with the rough jean material on her most sensitive region.
“Ngh…” she whimpered in pain and clenched her eyes shut.
“Such a good little slut,” Mr. Newton hissed.  “I love them when they’re young.  I bet you’re fucking tight.  I bet you’re a fucking virgin.  That just makes it sweeter.  I can’t wait to get in that pussy.”
She flinched.  She was a virgin, more or less.  Nothing but fingers.
Suddenly, Mr. Newton’s weight was gone.  For a tiny moment, she had hope that it was over.  But she opened her eyes when she felt his hands on her hips, repositioning her to sit up on the couch and face out to the room with her ass hanging off the end.  His grubby mitts were undoing her shorts and yanking the denim and her underwear off of her with an angry red welt on her thighs from the friction.
She let out a cry, “Ah!” as he did so.  Then he was spreading her thighs apart.  With an uncomfortable burn from the stretching of her limbs.  It also uncomfortably displayed her bare pussy to his lecherous gaze.  Now she knew where Mike got those expressions from.
She instinctively tried to close her legs.  But he only forced them apart wider until she cried out in pain again.
“You keep those legs open so I can get to that pussy, whore,” he ordered.  His eyes were zeroed in on her pink flesh.  “Mmmm, perfect.  You shave.”
Her whole face turned red.
He leaned in close and took a big sniff.  “Smells like a virgin to me.  Just kidding – I can tell you are just by looking at you.  God – it’s gonna feel so good on my cock.  I’m already hard as a fucking rock for it.”
She shut her eyes again.  She jolted when she heard him spit and felt something wet and cold on her pussy.  Her eyes went down to see his saliva dripping down her naked slit.
He finally let go of one of her legs with his hand that went to her pussy like a magnet.  He spread his spit up and down her labia and teased her clit.  It made her hips twitch and she fought the reaction.  He reared his head back to spit on her pussy again and use that to get his fingers inside her and tease her entrance.
Mr. Newton let out a depraved groan.  “I can’t wait anymore.”  He stood above her, looming oppressively, as he undressed himself from top to bottom.  He was muscled and strong and scary looking.  And his cock was sticking straight out, hard and throbbing, and looked like it would split her in half.
She seized up and tried to get off the couch, but Mr. Newton was quick to hold her down.
“Nuh uh uh, little girl,” he crooned.  “Stay right where you are.”
She gulped at the dark look in his eyes as he stared at her.  She felt tiny and weak.  She really had no choice.
Mr. Newton only let go of her with his one hand to guide his cock against her entrance.  She shut her eyes, trying to shut out the pain, as he started thrusting it inside her virgin cunt.
“Ah!” she cried out, a few tears leaking out of her eyes.  She felt some added wetness down there and knew it must be blood from her broken hymen.
“Don’t wanna look at me, huh?” Mr. Newton asked with crude humor.  “Fine.”
His cock pulled out of her and she already felt sore.  This time, thought, she knew better than to hope brief respite meant it was over.  His hands were on her and picking her up, turning her around, and throwing her front first on the couch length wise.  Her face slammed into the arm of the couch and she tried to push herself up, but his weight pushed back down on her.
He oppressively pinned her down and thrust into her.
“AH!” she screamed.
This felt so much deeper and she was not at all prepared enough to take his whole cock.  But he forced it into her anyway, not matter how she flailed and whispered in fear and pain.
“No!” she whined.  “It hurts!  It’s too big!”
He laughed, showing no remorse.  “Say it again, baby.  Take it all in that tight pussy.  I knew you’d be tight, but fuck – not this tight.  Fucking delicious piece of teen cunt.”
She cried into the couch’s arm, hating the fact that her pussy was feeling wetter and knowing it wasn’t blood this time.  Just her body.
“AHH!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
With a sharp thrust, Mr. Newton shoved her head down.  He grabbed her white shirt and wrapped it around her mouth, her head, using it as a handle of sorts to pull her body back on his cock while he pounded into her from behind.  Her arms were trapped behind her back and her whole body was compressed and pinned by him as he ravaged her.
It was endless torture.  Silence filled only by the sound of her pain and their slapping bodies.  It carried on for what felt like hours until he suddenly stopped, flush with her ass, balls deep inside of her.
“I think it’s time I got a video with you,” he said.  He wrapped his arm around her torso and pulled her up with him as he stood.  He was still lodged deep inside her as he walked from the living room to the master bedroom down the hall.  Through her tears, she noticed a suspect teddy bear on the dresser across from the bed.
Without dislodging her from his cock, he dumped her on the bed and immediately started pummeling into her pussy from behind like a rapid dog.  Her body bounced on the bed spread, her hair whipped into her face and stuck to her wet cheeks.
She tried to hold on for dear life and hope it really was over soon.  How long could he last, anyway?
Mr. Newton grabbed her ass cheeks and held on as he thrust into her hard and stopped there with a choked groan.
She was horrified when she felt something warm spilling inside of her.  Was he cumming inside her?  No, he couldn’t do that!  She wasn’t on birth control!  She tried to wiggle away but he pinned her down again and flopped against her entrance until he finished with a sigh and pulled all the way away from her.  She could feel some overflow cum spill from her thoroughly abused cunt.
She sobbed into the bedspread as Mr. Newton checked on the teddy bear cam.
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Hi Molly, I know you've given us a LOT this weekend already, and honestly you deserve a break. but if you are planning on doing a spicy sunday, can we see our taylor swift loving elder siblings' first date and then some?
Oh Lordy.
Here we go
Kate genuinely hadn’t thought he would call. She really hadn’t. They’d filed out of the stadium, Anthony’s sister on his hip, falling asleep on his shoulder and he’d smiled at her.
“I um- I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He’d ducked his head, and his smile had been so adorable, “We’ll get something to drink or maybe… if you eat dinner?”
“I eat dinner sometimes, yeah.” She’d shrugged, trying not to let her stomach swoop.
“Cool, right. I better get these ones home.”
“It was nice to meet you, Anthony.”
She’d woken this morning with her throat a little scratchy to the sound of her phone ringing. She picked it up, not really paying attention
“Kate, we need to talk!”
“Dad?” She sat up, rubbing her eyes. “Is everything okay? It’s really early.”
“I don’t know!” He squawked, “Are you okay?!”
“Um… I’m fine, the concert was really cool.”
“Did your fiancé enjoy it?”
Kate’s stomach dropped, “Fucking Edwina.”
“How could you not tell me you were seeing someone this seriously?!”
“Dad, I dropped my bracelet. He didn’t propose to me.” Kate rolled her eyes, scratching Newton behind the ears as she stood from the bed.
“Then why did you kiss hi?!”
Kate froze, “I didn’t realise the video you saw went that far.”
She rolled her eyes, “Dad, it was literally just a kiss. We got carried away. I’m never going to see that guy again.”
“Well I-”
“Katie.” Mary’s voice sighed, cutting off her dad. “I’ll manage Dad’s panic attack, I’m glad you had fun, sweetheart.”
A beep sounded in Kate’s ear and she sighed, “Mumma some else is trying to call me, tell Dad I’ll see him tomorrow.”
Kate sighed, frowning a little at the unknown number before she picked it up. “Hey, this is Kate.”
“Kate, Hi.”
She recognised the voice from last night, soft and warm like his hands gently cupping her cheeks had been. “Oh.”
“It’s um… it’s Anthony.” He cleared his throat, “ We um… we sat next to one another at Wembley last night?”
“You’re going to have to be more specific.” Kate chuckled, unable to resist the urge to tease him.
“Oh, um… you and I… we kissed?”
“Eh, you might have to be more specific again.”
“Oh! Well, I’ve got dark hair. And-”
“Anthony I’m fucking with you.” Kate sighed, her heart fluttering in her chest, “I remember the kiss. You are a very tender kisser.”
“I’m tender when I do a lot of things.” Anthony breathed, his voice deepening, “I want to take you out tonight.”
“I actually… don’t know if I’m going to eat dinner tonight.”
“That’s okay.” Anthony clicked his tongue, “I’m opening to eating a lot of things besides food if you’re willing.”
The wind had been knocked out of her lungs, “Jesus fucking- Where do you want to meet?”
She should have felt more nervous. She had in the cab on the way to the restaurant. And she had when she’d waited nervously outside until Anthony’s head had popped out of the restaurant.
“Sorry! I already grabbed our table, I’m a bit of an early bird.”
He smelled lightly of cologne when he kissed her cheek and her cheeks burned as he showed her through the restaurant, his eyes dancing at her.
“You are really beautiful. I don’t think I said that last night I just… you caught me by surprise is all.”
Kate nodded as she sat down across from him and awkwardness swelled between the for a moment before she sighed, “Sorry, this is really awkward.”
“Eh, doesn’t have to be. We’ll order drinks first and if you hate to you can go.”
They’d ordered drinks and fallen into conversation oddly naturally until his phone rang and his face fell as he excused himself, hissing into the phone.
“Well I’ll never get the chance to marry her if you don’t hang up the phone mum!”
Ridiculous laughter bubbled in her chest as he hung up, his cheeks flushed and when the waiter came over she took a menu and watched Anthonys boulders relax.
Anthony walked her to the front of her building when the waiter had nudged them out ours later and his jacket was draped over her shoulders something awkward between them.
“I um… I don’t want you to think I… expect anything from this.” He cleared his throat. “I… just… I had a good time and I like you and-”
“Technically half the internet thinks we’re getting married.”
“True.” Anthony clicked his tongue. “That being said… Maybe we should…”
“Wait to sleep together?”
His body moved closer to hers and she felt her hand twist in the front of his shirt even as he nodded, “Yeah we should… we should wait.”
“So we’re waiting.” Kate had felt breathless as she tugged him inside the building, “You’re just coming up to get out of the cold.”
“Yeah, I’m freezing.” Anthony groaned as the lift opened behind them and he stumbled forward.
Their lips were only millimetres apart and Kate could feel the rise and fall of his laboured breathing and the warmth of his body and a moan rumbled in her throat. She reached forward pressing the emergency stop and Anthony’s lips crashed against hers.
It was different than it had been last night, when they’d been carried away and their lips found one another while the crowd cheered. This was quieter, and Edwina’s hand was patting her on the shoulder but Anthony’s kiss was nowhere near as tender. His hands were tight on her waist and the wall of his chest was firm as he pressed forward until she was stuck between him and the lift. His tongue swept roughly over hers, stoking the fire that was slowly burning between them and she felt her legs fall open. Anthony’s hands tightened and he lifted her onto the railing, the palm of his hand warm over her calf as it slid up her leg and a satisfied purr rumbled through his chest.
His hair fell into his eyes and it made him somehow even more handsome as she pulled him closer.
“We’re not going to have sex.”
Kate shook her head but her hips arched against his as he nipped at her neck. “We’re not having sex.”
Anthony nodded and his hand slipped further up the leg hooked around his hip, drawing him closer again and Kate could feel her fingertips on the edge of her underwear as heat licked at her stomach, pushing her forward.
“But on the other hand.” Anthony’s teeth bit into her neck, “What kind of internet husband would I be if I didn’t make you feel… something for me?”
Kate could stop the whine that fell from her chest, and her voice was breathless “Not a very good one.”
“Well, I want to be a very good boy.”
His eyes were asking her, begging her and Kate nodded as her hips rocked forward against his fingers.
“oh, fuck Kate, I can feel how much you want me.”
They hadn’t even slipped into her underwear yet and already her eyes were rolling back in her head and her leg drew him in impossibly closer. They were breathing the same air now. Every breath that left her was drawn into his lungs and passed back and the tension in the elevator was thick as Anthony’s hand moved slowly against her. His lips were still on her neck, sucking gently and he whispered filthy nothing in her ear as they moved slowly together.
Her entire body was on fire, it felt like as her hand cupped his neck and drew their lips back together in a filthy kiss and her mind couldn’t quite keep up. The sweet man who’d taken his sister to a concert had her grinding against his fingers in the lift of her building.
“Oh Good girl.”
His fingers slipped under the fabric, pushing inside her and a whine fell from her lips as he circled her gently. Anthony caught her hand from his neck and his eyes locked with hers as her hips bucked against the feel of his hand. he held her hand against his lips and sucked her thumb into his mouth his eyes darkening and Kate’s eyes rolled back in her head.
His fingers started moving faster and she could feel him against her thigh, his hips searching for friction as he ground against her. Anthony’s hand fisted in her hair to prevent her head banging against the wall as he started moving faster and faster pushing her closer to the edge as heat coiled tightly in her stomach. She was so close she could almost taste it. She could taste Anthony on her tongue and smell his cologne and his voice in her ear made her spine shiver against him.
“Come. Kate.”
She fell over the edge with a sharp shout and her vision blurred as her body shook against him, her legs holding him in place.
Her legs could barely support her, When Anthony set her down, kissing her quickly before he drew his fingers into his mouth sucking loudly. He winked at her as he let turned off the emergency brake and stepped out into the lobby as the door opened.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, Kate.”
And Kate was left staring after him “What the fuck?!”
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belamcandas · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
is that DANNY RAMIREZ ? oh, no, that’s DANTE GUERRERO DOMINIGUEZ-HERRERA, a THIRTY-ONE year old LYRICIST / COMPOSER  who uses HE/THEY pronouns. they currently live in VALPARAISO, and the character they identify with most is STEVE HARRINGTON FROM STRANGER THINGS. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas! 
name — dante guerrero dominguez-herrera  nickname(s) — none name meaning — dante: steadfast, enduring. guerrero: war. dominguez: son of domingo. herrera: iron smith age — thirty-one date of birth — august 14th star signs — leo sun, aries moon, scorpio rising place of birth — mexico city, mexico sexual orientation — homosexual religion — atheist spoken language(s) — spanish, english occupation — lyricist / composer / musician  residence — valparaiso family — luna dominguez-herrera ( half-sibling ), esme dominguez-herrera ( half-sister ), samuel guerrero ( half-brother ) career claims: ghostname / pen name luan guerreros ( more on this later ), kyle dixon & michael stein (composer), daniel pemberton ( composer ), the newton brothers ( composer ), max richter ( composer ), keegan dewitt ( composer ), djo’s twenty-twenty and decide  ( musician ), as for lyricists i’ll add to this eventually but also ( more on this later ), ursula ( composing / musician ), bon iver ( musician )
tw: general family dysfunction, alluding to cheating
when people would ask him what motivated him to become the person that he was today, it’s always the standard answer of, my father of course, but in his head he would say, it was actually my mother’s backlogged dreams. no one knows that this is his answer, he tries very hard nowadays to keep his mother’s name out of his mouth. 
it used to change over the years how they approached questions about fame, how in many ways they would never be their father or their sibling luna, and how that drove them from being off the big stage and instead just stick to being… behind it. all of that to say dante would never promise to be quiet, during their early twenties they had spent most of their time running through people and things and their mother told them that one day they'd crash and burn and... then they did. 
but that’s getting ahead of the story. the story really starts on a hot night in august, dante is born out of an already flighty relationship. his mother was on her way to being someone, she wasn’t famous by any means but famous enough to have a small following and by the time that dante was actually here most of those dreams came crashing down. they struggled, partly because his mother wanted his father in his life but struggled because she refused to receive help from his father. it would be a back and forth game until his father, his wife, and sibling would move to new york city and dante would stay with his mother and watch her go through her own set of relationships that would never work out. 
he still of course went to new york to visit for a couple of months at a time, he was never going to be the actor of the family, but he did often listen into conversations his father and luna would have when it came to music, by the time he would get back to his mother’s he’d be half into a project, writing songs, and making experimental sounds. 
with the success of his father’s family it began to take a toll on his back at home. people would say things about him and his mother, rumours that would fly off the handle of the actress that could have been had she not had a tumultuous relationship with his father. his little brother is born and dante tries to keep his head down. 
while his family is complicated he can’t help but feel love for them whenever he was able to visit, though it always felt like he was on the outside looking in. he could relate to his father on music but it was never the same genre. the bond that he should have with his dad was strained but that’s just because he remembers everything that’s happened to his mom. 
skip a few years, glossing over all the public scandals that dante gets himself into, a public outing with the wrong guy, and an incident with his brother where he was meant to protect him and just couldn’t get to him in time, his mother is done with dante. his brother may have forgiven him but his mother hasn’t. in fact, it’s been so long since they last talked it’s often samuel going between both of them when they’re around for the rare family function. 
dante disappears for about a year and comes back under a different pen name luan guerrero, luan in portuguese means ‘moon’ in tribute to his sibling who was able to accomplish so much, but in chinese it also means 'bird' or 'bell'. they always liked a double meaning. dante isn’t known by their mother’s maiden name, it only seemed appropriate that despite everything they’ve been through, there’s some part of her in everything that they do. their album ‘decide’ comes out and is a hit. and after that their other projects that they worked equally as hard on become popular too after years of having just a small few appreciating them. 
before changing pen names they worked on a lot of hit singles as lyricists, and while it was fulfilling there’s something about being able to have your own voice singing your own songs. they’re still passionate about composing, there’s so many good spanish experimental music and they’re just dying to put their foot in the door with it too. 
they’ve moved to valparaiso not that long ago knowing that both of their siblings are here. dante is looking for a fresh start and make more music and shed some of their old ways, but dante is also a leo so we’ll see how that goes !! 
dante is also very interested in ghost hunting, urban myths, and folklore !!! i wonder if you could tell who their siblings are !!! anyway he’s very supportive of both of his siblings work and wished that he was smart enough to go to university but he’s stupid as a bag of rocks ( ok not literally but im allowed to be mean to him ) 
HE WASN'T A SOUNDCLOUD RAPPER but he did release some of his early stuff on soundcloud and it did get popular on there THANK YEW
owns a mexican black king snake and a tarantula ( like i said, siblings for a reason ) but they also own a tiny little black cat named monday ( don’t ask )
wants to be as cool as esme but is a total loser 
still speaks to samuel, desperately wants their brother to come and live with them but their mom won’t let him. 
speaking of samuel the events of what happened to him will remain a mystery simply bc with celebrity knows who actually knows the truth besides those that it happened to !! 
also it's literally not a secret that his pen name can be linked to his actual name, people often comment whenever he posts on his band’s instagram asking if this is dante or management posting ( it's almost always dante ) so aosdknfas he just wanted to have a separate name for ‘important things’ like that but when it comes to composing for shows and movies he always uses his full name. 
actually a decent photographer as well, but they decided to use their energy on music 
he’s an idiot with people’s feelings sometimes but means well idk man !! growing up in the spotlight can be a lot especially with rumours circulating around their family 
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Pairing: Single Dad! Eddie Munson/ Steve Harrington
Requested By: NA
Word Count: 1,853
Series Summary: Eddie left Hawkins in 1986 with no reason to ever return. But now, a few years have passed and life has changed. Eddie finally returns home and has to deal with everything he left behind, including Steve Harrington. This story starts in May 1991.
Chapter Summary: Steve and Robin have a heart to heart over a Grease rewatch.
Stranger Things Masterlist
Steddie Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Friday night for Steve meant a trip to Melvald’s and a sleepover with Robin at his apartment. It had been more or less routine for at least three years at this point and today was no exception. He parked outside her apartment building just before sunset and waited. He always picked her up at the exact same time, but she always managed to forget. 
“Ya know, you could just drive yourself to my place,” he sighed once she had set her bag in the back and taken her spot in the passenger seat. 
“And miss out on these precious bonding moments with you, my loving husband?”
“Shut up,” he groaned. “I still can’t believe he thought that." 
"You can't believe it? What about me?" She cried, hands flailing around her. "He doesn't even know me and he just assumed I have bad taste." 
"Oh, you don't have bad taste?" Steve asked accusingly. "Did you really already forget about the great Amanda debacle of '89? Hmm?"
Robin turned in her seat to stare at him, her eyes wide. "Okay, first of all, that was a low blow." 
"I'm sorry," he answered, not sorry at all. 
"And second of all, why are we bringing up my dating history when you're the one who still has a crush on the same guy five years later but you still refuse to do anything about it?" 
Steve was quiet now. His lips drew into a tight line as his eyes shifted to his side mirror. The only s ound in the suddenly silent car was the click of his turn signal. Robin sighed as he turned left off of her street towards the grocery store in the center of town. 
"I'm sorry," she told him quietly. "That was too far. I know you're going through like, a thing about it or whatever." He was still quiet, focused on the road. "Forgive me, Stebie," she pouted, jutting out her bottom lip and opening her blue eyes wide as she stared at him. 
"Don't call me that," he told her. "And I'm not going through a thing, okay. I just- I just don't know." 
The rest of the ride to the store was quiet. Robin watched houses pass her by through the windshield. She knew better than anyone what Steve was going through, and she also knew why he was handling it the way he was. Telling someone that you have feelings for them is tough. It’s even tougher when that person is the same gender as you, putting yourself at risk. 
The pair made their way around the busy grocery store fairly quickly, having perfected their route over weeks of practicing. Robin went left to grab chips and cookies. Steve went right to get drinks and candy. Then they’d meet at the register and make small talk with Gerald while he rang them out. It was a pretty good system if you asked either of them. 
Once they were back at Steve’s small, sparsely decorated apartment they laid out their haul in the living room. Robin pulled a tape from her bag and set it on top of the TV to be put in when they were ready. 
“Seriously?” Steve asked with a groan when he caught the cover of the tape out of the corner of his eye. “Grease? Fucking again?”
“Olivia Newton-John is stupid hot at the end and you know it,” she defended. 
“So I have to sit through the entire stupid thing so you can crush on her for the last five minutes?”
Robin stopped what she was doing and turned to face him. “You like the movie, too. I know you do. Every time I pick it you’re over there singin’ your little heart out.” Steve felt a warm blush fall over his cheeks as he shook his head at the accusation. “Yeah, exactly. So quit crybabying and order the food. Please.”
Robin changed into sweats and one of Steve's shirts while he called Chang's. Tyler, the owner's son, knew their order by memory. All Steve had to say was "Hey, man," and Tyler was telling him with a laugh that his cousin would be there in 10.
Robin was right. Steve did secretly like Grease. He shimmied his shoulder against hers during Summer Nights. He sang along to the men's parts, using the ends of his chopsticks as a microphone. Robin laughed along before taking up her part of the duet. Steve's small living room was filled to the ceiling with music and laughter. It was nice. Nice enough that he was almost able to forget their conversation in the car. 
It was Hopelessly Devoted To You that did him in. The moment the sad music started and Sandy stepped out into the dark in her nightgown the energy in the apartment shifted. Steve pulled his eyes away from the screen. His smile fell as he stared at his own hands in his lap. 
Robin moved on the couch beside him. She shuffled into his side, resting her head against his shoulder. "Are you ever gonna tell him?" She asked. 
"Don't think so," he answered. 
"Why not?" 
"You really think it matters now?" He asked. "Guys got a kid. Clearly I'm not his type." 
"You don't know that," Robin offered. "You won't really know anything unless you try." 
Steve took a deep breath. The song was coming to an end. Sandy was making her away around the small yard as she poured her heart out in song. An image of Danny Zuko appeared in the reflecti inon of the pool. His little smirk reminded Steve of Eddie. 
She was right. He knew she was right. She knew it, too. But she didn't press any further. The question loomed in the back of his mind through the rest of the movie. Are you ever gonna tell him?
He'd thought about it. A lot, actually. That first day he saw Eddie mopping the floor at the little truck stop outside of town. It took everything in him not to grab him by the shirt and kiss him until his lungs gave out. It was like the universe was saying "here he is! This is your second chance you thought you'd never get! Don't waste it!"
And sure, maybe he was afraid. Maybe he was being a coward by not making a move. He told Robin that he was just waiting for the right moment. In reality he was waiting for Eddie to say something first. It sounded crazy, really. Steve Harrington afraid to make the first move. Younger Steve would have never waited. Younger Steve was full of confidence and had more than a few notches in his belt. But that hadn't been the case in a long time. Not since Eddie had caught his eye in 1986. 
Steve knew he liked guys fairly young. Danny Clark had been the one to awaken that particular side of him in the eighth grade. But he liked girls more. He figured Danny was a fluke. A one off sort of appreciation for an attractive guy. So he didn't do anything about it. He spent a few weeks freaking out, listening to his dad call guys like him horrible names and inwardly flinching every time. 
But Eddie was different.  Eddie had always been different. When he'd shown up on the first day of their junior year with shaggy hair and a Megadeth shirt with a hole in the armpit, Steve knew Eddie was different. 
Steve spent that year with Nancy Wheeler. He did come to love her. He loved her a lot, actually. More than she loved him, it turned out. But the only reason she'd even gotten on his radar to begin with was because she looked just enough like Eddie. He'd never admit that. Not to Eddie or Nancy or Robin. Not even to himself. But anyone with eyes could see the physical similarities if they'd bother to look. 
Nancy broke his heart a year later, a few months into his senior year. Steve spent the rest of that year quietly watching her love Jonathan the way he'd wished she'd love him. But she didn't, and he couldn't blame her for that. Not really. Not when he knew that she was happier now. 
So he'd graduated and tried to move on. He took to going to The Hideout on the outskirts of town in hopes of outrunning Hawkins High. And it worked. It worked for about a month. It worked until he stepped through the doors on a Tuesday night right in the middle of some bands' set. 
The music was awful. It was too loud and the band playing it sounded like a bunch of kids who didn't know how to play their instruments. He ordered a beer from the guy behind the bar and turned to watch the band behind him. The moment he faced the stage felt like a freight train had driven straight through his chest. 
There he was. Eddie Munson. He was a little older. His hair was a little longer. He was dripping sweat as he banged his head to the song he was playing. And just like that, Steve was hooked once again. 
Only this time, he didn't run away. This time he has a reason to be around Eddie. Corroded Coffin became his favorite band. When he found out they had a weekly gig at the dirty little bar, he became a regular. He got to know the bartenders by name. He got introduced to Eddie's bandmates. He got to keep his crush and keep his mouth shut. It was a perfect arrangement. Until the night Eddie announced they were leaving and never coming back. 
As Robin tucked herself into bed beside Steve she turned to face him. “Can I just say one more thing and then I pinky promise I won’t bring it up again?”
“I don’t know why you’re asking,” he said with a sigh. “Me objecting has never stopped you before.”
“Totally true,” she smiled. “I just really think that you should tell him. He’s either gonna feel the same way, or he won’t. But either way you’ll finally know and you won’t be stuck constantly wondering anymore.”
Steve looked over to her. The bedside lamp behind her head casted a yellow glow around her face. “But what if he hates me after?”
“Then he’s a dick and we slash his tires,” she answered easily. “But from what you’ve told me, the way you talk about him… I really don’t think that’s going to be an issue.”
Robin fell asleep not long after. She always fell asleep easily, no matter where she was. Steve envied that about her. As he lay awake, staring at the ceiling, he considered what she’d said. He wondered silently to himself if knowing how Eddie felt once and for all was worth potentially throwing away their friendship. He decided, maybe foolishly, to take her advice. He’d wait until he was done with the car, just in case. No matter what he still wanted Eddie and Lucy in a safe vehicle, after all. 
previous part // next part
I loooove Steve and Robin 💕 my lil gay babies 💕 I actually added this part after the fic was finished because I noticed a distinct lack of Robin in the fic. Hopefully y'all like it!
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theladycarpathia · 1 year
Empty Places Chapter 6: Medium
Alice leads them through what feels like a maze of corridors. Robin clings to Billy’s hand the entire time, the tight clammy grip of her fingers the only giveaway to her very real fear. Billy clings back with equal fervor. He wants Steve back. It frightens him how badly he wants to tear and scream and burn things down if only it will bring Steve back to them. To Billy.
When they emerge into yet another dark hallway, Billy cautiously swings his torch around.
“Hey, I know here,” he notes. “I was here earlier.” Because just over there is the same cold space where something had taken his father’s form and pulled all of Billy’s worst parts out without even trying. All it had taken was Neil’s dead eyes and the same old poison. Billy’s been called a fag by his dad since he was about eight and it never gets any easier.
He likes boys. Always has, ever since Sam Rivers in fourth grade. He’d sat and stared at the back of Sam’s head, unable to take his eyes off the soft brown hairs brushing the back of Sam’s neck. He’d already known that this was a feeling that he could never tell to Neil, that him looking at boys was something bad.
It’s been nearly a decade and he’s still not sure that he’s ever really been able to escape the feeling that his love is wrong.
And he doesn’t want to feel that way anymore, that his very touch might corrupt. He fears it every day, with every touch, that he might see slick black oil on their skin where his fingers have just been. Dripping off the lips of the boy at the pizza place. Smeared across the jaw of his neighbor. Deep, dark marks where his nails have dug into the skin of the boy in the bathroom at Tina’s party.
His friends have always been the only thing to escape that and Billy will not - cannot - ruin it.
“Where did you see…you know?” Robin asks in a hushed voice and Billy swings his torch to illuminate the dim little room. It’s empty now, just bare concrete and an empty light socket.
“Basements are evil,” Robin says flatly, with a little shudder. “Always. We had one once and it seriously was the creepiest place. There were always huge webs and there was this rattling sound…I think it was from the boiler or something else, I don’t know but it was loud and I thought it sounded like chains and there was this one light-bulb that always flickered-”
Billy lets her ramble on, her nervous chatter washing over him like a soothing familiar wave. He wanders down the hallway a little, something in his gut pulling him to the dark patch of space he’d found earlier.
“What is it?” Robin asks, coming over to join him and flicking her torch over the wall. Billy stares at the faded wood and tries to slow his breaths. Something feels wrong here.
“Not sure,” Billy says uneasily. “I felt like this earlier too but then…” He turns sharply, finally realizing. His torch catches the little ghost in the full beam, and it makes her look like something ethereal.
“You,” Billy says, stunned. “The voice that called me away earlier. That was you?” There’s a beat and then Alice nods. He should have thought of it sooner. He hadn’t hallucinated the delicate voice calling his name, pulling him away to another room. Alice has been saving them where she can, pulling them away from her brother’s influence.
But this doesn’t feel like it’s Henry’s.
“This is different,” Billy says, reaching out a finger to graze against the wall. “The other walls are all concrete. Why is this patch all wood?”
He and Robin stare at each other, dread sinking in.
“Oh no,” Robin moans, hopping from foot to foot. “Oh shit. Oh God. Do we have to go in there?”
Billy swallows. The concrete walls of the basement around them are something cold and thick, but newer. They were built when Andrew Newton designed the house. But this section here looks older, way older. This is the demon’s original home, the centuries old structure before Andrew Newton came in and built around it. He’d unintentionally trapped it and it had killed him in return.
“Is Steve in there?” he asks, because that’s the only question that matters. And Alice nods again, as he’d known that she would so he stares at the one thing keeping him from his best friend and grits his teeth.
“We need to go look in those boxes,” he says decisively. He’s only got himself, one anxious band geek, and a small dead eight year old on his side but that’s going to have to do. If the Scooby gang can manage it with dumb luck and a crazy plan or two then they can too.
“For what?” Robin asks, her eyes huge. For a moment he thinks that she’s going to run out of here, but then he sees the flush to her cheeks and the glint in her eyes and he remembers the girl who kicked Andy Johnson in the nuts because he’d called her a dyke.
Billy takes a step back and thinks. The Packards left all their shit behind. People keep all kinds in their basements. Fireworks, DIY equipment, tools…they just need something to storm the gates.
“Anything we can use to break down that wall.”
It takes them nearly fifteen minutes to search every possible box left behind by the Packards and possibly other previous residents. They do find fireworks, to Robin’s utter glee, as well as ice picks, someone’s old batting equipment, boxes of nails and a working nail gun, knitting needles and boxes of books. Billy digs his mother’s lighter out of his pocket and flicks it open, considering.
“I don’t like that face,” Robin says, looking up from hammering nails into someone’s old bat. “That’s a bad face.”
“Just thinking,” Billy says, considering. He’d prefer some accelerant but this whole place is pretty flammable. He feels a little bad that he’s even thinking of it, especially when the Packards still own it, all of their family memories and pictures left behind. But it’s been over a decade - they clearly don’t want to set foot in the house for that long. He doesn’t know what they went through in those five months but it must have been awful for them to never return. He’s been here less than a day - he’s not entirely sure what time it is, and it’s just the blood pounding in his veins that’s keeping him going - but he has this encompassing desire to burn it right down to the ground and raze it to ash. No one can live here again. He’ll make sure of it.
“We can’t burn it down,” Robin says quietly and the angles of her face disappear in and out of the shadows. “Can we?”
“I think we have to,” Billy says flatly. He closes the lighter and stashes it away in a pocket. All they have to do is set it to one of those boxes and let it burn. No one is going to think twice about an old, cursed mansion burning to the ground on the outskirts of town. “I haven’t seen any convenient old books on ‘How to seal up a demon and his fucked up apprentice’ have you?” She shakes her head.
“Just ‘Microwave Cooking for one!’” she quips and then wrinkles her nose. “Man, that’s sad. I wonder who owned that.”
“They’re not getting it back,” Billy says, admiring her work. The bat looks like the thing of nightmares and while he’s not sure if he can hit….whatever is waiting for them, he’s damn well going to try. “Got everything? You know the plan?” Robin rolls her eyes and picks up her weapon.
“I got it,” she says and then sighs. “Honestly, if I didn’t love Steve so much, I would not even be thinking of this.”
“I know,” Billy agrees, because this is the kind of suicidal stupid ghost shit that he tries to avoid. This is the idiots in the old cabin in the middle of nowhere reading the book covered with human skin. This is the cheerleader running up the stairs instead of out of the door. It’s presuming that the guy you hit with your car is definitely dead. It’s just about every stupid horror movie fuck up that Billy swore he’d never make.
But they have Steve.
“Hey,” Robin says, clutching the bat to her side. Her backpack is stuffed full of fireworks and various tools, ready for her part in this game while Billy plays the distraction. The loud, violent distraction. “About earlier….” Billy freezes. He doesn’t want to talk about it.
But then he lets out a jagged breath. That’s how they get into this mess, right?
“What about it?” he asks, reaching for his own weapon. Someone left a small wood-chopping ax here and it’s ideal for Billy to go all crazed woodsman on that wall. He’s got to get in, get Steve and get out. Simple in theory. But if those assholes went through the effort of taking Steve, they’re probably not going to give him back easily.
“I didn’t…” Robin starts and then growls in frustration. “I don’t want to keep things from you.”
“I know,” Billy says in surprise. “Actually, I’m kind of amazed that you could.” Robin gives him a look but her track record with secrets has never been great. She once told Billy about the remote control car he was getting a month in advance of his birthday.
That aside, Robin just isn’t like that. She’d only keep a secret if it was important to Steve that she keep it. She doesn’t have a malicious bone in her body.
“Even so, it’s…it was just important. I wouldn’t keep things from you otherwise,” Robin stresses, her face pleading and open. Billy slings the ax over his shoulder and reaches out for her free hand.
“I know,” he says and squeezes her palm. “I’m sorry I got angry earlier.”
“It’s okay,” she says, squeezing back. “If we make it out of here alive, maybe we need to talk about some shit.”
Billy looks at her sweet, trusting face. He’d almost forgotten that no matter what shit he has to face, Robin and Steve are always on his side.
“I think we should,” he admits, because being friends for most of your life doesn’t stop you from forgetting to appreciate it, or from remembering to talk to each other. He was too proud to let them into what he went through with his dad - still goes through - and he’s got to stop thinking that he’s burdening them with his problems.
“There’s so much stuff I never told you,” he whispers, forcing the words out before he loses his nerve. “About Neil.” Robin tilts her head, her eyes soft and sympathetic.
“We know,” she says gently. “We always knew. We just thought you’d come to us when you were ready.” Billy takes a deep jagged breath.
“I think I’m ready now,” Billy says firmly and she smiles.
“Then let’s go get our boy back,” Robin says firmly and takes a step back. Billy looks down at the ax in his hands and grins.
He’s going to enjoy this.
Steve feels like he’s dying.
He doesn’t think he can move. Every part of him is too heavy, sinking down into the heaving red mass of the blood, blood and guts and bones.
He can feel them. All of their guilt and rage and pain. He feels flickers of shame from Peggy as she slit her wrists in the tub. The hurt from Elizabeth when her husband swung his fist into her cheek. Richard’s despair as he searches for his keys to drive off the local bridge. He can’t think or focus on anything else.
“You don’t have to,” Henry says coolly. He’s standing over Steve’s prone body, hands tucked in his pockets. Just watching, always watching. That’s what he does, scouring over every thought and desire, pulling at every possible thread until you unravel.
Steve’s unraveling. He feels picked apart, ripped open, and he knows that this is just the first part until he’s torn open for real.
“That’s right,” Henry says, in a low voice, crouching over Steve’s head. He smooths down a strand of Steve’s hair lovingly, the gesture at odds with the blood thirst in his eyes. Steve wonders what would have happened if Henry hadn’t met a demon here - how long it would have taken for him to start killing. The demon needs to feed. Henry just enjoys it. “Just let it happen. Let it all go.”
Steve closes his eyes, even though it hurts. He’s never had someone probe around in his head before but it feels like Edward Scissorhands sticking a hand inside his brain and fishing around. Every pulled up memory feels like another jagged cut. It’s being hacked out of him, piece by piece and the harder he tries to hold onto them, the quicker it all slides away.
“Don’t fight it,” Henry croons and Steve sobs.
He doesn’t want to lose it. Not any of it. Not the feeling of eating dinner alone at a dark kitchen table. Not the fury when Billy came to his house in the middle of the night with fingerprints bruised into his skin. The bubbling jealousy when Billy went off after basketball games with his hand in the back pocket of another boy’s trousers. If he loses all that, then he’s losing Steve.
“Stop it,” Steve rasps and Henry smiles.
“We’re just getting started,” he says into Steve’s ear, like they’re sharing secrets, and pulls himself up from the ground.
“Take a good look, Steve!” Henry says, pressing a hand against Steve’s cheek to turn his head. Steve lets himself be turned but can’t bring himself to open his eyes. He thinks he knows what’s there.
Henry presses a thumb viciously against the corner of his eye, the edge of his nail pressing into the delicate skin. “Open,” Henry hisses. “Or I’ll make you.”
Steve opens them.
It’s not Billy. It doesn’t make it any better.
“Hi, loverboy,” the demon says, lounging against the far wall. He’s wearing that shirt of Billy’s that Steve loves, the red one that dips low and clings to his arms.
“You’re not him,” Steve spits out, and hates that he still can’t take his eyes off the false Billy. He’s going to die and he’s almost glad that he gets to see Billy’s face once more.
The fake Billy grins, that gorgeous, wide smile that makes middle-aged women, pre-teen girls and Steve go weak at the knees.
“It’s close enough though, isn’t it?” the demon asks, pushing himself off the wall and spreading his arms wide, as if awaiting an inspection. As he turns on the spot Steve can see the glint of the pendant that Billy always wears, the curve of denim against his rear, the scuff on his boots. He’s an almost perfect copy.
“He’s better,” Henry says, his mind brushing against Steve’s like thick black smoke. “The other Billy doesn’t love you.” Steve grits his teeth.
“This Billy is going to eat me,” he retorts and Henry cackles. The sound echoes like a bullet around the room.
“That’s a little inaccurate,” Henry says, sharing a soft smile with the demon. The sight makes bile rise up in Steve’s throat, sharp and acidic.
Billy steps up by Steve’s shoulders and drops to his knees. He even smells like Billy, the swirl of cheap deodorant, cologne, and cigarette smoke.
“What I’m actually going to do is drive you insane first,” the demon promises, stroking Billy’s hand down Steve’s cheek. Steve tries to squirm away but he just doesn’t have the strength anymore. “You’re going to lie here for days, and hours, until you’ll beg for death just to escape. And when you’re ripe and full of all those terrible memories that you’ve spent so long pushing down, then we can spill your blood and entrails and cartilage across the floor.”
“Is that what you did with them?” Steve asks, eyes flicking across the floor. He knows what he’s lying on, has known it since Henry’s illusions had faded away. He’s trying to not think about it.
“Close enough,” Henry says. “We’re taking a bit more of a direct approach with you.”
“Yay,” Steve says flatly. Of course he’d be fucking special.
But why is he special? This isn’t like any of the other victims of the house. They had heart attacks, threw themselves through windows, swallowed bleach. It took weeks, or months, or even years before the spirits of this house drove them insane. So why has he been pulled down into the demon’s lair itself?
“Time,” Steve murmurs, and when Henry’s jaw clenches he knows that he’s right. It’s all about time.
They had time with the other residents. People who moved in, people who intended to stay…but three amateur ghosthunters? The original plan was a few hours at most. That’s enough time to terrify but not to drive mad. So they’d gone to a plan B and dragged Steve to this chamber of nightmares instead. They’re going to keep him here and take their time. Steve will almost be grateful to die by the time that they’re done.
Billy tilts his head up to meet Henry’s lips and Steve feels sick. It’s not like any kiss he’d ever thought he’d share with Billy. He’d often thought about it, late at night, one hand gripped around his cock, imagining what their first kiss would feel like. The softness of Billy’s mouth, the taste of strawberries, winding his fingers into Billy’s curls. That it would be sweet and perfect and Billy would pull back and give Steve that little smile he does when he’s genuinely happy. That Steve could make him happy.
But Billy’s gone, lost somewhere in this maze of a hellhole house. Steve hopes that he and Robin got out at least. God, he hopes for that much at least. He’ll never know for certain.
The fake Billy pulls away and smiles at Steve. The hunger on his face is terrifying, the white of his iris turning pitch black. It’s the same thing that Steve hallucinated earlier, over and over.
Billy’s face cracks down the middle and Steve wants to turn away. He thinks that he doesn’t want to see what happens next. He thinks that whatever the demon looks like whenever it isn’t wearing a face is something that he never wants to see.
He doesn’t have a choice because Henry presses his boot into Steve’s cheek, keeping him pinned. He watches the black spill out of the gaping crack down Billy’s face, as something crawls out from within. Something splinters inside Steve as he tries to understand what he’s seeing. It’s the same black he saw earlier: Emma’s eyes, Neil’s cup, Henry’s drawings. Following him, like an omen…or a warning.
Something wet trickles down his cheek and he pulls a hand up to wipe it away. His fingers come away smeared in black and Steve stares at it. He shouldn’t be crying black liquid. But he can feel more of it winding down his cheeks, spilling out of his ears, gathering at the corner of his mouth.
He chokes suddenly and it oozes down his jaw, sliding over his neck and dripping down to the ground. He tries to think of Billy but he can’t, not when the fake Billy is…when that is crawling out of Billy’s skin.
He’s cold. Everything is cold and he doesn’t remember anything good anymore.
Steve closes his eyes.
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newar · 3 months
netflix 3 body problem: episode 3 thoughts (book spoilers)
• jin cheng talking about saving the little girl in the game… i think cixin liu is quite misogynist in his portrayal of cheng xin but i’m glad they kept that detail of her caring about children still
• i’m really loving how they adapted the VR game, and the way the characters are interacting with it. cheng trying to save the little girl over and over and da shi saying that THAT is the only part that feels like a real game, not the equations and the observations etc… the only part that matters is the human element
• cheng’s dimension talk over dinner hwshsjbssb i love her omg and also the foreshadowingggg
• raj’s dad talking about throwing a grenade at pakistani soldiers???? um what are they trying to say here exactly…
• speaking of raj i’m not sure who his book counterpart is. i saw someone say he might be zhang beihai which makes sense considering raj is a naval officer
• also will downing is kind of annoying like his beef w raj just comes across as him being jealous and a bit racist…
• isaac newton x alan turing homosexuality references… well yes!
• and i liked the way the giant human computer looked! i wish they’d spent more time explaining the principles of it because i think people would find it interesting! i feel like they’ve skirted around the science a lot in this series
• seeing the trisolarans take off was chilling, i think the reveal could have been built up slower tho. i feel like this, along with wenjie sending the message, should have been one of the last things we see before we move on to the events of the 2nd book
• i can’t believe they killed off jack like realistically he’s the least relevant member but still. i was barely invested in him in the first place to really care so. there wasn’t really any point
• OVERALL: not bad, the episode was engaging but i think having read the books, the horror element that i was expecting isn’t really there. the tone of the series seems too light-hearted. the feeling of dread isn’t really there except for the really intense scenes like auggie seeing the countdown and the fleet flying to earth. the whole tone of the series needs to feel more doom-like i think
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