myblckcty · 2 years
John Register | Professional Speaker
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Join My Black City in Celebrating and Supporting John Register | Professional Speaker. We Shine Brighter Together. #MyBlackCity https://myblackcity.org/john-register-professional-speaker/?feed_id=16219 >> I am a professional speaker who helps individuals find their story, and I facilitate the brilliance in the room. >> I am a professional speaker who helps individuals find their story, and I facilitate the brilliance in the room. How did you get into professional speaking? When I was a youngster, my father directed me to speak in front of the church congregation.  I also performed for rooms full of people at cello recitals.  These and more experiences in my youth helped to shape my passion for public speaking. When I got older, I joined the US Army as a sports specialist in Morale, Welfare and Recreation.  I also became an athlete in the Army’s World-Class Athlete Program.  However, after my amputation, I retired from service and continued to work for the same organization. One of my responsibilities was to encourage soldier is to participate in the Troops and Boots 5k runs. At that time, the Army had initiated an aggressive recruitment campaign requiring access to high schools.  What better way to get in the door but through athletics? These world-class athletes would accompany me to the various high schools where I spoke to the students about my story and my positive experience in the military. My presentations became so popular with students at a high school in Virginia, a recruiter contacted me and requested that I return for a 45-minute presentation.  When I eagerly accepted the request, he asked, “How much do you charge for that?”  And that’s how my professional speaking career began.
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vogelmeister · 11 months
*checks notes* thats two people I went to high school with wikipedia pages
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incognito-princess · 1 year
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It's free teacher admission weekend at the U.S. Olympic & Para-Olympic Museum! It's very cool and very interactive! Turns out that I'm terrible at downhill skiing, but pretty good at archery and skeleton!
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hispeedtrackclub · 1 year
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#paraolympics #trackandfield #HiSpeedTrackClub #brentwoodhighschool https://www.instagram.com/p/Co52H1BvXIU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skincareroutine · 2 months
they should let me design sports for the paraolympics and i think i can make it cooler than the other olympics
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Bluey is a very popular TV show with many people both young and old who watch and enjoy the show. There are four episodes of Bluey I wish to talk about and how these episodes represent disability. The four episodes are Army, Muffin Cone, Turtle Boy and Surprise. I feel like these four episodes atleast display a metaphor for disability. Overall I love seeing disabled characters on TV and I think Blueys representation is great. Warning there may be some spoilers if you haven't seen these episodes yet.
The episode Army features a character named Jack who is a Jack Russell and is experiencing his first day at a new school. Even though ADHD isn't mentioned in the episode the viewer can easily recognise that Jack has ADHD as at the beginning of the episode Jack has trouble sitting still and needs to fidget. Jack also forgets his hat. Having trouble sitting still and forgetting things are both common traits of ADHD. Jacks self confidence is low because of what he struggles to do at the start of the episode than he meets Rusty who's another student at the school. Rusty and Jack play a pretend game where they both pretend to be soldiers in the army. Jack enjoys the game and his confidence is restored as he plays the game well. I am definitely not an expert on ADHD but I believe Jack was expierencing hyper focus when he was playing with Rusty. Hyper focus is when a person with ADHD is really focused on one thing that interests them for a while. Seeing this episode made me feel happy that Jack got his confidence back and focused on the way he can do things that he excelled in. I have read that people with ADHD felt like they could really relate to Jacks story.
The episode Muffin Cone doesn't feature any Disabled characters that I know of however I feel like the fact that Muffin wears a cone and can't do some things is a metaphor for disability. In the episode Bluey and Bingos cousin Muffin has to wear a cone around her neck because she keeps sucking her thumb. The girls try to play sandwich shop but the game doesn't quite work out for Muffin as her cone keeps getting in the way. Bluey and Bingo go to play without Muffin which leaves her feeling sad and left out. Bluey and Bingos mum suggests to her daughters that they can play a different game that Muffin can play. The girls play games that Muffin is able to play with her cone and have lots of fun. This episode struck a cord with me as I can't do some things because of my disabilities and sometimes I feel sad and frustrated that I can't do those things but than I remind myself to focus on the things that I can do. I am still a fun person to be around if people focus on what I can do and accept that I cant do some things. I feel like Muffin, Bluey and Bingo were all much happier when they focused on what Muffin can do while wearing the cone.
Turtle Boy is one of my favourite episodes of Bluey because it features Auslan (Australian Sign Language) which is a language that I am learning and that I enjoy learning. There is a toy turtle that is left behind at the park and at separate times Bingo and Dougie play with the turtle. They both ask their parent if they can take the turtle home. Dougie is Deaf and communicates with his mum using Auslan while Bingo is hearing and communicates with her father using English. It's good to compare both languages and shows how kids are very much alike whether they are Disabled or not. As an Auslan learner I like watching this episode to see how the language is used. Ludo Studios did a great job at learning how to animate the signs from the Deaf community.
The last episode I am going to talk about is Surprise. This episode is great for disability representation as it features a wheel chair race on the TV. The commentator for the wheel chair race is voiced by Kurt Fearnley who is a wheel chair racer himself. He has won gold for Australia at the Paraolympic games. The episode also features a character that resembles Kurt on the TV. Bandit who is Bluey and Bingos dad is really keen to watch the race. However the girls have other plans. Bingo plays a game where she has "babies" which are tennis balls in stubby holders. One stubby holder is bigger than the others and sometimes the tennis ball that resembles the head falls out. Bingo names this baby "Finucane". Bingo says that Finucane needs to go to hospital because of his head falling off and Bandit goes in sees Finucane in the pretend hospital. Bandit talks to Finucane and explains to them what's going on with their head but says that they will be okay with support from their family. I feel like this may resonate with some disabled viewers as Finucane struggles with their disability with their head while other disabled folk may struggle with other things. With support and accommodations many disabled people can thrive.
Overall I think the disability representation in Bluey is done beautifully and I look forward to seeing more disability representation in future episodes. Maybe one day there will be an Autistic character. Thank you for reading this article.
Image Description:
There is a Bluey toy that is standing up. Bluey is a blue dog. There is test on the picture that says "disability representation in Bluey." There are four different symbols around Bluey. The first symbol is a blue with with a white shape resembling a person sitting in a wheelchair in it. The second symbol is a rainbow infinity symbol that represents neurodiversity. The third symbol is a yellow hand signing "I Love You" the hand is in a fist with the thumb, index finger and pinky out. There is a pink heart near the thumb. The fourth symbol is a sunflower that represents hidden disabilities. End Description.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
Why is Ingriftus in financial trouble? What do they need money for? by u/GreatGossip
Why is Ingriftus in financial trouble? What do they need money for? Sinners, maybe I just don´t understand the construction of charities. But honestly, I don´t get it.Ingriftus is a small organisation with 12 staff in 2022, according to their financials. 5 people were paid 100-130k per year, so total salaries will probably be around 1 million. Operating an office, supplies, travel etc - maybe the same? So running costs of 2 million per year.The games themselves: the participating countries pay a fee for their vets, if I understand it correctly, plus travel, accomodation etc. Venues are donated by the host cities.Canada has donated 30 million to Ingriftus. What will these funds be spent on? There were only 500 participants in 2022, and it will probably be less in Canada because it is winter sports, so it is 60k per participant plus the expenses paid by the participating country How much do the paraolympics cost?Ingriftus´ main spending seem to have been donations to a lot of charities. Well, if they don´t have the money, they can´t give donations.Again, I don´t get it. What is it Ingriftus needs money for? post link: https://ift.tt/YU0E6WV author: GreatGossip submitted: February 21, 2024 at 01:22PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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genx3791 · 1 year
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What’s next? This, Paraolympics, Special Olympics?
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2am-poetry · 12 days
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#joebiden #israel
#KanyeWest #quantum #church #MetaCognition #russia
#ai #mixedreality #rdcworld #augmentedreality
#poetry #paraolympics #learning #ukraine #writingprompts #photography #love #streetphotographer #cocacolascholars
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mashithamel · 5 months
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I just saw a story about blind Paraolympics skiiers, and holy cow, that has got to be the closest thing to a Warder bond I have ever seen in real life. Racing down an icy hill with limited or no vision, relying completely on the guide in front of you to tell you (via headset) what to expect and how to move? I mean, the level of trust and communication required to not only do that safely but fast enough to win a medal is incredible.
Hats off to the people who are able to do this, you have my full admiration! ⛷️
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littlewalken · 1 year
Mar 15
Today's ear worm is Atomic by Blondie which has had the fortune of being banned from the radio during at least one time of war because atomic being used as an adjective might have hurst some feelings.
Spasticus Autisticus went from being banned to being performed in the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Paraolympics by one of the gnarliest punk bands ever and it's on me if I haven't looked to see if they got to put an album out.
Question of the moment- Has your advocacy group crossed the line and become bullies?
These are the only bullies we tolerate around here-
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The ones that had Composition of Sound open for them. I heard the left handed guy went on to interesting things, he's an art director for a fishing magazine and married a horse girl, hangs out with Goff Barbie on occasions.
Five bucks says he can play A Forest on the banjo.
Not going to go where I originally typed then deleted.
I have gigs of Spider-Man comics to look thru, that's a lot of shrimp, and hopefully get some more ideas for my CYOA Spider-Man story.
I wish I could CYOA some of my original stuff but writing the general CYOA format makes my brain hurt, which is a good thing where something that hurt my brain is a bad thing, still I'm going to try.
You don't have to succeed if you're having fun and learning because trying is its own reward.
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disabledfag · 2 years
Love your banner ♡♡♡
Thank you! I wish I could remember where I got it but its partially the paraolympics shooting team symbol.
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italynt · 3 years
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Italy: ✅  Wins Eurovision ✅  Wins the Euros ✅  Wins many medals at the Olympics ✅  Wins the Women's European Volleyball Championship  It truly is a great time to be an Italy fan 😎 🇮🇹
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moodboardmix · 3 years
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2021 Olympics and Paralympics Cauldron by Nendo,
Showcased as the centerpiece of the Olympic Opening Ceremony, the ‘kinetic’ cauldron started by first assuming a spherical shape, blooming open to reveal the fire-pit within. 
The fire was fueled by hydrogen energy too, keeping in line with Japan’s commitment to an eco-friendly Olympics.
Given that Hydrogen burns with a colorless and transparent flame, sodium carbonate was added to it, to give it the unmistakable yellow hue associated with the sun. The sodium carbonate was sprayed into the fire at varying angles, creating that shimmering effect of firewood being stoked.
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o-kurwa · 3 years
Blind man does long jump at the Olympics
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i learned that while the Soviet Union hosted the Olympics in 1980, they refused to host the Paralympics, with a Soviet official stating "There Are No Invalids in the USSR!" The Netherlands would host the Paralympics that year instead (x)
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