#parent hotchniss
emilyprsblog · 9 months
A new shade of red
tw: severe self harm, implied suicide, tears (everyone’s crying)
summary: the team finds hotchniss’ daughter, lola, at her most vulnerable
wc: 2k
chapter: one | two
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Emily couldn’t stop thinking about all the teams’ voices overlapping, their tones absolutely terrified as they panicked. In just a few short minutes, all their lives would be changed forever. Emily’s life as a mom would change, Aaron’s life as a dad would change. Their usual worries would be something else entirely.
“Hey, has anyone seen Lola?” Emily asked, her heart slightly racing as she looked at her team and her husband at the table, the volume in the room fading as they looked at Emily.
“I think she said she was going to the bathroom.” JJ answered, noticing Emily’s slightly wide eyes as she stood in front of them. The dark haired woman turned around, rushing down the hall to the bathroom, leaving the team looking at each other with frowns, confusion making it hard to resume talking about what they were just seconds ago.
JJ stood up, giving the team a small smile as she, too, walked down the hall, seeing Emily knocking rapidly on the bathroom door.
“Lola?” Four more knocks. Nothing. “Honey, you’ve been in there for a long time now.” JJ just watched as Emily breathed heavily, not being able to stand completely still. “Lola?” Two more knocks. Nothing.
Emily turned around, looking at JJ with a frown, her hands on her waist as she bit her lower lip. JJ looked at her with soft, slightly wide eyes. Emily exhaled.
“JJ, I…” It sounded like she swallowed a cry. “I need you to get Aaron here.” JJ heard the desperation in her friend’s voice and she nodded, hurrying to get him. Emily stayed there, continuing to knock, telling herself that her thoughts were wrong. That this wasn’t really happening.
After moments, that felt far too long, her husband was by her side, asking if she was okay.
“I’m fine, I just… you need to get in there.” Emily tried to open the door, mentally telling herself that maybe it would magically open. Aaron looked at his wife, seeing her eyes shining with slight tears. Her voice was laced with concern and her breaths were short. “Aaron, right now. Open the door. I don’t care how you do it, just get it open.” Her words were hurried and she got a glance of JJ fidgeting with her fingers, her eyes unsure.
Aaron grabbed the handle, crashing the side of his body to the door over and over again. It felt like forever until the door finally opened and Aaron was not at all nearly prepared for the sight he was exposed to. There she was, his 15 year old daughter, blood covering her whole arm, her clothes and the floor. He opened his mouth in a silent gasp as he rushed to her side, horrified by how pale she was. Emily and JJ caught sight of the situation and their hearts hurt as they saw Aaron try to talk Lola back to consciousness. Emily covered her mouth, tears burning in her eyes the second her palm touched her skin. JJ was right behind her, tears watering in her eyes too as she fumbled to get her phone from her pocket. The seconds felt too many as her shaky hands failed her.
“One of you has to call an ambulance, right now.” Aaron barked, cupping his hands over Lola’s arm, trying desperately to stop the bleeding.
“I am. I am.” JJ’s voice trembled and she let out a relieved breath when she finally grabbed her phone, dialing 911. She grabbed Emily who had began depending on the wall as to not fall. Emily’s knees were weak and her body felt heavy as she felt an arm around her waist, pulling her away from the scene. Away from the image that was going to haunt her for years to come.
“How long, JJ?” The blonde heard Aaron ask.
“I don’t know. I’m trying to find out.” She inhaled, trying her best to comfort Emily who was seconds away from collapsing.
“Get me a first aid kit.” JJ didn’t know what to do. Her arm was beginning to hurt from trying to hold up Emily and her heart hurt as she couldn’t stop thinking about what was happening just a wall away. She couldn’t hear what the woman on the phone way saying, not clearly. She felt her lips move but she didn’t hear herself. She heard something that sounded like they were going to be there as fast as they could. JJ heard herself mutter a ‘thank you’ as she looked around for a first aid kit. She searched high up, seeing the green box she was looking for on a shelf. She reached up, her breaths uneven.
As soon as Aaron got a hold of the box, he immediately got to work, bandaging up his daughter’s arm, his chest hurting as he looked at his little girl, her face pale and head heavy.
“Lola, honey. I need you to look at me.” He said, slightly panicking as the blood seeped through the bandage. “Lola. Look at me.” His brown eyes met Lola’s dark ones. “Good. Keep looking at me.” He nodded, glancing at JJ who was barely visible behind the doorway. “JJ, get Rossi in here. You need to take care of Emily right now.” Aaron shouted, not sure if JJ even heard him through Emily’s sobs. There was no answer, but moments later, he heard hurrying footsteps and then David talking to the operator on JJ’s phone. Aaron exhaled, keeping light pressure on the bandage.
Without the phone in hand, JJ could finally keep her focus on Emily who was completely destroyed. In the corner of her eye, she saw Spencer rush in.
When Emily tried to go into the bathroom, JJ gripped her even tighter, keeping her away from the bathroom.
“No, no, no. Emily. Emily.” JJ softly spoke, her voice trembling as she lead the brunette out to the hall. Emily leaned against the wall, hyperventilating as she slid down to the ground. JJ was right beside her, usually comforting words coming from her lips as her throat began to close up. They didn’t help much now. “Emily.” Her sobs were too loud. JJ placed her hands on Emily’s cheeks, caressing as she tried to initiate eye contact. “Emily, breathe. Emily. Emily. Look at me.” Emily looked up, her eyes having a certain heartbreak JJ had never seen before. Her feelings were overwhelming. “It’s going to be okay.” JJ nodded, Emily looked down, taking a short breath. “Look at me. Breathe.” Emily looked up again, her brown eyes staying on JJ’s blue ones.
“She looked like she was dead, JJ.” Emily was hysterical. The sentence made the blonde’s heart hurt.
“No, no, no. She’s not. She’s not dead. She’s not.” Emily just continued sobbing, placing her own hands over JJ’s.
“I can’t lose her. I ca—“ A sharp breath. “I can’t lose her, JJ. She’s my Lola. She’s my—“
“You won’t. They’re all helping her right now and an ambulance is coming. You will not lose her.” JJ heard her name being shouted and she panicked, not knowing what to focus on. She quickly ran to the bathroom again, seeing Spencer in the doorway, looking at the scene with wide eyes. Quickly, she took a hold of his arms, looking into his eyes as she told him to go to Emily. He nodded, running out to the hall. JJ exhaled as she rushed into the bathroom, seeing Lola’ scared eyes. JJ knew what the teenager needed.
Kneeling down, JJ placed her hands on Lola’s cheeks, looking into her misty eyes. The blonde tried her best to ignore just how much blood Lola was losing.
“Stay awake, Lola.” JJ chanted when she saw how Lola’s eyes began to slowly flutter closed. “Look at me. Stay awake.” JJ felt Lola grip her arm, blood smearing on her pale skin. There wasn’t much more they could do than internally pray that Lola was going to be okay. Aaron had bandaged her arm and was keeping pressure on it. David had finished talking to the operator and now all they had to wait. It was the longest 10 minutes of her life. The longest 10 minutes of all their lives.
JJ’s eyes widened when Lola’s eyes closed completely. She lightly slapped her cheeks, chanting over and over again that Lola had to stay awake.
“No, no, no.” Her heart picked up speed for the thousandth time that night. “Lola. Lola. Lola. Open your eyes. Lola.” JJ teared up, she had never felt so hopeless and useless in her life. “Look at me.” The teenager suddenly opened her eyes, and JJ nodded in encouragement, never stopped looking into her eyes.
Lola’s vision was blurry when she opened her eyes. Her head was pounding and her ears were ringing. It took a while for her to realize who was in front of her. Her eyes finally focused after a while, seeing JJ looking at her with tears in her eyes. She felt the blonde’s hands on her cheeks, caressing lovingly, but Lola also felt how much they were trembling. Using all the little strength she had left, Lola weakly grabbed JJ’s hand, wanting her soft skin to be the last thing she felt, instead of her own blood, before she died. A few beats and everything went black.
Now, as Emily sat in the hospital with the entire team there, no one speaking, she could not shake the thoughts of having to prepare to come home without her daughter. Having to tell Jack that his little sister had killed herself. She wouldn’t ever survive that. None of them would.
Emily closed her eyes, trying to get the thoughts to go away. She exhaled, gently squeezing JJ’s hand. The blonde hadn’t left Emily’s side since they arrived at the hospital.
Sitting in the waiting room was almost, selfishly, as bad as seeing her daughter on the floor. All the quiet, all the time to think about how long her daughter had been doing this. Emily didn’t miss the faint scars on her arms from what seemed like months prior to this. She didn’t know how they had missed it. Didn’t understand how Lola was in so much pain and they hadn’t seen it.
Emily felt a gentle squeeze back, but this time, it meant something more than comfort. Emily looked up, seeing a doctor walking towards her. She held her breath, putting her free hand where JJ and her were already holding hands, looking at the doctor with expectant eyes.
“Emily, is it?” Emily nodded, seeing Aaron come back from the bathroom. He hurried to Emily’s side when he saw the doctor. “We’ve moved your daughter to a ward.” The woman started. Aaron sat down next to his wife, Emily placing her head on his shoulder as they listened to the doctor, her hands still holding JJ’s tightly. “She’s just come out of surgery. She’ll need to be reviewed by psychiatry tomorrow morning.”
“Is she going to be okay, then?” Aaron asked, his voice hoarse and exhausted. Emily felt the way he sounded.
“We’ll know more tomorrow.” The doctor gave a comforting smile. “Do you want to see her?” Emily and Aaron both immediately nodded. Emily turned to JJ, giving her a small smile before she let go of her hand, feeling a small bit of emptiness at the loss of contact. Aaron placed his arm around Emily’s waist, both of them slightly shaking with nervousness as they followed the doctor down door after door.
Tears burned in Emily’s time again when she saw her daughter on the hospital bed. Seeing Lola so small and vulnerable, with a bandage covering her arm, made Emily quietly gasp. She was afraid she would never stop crying.
Aaron didn’t know what to feel. He didn’t know what to do. He was mad at himself for not noticing just how much his own daughter was suffering. He was sad for not noticing how much his own daughter was suffering. At the same time, he felt numb. The feeling of his daughter’s blood in his hands made him feel so many overwhelming feelings, but he felt numb at the same time.
Two chairs were placed next to the bed and the parents hesitantly sat down, looking at their daughter who was asleep. Emily grabbed her hand, caressing it and saw how many scars Lola had on her arms. Emily quietly whimpered and felt Aaron take Lola’s hand as well. She looked at him. The love of her life, and saw how much he was hurting too. She placed her free hand on his cheek, caressing it as a tear rolled down his cheek. Her thumb delicately brushed it away. She wanted to say something. But she didn’t know what. What are you supposed to say when your daughter slits her wrists?
“She’ll be okay.” Emily ended up saying. She wanted to take it back the second she began the sentence. Aaron said nothing, he just looked down at their hands. “Aaron, honey? Are you listening to me?” Her voice was gentle. “She’s going to be okay.” She didn’t know why she said it again. Aaron nodded, a slight, obviously unsure nod. “Honey… look at me.” He did and when he raised his head, Emily saw how much Aaron seemed to just want to cry. Let it out. Emily prayed that he wouldn’t keep this in until he eventually broke.
Aaron stared at what could’ve been Emily’s face, but she was too good of a profiler to see that his eyes were resting at a spot just past her ear. Silence for a moment and Emily was afraid that she was going to have to beg him to talk.
“… I should have noticed.” The words came so unexpectedly that Emily barely registered what he said. She blinked.
“Aaron…” Emily cooed.
“We’re profilers.” He scoffed, his shiny gaze slipping back to their hands. “We’re parents. I missed it.”
“We all did.” Emily spoke. It was true. It was most likely hopeful ignorance, denial. They had all noticed that something was off but they hadn’t given her more than invitations to talk. Aaron, at least, didn’t want to believe that it was anything too serious. He didn’t like to think of his children in pain, and he’d prefer to manipulate himself than to try and fix it. The guilt made him feel nauseous.
“I thought that after Reid, I would notice things like this. Notice if people weren’t okay and be able to keep a close eye on things.”
“She hid it well.” Emily spoke, voice unsure. The words were for her own benefit as well.
“Did she?” Aaron asked, his voice cracking in the slightest way as he looked up at his wife, seeing her hesitant facial expression. Emily didn’t know what to say, so she swallowed the thick feeling in her throat, looking at her daughter again.
Hours went by and the parents were asleep. Emily was still holding her daughter’s hand, leaning her head on her husband’s shoulder. Aaron kept a hand around her as he leaned his head on hers.
Lola heard soft snores coming from somewhere. It took a moment for her eyes to relax at the harsh light that shone from the ceiling. She swallowed, her throat dry and sore. As soon as she noticed her parents, she felt claustrophobic in her body. She couldn’t quite move. She could wiggle her toes slightly and after a beat, she recognized her mother’s hand in her own. Mustering up strength, she squeezed slightly. The way her mother immediately woke up made Lola feel guilty.
“…Hi, baby.” Emily smiled, leaning closer to kiss Lola’s hand. Aaron also woke up when he heard Emily’s voice, looking at his daughter with so much sadness.
Lola looked at her parents for a moment before she turned her head as much as she could the other way, her feelings and memories catching up to her and she began to cry. Her face contorted into the most heartbreaking frown that made Emily’s heart hurt. She leaned closer, cooing.
“Hey…” She whispered, squeezing Lola’s hand tighter. “Hey, honey.” When Lola began quietly sobbing, Emily hushed her. Aaron took her hand over Emily’s.
“I’m so sorry.” Lola whimpered, her chest hurting at all her family’s faces. The way JJ looked at her before she had passed out made its way to her mind.
“No, Lola. Don’t apologize.” Aaron spoke, voice gentle as he too, leaned closer.
“I’m so sorry.” Lola continued, feeling so utterly humiliated and embarrassed. She felt guilty for scaring everyone, and she did it all for nothing. It didn’t even work. She was still here.
“Sweetheart, listen to me.” Emily spoke. Lola turned her head, looking at her parents who seemed to do everything not to break down. “You have nothing to be sorry for. It is not your fault that you’re hurting, okay?” Lola still felt guilty, but she nodded, not wanting her parents to worry anymore. Although, she doubted they would ever stop worrying. They would never trust her to be alone again. She closed her eyes, wanting the ground to just swallow her whole. “We are here for you. Me, your dad, the entire team too. We love you so much, baby.” Lola swallowed her sobs, wanting to ask a question.
“Are you mad at me?” She whispered, her voice trembling. “Is the team mad at me?”
“No, no, no.” Emily shook her head, the concerned frown on her face that she so often had.
“No one is mad at you.” Aaron spoke. “No one. We’re worried, honey. We all love you and we care about you.”
“I’m sorry.” Lola spoke, she couldn’t ever apologize enough for hurting everyone like she did. Emily shook her head, her eyes soft.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
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whitecrossgirl · 2 years
Hotch: I don’t think your mother approves of me.
Emily: Don’t worry about it; she doesn’t approve of me either
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sleuthy-scientist · 1 year
A Mother's Love Part III
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Elizabeth read the words her daughter had carefully written to her. She had to re-read it three times, finding it difficult to digest and get through the contents in its entirety.
Frustrated, she could feel a migraine coming on from the tension and stress of her emotions. There was no mistaking the tears welling in her eyes, for anything other than hurt, sadness, and guilt.
Their relationship had always been strained, but she never thought it would get to this point. Where her daughter lost her patience and cut ties with her. She never considered it would come to this.
Finding out she was going to be a grandmother, yet it was short lived and bittersweet excitement. Because, Emily was pregnant with a child, she might never be allowed to meet. And reading the painstaking words, she couldn't blame Emily for her position.
Elizabeth wondered if she hadn't had her assistant turn Emily away in her attempts to visit, if this letter would still have been delivered today. Or if she had bothered to take a second to make time for her, Emily would have informed her of her impending motherhood in person.
A part of her was glad Emily hadn't been present when she learned the news of her grandchild. Elizabeth knew she would likely have made some snide remark about Aaron, Emily's work, or unmarried status. Starting yet another fight between them, a fight, she now knew Emily foresaw. One Elizabeth knew she had already avertently lost.
Although they had never been close, Elizabeth never doubted Emily's love for her. Her daughter was a kind, generous, niave, and carefree soul. Even when she was rambunctious or rebellious, she was never intentionally malicious. Elizabeth knew as hurt and betrayed as she felt, her daughter likely was equally as devastated, if not more so.
Emily didn't have the capacity to hold grudges, she had always been too forgiving for her own good. Elizabeth had always worried her naive belief in trying to find the good in others, would only ever disappoint her. Elizabeth knew she was a hypocrite on this matter, only further proving what little she knew of her daughter right.
She took it for granted that she would always have Emily's love in her life. Her daughter had been the one thing in her life that was permanent, she had never thought she could lose her.
And while her daughter wasn't living the life she wanted for her, Elizabeth knew Emily could take care of herself. She had proven her intelligence and independence from an early age. She had never seemed to need her before. And now she truly realised how little she did, and she felt she neither wanted or needed to make an effort.
But Elizabeth realized there was no point in lying to herself any longer. She knew Emily was right, that she always put work first. Unlike her daughter, she had always needed recognition, fueled by the praises of the public.
Emily had typically been the opposite, hating being the center of attention, having all eyes focused on her. Elizabeth knew her daughter acted out for the attention and love she craved. The things as her mother she had withheld not fully realising the damage and effects she caused.
She wanted to scoff and brush it off, like what she had written was fiction and utterly ridiculous. But, Elizabeth knew Emily hadn't lied in her letter. It was a tough pill to swallow now, knowing just how much she had hurt her daughter.
Elizabeth had foolishly thought her job was everything, that it would keep her busy and give her life fulfillment until she died. But she could smell the blood in the water, knowing she was becoming irrelevant in the political sphere. It had been that way for awhile, as he just hadn't wanted to admit it, even to herself.
One day soon, she would outlive her usefulness and eventually be replaced. It pained her, because for so long it was the only thing she could control, the only thing that made sense to her. It gave her a rush and made her feel alive, when she felt she was failing at everything else.
And now it may have cost her the only relationship she had, that had ever consisted of unconditional love. A love Emily had bestowed on her, so selflessly, one that she hadn't even made an effort to try and return. One she might be too late to even try to repair.
Regardless, Elizabeth knew she must accept her blame and responsibility in the matter, if she had any hope of fixing things. Even if she didn't know why Emily couldn't find a life without so much danger. Why she couldn't understand the choices that lead her daughter down such a thankless path.
She knew Emily wasn't asking anything impossible from her, that what she wanted was reasonable. Elizabeth just didn't know how to get past the barrier in between them. How to even begin to broach the subject after receiving this letter. Emily had left the ball in her court, Elizabeth knew she had to be the one to reach out this time and make an effort.
She had missed out on so much of her daughter's life and had nothing to really show for it. She wanted to do better and see her grandchild grow up. Well grandchildren, Elizabeth knew for Emily's sake she would need to include Jack in that category.
That, she had to learn to accept the choices and life, her daughter made for herself. Knowing Emily may never forgive her, because she had never been the kind of parent a child deserved. But, Elizabeth knew now, she both wanted and needed Emily in her life.
And while she had never taken the time to see her daughter in a maternal setting, she had no doubt Emily was already a much better parent then she ever had. That Jack and however many other children they had, Emily would love them all equally.
It already amazed her, how seamlessly her daughter accepted a child that wasn't her own. The lengths she was willing to go, only further showing how fiercely she protected him and his father. The way they constantly sought out her affection, which she gave so openly and freely. The comfort and happiness she felt in their presence alone, in turn, was obvious.
Elizabeth wondered if her and Emily had ever had a fraction of the bond her daughter shared with Jack. How long had she failed her, been too blinded by her lust for power and greed, succeeding in a man's world. Had she permanently lost the one good thing, that she had no right to take credit for?
Her daughter had always had this innate kindness about her. When she was young she could charm anyone with a sweet smile and a few words. But her favourite thing had been picking and collecting flowers to give to people.
She could recall when Emily was little and went around picking and collecting flowers to give people. Even then she was always thinking of others, trying to find some way to connect and welcome them.
Other dignitaries used to think it was the most adorable little diplomatic gesture, often citing Elizabeth for her wonderful parenting raising such a kind soul. She could recall smiling back at them, knowing her daughter had a bright future in politics, following in her footsteps.
She had once asked Emily why she did it, sure she would get some ridiculous response like "flowers are pretty mommy ". But her daughter surprised her saying "It's scary being somewhere new, far away from home. I want them to have something bright and happy to see everything is ok."
At the time, she thought it was a rather peculiar thing for her six year old to say. Now it saddened her, Emily had always been wise beyond her years, with such a sensitive side. Her selflessness and loyalty, knew no bounds.
Yet now, Elizabeth couldn't remember why or even when her daughter stopped doing that sentimental gesture for others. Or what other parts of her daughter she missed, barrly watching her grow up from afar.
It pained her to look back now and see as successful of a career as she had, to know what a failure as a parent she had been. Knowing she couldn't right the wrongs of her past. Wrongs, that may have permanently altered any future relationship she hoped to have with her daughter or grandchildren.
How many times had she put her own priorities above Emily, knowing she was young and resilient, took everything in stride. That her child was getting rewarding experiences and the best education afforded to her. Telling herself she was only setting Emily up for the future, opening every door in daughter's path for her.
Thinking her lazy, and ungrateful for squandering all she had been given. Knowing she had been wrong to even think that. Being able to see first hand, the difference Emily made in her job. The way she helped people, those so scared and alone, get justice for themselves and their loved ones.
That while it wasn't glamourous and what she dreamed for her daughter, Emily had done it all on her own. Elizabeth was left wishing, she had taken an interest, tried to understand, had shown her child even an ounce of love. So that she knew how proud she made her mother.
Knowing her not so little girl surrounded herself with death and darkness, day in and day out, yet still managed to find a pocket of happiness to hold onto. Elizabeth was glad as cruel and evil a world Emily lived in, that she never let it harden her. That she never closed herself off to the possibilities and real connections she made of her own choice and merit.
Now all she was thinking was what right did she have to stake a claim in her daughter's happiness and life. Especially when she had been so absent and distant for the majority of the of thrty four years Emily had been alive.
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how I percieve Hotchniss:
as requested by @em-prentiss
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tropes: action girl, blue blood, lady in a powersuit, back from the dead, brainy brunette, dark and troubled past, honour before reason, sarcasm personified, reckless and sexy
libra sun, scorpio moon, leo rising
born 12th october 1970
chaotic neutral
ENFJ personality type
cat person
only child - and very much gives only child energy
red is her favourite colour
body count: "private, thank you very much!"
her favourite movie of all time is 'Carrie' - but she can't resist a good old mystery novel
has some secret skills she doesn't really talk about or use until she needs them; plays the piano, did ballet until she was 15, can horseback ride.
her favourite book of all time is 'Jane Eyre'
dog ears her books to save her pages - either that or uses literally anything as a bookmark. argues that it makes her books look 'loved'
her favourite meal is a good cheeseburger (although she'll tell you its some kind of fancy pasta)
chews her nails when she's stressed
grew up in multiple embassies across the world including: UK, Iraq, Russia, Italy, France, Greece, Spain, and Egypt.
mommy issues galore although she'd never admit it
daddy issues, too, while we're at it.
absentee father who was 'working' all the time - only 'working' meant having affairs and avoiding their home as much as possible
her parents only put on the show of a functional, happy marriage for elizabeth's career, a charade emily was also expected to play a part in. she did so until she went away to college
her dad died when she was 23
nomadic lifestyle all her life due to her mom's job - finds it hard to settle down as a result
has a little box of mementos from each of the places she's lived, trinkets that would be of no value to anyone else but mean a lot to her
has a few small, discreet tattoos
multi-lingual but not a show off about it - sometimes dreams in italian
is also multilingual in sarcasm and often uses it to diffuse tense situations.
had an abortion when she was 15 - doesn't regret it but has always wondered. marks the day each year, even if it's just with a prayer. it's the only time she prays
✨️ religious trauma ✨️ 
rebelled against her mother as a teenager and their relationship has never really recovered
spoilt, privileged lifestyle 
likes her luxuries as a result and doesn't shy away from them 
never had too many close friends growing up - due to the moving around a lot
bit of a wild girl at college, there's not really a sexual position or an illegal substance she hasn't tried at least once (except the ones you inject, she's not insane)
still sneaks the occasional cigarette
cannot abide by any rule she considers arbitrary
loves a good horror movie, the gorier the better but the supernatural ones freak her out
has a secret passion for classical music when she’s stressed - particularly beethoven and bach
emily has a love for fine wine and is something of an amateur connoisseur, able to tell the difference between a good vintage and a cheap bottle. she and rossi bond over this.
her passion for coffee, however, is much more lax and she can drink even the roughest of instant crap. 
can also whip up a mean martini
she’s a cat person but never had a pet growing up due to all the moving around.
emily’s guilty pleasure is reality TV—she finds it oddly comforting and a way to unwind from the seriousness of her day-to-day life.
often doodles when she's on the phone—her notebooks are full of random sketches.
loves an indoor plant but finds it incredibly difficult to keep them alive
fucking loves technology and is slightly addicted to TikTok. has to limit her own screen time.
speaking of TikTok, she's totally on BookTok and loved the ACOTAR series.
loves spicy foods - often challenges herself to try the hottest dish on the menu.
bit of an adrenaline junkie, whether in her home or professional life. overly impulsive sometimes as a result
what she wears:
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tropes: badass in a nice suit, stoic leader, chronic hero syndrome, highest kill count, death glare, grumpy to her sunshine, deadpan snarker
scorpio sun, taurus moon, virgo rising
born 2nd november 1965
lawful good
ISTJ personality type
dog person
bodycount: 2
favourite colour is navy blue
eldest son, his brother, sean, is 11 years younger than him
his favourite book is 'one hundred years of solitude'
prioritizes his fitness and likes to take on fitness challenges to keep himself healthy
lonely childhood even though he had a little brother
abusive, drunk for a father
emotionally absent mother who was trying to deal with her own trauma
his mom died when he was 25
his dad is still alive out there somewhere but they're not in contact, and aaron has no intention of being
had to be the strong one for his little brother
comes from a pretty poor background, has built himself up to be and have everything he is and has 
always felt like more of a father than a brother to Sean because of their age gap, and the fact that he practically raised him
loves to go camping and be in the wilderness
a morning person - likes to get up and out of the house as early as possible
a very neat person - you'd be forgiven for thinking he was in the military (he never was) by the way he makes his bed and stacks his clothes
collected coins as a kid, something he never grew out of. has a very well organised collection he values greatly
keeps his books neat and tidy - always uses a bookmark
loves an old western, likes an action movie, horrors make him uncomfy and he's a secret sucker for a rom-com
reluctant green thumb and often ends up taking care of the plants that emily brings home and gives up on or gets distracted from
has a soft spot for old-school jazz and sometimes listens to it when he needs to decompress.
he's a surprisingly good cook, which is a skill he honed while having to take care of his brother, although the recipes were a lot more basic back then
still has his parents wedding rings, a fact about himself that he wrestles with since he doubts they were ever in love
prefers handwritten notes to digital reminders, is a very tactile person. never really fell in love with his phone.
hums softly when he's concentrating, a habit he's more often than not completely unaware of, and emily finds it adorable
keeps a stash of chocolate in his drawer in the office - stocks it with emily's favourites
wears his grandfather's class ring. it's the only family heirloom he has, and sometimes he feels guilty for not giving it to sean
has a collection of old vinyls from the 70s
visits the same diner every saturday for breakfast. after getting together with emily, the visits become less frequent but they still go now and then. aaron says they have the best eggs. emily thinks they're just ok, but she likes to see him happy
aaron isn't a big drinker; he'll have a few beers on a night out, or a whiskey after work occasionally, but he very rarely engages in any binge drinking. emily's only seen him really drunk a handful of times throughout their relationship.
he is, however, partial to the occasional cigar and although emily sneaks her own cigarette now and then, she can't stand the smell of them.
what he wears:
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the only time hotch is not a morning person is when emily is in his bed, then he never wants to leave the comfort of the covers and the warmth of her body
hotch will watch a horror movie with emily with a straight face, but hate it the whole way through. emily will pretend to be into his action movies, and doesn't let him know she's actually bored out of her mind. their middle ground is a good western or a rom-com.
their first big fight is over a clash between their idea of 'tidy' - emily is laid back, doesn't mind a bit of clutter. aaron is...borderline ocd. they fall out over her having left a towel on the floor...again.
they are very well matched at chess, and often their games can go on for weeks in between cases and life. currently emily is winning by two games.
aaron would rather to repairs around the house himself, where as emily is used to throwing money at a problem and making it go away. they try to compromise but they're away so often for work that more often than not, emily wins because aaron just doesn't have the time, but when he does take on a project he loves the manual labour, and emily loves to sit back and watch x
it was his dream to restore a classical care so emily bought him one for his 50th birthday and its his pride and joy. he painted it red just for her
emily reads before bed and aaron does the crossword, with his glasses perched on the end of his nose and emily thinks it's the cutest thing.
emily's love of spicy foods means that more often than not aaron has to resign himself to buying her two meals when the spiciest dish on the menu is just 'a little too spicy' - he doesn't mind, really
they're both incredibly competitive. emily gets sweary and loud when she's in competition, aaron gets smug and smirky and that drives emily up the wall. their second biggest fight, ever, was over a game of monopoly. it's been banned in their household ever since.
emily takes aaron to a ranch for one of his birthdays - to celebrate his love for an old western, and because she thinks he'll love it! turns out aaron hotchner is terrified of horses. emily spent the first day riding and trying to convince him to do the same, and after that they just enjoyed the views and each other's company, and the horses, but from afar.
emily often teases hotch about his love for organization and can’t resist occasionally hiding a few items just to see his reaction. he pretends to be frustrated but secretly finds her antics adorable.
surprisingly, when they go on vacation, it's emily who wants their days planned down to the moment so that they don't miss anything, and aaron who just - finally- wants to relax and 'go with the flow'. emily finds this version of her husband disconcerting.
emily loves to surprise hotch with impromptu weekend getaways. he pretends to grumble about the lack of planning and the expense of it all but secretly enjoys the surprises and the thought she puts into them.
financially, aaron and emily grew up in two very different places. aaron watched his mother scrimp and save every penny to try and provide for him and sean, when she was lucid. when she wasn't, he had to figure it out himself. he's worked since the age of 14. emily had everything in life given to her on a silver platter and, even now, occasionally spends out of her trust fund. aaron gets frustrated by spending that he sees as frivolous and emily has to remind him that they're well off - she still has her trust fund, even if neither of them were working. it's infrequently a source of contention between them, though.
they dated before emily's 'death', before paris. he visited her in paris, where their flame sparked again but when she came back to the team nothing happened. then beth happened. then emily left again.
they stayed in contact while she was in london and eventually realised they were miserable without each other. emily moves back to the states, returns to the BAU and they get back together.
they marry that same year. it's a really small ceremony, attended only by the team, jack and sean. neither of their surviving parents are invited.
they started a two-person book club where they choose a book to read each month and discuss it over dinner. they always donate one copy - whether to charity or a friend. sometimes both if they agree that the book sucked.
they create the 'hotchner cup' which is a trophy that they play for every family game night. it's an old, tarnished badge of hotch's with 'Hotchner' written across it super-glued to an old ballet trophy of emily's. it's currently in emily's possession...due to the chess situation.
emily's a cat person and hotch loves dogs. as a compromise, they have one of each.
when emily has their kids, they share the position of Unit Chief at the BAU and alternate shifts, so someone's always at home with the kids. it's their one rule; the kids never get left alone.
they have three kids together, ava, livvy and alex. jack is aaron's son from his previous marriage to haley, and emily loves him like her own.
they share a home office and walking into it is hysterical; there are two desks and it's immediately obvious whose is whose because aaron's is meticulously organised and emily's is a mess.
aaron always dreads his weeks 'on' at work, because he knows he's going into his desk being an absolute mess. emily is the same because she says whenever he cleans up, he puts her stuff away and she can't find anything. she prefers her 'organised chaos'.
even though emily is a luxury resort kind of girl, aaron forces the family to take an annual camping trip. every year, emily complains about it; alex and ava follow her suit. jack and livvy love the camping trip like their father. even though emily and the kids complain, they also secretly love it.
they take an annual family photo during every camping trip
every year they all celebrate haley's birthday together with a special meal; homemade lasagne followed by apple pie and ice cream, both favourites of haley.
when it comes to parenting, there's no doubt who's the strict parent. emily definitely takes a more relaxed approach than her husband.
however, when it comes to bullying or the kids being in danger, emily has to be kept in check. more than once she's threatened to pull her badge on a kid - or parent - at school. more than once, she's had to be talked down by her husband, and sometimes the kids.
when aaron eventually retires early, he takes up teaching at the academy. they still have lunch together most days.
after aaron retires, emily takes on the role of unit chief by herself and eventually progresses to section chief, which is more of a bureaucratic role than she ever imagined for herself, but it means she gets home to her family every night.
Hotchniss tropes:
grumpy x sunshine rich girl x poor boy he's her boss mutual pining will they/won't they jealousy trope friends to lovers 'touch her and you die'
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Photos Aaron takes of Emily:
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Photos Emily takes of Aaron:
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Joint camera roll:
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How Hotchniss text:
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Hotchniss playlist:
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elizabethsnuts · 1 month
Hi! Maybe hotchniss x daughter reader whose always got a little frown on her face when she’s in new places and around people she doesn’t know, but once she’s in Aaron or Emily’s arms she’s just a smiley pile of sunshine?🥹
Smiles and Frowns
Hotchniss x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Your parents took you to an event for FBI agents, though every time they put you down you’d get upset.
You weren’t the most social toddler, never wanting to be too far from your mum or dad. You didn’t like crowded places or new people, it wasn’t your thing and you definitely made it known.
Aaron and Emily had to take you with them to an important event that most FBI agents had to attend since they had no last-minute babysitter to watch you. They weren’t too sure how you were going to take this whole event.
Emily gently held your tiny hand as she walked into the room filled with various other agents, Aaron was following closely behind the two of you. You immediately froze when you saw the amount of unfamiliar faces in the unfamiliar environment.
Emily looked down at you, smiling softly. “Hey, you’re alright! It’s gonna be okay, everyone here is really nice.”
Despite the reassurance, you still kept your adorable little frown plastered on your face. You hesitated but slowly followed Emily further into the room.
You whined slightly and tried to tug away, quickly changing your mind about going in. “Mama!”
Emily chuckled slightly and immediately picked you up. “Hey, hey, hey, I’ve got you, Mama’s got you. Let’s go say hi to some people, okay?”
Your little face immediately lit up into a big smile as Emily picked you up. You gently played with her dark hair, you had watched her curl it just before leaving the house.
Emily rolled her eyes in amusement at how quickly your mood changed. “Happy now, are we?”
Emily and Aaron were chatting around, you were a little ball of sunshine in Emily’s arms, a big smile on your face the whole time. You were the cutest little thing and people couldn’t help but coo over you.
Emily had put you down for a moment to go to the bathroom, you were still in Aaron’s line of sight so she wasn’t just leaving you. Though you still didn’t enjoy being put down, your smile quickly contorted into an upset frown as you saw Emily walk off.
You played with the frills on the bottom of your dress, mirroring your father's usual frown. You crossed your tiny arms and stomped your foot. An agent squatted down to your level with a smile.
“Hey there! What’s that frown for, little lady?” The agent looked at you gently.
You kept frowning and playing with your dress, your tiny black Mary Janes hitting the floor as you stomped.
Aaron came over with a slight chuckle, picking you up from under your arms and setting you on his hip. “Sorry, she’s not too happy when we put her down.”
Your eyes lit up as Aaron lifted you up, you looked up at him with a big smile. “Daddy!”
Aaron gave you a small smile and tucked some little strands of loose hair behind your ear. “Yes, it’s Daddy.”
The agent chuckled as he witnessed your mood change. “That was a switch up! Now she’s all giggles and smiles.”
Emily appeared beside Aaron and smirked. “Oh, she’s all happy again is she.”
You giggled and took a cupcake off the food table, taking an eager bite. “Yum!”
Emily widened her eyes and chuckled. “Hey! Did you just take that? You didn’t even ask.” Obviously, she wasn’t mad at you, she thought it was amusing that you just took it.
“Mine.” You smiled as you took another bite, getting icing on your cute, little nose and cheeks.
Aaron took a napkin off the table and wiped your face, to which you tried to pull away but he didn’t let you. You held your cupcake up to Aaron’s mouth and smiled. “Daddy, bite.”
Aaron smiled and shook his head slightly. “That’s okay, it’s your cupcake. Your cupcake, honey.” He gently took the cupcake out of your little hands and held it up to your mouth.
You had made it through the event without a tantrum much to Aaron and Emily’s surprise, though it was preventable if they just didn’t put you down or leave. You could be so cranky one second but as soon as your mama or daddy was there you’d light up instantly. You really were the light of both of their lives.
124 notes · View notes
Could you do a hotchniss x daughter reader where they have a teen daughter and she sneakily has a boy over and aaron and Emily come back from a case and they catch him leaving her room and aaron goes into protective dad mode
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Aaron Hotchner X Emily Prentiss X Teen Daughter reader
Request: Could you do a hotchniss x daughter reader where they have a teen daughter and she sneakily has a boy over and aaron and Emily come back from a case and they catch him leaving her room and aaron goes into protective dad mode 
Third person pov...
Aaron Hotchner and Emily Prentiss had just returned from a particularly intense case in upstate New York. As they stepped off the plane, both agents were exhausted and eager to get back to their home in Virginia.
Little did they know, they were about to face one of their toughest challenges yet - parenting a teenage daughter.
Currently 16 year old Y/N was home alone, not entirely alone she had invited over her boyfriend, David to watch a movie knowing her parents would be on their way home.
They had already called to let her know they would be landing soon, the two had lots of fun spending the day together doing nothing but watching movies and raiding the kichen for snacks.
"Thank God we're back" Emily sighed as they made their way off the jet "I can't wait to sleep in my own bed."
Aaron chuckled, 'You and me both. I just hope our daughter hasn't wrecked the house while we were gone.'
Emily shot him a look, 'Our daughter is a responsible young lady. I'm sure she's been just fine without us.'
Say8ng goodbye to the rest of thw team they got into their car and drove home, but as they walked through the front door of their home.
They were met with a sight that made both of their hearts sink. In the living room, their 16-year-old daughter, Y/N, was cuddled up on the couch with a boy.
Aaron's eyes narrowed in an instant, and Emily could feel his protective instincts on high alert. The couple slowly made their way into the room, trying not to disturb the teenagers who were watching a movie.
As they got closer, they could see that the boy was not just any boy. It was David, a troublemaker from Y/N's school who they had explicitly told her to stay away from.
The teens where cuddled under a blanket, infront of them on thr coffee table were snacks and drinks, playing on the TV was (Favourite movie) Y/N never watches her favourite movie with just anyone.
The black haired woman looks at her husband and could reqd his mind, "Aaron" Emily whispered, trying to calm him down. 'Let's just talk to her." She took his hand in hers and held it.
This made the man relax slightly but a murderous look still on his face.
But before they could say anything, the movie ended and David stood up to leave, Y/N gave him a smile and stood up to hug and kiss him goodbye and sat back down on the sofa, neither teen had seen the two adults in the doorway.
The boy had a love sick grin on his face As he walked towards the door, Aaron stepped in front of him, blocking his path.
"What are you doing here?" Aaron's voice was low and menacing.
David, who previously exuded confidence, now looked like a deer caught in headlights. He mumbled something incoherent and quickly scrambled out of the house.
Emily took a deep breath and turned to her daughter, who was now standing, she had jumped up from the sofa when she hear heard her dad shout, she looked scared and guilty.
Emily crossed her arms and looked at her daughte "What were you thinking, Y/N?" She said, trying to keep her voice calm.
Y/N nervously played with her hands, not looling up at her parents and thwir disapointed look, "I'm sorry" Y/N replied, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I just really like him, and I knew you wouldn't approve" she sais tears running down her face.
Aaron let out a frustrated sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "That doesn't change the fact that we specifically forbid you from seeing him. He's not a good influence, and you know that"
Y/N shook her head, surprising her parents. "But he's not! He's actually really sweet and not at all like he appears! You always told me not to judge people and here you are doing it!" The teen yells.
She collapses onto the sofa her head in her arms. The adults looked at each other before at their cryjng daughter, they had judged the boy by appearences like she said.
Emily sat down next to her and put an arm around her shoulders. "I'm sorry Honey, you arw right we did judge him but appearance, but it still doesn't make if okay for you to sneak boys inside" she explains to the girl gently.
"Really" Y/N sniffled, wiping at her tears. Aaron knelt in front of her and took her hands in his. "We love you, Y/N. We just want what's best for you" he says gently to the girl.
Y/N nodded, "I promise, he isn't all that bad, just meet him yourself and you'll see!" She insisted.
The two look at each other then back down at their daughter. She does have a point they don't know anything about the boy.
Aaron sighed at the look his wife gave him. "Okay, we will get to know him, but if he hurts you in anyway tell him I've got a gun and knkw how to use it" Says Aaron a not happy smile on his face.
This made the girl laugh, Emily shakes her head at her husband. The couple hugged their daughter and assured her that she was forgiven.
As they talked and cuddled on the couch, Aaron couldn't help but feel grateful for his daughter's honesty and decided to trust her.
'We're going to have to keep a closer eye on her,' Emily said, sipping her tea. 'She's still young, and we can't afford to let her make mistakes like this.'
Aaron nodded, 'I know. It's just hard to believe that our little girl is already sneaking boys into her room.'
Emily chuckled, 'We were teenagers once too, Aaron. We can't expect her to be perfect. We just have to guide her and hope that she learns from her mistakes.'
As they sat in comfortable silence, both agents were reminded of the challenges of being parents to a teenager. But they also knew that they were a strong team and would do anything to protect their daughter, even if it meant going into protective dad mode every now and then.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, sorry for thr wait on this request. As usual sorry for grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Requests are open!
Word count : 1133
154 notes · View notes
sequinsmile-x · 4 months
Hi I love all your hotchniss parents fics so much they’re such a comfort!! If requests are open, can I ask for a little hurt/comfort where hotchniss’s teenage daughter is sleeping in their bed again at night? For whatever reason you’re comfortable with writing and it reminds them of when she was little and would sleep in their bed🥺 just can’t get the image out of my head and i know you would do it justice if you want to <3
of course bestie <3 I love writing them with teenage/older kids. It has a special place in my heart.
I really hope this was what you were looking for and that you enjoy it <3
Emily and Aaron's teenage daughter has her heart broken.
Warnings: None
Words: 4k (i got a little carried away!)
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
“Here you go, sweetheart.”
Emily smiles as she looks at her husband and takes the glass of wine he holds out for her, “Thanks, honey.”
Aaron carefully observes his wife as she checks her watch, her cheeks puffed out as she blows out a breath. He presses a kiss to her forehead as he sits next to her and wraps his arm around her shoulder. 
“She’s fine, Em.” 
She grunts, irritation that only lasts a second licking at her insides at how well he knows her, “I know that,” she replies, huffing as she rests her head on his shoulder, “It’s just getting close to curfew.” 
Since the moment Hazel was born, everyone had always told Emily how much like her the little girl was. At first, it was the way she looked. How her daughter had her nose, and her dark eyes and her smile. As Hazel’s personality developed the comments became even more common, and Emily couldn’t deny how much of herself she recognised in her little girl, how she had so many of the attributes she’d always been told were bad in her but that seemed beautiful in her stubborn, adventurous, wilful daughter. 
As soon as Hazel became a teenager, however, Emily started to worry. She remembered all too well what she’d been like. All the secrets she’d hidden from her mother, and it made her long for the days when her daughter was a tiny thing that would crawl into her and Aaron’s bed when she’d had a bad dream.
“She’s sensible,” Aaron says, kissing her temple, pressing his smile against the edge of her grey hair, as he takes the glass of wine out of her hand and sets it down. “You know that.” 
She hums as she checks her watch again, “The half of her that is you is.” 
She worried less about Jack and Issac. Not because they were boys, but because they were both mini versions of her husband. Jack was the most sensible college student she’d ever met, and Issac was so serious his teacher had mentioned it at his most recent parent-teacher conference, a wry smile on her face as she told them she’d never met an 11-year-old quite as earnest as him. He was up in his bedroom playing video games and she knew that she wouldn’t have to remind him of his bedtime, that he’d quietly put the game away when he’d been told to.
Issac had Aaron’s stern glare perfected since the day he was born, quiet and furious to be born as he was placed on Emily’s chest for the first time, the complete opposite to Hazel’s loud and dramatic entrance to the world four years previously. 
Aaron laughs and hooks his finger under her chin to make her look at him, “You don’t give yourself enough credit.” 
Warmth spreads through her chest, the familiar love she’d had for him for almost two decades as overwhelming as it always had been as she leans in to kiss him, the taste of the wine they were sharing passing from her lips to his. 
“I love you.”
He smiles as her breath skips across his face as she speaks and he kisses her again before he replies, “I love you too.” 
She smiles as she hooks her hand around the back of his head, her fingers pushing through his hair as she deepens the kiss, taking advantage of the rare opportunity of some alone time with her husband. She starts to lose herself in him and is about to shift closer to him, about to slip into his lap, when she hears thundering footsteps on the porch steps followed by the front door flying open. She slips out of Aaron’s embrace when she hears a gasping sob in the foyer and she walks out into the hallway. She frowns as Hazel comes into view, her face bright red and her eyes swollen as she sobs again, her face crumbling as she steps towards Emily. 
The gasp of the name Hazel hadn’t called her in years pushes Emily forward, her arms reaching out as she gathers her daughter against her chest, the fierceness of the 15-year-old girl's hold on her only making her worry more. 
“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” She asks, exchanging a look with Aaron as he steps out of the living room too, his worry just as obvious as hers as he steps towards them. She cups the back of Hazel’s head and encourages her to look at her. She checks for any obvious injury, looking her up and down, “Are you hurt? What’s happened?” 
Hazel’s lower lip trembles as she sucks in a breath, “Brock dumped me.” 
She sinks back against Emily, her sob shuddering from her chest into her mother’s. Emily wraps her arms around her and rubs her hand up and down her back, “Oh, baby I’m sorry.”
Aaron is about to step towards them, ready to pull them both into his arms, his wife’s distress at seeing their daughter so upset obvious despite the facade she was trying to hide it behind, but he spots his youngest son standing at the top of the stairs, his concern for his sister clear. Aaron looks at Emily and nods his head towards Issac and she nods in response, a silent agreement that he’d go and look after their youngest whilst she spoke to Hazel passing between them. He turns and heads up the stairs, his arm around Issac’s shoulders as he leads him back to his room. 
“Come on buddy,” he says, smiling softly at him, “Why don’t you show me that level on your game that you were telling me about?” 
Emily half pays attention as Issac frowns and eventually agrees with Aaron and lets himself be led upstairs. She focuses on Hazel, on the way she’s crying against her, the material of her shirt sticking to her skin, and her attempt to soothe her. She shushes her gently like she hadn’t in years and guides her towards the living room, barely getting a second to sit down herself before Hazel is pressed up against her again, her damp face against her neck.
“Do you want to tell me what happened with Brock?” She asks, hating how her daughter tenses against her, how her grip on her shirt tightens. 
Hazel and Brock had been dating for a few months. It had been long enough that he’d been to the house a few times, he’d sat at the dining table with them and been polite whilst they ate dinner and she and Aaron were sworn to ‘behave’ by their daughter. Hazel was infatuated with him. The kind of young love Emily knew almost always ended in heartbreak, but she’d hoped that Hazel would be spared this. 
Hazel sniffs as she pulls back, avoiding Emily’s eye contact as she looks down at her lap, “I don’t want you to be mad.”
“Sweet girl,” Emily says softly, cupping her chin and making her look up, “I won’t be mad. You can tell me anything you know that.” 
Hazel nods and her lower lip trembles again, her emotions still rumbling in her chest and forcing their way out. 
“We were going to…” she clears her throat and closes her eyes, “We were going to have sex,” she says, her voice low, embarrassment colouring every word. Emily is grateful for years of political training, for the fact she can school her features and not show her shock to the teenager sitting in front of her, forcing herself to breathe normally even though it feels like she’s been sucker-punched, “And I thought I was ready but…I didn’t want to. I changed my mind.” 
Emily had always been very open with her children when it came to sex. She didn’t want them to make the choices she had, didn’t want them to look for love and acceptance in all the wrong places and then be left to make the decisions she’d had to when she was young. She and Aaron had disagreed over it occasionally, the thought of his kids having sex as teenagers almost too much for him to bear, but she’d always been more realistic with it - aware they were going to do it anyway. Despite that, this was still hard to take. Hazel was the same age she had been in Rome, and, more than anything, it highlighted just how young she’d been then herself. 
She clears her throat, grateful when her voice doesn’t shake as she asks the first question that comes to mind, “Did he hurt you?” She asks tucking some of Hazel’s hair behind her ear. The teenager looks up at her questioningly, her head tilted in a way that made her seem even younger, “He didn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to do?” 
Hazel’s eyes go wide as Emily’s question registers and she shakes her head, allowing a small sense of relief to wash over her mother, “No. He didn’t,” she says, more tears falling past her lash line as she laughs bitterly, “He called me a tease and then broke up with me,” she chokes on a sound between a laugh and a sob, “He told me if I wouldn’t sleep with him someone else would.”
Anger licks at Emily’s insides as Hazel sobs, the sound catching in her chest as she covers her mouth and Emily can feel her own heart cracking in her chest. Every instinct she has is screaming at her to go find the teenage boy who had broken her little girl’s heart and tell him exactly what she thinks of him, but she reminds herself that isn’t what her daughter would want, or even need.
She needed her right here listening to her as she cried and bore her heart to her, pressed up against her chest in a way she hadn’t been in years. 
“I just want someone to love me like Dad loves you,” Hazel cries, shuddering against her, “I thought Brock did.” 
Emily sighs sadly and kisses the top of Hazel’s head as she continues to play with her hair, running her fingers through it like she had done ever since she was small. It was something that had always soothed all of the Hotchners including Aaron, her secret way of calming them down - a touch her husband always liked to say was magic. 
“Sweetheart,” Emily says softly, resting her cheek on top of Hazel’s head, “You’re 15. You have so much time to figure it all out,” she assures her, “I know that doesn’t help how this feels right now. But you do.” 
Hazel laughs humourlessly as she pulls back and shakes her head, “Boys suck.”
Emily chuckles and nods, leaning forward to kiss Hazel’s forehead, “I’m quite fond of your dad and your brothers,” she says, her smile widening slightly when one flashes across her daughter’s face, “But you’re right about the rest of them.” 
Hazel’s smile shakes, “Can I…”
She drifts off, and Emily can see how her cheeks go slightly pink, as if she’s embarrassed by whatever she wants to ask, “Can you what, sweetheart?” 
“Can I sleep in your bed with you and Dad?” She asks, avoiding eye contact again, “I don’t want to sleep alone, and it always made me feel better when I was a kid.” 
Emily has to stop herself from smiling too widely, and from telling Hazel that she was still a kid, well aware it wouldn’t go down well, and she nods, reaching out for her daughter's hand and squeezing it.
“Of course you can, baby.”
Aaron is able to distract Issac for a while. 
He’s worried about Hazel, about whatever happened with Brock, the teenage boy Aaron had never been fond of anyway, but he tries to put it to one side to focus on his son. Eventually, not long after he hears Emily and Hazel walk up the stairs and towards the master bedroom, he puts the controller in his hands down, smiling at his son as he checks the time. 
“Time for bed Zac.”
Issac nods and switches off the console, handing Aaron the controller he’d been using so he could put them on the side. Issac hesitates as he lies down, sighing like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders as he does so. 
“Dad,” he says, the concern he’d had for his big sister coming back in full force “Why was Hazel upset?” 
Aaron sighs and sits on the edge of his son’s bed, his hands clasped in his lap as he looks at his youngest, “Brock broke up with her.” 
Issac looks affronted, a frown on his face that Emily would say was all him as he sits up a little straighter, “Why?” 
Aaron had a feeling he knew, but he hoped he was wrong because he knew he’d have to convince his wife to not hunt down a teenage boy he wanted to tell off himself. 
“I don’t know, buddy,” he says, “She’s going to be sad for a little while though.” 
Issac’s frown deepens, “Shall we beat him up?” 
“No, Issac,” Aaron chuckles and reaches out to ruffle his son’s hair, “You need to spend a little less time with Uncle Derek.” 
Issac looks at the one remaining stuffed animal in his room. A few months ago he’d declared he was too old for them and had asked his parents to get rid of all but one - a stuffed black and white cat called Hector that he’d loved since he was a toddler - claiming it would be good to have one for emergencies. Emily had bagged them all up and put them in the loft in case he ever changed his mind, and they all pretended he didn’t cuddle up to Hector every night. Aaron watches as he reaches out for it, hesitating for a split second before he wraps his hand around Hector’s paw and passes it to Aaron. 
“Can you give this to her?” 
Aaron presses his lips together to suppress a smile and grabs the toy from him, “Are you sure buddy?”
Issac nods, “It’s for emergencies and this is an emergency.” 
He smiles and stands up, dropping a kiss on his youngest’s head, blown away by his kindness and empathy as always, “That’s sweet. I’ll make sure she gets him.” 
Issac smiles as he settles back down, “Love you, Dad.”
“Love you too, Zac,” he says, kissing his head again before he heads towards the door, “You know where we are if you need us.” 
He blows out a breath as he steps out into the hallway and he smiles at the stuffed cat in his hands. They’d lost it once when Issac was young, misplacing it at an airport during a vacation. Issac had spent almost a day crying in Emily’s arms as Aaron hunted it down, edging on abusing his privileges as an FBI agent to get his son’s favourite toy back. He steps into the master bedroom and smiles softly as he spots Emily and Hazel curled up together, the teenager looking younger than usual with her make-up gone and her head on her mother’s chest. 
“Zac wanted you to have this,” Aaron says as he walks across the room, exchanging a smile with his wife as he hands the cat over to Hazel.
Hazel chuckles, the sound wet as it catches in her throat. She hugs the toy against her chest and rests her cheek on the top of it, “Hi Hector,” she whispers against its threadbare fur, “Will Zaccy be okay without it? He still likes to sleep with it.” 
Aaron sits on the edge of the bed, “He said he’d be fine,” he assures her, his lips curled into a half smile, “He said this was an emergency.”
“That’s sweet,” Emily says, running her fingers through Hazel’s hair as she imagines how seriously her youngest would have been as he passed the toy over to give to his sister. As an only child, she’d never experienced the love of a sibling, not until she joined the BAU and was suddenly surrounded by people she would one day class as her family. She loved the love her children had for each other, and it gave her comfort that they’d always have each other - even long after she and Aaron were gone one day hopefully decades from now. 
Aaron reaches out and places his hand on Hazel’s knee and squeezes, “You okay, sweetheart?” 
She shrugs, her focus on Hector as she plucks at some lose fur, “I don’t know,” she replies, her lips pressed into a firm line, “Boys are stupid,” she says, her eyes flashing up at him, “Present company not included of course.”
Aaron chuckles and squeezes her knee again, “I’m sure your Mom would agree that I can be plenty stupid myself,” he says, winking at Emily when she rolls her eyes, “You sleeping in here with us?” 
Hazel sniffs and nods, tightening her hold on Hector, “Yeah. Mom said it was okay.” 
“Of course it is,” he says, “I’m going to get ready for bed,” he says, squeezing her knee one more time before he stands up. 
Emily gets up too, slipping out from underneath Hazel, “Me too.” 
“Before you make out in the bathroom,” Hazel says, settling down onto Emily’s pillow, “Please remember your heartbroken kid in your bed.”
Emily smirks at Hazel as she walks to the bathroom, making a point of stepping a little closer to Aaron than necessary, “No promises, honey.” 
As soon as the ensuite door closes behind them, Hazel’s half-hearted joke in response to Emily lost behind the wood, Emily’s shoulders sag, the fake cheeriness she’d put on for their daughter gone in an instant. She covers her face with her hands and sighs, her chest shuddering with it as it escapes. Aaron walks over and pulls her into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around her. She hooks her arms around his back, pressing herself as close to him as possible, soaking as much comfort as she can from him until they go back out into the bedroom and she has to be okay again. 
“What happened?”
She rests her forehead against his shoulder for a moment before she pulls back to look at him, “You have to promise me that you’ll be level-headed about this,” she murmurs, her tongue wetting her lower lip as she shakes her head, “Because I don’t want to be and one of us has to be so we don’t end up on the local news.”
He smiles as he tucks some hair behind her ear, the low light of the bathroom catching on the silver strands he loved so much. She’d dyed her hair for years, hiding the grey flecks that would appear in her roots every couple of months. He’d encouraged her to grow it out. Something about growing older with her, about watching the years they’d spent together reflected in the laugh lines around her eyes that made him love her even more. 
“Well,” he says, “You did used to be a spy. I think we’d get away with it,” he clears his throat  when she raises her eyebrow at him and he nods, “I promise.” 
She blows out a breath and closes her eyes, giving herself a moment to calm herself down, “They were going to have sex,” she says as evenly as she can, not missing how his eyebrows shoot up his forehead and how his grip on her tightens, “She changed her mind and he dumped her for it.”
“He did wha-” he cuts himself off as he raises his voice, the way she glares at him enough to force him to clear his throat, his anger pushed down into his belly, making it roll in a way that makes him feel nauseous, “That is…” he shakes his head, “Is she okay?” 
She laughs humourlessly, “No. She’s completely heartbroken, she said she just wants someone to love her,” her voice cracks and tears burn at the back of her eyes, her breath shaky as she tries to hold it back, “I remember how that feels, Aaron,” her chin trembles, “I just don’t want her to think that next time she doesn’t have a choice if she wants someone to stay with her.” 
“Sweetheart,” he says, cupping her cheek and wiping away a tear as it slips past her lashes, “She knows she has us, and she’s got a lot of friends and two brothers who love her,” he leans in and kisses her forehead, “She’ll be okay. Maybe not today, or for a little while, but she will be,” he offers her a half smile, “She’s just like you.” 
She smiles at him. It shakes, but it’s genuine, and she nods, hugging him again and breathing him in, giving herself another couple of seconds of him before she steps away and sighs. 
“We should actually get ready for bed,” she says softly, “Before she thinks we really are making out in here.” 
He chuckles and nods, and they get ready quickly and quietly, both of them desperate to get back out to their little girl. Emily is ready first, something that was unusual - her normal skincare routine stripped back to the basics, and she kisses him before she leaves the bathroom, a murmur of her love for him pressed against his lips. 
He’s just about ready himself when he hears his phone vibrate on the counter where he’d set it down as he got changed into his pjyamas and he picks it up, frowning curiously when he sees it’s from Jack. 
Zac texted me about Brock. We ride at dawn. 
Aaron sighs and lovingly shakes his head, enjoying a moment of amusement he knows he shouldn’t show his wife to keep his promise to her that he’d be level-headed about it. He sends a response to his oldest, telling him he’d call him in the morning, and then he heads out to the bedroom. He can’t help but smile when he sees Emily and Hazel curled up together, Hector squished between them. For a moment it’s 10 years ago and Hazel is 5 and upset about monsters that didn’t exist anywhere other than her dreams, not 15 and heartbroken over a boy that never deserved her. He wished he could make it go away for her like he did back then, that there was some way he could make this better, but he knew all he and Emily could do was be there for her. 
“Is he going to join us or just stand there and stare at us?” Hazel stage whispers, not lifting her head from Emily’s shoulders, and he shakes his head before he walks over, climbing under the covers. 
“We should get some sleep,” he says, dropping kisses on both of their foreheads like he would have done all those years ago, another flash of his past colliding with his preset. 
Hazel hums in response and encourages him closer, sighing something near contentedly as she settles between both her parents, “Love you.” 
“We love you too, Haze,” Emily says, running her fingers through her hair, “Try and get some sleep, sweetie.” 
They both lay there for longer than necessary and watch her, their focus on her sharp long after she’s fallen asleep, her grip on the stuffed cat in her arms finally loosening. Both Emily and Aaron wonder where the time had gone, how it had been 15 years since they’d first brought Hazel home, and as they drift off to sleep themselves they idly hope time would slow down so they could enjoy as much time with their children as possible. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks , @ptrckjcne , @lyds102 , @glockleveledatyourcrotch , @hotchnissenthusiast , @danadeservesadrink , @ssamorganhotchner , @emilyprentissisgod , @notagentprentiss , @freesiasandfics , @emilyshotchniss , @thecharmingart , @paulitalblond , @hancydrewfan , @camille093 , @whitecrossgirl , @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess , @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife , @ms-black-a , @beebeelank , @aubreyprc , @zipzapboingg , @psychopath-at-heart , @criminalmindsgonewrong , @fionaloover , @kinqslcys , @prentissinred , @ccmattis-22 , @denvivale317 , @thrindis , @hotchsguccitie , @cmfouatslota77 , @alexblakegf , @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch , @emobabeyy , @victoiregranger , @stormyweatherth , @wanderingdreamer009 , @ssablackbird , @luhwithah , @lex13cm , @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me , @mrs-ssa-hotch , @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream , @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield , @canuck-eh
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cloudlessly-light · 8 months
Another Hotchniss filth age gap idea for you bestie: How about Dave is emily's father figure (not necessarily her step-dad but he has always been there when her real parents weren't) and Aaron is his best friend….so she's essentially fucking her dad's best friend haha
A/N: Bestie you know I love the AU’s and the age difference so you KNEW this was right up my alley lol. I hope you like our idiots being filthy together!
Title: From boys to men  Summary: From the moment Emily meets Aaron she knows that she has to have him, she doesn’t care that he’s older than her, doesn’t care that he’s Dave’s best friend. She wants him. Word count: 3,8k Rating: Explicit   Warnings: Smut, oral sex, dirty talk, choking, age difference, (Emily is 22, Aaron is 40-ish)
The familiar sound of Dave’s voice makes her hurry downstairs from where she had been packing up the last few things that she still had in her parents’ home.
“Dave!” She beams and happily accepts the tight hug and kiss to her cheek. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, kiddo.”
Dave had been in her life as long as she could remember, a close friend to her parents and the one who she had come to know as a second father. In some ways he had always been the one to look out for her, even when she didn’t want it. They had only gotten closer when she moved back to the states for college. And now she was moving to her own apartment, her dorm room all packed up and she was starting a new part of her life, a part she was excited for.
“Have you got everything you need?” Dave asks just as a second figure appeared in the doorway and Emily swore she had never seen a more attractive man. “Oh right, Emily this is Aaron, one of my best friends. He’s kind enough to help out.”
“Like you’d be able to carry all those boxes without breaking your back, old man.” Aaron says causing Dave to feign hurt.
“Hey, you might be a decade younger but I am still wiser.” Dave jokes and Emily rolls her eyes. She had heard that before.
“Oh right, that’s how it goes.” Aaron teases gently and smiles at her while extending his hand. “Aaron Hotchner.”
“Emily Prentiss.” She takes his hand and shakes it, eyes locked on his. “Thanks for helping out.” When she pulls her hand back her palm tingles, the heat of his hand feeling like a brand on her skin.
“We should get going.” Dave interrupts, seemingly oblivious to the way Emily can’t tear her eyes off his best friend. “So we have time to unpack the heavy stuff and then I was thinking I’d treat you to dinner?” He looks between Aaron and Emily, his smile as kind as always.
“Sounds perfect.” She says and she sees Aaron nodding in her peripheral.
It was going to be a great day.
“So, how do you feel about living on your own?” Dave asked, chopsticks in hand. She smirked at him, knowing that he was more worried about her than anything else.
“It’ll be fine Dave, no need to worry.” She leaned back in her seat. “It’s like I’m an adult now.”
“You can’t blame me, you’re the closest thing I have to a daughter. And you’re barely an adult.” He shrugged and as much as she tried, she couldn’t keep herself from smiling.
“I’m 22 years old!” She laughs but secretly she loves that he cares for her in this way, her parents never did. “I’ll be okay, besides you’re 20 minutes away, it’s closer than when I was at Yale.”
“Yeah but-” The sound of Dave’s phone ringing cut him off and he sighed. “Sorry, I gotta take this.”
“Never met a busier man.” Aaron said once they were alone and she nodded as she looked at him from across the table.
She had spent most of the afternoon looking at him, feeling her mouth go dry by the way he effortlessly lifted heavy boxes, felt tingles down her spine as she watched his large hands flex as he helped her move the couch, she wondered what his hands would feel like on her body.
“So Aaron,” She made sure to put on a face of innocence “how do you know Dave?”
“We used to work together, before he retired.” Aaron leaned back slightly in his seat as he spun noodles around his chopsticks. “He trained me.”
“Oh, so you’re working for the FBI?” She made sure to keep eye contact, trying to size him up.
“Yeah, the behavioral analysis unit.” He smiled easily and Emily found herself wanting to press a finger against the dimple in his cheek.  
“No wonder you carried those boxes like they weighed nothing.” When one of his eyebrows arched she let out a breathy laugh. “Of course I noticed, how could I not?” She batted her eyelashes and she could see him swallowing and then cleared his throat.
“I’m flattered.” He said and looked down at his plate. He should not find a girl more than 15 years younger than him this attractive, he should not wonder what her lips tasted like or imagine the softness of her skin.
“Sorry about that.” Dave is suddenly there, sitting down and Aaron breathes a sigh of relief.
He could not go there with Emily, she was off limits.
It’s been three weeks since she moved and Aaron and Dave had both popped in to help out around the apartment, building furniture and painting walls even when she had told them both that she didn’t need their help. But she wasn’t going to argue too much, because seeing Aaron always ended with her hand between her legs later that night as she thought of him. She knew that he had caught on to the flirting, but he was still keeping his distance.
What he didn’t know was that what Emily wanted, she got. And she wanted him.
It was a warm Sunday when she got home from lunch with a friend. When she entered her apartment it was bordering on suffocatingly hot and she quickly made her way towards the AC. To her frustration it was dead and she had no idea what was wrong with it. She groaned as she pushed her hair out of her face.
“Great.” She muttered and reached for her phone to call Dave.
“Hey kiddo.” He sounded unusually happy she thought.
“Hey Dave, I have a question. What do you know about AC’s?” She started to move around the apartment to open the windows.
“Absolutely nothing.” He chuckled when she let out a sound of annoyance. “Besides, I’m in LA for the weekend, coming back tomorrow. But call Aaron, he might be able to help.”
Well that got her in a great mood.
“Okay, thanks.”
“Anytime Bella.”
She hung up and made her way towards her bedroom to change as she called Aaron.
“Aaron Hotchner.” He sounded distracted she thought.
“Hey, Aaron it’s Emily.” She kicked off her jeans and tore of her t-shirt as she kept him on speakerphone.
“Emily, are you alright?” She could hear the pause in his voice and she didn’t blame him.
“Yeah I’m fine, but my AC is out and I don’t know how to fix it and Dave is gone this weekend but he suggested that I could call you… Do you think you could come over?” She bit her bottom lip as she waited for his response that seemed to take forever.
“I can be there in an hour.”
Game on.
Almost exactly 60 minutes to the dot later, he was knocking on her door. When she opened it she saw the quick look of surprise on his face at the state of her undress. She had decided on a thin tank top and the shortest shorts she owned, blaming it on the heat if he dared to bring it up.
“Thank you for coming.” She smiled and gestured for him to come inside.
“Not a problem, hopefully I can figure it out.” As he moved towards the AC, she sat down on the couch.
“I’ll call someone tomorrow if you can’t.” She let her eyes move over him, he really was a stunning man. She wasn’t sure if he heard her, his focus already on the AC as he looked it over.
It didn’t take long, Aaron pushing buttons and looking over some of the wires before the buzz of the AC sounded through the apartment and Aaron laughed.
“Well, that was quick enough.” He said, his eyes lingering on her smooth thighs for a moment before forcing himself to look away.
“Sorry you had to drive all the way here for that.” She stood from the couch and batted her eyelashes as she slowly licked her bottom lip. When his eyes fastened on it she knew that she hadn’t imagined the way he had been looking at her.
“Not a problem. But now it’s fixed so I-” His words are cut off by the feeling of Emily’s hands pushing him against the wall. She’s so close that he can smell her perfume, could count her freckles and he knows that he should push her away, but he doesn’t.
“What are you doing?” He asks instead, voice low and the raspiness of it lets her know that he’s not unaffected by her proximity.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” She pushes up against him and he backs harder into the wall. With a smirk on her face she tilts her head as she looks up at him.
“We can’t.” He shakes his head, tries to rid himself of her perfume and soft body against his. Then her hand lands on his chest and he watches as she slowly moves it up to gently grab the back of his neck. When her nails scratch the base of his skull he swallows down a groan.
“Why not?” She doesn’t let his words deter her, she could feel his want pressing against her hip, could see how his pupils dilated.
“You’re too young.” He gets out through a clenched jaw and she laughs at his reply. “And you’re basically Dave’s daughter.”
“I won’t tell if you won’t” She tugs slightly on his short hair and his hands grab her hips in response. But he doesn’t push her away, and she knows she has him. “I want you. And I know you want me too.”
“Emily…” His fingers flex around her hips as he tries to keep some resemblance of control. But there’s no denying the want he feels when he looks at her, the attraction that had been clear the moment they met. When he opened his eyes she was even closer, her lips almost brushing against his. “I should have known you were trouble from the start.”
“You have no idea.” She whispers and then her lips press against his. The moment they kiss Aaron seems to give in fully, his hands moving from where they had been frozen on her hips to the small of her back, pulling her further into him. When his tongue licked at the seam of her lips she moaned softly and she swore she heard a sound of satisfaction from him.
He pushed her back, breaking their embrace and when he looked at her again, her breathing hitched. The hesitation that had previously been there was long gone as he looked at her with something dark, his eyes moving over her body slowly, deliberately and she felt her cheeks flush.
“What?” She finally asked, almost squirming under the intensity of his stare.
“You really are a gorgeous thing.” He muttered and caught her lips in another kiss, his hand firm around the back of her neck while the other sneaked under her tank top. He broke the kiss only to taste the skin of her jaw, her neck, taking note of what spots made her gasp and moan.
“Take of your shirt.” He said and Emily let out a breathy chuckle.
“So this is how this is going to go? You barking orders at me?”
“Yes.” The tone of voice was firm, determined, his face stern as he stared her down and she could feel her cheeks heating at the same time as heat settled as a dull ache between her legs. It’s his turn to smirk, happy with how fast the tables turned. “You don’t think I can’t tell that’s what you really want? What you crave?”
She swallowed hard when his fingers tangled in her hair, giving her a moment before pulling back, forcing her head back and she gasped.
“There she is.” He mumbled against her jaw. “See you’re not as good as you make yourself out to be in front of others, are you?”
“Aaron,” Her hands were fisting his shirt, close to ripping the fabric. In a matter of seconds he had taken complete control and she had never wanted anyone more. “Please.”
“Please what?” He nipped at her bottom lip, tugging it between his teeth and pulled lightly.
“More, fuck anything.” She breathed and he let go of her hair with a hum of satisfaction.
“Come on.” He put just enough distance between them to take her hand in his and dragged her towards the bedroom. When he turned back to her he quickly grabbed the hem of her top and pulled it over her head, a low groan sounding in his throat when he saw that she wasn’t wearing a bra. “Naughty girl.”
She didn’t get the time to respond, his lips once again on hers as they started to tear at clothes. Her hands moved over his strong chest, enjoyed the heat of his skin and the feel of his chest hair against her palms before moving further down to work on his jeans. With some help from him, she got them off, his jeans and boxers landing in a pile on the floor and her shorts soon following.
The sound that ripped from his throat when she wrapped her hand around his painfully hard shaft sent tingles along her body, and she knew she needed to hear it again. She pulled him into another kiss, only licking over his bottom lip for a moment before continuing to kiss down his jaw. His stubble was rough against her lips, a feeling she enjoyed until Aaron’s heavy hand pushed in her shoulder, urging her further down.
When her knees hit the floor with a soft thump she looked up at him with wide eyes, her hand still stroking him.
“Open your mouth Emily.” He pushes his thumb between her lips and when her tongue circles the pad of it he smiles. “Good girl.” He pulls his thumb out and gives her a nod and it’s the only thing she needs before she takes his cock in between her lips.
Her mouth is wet and hot and he hisses at the sudden pleasure as she licks around the tip of him, tasting his precum with a sigh before moving further down. He throws his head back as she takes more of him, he’s sure he’s never felt a more wicked mouth around him.
Emily keeps her eyes on him, gauges his reactions and feels smug as he groans and swears above her. Like he senses it he looks back at her, and his fingers tangle in her hair again. The scratch of his short nails against her scalp makes her moan and his hips buckles against her face in return to the vibrations around his shaft.
“Can you take it all?” He growls, fingers tightening slightly as she licks the length of him. She isn’t sure she can, he’s thick and long but she was damn well going to try so she nods. Her lips wraps around him again, and she slowly pushes forward, making sure to flick her tongue and relax her throat.
“Fuck, just like that.” He doesn’t push her forward, watches in awe as she chokes and her eyes turn glassy. “Gorgeous.” He mumbles, more to himself than anything as he watches how she pulls back to breathe and then takes him back in her mouth. This time she doesn’t stop until the entire length of him has disappeared and when she chokes, he groans at the way her throat contracts around him.
She pulls back gasping, a tear falling from her eye and he carefully brushes it away and she smiles, proud that she had done what he asked. As she tries to continue, his fingers tighten in her hair and she hisses at the pull.
“Come here.” He gasps and effortlessly pulls her up to stand again. His hands move over her body, taking in every curve and valley as he lays her on the bed. He listens to her moans as he sucks on a nipple, watches the flush on her skin as he touches her everywhere except where she wants. She tries to turn them, but he’s too strong and easily pins her down with a slight shake of his head. He licks between the valley of her breasts, sucks hard on her collarbone, making her mewl. When her legs spread for him he smiles against the skin of her neck.
“What do you need?” He whispers, one hand moving between her legs, gripping the soft skin of her thigh and then slowly moving further up.
“You.” She pants, her body feeling like it was on fire from his lips and touch. She could barely think, let alone form words and for a brief moment she wonders if this is what madness felt like. Then his fingers move through her, slowly, carefully and her hips twitch.
“So wet, all for me.” He wants to taste her, wants to make her fall apart again and again but his own need to feel her wins out and he quickly rolls between her spread legs. He groans at the heat of her against him, lets the length of him move against her as he claims her lips in a breathless kiss.
“Aaron, please.” She whimpers, and he knows that the sound of her begging him will stay with him forever. He keeps his eyes on hers when he pushes inside of her, wants to see the pleasure on her face. Her jaw turns slack, her eyes drift close and a moan, breathy and loud falls from her lips and he can’t help the way his hips snap in response.
Her legs wrap around his waist, causing him to go deeper inside of her and he groans lowly. He moves with long strokes, each of his thrusts met by her moving hips. She clings to him, her nails digging into his back as he fucks her hard enough for her body to jolt. The sounds that come from her are breathy and deep and unfamiliar to her, the pleasure he’s causing almost overwhelming.
“God you’re so fucking tight.” He rasps and she can only whine in response as he sneaks a hand between them to rub her clit. When her eyes roll back and her back arches into him, he takes advantage and sucks on one of her nipples.
It’s not long before she starts to feel the coiling in her belly, and she knows that Aaron feels the way she’s clenching around him when he looks down at her with a smug grin.
“If you stop I’ll kill you.” She breathes and he chuckles but he doesn’t stop.
“Already so close. It’s going to be fun to see how many times I can get you to fall apart for me.” His voice has dropped even further, his own arousal clear as he speaks. He moves up on his knees, continues to rub her clit and holds her hip with his other hand, keeping her in place as he pushes deep and hard inside of her.
She comes in only a few moments, tensing and shaking at the same time as she cries out loud enough that she knows the neighbors would be able to hear. It only seems to spur him on, his thumb insistent on her clit, and hips strong as he fucks her through it.
“One more.” He growls and she whimpers but nods. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he’d make her come again.
He grunts when she starts to clench around him again in no time at all and he rubs her clit faster. Watching Emily come might be the most erotic thing he’s ever seen and he knew right then that this wouldn’t be a one-time thing. She comes with a groan, hips buckling and head thrown back as she moans his name.
It isn’t until she’s sucking in desperate breaths of air that he slows to let her come down from her high. When her eyelids finally flutter open, her dark eyes are hazy and there’s a lazy smile on her lips.
“Let me ride you.” She says and he nods before laying down.
He watches with dark eyes as she straddles him, lets his hand rest on her hips as she starts to slowly grind on him.
“You’re so big.” She gasps, the fill of him close to painful as she moves above him. Her eyes find his, sees the same pleasure reflected in his eyes that she feels and she smiles.
“I know, baby.” He whispers as he enjoys the view of her on top of him. “You’re doing so good.”
“I want you to come inside of me.” She plants her hands on his chest and starts to move faster, lifting herself up and down. “I want to feel it.”
“Jesus Christ.” He grunts, his hips pushing up against her in response. “Make me come then, filthy thing.”
Emily keeps her hands on his chest as she grinds and rocks her hips above him, wanting him to feel as good as he had made her feel. When his hands grip her hips harder she knows he’s getting close and she lets him help her move. Then one hand moves from her hip to wrap around her neck and she gasps as she looks down at him, finding the look on his face close to wild.
“Fuck, that’s it.” He growls as he squeezes slightly around her neck. “Gonna come inside of you, pretty thing, don’t stop.”
She doesn’t. If anything her movements become frenzied, the feeling of his hand around her throat and the feeling of him inside of her driving her crazy. When his hand tightens and he groans her name she whines, the sound of his name falling from her lips and it’s the last nudge he needs before his hips stutter against her and he comes with a loud grunt.
His hands loosen and she switches to slowly roll her hips against his, drawing out his pleasure until he stops her with a breathless laugh.
“Give me 30 minutes and then we’re doing that again.” He says and she feels another rush of arousal settle in her belly.
“What’s the matter, old man?” She teases and he laughs.
“Do not even think about acting like a brat right now.” He pinches her side and she jerks before settling back over his lap, happy to watch him as he catches his breath.
“So, we’re doing this again?” She asks with smiles as she looks down at him.
“Oh yes, we’re definitely doing this again.” He gently pulls her down to kiss her. “There’s no way I’m letting go of you.”
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nicodemuslily · 13 days
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To carry a child
Here we go again! And I'm still in an Hotchniss mood (sorry about that), so here are my two idiots again, here with Jack and some of the kids they have in my AU fanfics. :)
I just wanted to work on that very specific position where parents put their children on their hips. It feels such a natural move for humans.
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em-prentiss · 1 month
you know whenever i imagine a hotchniss child, i always picture this incredibly curious and stubborn kid who, when asked what cake she wants for her birthday, "something that tastes like purple"
cue hotch and emily running around going crazy wondering where to find a cake that tastes like purple, and penelope saving them because of course she knows where to get a birthday cake that tastes like purple
A hotchniss child would be nothing but endlessly stubborn, look at their parents😭 it’d drive Aaron and Emily up the wall and each of them would be like, “they got this from you, you know,” and the other would be like ??? have you seen yourself lol it’d be an endless cycle.
Anywayyy hotchniss baby would be so adamant about it too! Emily would ask if she wants a purple cake and she’d be like no I want a cake that tastes like purple (duh). And she never elaborates on that too, just “something like the color of my room”. Not even Jack knows what she means, when Aaron and Emily try to ask for his help he’s like idk man but I’m excited to eat a cake that tastes like purple ☺️
What makes it worse is that when they ask what else she wants for her birthday she says nothing :D just want my cake! so the whole birthday is hanging on that stupid cake (Aaron is a second away from getting on his knees and begging her to please pick an actual cake flavor but he doesn’t want to disappoint her so it becomes his life’s mission to find a cake that tastes like purple). They try multiple cake stores—and get a fair mix of sympathetic looks and baffled “excuse me’s”—but to no avail.
One day they come into the bau looking absolutely exhausted and Morgan goes…fun night? 👀 and Emily’s like no we’ve been up all night trying to figure out wtf she means by a cake that tastes like purple. Cue Penelope lighting up and saying, “I know exactly the place!!! There’s this bakery I always buy from, it has the best cakes” — she doesn’t even get to finish before Emily gives her a giant smooch on the cheek.
Aaron gives her a week long vacation (in spirit) and then baby hotchniss finally gets the cake that tastes like purple <3
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ravensinthedaylight · 9 months
AO3: Ravensinthedaylight Requests: Open Taglists
I do not write :
Smut in any way, shape or form
Male/GN reader
Hateful material (homophobia, racism, ableism, body shaming, etc.)
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Natasha Romanoff (platonic/parent only)
Ready or not Here I Come - Your mama, Natasha can’t find you during a game of hide and seek and gets worried
Wanda Maximoff (platonic/parent only)
Whatever Means Necessary - When Wanda arrives back after being snapped, she discovers that you, her daughter, sacrificed yourself in order to obtain the soul stone so that your mother’s girlfriend, Natasha, wouldn’t have to. Wanda’s devastated and lost, and so is Nat. A few months after her and Natasha call it quits and Wanda takes a trip to Westview, the small town she had planned on moving to with your eleven-year-old self when she retired. Wanda just wants you back, she’s willing to do whatever is necessary. 
Wandanat (platonic/parent only)
Your Safe Embrace - Y/N is a child newly rescued from a HYDRA base who also happens to be the child of Natasha Romanoff and the adopted child of Wanda Maximoff. The two have decided to give the seven year old time to get used to her surroundings before coddling her. But Y/N just wants to be held.
Rather You Guys Anyway - Your friends ditch you to go and watch a movie while you’re at the mall, luckily your Mama’s have no problem picking you up.
Blackhill (platonic/parent only)
Appendicitis - Nat and Maria are gone on a mission leaving you with Wanda and Vision and the twins in Westview, the only problem is the constant pain in your tummy, at first you thought it was just a bug, but it only gets worse
Blow out the Candles - Maria, your mama’s girlfriend, doesn’t come to your birthday party due to work, the day after you hear a conversation between her and your mama that you don’t fully understand. Two days later you receive and envelope as your birthday present. And you couldn’t be happier.
Winterwidow (platonic/parent only)
The Endgame - When Thanos snapped, you lost everything.
The Aftermath - The loss of a child is something no parent should ever have to go through. Unfortunately, Bucky and Natasha had to go through it twice in both of their lifetime. Sequel to ‘The Endgame’
Peter Parker (platonic only)
coming soon
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Johanna Mason (platonic/sister only)
coming soon
Katniss Everdeen (platonic/romantic)
coming soon
Finnick Odair (romantic only)
coming soon
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Emily Prentiss (parent only)
Ruby - When Emily leaves for a case she leaves you with your godparents. They both decide to take you to the movies, but that night something terrible happens. The next day Emily Prentiss and the team sit, listening to the case file going over the facts of your godparents murder and your own kidnapping.
Hotchniss (parent only)
coming soon
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Daenerys Targaryen (platonic/parent only)
City of Ash -  You struggle to look at your mother, Daenerys, after the burning of King's Landing.
Margaery Tyrell (platonic only)
coming soon
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Thomas (romantic only)
coming soon
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Mikaeleson Family (platonic only)
coming soon
Nora Hildegard (platonic/sister only)
coming soon
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Addison Montgomery (parental only)
coming soon
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eyesontheskyline · 5 months
i’m a bit curious to know what you think about emily leaving for london if hotchniss actually happened in cm. Like idk if this makes sense but i feel like in the last scene of episode 7 we see emily looking at her friends dancing, kind of like being outside looking in, we see everyone dancing/ sureounded by their partners and she is alone. I feel like it was a believable thing that she chose to move. But i cant help but think that if Hotchniss happened and if someone noticed her struggling and actually done something about it, she wouldn’t have to go away to heal. I feel like if she had aaron/ a relationship/ a purpose maybe?!? (not to say that a relationship gives you purpose in life, but i mean it more of like a future), i feel like emily would have stayed. I think that not having a future in her actual life made her look elsewhere, because she could only see the hurt in the place that she once called home. Idk what im trying to say with this, im just delulu and i believe that hotchniss should’ve happened so i guess im just curious to see your take on it
Yeah so this is what I'm building towards with the S7 fic I'm writing (I'm sorry if you're the same anon I keep linking this same fic to lol, it's hard to tell with anons!)
I think she felt like she didn't have a place. Like she didn't feel like she could fit back into her old life, but she also hadn't built anything new. I think a relationship between them could've been a Something New that made staying worth it, despite the pain and discomfort of rebuilding.
I think Emily defaults to running away and starting over when things get messy or difficult. It started with her parents moving her around as a kid, then she did the kind of work where you get pulled out and erase that whole identity... Then quitting when Strauss asked her to spy was what won her Hotch’s trust, then being sent to Paris saved her life, then walking away from Paris to come back to DC... Running and starting over is what she does. She does it again to come back to the BAU in S12, and nearly does it again to protect the team from Barnes in S13. I understand that in the context of writing Paget out, the writers did their best to sell it as necessary for her growth this time, but it wasn't.
Each time we see someone ask her outright to stay, she stays. She wants to know someone is fighting for her the same way she fights for everyone else.
So yeah. I don't think it was ever going to happen in canon because of the limitations of the writers and the format and whatever. But I think you can make a compelling argument (and I plan to loool) in fic that London was not inevitable - she can see that job offer on the table and make the choice to stay in DC, and that can be a healthy choice for her.
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twosignificantfigures · 2 months
i actually have to admit something...
when i first watched criminal minds, i was a hotchniss shipper (to be honest, i shipped all of them with one another except with rossi) and i joked with my friends that it was because i was still closeted at the time and therefore couldn't admit being a jemily shipper
but i rewatched it again... and i fear i still am a hotchniss girl through and through those are PARENTS
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criminalmindsgonewrong · 11 months
a run down would be appreciated😭😭 and i sure hope coffee at midnight is a happy fic bc that one i did start reading and its my current obsession, i wont be able to take it if something bad happens to my babies
I won't spoil Coffee at Midnight, but I'm glad you're loving it!!
My other fics, though, I'm going to try and put into categories.
The Multichaps
A Fine Line will take you through every emotion. It's smutty and angsty and stressful but it has a happy ending!
illicit affairs is an ongoing multi-chap that's nowhere near finished. emily and aaron sleep together before her first day on the job, when neither knows who the other is. the affair they begin has consequences for years to come.
touchy subject is complete and is an emotional journey. a teenage emily aborted aaron's baby without telling him, and deals with the consequences of that decision in the decades that come after.
impact married Hotchniss are in a car accident that leaves emily in a coma.
the price we pay. I'll start by telling you that Emily's dead. that's not a spoiler, i literally tell you in the comments. this fic sees JJ try to come to terms with her death and her unresolved feelings for Emily at the same time.
Nodus Tollens is annoyingly incomplete. A complicated fic based on the Arizona-Callie-Mark triangle n Greys.
The One-Shots
The Five Stages of Grief are a Myth is a journey, but it does have a happy ending!
phantasmogoria - emily struggles with the trauma of having spent seven months in isolation, with only her own mind for company. hotch is her lifeline.
found family is a cute little fic i wrote for the 'accidental baby acquisition' tag for criminal minds week 2023. the team find a baby.
built a home and watched it burn may or may not stay an angsty one-shot. it's the first chapter of an unfinished fic i took down a while ago, in which emily and aaron are getting divorced.
Eulogy is an angsty af one-shot of JJ and Hotch telling Emily about the Paris plan.
You'll Always Be My Person is angsty Jemily fluff that I woudn't say has a happy ending, but it's sweet and short.
Habits is a cute little Jemily drabble.
in love with you is Emily POV Jemily angst.
twelve things that didn't break aaron hotchner and the one that almost did is Hotch angst with a happy Hotchniss ending.
The States Game is a cutie team fic based on That Friends Episode.
The Smutty One-Shots
Heat is the only 'only one bed' fic i've ever written. it's just pure, unadulterated, shameless, steamy Hotchniss smut.
every lover's game is what happens after you send the girl you fancy in to flirt with a creepy guy called Viper. it's pure filth. it's great. probably my favourite filth i've written. you're welcome.
trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat is angsty Hotchniss smut. like I earned the angsty smut tag on this one.
when it rains, it pours - more angsty Hotchniss smut. back from Paris, emily is struggling. then comes a storm.
Coming Home is wholesome Jemily smut.
Stress Relief and Debriefing are just pure Emily/Luke smut.
Hotchner's Future Au (in chronological order)
technically these all have a happy ending because emily and hotch are married and trying to cope with parenting x
nature vs nurture after having her first child, emily struggles with her mother's first visit and her criticisms.
a good cat never goes far - proceed with caution if you love Sergio. that's all i'll say. but also read it because i'm proud of it <3
the last first day - emily struggles with her last baby starting school
good intentions, bad excecution - livvy hotchner is a menace, but she's also a great big sister.
red-handed the kids catch emily and aaron in a...compromising position. based on a request to write a hotchners future au fic inspired by the modern family episode 'caught in the act'
my mama's in the kitchen worrying about me - emily struggles with having a teenage daughter who's exactly like her.
Good Crazy - jack announces that he and his girlfriend are expecting. emily and aaron temporarily lose their minds, but what's new?
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blackbirdsaltzman · 1 year
Hi I really like your fics and hcs about little!jj. So if it’s possible, I want to request a fic when little!jj got sick or in accident and need to stay in hospital, it makes her cg panicking. Thank you
Hey, I’m so so sorry that this is so late!!! Senior year of undergrad has been killing me but I’m officially done!
Hospitals & Panic Attacks - Little!Jennifer Jareau x CG!Hotchniss
(CW/TW: hospitals, blood, sickness, panic attacks, crying)
JJ screams as the nurses work to get the girl settled but struggle as the little kicks and cries.
“Jen baby, Aaron, and Emily are almost here.” Penelope tries to soothe. The woman had been watching the girl for the weekend as the team had a case and JJ had gotten sick and regressed beforehand.
“Penelope, what happened?” Emily frantically asks as the parents race into the room. Emily makes quick work to get to JJ and looks at her chin as Aaron turns to the other blonde.
“She was trying to climb up the stairs but got lightheaded and hit her chin on the banister,” Penelope explains as the doctor speaks up.
“She needs stitches and she does also have a concussion so I would like to keep her here for the night.”
“Is that necessary? The staying the night? She doesn’t do so good being away from home and her nightly routine.” Aaron trails off. The man could see his wife showing the same panic and concern on her face. They dreaded nights not at home with their daughter because it always ended in meltdowns.
“It is sir. Since we’re going to give her a sedative to do stitches, I need to observe her for concussion protocol.” The older man states softly.
“Ok thank you for everything doc,” Aaron states as JJ whines causing him to turn his focus.
“Dada hurts.” She cries trying to touch her bloody chin but Emily softly grabs her hands.
“No baby girl,” Emily whispers feeling her heartbreak at her daughter’s cries.
“Not feeling good.” JJ sobs. The girl was still battling the flu and now her chin and head hurting were causing the girl to be fully overstimulated.
“I know pumpkin,” Aaron whispers sitting down next to the two. He and Emily work to soothe the girl until the doctor comes back with the sedative. It’s going to be a long night.
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sleuthy-scientist · 1 year
For me the biggest injustice in Criminal Minds beside never seeing Hotchniss come into fruition, is getting to see Emily become a mom. Whether it was through adoption (Declan), pregnancy, or being Jack's stepmom.
Emily just had so much love to give a child, it broke my heart the scenes of her longing for that. I think she never truly forgave herself for Rome, and thought it was her penance to pay.
It haunts me that she never got the family and home she truly deserved. She would have been the most empathetic, supportive, caring, accepting, and amazing parent to some lucky kid.
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