#para: penny
amontilla-port · 9 days
Capa - Recado secreto #28 (fanfic por @cerlunas)
Uma das capas mais gostosas de fazer pro Aniverse, e tudo graças à @rukabravo (IG) que foi uma querida e me permitiu usar as fanarts da Maru e da Penny (Ruka, vc tem meu coração <3).
Informações do pedido de capa: - estilo de capa: pode ser algo mais clean, romantica ou angst - protagonista: Penny e Maru - Stardew Valley - observações: tons pastéis puxados pro azul, bege ou verde. se precisar colocar elementos na capa, pode ser camélias ou morangos.
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Primeiro tratei de recortar as duas princesas da fanart original, onde elas estão sentadas no banquinho (como acontece no jogo). Motivo principal: eu queria ampliar as duas e reduzir a distância entre elas (fofo).
Em seguida, parti para trabalhar o fundo, onde o verde das folhagens estava deixando a capa colorida e viva demais (o que eu não queria, pois a capa precisava ter uma vibe mais leve).
Optei por focar na questão do bilhete: colocando um papel amarelado/envelhecido atrás das garotas, e colorizando o verde das folhagens para ficar em tons de sépia.
Para finalização joguei um overlay com a textura do bilhete, pra sobreposição deixar tudo em uma altura de tom similar. E esse foi o pulo do gato, o "tchan"que faltava e deixou a imagem do jeito que eu queria, num romântico+nostálgico.
Sobre a parte do bilhete atrás, coloquei os coraçõezinhos para evidenciar a natureza romântica da Penny e as florzinhas pra representar as camélias, que ela associa com a Maru... 🥰
Agora, quanto ao copyright das imagens: - as fanarts foram feitas pela @rukabravo (IG) <3 - e as demais imagens são de uso livre, com as duas do fundo sendo do Unsplash e os desenhos sobrescritos (coraçõezinhos e florzinhas) vindo de fontes do tipo dingbats do dafont.com
Por fim, segue o link de onde você pode encontrar a história para ler: ~ Spirit Fanfics
Próxima parada: onde minha arte me levar, hihihih
Aliás, recentemente criei um Tumblr para postar icons fofinhos que eu eventualmente fizer, é o @amontilla-icons (também tenho o @loontillado, que uso pra memes e gatinhos, mas esse é mais casual).
Enfim, beijos da bruxinha camaleoa e até a próxima :3
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heyymikki · 2 months
did i grow up according to plan?
LOCATION: Mikayla Beaumont's home MENTIONED: @elliottortegax @nikodimopoulos @hernando-valdez
It had been weeks since the news of Hernando's connection to Los Santos had gone public and the man in question had gone dark. There wasn't a day that had passed since then where she hadn't worried about him, but she had work and class to think about and couldn't completely abandon her responsibilities. In between those, though, she found herself spending more time with Niko, finding solace in his comforting presence and reassurances that Nando would be alright. Penny had spent more time at the B&B and if Mikayla hadn't known better, she would've thought her mother was avoiding her.
Saturday came and Mikayla finally pulled herself away from Niko's apartment, heading home just before lunchtime so she could get a few things done before work later that night. She hadn't expected her mother to be in the kitchen with a serious look on her face, and dread settled into the young woman's stomach.
"What is it?" she asked. "Have you heard from tio?"
Penelope shook her head, lips turning down in a frown. "Not yet, but I need to talk to you about something."
Mikayla took in her mother's face for a few silent moments, trying to judge what emotions she should expect, but it was a mask with no discernible feeling on display. She pulled out one of the stools at the kitchen island and took a seat, steeling herself.
An uncomfortable silence settled over the room, the weight of everything left unsaid over decades bearing down on Penny's shoulders. This was a conversation she knew she'd have to have some day, but she had always feared her daughter's response to it. There had been opportunities over the years, times when Mikayla would ask questions about who her father was or how Penny had met him, but she'd always revealed the bare minimum in an effort to spare herself from reliving the trauma of finding out she'd been pregnant -- of being torn away from everything and nearly everyone she knew and loved -- but doing that wasn't fair to Mikayla or Elliott, something he'd so graciously reminded her of when she'd given him the news.
"Before we start," she said, voice barely above a whisper, "I need to ask for your forgiveness."
"Forgiveness?" Mikayla repeated, brows knitted in confusion. "Why would you need that?"
"Because I've been keeping something from you." Penny pulled her gaze away from the counter and looked at her daughter. "It's about your father."
Mikayla sat up straighter in her seat, curiosity piqued. A part of her had wondered if the woman had never revealed her paternity to her because the nature of her conception wasn't born out of a loving relationship, but she respected her mother too much to go behind her back to investigate on her own. She nodded once, a silent plea for Penny to continue.
Her mother took in a deep breath and let it out slowly before continuing. "Elliott and I were best friends as kids. We did everything together, with your uncle Devon and our friend Nellie. Basically inseparable. But something changed when we got to high school... and we began to see each other without our parents knowing. Mine didn't approve of him or his family, so I had to keep the relationship a secret, which was easy enough until... until I found out I was pregnant with you." She shook her head some. "I was so scared, I didn't know what to do. Before I had a chance to tell anyone, they found the test in the trash. They were furious, especially when they found out who the father was, and before I knew it, we were moving across the country. I had no way to reach out to him once we were there. They monitored all of my phone time, and I couldn't send him a letter or anything. At one point, it became easier to forget instead of break my heart over and over again with the hope we'd be reunited someday."
The longer she spoke, the more tension fused into Mikayla's bones. "You've... known who he was this whole time?"
Penny nodded slowly, the fear of Mikayla's reaction growing alongside her daughter's emotions.
"Did he know about me?"
Penny nodded again, but added on quickly, "I left him a note before we left to tell him I was pregnant, but it was the only information I could give to him. If he ever discovered who you are outside of that, I don't know."
Mikayla took in a few deep breaths, trying to keep herself calm. "Why are you telling me now?"
"Because he's here. In Tonopah," she said. "And he wants to meet you."
In that moment, Mikayla's world flipped upside down. Not only had Penny kept his identity a secret from her throughout her entire life, but she had also failed to mention that he was somewhere in the town Mikayla had called home for the past three years. Had she seen him around town? Had they occupied the same space and had no idea that they were extensions of each other?
"How long has he been here?" Mikayla's voice was quiet, and Penny had to strain to hear her question, the one she'd been the most afraid of answering.
"He... he never left." She swallowed around a lump in her throat. "He's always lived here."
She was quiet. "Did you know that when I said I was coming here?"
"No, conejita," she responded quickly, walking around the island to wrap her daughter in a reassuring embrace, but Mikayla pulled away before she could, standing from her seat. "I swear I had no idea he never left. He ran a chain of hotels around the country, so I assumed h--"
"So you must've looked into him at some point if you know that. Did you ever try to reach out?" she asked, her voice rising with every new question.
Penny, trying not to show the hurt on her face, shook her head once more.
"He could have helped us, mami. When you got sick. H-he could have-- do you have any idea what I've done for yo--" Mikayla stopped herself, hand covering her mouth as the rush of hot tears that had been rising to the surface finally bubbled over and raced down her cheeks. She turned away from Penny, inhaling a shaking breath and forcing herself to be steady.
Penny had never put the responsibility of her care onto Mikayla's shoulders and never would have asked her to go to the extremes that she had done in order for her to receive the best care possible. She should have seen the signs, though: the long hours of 'studying' at a friend's house and coming home in the wee hours of the morning, the night terrors that kept her awake at night for fear she'd never be able to escape the next one, the sheer amount of money a barely legal teenager was bringing home at the end of every week. It would break her mother's heart to learn the truth about where all the money had come from, and Mikayla knew in her mind it wasn't fair to hold the choices she had made against her, but she mourned the life she could've had if Penny had just picked up the phone to call him and ask for help. She was the mother; she was supposed to be the one protecting Mikayla, not the other way around.
"M'ija," Penelope pleaded, placing her hand onto Mikayla's shoulder. Mikayla shrugged it off.
"Don't," she choked out, sniffling. "You should have told me sooner." She turned towards Penny, a harsh glare hidden amongst the pain in her eyes. "I gave up my childhood and put my life on hold for over a decade because you let your pride get in the way of asking for help. I don't know if I can forgive you for that."
Mikayla had never seen this look on her mother's face before, but it was unmistakable: heartbreak.
Any other time, for any other grievance she may have carried, she would have wrapped her mother up in her arms and apologized in that moment, but there was no way for her to moved past that feeling of betrayal that came with the knowledge she never would have had to go through everything she had if her father had just been allowed to be a part of her life.
"I don't want to be near you right now, so I'm going to stay with a friend for a few days." She walked past her mother towards the stairs. Thankfully, she didn't follow.
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The Dog Days Are Over
Summary: At the Daffodil Dance, Penny's encounter with Evy goes awry. Milo tries to intervene. Pluto returns. Chaos reigns. Then Penny...quits.
Ft. @evangelinee @plutothe-pup @exsqueak-me @prince--thomas
Read here!
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littlebennettbitch · 10 months
❝ you truly are too good for this world. ❞ (Penny)
meme: in case you didn't know status: accepting (from mutuals)
"And don't you forget it!" She laughs as she shakes her head. There is a warm glow in Bonnie's chest at the fact that all she has to do is help out a little and that's alright. Penny doesn't need her to put her life on the line for her to mean something. It's - nice.
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❝ i think you're probably the only one who understands me. ❞ (Penny @ Hondo)
meme: in case you didn't know status: accepting (from mutuals)
There's a short huff of laughter and a wry grin playing at the corners of Hondo's mouth. He glances at Penny, fondness and exasperation in every line of his body. "What did Mav do now?" The man is his best friend, but sometimes...
He knows neither he'd never trade him for anything, and he's pretty sure Penny feels the same, no matter how much they gripe.
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abril-juvenile · 8 months
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La cuerda floja
Allí, en aquel teatro con hedor a muerte, su voz comenzó a perderse y el eco dejó de alcanzar su nombre, de pronto, cayó el telón antes de tiempo, eran las dos de la mañana y el invierno agonizaba como el silencio de las calles. Tom Penny se desplomó como una bala disparada hacia la luna. La caída fue fatal. Aquí, cerca de la última mesa, el olor del tabaco y del alcohol nubló la preocupación del público. Lo tomaban como parte de su desatinado performance. Una tos incontenible se escuchó, era la de Tom, estaba tiñendo de sangre la palestra. Súbitamente, una voz desconocida gritó: “¡Tom! ¡La vida te pegó un tiro!”. Se escucharon las sirenas de la ambulancia, los paramédicos tímidamente se acercaron a Tom, lo cargaron como un costal de basura y se lo llevaron raudamente hacia un hospital de mala muerte cerca del teatro. Cuando Tom abrió los ojos, desconcertado, no recordaba qué ocurrió. Un médico con voz torva, se acercó y le ordenó que se despida de la música, de su lacerante voz que evocaba espíritus del averno. Una extraña enfermedad degenerativa lo dejaría sin el habla para siempre y el desarrollo de una tos incontenible acechándolo lentamente, como la sombra de su inconsciente. Tom, quien había empezado su carrera desde su desolada infancia, entre el abandono de un padre y la locura de una madre, yacía solo en la desgracia. Su carrera había despegado, y las disqueras estaban considerándolo para una gira nacional en los lugares de las clases medias y altas que siempre despreció. Una marea oscura perturbó su mente, a raíz de la fría e inesperada noticia. Intentó cantar algunas estrofas conocidas, pero comenzaba a toser inconteniblemente, como si se hubiera tomado 13 botellas heladas de vodka, un baño con agua fría a la intemperie, una fibrosis de cantina y una tuberculosis bohemia. Nunca sintió la pérdida, nació desubicado, al perder su voz se esfumó su sonrisa altanera y se quebró en sus propios pensamientos. No había peor muerte para un artista en vida, que verse incapacitado de ejercer su arte. Los miembros de su banda, al enterarse de la noticia, encontraron un sustituto para Tom. Su único medio de sustento le fue arrebatado por una enfermedad que no sabe si él la buscó, pero su vida era un desorden, no era de extrañar que el caos fuera engendrado en su organismo.
Ahí se encontraba su lúgubre presencia, Tom Penny, el maldito del suburbio, decían que su voz desgarradora pelaba las sucias capas de pintura enmohecidas de los bares y teatros de la olvidada estirpe de Jersey. Estirpe de la clase más baja: ladrones tísicos, prostitutas de caucho, yonkis de alcantarillados, indigentes sin Dios, desahuciados sin escrúpulos, mafiosos con cerebro de reptil y relojes arrancados de sus agujas. Tom recordaba sus vagos días de la niñez cuando jugaba a los pequeños gánsters del cine negro. Nunca conoció el amor de madre o de padre, ni este tuvo la oportunidad de robarle suspiros como para volverse un adicto. Todo lo que recibió como aprendizaje, era sobre la maldad humana: la realidad que alguna vez leyó en los cuentos de Poe. El arte entró a su vida por un interés mundano, que luego se transformó en amor por placeres como el dinero, el sexo, las drogas y el alcohol. Nada parecía detenerlo, su hambre voraz y el esfuerzo inusitado por cantar los resentimientos de su origen, conectó indirectamente con el corazón estrujado de muchos infelices ajenos a ese sueño americano que los periódicos enorgullecían cada fin de semana. Tom siempre decía que las balas lo esquivaban a él, porque ningún peligro lo consumía, vivía sin la necesidad de Dios, sin pedirle un centavo o un día más de vida. Para él, la nada era absoluta, él y ese micrófono, él y ese escenario, él y esa banda de postpunk. De bar en bar, de teatro en teatro, de plaza en plaza, iba cosechando fama, hasta que el destino lo empujó hacia un estudio de grabación que masificó sus canciones y alentó sus demonios narcisistas. Por la calle principal de Jersey corría de boca en boca un viejo refrán que decía: “El ego de un gánster era una bala perdida hacia su reflejo”. Un vagabundo se lo dijo, pero Tom se reía, creía que jamás llegaría a ocurrirle algo que afectara su ciego sentido de invulnerabilidad.
Tom había perdido el habla. Su vida se paralizó, su mirada apuntaba hacia dentro, y el golpe de aquel evento fue la primera pieza de dominó en caer y desbaratar su cordura, su construcción plástica de chico malo. Grito en silencio: “¡No!”. Las heridas del alma, la ausencia, la vida y las ráfagas de análisis impulsivos que los despersonalizaban hasta vomitar su propia existencia. Pasaron las semanas, mientras él se aislaba, hasta que vio la luz una tarde cualquiera acompañado de su tos incontenible que no enmudecía nunca, y aceptó el cese de una vida sin brújula. Recordó que en el hospital había afiches despintados sobre citas bíblicas, alguna especie de puente hacia una vida frugal y muerta para el artista sin muchos estímulos para concebir el arte, salvo repetir las decimonónicas plegarias y cánticos de iglesias hieráticas. Tom decidió saltar al otro lado del abismo, a otra cuerda floja con un círculo vicioso de seguridad y bienaventuranza. El gentío rumoreaba por las calles: “Se suicidó”, “Lo vi robarse mi cajetilla de cigarros”, “Me saludó a lo lejos”, “Se ha redimido”. Nadie tenía la razón. Murió simbólicamente o en vida, pero algo era seguro, la luz se lo llevó. Tom era un sueño de Jersey.
Sexto escrito de la serie "Micro-relatos".
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nicecarito · 18 days
es un poco gracioso que a pesar de su personalidad coqueta y algo arrogante, lungo sería demasiado inseguro como para realmente pedirle a penny tener algo formal, y aún más gracioso pensar que ella fuera quien diera el primer paso en formalizar su relación 🤭🤭
En realidad Lungo no es inseguro respecto a sus sentimientos y es completamente consciente de sus feelings y su situación.
Le encantaría pedirle a Pinzell el ser una pareja formal en serio, pero como lo dije antes, el esta completamente seguro que no seria buena idea por el momento.
Además aunque se lo pidiera en serio, Pinzell siempre le diria que no por terquedad jejeje, y si Pinzell fuera quien se lo pidiera.... tristemente Lungo se negaria U_U
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lolahauri · 3 months
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
5/9/24 Update: This is a strictly smut/nsfw fic blog only, my fluff and angst stuff are being deleted and reposted to @lolahaurisfw - I've also expanded my character list a LOT, so check that out before you request!
I do take requests. I don't have an anon list but I can start one if anyone wants to be labeled and become a regular anon.
DNI: Map, Zoo, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Minors, Discourse Blogs, Antis. Block me if you don't agree. ❤️🖤🤍💚
Things I Won't Write:
Sex crimes of any kind, super extreme kinks, violence/abuse used as a kink, anything most would consider "gross/weird" (ex: puke, shit, ddlg, pet play, age play). no exceptions, and no hate to dead dove writers, i'm just personally not willing to write/read these.
Things I Will Write:
Pretty much everything else i guess? Daddy/Mommy kink, Cheating, CNC/Dubcon, Sex Pollen, Legal Age Gap, Yandere, Power Dynamic (Prof/Student, Boss/Employee), Foot Fetish, Piss Kink, Breeding, Any regular/non-extreme kink (ex: Cock Warming, Dry Humping, Voyeur, Orgy, 3somes, Sex Toys, etc...) *if you aren't sure, just ask!*
Hc's, one shots, short multi-chapter fics, imagines/drabbles.
Canon-friendly, Au's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Fictional Other (F/O) Imagines: +18, no names, they/them only.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request others from these fandoms, but it will prob take me longer)
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve. Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee. YOU: Joe, Love, Beck, Peach. Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta. Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson. (Human Ver) Attack on Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin. BNA: Michiru, Shirou. Stardew Valley: All Adult Humans. (Including SDVE & RSV) Total Drama: All season 1 contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley. SheRa: All Adults (Except Rogelio) King Of The Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luanne, Nancy, Dale, John Redcorn, Kahn, Min. Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V, Tony. Riverdale: FP Jones, Jughead, Veronica, Hiram, Betty. Creepypasta: Ben, Jeff, Jane, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Slenderman, Masky, Hoodie, Toby, X Virus, Nina, Clockwork, Splendorman, Kate. Gravity Falls: Stan, Ford, Soos, Giffany Steven Universe: Jasper, Amethyst, Blue Diamond, Peridot, Lapis, Garnet, Rose, Bismuth, Greg. Adventure Time/Fiona and Cake: Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona. COD: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria. Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabby, Edie, Mike, Lynette. DC: Batman, Harley, Joker, Ivy, Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenburg). Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface (general), Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Wraith, Huntress, Trapper, The Trickster, Pearl, Carrie White, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven. Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Waluigi, Bowser. Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo. Rick and Morty: Rick, Beth, Jerry. Stranger Things: Robin, Billy, Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper. Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast. Princess & The Frog: Shadow Man, Tiana, Lottie, Naveen. Ratatouille: Collette, Linguini. The Nanny: CC, Fran, Maxwell. Full House: Danny, Jesse, Joey. BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Amy, Penny. Spiderverse: Miguel, Hobie, Jessica Drew. Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite. Breaking Bad: Skylar, Jesse, Walter. National Treasure: Benjamin Gates, Riley Poole. Superstore: Jonah, Amy, Dina. Spongebob: Man Ray, Dennis. Tangeled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell. Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy. Jane the Virgin: Jane, Micheal, Rogelio, Petra, Xiomara, Rose, Luisa. Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie. Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie. Bistro Huddy: All Staff Members, Poppy. WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns. American Animals: Evan Peters (Warren), Barry Keoghan (Spencer). The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler. Little Mermaid (2023): Ariel, Eric. Bob's Burgers: Linda, Bob. Avatar: Jake, Neytiri. Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff. My Hero Academia: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa. Futurama: Leela, Amy, Fry, Bender. Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Wiploc, Zeebo, Valerie. Supernatural: Dean, Sam, Castiel. Sherlock (2010): Sherlock Holmes, John Watson. Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden. Dirty Dancing: Johnny Castle, Frances Houseman. The Breakfast Club: John Bender, Allison Reynolds.
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch) Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River) Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim vs The World) Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby) Randy Marsh (South Park) Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Prairie) Master Chief (Halo) Ian Hawke (Alvin & The Chipmunks) Poe Dameron (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) Linda Gunderson (Rio) Bruce (Beyond Therapy) Jack Harrison (Transylvania 6-5000) Peggy Bundy (Married… With Children) Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto) - M Reader Only Scarecrow (Batman Begins) John Wick (John Wick 4) David Levinson (Independence Day) Jackson Rippner (Red Eye) Stevo (SLC Punk!) Mike (5lbs of Pressure) Santa/Babbo Natale (Violent Night) Dan Conner (Roseanne) Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House) Lt. Robert 'Bob' Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick 2022) Francine (American Dad) Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs) Fujimoto (Ponyo) Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980) Doug Remer (Baseketball) Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park 1993) Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops) Astarion (Baulders Gate 3) Trevor Phillips (GTA5) Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor) Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia) John Doe (John Doe Game) Paul Blart (Paul Blart Mall Cop) Napoleon Dynamite (self titled) Fezzik (Princess Bride)
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angesaurus · 5 months
I feel like 2023 was really about me watching from the sidelines….. everyone in my family has hobbies/things to do and my only thing is to watch them/drive them/be home so Dan can do his. My ONLY actual hobby is reading and yes I did a LOT of that this year (I’ll recap tomorrow, still have 1 more day!!! 😂).
BUT I did quit my terribly toxic job halfway through the year and that felt really good! It was a rough summer of limbo but I really like my new job and all the perks that come with it. I LOVE not having to answer emails or having to catch up on work. I’m working as a para in Gavin’s school district (different school) and it was a big pay cut (like holy shit you think teachers are underpaid (they are!) but paras get paid pennies….. )but wow it’s so different and exactly the change I was looking for. It felt like I ended the year on a high note rather than sad that I was going to be going back to my crappy job.
Disney was a big thing too, we really went balls to the wall. It was so worth it lol I know Disney isn’t for everyone but we love it. (And we’re boujie about it 💁🏻‍♀️).
Other than that though it just seemed like a real watch from the sidelines year for me. But I enjoy watching my kids do their activities and I am sooooooo looking forward to our last daycare payment (June 1!!!!!).
ETA to add: working in your child’s district is IT. Aside from 2 mandatory in services (the 3rd is flex, I did it on my own lol) and the 4 half days (conference days - they make us sit there 😂 I had my mom get him off the bus) Gavin and I have the same schedule. I’m guaranteed Christmas break, spring break, every holiday, and even days when the teachers have to do their other inservices. It’s so nice 😭 and I’m only working 8:30-3:45.
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homomenhommes · 1 month
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … April 6
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1483 – Raphael, Italian Renaissance painter and architect born (d. 1520); Almost every Renaissance painter has been thought to be homosexual by one writer or another over the years, and Raphael, “the divine painter” is no exception.
The clues, however, may be purely coincidental in Raphael’s case. As a young man he was exceedingly beautiful. As an adult he lived together with his two favorite students, Giulio Romano, reputed to be bisexual, and Gianfrancesco Penni. When he died at 37, he left the larger part of his estate to the two young men.
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1618 – The Memorandum Of Valverde is a little- known but significant legal text, preserved in the National Historical Archive of Spain. It's been dated to April of 1618 and was sent by twelve residents of the village of Valverde de Alcalá to the governing Council of Castile .
It lists charges against the master of the palace, a Gonzalo Martel de los Rios, of noble origin and probably linked to the major houses of the Spanish aristocracy. He held the lordship of the town. The document lays out a rather detailed set of charges against the Lord, "offenses" committed both by the Lord and by his servants. He and his servants are charged with committing homosexual and "unnatural" acts and with "blasphemy" against God. The neighbors of the Lord called it heretical and insane what the Lord was up to with his servants in the palace.
No one knows what happened with these charges or what happened to the Lord of Valverde. The Lord's reported comment in response to the charges:
¿Qué se le da al fraile que yo sea puto, o moro, o judío? ¿Por qué no puedo yo vivir en la ley que quisiere? ¿Para qué se ha de meter conmigo?
"Why should the priest care that I'm a whore, a moor, or a jew? Why can't I live by the law of my own choosing? Why does he have to mess with me?"
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1903 – Charles R. Jackson born (d.1968); relatively little seems to be known about Charles R. Jackson considering he is the author of a well-known novel which is still in print, upon which a multi Oscar-winning film was based - The Lost Weekend.
Born in Summit, New Jersey, as a young man he worked as an editor for local newspapers and in various bookstores in New Jersey, Chicago and New York prior to falling ill with tuberculosis. Jackson spent the years 1927-1931 in sanatoriums and eventually recovered in Switzerland. His successful battle cost him a lung and served as a catalyst for his alcoholism. He returned to New York at the height of the Great Depression and his difficulty in finding work spurred on his binge drinking. His battle to stop drinking started in late 1936 and was largely won by 1938, the year in which he married. During this time he was a free-lance writer and wrote radio scripts.
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Jackson is best known for his 1944 novel The Lost Weekend. Made into a critically acclaimed film by Billy Wilder starring Ray Milland in 1945, The Lost Weekend is a semi-autobiographical novel detailing a struggling writer's five-day alcohol binge. He also straggled with a growing fear that he was homosexual. As a youth, he and his brother had both been sexually molested by a local male music teacher.
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But it is Jackson's second novel that is interesting to us. In 1946, he published The Fall of Valor, a novel exploring a married man's growing awareness of his homosexuality and his love for a young Marine captain. Jackson was married and appears to have had two daughters, but this novel has the earmarks of first-hand experience. Long out of print, this is a significant 'lost' gay novel of the 20th century, although it appears to have been a critical and financial success at the time.
Jackson was a binge drinker who recovered sufficiently to speak to others in large groups, sharing his experience, strength and hope. He was the first speaker in AA to openly address drug dependence (barbiturates and paraldehyde) as part of his story.
Jackson appears to have spent much of his life battling the twin demons of alcohol dependency and a homosexual nature he struggled to accept, and his intense, compelling description of homoeroticism and sexual obsession in The Fall of Valor has the authenticity of a first person narrative.
After relapsing into alcoholism Jackson became estranged from his family and rented an apartment in New York City that was shared with his male lover in 1965. He died in New York in 1968 after committing suicide, never having managed to defeat his alcoholism.
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1955 – The acclaimed non-fiction filmmaker, director, producer, writer and editor Rob Epstein, was born on this date in New Jersey. Epstein has won two Academy Awards for Best Documentary Feature for the films The Times of Harvey Milk and Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt. He has also won four national Emmy Awards, three Peabody Awards, two DuPont Columbia Journalism awards, a Guggenheim Fellowship and numerous other awards for his documentary films.
Epstein began his filmmaking career working on the 1978 film Word is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives, a documentary about the lives of gay and lesbian Americans. Epstein answered an ad that read: "We are looking for a non-sexist man to work on a documentary film on gay life. No experience necessary, just insane dedication and a cooperative spirit."
In 1984, Epstein won the Academy Award for Documentary Feature at age 29 for The Times of Harvey Milk which he conceived and directed. After its theatrical release in 1985, The Times of Harvey Milk won numerous major awards including the Academy Award, the New York Film Critics Circle Award, the Peabody Award, and three Emmys for Epstein (as director/producer, co-editor, and interviewer), and went on to receive worldwide acclaim and distribution, showing at major film festivals, theaters, and on television on almost every continent. This film was selected by the UCLA Film and Television Archive and the Sundance Institute as a preservation project and a 35mm digitially re- mastered version of the film was released in June 2000.
In 1987, Epstein teamed up with filmmaker Jeffrey Friedman to form Telling Pictures in San Francisco, California. Their first film together was Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt, inspired by the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt on the Mall in Washington DC. Narrated by Dustin Hoffman, Common Threads tells the dramatic story of the first decade of AIDS in America through stories of five individuals featured in the Quilt. Epstein won his second Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature for Common Threads, which also won the Peabody Award and an Emmy for Bobby McFerrin's original all-vocal score.
Their next film, The Celluloid Closet, based on the book by film historian Vito Russo, depicts a 100-year history of homosexual characters in Hollywood movies. Narrated by Lily Tomlin, The Celluloid Closet had its world premiere at the Venice Film Festival, was featured at the Toronto, New York, and Sundance Film Festivals (at which it won the Freedom of Expression Award from the jury), and numerous international festivals, including Berlin, Tokyo, and Sydney. In addition to winning the Peabody Award and Columbia DuPont Journalism Award, Epstein and Friedman won Emmys for directing.
In 2000, Epstein and Friedman directed and produced Paragraph 175, a film that explores a hidden chapter in history: the experiences of homosexuals during the Nazi regime in Europe. Narrated by Rupert Everett, and filmed in Germany, France and Spain, Paragraph 175 had its US premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January, 2000, where it was awarded the documentary Grand Jury Prize for Directing, followed by a European premiere at the Berlin Film Festival in February, where it won the FIPRESCI (International Film Critics Association Award).
He and Friedman have followed these films up with "Howl", a biopic of Allen Ginsberg starring James Franco, Jon Hamm, and David Strathairn. Four short clips below.
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1983 – Rick Cosnett is a Zimbabwean-Australian actor. He is known for playing the roles of Wes Maxfield in The Vampire Diaries, Elias Harper in Quantico and Eddie Thawne in The Flash.
Cosnett was born and raised on a farm in Chegutu, Zimbabwe. His family took part in community musical theater there, which made him interested in acting from an early age. When he was seventeen, his family decided to move to Queensland, Australia, in large part due to the land reforms in Zimbabwe.
Cosnett attended the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. He originally received a scholarship to study music but graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Acting.
Cosnett is a cousin of Hugh Grant. On 13 February 2020, Cosnett publicly came out as gay on his Instagram account.
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1984 – A Louisiana appellate court overturns a man's conviction for exposing and fondling an undercover police officer. The court said that the state's law on indecent exposure requires that the defendant expose him or herself, not another person.
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2010 – Playwright Terrence McNally weds Tom Kirdahy, 46, in Washington D.C. ceremony. During a small ceremony under a tree blooming with white flowers, Kirdahy read from a scene in McNally's play "Corpus Christi," in which a gay, Christ-like figure named Joshua marries two apostles:"It is good when two men love as James and Bartholomew do and we recognize their union," Kirdahy read. "Love each other in sickness and in health."
Kirdahy, a lawyer and Broadway producer, choked up as he recalled seeing the play before meeting the playwright. Actress Tyne Daly, who was currently starring in McNally's "Master Class" at the Kennedy Center festival, served as a witness at the sunlit wedding and read Shakespeare's Sonnet 116. Actors John Glover and Malcolm Gets, both starring in "Traviata," also looked on. The Rev. George Walker of the People's Congregational United Church of Christ presented them as husbands and signed their marriage certificate. It will be recognized back home in New York City. McNally's most recent play, Mothers and Sons opened on Broadway in March, 2014.
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reachartwork · 5 months
what would you call a rigorous terminology for superpowers and the study thereof in a setting where they are real? like the average person calls them superpowers, but <term>ologists call them <term>, from the greek <thing> meaning <stuff>. i'm trying to write more scholarly material for chum.
currently thinking "hyperphenomena" or "externatural" but i wish there was just one prefix i could use instead of compound prefixes. exterologist? extrologist?
i'd like to avoid dyna- and para- for reasons
anyway, penny for your thoughts, tumblr?
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maayaainsworth · 1 month
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fanfic cover para o social spirit.
⸻ título: Sacrifice
programa: photoshop
feita para uso pessoal.
Chanyeol, EXO.
OK! Vamo lá. Essa é uma capa totalmente experimental.
Ou seja, não existe uma fanfic por trás dela. Estava querendo experimentar coisas novas, eu sigo muitas capistas que criam capas tanto para o wattpad, quanto para o spirit, e todas sempre são lindas e maravilhosas, algumas são de anime, e outras de idols de kpop.
E eu queria tentar também! Queria tentar fazer uma capa de um idol de kpop.
Eu tenho um estilo muito especifico do que eu gosto de ler e ver, e tentei ao máximo seguir e respeita-lo.
Fico feliz que no final tenha dado certo.
Mas é claro que também as inspirações não surgiram do nada. Hoje, enquanto eu rolava o meu feed, me deparei com uma capa feita pela @binglio, era uma capa para doação com o nome de 一 “never forget you”
No caso dessa capa, eu me inspirei em duas coisas, uma, idol de kpop, segunda, a divisão no meio que separava duas fotos, duas cores, sendo bem diferentes e ao mesmo tempo tão iguais que me encantou! Então eu também queria tentar algo com uma divisão exatamente no meio.
Mas eu não consegui, isso porque, como eu disse, tenho já um estilo muito definido e as vezes é difícil tentar coisas novas.
Outra coisa que me levou a chegar nesse resultado, foi a série que eu estava assistindo no momento (Penny Dreadful), que me fez pausar e abrir o photoshop na mesma hora, isso junto da memória que eu tive de um RPG que joguei, o RPG me ajudando a escolher o nome da capa, que é o mesmo nome da música Sacrifice.
Falando brevemente sobre a história do RPG:
Em uma cidade sombria e misteriosa, onde o véu entre a vida e a morte parece tênue, X, um adolescente solitário e deslocado, tem sua vida mudada drasticamente quando ele conhece Y, um sedutor e enigmático vampiro que espreita as sombras da cidade.
X, atraído pelas promessas de amor, poder e vida eterna, se entrega ao mundo obscuro de Y. No entanto, o que ele não sabia é que o preço desse novo caminho seria sua própria humanidade. Após um ritual macabro, X se vê transformado em uma Cria vampírica, preso entre a vida e a morte, condenado a uma existência de fome e servidão eterna.
Em uma de suas noites de caça, em busca de alimento para o seu agora, mestre. Ele acaba encontrando A, um vampiro benevolente que vê potencial nele além de sua atual forma. Com suas habilidades e conhecimentos, A liberta X de sua maldição, transformando-o em um vampiro completo.
Agora, enquanto X enfrenta o desafio de se adaptar a sua nova vida e natureza vampírica, é assombrado pelos fantasmas de seu passado e perseguido por Y, que não aceitou a partida de seu servo. Se vê dividido entre seu desejo por vingança contra X e o amor agora recém descoberto após sua partida.
X: Chanyeol Y: Baekhyun A: Random
O estado de cria vampírica sendo inspirado no filme do Nicolas Cage, Renfield - Dando Sangue Pelo Chefe, e no Astarion de Baldur's Gate 3.
A relação deles sendo semelhante a de Louis e Lestat em Entrevista com o Vampiro.
Uma configuração como se fosse Louis x Armand x Lestat
Uma história que se iniciava durante o século XVII e teria seu real progresso nos tempos atuais.
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nathanroyalscotts · 2 months
heya, folks! como estão?
sou veterana no mundinho dos jogos de rpg, mas até então nunca tinha passado aqui pela tag de 1x1. depois de tanto ficar observando, decidi criar vergonha na cara e fazer meu blog para me divertir por aqui também. enfim, podem me chamar de madu, tenho 24 anos e atendo por pronomes femininos (para mais infos, clicar aqui).
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no momento, estou mais do que aberta para novos plots, e vou deixar algumas ideias que estou sedenta para colocar em prática abaixo do read more, caso tenha interesse em jogar comigo, é só entrar em contato pelo chat ou deixar o like que eu vou até você.
give me toxic exs that can’t get away from eachother. both act different and unruly when they’re together. they shouldn’t work, and they clearly dont because they broke up but there is a connection that keeps pulling them both into coming back.
we’re working on a movie/show together and we just finished our first kissing scene but when the director said “cut” we kept kissing a little longer because it was so good — and now there’s a weird tension between us because you’re dating someone else/i’m dating someone else/we’re both dating someone else but damn i want to keep kissing you
gimme a plot where muse a and muse b have been broken up for a little while, but one day muse a asks to meet up and confesses that they never told their parents that they broke up and they need muse b to pretend they’re still together and go to some family event with muse a. cue pretending to still be in love, arguing about why they broke up in the first place, fake kisses that turn hungry, all the yearning and pining, one of them still being in the love with the other !! the possibilities are endless (preferência por muse b)
Give me she’s an actual bitch but she’s a sub in bed and secretly attracted to him. And he’s an absolute sweetheart, a goofball but a dominant in bed and he pursues her even though she’s an absolute bitch to him but in bed he’s always in charge. (preferência por muse fem)
ok but who is going to give me f/f pop star x famous actress where they’re both each other’s biggest supporters and the actress goes to see her at her world tour in the vip tent and is singing along to every song and is so heart eyes at her superstar girlfriend ?? and in turn the pop star is always arm candy at award shows and writing songs about how much she loves her girlfriend and it’s just tooth rotting fluff ?? and there could be angst with time apart and conflicting schedules but they’re truly just so down bad for each other ?? hello ??
muse a and muse b are insanely different, so people are constantly shocked when they find out they’ve been friends for a long time. no one who imagine that’s not all they are, because they’ve been friends with benefits for a long time now, self-sabotaging their own relationships at times and swearing it’s just some fun until they find someone permanent. but of course feelings start to get involved and neither of them is willing to admit it because that would just fuck up what they have, right?
muse a and muse b were everything, their first real love and now that they’ve broken up neither of them are dealing with it like they should.i just want to see messy exes who truly adored each other, getting drunk on the weekends and showing up at doorsteps, not dealing with jealousy, always ending up tangled together even when it just makes everything worse. just angst and pining and desperation.
um plot inspirado na relação taylor x travis, uma cantora/atriz it girl que está se relacionando com um atleta famoso.
agora alguns casais que adoraria fazer plots inspirados, os nomes em negrito são os que tenho preferência em fazer, se não tiver nenhum marcado é porque não existe nenhuma preferência.
nathan x haley (one tree hill)
brooke x julian (one tree hill)
syd x carmy (the bear)
andie x ben (how to lose a guy in ten days)
penny lane x russell (almost famous)
patrick x katarina (10 things i hate about you)
tom x shiv (succession)
tara x jax (sons of anarchy)
evelyn x celia (the seven husbands of evelyn hugo)
daisy x billy (daisy jones and the six)
sally x harry (when harry met sally)
marianne x connell (normal people)
frances x nick (conversations with friends)
joey x rachel (friends)
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littlebennettbitch · 2 years
that smile ,  on your face  …  is it real ? (Penny)
meme: now you see me sentence starters status: accepting (from mutuals)
The laugh she let out was a touch self-conscious. Bonnie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, not quite meeting Penny's eyes. Her smile was small, but genuine. Mostly. "Mhmm." She shrugged a shoulder. "I'm happy here."
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omg-lucio · 4 months
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1931, Indianápolis, Indiana: Una multitud que transporta carros y cestas se reúne alrededor de un camión de hielo para comprar un bloque de hielo por un centavo. El Fondo Star Penny Ice del Ejército de Salvación-Indianapolis, apoyado por donaciones caritativas, ayudó a los residentes de la ciudad que atravesaban tiempos difíciles. 
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amarionetista · 7 months
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Clichê ou mal entendido?
Em um dos seus intervalos na enfermaria de Hogwarts Cha se encontrava terminando um dos trabalhos de Transfiguração, sua mão no automático, escrevendo todas as palavras que lhe vinham à mente no momento, depois que voltasse ao dormitório a leria e veria qual palavras manter e cortar quando fosse passar a limpo no pergaminho.
  Sempre foi assim enquanto conciliava seus deveres escolares com a ajuda que oferecia a madame Pomfrey na enfermaria, mas dessa vez havia algo em sua mente que bagunçava esse equilíbrio que Chiara tanto zelou para manter. Seus olhos saíram da folha e pararam na pena que segurava em sua mão.
  Ela era nova e havia sido um presente de Penny, uma Lufana gentil e popular. Chiara também era da Lufa-lufa e conhecia Penny tão bem quanto toda Hogwarts. Tudo que Chiara sabia sobre Penny antes era que ela era a melhor com poções e também era conhecida e querida por praticamente todos da escola.
  Mas quando Melissa, uma das melhores amigas de Penny se aproximou dela durante o ataque de Fenrir Greyback a escola, na noite de Halloween, isso criou uma ponte entre elas.
  Um fato sobre Chiara que somente quem ela confia totalmente sabe é que a jovem bruxa é um lobisomem. Penny parecia ter sido atingida por uma maldição imperdoável quando soube disso. Melissa contou a ela depois que uma amiga de infância de Penny fora morta por um lobisomem e isso gerou nela um pavor completo de lobisomens.
  Com isso em mente, Chiara estava pronta para que Penny se afastasse, que ela não quisesse tê-la por perto, como se a visse como uma bomba relógio prestes a explodir.
  Mas não foi o que aconteceu. Talvez ser amiga de Melissa tenha dado a Penny coragem o suficiente para dar a ela um voto de confiança, mesmo que o fato de Melissa correr riscos desnecessários e que isso sempre se voltava contra ela não fosse algo conhecido por poucas pessoas.
  Apesar disso, a amizade entre elas cresceu. Com Penny parecendo cada vez mais relaxada perto de Chiara, sorrindo quando a encontrava na sala comunal da Lufa-lufa.
  Mais cedo naquele ano elas se encontraram no Beco Diagonal para as compras de material daquele ano e decidiram visitar as lojas juntas. Penny então se perdeu em um loja cheia de ingredientes de poções, seus olhos brilharam quando ela praticamente arrastou Chiara para dentro e encheu seu caldeirão até a boca de ervas, penas, ferrões e outras coisas.
  Do lado de fora Chiara notou como Penny lutava para segurar todo o peso extra que havia adquirido com a última compra, sem pensar muito ela lhe estendeu seu caldeirão dizendo:
— Coloque seus livros aqui. Eu carrego eles para você.
  O rosto de Penny explodiu em tons vermelhos e ela gaguejou uma pergunta para Chiara, dizendo também que poderia levar tudo se ficasse muito pesado.
— Está tudo bem, Penny. — Chiara sorriu para ela, um costume que havia pego para convencer pacientes teimosos a tomar seus remédios. — Eu sou mais forte do que pareço. 
  Com isso Chiara agora tinha os livros de Penny dentro de seu caldeirão também, estava realmente pesado, mas Chiara não queria dizer nada sobre isso depois de ver o sorriso agradecido de Penny.
  Talvez tenham visitado mais uma ou duas lojas quando Penny parou diante uma vitrine muito bem polida e com letras douradas anunciando materiais para estudantes de Hogwarts.
  Penny lhe disse para esperar do lado de fora, que ela não demoraria e então correu para dentro. Chiara ficou lá, tentando pensar no que Penny compraria, pois se lembrava de ter visto pergaminhos em seu caldeirão quando se encontraram. 
   Quando voltou Penny entregou a Chiara um embrulho elegante que continha cinco belas penas brancas. Chiara olhou para boquiaberta, lutando para fazer as palavras saírem como ela queria, mas Penny foi mais rápida em dizer:
— Fique com elas, Chiara. É um presente.
  De volta a realidade Chiara sentiu seu coração bater um pouco mais rápido com a lembrança, cada detalhe tão vivido que era quase como se ela pudesse sentir o perfume de Penny caso se esforçasse um pouco mais.
— Ah não, de novo não. — Ela ouviu madame Pomfrey exclamar enquanto avistava Melissa adentrar a enfermeira. Seu queixo e mãos estavam machucados, como se tivesse caído e os ralado.
   Prevendo o sermão que sua amiga tomaria se madame Pomfrey a atendesse Chiara deixou a pena e o pergaminho de lado e correu até Melissa, a puxando para um banquinho próximo a porta.
— Estava duelando com Mérula novamente? — Chiara perguntou enquanto limpava os machucados antes de lançar o feitiço certo.
— Você sabe como ela é…hunf…sempre querendo ser a maior bruxa de Hogwarts.
— Ainda sim é estranho você sempre aceitar duelar com a sua namorada. Ela não pode pedir isso a Diego ou a outro alguém?
— Mas é divertido vê-la feliz quando ganha. — Melissa comentou com olhos brilhantes. — É bom ver o sorriso em seu rosto.
  Chiara apertou os dedos em volta da sua varinha, o hábito de guardá-la no bolso de trás de sua calça esquecido e perdido em algum lugar de seu cérebro quando a memória do sorriso de Penny lhe surgiu como uma forte luz ligada no escuro.
— Está tudo bem, Chiara? — Melissa perguntou preocupada.
— Preciso de dicas. — Chiara disse antes mesmo de pensar direito.
  Desde que recebeu o presente de Penny havia aquela sensação de que necessitava retribuir, que também deveria dar algo a Penny. Não era uma sensação de obrigação, mas Chiara sentia que queria retribuir o gesto.
— Bom, me deixe pensar — Melissa disse enquanto deixava a mente viajar por alguns momentos. — Você sabe, Penny é uma excelente preparadora de poções…
  Isso trouxe a Chiara uma memória, ela se lembrou de quando Rowan e Melissa lhe contaram algumas de suas aventuras, como a vez que Rowan distraiu o professor Snape para que Melissa pudesse roubar um dos ingredientes da sala.
— Não iremos roubar nada do Snape. — Chiara pediu depressa, fazendo os olhos de Melissa se abrirem mais por conta da surpresa. — Ele me ajuda tanto com a poção do Acônito. Não quero estar em maus lençóis com ele. 
— Não, não Chiara. Não vamos roubar nada dele. Eu iria dizer que Penny tem que lidar com diversas ervas e outras plantas, acho que ela pode gostar de receber flores. McGonagall nos ensinou um feitiço que invoca um buquê. Posso praticar com você.
— Agradeço. — Chiara sorriu. — Mas se vou dar flores a Penny acredito que seria muito mais significativo colhê-las eu mesma.
— Então tente colher margaridas. Tenho certeza que ouvi Penny dizer a Rowan que as adorava.
Após isso Chiara teve muito com o quem ocupar sua mente, a lição de transfiguração esquecida por um momento, ainda tinha dias o suficiente para terminá-la e isso certamente não ocuparia tanto tempo.
  Então ela decidiu começar a trabalhar. Foi até Hagrid e lhe pediu algumas poucas abóboras para preparar doces e bebidas e o guarda caças pareceu mais que satisfeito em ajudá-la a encontrar as abóboras do tamanho certo.
  Agora ela estava nas pradarias das criaturas, longe o bastante dos pelúcios para que os copos e talheres não lhe chamassem a atenção. 
   Ela havia colhido flores naquela manhã e as embrulhado cuidadosamente em um papel amarelo com um laço branco que Diego a ajudou a fazer. Suas mãos ajeitando tudo ao seu redor na tentativa de se distrair daquela ansiedade que a situação trazia.
— Chiara! — Ela ouviu Penny chamar alegremente enquanto se aproximava. As vestes do uniforme deram lugar para uma camisa verde água folgada e um short jeans branco. — Recebi sua coruja. Você queria me…
  Penny congelou onde estava, olhando toda a cena com um leve espanto em seus olhos. Chiara então se aproximou.
— Eu queria fazer algo especial para você. — Chiara disse enquanto lhe entregava o buquê. 
— Isso tudo é para mim? — Penny perguntou incrédula, mas um sorriso surgindo em seus lábios, o que ajudou Chiara a relaxar.
— Uhum. Você merece e eu realmente queria que fosse perfeito.
  O rosto de Penny explodiu em vermelho, um contraste e tanto com seu cabelo loiro.
— Eu queria fazer isso a um tempo. Você é encantadora, legal e engraçada. Eu tenho sorte de alguém como você gostar de passar tanto tempo comigo. Por isso eu gostaria de te…
   As palavras de Chiara morreram na garganta uma vez que Penny acabou com a distância entre elas, seus lábios no dela em um beijo casto, uma das mãos de Penny estava em seu rosto, a palma de sua mão era quente e Chiara sentiu que podia ter se perdido na sensação se a surpresa não fosse maior do que tudo naquele momento.
  Foi só então que Chiara entendeu o mal entendido que havia criado. Flores, um piquenique e todas as palavras que escolheu para dizer, onde deixava o agradecimento pelo presente por último. Tudo praticamente gritava um cenário de confissão amorosa da mais clichê possível.
   Penny notou a mudança da energia e se afastou, seu sorriso fugiu de seu rosto e agora era uma expressão triste e preocupada em seu rosto.
— Chiara. Chiara, o que houve? Você não gostou?
  Chiara ainda estava em seus pensamentos. A surpresa foi embora, deixando uma sensação estranha nela. A conclusão de Penny foi a errada, mas ela realmente se importava com isso agora? Ela realmente sentia a necessidade de puxar a situação toda para o plano inicial após uma mudança tão grande?
  Chiara não sentia a necessidade. Talvez, se fosse mais honesta consigo mesma, ela notaria que estava até mais feliz por essa mudança, ela apreciava esses ventos da mudança.
  Então ela tornou a se aproximar, seu rosto perto o suficiente de Penny para ela sussurrar:
— Eu queria te agradecer pelo seu presente antes, mas…acho que gosto mais de como você leu a cena toda.
  Então Chiara beijou Penny novamente, mãos se perdendo nas madeixas loiras da outra Lufana. 
  Penny sentia seu peito prestes a explodir de felicidade. Se tivessem dito a ela, alguns meses atrás, que ela estaria sendo beijada por uma lobisomem e que estaria gostando ela diria que não havia gostado da brincadeira. Mas agora ela estava lá com Chiara e tudo só parecia perfeito.
  Chiara era perfeita.
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