#esc 2001
eurovision-facts · 7 months
Eurovision Fact #569:
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Dave Benton was the first Black person to win the Eurovision Song Contest. He and Tanel Padar won in 2001 for Estonia with the song "Everybody."
Copenhagen 2001, Eurovision.tv.
"Editorial: Black lives matter — and so do black artists at Eurovision," Wiwibloggs.com.
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eurovision-revisited · 10 months
2001 Copenhagen - Number 19 - Arnis Mednis - "Too Much"
I've been dying to write about this one...
The song is almost objectively awful. Lyrically, the English is poor and although not ambiguous, there's enough there to make you wonder exactly what's going on. The character that Arnis Mednis is portraying is not a nice man. Someone has described him as a 'drunk uncle at a wedding', and yes, although he's drunk, and he may be an uncle, it's the events around his own wedding he's describing. There's the strong possibility that he cheated on his wife the night before the wedding. He drags his new wife to a bar when she'd prefer a cup of tea. At least she dumps him in the end.
This version is a glow-up from the version that scraped the win in Eirodziesma 2001 by two points. That was slower-tempo affair with much more restrained vocals and a jolly accordion and a rapped section with Arnis begging to be taken back. Allegedly it's an anti-drugs song, and although he sounds coked up to the eyeballs, it's far too happy a song to be anti-anything. Apart from Arnis and his lyrics, there isn't a dark thing about Too Much at all
Arnis is great at portraying a truly obnoxious man, a terrible human being with barely a sliver of self-awareness. Troublingly I'm not sure how much of this is genuine and how much is an act - however confrontational.
He was in a band called Odis from the end of the 1980s and the early 1990s. Their first album was called Sātana Radītā (Created by Satan) and contains tracks called Black Girls and Portrait No. 2. Woman In Bathing-costume. That this album consists of lounge jazz or possibly lethargic library music might be part of an elaborate joke that I'm not getting, or it might be that there's a huge degree of delusion and misogyny going on.
And yet, here it is at number 19 in my top 26 for 2001. Why on earth would I do this to you?
Well, I like that happy little tune. I admire the backing singer in the final who truly throws herself into her new vocal line with abandon and whe there's nowhere to hide doing that live in front of 38,000 people. There's the guitar that kicks in on the choruses, the call and response, it's rough, it's dirty and it absolutely suits the song. And they got rid of the rap. Without the context of the lyrics, the song itself is an absolute blast.
Arnis the singer clearly does have some self-awareness that Arnis the character in the song is an awful person. There is parody here, even if I can't tell what level that parody is operating at. His usual output is jazz, and as this is about as far from jazz as you could possibly get. As he wrote this, it could be pastiche. I don't think it's trolling Eurovision, but I can't be 100%. That's an enticing, teasing ambiguity.
Mostly though this song is the utter antithesis of the love song. Eurovision is awash with love songs, positively bathing in attachment, passions, desire and happy hormones. It does need contrast. And here is that friction; the sand in the lubricant. It is an excellent representation of someone who is so self-obsessed and far too gone on whatever substances he's taking that his memory is destroyed and his lies fail to last even two days into a marriage. Someone you'd never want to go near once you'd get to know him.
This is a song somewhere on the spectrum between Silvia Knight's Congratulations and Hatari's Hatrið mun sigra. Plus it has an accordion, and I love accordions in Eurovision. Too Much is a song you cannot ignore.
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diggilooo · 1 year
On that note, was anybody going to tell me Tanel Padar and Dave Benton reunited earlier this year for the first time since their win to perform Everybody, or was I supposed to find out while watching Ollie's cover of Tattoo and Cha Cha Cha?
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vintageurovision · 11 months
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sophisticatedyet · 1 year
my mother in law: she's very tall isn't she? oh no, she's on a platform. yes, I see.
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mayra-quijotescx · 3 months
finally got around to subjecting myself to Rotterdam 2021 and now I get why so many people fixated on Daði that year, the song sounds like some spacetime meddler kidnapped him and his bandmates from their dressing room at the 1976 contest right before they were scheduled to go on, but damn if he isn't one of the only contestants in this who can actually sing so far
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anotherescsite · 10 months
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diceriadelluntore · 5 months
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Storia Di Musica #322 - Spoon, Kill The Moonlight, 2002
Alla cabina del mixer di The Stage Names dei Okkervil River c'era un ragazzo musicista, un batterista per la precisione: Jim Eno. Che all'uscita di quel disco era una sorta di celebrità della musica indie per via del gruppo che aveva fondato, circa dieci anni prima, con il cantante e chitarrista Britt Daniel. Ad Austin infatti agli inzi degli anni '90 fondano un gruppo che prende nome da una canzone dei leggendari Can, il famoso gruppo tedesco della Kosmik Music degli anni '70, che si chiama Spoon (da quel disco meraviglioso che fu Ege Bamyasi del 1972) e che faceva parte della colonna sonora di un film amato dai due ragazzi, Doppio Taglio (Jagged Edge), del 1985. Nel 1994 come duo con musicisti sessionisti incidono le prime canzoni: vanno in un EP, Nefarious (1994) e poi, assodati dalla etichetta Matador, in un LP, del 1996, Telephono, che vende poco ma viene notato da una certa critica come qualcosa di molto interessante. Nel 1997 un nuovo EP, Soft Effects, mostra l'embrione della loro musica futura: poco noisy, una musica geometrica che si rifà alla New Wave più illuminate (i Wire soprattutto) e una passione, soprattutto di Daniel, per Elvis Costello. Durante un concerto del 1996, invitano sul palco Josh Zarbo, bassista tra il pubblico, e finirà per suonare con loro per oltre dieci anni, fino al 2007. Nel 1998 hanno una grande occasione: li mette sotto contratto la Elektra, la leggendaria casa discografica dei The Doors, dei Love, centrale nella musica degli anni '70 negli Stati Uniti: esce persino un disco, A Series Of Sneaks, ma una serie di incomprensioni con il loro referente, Ron Laffitte, porterà ad una distribuzione scadente e persino a scelte produttive non concordate, tanto che la casa discografica li licenzia dopo un solo disco e gli Spoon dedicheranno a Laffitte una suite di sue brani, molto ironici ma potentissimi per la critica nei confronti dei suoi comportamenti, The Agony Of Laffitte e Laffitte Don't Fail Me Now che saranno incluse nella ristampa di A Series Of Sneaks del 2002, quando la band è sotto contratto con la Merge. Una delle etichette più importanti per la musica indipendente crede moltissimo in questo duo, che in tre anni scrive tre dischi bellissimi: Girls Can Tell del 2001 è l'antipasto per il disco di oggi, scelto per il misterioso motivo comune ai dischi di Aprile (che sono sicuro avete ormai capito).
Kill The Moonlight esce il 20 Agosto del 2002. È un disco che fa della semplicità sonora il suo fulcro, che non vuol dire affatto che sia un disco banale: anzi se ne apprezzano le idee, le influenze, le scelte degli arrangiamenti in modo più facile ed incisivo. È un disco che lascia da parte gli stili prefissati, meno dolente di Girls Can Tell, più gioioso e divertente, un omaggio alle loro passioni musicali. Il disco è trascinato da The Way We Get By, che diventerà molto famosa per l'uso in serie cult come The O.C., Scrubs e persino nella colonna sonora di Shameless (e di molti altri film). Il suono è semplice ma variopinto, con addirittura occasionali puntate di fiati, e per la prima volta il fulcro sonoro è di chitarra e pianoforte, quest'ultimo strumento mai usato precedentemente, nei crediti affidato al misterioso Eggo Johanson, in realtà lo stesso Britt Daniel (tra gli altri musicisti, il fido Zarbo e Mike McCarthy alla chitarra, altri due bassisti, Roman Kuebler e John Clayton, Matt Brown al sassofono e Brad Shenfield al Darbuka, che è un tamburo a cesto tipico della musica mediterranea, soprattutto lato africano). Meravigliosi gli intro di Small Stakes, molto rock, e quello quasi dadaista di Stay Don't Go. Someone To Look Foward To è più "sporca" e groove, salendo nei toni alti del canto tanto amati da Daniel. Jonathan Fisk è ritmica e sa di anni '80 (soprattutto nel timbro della batteria di Eno), ed è il più chiaro omaggio a Costello, anche nella tematica del brano (ricordi di bullismo da cortile, religione e politica di destra con "bombe atomiche e rasoi smussati"). C'è anche sufficiente angoscia in brani come All The Pretty Girls Go To The City. Ma è musicalmente che il disco sorprende: sono uno dei pochi gruppi rock indie del periodo che non "abusano" della chitarra ritmica fuzz, ricorrendo alle tastiere, che sono davvero la novità musicale nel loro stile, e anche ai campionatori. Chiude il disco un altro gioiello, Vittorio E., 3 minuti di malinconica e potente "anti-ballata".
Il disco viene osannato dalla critica, e finalmente anche dalle vendite: rientra in tutte le classifiche dei migliori dischi dell'anno 2002, del decennio 2000-2010 e persino nelle posizioni alte delle classifiche specialistiche dei migliori dischi indipendenti di sempre. Diventerà presto uno dei titoli migliori del catalogo Merge, dopo In the Aeroplane Over the Sea dei Neutral Milk Hotel e 69 Love Songs dei Magnetic Fields (li trovate tutte e due nelle Storie Di Musica). Ma il vero boom lo fece il disco successivo per gli Spoon: Gimme Fiction venderà centinaia di migliaia di copie, trascinato da un'altra canzone stupende, I Turn The Camera On, anch'essa usata in serie Tv (Veronica Mars, Bones e persino in una puntata de I Simpson), che segna il successo di una band che ha sempre fatto musica interessante, alla faccia di quel Ron Laffitte che non credette in loro.
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
Ok but has anyone written an incredibly self-projecting fic about Steve being obsessed with Eurovision and poor Eddie suffering through that every goddamn year or do I have to do everything myself?
(According to google ESC was broadcast in the US since 2016 but you could watch it online ever since 2001. And who knows how the fuck Steve got into that, maybe he was an ABBA fan and went down a rabbit hole of their history when Internet became a common thing and discovered the contest.)
Eddie honestly doesn't give a fuck but he humors Steve and watches with him, but then it's 2006 and Lordi are heading for #1 with Hard Rock Hallelujah and he's fucking INVESTED and jumps up and down every time they get points and actually screams when they win and headbangs to their victory performance because FINALLY some decent music is being recognized.
PS: Eddie cheers for Germany this year. Full on glittery flag drawn on his cheeks style. Fight me. It's metal AND gay. He's completely obsessed.
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eurovision-facts · 3 months
Eurovision Fact #686:.
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Before Baby Lasagna's second place finish in 2024, the last time Croatia placed top 10 was in 2001 with "Strings Of My Heart" by Vanna which earned 10th place.
Croatia's Top 10 results at the Eurovision Song Contest, Eurovision.tv.
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eurovision-revisited · 10 months
2001 Copenhagen - Number 23 - Antique - "Die For You"
It's 2001. Greece have never won Eurovision. They had a number of well-received and now loved entries in the 1990s placing consistently in the lower half of the top 10, but no winners. Where better to turn to try and break that duck than Sweden - if not the spiritual home of Eurovision, then certainly its engine room.
Antique comprised Helena Paparizou and Nikos Panagiotidis, both first-generation Swedes born to Greek parents, part of the Greek diaspora and infused with both ethnic Greek and Swedish pop/schlager sensibilities. Brought up with Melfest and Abba, and put together by Swedish producers looking to market Greek songs to the diaspora in Sweden.
As part of that push, they were entered into Ellinikós Telikós as part of Greece's re-entry into Eurovision after two years out with financial troubles at ERT. The voting in the final was 50/50 jury televote with only four acts. Believe it or not for this eternal Eurovision fan favourite, they nearly didn't make it - tying for the win and only going through because Antique won the televote.
Heading into Eurovision, they weren't quite the betting odds favourites, but they were hotly tipped to do well with their song appealing to two different ideas of what a Eurovision song should sound like. Die For You starts with a bouzouki riff before transforming rapidly into disco-schlager. And despite having an English chorus and title, the verses are in Greek. Helena is looks like a pop queen wearing Greek white and given the title, sells that dramatic commitment with authenticity.
Of course, this did very well - third place and is firmly cemented as perhaps the fan favourite from 2001. Helena, went on to do even better later and I'm sure she will reappear in this blog in four years time. In between these two years, Antique moved to Greece and became very popular there, bringing summer Scandi-pop to the Eastern Mediterranean. The group split up in 2003 with Helena continuing to have a spectacular singing career.
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pianetatrillafon49 · 7 months
Fuori (dal) campo.
La sceneggiatura è costruita dal suono, mura come divisorie fra vita e morte, mura sonore a pieno schermo, con il sangue che esce dalle orecchie di un buio schiacciante. Assomiglia all'Orrore (È questo il modo in cui finisce il mondo / Non già con uno schianto, ma con un piagnisteo - Eliot). L'edilizia floreale di un angolo di paradiso all'inferno, extra luminoso. Mentre i camini bruciano senza sosta e la cenere impone un contrasto elevato il candore agghiacciante è nei luoghi, negli abiti di Rudolf Höss ("Non lasciate che io mi avvicini nel regno di sogno della morte / Lasciatemi indossare / Travestimenti ricercati" Eliot), nelle parole di un lavoro come se fosse qualsiasi, nella candeggina fittizia che ricopre le anime marcescenti al di qua dei forni.
Glazer mette in scena il film definitivo sull'Olocausto, omettendo tutto il possibile, puntando il dito senza la retorica del non sapevo o lo ignoravo, perché chi ha visitato e visto i campi ha sentito l'odore della carne, ha visto i luoghi e le fornaci, ma non ha mai udito il sonoro della morte. Un volume monolitico. E se per 2001 di Kubrick era l'inizio di un'odissea, per Glazer (con Mica Levi) è la testimonianza definitiva della soluzione finale a cui è giunto l'uomo nel suo viaggio conradiano.
E mentre l'anima marcisce il corpo espelle liquidi improvvisi, anch'esso impossibilitato a sopportare l'Orrore, perché divisa l'anima, possa almeno essa stessa essere evacuata, recisa, gassata, vomitata.
[la zona d’interesse, Jonathan Glazer, Gran Bretagna, Polonia, USA, 2023]
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micro961 · 6 months
Dj Faxbeat “Secondo me”
Un testo riflessivo sorretto da ritmi incalzanti e melodie ipnotiche per il nuovo singolo del cantautore di Asti
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«Abbiamo tutti una nostra personale idea sulle cose ma spesso non focalizziamo le energie su noi stessi, tendendo a pensare con la testa altrui. Ho voluto fermare il momento in cui usiamo le parole “secondo me” su poche frasi e verità che abbiamo dentro di noi e probabilmente non ascoltiamo per paura di metterci in discussione.» Dj Faxbeat
“Secondo me” è il singolo d’esordio di Dj Faxbeat, al secolo Fabrizio Russo. Una linea vocale ipnotica, a metà strada tra il rap e il cantato tradizionale, che si sviluppa su una base musicale ricca di ritmi incalzanti. Il cantautore e producer di Asti porta avanti il suo percorso artistico decennale confezionando un brano orecchiabile con un testo mai banale.
Fabrizio Russo, nome d’arte Dj Faxbeat, è un produttore musicale, rapper e cantautore di Asti. Il suo suono è molto distintivo ed immediatamente riconoscibile ed incorpora elementi di musica elettronica, R&B, Funk, Afro.
Nel 2001 fa da dj in alcune date degli allora DDP (oggi produttori del rapper Emis Killa) e produce assieme al gruppo il primo singolo, "Selvaggi" uscito per l'etichetta Blocco Recordz, che vede l'allora poco conosciuto Ale Cattelan in una parte del video.
Nel 2005 crea la One Night “The Flow! Hip-Hop r’n’b night” ed anima le serate dei club della sua città suonando insieme anche ad ospiti come BigFish, Esa e molti altri.
Nel 2009 incide "Origine di Futuro”, un album di 17 brani che vede la partecipazione di alcuni artisti emergenti della sua città natale.
Nel 2012 incide il singolo "Per Ora" con Tormento.
Nel 2013 apre i live dei Club Dogo, J-Ax e General Levy.
Dal 2014 ad oggi inventa un nuovo genere musicale, l'E.S.M, acronimo di Electronic Scratch Music, genere in cui suona il giradischi come strumento musicale.
Nel 2015 vince l'award come Best DJ 2015 dalla WSSA.
Forma assieme a Davide Calabrese e Beppe Di Filippo il gruppo UNTZ di cui ne è tuttora dj e scratcher performer.
Nel 2016 esce “Body”, l'album sperimentale di scratch e strumentali totalmente prodotto e suonato da Dj Faxbeat (con alcune collaborazioni) in cui utilizza il giradischi come voce sui beat.
Suona nei club fino al 2019 quando si ferma in studio per una personale ricerca musicale fino al 2024. L’8 marzo 2024 decide quindi di uscire con il suo singolo “Secondo Me”, sotto il nome di Dj Faxbeat.
Radio date: 8 marzo 2024
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vintageurovision · 1 year
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
✨i am abusing my polling privileges✨
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mirai-desu · 1 year
Eurovision and Eurodance
There's been a lot questions lately about the Eurovision Song Contest thanks to a certain popular Eurodance meme (which btw, the chorus to that song is very similar to a Eurovision song:
"Flying the Flag" by Scooch (United Kingdom 2007 - 22nd Place)
Also simply know as Eurovison or ESC, it's a televised music competition held by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) members that began in 1956 to bring Europe together after WWII.
I want to stress that any genre of music can be a Eurovision song. As long has it has some lyrics. Not every entry is trying to be a meme and there's several songs you might know that you didn't know were Eurovision songs, ranging from "Volare" to Duncan Laurence's "Arcade' (which you might know as "loving you is a losing game" from TikTok). And also "Waterloo" by ABBA!
Eurodance at Eurovision
Up until 1999, Eurovision had a live orchestra, and most of the music was performed live. Arguably the first Eurodance song at ESC, "Ooo Aah… Just a Little Bit" had to a have computers on stage to have the "instruments" present:
"Ooh Aah… Just A Little Bit" by Gina G (United Kingdom 1996 - 8th place)
Thus, ESC was still mostly focused on pop that translated well with live instruments in the late '90s. And into the 2000s when backing tracks were required, the upbeat genre that ESC was more into was what I'd classify as "ethno bangers." Not that there isn't some crossover into what's traditionally referred to as "Eurodance" and many dance subgenres, but it was not quite the same thing, at least in my opinion. Your personal criteria may vary - I want to stress I'm not the authority on the minutiae of musical genres (and here's a post on Eurobeat vs. Eurodance btw).
Today, ESC still requires live lead vocals (and backing vocals had to live up until 2021), and being that the songs are performed live on TV, you'll hear some shakier vocals on my following examples… (although for anything from 2016 onward I didn't use the ESC performances due to geoblocking). Not to say that dance breaks haven't been popular in the last few years, and that choreography hasn't been heavy, especially with ethno bangers, but just that Eurodance hasn't always lended itself to having polished and flawless executions.
And of course, there are plenty of songs that I feel do fit the Eurodance category, including some performed by big names, such as:
"Follow My Heart" by Ich Troje feat. Real McCoy (Poland 2006 - Did not qualify for the final)
"Look Away" by Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman (Finland 2019 - DNQ)
"Vampires Are Alive" by DJ Bobo (Switzerland 2007 - DNQ)
"Glorious" by Cascada (Germany 2013 - 21st)
"Ne Ver Ne Boysia Ne Prosi" by t.A.T.u. (Russia 2003 - 3rd)
"Don't Play That Song Again" by Nicki French (United Kingdom 2000 - 16th)
A lot of ESC songs fall under the genre of schlager, as well as songs I'd classify as just EDM, and some with dubstep, especially as time has gone on. Many of the following songs to me are more a mix of genres than purely "Eurodance", but I think people seeking out similar songs will enjoy these:
"No Goodbyes" by Linda Wagenmakers (Netherlands 2000 - 13th)
"Sameyach" by PingPong (Israel 2000 - 22nd)
"No Dream Impossible" by Lindsay Dracass (United Kingdom 2001 - 15th)
"1 Life" by Xandee (Belgium 2004 - 22nd)
"Let Me Try" by Luminita Anghel & Sistem (Romania 2005 - 3rd)
"Tornerò" by Mihai Traistariu (Romania 2006 - 4th)
"This Is My Life" by Euroband (Iceland 2008 - 14th)
"Wolves of the Sea" by Pirates of the Sea (Latvia 2008 - 11th)
"DJ, Take Me Away" by Deep Zone & Balthazar (Bulgaria 2008 - DNQ)
"Lose Control" by Waldo's People (Finland 2009 - 25th)
"Run Away" by Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira (Moldova 2010 - 22nd; "Epic Sax Guy")
"Je Ne Sais Quoi" by Hera Björk (Iceland 2010 - 19th)
"Love Unlimited" by Sofi Marinova (Bulgaria 2012 - DNQ)
"It's My Life" by Cezar (Romania 2013 - 13th)
"Miracle" by Paula Seling & Ovi (Romania 2014 - 12th)
"Spirit in the Sky" by KEiiNO (Norway 2019 - 6th; Televote Winner; here's most of their performance in the grand final here if you are geoblocked)
"Halo" by LUM!X feat. Pia Maria (Austria 2022 - DNQ; co-written Gabry Ponte of Eiffel 65)
And two bonus videos:
Aqua's interval at Eurovision 2001
"I Love You" by Teflon Brothers x Pandora (Finnish Selection UMK - 2021)
And you might know two time champion Loreen, whose song this year is more pop to me than EDM or Eurodance, but it feels weird not to mention "Euphoria" (although I feel it's more straight up EDM, but again, mileage may vary):
"Euphoria" by Loreen (Sweden 2012 - Winner)
"Tattoo" by Loreen (Sweden 2023 - Winner)
While Eurovision does not equal Eurodance, there's still some fun jams, and again, many songs I included here that I feel straddle genres.
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