snake-scan · 1 year
New Wallpaper
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streaminn · 1 year
Fuck, had an idea strike me before bed, now it's your problem. Streamer Enid let's fucking goooooooo
"I hate you." It rings in the otherwise silent halls of Nevermore, and it rings harder in Enid's ears.
"What?" It knocks the breath out of her lungs, and if it wasn't for her muscles stiffening in fear, she hasn't a doubt in her mind she'd be on the floor with blurred vision.
"I despise you, Enid Sinclair. I hate you. I hate hearing your grating voice, I hate listening to your rants of K-pop and social media, I hate listening to you text and giggle. I hate your laugh. I wish the Hyde had killed you. You'd be prettier in a box in the ground."
"Wednesday..." her limbs feel like grief-weighted lead; heavy and dragging and breath-stealing.
"If we'd never meant, I would be a much happier person. Better, maybe. Did you ever consider in all your attempts to "help me" you might've made me worse? No, because you think your good enough to help."
"Do not call me that. That is a term of endearment. I want no endearment from vermin. A pest. A sickness. How incredible you are, then, Enid. You made me despise a plague. I'm happy to hate a plague if it's you, though."
"Willa- I- I don't understand. We were good- we-"
"Don't kid yourself. I had tricked myself into believing I was in love with you, out of a sense of debt."
For the first time since she started talking, Wednesday moves.
She'd been horrifically unmoving.
She walks past Enid.
"I was incorrect in liking Tyler. I could never want someone so weak as to fail in putting down a sick animal."
Enid never understood why movies show nightmares the way they do. Her nightmares aren't like that.
She doesn't shoot up and grab her chest, panting and frantically looking around.
She tenses all her muscles and stares at the celling, feeling the press of nausea in back of her throat. She stares teary-eyed at a celling that feels no remorse or pity for not rousing her from her distress.
When she can breath and think, she's knows she just had a nightmare. That's all it is.
It wasn't real.
It never happened. Wednesday would not ever say those things.
Why did it have to sound so much like her, then?
She reachs over to grab Wednesday's hand, her arm, face something, because it wasn't real, right? They got married, worked on themselves separately so they could be together and be better because of it. Wednesday didn't mean those nasty words- she meant her wedding vows.
There's no Wednesday in bed next to her, no dark hair unbraided and splayed everywhere.
There's no Wednesday to confirm that it wasn't real.
Right. She won't be back for anothed year and a half.
She grabs her phone.
Wednesday's in Australia.
She grips her pillow.
Papawolf: willa
Papawolf: willa
Papawolf: wilsl please awnsee me
Papawolf: wednaaday responde to me please
Papawolf: wednesday lease awnsaer me im zbout to vomit
Idon'twantanickname: What has happened, Enid?
Papawolf: do you love me
Idon'twantanickname: With the very blood that pumps in my veins.
Idon'twantanickname: What has happened?
Papawolf: call me
Papawolf: if you can
Idon'twantanickname is calling you.
Decline Answer
She hits the green button.
"Cara Mia? Are you alright."
"Sweetheart..." she wonders if it's the cooing tone or nickname if realness of Wednesday's that makes her calm down.
Maybe it's the palpable love in it.
"You said you hated my- everything. Everything that makes up my personality, pretty much. You said you hated my rants and K-pop and hearing me giggle and text and- and-" she hates the way she chokes and chokes but doesn't pass out from the lack oxygen in her lungs.
"You said you hated my laugh."
"You said you wished the Hyde had killed me-"
"Yo- you- fuck- you said I'd be prettier in a box in the ground."
'Ye-yup? Yes, yeah, what?"
"Darling, take a deep breath. I want to hear it over the phone. Can you do that, my Wolf?"
"I. I don't know, Wednesday I- holy shit I can't breathe, 'm gonna die."
"You will not. Try to relax your muscles and then try breathing. There is no rush."
"Okay, that." She pauses. She loosens her knuckle-white grip on her phone and her pillow, and tries to work up her arms. She imagines little lights in her arms, and tries to dim them. Not turn them off, just the brightness a bit. Wednesday thought her that in their second year.
Wednesday wouldn't have taught her that if she didn't love her.
She tries to dim the chest-light next. She can feel just a bit of air enter her lungs.
"I can do that."
"Good," Wednesday speaks softly. Enid wonders if she's in a hotel room. A little cafe, enjoying a quad over ice. "Good girl."
Enid's tail thumps against the bed.
"Deep breaths, Enid. I want to hear it."
"Right, sorry."
"You have made no mistakes. Do not apologize."
"Sor- uh. Okay."
"Good girl."
Enid breathes for a while. Sometimes she doesn't breathe loud enough and Wednesday tells her louder.
"I feel better, Wednesday." It's not a lie.
"Good. One last breath, then we talk. Okay?"
"I'm good to talk now-"
"Breathe. Treat it like your thoughts. You would never be so cruel as to deny me the right to hear them, would you? Treat your breathing the same."
She breathes.
"Are you alright?"
"You love me?"
"One molecule in my body houses enough love for you to wipe out a city block."
"You don't hate me?"
"Didn't you just hea- no. I love you so much, Enid Addams."
"You don't think I'd look prettier in a box in the ground?"
"No. Even if that somehow happened, your brightness would pierce the earth and alert me to where you are."
"Okay. I love you too. I'm good to sleep now. Thank you."
"Sleep beautifully well, Enid."
Enid yawns, her jaw pops.
"You 'oo wil'"
Enid hangs up. Wednesday refuses to be the one to end a call.
She checks the time.
She smiles.
-Writer Anon.
I hope your rest is amazing writer anon!
"wait a sec, I killed Tyler what-" Enid's chopping turned more aggressive. "im anything but a sick animal because I bit his throat out so a boss. It was totally a one sided fight."
"is this over what your figment of me said?" Wednesday asks, her voice tiny from her spot in the phone. She's in an airport somewhere, waiting till it's time to board.
Enid just grumbles. Sick, broken, not right has been words she's been hearing all her life so to hear it from Wednesday stings alot more than she should.
It also irritatingly struck her pride.
She's stronger now, much stronger and with age comes alot of wisdom. That wisdom being, she totally wiped the floor with him during that night and there's no way people thought elsewise. The fact that her own brain thought so was betrayal!
That was the first time she protected Wednesday, she held it in very high regards okay! She may have struggled a bit but she still came out on top.
Take that, Tyler. Him and his dumb bug eyes- should've squeezed it out when she could.
"the true pest was him," Enid huffs, scooping up the vegetables and tossing it into the pot.
Wednesday just sighs, shaking her head but the slight smile showcased how used she was too it.
Sometimes its better to let your dear sulk a little.
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insinirate · 10 months
sini you’re killing me. you’re killing me with these hot men, sini! i can’t take it anymore i’m gonna be thinking about papawolf’s tummy all day sini
belly be upon ye
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a-funeral-pyre · 2 months
😤 for the ask game
Hello and thanks for the ask!
😤= your most specific nitpick about your fave
This is a difficult one because I don’t really know how to interpretate it ^^' but, if my supposition is right:
Since I talked about Gawain earlier I'd rather make this specific answer about Lot because he is another of my faves. And. I'm annoyed whenever he is turned into a full on villain or much more antagonistic or more of a prick that he is (although I have to say my favourite retelling ever has him initiate the May Day massacre, but that one doesn't count because it is so well-written that I forgive everything). In multiple texts he appears as a honourable if fierce guy and from his point of view his actions against Arthur are right, especially in the versions where Arthur or Merlin supposedly kill Mordred. From which I infer he is also a papawolf. I love him so much and I'd wish people treated him right.
Thank you again!
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inaducurserphelper · 5 months
P E R S O N A L I T Y - W I S E:
THE HALCYON – someone who is loving and care-free. they see the brighter side of things. their optimism can often lead to them being childish
THE SACCHARINE – someone who is overly sweet. whether you love or hate them, they will always respond positively and in a polite manner
THE SOILED DOVE – someone who is sympathetic and full of hope. however, they can also be lost
THE FRAGILE BUTTERFLY – someone who is sensitive. don’t do anything that will yell at or scare this lil angel because they will break down
THE HELPING HAND – someone who wants nothing more than to help people. and, most of the time, want nothing in return
THE CRESTFALLEN – someone who is depressed and is often disappointed
THE MAMABEAR / PAPAWOLF – doesn’t necessarily have to be an actual parent but acts parent-like to their friends ( basically the mom/dad friend™ )
THE HEEL – someone who is FULL of hatred. not only towards others, but (sometimes) towards themselves as well; for little-to-no reason
THE FALLEN ANGEL – someone who was once a cheerful little lovebug is now damaged and have become reckless and rude
THE TEMPEST – someone who knows the exact WRONG thing to say or do and does them just to cause a rise in people….so an asshole
THE BLABBERMOUTH – someone who never shuts up about anything ,, can be gossip or just general talking
THE MANNEQUIN – someone who is physically attractive and fashionable. something seems fake about them; they tend to be cold  and distant
THE CUDDLE BUG – LOVES, LLLOVES cuddles and physical contact. it doesn’t even need to be sexual tbh. they’ll find any excuse to touch you ( i.e hold your hand, hug you ). they just love it
THE TACITURN – someone who is shy and tends to be very quiet, especially around those they don’t know very well
THE DIRTBAG – someone who loves to cause a rise in people and break rules
THE CRIMSON – someone who gets easily upset (mad) and aggressive
THE CATALYST – someone who is independent
THE LOTHARIO – typically a man – someone who is seductive and often irresponsible in relationships
THE VIXEN – typically a woman – someone who is alluring and manipulative ; uses their good looks to get what they want
THE FILLE FATALE – femme fatale in the making, someone who is still learning how to get away with things by using their charm and good looks
H O B B Y - W I S E:
THE ASTROPHILE – someone who loves watching the stars, learning about astrology and just adores the topic of our galaxy
THE BEACH BUM – someone who LLLLOVES the beach and sunny days. typically a surfer
THE BIBLIOPHILE – a person who has an collection of books to show off. looking for them? they’re most likely off, alone, reading their favourite book
THE EYES AND EARS – also known as the gossiper – nothing goes around without them hearing it. they’re a hoe for passing on juicy gossip
THE CITY MOUSE – someone who lives for being out in the city. there isn’t a bar/club/park they haven’t been too ; they enjoy the hustle-n-bustle of the city life
THE COUNTRY MOUSE – someone who loves being in the country. they like that there isn’t a lot going on around them and can never seem to understand why anyone would ever like feeling rushed ( aka in the city )
THE SONGBIRD – someone who enjoys singing and/or music. they most likely have a very impressive collection of CD’s and records laying around their house
THE STUDIOUS – also know as the nerd ( awwww, yeS ) – they love to study and are very intelligent people. tbh, don’t even try to fight with them about that math problem ‘cause binch, they’re
THE GOOFBALL – someone who loves to crack jokes but knows when the line should not be crossed. they’re usually lovable and fun to be around
THE PHOTOGRAPHER – want some nice pictures but don’t want to pay silly prices?? go to them. they LOVE to take pictures of just about everything and anything. they carry a camera around with them everywhere they go
THE ARTISAN – someone who is an art hoe. they enjoy painting, drawing, etc. if it’s a form of art, they’re all for it
THE AESTHETE – someone who appreciates not only art but the beauty of it as well. they tend to look aesthetic af
THE FOODIE – isn’t someone overweight, someone who loves food. they love to eat and honestly, it isn’t a bad thing
THE BELLWETHER – loves setting trends and trying new/risky things with their style
THE THESPIAN – a drama queen ; can also be an actor or actress
THE ANIMAL LOVER – loves all things animals. from house pets to exotic animals, they love every one of them
L I F E S T Y L E - W I S E:
THE FITNESS GURU – someone who loves fitness. they often go for early-morning runs. can do yoga as well
THE NEAT SHEET – ( typically the neat fre*k but i don’t like that word tbh ) someone who enjoys organizing things and their house is probably spotless… ,, bicht you can see your reflection in their flOOR I BET
THE CLEAN SLATE – someone who may have had a difficult past which they want to forget. they’re starting a new life in hopes of stopping and, eventually, forgetting the pain of their past
THE ECDYSIAST – also known as the stripper – someone who is a striptease performer
THE NOMAD – someone who can’t stay in one place for too long; similar to the traveler but doesn’t travel for their own amusement.. they go because they have to
THE TRAVELER – someone who wants to see the world. it doesn’t matter where or how long it takes to get there, they’re GONE - don’t be surprised if you text them one morning and they’re like “oh yeah btw, i’m in france :)”
THE BAR HOPPER – ALCOHOL TW !!!! – someone who has a drinking problem
THE CRITIC – someone who feels the need to critic … every…thing … can sometimes go overboard but can also be very helpful with their art friends
THE TRUST FUND BABY – someone whose family is wealthy ; typically a teenager who gets their parents’ funds
THE DADDY’S GIRL – much like a trust fund baby except they use their father’s money. they typically use the fact that they’re ‘ daddy’s little angel ’ to get whatever they desire. you’ll often hear them say “buuut daaaadddyy….. :(”
THE OPULENT – again, much like a trust fund baby / daddy’s girl, the opulent showers in luxury. they wake up on their private yachts and drink fancy-shancy champagne
THE ACTIVIST – someone who fights for change and doesn’t/won’t give up easily
THE HELLION – someone who wants to raise hell, can be a hot-head
THE RUNAWAY – on the run from someone or something, doesn’t usually stay in a single place for long
THE SHEEP – someone who follows others
THE ORPHIC – someone who is beyond ordinary,, they’re like from a fantasy book or something ; tend to be very mysterious
THE TALISMAN – a person who is astonishingly charming and often know certain things before anyone else does
THE ANTISOCIAL – says it as it is, someone who dislikes the company of most people ( there’s those few people that don’t drain them emotionally) and someone who isn’t sociable
UPDATED ON: 02/06/17.
H O B B Y - W I S E:
THE AQUAPHILE – someone who will do anything to be near water. they love any body of water ( lakes, oceans, etc )
THE PACK RAT – someone who obsessively hoards something to the point where it’s probably unhealthy ( this can result in their appearance looking rough and unkempt )
THE ADDICT – someone who is addicted to one thing or another
THE HARDCORE GAMER – someone who executive plays video games
THE DILETTANTE – an amateur artist; has room for development
THE DYNAMO –a zestful person who likely has a big personality. they chase their ambitions with full potential of being successful
THE FACADE – someone who obviously ( or not-so obviously ) hides behind a mask
THE QUIXOTIC –  a romantic person who is also idealistic but can be foolish and impractical
THE ISOLATO – someone who is isolate from society; physically or metaphorically 
THE HOYDEN – a tomboy. typically a girl; they are often bold and carefree
THE ECCLESIASTIC – someone who is religious
THE BENEFACTOR – basically a sugar daddy
THE CELEBRITY – typically someone who is famous or has a high and public profile
THE AMARANTH – someone - typically a woman - who is very difficult to forget
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papa-wolf08 · 3 months
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Hi! My name is Papawolf but i go by Clouds! This is my first time really doing anything on this account so it will be a bit messy of a start up but welcome! my intro is below!
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I am Clouds! This is my first time really posting on here but i am a 16 year old Caregiver, Since i am still in school there will be periods where i do not post for a bit but i will post or answer inboxes when i am not busy!
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Most of my posts will be text based and will aim to comfort and support littles with whatever they need with the occasional moodboard as well!
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This is a template my little made me!!
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uniqueshippers3141 · 5 years
Source: Neptune, tw
We won! We fucking won again! I'm in tears right now!
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shadowfamd · 4 years
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#Repost via @isaiahmustafa ••• Made my day ❤️ #family #fathersday #IsaiahMustafa #Shadowhunters #ShadowhuntersCast #ShadowhuntersLegacy #LukeGarroway #PapaWolf #Shadowfam #ShadowfamD https://www.instagram.com/p/CBvOprwogKW/?igshid=10hbglmw36ng1
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purityschaos · 5 years
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Children of Ghost's 31 days of Ghost Day 10 I love this Meliora Era pic. Caught in the moment before the masses doing what they do best. The lighting is perfect! A wonderful relaxed stance and Ghoul in the background. A lovely moment in time. 🖤👻 #CoG31DaysofGhost #ghost #ghostbc #TheBandGhost #tobiasforge #papaemerituslll #dandy #p3onakillingspree #papawolf #spatsman https://www.instagram.com/p/B3b9dxinmvc/?igshid=yzbe3sriibs4
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dicenete · 5 years
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Things just got interesting and Valreus Burn got some new layers to his character. I’m loving it. Muh evil baby boi~
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friday-tea · 5 years
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Batch after batch of our #GoT blends this week! Wonder why all the sudden demand...😋🍵🐉⚔️ . . . #fridaytea #aryastark #gameofthrones #direwolf #thekhal #khaldrogo #geekytea #fandomblends #GoTea #papawolf #nedstark #seattle #pnwtea #redviper #tastyteas #thirstynerds (at Friday Afternoon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwSn-vGHav5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1firxearlhnlx
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“When you know about something it stops being a nightmare. When you know how to fight something, it stops being so threatening." . Kicking off with Grandpa Vesemir. I love him so much and #KimBodina killed it. . #art #illustration #DigitalArt #sketch #doodles #practice #6FanArts #FanArt #TheWitcher #WitcherNetflix #Vesemir #PapaWolf #BloodOfElves #portrait #SixFanarts (Yes, I know I accidentally spelled his name wrong when I wrote it. I blame the fact that I heard "Vizimr" at the same time and just ended up with an extra "i" 😅) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYIRoe5lSlX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kaarna-suggestions · 6 years
Ei ole parempaa tapaa kasvattaa lapsia, kuin näyttää heille esimerkkiä. Eilen annoin räjäyttää itseni palasiksi. Koen antaneeni pojille hyvän varoittavan esimerkin.
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maldoraan · 4 years
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2x15 & 3x01
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shipa-chan · 7 years
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-¡No me importa lo que diga un anciano como TÚ padre! es mi decisión solo acéptalo.
-Tu matrimonio solo te causara la muerte.
-Ella lo vale.
¿Que pasaría si el tercer matrimonio de Cheri no tuvo la completa aprobación del abuelo de Wolfram?
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I played around with the concept of a Xenian Gurume (aka Papawolf). Black loves his Gurume lol. Gurume belongs to @nightcrestcomics
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