#(Who is despicable)
watcher0033 · 11 months
Y’all, the Archive admins are made up of VOLUNTEERS. And they have been working for 12-13 HOURS STRAIGHT.
I better not hear any complaints when donation period comes around. OR ELSE.
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cosplay by @woahchriswoah on Twitter
EDIT: How do we show appreciation to the volunteers? For me reading these deep dives on OTW issues u guys apparently it's been said multiple times that one of their objective statements is to have paid staff for ao3 and there's a surplus of donations they haven't used up or the other community solutions that needs to address. For those more financially literate feel free to analyze, snipe me or add to the discussion etc. linked here by deepa. They’re cool and these yearly analysis they did aint no joke.
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But Seriously what can we do for these volunteers? The probable burn out from this entire fiasco would be no joke. @ao3org
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kylejsugarman · 6 months
obviously theres not a market for "toys" based on prestige tv shows but god i wish there were breaking bad toys. i want a doll-sized RV that opens up like a barbie dreamhouse and has tons of tiny flasks and barrels and a bunsen burner that if u push down on it, it plays a steam hiss sound bite and glows red with an LED. i want a polly pocket compact of jesse's house that comes with a little jesse who is magnetized so u can stick him in different rooms and change out his magnetized beanies. i want a saul goodman tamagotchi that lets me train my saul to be good at slipping and reward him with cigarettes and connect him to the kim tamagotchi so they can socialize together
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c11tto · 2 months
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There are three ways to survive a ruined world.
Happy birthday, Han Sooyoung.
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rookflower · 3 months
been going insane lately over remembering about leafpool hiding hollyleaf's fur lately
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leafpool covered up for hollyleaf's murder, hollyleaf's own codebreaking, with horror but with barely a moment of hesitation or regret. she later confronts hollyleaf about it calmly, with an open mind and the assurance of secrecy, just desperate to understand why. so that being paralleled against HOLLYLEAF'S reaction to finding out about LEAFPOOL'S crimes is just...... uuuaghhhhhh god it's so tragic. she sacrificed everything for those kids and won back nothing for it
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giantpetrel · 5 months
Journalism Delenda Est
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President of Harvard does something that'd get a student expelled instantly, with a permanent black mark on their record. School desperately refuses to get rid of her for what, a month? All for purely political reasons. The media pull out the stops to portray it as some "crazy right wing conspiracy theory" for weeks even though the evidence is literally right there and utterly damning. She gets to resign (albeit forced) rather than being formally shitcanned. The media portrays her as a victim of the "far-right conspiracy theories" that they themselves declared into existence, which is latitude that no student would ever receive. And once again, this is at HARVARD.
Why do people respect academics again? These people have no principles whatsoever above political convenience. Every professor who signed that petition to not fire Gay should have a plagiarism checker run on their own CV; I'll bet you we find quite a few interesting things.
And as always, every journalist involved in this story should be boiled alive in oil.
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ranminfan · 4 months
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More of their wardrobe, I got references from different styles in the 60's to more modern ones.
Also getting back into drawing in this style, and drawing in general cause I'm getting busy with my internship.
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redwinterroses · 11 months
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posting this just in case any of my followers (especially any reddit newbies) got this ask as well:
Hey. This is a common scam on tumblr dot com. The messages usually follow this script: They apologize for bothering you, ask you to look at their pinned post, and request that you DM or answer privately (a weird request when you're trying to get public attention and assistance.) Usually it's a pet's vet bill, sometimes it's a person who needs help with medical care or rent bills or moving or all the above.
It's a scam. It's always a scam.
100% no one will ever legitimately ask for your help this way. If you look at the actual blog, it only goes back a few weeks at most, it's full of uncurated random stuff (in this case, the entire blog was created in about 10 minutes this morning.) There will be no tags on any posts, the only original posts will be ones about whatever scam they're running.
In the time it's taken me to make this post, the blog has already vanished -- either been taken down by staff or the person chickened out (or got what they wanted.)
Guys, please be careful on this site. There are bad actors who will try to capitalize on your empathy and care for the world. Don't donate to anyone -- person or organization -- without properly vetting them first. Don't give anyone information, personal or financial. Be smart.
Also screw you if you're the kind of person who does this. May you always spill your drink on your keyboard and may your bacon always burn.
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quppty · 10 months
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got my daily dose of microplastics
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gaykey · 5 months
watching the downfall of hyuna's career live
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martyrbat · 2 months
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please block and report this new scammer (link here to make to easier)—the person theyre impersonating is Yasmeen Ouda and his GoFundMe is still at 11,905 CAD out of its goal of 50k!
Yasmeen's GoFundMe link
His Twitter
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Nancy voicing to Robin that she wishes she were a boy, so she wouldn't have fallen in love with a girl. It's not romantic. It's not soft. It just makes Robin lower her head and press her lips together. It's okay. She understands. She hates herself for being born a girl, too
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tin-cant · 2 months
In ep45, Ludinus says, "I think I will be eternally grateful for what she's done" about Liliana. For me, personally, that gives some "I'm going to dispose of her the second I don't need her" vibes, and can you imagine?!? Liliana thinking that she's preventing him from acting his worst only to get stabbed in the back?? Dedicating so much of her life to his goals only to realize how disposable she really is?? Regardless of whether he succeeds, that would be a GREAT plot-twist.
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severaltuesdays · 6 months
I’m tempted to do a deep analysis of Mori and his relationships with certain characters because this fandom ignores and misunderstands him too much for the role that he plays
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twink-with-an-agenda · 5 months
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i wake up. prayer for forgiveness plays in my head. repeat.
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doodle-girl · 4 months
Siblings ‘n I watched the Despicable Me 4 trailer together, and all I can say is the very second that baby was shown onscreen me and one of them started screeching “GRU FUCKED GRU FUCKED GRU FUCKED HE HAD SEX” for a solid 10 seconds
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daemon-in-my-head · 1 month
I'll never be over Sally calling her own son a dreadful child or saying she should've ended him before he was even born. I don't give a single flying fuck about the crimes he's committed (at least in this context). Nobody should talk about their child like that. And you know this absolutely vile woman probably told him this and much worse shit straight to his face. She said all that shit to a small kid that was presumably still innocent at that point. Aka, she most likely told her child it would be better if he were dead. Aka, she told her kid to kill himself. A FUCKING CHILD. And thx to the Belladonna lying around in their kitchen, I'm still convinced she tried to kill Gortash once he came back.
'Sold him cuz they needed money' my ass. You made your own kid, the person you were supposed to protect, pay for your own fuck ups and debts and mistakes and send him straight to hell. LITERALLY. FOR SOMETHING HE HAD NO FAULT IN. AND THEN THIS THING HAD THE AUDACITY TO TRY ND KILL HIM.
The absolute hatred and disgust I have for this fictional woman. I despise Bhaals A+ parenting, but this woman is worse than the fucking lord of murder. Imagine being more loathsome than an evil deity whose whole bit is goddamm murder and death. I swear to fucking god-
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